Attaching subordinate clauses in Russian. Types of subordinate clauses

Answers definition questions ( which? which? which?). Another name is subordinate pronouns. Are joined using union words: which, which, whose, what, where, when, where, etc. And also unions: so that, like, and the like, like et al. Rarely with the help of particles (whether, etc.).

Examples of

    [Alarm clock rang]. Alarm which?(Which my grandmother gave me).

[Alarm clock rang], ( which my grandmother gave me).

    [The house burned down]. House which?(Where I was born).

[House,( where i was born), burned to the ground].

    [A.S. More than one monument was erected to Pushkin]. A.S. Pushkin what?(Whose contribution to the development of Russian literature can hardly be overestimated).

[A.S. Pushkin, ( whose contribution to the development of Russian literature can hardly be overestimated), erected more than one monument].

    [My life changed that day]. In a day which?(When I understood everything).

[In that day,( when I understood everything), my life has changed].

Subordinate clauses

Refers to a verb. Answers the questions of indirect cases ( to whom? what? whom? what? by whom? how? etc.). Are joined using union words: who, what, who, whose, where, where, from where, how, why, why, how much And also unions: what, so that, like, like, like, like, etc.

Stand after or in the middle of the main sentence.

Here the main clause is enclosed in square brackets, and the subordinate clause in parentheses.

    [I'm pretty sure]. Sure in what?(The fact that the Earth has the shape of a ball).

[I'm pretty sure], ( that the earth has the shape of a ball).

    [He found out]. Learned what?(How many days have passed since the launch of the first satellite).

[He found out],( how many days have passed since the launch of the first satellite).

    [They understood]. Got it what?(Why did I do it).

[They understood],( why did I do it).

Additional connecting clauses

Refers to the entire main part. Are joined using union words: what, where, where, where, when, how, why Supplement and explain the content of the main part. Often they have the meaning of an investigation.

    He was worried , (why I could not pass the exam successfully).

    My brother never opened the book in all this time. , (which haunted me)

Subordinate clauses

Have the same meanings, answer the same questions and are divided into the same types as the circumstances in simple sentence... They are divided into three main groups:

    subordinate time and place;

    subordinate causes, consequences, conditions, concessions, goals;

    subordinate modes of action, measures, degrees, comparisons.

Subordinate clauses and places

The clauses indicate the time of the course of the action in the main and answer the questions when? how long? since when? How long? The means of communication are unions barely, until, before, until, since. once, when, while.

Here the main clause is enclosed in square brackets, and the subordinate clause in parentheses.

    [It was already getting dark]. It was getting dark when?(when we got home).

[It was already getting dark] (when we got home).

    [I saw you perfectly]. how long? (while you were standing behind the crowd).

[I saw you perfectly], (while you were standing behind the crowd).

Clauses indicate the place where the action takes place in the main clause and answer questions where? where? where? Are joined using union words: where, where, from where. In the main sentence, they usually correspond to index words. there, back from where.

There are three main ones (by analogy with the secondary members of the proposal: type subordinate clauses: determinative, explanatory and adverbial; the latter, in turn, are divided into several types.

Subordinate clause may refer to a specific word in the main (proverbial clauses) or to all the main (unconventional clauses).

For defining the type of subordinate clause it is necessary to take into account three interrelated signs: 1) a question that can be asked from the main sentence to the subordinate clause; 2) the proverbial or non-proverbial nature of the subordinate clause; 3) a means of communication of the subordinate clause with the main one.

Subordinate clauses

Like definitions in a simple sentence, attributive clauses express a feature of an object, but, unlike most definitions, they often characterize an object not directly, but indirectly - through situation, which is somehow related to the subject.

In connection with overall value attribute of the subject attributive clauses depend on the noun(or from a word in the meaning of a noun) in the main sentence and answer the question which? They join the main thing only with allied words - relative pronouns (which, which, whose, what) and pronominal adverbs (where, where, from where, when). In the subordinate clause, union words replace the main noun on which the subordinate depends.

For example: [One of the contradictions, (what creativity is alive Mandelstam), concerns own nature of this creativity] (S. Averintsev)- [noun, (what (= contradictions)),].

Allied words in complex sentences with can be divided into basic (which, which, whose) and non-mainstream (what, where, where, from where, when). Non-basic can always be replaced by the main union word which the, and the possibility of such a replacement is a clear sign attributive clauses.

Village where(wherein) Eugene was bored, there was a lovely corner ... (A. Pushkin)- [noun, (where),].

I remembered today a dog that(which) was friend of my youth (S. Yesenin)- [noun], (what).

At night in the city desert there is one hour, imbued with melancholy, when(in which) for the whole city night got off ... (F. Tyutchev) -[noun], (when).

The main sentence often contains demonstrative words (demonstrative pronouns and adverbs) the one like that for example:

This was the famous artist whom she saw on stage last year (Yu. German)- [ that - noun], (which).

Pronoun-definitive clauses

By meaning, they are close to the relative clauses pronominal clauses . They differ from the actual attributive clauses in that they do not refer to the noun in the main sentence, but to the pronoun (one, each, all and others) used in the meaning of a noun, for example:

1) [Total, (what knew yet Evgeniy), retell to me lack of time) (A. Pushkin)- [local., (what),]. 2) [No oh, (what you think), nature] ... (F. Tyutchev)- [local., (what),].

Like the relative clauses, they reveal the attribute of the subject (therefore, it is better to ask them a question too which?) and join the main sentence using union words (the main union words are who and what).

Wed: [That human, (who came yesterday Today did not appear] - subordinate attributive. [ukl. + noun, (which),].

[That, (who came yesterday Today did not appear] - a subordinate pronoun-definitive. [local., (who),].

In contrast to the actual attributive clauses, which always appear after the noun to which they refer, pronominal clauses can also appear before the defined word, for example:

(Who lived and thought), [he can't in the shower do not despise people] ... (A. Pushkin)- (who), [places. ].

Subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses answer case questions and refer to a member of the main sentence, which needs semantic distribution (addition, explanation). This member of the sentence is expressed by a word that has the meaning speeches, thoughts, feelings or perception. Most often these are verbs (say, ask, answer and etc.; think, know, remember and etc.; be afraid, happy, proud and etc.; see, hear, feel etc.), but there may be other parts of speech: adjectives (glad, satisfied), adverbs (it is known, it is a pity, it is necessary, it is clear), nouns (news, message, hearing, thought, statement, feeling, sensation and etc.)

Subordinate clauses are attached to the explained word in three ways: 1) using unions what, like, like, so when and etc.; 2) using any union words; 3) using the union-particle whether.

For example: 1) [Light decided], (what t smart and very nice) (A. Pushkin)- [vb.], (what). [I AM_ was afraid], (so that in a bold thought you me could not blame) (A. Fet) - [ verb.], (to). [Her dreaming], (as if she goes in a snowy glade, surrounded by sad haze) (A. Pushkin)- [vb.], (as if).

2) [You you know myself], (what the time has come) (N. Nekrasov)- [vb.], (what). [Then she began to ask me], (where am I now working) (A. Chekhov)- [vb.], (where). (When he will arrive), [unknown] (A. Chekhov)- (when), [nar.]. [I AM_ asked and the cuckoo], (how yo i live) ... (A. Akhmatova)- [also:], (how much).

3) [Both are very wanted to know\, (brought whether father the promised piece of ice) (L. Kassil)- [vb.], (whether).

Subordinate clauses can serve to transmit indirect speech... Through alliances what, like, like, when indirect messages are expressed, using the union to- indirect motives, with the help of union words and a particle union whether- indirect questions.

In the main sentence with the explained word, there may be an index word then(in different cases), which serves to highlight the content of the subordinate clause. For example: \Chekhov through the mouth of Dr. Astrov expressed one of his absolutely amazingly accurate thoughts about], (that forests teach understand the beautiful) (K. Paustovsky)- [noun + ukl.], (what).

Differentiation of attributive clauses and explanatory clauses

Certain difficulties are caused differentiation of attributive clauses and clauses explanatory that refer to a noun. It should be remembered that clauses depend on the noun as parts of speech(for them the meaning of the noun being defined is not important), answer the question which?, indicate the sign of the subject that is called the noun being defined, and join the main one only with allied words. Subordinate clauses the same explanatory depend on the noun not as a part of speech, but as from a word with a certain meaning(speech, thought, feeling, perception), except for the question which?(and it can always be set from a noun to any word or sentence depending on it) you can set and case question, they reveal(explain) content speech, thought, feeling, perception and join the main unions and allied words. ( Subordinate clause, attachable to the main union and union-particle whether, can only be explanatory: The thought that he was wrong tormented him; The thought of whether he was right tormented him.)

More difficult to distinguish between clauses attributive and explanatory clauses depending on nouns when explanatory clauses join the main thing with the help of union words (especially the union word what). Wed: 1) The question is what(which the) he was asked, it seemed strange to him. Thought that(which) came to his mind in the morning, haunted him all day. News that(which) I received yesterday, very upset me. 2) The question of what to do now tormented him. The thought of what he had done haunted him. The news of what happened in our class amazed the whole school.

1) The first group - complex sentences with clauses... Union word what can be replaced with a union word which the. The clause indicates the attribute of the subject named by the noun being defined (from the main clause to the clause, only a question can be asked which?, a case question cannot be asked). The demonstrative word in the main sentence is possible only in the form of a pronoun consistent with the noun (that question, that thought, that news).

2) The second group - complex sentences with explanatory clauses... Replacing a union word what union word which the impossible. The subordinate clause not only indicates the attribute of the object named by the noun being defined, but also explains the content of words question, thought, news(a case question can be asked from the main clause to the subordinate clause). The index word in the main sentence has a different form ( case forms pronouns: question, thought, news).

Circumventional clauses

Majority adverbial clauses sentences have the same meanings as the circumstances in a simple sentence, and therefore answer the same questions and are accordingly divided into the same types.

Subordinate clauses and degrees

Characterize the way the action is performed or the degree of manifestation of a qualitative feature and answer questions as? how? in what degree? how much? They depend on the word, which performs the function of the circumstance of the mode of action or degree in the main sentence. These subordinate clauses are attached to the main clause in two ways: 1) using union words how, how much, how much; 2) using unions that, that, as if, as if, as if.

For example: 1) [The offensive was on because was envisaged at the headquarters) (K. Simonov)- [vb. + uk.el. so], (how) (subordinate clause of the mode of action).

2) [The old woman is the same I wanted to repeat your story], (how old is it to me listen) (A. Herzen)- [vb. + uk.el. so many],(how much) (subordinate clause).

Subordinate clauses and degrees may be unambiguous(if they join the main union words how, how much, how much)(see examples above) and double-digit(if joined by unions; the second value is introduced by the union). For example: 1) [White acacia smelled so much], (that their sweet, luscious, candy the smell was felt on the lips and mouth) (A. Kuprin)-

[uksl. So+ adverb.], (what) (the meaning of the degree is complicated by the meaning of the consequence, which is introduced into the meaning of the clause what).

2) [Beautiful the girl must be dressed so that stand out from the environment) (K. Paustovsky)- [cr.with. + u.s.s. So],(so that) (the meaning of the course of action is complicated by the meaning of the goal, which is introduced by the union to).

3) [Everything is small plant So sparkled at our feet], (as if it was really made from crystal) (K. Paustovsky)- [ so + verb.], (as if) (the meaning of the degree is complicated by the meaning of comparison, which is introduced by the union if).

Subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses point to a place or direction of action and answer questions where? where? where? They depend on the whole main sentence or on the circumstances of the place in it, adverbial (there, there, from there, nowhere, everywhere, everywhere and others), and join the main sentence using union words where, where, from where. For example:

1) [Go along the free road], (where entails you free cm) ... (A. Pushkin)- , (where).

2) [He wrote everywhere], (where caught his thirst write) (K. Paustovsky)- [nar.], (where).

3) (Where the river has gone), [there and the channel will be] (proverb)- (where), [uksl. there ].

Subordinate clauses should be distinguished from other types of subordinate clauses, which can also be attached to the main clause using union words where, where, from where.

Wed: 1) AND [ Tanya enters to empty house], (where(in which) lived recently our hero) (A. Pushkin)- [noun], (where) (relative clause).

2) [I AM_ began to recall], (where went during the day) (I. Turgenev)- [vb.], (where) (explanatory subordinate clause).

Subordinate clauses

Subordinate tense indicate the time of the action or manifestation of the sign, which is referred to in the main sentence. They answer questions when? how long? since when? How long?, depend on the entire main proposal and are joined by temporary unions when, while, once, barely, before, while, until, since, when suddenly etc. For example:

1) [When the count is back], (Natasha impolite was delighted him and hurried to leave) (L. Tolstoy)- (kog2) (Bye does not require poet to the sacred sacrifice of Apollo), [in the cares of vain light, he cowardly submerged} (A. Pushkin)- (while), .

The main sentence may contain index words then, until then, after and others, as well as the second component of the union (then). If there is an index word in the main sentence then, then when in the subordinate clause is a union word. For example:

1) [I AM_ sitting until I don't start to feel hunger) (D. Harms)- [ until], (while).

2) (When in winter eat fresh cucumbers), [sometimes in the mouth smells in the spring] (A. Chekhov)- (when), [then].

3) [The poet feels the literal meaning of the word even then], (when gives it in a figurative sense) (S. Marshak)- [ then],(when).

Subordinate tense must be distinguished from other types of subordinate clauses attached by a union word when. For example:

1) [I AM_ saw Yalta that year], (when (- in which) her left Chekhov) (S. Marshak)- [ukl. + noun], (when) (subordinate attributive).

2) [Korchagin repeatedly asked me], (when he can be discharged) (N. Ostrovsky)- [vb.], (when) (explanatory clause).


Subclauses indicate the conditions for the implementation of what the main sentence says. They answer the question under what condition ?, if, if ... then when (= if), when ... then, if, if, time, if etc. For example:

1) (If I get sick), [to doctors I will not apply] ... (Ya. Smelyakov)- (if), .

2) (Once we started talking), [then better finish all to the end] (A. Kuprin)- (once), [then].

If conditional clauses stand in front of the main thing, then in the latter there may be a second part of the union - then(see 2nd example).

Subordinate Objectives

Subordinate clauses suggestions goals indicate the purpose of what the main sentence says. They refer to the entire main sentence, answer questions why? for what purpose? for what? and join the main one with the help of unions to (to), to, to, to, then, to (obsolete) etc. For example:

1) [I AM_ woke up Pasha], (so that he did not fall with others) (A. Chekhov)- , (to);

2) [He used all your eloquence], (so that turn away Akulin from her intention) (A. Pushkin)-, (so that);

3)(To to be happy), [necessary Not only be in love, but also to be loved] (K. Paustovsky)- (to), ;

When a compound union is dismembered, a simple union remains in the subordinate clause to, and the rest of the words are included in the main sentence, being an index word and a member of the sentence, for example: [I AM_ mention about this solely in order] (to emphasize unconditional authenticity of many things Kuprin) (K. Paustovsky)- [ for],(to).

Subordinate Objectives must be distinguished from other types of clauses with a union to. For example:

1) [I want], (so that the bayonet equated pen) (V. Mayakovsky)- [vb.], (to) (explanatory subordinate clause).

2) [Time landing was calculated so], (to the place of disembarkation get in at dawn) (D. Furmanov)- [ + uk. So],(to) (subordinate clause of the course of action with the added value of the goal).

Subordinate reasons

Subordinate clauses suggestions causes reveal (designate) the reason for what is said in the main sentence. They answer questions why? for what reason? from what?, refer to the entire main proposal and join it with the help of unions because, because, because, because, because, then what, because, because, because etc. For example:

1) [I send her all the tears as a gift], (because not live me before the wedding) (I. Brodsky)- , (because)

2) [Any work is important], (for ennobles human) (L. Tolstoy)-, (for).

3) (Thanks to we put new plays every day), [ theatre ours quite willingly attended] (A. Kuprin)- (thanks to), .

Compound unions, the last part which is what, can be dismembered: a simple union remains in the subordinate clause what, and the rest of the words are included in the main sentence, performing the function of an index word in it and being a member of the sentence. For example:

[That is why roads to me people], (what live with me on ground) (S. Yesenin)- [ because],(what).

Subordinate clauses

In the subordinate clause, the event is reported, in spite of which the action is carried out, the event called in the main clause. In a concessive relationship, the main sentence reports on such events, facts, actions that should not have happened, but nevertheless occur (happened, will happen). Thus, subordinate clauses they call it a "failed" reason. Subordinate clauses answer questions despite what? contrary to what ?, refer to the entire main proposal and join it 1) unions though, though ... but, not despite the fact that, despite the fact that, despite the fact that, let it be and others and 2) allied words in combination with particle no: no matter how much, no matter what. For example:

I. 1) And (although he was an ardent rake), [but he stopped loving finally, and abuse, and saber, and lead] (A. Pushkin)- (though), [but].

Note... In the main clause, in which there is a concessive clause, there may be a union but.

2) (Let be rose plucked), [she yet blooms] (S. Nadson)- (let be), .

3) [B steppe it was quiet, cloudy], (despite what the sun rose) (A. Chekhov)- , (although).

P. 1) (No matter how protected myself Panteley Prokof'evich from all sorts of difficult experiences), [but soon had to go through him a new shock] (M. Sholokhov)- (whatever), [but].

2) [I_, (no matter how much would love you), getting used to stop loving immediately) (A. Pushkin)- [, (no matter how much),].

Subordinate comparative

The types of adverbial clauses considered above correspond to the same-name categories of circumstances in a simple sentence. However, there are three types of clauses (comparative, consequences and connecting), which do not match among the circumstances in a simple sentence. Common feature complex sentences with these types of clauses - the impossibility, as a rule, to ask a question from the main clause to the clause.

In complex sentences with relative comparative the content of the main clause is compared with the content of the subordinate clause. Subordinate comparative refer to the entire main proposal and join the unions like, exactly, like, butoh, like, like, like, what ... whatand etc. For example:

1) (As we swarm in the summer midges flying into the flame), [flew flakes from the yard to the window frame] (K. Pasternak](how), ["].

2) [Small leaves bright and friendly turn green], (like who their washed and varnish on them brought) (I. Turgenev)-, (as if).

3) [We threesome started talking], (as if the century would do you know) (A. Pushkin)- , (as if).

A special group among relative clauses make proposals with the union how and with double union than ... that. Double clauses what ... so have comparative meaning, the interdependence of parts. Subordinate clauses with a union how, in addition, they do not refer to everything that is important, but to the word in it, which is expressed by the form comparative adjective or adverb.

1) (The smaller the woman we love), [the easier like us her] (A. Pushkin)- (what), [what].

2) [As time went slower], (than clouds were crawling across the sky) (M. Gorky)- [compare step.out.], (than).

Comparative clauses may be incomplete: they omit the predicate if it coincides with the predicate of the main sentence. For example:

[Existence his concluded into this close program], (like egg in a shell) (A. Chekhov)- , (how).

The fact that this is precisely an incomplete two-part sentence is evidenced by a secondary member of the predicate group - in the shell.

Incomplete comparative clauses should not be confused with comparative clauses in which there can be no predicate.

Subordinate consequences

Subordinate consequences indicate a consequence, a conclusion that follows from the content of the main sentence .

Subordinate consequences refer to the entire main sentence, always stand after it and join it in a union so.

For example: [ Heat all increased], (so it was getting hard to breathe) (D. Mamin-Sibiryak); [ Snow all getting whiter and brighter], (so ached eyes) (M. Lermontov)- , (so).

Additional connecting clauses

Additional connecting clauses contain additional information, comments to what is reported in the main sentence. Connecting subordinate clauses refer to the entire main sentence, always stand after it and are attached to it with allied words what, what, O why, why, why, why and etc.

For example: 1) [Her it was necessary not to be late to the theatre], (from whatshe very was in a hurry) (A. Chekhov)- , (from what).

2) [Dew has fallen], (what boded good weather tomorrow) (D. Mamin-Sibiryak)- , (what).

3) [And the old man Cuckoos n fast allotment glasses, forgetting to wipe them], (which with him for thirty years of service never did not happen) (I. Ilf and E. Petrov)- , (what).

Parsing a complex sentence with one subordinate clause

Scheme of parsing a complex sentence with one subordinate clause

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (declarative, interrogative, incentive).

2.Specify the type of proposal for emotional coloring(exclamation or non-exclamation).

3. Determine the main and subordinate clauses, find their boundaries.

Draw up a sentence scheme: ask (if possible) a question from the main to the subordinate clause, indicate in the main word on which the subordinate clause depends (if it is a verbal), characterize the means of communication (union or union word), determine the type of the subordinate clause (attributive, explanatory, etc.). etc.).

An example of parsing a complex sentence with one subordinate clause

1) [In time of great storm turned out with a root tall old pine], (why and formed this pit) (A. Chekhov).

, (from what).

The sentence is declarative, non-exclamatory, complex subordinate with a subordinate clause. The subordinate refers to everything that is important and is attached to it by a union word from what.

2) (So ​​that to be contemporary clear), [all wide open open the poet] (A. Akhmatova).(so),.

The sentence is declarative, non-exclamatory, complex with a clause of purpose. The clause answers the question for what purpose?, depends on the whole main proposal and joins it by the union so that.

3) [I I love everything], (to which in this world there is no consonance, no echo No) (I. Annensky).[local], (what).

The sentence is declarative, non-exclamatory, complex with a subordinate pronoun-definitive. The clause answers the question which?, depends on the pronoun all in the main, joined by a union word what, which is an indirect complement.

The world of syntax is inexhaustible: as in vocabulary, it contains synonyms, only these are syntactic synonyms. As in morphology, it is necessary to know the parts of speech in it in order to determine the word to which the subordinate clause is attached.In the lesson, you will practice the skill of finding the subordinate clause. Learn to find syntactic synonyms for it. Consider how the subordinate clause differs from other subordinate clauses with similar unions and union words; you will learn about the transition of some subordinate clauses into stable phrases

Subordinate clauses are sentences that contain an accompanying, additional message.

They are attached to the main thing using union words. what, why, why, why, as a result, etc., relate to all the main things. You cannot ask a question to them, but you can pick up synonymous compound sentences:

what was supposed to cheer up mom ... - SPP with a subordinate connecting clause. - Children carefully put away toys and this should have cheered up mom. - Compound sentence.

Subordinate clauses, as a rule, stand after the main one (sometimes in the middle of the main one). Some connecting subordinate clauses have turned into stable revolutions: which is to be expected; Q.E.D; with which I congratulate you.

List of literaturesNS

  1. Russian language: Textbook for 9th grade. educational institutions/ S.G. Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov, L. Yu. Maximov, L.A. Czech. - M .: Education, 2011.
  2. Russian language. Grade 9: textbook for educational institutions / M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvov, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lviv; ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lecant. - M .: "Bustard", 2011.


  1. Can I ask a question about the subordinate clause?
  2. How are subordinate connections attached to the main one?
  3. What is the place of the subordinate connection in relation to the main one?
  4. What information does the connecting clause add to the sentence?

Exercise 1.Find the SPP with a subordinate connecting link, replace it with the SSP.

1. I had to go to visit, which Lena did not want at all. 2. He talked about what worried him. 3 the kids cleaned the room diligently , which was supposed to cheer up mom. 4. The guys went to the forest, where there were always a lot of mushrooms. 3. The guys went to the forest, where they spent the night. 5. The events that followed were quite expected. 4. The train, as expected, was delayed.

Exercise 2.Highlight grammatical foundations, place punctuation marks, underline union words as members of a sentence.

1. Both girls put on yellow and red shoes, which they had only on special occasions. (A. Pushkin.) 2. He politely bowed to Chichikov, to which the latter replied in kind. (N. Gogol.) 3. We diligently prepared for the exams as a result of which we received high scores... 4. You have successfully completed the test with which I congratulate you. 5. He read a lot why and amazed everyone deep knowledge... 6. During the excursion we saw and learned a lot of new and interesting why and went on it.

Exercise 3.Find the SPP with subordinate clauses, explain the spelling of the homonymous parts of speech.

1. The investigation into the Petrov case revealed a lack of facts. 2. Due to bad weather we didn't go for a walk. 3. Was severe frost, as a result of which classes were canceled at the school. 4. Why is Varya crying so? 5. What should we give up in order to find the right way to solve the problem? 6. We gave up long walks, which gave us time for additional classes... 7. Why did he enter this envious and stifling light from peaceful neglect and simple-hearted friendship ... (M. Lermontov.) 8. A person should do good, why does he come into this world. 9. Grandma forgot what she went into the room for.

Subordinate clauses in Russian are dependent parts of the main clause in a complex sentence. That is, they play the role of secondary members of the proposal. Therefore, the types of subordinate clauses are subdivided according to the role played in the sentence. One question can be asked for the entire secondary sentence, in the same way as it is done with respect to the members of the sentence.

The main types of subordinate clauses

Consider their four types: attributive, adverbial, explanatory and connecting. Examples can be given that represent all kinds of subordinate clauses:

  1. The flowerbed, which was broken in the courtyard on the left side of the porch, resembled a reduced copy of the town - a kind of Flower Town from Nosov's fairy tale about Dunno. (Definitive).
  2. And it seemed to me that restless and funny little ones really live there. (Explanatory).
  3. And we do not see them because they are hiding from us underground. (Circumstantial).
  4. But as soon as we leave somewhere, the little ones get out of their hiding places and begin to vigorously enjoy life. (Connecting).

Definitive clauses

These subordinate clauses in Russian determine the sign of one noun or sometimes a phrase consisting of a noun and an index word. They serve as answers to questions which? whose? which the? These minor sentences are attached to the main part with union words. whose, who, who, what, what, from where, where, when... Usually in the main part complex sentence there are such index words as such, everyone, everyone, any or that in various forms of childbirth. The following suggestions can be taken as examples:

  • Living beings, ( which?) who live on the planet next to people, feel good human attitude to them.
  • Reach out your hand with food, open your palm, freeze, and some kind of bird, ( which?) whose voice in the morning is heard in the bushes of your garden, will sit on your hand with confidence.
  • Every person, ( which?) who considers himself the pinnacle of the creation of the Almighty, must correspond to this title.
  • Whether a garden, a forest or an ordinary courtyard, (which?)where everything is familiar and familiar, can open the door for a person to wonderful world nature.

Additional connecting clauses

Interesting are the types of subordinate clauses that are not related to a separate word or a phrase, but to the entire main part. They are called connecting. Often these parts of a complex sentence contain the meaning of the consequence, supplementing or explaining the content of the main part. Secondary sentences of this type are joined using union words where, how, when, why, where, what... Examples:

  • And only next to mom does any baby feel protected, what is provided by nature itself.
  • Caring for cubs, tenderness for their offspring, self-sacrifice is laid in the creature at the level of instinct, how every creature needs to breathe, sleep, eat and drink.

Explanatory clauses

If the author of the text wants to clarify, concretize any one word of the main part, which has the meaning of thought, perception, feeling or speech. Often these subordinate clauses refer to verbs such as say, answer, think, feel, be proud, hear... But they can also concretize adjectives, for example, satisfied or glad... It is often observed when these types of subordinate clauses act as explanations of adverbs ( it is clear, it is necessary, it is necessary, it is known, it is a pity) or nouns ( message, thought, statement, hearing, thought, sensation). Subordinate clauses are joined using:

Unions (to, what, when, if, like others);

Any union words;

Particles (union) whether.

Examples include the following compound sentences:

  • Have you ever observed ( what?) how amazing he plays sunlight reflected in dewdrops, insect wings, tiles of snowflakes?
  • Once such beauty, a person will certainly be incredibly happy, ( what?) that I discovered a unique world of beauty.
  • And it immediately becomes clear ( what?) that everything around was created for a reason, that everything is interconnected.
  • Consciousness will be filled with inexpressible feelings of joy, (what kind?) as if you yourself are a part of this amazing and unique world.

Subordinate clauses and degrees

The contingent clauses are subdivided into several subtypes. A group of dependent parts of compound sentences that relate to a feature or action, called in its main part, and designate its degree or measure, as well as an image, are referred to as subordinate clauses of the mode of action and degree. They usually answer the following questions: how? how much? as? in what degree? The design of the connection of the subordinate clause with main part looks something like this: full adjective+ noun + such; full adjective + such; verb + so... The joining of these subordinate clauses is ensured by the unions to, what, if or union words how much, so how much and some others. Examples:

  • The girl laughed so infectiously, so directly, that everyone else found it hard not to smile.
  • The ringing play of her laughter broke the tense silence of the room, as if unexpectedly multi-colored peas from a bag were scattered.
  • And the very face of the crumb has changed so much, as far as possible in this case: the girl, exhausted by the disease, could easily be called an adorable and absolutely healthy child.

Circumferential clauses

These dependent sentences indicate the place of origin of the action, which is called in the main part compound sentence... Regarding the entire main sentence, they answer the following questions: where? where? where? and are joined by union words where, where, where... Often there are index words in the main sentence. there, everywhere, there, everywhere, everywhere and some others. The following examples of such proposals can be cited:

  1. It is quite easy to determine the cardinal points in the forest more often there, where there is moss in the trees.
  2. The ants were dragged on the backs construction material for their nests and food supplies from everywhere, wherever these hardworking creatures could get.
  3. I am drawn all the time there, to the magical lands, where did we go with him last summer.

Circumferential clauses

Indicating the time of action, these subordinate clauses refer both to the entire main sentence and specifically to one predicate. To this type of clauses, you can ask the following questions: how long? How long? when? since when? Often there are index words in the main part of a sentence, for example: sometimes, once, always, now, then... For example: Animals will then be friendly with each other, (when?) when they grow up close to childhood.

Circumferential clauses, reasons, goals, consequences

  1. If the dependent parts of complex sentences answer questions in what case? or under what condition? and refer either to the predicate of the main part, or to it to the whole, joining with the help of conditional unions time, if, if, if, when and how(in the meaning "if"), then they can be attributed to the clauses of the condition. Example: And even the most inveterate mischief turns into a serious and well-bred gentleman, ( in which case?)when he becomes a parent, whether it be a human, a monkey, or a penguin.
  2. Questions because of which? why? for what reason? from what? subordinate reasons answer. Their joining occurs with the help of causal unions. because, because, because... Example: For a toddler in early childhood, the authority of the parent is adamant, ( why?) because his well-being depends on this being.
  3. Dependent sentences indicating the purpose of the action named in the main part and answering questions for what? for what purpose? why? are called clauses of the goal. Their joining to the main part is provided by target unions. in order to, in order to (to)... Example: But even then you should accompany your requirements with explanations ( for what purpose?) then, so that a thinking person grows out of a baby, and not a weak-willed robot executor.
  4. Dependent parts of the sentence that indicate a conclusion or result, denote a consequence arising from the above in the main part of the sentence, are called subordinate consequences and refer to the entire main sentence. They are usually joined by unions of investigation therefore or so, for example: Education is a complex and regular process, ( what follows from this?) therefore, parents should always be in shape and not relax for a minute.

Ad hoc subordinate comparisons

These types of dependent sentences in complex structures refer either to the predicate or to the entire main part and answer the question like what? joining comparative unions as if, than (by), as if, exactly... Subordinate clauses differ from comparative turns in that they have a grammatical basis. For example: The polar bear fell so funny on its side and lifted up its legs, as if this naughty boy is having fun in the sandbox with his friends.

Circumventional clauses

Dependent sentences in a complex structure, denoting circumstances in spite of which the action, which is indicated in the main part, has been performed or can be performed, are called subordinate assignments. You can ask them questions: in spite of what? despite what? and attach to the main one with the help of concessional unions though (though), let (let) that, for nothing, despite and some others. Allied combinations are often used: no matter how much, no matter how much, no matter how much, no matter how much and the like. Example: Despite the fact that the panda cubs had fun playing, their dark spots around the eyes gave the impression of a sad reverie.

A literate person should always remember: when writing, sentences that are part of a complex are separated by commas.

Means of communication of sentences - all this is the syntax of the Russian language. The definitive clause is an example of one of the most difficult topics in the study of Russian syntax.

Subordinate clause: definition

An integral part of a complex sentence is a subordinate clause. A subordinate clause is the part that is dependent on the main one. White snow lay in the fields as they drove to the village. Here's the main sentence Snow lay in the fields. From him the question is asked to the dependent part: lay (when?) when they went to the village... The clause is a separate clause, since it has a predicative stem. However, by communicating with the main member semantically and grammatically, it cannot exist on its own. This is how the main part of a complex sentence differs from the subordinate clause. Thus, a subordinate clause is a part of a complex clause, dependent on the main part.

Subordinate clause: types

There are four types of subordinate clauses. The type of the dependent part is determined by the question asked from the main sentence.

Views accessory parts
DefinitiveOne word in the main sentence asks a question which? At that time he was in charge of the ensemble, where Ilyin played. (ensemble (what?) where Ilyin played)
ExplanatoryFrom one word in the main sentence, the question of the indirect case is asked: what? what? how? about what? whom? to whom? by whom? about whom? Imagine how happy she will be! (can you imagine (what?) how happy she will be)
CircumstantialFrom one word in the main sentence, the question of circumstance is asked: where? when? where? as? why? otherHe did what cowards do. (did (how?) how do cowards)
ConnectingAny question is asked from the whole main sentence.There was a strong wind, which is why flights were canceled. (flights were canceled (why?) because there was a strong wind)

It is correct to determine the type of subordinate clause - the task facing the student.

Determinative clause

Definitives, examples of which are given in the table, consist of two or more parts, where the main part is characterized by a subordinate clause. The definitive part refers to one word from the main sentence. It's either a noun or a pronoun.

A definitive clause is an example of the formation of attributive relations between the main and dependent parts. One word from the main part agrees with the whole subordinate clause. For example, Victor looked at the sea, in the vastness of which a ship appeared. (The sea (what?), In the vastness of which the ship appeared).

Subordinate qualifier: features

There are some peculiarities in the NGN with clauses. Examples from the table will help you figure it out.

Sentences with clauses: examples and features
PeculiaritiesExamples of
The clauses are attached to the main clause, usually by a union word ( whose, which, what, where, what and others).

He was shocked by the picture (what?) That hung in the living room.

The city (what?), Where magnolias grow, he remembered forever.

The main part of the SPP can contain demonstrative pronouns associated with union words that, that, that other.

In the city (which?) Where we rested, there are many historical monuments.

From the apple orchard there was such a scent (what?), Which can be found only on warm May days.

Subordinate clauses must follow immediately after the word being defined.

The photograph (which one?), Which is in his notebook, was presented to him by Olga.

The day (what?) When they met, they remembered everything.

Subordinate clause (examples of sentences with a union word which the) can be separated from the main word by other members of the sentences.

The room within which the gallery was located was well lit.

In the evenings in the resort town, the sound of the sea was heard, against the background of which seagulls were screaming.

Relative clauses

Complex sentences with a subordinate clause have one more feature. If in the main part of the SPP the subject or nominal part of a compound nominal predicate is expressed by a definitive or demonstrative pronoun, on which the subordinate attributive part depends, then such a part is called a correlative (pronominal-definitive). That is, sentences in which there is a ratio of pronouns in the main part and in the dependent part are sentences where there are pronominal-definitive clauses.

Examples: He was only told what wasnecessary(the ratio of what + what). The woman swore so loudly that the whole square could hear(the ratio is so + what). The answer was what the question was(the ratio is such + what). The captain's voice was so loud and stern that the whole part immediately heard and built(the ratio is such + that). Distinctive feature pronominal-definitive clauses is that they can precede the main clause: Those who have not been to Lake Baikal have not seen the true beauty of nature.

Subordinate clauses: examples from fiction

There are many options for complex sentences with a clauses.

Writers actively use them in their works. For example, I. A. Bunin: The northern county town (which one?), Where my family remained, ... was far from me. At early dawn (what?), When the roosters are still crowing and the huts are smoking like black, you would open the window ...

A.S. Pushkin: In one minute, the road skidded, the surroundings disappeared into the darkness (what?) ... through which white flakes of snow flew ... Berestov answered with the same zeal (what?), With which a chain bear bows to its masters at the command of its leader.

T. Dreiser: We can only console ourselves with the thought (what?) That human evolution will never stop ... She was flooded with feelings (what?) That the rejected woman is experiencing.

The subordinate qualifying clause (examples from the literature illustrate this) introduces an additional shade of the meaning of the main word, possessing a broad descriptive ability, enables the author of the work to colorfully and reliably describe this or that object.

Violation of the construction of sentences with a relative clause

V examination paper in the Russian language, there are tasks where the attributive clause is incorrectly used. An example of such a task: H the innovator came to the city, which was responsible for financing the project. In this sentence, due to the separation of the subordinate part from the main part, a semantic shift occurred.

It is necessary to see the mistake and correctly use the attributive clause. Example: The official who was in charge of financing the project came to town. A bug has been fixed in the proposal. In the speech of native speakers and in creative works students, there are other mistakes when using sentences with clauses. Examples and characteristics of errors are given in the table.

Errors in attributive clauses
ExampleError characteristicsCorrected version
She was rescued by whom she helped in the past. Unreasonable omission of the demonstrative pronounShe was rescued by the one whom she helped in the past.
Narwhal is a unique mammal that lives in the Kara Sea. Incorrect matching of the union word with the main wordNarwhal is a unique animal that lives in the Kara Sea.
People opened their mouths in surprise, which were amazed at the action taking place. Logical and semantic connections are not observedPeople who were amazed at the action taking place opened their mouths in surprise.

Definitive clause and participle

Sentences with a participial turnover are semantically similar to a complex sentence with a subordinate attributive. Examples: The oak planted by my great-grandfather has turned into a huge tree. - The oak that my great-grandfather planted has turned into a huge tree. Two similar sentences have different shades of meaning. V artistic style preference is given to the participial phrase, which is more descriptive and expressive. In colloquial speech, the relative clause is used more often than the participle.

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