Current topics for research on history. Topics of research projects on history

The selection of the topic Theme of the study is a scientifically significant major problem to be studied. When choosing the topic: 1. Take into account your own capabilities; 2. Do not take too wide or narrow themes; 3. Do not choose well-studied themes if you are not sure that you can make something fundamentally new; 4. Have certain knowledge in the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe study. 5. Take into account the security of sources and literature. 6. The topic must be relevant and solvable. 7. The topic must be problematic, i.e. Focus-oriented.

Requirements for the name of the topic Samples of the right topic name: 1. Evolution government controlled Russia in the first half of the XIX century. 2. Social and economic development of Divnogorsk in E GG. Xx in. Samples of the wrong topic: 1. Power Russian Empire In the first half of the XIX century. 2. Heroic feat of builders. Topic Name 1. Accuteness. 2. Labor. 3. Definition of concepts. 4. Callness. 5. The title of the topic reflects the subject or object of the study.

Work structure Generally accepted structure Introduction Main part (in the text it is not written): Chapter 1 (Name) Section 1.1 (Name) Section 1.2 (Name) Section 1.3 (Name) Chapter 2 ... (Name) Chapter 3 ... (Name) Conclusion Structural Components: 1. Introduction - relevance of the topic, subject and object of research, review of literature and sources, objectives and objectives of work, research methods, chronological and territorial frameworks. 2. The main part is the presentation of the essence of the study. 3. Conclusion - research conclusions.

Relevance Relevance (from Late. Actualis is a real, modern): importance, significance of anything for the present moment, topicality. The relevance of the topic is its demand in public theory and practice. The relevance of the topic is the main requirement for research. Justify relevance - it means to explain the need to study this topic at present. The main aspects of the topical topic: theoretical. Informative. Educational. Practical.

Subject and object research Example: Theme: Krasnoyarskaya HPP as a city-forming factor in the development of Divnogorsk. Object of study: Krasnoyarskaya HPP: Subject of research: The influence of the Krasnoyarsk HPP on the formation and development of the city of Divnogorsk. The study object is a specific process or a phenomenon generating a problem situation. Research Subject This is a specific part of the object within which the search is conducted. The subject of the study may be the phenomena as a whole, their individual parties, aspects and relationships between individual parties and the whole (a set of elements, relationships, relations in the specific area of \u200b\u200bthe object).

Objective and objectives of the study The goal should be: 1. Competitive; 2. Suite; 3.The check; 4. Connect. Verifying the initial wording: reveal, determine, install, justify, find out. Invalid initial wording: study, explore, analyze, learn, tell about something. The purpose of the study is the end result that the researcher would like to achieve when completing its work. The objective of the study is the choice of paths and means to achieve a goal in accordance with the hypothesis extended. The tasks are best formulated in the form of approval of what needs to be done so that the goal is achieved.

Novelty of the results of novelty - new knowledge gained as a result of the study. Novelty criteria: 1. The novelty of the question. 2. Novelty methodology. 3. Content novelty (or Novelty results). 4. Formal novelty (or novelty of an expression form). 5. Novelty interpretation. 6. Novelty of practical use.

The hypothesis of the hypothesis is a form of theoretical knowledge that contains the assumption formulated on the basis of a number of facts, the true value of which vaguely and needs proof. The hypothesis is probabilistic; Requires verification and evidence; Not necessarily confirmed during the study; Scientific hypothesis should assume ways to solve the problem of research. The wording of the hypothesis must be concrete and not contain well-known truths.

Literature and sources Sources - chronicles, assets, stationery documents, statistics, memoirs, personal letters, information materials of periodic press, journalism, fiction, results of sociological surveys, program documents of parties and organizations. Literature - monographs, scientific articles, tutorials, reviews, dissertations, analytical articles in periodical press. Sources are monuments of material and spiritual culture, which are the result of certain events, phenomena and processes carrying certain information. Literature - analytical work on a certain topic.

Styles of presentation of the norm of presentation of text 1. Avoid false patellic and screen expressions. 2. Do not repeat well-known truths. 3. Comply with the uniformity of terminology. 4. Do not use ambiguous words and expressions. 5. Observe the stylistic norms of the Russian language. 6. Observe the logical connection of the parts of the text.

Conclusions Conclusion is the final part of the work, which shows the specific results of the study. The conclusion is a generalized study of the study. It is necessary! It is clear to allocate your own results. Specify than the results obtained differ from the results of precursors. To avoid common phrases and abstract expressions. Compare the conclusion with the goal and objectives of your research. Confirmation of the hypothesis should be real, not imaginary. The presentation of the conclusions is preferably in the form of transfer.

Zhernakova Catherine Grade 9


Do not ask: "What did the country do for me?".

Ask: "What did I do for the country?"

The main problem of studying history in modern educational institutionsI see some standardization of thinking of students, due to temporary and software frames. Can we, for example, with great accuracy to assume that Russia's history to one degree or another depends on ourselves?

My research confirms that the events of the individual families are comparable to events. Domestic history And have mutual influence on each other. Consequently, every person must be aware of the significance of his actions and try to change the world for the better in life! Get acquainted with my work. Feel an involvement in the history of the Fatherland ...

You will understand that it is in the heroic past of our people that we can take lessons of courage, hard work, spiritual kindness, unattended and optimism.



Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school № 57"

c. in-depth study Art and aesthetic cycle

History of Russia in the history of my family

Zhernakova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Leader: History Teacher

Ignatova Angelica Aleksandrovna


gornozavodskaya District



Do not ask: "What did the country do for me?".

Ask: "What did I do for the country?"


The main problem of studying history in modern educational institutions, I see some standardization of thinking of students, due to temporary and programmed frames. Can we, for example, with great accuracy to assume that Russia's history to one degree or another depends on ourselves?

My research confirms that the events of the individual family are comparable to the events of domestic history and have mutual influence on each other. Consequently, every person must be aware of the significance of his actions and try to change the world for the better in life! Get acquainted with my work. Feel an involvement in the history of the Fatherland ...

You will understand that it is in the heroic past of our people that we can take lessons of courage, hard work, spiritual kindness, unattended and optimism.


Introduction ……………………………………………………….……………….……..……….…..4

Chapter I. My family at the end of the XVII - XIX centuries .............................................................................. 6

Chapter II. My family at the beginning and middle of the XX century ................................................. ...... 10

2.1. My grandmother Ragozin Galina Feofanova

2.2. Grandfather Anatoly Grigorievich Pankov.

Chapter III. My family at the end of the XX - early XXI century ..................................................... .. ... .........16

3.1. My mother Pankova Elena Anatolyevna.

3.2. My Father Zhernakov Alexander Ivanovich.

Conclusion …..……………………..………………….….……………………………..………22


application …… ..…………………………………………………………….…………….…….25


The history of any country is complex and multifaceted. Far to always its simplification, the inclusion in the hard framework leads to a better understanding of the past. Most often, such simplification is a "progressive lies" for science, and "truncated history is voluntarily or involuntarily turns into falsification. For the history of Russia of the 20th century, this is the most relevant. It was too cool turns to overcome our country, for too an unknown path she went ... and most importantly, too quickly and easily from a complex and controversial process made accessible to everyone and very simple "domestic history"1 . Only here from this "comfortable story" took the most important thing - the feeling of time ... For me, I think it is important for other citizens of Russia - not losing a close connection with the past. For as A.S. said Pushkin: "Respect for the past - that's what distinguishes the person formed from the savage." The main problem of studying history in school I see some standardization of thinking of students, due to temporary and programmatic frames. Do modern schoolchildren understand: "The story of my country is the story of my family?" Where, as not in the experience of previous generations, you should draw practical experience in building a modern, better life?

Hypothesis: In my opinion, the historical events of Russia cannot not affect the life of a family who lives in it, and vice versa, any family is more or less contributing to the genesis of the state. Based on this hypothesis, I decided to continue to explore the story of a separate family and compare it with the history of the Fatherland.

Purpose: Explore mutual influence historical events Our country and life of a single family.

Object of study:Features of influencerussian historical events on the history of the Pankovy family (Ragosin, Zhernakov) from the end of the XVII at the beginning of the XXI century, as well as the contribution of this family to the development of our state.

Subject of study: Events of domestic history and memories of these events of family members of the Pankov (Ragosin, Zhernakov).

Tasks :

  1. Find and submit in the chronological order of memories of my ancestors about the events of what are happening in our country, directly or indirectly reflected in life;
  2. Match memories of family members of the Zhernakov and the most bright

1. Chromova I.S. Readings on the history of Russia in the first half of the XX century. (Controversial issues of history). Moscow, Interpacs, 1995. P. five.

events of domestic history that could mutually influence each other. Read more to explore the information that would explain the reasons for which certain events in my family occurred in the period of the Great Patriotic War and post-war lighter.

  1. To be deeper to explore the pedigree and on the basis of it to make a genealogical tree (up to 7 knees).


  1. Study of bibliographic literature;
  2. Interviewing and surveying;
  3. Ranging;
  4. Analysis of real sources and photo modifers;
  5. Systematization;
  6. Sociological survey.

Chapter I. My family at the end of the XVII - XIX centuries

Two feelings are wildly close to us -

The heart takes place in them:

Love for native ashes,

Love for the deputy coffins.

A.S. Pushkin.

Collecting the memories of my ancestors in the grains, I was more and more asked: "Why didn't I know it before, because it is important to know and interesting"? Indeed, after analyzing the information that studied in school textbooks, I could not answer such, it would seem simple questions: What kind of work were performed on the house guys of my age, as my family could spend free evenings at the beginning of the 20th century (after all, then there was no TV, nor computer), whether the same friendly relationships were in the family, what they are now in my Family? The more I deepened in the study of my pedigree1 The longer wondered - not still forgotten by my parents, sometimes such amazing details that I did not hear about which I did not hear about. Here are the memories of my great-grandmother. I do not want to edit them, because her story can transfer to the reader, with what love she told me about his family: "My grandfathers' parents were coming from the Verkhtur district of Ragozino village, the name of this village and the Ragozinka River were from the founder of this village Ragosine. At this time, in the XVII century, the Earth of the Urals and Siberia fled from the royal arbitrariness began to settle. People settled along the banks of the rivers, founded the earth, started cattle, one of these people was Ragozin. All residents of this village wore one name and called each other by name and patronymic, and sometimes just nicknamed. In the village there was a landowner who had a mill, he was richer than the rest, forced to work on simple peasants. My great-grandmother and great-grandfather were both of this village, both by the names of Ragozin. My grandfathers were peasants. My great-grandfather was Fedor and Nona Lukyanov2 In addition to the Father, they had two more sons and daughter. Father was a steep gear, but fair. He worked from dawn to dawn, the same demanded from his children. Children from small age were accustomed to any agricultural. work. They lived only by their work: they grown bread, Moli on flour and baked bread; Lyon raised, treated it, cloves of clothes, there were practically no money. In winter, men went hired on the forest harvesting,

1. See Appendix 1.

2. See Appendix 4.

sometimes women worked together with them, without any pants in long skirts, in the snow, cut into the snow and exported the forest on their horses. My great-grandmother and great-grandfather Feofan Fedorovich and Platoid Pavlovna lived in the same village, both were from poor families, since childhood knew what peasant labor was. Walked in the local church. They lived poorly, but together, they loved, respected and cared for each other; Never heard the quarrels between the parents, they simply did not. Despite the steep character of the great-grandfather, they were always together, always near. The great-grandfather was so respected personPeople went to him and for advice and for help. In childhood he did not have to learn, just two weeks went to school1 , it was necessary to work, already a young guy he independently learned by literacy, wrote well. " At that time, he helped people in the design of any documents, he was elected a deputy and remained to them until the end of his life, he was very respected and loved. Aunt Masha was born in Karelino (all her name was Manya) in 1933, then in 1935 my grandmother was born. She was very small and thin, no one thought she would live, but survived, in 1938 another daughter Shura was born, which soon died. In total, they had 10 children, four sons died in the village, there were no doctors in the village, and they did not know from what. The older daughter of Tatiana was left, the boys died quite small, only one you had two or three years, the great-grandmother always regretted him.

They worked on the road2 There was nothing at all, came from work hungry, and went to bed, hugged, in the morning, hungry went to work, ate potato cleaning and everything that would have to have a soap, a lot of people died from hunger. At that time, echelons came to the station with special trains, they changed something from food. In these years was hunger across the country. In the prewar years they began to live better. It was satisfied with the massive walking in the forest in the meadow, called the Merities, the children took Morse, which they loved very much. "

Is it really an interesting story? If you believe my great-grandmother, then my ancestors were fluent peasants, they fled to the Urals in the XVII century not from a good life. What pushed them to this? What is the "royal arbitrary"?

Turn to K. scientific literature: "The church cathedral of 1666 - 1667 finally cursed the" Starovieri "and ordered the" Grad authorities "to act in relation to his supporters in accordance with the deployment of 1649, according to which anyone," who will place Hulu on the Lord God, "is subject to burning on the fire. Began the cruel persecution of old goods. Pursuit broke the weak and fierce strong. Adherents of the old faith were hiding in the forests, founded in deaf hard-to-reach places

1. See Appendix 1.

2. On the railway. (From auth.)

(especially in the north, in the Volga, in the Urals). "1 Is this statement true - my ancestors were old supplements?

It is difficult to figure out it difficult to reliably, the reason could be in another: "The state is mercilessly punished for the slightest disrespect for the person's person. The fear of pronounce the "Non-arrogance" of the word pursued people constantly, because the donos (arms) became everyday reality. According to the Cathedral Music of 1649, anyone who did not bother, became an accomplice of a grave crime "2 .

Maybe further search for materials about the fate of my family and will reveal this secret, but now one thing is clear: my relatives, like many people of that time, carried on their shoulders all the grave load of the monarch of decrees and could not be limited from the arbitrariness of power in the XVII in .

The great-grandmother remembers that her father was severe, but fair. Through generations carried it in a gentle image. In these short phrases Hidden deep respect for the head of the family. What is it connected with? The fact is that the man at that time ordered the property and the fate of his households unlimitedly, the children were forbidden to complain about the parents under the threat of punishment by the whip. The wife was subordinate to her husband. In the family, the upbringing was labor: from seven years, boys trained any craft, girls helped her mother in housework, studied to sew and lead the economy. This was the key to welfare, prosperity. It was this that helped to survive in long cold winter - a man was the head of the worker, went to the additional earnings, and women remained to do all the work on the household - until the wood struck in the snowy forest. Can we not learn before our ancestors who experience such a need, the difficulties, nevertheless preserved families and provided the future for their children and grandchildren? Not once, the grandmother recalled: "I lived poorly, but friendly." Maybe we, the modern generation, should you learn such dedication, patience? In my opinion, in the experience of previous generations, we can draw and draw examples of kindness, vital resistance, wisdom. However, refer to the generation more modern ...

... and we should not forget the predan in the old days.

N. Konchalovskaya.

"My great-grandfather on the mother line of Pankov Fedot and Praprababushka Pankov


1. Yurganov A.L., Katsva L.A. History of Russia XVI - XVII centuries. P. 214. Samara, 1998 Samara Print House.

2. Yurganov A.L., Katsva L.A. History of Russia XVI - XVII centuries. P. 229. Samara, 1998 Samara Print House.

Barbara was born at the end of the 19th century, they lived in the city free, they had 12 children. Before the revolution lived well, albeit1 . All children were well dressed and shods, feste.

Prapraded was a joiner, the Praprababushka led the farm and was a great seama, they worked a lot, held their farm2 . After the war, they moved to Omsk, where she later died "- so begins his memories my great-grandmother Pankov Elena Fedotna. She was born in 1910, was a middle child in the family. He received education and worked as a teacher of primary classes. Her husband was killed in war, leaving her with 2 children. It would seem, nothing special in these stories about our ancestors, but ...

If you think about ... You begin to understand - to survive, hard to work out my family, so as not to only grow healthy, full and shoes, but also to become famous through generations as excellent employees and heroes, ready to give life to the freedom and independence of our homeland.

The history of my family is closely connected with the history of my country, assembled by me the material - that proof.


1. Already by the beginning of the XX century. Russia held 1st place on the total volume of agricultural products. The livestock and livestock productivity grew.

2. And although the large factory-factory industry has generally occupied the leading place, the small industry had sustainable positions in the Russian economy. At 150 thousand enterprises worked 600 thousand craftsmen and handicrafts, producing products by 700 million rubles per year. In industries such as bakery, shoe, construction, sewing, leather, prevailed products of small institutions.

Chapter II. My family at the beginning and middle of the XX centuries

2.1. My grandmother

Do not ask what the country has done for you,

ask what I did for the country.


When the war began, my grandmother Ragosina Galina Feofanovna was 5 years. Her idea of \u200b\u200bthe war is both about something black, terrible, hungry. That's what she remembers: "Your great-grandfather then worked at the station weigher. He was not taken to the army, on the railway it was imposed on the railway. Yes, and health did not allow. In the evenings were going to families, there was a small radio, listened to the latest news from the front. Family - 8 people, five children, Mom with dad and my grandmother - Nona Lukyanovna. I remember that I always wanted very much. I went to bed hungry, and woke up with a big hunger. Mom fed us than just could, and he did not sit down with us at the table. Bread on us - 150 grams per day. The bread was black and heavy, with all sorts of impurities, sometimes even added the land so that it was hard. They lived on one potato, especially badly in the spring, when and the potatoes ended. Dropped gardens, collected ice cream potatoes, if we find it, then baked immediately on the spot and ate without any oil. They brought grass and spruce from the forest, we, children, constantly went to the forest, there ate everything that came across. There was a cow, but paid large taxes - meat and oil and there was almost nothing left. "

A heavy and complex task to ensure the army during the Great Patriotic War solved mainly a rural population1 . The enemy at that time captured a huge territory, which gave the bulk share of food products. The main production base was the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, Central Asia. Food distribution card system was introduced, from the fall of 1941. And although the textbook on the history of the 9th grade of the educational school it is written that the "card system of the distribution of basic foods allowed for the whole war to avoid cases of mass hunger"2 Nevertheless, we see, on the example of my family, that people are hungry very much. Consequently, the study of only the material in the textbook cannot objectively describe the real picture of life in our country and therefore students should more often contact their parents and relatives in order to have more reliable information about these events.


1. See Appendix No. 2.

2. Danilov A.A., Kososulina L.G. Moscow. Education, 202 p. 219. The history of Russia. XX century.

Further, my grandmother narrated about what: "But, despite this, a timeless time, we still remained children. At home early began to do all homework, dragged water, prick and dragged firewood, worked in the garden, caught and collected cattle, but, despite these things, they still found time and games. In the evenings and in the vintage holidays we were released "run". And we played very interesting games: Lapta, "beat and run" and other evenings walked with bags for the feather and played there, there was a whole mountain of Opila. Jump, I swore, and did houses, everything was interesting.

Then during the war at the station Sevfrolag there was a zone where political prisoners were sitting. Many of them were revealed. They have a mum changed in potato underwear, then painted and sewed clothes to us. Beautiful was, only red, I walked red. "

Here we are talking about people - prisoners of the Gulag. This system has reached apogee in the 40s of the 20th century, since to sitting there from the mid-30s. The "enemies of the people" added millions of new ones. Along with the military and political prisoners, those workers who did not cope with the existing standards of development will be added to the camps after the war. So local authorities will be given the right to evict to remote areas of people, maliciously avidious activities in agriculture1 . It was necessary to step up the hoping of a civilized person - the XX century, and it was necessary on the basis of the only true teaching of the highest to develop a national question so that the Socialist in this matter in this matter would take a patent for the polls' extermination of peoples by sending them to forty-eight, and twenty-four and even one and a half hours2 .

Stalinist manual fully used factors such as superchangeal management, huge natural and human resources, domestic unpretentiousness and patriotism of the people.

"Summer slept on the floor on the old fufikes, and in the winter in the storage room on the worst. There was some old Tulup, certainly there was certainly. At Karelin Station was only primary School With two classes, in one studied students 1 and 3 class, and in the other - 2 and 4. There were 2 teachers - Somkin A.F. And Kapustina E.V. During the war, students in the classes were a bit, the teacher gave tasks to one class, and was engaged with another, then on the contrary - and so every day. It was cold in school, the disciples are dressed badly, they fed to the stoves on change, everyone was hungry, sometimes someone brought oats, ate him instead of seeds. Masha, my sister, went to school for 2 years earlier than me and we studied with her in the same class, I'm 3, and she - at 4. Then she left for another village, where he learned to grade 7. During the war and after 46 - 47 years in Kareynino in the camp for political prisoners


2. Solzhenitsyn A.I. Archipelago Gulag. New World. 1989. No. 11. P. 163 - 164.

there were barracks, obscured by barbed wire with knotters, guarded by dogs, shepherds. I still remember their Lai, as every morning they hid on the cemetery of the dead prisoners on the sleigh on the sleigh, were buried into common graves without coffins and, in my opinion, did not even put the crosses. The camps were called Sevfrolag, perhaps there were artists, doctors. Some of them were revealed. They treated local residents, played in the club. Behind our gardens was a field where potatoes raised crucified. There often sang a woman, very good, then they said that it sings Lydia Ruslanov. In seven kilometers from the Karelino station, a small village was built, where the sentences were serving the punishment, for some reason they called "Mothers", whether they had children - I don't know, I did not see. This village was called wait. Women were burned and drove the forest on the bulls on the bulls, mostly in winter, in the summer there was a swamp. We did various toys from wood, designers, cubes were painted and painted, a suitcases for schoolchildren instead of briefcases. There were warehouses near the station, where wagons with grain, oats were unloaded, we often brought the cakes, we, the guys, were going and asked for cake guards, and if you managed to reclaim a piece, then we broke it and divided it, and then sucked in your mouth as a candy He seemed incredibly tasty. Dad worked as a station at the station after unloading. He swept the residues of grain and oats in the wagons and under the wagons, and then I had to choose the grain of ash. Two pans, each grain one way, pebbles to another. A total of several grievances. Then mom was grinding the grain, mixed with potatoes and baked cakes, they always creaked in the teeth "1 .

Why is my family, as well as other families live in such conditions?

First, the war turned to the USSR with huge human and material losses2 .

Secondly, after the 1947 monetary reform of 1947, with an average wage of about 500 rubles per month, the cost of a kilogram of bread was 3-4 rubles, a kilogram of meat - 28 - 32 rubles, butter - more than 60 rubles, a dozen eggs - about 11 rubles. To buy a woolen suit, you needed to give 3 average monthly salary. As before the war, from one to one and a half months wages per year went on the purchase of bonds of the mandatory forced states.

Let us turn again to the memories: "In 1952, the camp of the women was eliminated, and in January 1953, the Military landfill was organized in the same village" Zhdanka "and began to come to shooting artillery troops from everything Soviet Union. In June 1952, Dad died, he was only 48 years old. It was for our family a big


1. See Appendix No. 3.

2. See Appendix No. 7.

mountain, the Little Brothers Yura remained, he was 11 years old and Leon, he was 8 years old, I was 16, I graduated from 8th grade and me with all the truth and untarid Tanya (older sister) arranged on railway (although they took there from 18 years old) to the station to the station, the place for dad. I quickly learned and passed the exams before the deadline. Masha graduated from the 10th grades and entered the medical institute in absentia, she did not report that dad died when she passed the exams. I started working as a weighter in early August in 1952. At the beginning, forest loads were driving, I took and followed the loading, issued documents and sent wagons, and from January 1953, military echelons began to come to the station, they came one after another and the entire station became packed by echelons. The work was very much and we did not leave the station with Tanya, worked the whole winter together, my mother brought me to work to work, fed us in turn, went home to sleep, the soldiers came to the freight wagons. At the next station stood a military unit, they built a military platform for unloading echelon. Soldiers lived on apartments from our neighbors, worked on horses - Orlovsky heavy races.

It was necessary to take and extract equipment, to make acts for each split and knocked glass in lamps and frames, follow the loading and use of equipment, guns, radar stations, machines, make everything, to make each car to make documents and record in several books. In general, things were a lot.

Sasha and Valera early began to help us in the economy, went with us to the pouch, mowed the grass, did everything. Sasha was a getter, walked with a friend of bones for fishing, on hunt, knew all mushroom places, traveled over the berries, never came with an empty basket, always brought something. "

My great-grandmother Pankov Elena Fedotna came out once again married to my great-grandfather Evdokimov Grigory Kirillovich, who was over her for 15 years. He did not fought, because he did not pass by age. The great-grandfather was a master for all hands, worked as a mechanic, repaired all the technique, was an avid fisherman. His son from the first marriage died in the Great Patriotic War.

Heard the fate of my great-grandfather, they did not have great positions, did not lead their own from noble nobles, but we can say with pride - thanks to such people, their military feat, their painstaking work - our country survived during the Great Patriotic War and was not extruded by dirty boots fascist invaders. I can proudly say - in my family, too, there are glorious people - those who died in the battles during the Great Patriotic War. And let, we do not know where their graves are ... From generation to generation in our family, memories of these heroes will be transferred.

2. 2. Grandfather Anatoly Grigorievich Pankov

History - witness age,

torch of truth, soul of memory,

mentor of life.

Cicero 1.

My grandfather Anatoly Grigorievich Pankov was born on January 30, 1945 in the subsidiary farming of the Veterinary Institute of the village of Nivi Omsk region. Was 3 children in the family. Lived until 1955 in Northern Kazakhstan near Petropavlovsky. The great-grandmother worked for several rates to somehow feed the children and himself. It was hungry time, not to get dressed in what, they twisted, as they could. Then the children who remained without fathers became early became independent, the elders helped their parents and brought up the younger, then did not go to the kindergarten. The toys did themselves from the skull, the first real car was presented to the grandfather's uncle Kolya and he is her very coast. They lived in their home, in the middle of the room there was a large Russian oven, on which all the children slept, there they kept chickens in the room. He remembered one funny story that happened to him in the childhood. Near the stove was a pit in the underground, the older sister climbed into the pit for potatoes, and the grandfather from the stove looked at her and so cooked strongly that he could not resist and fell under the underground, he was separated by bruises and fright.

The clothes were sewn themselves or ordered a neighbor. The first class went for the company with friends, a little earlier by age. He studied at her mother, who asked the son more stricter and more than from other guys. In grade 3 became a pioneer. Collected with classmates scrap metal and waste paper. At 10 years received the first salary of 11 rubles for collecting scrap metal together with adults along the railway. Then left in Transbaikalia to the Chita region. There settled on a small back of ite. Now it does not exist. Having finished grade 4, went to study at the boarding school to the Bushule station, came home only for the weekend. We went to learn often on the steps of the freight, since nothing more was happening. Mom called the Son the owner, he had one sawdill, adapting a two-handed saw for this, he had his own gun, shot on the ridges, hares, and in the family on this day there was a holiday. Once on the hunt, he almost shot the neighboring guys, accepted for game. Favorite delicacy is then fried on the stove of the peel of potatoes or in the stove bread crusts baked. Until now, he remembers the grandfather delicious soup with darling and green onions, which they often prepared her mother. Often the younger sister lived with them. Lena Aunt Olya. She was alone, her husband killed in war, daughter died of illness and she gave all her love to us. Grandfather was capable


1. N.V. Kuzmina. History. Publishing House "Teacher". Volgograd, 2004

pupil, mischievous and started. From the 5th grade became a permanent Santa Claus on the Christmas trees, everyone had fun. From the entertainment on the drive was the arrival of mobile movies - mobile cars, all people were going to watch a film and news, there were no TVs, only radio.

After grade 7 went to work on the railway repair worker. Joined the communist youth union. IN free time I made to order kitchen furniture - stools, buffets, joiner, helped the family. Having worked for a year and a half, he went to study at the Tractor's School, raise agriculture. The school was excluded from the Komsomol for making a beautiful big knife, and at the Komsomol Assembly, they were prevented who wanted to coat with this knife.

At 18 finished a vocational school and left to live to the sister in Balkhash. There worked for a year, got a room in the barrack and returned to the mother already in the village of Hi Omsk region. He worked as a tractor driver, a combine.

In 1964, called in the ranks Soviet army. The chairman of the collective farm did not want to let go from work, but the grandfather sought to go to serve, because all of the same year had already gone into the army. He served as a tank in fraternal Belarus in Borisov. In the army hung on the board of honor from the first month of service, was the first agitator in the company. I did not reach the end of the term, as I got into an accident on the tank, got a serious injury and commissioned.

After the army returned to the collective farm and worked as a master of production training in SPTU-1, trained tractor drivers. Then they began to live better, white bread appeared in the stores.

Having worked for a year in the school, the grandfather sent to learn to Omsk industrial - pedagogical technical school. All students for the period of cleaning work were sent to collect harvest. And in the first study autumn, the grandfather was on cleaning in the village of Tsvetkovo Omsk region, settled it on an apartment for the future mother-in-law. Worked from early morning to late night. Lunch was brought in the field to save every minute. I got acquainted with the girlfriend of paradise, and there was no time to go to the movies or dancing. After work, it came dirty, in fuel oil and very tired, a little rested, again for the ram. At the end of the harvesting suffer, he took the bride with him and, having signed in Omsk, they left live in Grandfather in the city of Balkhash. The room was in a long cheese barrack, heated firewood, but grandfather and grandmother were happy together. Both worked, my mother Lena was born soon. Then the aunt Olya and Grandfather Mom came to them and jutter in the same room. After a year and a half, they left live in a closed military town Priozersk, in which tactical rockets were experiencing. He worked as a grandfather by an electrician, from the substation immediately allocated housing - entire policotch. Soon the son of Seryozha was born. They lived there well, food supply was excellent. We developed a large garden where vegetables were grown for themselves and for sale.

Grandfather hunted, fishing. Children went to kindergarten. Bought the first car Zaporozhets, a luxury for those times, we went to visit Balkhash to relatives.

Summer there was dry and roast, winter cold, wind and frost. Having lived seven years in Priozersk, the wife was seriously ill, and the doctors advised to change the climate. But where the family of 4 people could immediately give accommodation - only in the village. Apartments were then not sold, and they received them from enterprises in turn, and wait for their apartment for many years1 .

They moved in the village in the Omsk region, their home, near the vegetable garden, economic buildings. Grandma worked as a calf, and grandfather with a telecommunication officer, children studied at school. Hold their cattle rabbits, cows, pigs, chickens, ducks. Everyone worked, and the children also helped in everything. Labor in the village is heavy. During the harvesting suffer, the grandfather worked on the tractor, combine. For the impact work and over-fulfillment of the plan was repeatedly encouraged by diplomas and valuable gifts, even Chiffonier was given as a reward.

During the harvest and sowing on television and radio, the entire Soviet Union was constantly transferred to the fields from the fields, how much the hectare of the harvest was removed. The whole country seemed to collect harvest in the corner of the Motherland, helped enterprises, schools, hospitals.

They lived well, in prosperity, bought furniture, clothing, fed on natural products. From paying and advance went to Omsk for delicacies - sausage, cheese, ice cream, in the rustic store of this on sale almost never happened2 .

1. The social sphere was financed exclusively on the residual principle. The specific increase in investment in housing construction decreased from 17.7% in 1966-1970. Up to 15.1% in 1981-1985 As a result, at the beginning of the 80s. In the USSR there was an acute housing problem.

2. The growth of the population and falling the pace of agricultural production again led to the exacerbation of a food problem in the mid-60 - mid-80s ..

Chapter 3. My family at the end of the XX - early XXI century

…The twentieth century…

... promises us, inflaming veins,

All destroying the frontiers

Unheard of change,

Unprecedented meat ...

A. Block.

3.1. My mother Pankova Elena Anatolyevna

In Kazakhstan, in the city of Balkhash on October 4, 1969, Mom Pankov Lena was born.

After a year and a half, she had a brother, and then sister with a difference of 10 years.

Lived first year in the barrack, cheese, with a long corridor. Then they went to the closed military town of Priozersk, which is also on the shore of Balkhash. Settled at the substation, surrounded by endless sands. Several dozen trees grew nearby, seemed to her with a dense forest at that time. When I was marked for a year, I was born from them Seryozha and gave mom to kindergarten, went there until the school.

She was most memorized in preschool childhood, as the tulips were collected in May, the entire steppe was snapped and we gained a whole pelvis of such beauty, then put at home in Vase. Such an aroma from these wild flowers proceeded! How great celebrated holidays on November 7, May 1, May 9. During these days, patriotic music played everywhere, in all loudspeakers, the country and the government congratulated people on the holiday, the streets with balls, flowers, transparencies were published on the street. It seemed that the whole the city is coming For a demonstration, schools, enterprises, enterprises, were columns, and congratulations sounded from the stands. It was very fun and interesting. Children inflated balls helium and they let them down in the air. From that time, the poem has remembered:

Red calendar day.

Look at your window -

Everything on the street is light.

Walk flags at the gate,

Flame dusty

See, the street goes,

Where trams were going.

All the people - and old and small

Celebrates freedom

And my red ball flies

Right to the sky.

Some military, officers and soldiers, lived in the town. In Priozersk, went to the first class and a little later became October. We were in the classroom 45 people and one young teacher. Then she began to engage in gymnastics, learned to make twine and other exercises. We lived well, there were a lot of toys, they fed normally, vegetables and fruits grew on their garden, mother and dad worked. My brother and I also helped parents - wrapped from a groing hose.

In the summer, it is very hot in Priozersk and was not completely rain. All stores are decorated with umbrellas, they were very rarely bought there. And in winter, a strong wind and frost blew. We, children, lived rapidly. In the summer ran in their small forestThey played hide and seek, looking for treasures, ride bikes. They went to swim on Lake Balkhash with their parents, there, in the sand, chicken eggs were baked, built castles from sand, sometimes camels passed by, and I dreamed of seeing a cow. Then they went back and while reached home, everyone was already talked from the heat. We had a black and white TV, sometimes once a day showed cartoons for 10-20 minutes and we looked forward to it. In the evenings, sometimes the film was shown, only two channels worked, from 9 am to 10 pm, most of all were told about the fulfillment of the five-year plan plan, the transit of production, all this was not very interesting.

When I studied in the first class, my mother was very sick and lied for a long time in the hospital. Doctors advised to change the climate, and in the summer we left live in the Omsk region in the village of Pokrovka.

At first, I missed my old friends greatly, then I gradually got used to a new place. Pokrovka, how well lived there. We gave us a hundreddow farm - a veranda, a large kitchen, a hall, two bedrooms, there was a lot of space, but I had to drown the oven and the toilet was on the street. We had our own room with my brother, two iron beds, a table, bedside tables, a carpet, everything that was in her. In the courtyard stood two big old birch. Next to the house of a garden, in which vegetables and berries and berries - raspberry, strawberry, gooseberry, currant. We worked there a lot, helped in all my parents - wearing water cattle, praised the grass rabbits and pigs, did everything they say.

Brought up us strictly. In the village, everyone who worked, lived well.

We had an excellent physical education teacher Rooms Stanislav Viktorovich, he was doing a lot with us. In the summer we all ran, jumped, played football, went to the Zarnitsa, where the first places won. In winter, with students on skiing, hiking went, skating, engaged in basketball, volleyball, participated in district and regional competitions. School worked different circles - photos, chess, choral, dance and others.

In grade 3, we all accepted our pioneers. All our class became a pioneer detachment. We helped war veterans, collected waste paper, scrap metal. For bad behavior, the impossibility could exclude from the Pioneer Organization and it was considered a shame. Pioneers helped the lagging in their studies, discussed the work plan for a year on the Council of the Council, a month and it pulled everyone, it was honored to learn well and engage in public affairs. Went to school in shape, boys in blue suits, girls in brown dresses with black apron, in holidays Dressed white apron, and pioneers necessarily wore pioneer red ties. Dried children approximately the same, there were no rich nor the poor, in the summer ran in simple sitse dresses and sandals, autumn and spring in rubber boots and jackets, in winter in a drap coat and boots.

In the autumn helped in cleaning potatoes, in the spring it was moved in state farm before planting. In summer, on the field of polly, beets and tours. When the kidneys swell on birch, all schoolchildren had a task to dial a glass of kidneys.

Nature there is beautiful, on the plain field, birch forests islands, you go from one island to another, collect mushrooms. Summer stood warm, roast, with rains, after the rain ran barefoot on the puddles. In the spring and autumn, black sticky dirt until everything gets up. Winter frosty, snowy. Grew on the state-owned fields potatoes, corn, sunflowers, wheat, rye and other cultures grew.

For good studies traveled three times on rides around the country with the best school students on free trips. We visited Moscow, Leningrad, Vologda, Kaluga. It was great, every day different excursions, new cities and lots of impressions.

3.2. My Father Zhernakov Alexander Ivanovich

Gornakov Alexander Ivanovich was born on April 29, 1969 at Karelin Station1 . The family consisted of 5 people: Mom, Dad, Grandma (father's mother), brother, later in 1969 a sister was born. This is a small village of 30 kilometers from the district center of Verkhoturier. The village counted about 800 - 850 people. The railway shared it into two, approximately equal parts. On the one hand, they lived predominantly railway workers different specialties - Mattures, contacts, duty officers at Karelin Station, ticket cansies. Father was a monter of the contact network, the mother worked as a ticket cashier at the station.

On the other hand, the railway was Lespromhoz. The forest was carried by forestry from different places, the plots were within a radius of 30 kilometers. The forest was sent in the semi-abnormals, also made sleepers and sawed the stakenik. There were two grocery stores in the village. One railway, other Lespromkhozovsky, we called it "behind the line." There was a bakery where very tasty bread was baked.

Father at work in "Red Corner" stood a TV2 And we went to watch football.


1. See Appendix 8.

2. For five years (1953-1958), the number of TVs has increased from 200 thousand to 3 million.

There are every New Year I put the Christmas tree and on January 1, all family of railway workers and children were going for a holiday. The New Year's poems told, with each speaker's child put on a stool, called the Snow Maiden with Santa Claus and photographed.

Parents brought us quite strictly. Sometimes I had to get up in the angle, then apologize to ask. In the kindergarten, we did not go, as Grandma who lived with us, Fekla Mikhailovna, the mother of his father. She got up in the morning the very first, prayed to God, the Russian oven was dried, managed with the farm. I remember how we went to the Verkhturye to the church. I did not go to school yet. Stood during the prayer and looked at the "pictures" on the walls and the ceiling. Then in turn came to the priest. He gave a teaspoon of the Kagora and a wiring. I was a little scary in the church, as it seemed that the saints were looking straight on you with icons. After the service, the most interesting thing came, went shopping, drove on the bus station to the station, then in Kareynino by train. Despite the fact that Mom was a member of the CPSU, my brother and sister were baptized. In our house the most important Christian holidays were celebrated. In Christmas Evening, my grandmother was dressed me so as not to know, and I ran to the neighbor Tet Merus Shilova, told the poem, she awarded me a cake, pleased, ran back. Then I sincerely thought that no one would know me.

We had an eight-year-old school. In the first class took from 7 years. In grade 1 there were 30 people, children are very different. There were excellent students, and duals. To me

the excellent person could not become, at least one, and four came out. Not only local guys studied at school, but also from nearby villages (D. Vologino, d. Vanyushino). The school was new, connected to the old part of the school by the corridor. In each class there was a Dutch oven, they were treated early in the morning. Teachers were very strict, so with nearby lessons There was nothing to do in school. I had a physical culture with my favorite subject, since I loved any competitions and games since childhood. All winter rode skiing. In three kilometers from Karelino, the river of the Shayanka flows, here we went to ride from the mountains. They did a springboard and jumped, who will fly further, with them the cameras constantly took. Ski then there were only wooden, fastenings on felt boots, and how much pleasure we got from skiing. Football played in summer and winter. I remember came to school, the classes were abolished because of the cold, we gathered and went to drive the ball.

At the beginning of the school year, the school had different sections, the whole class was recorded in all existing ones, but, as a rule, it lasted this no more than a month and we were provided to ourselves. So all the games and entertainment came up with themselves.

Adults cleared the pool with a bulldozer from snow and poured with water from the water tower, got into the center of the rink, along the edges of snow dusts. It was a winter entertainment center and various scuffle. They played hockey while the washer was seen. In snow dumps, there were passages, occupied heights, happened and the hands broke. In winter, allowed to walk to seven o'clock in the evening. But on time it was rare when it was possible. The New Year holidays often showed Soviet TV series. This is "four tanker and dog", "Captain Tenkish". Everyone was delighted, to the beginning of the film no one of the guys on the streets was not. Inherited military form, I sewed the military buttons to the coat, made the epaulets from cardboard and weathered them, then the differences were applied.

With my brother, since childhood, I had every bike, began to ride before school. Two years later, I bought a new iron horse. In the summer, we simply not cooked with them, fishing, for mushrooms, to the pouch, everywhere on wheels. Often, the brother went rather far away, for thirty kilometers, I wanted to see what another turn. Bicycles arranged entire battles, shared for two teams and stuck, "clap" each other, if someone sowed the leg of the earth, immediately dropped out of the game.

Helping parents on the economy began from an early age. At first there were more prevented, but with age, the help was felt more and more. Almost every family was cattle. This is a cow, bulls, piglets, chickens. In the summer, starting from mid-July, the Posk began. Kosta learned after the third grade, tried to keep up with the elder brother. All day in the forest, in the fresh air, near the river, worked from 9 am to 5 pm. Parents left for a motorcycle home, I often remained to be given to the evening dawn. It was terrible to one in the forest, but the fishing excitement took the top, he returned home to midnight on a bike content that I was going with a catch. There were a lot of mushrooms, they collected them in varieties. If you went beyond white, others do not collect. Two types of mushrooms were valued: white for frying and marinion, frying for salting. In the fall, we went to the swamp behind the cranberries, until you collect 5 three-liter kitteels, you are not going home, it was the norm. Then my grandmother sold myself and we bought different things.

It seems that in 1972 the parents bought the first tape recorder1 , he was called "Lira 206". What we just did not write down, sang songs, poems told, jokes, rewritten entire programs from the TV.


1. In terms of consumption per capita, the USSR occupied only the 77th place by that time.


After analyzing the facts concerning the history of my family, was able to compare them with the events of domestic history. Pay attention to the schedule 2 in Appendix 7. The Y axis denotes the level of the material position (three levels are highlighted - very low, that is, on the verge of hunger, the average - 500 rubles salary, above average). The X axis indicates a period of history when certain events occurred. He confirms that there is a straight pattern between local conflicts, world wars, economic reforms, political coup and the material situation of the population. After analyzing this schedule, it can be concluded that the hypothesis "of the country's history directly affects the lives of people living in it and on the contrary," is faithful.

The main goal of the work is to explore the mutual influence of the historical events of our country and the life of the Ragosin family achieved. I managed to fix the memories of some events of my ancestors in the chronological order, to compare them with the most vivid events of the domestic history, to prove their mutual influence on each other.

But, unfortunately, it was not possible to realize one of the tasks that I set itself. Make a pedigree and genealogical tree to 7 knees. Some of the information are lost, additional resources are required and time to search for archive documents. Therefore, I hope to continue my study for the next year.

As can be seen from this work, on the history of my family - you can study the history of our country and on the contrary ... my ancestors were from the simple people, they experienced interesting, full of serious work life. In the XVII century, Ragozins fled to the Urals from the royal arbitrariness, in the 20-30 years of the twentieth century our family had to survive hunger, then it was a lipherette and post-war destruction of the Great Patriotic. But despite the difficulties, the most valuable was the most valuable - they gave them strict, but full parental love. From generation to generation, moral family values \u200b\u200bwere transferred - love for work, honesty, and if necessary, the readiness to sacrifice the life for the benefit of the Motherland. The woman in the family was a keeper of a family hearth, a retainer of dedication - in difficult times she sat down at the last table when her husband and children were already fed. "Golden Hands", "Good Heart", these are the words that I want to tell me about your great-grandmother.

My ancestors' life is worthy of imitation and speaks many things, not only me - a descendant


1. See Appendix 1 and 1a.

these persistent and kind heart of people. Among many of many, my family did not wait during the Great Patriotic War of their soldiers, among many she was ready to sacrifice even more if it demanded a homeland.

And let the work of my family, in which there were mostly simple workers (mostly railway workers)1 And the peasants did not have a significant impact on the destiny of the country ... But, because they made their small, but positive contribution to the development of industry and agriculture! Like many other families of our Motherland. And without this contribution, Russia would be completely different ...

By making the conclusion of your work, I want to emphasize - it is very important to preserve the family traditions, the continuity of generations, not forget the names of our ancestors, which in grave works, sometimes at the cost of their life, built a prosperous future for us.

It is for them that we can take the lessons of courage, hard work, spiritual kindness, attenuating and optimism.

Materials of this work can be useful in the preparation of history lessons, classroom watches, decades on civilian-patriotic education.


1. See Appendix 9

References and sources

  1. Archival documents of the Family of Zhernakov.
  2. Memories of family members of the Zhernakov.
  3. Danilov A.A., Kososulina L.G. Moscow. Education, 202 p. 219. The history of Russia. XX century.
  4. Kuzmina N.V. History. Publishing House "Teacher". Volgograd, 2004
  5. Personal archive of Family Family.
  6. Solzhenitsyn A.I. Archipelago Gulag. New World. 1989. No. 11. P. 163 - 164.
  7. Chromova I.S. Readings on the history of Russia in the first half of the XX century. (Controversial issues of history). Moscow, Interpacs, 1995.
  8. Yurganov A.L., Katsva L.A. History of Russia XVI - XVII centuries. P. 214. Samara, 1998 Samara Print House.

Attachment 1

Family pedigree.

Marked female faces

Marked male faces

Double frames are highlighted by those relatives that are no longer alive

Appendix 2.

Chart 1 shows the level of education in our country in 1900 - 1914. Only 20% of the Russian population were competent.

Chart 2 reflects the percentage of children regularly enrolled in school.

Chart 1 diagram 2.

Chart 3 and 4 shows the percentage of products that occupied territories to the Great Patriotic War.

Grain Sahara

Diagram 3 Chart 4

Appendix 3.

Histogram 5. The ratio of the value of basic food, salary and costs for compulsory bonds of states after the monetary reform of 1947.

1500 rubles

1000 rubles

500 rubles

Articles of some income and expenditure of the USSR

Cost of bread Cost 1 woolen


Cost kilogram meat average salary

Creation of butter costs for the purchase of bonds of the Forced Gosite

Cost 1 Ten Eggs

Appendix 4.

Photo # 1. The first left in the second row is Platonide Pavlovna.

In the middle in the second row. Rogozina Tatiana Feofanova. Years of life 1924-1995. Right in the second row. Ragozin Feofan Fedorovich. Years of life 1903 - 1952.

Photo number 2. My grandmother.

Photography No. 3. Extreme on the left of Ragosin Platonide Pavlovna. Years of life 1901 - 1980. Extreme right Ragozina Maria Feofanova born in 1933

Appendix 5.

Photo No. 4. On the left of the first - Zhernakov Valery Ivanovich 1957

Photo number 5. On the left of the first - sister of my father - Kuznetsova Olga Ivanovna. Born in 1969

Photo No. 6. On the left in the first row of Zhernakov Ivan Alexandrovich years of life 1932 - 2002. Right in the first row - Zhernakov Fekla Mikhailovna. Years of Life 1908 - 1994.

Appendix 6.

Photo 7. My Father Zhernakov Alexander Ivanovich. 29.04. Born in 1961

Appendix 7.

The graph 8 reflects the relationship between the events of the domestic history and the material situation of the population. The Y axis displays the level of the material position, and the axis X of the periods of history.

And J.

1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 X.

The rapid development of capitalism began only after the cancellation of serfdom.

Russia was the average development of the "second echelon" country. Forwarding removals were not free to end. But still the most difficult was the situation of national outflows experiencing the economic and political oppression. The reforms of Stolypin and Witte did not solve the main contradictions in the village, but in general, he accelerated capitalist transformations in the village, strengthened the wealthy peasantry. This explains more - less stable financial position of the people reflected in the graph.

Factors that influence this jump down. In 1904, Japan declared Russia a war ending in 1905 by the defeat of the Russian army. This war was one of the reasons for the 1905 revolution. 1914 - 1918 The first world, revolutionary shocks, and then civil war and the intervention could not do not affect the level of material well-being of the people. Nourishness caused by natural phenomena And provoked the peasant war, they also affected it negatively.

Solid electricification of the country, exit from the war, NEP - somewhat improved the position of the people. The first five-year plan. Industrialization under Stalin contributed to the stabilization of the material situation. Although solid collectivization, and then the Soviet-Finnish war did the pace of development of a young state not so fast.

1941 - 1945. The war took almost 27 million human lives. 1710 cities and urban-type settlements were destroyed, 70 thousand villages and villages were destroyed and 31,850 factories and factories, 1135 mines, 65 thousand km were dismissed. railway paths. Sowing areas decreased by 36.8 million hectares. The country has lost about one third of its national wealth.

1946 - 1950. Over the years of the 4th five-year plan, 6200 was restored and again large enterprises. Agriculture of the country came out of the war even more weakened. Even more worsened the situation in it in connection with the drought of 1946, which caused strong hunger. Peasants, working on the collective farm, almost did not receive anything. Saved only a utility farm. But in five years (1953-1958) the number of TVs has increased from 200 thousand to 3 million Khrushchev thaw.

  1. E social sphere was financed exclusively by the residual principle. Specific growth of investment in housing construction in 1966-1970. accounted for 17.7%. The specific increase in investment in housing construction in 1981-1985 was 15.1%. In the early 80s. In the USSR there was an acute housing problem. And the growth of the population and falling the pace of agricultural production again led to the exacerbation of a food problem in the mid-60 - mid-80s. In terms of consumption per capita, the USSR occupied only the 77th place by that time.

Appendix 8.

Prapradeda in the father's line were from the village of Zhernakovo Verkhtursky district. From here, our last name went. Prapraded was Zhernakov Alexander Ivanovich, Praprabyushka Gebynina Focla Mikhailovna. Not long before the war, they moved to Karelin Station, built a house. Grandfather, Ivan Alekseevich was their only son, born in 1932. Participated in World War II in 1942. Was very a good man, honest workers, he knew all his work, since his mother had no hand and he had to do any job. Ivan grew up in a good friendly family, but the war began and in April 1942 the Father was called up to the army and went to the front. He fought in the most difficult areas of war - on a Kursk arc, near Stalingrad and was not even injured. He died on April 20, 1945 in Breslau, the funeral came after the war. Ivan was 13 years old, they were very difficult with her mother's death of the father. In 1946 Feda Mikhailovna married, and the surname became Shakenko F.M., her husband worked as a security guard, guarded political prisoners. In Belarus, he had a wife and four children. He was at the front and captured, after his release he was sent to the rear to work in the guard. In 1947, they had a daughter, Valentine, Sister Ivan Alekseevich, and Him at the age of 14, stepfammed the electromontor of the communications on the railway. The work was responsible, almost military, once for the violation of the discipline was sent to the Gauptvaku to Nizhny Tagil. In 1954 he was called up to the army, served as a battery in flights in Brest, in Belarus, was demonnected in 1956 in September, and in November he married Rogosic Galina Feofanovna, my grandmother.16




09.07. 02























Ragosine Galina




Pankov Fedot



25.09.08 – 12.06.94



1913 - …




Pavel Ragozin

Ivan Ragozin

Faofan Ragozin


Ragosina Non Lukyanovna

Fedor Ragozin



Athanasius Ragozin

1893 - …

Tatyana Lithovsky

1897 - …



Ragozina Praskovya

Hannakov Ivan.

List of possible topics of design and research work.

By history


The list is only a starting point for selecting research theme. You determine the topic of your research yourself, claiming it from your supervisor. You can, how to come with your theme, and choose one of the following. If you are interested in some particular area of \u200b\u200bhistory, you can seek help in choosing the topic. I would like to draw your attention to the section "Childhood History in the USSR", which we think as a separate project, uniting several research works that we would like to develop and continue. Within its framework, other themes that you invite themselves are welcome.

In any case, remember the main thing: the topic should beinteresting you are And we will try to help you choose a suitable.

Ancient world history

    Antique navigation according to "Odyssey" (Umansky Leonid)

    Ancient Greek Tare Amphoras (Stand Registration)

    Spinning and weaving in the ancient world (cutting stand) - Lyuba Grigoryan

    Roman military presence in Chersonese Tauride.

    Building inscriptions of the Bosporian kings as a historical source

    Gladiators in antique inscriptions. (Puchkov Eugene)

    Battle under the sardami in the presentation of Herodotus and Xenophon

    Augiyev Stables - Myth and Reality

    Athenian Agora in Aristophan Comedies

    Exchange of gifts in Homer's poems (Korneev Boris)

    Vases on ancient Greek tombstones / in Vazopys

    Animals on antique tombstones / in Vazopysi

    Fruits of plants on antique tombstones / in Vazopysi

    Weapon in antique Vazopys

    Cypriot kingdoms and Ionian uprising against Persians.

    Cyprus in the classic period of works of Isocrat.

    Reflection of everyday life in ancient Greek tombstones

    Antique shipwrecks. (Sukachev Gleb)

    Model of an ancient Greek vessel from the school museum: attribution problems

    Images of wreaths on the lists of priests from Olympia (Mitya Zharov)

History of the Middle Ages

    Christian and Russian personal names in Novgorod birch grades.

    Boris Godunov in the ancient Russian inscriptions.

    Foreigners about the monetary circulation in Moscow Rus.

    Fisheries in Galich Merry in the XVI - early XVII centuries. (with the design of the stand).

    Sturm Galich in 1450

    Medieval zoology based on materials of Bestiaries.

    Old Russian princes - the owners of the seals from mogato.

    The lifestyle of the inhabitants of the moduse estate.

    Old Russian cuisine for "Domostroju"

    Saying seven wise men in the Old Russian "Pchele": the problem of selection

    Order of Hospitallers in Cyprus.

    Richard Lion Heart in Cyprus

    Tsar's Griffins: On the question of archaeological and numismatic sources of image. (Volodina Anastasia)

    Structure of inscriptions on the ancient Russian fibers (Balakshina Maria)

    Tombstones of the Nikolo-Perception Monastery (Sergey Ogorodnikov)

    Cities of Dalmatia late Middle Ages: Split, Dubrovnik, Trogir.

    Piracy in the Adriatic Sea in the XVI - XVII centuries. Speed \u200b\u200bmovement.

    The role of women in crusades.

    Formation of a new historical consciousness of the Renaissance (Analysis of the views of N. Makiavelli)

Patriotic War 1812

    Partisan actions of Denis Davydov (mapping)

    Life of the Russian province in the rear " Great Army"Napoleon.

    The worldview of Denis Davydov.

    The geographical and cultural characteristics of Russia in the memoirs of the soldiers of the "Great Army" Napoleon I.

    Inscriptions on the French cannons (Oscar Galev)

History XIX. in.

    Implementation of the Zemstvo reform with eyewitnesses.

    Tsarskostsky Lyceum as a socio-pedagogical project.

    Animals in the service of the imperial family.

    The economy of royal luxury: construction and maintenance of the Tsarskoye palace complex of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

    Combining Italy (1848-1870). Risorgeneto in faces.

History of the Cuban Revolution

    The image of the revolutionary and partisan lifestyle in the works of Che Guevara

    Mystery of the care of Che Guevara.

    Cuban Cinema Revolution

    Che Guevara in peacetime.

    Socialist cube in a unipolar world.

Modern history, anthropology and sociology

    Conference "Vyshgorod": topics of reports and geography of participants in 6 years (2005-2010)

    History project activities In the school "Intellectual".

    Personal names and nicknames of school students "Intellectual".

    The collapse of the USSR in the light of numismatics and bonissics.

    Changes in the symbolism of domestic coins B1991-1998.

    The story of my family.

    Inscriptions on the shovels of the Fanagori archaeological expedition and the subculture of archaeologists

    Russian poetic epitaph XX-beginning of the XXI century.

    "Cyprus problem" in the Soviet media 1970-1980s.

    The image of the "Wild West" on both sides of the "iron curtain" (according to the materials of cinema)

    The Great Patriotic War in the reflection of the Soviet and modern Russian cinema (comparative analysis).

    Rome through the eyes of Italian filmmakers of the second half of the XX century. (R. Rossellini, F. Fellini, M. Antonioni)

History of childhood in the USSR

    The cult of pioneers-heroes in the USSR.

    Rituals of the transition in the life of the Soviet child

    Soviet ritual of admission to pioneers.

    Elite children in the USSR.

    Studying foreign languages \u200b\u200bin the Soviet school: Features of the supply and content of the country ground.

    America in the perception of Soviet children

    Comics in the USSR

Interdisciplinary research

    People's calendar in the works of A. Melnikov (Pechersk) "in the forests" and "on the mountains".

    The riddles of phonetics of older inscriptions.

    Stone-pointer path in Russian folklore and literature.

    Pubs in the cultural layer of Fanagoria.

    Registration of the site Department of History

    Registration of the online page of the moduse archaeological expedition

    Vasily Grigorovich-Barsky and P. C. Pallas: Two traveler XVIII in.

    Knightly orders royal Power And the papacy in the era of crusades (on the example of the Cyprus kingdom).

Social projects

84. The collection of waste paper at the School "Intellectual"

Topics of research projects on history

- Profile

Russian history

    Vikings and Slavs: the history of relationships.

    Real and mythological images of ancient Russian princes.

    Heroes of Russian epics and their real prototypes.

    Princely congresses of the XII-XIII century. And their real meaning.

    The historical reality of the "Words about the regiment of Igor", "Daniel Charple", "The teachings of Vladimir Monomakh" and others. Works of the Old Russian literature.

    Political system of medieval republics (Novgorod, Pskov).

    History of Christianization of East Slavic territories.

    The story of the canonization of the princes of Boris and Gleb.

    Russian Medieval monastery as landseller and intellectual center.

    International relations of Kievan Rus.

    "Vlasova Book": the history of falsification.

    Problems of "feudalism" in the works of Russian historians.

    Church reform 1666: Causes and results.

    History of Siberian Old Believers.

    The history of the old supplies typography.

    The history of old-supplied desertism.

    The history of old-supplied business (Dynasty of Morozov, Ryabushinsky, etc.).

    Old Believer self-immolation: myths and reality.

    Images of monarchs of the XVIII century (Peter I, Catherine II, Paul I) in the domestic journalism of the XIX-XX century., School textbooks.

    Political symbolism: wedding for the kingdom, coronation celebrations, inaugurations.

    Russian public thought and searches for national identity (on the example of works by M.M. Shcherbatov, Slavophiles and Westerners). N.I. Novikov and Russian Freemasonry.

    Russian illegal and prohibited editions of the XIX century

    Decembrist G.S. Bath and his library.

    Utopia Places in Russian Folk Culture (Legend of Belovodye, Gradi Kitezhe, "Earth Rae").

    My genealogical tree.

    Political portrait of the members of the "Selected Rada" (Sylvester, A. Adashev, etc.).

    Metropolitan Macarium and Ivan IV: a) the formation of the political doctrine of Ivan IV; b) characteristics of relationships.

    Ivan Peresvetov in Russian political thoughts: Is it typical?

    The psychological and historical portrait of Ivan the Terrible (you can also take other figures: A. Adashev, Sylvester, Metropolitan Macarium, Boris Godunov, etc.).

    University: "The main characters" (characteristic of the False Deadmitria I and its environments, Lhadmitriy II, resistance leaders: M.V.Spopin-Shuisky, P. Talipunov, K. Minin, D. Forenski).

    Causes of the split of the Russian Church in the XVII century.

    The world-view of the Old Believers.

    Personality and activities of Patriarch Nikon.

    The leaders of the old estate of the XVII century: Avvakum, John Neron, Dyakon Fedor - personality, activity, worldview.

    Agriculture and resettlement of Russians in Tomsk district of the XVII century.

    Colonization of Siberia in the XVII -XVIII century.

    Raising children in the family of Alexei Mikhailovich.

    Place of the Armory In the artistic culture of Russia.

    Personal contribution to Peter I in the reform of the first quarter of the XVIII century.

    Rod of the nobles of Demidov in the second half of the XVIII century.

    The time of the Board of Catherine II: A.R. Vorontsov, A.A. Besborodko, A.G.Pothemkin, A.V. Savorov, N.A. Rumyantsev, FF Shushakov, N.I.Novikov.

    Russia Eyes M.M.Sherbatova and A.N.radishchev.

    Social life of the provincial city on the example of Siberian cities.

    Working movement in Russia in the XVII-XIX centuries.

    Public organizations and self-government bodies during the periods of revolutionary crises.

    Exquisite communication paths.

    The history of technology in Siberia.

    Regional management centers.

    The evolution of the volost board

    Alexander I as a diplomat.

    Regional governments in the formation of the Eastern Policy of Russia.

    Siberia and Central Asia in a historical retrospect.

    Russia and the countries of Central Asia.

    Romanovs in everyday life.

    Raising children in the royal family.

    The daily life of the royal family in the era of Alexander I (for memoirs and diaries of contemporaries)

    Palace and park ensembles of Romanovs.

    Alexander I and Adam Chartersky: the story of "friendship" on diaries and letters.

    Russia Eyes of foreigners (XVI-XIX centuries)

    European literature I. russian Society in the second quarter XIX. century.

    Europe Eyes P.A. Tolstoy.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bthe royal power in Russia and its ritual design at the end of the XV-first half of the XVI centuries.

    Diplomacy and Foreign Political Concept Russian state In the XV-XVII centuries.

    Russia's policy in the Transcaucasus in the first third of the XIX century. (based on the materials of the Caucasian archeographic expedition)

    Women's education in Rossi.

    Charters russian universities In the XIX century

    "Turgenev Girl" or the Russian nobleman in search of a female ideal.

    Russian woman-noblewoman in the XVIII century. (on memoirs, diaries and letters)

    Hunting in the life of the Russian nobility (XVIII-early XX centuries)

    "Order" and "Disorder" in the submission of the Posal man and state power in the XVII century.

    Rus and Lithuania with the eyes of descendants and contemporaries.

    Cadet Party in 1905-1907

    Program and tactics of the ECOM party.

    Black-eyed motion at the beginning of the XX century.

    Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905

    Russian army in the First World War.

    Memoirs S.Yu. Witte as a source for studying the political history of Russia of the beginning of the 20th century.

    Life of the family Nikolai P.

    Sources on the history of Russia in the cycle of Romanov A.I. Solezhenitzen "Red Wheel".

    Russia and monarchy in the works of the great thinker of Russian abroad I.A. Iilina (1883-1954).

    Mathematical methods in history.

    Features of Russian culture.

    P.A.Stolapina's personality in Roman A.I. Solzhenitzen "August of the Fourteenth".

    "People's Monarchy" Ivan Solonevich.

    Russian monarchy at the beginning of the 20th century.

    The socio-class structure of Russia at the beginning of the XX century.

    Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Kuril Islands in the Russian-Japanese relations of the XVIII-XX centuries.

    Features of the parliamentary system of Russia of the beginning of the 20th century.

    Eurasian concept of the Russian Empire.

    Civil society in Russia of the early XX century.

    "Milestones" as a turn in the worldview of the Russian intelligentsia.

    Higher School in Russia of the late XIX - early XX centuries.

    Memoirs V.V. Shulgin as a source on the history of Russia.

    Zemskoy self-government in Russia.

    "Union of Mikhail Archangel."

    The main features of Russian civilization.

    Russian mentality. The main features of the Russian National Character.

    National policy P.A.Stolapina.


    Features of Russian imperial statehood.

    The ruling class in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Orthodox features in Russian spirituality.

    Emperor Alexander II. Liberator or granker?

    Emperor Nicholas I as a statesman.

    The peasant reform of 1861 in the estimates of contemporaries.

    The concept of a historical alternative in historiographic practice.

    "Russia and West" N.Ya. Danilevsky. Types and degrees of social development.

    Russian intelligentsia and revolution. (Vekhovskaya interpretation).

    People's revolutionary as type.

    The ratio of the concepts of "serfdom" and "feudalism" in the domestic literature.

    The real meaning of the autocraticness of the Russian state.

    Historical chronology and historical metrology. Number, account and measurement as a concept of culture. Accounts and presentation systems in various cultural traditions. Computing and measuring devices, weight measurement devices, length, volume, area in Russian historical tradition. Government policy regarding measures and scales.

    The phenomenon of the game in culture. Gambling and commercial games in everyday life of various estates of Russian society. "Russian roulette". Gambling. The image of the game in Russian literature and journalism.

    Historical geography. The role of the natural environment in the socio-economic, political and cultural life of the Russian society.

    Life and morals of Russian society. Categories of labor, idleness and leisure in the worldview and vital text of various estates of Russian society.

    Leisure and festive realities of the provincial city.

    Russian feast and national cooking.

    Tax system in Moscow and Imperial Russia (and methods of taxes from taxes)

    Secret police in Russia of the XIX-beginning XX century.

    A.P.ERmolov: military leader, diplomat, politician

    Crimean War (1853-56)

    History of the Black Sea Fleet.

    The image of a Russian official in journalism and literature

    I.A. Bunin: a look at the Russian history, the Russian people, the intelligentsia and the revolution.

    City self-government in Russia and Siberia.

    Diplomatic etiquette: from Ivan III to Putin.

    Russia is the birthplace of terrorism. People and "Hunt for the King".

    Dubube People's War: Partisan Movement in Russia in 1812.

    Cooperation with Napoleon in the territories occupied by the French.

    The activities of the English Moscow company in Russia (1554-1649): prospects and limits of British colonialism against Moscow Rus.

    "Golden Fever" in Siberia (30-40s. XIX century)

    Folk Folklore (Magic and household fairy tales, legends, fasting, proverbs and sayings) as a historical source.

GOU SOSH №887 ZOADO G. Moscow

Alexander Nevsky and Knights

Teutonic Order

Studying on history

Mishchenko Stepan Vyacheslavovich

Shevlyakova Alla Grigorievna

history teacher, social studies,

Moscow 2010.

Introduction 4.

Knights Teutonic Order - Who are they? 7.

Chapter 2 17.

The offensive of the knights on Russian lands 17

Chapter 3 20.

Novgorod Prince Alexander Nevsky 20

Chapter 4 24.

Mysteries Ice Bullings 24

Conclusion 31.

Used literature 33.

Appendices 34.


The first half of the XIII century is one of the dramatic periods of Russian history. In these decades, Russia was shifted at once from three sides: Mongol-Tatars, Lithuania and the Catholic West. Naturally, the question was asked how the Russian land was fragmented on the principality and unimused with civil workers, fighting with such strong opponents. The complexity and contradiction of the situation managed to evaluate the young Novgorod Prince Alexander Nevsky. He first realized that the deadly threat to the Russians not yet ruined by Horde, and that the troops of the Crusaders, led by the Teutonic Order, carry Russia no less destruction than Mongol-Tatars.

The Teutonic Order, or the German Order of Holy Mary's Hospital in Jerusalem, was founded in acre in 1190-1197 years. Due to the clear management, tough discipline, the magnificent military user donation of the monks-knights and generous donations by the end of the XII century the Order has become one of the richest and most powerful religious organizations that have significantly expanding its possessions in Europe and striving for all forces and means to impose Catholicism on the lands of "pagans "

On May 12, 1237, a papal edict was announced on the association of the Teutonic Order and the Order of the Middle Eastern. The new education was named Livonian Order, and he became the separation of the Teutonic Order in the Baltic States. In the Western Rui Rus, already bleeding the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, a strong and experienced opponent appeared.

Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich spoke to defend Western Russian frontiers. He managed to release Corustye captured by Knights, Pskov, Izborsk. With the main forces of the Order, he met on the Church of the Lake. Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich spoke to defend Western Russian frontiers. With the main forces of the Order, he met on the Church of the Lake. Relevance the topics lies in the fact that many publications have emerged that the battle on the Lake Church - the fiction of Russian chroniclers, which actually happened a minor "shake" of superior Russian forces with a small detachment of mercenaries-robbers, among whom the knights were practically not , and the merit of Alexander Nevsky is greatly exaggerated. The main evidence is the lack of archaeological confirmations and sufficient information in the German chronicles. I was hurt and wanted to explore this topic more. After all, this is our past, our story, our heroes. It is necessary to respect our past and his heroes.

purpose- show the place and role of Alexander Nevsky in Russian and world history in his relationship with the Teutonic Order, to summarize and systematize knowledge of this era, learn how to work with different sources of information.


    carry out the search, selection and analysis of historical sources and literature on the chosen topic;

    analyze the causes of the founding of the Teutonic Order, its structure;

    characterize armor, armament, symbolism of Teutonic knights;

    show how the relationship between Teutonic Knights and Russian Lands was taken;

    determine the historical role of Alexander Nevsky in the fight against the Livonian Order;

    find out what the secrets of ice traveling;

    create a computer presentation using the POWER POINT program to illustrate the project positions.

Object It is the history of the Knight's orders, the Russian history of the XIII century is an important round of the National History of Russia.

Subject It is the Teutonic Order, Ice Bare.

Methods: Complex analysis of sources, systematization of information obtained, comparative characteristic.

Hypothesis : the meaning of the ice travel and the personality of Alexander Nevsky for Russian history is very large.

I met the works of V. Urban "Teutonic Order", which presents a three-year history of the Order - from its foundation to decline; E. Lavissa "Essays on the history of Prussia." With the works of a comprehensive expedition to clarify the place of Ice Bullings by Runov Yu.K., Kleinenberg I.E., Shashlysky I.P., Karaeva G.N., the work of Karaev G.N., Potrecova A.S. "The Mystery of the Church of the Lake." And also analyzed the "Life and Acts of Alexander Nevsky".

The merits of Alexander Nevsky before the Russian Earth should not be understood. Thanks to the victories, he managed to suspend the promotion of the Crusaders to the East, thereby retaining Russian culture based on Orthodox traditions. Alexander showed himself not only as a talented commander, brilliantly prepared his main battles, but also as a wise politician. He made a difficult choice, subdued inevitable at the time of the rule of the horde. Refusing to resistance to Batyu and go to the forced alliance with him, he not only managed to reflect aggression from the West, but also to give the Russian lands a breather from the Mongol-Tatar raids. By giving Russia at least a shaky, but the world, he contributed to her future revival. And finally, the tight exploits of Prince Alexander gave Russian people the memory of the glorious victory over a formidable enemy, becoming a symbol of real military valor and courage.

Chapter 1

Knights Teutonic Order - Who are they?

The IX-XI century can be called turning on medieval Europe. During this period, the final formation of a new pan-European Christian civilization, cohesive, despite the incessant wars and gravestics, a single religion. The Christian creed in the root changed the consciousness of people, their lifestyle, culture and moral norms. The times of antiquity with their adolescence in front of a person, nature and chanting of the value of earthly life went to the distant past ...

The main centers of the spiritual and cultural life of Europeans were temples and monasteries, which in the great set were built throughout the territory of Western Europe, recalling the All-Russia of God and the sinfulness of man. Without the participation or impact of the Christian Church in Europe, no major event was performed. However, the Roman Catholic Church dreamed of even more strengthening its power, including through the expansion of the borders of the Christian world. First of all, it was about the rich lands of the Middle East and the Pyrenean Peninsula, as well as the Baltic territories. In 1095, Pope Urban II called on Christians to "get sided with a sword" and move to Palestine to liberate the coffin of the Lord. The era of crusades began, designed to "destroy the kingdom of pagans" and "push the limits of the Holy Church." In this dramatic era, unprecedented religious fanaticism, cruelty, and nobility, and cunning, and the thirst for profit and complete selflessness merged with almost two hundred years. There were no such wars, and in the duration and on the scope, there were no permanent armed forces in Europe, and the permanent armed forces were required, and not periodically collected army of the feudalists and commoners. The lands disheveled from the "unfaithful" crusaders, all the time needed the protection, and the nervous detachments sent from Europe often arrived too late to help at least something. To solve such a very difficult task, and spiritual-knightly orders began to be created, which became one of the bright characters of this period of medieval history. They should not only provide garrisons with experienced knights, well-organized and disciplined, separated in local conditions and helped newly arrived crusaders, but also to respond to the supply of border locks and render medical care.

Over a hundred years of such orders arose more than a dozen. Among them are those famous as the Order of the Knights of the Temple (Order of the Templar), the Knights of St. John (Hospitallers), Teutonic and Avisi Order, the Order of the Mosenossev and many others. Observing only Rome and possessing its own lands, orders created entire states with the Grozny armies of knights-monks, and it was these troops during the times of their greatest power played a major role as in the Holy Land and in the Baltic lands bordering Russia.

The history of the Teutonic Order begins with 1190 . As is known, the main event of the third crusade was the siege, and then the seizure, the city of Acra (modern Israel), in which German knights took an active part. This campaign was especially difficult for German knights. Northern Europe people could not get used to local heat, water and food. The sanitary conditions were terrified, because of the diseases of the Crusader's army decreased by more than the tenth part. Hermansev had no strength to bury the dead, and they threw their bodies with stones and land in the ditch before the precipitated damned tower, trying to "fall asleep" this obstacle. The stench from the bodies of the dead literally hung over the camp. The soldiers embraced by the fever died one after another, their torment was aggravated by countless insects that did not give peace to the patient nor healthy. Morals were added to physical suffering. The British, led by Richard Lion Heart, did not complain the Germans (as well as the French) and did not miss the opportunity to vulne or insult them. All the hospitals were overloaded, and the Knights of St. John (hospitallers) preferred for them for them, they preferred to participate in representatives of their nationalities - the British and French. Understanding the desperation of the situation, merchants from Lubeck and Bremen, who were in the army of the Crusaders, decided to establish a hospital order, which would take care of the patients and wounded Germans. This initiative was supported by representatives of the Germanic nobility and Patriarch Jerusalem. The new fraternity was named German Order of Holy Mary's Hospital in Jerusalem (Lat. Ordo Domus Sanctae Mariae Teutonicorum; it. Deutscher Orden) and initially subordinate to hospitalries. In 1197, when the following crusaders from Germany arrived in Holy Earth, the hospital had flourished. The brothers not only took care of patients, but also provided the poor "recruits" food, housing and money. The hospital no longer depended on the Templars, nor from hospitallers and had significant cash, which in excess donated the Bremen merchants for his needs. Among the brothers there was enough knights, perfectly by the sword, but now they turned to religious life. At any time they could stand on the defense of the fortress from Muslims. In the spring of 1197, it was decided to ask the dad to make the German hospital order to the military, as the Templars and hospitallers who were constantly hostile, no longer cope with the protection of border locks. Pope Innocent III agreed, making the appropriate Bulla in 1198 and determining the tasks of the Order - the protection of German knights, the treatment of patients, the fight against the enemies of the Catholic Church. The Order was submitted to Pope and Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire. The motto of the Order: "Helfen - Wehren - Heilen" (help-protect-trees). Over time, the English-speaking world began to call the German holder of Hospital Mary in Jerusalem - Teutonic Order (from Latin Teutonicus - German).

So, who could be the Knights of the Teutonic Order? It turns out that for this it was not necessary to have noble origin, as I first seemed. The number of members of the Order from noble German labor has always been small. The German knights often had descended burghers, merchants, and even the seruners of secular and spiritual feudal feudalists, which the latter often gained from dependent peasants and artisans. The Teutonic Order was one of the many spiritual orders, where they took and repentant criminals exiled to the monastery. Of course, former prisoners could not fulfill important duties in the organization, but agreeing to fight on a distant and dangerous border, they washed off the stain of shame not only with themselves, but also from their family. However, the most members of the Order took place from many children's impoverished noble families. They entered the Order even in early adolescence and considered such a service of the honorary career. Not even having achieved fame and high post, they knew that they would be surrounded by care in old age, or if they were wounded. But the most important thing that united all the thoughttonians, regardless of their origin, is a deep plugness, their sincere faith in the fact that they are true defenders of Christianity and for all deprivation will be rewarded with special love of Mary and her son, their Mr. and Teachers, and subsequently They will find eternal life.

When the knight asked him to take him to the Order, he was warned that he would have to completely devote himself to serving a debt - and military and religious. The knight, who joined the Order, gave vows of poverty, obedience and chastity, which was a real victim from a man. The Knight of the Teutonic Order of the Knight was as follows: "I promise the chastity of my body, and poverty, and humility before God, Saint Maria, and before you Master of the Teutonic Order, and before your successors, according to the rules and customs of the Order, I promise obedience until the death " The Teutonic Knight was also obliged to take care of the patients and thereby honoring his original destination. As an entry fee, the knight made 30-60 brands for the needs of the Order (at that time, the amount is not a tricky), or sacrificed his land. If the knight was poor and could not make a fee, he was also taken, considering personal qualities and merits, moreover, when he joined the Teutonic Order all his debts were eliminated.

Armament and estate knight.

As soon as the knight brought an oath, he did not belong to him personally, all the property in the Order was common. Knights visited the service at regular intervals during the day and night. They wore the clothes of "church colors" and over her white cloak with a black cross, who gave them an additional name - the knights of the cross. Since the Order was military, then it is natural that knights needed horses, weapons and various equipment. The knight himself chose a decent horse, weapon, chain, and the Order took the payment of these acquisitions. However, according to the rules of the Order, weapons and armor should not have become the subject of vanity - they were forbidden to decorate gold or silver, to apply a family coat of arms on them or painted in bright colors.

The main weapons of the Knight of the Teutonic Order, in a slight exception, was typical of the Knights of Western Europe. Usually, each warrior wore a chain armor, a helmet and ledges, had a spear, a shield and a heavy sword, which perfectly owned, went on a major battle horse, trained to sneak armed person and attack the Connection. The only concession of the Holy Land climate was wearing a light cape who defended the warrior from the direct ray of the sun, and the waiver of movement during the day heat.

Each knight had "accompanying personnel", usually in the ratio of ten armed men per knitter. These were people of more thank birth, they were called "semi-shoes" or "gray cloaks" (in color of the cape). They served as squire or sergeants and, according to their position, were responsible in battle for the removable horse and the new gear of their "Mr.", and also fought with him side by side when it was required. They ate and slept in their own barracks, but observed the same daily religious services as knights and priests. Unlike the Knight, the Teutonz, they, after a certain time, could leave the Order, but, as a rule, served there until death.

In addition to the knights and semi-breeds, the priests were included in the Order, Sanitars in Hospitals, as well as, subject to strict rules, female nurses.

Management Order.

Medieval organizations and even states did not have a large state of managers. Teutonic knights were no exception. The Supreme Director was originally called the Master. But when in the Order there was a need for individual leaders in Germany, Prussia and Livonia, they had already become masters, and the first face of the Order was the Great Magistrome (grandmaster).

The Grand Master was elected the Great Chapter and performed his duties before his death or resignation. The election process was long and difficult. The second man after the grandmaster assigned the date and place of the meeting of all the knights. When everyone was assembled, the deputy recommended a knight, which will become the first electoral. If everyone approved this choice, that knight called the second electoral and so on. In total, eight knights, one priest and four brothers elected as final electors. At the closed meeting, the first elector gave the board of the initial recommendation. If this candidate did not gain most of the votes, then someone else from the electors, in turn, offered another name. And so as long as the final choice was made.

The grandmaster was a diplomat and managing economy, and the commander-in-chief military forces. He appointed officials, met with noble people and clergy from the places where the Order of the Order proceeded, conducted an extensive correspondence with various monarchs, including the Emperor of the Sacred Empire and Pope. He traveled a lot, visiting various monasteries of the Order, checking the discipline and tracing to properly managed financial and land resources. Residence of the Grand Master to 1291. It was in acre, after the fall of the last possessions of the Crusaders in the Middle East, she was transferred to Venice, and in 1309. - to Marienburg (modern Polish Malbro).

The grandmaster appointed officials who were its closest advisers: the treasurer, the Great Commander and Marshal. The treasurer was responsible for financial issues and together with the grandmaster was shared responsibility for the keys to a huge chest, in which the treasures of the Order were kept. An important role in the Order was given to the Great Commander, who was responsible for the daily activities of the Organization in areas that are not directly related to military actions. In addition, the Grand Commander commanded the armed forces of the Teutons in the Holy Earth or replaced during the battles of the Grand Master, if he was missing for any circumstances. For the combat readiness of the Tutons, the equipment and preparation of the cafe was answered by Marshal.

Charter and lifestyle Knight-Teutonz.

Do not think that spiritual knights could not get out "into the world." As already mentioned, they had to support constant combat readiness, and this was impossible in insulation conditions. Teutons were granted a special privilege dad - permission to hunt. After all, the riding hunt was the traditional method of preparing the knights and also helped him better get acquainted with the terrain. The knights were allowed to hunt with dogs on wolves, bears, Vepray, Kabanov and Lviv, if they did it if necessary, and not for pleasure or boredom, and without dogs they could hunt on other animals.

The charter warned knights from communication with women. In the monastery, follow the charter is easy, but it is much more difficult if you participate in a military company or travel. At times, the knights were supposed to stop in common hotels or to take some hospitality, and it would be impolite to reject the Alel or Honey Cup, when it is offered, and not to greet the owner's spouse. In such cases, the rules demanded simply try to avoid secular entertainment, such as weddings, holidays and games. Especially the Knights of the Order should have avoided conversations with the ladies alone, and even more so communication with young women. As for the kisses, the usual form of a polite greeting among the nobility, then the knights were forbidden to hug even their mothers and sisters.

Punishment for those brothers who violated the charter could be of varying severity. For example, during the year, such a knight had to sleep with servants, wearing clothes without a cross, be satisfied with bread and water three times a week. It was deprived of an important knight's privilege - to receive holy communion with breasts. This was considered a moderate punishment. The punishment for more serious crimes were shackles and dungeons, also a knight could be expelled from the Order, which was considered unbearable disgrace, and execute.

No need to think that in free from the services and military enterprises, the knights betrayed idleness. Each of them has consolidated certain responsibilities that they had to strictly perform. The German knights did not differ in high education, but they were not at all illiterate ignoramuses. Moreover, they were prescribed to learn local languages \u200b\u200bto communicate with the indigenous population. During the holidays, which were celebrated inside the Order, or arrival in the guest castle, knights did not have to drink wine or beer, to eat well and how to have fun. But the posts were respected very strictly, the relaxation was done only for seriously ill and old.

Of course, it is difficult for us to understand the feelings and behavior of a medieval, very religious person who devoted his whole life to the protection of Christianity banner. The imagination draws a warrior, harsh and merciless to enemies (even if there were women and children among them), who was abandoned from all the joys of life, who exhausted themselves posts and even to sleep, without removing Bridge and boot and with a sword in the head of the head. But these people were sure that they elected the only right path, which was predetermined from birth. All personal, all events of earthly life and even death, did not have meaning for them, because everything, in their opinion, was in the hands of the Lord. When I read about Teutonic knights in the "essays on the history of Prussia" of the French historian Ernest Lavissa, I was struck by the description of one battle: "The castle is besieged; They have no way to wait for help, and they are fighting with despair in the heart; Hunger makes them there are horses and teach, but the flames of the prayer that they fuss to the Mother of God. Before rushing to the enemy, they repent, exposing themselves at the same time with merciless scramble. They pray the sky about miracles, and miracles do not make themselves waiting .. ". One knight, heavily wounded during the battle, refused medical care. "I just saw the holy virgin," he said to his brothers who found him, "she said to me:" Rejoice! Three more days, and you will ascend to the eternal life. " And this knight wanted to die on the battlefield among other dead.

Therefore, it is not necessary to represent Teutonic knights only in "black color", like arrogant, greedy to other people's lands and wealth that do not have any feelings of the "Fashion of hell". They lived and behaved like people of their time and sincerely believed that the Lord leads to all their actions, and therefore they fight "for the right thing."

Expansion of the influence of the Teutonic Order.

By the beginning of XIII. The influence and wealth of the Teutonic Order was noticed by many powers who wanted to deal with their opponents under the banner of "fighting pagans. The Order of Herman Von Salza, 1209-1239 acquired a special power of the Order with the third Grand Master. Hermann background of the ollole could not boast of noble origin: His ancestors, serviva peoplewere granted to Knights for personal merits and loyalty to the owner. However, due to its brilliant abilities, courage, diplomacy and "financial grip", he managed not only to take the leadership post in the Order, but also to become a person, whose opinion was listened to the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire and Dad.

So, the first request for help came from King Hungary Andrish II. In 1211, he invited Tutons to fight nomads - Polovtsy, devastating his land. The king promised the Order of the Earth and exemption from taxes and duties. This implied that the knights would be able to lead to the established land of settlers, to build and live on income from their work, and nothing to pay a monarch. The territory that Andras gave knights in Transylvania, was called Burzenerland. Almost immediately, the knights detachment accompanied by volunteers - peasants from Germany - spoke in unnecessary lands and built several wooden and earth fortifications. The peasants began to create their farms and villages, providing knights with food and labor. Teutons, meanwhile they were not going to "sit in defense" at all, and began to quickly and easily conquer new lands from Polovtsy. By 1220, the knights have already built five stone castles, located about 30 km from each other who has become a springboard for further promotion of Polovtsy possessions. The conquest was carried out by such a striking pace that Hungarian know and the clergy, before that were not interested in these lands, wondered envy and suspicions. As a result, in 1225, the king demanded from the knights to leave Hungary. The reputation of the Order was pretty much, but not long, shaped. And about the knights remembered in a few years, when Hungary was subjected to devastating raids of Tatar-Mongolian detachments.

In 1217, the Roman dad of Honorime III was announced against Prussian Gentiles. Prussians are a group of the Baltic tribes who inhabited part of the southern coast of the Baltic Sea (modern Kaliningrad region, Northeast Poland) and distinguished by a militant temper. At the beginning of the XIII century, they captured the land of Polish Prince Conrad I Mazovsky, the son of the Polish king Casimir. In 1225, Konrad asked for help from Teutonic knights, promising him for the ownership of culm and good cities, as well as the preservation of all captured territories behind them. Teutonic knights arrived in Poland in 1232 and settled on the right bank of the Vistula River. Here the first fort, who gave birth to the city of Toruni was built. German crusaders called him with a gloomy irony - Foelzang (Bird Song - Him.). One of the chroniclers, the witness of the fierce resistance of Prussians, explained this title as follows: "There were wounded in many wounded people, and not night birds at all, and their launions were reminded that the song that sings the swan before dying from the Hunter's hand." With further promotion to the North, the cities of Kvidzyn and Hellno were founded, and in 1255, Crusaders on the lands of Prussians built Königsberg Castle, which placed the beginning of the history of modern Kaliningrad. According to the legend, Koenigsberg - "Royal Mountain" - the castle was in honor of the Czech king Premysl, headed by the camouflage campaign against Prussians.

Knight's tactics when winning new lands has always been the same. The path went cautiously by sending forward well-trained geasers. The enemy almost always managed to capture surprise. The look of the knights rushing on the horses in the strict building of the knights in fluttering long white rates, which clearly highlighted the Black Cross, made a stunning impression on the enemy.

After a successful battle, the Crusaders were located on some hill, from which a free view of the surrounding area was opened, and the fortress was taken. The foot of the fortress soon appeared villages, in which the colonists who arrived along with the Crusaders were settled - artisans and farmers who left their homeland along with his wives and children and searched happiness on new lands. At first, the conquerors were gentled by Prussians, leaving behind the peasants their freedom, and for aware of her position, unless they took the baptism. Local children crusaders often gave to study in the monasteries. But Prussians constantly restrained the invaders, burned their fortresses and settlements, killed his colonists. "It was a hard time when it was barely enough bread in order to eat, and one, two or more times they had to jump on the battle and drive the enemy away," wrote one of the German chronicles. "And they did, as Jews received, who wanted to rebuild the holy city of Jerusalem, who threatened the enemies, so that one half of them worked, and the other stood, guarding them from dawn to twilight. They worked with one hand, and in the other hand they kept the sword. " The rebellion of the Crusaders suppressed cruelly, often exterminating the entire population, do not spare women nor children. They used German knights and another way - part of the prisoners were not killed, but they were diverged at different places, forcibly separating families. The war for the conquest of Prussia, filled with cruelty and from the other side, lasted 53 years and ended with its full transition under the control of the Teutonic Order.

The formation of a Livonian Order.

In the late 1230s, the Teutonic Order significantly strengthens its position in Livonia, Livov Earth, the historical region in the North Baltic States (part of modern Latvia and Estonia). Prehistory here is such. The pagan tribes of Livov, Esta and Zemgalov, who were direct neighbors of Russians, were traditionally influenced by the Novgorod Republic and Polotsky Principality. At the end of XIIV. These Baltic lands were actively interested in the Roman Catholic Church, which created a special order of the Lieremen, designed to "bear the Christian faith" by the Baltic peoples. Well-organized knights managed to capture a significant part of Eastern Baltic, closely approaching the Russian borders.

Since 1214, the first collisions of the Crusaders with Russian princes began. In 1217, the swordsmen commit a bad raid in novgorod lands. In 1221, Vladimirsky grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich takes a hike and besieged Riga, but unsuccessfully, in 1223g. He again opposes the crusaders. In 1224g. The swords capture Yuriev (Derpt, modern Tartu), the main Russian fortress in the Baltic States. In 1234, the swordsmen are trying to take the fortress Izborsk. In the same year, the detachments of Novgorod Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, the father of Alexander Nevsky, won an important victory over the swords of the Middle of Yuriev, which leads to the conclusion of the world and suspend the movement of the knights to the East. In 1236, the swordsmen suffer a crushing defeat from Lithuanian Prince Mindovga during Saul (modern Shauli, Lithuania). The defeats of the Middle Mares staged the plans of the Roman Catholic Church, which in this situation decided to turn to the help of the Teutonic Order. On May 12, 1237, a papal edict was announced on the association of the Teutonic Order and the Order of the Middle Mares: "Since we do not put anything higher than the spread of the Catholic faith, we hope that the devout petition of the master and brothers will achieve the desired goal and that the grace of the Lord the hospital brothers will find themselves Brave brothers in Livonia ... and we decided that Master and all of his brothers and all possessings will be attached to the one-mentioned order ... "

The new education was named Livonian Order, and he became the separation of the Teutonic Order in the Baltic States. In the Western Rui Rus, already bleeding the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, a strong and experienced opponent appeared.

Chapter 2.

The offensive of the knights into Russian lands

How can we learn about the campaign of the Crusaders on the Northeast Rus? Russian cases in the late 1230s - early 1240s were a rather complicated and tangled picture, in which, due to the lack and contradictory of written sources, historians could not understand until now.

In December 1237 - April 1238, Northeast Rus was subjected to the devastating invasion of Batiya detachments (Batu), which were invaded and within the Novgorod Land. On March 23, 1238, after a two-week resistance, Tatar-Mongola managed to capture Torzhok. From the trading, the conquerors moved by Seliger's way towards Novgorod, but without reaching a hundred miles turned to the south and went to Kozelsk. It is still unclear that the Batya stopped near Novgorod, the richest city of Northeast Russia. Maybe he was afraid of the early spring flood and the dishthele, and maybe he began to think about possible defeat. Batya was known that well-armed Novgorod warriors are preparing for the defense of the city. Meeting on its way the fierce resistance of small Russian cities, it was difficult to imagine how much time would have to be fighting for Novgorod and whether the Tatar-Mongola would be under force. One way or another, as a result of Batiev, the invasion of Russia, with the exception of Novgorod, was ruined and bleeding. The weakening of Russia seemed absolutely black to resist, hurried to take advantage of her north-western neighbors - Swedes and German knights, who sought to seize Pskov and Novgorod lands. Pope prompted Russian princes to contact Catholicism, promising them assistance against the Mongol-Tatar detachments, and at the same time, the Swedish and German knights in the crusade in the northeast Rus. Restlessly on the Western borders of our state where the Lithuanian principality was completely unfriendly to Russia.

The main Russian written sources telling about the state of affairs in the northeastern Russian lands opposed to the Crusaders are the Novgorod, Pskov and Sofia Chronicles. Most of the information about the events you are interested in and, first of all, the ice is brought in the Novgorod 1st annals. It was drawn up in the middle of the XIII century under the churches of St. Jacob and St. Sophia, and her author was not a witness to the battle. All descriptions he leads from the words of the participants in the battle. A detailed story about the invasion of the Crusaders on Russia and the ice is also held in the "Life of Alexander Nevsky". This literary work was written in the 80s of the XIII century, after the death of Prince, the monk of the Christmas Monastery in Vladimir. "Life" should be glorified by Alexander, show the greatness of his spirit and Orthodox faith, and therefore in him the truth is closely intertwined with fiction. Finally, the campaign of the German Crusaders on Russia is quite detailed in the Livonian rhythm chronicle (or the German chronicle) created in the 80-90 years of the XIIIV. Its author, one of the German knights-monks, enjoyed the stories of the events left in living participants. It should be noted that such works were very popular with the Teutonians, because in them, the history of the Order was presented in a clear poetic form. They were necessarily read out loud during joint trapes and collections of knights and had to raise the zealous disseminandors of Christianity. During the presentation of the material, I will often contact this document, since so far there is an opinion that the victories that glorified Alexander Nevsky were so insignificant that they did not find reflections in Western sources.

The beginning of the invasion of the Crusaders. Copory-Izbor Pskov.

So, in 1240. The knights of the knights invaded the northeastern lands of Cuchi and Novgorod residents and, as used, they secured their presence to the arrangement of a new wooden fortress in Koporye (at present, Coporye refers to the Lomonosovsky district of the Leningrad region). Thanks to this strengthening, they began to control the movement of merchant ships on the rivers Luga and Pluss, to attack Novgorod caravans, to rob nearby villages. Once they were able to approach Novgorod at a distance of 30 miles and "to take as many horses that the peasants could not plow their land in the spring." At the same time, thanks to good defensive qualities and the successful arrangement of the fortress, the Crusaders remain invulnerable for the few Russian military units.

In the same year, the knights of the Order can capture the ancient Russian city of Izborsk. As the German chronicle writes: "No Russian was not allowed to leave unharmed. Who defended, he was captured or killed. Crys and exemption were heard: the Great Plach began in that land everywhere. The news of the fall of Izbork quickly reached Pskov and stirred in the city's inhabitants. In the evening they decided to meet the enemy. On September 16, 1240, the battle of a five thousand Pskov Rati with the Crusader's army took place near Izbork. "The cruel fight began," reports the author of the German chronicle. "The Germans caused deep wounds, the Russians suffered a big damage: they were killed eight hundred people, they fell on the battlefield." During the fierce and bloody combat, Pskovichi suffered severe defeat. The remains of Russian detachments went back to Pskov, striving to warn citizens as quickly as possible about the approaching enemy. "Russians strongly poured their horses with their horses and spurs; They thought that all died; The path seemed to them very long, "the chronicle tells," the forest rang from the silent screams. They were all in a hurry only home; The army of the brothers knights followed them. " Soon, the teutons appeared at Pskov and conveniently located the camps at its walls. And then there were quite strange events. Pskov's fortress walls were famous for its inaccessibility and allowed to defend a rather long term. However, the city surrendered to the Order without a fight. There are several versions of what happened, although the basis of each lies one word - betrayal. According to one version, noble citizens who did not want to conflict with knights and fearful for their trading, at night secretly opened the city gate. According to another version, surrendering without a fight convinced Pskov boyars a traitor - former Pskov Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich. He became the only Russian prince, which in those years actively made an attack of the German Crusaders on Russia and even accepted Catholicism. According to some chronicles, he participated together with the knights in the capture of the Islab, and then not only helped them master Pskov, but also handed over his hereditary rights to the Pskov Principality to the Tuton Order. By the end of 1240, the Crusaders were firmly settled in the Pskov Earth, appointing their governors - foirs and placing their detachments there. It should be noted that many noble Pskovs residents preferred to support the power of the Order, counting on further assistance of the West from restless eastern neighbors and benefits from trade. In Pskov itself, the detachment consisted of only 30-50 people, which later and played with the arrogant conquerors "the evil joke." "Who conquered good lands and did not occupy them military powerthat will pay "- the author of the" German Chronicle "

Successes of 1240 gave the Order such confidence in the victory that he hurried to enlist the support of the Holy Throne and appoint a bishop of conquered land. Dad, for his part, expressed full approval and called on the warriors to continue crusade On Rus. At the same time, by the Roman Church, the proposal of Russian princes about military assistance against the Tatar-Mongol detachments was once again sounded in exchange for the refusal of Orthodox from the "paganism" and the transition to the Lono of the Catholic Church. In the spring of 1240, a great Novgorod visited one of the prominent representatives of the Order, declining to the cooperation of the young prince Alexander. In conclusion, such a union was denied, and the Order began to prepare for further advancement to the East - to Novgorod.

Chapter 3.

Novgorod Prince Alexander Nevsky

About the life and acts of Alexander Nevsky, we can learn from Russian chronicles and from his "life." Prince Alexander was born in 1221. In Pereyaslavl, in the family of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and Princess Feodosia. He was the grandson of Kiev Prince Vsevolod a big nest. The first information about Alexander belongs to 1228, when his father, who was contacted then in Novgorod, entered into a conflict with the citizens and was forced to go down to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, his own feet. However, he left in Novgorod in the care of the trusted boyars of the two her juvenile sons - Fyodor and Alexander. After the early death of Fedor, Alexander becomes the eldest son Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. In 1234, Alexander took part in the campaign of Yaroslav against the Middle Easterns, when an important victory under Yuriev was obsessed with Russian diys. In 1236, after the departure of Yaroslav to Kiev, Alexander was planted to the Novgorod proncess, and in 1239 he married Polotsk Princess Alexandra Bryachlovna. In the first years of his reign, he began to engage in the strengthening of Novgorod, building a number of fortresses on the river River.

Fame came to Alexander in 1240, when the sophisticated position of the northeastern Russian lands, the Swedes decided to take advantage. Having enlisted the blessing of the Pope to fight the pagans, they expected to get ahead of the German knights already preparing for the campaign and from the north to seize Pskov with Novgorod to become owners in the upper reaches of the Volga Trading Road. Everyone who agreed to take part in the campaign was promised to be absorbed by sins. According to Russian sources, the Swedes headed the Yarl (Prince) Ulf Fasi and the Sign of the King - Yarl Birger, the future founder of Stockholm. The latter sent Alexander proud and arrogant declaration of war: "If you can, resist, know that I'm already here and captive your land." Recommended the emergence of Swedish ships on the Neva, Alexander did not wait for the enemy near Novgorod, and hurried to meet him. On the night of July 15, 1240, Alexander, with a relatively small buddy, Novgorod and Ladoga, suddenly attacked the rest of the Swedish camp at the mouth of the Izhora River. According to the chronicles, Alexander fought in the forefront and "the wrong edge of [the military mannik] laid them with the edge of the stamp on the chel." The Swedes suffered a crushing defeat, and Alexander for his courage received Nickname Nevsky.

Alexander with Triumph returned to Novgorod. However, in the same year, noble Novgorod, always jealously belonging to their liberty, not only did not want to put up with the "uni-wit" of the young prince, but also managed to dissessrate with him. At the convened evening, Alexander threw a number of unfair accusations. And his recent brilliant victory over the Swedes, obsessed on the banks of the Neva, was presented as an adventure, which undermined the trade relations of the city with the West and brought more harm than good. The outraged Alexander left the city and, together with his family, went to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. The gap with the prince poorly reflected in the military affairs of the Novgorod Republic. Crusaders occupied Tesovo, an important shopping point of those lands, and from there it was already hand to submit to Novgorod himself. Novgorod turned to Yaroslav for the prince; He gave them the second son - Andrey. But it was not suitable. In the face of the impending danger, the citizens of the republic forced the Boyar "Lord" again to help Alexander. The Novgorod Lord Spiridon himself went to Pereyaslav to him, who asked the prince to forget the previous offenses and lead the speech against the Teutons.

Battle for Pskov

According to the evidence of the chronicles, Alexander managed to collect a big army from Novgorod, Ladozhan, Korela and Izhora. First of all, Alexander, a sudden strike attacked Corustaine and mastered the Order of Holy Strengthening, "Monster Grad from the foundation, and the German Beash themselves." Then Alexander smashed small squads of knights, robbed in the vicinity. Thus, by the end of 1241, the Novgorod land was almost completely cleaned from uninvited guests. At the same time, Alexander understood well that it was impossible to lead the war on "two fronts" - to fight in the West, fearing that at any moment on his ownership could attack "from the east." In such conditions, a temporary union was needed with Tatar-Mongols, which could not but disturb the conquest plans of German knights. Seeing that the danger, impending from the Livonian lands, is currently for Novgorod the biggest threat, Alexander at the beginning of 1242 went to the Horde, to bow to Batu King. This trip, as well as the further agreements of Alexander with the Horde, then not once put the prince in the guilt, accusing him almost in betrayal. Alexander Yaroslavovich accepted the conditions of Batya to the closer, which, first of all, concerned Dani, and calm for her rear returned to Novgorod, prepare for the liberation of Pskov. According to some sources, Tatar-Mongols even gave him a small detachment.

A campaign on Pskov Alexander prepared carefully. From all over the Novgorod land, warriors were gathered under the clogs of Nevsky. From the Suzdal principality came help from his brother Andrei. Just at hand, Alexandra gathered for 15-17 thousand people. Cuts all the roads leading to Pskov, the prince took the city into the blockade ring, and then sudden. Bottom March 5, 1242. took it. A German rhymed chronicle tells about the capture of the city by the army of Alexander Yaroslavich: "He led a lot of Russians to free Pskovichi. They were delighted with all his heart. When he saw the Germans, he did not slow down after that, he expelled both the knights brothers, putting the end of their fogness, and all their servants were trunks. No one left there: they left the Russian to the Russians. " Alexander knights taken captivated Knights ordered to challenge in the chain and send to Novgorod, and six boyar traitors - hang. Increasing his ripple with Pskov militia, Alexander decided to continue his campaign to the Order of the Earth.

From Pskov, the path of Alexander passed through the Izborsk, and then his troops entered the lands of Cugh under the jurisdiction of the Order. "The Russians were hurt by their failures, they quickly prepared ... - writes the author of the Chronicles. - They had countless bows, a lot of beautiful armor. Their banners were rich, their helmets radiated light. So they headed in the land of the knights brothers, strong army .., Brebaja and fires. " What was the purpose of this "invasion" of Prince Alexander? The opinions of historians here are different and largely depend on their assessment of subsequent events, namely, the battles on the Lake Church. For example, V. Urban, American author of the book about the Teutonic Order, does not pay attention to the testimony of the "Chronicles" and believes that it was a robbing raid of a small squad of Russians who deservedly began to pursue the minor forces of the knights, as a result of which "incomprehensible and nothing happened Not a decisive shake "On the Church of the Lake. Other authors, on the contrary, believe that Alexander conceived a real trip to the Livonian Order. But taking into account the complexity of the position of the Russian lands at this time and the fact that the war against Livons would mean a serious challenge to the Teutonic Order (and this is completely different forces!), Such a decision by Alexander seems not only unlikely, but also suicide. Most likely, Alexander, as a wise (at 21!) The commander decided not to wait for the return of the enemy to Pskov and not subject the city to a new attack. After all, it was obvious that in the summer, the knights gather a big army and try to return lost lands. The campaign was supposed to provoke the knights who had not previously dismissed for a quick response, and conditions favorable for Russian troops. Alexander did not set himself the task of deeply advance into the Order of the Earth, but did not hurry to return to its limits. He "let all regals in healing," that is, dismissed his detachments to attack the village and the village of the enemy. Having disturbed, thus, the enemy camp and "grappling", Alexander achieved his goal. The news of the movement of Russian forces quickly reached Derpta. "The bishop did not leave it without attention," the chronicle reports, "he quickly ordered her husband's husbands to hurry into the army of the knights brothers to fight against Russians. That he ordered, it happened. "

Crusaders gathered a big army, which with auxiliary detachments of Cui was ready to repel the attack. With intelligent goals, deep into the Order of the Earth, the prince sent the detachment of Pskov's Voivpery Domasha Tverdislavich. In 35 km south-east of Derpta in the tract, this detachment met with the major forces of the Crusaders and was almost completely exterminated. Only a few soldiers were able to slip away from the Germans. They were reported to the prince that the heded success of the teutons move after them. Assessing the strength of the enemy and realizing that the Knight's army is looking for the general battle, the Novgorod Prince decided to give it to the most important conditions for himself and retreated for the church of the lake.

Chapter 4.

Mysteries Ice Bobby

What do chronicles tell us? About the place of ice travel and about the number of troops that took part in it, disputes are still. It would seem that the chronicler, relying on the stories of eyewitnesses, quite accurately determined the battlefield. He recorded that the battle occurred on "Chudsky Lake, to Usugeni, Voronai Kamen". The entry consists of a three-piece.

The first - in Chudsky Lake - gives a common orientation. Do not forget that in those days, the Pskov Lake also believed to the Lake, who did not have an independent name; Then he was "dubbed" with small monsoon, or Talala, and even later - the Pskov lake.

The second - "on Usmien" indicates the frequency wearing the name of the warm lake in our days. In those days, it was considered an integral part of the Church of the Lake.

And finally, the third part of the chronicle determination concludes an accurate indication of the site of Usugeni, where the battle occurred: "Voronai Stone".

The inconsistency of historical and modern geographical and topographical names led to the fact that some historians considered the western shore of the Church of the Lake, others - the western shore of Pskovsky, the third - different places of a warm lake. As a result, the estimated battleships turned out to be scattered on a plot with a length of about a hundred kilometers. At the same time, historians did not have studies of the ancient ways of communication in the area - but not a single significant army in winter, and even after the February-March snowfalls could not move without roads, the ice regime of the lake was not studied, and because the battle occurred on ice ! The directions of the movement of the Russian and German troops are quite approximately, and even arbitrarily, applied archers in the scheme. Such a state of affairs tried to fix in the mid-1950s.

"Help" of tin soldiers.

Oddly enough, serious studies in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Church of the Lake, scientists pushed ... Tin soldiers. According to the memoirs of future participants in the expedition, the indicative figures were arranged in battle on the large table, covered with white paper, depicting the ice surface of the church of the lake. And the colonel Mikhail Viktorovich Lushkovsky moved, for whose actions, members of the military-historical section of the Leningrad House of Scientists were carefully observed. After the demonstration of the ice travel, a lively argument began: on the receptions of the battle, about the possible combat orders of German knights, about what they could have protective armaments in the XIII century, and what could be armed by their infantry. At the same time, the question arose about the fact that, despite the existing descriptions in the chronicles, historians are still unknown to the exact place of the battle. As a result, it was assumed an important decision on the preparation and conduct of a comprehensive expedition, to clarify the place of the famous battle.

The expeditions took place in 1958, 1959, 1960 and 1962 under the leadership of George Nikolaevich Karaieva. It included an archaeological examination of the eastern coast of the moon and warm lakes, including underwater work, the study of the pools of the rivers of the meadows, pros, bile and partly of the Sheloni and existed here the sextal of local lake-river paths and wipes, geological and hydrological study of the lakes. Written sources were revised, folklore materials were collected. The most active participation in the expedition was accepted by local residents, students and schoolchildren.

On "Chudsky Lake, on Usmien, Voronai Kamen".

Expedition members made a detailed examination of the northern part of the warm lake, in the past called Unen. They managed to find out that under the chronicle Uzulen, a rather narrow duct was understood, which connected the Pskov and Church of the Lake in the XIII century. For more than seven centuries, the coastline of the miracle, Pskov and warm lakes due to raising water changed a lot: where there used to be dry and shames, now the real deep-water. In the Middle Ages, the miracle of the lake was surrounded by dense coniferous forests through which the army, the more equestrian, was not so easy to go, especially in the snowdrifts. And about to give battle in such conditions could not be speech. At the same time, hydrographic and underwater studies have shown that the eastern shore of Usmien, not far from the mouth of the bile river, there was a wide strip of shallow water, on which the water was wrapped in winter to the bottom. On these chalks, Rosesi rose, and in winter he was shaking from under the snow, reminding small islets, crouched herbs. Similar melels with reasons can be seen now from the shores of many lakes and rivers. Permanent strong winds blown up the snow with frozen melons and formed a smooth icy surface, which and early spring was so strong, which could calmly withstand not only hiking warriors, but also riders in heavy weapons.

Another detail is important. Approximately a kilometer from this shallow water was the so-called Sigovian. Previously, there was a peninsula with gentle shores, which is now almost completely flooded with water, only a small cape remained from him. In these places, in Sigovice, the ice due to underwater keys is always much thinner, on it and in the winter to go risky, not that early spring! These features of ice cover could well use Russian warriors, "pushing" the knights to the retreat on the "saving" peninsula through thin ice.

As for the main landmark, which was in the chronicle, - the islands of the Voroniy Stone, - it was able to find it near the western tip of the modern island of Gorodetsky, located next to the Sigovit. It turned out that before these two islands were one of the whole, and the highest place on them was sandy cliff, known and now called the crow stone. As a result of the geological and underwater archaeological surveys at the foot of the crowded stone, the remains of an artificial stone shaft were found, which testify that earlier the strengthening was here - "Gorodets". Building over the surrounding area, Voroniy Stone provided her wide review and was an extremely convenient place for watchdogs. It was possible to observe from him not only behind the lake paths of the message, but also in the opposite, Western, shore of Usugen, where the ownership of the Livonian Order was located. ON O. Gorodetsky, archaeologists managed to discover the foundation of the Church of the XIII century, which, according to legends, was laid nearby the battleway in honor of the fallen warriors.

At the same time, researchers have become clear that directly from the crowing stone (as can be understood from the annals) of the battle due to the weakness of ice on Sigovice, it could not happen. Just a chronicler, when specifying the place of battle, called this particular, well known in the days of Alexander Nevsky, a landmark.

There was also a "sobolic shore" where, according to the chronicles, the Germans retired after the defeat. He got his name on behalf of the local fish - "Solka", which in the spring in large numbers is going at the West Bank, just where the Aimaig River flows into the lake. It is on this river the Germans and approached from their possessions to the Church of the Lake.

Thanks to the surveys conducted by the participants of the Expedition of G.Karayev, it was possible to establish that the battle occurred on the section of a warm lake (Usmien), which was approximately 400 meters to the west of the modern shore of Cape Cition. It is here that the German knights attacked the Novgorod-Pskov army to defend their relatives. In the Novgorod chronicle, this is stated: "... and we are walking on the regiment of the German and cheaper, and the piggy through the regiment, and the singer of the Germans and Chusi."

Prince Alexander's plan.

The definition of the accurate place of ice travel allows you to better understand the plans of Alexander Nevsky. The position occupied by the Russian army on the eastern coast of Usulen was very successful. The Crusaders walked into Russian lands on the frozen bed of the Emayigi River, which flows into the mound of the lake. They were not known about their further intentions - they could move to Novgorod to the north, and on Pskov - along the western coast of the Pskov Lake south. But in each of these cases, Alexander would have been able to intercept the enemy, following the eastern coast of the lakes. If the crusaders decided to act directly and tried to overcome the shed in the most narrower place, what is the warm lake (untha), then they would directly encounter the Novgorod troops.

The position chosen by Alexander, the least took into account all the beneficial geographical features of the terrain. The wooded nature of the coast made it not to detect the valid number of Russian troops until the moment of decisive collision. It was determined only at a very approximate number of smoke from fires. Directly on the shore was only "Star" (security). As for the German-knightly troops, it should have gone towards the Russians in a completely open icy surface, "demonstrating" the enemy and their strength, and the combat construction and direction of impact.

The right flank of Russian troops was protected located in the north, approximately in a kilometer, a convoy, through which the knights could not pass. Local residents knew about it and undoubtedly reported Alexander. Bypassing Russian knights from the left flank was also impossible - the smooth surface of the ice of Usmien too well and far visible. This section of Usugeni as the field of the upcoming battle had significant benefits also because, if successful, the Russians could try to "oust" the Germans on the weak ice of Sigovitsa. Well, if good luck turned away from the Novgorod, they had the opportunity to save the army and retreat first in the forest, and then up the frozen river bile. Finally, the Russian military leaders knew well the punching ability of the Knight's cavalry, to resist which hiking warriors were unable. In this case, behind the back of the Novgorod Rati was the shore with a thick forest with steep slopes and impassable snowdrifts, excluding any opportunity to maneuver from the enemy. And yet: archaeological studies confirmed that the area of \u200b\u200bUsugeni was quite tightly populated, which ensured the supply of troops and food and fodder.

What were the opposing forces?

According to the estimates of military historians, Landmaster of the Teutonic Order Andreas von Felwen led to the ice of the Lake of 10-12 thousand soldiers. In addition to the Order of the Oddensky brothers, the knights included the detachments of Derptian bishoprosis, the detachment of Danish knights led by the sons of the Danish King Waldemara II and numerous detachments of the infantry from the local conquered Order of the Baltic tribes. The number of knights, actual members of the Order, who participated in the battle, was small (less than a hundred) to historian estimates. But they were the main organizing force of troops, his team composition and the core of the heavy cavalry. For each knight, as already noted, at least ten equestrian warriors believed. The army of Alexander Nevsky was about 15 thousand people scored mainly from Posad people. The princely squad was only a minor part of it. A large role in Russian troops was allocated to archers.

There is another point of view in which the total number of both troops did not exceed five to eight thousand people, and the information in Russian chronicles are deliberately exaggerated. The main arguments - the population of Novgorod was not so great to collect about 15 thousand militias, and the knights were particularly people to take nowhere. However, even with such an opinion, the value of the battle for the fate of North-Eastern Russia is not denied.

As already mentioned, the Knights had time to spend a lot of successful battles against the infantry militia of different nations. The riders chained in the armor on strong horses like Taran split the hiking stroke, then crushed into smaller groups and destroyed them in parts. The character of the knightly combat was the combat construction of the Crusaders - a wedge, directed by the edge on the enemy or, according to the figurative of the Russian Chronicler "Piggy". Wedge consisted of experienced, trained and well-armed knights. Behind the wedge, gradually expanding deep into the depth, the squads of squires and knektov (feudal militia) became the detachments. With flanks, all the army was covered with knights built in one or two rows. The impact force with such a construction was large enough. But this construction had their drawbacks: the badness and the inability to quickly change the construction along the battle. These weaknesses of the knightly "pig" Alexander Yaroslavich decided to use in the upcoming battle.

The basis of the combat order of the Russian troops of that time was three regiments: "Man" - the regiment, located in the center, and the shelves of "right and left hand", located on the flanks of the "Chela" by the ledge back or forward. All three shelves accounted for one, the main line. Moreover, the "man" was formed from the most trained warriors. But the Novgorod Prince boldly went on a violation of the tradition. In the center, he set the walking Novgorod militia, which should have taken over the first and most terrible blow. Ahead of such a "Chela", the prince placed archers who were continuous shooting should be attempting to upset the "Pigs" stroke. Behind the militia covered the high lakeside with the wagons supplied there. In the event of a breakthrough, through the hiking system, the knights would inevitably end out before the high bank and lost the opportunity to maneuver. At this decisive stage of the battle, according to Alexander's plan, the most prepared Russian troops were to fight, including the detachments of the prince's cavalry, ready to "clasp a pig" from flanks and rear.

How did the battle passed.

The battle took place on Saturday on April 5, 1242. At dawn, the iron knight wedge moved to the attack. Russian archers met the enemy of shower arrows. But they were caught in the lats to the teutons, they almost did not harm, although the coming next to the crusaders choking suffered tangible losses. Gradually, the archers have fivefold to the rows of infantry and, finally, merged with her in a single building. Knights spurred horses and drove to the location of the Novgorod Rati. The unequal singer began. About this critical for Russian troops Episode The chronicler says: "And the German and Chusy piercing a pig through the regches." He will repeat him and the author of the German Chronicle: "The Germans began with them. The Russians had many shooters who courageously accepted the first Natisk, being in front of the prince. It was seen how the squad of the knights defeated the shooters; There was a ringing of swords, and it was visible, as the helmets cut off. On both sides, the killed fell on the grass [just and I mean the reed-sticking Ice].

And then everything went according to Alexander plan. Crusaders were already ready to triumphant victory, but when he saw the coast in front of them, they understood their mistake. For the first time, the enemy of the knights after the dissection of the combat order did not run from the battlefield, condemning himself to death from swords and copies of the Crusaders. Empty to the left and right to the knightly wedge were collapsed in ambush, Russian detachments, and from the rear, making a workaround of the maneuver, hit the selected cafia of Prince Alexander.
The fierce of the battle is increased. Surrounded by the Novgorod men who were staring in a pile of Knights were housing with horses. A hurried crusader, chasing in heavy lats, could not resist with light Russian soldiers. The battle lasted for a long time and ended with a complete defeat of the Teutons. "Those who were in the army of the knights brothers were surrounded," the German chronist wrote. - Brothers-Knights resistantly resisted enough, but they defeated them there. Part of the Derptsev left the battle, it was their salvation. " Part of the knightly troops Russian warriors drove to the Sigovitz. The fragile ice could not stand and quit under the severity of the Crusaders chained in the lats and their horses. It must be assumed, however, that there were a little drowned, because it was not about this not in all sources, and the words of the Novgorod chronicle "And the water of the water" means that only some knights left under the ice.

According to the Novgorod chronicle, five hundred noble knights died in the battle, and fifty was captured. The "German Chronicle" leads other data on losses - 20 order knights killed and six - taken captive. However, in such a discrepancy there is nothing strange. Just the author of the "Chronicles" called the number of killed and captured knights, the actual members of the Teutonic Order, while the chronicler pointed out the number of all those killed and captured by the "deliberate" Germans, participants in the fight. The number of killed soldiers from the detachments of the people condescension to the Germans, no one believed, by the expression of the chronicles, to "bear numbers". With the solemn entrance of the prince in Novgorod, all prisoners on foot bare walked for the horse of the prince ...

So, it would seem, the battlefield was determined and confirmed by written sources. Restored and the course of battle. However, one "but" remains, which does not give rest of the historians. We are talking about the absence of irrefutable archaeological evidence. Submarine studies conducted in the area of \u200b\u200bthe intended location of the battle and at the end of the 1950s and at a later time, and did not bring the expected results. In the late 1990s, the group of Petersburg enthusiasts-archaeologists put forward a new version. According to their assumption, the ice has happened, still not on the ice of the wisdom of the lake, but on land, in the triangle between the current villages of the Tabor, the Kobyl settlement and Kozlovo. This statement is based on the places of graves of medieval warriors found during the archaeological excavations (2 km east of the village of the aircraft). This version is interesting from the point of view of the archaeological finds, but it completely ignores those topographic pointers that they retained about the battle of the Russian chronicles. So the moon lake continues to keep their secrets. In the last decade, thanks to the latest technologies, underwater archeology made a real breakthrough forward. There are unique discoveries in the Mediterranean, Arabian and Red Seas, expanding our ideas on history. ancient Mira and Middle Ages. It remains to hope that in a short time it will be possible to finally solve the riddle and ice traveling.


Having won a brilliant victory on the ice surface of Usmien, Alexander could go to the possession of the Livonian Order, which now remained defenseless. But the prince did not do that, realizing that later such a reckless act would bring the war with Tutons on Russia. Protecting the enemy Western frontiers of the Novgorod-Pskov Land, Alexander believed that the goals set by him were achieved. It was Alexander who was attributed to the words said to captives: "Go and tell everyone that Russia is alive. Let without fear complain about us. But who will come to us with a sword, from the sword will die. There will be a Russian land on that and stand. "

According to a peace treaty, concluded a few months after the battle, the Order refused to claims to Novgorod lands, returned the territory captured earlier and liberated hostages. In turn, Alexander widdled the Novgorod army from Pskov and border lands and let go of prisoners. In the next twenty years, there were no military clashes between the Russians and Germans. Thanks to the victories, Alexander managed to stop the progress of the Crusaders to the East, thereby retaining Russian culture based on Orthodox traditions. It can be said that it was then that the invisible boundary between the Catholic and Orthodox world was laid. Finally, the tart feats of Prince Alexander gave Russian people the memory of the glorious victory over the Terrible enemy, victory, especially bright against the background of defeats those years. In the enslaved Mongol-Tatars of the people appeared his own symbol of military valve. Skazy, his face in 1380, was decorated with the Khorugvi Russian squad, headed by Alexander Nevsky Dmitry Dmitry, on the Kulikov field.

In the future, Alexander Nevsky became famous as an experienced politician and a diplomat, who managed to give the Russian lands to a breather from Ordia pogroms and contributed to the revival, strengthening and the beginning of the unity of fragmented Russia. He died the young, in 43, on November 14, 1263 under mysterious circumstances. Solva attributed his death of the Ordia poison. "Compliance with the Russian Earth," said the famous historian Sergey Soloviev, - from the trouble in the east, the famous feats for faith and land in the West delivered the glorious memory in Russia and made it the most prominent face in ancient history from Monomah to Donskoy. "

Initially, Prince Alexander was buried in the Christmas monastery in Vladimir. In 1724, by order of Peter I, the relics of Alexander Nevsky were solemnly postponed to Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. A significant role in preserving the Russian Orthodox Church, canonizing the prince and describing his lives played a significant role in preserving for the descendants.

As for the Teutonic Order, its plans for the seizure of Russian lands and turning them into the Catholic faith, was not destined to come true. In the future history of the Order there were a lot of loud victories and crushing defeats, and his interests were repeatedly crossed with the interests of Russia. But this is the topic for a perfect other study.

Used Books

    Urban V. Teutonic Order. - M., 2007.

    Laviss E. Essays on the history of Prussia. - M., 2003. - KN. II.

    Greek I.B., Shakhumbagov F. F. World of history: Russian lands in the XIII-XIV centuries. - M., 1988.

    [An excerpt from the Novgorod 1st Chronicles of the Older Host] // Runners Yu.K., Kleinenberg I.E., Shashlysky I.P. Written sources about Ice Bare. - In the book: Ice Battle of 1242. Proceedings of an integrated expedition on clarifying the place of ice travel. - M., L., 1966.

    Runners Yu.K., Kleinenberg I.E., Shashlysky I.P. Written sources about Ice Bare. - In the book: Ice Battle of 1242. Proceedings of an integrated expedition on clarifying the place of ice travel. - M., L., 1966.

    [The text of the "senior Livonian rhymed chronicles. Poems 2065-2295] // Runners Yu.K., Klenenberg I.E., Shashlysky I.P. Written sources about Ice Bare. - In the book: Ice Battle of 1242. Proceedings of an integrated expedition on clarifying the place of ice travel. - M., L., 1966.

    Life and acts of Alexander Nevsky. - M., 2005.

    Karaev G.N. Ice breaking and his interpretation based on the work of the expedition // Ice Battle of 1242. Proceedings of an integrated expedition on clarifying the place of ice travel. - M., L., 1966.

    Karaev G.N., Potreov A.S. Mystery of the Church of the Lake. - M., 1976.

    Volodichin D. Myths about Alexander. The Internet-

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