SSU - Saratov State University. SSU - Saratov State University

My name is Marina Nikolaeva. For students and their parents - Marina Robertovna. For those who speak very badly - Aunt Marina. I AM . I will try to tell you about how I came to such a life, I decided to become a blogger. Looking at me, everyone asks if I know how to use a computer. For some reason, I give the impression of a person who saw the PC only from the outside.

However, this is not so, I got this miracle technique in 2004, after 3 years I managed to break into the Internet, since it was very problematic to conduct it in our glorious Moscow region, although now it is hard to believe, since the Internetization of the whole country has given its fruit. Then I decided to get my own resource, studied web building, wrote code in a notebook, then in various code generator programs.

But it was not that, a static site on a free hosting did not allow to turn around. And finally, I found out about the existence of such a convenient thing as WordPress and decided to make a blog on this platform. The knowledge gained as a result of studying codes and scripts was very useful to me, I was able to set up something myself, I had to ask specialists for something. And the blog develops and lives its own life.

When I was little, no one thought that I would have to sit at a computer, drive a car, I was taught to run a household, sew by hand and on a sewing machine, knit and crochet, dig and plant potatoes, weed and water the garden in the country, pick berries and mushrooms in the forest, help grandma mow the grass and harvest with a sickle.

But life has developed in such a way that I practically do nothing of what I can do well, and all the time I have to learn something new so as not to disappear and find my place under the sun in this constantly changing world. Although some skills came in handy, for example, I started riding a bicycle at the age of 5, on a two-wheeler at 7 and still love this business, we often take bike rides with my daughter through the picturesque places of the Moscow region. Now on a mountain bike.

I remember myself from the age of 2, I remember that they ask me how old I am, and I silently and proudly show 2 fingers. I began to talk late, about 2.5 years old according to the stories of my parents, but then immediately fluently, in phrases and cleanly, without speech defects. Since then, my mouth has not closed, everyone did not know where to escape from my endless: “Why?”. Dad, as a teacher, worked with me a lot, I had all the toys with a didactic bias, so it’s not surprising that I learned to read somewhere at the age of 4-5 years, no one understood how it happened.

From the 2nd grade, I became a terrible book lover, it was like an obsession, I read for many hours in a row, forgetting about everything in the world, in any position. I have read all the books from school library. My mother, a librarian, brought me new, just received, books. And I didn’t need anything else in my life, only to read-read-read. In addition, I was a frequently ill child, I could not swim, in winter I was constantly sick. In the 6th grade, I was given a Willy-Auto camera, which I still keep as a memory of those times.

I joined a photography club and spent long periods of time sitting in the dark, next to chemicals, printing photographs. I learned to deftly insert the film into the camera, and then into the tank for developing and fixing. Now we have a digital Panasonic (I don’t think smartphones are pampering, especially selfies) and a video camera, I want to buy something more professional, especially since my daughter is also interested in video and photography.

In general, my ancestors were very gifted, many sang, danced, drew well (one of my relatives graduated from VKHUTEIN), played in the theater, and were activists. Of all the talents, I got only the ability to draw. But somehow it did not work out with the art school. But at the institute she received a second art education. I can also recite poetry well. My diction has always been very good. sonorous voice. Even to this day, when talking to me on the phone, many people think they are talking to a young girl.

My grandfather's relatives on my mother's side were foresters and beekeepers. They lived on cordons, moving from place to place. Very interesting, beautiful people, were big dreamers. They could come up with different stories on the go, perhaps it was from them that the gift of writing was transferred to me. I have always been very good at writing compositions in school. And they used to be not the same as now, but half a notebook, and they were read as a model to high school students. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a writer.

From these relatives, we still got the beehives that my grandmother always had, as far as I can remember. All my childhood I was treated with honey and propolis. I walked between the hives and the bees did not touch me. Now my brother, who works as a freelance programmer, is doing it. Honey is widely present in our lives. We use it for health, beauty and culinary purposes.

And since we are talking about the institute - I graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin, now the Moscow State Pedagogical University, it was called "singing", because those who are fond of art song know that many bards studied at it, for example, Yuri Vizbor, Ada Yakusheva and Julius Kim . I entered quite easily, because I studied well at school, we had good teachers. But I had to be patient, since the competition for the defectological faculty was huge. And only at the first exam, essay, ⅔ of applicants were cut off.

At the institute, I began to go in for athletics, running. Those who knew my diagnosis, chronic bronchitis, believed that I had lost my mind. They would never do that in my place. But apparently I, like Suvorov in his time, hardened with the help of sports. We ran in the winter in Sokolniki on the street in any weather around the Znamensky Brothers Stadium. And it saved my life. I have never been so sick, it was my personal record. And besides, it gave me a great base for training in the mountains and on the rocks. Preparing for trips to the mountains, we trained a lot to make acclimatization easier.

In winter they played football, climbed on the tower, on artificial stands. Climbing in the mountains also gave me a lot in terms of health and endurance. They taught me to do a lot through “I can’t” and “I don’t want to”. Especially getting up early in the morning and being quite efficient at the same time. Communicate with different people and get along with them, despite the differences, find a compromise. Mountaineering is a school of life first of all. Although the mountains are very beautiful, I love and miss them very much. But after the birth of my daughter, my whole life changed dramatically.

Although, when she grew up, we went with her to the climbing wall. But it still didn't excite me that much. We went to the rocks in Karelia, the Crimea, but gradually our life changed. Now we go to exercise in a fitness club. It is so close that you can ride a bike in a few minutes. And this is the only place available to us for sports, there is a good pool. I even learned how to swim well. She also learned to skate. I plan to learn how to ski downhill beautifully. Although I do not fall, no one gave me equipment. She got up and left.

In addition to sports, I work a lot in terms of professional growth, constantly improving my skills. After all, it is a very vast science, the scope of its application intersects with many areas of our life. I trained as a Montessori teacher, it is very good to use these materials and techniques in working with. In addition, I was very interested in sand therapy. I also took these courses with Kudzilov. As well as musical and rhythmic classes with Zheleznova.

My daughter has already grown up, graduated from school and is studying to be a designer in Technological University. She draws very well, wants to work in the fashion industry, while she composes images and. Makes animation in technique, using characters that bend all parts of the body. It is possible that over time her priorities may change. But will remain good technique drawing and photography skills. In addition, she helps me blog.

What else can you tell about yourself, your family and your roots? Probably, this story is endless, and you can write a book. At least about those relatives whom I have never seen, but I know from the stories of my parents and grandmother. To pass it on to the next generations, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

If you have any questions or want to talk to me on a topic, leave a comment, then write or here>>>

2. “I haven’t become academic yet…” ( Literary biography V. Mayakovsky "I myself") // Russian language at school. - 2015. - No. 4. - P. 37–43.

3. Information and communication technologies in Russian language lessons in high school// Topical issues of teaching the Russian (native) language: Sat. materials Interregional. conference, December 15–17, 2014: at 2 pm / scientific. ed. O. A. Skryabina; Ryaz. state un-t im. S. A. Yesenina. - Ryazan, 2015. - Part 2. - S. 419–422.

4. "Magic of the word" as a mythologeme of ordinary metalinguistic consciousness // Slavic world in the past and present: languages, literature, education: Sat. scientific Proceedings of the Intern. scientific and practical. conf. May 20–22, 2015 / ed. ed. V. A. Lavrentiev, E. V. Arkhipova; Ryaz. state University named after S. A. Yesenin. - Ryazan, 2015. - S. 170-173.

5. " Literary language» in the view of naive linguistics // Philological education in modern research: linguistic and methodological aspects: materials of the Intern. scientific and practical. conference “Slavic culture: origins, traditions, interaction. XVI Cyril and Methodius Readings, May 19, 2015. – M.; Yaroslavl: Remder, 2015. - S. 218-223.

6. What is a “normal” language // Philological education in modern research: linguistic and methodological aspects: materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Slavic culture: origins, traditions, interaction. XV Cyril and Methodius Readings, May 13, 2014. – M.; Yaroslavl: Remder, 2014. - S. 255-260.

7. "Folk linguistics" in Russian proverbs and sayings // Bulletin of the Novgorod State University. Ser.: Philological sciences. - 2014. - No. 77 (Materials of the conference "The World of Russian Proverbs: Eternal values and new meanings. – S. 98–101.

8. Folk lexicography - a phenomenon of modern Russian linguistic culture // Problems of history, philology, culture. – M.; Magnitogorsk; Novosibirsk, 2014. - No. 3 (45). – S. 291–293.

9. Linguistic project in a multi-ethnic class // Russian language at school. - 2014. - No. 7. - P. 7–10.

10. Fashionable word in the mirror of folklore and literature // Fashion in language and communication: Sat. articles. – M.: RGGU, 2014. – S. 299–307.

11. Mobile devices in the Russian language lesson // Modern language situation and improving the training of language teachers: Mater. X Intern. scientific and methodical. conference / ed. O. V. Zagorovskaya. - Voronezh: CPI "Scientific Book", 2014. - Part II. – S. 138–140.

12. Toponymic mythology in the aspect of humanitarian geography // Picked up word ...: Sat. scientific Art. in memory of V. S. Vakhrushev / ed. Zh. N. Maslova. - Tambov: ID TSU im. G. R. Derzhavina, 2013. – S. 207–212.

13. “You are above the price and the rate ...” (Poem by Y. Smelyakov “Russian language”) // Russian language at school. - 2013. - No. 1. - P. 57–64.

14. Psycholinguistic meaning according to the dictionary "Literary portrait of the word" // Challenges of Information Society and Applied Psycholinguistics: Proceedings of the X International Congress of the International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics (June 26–29 2013, Moscow, Russia) / Ed.: Natalia V. Ufimtseva, Anna A. Stepanova, Denis V. Makhovikov, Larisa S. Zhukova. – Moscow: RUDN; Institute of Linguistics RAN - MIL, 2013. - P. 464-465.

15. Lesson-quiz "Russian language in modern world» // Russian language at school. - 2013. - No. 9. - P. 26–29.

16. Language in the mirror of a literary text (Metalinguistic reflection in works of Russian prose): monograph. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2011. – 328 p.

17. Abbreviations in everyday consciousness (the experience of reconstructing "naive" metalinguistic representations): [section in a collective monograph] // Ordinary metalinguistic consciousness: ontological and epistemological aspects: call. monograph. / resp. ed. N. D. Golev. - Kemerovo: Publishing house of the Kemerovo state. University, 2012. - Part 4. - P. 154–167 (in collaboration with S. I. Shumarin).

18. Lexicographic project "Literary portrait of the word" // Russian language and problems modern education: Sat. scientific Art. / comp. and resp. ed. R. V. Popov. - Arkhangelsk, 2012. - S. 295-308.

19. Genre and stylistic analysis of V. K. Arsenyev's prose in Russian language lessons // Russian language at school. - 2012. - No. 9. - P. 7–13.

20. Works about Patriotic war 1812 at the lessons of text analysis // Russian language at school. - 2012. - No. 11. - P. 20–23; No. 12. - P. 10–15.

21. To the metalinguistic portrait of A. I. Herzen // Slovo. Dictionary. Literature: (to the 200th anniversary of the birth of A. I. Herzen): mater. All-Russian scientific conference. St. Petersburg, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, November 14–16, 2012 / ed. ed. V. D. CHERNYAK - St. Petersburg: SAGA, 2012. - P. 29–34 (co-authored with N. A. Nikolina).

22. The realities of the Great Patriotic War in the mirror of metalinguistic reflection // Word of war and word about war: mater. International scientific and practical. Conf. dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, May 5–6, 2010. - Lipetsk: LGPU, 2011. - S. 148-151.

23. "I'm in a hurry to meet you, reader ..." (Metatext in Viktor Nekrasov's prose) // Russian language at school. - 2011. - No. 6. - P. 55–60.

24. “Keep the language for children”: Russian in emigration // World of Childhood in the Russian Diaspora: III Culturological Readings “Russian Emigration of the 20th Century” (Moscow, March 25–27, 2009): Sat. reports. – M.: House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva, 2011. – P. 98–102.

25. "The addressee factor" in the activities of the lexicographer // Semantics and pragmatics of the word and text. Pomeranian text: Sat. scientific articles. – Arkhangelsk, 2010. – P. 384–388 (co-authored with N. A. Nikolina).

26. Metalinguistic comments in artistic speech– a new object of lexicography // Word. Dictionary. Literature: The text of the dictionary and the context of lexicography: mater. Vseros. scientific conference. (St. Petersburg, November 11–13, 2009). - St. Petersburg: SAGA, 2010. - S. 270-275.

27. Metalinguistic comments - the key to the analysis of a literary text // : Sat. scientific and methodical articles. - Balashov: Nikolaev, 2010. - S. 20–25.

28. Transitivity and syncretism in the mirror of artistic reflection // Structure and semantics of language units: Sat. scientific works in honor of the anniversary of Dr. Philol. Sciences prof. V. V. Babaitseva. – M.; Yaroslavl: Remder, 2010. - S. 227-231.

30. Linguistic myth in the reflection of folklore and literature (Based on the myth of Russian mate) // News of the Ural State. university - 2010. - No. 4 (82). – P. 83–98.

31. Metalinguistic reflection in a folklore text // Philological Sciences. - 2010. - No. 5–6. – P. 56–65.

32. Grammar in ordinary metalinguistic consciousness // Russian language at school. - 2009. - No. 10. - P. 69–73.

33. Abbreviations as an object of "natural linguistics" // Bulletin of the Surgut state. ped. university - Surgut, 2009. - No. 2 (5). – P. 88–94 (co-authored with S. I. Shumarin).

34. "Literary portrait" of the word: metalinguistic consciousness of the author as a subject of lexicographic description // Problems of history, philology, culture. – M.; Magnitogorsk; Novosibirsk, 2009. - No. 2 (24). - S. 806-810.

35. Reflexives in "Dead Souls" by N. V. Gogol // Lecturer XXI century: All-Russian Scientific and Practical. magazine about the world of education. - 2009. - No. 1. - S. 323–327.

36. Metalinguistic reflection in modern urban folklore // Active processes in various types of discourses: the functioning of language units, sociolects, modern speech genres: mater. intl. conf. June 18–20, 2009 - M.; Yaroslavl: Remder, 2009. - S. 558-562.

37. Metatext markers in artistic text// Text. Structure and semantics: dokl. XII int. conf. - M.: TVT Division, 2009. - T. 1. - S. 226-231.

38. Metalinguistic reflection of the writer: Lermontov on language and speech // Lermontov's readings at the Caucasian Mineral Waters - 2008: mater. intl. scientific conference. "M.Yu. Lermontov in Russian and World Culture". - Pyatigorsk, 2009. - S. 53-57.

39. Linguistic local history at school // : Sat. scientific and methodical articles. – Balashov, 2009. – P. 40–44 (co-authored with S. I. Shumarin).

40. "Poetic linguistics" // : Sat. scientific and methodical articles. - Balashov, 2009. - S. 74–78.

41. : account. allowance. – Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - Balashov: Nikolaev, 2009. -96 p. (co-authored with S. I. Shumarin).

42. National and cultural identity of language units in school studies // Linguistic and Cultural Studies in school course Russian language: Sat. scientific and methodical articles. - Balashov, 2008. - P. 24–39.

43. Lesson on the poem by I.S. Turgenev “Russian language” // Russian language at school. - 2008. - No. 10. - S. 18–24.

44. The language of the revolutionary era in B. Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago" // Philological Traditions in Modern Literary and Linguistic Education: Sat. scientific Art. - M.: MGPI, 2008. - Issue 7. - T.1. – P.211–214.

45. Our teachers: N. M. Belyakova // Russian language at school. - 2008. - No. 8. - P.38–41.

46. ​​Artistic functions of false etymology in the novel "Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak // Actual problems theory and practice of language and literature: mater. Vseros. scientific and practical. conf. - Ulyanovsk: UlGU, 2008. - S. 127-132.

47. Russian vocabulary as an object of reflection of the writer // Word and text in the cultural consciousness of the era: Sat. scientific works. - Vologda: VGPU, 2008. - Part 1. - S. 303–308.

48. New technologies for final control: pros, cons and conditions for effectiveness // Philological traditions in modern literary and linguistic education: collection of articles. scientific articles. - M., 2007. - Issue. 6. V.2. – P.126–131.

49. “Our immortal gift is speech” // Russian language at school. - 2007. - No. 5. - S. 17-20.

50. On the Poetics of the Folklore Riddle // Russian Language: Historical Destinies and Modernity: III International Congress of Russian Language Researchers (Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philology, March 20–23, 2007): works and materials. - M.: MAKS Press, 2007. - S. 610-611.

51. Metonymic images in the folklore riddle // Proposal and Word: interuniversity. Sat scientific papers/ resp. ed. O.V. Myaksheva. - Saratov: Publishing House of Saratov University, 2006. - S. 344–347.

Doctorate: Moscow Pedagogical State University» (2002).
PhD: Moscow State pedagogical institute- MGPI (1993).

Topic of Ph.D. thesis

Expressiveness of speech teacher of literature

Courses of the current academic year

« Oratory”, “Fundamentals of rhetorical argumentation”, “Speech practices”


Rhetoric textbooks for students in grades 5-11 and guidelines to them

Textbooks and study guides for university students

Pedagogical rhetoric in questions and answers (member of the team of authors). – 2011.

Savova M.R. The art of being heard. - M., 2005 and later editions.

  1. Conceptual ideas of T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and trends in modern education

/School of Professor T.A. Ladyzhenskaya. Collective monograph. Issue P / Ed. Ippolitova N.A., Kurtseva Z.I. - M.: Balass, 2010. - S. 9-13.

  1. 2. Does rhetoric have boundaries? / Modern rhetoric: in the circle of ideas. Collective monograph / Ed. Yu.V. Shcherbinina. - M.: AVK-Group, 2010. - S. 29-35.
  2. 3. Ways to improve professional communicative and speech competence

teachers of medical universities / News of Samarskogo scientific center Russian Academy Sciences. - Volume 12 No. 5(2) (37), 2010. - S. 386-389.

  1. 4. Discussions and debates as a means of improving the culture of speech. - St. Petersburg, Notes Mining Institute, 2011. - T. 193. - S. 146-149.
  2. 5. Rhetoric and culture of speech in the context of the formation of general cultural competencies //

Sat. XV International scientific conference "Rhetoric as a subject and means of teaching". – M.: MPGU, 2011.

  1. Rhetoric and culture of speech in federal state educational standards: the obvious and the potential / Rhetoric in the new educational space: XVI International Scientific Conference. - St. Petersburg, February 1-3, 2012. - S. 73-76.
  2. Savova M.R., Smelkova Z.S. Improving Argumentative Culture

future teachers //Problems of modern education. – 2012, No. 1, p. 126-131.

  1. Savova M. R. From the experience of developing a rhetorical training program for future

teachers high school// Modern rhetoric in public speech

and teaching practice// Proceedings of the XVII International Scientific and Practical

  1. Knyazeva O.Yu., Savova M.R. Specifics of educational discussion//Rhetoric in modern

Russia: traditions and new tasks. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House "Kantsler", 2014. - S. 130-133.

  1. Savova M. R. Improving the teacher's speech skills medical school(Mastery of public speaking)//Actual issues of psychology: Competence-based approach in teaching psychology /responsible. Ed. O.E. Baksansky. - M.: LENAND, 2014. - S. 207-228.
  2. Savova M.R. Causes and consequences of the lack of a unified theory of the culture of speech //

Actual problems of the Russian language and culture of speech: monograph; ed. Dr. Philol.

Sciences L.N. Mikheeva; Ivan. state chemical technol. un-t. Ivanovo, 2014. - P.199-208

  1. Savova M.R. Methodology for teaching the culture of rhetorical argumentation. - elementary School plus before and after. - 2014, No. 3. - S. 33-39. (Journal VAK)
  2. Savova M.R. Self-presentation in educational process: functions and varieties / Innovative teaching of the Russian language in conditions of multilingualism: collection of articles: in 2 volumes / otv. ed. N.M. Rumyantsev. - M.: RUDN University, 2014. - V.1, S.270-272.
  3. Savova M.R. The rhetorical aspect of communication and trust // Psychology of communication and trust: theory and practice: Proceedings of the International Conference URAO, PI RAO, Moscow State University. - November 6-7, 2014. / Ed. T.P. Skripkina. - M., University of the Russian Academy of Education, 2014. - S. 67-69.
  4. Savova M.R. Self-presentation in the educational process: functions and varieties. - Innovative teaching of the Russian language in conditions of multilingualism: collection of articles: in 2 volumes / otv. ed. N.M. Rumyantseva. - M.: RUDN University, 2014. - V.1, S.270-272.
  5. Savova M.R. Culturological aspect of improving the culture of speech. - Russian language: system and functioning (to the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Philology of BSU): Sat. Materials VI Intern. scientific Conf., Minsk, 28-29 Oct. 2014: at 2 h. Part 2 / editorial board. : I.S. Rovdo (responsible editor). - Minsk: Ed. center of BSU, 2014. - 311 p. - S. 129-134.
  6. Savova M.R. Portrait of a representative of the elite speech culture. - Language, communication, speech culture: materials of the international scientific conference dedicated to the anniversary of the head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Communication of YarSU named after. P.G. Demidova Antonova Lyubov Gennadievna (December 17-19, 2015). - Yaroslavl, 2015. - S. 158-162.
  7. Savova M.R. Approaches to solving the problems of developing funds of evaluation tools in the process of forming students' communicative and speech competencies. – XX International Scientific Conference "Rhetoric and Speech Disciplines in the Conditions of Education Reform" February 4-6, 2016
  8. Savova M.R. Training future diplomats to create a professionally meaningful informal dialogue. - Dialogue of cultures. Culture of Dialogue: In Search of Advanced Socio-Humanitarian Practices. Proceedings of the First International Conference (Moscow, April 14-16, 2016) / Ed. ed. E.G. Tareva, L.G. Vikulova. – M.: MGPU; Languages ​​of the Peoples of the World, 2016. - S. 486-489.
  9. Savova M.R. Rhetoric - tech, science or art? (the experience of reflection on the works of A.F. Losev). - Rhetoric and culture of speech in the modern scientific and pedagogical process and social and communicative practice: collection of materials of the XXI International Scientific Conference on Rhetoric, February 1-3, 2017 - Responsible. Ed. IN AND. Annushkin. - M., 2017. - S. 385-391.


Achievements and promotions

Diploma of the Laureate of the competition for the best scientific work humanitarian cycle for a textbook for students of higher educational institutions"General Rhetoric" (co-authored, 2012).
Diploma of the Laureate of the competition for the best scientific work of the humanitarian cycle for the textbook for students of higher educational institutions "Russian language and culture of speech" (co-authored, 2005).
Diploma of the Laureate of the competition for the best scientific work of the humanities cycle for the textbook for students of higher educational institutions "Rhetoric" (co-authored, 2006).
Diploma of the Laureate of the competition for the best scientific work of the humanitarian cycle for teaching aids for secondary school"Rhetoric. Grade 10”, “Rhetoric. Grade 11 "(co-authored, 2005).
Diploma of the Laureate of the II degree of the competition for the best scientific work of the humanitarian cycle for teaching aids for grades 6-9 "School rhetoric" (co-authored, 2000).
Diploma of the Laureate of the 1st degree of the competition for the best scientific work of the humanitarian cycle for the textbook for the 5th grade "School rhetoric" (co-authored, 1997).
developed and implemented in 55 regions a course on the basics of political rhetoric for socio-political youth organizations, developed a training module on political rhetoric for one of the leading political parties in the Russian Federation, I am an expert in political rhetoric. I developed a system for improving speech technique for various categories of trainees, I am an expert in this field.

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