Road signs Light designation. Traffic light: colors in order, description and value

Today, each person understands what a traffic light is. Colors: red, yellow and green - familiar even to the child.

However, there was a time when these optical devices were not, and it was not very simple to move the street. Especially in big cities passerstitis had to skip the endless horse gloses for a long time.

On cross-street streets there were confusion and endless disputes.

A small excursion

Initially, the traffic lights came up with the British. He was put in London at the end of 68 of the 19th century. Managed him man. The mechanism had two arrows. When they were in a horizontal position, the movement was forbidden, and when omitted - the passage was allowed. At night included the gas burner with which the red and green signal was served. It turned out unsafe. The gas exploded, wounded the policeman, the traffic lights removed.

Only at the beginning of the twentieth century in America, an automatic traffic light was patented. The colors were not used in it, replaced their inscriptions.

Red color is very well visible in any weather: when the sun shines brightly, it rains, or it is fog. From a physical point of view, red has a maximum wavelength. Probably, therefore, it was chosen as forbidden. Worldwide, the greatest color is equally.

Another signal on the traffic light is green. This is the color of calm, peace. It has a relaxing effect on the human brain. Green allows motion. It can be seen enough far enough, any driver long before the passage of the traffic light sees this color and calmly, without braking, overcomes the intersection.

However, as they say, there is a checked rule, according to which when driving a dangerous intersection, it is still worth slowning, even when the traffic signal shows green. This action often helps to avoid serious accidents.

Yellow - pay attention

The yellow color of the traffic light is intermediate. He carries a warning function and calls on the movement participants to pay attention. It is said that yellow color symbolizes mind, intuition and intelligence. It is usually lit after red, calling drivers to prepare for movement. As practice shows, a yellow traffic light signal Many drivers perceive as permissive and start moving. It is incorrect, although not punishable by penalties. When yellow color lights up, you need to squeeze the grip, prepare, but for the start of the movement it is better to wait for green, especially since waiting for just a couple of seconds.

IN reverse order: Green, yellow, red - traffic lights not working. IN modern devices After green, the red color immediately lights up, while last Minutes Green begins to flash.

You can also sometimes see a continuously flashing yellow traffic light signal. This suggests that the traffic light is disabled or Paul. Most often blink yellow traffic lights at night.

Pedestrian traffic lights

To regulate the movement of pedestrians, there is also a traffic light. What colors are used in it? Red and green - unequivocally, but yellow is missing as unnecessary. Special preparation for the transition of the road is not required.

Depicted usually on going men. For the convenience of pedestrians, the time count is used lately. A special stopwatch counts how many seconds it remains until the opposite signal is turned on.

As in conventional traffic lights, red forbids movement, and green indicates that the passage is open.

Driving intersection, drivers should know that pedestrians use the advantage. For example, at the intersection, the car turns right to the green traffic light signal, with pedestrians that move perpendicular road, and the green color is also burning. In this case, the motorist is obliged to miss all pedestrians and only then continue to move.

What is a "green wave"

In large metropolitans, the motorway traffic is accompanied by a large number of traffic lights that regulate the movement. The traffic light, the colors of which are known to everyone, switches them with a certain frequency. This frequency is regulated automatically and ensures the safety of vehicles.

"Green wave" is tied to the speed of the car. It is assumed that, moving at a certain average speed, the driver, hitting the green signal of the traffic light, along the entire length of the highway will also get into the green color. Three color of the traffic lights switches with a certain periodicity, and there is consistency between the next to the traffic lights. At all intersection of the tracks agreed on this principle, there is equal cyclicity.

Green Wave was designed for the convenience of passing crossroads, technically implemented this does not represent much difficulty. As a rule, on such highways, there are additionally installed signs with the recommended speed, which will ensure non-stop passage of intersections.

Assistant driver and pedestrian is a three-chapted traffic light. Colors in order switches and adjust the move, ensuring the safety of all participants road. Observing in good faith, you can avoid serious accidents and unpleasant situations on the roads.

GOST 21.207-2013

Interstate standard

System of design documents for construction

Conditional graphic symbols in road drawings

System of Design Documents for Construction. Graphical Signs for Drawings of Motor-Ways

ISS 01.100.30

Date of introduction 2015-01-01


Objectives, basic principles and the main order of work on interstate standardization GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 Standards of interstate, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Development, adoption, application, updates and cancellation rules

Information about standard

1 Developed by an open joint-stock company - the Center for Methodology, Registration and Standardization in Construction (CNS OJSC), together with the Closed Joint Stock Company "Design and Research Institute and Research Institute industrial transport"(PromTransiProject CJSC)

2 Made by Technical Committee TC 465 "Construction"

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (MGS) (Protocol of November 14, 2013 N 44)

For the adoption voted:

Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the organ government controlled Construction



Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Moldova Standard






4 by the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of December 17, 2013 N 2315-ST Interstate Standard GOST 21.207-2013 was enacted as a National Standard Russian Federation from January 1, 2015

5 introduced for the first time

6 reprint. April 2015

Information on the changes to this standard is published in the annual information indicator "National Standards", and the text of the amendments and amendments are in the monthly information indicator "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this Standard, the appropriate notification will be published in the National Standards Monthly Information Index. Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in information system General use - on the official website Federal Agency on technical regulation and metrology on the Internet.

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This Standard establishes the main conditional graphics and simplified images used in road drawings of various purposes.

2 Regulatory references

This standard uses regulatory references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.303-68 Unified system of design documentation. Lines

GOST 2.306-68 Unified system of design documentation. Designations Graphic materials and rules for their application in drawings

GOST 21.101-97 * System of project documentation for construction. Basic requirements for project and working documentation
* GOST R 21.1101-2013 operates on the territory of the Russian Federation

GOST 21.201-2011 System of project documentation for construction. Conditional graphic images Elements of buildings, structures and structures.

GOST 21.204-93 Project documentation system for construction. Conditional graphics and images of elements of master plans and transportation structures

GOST 21.302-2013 * System of project documentation for construction. Conditional graphics symbols in engineering and geological research documentation

GOST 21.701-2013 * System of project documentation for construction. Rules for performing working documentation of highways
* Entered simultaneously with the standard developed

3 Terms and Definitions

This standard applies the following terms with the corresponding definitions:

3.1 road marking: Lines, inscriptions and other designations used independently, in combination with road signs or traffic lights on the roadway of the road, artificial structures and elements of the arrangement of roads, informing road users about the conditions and modes of movement on the road section.

3.2 road sign: Technical means of organizing the safety of movement with notation and / or inscriptions informing participants in the road traffic conditions and traffic modes, location of settlements and other objects.

4 General

4.1 Designed road roads are depicted in drawings using conditional graphics and simplified images (hereinafter referred to as conditional notation) established by this Standard, taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.701, as well as with the use of conventions established by GOST 21.204, GOST 21.302, GOST 2.306. GOST 21.201 And other interrelated standards of the project documentation system for construction (SPDS).

4.2 The symbols are performed on a drawing scale, except for images, the dimensions of which are defined in this standard and are given in millimeters or conventional units.

Types of lines used in the performance of the symbols must comply with GOST 2.303.

4.3 Abbreviated inscriptions are taken in accordance with the abbreviations adopted in road design, in conventional signs for topographic plans of scale 1: 5000, 1: 2000, 1: 1000, 1: 500, as well as installed GOST 21.101.

4.4 Legend not regulated by standards leads in general data on working drawings or on the relevant drawings.

5 Legend on road plans

5.1 The symbols used on road plans are performed in accordance with Table 1.

5.2 The width of the automotive road on the plan is depicted on the drawing scale, but not less than 2 mm. If a numeric value Road width images on an appropriate scale less than 2 mm, the designed road is depicted with a solid thick main line.

Table 1



1 road:

a) with the designation of the road or route on the list of roads

b) with the designation of the road surface

Note - the numbers indicate the width of the road, letters - the coating material.

Note - in the listings but)-in) The simplified road designation is shown for a scale of more than 1: 5000.

2 seams covering:

a) seam expansion

b) seam compression

c) seam false

d) displacement

d) seam near border

3 border of construction sites

Note - Roman numbers indicate the number of areas. To the left of the ordinate (remote line) indicate a picket position.

4 Singing Drainage Network with Watching Wells

5 Abstenitive drain

6 Water Supplies with Cargo Part

7 Road fence

9 gallery

10 Underground Transition

11 Overhead transition

Note - Paragraph 4-11 on the shelves of lines-calls indicate the sequence number of the structure, the position number (brand), the type or diameter of the device; Under the shelves - the designation of the document on their execution.

6 Legend on longitudinal road profiles

The symbols used in the implementation of longitudinal road profiles are performed in accordance with Table 2.

table 2



1 Intersection of roads

2 Congress or Adjunction to the Automotive Road

3 Union of highways at different levels:

but - at intersection

b. - on adjoining

4 picket and distances between the dots of the fracture of the actual surface of the earth

5 Wrong picket

It is allowed to use the full picture of the sign on the drawing in accordance with national standards *.
* GOST R 51256-99 and GOST R 52290-2004 are valid in the Russian Federation.

The size of road signs is allowed to be changed, but their value should be sufficient to perform the designation of the sign in compliance with the ratio of the set sizes.

When performing small-scale schemes, it is allowed to indicate: Road marking numbers - in a circle, Road Signs - in a rectangle, indicating their picket position (Figure 1).

Picture 1

Table 3.

Purpose / Name


Horizontal road marking

Pasmetka Motion strips.

Marking of the boundaries of the partitions of the roadway to which the entry is prohibited.

Marking of the boundaries of the parking lot of vehicles

Marking the edge of the carriageway

Marking of the edge of the carriageway on duplex roads

Separation of traffic flows of opposite directions

Marking of places where vehicle stop is prohibited

Separation of traffic flows of opposite directions.

Matching lanes movement

Marking approximation to solid longitudinal markup line

Motion markup within the intersection

The markup of the boundary between the strip of overclocking or braking and the main band of the carriageway

The markup of the boundaries of the movement strips on which reversible regulation is carried out.

Separation of transport flows of opposite directions on the roads where reverse control is carried out (with reversible traffic lights off)

Marking of places where vehicle parking is prohibited

The separation of transport flows of opposite or passing directions in places where it is necessary to limit maneuvering on the roadway.

Pasmetakes where it is necessary to allow the movement only from the intermittent line (in places of reversal, entry and departure from parking sites, gas stations, stopping points of the route vehicles, etc.)

Marking of vehicle stop - stop-line

Place marking, where the driver is obliged to give way to the road

Marking of a pedestrian crossing with a width of 3.00 to 6.00 m

Marking of a pedestrian crossing with a width of more than 6.00 m

Marking moving for cyclists

Placement of islets separating transport streams of opposite directions

Placement of islets separating transport streams of one direction

Placement of islands in the locations of transport flows

Marking of stopping vehicles and parking lots Taxi

Marking of fields in stripes

Designation of approximation to narrowing the carriageway or to a solid line of longitudinal markup 1.1

Designation of approximation to the transverse line markup 1.13

Designation of approximation to the transverse line markup 1.12

Note - apply the letters of the Russian or Latin alphabet.

Room designation road

Note - in brackets indicated the value "A" for speed of more than 60 km / h.

Marking of the bandwidth of the roadway intended exclusively for the movement of the route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses)

Duplication of warning road signs *

Duplication of prohibiting road signs

Duplication of the Road Sign "Disabled"

Marking of artificial irregularities

Continuation of Table 3.

Purpose / Name


Vertical road marking

Marking of vertical surfaces of road facilities (supports of bridges, overpasses, end-parts of parapet, etc.).

2.1.1 - to the left of the roadway;

2.1.2 - on the roadway;

2.1.3 - to the right of the carriage of this direction of movement

Marking of the lower edge of the span structure of overpashers, bridges, tunnels

Marking Round Tumb on Safety Islands

Marking of signal columns, absenters, support for cable fences, etc.

Marking of the side surfaces of road fences at dangerous areas

Road signs

Road sign support:

a) on one rack

b) on two racks

Warning signs

Priority signs

Signs prohibiting

GOST 23545-79

Group P00.

State Standard of the SSR Union

Automated road traffic management systems

Legend in schemes and plans

Computer Control Systems for Traffic.
Legends on Schemes and Plans

Date of introduction 1980-07-01

Developed by the Ministry of Instrument Making, Automation and Management Tools, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the USSR State Committee on Standards


B.I.Raspopov, L.A. Yakushin, V.V.Vasyutovich (development leaders), V.V.Shirshova, V.N. Belov, Yu.Brz

Deposed by the Ministry of Instrument Making, Automation Tools and Control Systems

Head of Scientific and Technical Administration MS Shkabardnia


Amended N 1, adopted and enacted by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards from 05.04.83 N 1623 from 01.09.83

Change N 1 made by the Legal Bureau "Code" on the text of JUS N 7 1983

This standard applies to the documents on the organization of the road, as well as the electrical circuits and plans for cable trails, performed on the topographic plans of the terrain and plans of the buildings, and establishes the conditional alphabetic and graphic designations of the technical means, the elements of the organization of road traffic and the methods of laying electrical communication lines, Used in the design of automated road control systems.

The terms used in this standard and their definitions are shown in the reference application 1.

General requirements for the implementation of schemes - according to GOST 2.701-76, GOST 24.302-80.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

1. Legend

1. Legend

1.1. Graphic and alphabetic designations of technical means of acud, regulatory tools and methods of their installation are given in Table 1.

Detailed decoding of technical means is given in the removal element on the free field of the drawing. Regulatory tools are depicted together with the methods of their installation.

Table 1





Road controller


Distribution switching cabinet

Transport detector:



pass and presence

passing subject to:



flood composition

flood density

ultrasonic (passing and presence)

Inductive framework of transport detectors for plans for cable trails, electrical circuits and motion organization schemes:

when laying in the roadbed

1. Size - depends on the width of the traffic strips; The minimum value is 3 mm.

2. - Number of strips.

3. \u003d 4 mm with a frame length 2 m and more than 2 mm - with a frame length from 0.5 to 2.0 m

when laying under the tram paths

for situational plans and documents of the integrated development of the organization of movement:




Remote control

Information exchange device

Stationary part of the set of equipment priority passage of vehicles

Moving part of the set of equipment priority passage

Controlled road sign

Speed \u200b\u200bpointer

Road Review Camera

Light installation:

Pedestrian calling tablo

Simplified designation group of technical means on plans of cable tracks and electrical circuits

Methods for installing regulatory tools:

on console

on the wall


on the projected support

on an existing support

on an existing column

on the designed column

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

1.2. The designations of the elements of the road traffic are given in Table 2.

table 2



Traffic light:

transport three-section



to regulate the entrance to the lane

Additional sections of traffic lights with direction directions:





Tram traffic light signals allowing movement:




left and right

right and right

Tram Light Tracking Signal

Vehicle traffic:




Pedestrian flow movement:

on transport traffic lights

on pedestrian traffic lights

Traffic signals in the temporary diagram of the regulation mode:




red with yellow

green blinking

The included status of the tram traffic light tube

Disabled status for additional sections of traffic lights in coordination programs

Road sign:


prohibiting, prescribing



Note. Next to the image of the sign, you must specify its number in accordance with GOST 10807-78 *. If you have an additional sign, you must specify its number next to the sign of the sign.

Fencing roadway road

* GOST R 52290-2004 operates in the Russian Federation, hereinafter, on the text. - Note "Code".

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

1.3. Designations of methods of laying of lines of electrical and telephone communications are shown in Table 3.

Table 3.

Change N 1).

2. Legend of traffic lights

2.1. The symbol of traffic lights should be recorded as a sequence of signs (numbers and letters) in one line without spaces according to the following principle:

where A is the number of the traffic light, a separate pedestrian or tram traffic light. For example: 1, 2, 1P, 2P, 3P, 3, 1T , 2t, etc.;

B - the color of the traffic light (k - red, z - green, yellow);

B is the number of the direction of the signal of the transport or pedestrian traffic light.

Note. In the presence of the right or left additional sections of the transport traffic light, for their designation, instead of letters, meaning the color of the traffic light signal, write letters, meaning the direction of the actions of the additional sections (pr - right, L - left).

2.2. The conditional designation of the tram traffic light lamp should be recorded according to the following principle:

where A is the number of a separate tram traffic light or a combined lighting unit;

B - combinations of numbers denoting the direction of movement tram: 24 - right, 14 - left, 124 - directly and left, 34 - right, 234 - directly and right, 123 - movement is prohibited;

B is the direction number of the signal of the tram traffic light.

2.3. Examples of the conventional designations of traffic lights are shown in the reference application 3.

Appendix 1 (Reference). Terms used in this standard and their definitions


Priority passage equipment - A set of equipment designed to detect and priority passage of transport units, consisting of a stationary part installed on the road and mobile, located on vehicles.

Information exchange device - peripheral device designed to exchange information on communication channels between the end elements of the system and the control point.

Controlled road sign - an information device intended for the operational change of speed, direction or route of traffic movement by changing road signs (pointers).

Inductive frame - a sensitive element of a detector of transport, designed to convert the exposure of passing transport to an electrical signal.

Pedestrian calling tablo - A device intended to call pedestrians of a traffic light signal resolving movement.

Coordination program - A program regulating the operation of an automated road traffic control system in coordinated mode.

Cartographer routes - Scheme defining the main volumes and directions of traffic flows.

Light installation - One or more traffic lights connected by single design and installation site.

Direction of traffic light - It is assumed conditional in accordance with the main directions of traffic movement.

Regulatory tools - Road signs, specific GOST 10807-78, traffic lights.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

Appendix 2 (Reference). Designation of elements of light equipment and movement directions on the intersection scheme

Appendix 2.

1-4 (on the shelf-rotation) - the direction of the movement of vehicles; SV1-SV4, SV4P - the designation of the lighting unit; 1-4 and 4P - Designation of elements of the road traffic of traffic lights of SV1 - SV4 and SV4P

Appendix 2. (Modified edition, meas. N 1).

Appendix 3 (Reference). Examples of conventional designations of traffic lights

Appendix 3.

Light lamp of the fourth lighting installation, red, the second direction of action of the traffic light signal:

The same, second pedestrian separately standing light, green, the second direction of the traffic signal:

The frontforum lamp of the fourth lighting installation, red, the third direction of the signal of the pedestrian section in the combined lighting unit:

The traffic light tram light light lamp of the second lighting unit, with a resolved direction of movement right, the first direction of action of the traffic light signal:

The same tram separately standing second traffic light, with a permitted direction of movement directly and left, the first direction of the signal of the traffic light:

The text of the document is drilled by:
official edition
M.: Publishing standards, 1979

Editorial Document Taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Codex"


Laying communication channels and unprotected cables in one trench

Note. Positions of cables indicate the shelves-carrying. The first shelf indicates cables laid in the trench, on the following - the positions of cables laid in the communication channels

Gasket in trench cable with protection (tube, box, stoves, etc.)

Note. The type of protection and the length of the protected area indicate the shelf

To date, it is very difficult to imagine traffic rules without the main tool for streamlining movement, which is a traffic light. It is intended for adjustment and relief both automotive and pedestrian motion. Distinguish different traffic lights, depending on their functions. Although they are similar to each other, but have certain nuances that need to be remembered.

Traffic light: definition

The traffic light is called an optical signaling device, which is intended to regulate the movement of cars, bicycles and other vehicles, as well as pedestrians. It is used in all global states without exception.

Interesting! Earlier in Japan there was no green light in traffic lights. It replaced blue. But scientists have proven that green is more acceptable for human eyes.

Types of traffic lights

The most common are tricolor traffic lights with round signals: red, yellow and green. PDDs of some countries involve the use of orange traffic lights instead of yellow. Signals can be located both vertically and horizontally. If other special traffic lights or additional sections are not provided, then they regulate the movement of all types of transport, as well as pedestrians. Next we will look at different kinds Traffic lights, from everyday to special.

Classic three-section traffic lights

Such a traffic light has, as a rule, three colors located in order: red, yellow, green - from top to bottom or left to right. Such traffic lights are installed on intersections. They are intended for simultaneous passing of all types of transport in all directions allowed by traffic rules. They are also installed on adjustable pedestrian transitions located between the intersections. It is allowed to install such a traffic light and on the railway crossing in settlements, at the intersection of the road with tramways, before the bike path and the carriageway.You can also see them where there is a narrowing of the roadway to skip the counter transport alternately.

Interesting fact!The first three-section traffic light was installed in Detroit in 1920.


Traffic lights with two sections are used to regulate the flow of motion in the territories of industrial enterprises and organizations, as well as during the narrowing of the roadway to organize a single-band reversing transport flow.

Titlephone single-section with yellow light

Such a single-color traffic light is found on unregulated crossroads and pedestrian crossings.

Traffic lights with extra section

Traffic lights can be equipped with additional sectional sections with arrows or arrows contours. They regulate traffic traffic in one direction or another. Such traffic lights are working, according to traffic rules, as follows: The contours of the arrows on all signals of the usual three-color traffic lights mean that its action is distributed only in one specified direction.

Additional section of the traffic light with a green arrow on a black background by traffic rules allows the passage, but does not provide advantage during the coup. Sometimes you can always meet a burning green signal, which is made in the form of a plate with a solid green arrow. This means on traffic rules that the rotation is allowed, despite the prohibition of traffic lights.

Such traffic lights are installed in those places where the organization of a conflict-free transport movement is necessary on intersections. If a green light comes on at one of these traffic lights, then crossing the intersection, you can not yield the road. In order not to emergency situations, personal traffic lights are located above each band, which show the direction of movement, which is allowed from a specific strip.

Reversible traffic lights

To adjust the movement on the bands of the roadway, reversible traffic lights are used.These are special band control regulators. On such traffic lights can be placed from two to three signals: a red signal in the form of the letter "X" prohibits movement on a specific strip. The arrow of the green color, which is directed down, on the contrary, allows movement. The diagonal arrow of yellow color signals that the mode of movement in the strip is changed, and shows, in which direction you need to move from it.

Traffic lights for controlling movement through a pedestrian crossing

Typically, such traffic lights have only two types of signals: the first one allows, the second - prohibits.As a rule, they correspond to green and red colors. The signals themselves can be of different shapes. Often they are depicted in the form of a stylized silhouette of a person: standing red and walking green. For example, in America, the prohibitive signal is performed as a red raised palm, meaning "stop". Sometimes the inscriptions are used: the Red "Stop" and green "Walk". In other countries, respectively, in other languages.

Traffic lights with automatic switching are installed on highways with a lively motion. But there are cases when you can switch the traffic light by pressing a special button, which allows you to move the road for a certain time. Modern traffic lights for convenience are equipped with a digital table countdown. For non-violent people in traffic lights mounted sound devices.

To regulate traffic tram

The traffic light is usually placed in front of areas with a limited overview, long-term lifts and descents, with a tram depot and before the arrows. Traffic lights for tram there are two types: green and red. They are installed either to the right of the paths, either hang in the center over the contact wire. Basically such traffic lights notify tram drivers about whether the path is busy further or not. They do not regulate the movements of other vehicles and are purely individual. Their work is built automatically.

Traffic signals: travel rules

Round light signals mean the following: the static green signal allows the movement of vehicles or pedestrians, and the blinking of the green signal of the traffic light means that the prohibitive signal will soon turn around, but so far the movement is allowed.

Interesting fact!Residents of large cities generally spend about half a year of life to wait for a susceptible traffic signal.

What does the yellow traffic light signal mean? He warns that the prohibitive signal will be replaced by a permitting or vice versa, and at the time of its action prohibits movement. The flashing of a yellow traffic light signal means that the road area where this traffic light is not regulated. If it is located at the intersection and works in this mode, then the intersection is unregulated. Drivers are guided by those articles of the PDD, which stipulates the passage of unregulated intersections. The static and flashing red signal prohibits movement in any direction.

Burning at the same time red and yellow traffic lights read about what to move is prohibited, and the green light will soon light up. The white-moon traffic light signal informs that the alarm is proper, and you can continue to move. Such traffic lights are installed on the tram and railway tracks.

Traffic lights that have the appearance of the arrows mean the following: Red, yellow and green arrows mean the same as round signals, only act in a certain direction. The arrow that points to the left allows the reversal, if it does not prohibit the corresponding road sign on priority.

The green arrow of the additional section also has a similar meaning. If this signal is turned off, or the red contour is lit, it means that movement in this direction prohibited. If the main green signal has a black contour arrow, then this means that there are other directions of movement, except for those that the additional section indicates.

What good thing: sign, traffic light or markup?

Road rules imply the following priority: the main is the adjustor, then the traffic light, then the sign and then already marking. Signals of the controller priority traffic signals and road signs. They are mandatory for execution. All traffic lights, except for flashing yellow, significance of road signs. All road participants are obliged to perform the instructions of the regulator even if they contradict traffic lights, signs and markup.

In the capital of Germany there is a traffic light with thirteen signals. In his testimony, it is not easy to figure out just.

Layout of traffic lights on the layout

Although, unlike the real railway, the traffic lights on the layout do not fulfill its main task - to transfer to the locks of locomotives an order, as they move on, the correct placement of traffic lights on the railway layout is one of the conditions for high-quality executed layouts. On the real railway station of traffic lights can reach Several hundreds and all of them are grouped in their intended purpose. The theory of the correct installation of traffic lights is difficult for beginners, especially you should take into account the railway era. If mast traffic lights you can apply showing the domestic railway from the 1950s, then dwarf traffic lights you can wide begin to be used starting only since the 1970s.

Therefore, we consider the installation of traffic lights on the examples of real railway stations and consider all the main types of traffic lights that you can use on your layout.

So, the first station. Let's call it Urón.

To the station on the left side is suitable for one-road distillation, on the right side - two uninterrupted constraints. The first group of traffic lights at any station is entrance traffic lights. Their task is to submit an arising signal of the prohibition or permission to enter the station approaching the station. If the entrance to the station is allowed input traffic lights gives a hint, at what speed the train should move at the station. The input traffic light is set near each distance path. In the scheme, they are marked with signs ("literals") "H", "H" and "ChZ". As an entrance, it is always necessary to apply mast traffic lights such as zh + k-f + b. Please note that there are no green fire lamps on the LIGHDFORE "CHA" - a plug is installed. The fact is that from the traffic lights "H" and "H" can be driving along the direct path (path number 1) through the entire station, and from the traffic light "CHZ" on the direct path throughout the entire route there: it will be necessary to turn down the arrows or 6 and 8, or 7 and 1. Therefore, the Green Signal will never light on the traffic light, therefore there is a plug. The second group of traffic lights is the output traffic lights. Their task is to allow or prohibit the train to go from the station. If the departure from the station is allowed the output traffic light to combinations of green and yellow lights shows how fast the next traffic light is allowed to move. On our scheme (and on any other), the output traffic lights are denoted by the letter "H" - odd, "Part" - even and the number of "their" path: "Ch2" - even from the second path, "H2" is an odd from the second path, " C5 "- even from the 5th way," H5 "is an odd on the fifth way. On the scheme of our station, the output traffic lights: H2, H3, H1, H4, H5, H6, C2, C3, C1, C4, C5, C6. The output traffic lights can be both masts and dwarf. General rule separation of the installation of mast and dwarf traffic lights is "if this path A non-stop pass is carried out without a speed reduction ("skip at the set speed" - by rail) - the mast traffic light is installed. In all other cases - dwarf. "

Close more carefully to the output traffic lights on the scheme of our Urga. Each of them has a white lamp (or as officially called the railway - "lunar-white" fire). There are no contradictions and disorders. The white fire of the traffic light belongs to maneuver, i.e. Allows you to go from the path for maneuvers at the station. Take it as prerequisite - on real railway Almost always, the output traffic lights are combined with maneuverable. The signaling lamps ("lights") on the output traffic lights depends on the specific conditions for their installation. If a mast traffic light is used, then the type of zh-z + k-b is used (do not forget about maneuvers). These are traffic lights "Ch2", "Ch3" on our scheme. The traffic light "Ch1" - mast zh-k + zh, only instead of green fire installed a plug. Such a traffic light in our case is set to reflect that if the path number 4 will ever be continued and on the left side of the scheme, one-sectional constant will become two-way, then on the input traffic light "CHH" and the output "C4" instead of the plugs of green lights are installed. The Light Health on the real railway can change no one. Traffic light "H1" - Z-K + F-B with adding direction pointer. Green and one yellow fire with a pointer "Straight" will show that the direction of movement is directly (in the direction of the signal "h"), two yellow fire with a pointer "on the side" - following the adjuncing in the direction of the "CHA" signal. Traffic lights "H3" and "H4" - the same type of zh-k + z-b. The presence of 2-green lights is explained by the fact that the section of the railway adjacent from the traffic light "CHnce" is called the railway "branch, equipped with a traveling block". You naturally have a thought - it is always necessary to do? Not. This is one of the options to show the low-thin section of the railway. And so it must be shown on the layout. Therefore, when the train goes in the direction of the traffic light, we light only two green flames. About white fire has already been discussed - he allows maneuvers. Lights "H2", "H5", "H6", "C2", "C4", "C6" - weekend dwarf, because we have established that through these paths, non-stop motion without reducing speed will not be produced. The traffic lights "H2", "H5", "H6" type Z-Z-Z + B-K- according to the indications are similar to "H3" and "H4". Traffic lights "Ch2", "C4", "Ch6" - type z-k + zh. They serve the signals are the same as "Ch1" and "C3". The first traffic lights are the most numerous group of station traffic lights. Their task is to allow or prohibit the maneuver movement of individual locomotives, locomotives with cars, electric and diesel trains within the station when moving from one way to another. In the diagram and on the station itself, they have a Literature "M" and the sequence number. In an odd part of the station - odd numbers, in even - even. Being on the real railway, you could hear such words "Locomotive driver, follow to M16." This means that the route is ready to the maneuver traffic light M16, and this traffic light should be stopped. If you look closely to the diagram, then notice skipping in ordinal numbers - you will not find the "M6" traffic light. Yes, he once stood at the arrogant translation No. 8, but then it was dismantled and commissioned in numbering. Also you can do on your layout. Maneuver traffic lights are also like weekends masts and dwarf. Mast traffic lights are installed in warehouses, driveways. Any mast traffic light can be installed in between 5200 mm. Dwarf - in all other places. The minimum allowable distance between the axes of adjacent paths for dwarf with one head is 4200 mm, with two heads - 4500 mm. If you are at the station as a maneuver, install one dwarf - it will look correct. But if you have a maneuve traffic light to block the output (on our scheme it is "M20" and "H2", "M16" and "Ch2" - it will be an error. Consider the appointment of maneuver traffic lights at Urga station. Trafficories "M1" and "M2" It is always installed in the first on the entrance by the traffic light of the arrow translation. Their role - so that the locomotive could move from the path 1,2,3 on the way 4, 5, 6 without leaving the station border - i.e. for the input signal. The same role and " M4 "- allow you to drive to a dead end for" M6 "or after departure from it to follow in the direction of the arrow translation No. 6. Always these traffic lights will have type b-s. Traffic lights "M8", "M16", "M20", "M22" also have the type B-s. The appointment of them is understandable - the traffic light "M8" allows you to go from the arrow translation No. 10, "M16" and M20 - from the arrow translations No. 20 and 24, "M22" - from the arrow translation No. 14. Will the installation be a mistake instead of B-C on these traffic lights type bk? Yes this gross mistake. The red signal on the railway is an unconditional stop signal. If you install the B-C traffic light, then the driver of the fast train, which will continue the station without stopping should be shown either a white signal or red. White signal can be perceived as permission to another driver start moving, red signal - emergency braking. Implement yourself as a driver. If you are going without stopping, when driving through the station, you should see only yellow, green and blue lights on your way. Red - immediate stop, white - reduced speed and further act in circumstances (reading the alarm instructions). Now let's talk about the traffic lights "M6", "M10", "M12", "M14", "M18". All of them - type bcast. This type is always applied when the threat of departure to the main paths appears. Make sure: from "M12", "M14", "M18" can be sent to the path number 2, where the passenger train can be at the moment, from M10, you can go to the "forehead" train next on the main way, from "M6" - hit in the "forehead" the train next from the traffic light "CHA". To categorically prohibit traffic - the blue signal is not suitable here, it is always necessary red - an order of immediate stop. Why traffic lights "m10", "m12", "m14" - mast, and not dwarf? Because they are removed from the station, because the dwarf in this area is a bad review, etc. The distinction of traffic lights was discussed slightly higher.

Consider the scheme for the arrangement of traffic lights at the station Black.

This is the same intermediate station like UGR, but is located on a two-way area. As we already remember, the entrance traffic lights should be available on each way. If the train goes in the direction of the arrow direction on the "right path" scheme - the mast traffic lights are installed and f + k-f + b. If the train approaches the station against the arrow "Movement to the wrong path" on those paths there are dwarf traffic lights type zh-k. Permission to enter the station is to light on them of two yellow signals. We will consider two typical cases of arrangement of maneuve signals.

On the example of the station part Dedovsk Let us show the correctness of the signals for the zone deadlocks of electric and diesel trains.

If the path (in our example number 1), after the branch of the arrow translation No. 28 will continue to continue, parallel to the zone deadlock, then in the edge of the platform in the arrow translation No. 28, the route-output traffic light should be installed (in the NM1 scheme). The output traffic light is the output "H1". And the traffic light "NM1" and "H1" must be mast type zh-z + k-b. If the electric train should be in an impasse at the Light Nm1, the white fire should burn and the red rogue. Yellow or green fire should be lit when trains following the train "H1".

On the example of the station Lugovaya Consider the alignment of signals in the locomotive depot.

Signals "M56", "M58", "M60", "M62", "M64", "M74" at the exit from the stall depot, as well as traffic lights on the paths of slides of the Locomotives "M50", "M52", "M66", " M68 "," M70 "," M72 "- dwarf-type B-K, because From the depot there is direct access to the main ways. The location of the remaining signals is standard.

And in conclusion, as an illustration - a photo from the cabin of a locomotive driver. It shows the input mast traffic light showing two yellow fire (top flashing), the inlet dwelker traffic light for receiving from the wrong path (red fire burns), on the right, the mast maneurus is visible, between the main paths - dwarf shocks with blue lights.

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