Russia after the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Was there a Tatar-Mongol yoke? Mongol-Tatars are to blame for the desolation of Russia

In the 12th century, the Mongol state expanded, their military art improved. The main occupation was cattle breeding, they raised mainly horses and sheep, they did not know agriculture. They lived in felt tents, yurts, and it was easy to transport them during distant wanderings. Every adult Mongol was a warrior, from childhood he sat in the saddle and wielded weapons. The cowardly, unreliable did not get into the warriors, became an outcast.
In 1206, at the congress of the Mongol nobility, Temuchin with the name Genghis Khan was proclaimed a great khan.
The Mongols managed to unite hundreds of tribes under their rule, which allowed them to use alien human material in the troops during the war. They conquered East Asia(Kyrgyz, Buryats, Yakuts, Uighurs), Tangut kingdom (south-west of Mongolia), North China, Korea and Central Asia(the largest Central Asian state Khorezm, Samarkand, Bukhara). As a result, by the end of the 13th century, the Mongols owned half of Eurasia.
In 1223, the Mongols crossed the Caucasian ridge and invaded the Polovtsian lands. The Polovtsi turned to the Russian princes for help. Russians and Polovtsians traded with each other, entered into marriages. The Russians responded, and on the Kalka River on June 16, 1223, the first battle of the Mongol-Tatars with the Russian princes took place. The army of the Mongol-Tatars was a reconnaissance, small, i.e. The Mongol-Tatars had to find out what kind of land lay ahead. The Russians came simply to fight, they had little idea of ​​what kind of enemy was in front of them. Before the Polovtsian request for help, they had not even heard of the Mongols.
The battle ended with the defeat of the Russian troops because of the betrayal of the Polovtsians (they fled from the very beginning of the battle), and also because the Russian princes were unable to combine their forces, underestimated the enemy. The Mongols offered the princes to surrender, promising to save their lives and release them for ransom. When the princes agreed, the Mongols tied them up, put boards on them, and sat down on top, began to feast on the victory. Russian soldiers, left without leaders, were killed.
The Mongol-Tatars retreated to the Horde, but returned in 1237, already knowing what kind of enemy was in front of them. Batu Khan (Batu), the grandson of Genghis Khan, brought with him a huge army. They preferred to attack the most powerful Russian principalities - Ryazan and Vladimir. They defeated and subjugated them, and in the next two years - all of Russia. After 1240, only one land remained independent - Novgorod. Batu had already achieved his main goals, there was no point in losing people near Novgorod.
The Russian princes could not unite, so they were defeated, although, according to scientists, Batu lost half of his army in the Russian lands. He occupied Russian lands, offered to recognize his power and pay tribute, the so-called "exit". At first, it was collected "in kind" and made up 1/10 of the harvest, and then it was transferred to money.
The Mongols established a yoke in Russia, a system of total suppression of national life in the occupied territories. In this form Tatar-Mongol yoke lasted 10 years, after which Prince Alexander Nevsky offered the Horde a new relationship: Russian princes entered the service of the Mongol khan, were obliged to collect tribute, take it to the Horde and receive a label for the great reign there - a leather belt. At the same time, the prince who pays more received the label for the reign. This order was ensured by the Baskaks - Mongolian commanders, who with the army bypassed the Russian lands and watched whether the tribute was being collected correctly.
It was the time of the vassalage of the Russian princes, but thanks to the act of Alexander Nevsky it survived Orthodox Church, the raids have stopped.
In the 60s of the 14th century Golden Horde split into two warring parts, the border between which was the Volga. In the left-bank Horde there were constant strife with a change of rulers. In the right-bank Horde, Mamai became the ruler.
The beginning of the struggle for liberation from the Tatar Mongol yoke in Russia is associated with the name of Dmitry Donskoy. In 1378, feeling the weakening of the Horde, he refused to pay tribute and killed all the Baskaks. In 1380, the commander Mamai went with the entire Horde to the Russian lands, and a battle with Dmitry Donskoy took place on the Kulikovo field.
Mamai had 300 thousand "sabers", and since The Mongols had almost no infantry, he hired the best Italian (Genoese) infantry. Dmitry Donskoy had 160 thousand people, of which only 5 thousand were professional soldiers. The main weapons of the Russians were cudgels bound with metal and wooden spears.
So, the battle with the Mongol-Tatars was a suicide for the Russian army, but the Russians still had a chance.
Dmitry Donskoy crossed the Don on the night of September 7-8, 1380 and burned the crossing, there was nowhere to retreat. It remained to win or die. In the forest, he hid 5 thousand vigilantes behind his army. The squad's role was to save Russian army from a detour from the rear.
The battle lasted one day, during which the Mongol-Tatars trampled down the Russian army. Then Dmitry Donskoy ordered the ambush regiment to leave the forest. The Mongol-Tatars decided that the main forces of the Russians were marching and, without waiting for everyone to come out, turned and began to flee, trampling the Genoese infantry. The battle turned into a pursuit of a fleeing enemy.
Two years later, a new Horde came with Khan Tokhtamysh. He captured Moscow, Mozhaisk, Dmitrov, Pereyaslavl. Moscow had to resume paying tribute, but the Battle of Kulikovo was a turning point in the struggle with the Mongol-Tatars, since dependence on the Horde was now weaker.
100 years later, in 1480, Dmitry Donskoy's great-grandson, Ivan III, stopped paying tribute to the Horde.
The Khan of the Horde, Akhmed, came out with a large army against Russia, wishing to punish the rebellious prince. He approached the border of the Moscow principality, to the Ugra River, a tributary of the Oka. Ivan III also went there. Since the forces were equal, they stood on the Ugra River in spring, summer and autumn. Fearing the approaching winter, the Mongol-Tatars left for the Horde. This was the end of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, because Akhmed's defeat meant the collapse of the Batu state and the acquisition of independence by the Russian state. The Tatar-Mongol yoke lasted 240 years.

Exists a large number of facts that not only unequivocally refute the hypothesis of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, but also suggest that history was distorted deliberately, and that this was done with a very specific purpose ... But who and why deliberately distorted history? What kind real events did they want to hide and why?

If we analyze the historical facts, it becomes obvious that the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” was invented in order to hide the consequences of “baptism”. After all, this religion was imposed in a far from peaceful way ... In the process of "baptism", most of the population of the Kiev principality was destroyed! It becomes unambiguously clear that the forces that stood behind the imposition of this religion, in the future, fabricated history, manipulating historical facts for themselves and their goals ...

These facts are known to historians and are not secret, they are publicly available, and anyone can easily find them on the Internet. Omitting scientific research and the justifications, which have already been described quite widely, we summarize the basic facts that refute the big lie about the "Tatar-Mongol yoke".

1. Genghis Khan

Reconstruction of the throne of Genghis Khan with a patrimonial tamga with a swastika.

2. Mongolia

The state of Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when the Bolsheviks came to the nomads living in the Gobi Desert and told them that they were the descendants of the great Mongols, and their "compatriot" created the Great Empire at one time, which they were very surprised and delighted with ... The word "Mogul" has Greek origin, and means "Great". This word the Greeks called our ancestors - the Slavs. It has nothing to do with the name of any people (NV Levashov "Visible and invisible genocide").

3. The composition of the army of "Tatar-Mongols"

70-80% of the army of "Tatar-Mongols" were Russians, the remaining 20-30% fell on other small peoples of Russia, in fact, as now. This fact is clearly confirmed by a fragment of the icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh "The Battle of Kulikovo". It clearly shows that the same warriors are fighting on both sides. And this battle is more like a civil war than a war with a foreign conqueror.

4. What did the "Tatar-Mongols" look like?

Pay attention to the drawing of the tomb of Henry II the Pious, who was killed in the Legnica field.

The inscription is as follows: "The figure of a Tatar under the feet of Henry II, Duke of Silesia, Krakow and Poland, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, who was killed in the battle with the Tatars at Lygnitz on April 9, 1241" As we can see, this "Tatar" has a completely Russian appearance, clothes and weapons. In the next image - "the khan's palace in the capital Mongol Empire Khanbalyk ”(it is believed that Khanbalik is supposedly what it is).

What is "Mongolian" and what is "Chinese" here? Again, as in the case of the tomb of Henry II, before us are people of a clearly Slavic appearance. Russian caftans, rifle caps, the same thick beards, the same characteristic saber blades called "Elman". The roof on the left is almost an exact copy of the roofs of old Russian towers ... (A. Bushkov, “Russia, which did not exist”).

5. Genetic examination

According to the latest data obtained as a result of genetic studies, it turned out that Tatars and Russians have very similar genetics. Whereas the differences in the genetics of Russians and Tatars from the genetics of the Mongols are colossal: “The differences between the Russian gene pool (almost completely European) and the Mongolian (almost completely Central Asian) are really great - it’s like two different worlds... "(

6. Documents during the Tatar-Mongol yoke

During the period of the existence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, not a single document in the Tatar or Mongolian language has survived. But on the other hand, there are many documents of this time in Russian.

7. Lack of objective evidence supporting the hypothesis of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

At the moment, there are no originals of any historical documents that would objectively prove that there was a Tatar-Mongol yoke. But on the other hand, there are many forgeries designed to convince us of the existence of an invention called "". Here is one of these fakes. This text is called "The Word about the Destruction of the Russian Land" and in each publication it is declared "an excerpt from a poetic work that has not come down to us in its entirety ... About the Tatar-Mongol invasion":

“Oh, the bright light and beautifully decorated Russian land! You are glorified by many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, locally revered rivers and springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clean fields, wonderful animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God and formidable princes, honest boyars and by many nobles. You are filled with everything, Russian land, about the Christian Orthodox faith!..»

There is not even a hint of the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" in this text. But on the other hand, this "ancient" document contains the following line: "You are filled with everything, Russian land, about the Christian Orthodox faith!"

Before church reform Nikon, which was held in the middle of the 17th century, was called "the faithful". It began to be called Orthodox only after this reform ... Therefore, this document could have been written not earlier than the middle of the 17th century and has nothing to do with the era of the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" ...

On all maps that were published before 1772 and were not corrected later, you can see the following picture.

The western part of Russia is called Muscovy, or Moscow Tartary ... In this small part of Russia, the Romanov dynasty ruled. Until the end of the 18th century, the Moscow Tsar was called the ruler of Moscow Tartary or the Duke (Prince) of Moscow. The rest of Russia, which occupied almost the entire continent of Eurasia in the east and south of Muscovy at that time, is called Tartary or (see map).

In the 1st edition of the British Encyclopedia of 1771, the following is written about this part of Russia:

“Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west: which is called Great Tartary. Those Tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkassk and Dagestan, living in the northwest of the Caspian Sea are called Kalmyk Tartars and which occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tartars and Mongols, who live north of Persia and India and, finally, Tibetan, living north-west of China ... "(see the website "Food of RA") ...

Where did the name Tartary come from?

Our ancestors knew the laws of nature and the real structure of the world, life, man. But, as now, the level of development of each person was not the same in those days. People who in their development went much further than others, and who could control space and matter (control the weather, heal diseases, see the future, etc.), were called Magi. Those of the Magi who knew how to control space at the planetary level and higher were called Gods.

That is, the meaning of the word God, our ancestors was not at all the same as it is now. Gods were people who went much further in their development than the overwhelming majority of people. For an ordinary person their abilities seemed incredible, nevertheless, the gods were also people, and the possibilities of each god had their limits.

Our ancestors had patrons - he was also called Dazhdbog (giving God) and his sister - Goddess Tara. These Gods helped people in solving such problems that our ancestors could not solve on their own. So, the gods Tarkh and Tara taught our ancestors how to build houses, cultivate the land, writing and much more, which was necessary in order to survive after the disaster and eventually restore civilization.

Therefore, more recently, our ancestors said to strangers "We are the children of Tarkh and Tara ...". They said this because in their development, they really were children in relation to the significantly degraded Tarkh and Tara. And the inhabitants of other countries called our ancestors "Tarkhtar", and later, because of the difficulty in pronunciation - "Tartars". Hence the name of the country - Tartary ...

Baptism of Russia

What does the baptism of Rus have to do with it? Some may ask. As it turned out, very much to do with it. After all, baptism took place in a far from peaceful way ... Before baptism, people in Russia were educated, almost everyone knew how to read, write, count (see article). Recall from school curriculum in history, at least, the same "Birch bark letters" - letters that peasants wrote to each other on birch bark from one village to another.

Our ancestors had a Vedic worldview, as I wrote above, it was not a religion. Since the essence of any religion comes down to blind acceptance of any dogmas and rules, without a deep understanding of why it is necessary to do it this way and not otherwise. The Vedic worldview, on the other hand, gave people an understanding of the real, an understanding of how the world works, what is good and what is bad.

People saw what happened after "baptism" in neighboring countries, when under the influence of religion a successful, highly developed country with an educated population, in a few years plunged into ignorance and chaos, where only representatives of the aristocracy could read and write, and even then not everyone. ..

Everyone perfectly understood what the "Greek religion", into which Prince Vladimir the Bloody and those who stood behind him, was going to baptize Kievan Rus. Therefore, none of the inhabitants of the then Kiev principality (the province that broke away from) did not accept this religion. But behind Vladimir were large forces, and they were not going to retreat.

In the process of "baptism" for 12 years of violent Christianization, with rare exceptions, almost the entire adult population was destroyed Kievan Rus... Because such a “teaching” could only be imposed on unreasonable children who, due to their youth, still could not understand that such a religion turned them into slaves both in the physical and spiritual sense of the word. All those who refused to accept the new "faith" were killed. This is confirmed by the facts that have come down to us. If before the "baptism" on the territory of Kievan Rus there were 300 cities and 12 million inhabitants, then after the "baptism" only 30 cities and 3 million people remained! 270 cities were destroyed! 9 million people were killed! (Diy Vladimir, "Orthodox Russia before the adoption of Christianity and after").

But despite the fact that almost the entire adult population of Kievan Rus was destroyed by the “holy” baptists, the Vedic tradition has not disappeared. On the lands of Kievan Rus, the so-called dual faith was established. Most of the population purely formally recognized the imposed religion of slaves, and itself continued to live according to the Vedic tradition, however, without showing it off. And this phenomenon was observed not only among the masses, but also among a part of the ruling elite. And this state of affairs remained until the reform of Patriarch Nikon, who figured out how to deceive everyone.


In fact, after baptism in the Kiev principality, only children and a very small part of the adult population survived, which adopted the Greek religion - 3 million people out of the 12 million population before baptism. The principality was completely ruined, most of the cities, villages and villages were plundered and burned. But exactly the same picture is drawn to us by the authors of the version of the "Tatar-Mongol yoke", the only difference is that the same cruel actions were allegedly carried out there by the "Tatar-Mongols"!

As always, the winner writes history. And it becomes obvious that in order to hide all the cruelty with which he was baptized Kiev principality, and in order to suppress all possible questions, and the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" was subsequently invented. Children were brought up in the traditions of the Greek religion (the cult of Dionysius, and later - Christianity) and rewrote history, where all the cruelty was blamed on the "wild nomads" ...

The well-known statement of President V.V. Putin about, in which the Russians allegedly fought against the Tatars with the Mongols ...

The Tatar-Mongol yoke is the biggest myth in history.

The Mongol-Tatar yoke is the period of the capture of Rus by the Mongol-Tatars in the 13-15th centuries. The Mongol-Tatar yoke lasted for 243 years.

The truth about the Mongol-Tatar yoke

The Russian princes at that time were in a state of enmity, so they could not give a worthy rebuff to the invaders. Despite the fact that the Polovtsians came to the rescue, the Tatar-Mongol army quickly seized the advantage.

The first direct clash between the troops took place on the Kalka River, on May 31, 1223, and was quickly lost. Even then it became clear that our army would not be able to defeat the Tatar-Mongols, but the enemy's onslaught was held back for quite a long time.

In the winter of 1237, a deliberate invasion of the main troops of the Tatar-Mongols into the territory of Russia began. This time, the enemy army was commanded by the grandson of Genghis Khan - Batu. The army of nomads managed to move quickly enough deep into the country, plundering the principalities in turn and killing all who tried to resist on their way.

The main dates of the capture of Russia by the Tatar-Mongols

  • 1223 year. The Tatar-Mongols approached the border of Russia;
  • May 31, 1223. First battle;
  • Winter 1237. The beginning of a targeted invasion of Russia;
  • 1237 year. Ryazan and Kolomna are captured. The Ryazan principality fell;
  • March 4, 1238. Killed Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich. The city of Vladimir is captured;
  • Autumn 1239. Chernigov is captured. The Chernigov principality fell;
  • 1240 Kiev is captured. The principality of Kiev fell;
  • 1241. Galicia-Volyn principality fell;
  • 1480 Overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

The reasons for the fall of Russia under the onslaught of the Mongol-Tatars

  • lack of a unified organization in the ranks of Russian soldiers;
  • numerical superiority of the enemy;
  • the weakness of the command of the Russian army;
  • poorly organized mutual assistance on the part of scattered princes;
  • underestimation of the forces and numbers of the enemy.

Features of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia

In Russia, the establishment of the Mongol-Tatar yoke began with new laws and orders.

Vladimir became the actual center of political life, it was from there that the Tatar-Mongol khan exercised his control.

The essence of the management of the Tatar-Mongol yoke was that the Khan handed over a label to reign at his own discretion and completely controlled all the territories of the country. This intensified the enmity between the princes.

Feudal fragmentation of territories was encouraged in every possible way, as this reduced the likelihood of a centralized revolt.

The population was regularly charged tribute, the "Horde exit". The collection of money was carried out by special officials - Baskaks, who showed extreme cruelty and did not shy away from abductions and murders.

Consequences of the Mongol-Tatar conquest

The consequences of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia were dire.

  • Many cities and villages were destroyed, people were killed;
  • Agriculture, handicrafts and arts fell into decay;
  • Feudal fragmentation increased significantly;
  • The population has dropped significantly;
  • Russia began to lag noticeably behind Europe in development.

End of the Mongol-Tatar yoke

Complete liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke took place only in 1480, when the Grand Duke Ivan III refused to pay money to the horde and declared the independence of Russia.

Nowadays, there are several alternative versions medieval history of Russia (Kiev, Rostov - Suzdal, Moscow). Each of them has the right to exist, since the official course of history has practically not been confirmed by anything other than "copies" of documents that once existed. One such event in Russian history is the yoke of the Tatar-Mongols in Russia. Let's try to consider what it is Tatar-Mongol yoke - historical fact or fiction.

The Tatar-Mongol yoke was

The generally accepted and literally stacked version, known to all of school textbooks and which is the truth for the whole world, - “Russia was ruled by wild tribes for 250 years. Russia is backward and weak - it could not cope with the savages for so many years. "

The concept of "yoke" appeared at the time when Rus entered the European path of development. To become an equal partner for the countries of Europe, it was necessary to prove their “Europeanism”, and not the “wild Siberian East”, while recognizing their backwardness and the formation of a state only in the 9th century with the help of the European Rurik.

The version of the presence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke is confirmed only by numerous fiction and popular literature, including "The Legend of the Mamay Massacre" and all the works of the Kulikovo cycle based on it, which have many options.

One of these works - "The Word about the Death of the Russian Land" - refers to the Kulikovo cycle, does not contain the words "Mongol", "Tatar", "yoke", "invasion", there is only a story about "trouble" for the Russian land.

The most surprising thing is that the later the historical “document” is written, the more details it acquires. The fewer living witnesses, the more details are described.

There is no factual material 100 percent confirming the existence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

There was no Tatar-Mongol yoke

This development of events is not recognized by official historians not only around the world, but also in Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space. The factors that researchers who disagree with the existence of the yoke rely on are the following:

  • the version of the presence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke appeared in the 18th century and, despite numerous studies by many generations of historians, did not undergo significant changes. It is illogical, in everything there must be development and movement forward - with the development of the capabilities of researchers, the factual material must change;
  • there are no Mongolian words in Russian - a lot of research has been carried out, including by Professor V.A. Chudinov;
  • practically nothing has been found at the Kulikovskoye field for many decades of searching. The very place of the battle is not clearly established;
  • complete absence of folklore about the heroic past and about the great Genghis Khan in modern Mongolia. Everything that has been composed in our time is based on information from Soviet textbooks stories;
  • great in the past, Mongolia is still a cattle-breeding country that has practically stopped in its development;
  • complete absence in Mongolia of a gigantic number of trophies from most of the "conquered" Eurasia;
  • even those sources that are recognized by official historians describe Genghis Khan as "a tall warrior, with white skin and blue eyes, a thick beard and reddish hair" - a clear description of a Slav;
  • the word "horde", if read in ancient Slavic initial letters, means "order";
  • Chinggis Khan - the rank of commander of the troops of Tartaria;
  • "Khan" - protector;
  • the prince is the governor appointed by the khan in the province;
  • tribute - ordinary taxation, as in any state in our time;
  • on the images of all the icons and engravings related to the struggle against the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the opposing warriors are depicted in the same way. Even their banners are similar. It rather speaks of civil war within one state, than about a war between states with different cultures and, accordingly, differently armed soldiers;
  • numerous genetic examinations and visual appearance talk about the complete absence of Mongolian blood in Russian people. Obviously, Russia was captured for 250 - 300 years by a horde of thousands of castrated monks, who also took a vow of celibacy;
  • there are no handwritten confirmations of the period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke in the languages ​​of the invaders. Everything that is considered documents of this period is written in Russian;
  • for the rapid movement of an army of 500 thousand people (the figure of traditional historians), spare (clockwork) horses are needed, on which riders are transplanted at least once a day. Each simple rider should have from 2 to 3 clockwork horses. The rich - the number of horses is calculated in herds. In addition, there are many thousands of transport horses with food for people and weapons, bivouac equipment (yurts, boilers, etc.). For the simultaneous feeding of such a number of animals, there is not enough grass in the steppes for hundreds of kilometers in a radius. For a given territory, such a number of horses is comparable to a locust infestation, which leaves a void behind. And the horses still need to be watered somewhere, and every day. To feed the warriors, many thousands of sheep are needed, which move much slower than horses, but eat up the grass to the ground. All this congestion of animals will sooner or later begin to die of hunger. An invasion on such a scale of horse troops from the regions of Mongolia to Russia is simply impossible.

What happened

To figure out what the Tatar-Mongol yoke is - a historical fact or fiction, researchers are forced to find miraculously preserved sources of alternative information about the history of Russia. The remaining inconvenient artifacts indicate the following:

  • bribery and various promises, including unlimited power, Western "baptizers" reached the consent of the ruling circles of Kievan Rus for the introduction of Christianity;
  • the destruction of the Vedic worldview and the baptism of Kievan Rus (the province that broke away from Great Tartary) "with fire and sword" (one of crusades, allegedly to Palestine) - "Vladimir baptized with a sword, and Dobrynya with fire" - 9 million out of 12 people who lived at that time on the territory of the principality (almost the entire adult population) died. Out of 300 cities, 30 remained;
  • all destruction and sacrifices of baptism are attributed to the Tatar-Mongols;
  • everything that is called the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" is the retaliatory actions of the Slavic - Aryan Empire (Great Tartary - Mogul (Grand) Tartarus) to return the provinces that were invaded and Christianized;
  • the period of time during which the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" fell is a period of peace and prosperity in Russia;
  • destruction by all available methods of chronicles and other documents related to the Middle Ages all over the world and, in particular, in Russia: libraries with original documents burned, "copies" were preserved. In Russia, several times, on the orders of the Romanovs and their "historiographers", the chronicles were collected "for rewriting", after which they disappeared;
  • all geographical maps published before 1772 and not subject to correction are called western part Russia Muscovy or Moscow Tartaria. The rest of the former Soviet Union(without Ukraine and Belarus) called Tartaria or Russian Empire;
  • 1771 - the first edition of the British Encyclopedia: "Tartary, a huge country in the northern part of Asia ...". This phrase was removed from subsequent editions of the encyclopedia.

In the century information technologies data is not easy to hide. The official history does not recognize cardinal changes, therefore, what is the Tatar-Mongol yoke - a historical fact or fiction, which version of history to believe - must be determined for yourself. We must not only forget that the winner writes history.

Since ancient times, numerous nomads, famous for their bravery and belligerence, roamed the endless expanses. They did not have a single management, they did not have a commander, under whose leadership they could become united and invincible. But at the beginning of the 13th century it appeared. He managed to unite most of the nomadic tribes under his command. Genghis Khan was not a well-known nomad, but the ideas of world domination reigned in his soul. In order to realize them, he needed a well-trained army, ready to go even to the ends of the earth. So he set about training his army. With all his might, Genghis Khan went to Central Asia, China and Transcaucasia. Not encountering serious resistance on his way, he enslaved them. Now in the thoughts of the ardent Mongol-Tatar commander there is the idea of ​​eliminating Russia, which has long been famous for its riches and beauty, from the list of its enemies.

Mongol-Tatars in Russia

Taking a short respite from previous battles and replenishing provisions, the Tatar horde headed for the Russian lands. The organization of the offensive was carefully thought out, provided for all the pros and cons that might arise in the course of its implementation. In 1223, the first armed clash of nomadic tribes with Russian warriors and Polovtsian soldiers took place. The battle took place on the Kalka River. Several combat detachments under the command of the khan's commanders Jebe and Subede fought for three days with a small army of Russian-Polovtsian soldiers. The Polovtsians were the first to take the blow, for which they immediately paid with their own lives. An equally strong blow fell on the main Russian forces. The outcome of the battle was a foregone conclusion. The Tatars defeated the Russians.
Important! In this battle, more than nine Russian princes fell, among whom were Mstislav Stary, Mstislav Udatny, Mstislav Svyatoslavich.

Rice. 2. The only portrait of Genghis Khan

Death of Genghis Khan and accession of Batu

During his next trip to the countries of Central Asia, Genghis Khan died. After the death of the leader, strife began between the sons, which caused a lack of autocracy. The grandson of Genghis Khan, Batu Khan, managed to reunite the power of the army. In 1237 he decides to go to North-Eastern Russia again. In the fall of 1237, the khan's military leader sent ambassadors to the Ryazan prince Yuri demanding tribute. Responding with a proud refusal, Yuri began to prepare for battle, hoping for help from the Vladimir prince, but he could not provide it. Meanwhile, having entered into a battle with the vanguard of the Ryazan people, the Tatars defeated it, and already on December 16, 1237, the city was besieged. After nine days of siege, the Mongols set in motion battering machines and broke into the city, where they staged a massacre. The heroic resistance of the Russian people did not stop there.Evpatiy Kolovrat appeared. He assembled a detachment of about 1,700 from partisans and survivors.Operating behind enemy lines, he inflicted serious damage on the attackers. The Tatars, not understanding what was happening, thought that the Russians had risen from the dead. Having surrounded a handful of Russian knights, the Mongols killed them. Evpatiy Kolovrat himself fell. Many believe that this is fiction, but in fact they are facts, as the chronicle says.

Meeting of Mongol-Tatars and warriors on the Vladimir-Suzdal land - chronology of events

As soon as the nomads with the leader Batu entered the Vladimir-Suzdal land, Yuri II sent military regiments under the command of his son Vsevolod to meet them. Meeting near Kolomna, Batu defeated them.

Moscow and Vladimir

The next point on the way was Moscow. At that time, it was the capital city and was surrounded by high oak walls. The Tatars destroyed everything, Moscow was destroyed, and the way to Vladimir was opened. On February 3, 1238, the grand-ducal capital was besieged.Yuri Vsevolodovich decides to leave Vladimir and goes to the Sit River, where he begins to gather a new army. On February 7, the Basurmans enter the city. Members of the princely family and bishops, trying to hide in the church, fell victim to the fire.

Suzdal, Rostov and Veliky Novgorod

While some enemies besieged Vladimir, others ruined Suzdal. Having swept away Pereyaslavl and Rostov along the way, the invaders divided. One part went to the Sit River, where the battle later took place. Prince Yuri II was killed and his army defeated. The second part went to Novgorod and Torzhok. Meanwhile, the Novgorodians were preparing for a long defense.
Important! Approaching Veliky Novgorod, the Mongol-Tatar authorities make an unexpected decision to turn south, so as not to get bogged down in the spring thaw. It happened too unexpectedly. Only 100 versts saved the city from ruin.


Now the Chernigov lands have come under attack. Having met the city of Kozelsk on their way, the conquerors stayed near it for almost two months. After this time, the city was captured and nicknamed "evil".


The Polovtsian lands were next in line to defeat. Having made devastating raids, the next year Batu returns to the northeast again, andin 1240 Kiev was captured... On this, the suffering of Russia temporarily stopped. Weakened by continuous battles, Batu's troops fled to Volhynia, Poland, Galicia, and Hungary. The main burden of ruin and cruelty fell on the Russian lot, but other countries received positions in life. Whole culture Ancient Rus, all knowledge and discoveries went into oblivion for many years.

What caused the quick victory of the conquerors?

The victory of the Mongol-Tatars was not at all in the fact that they were good warriors and possessed excellent weapons, which had no equal. The point was that each of the princes of Kievan Rus wanted to curry favor and be a hero. And so it turned out, everyone became heroes, only posthumously. The main thing was to unite forces into one whole, and with this power to inflict a decisive blow on the Golden Horde (as the troops of the great khan were called). This did not happen, total control was established. Princes were appointed only in the Horde, the Baskaks controlled their actions. They still paid tribute. For the solution of global issues it was necessary to go to the khan. Such a life could not be called free.

Rice. 4. "Dmitry Donskoy at the Kulikovo field". O. Kiprensky. 1805 year

Dmitry Donskoy

But in 1359 Dmitry Ivanovich was born, who would later receive the nickname Donskoy. His father, Ivan Krasny, ruled his principality wisely. He did not climb on the rampage, he obediently did everything, regularly paid tribute to the Horde. But he soon died, and power passed to his son. However, before that, power belonged to his grandfather - Ivan Kalita, who received from the khan the right to collect tribute from all over Russia. Since childhood, Dmitry Donskoy could not watch his father running errands for the Horde Khan and fulfilling all his requirements, doing numerous population censuses. The new prince revealed open disobedience to Batu, and, realizing what followed, began to gather an army. The Horde Khan, seeing that Dmitry Ivanovich was proud, decided to punish him, again plunging him into dependence. Hastily gathering a huge army, he set out on a campaign. At the same time, the Moscow prince managed to unite under his command the squads of almost all Russian princes.History says that there has never been such a force in Russia. The battle was to take place on the Kulikovo field. Before the battle, the Grand Duke turned to Sergius of Radonezh at the monastery. He blessed him and gave two monks to help: Peresvet and Oslyabya.

Rice. 5. "Morning on the sandpiper field." A.P. Bubnov. 1943-1947 years

Battle of the Kulikovo field

Early in the morning September 8, 1380two armies were lined up on either side of the vast field. Before the start of the battle, two warriors fought. Russian - Peresvet and Khan - Chelubey. Having dispersed on their horses, they pierced each other with their spears and fell dead on the damp ground. This served as the signal for the beginning of the battle. Dmitry Ivanovich, despite his age, was a fairly experienced strategist. He placed part of the army in the forest in such a way that the Horde could not see it, but if something happened they could change the course of the battle. Their task was to strictly follow the order. Not earlier, not later. This card was a trump card. And so it happened. In a fierce battle, the Tatars began to crush the Russian regiments one after another, but they held on firmly. Not expecting such a maneuver, the new Khan Mamai realized that he could not win, and rushed away from the battlefield. The fact of the appearance of fresh forces changed everything. Left without a leader, the Mongol-Tatars were at a loss and after Mamai rushed to run. Russian troops caught up with them and killed them. In this battle, the horde lost almost the entire army, while the Russians lost about 20 thousand people. The end of the battle marked that the main thing in the fight against the enemy is the cohesion of actions. “When we are united, we are strong” - said the prince after the battle.It is believed that it was Dmitry Donskoy who liberated the Russian lands from numerous enemy raids.For another century, the fighting between the Russian people and the Mongol conquerors will continue, but now they will no longer bear the same consequences as before.

Overthrow of the Horde yoke

Soon Ivan Vasilyevich the Third took over the throne of Moscow. He, like Dmitry Ivanovich, completely refused to pay tribute and began to prepare for the last battle. In the fall of 1480two troops stood on both banks of the Ugra River. Nobody dared to cross the river. There were attempts by the Mongols to swim across it, but to no avail. Only occasionally firing from guns in the direction of the enemy, the confrontation ended. It is the standing on the Ugra River that is considered to be the point of liberation when Russia regained its independence and became independent. The rule of the Golden Horde, which lasted 2 centuries, was overthrown to the end, therefore this date became sacred for the Russian people. The lost skills and abilities gradually began to return, cities were revived and fields were sown. Life began to gain momentum. No matter how much grief befell the Russian people, they will always be able to regain their former happiness, they will go against the institutions, contrary to the system, but they will achieve their goal. We recommend watching an interesting video about the Tatar-Mongol yoke:

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