Melitopol Agrarian University. File archive TGATU

Passed in his formation several stages. In 1920 - 1921, a professional school was created on the basis of Melitopol craft workshops, in 1926 it was transformed into a Polytechnic Profsses. In 1930, the school was reorganized into three technical schools. In 1931, on the basis of the leading of the three technical schools, the technical school of industrialization of agriculture was formed by the factory-technical school. OGPU.

In 1932, a factory-combine of agricultural science was formed on the basis of the technical plant. The plant plant, in particular, entered the Institute for the preparation of engineers-machine workers. Thus, 1932 consider the date of the foundation

In 1938, the functioning of the Melitopol Institute of Agriculture Mechanics (MIMS) began as an independent higher education institution. In 1994, this university is transformed into Tauride State Agrotechnical Academy. Not so long ago, in 2007, the Tavrichesky State Agrotechnical Academy received the status . TGATU Has IV accreditation level.

Successfully ensures high quality of training specialists, adhering to modern approaches To educational and pedagogical activities and using a powerful, new technical base. Emphasis in education is done primarily on practical training, TGATU Takes a time call, actively cooperating with employers. University cooperates with foreign top educational institutions - Students and teachers have the opportunity to undergo training and internship in more than 10 countries of the world.

Part TGATU Belong 6 Colleges - Melitopol, Berdyansky, Zaporizhia, Novokahovsky, Vasilyevsky, Nogai.

For today, given all structural units, in TGATUmore than 12 thousand students study. IN it works only 5 faculties, namely: agrotechnologies and ecology, mechanical and technological, engineering and computer technology, economics and business and the energy faculty.

Directions of training B. Tauride State Agrotechnology University

Graduate TGATU Receive scientific degrees of bachelor, specialist or master in the following areas of preparation:


Ecology, guard ambient and balanced environmental management;

Mechanical engineering;

Processes, machinery and equipment APF;

Energy and electrical systems in APK;

Food technologies and engineering;

Occupational Safety and Health;

Computer science;

Enterprise economy;

Accounting and Auditing;

Finance and credit;


The university has 33 departments, where scientists of the agrarian sphere, more than 40 doctors of science and professors, more than 250 candidates of science and associate professors are working.

IN Tauride State Agrotechnology University There is the possibility of training in graduate school and in doctoral studies in 3 directions and 7 specialties. IN TGATU Specialized scientists work on the protection of dissertations.

Contacts TGATU

The university building is one of the most beautiful buildings of the city. Located in the city center, on the main prospect. Address TGATU: Zaporizhzhya region, Melitopol, B. Khmelnitsky, 18.

Newspaper "Agro Tavria" - symbol Tauride State Agrotechnology University

The newspaper "Agro Tavria" is a symbol TGATU Since 1990 since 1990. The newspaper comes out monthly print edition University, has a circulation of 1500 copies. The editorial board of the newspaper represent the most famous university scientists. The newspaper is distributed not only among teachers and university students, but also goes to schools, technical schools, professional universities, agro-industrial universities. The publication tells about events and achievements. Tavrichesky State Agricultural University.Its recent achievement is the victory in the nomination "Best coverage of the educational and pedagogical process" in the competition for the best newspaper of universities III-IV levels of accreditation of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.

Sport develops at the university. Sport Club TGATU Tavriya University conducts sports events, in sports such as athletics, basketball, volleyball, football, handball, aerobics, freestyle wrestling, table tennis, etc. Among the advances in the sports club TGATUit can be noted that the team of Volleyball University - winner of the Ukrainian Championships in the Higher Student League, representatives of the University of Powerlifting, Gewal Sports, Wilty Wrestling - Champions and Welfare Championships of the World Cup, World Cup, winners of the Ukrainian Cup, Championship of Ukraine, European Championship, and others . Tournaments.

The Department of Physical Education has a gaming room (350m 2), Hall of Attrethy (80m 2), Male (210m 2) and Women (68m 2) Gyms, Psycho-physical Unloading Hall (40m 2).

Hostel Tauride State Agrotechnology University № 1, 3, 4 are best hostels cities. The dormitories regularly conduct high-quality repairs to which the existing and future residents of the hostel are involved. For the organization of leisure and entertainment, thematic music evenings and holidays are held in hostels. Buildings exist special recreation rooms, hotel rooms, storage rooms for students' personal belongings.

On each floor of the dormitory there are 12 residential blocks, two cuisines, two rooms for washing with dryers, four balconies. In each residential block there are two rooms, the first for two students (12m 2), the second for three students (18m 2). Those who want to play sports can do it in a hostel, where sports halls are functioning.

The library is both in the hostel (branch) and at the university. The library creates all the conditions for fruitful scientific work Students and self-development.

In the territory Tauride State Agrotechnology University There is a complex that provides additional household services on preferential terms, in particular, the repair and shoe repair point is functioning, the hairdresser has.

Health complex TGATU Salute offers everyone a vacation on the Azov Sea coast in PGT. Kirillovka and economy and premium rooms.

TGATU The first among agrarian universities of Ukraine was the certification of a quality management system in education as such as compliance with the international standard ISO 9001: 2008.

But the ratings counted by Ukrainian experts were not high enough TGATU. In the ranking of Universities "Webometrics" she took the 178th place, which is significantly lower than such universities of the region as ZNU and SNTU, and in the ranking of the universities "Top 200 Ukraine" only 70 place.

On budget places in Tauride State Agrotechnology University Competition is low, because among the bachelors about 2.72 people claim 1 budget place, among specialists of such 1.66 people / place, and among the masters of 1.42 people / place.

So, Tauride state agrotechnological university, TGATU He is the center of student leisure and development in Melitopol.

Sincerely, IC "Kursoviks"!

TGATU Melitopol - Tauride State Agricultural University

Accreditation level IV
Contact person (director) Kurchev Vladimir Nikolaevich
Document on graduation Diploma State. Sample

The Tauride State Agrotechnological University was founded in 1932. One of the founders of the foundation of the University - Greenchak Yuri Lvovich (1902-1937).

Since 2006, the rector of the University of Vladimir Nikolaevich Kurchev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine.

The Tauride State Agrotechnological University is accredited by the highest IV level. Certificate of accreditation of RD-IV No. 0858814 dated 06/27/2013. License Mont Series AE No. 527424 dated 02.10.2014 (Order of Ukraine dated July 31, 2014 No. 2657L). Graduates receive a state diploma.

The structure of the university includes: Mechanics and Technology, Energy Faculty, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Agrotechnology and Ecology, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Technologies; Scientific Institute university training; Institute of Postgraduate Education; 4 Research institutes: the research institutes of agriculture of the South of Ukraine, the Research Institute of Agrotechnology and Ecology, the Research Institute of Socio-Economic Development of the South of Ukraine The Research Institute of Engineered Horticulture; 6 separate structural details: "Berdyan College Tdatu", "Vasilyevsky College Tdatuj", "Melitopol College Tgatu", "Novokahovki College Tdatat", "Noga College Tdatat", "Harm College Tdatat".

The most popular university of the Melitopol district, annually attracting hundreds of applicants. In TGATU Melitopol dreams of doing many, because technical and economic specialty remain in demand. Every year, the university issues accountants of auditors, ecologists, agronomists, programmers, mechanics, marketers.

Training is carried out at the faculties by specialties:

  • Mechanically technological
  1. mechanization of agriculture;
  2. mechanization of animal husbandry;
  3. technical service;
  4. state Technical Supervision
  • Energy
  1. electrification of the facilities of the APK and the processing industry;
  2. automation of technological processes and diagnostics of operational modes of energy efficiency;
  3. stations, substations and power supply.
  • Economy and business
  1. enterprise economy;
  2. marketing;
  3. accounting and Auditing;
  4. finance and credit.
  • Engineering and Computer Technologies
  1. ecology and environmental protection; agrogeninery;
  2. fruit and vegetable;
  3. technology of storage and processing of crop production; food technologies and engineering.
  • Agrotechnologies and ecology
  1. computer NAUKI (Information Technology Projecting);
  2. machinery (equipment processing and edible production).

Also, at the university, the Institute for Postgraduate Education and 6 Colleges. College graduates can continue their training in TGATU Melitopol for the selected specialty.

The birth of the university began in late XIX. Century, when the first handicraft colleges were founded. In the 20s of the last century, handicraft workshops were transformed into the first professional school, and then in mechanical and construction. Having survived many more mergers, in 1938 it begins its independent functioning of the Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanics Engineers. In the 50s, the reception was opened on extramural And graduate school is created. The stream of youth, who wants to get education, grew significantly.

Today, students can choose a double diploma program, attend open online courses And take practice abroad. Nonresident is provided with several hostels located in different parts Cities, but at the same time, not far from the university. TGATU Melitopol official website discloses detailed information on the introductory campaign and training features in the university. Here everyone can visit the rector page, watch photo studs and meet teachers.

The level of teachers' professionalism has always been high. So, from 1965 to 1991, university teachers defended 11 doctoral and 156 candidate works. Having received the status of the Tavric State Agricultural University in 2007, TGATU Melitopol pays special attention to scientific activities.

At the university there are several KVN teams, the university constantly holds interesting events, beauty contests and concerts. Every student can participate in the cultural life of TGATU. Students also lead an active sporting life by participating in urban and all-Ukrainian competitions.

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August 1874 The real school is founded in Melitopol, in which specialists in working with agricultural machinery are being prepared.

January 1921 At the base of 6-7 classes of real school, a professional school was opened.

1922 Profdechnic school is reorganized into a mechanical and construction school.

1926 Mechanics and construction and technical schools merge into a polytechnic professional school.

1930 The polytechnic school is reorganized into three technical schools, one of which is the technical school of industrialization of agriculture.

October 1932 On the basis of the technical school of industrialization of agriculture, a technical university plant of the station is created. OGPU (United State Political Administration - Predecessor of the NKVD and KGB).

1933 Scientific Design Bureau

1934 First Brake Installation for Testing Automotors

1934-1935 There are 13 departments in the atys, and about 500 students study on three courses.

1935 Brigade of Students Factory of the Plant. Behind the wheel of Latyshev, sits the Audaryukhov, in Dadiator Abramovich

1935 Institute athletes

1936 Winners of Athletics Competitions, awarded by a trip to Crimea

1936 Kirillovka. Holiday home Mimskh

1937 The athmary produces 96 first mechanical engineers.

1937. Checking the brake unit

1937 during practice

1937 ConnOn-Sports School of Workers' Study and Students Mimsha

1937 Planetarysts

1938 The station is reorganized into the Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanics Engineers.

1938 on the roof of the corps number 1. V. I. Kalinin and V. L. Orlov

1939 students and workers Mimsha - participants of the bikeromet Melitopol - Perepop - Melitopol

1939 On the territory of the Melitopol district, the Institute creates an archeology, which will later grow into the village of Azure.

1940 Parachute Jumping

June 20, 1941, two days before the beginning of the Great Patriotic WarNikolai Gorodetsky received a diploma with honors

1941 With the beginning of the war, the Institute is evacuated. At this point, 50 teachers work in it, including 3 professors and 5 candidates of science.

1944 The Institute returns to the liberated Melitopol and is renamed to the Melitopol Institute of Agriculture (MIMSX).

1944. Destroyed during the war, the main building

Hero Soviet Union, Tanker, graduate Institute Senior Lieutenant Nikolay Malyuga. He died on February 14, 1945 in Poland.

The posthumous title of Hero of the Soviet Union (1945)

Characteristic of Nicholas Malyugi. The working on "social origin", "politically developed".

1946 Destroyed Corps No. 1

1946 Beginning of the recovery of the building number 1

1946 Women's Volleyball team

1947 Restoration of the Main Corps

1948 Restored Corps No. 1

1948 Construction of the Institutional Holiday Home

1948 Dining room, biochemical laboratory and Mimsha's hostel on ul. Vorovsky, 18 (now Avenue B. Khmelnitsky)

1948 Residential House on the street. Dzerzhinsky, 57-b

1948 Kirillovka. The team of the holiday home Mimsha

1949 rebuilt left wing

1952 The device of a pit for a hostel number 2

1954 Construction of a hostel Mimsha No. 2 (now building No. 9)

1954 A graduate school is organized in Mimshe.

1954 Drawing Hall in the New Wing

1956 arrows grades

1957 Volleyball Commands of the Institute

1957 first motorcycle driving

1958 Bogdan Khmelnitsky Avenue. Shop "Children's World", slogan "Glory of the CPSU!"

1960 Main Corps

1960 Main Corps

Approximately 1960. The building of the agricultural machinery

Approximately 1960 Bogdan Khmelnitsky Avenue

Approximately 1960 Bogdan Khmelnitsky Avenue

Around 1960 Bogdan Khmelnitsky Avenue. Sculpture "Let the world live!" and a dividing strip near the intersection with ul. Dzerzhinsky

Around 1960 Monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky at the old place at the beginning of the Avenue

Approximately 1960. Building of the Railway Station

1960 arrows athletes

1967 a circle of radio telegraphists

1970 Left - Ermolaev

1970 The preparatory department, full-time and correspondence courses on the preparation of rural youth for admission to the institute.

May 1, 1976 Column Mehphka

October 1980 Building a recreation center in Kirillovka

1981 For successes in the preparation of highly qualified MMSX specialists was awarded the Order Labor red banner.

1993 Mimsh gets a license for educational activities And at the same time passes accreditation on the fourth level.

1994 MIMSX reorganized into the Tauride State Agrotechnological Academy (TGAT).

1997 TGAT joins the Melitopol technique of hydrochromatery and mechanization of agriculture (agricultural equipment).

2002 Ermolaev with students

2007 TGATA is reorganized to the Tauride State Agricultural University (TGATU).

We express my gratitude to the Museum of TGATU for pictures and Valery Eremeev for participating in the organization of the material.

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