What an expedition led Bering and Chirikov. Detachment Bering Chirikova (Great Northern Expedition)

The Great Northern Expedition was carried out by Russian sailors along the Arctic coast of Siberia, to the shores North America And Japan in 1733-1743. The expedition consisted of seven independent detachments, each of which was fixed its site. Vitus Beringu was instructed to lead the Great Northern Expedition. Its tasks included not only coordination of the work of the entire expedition, but also direct leadership is one of its detachments. Assistant Bering again, as in the first Kamchatka expedition, Alexey Chirikov was appointed. Bering and Chirikov should have crossed Siberia and from Kamchatka to go to North America to study its coast.

All necessary equipment and food for the expedition were prepared by the summer of 1740. At the same time in Okhotsk, under the leadership of Kozmin and Rogachev's ship masters, the construction of two ships was completed. On September 8, 1740, the Saint Peter package under the command of Bering and Saint Paul, under the command of Chirikov, came from Okhotsk. Courts were held between the southern tip of Kamchatka, called Cape the blade, and the northern of the Kuril Islands. Having passed on September 26, they continued to go to the North-West course towards the Avachin Bay. On September 27, the accounts approached the Avachin Bay, however, they met a thick fog and stormy weather, so they were forced to reach the sea again. Finally, on October 6, 1740, the expedition participants managed to enter the Avachin bay and on the same day to become the wintering place, which they called the Petropavlovsk port, since both vessels wearing the names of Saints Peter and Paul were the first ships that took advantage of this harbor. The settlement was laid here, from which the capital of Kamchatka began its history - the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Throughout the winter between officers, there was reasoning on the following route. The Council was convened from all officers and the navigations, which, according to the instructions, was invited to the expert professor of Astronomy Decrojer, a Frenchman by origin. The opinions of the participants of the Council were divided: there were proposals to sail to the northeast, east, and Delakroyer proposed to sail to the southeast, where, in his opinion, the so-called land of Juan de Gama was supposed to be. After discussion, it was decided to explore this land, and then continue the path to the shores of America.

2 Cape St. Elijah

On the morning of June 4, 1741, Saint Peter and Saint Paul came out Avachin Bay. Participants in the expedition were calculated to meet at such a period so that by the end of September again return here.

Having reached 47 ° C. Sh. where the mythical land was supposed to be, the swimming participants came to the conclusion that it did not exist, and the time and strength of the expedition were spent in vain. Ships turned north. The flood conditions were complex, storms and dense fogs were prevented. In order not to get lost in the fog, the ships were shot from guns or beat in the bell. On June 19, neither shots, nor blows of the bell helped - the courts separated. Within three days, Bering and Chirikov tried in vain to find each other, after which Bering gave an order to move north, and Chirikov took the course to the northeast.

About four weeks "Saint Peter" continued to swim to the West shores of America. In the first half of July, an unclear outlines of the Earth became visible at the rate of the vessel - the ship was walking along the Aleuta Islands. On July 16, 1741, the expedition participants finally saw the shore with high mountain ranges covered with snow. It was a long-awaited America.

"We float further, seeking to come closer to the shore, but because of the small strength and the changeability of the wind direction could not reach it earlier than July 20, when in the evening at 6 o'clock they were anchored at a depth of twenty-two seedlings on a soft glistening ground near a rather large Islands located near the mainland. At 8 pm, we sent a boat with a task to the shore - finding fresh water and our large boat with a fleet master, now Captain, Sofron Khitrovo, to continue to explore the bay and coast and find out if there is no more convenient raid or harbor. The boat soon returned to the ship, and Heathrovo reported that in the aisle between several islands, located in the near distance, there is a good raid, in which you can hide from the winds of almost all directions, "the participant of the Expedition of Sven Vaxel wrote. By that time, Bering felt badly felt, so he did not even land on the American coast.

Heathrovo told the expedition participants that he found several small buildings on one of the islands. He noted that the locals obviously have axes and knives, since their buildings are covered with smooth boards and decorated with carvings. Bering sent a steller to the island of Naturulist, accompanied by the Cossack Lephery. Steller spent on the shore of 10 hours, during this time he examined the dwellings of the Indians, compiled a description of about 160 species of local plants, as well as a description of some representatives of the fauna (seals, whales, sharks, marine beavers, foxes, several types of birds, including Crested Sucuc , Subsequently named after him).

The participants of the expedition replenished the stocks of fresh water, and on July 21 at 6 o'clock in the morning they moved away from this place. On the map they marched the name of this place "Cape St. Elijah, because it was a long protruding lane of the Earth, and on the calendar day in which they arrived at this place was marked by the Day of St. Elijah. Later, already in the 19th century, the island was called kayak.

3 islands Schumagaga

The expedition continued the path, moving to the West. By the end of August, the expedition participants became strongly silent. Freshwater reserve gradually came to an end, and it was decided to look for the land again. On August 29, the crew of Saint Peter saw the land from the north, and on August 30, he had an anchor between several islands. The islands identified Shumaginski, as the first deceased member of the team was buried there, under the name of Shumagin.

Despite the poor quality of water, it was decided to stock in maximum quantities. It left all day. At night, the participants in the expedition noticed fire on the shores of the neighboring small island. The next day, a boat was prepared, and six people, including the translator, went to the island. They sailed from the vessel in the morning and safely reached the island, they found a bonfire, in which the fire has not yet rogs, but people have already disappeared.

Meeting of Russians with Aleuts (drawing of the Waxel

After the study of the island, the crew came out again in the sea, but was forced to return, as the south-western storm was played, accompanied by a strong shower. On September 5, they again tried to go out into the open sea, but because of the strong south-western wind, they were forced to turn back again. However, these delay allowed the participants of the expedition still to get acquainted with the locals. From one of the nearby islands, they heard the voices and cries of people and saw a bonfire divorced there. Soon two small kayaks made from the sealing skins appeared. In each kayak sat in one person. They walked to the "Saint Peter" and gestures were invited to enter them ashore. Three crew members were sent to the shore. This happened the first meeting with the locals - Aleuts.

4 Bering Island

The reverse path was heavy. Fogs and storms hampered by the movement of the vessel. Water and provisions ended. Qing I got out of people. "Saint Peter" drifted by the sea until November 4, when at 8 am the crew of the ship saw the land - high mountains covered with snow. Approached the ship the ship is already with the onset of darkness. By evening, the wind began to strengthen. "St. Peter "threw anchor not far from the coast, but his wave hit him with anchor and moved through the reefs to the deep bay at the shore, where the excitement was not so strong. The vessel was badly damaged, but managed to armature.

November 6, the crew of the vessel began to disembark on the shore. For nearly two weeks, more healthy participants in the expedition were transferred to the shore of patients with comrades. Bering on the stretcher was transferred to a specially prepared dugout. During landing, nine people died. On November 28, anchored package of storm was thrown ashore. Seafarers did not give this incident muchSince they were confident that they are in Kamchatka and will be able to establish contact with local residents. However, the participants of the expedition sent by Bering to exploration, rising to the mountain, found that the place of their disembarkation is a desert island. The earth was covered with snow, a small river with an excellent crushed from the mountains. freshwaterNo forest grew on the shore. It was necessary to winter in dugouts covered with tarpaulo.

Captain Vitus Bering died on December 6, 1741. Later, this island will be named in his honor. The remaining sailors headed Sven Vaxel. Having survived the winter storms and earthquakes, the team was able to reach the summer of 1742. On the island it was possible to hunt for the sands, kalains, sea cows, and with the arrival of spring - sea seals. The hunt for these animals was very easy, because they were not completely afraid of a man. In the spring of 1742, the construction of a small one-way vessel from the remains of the dilapidated "St. Peter" was started. Among the maritime officers, a specialist in shipbuilding was not, the Ship Brigade was headed by the Cossack Savva Starodubtsev, the self-taper shipbuilder, which during the construction of the expeditionary packets in Okhotsk was a simple worker, and later was taken to the team. By the end of the summer, the new "St. Peter "was laid on the water. He had much smaller dimensions: the length of the keel is 11 meters, and the width is less than 4 meters.

Death Vitus Bering

The remaining 46 people in terrible cramped closed in the middle of August, after four days they reached the coast of the Kamchatka, and later in nine days, August 26, 1742, went to Petropavlovsk.

"Holy Paul" under the command of Chirikova on July 15, 1741 reached the land near the shores of America in the region of 55 ° 11 "s. Sh. And 133 ° 57" s. d. not finding suitable place For the parking lot, the expedition continued the path and began on July 17 on the breadth of 57 ° 50 ". A boat with ten sailors for intelligence surroundings and finding a parking lot were sent to the shore. For several days, the group was expected to return to the vessel, and then on their searches It was decided to send a boatswain with a sailor and two carpenters. This group was also not returned back. After the shores of America about 400 versts along the shores of America, July 26, Chirikov decided to go on the way back. On the vessel there was a qing, and by the end of September there was no one among the crew healthy man. Sailors died one after one. He was sick and chirikov, and from September 20 he could no longer get out of the cabin. The management of the vessel passed to the navigator Elagin. On the morning of October 6, the navigator finally noticed the shore of Kamchatka, and on October 9, the ship was anchored in Avachinsky bay.

Having overlooked in the Avachinsky lip and recovering from the disease, at the beginning of the summer of 1742, Chirikov with the survivors of the crew of the Saint Paul remained in the searches of the crew again went to the shores of America. The expeditions managed to reach the Western Island of Aleuta Ridge (ATTU Islands), but strong winds and fog did not allow to continue swimming. On the back path Panels passed at a distance of visibility by the island, on which sailors were from the victims of the wreck of "St. Peter". On July 1, 1742, Chirikov returned to Kamchatka, from where the participants of the expedition went to Okhotsk.

The expedition of the Bering Chirikov detachment was held in the framework of the Great Northern Expedition.

Vitus Bering detachment was funded by Russian admiralty and pursued more military-strategic goals than scientific. Goals - to prove the existence of a strait between Asia and America and make the first steps to the transition to the American continent. Returning to Petersburg in 1730 from the first Kamchatka Expedition, Vitus Bering presented the reports in which the confidence expressed in the comparative proximity of America to Kamchatka and in the feasibility of trading tying with residents of America. Driving throughout Siberia twice, he was convinced that here you can get iron ore, salt and grow bread. Bering put forward further plans for the study of the northeastern coast russian Asia, exploration of the sea route to the settlement of Amur and Japanese islands - as well as to the American continent.

In 1733, Bering was instructed to head the second Kamchatka expedition. Vitus Bering and Alexey Chirikov should have crossed Siberia and from Kamchatka to go to North America to explore her coast. Martina Shppberg was instructed to complete the map of the Kuril Islands and find sea Path to Japan. At the same time, several detachments had to be applied to the North and Eastern Coast of Russia from Pechora to Chukotka.

In early 1734, Bering went from Tobolsk to Yakutsk, where he then spent three more years, engaging food and equipment for the expedition. And here, and later in Okhotsk he had to overcome the inaction and resistance of local authorities who did not want to help in organizing the expedition.

Only in the fall of 1740 two packages, "Holy Peter" and "Saint Paul", came out of Okhotsk to the eastern coast of Kamchatka. Here, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Avachinsky lip, the expedition turned into a bay called Petropavlovskaya in honor of the courts of the expedition. The settlement was laid here, from which the capital of Kamchatka began its history - the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

June 4, 1741 - a year when Vitus Bering was performed for 60 years - "St. Peter "under the command of Bering and" St. Paul "under the command of Chirikov first among Europeans came to the northwestern banks of America. June 20 in the conditions of a storm and dense fog of the court lost each other. After several days of fruitless attempts to connect to the navigators had to continue the path already alone.

"St. Peter "reached the southern coast of Alaska on July 17 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe St. Ilya Range. By that time, Bering felt badly felt, so he did not even land ashore, to whom so many years. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe island of Kayak, the team replenished the stocks of fresh water, and the ship began to move to the southwest, from time to time noting north of the individual islands (Montague, Kadyak, foggy) and group of islands. Promotion against the oncoming wind was very slow, the sailors one after another there was a queen, a lack of fresh water was tested on the vessel.

At the end of August "St. Peter "B. last time It came to one of the islands, where the ship remained a week and where the first meeting was occurred with the locals - Aleuts. The first sailor of Bering, who died from Qingi, was buried on the island, - Nikita Shumagin, in the memory of which Bering called these islands.

On September 6, the ship went straight to the west through the open sea, along the ridge of the Aleutian islands. In stormy weather, the vessel was wore around the sea as a chips. Bering was already too sick to control the ship. Finally, in two months, November 4, the high mountains covered with snow noted from the vessel. By this time, the package was almost uncontrollable and sailed "as a piece of dead tree."

Sailors hoped that they reached the shores of Kamchatka. In fact, it was only one of the islands of the archipelago, which will later be called by the Commander Islands. "St. Peter "threw anchor not far from the coast, but his wave hit him with anchor and moved through the reefs to the deep bay at the shore, where the excitement was not so strong. It was the first happy chance for all the time of navigation. Taking advantage of her, the team managed to transport patients to the shore, the remains of provisions and gear.

The bay adjoined the valley, surrounded by low mountains, already covered with snow. The valley ran a small river with crystal clear water. It was necessary to winter in dugouts covered with tarpaulo. From the team of 75 people immediately after shipwreck and thirty sailors died during the winter. Captain-Commander Vitus Bering himself died on December 6, 1741. Later, this island will be named after him. On the grave of the commander put a wooden cross.

The surviving sailors left the senior assistant Vitus Bering, Swedes Sven Vaxel. Having survived the winter storms and earthquakes, the team was able to reach the summer of 1742. They were again lucky that there was a lot of Wastened Waves of Kamchatka Forest and debris, which could be used as fuel on the West Bank. In addition, on the island it was possible to hunt for sands, kalains, sea cows, and with the arrival of spring - sea cats. The hunt for these animals was very easy, because they were not completely afraid of a man.

In the spring of 1742, the construction of a small one-way vessel from the remains of the dilapidated "St. Peter. And again the team was lucky - despite the fact that all three ship carpenters died of zingi, and among the nautical officers a specialist in shipbuilding was not, the ship's shipyard headed the Cossack Savva Starodubtsev, the savory shipbuilder, which during the construction of the expeditionary packages in Okhotsk was a simple worker And later he was taken to the team. By the end of the summer, the new "St. Peter "was laid on the water. He had much smaller dimensions: the length of the keel is 11 meters, and the width is less than 4 meters.

The remaining 46 people in terrible cramped closed in the middle of August, after four days they reached the coast of the Kamchatka, and later in nine days, August 26, 1742, went to Petropavlovsk.

For your, without exaggeration, you can say, the feat, Savva Starodubtsev was awarded the title of son Boyar. New gucor "St. Peter "went to sea for another 12 years, up to 1755, and Starodubtsev himself, having mastered the profession of the shipbuilder, built a few more ships.

Born 13 (24) December in a poor noble family. In 1715 he entered the Moscow Navigation School and next year he was transferred to the St. Petersburg Marine Academy, which was successfully completed in 1721, produced in Unter-Lieutenant and appointed to the Baltic Fleet. In 1722, by order of the Admiralty College, a teacher navigating the same academy was determined, and in 1725-30 in the rank of Lieutenant participated in the First Kamchatka Expedition of Vitus Bering. All the ways from St. Petersburg to Okhotsk Chirikov identified 28 astronomical points, which allowed for the first time to identify the true latitudinal length of Siberia, and consequently the northern part of Eurasia. On the ship "St. Gabriel" together with Michman Peter Chaplin Chirikov led the ship magazine, which is a valuable document on the history of the first in Russia scientific expedition. Together with the Bering and Chaplin of Chirikov, the final sailing card was a significant supervision card, significantly exceeding all the existing cards for the accuracy and reliability of the image of the Pacific coast of Northeast Asia.

Opening of North-West America

In 1733-41 Chirikov commanded the package of "St. Paul" in the second Kamchatka Expedition of Bering in the position of his deputy. Due to the fog in 49 northern latitudes on June 20, 1741, having lost sight of the Bering package "St. Peter", headed to the East-Northeast and on the night of July 15 on July 16 under 55 21 "Northern latitudes first saw the Pacific Coast of North-West America Mountains, in places covered with snow and forest (Prince Island Wales or Baker Island). In search of a comfortable harbor of the seaworthy turned to the northwest and passed a little more than 400 km along the Alexander archipelago adopted by them for the mainland. The 58th parallels were missing. sent ashore (to Chichany or Jacobi islands) for water two boats. On July 25, he discovered unknown mountains (Ridge of St. Ilya), "CV. Paul "turned to the West; August 1, he discovered a part of the Kenai Peninsula and the island of Afognak and Kodiak, that is, Chirikov, at the same time as the Bering was swimming in the waters of Alaska; September 5-22, he opened several islands from the Aleutian chain, where he met with Aleuts. On the ship There was not enough food and fresh water, many sicks were sick, out of 75 people were alive by a little more than 50; "Very from Qingi is exhausted" and the Chirikov himself, who did not leave the cabins from September 21. The Sturman Ivan Elagin on October 10 safely led the package "St. Pavel "in Petropavlovsk. Ripport Chirikov in the Admiralty-Board of December 7, 1741 on the results of the expedition became the first in the history of the description of the North-West Coast of America. Summer 1742 on" St. Pavle "Chirikov made swimming east of Kamchatka, but he reached the island of Attu and turned back. On the way back, I saw the island of Bering, opened the Copper Island (later the entire archipelago received the name of the Commander Islands, in honor of Bering).

last years of life

Upon returning Chirikov, he asked to withdraw him from Siberia, in March 1746 arrived in St. Petersburg, participated in the compilation of the final card of Russian discoveries in the northern part Pacific Ocean And about a year headed the Marine Academy. In September 1746 was produced in captain-commanders with translation to Moscow.

died at the end of November 1748 in Moscow from the tuberculosis and the consequences of Qingi. He was married and had two sons and three daughters. Its name is the island, underwater ridge, sea, mongs and four capes. In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, he has a monument.

Date of birth: December 13 (December 24) 1703
Date of death: May 24 (June 4) 1748
Place of birth: Russian Empire

Chirikov Alexey Ilyich He was a famous team captain and the Russian navigator. Also Chirikov A.I. Looking at the study of the northeastern shores of Asia, the North West of America, the North of the Pacific Ocean.

It was born in the poor noble family. A twelve-year-old boy went to the Moscow Navigation School, and in a year he moved to the St. Petersburg Academy. In the rank of Unter-Lieutenant finished learned, went to the service of the Baltic Fleet.

It did not have to serve on the fleet for a long time. A year later, became a navigation teacher at the same academy.

After receiving the title of lieutenant, was one of the expedition participants in Kamchatka under the leadership of Bering Vitus. Twenty-eight astronomical items that have identified Chirikov in the direction of St. Petersburg-Okhotsk, allowed to determine the exact latitude of Northern Eurasia, in particular, Siberia.

The story, for the first time spent the scientific maritime expedition, is documented in the ship's magazine. This valuable document describes swimming on the ship "Holy Gabriel", where Michman Peter Chaplin was the commander.

Comrades jointly accounted for a travel map, which surprisingly exactly at that time described the coast of Asia, leaving towards the Pacific Ocean.

In the next expedition, Alexey was entrusted with the command of St. Paul (package), where he was Deputy Bering. With a strong nebula, two vessel lost each other from the view. The young commander independently directed his ship, thanks to which he reached the northern coast of America.

Mountains, with snow covered and forest vegetation, were located on the island of Baker (Prince Wales). In search of a comfortable harbor, to stop, a distance of 400 km was overcome. The archipelago Alexander mistakenly accepted the mainland.

The commander and his deputy simultaneously floated in the Bay of Alaska, where the Islands of Kadiak and Afognak, the Kenai Peninsula, the Islands of the Altuetic chain, and the Ridge of St. Ilya, opened on the way.

A rather long journey led to a shortage of fresh water and food reserves. On the courts there was a qing, which led to the death of the third of the crew.

The Chirikov defeated by the Nuturman's command, Ivan Lagina, who managed to safely return the team to Petropavlovsk. The report of Lieutenant was the first description of the shores of the North-West of America.

The next journey at the "Holy Paul" was not long. From East Kamchatka, the ship stumbled to about. Attu. As a result bad weatherThe team of the navigator returned home. Nearby island of Bering was opened and copper. After a little time, the archipelago was named Commander to honor the captain of Vitus.

At the request of the navigator himself, he was withdrawn from service to Siberia. He headed the St. Petersburg Marine Academy, and also accepted active participation In the compilation of cards on which all discoveries in the Pacific Ocean were displayed.

Becoming Captain Commander, aims to serve in Moscow. The consequences of cings and tuberculosis brought him to the grave. The monument is established on his honor, and some are named geographical discoveries.

Achievements Alexey Chirikova:

Geographical discoveries;
Drawing up cards that are superior to reliability and accuracy all existing at that time.

Dates from the biography of Alexey Chirikov:

13.12 (24.12) 1703 g was born;
1715 g Admission to Navigation School;
1716 g Translation into the Marine Academy;
1721 g. ending learning, start of service;
1722 g translated to the position of teacher;
1725-1730 Hg Kamchatka expedition;
1733-1741 Commanded by the Saint Paul's vessel, made several discoveries in the field of geography;
1742 Made a small swimming;
1746 g Translation to Petersburg, then to Moscow - the appointment of Captain Commander.

Interesting facts Alexey Chirikov:

Due to the nebula and the loss of visibility, the Bering vessel first saw America;
Coastal journal and reporting have historical value;
Despite frequent and long journeys, he had a big family.

In 1733, two navigators, Vitus Beringu and Alexey Chirikov, was entrusted to head the second Kamchatka Expedition. The navigators could not even imagine how difficult it would be to swim, how much will happen to them in the way and that for one of them this journey will be the last. While all their reflections were reduced to the thoughts about the task set before them - get to the shores of North America. To implement such an expedition, they needed to cross the entire Siberia and already from Kamchatka to go to the banks of the American coast. Such intelligence had to help find a quick way to communicate two continents with the subsequent creation of trade relations with residents of America.

Far Swimming Preparation

A year after receiving the order from Russian Admiralty, Bering, together with Chirikov, are sent from Tobolsk to Yakutsk, where they will spend about three years. During this time, the expedition stored everything necessary for the upcoming long journey, ranging from food and ending with equipment.

It is likely that the preparation would have passed faster if local authorities did not show weightlessness, and sometimes did not even have the resistance of the expedition. Nevertheless, in 1740, sailors leave Yakutsk and are sent towards the eastern coast of Kamchatka. Understanding that in the winter is unsafe, the expedition stops in the Avachinsky lip area in the bay, now known as Petropavlovskaya.

Swimming « St. Peter. »

Leaving Russian land Forwarders in the summer of June 4, 1741. Two ship came to the campaign - "St. Peter"leaving the Bering and "Saint Paul" under the command of Chirikov. At sea began a strong storm. In addition, the situation complicated and thick fog. As a result, such bad weather ships lost sight of each other. For several days, the navigators tried to find their comrades, but the search was not crowned with success, and therefore every ship continued to swim alone.

A month later, July 17, 1741, Bering package reached the southern banks of Alaska. Not far from the Saint Ilya Ridge, in the area of \u200b\u200bKayak Island, sailors step on Earth. True, the head of the expedition did not go ashore: the well-being of Bering was greatly worsened, and he only gave an order to fill the stocks of fresh water and continue the way.

Because of the oncoming winds, "Saint Peter" slowly moved to the southwest. During the sea, the sailors tried to celebrate the islands on the map. The lack of vitamin C has affected the team: one after another participants of the expedition were silent. Fresh water was gradually decreased.

After another month, at the end of August, the package rushed to the island. Here, the navigators met the Aleuts. But this stage of the expedition was remembered by travelers not only a meeting with the local population, and a sad event: the first sailor was buried here, who gave his life for the Great Northern Expedition - Nikita Shumagin, who died from Qingi. Subsequently, these places were named after the valiant navigator (Sumagag Island).

Death of Commander

At the beginning of autumn, September 6, the Saint Peter package takes direct course to the West. Storm weather did not give the opportunity to manage the vessel, so for about two months the ship wore like a chips. The expedition commander could not recover from his illness, so it was unable to stand behind the steering wheel. And on November 4, sailors saw high snowy mountains. They mistakenly believed that the waves knocked them back to the shores of Kamchatka. But the long-awaited shores were just one of the islands of the archipelago, which is now known as the Commander Islands.

The team decided to stand anchor to look around, but the anchor could not stand the excitement of the sea, and the ship was thrown into the bay near the coast. Tired of long swimming and lack of provisions, the team went ashore. In the valley that was under the protection of the mountains, the navigators spent the winter.

Of the 75 people who sailed for the archipelago, after the wintering killed another 30 sailors. The same sad fate has suffered both the commander of Vitus Bering. Without recovering from his illness, he died on December 6, 1741. Later, this island, which is included in the archipelago, will be named after the Great Maritime. After the death of Bering, the command took his senior assistant to herself - Svven Vaxel.

Fight for life

Thanks to the abundance of animals visited on the island - sea cows, sands, kalans and sea seals who were not afraid of people and therefore them without of great difficulty Sailors could catch, and kicked the wovers of the Kamchatka forest trees, which went to fuel, managed to fall and finally begin the construction of a new ship. A new vessel from the wreckage of Saint Peter managed to build exclusively thanks to Cossack Savve Starodubtsev, self-taught from Okhotsk, because the carpenters accompanying the expedition were killed, and among officers there were no shipbuilding connoisseurs.

Already by the end of the summer, the ship was ready for a descent on the water. Yes, its sizes were much less than that of St. Peter, but he was the only hope for the surviving participants of the expedition. They still managed to complete the journey started by Bering: Four days after sailing, the ship reached the shores of Kamchatka, and on August 26, 1742 the team went to Petropavlovsk.

It took more than a year after the "Holy Peter" left the shores of Kamchatka. Returning 46 navigators with dignity fulfilled the task set before them, and the sailors died during the expedition were not forgotten, because their courage and courage once again demonstrated that a person could overcome any obstacles to achieving his goal.

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