Portal of federal state educational standards of higher education. Portal of federal state educational standards of higher education Coordination council UMO

Coordination Council of Training and Methodological Associations (UMOs) and Scientific and Methodological Councils (NMS) of the Higher School, Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu.A. SENKEVICH, THE INSTITUTE OF THE QUALITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION NITE MISIS, is carried out by the NIR seminar, mobility and institutional transparency as key directions of the Bologna process

[On improving the qualifications of the steering and pedagogical personnel VPO systems according to the program:« » with the International Seminaron the topic « » ]

Moscow state Institute History of tourism named Yu.A. SENKEVICH together with the quality institution higher education NITE "MISIS" (IKBO) and the Coordination Council of the UMO and NMS higher School invites representatives of your university to take part in the advanced training program « Nir, Mobility and Institutional Transparency as the main components of the international partnership of the modern university » .

purpose The proposed advanced training is to assist leaders and teachers of universities to ensure a qualitative organization research work and academic mobility at the university as part of the development of international partnership of Russian universities.

The following form of organization and advanced training is proposed - advanced training in MGIT named after Yu.A. Senkevich with a partial separation from working with participation in a 2-hdnerable international seminar. Classes are held with lectures, consultations, practical training, round tables with experience, independent work Listeners to fulfill individual tasks, preparation and protection of certification work.

This form of advanced training implies the issuance of certificates of the state sample under the program of 72 hours.

International Seminar "Nir, Mobility and Institutional Transparency As Key Areas of the Bologna Process" will be held from 29 to 30 November 2012 at the Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu.A. SENKEVICH.

The target audience - Vice Rector for UMOs, Vice Rector for scientific work, Vice Rectors academic work, Properators for international projects and international relations.

Seminar Member States: Russia, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Finland.

Objectives of the seminar:

1) discussion of the problems of academic mobility and options for their solutions for Russian universities in modern conditions;

2) discussion of the problems of institutional transparency and options for their decision;

3) exchange of advanced experience ("best practices");

4) the establishment of business contacts and the signing of agreements on intent and / or cooperation agreements;

5) Development of joint projects and applications for international funds.

The seminar will present the MGIIT named after Yu.A. Senkevich "Exchange of International Projects"within the Internet project "Expert Center of International Partnership".

The advancement of qualifications are carried out by Bologna experts, leading teachers of IKVA, heads of foreign universities, representatives of the Coordination Council of Basic Universities UMOs and regional universities, Rosobrnadzor and the Ministry of Education.

Main speakers International Seminar:

Marek. Frankowicz. , Bologna Expert, Expert of the Tuning Russia-2 project, Professor of the University of Jagelon, Krakov, Poland; Head working Group Eurashe mobility;

Manuela Epure. , Vice-Rector of the University of Spiru Haret, Director of the Nir Center of the University of Spiru Haret;

Iolanta. Urbanek. , Bologna Expert, Head of the Eurashe Working Group;

R.N. Azarov , head. Department of Regional Quality Management Systems for Ikvo NITE "MISIS";

N.V. Borisov , head. Department of new technologies of active learning IKVO NITE "MISIS";

IN AND. Babyna , Vice Rector for Innovative International RSGU projects;

IN AND. Kruglov , director of IKVO NITE "MISIS";

A.N. Yandovsky , Rector of the Moscow Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu.A. SENKEVICH.

On November 29, 6 reports were planned and 1 round table on the implementation of the OOP, corresponding to the FGOS of the third generation;

on November 30 - 3 lectures and 2 round Tables. On issues of improving the efficiency of research and development of educational institutions of universities, academic mobility and international partnership.

November 30 - Day "Exchange of International Projects", as well as negotiations with representatives of universities in Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Finland, discussing mutual interests and signing agreements on intentions and agreements on cooperation.

Materials of the International Seminar « Nir, mobility and institutional transparency as key directions of the Bologna process» November 29-30, 2012 will be published in the MGIT named after Yu.A. SENKEVICH.

All participants in the international seminar will receive extensive handouts on the CD in the framework of the declared topics of advanced training.

Additionally included services: Hotel Booking, Simultaneous Translation, Coffee Pause, Rector of the MGIIT named after Yu.A. SENKEVICH, CULTURAL PROGRAM. Moscow Institute of Tourism Industry. Yu.A. Senkevich provides information and advisory assistance russian universities In the preparation of the English-language version of international projects.

Document's name:
Document Number: 1670
Document type:
Accepted Ministry of Education of Russia
Status: Unplaced

N 10, 1997

Date of adoption: July 28, 1997.
Start date: July 28, 1997.
Execution Date: September 02, 2015.

On approval of the Regulations on the Coordination Council of the Methodological Associations and the Scientific and Methodological Councils of the Ministry and the composition of its Presidium

Ministry of Common and Professional
Education of the Russian Federation

Raised on the basis of
order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of September 2, 2015 N 942

The document does not need state registration of the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation
"Economics and Life" N 35, August 1998

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia of 05.05.97 N 844 "On Approval Model position On the educational and methodological association of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation "


1. To approve the Regulations on the Coordination Council of the Methodological Associations and Scientific and Methodological Councils of the Ministry of Education of Russia (Appendix N 1) and the composition of its presidium (Appendix N 2).

3. Control over the execution of this order to assign educational standards and programs (Shestakova G.K.).

First Deputy Minister
V. Yurakovsky

Appendix N 1. Regulations on the coordination board of educational associations and scientific and methodological councils of the Ministry of Education of Russia

Appendix N 1.
to the order of the ministry
general and professional
education of the Russian Federation
of July 28, 1997 N 1670

1. Coordination Council of Training and Methodological Associations (UMOs) and Scientific and Methodological Councils (NMS) (hereinafter - the Coordination Council) is the bodist of the Ministry of General vocational education The Russian Federation, which coordinates the activities of state-public associations in the system of higher professional education.

2. The Coordination Council includes:

deputy Chairmen of the Soviets of the UMO;

chairmen of the Coordination and Scientific and Methodological Councils of the Ministry of Education of Russia;

representatives of regional educational centers;

representatives of the Ministry of Education of Russia;

representatives of research organizations of the education system.

3. The main tasks of the activities of the Coordination Council are:

ensuring coherence of strategies and methods of work of state-public associations in the field of higher professional education;

ensuring the interaction of educational and methodological associations, regional educational centers, coordination and scientific and methodological councils of the Ministry of Education of Russia in the development of materials and documents on the problems of higher vocational education;

development on the instructions of the Ministry of Education of Russia of uniform approaches to the preparation of educational and methodological documentation;

study and dissemination of the work experience of UMOs, regional educational centers, coordination and scientific and methodological councils of the Ministry of Education of Russia in various areas of their activities;

organization of activities in order to broadly discuss the university publicity of the scientific and methodological problems of the functioning and development of higher education.

4. The Coordination Council operates in accordance with this Regulation, legislative acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents of the executive bodies in the field of education.

5. In the coordination board, to solve problems set in front of him, temporary working groups or commissions may be created from among specialists of various universities, enterprises and organizations.

6. Higher organ The Coordination Council is a plenum, in which all members of the Council enjoy equal rights. In the breaks between the Plenums of the work of the Coordination Council, the Presidium is headed.

The composition of the Presidium and its chairman appointed by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation on the recommendation of the Coordination Council for a period of 3 years. The Presidium Chairman is the Chairman of the Coordination Council.

The Presidium Chairman and his deputy guide and organize the work of the Coordination Council and its Presidium, represent the Coordination Council in the High Professional Education Bodies, communicate with other state-owned, public and public and public organizations In the field of education, members of the Coordination Council and representatives of universities are attracted to work in working groups.

7. The regulation of the work of the Coordination Council and its presidium is approved in the plenum.

8. In Higher educational institution, whose representative is the Chairman of the Presidium of the Coordination Council, a fund is being created. moneyentering the prescribed manner from state-public associations in the system of higher professional education.

The use of funds is carried out according to the estimate approved by the rector at the presentation of the Presidium of the Coordination Council.

9. The Coordination Council is reported annually on its work before the Ministry of Education of Russia.

Appendix N 2. The composition of the Presidium of the Coordination Council of Educational and Methodological Associations and Scientific and Methodological Councils of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation

Appendix N 2.
to the order of the ministry
general and professional
education of the Russian Federation
of July 28, 1997 N 1670

1. Maksimov N.I. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
(Chairman) on textile education

2. Galyamin I.G. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
Chairman) of environmental protection

3. Kozlov V.N. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
(Deputy for Education in the region
Chairman) Mechanical Engineering and Instrument Engineering

4. Utkin TB - Head of the Department of Council of UMO
(Scientific Secretary) Medical and Pharmaceutical

5. Aleshin N.V. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
By education in the field
Shipbuilding and oceanics

6. Borodulin I.N. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
By education in the field of electronics
and applied mathematics

7. Vsevolozhsky V.A. - Deputy Chairman of the Council
UMOs Universities

8. Galaktionov V.V. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
Education in the field of energy
and electrical engineering

9. Gladun A.D. - Chairman expert Council by
The cycle of common natural sciences

10. Gudkov V.P. - vice-chairman
Educational Council on
Philology UMOs Universities

11. Denisov I.N. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
on medical and pharmaceutical

12. JOW V.I. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
According to pedagogical education

13. Korotkov E.M. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
By management education

14. Krayukhin G.A. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
By education in the field
Production management

15. Kudryavtsev L.D. - vice-chairman
Scientific and Methodical Council
Ministry of Education of Russia in Mathematics

16. Kutakhov V.P. - Deputy Head
Military Engineering Academy. prof.
N.E. Zhukovsky

17. Martynenko Yu.G. - Chairman of the scientific and methodological
Russian Ministry of Education Council
Theoretical mechanics

18. Nikitina G.Ya. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
By education in the field of folk
artistic culture,
social and cultural activities and
information resources

19. Novikov A.M. - Academician - Secretary of the Department
Basic professional
Education Russian Academy

20. Popova E.P. - Head of the Department of Educational
High professional programs
Education of the Ministry of Education of Russia

21. Puzankov D.V. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
by education in the field of automation,
electronics, microelectronics and

22. Romance L.I. - Senior Researcher
higher education

23. Semushina L.G. - Chief Researcher
Research Institute
higher education

24. Selezneva N.A. - Director of the Research Center
Production quality problems

25. Solovyov V.P. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
By formulation in the field of metallurgy

26. Stepanov V.L. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
By formation in the field of water

27. Tatur Yu.G. - Chief Researcher
Research Center Problems
Quality of training specialists

28. Fomin N.N. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
By Communication Education

29. Hechumov R.A. - Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO
According to construction education

The text of the document is drilled by:
"Bulletin of the Ministry of General and
vocational education
Russian Federation",
N 10, 1997

On approval of the Regulations on the Coordination Council of the Methodological Associations and the Scientific and Methodological Councils of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the composition of its Presidium (it has lost its strength on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 09/02/2015 N 942)

Document's name: On approval of the Regulations on the Coordination Council of the Methodological Associations and the Scientific and Methodological Councils of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the composition of its Presidium (it has lost its strength on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 09/02/2015 N 942)
Document Number: 1670
Document type: Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia
Accepted Ministry of Education of Russia
Status: Unplaced
Published: "Bulletin of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation"

N 10, 1997

Date of adoption: July 28, 1997.
Start date: July 28, 1997.
Execution Date: September 02, 2015.
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