The most environmentally friendly city in Russia. Clean City: Evaluation Criteria

Any person strives to live in better conditions, so progress does not stand still, simplifying life through cars, household appliances and cheap energy. However, it is worth remembering that the medal also has back side, which means that you have to pay for comfort not only with money, but also with your own health, because most megacities actively interact with industry, which causes pollution environment. However, in the vastness of our boundless homeland, there are several places where a person manages to live in harmony with nature, thereby significantly increasing the duration of his own life. We present to your attention the Top 10 The most environmentally friendly cities in Russia in 2016, among which there are even cities with a population of over a million people.

10. Pskov

Despite 200,000 inhabitants and close proximity to federal industrial facilities, the air in this city remains clean. All this thanks to forty hectares of green spaces, which play a decisive role in shaping the city's ecosystem. Citizens can enjoy parks and forests all year round, thereby improving their own health. Due to the untouched nature of some corners of nature, locals may not leave the city in order to be alone with the flora.


Smolensk was able to get to the ninth place in the ranking of the 10 most environmentally friendly cities in Russia in 2016, not only due to the abundance of vegetation, but also because of the quality of enterprises located in the city. The light industry, among which the food and jewelry industries are in the lead, are simply unable to cause much damage to the environment, and if we add four forest parks and ten gardens to this, then it’s not worth talking about something harmful to people’s life and health.


This city benefits from its status - for the most part it is a port, so the entire industry is concentrated in fishing and further processing. A clear plus is that forests make up half the area of ​​the city, and on the outskirts of their concentration is much higher than the national average. For 15 years in a row, experts have noted trends towards improving the environmental situation, even the only water channel of the city, the Kola Bay, continues to remain crystal clear, which facilitates the work of public utilities and allows hardening fans to constantly improve their health, because its peak temperature is 10 degrees Celsius.


In seventh place in the list of the cleanest cities in Russia in 2016, it occupies one of the most comfortable places for living in our homeland. Despite the fact that all enterprises are involved in the petrochemical industry, which causes enormous damage to nature, the authorities managed to encourage the factories to adopt the most environmentally friendly production methods, and the streets are clean and teeming with greenery. We found the reason for such an unusual situation in the financing of the city, because its budget exceeds the estimate of the "Northern Capital".


If before the Winter Olympics, the resort town had little chance of getting into our rating, then after it, the city has completely changed. In order not to lose face in front of foreign guests, utilities have cleaned it up to a shine, turning an already successful resort into a model one. The complete absence of heavy or processing industries also plays into the hands of Sochi, which, combined with an abundance of green spaces and proximity to the sea, makes it one of the safest cities in Russia for life. Fortunately, the business executives continued to maintain the European level of cleanliness even after the sports competitions, which greatly increases the interest in the resort at any time of the year. Although Sochi is not included in, after the work carried out in it in preparation for the Olympics, it received a well-developed infrastructure and became very comfortable and clean.


At the equator of the rating, the top 10 most environmentally friendly Russian cities 2016 is an example of the fact that even a small town with a population of one hundred thousand people, abundantly strewn with light industry enterprises and farms, can preserve almost virgin nature. Due to the absence of factories and the mass of green spaces, the level of air pollution here is much lower than the permissible norm. The main disadvantage is the release of waste into the only water channel, but the authorities are actively working on this issue, which allows residents to use clean water in everyday life, which has passed through a lot of various filters, the condition of which is regularly monitored.


Contrary to the notion of European Muslim settlements, the Dagestanis from this small town with a rich history managed to prove that they are extremely clean and honor their culture. You will have to put in enough effort to find an equally "licked" city, among those where the majority of the population is represented by Slavs. A plus is also the proximity of the city to the sea, which makes it a profitable resort, as well as the presence of an exclusively food industry and small farms that do not have a strong negative impact on the environment.


The top three among the most environmentally friendly cities in Russia for 2016 is opened by Taganrog - a unique example of combining heavy industry and a developed tourist environment. Despite the fact that factories cannot effectively dispose of hazardous waste, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov comes to their aid, with its ability to naturally cleanse itself. Not the last role is also played by breezes, which make it possible to compensate for the excessive dryness of the air. Ten years ago, the city authorities set a course to clean up the city and continue to carry out environmental activities, which has a very positive effect on the state of the environment.


The runner-up is the city that has never stopped striving to become more environmentally friendly. The first task was the modernization of enterprises, which made it possible to reduce emissions from their activities by 85%, thereby allowing residents to drink tap water without fear, because thanks to new filters, it does not differ from boiled water in terms of disinfection. The second step was the construction of bypass roads, because more than half of the nitrogen in the atmosphere was supplied by cars. The consistent implementation of these innovations has allowed the city to improve its own environmental performance by 60% over the past ten years, and this is by no means the limit.

1. Ufa

Ufa - the most environmentally friendly city in Russia in 2016. This is the only city with a million-plus population in the chart. Despite the huge economic and cultural role in the development of our country, Ufa also did not forget about nature, here there are about 200 squares of fauna per inhabitant, and forests and parks occupy 30% of the total city area. The presence of clean streets, water and air in a city with such a huge population and developed industry confirms once again that any place can become cleaner, all that is required is a clear action plan, high-quality work of public services and a fairly high level of culture of citizens who are used to taking care of the place, where they live.

It is natural for any person to strive to live in the best conditions. The progress of civilization is aimed at this: energy becomes cheap, and household appliances and cars simplify life. But progress also has a shadow side, and people pay for their comfort not only with money, because health also suffers from this. Megacities are full of industrial enterprises, most of which pollute the environment.
Rosstat publishes a bulletin every 2 years, which lists the most important indicators related to environmental protection. There is data for Russian cities indicating the amount of polluting emissions into the atmosphere from stationary sources (enterprises) and vehicles. At the same time, not all Russian cities are reflected in the statistics of Rosstat, but only industrially developed centers, and small towns that do not smoke a little are not taken into account here. Below is a list of the cleanest cities in Russia from those whose population is in the range of 250 thousand - 1 million people.

1. Sevastopol, Crimea (414,300 people, emissions - 9,200 tons, 16% - enterprises)

Sevastopol enriches the Crimean atmosphere with a very small amount of emissions, among which the lion's share belongs to car engines. The population of the city is quite mobile, there is a certain seasonality of migration, which does not allow to accurately calculate its number. Within the limits of Sevastopol itself there are many areas with clean sea and clear water. These, for example, include the famous Balaklava beaches.

2. Taganrog, Rostov region (253,500 people, emissions 18,000 tons, 38.8% - enterprises)

This city on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov is an excellent example of a combination of developed tourism with no less developed heavy industry. Although enterprises are unable to effectively dispose of waste, they use the "services" of the Sea of ​​Azov and its significant natural self-purification capabilities. And the excessive dryness of the air is softened by sea breezes. About 10 years ago, the city authorities decided to clean up the city. They continue this "green" policy today, which could not but affect the most in the best way on the ecological situation.

3. Sochi, Krasnodar Territory (400,000 people, emissions 21,200 tons, 16.9% - enterprises)

Even before the Winter Olympics, the famous resort town was not on the list of the cleanest Russian cities, but as a result of preparations for it, it has changed so much that it got into it. As always, in an effort to show their best side to foreigners, the municipal services of the city literally “licked” the already successful resort city to a shine, bringing it to the state of exemplary. In addition, there are no harmful processing and heavy industries there at all, but there are a huge number of parks and green spaces, and even a location on the sea coast. Because of all this, Sochi has become one of the safest cities in the country to live in. After the end of the Olympic Games, the city continues to be monitored, so it has become a more attractive destination for recreation at any time of the year. The Olympiad left behind a well-developed infrastructure, so living in Sochi has become even more comfortable and safe.

4. Grozny, Chechen Republic (280,200 people, emissions 21,900 tons, 49.7% - enterprises)

There is no developed industry in the capital of Chechnya, but there are several large enterprises here, such as Grozneftegaz, Transmash, Electropult-Grozny. Only these enterprises emit almost half of the toxic emissions into the atmosphere of the city.

5. Kostroma (273,400 people, emissions 22,600 tons, 31.8% - enterprises)

Kostroma is part of the famous Golden Ring of Russia, but in addition to historical and architectural monuments, an excellent ecological situation is maintained here. At the same time, there is almost no serious industry in the city, the only exception is the Fanplit woodworking plant. It also helps that the city is surrounded by dense forests, numerous lakes and rivers. The dirtiest object of Kostroma is ... the Volga flowing through it, but its waters are already poisoned upstream, where, in particular, there is another member of the Golden Ring - Yaroslavl, in which there are many dirty industries.

6. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia (308,300 people, emissions 22,800 tons, 12.6% - enterprises)

The capital of North Ossetia, or locally Alania, ranked sixth in the ranking of the cleanest Russian cities. There is a lot of greenery around beautiful nature, sources of mineral and purest drinking water - everything that is necessary for a paradise place. True, the emerging favorable picture of the Electrozinc plant, which is the main source of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, darkens the picture. It is from them that the inhabitants of the city and the nearest suburbs suffer the most. Even worse are minor accidents that happen all the time in that production, and they can lead to significant problems, as, for example, happened in 2009 after another release. But cars here poison the air much more - about 85% of the pollution comes from their exhaust pipes.

7. Petrozavodsk, Karelia (272,100 people, emissions 23,400 tons, 13.5% - enterprises)

The capital of Karelia is one of the cleanest Russian cities. It is surrounded by forests on all sides, and on the very territory of the city, a sixth of it is given over to parks. It has a very attractive ecological environment, and emissions continue to decrease. Compared to the 90s, now the air in Petrozavodsk has become 8 times cleaner! The Zaozersky nature reserve, Lake Onega, the botanical garden are the pride of Petrozavodsk. In general, clean Lake Onega is polluted only by the Shuya, which flows into it.

8. Saransk, Mordovia (299,200 people, emissions 24,100 tons, 29.4% - enterprises)

In Saransk, 300,000, there are more than 10 enterprises that have been contributing to the deterioration of the ecological situation in the city for a long time. The Insar River flows through the city, which some time ago was considered one of the most polluted in Europe. But in our time, the ecological situation here has improved significantly. More reliable treatment facilities have been built at the old "dirty" enterprises, and new enterprises are being built taking into account such requirements. There are already fish in the river. Saransk must be given credit for the fact that its authorities have always been characterized by the desire to make their city cleaner. Initially, they undertook the modernization of existing plants, which led to an 85% reduction in their share of emissions. Residents of the city were even able to take drinking water from the tap, because new filtration systems made it as harmless as boiled water. Bypass roads were then built around the city to prevent the lines of cars that brought most of the pollution into the city's atmosphere from passing through. When these innovations have been consistently implemented, the environmental performance has improved by 60% over the past 10 years, moreover, there are prospects to continue this work.

Russia is unique in that, due to its vast territory, it found itself in four climatic zones. It is clear that in different parts of it the climate ...

9. Tambov (285,000 people, 25,500 tons of emissions, of which 33.3% are enterprises)

There are more than a dozen large industrial enterprises in this regional center. Despite the fact that in total it emits more than 25 thousand tons of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, environmentalists classify Tambov as a relatively prosperous city. It speaks in favor of the fact that more than 10 parks have been laid out on its territory and a plant has been built that processes plastic waste into pellets.

10. Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El (260,300 people, 26,200 tons of emissions, of which 45.4% are enterprises)

In Russian, the name of the city is translated as Red City, several large enterprises have been built in it, such as the Mari Machine-Building Plant, as well as several small enterprises in the chemical industry. The city center is quite busy with vehicles, which only exacerbates ecological situation. Pollution worsens the quality of water in the river Malaya Koshkage, which flows through the city. The advantage is the location of oak and pine groves right in the city, while there are 170-year-old trees. Almost half of the emissions are provided by industrial enterprises. The current administration of the city is dealing with the most pressing issue related to the disposal of household and industrial waste.

The main reason for those wishing to move to the Moscow region is a more favorable environmental situation.

According to statistics for 2015, Klimovsk, Serpukhov became the outsiders of the Moscow region in terms of cleanliness, order and landscaping, and Balashikha is in third place (although, for example, it works very efficiently). But today we will not talk about antiheroes, but about heroes. Collecting information on the level of environmental pollution, we conducted comparative analysis the most environmentally friendly cities of the Moscow region and made up a small rating. So, let's begin.

The top of our rating is headed by Odintsovo. The city, with its biological and landscape diversity, has the ability to restore the ecosystem. The abundance of forests also characterizes it from the side of ecological well-being. There are also many sanatoriums in it, where residents of the capital and the Moscow region come to improve their health by taking sodium chloride brine baths, as well as by drinking water, thanks to the sulfate-magnesium-calcium composition of the water, which gives healing and restorative properties.

Further in our list of environmentally friendly cities in the Moscow region, let's pay attention to Korolev. Despite the fact that it is a large research and production center of the region, this factor does not have a significant impact on the environment. More than a third of the territory of Korolev is occupied by squares, parks and green spaces. A significant part of the city is given over to summer cottage construction with an already established landscape complex. The treatment facilities of enterprises are doing an excellent job of filtering industrial wastewater, so the results of the study chemical composition water is not a concern. Korolev has established a comprehensive system of measures to prevent environmental crises.

Top 3 environmentally friendly cities of the Moscow region closes Domodedovo. A city with a favorable ecological situation. The forest park zone surrounds it from almost all sides. A significant area in Domodedovo is occupied by the Podmoskovye sanatorium and the Bor health-improving complex. There is also a forest park strip and a pine forest. Quite an extensive part of the land in the city is given over to rest houses. The original landscape, located on the hills, makes Domodedovo even more attractive.

Klimovsk near Moscow continues our rating. A small town is located on the watershed of the Rozhay and Mocha rivers. The dam on the Petritsa River, which flows through the entire city, forms a large body of water with a city beach. Klimovsk has developed projects aimed at the environmental awareness of citizens with calls for cleanliness.

Fifth place is occupied by Golitsyno, located 20 km from Moscow. Being an ecologically clean area, the city is framed by forests and decorated with a cascade of picturesque ponds. In connection with the gradual commissioning of new housing, the influx of people from other regions of the country is increasing in Golitsyno. This is facilitated by the implementation scientific projects in the field of healthcare.

Krasnogorsk, which has preserved a significant part of its forests, can be called a kind of Switzerland near Moscow. Most of the territories are occupied by parks, squares and gardens. The forest parks of the city are a kind of system of oases of the metropolitan metropolis. The local movement of nature lovers is doing everything possible to preserve the diversity of flora and fauna of Krasnogorsk and the region as a whole. Also, the city does not stop developing programs for cleaning water bodies.

The negative situation in the Russian economy did not critically affect the domestic tourism industry. Those wishing to relax in the country will be helped by information about the most environmentally friendly cities in Russia.

The use of new technologies in wastewater treatment plants and a significant reduction in enterprises in the country helped add the attractiveness of certain places for tourists. However, the detrimental impact of human activity on nature still remains. What are the 10 cleanest cities in Russia?

The environment of our country as a technologically developed state continues to suffer from harmful industries. Evil Influence anthropogenic pollution of its shells renders the Earth:

  • lithosphere;
  • hydrosphere;
  • biosphere;
  • atmosphere.

Most people on the planet are aggressive towards nature, and the Russians are no exception. As a result, our state has firmly strengthened its position among the leaders of the polluted world powers. And this is despite our huge forests, which make up 45% of the entire territory of the country.

By the way, about the forest. Large-scale fires in the taiga contribute to an increase in carbon levels, which invariably worsens the climate. In some way, the optimization of forest protection is to blame here.

Energy production and the environment

Among the most harmful industries, thermal power plants and central boiler houses should be singled out. Using organic minerals as fuel: coal and peat, as well as recyclable fuel oil - CHP and CC saturate the air with solid particles and greenhouse gases.

This results in thermal pollution. As a result, acid rains can occur over nearby territories, making a devastating contribution to the change in the microclimate of the region.

Pollution of water and reservoirs

Water primarily reflects the ecological state of the region. Scientists have found a link: the worse the water quality, the more people sick. This is especially true of large metropolitan areas based on river banks.

Such settlements oversaturated with industrial enterprises that poison water bodies with poisonous effluents. In addition, water penetrates deep into the soil, saturating the soil and underground sources with toxic elements.

Household waste

Garbage in last years stood on a par with the main pollutants of the country. A significant part of waste products does not decompose. In this period, such accumulations amount to billions of tons in all regions of the country.

In each subject of the Russian Federation, many unauthorized dumps are organized, the number of which continues to grow rapidly. The chaotic storage of waste turns fertile land into unusable land. At the same time, landfills are growing not only from household waste, but also from industrial waste, which can be radioactive.

If the state does not come to its senses and does not start actively promoting a rational attitude towards the environment, then our children and grandchildren will get a sad legacy. Now waste processing plants are beginning to appear in the country, and the number of emissions of toxic gases into the atmosphere is gradually decreasing. Time will show whether the Russian environmental policy will be effective.

Top 10 most environmentally friendly cities in Russia

To assign a city a degree of environmental cleanliness, scientists conduct a series of studies, from which indicators are then formed. The most significant analysis is the calculation of emissions of hazardous substances into the atmosphere. The following sources stand out among everyday active pollutants:

  • Plants and factories.
  • Vehicles.
  • Central boilers.
  • People.

When assessing the ecology of Russian cities, the area with green spaces per person is necessarily taken into account. For example, in major cities the norm is 21 m² for each citizen. Compliance with this norm or its excess guarantees the urban environment more fresh air, reduced amount of dirt and dust, less noise.

In the study of ecology, the criteria of sound, light, and radiation pollution are also taken into account. Analyzed the condition of the soil under household waste. The data obtained are submitted to the administration of the settlement for consideration for the adoption of environmental measures.

The capital of Mari El has the unspoken name "Green City". There are many forests around it, as well as many parks and squares directly in the city. Among the most visited recreation areas are pine and oak groves.

The water in the Malaya Kokshaga River, which flows through the center of the capital, is not of very good quality. Numerous communal drains from domestic and industrial facilities flow into its channel. In addition, the treatment facilities have not been changed for a long time.

Yoshkar-Ola is saturated with various enterprises, among which there are three industries:

  • chemical-pharmaceutical;
  • machine-building;
  • woodworking.

Most of them are located in industrial areas, in the south and in the city center. People prefer to have personal vehicles, the number of which is growing from year to year. As a result, it increases the content of harmful particles in the air.

In the central part of the city there are buildings of culture and art, as well as the administration of Yoshkar-Ola. In addition, in the central part there are several state universities and University of Technology. Visitors will be able to see buildings from different periods, including merchant houses of the 19th century and Art Nouveau buildings.

The city is full of Khrushchev, "stalinok", improved planning. The main street is Sovietskaya. It houses many shops, cafes and offices.

For several years in a row, scientists have awarded Tambov one of the places in the ranking of the top 10 cleanest Russian cities. Moreover, the annual pollution by harmful substances of the atmosphere is almost 25.5 thousand tons. Among the perpetrators of the damage are the same industrial enterprises, with the following emission indicators:

  • 28% - food industry;
  • 20% - energy;
  • 18.7% - mechanical engineering;
  • 8% - chemical production.

An important role was played by new measures of economic incentives and control of environmental activities, including payments for nature use (discharges, emissions, waste storage) and an increase in liability for violation of environmental legislation.

Example: Pigment JSC modernized the system for capturing sulfur dioxide, sulfuric acid vapors, hydrogen chloride, nitrogen oxides and others. Thanks to this, emissions of harmful substances were reduced by 3.5 times, from 1500 to 400 tons per year.

There are more than a dozen recreational parks with green spaces in Tambov. The city regularly holds specialized beautification events, and 2016 became the Year of Ecology.

Most recently, a plant for processing waste into pellets was built in Tambov. This was largely achieved with the help of local environmentalists.

8. Saransk

The capital of Mordovia with a population of more than 314,000 also has many industrial enterprises that "systematically" polluted the environment. Since the city was founded on both banks of the Insar River, the water artery received the greatest degree of pollution. At one time, it was even included in the rating of the most polluted rivers in Europe.

During this period, the ecological situation in Saransk began to improve. The positive effect was achieved due to the modernization of technical facilities and the introduction of new treatment facilities. The fish began to reappear in the river.

The total amount of emissions from production does not exceed 24.5 tons per year. But the problem of the negative impact of vehicles on the environment remains acute.

The main source of pollution from Soviet period there remained the Tyazhbummash plant, which today does not operate at full capacity and leases out most of its space. From now on, the total mass of atmospheric pollution does not exceed 23.5 thousand tons. Scientists have recorded that the environmental situation in Petrozavodsk has improved eight times over the post-Soviet period.

For reference. Petrozavodsk is experiencing the dominance of motor transport, as the inhabitants of the republic come to the capital, wanting to find a good income and start a new life here.

6. Vladikavkaz

The capital of North Ossetia - Alania is also at the epicenter of economic problems. The reduction of industrial enterprises made the republic poor. But at the same time, the ecological situation in itself has improved significantly.

The only pollutant left that cannot afford to install modern treatment facilities is the Electrozinc enterprise, founded in 1906 by Belgian entrepreneurs. Worn-out, still Soviet, equipment causes numerous accidents, the most tragic of which was the release of sulfur oxide on October 5, 2009. Then a gray veil of a poisonous cloud hung over the city.

The main pollutants also include old cars, which are very numerous in the republic.

5. Kostroma

The city with almost a thousand years of history is part of the famous Golden Ring. Despite the long period of existence, the industry of Kostroma was not developed on a large scale. The only serious source of pollution is the Fanplit production plant.

And so the city is located in a good landscape area and is surrounded by forests, lakes and small rivers.

The Volga flowing through the city spoils the ecological indicator. It carries in its waters pollution received by chemical enterprises upstream.

Now on the territory of Kostroma there are 143 territories with green spaces. According to an expert in the field industrial ecology Alexander Glushchenko, the number of green objects in the city will grow regularly.

The Chechen capital survived the hard times of the nineties of the last century. Almost the entire legacy of Soviet industry was destroyed. In this period, subsidies from the federal budget are enough to support the population.

Investments are needed to develop the economy, but investors are deterred by the militarized mood of the people. As a result, there are practically no industrial enterprises in the city and the atmosphere is not polluted. However, about 22 thousand tons of emissions are still provided by three organizations:

  • Transmash;
  • Grozneftegaz;
  • Electric control-Grozny.

Another source that adversely affects the ecological situation in the city is the lack of sewerage in many of its districts.

And also, after the rapid restoration of the city and the whole of Chechnya, an unthinkable amount of construction waste has accumulated on the territory. The problem with household landfills continues to grow sharply.

Some compare the current situation in Chechnya with post-war Vietnam. There, too, there was heavy pollution, and on top of that, people experienced the consequences of chemical attacks. During this period, the ecological situation in the republic is within the normal range.

) from Dual Citizen, a company specializing in data and communications for sustainable development, the most green cities at the moment are:

  1. Copenhagen, Denmark (rating - 99.98);
  2. Stockholm, Sweden (99.72);
  3. Vancouver, Canada (96.7);
  4. Oslo, Norway (84.47);
  5. Singapore (74.42);
  6. New York, USA (74.31);
  7. Berlin, Germany (72.59);
  8. Helsinki, Finland (71.51);
  9. Paris, France (69.53);
  10. Tokyo, Japan (69.5).

Ecologically problematic cities

Unfortunately, the above environmental measures are usually affordable for countries with high level economic development, which make up a smaller part of the inhabited area of ​​the planet. There are many more places in the world with a critical level of environmental pollution, from which millions of people die every year. It would not be superfluous in this article to give examples of such cities that are not the best place to live, but, despite this, many of them are million-plus cities.

In 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) in cities for particulate matter, which is so small that it can enter the lungs and cause serious health problems. It turned out that more than 80% of all urban areas of the world have levels of air pollution above the established norms. Between 2008 and 2013, global urban air pollution levels increased by 8%. The most dangerous particles for humans are PM2.5 with a diameter of less than 2.5 microns, which are found in soot, smoke and dust. The concentration of these particles in the air starts to become a major public health concern when there is more than 35.5 micrograms of PM2.5 per cubic meter air, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency. But the World Health Organization recommends maintaining annually average level PM2.5 is three times lower.

So, a 2016 report on urban air pollution names the following cities as the most dangerous for life:

  1. Zabol, Iran - PM2.5 content for 2012 217 µg/m 3 ;
  2. Gwalior, India - PM2.5 content for 2012 176 µg/m 3 ;
  3. Allahabad, India - PM2.5 content for 2012 170 µg/m 3 ;
  4. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - PM2.5 content for 2014 156 µg/m 3 ;
  5. Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia - PM2.5 content for 2014 152 µg/m 3 ;
  6. Patna, India - PM2.5 content for 2013 149 µg/m 3 ;
  7. Raipur, India - PM2.5 content for 2013 144 µg/m 3 ;
  8. Bamenda, Cameroon - PM2.5 content for 2012 132 µg/m 3 ;
  9. Xingtai, China - PM2.5 content for 2014 128 µg/m 3 ;
  10. Baoding, China - PM2.5 content for 2014 is 126 µg/m 3 .

Unfortunately, the list can go on for a very long time. According to WHO estimates published in 2014, in 2012 more than 7 million people worldwide died from air pollution. Regional leader Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific, where 3.3 million deaths are attributable to indoor air pollution and 2.6 million deaths are attributable to outdoor air pollution.

The main diseases caused by external air pollution are:

  • 40% - ischemic heart disease;
  • 40% - stroke;
  • 11% - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);
  • 6% - lung cancer;
  • 3% - acute infections of the lower respiratory tract in children.

The main diseases caused by indoor air pollution are:

  • 34% - stroke;
  • 26% - ischemic heart disease;
  • 22% - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);
  • 12% - acute infections of the lower respiratory tract in children;
  • 6% - lung cancer.

Summing up

I would like to wish everyone to live in decent, environmentally friendly conditions, beautiful green space around and harmony with the outside world. But do not rely on someone in the hope that the world will change for the better. Take the first step towards improving your relationship with nature, a healthy and sustainable lifestyle in a style of respect for all life on this Planet. This can help you with our practical for every day, as well as articles on the site. And may all living beings be happy! 🙂

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