Ryazan State Agricultural University. Ryazan State Agricultural University

Ryazan State agrotechnological university them. P. A. Kosticheva
International name Ryazan State Agrotechnological University by P.A.KostyChev
Year of foundation
Rector Byshov, Nikolay Vladimirovich
Bachelor. there is
Specialist there is
Master there is
Graduate school there is
The doctors 43
Professor 44
Teachers More than 417.
Location 390044, Ryazan, ul. Kosticheva,
d. 1.
Website www.rgatu.ru.

Ryazan State Agricultural University. P. A. Kosticheva - One of the four major universities in Ryazan. Organized in 1949 to train specialists in agriculture for the Ryazan region. The Ryazan Agricultural Institute (RSSHA) was originally called, from 1995 to 2006, Ryazan State Agricultural Academy (RSHA) was named. The university is named P. A. Kosticheva - an outstanding Russian scientist-soil, born in the territory, which is currently included in the Ryazan region. Having passed the big path of formation and development, the Academy turned into one of the largest agricultural universities Russian Federation. Ryazan State Agricultural University Today is a multidisciplinary educational institutionLast licensing and state accreditation, which is a large sectoral educational and scientific center. Currently, Ryazan State Agricultural University named after P.A. Kosticheva is an educational and production complex with 6 faculties, 37 departments, branches of the Department at Production, Engineering and Economics, Institute for Advanced Studies, Educational and Methodical Center, Ryazan Territorial Institute of Professional Accountants, Profile Classes in secondary schools, scientific Research institutions of various profiles, training and experienced "Stetenkino". As part of the university there is:

  • 5 educational buildings;
  • 6 hostels;
  • the library, which has a number of about 600 thousand volumes;
  • healthy health
  • sports and health camp "Laskovo";
  • sports complex having a stadium, 5 sports halls;
  • Student Palace of Culture

The university also features graduate studies and doctoral studies. Currently, in accordance with Bologna agreements, the university moved to a two-level education system. Magistracy is already open at most faculties, or it is planned to open it.

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bachelor, Postgraduate Studies, Specialist, Master

Qualifications level:

full-time, correspondence, part-time

Form of study:

Diploma of state sample

Finishing document:



From 22,000 to 138000 RUR per year

Cost of education:

From 33 to 57

Passing score:

number budget seats:

Characteristic of the university

general information

History of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ryazan State Agricultural University named after P.A. Kosticheva "has more than six decades. In 1949, the Ryazan Agricultural Institute named after Professor P.A. Kosticheva began training the first students in the specialties of "Agronomy" and "Zootechnia".

In 1995, the Institute was assigned the status of the Ryazan State Agricultural Academy named after Professor P.A. Kosticheva

In 2007, the Academy received the status of the university.

Currently, Ryazan State Agricultural University named after P.A. Kosticheva is an educational - scientifically - production complex having:

Having passed the big way of formation and development, the university turned into one of the largest agrarian universities of the Russian Federation. Ryazan State Agricultural University today is, firstly, a multidisciplinary educational institution, which has been licensing and state accreditation; Secondly, a large sectoral educational and scientific center.

Currently, the federal state budget educational institution Higher Education "Ryazan State Agricultural University named after P.A. Kosticheva "is an educational and research and production complex of 6 faculties; 25 departments, more than 20 branches of departments in production; Institute for advanced training; Academy of beekeeping; School of advanced training of managers and specialists of horse breeding; Profile classes in secondary schools, research laboratories of various profiles and other units. An important place in the life of FGBOU in RGATA is occupied by scientific research conducted on the basis of modern laboratories and scientific and educational centers. Scientists and university students annually present results scientific research and developments at conferences and competitions of the urban, regional and all-Russian scale.

The material and technical base of the university is constantly updated and improved taking into account the requirements of time. The scientific and educational center of Nano and biotechnologies, a demonstration center for resource-saving technologies of agricultural production, a scientific and educational center of transport infrastructure, architecture and urban planning were opened. The university has a modern material and technical base:

it has 5 educational buildings with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 85 thousand. square meters;

6 landscaped hostels, including 2 - hotel type, fully providing ingogered students and graduate students

library of more than 2 thousand square meters, a number of more than 720 thousand volumes;

healthy health

sports and recreation camp "Laskovo";

sports complex, having a stadium, 4 sports hall, with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 4,000 square meters.

Currently, the University is receiving in 16 directions of undergraduate, 6 specialties of SPO, 2 specialties in, 8 directions of magistracy.

The university is conducted by the educational process of 268 teachers, of which: professors, doctors of science - 52 people; Associates, candidates of science - 156 people. In addition, academic work Leading scientists and apk specialists are actively involved.

In high school high level implemented professional training For many working professions, which allows annually to form student specialized detachments and provide real assistance to enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the region.

The university is preparing frames for enterprises of the APK of the Ryazan region and for neighboring regions (Tula, Tambov, Moscow, Lipetsk, etc.), as well as for urban organizations associated with the production, processing and sale of food, construction, road transport, planning and accounting in Organizations and institutions, social work.

Over the years of its activities, the university has prepared more than 42 thousand specialists, including scientists of agronomists, zooengerers, economists, accountants, engineers, hydraulics, technologists, veterinary doctors, ecologists, etc.

The university conducts professional retraining, advanced training and consulting work. Special attention is paid to the preparation of reserve management from among the best specialists of the field of farms, and also conducts the selection of future executives from among the undergraduate students. These students receive two diplomas: according to the main specialty and diploma manager in the sphere of the agro-industrial complex.

As the center of scientific support for the agricultural production of the Ryazan region, university together with others scientific organizations Determines the promising directions and ways to improve the efficiency of scientific research, develops comprehensive programs for implement (indental) work on the development of the AIC of the region.

FGBOU graduates in Rgate are the intellectual, managerial and cultural elite of the region and the country. Former university students today lead to enterprises, occupy high posts in urban, regional and federal authorities, are known to the world scientific discoveries, creative and sporting achievements.

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1 is


  • 23.05.01 Ground Transport and Technology
  • 36.05.01 Veterinary


  • 06.03.01 Biology
  • 08.03.01 Construction
  • 03/13/02 Electric power industry and electrical engineering
  • 03/19/04 Technology and public catering
  • 23.03.01 Transport Process Technology
  • 03/23/03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes
  • 35.03.01 Forest case
  • 35.03.03 Agrochemistry and agriculture
  • 35.03.04 Agronomy
  • 353.06 Agroenterginee
  • 35.03.07 Technology of production and processing of agricultural products
  • 36.03.01 Veterinary Sanitary Expertise
  • 36.03.02 Zootania
  • 38.03.01 Economy
  • 38.03.02 Management
  • 38.03.07 commodity products


  • 04/23/03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes
  • 35.04.03 Agrochemistry and agriculture
  • 35.04.04 Agronomium
  • 35.04.06 Agroenterginee
  • 36.04.02 Zootechnia
  • 38.04.01 Economy
  • 38.04.02 Management
  • 38.04.07 commodity products

Postgraduate studies:

  • 06.06.01 Biological sciences
  • 35.06.01 Agriculture
  • 35.06.04 Technologies, Means of Mechanization and Energy Equipment in Rural, Forest and Fisheries
  • 36.06.01 Veterinary and Zootechnia
  • 38.06.01 Economy
  • 44.06.01 Education and pedagogical sciences

Conditions of receipt

The development of undergraduate programs or specialist programs is allowed by persons with secondary general education. Persons having a higher education of any level are allowed to master the magistracy programs.

The development of educational programs is allowed by persons having the formation of an appropriate level, confirmed:

  • upon admission to training under undergraduate programs and specialist programs - a document on secondary general education, or a document on secondary vocational education, or a document on higher education and skilled in qualification;
  • when admission to graduate programs, a document on higher education and qualifications.

The incoming represents a document certifying the formation of an appropriate level:

  • a document on education or on education and the qualification of the sample established by the federal executive body carrying out functions to work out public Policy and regulatory regulation in the field of education, or a federal executive body that performs functions to develop public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of health, or a federal executive body that performs functions to develop public policy and regulatory regulation in the field of culture ;
  • the document of the state sample on the level of education or the level of education and the qualifications received before January 1, 2014 (a document on primary vocational education confirming the receipt of the average (full) general Education, and a document on initial vocational education obtained on the basis of the average (full) general education, equal to the Middle Professional Education.
  • a document on education and the qualifications of the sample established by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Higher vocational education "Moscow state University named after M.V. Lomonosov and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University", or a document on education and the qualifications of the sample established by the decision of the Colleaginal Educational Organization Body, if the specified document was issued to a person who has successfully passed the state final certification;
  • a document on education or education and qualifications issued by a private organization carrying out educational activities on the territory of the Innovation Center "Skolkovo";
  • document (documents) of a foreign state on education or on education and on qualification, if the education specified in it is recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of relevant education.

Admission to training is carried out at the first rate.

Admission to training is carried out within control figures Admission of citizens to training at the expense of budget allocations of the federal budget and under education agreements concluded when admission to training at the expense of physical and (or) legal entities (hereinafter referred to as contracts for the provision of paid educational services).

As part of the control numbers allocated:

  • cTVTUT for training under undergraduate programs, specialist programs at the expense of budget allocations of children with disabilities, disabled I and II groups, disabled since childhood, disabled due to military injury or disease obtained during the passage period military servicein accordance with the conclusion federal institution Medical and social expertise is not contraindicated training in the relevant educational organizations, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as people from the number of orphans and children left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as a special quota). Special quota FGBOU is installed in RGAT at least 10% of the total volume of control numbers allocated to the university for 2016, for each specialty and (or) direction of preparation;
  • quota target reception For training (hereinafter - target quota).

Admission to training at the expense of budget allocations and places with the payment of the cost of teaching physical and (or) legal entities is carried out on a competitive basis.

The terms of admission to FGBOU in RGAT for training on the main professional educational programs should be guaranteed to comply with the right to education and enrollment from among incoming, having an appropriate level of education that are most capable and prepared for the development educational program appropriate level and appropriate direction of persons.

Acceptance for training is carried out:

1) on undergraduate programs and specialist programs (with the exception of persons entitled to educating entrance tests): - On the basis of secondary general education - on the basis of the results of the results are estimated on the rocket state exam (hereinafter referred to as the EGE), which are recognized as the results of entrance examinations, and (or) on the results of entrance examinations held by the University independently in cases established by the procedure for admission;

  • on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education (hereinafter referred to
  • according to the results of entrance tests, the form and list of which are determined by the university;

2) According to the program of magistracy - according to the results of entrance examinations, the establishment of a list and which is carried out by the university independently.

FGBOU in RGAT takes reception under the following conditions for admission to training:

1) separately in full-time, part-time, correspondence forms of training;

2) separately according to undergraduate programs, specialist programs, magistracy programs, while:

  • under undergraduate programs for each direction of training as a whole; according to the specialist programs for each specialty as a whole;
  • according to the program of magistracy for each direction of preparation as a whole. 10. For each set of receipt conditions formed separate

lists of incoming and conducting separate contests on the following reasons for admission to training:

1) within the framework of control numbers:

  • to places within a special quota;
  • to places within the target quota;
  • to places within the framework of control numbers less special quotas and target
  • quotas (hereinafter are the main places within the framework of the control numbers);

2) to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services. The university holds a single contest for persons who come to training under undergraduate programs, specialist programs based on different levels of education at the same receipt conditions and the same intake grounds.

For admission to training, applicants file an application for admission to the application of the necessary documents.

The person who received the appropriate authority (hereinafter referred to as a trustee) may exercise actions for which the rules have been established that they are executed by incoming, and which do not require the personal presence of the incoming (including submitted to the organization the documents necessary for admission Submitted documents). The trustee exercises these actions upon presentation of a power of attorney issued and decorated in the prescribed manner for relevant actions.

When visiting the organization and (or) in full-time interaction with the authorized officials of the University of the University (power attached) places the original document certifying the personality.

Organizational support for admission to the university is carried out by the Admission Commission. Chairman reception Commission is the rector of FGBOU in RGATU. The Chairman of the Admission Commission appoints the responsible secretary of the Admission Commission, which organizes the work of the Admission Commission, as well as a personal reception of applicants, their parents (legal representatives), proxies.

To carry out entrance examinations at the University of Creating Explanatory and Appeals Commissions.

The powers and procedure for the activities of the Admission Commission are determined by the Regulations on it approved by the University Rector. The powers and procedure for the activities of examination and appellate commissions are determined by the provisions on them approved by the Chairman of the Admission Commission.

When admission to training under undergraduate programs, specialist programs in full-time control numbers part-time Training Set the following reception time:

  • the term of completion of the reception of documents necessary for admission, from persons entering training on the results of entrance examinations held by the University independently - July 11;
  • the deadline for the completion of the university independent entrance tests, the completion of the reception of documents necessary for admission, from persons entering training without the passage of these entry tests - July 26.

When admission to training under the programs of undergraduate and specialist programs for the contracts for the provision of paid educational services for full-time education, the following deadlines are established:

  • the start of receipt of documents required for admission - June 20;
  • the term of completion of the reception of documents necessary for admission, from persons who come to training on the results of entrance examinations held by the University independently - August 6;
  • the deadline for the end of the university independent entrance tests, the completion of the reception of documents necessary for admission, from persons entering training without the passage of these entrance tests - August 15.

When admission to training under undergraduate programs and specialist programs within the framework of control numbers, as well as places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services on correspondence formation, the following deadlines are established:

  • the start of receipt of documents required for admission - June 20;
  • the term of completion of the reception of documents necessary for admission, from persons who come to study on the results of entrance examinations held by the University on their own, August 5;
  • the deadline for the completion of the university independent entrance tests, the completion of the reception of the documents necessary for the purchase, from persons entering training without the passage of these entry tests - August 13.

When taking training on graduate programs within the framework of control numbers, as well as on places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for full-time, part-time and correspondence formation, the following deadlines are established:

  • the start of receipt of documents required for admission - June 20;
  • the term of completion of the reception of documents necessary for admission, from persons entering training on the results of entrance examinations held by the University on their own, August 13;
  • the deadline for completing the university independent entrance tests - August 16.
  • Sport
  • Medicine
  • Creation

Sport and health

Sport sections
  • Athletics
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Football


Formation and propaganda of a healthy lifestyle in a student environment; Prevention of diseases is the main task of a healthy task. Organization of a professional, reading a lecture, the release of sunbulatpers on current topics - All this lies on the shoulders of student health workers., Which is created and works at the university. There is a health center with the room provided by RGAT, and is a structural unit of the polyclinic department under GKB No. 10. At the same time, the university provides the maintenance of equipment and equipment of the premises. Sweell serves university students studying at the day office, and teachers.

: Students are served here full-time Training from 1 to 5 courses.

Student health learning is a kind of center for promoting the health of all workers and students, which ensures the coordination of the activities of the university's structural units on the formation of professionally and personally significant competencies in all participants educational process In the field of health. The responsibilities of health workers include prevention, dispensarization, vaccine-philantal, treatment, first medical care, consultations and conversations aimed at rehabilitation of the body, identifying and working with frequently and long-friendly. In addition, work is underway to identify students who have adverse living conditions, and develop recommendations for the formation of improving conditions, promoting healthy lifestyles and combating bad habits. Every year, student health learning organizes FLG-examination of students of 2-5 courses.

The University's administration is planned to expand the scope of medical activities in order to conduct a more complete examination of students, as well as university staff. For this, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment is purchased.

Also, a social and psychological assistance program has been developed and implemented in the university, whose priority is to protect the mental health of all participants in the educational process: (psychological prevention, advisory activities, psychological correction and overcoming deviations in socio-mental development) and promoting the spiritual and moral recovery of students.

One of the important sections of the decision of the program for the health of the student "university - for a healthy lifestyle", developed in Ryazan agriculture, is the annual functioning of a sports and recreation camp. In the pine forest 40 km from Ryazan on the shore of the lake, there is a sports and health camp "Laskovo", in which in the summer period is engaged in sports, students and university staff are playing and correcting their health. Salt is designed for 4 - 5 shifts per year and for the entire summer period there can be resting and helping their health up to 267 people.

Good health, a full-fledged spiritual life is not only a guarantee of successful work and career. These are the components of ordinary human happiness. ABOUT ALL than today, Ryazan Agrotechnological University lives, is hardly possible. It is possible to add that young people who entered our university, waiting for the best and remembered all their life time student time.


Academy of beekeeping

In 2015, the Academy of Beekeeping will be 70 years old. Order of the All-Union Committee on Affairs higher School Under the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) of the USSR in 1945, the Institute of Enhancement of Beekeeper Zootechnics (IUP) was opened at the Research Institute of Beekeeping. At this time, the scientific and research institute was located at the station of Butovo Moscow Region.

He headed the Institute Nikolai Mikhailovich Glushkov, who worked in this post for 21 years.

The origin of the creation of the institute was wonderful scientists and teachers: S.A. Rosov, F.A. TININE, G.F. Taranov, V.A. Temnov, V.I. Poltov, P.M. Komarov, F.A. Quail.

In 1955, the Institute of Improvement of Zootechnics - Beekeepers, together with the Research Institute of Beekeeping, moved to Ryazan Earth to the city of Fisheries.

In 1995, on the day of his 50th anniversary, the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the Institute for advanced training and retraining of beekeeping, was reorganized into the Academy of Beekeeping.

Since 2007, the Academy of Beekeeping is a structural unit of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ryazan State Agricultural University of P.A. Kosticheva "

The library of the Academy of Beekeeping, the fund of which is about 10 thousand copies and the library of beekeeping, numbering 50 thousand units, incl. The earliest and rare editions of beekeeping

School of horse breeding

School of advanced training of managers and specialists of horse breeding has educational services By programs professional retraining and advanced training.

People who have secondary special or higher education are invited to training, both newcomers and professionals in various areas of horse breeding.

School history It has more than 70 years. It has been conducted by its beginning since May 1943, when at the Tula State Factory Stable (now the Pilia Equestrian Plant) organized constantly existing courses on the preparation of district zootechnics - horse breeders, specialists in assessing tribal horses (boniters) and other professional workersneeded by horse farm.

In 1963, the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RSFSR courses were transferred to the Ryazan region on the base of the experimental equestrian plant No. 98 of the Things of Sovereign. In 1966, the courses were transformed into the "school of improving the qualifications of agricultural personnel with the VNII horse breeding." In connection with the reorganization in 2007, the school raising the qualifications of managers and specialists of horse breeding has become a structural division of FGOU VPO "Ryazan State Agricultural Academy. prof. P.A. Kostychev. "

The school of raising the qualifications of managers and specialists of horse breeding is carried out by educational services and to the present.

Over the years of school, thousands of specialists in horse breeding were prepared for the schools: zootechnics and veterinary doctors, accountants and economists of horse farms, heads of coniferma, masters of machine milking and techniques for the production of Kumsa, blacksmiths, riders, jokes, horseback coach.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ryazan State Agricultural University named after P.A. Kosticheva ", hereinafter referred to as the" University ", was created in accordance with the Ryazan Agricultural Institute named after Professor P.A. Kosticheva, registered Registration Chamber of Administration of Ryazan as a state educational institution Ryazan State Agricultural Academy named after Professor P.A. Kosticheva (registration certificate legal entity July 1, 1994 No. 8326).

From 1995 to 2006, the institution was named "Ryazan State Agricultural Academy named after Professor P.A. Kosticheva. " In 2007, the Academy is renamed university.

Information on the founder (founders) of the educational organization

Mode, work schedule

5-day working week with two days off - Saturday, Sunday.
Duration working week For scientific, educational and auxiliary staff - 40 hours. The start and end time - from 8.00 to 17.00
For the professorship and teaching staff, the duration of the working week is not more than 36 hours. The start and end time is determined by the training schedule and
fulfillment of an individual plan.
6-day working week with one day off - Sunday. The duration of the work week for educational and auxiliary staff is 40 hours. Start and end time
work -s 8.00 to 16.00
For teachers, the duration of the work week is not more than 36 hours. The start and end time is determined by the training schedule and the implementation of the individual
For all categories of personnel Lunch break set from 12.00 - 13.00
5-day school week with two days off - Saturday, Sunday.

6-day school week with one weekend day - Sunday.
The start and end time is determined by the training schedule.
The duration of the school week is 36 hours.
Call Schedule
8.00-9.35 - 1st pair
9.50-11.25 - 2 Couple
11.40-13.15 - 3 Couple
13.15-13.45 - Break
13.45-15.20 - 4th Couple
15.35-17.10 - 5th Couple
17.25-19.00 - 6th Couple

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