What is rational environmental management in biology. Rational and irrational nature management - what is it? Ways to improve the situation

The 60s of the twentieth century became a decisive time for ecological region: It was then that representatives of science realized that rational environmental management is a necessary measure, without which our resources are quickly confident.

The attention of the scientific world to this problem was caused by the actively developing industry, which, though he testified about the rapid progress, created comfortable conditions for living, developed the economy, but at the same time she also rapidly exhaust the resources and contributed to the violation of ecosystems.

What is rational environmental management?

Under environmental use implies the possibility of using resources and properties ambient. They can be economic, environmental, wellness and cultural. Depending on this classification, the forms of nature management are also divided: wellness, cultural, environmental and economic, the latter of which is leading. These four forms, in turn, are divided into two, depending on the specifics of use: special and common.

Almost all of these forms of nature use are subject to control by the state, and this is part of environmental policy.

Rational environmental management is a system of interaction of humanity with nature, which lies in the systematic transformation, taking into account the use of those resources that are not renewed, and state control plays an important role.

The power structures of states try to control environmental management using legislation: for example, the form of general environmental management does not imply a special permission. This category enters water and air.

But special rational environmental management is carried out solely on the basis of a permit, which is issued by the responsible physical bodies or legal entities. Special belongs to the use of subsoil, land, forest and animal world.

Principles of rational environmental management

Since renewable and non-renewable with active and unlimited use can be exhausted, it is necessary to formulate the principles of rational environmental management.

  1. Planning and forecast. Rational environmental management implies scientific approach To analyzes the situation related to natural resources. For this purpose, commissions are organized that collect data and explore and on the basis of the data obtained make a report serving to resolve one of the types of management: soft or hard.
  2. This principle implies a comprehensive assessment of how production affects the environment. The fact is that environmental systems are interrelated, and therefore, with accented attention to one area of \u200b\u200bresources, there is a risk of exhausting others (for example, an increase in fertility for irrigation).
  3. Optimization. This principle is based on the fact that when saving resources, attention should be paid to the economic industry of the region.
  4. Comprehensive use. According to this principle, industrial enterprises are better to erect in a specific area, taking into account the possibility of using many resources. This is done in order to pollute a smaller territory.
  5. The introduction of environmental and economic systems. The meaning of this principle is to develop and install such systems that less pollute the environment and together with this consume less resources. The most popular example is wind power plants. They were distributed in but, nevertheless, they harm the person due to the vibration, which is created when working. Therefore, it is necessary to build them a few kilometers from settlements.

Thus, it can be said that compliance with these principles, taking into account capability to reduce the harm caused by man, only partially.

Types of resource classification; Basics of organizing rational environmental management; On the limits of the sustainability of resources and the state of the resource base today

Ensuring the sustainable development of the society is inextricably linked with rational environmental management. Currently under environmental management means a combination of all forms of human impact on geographic shell Earth. For more accurate quality and quantitative characteristics of N. F. Reimsrs, the concept of nature was developed. resource potential, i.e., that part of the natural resources of the Earth and the near space, which can be actually involved in economic activities in these technical and socio-economic opportunities with the condition that is very important, preserving the human life environment.

Classification of resources.

The natural resources of the Earth are facilities and conditions used in the process of material production to meet the various needs of society. Natural resources can be classified as follows:

by their use:

  • 1) industrial,
  • 2) agricultural,
  • 3) recreational, etc.;

according to the belonging to the component of nature:

  • 1) cosmic,
  • 2) air,
  • 3) aquatic,
  • 4) soil,
  • 5) biological,
  • 6) geological;

by the nature of the impact:

  • 1) exhausted
  • 2) inexhaustible
  • 3) renewable.

Exhausableresources, in turn, are divided into non-renewable and renewable. TO non-renewableinclude geological resources such as oil, stone coal and others, the reserves of which are not restored; to renewable include soil, vegetation, animal world.

To inexhaustiblealthough quite conditionally, belong space (solar radiation, tides and flow); climatic (heat, moisture, wind energy) and waterresources. The conventionality of such a definition is associated, firstly, with the limited of the existence of the solar system and, secondly, with their degradation and in the end, exhaustion due to the contamination of human activities and unsuitability for further use.

At the same time, the basis of human environmental activity is very often the principle of events. So, it is believed that with the development of scientific and technological progress, environmental problems will be solved much easier than now.

Rational environmental managementit helps to preserve the natural potential and human health, the economical use of natural resources and ensure the effective mode of their reproduction. However, both past and modern production technologies The possibilities of complete conservation of natural resource potential are not allowed, only approach in some cases to this optimum. Such a discrepancy throughout human history contributes to the depletion of certain types of natural resources of the Earth as a whole, causing the development of the environmental crisis.

There are three simple rulesAllowing to determine the limits of sustainability of resource consumption.

Rule 1. For renewable resources, the rate of consumption should not exceed the pace of recovery.

Rule 2. The rate of consumption of non-repaired resources should not exceed the rates of replacement for renewable. For example, during the operation of oil fields, part of the revenue should be inserted into the development and production of alternative energy sources, such as solar batteries, tidal and tidy power plants, etc.

Rule 3. The intensity of emission of pollutants should not exceed the speed of their processing by the natural environment.

Currently, these rules are not respected. At the same time, there are significant differences between environmentally friendly and developing countries. For developed countries, violation of the third rule is more characteristic. The amount of production waste has increased so much in recent decades, which began to threaten human vital activity. In 2000, the number of waste reached 100 billion, t per year. Leaders in the number of solid waste per capita are industrialized countries - the United States, Russia and Japan. Leader on a shower household waste is the USA - 500-600 kg per year of garbage.

A significant amount of waste contributes to environmental pollution and its components - the atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil.

Annually, 60 million solid particles that promote the formation of a greenhouse effect, acid precipitation, toasting the atmosphere and the formation of smog are thrown into the atmosphere of the Earth. Quality aerialIn terms of human health, it is constantly decreasing, which is especially characteristic of large megalopolises in developing countries, such as Mexico City with its 20 million people.

The total sewage volume was reached by the 90th of the 20th century 1800 km 3, while Europe, North America and Asia account for 90% of reset. Most of the dropped waters refers to the crude or insufficiently purified, as a result of which more than 1.3 billion, the person enjoys in everyday life of polluted waters, which serves as a source of many diseases.

In developing countries, the first rule is mainly not observed, and therefore they suffer from exhaustion renewable resources. Exhaustion is mainly due to the rapid growth of the population due to the demographic explosion and only in part with the increase in the intensity of production.

Each year, due to the development of erosion processes, developing countries lose 4-5 million hectares of agricultural land. A particularly difficult situation is in Africa, where 17% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe mainland is highly degraded, the desert area has increased significantly. The pace of development of new lands and the recultivation of the disturbed is significantly lagging behind the pace of degradation.

Developing countries have "/ 2 of all world forest resources. The unsystematic deforestation of the forest led to the fact that if in developed countries, including in Russia, the area of \u200b\u200bforests has stabilized, then in these countries there is an annual decrease in their area by 11 million hectares.

Rational environmental management is such an use of natural ecosystems or their elements, in which there are no destruction of resources and the habitat does not deteriorate and, respectively, human health. At the same time, the biological diversity of ecosystems remains. Worsening natural resources, their exhaustion can and should be prevented. The main ways to solve this problem are:

  • 1) increasing productivity of production;
  • 2) development of fundamentally new sources and methods for producing energy;
  • 3) decision of the demographic problem in developing countries, etc.;
  • 4) development of resource-saving technologies.


Explain what sense is invested in the concept nature management.

Comment on how to classify the resources of the Earth.

Explain that it applies to exhausted resources, and what resources are considered inexhaustible.

Analyze why environmental management should be rational.

Name the rules for which you can define the limits of resource consumption sustainability.

Give examples of anthropogenic impacts on the resources of the atmosphere, aquatic environment, land resources.

Comment on what ways to prevent the depletion of natural resources.

Rational environmental management

Rational environmental management - a system of environmental management at which:
- the produced natural resources are fully used and, accordingly, the number of resources consumed is reduced;
- ensures restoration of renewable natural resources;
- Production waste is fully and repeatedly used.
The system of rational environmental management can significantly reduce environmental pollution. Rational environmental management is characteristic of intensive economy.

Financial Dictionary Finams.

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Environmental management is a combination of measures taken by the Society for Studying, Mastering, Transformation and Environmental Protection.

Rational environmental management - a system of environmental management at which:

- the produced natural resources are fully used and, accordingly, the number of resources consumed is reduced;

- ensures restoration of renewable natural resources;

- Production waste is fully and repeatedly used.

The system of rational environmental management can significantly reduce environmental pollution.

Rational environmental management is characteristic of intensive economy.

Examples: Creation of cultural landscapes, reserves and national parks (most of all territories in the United States, Australia, Russia), the use of technologies for the use of raw materials, processing and use of waste (the most developed in European countries and in Japan), as well as the construction of wastewater treatment facilities, Application of technologies of closed water supply of industrial enterprises, the development of new, economically pure fuels.

Eranny environmental management - a system of environmental management at which:

- in large quantities and usually the most easily accessible natural resources are not fully used, which leads to their rapid exhaustion;

- produced a large amount of waste;

- Environmentally polluted.

Eranny environmental management is characteristic of extensive farm.

Examples: Application of graft-fire agriculture and re-falling of livestock (in the most backward countries of Africa), deforestation of equatorial forests, so-called "light planets" (in countries Latin America), uncontrolled waste release in rivers and lakes (in countries of foreign Europe, Russia), as well as thermal pollution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, extermination of individual types of animals and plants and much more.

Rational Environmental Management is a type of relationship of human society with the environment in which society manages its relations with nature, warns the unwanted consequences of its activities.

An example is the creation of cultural landscapes; the use of technologies that allow more fully processing raw materials; Re-use of production waste, the protection of animal and plants, the creation of reserves, etc.

Eternal environmental management - the type of relationship with nature, in which the requirements of environmental protection, its improvements (consumer attitude towards nature) are not taken into account.

Examples of such a relationship are an unlimited grazing of livestock, gravy-firing agriculture, extermination of certain types of plants and animals, radioactive, thermal pollution of the medium. Also harm to the environment is applied to the alloy of forests on the rivers with separate logs (morale alloy), the drainage of the marshes in the upper reaches of the rivers, the extraction of minerals open source, etc. Natural gas as raw materials for TPP - more environmentally friendly fuel than stone or brown coal.

Currently, most countries are conducting a policy of rational environmental management, special environmental protection bodies have been created, environmental protection programs and laws are being developed.

The joint activities of countries on the protection of nature, the creation of international projects, which would relate to questions:

1) estimates of stock productivity in waters under national jurisdiction, both internal and marine, bringing fishing capacity in these waters to a level comparable to long-term productivity of reserves, and timely adoption of appropriate measures to restore reserves to a sustainable state, as well as cooperation in compliance with international law for the adoption of similar measures in relation to the reserves occurring in the open sea;

2) the preservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and its components in the aquatic environment and, in particular, the prevention of practice leading to irreversible changes, such as the destruction of species of genetic erosion or large-scale destruction of the habitat;

3) promoting the development of mariculture and aquaculture in coastal marine and inland waters by establishing appropriate legal mechanisms, coordinating the use of land and water with other activities, the use of the best and most suitable genetic material in accordance with the requirements for the preservation and sustainable use of the external environment and the preservation of biological Diversity, applying an assessment of the consequences of a social plan and environmental impact.

Environmental pollution and environmental problems of humanity.

Environmental pollution is an unwanted change in its properties that leads or can lead to harmful effects per person or natural complexes. The most famous type of pollution is chemical (admission to the environment of harmful substances and compounds), but no less potential threat is carried and such types of pollution, as a radioactive, thermal (uncontrolled heat release into the environment can lead to global climate change), noise.

Mostly environmental pollution is associated with human economic activity (anthropogenic environmental pollution), but pollution is possible as a result. natural phenomena, for example, eruptions of volcanoes, earthquakes, the fall of meteorites, etc.

The pollution is exposed to all shells of the Earth.

The lithosphere (as well as soil cover) is contaminated as a result of advent of heavy metals, fertilizers, pesticides. Only garbage from large cities is exported annually up to 12 billion tons.

Rational Natural Management: Basics and Principles

Mountain developments lead to the destruction of natural soil cover on huge areas. The hydrosphere is polluted by drains of industrial enterprises (especially chemical and metallurgical), drains from fields and livestock complexes, domestic settlers of cities. Petroleum pollution is especially dangerous - up to 15 million tons of oil and petroleum products fall into the waters of the World Ocean.

The atmosphere is polluted mainly as a result of annual incineration of a huge amount of mineral fuel, emissions of the metallurgical and chemical industry.

The main pollutants - carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen, radioactive connections.

As a result of growing environmental pollution arises a lot environmental problems both at the local and regional levels (in large industrial areas and urban agglomerations), and on the global (global climate warming, a decrease in the ozone layer of the atmosphere, the exhaustion of natural resources).

The main ways of solving environmental problems may not only be the construction of a variety of treatment plants and devices, but also the introduction of new low-waste technologies, reprofiling of production, transfer them to a new place in order to reduce the "concentration" of pressure on nature.

Specially protected natural territories (PAs) refer to the objects of the nationwide property and are areas of land, water surface and airspace over them, where natural complexes and objects are located, which have a special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health importance, which are seized by solutions state power Fully or partly from the economic use and for which the mode is installed.

According to the existing estimates of leading international organizations, there are about 10 thousand in the world.

large protected natural territories of all kinds. The total number of national parks at the same time approached 2000, and biosphere reserves - to 350.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the regime and status of environmental institutions, the following categories of these territories are usually distinguished: state natural reserves, including biosphere; national parks; natural parks; state natural reserves; Monuments of nature; Dendrological parks and botanical gardens; Medical and recreation areas and resorts.

Eranny environmental management: concept and consequences. Optimization of resource use in the production process. Nature protection from negative consequences of human activity. The need to create specially protected natural territories.

State budgetary educational institution

Secondary vocational education

Samara Social Pedagogical College


"Environmental consequences of irrational environmental management"

Samara, 2014.


II. Description of the problem

III. Ways to solve the problem

IV. Conclusion

V. List of references

Vi. Applications

I. Introduction

Currently, passing down the street, staying on vacation you can pay attention to the contaminated atmosphere, water and soil. Although it can be said that Russia's natural resources is enough for centuries, but seen makes thinking about the consequences of irrational nature management.

After all, if everything is so continued, then these numerous reserves in a hundred years will be disastrous.

After all, irrational nature management leads to exhaustion (and even disappearance) of natural resources.

There are facts that are really forced to think about this problem:

it is estimated that one person for his life "exerters" about 200 trees: on housing, furniture, toys, notebooks, matches, etc.

Only in the form of matches, the inhabitants of our planet annually burn 1.5 million cubic meters.

each resident of Moscow on average per year accounts for 300-320 kg of garbage, in the countries of Western Europe - 150-300 kg, in the USA - 500-600 kg. Each citizen in the US in the year throws 80 kg of paper, 250 metal cans, 390 bottles.

Thus, it is time to really think about the consequences of human activity and make the conclusion to each person who lives on this planet.

If you continue the irrational environmental management, then soon the sources of natural resources simply devastated, which will lead to the death of civilization and the whole world.

Description of the problem

Eternal environmental management is a system of environmental management, in which easily accessible natural resources are not fully used, which leads to rapid resource depletion.

In this case, a large amount of waste is performed and the environment is strongly polluted.

This type of environmental management leads to environmental crises and environmental catastrophes.

Environmental crisis is a critical state of the environment that threatens human existence.

Environmental disasters - changes in the natural environment, often caused by the impact of man's economic activity, man-made accident or a natural cataclysm, which led to unfavorable changes in the natural environment and accompanied by the massiveness of people or damage to the health of the population of the region, the death of living organisms, vegetation, large loss of material values \u200b\u200band natural resources.

The effects of irrational environmental management:

- Destruction of forests (see Foto 1);

- the process of desertification due to non-valid grazing of livestock (see Foto 2);

- extermination of certain types of plants and animals;

- water pollution, soil, atmosphere, etc.

(see Foto 3)

Damage related to irrational environmental management.

Featured damages:

a) economic:

losses due to reducing the productivity of biogeocenoses;

loss due to a decrease in labor productivity caused by increasing morbidity;

loss of raw materials, fuel and materials due to emissions;

costs due to reducing the service life of buildings and structures;

b) socio-economic:

health costs;

losses due to migration caused by a deterioration in the quality of the environment;

additional expenses for rest:


a) social:

an increase in mortality, pathological changes in the body of people;

psychological damage due to dissatisfaction with the world's quality environment;

b) Environmental:

irreversible destruction of unique ecosystems;

disappearance of species;

genetic damage.

Ways to solve the problem

internal environmental management

optimization of the use of natural resources in the process of social production.

The concept of optimizing the use of natural resources should be based on a rational choice of resource business entities for the production of products based on limit values, taking into account environmental equilibrium. The decision of environmental problems should be the prerogative of the state that creates a legal and regulatory framework of environmental management.

the protection of nature from the negative consequences of human activity.

Establishment in legislation of legal environmental requirements for the behavior of nature users.

ecological safety of the population.

Under environmental safety understands the process of ensuring the protection of the vital interests of the person, society, nature and states from real and potential threats created by anthropogenic or natural impact on the environment.

the creation of specially protected natural territories.

Particularly protected natural areas - plots of land, water surface and airspace over them, where natural complexes and objects are located, which have a special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health importance, which are seized by decisions of state authorities.


Having studied the Internet - resources, it can be concluded that the main thing is to understand the rational environmental management. Soon, in the foreground, there will be no ideological, but environmental problems around the world, and the relationship between nations will dominate, but the relationship between nations and nature. A person urges him to change his environment and its idea of \u200b\u200bsecurity.

World military expenses are about one trillion per year. At the same time, there is no means to monitor global climatic changes, examination of ecosystems of disappearing wet rainforest and expanding deserts. Natural Path Survival is the maximization of a territy strategy against the outside world.

All members of the world community should participate in this process. The environmental revolution will win when people will be reassessing values, look at themselves as not an integral part of nature, on which their future and the future of descendants depends. Millennies a man lived, worked, developed, but he did not suspect that it would be possible to come the day when it became difficult, and maybe it is impossible to breathe clean air, drink clean water, grow something on earth, as the air is polluted, Water poisoned, the soil is infected with radiation or others.

chemicals. Owners of large factories, oil and gas industry, think only about themselves, about their wallet. They neglect the rules of security, ignore the requirements of the environmental police.


I. https://ru.wikipedia.org/

II. Oleinik A.P "Geography. Large directory for schoolchildren and entering universities, "2014.

III. Dragged I.M., Lukyanchikov N.N.

"Economics and organization of environmental management", 2012.

IV. Skuratov N.S., Gurina I.V. "Nature management: 100 exam answers", 2010.

V. E. Polyevkkova "Who is who in the economy of environmental management", 2009.

Vi. Applications

Rational environmental management and environmental protection

The consequences of human activity.

Rational environmental management as the ability to control natural ecosystems. Directions of nature conservation in the process of its use. Accounting for the relationships in ecosystems when using natural resources.

presentation, added 09/21/2013

Protection of natural territories

Overview of legislation, specially protected natural areas, characteristics and classification. Land of specially protected natural territories and their legal status.

State natural reserves. Violation of the regime of specially protected natural territories.

abstract, added 10/25/2010

Development of a system of specially protected natural territories

Nature protection and specially protected natural areas: concept, goals, tasks and functions. The history of the network of specially protected territories in the Republic of Belarus and in the territory of the Bobrussky District.

Nature monuments and local values.

course work, added 01/28/2016

Ecological ethics and environmental management in people's life

Justification of environmental-ethical approaches in environmental management.

Rational Nature Management: Principles and Examples

Security biological resources through their reasonable operation. Functioning of systems of specially protected natural territories. Environmental restrictions in individual economic sectors.

examination, added 03/03/2011

The concepts, types and objectives of the formation of specially protected natural territories

The concept, types and objectives of the formation of specially protected natural territories.

Questions about reserves, national parks, reserves and other specially protected areas. Questions about the types of animals and plants under threat of extinction. Their security.

abstract, Added 02.06.2008

Differences between rational and irrational environmental management

The impact of human environmental management on the environment.

Essence and objectives of rational environmental management. Signs of irrational nature management. Comparison of rational and irrational nature management, their illustration examples.

test work, added 01/28/2015

Legal regime of specially protected natural territories and objects

Characteristics of the legislative framework for ecology. The legal regime of specially protected natural territories and objects: natural reserves, reserves, parks, arboretums, botanical gardens.

coursework, added 25.05.2009

Especially protected natural territories as a factor of regional development

The characteristic of the specially protected natural territories of Russia.

Features of the functioning of specially protected natural territories in the Republic of Bashkortostan. World and domestic trends affecting tourism planning in protected areas.

thesis, added 11/23/2010

Methodical approaches to the substantiation of the creation of specially protected natural territories

The substantiation of the directions for improving the methodological instrumentalization of the assessment of specially protected natural territories on the basis of the consideration of their main environmental functions.

Differentiation coefficients of the average value of the land reserve lands.

article, added 09/22/2015

The current state of the specially protected natural territories of the city of Stavropol

The concept of specially protected natural territories.

Natural conditions of the city of Stavropol. Particularly protected natural areas of Stavropol. Relief, climate, soil, water resources Stavropol. Hydrological monuments of the nature of Stavropol, botanical gardens.

attestation work, added 11/09/2008

The concept of rational environmental management

Rational environmental management - The type of human relationship with the environment, in which people are able to wisely master natural resources and prevent the negative consequences of their activities. An example of rational environmental management is the creation of cultural landscapes, the use of low-waste and waste-free technologies. Enforcement of environmental management biological methods Fight with pests of agriculture.

The creation of environmentally friendly fuels, improving the production and transportation of natural raw materials, etc. can also be considered rational nature management.

In Belarus, the implementation of rational environmental management is controlled at the state level. For this purpose, a number of environmental laws are adopted.

Rational use of natural resources

Among them are the laws "On the protection and use of the animal world", "about waste management", "on the protection of atmospheric air".

Creating low-waste and waste-free technologies

Low-waste technologies - Production processes that provide the most complete use of recyclable raw materials and waste generated.

In this case, substances in relatively harmless quantities are returned to the environment.

Part global problem The utilization of solid household waste is the problem of recycling secondary polymer raw materials (especially plastic bottles).

In Belarus, their monthly emanates about 20-30 million pieces. To date, domestic scientists have developed and applied its own technology, which allows processing plastic bottles into fibrous materials. They serve as filters for cleaning polluted wastewater from fuel and lubricants, as well as widely use at gas stations.

Filters made from secondary raw materials, in their physicochemical indicators are not inferior to the analogs made from primary polymers. In addition, their cost is several times lower. In addition, brushes of machine miles, packaging tape, tile, paving slabs, etc. are made of the resulting fibers.

The development and implementation of low-waste technologies is dictated by the interests of environmental protection and is a step towards developing waste-free technologies.

Weather-free technologies Measure a complete production transition to a closed resource cycle without any environmental impact.

Since 2012, the largest biogasic installation in Belarus is launched in SPK "Dawn" (Mogilev region). It allows processing organic waste (manure, lounges of birds, household waste, etc.). After processing, gaseous fuel - biogas are obtained.

Thanks to biogas, the farm can completely abandon heat heating in the winter period by expensive natural gas. In addition to biogas, organic fertilizers are obtained from production waste. Fertilizer data are deprived of pathogenic microflora, seeds of weeds, nitrites and nitrates.

Another example of waste-free technology can serve the production of cheeses on most Milk enterprises of Belarus.

In this case, the degreased and deprived of the cheese production and deprived protein serum is fully used as raw materials for the bakery industry.

The introduction of low-waste and waste-free technologies also involves the transition to the next step in rational environmental management. This is the use of non-traditional, environmentally friendly and inexhaustible natural resources.

For the economy of our republic, the use of wind as an alternative energy source is particularly relevant.

A wind power plant with a capacity of 1.5 MW successfully operates on the territory of the Novogrudsky district of the Grodno region. This power is quite enough to ensure the electricity of the city of Novogrudok, in which more than 30 thousand inhabitants live. In the near future, more than 10 wind farms with a capacity of more than 400 MW will appear in the republic.

For more than five years on the greenhouse plant "Berestye" (Brest) in Belarus, a geothermal station is exploited, which during the work does not throw carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere, sulfur oxides and soot.

At the same time, this type of energy reduces the country's dependence on imported energy. Belarusian scientists calculated that due to the extraction of the landscape of warm water, natural gas savings are about 1 million m3 per year.

Ways of environmentalization of agriculture and transport

The principles of rational nature management, in addition to the industry, are also implemented in other areas of human economic activity. In agriculture, the introduction of biological methods of combating pests of plants instead of chemicals - pesticides is extremely important.

The trichogram in Belarus is used to combat the appleantic frozing and cabbage scoop. The buggers of Krasotel, feeding by the caterpillars of spiders and silkworms, are defenders of the forest.

The development of environmentally friendly fuels for transport is no less important than creating new automotive technologies. Today a lot of examples are known when alcohol and hydrogen are used as fuel in vehicles.

Unfortunately, mass distribution these fuels have not yet been obtained due to the low economic efficiency of their use. At the same time, so-called hybrid cars began to be used increasingly.

Along with the internal combustion engine, they have an electric motor that is intended for movement within cities.

Currently, three enterprises producing biodiesel fuel for internal combustion engines work in Belarus. This is JSC "Grodno Azot" (Grodno), Mogilevchimvolokno OJSC (Mogilev), OJSC "Belshina" (

Bobruisk). These enterprises produce about 800 thousand tons of biodiesel fuel per year, most of which are exported. The Belarusian biodiesel fuel is a mixture of oil diesel fuel and biocomponent based on rapeseed oil and methanol in a ratio of 95% and 5%, respectively.

This fuel allows you to reduce emissions. carbon dioxide in the atmosphere compared to conventional diesel fuel. Scientists found that the production of biodiesel fuel allowed our country to reduce the purchase of oil by 300 thousand.

It is also known that solar panels are used as an energy source for transport. In July 2015, the Swiss piloted aircraft, equipped with solar panels, was first in the world in a non-stop flight of more than 115 hours. At the same time, it reached a height of about 8.5 km, using exclusively solar energy during the flight.

Preservation of gene pool

The types of living organisms of the planet are unique.

They maintain information about all stages of the evolution of the biosphere, which has a practical and great cognitive value. There are no useless or harmful species in nature, they are all necessary for the sustainable development of the biosphere. Any disappeared appearance will never appear on Earth. Therefore, in conditions of increased anthropogenic impact on the environment, it is extremely important to preserve the gene pool of the existing species of the planet.

In the Republic of Belarus for this purpose, the following system of events has been developed:

  • the creation of environmental territories - reserves, national parks, reserves, etc.
  • development of the environmental monitoring system - environmental monitoring;
  • development and adoption of environmental laws providing for various forms of responsibility for negative impact on the environment. Responsibility concerns the pollution of the biosphere, violation of the regime of protected areas, poaching, inhuman treatment of animals, etc.;
  • breeding rare and on the verge of plants and animals on the verge of the disappearance.

    Relocation of them for protected areas or in new favorable habitats;

  • creating a genetic data bank (seeds of plants, genital and somatic cells of animals, plants, a dispute of mushrooms capable of playing in the future). This is relevant to preserve the valuable varieties of plants and rocks of animals or endangered the disappearance of species;
  • regular work on environmental education and the upbringing of the entire population, and especially the younger generation.

Rational Environmental Management is the type of human relationship with the environment in which a person is able to wisely master natural resources and prevent the negative consequences of its activities.

An example of rational environmental management is the use of low-waste and waste-free technologies in industry, as well as the environmentalization of all areas of human economic activity.

Eranny environmental management

As an examples of the degradation of the environment as a result of irrational nature management, deforestation and depletion of land resources can be cited. The deforestation process is expressed in reducing the area under natural vegetation and primarily forest.

According to some estimates, during the occurrence of agriculture and cattle breeding, forests were covered with 62 million square meters. KM Sushi, and taking into account shrubs and armor - 75 million.

sq. km, or 56% of its entire surface. As a result of the ongoing 10 thousand years of forest information, their area has declined to 40 million square meters. km, and medium forestry - up to 30%.

However, when comparing these indicators, it should be borne in mind that the virgin forests, not touched by a man of forest occupy only 15 million in our days.

sq. km - in Russia, Canada, Brazil. In most other areas, all or almost all primary forests were replaced by secondary. Only in 1850 - 1980 Forest area on Earth decreased by 15%. In foreign Europe to the VII century. The forests occupied 70-80% of the total territory, and at present it -30-35%. In the Russian Plain at the beginning of the XVIII century.

substitution accounted for 55%, now - only 30%. On a large scale, the destruction of forests also occurred in the USA, Canada, India China, Brazil, the Sahel zone in Africa.

Currently, the destruction of forests continues with a rapid pace: more than 20 thousand are destroyed annually.

sq. km. Forest arrays disappear as the extrusion of the extras of the earth and pasture, the growth of wood harvesting. Especially threatening destruction has developed in the rainforest zone, where, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in the mid-80s. 11 million hectares of forests were destroyed annually, and in the early 90s. - Approximately 17 million.

ha, especially in countries such as Brazil, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand. As a result, over the past decades, the area of \u200b\u200brainforest decreased by 20 - 30%. If the situation does not change, then in half a century their final death is possible. Especially since the tropical forests are cut down at a speed, which is 15 times higher than their natural recovery. These forests call "light planets", since the flow of oxygen into the atmosphere is connected with them. More than half of all types of flora and fauna of land are concentrated in them.

The degradation of land resources as a result of the expansion of farming and animal husbandry took place throughout the history of mankind.

According to scientists estimates, as a result of irrational land use, humanity during the Neolithic Revolution has already lost 2 billion hectares of once productive lands, which is significantly larger than the entire modern Pashny Square. And in the present, as a result of the processes of soil degradation annually, about 7 million hectares of fertile land, which lose their fertility and turn into an emptiness are dropped annually from global agricultural turnover. Soil loss can be estimated not only in area, but also by weight.

American scientists calculated that only the arable lands of our planet annually lose 24 billion tons of a fertile renal layer, which is equivalent to the destruction of the entire wheat belt in the south-east of Australia. In addition, more than 1/2 of all these losses in the late 80s. accounted for four countries: India (B billion ton), China (3.3 billion tons), USA (3 billion.

t), and the USSR (3 billion tons).

Worthily affects the soil of water and wind erosion, as well as chemical (clogging by heavy metals, chemical compounds) and physical (destruction of soil cover with mountain, construction and other works) of degradation.

The reasons for degradation primarily applies excessive pasture cattle breeding (reabies of livestock), most characteristic of many developing countries. An important role is also played here by the custody and extinction of forest areas and agricultural activities (salinization in irrigated agriculture).

The process of soil degradation is particularly intensively in dry places that occupy about 6 million.

sq. km, and to the most inherent in Asia and Africa. Within arid lands, the main areas of desertification are located, where the rearrangement of livestock, the formation of forests and irrational irrigated agriculture reached maximum level. According to existing estimates, the total land desertification area in the world is 4.7 million square meters. km. Including the territory on which anthropogenic desertification occurred is estimated at 900 thousand square meters. km. Every year she grows for 60 thousand km.

In all major regions of the world are most susceptible to the desertification of pasture lands. In Africa, Asia, Northern and South America, Australia and in Europe desertification affected about 80% of all pastures located in arid areas. In second place there are inevitable processed lands in Asia, Africa and Europe.

The problem of waste

Another reason for the degradation of the global environmental system is pollution by the waste of industrial and non-productive human activity.

The number of these waste is very large and recently recently reached the size threatening the existence of human civilizations. Wastes are divided into solid, liquid and gaseous.

Currently, there is no uniform assessment of the number of solid waste generated by the economic activity of a person. Not so long ago, they were estimated at 40 - 50 billion tons per year with a forecast of an increase of up to 100 billion tons and more than 2000 on modern calculations, by 2025

the volume of such waste may increase by 4 - 5 times. It should also be borne in mind that now only 5 - 10% of the total produced and the resulting raw materials goes into final products and 90-95% of it in the process of processing is transformed into direct income.

An indicative example of a country with an ill-conceived technology can be Russia.

Thus, in the USSR, about 15 billion tons of solid waste was formed annually, and now in Russia - 7 billion tons. The total number of solid waste production and consumption that are in dumps, polygons, storage facilities and landfills reaches 80 billion tons today.

Industrial and mining waste are dominated in the structure of solid waste.

In general, and per capita, they are especially great in Russia, the United States and Japan. According to the state of solid household waste, leadership belongs to the United States, where for each resident per year accounts for 500 - 600 kg of garbage. Despite the all-increasing disposal of solid waste, in many countries it is either in the initial stage, or is generally absent, which leads to pollution of the soil cover of the Earth.

Liquid waste is contaminated, first of all, the hydrosphere, and the main pollutants here are wastewater and oil.

The total sewage volume in the early 90s. Reached 1800 km3. To dilute polluted wastewater to an acceptable level (technical water), an average of 10 to 100 and even 200 units are required per unit volume. Clean water. Thus, the use of water resources for dilution and wastewater purification has become the largest of their expenditure.

This applies primarily to Asia, North America And Europe, which accounts for about 90% of all world wastewater discharge. This also applies to Russia, where from 70 km3 annually discharged wastewater (in the USSR, this figure was 160 km3) 40% comes to crude or insufficiently purified.

Oil pollution is primarily negative in shape in the state of the marine and air medium, since the oil film limits the gas, heat and moisture exchange between them.

According to some estimates, about 3.5 million tons of oil and petroleum products fall annually in the world ocean.

As a result, the degradation of the aquatic environment today has adopted a global character. Approximately 1.3 billion.

man enjoyed in everyday life of polluted water, which causes many epidemic diseases. Due to the pollution of rivers and the seas, fisheries are reduced.

Great anxiety causes pollution of the atmosphere with dust-like and gaseous waste, the emissions of which are directly related to the combustion of mineral fuel and biomass, as well as with mountainous, construction and other earthworks.

The main pollutants usually consider solid particles, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon oxide. Every year, about 60 million tons of solid particles are thrown into the atmosphere of the Earth, which contribute to the formation of smog and reduce the transparency of the atmosphere. Sulfur dioxide (100 million tons) and nitrogen oxides (about 70 million tons) are the main sources of formation of acid rain.

The emissions of carbon oxide (175 million tons) have a great effect on the composition of the atmosphere. Almost 2/3 of all world emissions of these four pollutants are accounted for by economic developed countries of the West (US $ 120 million). In Russia in the late 80s. Their emissions from stationary sources and road transport amounted to about 60 million.

t (in the USSR -95 million tons).

An even larger and dangerous aspect of the environmental crisis is associated with the impact on the lower layers of the atmosphere of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide and methane.

carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere mainly as a result of the combustion of mineral fuel (2/3 of all income). Sources of income into the atmosphere of metal is the combustion of biomass, some types of agricultural production, leakage from oil and gas wells.

According to some calculations, only in 1950-1990. The global carbon emissions increased four times, reaching 6 billion.

t, or 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide. The main responsibility for these emissions is the economically developed countries of the Northern Hemisphere, which account for a large part of such emissions (for the US - 25%, EU member states - 14%, CIS member countries - 13%, Japan -5%).

The degradation of the environmental system is also associated with entering nature chemical substancescreated in the production process. For some calculations, about 100 thousand, chemicals are involved in the poisoning of the environment.

The main dose of pollution accounted for 1.5 thousand, of which. These are chemicals, pesticides, feed additives, cosmetic, medicinal and other drugs.

They can be solid, liquid and gaseous and pollute the atmosphere, hydrosphere and a lithosphere.

Recently, chlorofluorocarbon compounds (freons) are of particular conjunction. This group of gases is widely used as refrigerators in refrigerators and air conditioners, in the form of solvents, sprayers, sterilizers, detergents, etc.

The greenhouse effect of chlorofluorocarbons was known for a long time, but their production continued to grow rapidly, reaching 1.5 million tons. It was estimated that in the last 20-25 years due to the growth of freon emissions, the protective layer of the atmosphere decreased by 2-5%.

According to calculations, a decrease in the ozone layer by 1% leads to an increase in ultraviolet radiation by 2%. In the northern hemisphere, the ozone content in the atmosphere has already decreased by 3%. Of particular exposure to the northern hemisphere, the influence of freon can be explained as follows: 31% of freons are produced in the USA, 30% - in Western Europe, 12% - in Japan, 10% - in the CIS.

Finally, in some parts of the Earth, "ozone holes began to occur from time to time - large destruction of the ozone layer (especially above Antarctic and the Arctic).

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that freon emissions seem to be the only reason for the destruction of the ozone layer.

One of the main consequences of the environmental crisis on the planet is the rational of its gene pool, a decrease in biological diversity on Earth, which is estimated at 10 -20 million species, including in the territory former USSR - 10-12% of the total. Damage in this field is already enough. This is due to the destruction of the habitat of plants and animals, excessive operation of agricultural resources, environmental pollution.

According to American scientists, over the past 200 years, about 900 thousand, plant species and animals have disappeared on Earth. In the second half of the twentieth century. The process of reducing the gene pool sharply accelerated.

Scientists believe that while maintaining existing trends in 1980-2000. It is possible to disappear 1/5 of all species inhabiting our planet.

All these facts indicate the degradation of the global environmental system and the growing global environmental crisis.

Social consequences of them are already manifested in a lack of food, incidence growth, expanding environmental migrations.

Natural Management - This is a combination of measures taken by society in order to study, protect, mastering and transforming the environment.

Rational environmental management - This type of relations between human society with the environment, in which society manages its relations with nature, prevents the unwanted consequences of its activities. An example is the creation of cultural landscapes; the use of technologies that allow more fully processing raw materials; Re-use of production waste, the protection of animal and plants, the creation of reserves, etc.

Eternal environmental management - the type of relationship with nature, in which the requirements of environmental protection, its improvements (consumer attitude towards nature) are not taken into account. Examples of such a relationship are an unlimited grazing of livestock, gravy-firing agriculture, extermination of certain types of plants and animals, radioactive, thermal pollution of the medium. Also harm to the environment is applied to the alloy of forests on the rivers with separate logs (morale alloy), the drainage of the marshes in the upper reaches of the rivers, the extraction of minerals open source, etc. Natural gas as raw materials for TPP - more environmentally friendly fuel than stone or brown coal.

Currently, most countries are conducting a policy of rational environmental management, special environmental protection bodies have been created, environmental protection programs and laws are being developed. The joint activities of countries on the protection of nature, the creation of international projects, which would relate to questions:

1) estimates of stock productivity in waters under national jurisdiction, both internal and marine, bringing fishing capacity in these waters to a level comparable to long-term productivity of reserves, and timely adoption of appropriate measures to restore reserves to a sustainable state, as well as cooperation in compliance with international law for the adoption of similar measures in relation to the reserves occurring in the open sea;

2) the preservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and its components in the aquatic environment and, in particular, the prevention of practice leading to irreversible changes, such as the destruction of species of genetic erosion or large-scale destruction of the habitat;

3) promoting the development of mariculture and aquaculture in coastal marine and inland waters by establishing appropriate legal mechanisms, coordinating the use of land and water with other activities, the use of the best and most suitable genetic material in accordance with the requirements for the preservation and sustainable use of the external environment and the preservation of biological Diversity, applying an assessment of the consequences of a social plan and environmental impact.

Environmental pollution and environmental problems of humanity. Environmental pollution- This is an undesirable change in its properties, which leads or can lead to harmful effects on humans or natural complexes. The most famous type of pollution is chemical (admission to the environment of harmful substances and compounds), but no less potential threat is carried and such types of pollution, as a radioactive, thermal (uncontrolled heat release into the environment can lead to global climate change), noise. Mostly, environmental pollution is associated with human economic activity (anthropogenic environmental pollution), but it is possible pollution as a result of natural phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, meteorites falling and other pollution are exposed to all Earth shells.

The lithosphere (as well as soil cover) is contaminated as a result of advent of heavy metals, fertilizers, pesticides. Only garbage from large cities is exported annually to 12 billion tons. Mining development leads to the destruction of the natural soil cover on huge areas. The hydrosphere is polluted by drains of industrial enterprises (especially chemical and metallurgical), drains from fields and livestock complexes, domestic settlers of cities. Petroleum pollution is especially dangerous - up to 15 million tons of oil and petroleum products fall into the waters of the World Ocean.

The atmosphere is polluted mainly as a result of annual incineration of a huge amount of mineral fuel, emissions of the metallurgical and chemical industry. The main pollutants - carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen, radioactive connections.

As a result of growing environmental pollution, many environmental problems arise both at the local and regional levels (in large industrial areas and urban agglomerations) and global (global climate warming, reducing the ozone layer of the atmosphere, the depletion of natural resources).

The main ways of solving environmental problems may not only be the construction of a variety of treatment plants and devices, but also the introduction of new low-waste technologies, reprofiling of production, transfer them to a new place in order to reduce the "concentration" of pressure on nature.

Especially protected natural territories (POPT) refer to objects of the nationwide treasure and are areas of land, water surface and airspace over them, where natural complexes and objects are located, which have a special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health importance, which are removed by the decisions of state authorities in whole or Partly of the economic use and for which the mode of special protection is installed.

According to the available estimates of leading international organizations, there are about 10 thousand large protected natural territories of all species. The total number of national parks at the same time approached 2000, and biosphere reserves - to 350.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the regime and status of environmental institutions, the following categories of these territories are usually distinguished: state natural reserves, including biosphere; National parks; Natural parks; state natural reserves; Monuments of nature; Dendrological parks and botanical gardens; Medical and recreation areas and resorts.

Examples of the tasks of the exam with comments

1. Which of the listed countries has the largest explored coal reserves?

1) Algeria 3) South Africa

2) Pakistan 4) Peru

Answer - 3.

2. Which of the listed species of natural resources relate to exhausted non-renewable?

1) copper ores 3) soil

2) peat 4) forest

Answer - 1.

3. On the coast of which bay, large oil and gas fields are being developed?

1) Bengali 3) Big Australian

2) Mexican 4) Hudson

Answer - 2.

4. Which of the listed countries has the greatest hydropower potential?

1) Brazil 3) Netherlands

2) Sudan 4) Australia

For a successful answer to questions of this type, knowledge should be applied that such a hydropower potential of rivers and from which it depends (the number of rivers, their fullness and terrain - the larger the bias of the river, the higher its hydropotential. In this case, in Brazil a lot of full-growing Relatives currently located in Sugar, there are no rivers there. There are rivers there. In the Netherlands there are a river, but they are smaller in full size and in length than in Brazil, in addition, the bias of the rivers are small, because the country's territory does not have large height drops She is pretty flat. Australia is the country of deserts. There are rivers only in the East - they start in the mountains of a large waterproof ridge, have a sufficient bias. But their hydropotential is significantly lower than the Brazil rivers, because they are less free.

Answer - 1.

5. What of the largest negative impact on the state of the natural environment?

1) The construction of high pipes on the TPP

2) the use of brown coal as fuel at TPP

3) Using solar energy for housing heating

4) land reclamation

Answer - 2.

6. In which of the listed cities is the greatest level of air pollution?

1) Tambov 3) Rostov-on-Don

2) Petrozavodsk 4) Chelyabinsk

To respond to questions of this type, you need to apply knowledge about which industries are contaminated with air to a greater extent and what industries are developed in the listed cities. Thus, the highest air pollutants are metallurgy (black and color), TPPs operating on a brown or stone coal. From the listed cities in Chelyabinsk there are companies of black metallurgy of the full cycle.

Answer - 4.

7. As a result of global climate warming, the territory of which of the listed countries may decrease?

1) Netherlands 3) Switzerland

2) Turkmenistan 4) Sudan

Questions of this type check the ability to apply knowledge about the consequences of global warming and geographical position countries to solve a specific problem. As a result of global warming increases the level of the world's ocean. Accordingly, the lowland coastal territory of countries having access to the coast of the World Ocean may be flooded. Of the countries listed in the text, only the Netherlands have access to the ocean, and part of the coast is lowland. As a result of the ocean level increase, part of the country's territory will be flooded.

Answer - 1.

8. Which of the listed industries is most polluted internal water?

1) Shoe 3) Food

2) Textile 4) pulp and paper

Answer - 4.

9. What of the territories marked on the map the water erosion of the soil layer will develop most intensively?

1) A 2) in 3) with 4) D

Issues of this type require the ability to apply knowledge about the causes of the development of water erosion of soils to analyze the possibility of its development in certain territories. It should be remembered that the development of aqueous erosion depends on the relief, composition of rocks, the degree of soil fixing with vegetation, on the amount of precipitation, etc., with alleviated low-lying relief, erosion develops with less intensity. To answer correctly, you need to remember which relief is characteristic of the territory shown on the map. So, the territory A is approximately within the middle Russian elevation, and the rest - within the lowlands for which the wetlands is characteristic.

Answer - 1.

10. Using the data from the table below, compare the security of resources fresh water. Place the countries in the order of increasing resource efficiency.

Canada290031, 1 93blladesh2360129.2 18Brasilium6950170,1 40Text in the table The resulting sequence of letters.

To respond to such questions, it should be remembered what resource support and calculate it for the countries presented in the table. Resource availability is the ratio between the size (explored) natural resources and their use. It is expressed either the number of years to which the resource should be enough or in stocks at the per capita in the current rate of mining or use. In this case, the table was given the resources of fresh water and the population, therefore, it is necessary to compare the performance of resource per capita. To do this, divide the amount of fresh water resources given to CM3 to the population of the country given in million people. And learn how much of this resource is per capita. You can calculate the indicators and compare them. And you can not count exactly, but to approximately compare, which countries will be the largest and smallest indicators. In this task, Canada will clearly be the greatest indicator, and the smallest - Bangladesh.

Typical error It is a response recorded in the sequence, the reverse of the one that is required in the task. For example, you need to place the country in order zoom Resource indicator, and students write the answer in order reduce because They first identified the country with the largest indicator. In order not to make such errors, you should carefully read the task text, and, by determining the indicators of all countries, to see once again, in what order should be written in response. Answer: BBA.

11. What features of agriculture in the Azov Sea basin became the causes of the increase in salinity and pollution of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov in recent decades?

Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is small and small. It is connected to the Black Sea by a narrow Kerch Strait. Don and Kuban stand out from large rivers in the Azov Sea. Fresh waters of rivers despite the salted water of the sea.

A large number of River waters are closed on irrigation,

because develops agriculture on irrigated lands. Fresh river waters falls into the sea less, the salinity of the sea is increasing. Sea pollution increases

due to the fact that in crop production there are many chemical fertilizers, and some of them together with river and

underground waters fall into the sea.

Tasks for self-test

1. Which of the listed species of natural resources relate to inexhaustible?

1) Energy of tides and sings

2) stone coal

3) Natural soil fertility

4) tin ores

2. In which of the listed cities is the greatest level of air pollution?

1) Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 3) Blagoveshchensk

2) Smolensk 4) Kemerovo

3. In which of the regions of Russia, problems may arise due to the fact that as a result of global climate warming, there is a thawing of many years of permits?

1) Krasnoyarsk Territory 3) Primorsky Krai

2) Rostov region 4) Republic of Karelia

4. Which of the listed industries of the economy is most polluted atmosphere?

1) air transport

2) Railway Transport

3) thermal electric power industry

4) atomic power industry

5. In which of the listed countries of the river have the greatest hydropower potential?

1) Mauritania and Panama 3) Iran and Niger

2) Mongolia and Pakistan 4) DR Congo and Canada

6. Greenhouse effect in the Earth's atmosphere is enhanced by increasing the content in it

1) nitrogen 3) hydrogen

2) oxygen 4) carbon dioxide

7. Which of the territories marked on the map the wind erosion of the soil layer will develop most intensively?

8. Install the correspondence between each of the natural resources and the view to which it refers.

Natural Resources Types of Natural Resources

A) forest 1) inexhaustible

B) wind energy 2) exhausted renewable

C) fuel 3) exhausted non-repaid

D) metal ore

Record the numbers in the table corresponding to the selected responses.

9. Using the data from the table below, compare the security of the regions with fresh water resources. Place the regions in the order of increasing resource efficiency.

Foreign Asia11,03682y-in America10,5345Avia and Oceania1,630 Write in the table The resulting sequence of letters.

10. Using a table, compare the resource of the countries to the oil. Place the countries in the order of increasing resource efficiency.


Russia11480VEELEEL11145NEGENEGIY1,1128The check in the table The resulting sequence of letters.

11. Explain why during anticyclones in the cities, the concentration of exhaust gases increases sharply in the surface layer of air? Specify two reasons.

12. What are the features of the nature of the Yamal Peninsula on its territory? Specify two features.

13. Why in the tundra zone on the West Siberian Plain, the changes associated with man's anthropogenic activities are less than in natural zone steppes?

14. Why is Laptev's sea less contaminated than black? Specify two reasons.


14134678910422133Abvab11. With the anticyclone, there is no wind or its power is very small. Exhaust gases remain in the surface layer of air. In addition, during anticyclones, there is a downward movement of air, therefore, the exhaust gases are "applied" to the surface of the Earth.

12. For the Yamal Peninsula, the spread of many years of permits is characterized, in addition, there are swamps. Winters are very severe with low air temperatures. All this makes it difficult to build, because You have to use special technologies and special techniques.

13. The Zone of the TundR of the West Siberian Plain began to be intensively changed by a person not so long ago - in connection with the discovery and start of exploitation of gas and oil fields. Agricultural production is not developed. And in the steppes zone, the development takes place for a long time - it settled before, the population density is higher. In the south of the West Siberian Plain, the degree of agricultural development of the territory - large squares Earth rake, natural vegetation is reduced.

14. You can call one reason associated with human activity, and one associated with nature features. Human economic activity on the sea coast of Laptev contributes to its pollution. On his shores there are few cities, transport routes are not used intensively in its water area. Black Sea coast has long been populated, there are many cities and towns on its coast, railway and highways. By its water area there are numerous routes of cargo and transportation ships. Agricultural activities of the population on the coasts of the sea and the river basins flowing into it also contributed to the pollution of the sea water area. Also, the sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev is less contaminated, because It is the painted, and the sea of \u200b\u200bsea is freely mixed with the waters of the Arctic Ocean. The Black Sea is internal, and the processes of water exchange are very slow.

Section VI.

Country studies

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