Designing a modern lesson in accordance with the GEF presentation. Designing a modern lesson in the implementation of the implementation of GEF

What are the lesson requirements today?

The purpose and content of education, the requirements for the results are changed, new technical means and teaching technologies appear, and the lesson, remaining the main didactic unit educational processmust ensure the development of a graduate qualities that meet the requirements modern society. Offered guidelines are aimed at providing methodical assistance in designing modern lessoncorresponding to the requirements of GEF NOO, for young teachers.



Speech at the seminar

for young teachers

deputy Director for OIA

E.Yu. Knitnikovoy

Designing a modern lesson

In accordance with the requirements of GEF NOO

The Fedary State Educational Standard establishes new requirements for the results of the development of the primary educational program. The editorial office of the state educational standard 2004, it was about the formation of general educational skills, skills and methods of action, primarily educational and educational and information. GEF NOO puts out the requirements for the formation of schoolchildren metaPered results - Universal educational actions (personal, cognitive, regulatory and communicative), which should be the base for mastering key competencies, "components of the basis of the ability to learn."

The requirements of the new standard are not something completely new for teachers practitioners. And yet, many teachers have caused anxiety and uncertainty in their abilities.

How to design a lesson that would form not only substantive, but also meta-delicent results?

Which of the tasks offered in the textbook is advisable to take place for the lesson?

What methods and techniques of work will be effective?

What are the forms of organization of students' activity worth applying?

And finally, is it necessary to completely abandon the forms taken in the traditional methodology of teaching forms with students?

This is not all the questions that the teacher realizes GEF NOO asks today.

The technological process of preparing a modern lesson is still based on the lesson stages known to each teacher:

  • determination of goal and objectives;
  • selection of the content of educational material;
  • selection of methods and learning techniques;
  • identification of forms of organization of students' activity;
  • selection of material for homework students;
  • determination of control methods;
  • thinking out the place, time in the lesson to assess the activities of students;
  • selection of issues for summing up lesson.

However, now the teacher at each stage should critically refer to the selection of forms, methods of work, content, ways to organize students' activity, since main feature It is to change the nature of the teacher and students in the lesson.

Thus, changes in the design of the lesson are that the teacher must clearly plancontent of pedagogical interaction. Spare your work and student's activities. Moreover, the activities of the student are presented in three aspects:

  • cognitive;
  • communicative;
  • regulatory.

Technological card lesson corresponding to the requirements of GEF

The main stages of the organization learning activities

Purpose of stage


Activities teaching




1. Stage task

Creature problem situation. Fixation of a new learning task

Organizes immersion in the problem, creates a breakthrough situation.

Trying to solve the problem in a known way. Fix the problem.

Listen to the teacher. Build clear to the interlocutor

Take and save training goal And the task.

2. Joint research problem.

Search for a decision of the learning task.

Organizes an oral collective analysis of the learning task. Fixes the extensions of the science of hypo-thesis, organ-naming their discussion

Analyze, prove, argue their point of view

Consciously build speech statements, reflexion of their actions

Explore the conditions of the educational task, discuss subject ways to solve

3. Modeling

Fixation in the model of essential relations of the object being studied.

Organizes educational interaction

study-Nikov (Group Phase) and the following discussion of drawn up models.

Fix in graphic models and literally dedicated links and relationships.

Perceive the responses of students

Self-controlling is carried out and retain a training goal and a task.

4. Designing a new method of action.

Construction of the oriented basics of a new action method.

Organizes a learning study to highlight the concept.

Conduct a collective study, design a new method of action or form concepts.

Participate in the discussion of the content of the material

Take and retain a training goal and a task. Exercise self-control

5. Transition to the stage of solving private tasks.

Primary control for correctly

stew performing a method of action.

Diagnostic work (at the entrance), evaluates the execution of each operation.

Exercise to perform individual operations.

Learn to formulate personal opinion and position

Exercise self-control

6. Application common way Actions to solve private tasks.

Correction of method of working out.

Organizes correctional work, practical work, independent correctional work.

Apply a new method. Working out of operations in which errors are made.

Build reasoning, understandable for the interlocutor. Know how to use speech to regulate their action

Self-test. Work out the way as a whole. Perform step-by-step control by the result

7. Control at the stage of graduation.


Diagnostic work (at the output):

Organization of differential correctional work,

Control-no-evaluating activity.

Perform work, analyzed, control and evaluate the result.

Reflection of their actions

Perform step-by-step control by the result

What is the algorithm for the design of the lesson in terms of the requirements of the new GEF?


  • clearly define and formulate for yourself the topic of the lesson;
  • determine the place of the topic in the training course;
  • determine the leading concepts that relieve this lessonIn other words, look at the lesson retrospective;
  • and, on the contrary, to designate for yourself the part of the educational material that will be used in the future, in other words, look at the lesson through the prism of the prospects for its activities.


Determine and clearly formulate for yourself and separately for students target installation lesson - why is it generally needed?

How is the purpose of the lesson in the logic of the system-activity approach to education?

In accordance with GEFthe purpose of the lesson It is to achieve personal (adoption of new values, moral norms), meta-demental (mastering methods of activity, self-organization skills), subject (acquisition of knowledge and skills on this subject) of education results.

Tasks lesson - Steps towards goal: what you need to do to achieve the result.

Landmark words to determine the objectives of the lesson.

Traditional ("Valnesium") approach

Competence approach

Understand requirements

Teach formulate goals

Know (form knowledge about ...)

To create a need for knowledge (see problems)

Teach work with various sources of knowledge

Teach choose sources of knowledge


Teach to systematize


Teach to identify the general and special

Teach to perform certain actions (formed skills) when solving a problem

Teach to choose the way to solve the problem


Form evaluation criteria, independent evaluation ability


Modify, regroup, teach


Teach selfontrols

Analyze (errors, students' achievements)

Form the ability to self-esteem


1. Planning educational material

2. Pick educational taskswhose purpose is:

  • recognition of a new material;
  • reproduction;
  • the use of knowledge in the new situation;
  • application of knowledge in an unfamiliar situation;
  • creative approach to knowledge.

3. Sort the learning tasks in accordance with the principle of "from simple to complex".

4. Put three sets of tasks:

  • tasks summary of the student to reproduce the material;
  • tasks contributing to the comprehension of the material by the student;
  • jobs contributing to the consolidation of the material by the student.


Find out over what specifically skills in currently It is necessary to work students. Here it is necessary to clearly represent what universal educational actions Form at every stage of the lesson. With the right organization of students' activity in the lesson, it is formed: at the stage of the announcement of the lesson themes - educational, general educational, communicative training activities, at the stage of communication of the goals and objectives - regulatory, goal-setting, communicative, etc.

This table allows the teacher already when planning to see, at what stage of the lesson is formed which meta-remote results.

Table of formation of universal training actions

at each stage of the lesson.


to the lesson


modern type


educational actions

Announcement of the subject of lesson

Formulate students themselves (the teacher brings students to the awareness of the topic)

Cognitive common educational, communicative

Message goals and tasks

Formulate students themselves, determining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance

(the teacher brings students to the awareness of the goals and objectives)

Regulatory goals, communicative


Planning students of ways to achieve a targeted goal

(Teacher helps, advises)

Regulatory planning

Practical activities Students

Students carry out academic actions on the planned plan (group, individual methods are applied)

(Teacher consults)

Control exercise

Students monitor control (forms of self-control, interconnection)

(Teacher consults)

Regulatory control (self-control), communicative

Implementation of correction

Students formulate difficulties and implement a correction independently (the teacher advises, advises, helps)

Communicative, regulatory corrections

Student estimation

Students provide an assessment of activities on its results (self-examination, assessment of the results of comrades) (the teacher advises)

Regulatory estimates (self-standard), communicative

Total lesson

Reflection is carried out

Regulatory self-regulation, communicative


Students can choose a task of the proposed teacher, taking into account individual capabilities.

Cognitive, regulatory, communicative


Think up a "highlight" lesson. Each lesson should contain something that will cause surprise, amazement, delight of students - in one word, what they will remember when everyone is forgining.


Develop a lesson structure. For example, the structure of the lesson introduction of a new material has the following steps:

  • motivational target;
  • procedural;
  • reflective-valued.


Determine the method of assessing the results of the lesson and reflection by students of the course of the lesson and the results of their own activities.

Planning control over the activities of students in the lesson, for which you think:

  • what to control;
  • how to control;
  • how to use control results

The task of disciples on the reflection of their activities should help them find answers to a number of questions: "What did we do today? What is it necessary for? What is the main result? What is the increment of knowledge on this topic? Due to what happened? What questions arose on the topic? etc."


Develop a homework, focused on the creation of students in educational products, objectifying their personal increments as the result of the lesson. At the same time, the home tasks are subject to the same requirements as the estimated tasks during the lesson: it must be comprehensive, to provide the opportunity to enter into their choice different levels Perform tasks and representation of results.


Prepare equipment for the lesson. Draw up a list of necessary educational and visual aids, devices, etc. Think over the view coolboardso that new Material Stayed on the board in the form of a reference abstract.

Designing any lesson aimed at forming students of universal training actions, it is necessary to maximize the possibilities of the main learning tool - the textbook. The textbook at school was and still remains the main source of knowledge. Almost all textbooks for elementary school Passed expertise for compliance with the requirements of GEF NOO. This means that in the content, and in the structure, and in the task system, ideas are laid that allow to achieve the results required by the standard. Therefore, at the stage of the planning of the lesson, it is necessary to carefully examine what types and types of tasks are offered by the authors of the textbook,to understand how they are directed to the formation of wood.

The system-active approach underlying the standard involves holding the lessons of a new type. Teachers still have to master the technology of such lessons. Today, the teacher, using the possibilities of a traditional lesson, can also successfully form personality and metap looms among students. To do this, it is necessary to revise the lesson from the position of the effectiveness of the use of methods, learning techniques and how to organize students' training activities in the lesson. It is necessary to find them applying along with new pedagogical technologies in the new educational environment.


1. Formation of universal training actions in the main school: from action to thoughts. Task system / ed. A.G. Asmolov. - M.: Education, 2011. Series "We work on new standards."

2. System-actuator approach in the development of new generation / asmolov standards A. G. - Pedagogy M.: 2009 - №4. - C18-22.

3. Competence approach and problems of its implementation. / Strokova TA. - M.: School technologies, 2009. - № 6. - C9-16.

4. Determination of the lesson's goals from the position of the competence approach. / Lebedev O.E.- M.: School technologies, 2011. - № 6. - C10-17.

5. Designing a modern lesson in accordance with the requirements of GEF: toolkit / Avt.Sost: S.V. Fattahova. - Kazan: Iro RT, 2015. - 89 p.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

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Modern technologies for attracting lessons of the Methamatics in accordance with the conversations of Goskina Victoria Viktorovna Mathematics Mathematics Mobu Sosh with. Big Kuganak

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* The lesson is the main form of the organization of the educational process of the top of the modern lesson - to become a step in the development of the personality, the formation of its individuality, creative possibilities and moral positions.

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* Activity approach How to build and spend a lesson to make a student to become a subject of training activities? How to organize the learning process so that the student as a result of its activities reached the desired goals and results?

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The ratio of structural elements of curriculum of the Standards of Zun and classes taking into account the requirements of GEF. * Standards Zun Standards GEF Main types of lessons - Lesson Studying a new - lesson Consolidation of knowledge - a lesson of integrated knowledge - a lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge - the lesson of control, correction and assessment of knowledge - the lessons of the "opening" of the new knowledge - lessons to work skills and reflection - lessons Common-level orientation - educational control lessons

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* Standards ZUN Standards GEF Stages of the lesson - the organization of the start of classes - Read the homework - Preparations for the main stage of the class (provision of motivation and adoption by students of educational and cognitive activity, actualization supporting knowledge and skills) - the assimilation of new knowledge and ways of actions - a relevant test of understanding - consolidation of knowledge and ways of action - a generalization and systematization of knowledge - control and self-testing of knowledge - Summing up of classes - information about the homework - Motivation (self-determination) to training activities - updating and Fixing individual difficulties in a trial action - the identification of the place and the cause of the difficulties - building a project of exit from the difficulty - the implementation of the built project - primary consolidation with pronouncing external speech - Independent work with self-test on the standard, mutual test - inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition - the reflection of educational activities - homework

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The ratio of structural elements of curriculum of the Standards of Zun and classes taking into account the requirements of GEF. * Lesson Objectives FGE Standards: Didactic - Educational - Educational-Educational - Content - Educational - Educational - Wood Formation (Personal, Regulatory, Communicative, Cognitive)

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* Standards Zun Standards GEM Forms of the lesson - a lesson - a lesson - a seminar - a generalizing lesson - a lesson - excursion - research - Lesson - Interviews - Laboratory, Practical Work - Lesson - Conference - Lesson - round table - Trial lesson - Combined lesson - Examination - Offset - Colloquium - Lesson - Quiz - Lesson - Travel - Lesson - Lesson - Seminar - Summarizing Lesson - Lesson - Excursion - Research work - Lesson - Interviews - Lesson-Project - Lesson Conference - Lesson - Round Table - Ceiling Lesson-Combined Lesson - Control Lesson - Offset - Colloquium - Lesson - Quiz - Lesson - Travel

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The ratio of structural elements of curriculum of the Standards of Zun and classes taking into account the requirements of GEF. * Zun standards

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Universal learning activities: Personal universal training activities include vital, personal, professional self-determination. Regulatory actions include actions that provide an organization of training activities: planning - determining the sequence of intermediate purposes, taking into account the final result. Goaling - as a formulation of a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown. Drawing up a plan and sequence of actions. Forecasting is anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation, its time characteristics. Control - in the form of mergeing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard. Correction is the introduction of necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a matter of stall with a real action and its product. *

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Universal learning activities: Evaluation - the allocation and awareness of students that has already been learned and what is still subject to assimilation, awareness of the quality and the level of assimilation. Finally, elements volve self-regulation As the ability to mobilize for forces and energy, volitional effort - to the selection in the situation of the motivational conflict, to overcoming obstacles. In cognitive universal Actions allocate common actions, including iconic symbolic; Logic and actions of setting and solving problems. Communicative universal actions provide social competence and accounting of the position of other people, communication partner or activity, the ability to listen and join the dialogue, participate in collective discussion Problems integrate into a group of peers and productively interact and cooperate with peers and adults. *

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* Stages lesson Traditional lesson Modern Type Lesson Universal Educational Action Ad Topics Teacher Teacher reports students formulate students themselves (the teacher brings students to the awareness of the topic) Cognitive, general educational, Communicative Messages and Tasks The teacher formulates and reports students, which should learn how to form students themselves, determining the borders of knowledge and ignorance (the teacher brings students to the awareness of goals and objectives) regulatory, goaling, communicative

15 Slide

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* Stages of lesson Traditional lesson Lesson of modern type Universal training actions Planning Teacher informs students what work they should fulfill, in order to achieve the goal of planning students of ways to achieve the intended goal (the teacher helps, advises) Regulatory, planning Practical activities under the guidance of a teacher students perform a number of practical Tasks (more often used frontal method of organization activities) students exercise training actions on the planned plan (group, individual methods), the teacher consults cognitive, regulatory, communicative

16 Slide

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* Stages of the lesson Traditional lesson Lesson of a modern type Universal learning actions Implementation The teacher monitors the execution of practical work students, studies carry out control (forms of self-control, interconnection), the teacher consults regulatory, control (self-control), the communicative implementation of the teacher's correction during implementation and The results of the work performed by students performs the correction of students formulate difficulties and implement a correction independently, the teacher advises, advises, helps communicative, regulatory, corrections

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* Stages of the lesson Traditional lesson Lesson of a modern type Universal training Action Evaluation of students The teacher assessing the work of students in the lesson. Students provide an assessment of its results (self-esteem, assessment of the results of comrades), the teacher advises regulatory, assessment (self-standard), the teacher's communicative lesson Pupils that they remember the reflection regulatory, self-regulation, communicative homework teacher announces and comments (more often - the task one for all) students can choose the task of the knowledgeable, regulatory, communicative, communicative

18 Slide

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Technological Card Lesson Technological Map of the lesson is a generalized-graphic expression of the lesson script, the basis of its design, the means of representing individual methods of work. The project of the lesson is a teacher under the teacher of a lesson with possible adjustment (laid in initially variability of the lesson). Its use will allow to build a lesson taking into account the requirements of the GEF and save the efforts of the teacher for the design of each of the stages of the lesson structure. *

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Technological card of the lesson includes: the main stages of the organization of educational activities The purpose of the stage of the teacher's activities Activities of students Formable Wood *

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Lesson Design Algorithm: Second. Determine and clearly formulate for yourself and separately for students target installation lesson - why is it generally needed? Lesson Purpose Personal Result MetaPercial Result Submitting Task Objective *

22 Slide

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Third. 1. Planning the training material 2. Pick up learning tasks, the purpose of which is: recognition of a new material; reproduction; the use of knowledge in the new situation; Application of knowledge in an unfamiliar situation; Creative approach to knowledge. 3. Sort the learning tasks in accordance with the principle of "from simple to complex". 4. Put three sets of tasks: tasks applying a student to reproduction of material; tasks contributing to the comprehension of the material by the student; Jobs contributing to the consolidation of the material by the student. *

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Lesson Design Algorithm: Fourth. To find out over what specifically the skills are currently necessary to work to students. *

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Lesson Design Algorithm: Fifth. Think up a "highlight" lesson. Each lesson should contain something that will cause surprise, amazement, delight of students - in one word, what they will remember when everyone is forgining. Sixth. Develop a lesson structure. *

25 Slide

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Lesson Design Algorithm: Seventh. Determine the method of assessing the results of the lesson and reflection by students of the course of the lesson and the results of their own activities. Eighth. Develop a homework, oriented to the creation of educational products. Ninth. Prepare equipment for the lesson. *

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New teaching technologies Personal-oriented learning Technology Differentiated training Technology design activities Development of critical thinking Gaming technologies ICT Health-saving technologies *

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The use of ICT tools in the lesson allows you to: enhance motivation, increase interest and expand the cognitive needs of students; provide individualization of learning, create prerequisites for transition to personality oriented learning; Increase learning interactivity, develop a dialogic character. educational process; Strengthen clarity in training, increase the level of visualization of the material being studied; expand the range of learning tasks used in training; include in cognitive activity arsenal of new methods based on the use of ICT; Create opportunities for the use of new sources educational information (information and reference systems, electronic encyclopedias, file archives, Internet resources, etc.); Enhance the efficiency of learning outcomes, create databases training achievements trainees; Immerse yourself in a virtual environment with the possibility of simulating educational and professional situations that initiate the manifestation of readiness to solve emerging problems. *

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Recommendations for the modern lesson: the use of a teacher of various forms and methods for organizing students' work, allowing to reveal the content of their subject matter regarding the proposed topic; Creating an atmosphere of the interest of each student in the work of the class; Stimulation of students to use a variety of ways to perform tasks in the lesson without fear of mistake, get the wrong answer; Encouraging a student's desire to offer their way of work (problem solving), analyze different methods offered during the lesson offered by children, select and analyze the most rational, celebrate and maintain the original; The use of tasks allowing the student to choose the type, view and form of material (verbal, graphical, conditionally symbolic); the creation of pedagogical situations of communication, allowing each student, regardless of his readiness for the lesson, to take the initiative, independence, selectivity to methods of work; *

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Recommendations for the modern lesson: a discussion with children at the end of the lesson is not only the fact that "we learned" (more than those who have mastered), but also what I liked (did not like) and why; What would like to do again, and what to do differently; When a survey in the lesson (when setting marks), analyze not only the correctness (incorrect) of the answer, but also its independence, originality, the desire of the student to seek and find a variety of ways to perform tasks; When specifying a house, it is necessary to call not only the content and volume of tasks, but also give detailed recommendations on a rational organization academic workproviding homework. *

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List of recommended literature Asmolov A. G. System-active approach in the development of new generation / pedagogy standards M.: 2009 - №4. - C18-22. Asmolov A. G. Formation of universal training actions in the main school: from action - to thoughts. Task system / ed. A.G. Asmolov. M.: Education, 2011. Series "We work on new standards." Volkov B.S. Psychology of the lesson, its preparation, conduct and analysis. Tutorial. - M., Center for Pedagogical Education, 2011. Lebedev O.E. Determination of the lesson's goals from the position of the competence approach. - M.: School technologies, 2011. - № 6. - C10-17. Potashnik MM Requirements for the modern lesson. Methodological manual. - M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2011. Khutorskaya A.V. How to develop a creative lesson. [Electronic resource]. Version 1.0. - M.: Center remote education Eidos, 2003. - Requirements: Pentium - 100 MHz, RAM 16 MB, Windows 95/98 / NT / 2000 / ME / XP, Internexplorer 5.0, MS Word 2000. - Access Mode: http: // www.; E-mail: [Email Protected] Technology training lesson in modern information environment: Manual for teachers general educational institutions. / E.V. Chernobai. - M.: "Enlightenment" 2012. - 56 p. - (We work on new standards). *

Designing a modern lesson

in accordance with the requirements of GEF NOO

"Teacher's skill is a specialty to learn"

A.S. Makarenko

New social requests reflected in GEFs determine the objectives of education as the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such key competence of education, how to "teach learning" in order to

    be demanded in a highly competitive and high-tech world;

    be able to join the rapidly developing society.

Features of the modern lesson, what are they?

    Modern lesson is personal-oriented lesson.

The fundamental difference of new standards is that the purpose is not subject to, but personal result. First of all, the identity of the child himself and the change occurring with it in the process of learning changes, and not the amount of knowledge accumulated during school training.

2) a modern lesson is activity lesson. The methodological basis of the new generation standards is a systemic and activity approach, the purpose of which is to develop the identity of the study based on the development of universal ways of activity. At the heart of the activity approach - East Wisdom: "I hear - I forget, I see - I remember, I do - I absorb." The standard registed the activities that the youngest schoolboy must be seized. It is the activity, and not just a totality of certain knowledge is determined by the standard as the main value of learning.

3) a modern lesson is competence lesson, That is, the focus will not be the knowledge of the student, but its ability to apply these knowledge in practice (its competence).

When designing a modern lesson, it is important to remember the methodological principles of its organization.

Methodical principles of the organization of the lesson

    The principle of goal.

    The principle of motivation.

    Design principle.

    The principle of the inclusion of the teacher in jointly distributed learning activities.

    Principle of transfer of the functions of the learning.

There are 5 conditions for the implementation of an activity approach:

1. Availability in children of a cognitive motive and a specific educational goal. The learning process begins not with the presentation of a student of the sample, ready-made information, and the creation of such a situation that would cause children a need to learn this information to learn how to use them. At each lesson, such a motive is implemented in the educational goal - an understanding of what exactly needs to be found out, mastering.

2. Performance for the acquisition of missing knowledge. The essence of the 2nd condition of the implementation of the activity approach well reveals G.A. Zuckerman: "Even if there is no possibility of taleting children to open a new one, there is always the opportunity to create a search situation." The named condition is closely connected with the first, it continues it. There was a need for new information - steps are made to acquire it.

3. The identification and development of the learning method of action that allows you to consciously apply acquired knowledge. The process of learning knowledge is always the execution of educational specific cognitive actions. With an active approach to learning, the main efforts of the teacher should be aimed at helping children not in memorizing individual information, the rules, but in the development of a common way for many cases of action. The correct way of action will lead to a right outcome.

4. Formation of schoolchildren to control and evaluate their actions both after their completion and in the course.

5. Inclusion of the content of learning in the context of solving significant life tasks.

Priority goal school Education The development of the student's ability to put educational goals, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate their achievements. The student acts on the principle of "I study", and not according to the principle "I am taught".

To increase the efficiency of ways to activate the teachings of schoolchildren, ensuring their business and speech interaction there was a need to rethink model schema Educational classes.

The lessons of the target activity can be distributed into 4 groups.

Types of lessons

    lesson opening a new knowledge;

    reflection lesson;

    lesson for building knowledge system;

    development lesson.

Objectives of the lessons of dedicated types:

    Lesson "Opening" of new knowledge.

Actors Purpose: Formation of the ability to implement new methods of action.

    Reflection lesson.

Actors Purpose: Formation of students' abilities to identify the causes of difficulties and correction own actions.

    Lesson to systematize knowledge (general methodological orientation).

Actors Objective: Formation of students to structuring and systematizing the subject matter of subject matter and abilities to learning activities.

    Development lesson.

Actors Purpose: Formation of learning abilities to implement the control function.

Stages lesson

    Motivation (self-determination) to educational activities.

    Actualization of knowledge and fixation of individual difficulties in the trial action.

    Detection of the place and the cause of difficulties.

    Building a project to exit difficulty.

    Implementation of a built project.

    Primary consolidation with progress in external speech.

    Independent work With self-test on the standard.

    Inclusion in the knowledge and repetition system.

    Reflection of educational activities.

Teacher today free in the choice of the structure of the lesson, if only she contributed to the high performance of training, education, development and did not interfere creative work Teacher. The structure of the lesson changes and as a result of use in the lessons of new training technologies:

    personal-oriented learning technology

    differentiated learning

    technology of project activities

    development of critical thinking

    gaming technologies

    normographic Communication Technology

    heating technology.

About the modern lesson they say this: this is a lesson on which there is less teacher as possible and as many students as possible.

With the transition to GEF, the activities of the teacher changed: a teacher reorientation from an informator in a consultant, researcher, coordinator, an expert leading.

Instead of Abstract, the teacher prepares a scenario plan, which gives him great freedom and determines the consistent activities of students, pays attention to the formation of not only subject, but also personal, meta-delimited results. Changed the wording of tasks for students: Analyze, prove, create a scheme, explore, evaluate. Increasingly, when planning a lesson, group and paired forms of organization of students are dominated over frontal. Teachers give lessons in a pair together with psychologists and speech therapists, teachers of other disciplines. The number of interopences of lessons has grown to further analyze them. Creating a student portfolio is the optimal way to organize a cumulative assessment.

Changes touched on the activities of students who are actively included in the educational process . Student's position: activity, existence for self-improvement, the presence of interest in activities. An independent work in the lesson is given more time than before, and its character has become a research, creative, productive. Students perform tasks and learn to formulate training tasks, knowing the goal of their activities. The teacher at the same time forms self-control and self-assessment at the student skills. The range of educational materials is significantly expanded.

As the result of diagnostic works shows, schoolchildren are not afraid to perform non-standard tasks, they can apply their knowledge when solving practical oriented tasks. The possibility of selecting tasks, ways to solve, the ability to freely express their thoughts, prove its point of view reduced the level of anxiety in children when they are fulfilled, increased motivation to learning. The deadlines for the adaptation of first-graders are reduced to 1 month.

The child wants to learn ....

When it turns out

When nothing threatens

When interesting

We will strive for this and remember that every child comes into this world is not to be taught, but in order to be happy.

An exceptional importance is also the mood of the teacher for the quality lesson. From how the teacher will configure this lesson, as he will be able to "enter the form", how clearly thinks its pedagogical behavior, the effectiveness of the designed lesson depends.

The system-activity approach in education is not a totality of educational technologies, methods, techniques. This is a kind of philosophy of the education of a new school, which gives the teacher the opportunity to create, search, become in the Commonwealth with students, master of their business, to work for high results, form a Wood - thus prepare students to continue education and to life in constantly changing conditions.

Learn children today is difficult

"Gives cow milk."

Century xxi - century century

Age of innovation, novelty,

But the teacher depends

What children should be.

We wish you that children in your class

Shone from smiles and love,

Health to you and creative success

In the age of innovation, novelty


1. Federal State Educational Standard of the initial general Education. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010.

2. Mironov A.V. How to build a lesson in accordance with GEF - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.

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4. Matveeva E.I., Patrikeva I.E. An activity approach to elementary school: lesson literary reading (from experience) // Series "New educational standards" - M.: Vita-Press, 2011.

5. Peterson L.G., Kubysheva M.A., Kudryashova T.G. The requirement for drawing up a lesson plan for the didactic system of the activity method. - Moscow, 2006

4. Magazine "Primary School plus before and after" - №9, 2012:

I.Kokotkin "Technology of building a lesson on an activity basis as a means of developing a Wood".

5. Designing activity lessons in the educational process of primary school. Collection of materials. (Sost. O. V. Petrova, T. P. Savushkina; Ed. M. I. Solodkovka; GOU DPO Chippkro. -Chelinsk: Publishing House of Iyurz "Education", 2011.

Internet sources:


Slide 1.

Clade 2.

Main issues: the difference between the modern lesson from the traditional 2. The structure of the lesson in GEF 3. Typology of the modern lesson

Slide 3.

Lesson Requirements Traditional lesson Lesson Lesson Type Announcement Temple Temple Teacher Reports students Formulate students themselves Message and tasks The teacher formulates and reports students, which should learn how to plan students themselves, identifying the borders of knowledge and ignorance. Planning the teacher reports students In order to achieve the goal of planning students of the methods of achieving the target practical activity under the guidance of the teacher, students perform a number of practical tasks (the frontal method of organizing activities is used) students exercise academic action on the planned plan (group, individual methods are applied) The teacher monitors controls the execution of students Practical work Students carry out control (applied forms of self-monitoring, interconnection) Implementation of the Correction of the teacher in the course of execution and according to the results of the work performed by students performs correction Students formulate difficulties and carry out the correction on their own estimation of students. The teacher evaluates students to work at the lesson. Students provide an assessment of its results (self-holding, assessment of the results of comrades) The result of the lesson The teacher finds out students that they remember the reflection of homework teacher declares and comments (more often - task one for all) students can choose a task from the teacher proposed, taking into account individual capabilities

Slide 4.

Criteria Traditional lesson Lesson in the conditions of introduction of the FGOS Purpose: Formation Zun Development of Personality Lead type Reproductive, Reproductive research, productive, creative method Material Material Activities Mind activities, Reflection Monitoring Control and self-control of a new material Self-confinement Determine the student and the teacher in coordination

Slide 5.

How a lesson changes: - The lesson becomes personal-developing; - The lesson becomes competence-oriented; - The lesson becomes meta-delimited; - Along with an object-oriented lesson, integrated forms are born (lessons of occupation), the line is erased between training and upbringing.

Slide 6.

The structure of the lesson according to the GEF: 1. Motivation (self-determination) to training activities (the organizational stage is 1-2 minutes). 2. Actualization of knowledge and fixation of individual difficulties in a trial learning action is 4-5 minutes. 3. Detection of the place and the cause of difficulties, setting the goal of 4-5 minutes. 4. Building an exit project from difficulty (opening a new knowledge) 7-8 minutes. 5. Implementation of the built project is 4-5 minutes. 6. Primary fixation of 4-5 minutes. 7. Independent work with self-test on the standard (sample) 4-5 minutes. 8. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition of 7-8 minutes. 9. Reflection of training activities (lesson) - 2-3 minutes.

Slide 7.

Typology of lessons in the GEF: Type of lesson Types of lessons Lesson's lesson learning a new traditional (combined), lecture, excursion, research work, educational and employment work. Lesson for consolidating knowledge workshop, excursion, laboratory work, interview, consultation. The lesson of the integrated use of knowledge of workshop, laboratory work, seminar, etc. Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge Seminar, Conference, Round table, etc. Lesson of control, assessment and correction of knowledge testing, testing, colloquium, review of knowledge, etc.

Slide 8.

The main difficulties in the preparation of the lesson in the conditions of the GEF: the sustainable method of conducting a lesson in the previous years. The need to enable the student to look for information and explore it. The need to create learning situations as special structural units of educational activities, as well as be able to translate educational tasks into an academic situation. The traditional approach to the analysis of the lesson and the desire to adhere to old approaches to the assessment of the teacher's activities. Replacing the well-known abstract plans by lesson technological cards. Evaluation activities.

Slide 9.

The implementation of the standard should change the presentation of the teacher about the lesson: the student is not an object, but a subject of educational activities; The lesson uses a variety of knowledge sources; The structure of the lesson changes; individual and collective activities prevail; Suggested the priority of the student's activities; New evaluation criteria are applied.

As part of the modernization of the system russian education The objectives and content of education have changed, new funds and teaching technologies have emerged, but a lesson remained the main form of student learning. What is the novelty of the modern lesson in the conditions of introducing GEF LLC? In accordance with the new standards, we, teachers, it is necessary to strengthen the motivation of the child to know the surrounding world, show him that the lesson is not to get distracted from the life of knowledge, but on the contrary - search useful information and the skills of its use in real life. Principal honors modern approach Education is the orientation of standards for the results of the development of the main educational programs. Under the results are not only objective knowledge, but also the ability to apply these knowledge in practical activities.

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"Designing a modern lesson in accordance with the requirements of GEF LLC"

"If we teach children today as yesterday,

we steal them tomorrow. "

John Dewey

Design of a modern lesson in accordance with the requirements of GEF LLC

Earthunukhina D.V., Deputy Director for OIA MBOU "Anninskaya Sosh with WEOP"

As part of the modernization of the Russian education system, the goals and content of education were changed, new funds and teaching technologies have emerged, but a lesson remained the main form of learning students. What is the novelty of the modern lesson in the conditions of introducing GEF LLC? In accordance with the new standards, we, teachers, it is necessary to strengthen the motivation of the child to know the surrounding world, show him that the lesson is not to get distracted by knowledge, but on the contrary - search for useful information and the skills of its use in real life. The fundamental difference of a modern approach in education is the orientation of standards for the development results of the main educational programs. Under the results are not only objective knowledge, but also the ability to apply these knowledge in practical activities. (Attachment 1).

The most important task of each teacher in the implementation of GEF LLC is to master the technology of designing training sessions, taking into account an activity approach. It is very important that the teacher supports the student's initiative in the right direction, and ensured the priority of its activities in relation to its own. (Appendix 2).

Modeling a modern lesson, you must follow the following rules:

    Specifically determine the topic, goals, type of lesson and its place in the reversal of the curriculum.

    Select the training material (determine its content, volume, establish a connection with the previously studied, pick up the exercise system, additional material For differentiated work).

    Choose the most efficient methods and teaching techniques in this class, a variety of activities of students and teachers at all stages of the lesson.

    Determine the forms of control over the academic activities of schoolchildren.

    Think over the optimal rate of lesson, that is, to calculate the time for each of its stages.

    Think out the form of summary output.

The modern lesson is based on the use of technical means using both traditional and innovative pedagogical technologies. Using modern technologies, working in modeling technology for students is formed the ability to independently produce new knowledge, collect necessary information, draw conclusions, conclusions, i.e. Develop the skills and skills of independence and self-development.

A new type of methodological product that provides high-quality teaching of training items in school and achieving planned results of the development of basic educational programs in accordance with GEF LLC is a technological map of the lesson. Its use allows you to organize an effective educational process, to ensure the implementation of subject, meta-credit and personal skills (universal academic actions) of students. The technological card of the lesson is the method of graphic design of the lesson, a table that allows you to strudule the lesson on the parameters selected by the teacher. Such parameters may be the stages of the lesson, its goals, the content of educational material, methods and techniques of the organization of educational activities, the activities of the teacher and the activities of students. Also, the technological card will help the school administration to implement the necessary methodological assistance to the teacher, control the execution of the program and the achievement of planned results. (Appendices 3, 4, 5, 6).

So what is a modern lesson for us? This is a lesson-knowledge, discovery, activity, contradiction, development, step to knowledge, self-knowledge, self-realization ... times when teachers have forced to adhere to tough and unequivocal requirements for the organization of the lesson we passed. The time of "ready-made" lessons is gradually moving away. Participants in the educational process at the lesson, are still a teacher and student. And no matter how talked about the equality of their positions, the teacher as it was and remains the main acting person At any lesson: it sets the tone of the lesson, creates a working atmosphere, instills interest and striving for knowledge. Therefore, a modern lesson should be designed by a teacher - a person who has children to learn with pleasure.

Attachment 1

The difference between the modern lesson from the traditional

Requirements for lesson

Traditional lesson

Modern type lesson

Announcement of the subject of lesson

Teacher reports students

Formulate students themselves (the teacher brings students to the awareness of the topic)

Message goals and tasks

The teacher formulates and informs students what should learn

Formulate students themselves, determining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance

(the teacher brings students to the awareness of the goals and objectives)


The teacher informs students what work they must fulfill to achieve the goal

Planning students of ways to achieve a targeted goal

(Teacher helps, advises)

Practical activity of students

Under the leadership of the teacher, students perform a number of practical tasks (the frontal method of organization of activity is more often applied

Students carry out academic actions on the planned plan (group, individual methods are applied)

(Teacher consults)

Control exercise

The teacher monitors the performance of practical work

Students monitor control (forms of self-control, interconnection)

(Teacher consults)

Implementation of correction

The teacher in the course of execution and according to the results of the work performed by students carries out correction

Students formulate difficulties and implement a correction independently

(the teacher advises, advises, helps)

Student estimation

The teacher evaluates students to work at the lesson

Students provide an assessment of its results (self-examination, assessment of the results of comrades)

(Teacher consults)

Total lesson

The teacher finds out students that they remembered

Reflection is carried out


The teacher announces and comments (more often - the task is one to all)

Students can choose a task of the proposed teacher, taking into account individual capabilities.

Appendix 2.

Characteristics of changes in the activities of the teacher working on GEF

Subject of change

Traditional teacher activities

Activities of the teacher working on GEF

Preparation for lesson

The teacher enjoys a rigidly structured lesson abstract

The teacher enjoys a scenario lesson plan providing him with freedom in choosing forms, methods and teaching techniques

When preparing for a lesson, the teacher uses a textbook and guidelines

When preparing for a lesson, the teacher uses a textbook and guidelines, Internet resources, colleagues materials. Exchanges abstracts with colleagues

The main stages of the lesson

Explanation and consolidation of educational material. A large number of time occupies teacher

Independent activity of students (more than half of the lesson time)

The main goal of the teacher at the lesson

Have time to fulfill everything planned

Organize children's activities:

By searching and processing information;

Summarizing the methods of action;

Formulation of the educational task, etc.

Formulation of tasks for students (definition of children's activities)

Formulations: Decide, spish, compare, find, write down, follow, etc.

Formulations: Analyze, prove (explain), compare, express the symbol, create a diagram or model, continue, summarize (Take output), select a solution or solution method, Explore, Evaluate, change, come up with etc.

Form lesson

Pretty frontal

Mainly group and / or individual

Non-standard management of lessons

The teacher leads a lesson in a parallel class, the lesson leads two teachers (jointly with computer science teachers, psychologists and speech therapists), the lesson is held with the support of the tutor or in the presence of parents of students

Interaction with parents of students

Happens in the form of lectures, parents are not included in the educational process

Parents' awareness. They have the opportunity to participate in the educational process. Communication of the teacher with parents of schoolchildren can be carried out using the Internet

Educational environment

Created by the teacher. Exhibitions of students

Created by studying (children make training material, conduct presentations). Zoning classes, Halls

Results of learning

Subject results

Not only subject results, but also personal, meta-delta

No portfolio studying

Creating a portfolio

Main estimate - teacher assessment

Landmark for self-esteem learning, formation of adequate self-esteem

Positive assessments of students on the basis of test work

Accounting for the dynamics of the results of teaching children regarding themselves. Evaluation of intermediate learning outcomes

Appendix 3.

Technological card lesson corresponding to the requirements of GEF

The main stages of the organization of educational activities

Purpose of stage

Teacher's activities

Activities teaching




1. Statement of educational tasks

Creating a problem situation. Fixation of a new learning task

Organizes immersion in the problem, creates a breakthrough situation.

Trying to solve the problem in a known way. Fix the problem.

Listen to the teacher. Build clear to the interlocutor

Take and retain a training goal and a task.

2. Joint research problem.

Search for a decision of the learning task.

Organizes an oral collective analysis of the learning task. Fixes hypotheses nominated students, organizes their discussion.

Analyze, prove, argue their point of view

Consciously build speech statements, reflexion of their actions

Explore the conditions of the educational task, discuss subject ways to solve

3. Modeling

Fixation in the model of essential relationships of the object being studied.

Organizes educational interaction of students (groups) and the next discussion of compiled models.

Fix in graphic models and literally dedicated links and relationships.

Perceive the responses of students

They carry out self-control. Take and retain a training goal and a task.

4. Designing a new method of action.

Construction of the oriented basics of a new action method.

Organizes a learning study to highlight the concept.

Conduct a collective study, design a new method of action or form concepts.

Participate in the discussion of the content of the material

Take and retain a training goal and a task. Exercise self-control

5. Transition to the stage of solving private tasks.

Primary control over the correct implementation of the action method.

Diagnostic work (at the entrance), evaluates the execution of each operation.

Exercise to perform individual operations.

Learn to formulate your own opinion and position

Exercise self-control

6. Application of a common action method for solving private tasks.

Correction of method of working out.

Organizes correctional work, practical work, independent correctional work.

Apply a new method. Working out of operations in which errors are made.

Build reasoning, understandable for the interlocutor. Know how to use speech to regulate their action

Self-test. Work out the way as a whole. Perform step-by-step control by the result

7. Control at the stage of graduation.


Diagnostic work (at the output):

Organization of differentiated correctional work,

Assessing activities.

Perform work, analyzed, control and evaluate the result.

Reflection of their actions

Perform step-by-step control by the result

Appendix 4.

GEF analysis map

The proposed Map of Analysis Analysis on GEF is intended for teachers carrying out self-analysis pedagogical activity, independent experts, as well as to conduct intra-school monitoring assessment of the quality of classes.

The didactic criteria listed in the table presented to your attention are unified and suitable for evaluating the effectiveness of lessons on subjects of various cycles.

The last column presents an explanation of the examination, which are examples for the study of the meaningful and organizational and methodological filling of the lesson.

The lesson analysis card contains the score criteria, guided by which it is possible to come to the quantitative indicators of the effectiveness of the lesson.

The evaluation criteria are developed taking into account the requirements for the results of the development of the basic educational program of the main general education prescribed in GEF: personal, metapredal (regulatory, cognitive, communicative) and subject.

The table indicates the conditions successful implementation GEF requirements:

    competent organizational and methodological support;

    features of work on the formation of universal training actions;

    organization of the current, intermediate and final types of control;

    possible forms of interpersonal communicative interaction in the system student-class teacher and cognitive activity of students;

    application of logistics.

Map of Analysis of the lesson in GEF


Possible points


Explanations on expertise

Organizational and methodical support


Conscious motivation ratio Children to cognitive activity in class and didactic pedagogue goals

Compliance of the content of the project of the technological card

Disclosure themes of the lesson, the correspondence of the goal as the end result of the class tasks, the logical correspondence of the lesson stages prescribed in technological map., Tablet filling

The level of interest of children

for lesson (motivation)

The ability to organize the differentiated work of each student in the class on the individual route - 100%

(high level - 5 points);

Visual cognitive activity of 50% of class students ( average level - 3 points);

Local episodic part of students in the educational process ( low level - 0 points).

Used technology


Partially adaptive technology involving individual route Learning


Technology of training based on synthesis software in thematic blocks (modules) for general meaningful (identification) features

Problem search

Learning technology in inductive deductive mode "Question-answer"


Technology of learning, which is based on a verbal and logical type of thinking and working with information

Technology designed on the basis of gaming activity as leading

Project technology

The technology of a high level of abstraction on a meta-limited level, which is based on a high level of independence and awareness of the mental activity of students

Traditional lesson

Compliance traditional (explanatory reproductive) approaches in learning

Traditional lesson

with elements ...

Combination traditional approaches with elements of active training forms

Formation of uud


(willingness and ability to self-development and personal self-determination of themselves in society; the presence of value-semantic installations, the general rules of the student position as an active participant in the educational process, the results of which are necessary for life success)

Assessment of significant social and interpersonal installations, formable teacher In the lesson and reflecting the significance educational activities In the context of citizenship:

settings are absent - 0 points;

availability of installations - 3 points;

installation lesson in the framework of the personal social significance of the educational process and citizenship interpersonal relationship


("Meta" - standing "for" the limits of the specifics of the subject, expanding the consciousness of the cognitive activity of the Wood, implementing the principle of humanity)

a) Regulatory

Using teacher of algorithms of self-regulation and guide mechanisms that contribute to the process of formation of the Wood:

no clear regulations of the teacher - 0;

clearly designed strategies Teacher's activities - 3;

adaptation Didactic approaches to situational characteristics of the course of the lesson - 5.

b) cognitive

The ability of the teacher to combine the elements of empirical and theoretical aspects Work-oriented work:

low metapreda level (there are no polydisciplinary bonds) - 0 points;

average level - local implementation of metapredmet - 3 points;

high level Abstractions MetaPredmet -

c) Communicative

(Making a common linking by communion ogud)

The formation of the ability to organize communicative interaction in the curriculum: cooperation, creation in the group, in a pair with a peer, in individual interaction with the teacher; The ability to build a monologue on the subject of lesson and related topics based on its own reasoning.

The predominance of his own "I" In the work at the lesson, the inability to hear and listen - 0 points;

Effectively built interpersonal communication in class - 5 points.


Estimated Score and accessibilitycompetence-terminological arsenal teacher.

Possession of key concepts and subject terms at the level of their practical implementation, in the process of speaking, commenting, applications in non-standard conditions setting tasks, in the process of creative interaction.

Interim and final control of performance

Intermediate control

The control was carried out at certain stages at the discretion of the teacher

Step-by-step control and timely adjustment

Continuous feedback,

carried out through

"Man-machine" dialogue in the form of adaptive learning activities

Local control

Traditional form not allowing to cover all students

Final control

Traditional form required for monitoring

Form of cognitive activity



Organized the traditional form of work on the subject of the lesson

Search and problem

(according to the leading issues of the teacher)

Organized problem-search activities. Lesson in inductive deductive form

"Question answer"


(independent search)

Organized independent activities of students to address the problematic issue


Organized project activity,

"Insight-lesson", welcomed

creative solutions

Communicative interaction in class

"I'am a teacher"

The leading role of the teacher in the lesson


Organized group work

Organized steaming work


Organized problem-search engagement with the support of the teacher in the form of "Question-Answer"


Innovative adaptive learning

Material and technical support


Tutorials, collections of tests, cards, distribution material, chalk, board

Electronic board, projector, video, audio support, etc.

(Program and Pedagogical Training Means)

Individual computer support


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