I forgot to sign in the scam form. Typical errors when filling the Blanks of the EGE

    What if mistakes were made when filling out the registration form?

If the participant of the EGE made a significant error when filling out the registration form (not in the field wrote the subject, etc.), then it must be fully replaced by an individual package with the fixation of the fact of replacement in the report of the exam in the audience. If the error is insignificant (the search in the surname, etc.), then the replacement of the individual package does not occur. After the beginning of the examination of the individual package is not provided.

    What to do if errors were made in the exam procedure (something prevented, did not have the necessary conditions)?

In this case, the examination should be appealing. This must be done without leaving the audience, after the exam end. The appeal must be filed personally by a graduate authorized by the ICK representative in the PPE after the end of the exam.
According to the results of appeal, the procedure may or reject the appeal, or assign an acceleration into a reserve day. This procedure does not affect the results.

    I noticed that bar codes on all the books issued to me, different?

Barcodes of the form of an individual examination package should not coincide, this is one of the means of information protection.

    Than you can use during the exam

Need to have:

    skipping on the exam (completed and registered);

    identification document;

    helium or capillary handle with black ink;

    Additional materials that can be used for individual subjects:

    physics, chemistry - unprogrammed calculator, which should provide arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, root extraction) and calculating trigonometric functions (SIN, COS, TG, CTG, ArcSin, ArcOS, Arctg), but should not provide the ability to save In his memory databases of examination tasks and their solutions, as well as any other information, the knowledge of which is directly or indirectly verified on the exam, and to provide the participant of the EEG capabilities of receiving outside of the exam during the exam;

    geography - a ruler that does not have records in the formula formula;

    What to do if there is not enough space to record answers in terms of "C"?

With a lack of space for responses on the front side of the answer form No. 2, the participant of the exam can continue recording on the back of the form, making the "Look on the Turnover" entry below. For convenience, all the pages of the answer form No. 2 are numbered and multiplied by dotted lines "in the cell".
With a lack of space for answers on the main score of the responses No. 2, the EEG member may continue recording on an additional forms of answers No. 2, issued by the organizer in the audience at the request of the participant in the case when there is no place for the main bay of answers No. 2. In the case of filling out an additional form of answers No. 2 with the unfolded basic forms of answers No. 2, the answers made to the additional answer form No. 2 will not be evaluated.

    If I wrote the exam before the completion of the exam?

If the EGE participant performed the work of the previously established period, the organizers can take examination materials before the end of the exam. At the same time, the EGE participant may leave the audience and PPE. The early delivery of examination materials is stopped in fifteen minutes before the end of the exam.

    What objects need to take?

Mandatory for all graduates are the exams of the exam in the Russian language and mathematics. If a graduate intends to continue education in the highest educational institution, then he must pass items to choose in the form of the exam. The choice should be based on the list of introductory tests in educational institutions of higher professional education, which have state accreditation, which announces the university

    What are the tasks?

The exam for each subject (except mathematics) includes questions and tasks of three different types:
tasks like "A" - with the choice of response from the four offered
tasks like "in" - with a brief free answer (in one word, phrase or number)
tasks like "C" - with a detailed free answer (including verbal justification, mathematical conclusion, etc.)

In Kim 2010 in mathematics, the section "A"

    Is it possible to refuse to participate in the exam?

Some categories of graduates, including graduates with limited features Health has the right to choose the form of state certification, that is, they can take final exams in traditional form or in the form of an exam. At the same time, a combination of different forms of state final certification is allowed

The rules and procedure of the exam

The Unified State Exam (EGE) is an exam using the tasks of standardized form - control measuring materials (Kimov), the execution of which allows you to set the level of development by the participants of the EGE of the Federal State Educational Standard of the Middle (Full) General Education. The exam is held in writing in Russian (with the exception of foreign languages).

    Venue of the EGE
    The unified State Exam is organized in the special paragraphs of the exam (PPE).

PPE, as a rule, are posted in educational institutions or in other buildings that meet the relevant requirements.

Executive Authorities Subjects Russian FederationThe management of education is determined by the organizational and territorial scheme of the EGE in the subject of the Russian Federation, including the place of registration for the examination of the USE, the number and location of the PPT and the distribution of the participants between them.

The number and places of PPE are determined based on the fact that the delivery time of the participants of the USE to the item of the EEG should be not more than one hour.

In PFE, you need to come with a passport or other identity document, and pass to the passage of the USE (Appendix 1 to the regulation on the organization and conduct of the EGE in the subject of the Russian Federation issued at the place of registration for the examination of the USE).

    Procedure for holding an EGE
    Before starting the exam, the participants of the EGE once again remind the rules for holding an exam (how to fill out forms, how much the exam continues, how to file appeals, where and when you can familiarize yourself with the results of the exam, etc.).

After familiarization with the rules, examination materials (kim and fores of the exam) are issued.

First of all, the EGE participant must fill out the registration fields of the EGE blank.

After everythingthe participant in the audience, the participant of the EE filled the registration fields of the forms, officially announced the beginning of the exam indicating the time of its end.

After all organizational moments, the participants of the EGE begin to fulfill the tasks of Kim.
EGE participants can leave the audience valid reason (in the toilet, to the medical room) only accompanied by one of the organizers or duty on the floor, after passing the forms of the exam, the responsible organizer on the audience, which puts a label "Fact from the audience."

EGE participants who finally completed examination, They can pass it to the organizers, without waiting for the end of the exam, but no later than 15 minutes before its official completion.

If the participant of the USE for objective reasons cannot complete the execution of the examination work, it can retire early from the exam.

    Views of the Blanks Eger
    Only forms approved by the Order of Rosobrnadzor are used on the exam.

    Blank registration

    Answer blank number 1 (for answers to type A and B)

    Answer form No. 2 (for answers to tasks type C)

    An additional answer form No. 2 (issued with a lack of space on the main score of the answers number 2)

Chernivikovexam participants provide organizers in the audience.

    Rules for filling the forms of the EGE
    When filled with the EGE blanks, you need to accurately comply with the rules, as the information entered in the forms is scanned and processed using special technical equipment and computing equipment.

    • Blanks are filled black ink.

      You should use only gel, capillary or feathery handle.

      When using a ballpoint handle (in the absence of gel, capillary or feathers), it is necessary 2-3 times gently undergoing the contour of each symbol to eliminate the "glimpses".

      Prohibited Use to fill out colored ink forms instead of black, pencil (even for roughing records for blanks), funds for correction made in the information forms ("smear" and other).

      Each field in the form is filled, starting from the first position (including fields for entering the surname, the name and patronymic of the participant of the USE).

      If the employee of the USE does not have information to fill the field, he must leave it empty (not to do docking).

      There should be no marks that contain information about the personality of the participant of the EGE on the additional form of the answers number 1 and No. 2.

      In all the filled fields on the registration form, the answer form No. 1 and the registration part of the answer form No. 2 should be depicted every figure and the letter of the form form, copying the samples of writing characters from the top of the answer form №1. A negligent writing of characters can lead to the fact that with an automated processing, the symbol can be recognized incorrectly.

      Answers should be marked using the X symbol ("cross"). The label line in the fields should not be too thick. If the knob leaves too thick, then instead of the "cross" in the field you can only hold one line on any square diagonal.

      When recording answers, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for performing the work specified in Kim.

It is impossibleto do in the fields of the forms, outside the shaped fields or in the fields filled with the typographic way (option number, barcodes) any entries and marks that are not related to the content of the blades.

    Allowed to use in eME time

    • Physics - a ruler and an unprogrammed calculator providing all arithmetic actions, calculating square root and trigonometric functions (SIN, COS, TG)

      Chemistry - unprogrammed calculator

      Geography - line and transport

Everything else that is not included in this list, it is prohibited (including mobile phones and other means of communication, electronic computing devices that are not included in the list of permitted, as well as reference materials)

    Observers for the course of the exam
    Accreditation of persons wishing to become public observers, as a rule, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, involved in the field of education, in coordination with the State Examination Commission (GEC).

Schedule Ege in 2010

Schedule for early exam (project)

April 20 (Tuesday) - Russian
April 22 (Thursday) - Mathematics
April 24 (Saturday) - foreign languages (English, French, German, Spanish), Literature, Physics
April 26 (Monday) - Informatics and ICT, Biology, Social Studies
April 28 - (Wednesday) History, Geography, Chemistry
April 30 (Friday) - for the participants of the exam that did not pass on the valid reasons for the exam in separate general educational subjects on time

Schedule of the EGE in fixtures (project)

May 27 (Thursday) - Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Biology, Literature
May 31 (Monday) - Russian
June 4 (Friday) - Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German, Spanish), Chemistry
June 7 (Monday) - Mathematics
June 11 (Friday) - History, Physics
June 15 (Tuesday) - Social Studies, Geography

ATTENTION! This information is preliminary!

Questions and Answers to Fill Blancs EGE

What do you need to put in the class "class" if I am a graduate last year?

Information about the class by graduates of past years is not filled.

What will happen if a schoolboy forgot to put his signature on the letterhead or forgot to specify the school code?

Proper filling of the forms is very important not only for correct reading of answers to tasks, but also to identify the work itself. In case of incorrect or incomplete fill in the registration forms and reception fields in the answers, a delay of obtaining the results of the exam is quite likely.

Two cells are given to replace erroneous responses to part A and B for numbering issues. If the number is unambiguous, then in which cell to put a digit, in the first or second?

In the case of correctly filling out the computer, the computer is programmed to read any writing option.

How to replace erroneous replies?

Allowed to replace the answers:

    In terms of A - not more than 12. To do this, the number of erroneous responses should be made to the corresponding field of replacing the error response, and to make a fabric line in the cell string. In terms of V - not more than 6. To change the response, it is necessary in the appropriate replacement fields to put the number of the corrected task type in and record the new value of the correct answer.

How are the forms of replies on the tasks of the part in?

When executing tasks with a short response (Type Task B), write answers to the response form follows in exact accordance with the rules for recording answers specified in the instructions for performing the tasks of the examination work placed in each version of Kim.

Answers are recorded in the response area "The results of performing tasks of type in responding to brief form»To the right of the task number, starting from the first cell.

When recording an answer, it is necessary to strictly follow the sample (see the top of the answer form No. 1).

The answer must be written completely and picking up.

Each character is recorded in a separate cell. It is allowed to write characters not by cells if the letters in the answer will be greater than cells in the field. But in this case, the answer should not go beyond the boundaries of the response field to this task.

If you want to write a response consisting of two or more words, then each word should be recorded separately, as the spelling rules require. If another form of writing a response to this task is specified in the instructions for performing the work, then it is necessary to follow it.

If the answer to the task is the word missing in the text, then this word is written in the form (case, genus, number) in which it should stand in the text.

Numeric answer must be recorded as an integer or ultimate decimal fractions. The rounding decimal fraction is made only if there is an appropriate instructions in the instructions for performing the task.

Do not:

    Record the abbreviated words. When recording a response, the characters are one under another in one cell. Record the answer in the form of a mathematical expression or formula. Record in response the names of units of measurement (degrees, interest, meters, tons, etc.). Make in the response field any entries and marks that are not responding to the task.

What to do if there is not enough space to record answers in part with?

With a lack of space for answers on the front side of the book of answers No. 2, the participant of the EEE can continue recording on the back of the form, making the entry "Look on the back" at the front side. For convenience, all pages of the answer form No. 2 are numbered.

With a lack of space for answers on the main score of the responses No. 2, the EEG member can continue recording on an additional summary of Replies No. 2 issued by the organizer in the audience at the request of the participant.

It should be borne in mind if an additional answer form No. 2 is full, and the main answer form No. 2 is not filled, the answers made to the additional answer form No. 2 will not be evaluated.

Where exactly on Blanc number 2 need to record "Look on the back" - under the frame or inside the frame?

The note "Look on the back" should be taken at the bottom of the face of the form. There are no other guidelines and, therefore, it does not matter where the record is specifically made - in the frame or under it.

Are drafts checked?

Chernoviki are not processed and not checked. In order for the participants of the EGE to follow the time and in time suffered answers from drafts in the forms, in 30 minutes. Before the end of the exam, the organizers in the audience should make a corresponding reminder.

If there is not enough forms on the exam for answers, whether drafts are considered?

Keep in mind that drafts are not processed and not checked. Additional blanks for answers to the tasks of part C are supplied to the region in sufficient quantities, and the regional authority is obliged to provide them with all the items of the EGE. The organizers are required to issue forms for first-demand. If the participant is not issued on demand additional forms, this is considered a gross violation of the exam procedure. The participant of the EEH can declare immediately at the point of the exam, submitting an appeal of the violation of the procedure for holding the EGE.

If the participant spoiled the form, it can be replaced?

If you think the form is spoiled, you need to invite the organizer to appreciate whether the form is really spoiled or enough to make corrections in it. Looks or typosities (in the registration form or in the replies form No. 1 or No. 2) are not grounds for replacement. It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to change the form separately from the individual kit. Only the set is changed entirely, and the examination tasks will be replaced.

Paying special attention to the fact that the replacement of the forms can be carried out only before the exam start, i.e. until the start of the tasks. If the form was spoiled during the exam, then the whole kit must be handed over to the organizer in the audience and leave the PPE. Then it is necessary to sign up for the surrender of this exam in a reserve day.

Is it possible to make any marks in Kima?

For work records, drafts of the EE are issued drafts. You can do the mark in the kima, but it is not recommended. When appealing, drafts and marks are not considered in km.

Will there be an additional form on which the answer is written, but the participant did not have time to fill in the registration fields?

According to the instructions, registration fields should be fill in mind, but the sheet should not be lost. As a last resort, you can apply an appeal if you consider that the answer that is set out on an additional form has not been taken into account.

If the participant forgot to write "see on the back "will be checked back side Blanca?

Processes and check both sides, since both sides of the answer form are scanned for experts. However, if you doubt the correctness of the processing, you have the right to file an appeal of disagreement with the results, on which you can see if your answer has been taken into account, recorded on the reverse side.

If the form is incorrect, will the work be checked?

Even if the form is issued with violations, it must be checked under the supervision of the Chairman of the Subject Commission.

In which case can the participant be replaced by the examination kit?

A new set of examination materials is issued only in case of detection by the participant of the exam marriage or noncompleteness of examination materials.

If the amount of forms surrendered will be incorrectly noted in the pass, does it affect the exam results?

The number of supplied forms is fixed not only in the pass, but also in the protocol. Error data in the pass should not affect the results of the USE.

This year, the EGE 2018 blanks were changed, with which graduates in this examination company will work, as well as the organizers of the EGE, verification experts. Download, by the way, you can link them at the end of the article.


First, it is worth saying that the EGE 2018 forms that according to biology, that in the chemistry, that in the Russian language, in general, black and white became in all subjects. This I am telling that during the exam hysteria you did not give in to rumors. For example, hearing can be used that the forms are different to each disciplines, and then it will begin. So, they are the same - black and white!

It is determined by this innovation in that now they will be published directly in the points of delivery of a single state examination - directly in schools, as well as the other exam materials. This eliminates bringing them in packages, and as a result limits the leakage of real kima.

In addition, all the blanks in the upper left corner have a QR code. On any form of a new sample, this code is. Be sure to go through the rehearsal exam, which should be carried out in all schools. On it you will be able to see the blanks, and also practice in the right filling. But we still dwell on some of these rules.

Nuances filling

  • The forms of the exam should be a black handle: gel or capillary. Colored handles, pencils and other "evil" is prohibited! To adjust the responses, if you made a mistake, you can use the corrector (special liquid, it is better to have it too)
  • The EGE participant should depict each figure and the letter in all the filled fields of the registration form and the answer form No. 1, carefully copy the sample of its writing from a string with samples of writing symbols located at the top of the registration form and the answer blank number 1.
  • All the shaped fields are filled from the beginning from the very first cell, remember this! And then the computer will not be able to check the first part, or the error itself will admit.
  • If you do not know which answer is correct, it is impossible to do. Just leave the field empty.
  • In forms №1 and №2 (including an additional form No. 2) should not contain personal information About the student who passes the exam.
  • No extra marks that do not belong to the fulfillment of the tasks of the EGE cannot be done. You must have a draft where you can make a note for yourself. The draft is not taken into account when checking the forms of the exam!

Separately about the registration form

The top fields of this form contain information about you personally and about the exam that you pass.

Here is its rules of filling

1. The participant of the USE must enter the code independently educational organization, room and letter class, number of the audience.

2. Fields "Region Code", "Code of Exam", "subject code", "Name of the subject", "Date of conduct of the EGE" are filled automatically. The service field ("Reserve-1") is not filled.

3. Information about the participant of the Unified state exam Filled by the participant of the exam. Surname, name and patronymic is entered from a document certifying the identity of the participant of the exam. The line "Document" is filled with Arabic numbers without spaces, starting from the first cell. Here, too, it is necessary to check with the document so as not to be mistaken.

The average field is a deployed instruction for the exam.

Do not save time on reading this field! It is important not only carefully and thoughtfully read these items, but also to verify the availability of all the forms included, which are referred to in the instructions!

Only after you check whether you filled the top field correctly, as well as half of how make sure that you have everything in your IR (and there is nothing superfluous), you start filling the third Parts of registration form and put your signature in a special field.

Remember, even before you start working with bookcases, the participant of the EGE puts his signature in the field specifically reserved for this. This must be done without going beyond the rectangle (that is, strictly in the window). If you have a squeezed handwriting, take straight several times before the exam.

Registration form for oral exams

Registration form is provided for all EGE, for oral exams there is a separate registration form. The difference is only in the title and some points of instructions for the participant of the exam.

Answer blank number 1 is necessary to make answers to test part of the ege. He looks like this.

Rules of filling out a blank of answers №1

1. The upper part is filled in analogously to the registration form.

2. A brief answer is recorded to the right of the task number in the response area. The answer to the task with a brief response should be written in this form in which the instructions for this task are required.

3. Sequences of numbers or words (if it is phrase) is recorded without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

4. Each digit, letter, comma or minus sign are recorded in a separate cell.

5. If a short response should be a word missed in the text of the task, then this word needs to be written in that grammatical form (Rod, number, case, etc.), in which it should stand in the task.

6. If a numeric response is obtained in the form of a fraction, it should be rounded up to an integer according to the rules of rounding, if the instructions for performing the task do not require write a response in the form of a decimal fraction. For example, 2.3 rounded up to 2; 2.5 - to 3; 2.7 - To 3. This rule should be performed for those tasks for which the instructions for performing work there are no indications that the answer must be given as a decimal fraction.

7. In response recorded in the form of a decimal fraction, a comma should be specified as a separator.

8. Symbols in the answer should not come into contact with each other. The term should be written completely. Any reductions are prohibited. The response does not indicate the names of the measurement units (degrees, interest, meters, tons, and so on), because they will not be taken into account when evaluating.

Special attention deserves the lower part of the answer form No. 1, which is called "Replacing erroneous answers to tasks with a brief answer." It is in this field that you can write a fixed answer if you find that you recorded the wrong answer in the form number 1. It is impossible to cheer anything. You can only carefully make another record in a special fixing field.

Rules for filling out the field "Replacing erroneous answers to tasks with a brief answer"

1. To replace the responses made in the response form No. 1, you need to put the task number in the appropriate replacement fields, the answer to which you want to correct, and record the new value of the correct answer to the specified task.

2. If in the error response replacement area, the task number will be filled with a task, and the new answer is not made, it will be used to estimate an empty answer (that is, the task will be counted unfulfilled). Therefore, in case of incorrect instructions of the task number in the error response replacement area, the wrong task number should be shocked.

Answer form №2. Designed for deployed answers, so it represents a field rated in a cell, as in the usual school notebook.

The form of answers has 2 sheets, they are called: the answer form No. 2 sheet 1 and the answer form No. 2 sheet 2.

When filling, it is important not to confuse the numbering of the answer form No. 2 sheet 1 and the form of responses No. 2 sheet 2. They are absolutely identical, so it is easy to get confused. Practice for holding trial EGE This year showed that it was in this matter most of all the mistakes in filling the updated forms of the EGE!

If two sheets of Blanca №2 didn't have enough to rewrite the responses to the exam questions and tasks entirely, the additional answer form No. 2 is also provided.

Rules for filling the forms of answers №2

1. Records in the sheet 1 and a sheet 2 of the answer form No. 2 are made only on the front side, the reverse side of the lists of the form of the responses number 2 is not filled.

2. Answers made to every next additional answer form No. 2 are evaluated only in the case of a fully filled previous additional form of responses No. 2, sheet 1 and sheet 2 of the answer no. 2.

3. If the response area of \u200b\u200bthe response form number 2 (sheet 1 and sheet 2) and additional forms of answers number 2 contains empty areas, the organizers repay them with "Z".

For the Organizers of the EGE Rosobrnadzor prepared detailed instructionsHow to print exams directly in PPE (the first 23 minutes of video).

Download the scam 2018 blanks can be here \u003d \u003e\u003e

A source

The blank is filled with a black gel handle

After processing (scanning), the blank of the inscriptions made by the usual blue handle is not clearly visible. Inscriptions made by pencil are not visible at all.

The handle should leave a clear (not fat) mark without lumen. This rule also refers to the forms of responses No. 2, which records solutions on the tasks of Part S.

The blank is filled not by sample writing symbols

At the top of the registration form and the answer form No. 1, it is indicated how to write letters, numbers and other permissible characters. If the participant of the EGE neglect the sample, the computer may incorrectly recognize written.

The blank is filled in neakkurat

Inactively filled fields can also be recognized incorrectly.

Incorrect recording of fractions in the answers

Recording decimal fractions in the form of answers number 1 is unacceptable. Each decimal fraction symbol must be recorded in a separate window. The comma is best to write in the lower third of the window.

Writing Units of Measurement in Answers

In the form of answers number 1, it is also unacceptable to write after the number of units of measurement after the number (interest, meters, degrees, grams, etc.).

Incorrect monarch names

The ordinal numbers of monarchs in the answer form №1 should be recorded only by words without spaces. For example, "Vasilintrey", "Petrperm". The same applies to the record of the centuries ("Sixteenth" instead of "XVI").

Using a blank not for purpose

Some participants of the EGE use the form number 2 (for part C) as a draft for solving Part A or V.

Output for the fields of the answer form №2

Records in the replies of answers number 2 should not go beyond the limiting framework. After scanning, the text that came out beyond will be lost. Experts checking the responses of Part C are scanned copies. In the case of not compliance with the participant of the EGE of this rule, his work will be difficult to read and correctly appreciate.

Using a corrector to correct errors

According to the rules of filling the Blanks of the EGE, apply the corrector ("putty", "barcode") is not allowed. Moreover, the corrector is not included in the list of items allowed for use. To replace one option of response to another in part A or in, it is necessary to use a special form of the form.

Particles of the corrector when scanning work can fall off. This will not only lead to a significant slowdown in the processing of the forms, but also spoil all subsequent line forms, as indicated in the figure. All cells through which this line has passed, will be recognized as the selected response option.

When using the material on another site mandatory

EGE in matters and answers

What is the exam?

The unified State Exam (EGE) is the main form of the final state certification at school for all graduates of schools of the Russian Federation, including those who have completed Russian schools by foreign citizens, stateless persons, refugees and forced migrants.

Universities and dusties use the results of the EG as the results of entrance tests.

You can see more details on the site in the section Basic Information about the exam.

What is GIA in grade 9?

GIA graduates of grades 9 - this is a state (final) certification of students who have mastered educational programs The main general education, which is a new form of examinations using the tasks of the standardized form. Their execution allows you to set the level of development of the federal state Standard Basic general education.

You can see more details on the site in the Graduates section 9 (GIA)

What objects need to take?

Mandatory for all graduates of schools of the current year are exams EGE In Russian language and mathematics. Positive assessments on these subjects are necessary for the receipt of the certificate. If the graduate intends to continue education in a higher or secondary professional educational institution, then it must pass the so-called items.

Is it possible to refuse to participate in the exam?

Graduates with disabilities have the right to choose the form of state certification, that is, they can take final exams In traditional form or in the form of the exam.

What can be used during the exam?

You can take with you for the exam

In mathematics - ruler

In physics - a ruler and an unprogrammed calculator

Chemistry - unprogrammed calculator

Geography - ruler, unprogrammed calculator and transport

Other materials and technical means are prohibited from the exam.

Who and when admits graduates of the school to the state final certification?

To state (final) certification, graduates of educational institutions are allowed, having annual marks for all general educational objects for the X, XI (XII) classes at least satisfactory.

The final marks are defined as the average arithmetic annual graduate marks for X, XI (XII) classes and are set to the certificate of integers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding, i.e. in the most side.

The decision on admission to the state (final) certification is made by the Pedagogical Council of the educational institution and is issued by the order no later than on May 25 of this year.

Does the results of the ege affect the assessment in the certificate?

The results of the USE affect the receipt of the certificate, but not on the assessments that are exposed to the certificate. The positive results of state (final) certification in Russian and mathematics (overcoming the minimum border) are the grounds for issuing a graduate of the certificate on the average (full) general education.

Does the results of the ege affect the medal?

To obtain a certificate, a graduate must pass two mandatory objects - Russian language and mathematics, and to dial the number of points not lower than the minimum thresholds installed by Rosobrnadzor. If the graduate scored an insufficient number of points on two mandatory subjects at the same time or one of them, taking into account the relief, then, respectively, the certificate and medal are not issued.

What are the exam tasks?

Kim include tasks of 3 types:

And - with the choice of the right answer from the four offered (tasks of this type there is not in the exam in mathematics, literature and foreign languages);

In - with a brief free answer (phrase or number);

C - with a deployed free answer (verbal justification, mathematical conclusion, essay, evidence, presentation of your own position).

Should the stroke codes on all bookcases in one individual package?

Barcodes of the form of an individual examination package should not coincide, this is one of the means of information protection.

Is it possible to find jobs somewhere and answers to them?

Do not give in to tempting offers to buy "EGE's results". Acquisition of such answers is nothing but a useless waste of money. In more detail - in the Black List section.

What benefits are best used when preparing for the exam?

To prepare for the exam best use textbooks.

In addition, on the official information portal Ege www.edu.ru can be found with demonstration options Kim for different years, including the current year, as well as with the specifications of examination work. On the website of FIPI www.fipi.ru posted an open segment of the federal bank of test materials, which includes tasks that were actually used during the exam in different years for all general education subjects.

Who and how does the answers to the tasks of the exam?

Answers to tasks type A (select from options) and type in (brief free answers) are checked using a computer.

Tasks type C (deployed free answers) check two expert expert from among the teachers appointed for this work by the local State Examination Commission (GEC). Each expert is in the protocol of evaluation for each response to the task. With the discrepancy of estimates of the two experts, the third is appointed.

After that, the information is automatically entered into the computer, and the corresponding files are sent over protected communication channels to the FTC. The FCT is automatic scores for each student, which are stored in the federal database.

What if the participant missed the disease exam?

A graduate who missed the exam due to illness, presents a medical certificate to school, (graduates of past years - to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which carries out management in the field of education, or local government authority, which is managed in the field of education, depending on the organizational and territorial Schemes for holding the EGE in the subject of the Russian Federation), in which the graduate was registered for the exam. A school or the relevant body must promptly transfer information to the State Examination Commission, so that she appointed a graduate another day to pass the USE provided for by a single schedule.

Anyone who wants to take the exam, who did not have the opportunity to participate in the exam in the main wave for a valid reason, confirmed documentary (illness, family circumstances, graduation exams in technical school and other reasons), has the right to apply for the delivery of the USE until July 5 in local organs Education management.

Have the right to pass the USE in additional time:

Completed NGO institutions, SPO in the current academic year and who did not have the opportunity to participate in the exam in May-June;

Received average (full) general education in foreign educational institutions and who did not have the opportunity to participate in the exam in May-June;

Graduates of past years who did not have the opportunity to participate in the exam in May-June;

Graduates of the current year who missed the surrender of the USE in the following deadlines for good reasons;

The graduates of the current year who received an unsatisfactory result on the state (final) certification for one mandatory subject and for good reasons did not take advantage of the right to revise it in the reserve days of the main term of the USE.

The rest pass the exam in the main deadlines.

What if you didn't find your last name on the list of participants of the exam on the subject?

If you send a statement, they did everything right, then, most likely, the application could be lost as a result of a technical failure. If the participant is a graduate of the current year, then you need to contact educational institutionin which he finishes training. If the participant is a graduate of past years, or from another category of participants, should be applying to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which carries out management in the field of education at the place of residence. Those, in turn, should clarify in the regional information processing center (RCCO), is it possible to find a lost application. In extreme cases, all questions related to such situations should decide the GEK.

What to do if the ege on necessary subjects According to a general schedule for rent in one day?

In this case, the schedule of exam is provided for reserve days. If you pass a large number of items on the choice (more than 8) and do not fit in the main deadlines, then, by decision GES, you may be allowed to pass the remaining items on additional days in July.

You can not come to the exam, to participate in which he was signed up, but it was not needed upon admission? What will be noted in the database?

You can not come to the exam, which is not included in the list of the main. In case of failure to appear on the exam, the information to the federal database is not made.

The subject of the subject is considered not alleged only if the participant of the exam score the number of points below the minimum threshold established by Rosobrnadzor. In this case, the result is entered into a federal database, and in the certificate of the results of the EGE - not.

What if in the passing of the child in the child's mistakes in filling the last name, name, patronymic, passport data?

If it came to the exam, you need to contact the educational institution that issued a pass to correct data.

If it came out on the exam, you must correctly specify the data in the registration form and ask the organizers to make changes to the database.

If errors are found in the protocol with the results of the USE, it is necessary through the representatives of the school or PPE to report the need to change in the database before the certificate of the EGE results are printed.

If an unsatisfactory assessment is obtained on the subject of choice, is it possible to recall the subject this year?

It will be possible to revive only next year. And this year you can reck out only one of the required exams (Russian or mathematics), since a positive assessment in these subjects is a prerequisite for obtaining a certificate.

If you do not suit the result of the USE, you can apply for disagreement with the scores?

Appeal of disagreement with exposed points can be filed within two working days from the date of declaring the results of the USE. Graduates of the current year can appeal against disagreement with exposed points to school, other participants in the EGE - at the item of the EGE, in which the exam was given.

If I fulfill the task on the exam before the time provided, can I pass and go?

The participants of the EGE, which early completed the execution of examination work, can hand over its organizers and leave the PPE, without waiting for the end of the exam, but no later than 15 minutes before its official completion

If the participant was removed from the exam, would it be allowed to re-pass?

The organizers in PFE together with the ICC authorized representative account for the removal of the EEG participant from the exam.

After the exam, the report on the removal of the participant of the EGE from the exam is transferred to the GEK to conduct an inspection on the fact of deletion and decisions on the possibility of admission of the EEG participant to re-pass.

Will the participant be removed from the exam, if a mobile phone detected at the end of the exam?

The participants of the exam are not entitled to communicate with each other, freely move on the audience and the item of the EGE, to use electronic computing equipment and reference materials (with the exception of additional devices and materials, the use of which is allowed for the exam in separate general educational subjects, their list is approved by Rosobrnadzor for each general educational subject).

The authorized representative of the GEK informs the participants of the EGE, organizers, assistants and public observers about the need for mandatory delivery to the command of mobile phones, other means of communication, electronic computers at the time of the exam. The PPE should ensure the safety of the mobile phones and other means of communication.

When discovering during the exam, the participants of the EGE phones and other means of communication, the organizers or authorized representatives of the GEK remove them from the item of the EGE. In this case, the organizers or authorized representatives of the GEC constitute the act of removing these individuals from the item.

GEK conducts an inspection on the fact of removal and makes decisions about the possibility of admission of the EGE participant to re-passing the USE.

Can the organizers answer questions about filling the blanks?

Before the exam, the organizers conduct a briefing participants in the exam, including informing about the rules for filling the blanks. The organizers are required to answer questions related to the design of forms, but should not be responsible for questions related to the content of control measuring materials. If the organizer refuses to respond to questions about the procedure for forming forms, this is a violation of the procedure for holding the EGE. On violations, the participant of the EEH can declare immediately in PPE

What will happen if a schoolboy forgot to put his signature on the letterhead or forgot to specify the school code?

Proper filling of the forms is very important not only for correct reading of answers to tasks, but also to identify the work itself. In case of incorrect or incomplete fill in the registration forms and reception fields in the answers, a delay of obtaining the results of the exam is quite likely.

Two cells are given to replace erroneous responses to part A and B for numbering issues. If the number is unambiguous, then in which cell to put a digit, in the first or second?

In the case of correctly filling out the computer, the computer is programmed to read any writing option.

How to replace erroneous replies?

Allowed to replace the answers:

In terms of A - not more than 12. To do this, the number of erroneous responses should be made to the corresponding field of replacing the error response, and to make a fabric line in the cell string.

In terms of V - not more than 6. To change the response, it is necessary in the appropriate replacement fields to put the number of the corrected task type in and record the new value of the correct answer.

What to do if there is not enough space to record answers in part with?

With a lack of space for responses on the front side of the answer form No. 2, the participant of the exam can continue recording on the back of the form, making the "Look on the Turnover" entry below. With a lack of space for answers on the main score of the responses No. 2, the EEG member can continue recording on an additional summary of Replies No. 2 issued by the organizer in the audience at the request of the participant.

Where exactly on the form number 2 need to record "Look on the back" - under the frame or inside the frame?

The mark "Look on the back" must be taken at the bottom of the face of the form. There are no other guidelines and, therefore, it does not matter where the record is specifically made - in the frame or under it.

Are drafts checked?

Chernoviki are not processed and not checked.

How are the forms of replies on the tasks of the part in?

When executing tasks with a short response (Type Task B), write answers to the answer form in exact accordance with the rules for recording the answers specified in the kima.

Answers are recorded in the response area "The results of performing tasks of type in with the answer in brief form" to the right of the number of the task, starting with the first cell.

When recording an answer, it is necessary to strictly follow the sample (see the top of the answer form No. 1).

The answer must be written completely and picking up.

Each character is recorded in a separate cell. It is allowed to write characters not by cells if the letters in the answer will be greater than cells in the field. But in this case, the answer should not go beyond the boundaries of the response field to this task.

If you want to write a response consisting of two or more words, then each word should be recorded separately, as the spelling rules require. If another form of writing a response to this task is specified in the instructions for performing the work, then it is necessary to follow it. If the answer to the task is the word missing in the text, then this word is written in the form (case, genus, number) in which it should stand in the text.

The numeric answer must be recorded in the form of an integer or final decimal fraction. The rounding decimal fraction is made only if there is an appropriate instructions in the instructions for performing the task.

Do not:

1. To record abbreviated words in response.

2. When recording a response, the characters one under another in one cell.

3. Record the answer in the form of a mathematical expression or formula.

4. Record the name of the measurement units (degrees, percentages, meters, tons, etc.) in response.

5. Do any entries and marks that are not responding to the task in the response field.

If there is not enough forms on the exam for answers, whether drafts are considered?

Keep in mind that drafts are not processed and not checked. Additional blanks for answers to the tasks of part C are supplied to the region in sufficient quantities, and the regional authority is obliged to provide them with all the items of the EGE. The organizers are required to issue forms for first-demand. If the participant is not issued on demand additional forms, this is considered a gross violation of the exam procedure. The participant of the EEH can declare immediately at the point of the exam, submitting an appeal of the violation of the procedure for holding the EGE.

Is it possible to make any marks in Kima?

For work records, drafts of the EE are issued drafts. The mark in the kima is not recommended.

Will there be an additional form on which the answer is written, but the participant did not have time to fill in the registration fields?

According to the instructions, registration fields should be fill in mind, but the sheet should not be lost. As a last resort, you can apply an appeal if you consider that the answer that is set out on an additional form has not been taken into account.

If the participant spoiled the form, it can be replaced?

Before the exam, you must carefully read the rules for filling the forms, which are given in the kim. In addition, the rules are reflected in the instructions for performing tasks. If you think the form is spoiled, you need to invite the organizer to appreciate whether the form is really spoiled or enough to make corrections in it. Looks or typosities (in the registration form or in the replies form No. 1 or No. 2) are not grounds for replacement. It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to change the form separately from the individual kit. Only the set is changed entirely, and the examination tasks will be replaced. Paying special attention to the fact that the replacement of the forms can be carried out only before the exam start, i.e. Before the start of the tasks. If the form was spoiled during the exam, then the whole kit must be handed over to the organizer in the audience and leave the PPE. Then it is necessary to sign up for the surrender of this exam in a reserve day.

If the participant forgot to write "see on the back", will the reverse side of the form be checked?

Processes and check both sides, since both sides of the answer form are scanned for experts. However, if you doubt the correctness of processing, you have the right to file an appeal of disagreement with exposed points, which you can see if your answer was taken into account, recorded on the back side.

If the form is incorrect, will the work be checked?

Even if the form is issued with violations, it must be checked under the supervision of the Chairman of the Subject Commission.

In which case can the participant be replaced by the examination kit?

A new set of examination materials is issued only in case of detection by the participant of the exam marriage or noncompleteness of examination materials.

How many days exams examinations?

The inspection and processing of the forms of the exam in Russian and mathematics in the region should be completed no later than 6 days, and for the rest of the subjects - 4 days after the relevant exam.

What time frame is the minimum number of points are declared?

The minimum number of USE points for each general educational subject announces Rosobrnadzor 6-10 days after the exam.

And if the points did not rejoice in the Russian language or mathematics?

The graduate for obtaining a certificate is important for the results of the Russian language and mathematics. Every year in the main period of the exam (in May-June), after all participants in the exam summarize the subject, Rosobrnadzor establishes the minimum number of points. If you have reached it - then get the certificate. If a graduate is not gaining a minimum on one subject, it can be rented in reserve days (see section Schedule Eger). If low results and in the Russian language, and in mathematics - the certificate is not issued. Such a graduate receives a certificate. Remember the exams and get the certificate you can only from next year.

Where can I find out the results of the exam?

The graduate of the current year will recognize the results of the exam in his school, other participants in the EGE - in PPT or otherwise, which establishes the education authority in each region, for example, through the Internet (free of charge).

After appeal, the number of points increased. What to do if the testimony will be an old result?

In case of changing points, the new result is entered into the federal database of certificates of the EGE's results, and new points are necessarily entered into the certificate, or evidence is replaced. In the event of problems, it is necessary to contact the formation authority.

We will announce the number of points received, and how can I look at your work? Do I need to write a statement for this? And where are the work at all?

You can see your job when considering the appeal of disagreement with the scores. The Conflict Commission requests the printed images of a graduate examination, which is submitted to the appeal, which are then submitted to the exam.

Examination work performed by the participants of the USE is stored at the regional information processing center (RCCO).

What parts kim can you appeal?

Appeal is submitted of disagreement with the exam results in general. As part in the application is not specified. The participant of the EGE, which has been an appeal, is given the opportunity to make sure that its examination work is verified and appreciated in accordance with the established requirements.

Who is the appeal?

An appeal of violation of the procedure for holding the EGE is submitted to the authorized representative of the GES on the day of the exam at the EGE paragraph; Appeal of disagreement with exposed points - to a conflict commission or to his school within 2 working days from the date of the announcement of the results.

What decisions can the conflict commission can accept, for example, can it resolve the exam?

Having considered the appeal of disagreement with exposed points, the conflict Commission may decide on the departure of the appeal and the preservation of the exposed points or on the satisfaction of appeal and exhibit other points. The decision to relocate the USE can be accepted only on appeal by the procedure of the exam. The decision of the conflict commission must be brought to the attention of the appeal to the painting.

Who should appeal to a conflict commission?

Application for consideration of appeal on disagreement with results is submitted to an educational institution in which the participant was admitted to state (final) certification. The responsible representative of the institution, who accepted the appeal should immediately transfer it to the conflict Commission. The participant who filed an appeal is entitled to attend or not be present in its discretion.

Is it possible to appeal the decision of the conflict commission in the federal conflict committee?

Any solutions to organs state power Or created by these bodies of commissions can be challenged in court.

The Federal Conflict Commission is created to consider the appeals of participants passing the exam outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

If you do not agree with the decision of the Conflict Commission, you have the right to apply Rosobrnadzor with the statement of facts and arguments. In this case, an additional check can be carried out.

Is the exam work issued on hand?

The scanned image of the examination work can be submitted to the participant of the EGE (legal representative) only during the appeal procedure. He is given the opportunity to make sure that his examination work is verified and appreciated in accordance with the established requirements. In the hands of work is not issued.

The result of the appeal is becoming known at once?

On the day of appeal, you are reported to solve the conflict commission and are offered to sign the report of the appeal.

If as a result of consideration of the appeal increased the result when it will be fixed?

If, according to the results of the consideration of the appeal of disagreement with the results of the exam, the conflict commission decides on the satisfaction of appeal and exposing other points, the Conflict Commission transfers the relevant information in the RCCI and further on the relevant scheme for further approval of the GEK. After compliance with all procedures, the data will arrive in the FBS (federal database of certificates of EEE results).

If the Conflict Commission decides to relocate the exam, but the participant wrote to a smaller number of points, is it possible to put the first result in the evidence?

The Conflict Commission may decide to relocate the exam, only if an appeal of a violation of the established procedure for holding the EGE was filed. In this case, the first test result is canceled, and the certificate is submitted by the result obtained during the relief, which will be reflected in the FBS (the federal basis of evidence of the results of the EGE).

Is it possible to correct an incorrect assessment made by a computer due to an incorrect task in part A or B?

In such cases, the Conflict Commission should consult with the developers of Kim. If the developers confirm that there is an error, then all participants in the exam, which performed this option, all dependencies on their response, the results for these tasks will be counted as correct.

What if the day of appeal (conflict meetings) coincides with the exam day?

The day of appeal should not coincide with the exam day in which you participate. In this case, you need to contact the conflict commission and transfer the day or the consideration of the appeal.

If, when considering the appeal, it turns out that the assessment is exhibited correctly, will the points are removed "in punishment"?

According to the results of the consideration of the appeal of disagreement with exposed points, the conflict Commission decides either to deviate the appeal and the preservation of the exposed points, or on the satisfaction of appeal and exposing other points. No punishment for filing appeal is not provided.

How to restore the evidence of the results of the exam, which is lost?

In cases of loss of evidence of the results of the EGE or damage (damage), the educational institution (the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which carries out management in the field of education, the local governance authority, which carries out management in the field of education) issues a duplicate certificate of the EGE's results if the validity period of this certificate Not expired.

Duplicates are issued within seven days from the date of submitting a written statement by the participant of the EGE to the educational institution (the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which carries out management in the field of education, the local government authority, which carries out management in the field of education), which issued him a certificate of the EGE's results. If the evidence of the EGE's results in the statement must be set out the circumstances of the loss of evidence and documents confirming the fact of loss.

When damaged the evidence of the results of the USE, the statement should be set out the circumstances and nature of the damage that exclude the possibility of further use, with the application of the damaged (spoiled) certificate of the EGE, which is destroyed in the prescribed manner.

What time frame is the certificate of the EGE's results is issued?

Certificates of the examination of the EGE to the main, as a rule, are issued from June 24, and the certificate of the examination of the USE in an additional period - from July 23.

Will it be somehow reflected in the documents information about unandless exams?

Information about unstable EGE on this or that object is entered into a federal database. In the evidence of the results of the exam, no marks about these exams are made.

In the evidence of the results of the EGE there is data of passports. What if the participant after the exam has lost his passport?

If the passport is lost, you should write an application to the police and get a certificate in which the data of the lost passport will be indicated. This reference will replace the lost passport until a new document is received. The new passport will stand a stamp with the data of an old passport.

Based on what is received by the evidence of the results of the EGE participant, if the passport is on the design? Is it enough to obtain a birth certificate and insert about citizenship and certificates from school confirming personality?

Certificate of birth is not a document certifying personality. For the period of registration of the passport, migration services give a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to make it necessary to obtain a certificate of the results of the USE.

Can there be a certificate of the results of the exam? Parents?

Certificate of the results of the EE is issued:

Participant of the exam or his parents (legal representatives) upon presentation of a document certifying his identity;

The person authorized by the participant of the USE, on the basis of a document certifying his personality, and decorated in the prescribed manner of attorney.

Is the evidence of the evidence of the EGE's results increases for returned from the army?

Persons who have surrendered the exam during the year before calling military service, have the right to use the results of these exams during the year after dismissal from military service upon admission to accredited universities and conditions (p. 4.5. Article 15. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

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