Artistic style of speech characteristic in the table. Types and styles of speech

There are five styles of speech in Russian:

  1. colloquial;
  2. art;
  3. journalistic;
  4. formal business;
  5. scientific.

In general, all styles of speech can be divided into two large groups: colloquial style on the one hand and book styles of speech (artistic, journalistic, official business, scientific) on the other.

Styles of speech serve to serve any aspect of human life, and therefore each style is distinguished by two characteristics: the sphere of communication and the purpose of communication.

Table 1. Styles literary language.

In addition to the features listed above, the styles of the Russian language have a specific set of linguistic means for each of them, as well as genres in which the style is implemented.

Conversational style

The conversational style is used by people to communicate in everyday life in order to convey their thoughts, feelings, as well as messages about something.

For a long time, there was a misconception that the main language means spoken language are colloquial words. This is not true.

In fact, the basis of the colloquial style is formed by the neutral means of the language, that is, the words used in all styles of speech: family, go, lunch, evening, etc.

A smaller percentage are colloquial words (blur out, pinned, hostel), vernacular (now, just now, go) and jargon (boy, grandmother (money), etc.)

A feature of the syntactic construction of the colloquial style is the use of mostly incomplete sentences (Natasha is home, he is behind her.). This is due to the fact that during a conversation there is always an opportunity to ask again, to show for a discussion.

In addition, gestures and facial expressions play an important role, replacing some of the information that could be expressed in words. Very rarely used complex sentences, and if used, then it is mainly non-union proposals(I come home, I see - again my brother brought his friends.).

The conversational style is characterized by appeals, motivating and interrogative sentences. Often in colloquial speech, introductory words, interjections, modal particles are used (Imagine, tomorrow is an exam. I'm not ready!).

Also, words with suffixes of emotional evaluation (for example, diminutive) are widely used: mommy, sissy, as well as truncated forms of nouns, especially proper nouns: dads, mom, Mish, Wan, etc.

Art style

The artistic style is used in artistic creation, its purpose is to influence readers through the created images.

For example:
The sail of the lonely grows white
In the mist of the blue sea.
What is he looking for in a distant land?
What did he throw in his native land? (M. Yu. Lermontov)

The poem by M. Yu. Lermontov created the image of a lonely sail on the blue surface of the sea, through which the author influences the thoughts and feelings of readers.

In the artistic style, pictorial and expressive means (metaphors, epithets, etc.) are widespread. In addition, any language means (neutral vocabulary, dialectal and slang words, emotionally colored words, etc.) are appropriate to create an image in an artistic style.

The genres of the artistic style depend on the genre: prose, lyrics, or drama. It will be a novel, a story or a story, an elegy, an ode, a tragedy, a comedy or a drama, respectively.

Journalistic style

Used in media propaganda and media mass media, its purpose is to influence through the call. The genres of journalistic style are: article, essay, speech, etc.

Any text of the journalistic style has a bright emotional coloring (often reaching the pathos), therefore, pictorial and expressive means are widely used in the journalistic style, words with expressive coloring, ambiguous words in a figurative sense, phraseological units, solemn, high words, civil vocabulary, a combination of book and colloquial words and constructions.

In the syntactic structure of the texts of the journalistic style, simple syntactic constructions prevail, rhetorical questions and exclamations, particles, introductory words, repetitions, the use of homogeneous members of the sentence (with gradation).

Formal business style

It is used in an official business environment for communication of citizens with institutions and institutions among themselves, the purpose of this style is to communicate official business information. The genres of the official business style are law, decree, power of attorney, statement, act, protocol, etc.

The peculiarity of the official business style is the accuracy, reliability of information, its objectivity, excluding ambiguity of interpretation, and therefore pictorial and expressive means, words with expressive coloring are inappropriate in it.

In this style, neutral words are used, as well as words in their direct meaning, abstract vocabulary (fulfillment, observance), standardized phrases (according to the order ..., we, the signatories below ...), complex sentences with compound unions, terms, words of obligation (must, must , it is supposed to be).

Sentences in a formal business style are always narrative, widespread, usually complicated by participial and adverbial phrases or homogeneous members suggestions.

Often, texts of an official business style are divided into parts designated by numbers (articles of laws), or have a strictly limited and regulated position on the page (header of statements and other documents).

Scientific style

Used in the field of science, its purpose is to communicate scientific information. Scientific style genres - monograph, Research Article, dissertation, diploma, report, abstract, review, abstract, etc.

Just like the official business style, the scientific style is characterized by accuracy, rigor, laconic expression, therefore, in the scientific style, pictorial and expressive means, words with expressive coloring, vocabulary in a figurative sense are not acceptable.

Used in this style scientific terms, special phraseological units, complex syntactic constructions, introductory words, sentences with generalizing generic names.

The functional style of speech is a certain system of language that is responsible for the goals and conditions of communication in a certain area and combines a set of stylistic linguistic means. In essence, functional styles are heterogeneous; they differ from each other in a well-defined genre variety, terminology and literary presentation.

Types of functional speech styles

Depending on the spheres of public life in which the language is used today, the following functional styles are distinguished: formal business, scientific, journalistic, colloquial and everyday and artistic.

Formal business style

The official business style of speech is used to convey information in an official setting (legislative, administrative and legal activities, office work). Using this style, regulations, protocols, certificates, receipts, etc. are created.

The official business style has a number of features that distinguish it from other styles of speech: imperativeness, accuracy (it is not permissible to use two interpretations), lack of emotional coloring, strict textual composition. In this style, speech cliches, nomenclature names, abbreviations and verbal nouns are widely used.

Scientific style

The main function of this style is the transmission and dissemination of scientific information, as well as proof of its truth. The main properties of the scientific style are the use of general scientific terms, abstract vocabulary, the description of any discoveries or precedents. In the scientific style, short real nouns prevail.

The most common scientific style is found in articles, research papers, school essays, monographs and educational literature.

Journalistic style

This functional style of speech is used to influence, most often ideological, the general public through the media and oratory. The journalistic style is most often found in genres such as essay, article, reportage, interview. The scientific style differs from other speech stylistics by its inherent heightened emotionality and the use of socio-political vocabulary.

Conversational style

This style acts as a tool for the direct transfer and exchange of information concerning everyday issues and does not require an official setting. It uses mainly simple vocabulary, which carries emotionality, expressiveness and logical saturation. The most common genre is dialogue. Great importance in a conversational style have non-verbal factors: gestures and facial expressions. It also allows repetitions, incomplete sentences and introductory words.

Art style

The art style is used when creating fiction... With its help, the author influences the reader, controls his feelings. The artistic style has an inherent richness of vocabulary, imagery and emotionality. Mixing of all other styles is also possible. The artistic style fulfills an aesthetic function, this is its main difference from the colloquial and journalistic styles.

Authors: V. N. Alexandrov, O. I. Alexandrova, T. V. Solovyova
Single State exam... Russian language. Chelyabinsk "Look" 2004
Scope of application (where?) Informal setting Documents, business papers Scientific works, textbooks ... Social and political life: newspapers, magazines, radio, television, rallies ... Fiction
Function (why?) Communication (talk) MESSAGE (inform, instruct, express the will of the law) MESSAGE (explain) IMPACT to convince!
on consciousness in order to foster a civic position (inform about the life of the country, form an attitude towards events and facts, sometimes induce some action, draw attention to important issues ...)
IMPACT portray!
on imagination, feelings, thoughts (aesthetic function)

Leading style trait Ease, simplicity LACK OF EMOTIONALITY: formality, accuracy, standard LACK OF EMOTIONALITY: abstraction, generalization, accuracy, consistency, evidence EMOTIONALITY: factualness + imagery, appeal, topicality of the topic EMOTIONALITY: imagery
Language tools Colloquial vocabulary, dialogicity, incomplete sentences Stamps, cliches, special terminology Abundance of terms, abstract vocabulary; words in their direct meaning; SPP with clauses causes, effects; introductory words... Book + colloquial vocabulary; simple syntactic constructions; incentive, exclamatory sentences; rhetorical questions, addresses, repetitions of words and syntactic constructs; interjections, modal particles; inversion (→ intonation change) Words in a figurative sense, pictorial and expressive means, specific vocabulary; there are other styles as a means of creating an artistic image
Genres Decrees, decrees, instructions, reports, statements, business letters ... Article, review, review, lecture, abstract, dissertation ... Article, performance; feature article, portrait sketch - about people of high moral qualities (character, hobbies, work, biography facts); letter - critical article; essay(a kind of essay) - reflections, reasoning about life, events in art, literature short story, story, story, poem, poem ...

Conversational style- You know, I once visited the steppe ...
Scientific style- It is customary to call plains steppes, which ...
Art style- The steppe the further, the more beautiful it became ...
Journalistic style- Are there really people who do not notice the beauty of their native nature? ...
Formal business style- The above issue is under consideration.


The fastest way to transfer information from one person to another is the printed word. Depending on the tasks and target audience, the set expressive means Russian language can vary significantly. And the reader, and to the writing person it is important to know how to determine the style of the text, because this will give an understanding of what is written, and will also allow you to outline a number of possible techniques with the help of which it is easy to convey thoughts to the reader.

What is text

It is customary to call a text any speech that is recorded on paper or in electronic form, while it can be artistic or journalistic, in the form of a document, letter, etc. In fact, the text contains at least two sentences, and they must be combined not only by meaning, but also by grammar. Description of events or objects, destinies or actions in the text is always predetermined main theme, a message. Regardless of the style, the subject matter of what is written should be clearly delineated.

As a rule, it is not so difficult to understand what the text will be about, because the authors bring the topic up, making it the name. For convenience, intermediate subheadings are also used, which give direction, explain to the reader what awaits him in this or that semantic part of the text. It is interesting that one and the same information can easily be presented under different "sauce", for diametrically opposite audiences or cases. So how do you determine the correct text style?

Functional speech style concept

In various spheres of journalism, literature, there are varieties of language. The word "style" has many definitions used in fine arts, architecture, design (in addition to literature). If we talk purely about the literary meaning, then this is a set of expressive (artistic and other) elements inherent in writing a text. Functional speech styles look like this:

  1. Narration is a time-related narrative of events that take place. The sequence in this type of text does not always correspond to chronology, but is always associated with it. The narrative form requires the use of the words: "while", "after which", "then", etc. These words mark events by linking them to a specific section of the chronology.
  2. Description - a statement of the qualities of the object of discussion. This type of text often uses adjectives that reflect distinctive features subject: "beautiful", "large", "wide", "thin", "light", "fast". The description can use adverbs to compare with other objects of the same category "longer", "faster", "less", "deeper".
  3. Reasoning - This type of text contains three required elements: statement, proof and conclusion. Initially, the reasoning indicates a certain thesis, for example: "Is there a UFO?" This is followed by evidence, analysis of the veracity or incorrectness of this statement, and based on the evidence, a conclusion is made about the correctness of the original statement.

What are the styles of speech

In the Russian language, there are four main linguistic styles, which differ from each other in different sets of techniques and characteristics and have their own basic characteristics of the text:

  • formal business;
  • colloquial;
  • art;
  • journalistic.

In each specific case, the author must know how to correctly determine the style of the text, which functional styles of the modern Russian language to use in order to convey its essence to the final audience. For example, the question of what is text style is easy to answer if you know that:

  • The formal business genre is suitable for correspondence with business partners, bosses and subordinates.
  • And for personal communication and correspondence, conversational is more suitable.
  • Describing events, places, emotions, and experiences is best done with an artistic style of presentation.
  • The publicistic style of speech is designed to convey ideas through the media - magazines, newspapers, the Internet. However, media texts cannot always be called journalism; in some cases, a colloquial or scientific genre is used.


The result of this style of presentation is an article, reportage, interview, or feature. The grammar and style of the genre provide for ease of reading and perception by the widest masses of the target audience. The journalistic style almost always does not imply an appeal to the reader, because the presentation is conducted from a third person. You will find examples of this style by reading any newspaper.

The scientific and journalistic style is sometimes distinguished as a separate version. In this case, the text uses reasoning on scientific topics. At the very beginning, the author makes an assumption, and throughout the article, essay or note provides evidence of the truthfulness or incorrectness of this thesis, and at the end draws a conclusion based on the given arguments. Linguistic means of scientific style involve the use of precise definitions. Examples of journalistic style are common, it is difficult to confuse them with others.


The main application of the style is oral speech, and its expressiveness and comprehensibility for the broad masses makes it popular in journalism as well. Such text uses colloquial expressions and accepts direct appeal to the reader, asking questions and provoking an emotional perception of what is written. The written conversational style differs from the oral one, because with the help of text, it is more difficult to convey emotions expressed by facial expressions or gestures.


If we are not talking about literary magazines, this genre is not used in periodicals... What artistic text? It involves lengthy reasoning, descriptions, dialogues, analysis. The task of the artistic style is not to convey information, but to immerse the reader as much as possible in the work, arouse emotions, fantasies, and influence feelings. This genre provides for the possibility of lengthy reasoning, subjectivity in assessing facts, events and phenomena. There is no limit to the length of the text for those using a book-style speech.

Official business

The official style of speech is designed to business communication both within the team and in correspondence with third-party organizations. Formal business is also used in oral communication when it comes to business relationships. The task of this style of text is to convey the maximum number of facts from one person to another without the use of evaluative adjectives. Standard phrases and repetitions are widely used, which in other styles are perceived as flaws or even mistakes.

The official business style provides for a dry listing of facts, figures, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, a certain system that determines the construction of written sentences. This type of text differs from all others, it necessarily contains two elements:

  • Descriptive part - fait accompli, possible consequences are stated here.
  • Action - a requirement, request, proposal for the commission of certain actions is indicated here.
Watch a video on speech styles.

Examples of texts of different styles of speech

Several models for using different genres to present the same situation using text:

  • Publicistic. “This morning Baba Nyura, going out into the barn to milk her cow Zorka, was quite surprised. She discovered open door into the utility room, but the animal was not inside. "Who took Zorka away and what should I do without her?" An investigation is underway. "
  • Colloquial. “I go, Stepanovna, into the barn, but Zorka is not there! I already called her, screamed, went to see my neighbor Petrovich - maybe he saw something ... But he had been so busy since yesterday evening that he still does not leave the house. I went to the district police officer, he says: "Write a statement, we'll figure it out." Well, I wrote. I went home through the cemetery, I look, and my Dawn is grazing in the meadow! "
  • Art. “A light morning haze has just begun to dissipate, and the first rays of the sun touched the lush grass of the front garden. The roosters began yelling their simple morning callsigns, and the village of Gulkovo began to wake up. The door that had not been oiled for a long time creaked easily and Baba Nyura appeared on the threshold of the rickety wooden hut. She was looking for her cow. "
  • Formal business. “On June 17, 2014 at 9:30 am, a citizen of the Russian Federation, Anna Zakharovna Yegorova, applied to the police station in the village of Gulkovo. Essentially questions asked she explained that on 17.06.2014, at about 4-50, she discovered the loss of cattle (cows) on the territory of her own local economy. The animal was kept in a separate outbuilding. Egorova A.Z. stated that the cow could not leave on its own and demanded to start an investigation under Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The statement was registered in the register of crimes and delinquencies. 06/17/2014 at 16-00 Egorova A.Z. she again turned to the police station of the village of Gulkovo with a statement that the animal she was looking for had been found and the applicant had no claims to anyone. "

Speech style sheet

Great tool for those who don't know how to define the style of the text. The proposed table contains the main style features. With its help, you will learn how to determine the style of the finished text, what are the styles of speech in Russian, the stylistic affiliation of the document that needs to be created:




Official business

Style functions

Depict, describe

Communication, conversation

Report, prove point of view

Convey information

Scope of the style


Everyday communication, personal letter

Social activities, cultural, political, economic relations

Office work, lawmaking, creation of regulatory documents

Style genres

Poems, fairy tale, drama, novel, story


Reasoning-explanation, message, essay, newspaper article

References, statements, instructions, orders, samples, laws, plans

Specific traits style

Use of any kind of syntactic and lexical structures in all possible combinations

Emotionality, oversimplification or ignorance grammar rules, slang words

Imagery, consistency, assessment of events and phenomena, accessibility to the broad masses

Accuracy, impersonality, standardization

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Speech is a necessary means of human communication. The scope of its application determines the division into varieties, which are called functional styles. There are five of them in total: scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial and artistic. Each of the styles is implemented both in oral and written forms, has its own lexical, syntactic, morphological features.

Speech types are also distinguished separately. The table presented in this article will help you understand this issue.

Reasoning is a type of speech in which causal relationships are presented, which determines the following structure: thesis - argument - conclusion. The reasoning is characterized by the use of introductory words,

Basic data describing the types of speech will be presented in the table below.




set - development - climax - denouement

predominant use of verbs and adverbs


general idea of ​​the subject - individual features of the subject - conclusions, author's judgments

use of imperfective verbs, simple, incomplete, nominative sentences


thesis - argument - conclusion

use of introductory words, complex syntactic structures


The styles and types of speech we have considered in the Russian language are not static. People independently choose the form of communication for themselves. Oftentimes, borderline presentation styles are confused. This is due to the social function of speech.

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