3 monuments of the Second World War. Victory Sword - Triptych Monumental Soviet Monuments

75 years ago, June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. The victory in it became the greatest test and the greatest pride for our people. Memory dead warriors, workers of the rear and civilians are immortalized in numerous memorials in our country. Today, each of these memorials can be visited, laying flowers and recall their heroes that are in every Russian family.

1. Monument-ensemble "Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle", Mamaev Kurgan, Volgograd. This is perhaps the most famous memorial dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, the majestic and symbolic. It was built by 8.5 years: from 1959 to 1967. The chief architect is Evgeny Vuchetich.

From the foot to the top of the Kurgan lead 200 steps. This number is chosen notunder: it was as many days that the Stalingrad battle lasted, which put the end of the fascist troops. Memorial Center - Sculpture "Motherland name call!" - For many years was the highest statue in the world: the height is 52 meters. This is 1.5 times more statues of freedom in New York. "Motherland-Mother" - unique engineering design, created from iron and concrete, with thin walls (25-30 cm), which retains equilibrium due to surprisingly accurate calculations. In addition to her, the memorial complex includes the area of \u200b\u200bthose who stood to death, the hall of the military glory, the scent of the sorrow, the walls-ruins. When visiting the wall-ruins and hall of military glory, you can hear the voice of the legendary Soviet speaker Yuri Levitan and the sound fragments specially recorded for the memorial. In 1965, a capsule of war participants was laid at the Mamaev Kurgan, which should open on May 9, 2045, a century of victory. Since 2014, Mamaev Kurgan is a candidate for the inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

2. Museum-Reserve "Prokhorovskaya Field", Belgorod region, P. Prokhorovka. The neighborhood of the railway station Prokhorovka July 12, 1943 became the place of the largest in the history of tank combat.


It fought more than 1,500 tanks of the Red Army and the fascist invaders. This fight broke the move Kursk battle And the war as a whole. In memory of Prokhorovsky battle, the Museum-Reserve "Prokhorovsky Field" was created. The supervisory point was reconstructed here, from which the orders gave orders to General Pavel Rothmistrov, commander of the 5th Guards Tank Army. Memorial sign In the radiation of the Pwell River is installed in honor of the female of the senior lieutenant Paul Shpetyny. All nine people who were part of his platoon having having seven enemy tanks at the same time. In 2010, the Museum of Combat Glory "Third Ratary Field of Russia" was opened in Prokhorovka. The main monument of the Memorial is the 59-meter belfry with a bell, which beats three times per hour, reminding about the historical role of three rolling fields: Kulikovsky, Borodino and Prokhorovsky. And the architectural dominant complex is the temple in the name of the saints of the first apostles Peter and Paul, on the walls of which are 7382 soldiers who died in these bloody battles

3. The grave of an unknown soldier, Moscow. The memorial was opened in May 1967 after the burial at the Kremlin Wall of the Prach of the Unknown Soldier who died in the battle for Moscow.


The remains were transferred from the brotherly grave for 41 km of the Leningrad highway. The monument consists of a tombstone coated with a bronze battle banner on which the soldier's helmet and a laurel branch lie. And in the center burns Eternal flame Fame. His in 1967 was brought from Mars fields. The grave of an unknown soldier fire the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev, receiving a torch from the hands of the legendary pilot Alexei Maresev. Nearby is the inscription "Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal." In 1997 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Mogile of the Unknown Soldier was set by the post of honor guard. And in 2014, the All-Russian Day of the Unknown Soldier appeared, which is celebrated on December 3.

4. Krivtsovsky Memorial, Oryol region . At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the region there is a reference point of the grouping of the fascist troops. In 1942, a Bolkhovskaya operation was held, with the most bloody battle in the Krivtsovo-Chagodaevo-town area.

After the offensive, the Soviet troops were able to move 20 km, but then they stopped. It did not allow the enemy to throw strength on the Stalingrad battle. In the course of Bolkhovskaya operation, more than 21 thousand soldiers and officers died, more than 47 thousand were injured. Krivtsovsky Memorial is located in the "Death Valley" - it is almost official name Valley of the Oka and Zusha rivers. The memorial ensemble consists of two parts: the monument to the fallen soldiers, in the form of a 15-meter pyramid, and the area of \u200b\u200bmourning ceremonies with two fraternal graves, on which a monument "Eternal Flame Fire" and 9-meter Obelisk.

5. Murmansk "Alyosha" - a monument "Defenders of the Soviet Polar region during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" It was laid in 1969 on the hill Green Cape, where anti-aircraft batteries were located, defended the city from air raids.

Murmansk region is the only region where the enemy has not passed more than 30 km from state border. And the most fierce battles walked in the right bank of the Western Person River, later renamed the valley of Glory. View "Aleshi" asked exactly there. There are still no accurate data on the number of victims in the protection of the region. Murmansk "Alesha" is the highest monument in Russia after Mamaeva Kurgan. His height along with the pedestal is 42.5 meters. The ensemble of the Memorial includes the grave of the unknown soldier, the eternal flame, the granite stele to the defenders of the Polar region. At the foot of the monument, two capsules are closed - one with sea water From the place of the death of the ship "Fog", the second - with the ground from the valley of the glory and the fighting area at the turn of the Verman.

6. Rear - Front, Magnitogorsk. This is the first part of the triptych monuments, among which "Motherland-Mother calls" in Volgograd and "Warrior-Liberator" in Berlin.

According to the writings of the authors, the sword, the Sword, the burners of the rear in the Urals, raises the mother's motherland at Mamaev Kurgan, and already lowers him after the victory of soldiers in Berlin. The monument is located on the hill, its height is 15 meters. In the center of the monument - two figures - warrior and working. The worker looks towards the Metallurgical Combine, and the warrior is to the West, where military actions passed. Near the eternal flame. The monument was made in Leningrad, and after erected to a fortified hill in Magnitogorsk. Later, the names of the city of the city, who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union in the Second World War and the deceased, more than 14 thousand were carved on granite trapezes.

7. Monument to sailor and soldier, Sevastopol . 40-meter monument with difficult fate. The decision to build a memorial complex on Cape Crystal was taken as early as the 70s of the last century, but the construction began only after decades.

Nanak26 / Flickr.com.

The construction went slowly, then was conserved, since the project was recognized as unsuccessful, and in the late 80s seriously discussed the opportunity to dismantle the monument. Subsequently, supporters of the monument were defeated, and money was allocated to the restoration, but it was not possible to complete the initially approved project. Now the monument to the soldier and the sailor - the obligatory place to visit the tourist groups, although there are many critics among the locals.

8. Poklonnaya Mountain, Moscow. For the first time at the place of the hill between the Setun and Filk Rivers, in 1942, it was proposed to establish a monument to a folk pilot of 1812. However, in the difficult conditions of the Great Patriotic War, the project failed.

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount

Subsequently, on the Poklonnaya Mountain, a sign was installed with the promise that a victory monument will appear at this place. A park was broken around, which also received a similar name. The construction of the Memorial began in 1984, and ended only 11 years later: the complex was solemnly opened on May 9, 1995, in the 50th anniversary of the war. The ceremony was attended by chapters 55 states. On the territory of the Victory Park there are temples of three denominations (Orthodox, mosque and synagogue), which symbolize the multinationality of the army of the liberators. In the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, a unique collection was collected, including 1.5 thousand years of "memory books" and its electronic analogue, in which the fate of Soviet soldiers who defended their country from fascists. Also on the park there is an exhibition military equipment. Well, the monument center is the victory monument.

9. Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery, St. Petersburg . This is the largest burial of the victims of the Second World War, in 186 fraternal graves about 420 thousand inhabitants of the Blocade Leningrad, who died from hunger, cold and disease, 70 thousand years, heroically fought for the northern capital.

Taryn / Flickr.com.

The solemn opening of the memorial took place on May 9, 1960. Dominant of the ensemble is a monument "Motherland" with a granite stele, on which Olga Berggolts epitaph is knocked out with a famous string "Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten." The poetess wrote this poem specifically to the opening of the Piscares Memorial. From "Mother Motherland" there is a 300-meter alley on which red roses are planted. It ends at the eternal flame. Here, at Piskarevsky cemetery in the Military Museum there is a diary of Tanya Savicheva.

10. Cranes, Saratov. Yuri Damkin, the creator of the memorial complex in memory of the Saratov who died in the war, inspired the song "Cranes" on poems Raulus Gamzatov.

Therefore, the main topic of the monument was bright memory and light sadness. Wedge of 12 silver cranes flying to the West symbolizes the souls of the dead soldiers. In the center of the monument - three five-pointed stars covered with gold gold, made by analogy with the highest reward of the USSR - Hero Soviet Union. The monument is conducted by five staircase marches, which are broken by the city, in the defense and liberation of which Saratov took part. The territory around the complex is paving a paving. She symbolizes the beginning of the war, when soldiers from a parade on Red Square went straight to the front.

Monuments Warriors of the Great Patriotic War

National Memorial of Military Glory

According to the decree of the president Russian Federation No. 1297 On November 17, 2009, the memorial architectural ensemble of the tomb of the unknown soldier was awarded the status of a nationwide memorial of military glory and it is included in the state arch of particularly valuable objects cultural heritage Peoples of the Russian Federation

Unkown soldiers grave

The grave of an unknown soldier is a memorial architectural ensemble in Moscow, in the Alexandrovsky Garden, near the walls of the Kremlin.

On December 3, 1966, to commemorate the 25-year anniversary of the defeat of the German troops near Moscow, the dust of the unknown soldier was transferred from the brotherly grave at the 41st kilometer of the Leningrad Highway (at the entrance to the city of Zelenograd) and solemnly buried in the Alexandrovsky Garden.

On May 8, 1967, a memorial architectural ensemble was opened at the burial site Unkown soldiers grave", created by project of architects D. I. Barden, V. A. Klimova, Yu. R. Rabaev and Sculptor N. V. Tomsk. On the grave, the eternal flame L. I. Brezhnev, who took the torch from the Hero of the Soviet Union A. P. Maresev. On the tombstone, the bronze composition is installed - the soldier's helmet and laurel branch lying on the battle banner. In the center of the Memorial - Niche with the inscription - "Your name is unknown, the feat of your immortal" (proposed by S. V. Mikhalkov) from Labradorita with a bronze five-pointed star in The center, in the middle of which the eternal flag of fame is burning.

To the left of the grave - a wall of raspberry quartzite with the inscription: "1941 fell for the Motherland of 1945"; On the right - the granite alley of the blocks of dark-red Porphira, which contains capsules from the ground cities-heroes: "Stalingrad" (from Mamaeva Kurgan) - until September 2004, the inscription read "Volgograd", "Leningrad" (from the Piskarevsky cemetery), " Kerch "(from the Rubbear of Defense)," Kiev "(from the foot of the Obelisk to the participants of the defense of the city)," Minsk "(with the rules of defense)," Novorossiysk "(with the rules of defense)," Odessa "(with the rules of defense)," Sevastopol " (from Malakhov Kurgan), "Tula" (with rural defense), "Brest Fortress" (from the foot of the walls).

From December 12, 1997, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia Post No. 1 of the employee guard was transferred from Lenin's Mausoleum to the grave of an unknown soldier. Karaul is carried out by military personnel regiment. Change of Karaul takes place every hour. In connection with the work on the creation of the National Memorial of the Military Glory, the Honorary guard from December 16, 2009 to February 19, 2010 was not exhibited. Also for this period, the ceremony of laying wreaths and colors to the memorial were discontinued. On December 27, 2009, with military honors, temporarily for the reconstruction period, the eternal flame was transferred to the Poklonnaya Mountain in the Victory Park.

On the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, February 23, 2010, the eternal flame returned to the Kremlin wall.

In the nationwide memorial of military glory to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, a new element was appeared - stele in honor of the cities of military glory, which was established next to the Avenue of Heroes Cities, near the grave of an unknown soldier.

In the days of memory dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, state figures, Veterans, delegations, heads of foreign countries and governments lay wreaths and flowers to the "tomb of an unknown soldier."

Eternal Fire Memory and Fame

Eternal flame - Constantly burning fire, symbolizing the eternal memory of something or about someone. Continuous burning is achieved by supplying gas to a specific place in which the spark occurs. Usually enters the memorial complex. The first eternal flame in the USSR was lit by the monument to the fallen heroes near the village of Pervomaysky Schekinsky district of the Tula region on May 9, 1957. In many cities of the former Soviet Union, the Eternal Flame burns in memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War.

Three eternal flames burn in Moscow: The grave of an unknown soldier, on the Poklonnaya Mountain, on the Preobrazhensky cemetery.

Eternal Flame on Poklonnaya Mount

Frame of TV channel NTV30 April 2010 In Moscow, the second eternal flame was lit on Poklonnaya Mount. Fire on Poklonnaya Mount It was decided at the request of the Council of Veterans of the city of Moscow. From December 2009 to February 2010, there was a flame, transferred from the grave of an unknown soldier during the reconstruction of the memorial complex at the Kremlin walls. Later the fire was returned to his historical place. In addition, near the Eternal Flame on Poklonnaya Mount, it was decided to create a peculiar post number 1 for students cadet buildings. Ten times a year during the days of military glory and major public holidays, young guys will carry a watch here. The torch littered from the grave of an unknown soldier in the Alexander Garden, with the honors moved to the memorial on a positive grief. Honor of the new "Frame of Memory" was honored with an honorary citizen of Moscow, a participant in the battle for Moscow, Chairman of the Moscow Council of Veterans of War, Labor and Law Enforcement Bodies Vladimir Dolgikh, Hero of Russia Colonel Vyacheslav Sivko, Member of Moscow Children public organization "Commonwealth" Nikolai Zimogorsov. Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who took part in a solemn ceremony, said that the new eternal flame would not compete with the Memorial Kremlin Wall. On the contrary, they will complement each other.

Eternal Flame at the Preobrazhensky Cemetery

On April 30, 2010, at the Military Memorial Necropolis of the Preobrazhensky cemetery took place solemn ceremony The burning of the third fire in Moscow. The torch with a part of the main eternal fire of the country at the grave of an unknown soldier in the Alexander Garden arrived at the Preobrazhensky cemetery after the burning of the fire of memory and fame on the worship of the mountain.

The eternal flame on the Preobrazhensky cemetery was lit because he was the first and only in Moscow - he was brought here in 1956 from Leningrad, from Mars Fields. He burned until the pipes were worn out. Locked fire only on holidays.

Preobrazhensky necropolis - the largest memorial of military memory in Moscow. The servicemen who died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow hospitals during the Great Patriotic War were buried here. Some burials were individual, some fraternity. 10678 people were buried here. In some fraternal graves up to 20 burials. Unnamed is getting smaller. Without tablets, only graves of 43 fighters. In addition to fraternal burials in the cemetery there are graves of 41 Hero of the Soviet Union, 3 Heroes of Russia and 3 full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

Obelisk to commemorate the assignment of Moscow honorary title - " Hero City»

Obelisk to commemorate the assignment of Moscow Honor-Hero Hero Hero Highly appreciated the contribution of Muscovites to the defeat of the enemy: hundreds of thousands of Muscovites were awarded orders and medals, more than 800 of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, over 800 thousand people were awarded the medal "for the valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. "Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1965 for outstanding services in front of the birthrhea, mass heroism, courage and persistence, manifested by the working capital in the fight against the German fascist invaders, Moscow was awarded the honorary The title of "Hero City" with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Medal "Golden Star".

To commemorate the assignment of Moscow the honorary title "Hero City" in the square on the fork of Kutuzovsky Avenue and a large road, a 40-meter "Obelisk" is erected. "Obelisk" Open May 9, 1977. The authors of the monument - architects of Zakharov, 3. Chernyshev, Sculptor A. Shcherbakov.

Lined with gray peasant granite, "Obelisk" is completed by a five-pointed gold star. The facade of the monument is placed the text of the Presidium of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet "On the city-hero city of the Honor", made of overhead gold-plated bronze letters. Over the text - cast in bronze and gilded bas-relief Order of Lenin. Three granite 4-meter figures - warrior , workers and female workers - flank and closed the trapezoidal Obelisk in Plan. Each figure is located on his pedestal. All structure is raised on an obsessed hill with a bypass platform, to which three granite stairs lead. The monument expresses the unity of the front and the rear, the greatness and heroism of the nice Defenders of Moscow, defended the capital of the Soviet state from the enemy invasion.

Monument "Defenders of the Earth of the Russian"

"View photos" The Monument "Defenders of the Earth of the Russian" was opened in 1998 at the intersection of Kutuzovsky Avenue and Minsk Street. Sculptor A. Bichigov.

Monument personifies the continuity of generations of defenders of the Motherland: Warrior Ancient Russia With a sword in the hands, a soldier of the Patriotic War with Napoleon and the Hero of the Great Patriotic War. Parameter - Stela of the 1st Guards Moscow Moto Moto rifle Division The monument was established in 1976 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Division and its feats in the Great Patriotic War. Located on the Square of the Moscow-Minsk Division (intersection of the Small Phileus and Minsk streets), Minsk, d. 13. Architect O.K. Gurulev, Artist-architect S.I. Smirnov, Sculptor I.P. Kazan. On the monument, the inscription "Square of the Moscow-Minsk Division". Under it there are bas-reliefs of the orders who were awarded the division: Lenin, Red Banner, Suvorov, Kutuzov, and the Guards sign. The following inscriptions are carved: "The Square of the Moscow-Minsk Division was named in 1976 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the formation of the 1st Guards Proletarian Moscow Division and its fighting feats in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." "Stela is installed in the chefs of the metrostroy."

Memorial complex of victory on Poklonnaya Mount

Victory Park (in Moscow) - a memorial complex of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In the west of Moscow. The memorial complex was opened on May 9, 1995 to the 50th anniversary great Victory. Victory Park is limited from the North Kutuzovsky Avenue, from the West - Minsk Street, from the East - General Yermolov Street, from the south - Brothers foundchenko and residential houseslocated near the station Moscow-Sorting Kiev Destiner of Moscow railway. In the eastern part of the memorial complex there is a Poklonnaya Mountain, not far from her - the station of the Moscow Metro Park Victory Park .

History of Victory Park.For the first time, a monument to the people's feat was proposed back in 1942 (Architect Ya. Chernichhovsky). But it was not possible to implement it in military time. February 3, 1958. A memorable granite sign was established on Poklonnaya Mountain with an inscription: "A monument to Victory will be built here. soviet people In the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. " Then the trees were planted around, laid the park, which was called the victory name. In the 1970s and 1980s, 194 million rubles were collected on the construction of a monumental monument from conducted Saturdays and personal contributions of citizens. In the future, the funds were allocated by the state and the Government of Moscow. The plot of land in 135 hectares took the entire complex to the 90s, to the Day of the 50th anniversary of the victory, the memorial complex of the victory was built, opened on May 9, 1995.

Home Alley "Years of War"

The main alley of "Years of War", located between the Victory Square and the Central Museum of the Second World War, consists of five terraces symbolizing five years of war. Over five water surfaces 1418 fountains were erected - the war continued so many days and blood flowed. In the center of the square - a height of 141.8 meters high, crowned with the goddess of Victory. At the foot of the Obelisk, on the granite podium, the statue of St. George the Victorious Statue is installed, who is hit by a snake - a symbol of the victory of good over evil.

Victory Monument - Obelisk on the Winners Square in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount

Project architect - Zurab Tsereteli, Design and Calculation - TsNIIPSK, under the leadership of B. V. Ostrumov. Obelisk from a particularly durable steel weighing 1000 tons and 141.8 meters high (10 centimeters for every day of war), covered with bronze bas-reliefs. At an altitude of 122 meters to the stele, a 25-ton bronze figure of the goddess of Victory Niki is attached. At the foot of the Obelisk on the Granite Podium - the Statue of George the Victorious, striking the dragon's spear. The victory monument was opened on May 9, 1995 as part of a memorial complex of Victory.

Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

The main object of the complex - the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, was founded in 1993 on the initiative of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Open on May 9, 1995. On the days of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the victory. The museum is built on the project of the Architects group headed by A.T. Polyansky. General Fund of Museum 50 Collections of more than 50 thousand storage units.

Before the museum - the area of \u200b\u200bthe winners, to which the central alley of the Victory Park leads from Kutuzovsky Prospect. The museum building is a memory hall in which the memory books - 385 volumes are located in special showcases, in which the names of people who fell in war are inscribed; Hall of Fame, six diors dedicated to the basic events of the war. Museum Foundations are genuine weapons and military equipment, numismatics, philately and phylocarty, household items, a large number of handwritten documentary and photographic materials, materials visual artstelling about the Great Patriotic War, the joint struggle of the anti-Hitler coalition countries against Germany and its allies. The museum keeps the banner of Victory, omilized on April 30, 1945 above Reichstag in Berlin. Exposition of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

Memory Hall

Memory room on the basement floor. Here, the sculptural group of Lev Kerbel "Watching Mother" on the motive of the Michelangean "Pieta" was installed. Monument to the victims of the Great Otrista war. The woman on, in the grief bent over a vertical warrior, is a mother, a mourning son, and a brother's sister, and a husband's wife. This is a face of sadness, the morning, you, grief, always experienced in your own way. But there is a sculpture and a common meaning. Five hundred years ago, Michelangelo spawn from Mra Mora Pietu - "Christ, shot from Ra-Hay, spread on the knees of mourning his Mother of God." This long-time, Christian, the pointh of this sculpture acquires a new meaning. The fallen warrior is paid by the Virgin, and he is like Christ who brought himself to sacrifice to save people. But that's not all. In the teachings of Orthodoxy Rus, Ros-Sia - the House of the Virgin. Hence, from the descendant concept - Motherland. She grieves about her Savior. In Russian iconopus, there is a plot, like drink, - Assumption. Apostles and saint on Earth mourn a bo-town; The glory appeared in the radiance, Christ takes her soul, in the form of a ripeny infant, on the sky. Along the walls in the memory hall - glass cabinets, in which 385 volumes of the memory book with listed all those who died in battles for their homeland and missing are stored in battles. Information about each of them can also be obtained by e-book Memory. The military-historical exposition is placed around the perimeter of the building. The central relic - the table with the Yalta Conference of 1945, for which Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met.

Hall of Fame

The main in Pantheon of Victory Park is the Hall of Fame. At the top of the dome of the Hall of Fame - the Order of Victory. Hall of Fame decorates the sculpture of "Soldier - winner", the author of which sculptor V. Znob. In the hall are 6 diors created by famous masters of the studio of military artists. MB Grekova: "Counteroff soviet troops near Moscow in December 1941, "" Connecting Fronts. Stalingrad, "Leningrad Blockade", "Kursk arc", "Forcing Dnipro", "Storm Berlin". On the marble walls of the hall, 11,717 names of the participants of the war, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the highest award in the Great Patriotic War.

Monument "Spirit Elba"

Poklonnaya Mountain. Monument "The Spirit of Elba". Deals with the meeting of the Union troops on the Elbe River in April 1945 was established in 1995 by the Metro Park Victory. Types of photo Attractions of Moscow. The monument was opened in 1995 in the western part of the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount. Address: Poklonnaya Mountain, Victory Park, Metro "Victory Park". Monument "Spirit Elba" is dedicated to the meeting Union forces On the River Elbe in April 1945

Monument "Missing Love

In the mighty sculpture of "missing", standing on the Alley of Tankers - the sharp pain and suffering the appearance of the wounded soldier, and in our hearts - bitterness and sadness, because the feat and death always go around. This monument is not better thanks to the suffering of fighters in the war. These heroes, heroes, even because no one recognizes their names will not see their faces on winning parades. Sculptor K. Sokolovsky How it is impossible to hand over all this in his creation. The monument of "missing without news" was opened in 1995.

Monument "Tragedy of Peoples"

The monument of the "tragedy of nations" is a monument to the prisoners of fascist concentration camps, established in 1997. Sculptor - Zurab Tsereteli. The height of the monument - 8 m. Originally located on the Victory Square.

Monument to the soldiers of the participating countries of the Antihytler Coalition

The monument to the soldiers of the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition was solemnly open on May 9, 2005 on the Alley Partisan. Author - Mikhail Pereyaslavets 20-meter stele from white marble, crowned with the United Nations emblem (UN), is located in the center of the Alley partisan, one of the most beautiful Alley Victory Park. At the foot of the stele - a pedestal, on which four bronze figures of soldiers of the USSR, USA, Great Britain and France are torn.

Monument "Spaniards-volunteers who fought in the ranks of the Red Army and those who died in the fight against fascism during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.". The monument was established in 2001 in the western part of the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount. Architect A. Mikha. Engineer S. I. Vorontsov.

Exhibition of military equipment

File: Voorug Pgm.jpGV Park Victory Open-air is deployed a unique exhibition of military equipment and engineering and fortification facilities. More than 300 samples of the gravity of the USSR and its allies, Germany and its allies who participated in battles are presented here.

See also: Official website: http://www.poklonnayagora.ru/

Monument to the warriors of Moscow anti-heart defense on the Sky Defender Square in Krylatsky

Erected in 1995. The authors of the monument sculptor Kerbel L. E. and the architect Rozanov E. G. perpetuated the feat of all heroes of air defense: pilots, and scouts of the sky, zenitchikov, fighters of aeright barriers. The monument is an expressive and laconic composition: ahead of the motherland's motherland with a baby on his hands, saving our future. As the historical background of what is happening, there is a way, 13 meters from this sculpture, a screen from metal structures in the form of a stylized radar installation with bronze burners, on it - genuine sentences of wartime with episodes of the heroic protection of the Moscow sky. Here is a air battle, in which our fighter is the fascist vulture. Here are girls B. military form Aerostat is carried along the embankment. All these pictures of the military years. And on the back of the screen, the names of the air defense parties who defended Moscow from fascist aviation are inscribed.

Monument to the fallen (heroes - Domestic defenders) The Brest cinema. Address: ul. Yantseva, 21. Sculptor Alexander Burganov.

Memorable sign of Underfooters of the "Young Guard". Installed in the square near the church at the crossroads of the Young Guard and Yartsevskaya streets.

The street of the Young Guard is named in memory of Krasnodon's heroes and their immortal feat during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

Monuments Died in the Great Patriotic War in the territories of the Western District

Monument to those who died during the Great Patriotic War, the employees of the Nogin factory workers. Installed on the factory. Address: Vitebskaya Street, possession 9. Factory is translated into South administrative District In 2003. On the territory of the former factory are representative offices of various companies.

Monument to those killed during the Great Patriotic War, MRZ employees. Installed on the territory of the MRT. Address: ul. Vereskaya, d. 29.

The monument to Wils employees who died during the Great Patriotic War was opened in 1964. Address: Mozhaisk district of the city of Moscow, ul. Gorbunova, 2.

Monument to employees of the Rublevskaya Watering Station, not returned from the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War. Installed on the territory of the Rublery water supply station. Architect Substurbing PK

Memorial fallen and deceased from wounds in the Great Patriotic War in Kuntsevsky Cemetery

Memorial on the fraternal grave of warriors who died in the Great Patriotic War and the dead from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Installed on the initiative of the Kuntsevsky district enterprises in the Kuntsevsky cemetery in honor of the 30th anniversary of the victory in 1975. The memorial burns the eternal flame. Address: Kuntsevsky Cemetery (Ryabinovaya Ul.)

Memorial boards Heroes of the Great Patriotic War

A memorial plaque on Artamonov Street, houses No. 3 and No. 20, named in 1961 in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union Alexey Alekseevich Artamonov. Students of the school, working on the project "The names of the heroes - the streets of the Western District", found a mistake in the name of the hero on a memorial plaque at homes number 3 and No. 20 along Artamonov Street, with which they appealed to the city council. The head of the Council of the Tipovsky Anatoly Alekseevich supported the initiative: it was decided to eliminate the inaccuracy, and the installation of a new memory board of the hero A.A. Artamonova coincide with the Victory Day. May 9, 2007 New board. At the opening ceremony, the relatives of the hero were present - the wife of the Son T.I. Artamonova, granddaughter Elena Vyacheslavovna and Vasily's great-grandfather.

Memorial Plank on Botylov Street in Rublevo installed on the building former school No. 580, where I was formed to / h, defending Moscow. Street is named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Andreevich Botileva.

Memorial Plank on Bogdanova Street, house 50, named after Marshal Bogdanov's Armor Troops, Ilyich.

The memorial plaque on the street Bolshaya Ochakovskaya, house 33 perpetuates the memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the partisans of Wheel Elena Fedorovna.

Memorial board on Vatutina Street, House No. 1, named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Vatutina Nikolai Fedorovich.

Memorial board on Klochkov Street, named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Klochakov Vasily Georgievich.

Memorial plaque on Natasha bucket street, house number 5/2, named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, Sniper-Krasnoarmeez Kushovoy Natalia Venediktovna.

Memorial plaque on Matrosov Street, house number 1, named after the ordinary Red Army, Hero of the Soviet Union Matrosov Alexander Matveyevich.

The memorial plaque on Marshal Street, the house 40, named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, the chief marshal of artillery called Mitrofan Ivanovich in 1961.

Memorial plaque on Pivchenkov Street, house number 10, named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Pivchenkov Vladimir Timofeevich in 1961.

Memorial plaque on the street of Poloshukhina, house number 4, Corp. 1 named in 1966 in honor of V.I. Polosukhin, Comda of the 32nd rifle division, glorified in the battles under Mozhaisk.

A memorial plaque on Razhpupkina Street, house number 25, named after Tankist, Hero of the Soviet Union, Andrei Ivanovich Razhopkina, who lived before the war in this house.

Memorial plaque on Alexey Sviridova Street, house number 1, named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Andreevich Sviridov in 1965.

A memorial plaque on Tolbukhina Street, house 8, named after Marshal - Hero of the Soviet Union Tolbukhina Fyodor Ivanovich.

Hello dear.
On the eve of the holiday, let's remember some monuments of famous
"Warrior Liberator" - Monument in the Berlin Trepps Park.
Sculptor E. V. Vinchech, architect Ya. B. Belopolsky, artist A. V. Gorpenko, Engineer S. S. Valerius.
Opened on May 8, 1949.
Height - 12 meters. Weight - 70 tons.

"Motherland-Mother" (Batkіvsky-Mati)
Author of Memorial - Evgeny Vuchetich;
After the death of Vuchetich, the project was headed by the Ukrainian sculptor Vasily Boroday;
Sculptors: Fried Sagoyan, Vasily Winaykin. Architects: Victor Elizarov, George sour, Nikolai Fashion.
Opened in the composition museum complex In 1981, Victory Day.
The height of the sculpture of "Mother's Mother" (from the pedestal to the tip of the sword) is 62 meters.
Total height with pedestal - 102 meters.
In one hand, the statue holds a 16-meter sword weighing 9 tons, to another - a shield of 13 × 8 meters with a coat of arms of the USSR (weighing 13 tons).
All construction - all-welded and weighs 450 tons.
The frame itself begins at a depth of 17.8 meters (from the entrance to the museum). This depth is a concrete well with a diameter of 34 meters.

"Motherland-mother calls!" - Volgograd.
The monument is the central part of the triptych, which is also also from the "Rear - Front" monuments in Magnitogorsk and the "Warrior-Liberator" in the Berlin Trept-Park. It is understood that the sword, stitched on the shore of the Urals, then raised the mother's maternity in Stalingrad and lowered after the victory in Berlin
Sculptor - E. V. Vinchech. Engineer N. V. Nikitin
The sculpture is made of pre-stressed reinforced concrete - 5,500 tons of concrete and 2400 tons of metal structures (without the base on which it stands).
The overall height of the monument is 85 meters (sculpture itself) - 87 meters (sculpture with installation stove). It is installed on a concrete foundation of 16 meters deep. The height of a female figure without a sword is 52 meters. The mass of the monument is over 8 thousand tons.
The statue stands on a 2 meter height plate, which rests on the main foundation. This foundation is 16 meters high, but it is almost not visible - most of it is hidden under the ground.

Monument "Rear - Front". Magnitogorsk. It is considered the first part of Triptych, which is also also from the Mother Mother Monuments at Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd and "Warrior Liberator" in the Berlin Treps-Park.
Sculptor - Lev Nikolaevich Golovnitsky, Architect - Yakov Borisovich Belopolsky.
Material - bronze, granite. Height - 15 meters.

Monument to the heroic defenders of Leningradon Victory Square in St. Petersburg
Sculptor: M. K. Alinishin. Architects: V. A. Kamensky, p. B. Speransky
Construction 1974-1975
Height 48 meters
Material: Bronze, Granite

"Motherland"- In St. Petersburg at the Piscares Memorial Cemetery.
The authors of the ensemble - architects A. V. Vasiliev, E. A. Levinson, Sculptors V. V. Isaeva and R. K. Taurit ("Motherland-Mother" and reliefs on the side walls), M. A. Vainman, B. E . Kaplinsky, A. L. Malakhin, M. M. Kharlamov (burners on the central stele).

"Alyosha" - Monument soviet soldier-Siber, in the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv on the hill Bunardzhik ("Hill of the Liberators").
Sculptors V. Radoslavov et al., Architects N. Marangozov, etc.
Height 10 meters
The prototype of the monument is the ordinary consolidated company of the 3rd Ukrainian Front Alexei Ivanovich Scarletov, the former shooter 10 of the separate ski battalion of the 922 rifle shelf, translated due to heavy injury in the signators. In 1944, he restored Plovdiv's telephone line - Sofia. In Plovdiv, Alexey Ivanovich became friends with the working telephone station Metodi Vitanov, a participant in Bulgarian resistance. Methods of Vitanov handed over a photo of Alexey Sculptor Vasil Rodoslavov, and he created a monument based on this image

Memorial - "Brest Fortress - Hero"
The "Brest Fortress-Hero" memorial was built on the projects of the sculptor Alexander Pavlovich Kibalnikov.

Sculpture "Evalious man"in Khatyni.
Architects: Y. Gradov, V. Zankovich, L. Levin. Sculptor S. Selikhanov. The solemn opening of the Memorial complex "Khatyn" took place on July 5, 1969.

Running ring. (Kokkarevo. Leningrad region)
Architect V. G. Filippov. Sculptor K. M. Simun, Design Engineer I. A. Rybin;

Have a good day.

In Elika, the Patriotic War became one of the most significant topics in Soviet art - literature, painting, cinema. Portal "Culture.rf" remembered the most important sculptural monuments dedicated to the tragedy of this time.

"Motherland is called!" In Volgograd

Photo: 1Zoom.ru.

One of the highest statues in the world "Motherland is called!" It is included in the sculptural triptych along with the "Rear - Front" monuments in Magnitogorsk and the "Warrior-Liberator" in the Treptov Park in Berlin. The author of the monument was Evgeny Vuchetich, who created a figure of a woman with a sword raised above his head. The hardest construction went from 1959 to 1967. For the manufacture of the monument, 5.5 thousand tons of concrete and 2.4 thousand tons of metal structures took place. Inside the "Mother Mother" is absolutely hollow, it consists of separate cameras, in which metal cables are stretched, supporting the framework of the monument. The height of the grand monument is 85 meters, it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the greatest sculpture-statue in the world at the time of construction of the monument.

"Skip swords on the oral" in Moscow

Photo: Oksana Aleshina / PHOTOBANK "Laurie"

The statues of Evgeny Vuchetich "Skid Swords on Oral", depicting the worker, which catches the weapon into a plow, are located in several cities in the world. The first was installed in 1957 at the UN headquarters in New York - it was a gift to the states from the Soviet Union in friendship. Other copyrights of the monument can be seen near CDH in Moscow, in the Kazakh city of Ust-Kamenogorsk and in Volgograd. This work of Evgenia Vuchetich received recognition not only in the USSR, but also beyond: for her, he was awarded a silver medal of the Council of the world and received the Grand Prix at the exhibition in Brussels.

"Heroic Defenders of Leningrad" in St. Petersburg

Photo: Igor Litvak / PHOTOBANK "Lori"

The project of the monument "Heroic Defenders of Leningrad" was developed by sculptors and architects who participated in the defense of the city, Valentin Kamensky, Sergey Speransky and Mikhail Isaniushin. Deployed to one of the largest places in the history of the battle for Leningrad - Pulkovsky altitudes, the composition consists of 26 bronze sculptures of the city defenders (soldiers, workers) and 48-meter granite obelis in the center. There is also a memorable hall of the "blockade", separated by an open ring, symbolizing the breakthrough of the fascist defense of Leningrad. It was built a memorial at the expense of voluntary donations of citizens.

"Defenders of the Soviet Polar region during the Great Patriotic War" ("Alyosha") in Murmansk

Photo: Irina Borsuchchenko / PHOTOBANK "Lori"

One of the highest Russian monuments, 35-meter Murmansk "Alyosha" was erected in Murmansk in memory of unknown warriors who gave life for the Soviet Polar. The monument is located on a high hill - 173 meters above sea level, so the figure of a soldier in a raincoat with a vehicle vehicle is visible from anywhere in the city. Near the "Alesh" burns eternal flame and there are two anti-aircraft guns. The authors of the project are architects Igor Pokrovsky and Isaac Brodsky.

"Heroes-Panfilovtsam" in Dubosekovo

Photo: Rotfront.su.

The memorial complex in Dubosekovo dedicated to the pilot of 28 soldiers from the Major General Division Ivan Panfilov, consists of six 10-meter sculptures: a political officer, two fighters with grenades and three more soldiers. Before the sculptural group there is a strip of concrete slabs - this is a symbol of the stroke, which the Germans could not overcome. Nikolay Lyubimov, Alexey Postol, Vladimir Fedorov, Vitaly Danyuk, Yuri Krivushchenko and Sergey Khadzhibaronov, became the authors of the monument.

Tomb of an unknown soldier in Moscow

Photo: Dmitry Unimained / Photobank "Lori"

In 1966, a memorial was built in the Kremlin Wall in the Alexander Garden, dedicated to an unknown soldier. The dust of one of the buried warriors buried in the mass grave of the Great Patriotic War is buried here. On the granite tombstone, the inscription "Your name is unknown, the feat of your immortal" is carved. From May 8, 1967, an eternal flame is continuously burning on the monument, which was lit from fire on a Mars field. Another part of the Memorial is burgundy porphyry blocks depicting the Golden Stars, in which the capsules with land from the cities of Heroes (Leningrad, Volgograd, Tula and others are molded.

Monument to the warriors of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps in Yekaterinburg

Photo: Elena Koromyslova / PHOTOBANK "Lori"

Memorial of Glory.
The Memorial of Glory is located in the Leninsky district on the Victory Square at the Prospect of the World.
Opened on May 9, 1965. In 1967, the eternal flame was lit. Memorial cooked on the fraternal grave of warriors Soviet armywho died during the Great Patriotic War in Orsk Hospitals (1941-1945). On April 27, 1965, the remains of 216 soldiers were reburied from a closed urban cemetery at the place of the future Memorial in 12 urns. Initially, the boulder of a non-cooled Orskoye-colored jasper and a bronze board was established, on which the monument to the Soviet soldier in the Berlin Trept-Park was reliefed. Before the stone was installed a bowl with eternal fire. All construction was located on a concrete pedestal. The authors of the monument - Orsk architects E.Ya. Markov, B.G. Zavodovsky, A.N. Silin. In 1975, the monument was reconstructed: the fraternal grave was lined with polished Osky Yashma Red.
In the center of her - the eternal flame, over which the bronze wreath of fame hovers. Behind the grave wall of black stone with the inscription "Motherland! Land Russian, irrigated by the blood of his soldiers, honored their memory forever". Behind the wall - ate. Authors - Orsk architects P.P. Priymak, G.I. Sokolov, V.N. Yakimov. During the reconstruction of the Memorial in 1988, the cladding of the military grave was replaced by a green-black coil, on the perimeter of the memorial, marble plates with the names of soldiers who died in Orsk hospitals, Oricans who died at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, as well as those who died in Afghanistan were installed.
The inscription from the black stone was transferred to white marble plates in the center of the Memorial.
In 1995, additional memorial pylons were established with the names of Orchans who died in 1941 - 1945, in afghan war 1979-1989, in the hottest points of Russia (North Caucasus) in the 1990s.
In April - August 2000, the reconstruction of the Slava Square was reconstructed, the second line of pylons was installed, where more than 8,000 Orchan's names killed in hostilities were made. The main part of the memorial complex is equipped with lawns, flower beds and plantings of deciduous and coniferous trees.
On May 8, 2008, on the eve of the Victory Day on the territory of the Square of Glory, the opening of the heroes alleys took place. Memorial changes his appearance for the fourth time, it becomes better and more significant.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthis project appeared in the eighties of the last century. Then, given the wishes of war veterans, the chief artist Orsk P. Priymak worked on the project of reconstruction of the Square and provided for opening the heroes alley. But to establish nine bronze busts of the Heroes of the Soviet Union and two heroes of Russia managed only now, thanks to the decision of the current chapter of the city.
Preparation for the implementation of the project Alley began since 2008, when the necessary photographic materials were sent to Chelyabinsk. Sculled busts of Orchan-heroes creative Group Chelyabinsk sculptors under the leadership of the Chairman of the Chelyabinsk Branch of the Union of Artists of Russia E. Vargota. Professionals managed to convey not only the external similarity of the defenders of the Motherland, but also their character. As the sculptors themselves assure, the images were created, based on personal history Each hero. Installed bronze busts weighing about 2 tons each on granite pedestals MUP Specialists "Requiem".
On the pilons erected along both sides of the alleys, the names of the heroes of the Orsk land, who won the victory and the freedom of not only Russians, but also other peoples are placed.


  1. Memorial of Glory // Orsk urban encyclopedia. - Orenburg, 2007. - P. 219.
  2. Post number 1 // Orsk urban encyclopedia. - Orenburg, 2007. - P. 234 - 235.
  3. Memorial of Glory: Photograph // Orsk: Photo Album. - M. 1995. - P. 87.
  4. Ivanov, A. Bust Hero replenished the Alley of Glory / A. Ivanov // Orskaya newspaper. - 2008. - September 5. - p. 2.
  5. Svetushkova, L. "Heritage" - the city / L. Sveshkova // Og chronicle. - 2008. - September 5. - p. 2.
  6. Goncharenko, V. Ten busts of the Heroes of War installed on columns / V. Goncharenko // Orsk Chronicle. - 2008. - April 22. - p. 1, 2.
  7. Sepackina, N. It is necessary alive / N. Sepackin // NEW Vedomosti. - 2007. - May 9. - P. 3.
  8. Efimova, T. without the past there is no future / T. Efimova // Og chronicle. - 2000. - August 31. - p. 2.
  9. Parades, A. Flowers to the updated Memorial laid Orchans / A. Karandev // Orsk Chronicle. - 2000. - May 13. - p. 2.
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