Russian noble assembly charter 1991. Revival of the Russian noble assembly

As well as the descendants of Russian noble families, who documented and irrefutably proved their undoubted belonging to the Russian nobility.

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    Pavel Perets on the murder of ministers Bogolepov and Sipyagin

    Klim Zhukov about the birth of the revolution: the victory and the formation of socialism


I wholeheartedly welcome you! Pavel Yuryich, good afternoon. Hello. I want to brag - look what I have. What the fuck is this? This, of course, is not about Ozzy Osbourne, about whom you spoke, this is a book from a pre-revolutionary edition, it was presented to me on excursions, one of my sightseers and spectators. Unfortunately, I do not remember his name, but I hasten to thank him - this is an absolutely priceless gift, these are the memoirs of Comrade Gershuni, it is called "From the Recent Past", in my opinion. This is one of the main terrorists, the first head of the militant organization of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, the second was Boris Savinkov, Yevno Azef, of course, towered above all this, and I don’t know if we will have time to read a number of things from this wonderful book today, but according to at least what we are going to talk about it today is absolutely certain. And there is... Are you drying up there already? “And government agents, ruthless, corrupt, crafty, weave nets around their victim. There are no limits to their inventions, their criminal ingenuity, where the question is how to break the steadfastness and courage of the revolutionary. Well, in general, naturally ... You noticed that I emphasized this, right? ... there is no limit to the KGB abomination! The book is filled with just absolutely amazing pathos, he is, in fact, a very good stylist, well, that is. publicist. "All around is quiet and deserted, as in the head of a minister." He writes about ... accordingly, when he was received in Kyiv and brought directly to the station. No, he is fine, everything is there, but we will not start with him. Let me immediately show his portrait, now you will look through, a man who... He has a unique fate in general, and he possessed such actually hypnotic ... some kind of hypnotic properties, about which I will directly read the memoirs of Mr. Martynov, who in later became the head of the Moscow security department. But we will not start with this, and in general we will not even start with a terrorist attack. We'll start with the 1884 university charter. Before 1884, there was a certain kind of autonomy in the universities. Well, first of all, there were no uniforms. I showed you the paintings of the artist Yaroshenko “Student” and “Student”: the student is all like that in a hat, with a beard, wrapped in such a plaid, a student walks in such a lambskin hat, short-haired, in a scarf. A scarf, a big scarf - it was such a ... sign of a subculture. Students could influence the choice of the rector, students could influence the composition of professors. The students had a certain amount of self-government, let's say they had mutual benefit funds that they organized, they had ... they could organize their own kitchen, i.e. canteen and control it. Well, in general, in short, such a certain set of rights that they valued very much and which, on the one hand, had a favorable effect on their freedom, but a completely unfavorable effect on educational process. And most importantly, the government, especially after 1881, found out that the main revolutionary terrorist forces come from the students, and this is an eternal problem, i.e., on the one hand, you need to educate society, and if you start to educate, it begins to radicalize, and what to do with it, in my opinion, has not been figured out so far, to be honest. And you also need to understand, I constantly talk about this: a student then and now - now we have a student, this, I don’t know, the song of the Hands Up group and something like that, at that time a student - this was already a certain achievement of yours on the social ladder, because you graduate from a higher educational institution, which could be counted on the fingers throughout the Russian Empire, mainly in large cities - and life opens up before you, a professional road opens up before you, you definitely won’t die of hunger, turn on your brains - so in general you will reach heights. Profitable houses could have engineers, doctors could have, lawyers could have. An engineer, imagine, has a profitable house, for example, i.e. everything, life grew together, was a success. In 1884, the government decided to finish this, and among the innovations was, for example, the mandatory wearing of a uniform, and wearing a uniform according to a certain pattern - you not only have to put on an overcoat, you must always be buttoned up, etc. Further, all the rectors of universities were appointed from above - well, it's about the same as now with our governors, and there certain changes were made to the educational process, which I will not touch on, because they are not so important for our story, but more importantly - at universities guards were brought in. Each university introduced such a Cerberus, it was nicknamed "pedel" - it was such a student's slang. These pedals were supposed to make sure that all these laws, adopted in 1884, were implemented. And when, especially in Soviet times, the era of Alexander the Third was studied, this university charter just figured in the framework of these very counter-reforms, the so-called, that Alexander the Third undertook. In fact, this statute had its positive aspects, which, again, we were not told about, but the students, of course, took this with hostility. Nevertheless, as we know, in the era of Alexander the Third, compared to what was under Alexander the Second, and compared to what will begin with Nicholas II there was relative calm. I talked about the loudest assassination attempt - about Lenin's elder brother, and it was the only such high-profile trial that sounded then. And all the revolutionary forces were scattered, they worked out ... well, that is. they tried to understand where they should go: the Marxist ideology began to take shape, the people's ideology began to change ... the so-called. the populists began to form into the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, which represented ... then it did not exist yet, but they had already begun to form in different cities, and it is characteristic that, for example, looking ahead, Boris Savinkov, who became the head of the militant organization, began as a Marxist , and in general, in fact, in the same “Life of Klim Samgin” comes several times - “Well, a Marxist, right?” Those. this is such a certain tribute to fashion, Marxism - it was extremely fashionable then. And at the moment when this statute was adopted, this man, whose name is Nikolai Pavlovich Bogolepov, is the future Minister of Education, now he would be called, respectively, the Minister of Education. He ... such a standard career, not all the children of clergymen went to the revolution - for example, his father was a district warden, but his grandfather was a priest, he was born in some deep province - in Serpukhov, in my opinion, in the end he entered Moscow University, he was at the Faculty of Law, in modern terms, the department of law, and he graduated quite successfully, and defended his doctoral dissertation in 1881, and was elected just an ordinary professor in Roman law, in which he was considered a great specialist . And he was the rector of the university, just the first stage of his rectorship was at the moment when this university charter was adopted. Bogolepov... put yourself in the place of the person who is in charge of Moscow University, one of the central higher educational institutions of the country: on the one hand, you have to do what comes down to you from above, on the other hand, you understand on the spot what it will cause a certain rejection among most students - and how do you behave in this situation? Bogolepov clearly introduced these laws into life, and he, in fact, the very process of this very process of managing this uncontrollable mass, an attempt to make students start studying, and not do God knows what, he did not like it, therefore in fact, his first term was from 1883 to 1887, and he left there, but then, again, for lack of a more worthy candidate, he again became rector from 1891 to 1893. And then he does ... further his career grows, in 1895 he receives an appointment - the trustee of the Moscow educational district, and these are already 11 provinces of Central Russia, and accordingly, all educational institutions that are in these provinces fall under his control . Well, in 1898, at the peak of his career, he takes the post of Minister of Education. And I must say that ... I read in some memoirs that Bogolepov is like in the case of Witte and so on, he just didn’t burn with the desire to occupy this position, because he perfectly understood the degree of responsibility, probably already felt that this seething begins to occur in the country, as you say, shit, etc. And not only. Sorry, I'll interrupt: what was the point? I’ll jump back: as far as I can remember from childhood, I went to school - we always had a school uniform, there was never this slovenliness: wear whatever. Small children wore one type of uniform, older children wore another, and older children wore a third. It seems to me that at all times it was like this: in vocational schools - belts with buckles, caps, students - they also had some kind of uniform. Then everyone went randomly or was there a uniform ...? Until 1884, everything ... well, in fact, unfortunately, unlike Europe, we do not have such a great history of students - our first university was actually organized back in ... it bears the name of Lomonosov, although in fact, logically, it should bear the name of Shuvalov, who organized it, but just Shuvalov is Elizabeth's lover and generally a damned nobleman, and Lomonosov, like, ours, such from the people, although he is also such, you know, ... from the people - dad he was not a poor man. But this is a separate song. This, respectively, is the middle of the 18th century, and nothing has passed. The point is that during Nicholas I the nuts were very tightly tightened, but Alexander II let it all go, it was in the era of Alexander II that the most classic story is wearing beards, i.e. finally allowed to wear beards. And that's why they are all ... why is Zhelyabov all so bearded, you understand, although at first as a student ... You mean - citizens? Not the military, not the police - were citizens allowed? Citizens, yes. And that was impossible, right? Not citizens, meaning - the nobles, because the nobles were forbidden, and we had a class - nobles, merchants, philistines. Merchants just could and even had to wear beards, they had the opposite situation - they first wore beards, and then their children of all kinds - the Tretyakovs, Mamontovs and others ... They started to shave, right? ... yes, and others, they began to shave, i.e. it's all right there. It is so always and everywhere. I'll give you an example, I'm sorry: the Soviet Army, this is training where you are taught for six months, and then sent. In training there are young soldiers who will be sent in six months, but there is a permanent staff. All young soldiers wear new uniforms, and local grandfathers diligently wash their tunics so that they are whitish, and they are radically different. Then you come to the unit, and there it’s the other way around - all the young people go in washed out and tattered, and the “grandfathers” go only in the new one, you know, so that it sparkles. So everywhere always. Well, naturally: women with curly hair dream of straightening it, and women with straight hair dream of curling it. Curly. But now schools are again trying to get uniforms... well, we don't need uniforms at first... Well, first of all, even at universities - here we have Mining, for example, a university, there is a uniform, and people, some students are in uniform. I don’t know how it is now, whether it is strictly punished or not if you come out of shape, but at least they try to enter. Here at school, for example: at school I understand, i.e. children of radically different material levels, one has such clothes, the other has such clothes ... Well, excuse me, I will interrupt you, but school uniforms did not appear in the USSR immediately either, they appeared after the war. Before the war, if you look, for example, at the photographs of my grandmother, they are actually, in general, not dressed in uniform. Those. the regulated form only appeared, you can correct me, but as far as I remember, after the war, even under Stalin, and before that, in fact, again, there were no clear regulations on the form. Again, it's about money. Here children come to school - one has such well-being in the family, the other has such. Well, it's like we come to work - you're on a Rolls-Royce, and I'm on a scooter, and in general, this causes laughter for many, let's say. So, the uniform at school, as I understand it, in order to eliminate this, so that it is not so conspicuous, although it will rush anyway: one has some kind of Huawei, and the other has an iPhone 10 - it’s still visible, who how much money. Well, what was it for the students - to bring them to discipline or some other goals? No, I think that's just the first. In fact, the meaning of any form, well, here I was with my friend who ... he lives with his wife, they have two children, they are both such freelance designers, and he really has a working day at night, from 12 to 4 at night , and he is such a life hack ... It fits quickly - in 4 hours in this totalitarian Russia. He has such a life hack, for example - he says: I work in shoes, so I really put on ... some kind of clutch is better - run for a kettle, everyone has their own. First of all, the form is needed so that you are not distracted by some extraneous things: everyone sits in the same way, everything is clear to everyone, etc. This is the first, and secondly, the form is immediately the first association we have with what - with the army. That is, again, and the army is discipline, subordination, these are certain regulations, so I think that the first reason, of course, is this - to somehow regulate people immediately, so that they think more about in order to study them, and they thought less about which one to throw a scarf on his left shoulder or throw a scarf on his right shoulder, he has this hat for him this way or that. Although, again, I told you, they still had their own stories: there were these white-lining men who hemmed student overcoats with white silk - this is just the “golden youth”, majors, daddy’s sons, who were absolutely pro-monarchy and constantly fought with these revolutionary citizens. I’ll come back: in the Soviet Army everyone is the same, but the “grandfather of Russian aviation” can be seen from a kilometer away - he’s just not dressed like that. Well, i.e. on a number of very subtle details that distinguish it. Of course. Well, actually, it is always and everywhere. Well, in general, Bogolepov was a child of his time, for example, he believed that the place of a woman in the kitchen was natural. Nevertheless, under him ... he could not ignore this trend with the need for women's education - under him, in Moscow, for example, higher courses for women were opened, which, God forbid, already existed in St. Petersburg. He started a reform of primary education there, in general, he tried to take some actions, but, of course, some serious, such directly radical measures - it was not for him. And all this resulted in the fact that on July 29, 1899, the so-called. temporary rules. What they were designed for - I’ll read it straight out: “For impudent behavior, for gross disobedience to superiors, for preparing riots or producing them en masse within the walls of institutions and outside them,” because everyone got tired, that in the end, no matter what you do, it’s all the same these things happen, and for this these soldiers were given ... Students? ... students were sent to the soldiers. Well, actually ... Ie. The military enlistment office scared already then, right? Yes. You can imagine what the reaction was to this: these rules were immediately called "Bogolepov's", but despite the fact that they were issued in 1899, they were not applied until 1901. And in 1901, Bogolepov finally applied them. The first who "thundered" were 183 students of Kyiv University. Pro Kyiv University I will tell you separately later - I re-read Novitsky's memoirs, this is the main Kiev gendarme. This man, whom we will talk about today, fell under this shop - this is Stepan Balmashev, he was just then studying at Kiev University, and in 1902 he already committed the first Socialist-Revolutionary Act, under which they signed. We will talk about the murder of Bogolepov today, it was still a pre-SR act. This means that 183 students of Kyiv University and 28 students of St. Petersburg University were given to the soldiers. What the authorities achieved in this way: firstly, the mood at that time was quite liberal, after all, even sometimes among those who sent these students to the soldiers. Everyone understood that this was a rough measure, to put it mildly, a few understood that by doing so they were spreading propaganda among the troops, they were simply planting it, but only a few understood this, and in fact they quickly realized this measure. There are, again, descriptions of how ... the conditions were different for everyone: someone got into military units and was in such a rather privileged position, he began to conduct his usual activities there to communicate with soldiers, somehow tune. Someone ended up in military units, really in a batch, they didn’t make any descent, but after they rattled off their term, they had the right to go back to the university later. Recover? To recover, while if you had just been expelled from the university before, you could no longer re-enter anywhere. Therefore, no matter how ironic it sounds, this law was more liberal than the previous ones - yes, you get into the soldiers, but you still have the opportunity to continue later, well, that is. probably counted on the fact that you are like this ... They will bring you to your senses. Yes, they will bring you to feelings, you will come to these feelings and then you will return, finally you will start studying. And what it led to - it led ... I have such a portrait - this is Pyotr Karpovich, this is the first hero of our today's story. This is the man who committed the first terrorist attack in Russia in the 20th century. Who was Pyotr Karpovich? When he shot Bogolepov, of course, especially his wife decided that he was a damned Jew, because he still had a surname, but in fact he was of the Orthodox faith. This murder took place on the present day of St. Valentine, February 14, 1901, where - I will say later, but nevertheless ... He is from the Chernigov province, this Pyotr Karpovich, and there is such an article written by Yuri Lvunin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, and it contains such data that I have already told about some kind of kinship regarding Sophia Perovskaya's tangent to the imperial family, but there it really is traced, and there it is true, it can be traced there, but here is what is written here: “According to the testimony of his half-wife sisters L. V. Moskvicheva, he is the illegitimate son of the owner of the farm Voronov-Guta A.Ya. Saveliev, who in turn was born from the natural daughter of Catherine II and Prince A.A. Bezborodko, that is, Karpovich, is the great-grandson of Catherine II and the grandson of A.A. Bezborodko ”- well, there, as it were, in general, questions arise about the daughter of Catherine II and Bezborodko, but based on the data of his half-sister, he writes about this. Nevertheless, of course, the plot is such - for the Life News channel, that here he is also another descendant of the royal family. Savelyev never legitimized his illegitimate son, and therefore he received the surname Karpovich. He studied at the gymnasium in modern Belarus, in Gomel. “In Gomel,” recalled Moskvicheva (this is his half-sister - P.P.), “he saw poverty, lack of rights of the Jewish people, which made him forever an ardent defender of this nation.” But, as I said, Karpovich himself had nothing to do with the Jews. And in 1885 he entered University of Moscow , in 1895, sorry. How a normal student spends time at the university - he, of course, immediately scores on his studies ... From session to session, students live happily ... Yes, and he begins to engage in all student movements that existed then, for example, he joins the Union council of united communities. I have already told, using the example of the assassination attempt on my elder brother Lenin, that these compatriots, it is clear on what basis they were formed, but they were just one of those boilers where all this revolutionary porridge was brewed very often. He plunges into all illegal literature, and the protest method of the students of that time was very interesting - in the first session he did not appear for the exams. Is this a protest? It's a protest, so it's a protest! Two questions: first, how long did they serve as soldiers, for how many years were they called up? I don’t remember exactly, I’ll clarify, but not for long, I think that not more than a year or two, in fact, just with the expectation that they then have to continue their studies, i.e. it's not some hell of a time. This is one, and the second: and so I did not come to take the exam, and what - will they expel, will they not expel? Meaning? They could leave for the second year - this was practiced at universities, this is not the present time, there really were sophomores, they could leave for the second year. This is generally a very good question - the logic of these people, i.e. you ... no, everything is clear, interesting - all these movements, again, this is a kind of youth fashion, a subculture, but your ultimate goal is to get a diploma, in fact. Nevertheless, he did not come to this session, and the very next year he asked to be transferred to the Faculty of Medicine, but was refused and was just left for the second year because he did not pass the session - then it was. In November of that year, he became one of the instigators of student riots. I will also tell you how these student riots in Moscow took place, Gerasimov has wonderful memories on this topic, what happened to them, etc. Well, in the end, what - he was arrested and expelled from the university, i.e. The first run ended like this. He was sent to his parents, lived there on his farm, was engaged in all kinds of rural work, and in 1898 he filed a petition in the name, I want to note, Bogolepova, the minister personally considered these petitions in order to enter the medical faculty of Yuriev University, this is the current the city of Tartu. At the same time, before that, he first applied to the trustees of various educational districts, and they rejected him because he was unreliable, Bogolepov granted his request, said: well, study, my dear. Accordingly, he came to the territory of the current country of Estonia, and well ... and everything is the same there, i.e. Why study when you can not study? Well, actually, the second one took off ... There are so many interesting things around, right? Yes, there are so many interesting things around - I flew out of the university for the second time, now in the city of Tartu. Those. I'm telling you about the revolutionary path of this man. But then he got lucky - he inherited a house that he sold, and he spent this money on a trip to Europe and decided to continue his education in Germany. Perhaps because he ended up in Germany, and he paid for it, where he finally began to study. He attended lectures at the University of Berlin. Naturally, in Germany everything was much easier with illegal literature, and everything else, and it was there, in Germany, that he learned from the media, from the press about these first temporary rules, and then about the return of just Kiev and St. Petersburg students at the university. What Karpovich decides: Karpovich decides to kill Bogolepov - again, we observe a rather interesting logical chain in people's heads - he acquires a revolver there and goes to Russia from us. He stopped on Kazanskaya Street, which was then called Meshchanskaya, and made an appointment with the minister. Again, I told you how Vera Zasulich attempted to assassinate the governor of St. Petersburg Trepov - you could easily make an appointment with the mayor, the minister, from the street. Basically, people signed up to submit some kind of petition in person and accompany it with some kind of verbal contact, let's call it that way. In my opinion, this says exactly one thing - that there were vanishingly few people who wanted to apply, since the reception was not organized there, back and forth, well, the acceptance of applications at least, since you can meet in person. And also, from my point of view, this says something else - that there was no need for personal appeals to the tsar, so to speak, that a lot of issues were quite simply resolved on the ground, there was no need to organize a “Direct Line” with the president in order to repaired the plumbing. Those. something wasn't working right there. Well, yes. Moreover, this time he concocted a petition with a request to enroll him now in St. Petersburg University. Stubborn! Yes, but that was just an excuse. Where the Ministry of Education was located at that moment: here is Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, you are standing and looking at the Alexandrinsky Theater, in front of it is a monument to Catherine II ... "Katkin's Garden". "Katkin's garden", yes. For those who don't know, homosexuals gathered there under the Soviet regime. Yes, there was such a thing. Homosexuals! Homosexuals - please be... Yes! Excuse me... And in general, it's time for you and Dementy to finally demonstrate to the whole world... We are now burning down the office. ...that you follow the trend, etc. You go around this theater on the right side, and in front of you opens the street of the architect Karl Rossi, which ... This is the Hare Grove - that's how it was with us. Yes, yes, yes, 22-22-220, the most harmonious street in the world, blah blah blah, so classical... Architect Shot - we also know, yes. Before, but this particular Rossi. On the right side, there is even a sign hanging there now that the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, in our way, was located here. It dragged on, this ministry occupied almost the entire right wing on the right side, because on the left side there was already the Vaganovskoe ballet school. So, accordingly, it was here from this square that he came to see him on the reception day, and according to the testimony of a witness at the court who was on duty there, when Karpovich entered, he thought: “What an unfortunate young man, what a nervous and sick man! Although he was calm, he was pale, his hands were shaking, and twitches were noticeable on his face. Well, in general, you can understand a person - you are going to commit a murder in public, you perfectly understand that, most likely, you will not have any chances to escape, i.e. you are actually sacrificing yourself. You get nervous here. I got nervous, of course. Bogolepov ... well, how - the minister arrives, he begins to bypass all the petitioners, they give him back, and “Bogolepov, going up to Karpovich's neighbor, listened to his request to open a real school in Chernigov. In response, he said: “Give us a certificate from wealthier landowners and nobles that they will send their children to school ... We do not want to open schools for raznochintsy.” Well, in general, as Karpovich later stated in court, it was this phrase that finally convinced him that it was necessary to shoot. After talking with a neighbor, Bogolepov went up to Karpovich himself, took a petition from him, went on, and it was at that moment that he fired a shot at him. Where did you shoot - in front, behind, in the head, in the torso? He, in my opinion, stuck him in the abdominal cavity, Bogolepov staggered, fell, but remained alive. Karpovich - this, by the way, is the behavior of many terrorists later, I will tell you - he did not run anywhere, calmly said that "the Moor did his job", do not be afraid, I will not leave. Bogolepov was brought home to him, and Karpovich was imprisoned. And here came such a moment of timelessness, because while Bogolepov was alive, they did not understand why Karpovich was tried - for injuring or for premeditated murder. At the same time, Bogolepov's wound turned out to be very severe and painful; At first, of course, the newspapers wrote about his condition, they visited him, even Nicholas II came to visit him, they prescribed the best doctors for him, but I already said that this, of course, was already the beginning of the 20th century, but nevertheless, everything they still did not know how to defeat sepsis, etc., i.e. died from blood poisoning, from festering, etc. Those. he shot once in the stomach? Yes, and on March 2... Despite the terrorist nature, the test shot to the left ear... He was simply quickly grabbed. He fired, they immediately rushed at him ... Ie. you stand in a room where there are a lot of people, you understand, and you shoot at the minister - in principle, you really don’t have many opportunities, especially since he is not a professional shooter. But at least this one hit, sorry for the cynicism, unlike any ... And he killed. ... yes, Solovyov, who fired 5 times, did not hit once from 5 meters. On March 2, 1901, as a result, Bogolepov died in the most severe torments in general. Well, on March 17, in the district court, this is the same court that was located on the site of the present Big House, Liteiny 4, I showed you his photographs, a trial was held in the case of Karpovich. He was tried ... In theory, he was supposed to be tried by a military court, but he was actually tried in a judicial chamber with the participation of class representatives, because the mood was like that, because even the future "hero" of the Japanese war Kuropatkin, when he saw off these here are the students, he personally shook hands with everyone and said that I will definitely get you to return from there. Accompanied where - to the war? Or for demobilization? In the soldiers, here are these students who were given to the soldiers. Well, now a man killed a minister, that's what sentence he should be given, well, according to the logic of things, in tsarist bloody Russia? I don’t know, in my opinion, regardless of the minister - you’re a murderer, for murder ... Only the Lord God gives life, and every bastard takes it away. Probably, life should be answered for this - this is my opinion. However, he was left with his life, he was sentenced to 20 years of hard labor, deprivation of all rights and conditions, and was sent to Shlisselburg - 1901. In 1906, he was released, well, in the sense, from Shlisselburg he was already sent into exile in the Trans-Baikal Akatuy, and a year later he went to the settlement. Well, as you understand, when a person went to the settlement, on the way at one of the stages, when they stopped in the city where the railway station was, he asked the guards to go shopping, took a ticket, got on the train and was like that. Yes ... Right there it is, like him - what did you want? Well, purely primitive: what did you want? You wanted to kill this man, did you have intent? Yes, he wanted to kill, and he killed. How is it possible, and here it’s been 20 years, and what does it have to do with transfers from here to there, a settlement, escapes? Some kind of madness! Everything is done by hand. When I talk about Gershuni, it will be even more interesting there. That's it - I went abroad, joined the militant organization of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party there, but, unfortunately, all the main terrorist attacks had already been carried out then, which I will talk about, and then a terrible thing happened - Azef was exposed, and, by the way, in In 1908, even there, I will tell you later, there was a plan to assassinate Nicholas II, and he took part in it. Well, when Azef was exposed, Karpovich, like many, in fact, was disappointed in this matter, moved away from such active political activity, even broke with socialism in general, and lived there until 1917, until the news of the February Revolution came, and, accordingly, at the end of March, on one of the ships, he, with another warm company of political emigrants, loaded up for this floating ship and went to Russia. Well, what can I say: somewhere between England in the roadstead, this steamer was sunk by a German submarine. Deftly! Yes. Some escaped, took advantage of the ship's boats, but Karpovich did not escape, Karpovich ended his days in the depths of the sea. And I must say that this terrorist attack... Well, again, look, there were... let's talk sensibly with you: these measures were taken - temporary rules, here a terrorist attack is being committed, protesting primarily against these rules . How should the government behave in this case? If the government is strong, then it will not give up, but this government, frightened by this act, immediately canceled these temporary rules, which clearly showed that the topic is working. Much can be achieved. The theme works, yes, i.e. this is not just a terrorist attack, in fact, this is the meaning of terrorism - i.e. you commit some kind of murders, some kind of explosions, violence, etc., and the government makes concessions, and the longer you put pressure on it, the more beautiful you will achieve. And it, in fact, began like this, because the Mariinsky Palace, here I have a booklet, I’ll tell you a little later - the Mariinsky Palace was built, I’ll show you directly for whom - for Maria Nikolaevna, the eldest daughter of Nicholas the First, for her family. This is generally an apartment, a private apartment, and now the government of St. Petersburg is sitting there. Well, a house, so to speak. House, yes. You see, they knew how to live then. Here is this Stepan Balmashev, here I have two portraits of him: he is like this and there is this one - Stepan Balmashev was the son of the populist Valeryan Balmashev, respectively, an apple from an apple tree. And just the same, in 1900, he entered Kiev University, and then you already know the scheme from the example of Karpovich - no matter what you do, just not to study. He participated in all student unrest and just thundered under this bench. And then he was still arrested and sent into exile, and it was precisely because of his complete unreliability that he was denied admission to any educational institutions, and, accordingly, from Kharkov, where he was serving a link with his parents, he returned to Kiev, and then he moved to St. Petersburg, and on April 2, 1902, in the form of an officer, he drove up to the Mariinsky Palace in a cab with a package, allegedly from Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, who was then the governor of Moscow, said that I had a package for the Minister of the Interior. Dmitry Sipyagin was then the Minister of Internal Affairs, here is his portrait, I will show another portrait later and tell you about him. What the guards do - the guards lead him to Dmitry Sipyagin, directly to the Minister of the Interior, he was in the form of an adjutant. Moreover, when he arrived, the minister was not there, and the adjutant wing said that he had not yet arrived, to which Balmashev said: “Well, I'll wait,” and sat down to wait for him. Here he sits, waiting - the minister arrives, he approaches him with this package, gives it, well, and immediately shoots at him, drops almost the entire clip into this minister. Another thing! Yes, this one already died an hour later literally. Balmashev was immediately accepted, I must say that in parallel with this murder, the murder of the hero of our past story, Pobedonostsev, was to take place, and in Chernov’s memoirs it is written that yes, it was supposed to be a double terrorist attack, it was not committed ... the second terrorist attack was not committed for the simple reason, I already said that they sent a telegram and mixed up two letters in the surname, but in Gershuni's memoirs it is written that if Balmashev was such a young brave officer, then it is not known who he was, but Pobedonostsev should have been killed by which - an old man in a general's uniform, again, unfortunately, who and what is unknown. And I would like to read it to you, I have such a collection of Okhrana, I would like to read you Martynov’s memoirs, he was just then in St. Petersburg at the gendarme department, which was located on Tverskaya Street - we also have Tverskaya Street Tauride garden. Here he writes that “in the spring of 1902, the assassination of the Minister of the Interior Sipyagin followed. Immediately after the murder, the department received orders from the Police Department ... The conduct of this inquiry was entrusted to the gendarmerie general A.I. Ivanov, and the assistant prosecutor of the St. Petersburg Court of Justice, M.I. Trusevich, by the way, is the future director of the police department. “I had to take on some supporting role and be present during the first interrogation, during the interrogation of the murderer, Stepan Balmashev. I don’t remember exactly why, but at the moment the arrested Balmashev was brought to the department, General Ivanov (who was supposed to be in charge of this - P.P.) was not present, and in order to comply with the formalities, M.I. Trusevich called me into his office...” Here he describes Trusevich as such an investigator on Dostoevsky – that is, this Porfiry is famous in Crime and Punishment, and now he writes further: “I remember very well the appearance of Balmashev in M.I. Trusevich. To my extreme amazement, in the office, accompanied by two gendarme non-commissioned officers and captain Grishin, entered ... an officer, tall, healthy, reddish blond, with reddish, unclean skin on his face. It's not visible here, in fact, because the photos are like that, but here he is so tall, reddish, with reddish unkind skin on his face. “This officer was in the so-called general adjutant uniform, but it was put on carelessly, the officer’s coat was unbuttoned and wrinkled. This was Stepan Balmashev, who, as you know, committed the murder of Minister Sipyagin in the vestibule of the Mariinsky Palace ... For me, then still a young gendarmerie officer, not experienced in the various subtleties of investigative "diplomacy" and imbued with the natural in my position of an officer, and especially a gendarme , psychology, it was an extraordinary sight, ”- i.e. he has just started his activity, and here it is already. “... Trusevich, with some rustic cordiality in his voice, invited Balmashev to sit down at the table at which the interrogation was being conducted, and, opening a voluminous and very elegant gold cigarette case, very kindly offered him a cigarette, which Balmashev used. The very manner of the conversation begun and carried out by Trusevich shocked me: “How is it? I thought. “Before us is the murderer of a minister, and with this murderer a person occupying a prominent position in the government apparatus is having an almost friendly conversation!” Yes, and the very bringing of Balmashev in an officer's uniform to our department, albeit in a closed carriage, indicated, in my opinion, some alleged confusion of the authorities or the fact that there was no one “at the top” who would have ordered Balmashev to change clothes in his ordinary dress. Accordingly, we even know where he was brought - he was brought to Tverskaya Street, there was a trial of Balmashev. They just didn’t stand on ceremony with Balmashev - he was sentenced to death and sent to Shlisselburg, because executions were then carried out there, and Gershuni in his ... who was also in Shlisselburg then, and Karpovich was there - they are all there in a friendly company gathered, but I’ll tell you about this separately, Gershuni just wrote in his memoirs that when Karpovich was brought in ... oh, sorry, when Bogolepov was brought in, how the execution took place: they woke him up, he first got up and said: “What, already? » - and went back to sleep. He was awakened again, he again turned on the other side and again tried to sleep, but he was finally put on his feet. He came out briskly, where they hung him straight up. What a strong mind! Actually, he doesn't have one. And now this one ... And then the question is: were they warned there - like, get ready, will they hang you tomorrow morning? No, they never knew exactly when they were... For example, the same Gershuni was waiting for the death penalty for many days, i.e. he thought he would definitely be hanged. He was pardoned, i.e. they left him life, but this is a topic for a separate conversation, which, again, speaks in general about the mores of that era. Balmashev was hanged, and this terrorist act of 1902 became ... now it was officially a terrorist attack by the Socialist-Revolutionaries, they recognized it. A controversy broke out - the fact is that ... like Savinkov, like Balmashev - they really ... it was only the formation of all these ideologies, they ... Balmashev was noticed in Marxist circles, and therefore the social The Democrats insisted that this was not a terrorist attack, that Balmashev simply stood up for the desecrated honor of all students, and the Socialist-Revolutionaries said: no, this is our guy. Wait a minute! Yes, wait a minute, this is our guy. And accordingly, this is what it is ... 1902, the Mariinsky Palace - this is the beginning of such an official SR terrorist activity. One important point must be said here: the fact is that now ... well, in Soviet time, I will tell you about the formation of the Socialist-SR Party next time, because there you will need to talk about a very interesting character named Mikhail Gotz - this is the main sponsor. Well, I already said: there was a triumvirate - Viktor Chernov, an ideological theorist, Yevno Azef, head of the military organization, and Mikhail Gots, the main sponsor. The Socialist Revolutionary Party was very popular among the peasants, because they had their own agrarian reform, program, to be exact. And now, when I look at what is on the Internet in general, who, what, what, I see that they are trying to say that, well, yes, the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, of course, committed terrorist attacks, but then they moved away from them (of course, when Azef was exposed), and then they tried to engage in exclusively peaceful activities. But it is extremely important to understand that without these terrorist attacks, they would not have become so famous and popular in Russia if they hadn’t happened, because it was the most ... well, as they say now, newsbreak that thundered everywhere. Well, imagine for a second, who is our Minister of the Interior now? We don't remember. The people should not know about a good ruler. Yes. Well, just imagine: a man drives up to the Kremlin in broad daylight, comes to the reception. They say to him: "But there is no minister yet." He says, "I'll wait." With weapon! With weapons, sit down. The Minister of the Interior arrives, he shoots him, they grab him. Well, i.e. for us it is now absolutely nonsense, but the context of the situation at that time was just that. Indeed, the government was confused, because the era of Alexander the Third relaxed society, everyone decided that this nightmare of the People's Will is in the past, we have entered a new era - but no! And here she is. And so it began. A few words about this same Mariinsky Palace: how, in general, being built for the daughter of Nicholas II, suddenly ended up in the possession of the city. He built it... First of all, appreciate the paternal care: dad immediately thought that he should give his daughter an appropriate gift. His daughter in her youth looked like this - this, by the way, is a portrait of the notorious Karl Bryullov. Pretty! Yes, she... would be an even prettier portrait. This palace was built by this man - A.I. Stackenschneider, who built palaces for all the children of Nicholas II ... oh, Nicholas the First, excuse me: the palace of Nikolai Nikolayevich Sr. on Blagoveshchenskaya Square (Labor Square), the palace of Mikhail Nikolayevich on Palace embankment, then, then, in Peterhof for Olga Nikolaevna, for Maria Nikolaevna, i.e. The guy has had a great career. Initially, this territory looked like this, pay attention: i.e. here it stands - this is the forerunner of St. Isaac's Cathedral in general, it is also Rinaldiev's Cathedral. You see - such a moat around the Admiralty, the Admiralty was a real fortress, and this very palace does not exist yet. By the way, many do not know, but from the side of the Neva in front of the Admiralty, 3 houses were built almost illegally, for bribes that close it. Yes, this is a department, this is a separate story. I have a wonderful Soviet book from the Tourists in St. Petersburg series, and it says very well about it. Indeed, before the Admiralty was such a letter "P", because ships were built inside there. Docks. Docks. They were built until the era of Nicholas the First, who, firstly, was tired of the knocking of axes under his windows, and secondly, well, fire safety, and therefore they were transferred there lower. The territory has been vacated - the question is: how to dispose of this territory? The fact is that Andrey Zakharov, who built this complex, he, of course, thought through, i.e. when you sailed along the Neva, you had such a very beautiful prospect. It is double, in fact, i.e. there, this letter “P” is double, there are two more rows of buildings, but they were given for development, and there, indeed, now ... You conduct steamboat excursions, no? Listen, well, I was offered, a long time ago - not yet. Here is Egor Yakovlev, I know, he has mastered this process. The city looks like from the water! From the water, the city looks completely different, and in fact, of course, it must be viewed from the water, because it is from the water that it makes the most amazing impression. We have one of the... maybe even the widest part of the river here, which you will not find anywhere in Europe, there, no matter where - in Budapest, in Paris. There are rivers there, but they are still narrower, but here it is our combination of this flat panorama and this width of the Neva, it is, of course ... And the speed of the current is also - you can’t swim there by hand. Well, well, let's go back to the palace - and what, they piled it up here, right? Right here, over the bridge. Here this bridge is so small so far, now it is like this, the Blue Bridge - it is one of the widest bridges in Europe. In general, earlier in the place where now ... I was generally lost, yes. Yes, this is very difficult. This Bronze Horseman, here Neva. You see how things used to be different from what we used to. Here, in general, there used to be a cadet school, where Lermontov studied and where he wrote his obscene poems. And not only, right? Yes. Ripe talent. Ripe talent. Here is Maria Nikolaevna, this is the fashion of that time, look: a very pretty girl. Pretty, yes. “Spaniel ears” in that fashion, and I always really like to show these two portraits - this is the Vogue magazine of the 19th century: this is Maria Nikolaevna, you see, also “spaniel ears”, but this is some Pushkin, but here she is already Lanskaya. And pay attention: they are dressed in absolutely the same fashion, i.e. hats, feathers, hairstyles - everything just fits together. Pushkin is in the sense of Natalia? Yes, Natalya Goncharova, but in her second marriage she was Lanskoy. They say there was an incredible beauty, I read? She was ... she is here, in general, completely, i.e. she was an incredible beauty, Pushkin, in general, was not a fool's lip. Maria - accordingly, therefore the palace is called Mariinsky, yes, for a second, she settled there, and there was a problem with the royal children, which was that ... especially with daughters, that they, as a rule, were married off and sent to Europe, and Nicholas the First loved his daughter very much, and they had just such a sacred connection. There are a lot of memories, for example, how during one of the receptions ... no one could stand the look of Nicholas the First, he looked at his daughter, she looked at him, he did not look away, she also did not look away, and here they are in such peepers began to play. Pure basilisk. Yes, and in the end, Nicholas the First could not stand it. ABOUT! Nicholas the First could not stand it - she had a daddy's character, in fact. And here's the problem: what to do? We should, in fact, attach a daughter, but I don’t want to send her away. The Duke of Leuchtenberg has arrived, and this is how he looks. The Duke of Leuchtenberg is the son of Eugene Beauharnais, and Eugene Beauharnais is the son, respectively, sorry, for a second, Napoleon's wife. Well, he was the stepson, however, of Napoleon. This again tells us that at that time there was, you know, such as we have, I don’t know, the enemy side - and that’s it, here they are our enemies, there, I don’t know, Nazi Germany, etc. Well, it would be strange if Stalin's son married Hitler's daughter, for example. Yes, well, it’s kind of like that ... Not even that strange, but in general ... Yes, such, of course, is a very rough comparison, but nevertheless ... It seemed to me that it had such a root meaning: we are relatives around here, and this will eliminate a lot of military conflicts that can be resolved at the family level by meeting, talking, back and forth. Yaroslavna, Queen of France, was sent precisely for this. Montferrand, the architect of St. Isaac's Cathedral, fought in the Napoleonic troops, received the Order of the Legion of Honor - nothing, he came to Russia, became practically the court architect of Nicholas II. Bulgarin, a famous publicist, also fought, he generally had Polish roots there - he arrived, began to publish. Those. there was not yet this, you understand, a rigid patriotic distinction at that time. And this Leuchtenberg one... This does not mean that then people were smarter, and everything was arranged better, it just wasn't like that. Certainly. Well, what is the Duchy of Leuchtenberg, you can imagine. In general, Germany of that time is such a patchwork quilt, there are a lot of them - these Württembergs, Hesse-Darmstadts, ..., etc., etc. They say to him: so... They somehow got into a twirl, they tell him: so stay... The boy is with us... Yes, you will be our king. Well, he thought and stayed, they got married. While the Mariinsky Palace was being built, they were given a room in the Winter Palace, and this is a very significant moment - that the Duke of Leuchtenberg, unlike our Grand Dukes, who did the most - it was military and drill training, he took up science, and applied science - he began build, make experiments in the field of electroforming. Electroplating is a chocolate hare, can you imagine, yes, or there ... I worked in electroplating, I know what it is. Those. is the manufacture of very thin metal by means of chemical reaction , and this came in handy, because St. Isaac's Cathedral was just being built opposite, and there are figures in the corners, well, just imagine - to put the Bronze Horseman there. The Bronze Horseman is really solid. Here, engineer Jacobi, at the suggestion of the Duke of Leuchtenberg, invented ... They got excited - whole ... No, such things are made - as an expert - by the knockout method, i.e. when separate parts are knocked out, then they are welded in various ways. He's empty inside, the Bronze Horseman. The Bronze Horseman is not empty, an empty monument to Nicholas the First. All empty, I assure you, even the Statue of Liberty is made up of parts, and electroforming, in theory, well, I only worked with small forms, we basically had the Last Supper, it is so ... it is like a high relief, i.e. there, some parts stuck out, rubber was poured on it, a mold was made, and then metal was deposited there, and from this it turned out, well, not like chasing, but like a cast thing, very thin, small details are visible there, and all that. Listen, as far as I know... The thing is extremely useful, let's not get into the jungle, the thing is extremely useful, for certain artistic solutions it is simply irreplaceable. Well, the fact is that it was invented here in Russia. Didn't know this. Yes, Jacobi... well, as it is written in our Wikipedia that he is Russian, in the English Wikipedia it is written that he is German-Jewish. What a nightmare! This fundamentally changes everything. The attitude towards his work must change. Yes, and at the suggestion of this Duke of Leuchtenberg, it all started. Well, i.e. did the person do the work? A man was engaged in business, for the first time in world history, the electroforming method was used specifically for the manufacture of sculptures to decorate an architectural monument, i.e. all these angels, the bas-reliefs that stood on St. Isaac's Cathedral, were made by galvanoplastics, and that's exactly what Jacobi was doing. He headed the mining business, he, accordingly, traveled there ... He organized a laboratory for himself in the winter palace - can you imagine? While everyone there was drinking tea and coffee and thinking about who to stir up with there, the person, respectively, is German, what can you do? Stolz. Yes, Stoltz is a very good comparison. And he went, caught a cold and died, died young, he was not yet 40 years old. And I must say that Maria Nikolaevna, even during his lifetime, got involved with comrade Stroganov, here he is. This Stroganov is the son of Alexander Stroganov and Natalya Kochubey, to whom Pushkin dedicated Poltava: “Kochubey is rich and glorious, its meadows are boundless. ..”, “To you - but the voice of the dark muse ...” In general, this is it. And they already had an affair during their lifetime, and there were several children, and if they agreed about the elder that, most likely, yes, it was from him, then now the younger ones - there were very serious suspicions that they were from him. When he died, and here is the tragedy, you understand, the tragedy of the royal family, and not only the royal family, in general, of any royal family - you cannot marry the one you love if he is not of that rank, and the rank must be the most -the best. Well, you can, but you'll lose everything. Yes, absolutely right - you can, but you will lose everything, the absolute truth. And Maria Nikolaevna, they eventually got married secretly in the house church of this very Mariinsky Palace, only a few people knew about it, including her brother, the future Alexander II, and while Nicholas the First lived, it was all kept secret, they managed to keep it a secret , but when he died, they opened after a while, and it was a shock to the empress dowager, who said: "God, I thought I had lost my husband, but now I have lost my daughter." What a conspiracy, listen! Yes, but at the same time, memories of this Stroganov remained, there are two memories - Obolensky and Sologub, Sologub is a writer, and Obolensky is one of the leaders of just liberal reforms under the Minister of War Milyutin. So, they wrote that ... I especially like Obolensky - that this Stroganov was such a very tough reveler, in fact, and in the year of his marriage to Maria Nikolaevna, he especially began to behave inappropriately, you see, in order to avert suspicion that he might be her husband - it's like with the catechism of the revolutionary Nechaev, that a revolutionary, in order to avert suspicion, must fall as low as possible. And Sologub describes an absolutely amazing episode, how he, being somewhere in our German Baltic, where the local barons, knowing that he was such a fan of this business, decided to teach him a lesson. There were 17 of them there, and they said: "Now let's have a glass of champagne with each of us?" Being sure that he would collapse after drinking 17 glasses of champagne. He drank, as the cucumber remained, he said: “Now let's make my bet?” They say: "Let's go." - "Now let's each drink 17 bottles of champagne?" Naturally, after the third they all lay down, and he got up and went. Sons, damn it! Yes, and she, accordingly, had several children, about whom I will not talk in detail now, I will literally just briefly say: here is Nikolai Leuchtenberg - this is her son, he was. .. he fouled up with Mrs. Akinfieva, nee Annenkova ... Akinfeeva ... ... behind whom Chancellor Gorchakov, our Minister of Foreign Affairs, whipped no more, no less, and Gorchakov was 1798 the year of birth, and she was born in 1840, and the fact is that Minister Gorchakov ... he ... our ministry then was located in the left wing of the General Staff, where the Hermitage Impressionists now hang, there was also his state-owned apartment, and in the right the wing was just the Office of these mining affairs. In the left wing there was a polyclinic of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, as I remember now. Then ... no, it's generally the whole building was under the warriors. Now the left ... well, not now, there a few years ago left side chopped off and given to the Hermitage so that they could hang all these Matisses, Van Goghs and Impressionists there. And there, by the way, there is, if you go further, there is an exposition dedicated specifically to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and there was also this Gorchakov's state-owned apartment. Gorchakov was a man who studied with Pushkin, he was the last survivor of the first legendary lyceum graduation. He whipped after her, Tyutchev whipped after her, who wrote absolutely amazing poems that “under her, old age grew younger, and experience became a student, she twirled a diplomatic ball as she wanted.” Haha! Bastard! Well, naturally, Nikolai Leuchtenberg fell under her charm, and accordingly, Maria Nikolaevna, by the way, I have a portrait of her at an older age, Maria Nikolaevna, who herself was not without sin, was completely horrified that her dear son can marry in an inappropriate way, tried to prevent this, but ... No one knows who, right? Yes, no one knows who, but ... Here she is already in an older state, here is her husband, the Duke of Leuchtenberg. Interestingly, by the way - even then there was a photograph, why didn’t they take a picture? Well, yes, there were still mostly portraits. Well, it must have been tougher. Yes, and in fact, Gorchakov, when he realized that he overdid it with this Akinfieva, he just tried to marry them, i.e. there was a whole such intrigue, and he, in general, saved himself. Then she had a son, this one here - George of Leuchtenberg, who was married twice, his second wife was one of the Montenegrin sisters, who were called "Montenegrin spiders". Witte called Stana and Militsa, Nikolai Nikolayevich Jr. was married to one of them, and to the other this Duke of Leuchtenberg, whom Alexander the Third forcibly married her, and it was through these Montenegrin princesses that Rasputin somehow got into the courtyard . And she had another wonderful son - Eugene Leuchtenberg, this one just lit up not like a child. Nothing in common in the faces. Well, yes, yes, you understand, Eugene Leuchtenberg. And, you see, these are already bearded after all. Eugene Leuchtenberg, who had a mistress Zinka Skobelev, the sister of the White General Skobelev. I’m here, in short, I’m sorry - I was literally here yesterday in Moscow, I had 2 hours of free time, I had a meeting, and I went, drove to the museum in the lane that departs from Staraya Basmannaya, and there is a manor, and in her exposition is an exhibition dedicated to the suppliers of the court of His Imperial Majesty, merchants. And there, of course, all the Shustov bottles and ... Lord, I forgot my last name, that is, Shustov is a producer of alcohol, but there was a surname who directly made these bottles, and there really is a bottle in the shape of Skobelev ... I swear to you, I photographed - that is, a real vodka bottle in the form of Skobelev, and more... I read about it: when it was Pushkin's anniversary in 1899, Shustov released Pushkin cognac, I thought that this was also a story - no, there really is a bottle in the form of Pushkin. Pushkin is so... Pours, right? ...he has a cork in his head. I took a picture of it all, well, that is. Absolutely in general, every time you are surprised. And this Zinka Beauharnais, she also later made a successful career for herself, received the title of Beauharnais too, she was the mistress of another Grand Duke - Alexei Alexandrovich, this is Prince Tsushima, "7 pounds of august meat", who did everything well so that we have our fleet ... our armor was not as armored as it should be. And he was married to her, to this Zinka Skobeleva, and she was the mistress of Alexei Alexandrovich, and the three of them traveled around Europe like that, inducing fear and horror, and so on. And according to some stories, Alexey Alexandrovich sometimes, he was so huge, well, I’m this film with Mel Gibson, where in America he is filmed there, Judy Foster, there is a card game, I don’t remember ... Lord, what is it called? There is a completely insane Russian prince there... "Maverick"? "Maverick". The mad Russian prince is just the prototype of Alexei Alexandrovich. He really went to America, hunted buffalo, he was such a strong man - he threw this Eugene of Leuchtenbergsky a couple of times out of the window of his palace on Moika 122, where the Palace of Music is now. In general, there are such high relations. Well, I just mean that this is the offspring, and this is a normal story. The Russian Museum has become a museum in the same way - because the descendants of Elena Pavlovna and Mikhail Pavlovich have outlived their usefulness. At some point, they just became ... they had accumulated so many debts - they were forced to sell this Mariinsky Palace, why the State Council settled there first - this is the famous painting that we talked about, Repin hung there, and now there located directly the government of St. Petersburg. By the way, a very interesting point: it seems to me that in general there should be a state program for opening graves, extracting bones, biological material from them and establishing motherhood, paternity, kinship, so that it is clear who, from whom, where and how. Now it's quietly moving towards living people when there are all sorts of DNA tests. Do you remember, there at one time a bullet walked around, that when they started doing this on a massive scale in Britain, they found out that about 30% of the children were from the wrong fathers. Well, firstly, this requires money, in fact, secondly, it needs ... someone should do this, and in general, the brightest example, and then there is the ROC ... the brightest an example is the remains of Nicholas II and his family, which are still not recognized by the Church. Well, they have their own internal antics, because at first they said one thing, and now they have to say something else, and somehow the infallibility of statements may suffer - what did you carry then, but now it turned out to be wrong? And to finish our topic - the Mariinsky Palace, this one, pay attention, this is from the roof of St. Isaac's Cathedral ... From the colonnade, probably? Yes, from the colonnade. At some point, it was also painted, like the Winter Palace, like the General Staff, just one ... Red, right? Well, he was like that, he was painted with red lead, and the Mariinsky Palace also did not escape this fate. And I must say that the Bristol Hotel was located nearby, where an accidental explosion was committed, where the terrorist Schweitzer died, but we will talk about this in one of the next issues, and next time we will dedicate our issue to this wonderful person - Grigory Gershuni and the formation of the militant organization of the Socialist Revolutionary Party and quietly move on to the murder of V.K. Plehve is the next Minister of the Interior, whom they killed just a couple of years later, and this was the very first such terrorist act that really thundered, thundering throughout Russia. But this is the German embassy, ​​no? Look, I'll explain to you... There, they say, there used to be bars with swastikas. This is the German embassy, ​​this is the former, in its place later, according to the project of Peter Behrens, a modern building was built, there was a sculpture on top, which was thrown off during the German pogrom and dragged to the Moika. In 1914 - many do not know - German buildings were smashed in our country. And on this side is the Angleterre Hotel. Angleterre and Astoria yes. I recently realized with horror that "Angleterre" is "England" in French. Well, "terra" is "land" because, "the land of the Angles." Citizen Yesenin hanged himself there, and in the holy 90s, I remember, there 3 people were shot dead on the threshold - such a nix was! It's a pity, then there were no phones, and it was not customary to take pictures - excellent pictures would be from the saints of the 90s. Well, in general, here, dear friends, look how fun the 20th century began in the Russian Empire - they banged the Minister of Education in 1901, in 1902 - the Minister of the Interior, and literally then, what we will talk about in our next issues, they will bang the second minister of internal affairs and the uncle of the tsar - the governor of Moscow, right in the Kremlin, right in the Kremlin. More on that next time. Stunned! Thank you, Pavel Yurievich. We continue to dive into the history of our native country. And that's all for today. See you again. Do not forget to go on excursions - links under the video.

Create an organization

The organization was created on May 22, 1906 during the first Russian Nobility Congress held on May 22-28, 1906 in St. Petersburg in the house of Count A. A. Bobrinsky, at which 133 noblemen represented 29 out of 37 noble assemblies of the European provinces of Russia (subsequently to the Council all other provincial noble assemblies joined). At the same Congress, the Charter of the Council was adopted (approved on June 29, 1906 by the Minister of the Interior), and its first composition was elected. The second edition of the Charter was adopted at the III Congress in 1907 and approved by the Minister of the Interior on May 5, 1909.

Goals and objectives

According to the first paragraph of the Charter, "Congresses of authorized Provincial Noble Assemblies aim to unite Noble societies, rally the nobility into one whole to discuss and implement issues of national interest, as well as class interests." The organization defended the inviolability of autocracy and landownership, encouraged the government to more actively combat the revolutionary movement, insisted on strengthening criminal liability for the "agrarian revolutionary crimes" of the peasants, on strengthening censorship, and "improving" the school by introducing "religious and moral principles."

Organizational structure


The supreme governing body of the organization was the Congress of Commissioners of the Provincial Noble Assemblies, which consisted of the provincial marshals of the nobility, from the authorized representatives elected by the provincial noble assemblies for every 3 years, and members of the State Council elected from the nobility (paragraph 2 of the Charter). Over the 11 years of the organization's existence, 12 of its congresses were held: the 1st and 2nd in May and November 1906, the subsequent ones annually in February-March. The last XII Congress took place in November 1916.

Between the congresses, the Permanent Council of the United Nobility, elected at the congress for 3 years, operated, consisting of the chairman, two of his comrades (deputies) and 10 (then 12) members. The Council was elected at the 1st, 5th, 8th and 9th congresses. The charter of the organization determined the competence Permanent Council as the executive body of the congresses, but according to the second edition of the Charter, the Permanent Council received greater administrative rights, including the right to address the government on its own behalf "in cases of urgency."

PSODOR and the agrarian question

PSODOR saw the resolution of the agrarian question in Russia in the destruction of communal land tenure, the transition to the farm system, the resolute implementation of the resettlement policy, the purchase of land by peasants through the intermediary of the Peasants' Bank at prices favorable to the landowners. Since the 7th Congress (February 1911), the PSODOR has been paying great attention to the economic issues of the development of the landlord economy, to propaganda as a model of the Prussian Junker economy, and has made attempts to create a noble economic organization- Union of Landowners.

PSODOR during World War I

During the First World War, the positions of PSODOR weakened somewhat. Some of the leaders of the organization supported the opposition-minded bourgeoisie (“Progressive Bloc”), and the other - the court environment and G. E. Rasputin.

After February 1917

At a meeting of the Permanent Council on March 9, 1917, a resolution was adopted, which recognized the Provisional Government. PSODORE took steps to convene as soon as possible

Oleg Shcherbachev: It is not only possible, but also necessary, to be proud of the glory of our ancestors...

Interview of the Leader of the Russian Nobility Assembly, the Leader of the Moscow Nobility Assembly Oleg Vyacheslavovich Shcherbachev to the columnist of the federal weekly Rossiyskie Vesti.

To the 25th anniversary of the revival of the Russian Nobility Assembly

It seemed that after the revolution, the nobility in Russia was finally and irrevocably destroyed in the Stalinist camps, the dungeons of the Lubyanka, disappeared in the "great dispersion" of emigration ... Time of Troubles in Russia, the nobles buried St. George's crosses, Annas and Stanislavs in the ground, with tears in their eyes burned family albums with photographs of grandfathers in uniforms and grandmothers in evening dresses, tore church metrics and letters of nobility ...

With the fall of the Soviet regime, they started talking about the revival of cultural and historical traditions, the restoration of the lost continuity of generations, it became possible to remember their roots, ancestors ... And it turned out that they could not completely destroy the nobility - in Russia there were still nobles who were born before the revolution, during many families preserved the memory of noble ancestors, family seals and family traditions were preserved ... On May 10, 1990, the All-Russian public organization "Union of Descendants of the Russian Nobility - Russian Nobility Assembly" was created in Moscow (abbreviated name - Russian Nobility Assembly, RDS).

Since then, a quarter of a century has passed ... About the plans that came true and those that did not come true, about what the Russian noble corporation lives today, the columnist for Rossiyskiye Vesti talked with the Leader of the Russian Nobility Assembly, the Leader of the Moscow Nobility Assembly Oleg Vyacheslavovich Shcherbachev.

First of all, I want to congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of the revival of the Russian Noble Society. How justified the hopes with which it was created, what has been done over the years? I would like to know what the nobility corporation represents today and what is its size?

Thank you for your congratulations! Of course, for the centuries-old history of the Russian nobility, twenty-five years is a very short period of time, but for us this is a very significant date ... Let's remember how it all began ... At the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, our country experienced a very interesting, turning point. Indeed, at that time there were many hopes and illusions, various parties, movements, public organizations, and foundations arose and disappeared without a trace. The Russian Nobility Assembly, which was revived on May 10, 1990, is still active and, I am sure, with God's help it will exist for a long time to come. I think that after 10 or 20 years, it would be much more difficult to revive the Nobility Assembly. After all, at that time people born in the Russian Empire were still alive, they remembered it, they remembered the horrors of the Red Terror, the executions of relatives, prisons, exiles, camps, hardships. They stood at its origins, gave it a moral and religious basis.

Now they like to say: Russia is a great country with a single history… The country is certainly great, and the history is great, but at the same time tragic and catastrophic. And one of the main tasks of the Russian Noble Assembly is to testify to this history, which we have been doing all these 25 years, publishing books, newspapers, almanacs, doing scientific work, holding conferences. A lot has been done in this field. I would especially like to note the book series “Forgotten and Unknown Russia” (the authors of the project are S.A. Sapozhnikov, one of those who stood at the origins of our organization, now the honorary leader of the Moscow Nobility Assembly, and V.A. Blagovo). To date, more than 100 books have been published on various aspects of Russian history, the White movement, and emigration. The series is available in all major libraries not only in our country, but also abroad. In my opinion, this is already something to be proud of.

Today, the Russian Nobility Assembly is an all-Russian public organization with 70 branches operating in the regions of the Russian Federation, and practically throughout the entire territory of the historical Russian state. In this sense, it is also, one might say, a unique association. A sacramental question about the number ... I will not dissemble, there are not very many of us: about four and a half thousand (with family members - about 12,000). According to my estimates, this is no more than 2-3% of those who could join us.

This begs the question: where are the other 98%?

There may be several reasons for this. First, the applicant to our organization must submit a convincing chain of documents. Some people are afraid of it. I understand perfectly well that most of the nobles who passed through the Soviet ice rink did not have any documents left. Thank God we managed to survive. So, you need to request archives. To some, this may seem difficult, if not hopeless. Those who are not afraid of difficulties are rewarded a hundredfold: they learned what they did not suspect. Family genealogy is an interesting science. We try to help everyone who comes to us, whether it is a descendant of the nobility or other classes, because even Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said: “It is not only possible, but also necessary, to be proud of the glory of our ancestors; to disrespect it is shameful cowardice...

We should not forget the fact that for more than seventy years people have been trying to eradicate historical memory or distort it. A “bright future” loomed ahead, and behind - the “dark Middle Ages”, “prison of peoples”, “reactionary tsarist regime"... Some stamps have already been forgotten, but don't flatter yourself. The disease of historical amnesia is fraught with relapses.

Another reason why not everyone was in a hurry to join the Assembly of Nobles was rather banal: fear. And it's hard to blame someone here: people have experienced such that after that you can be silent for life, so as not to harm children, grandchildren, loved ones! The result is a tree without roots. And now such victims of fear and silence come, and there is no one to ask them ...

I'm glad they're coming. Perhaps the flow of those wishing to join the Assembly is now a little less than in the early 1990s, but all the same, people are drawn to tradition, to the origins of our culture, to enduring moral values, to the concepts of honor, service, and duty. And we try to help them find their story.

You mentioned such concepts as honor and duty. Obviously, they cannot be forcibly instilled in a person, they are brought up by generations, like patriotism or Christian morality, which was absorbed with mother's milk. Did at least part of society manage to preserve these values ​​during the years of Soviet power, when the word "nobleman" was mentioned only as a swear word?

The concept of honor, especially noble honor, is very subtle. In Russia, it was formed in the XVIII - XIX centuries. In pre-Petrine Rus', there were completely different ideas about honor. And although the image of a knight is, of course, of Christian origin, one should not forget that it was honor that pushed many noblemen to actions that were spectacular, but not at all Christian. In the 19th century, the aristocracy in Russia was certainly not atheistic, but I would venture to say that religion was not the core of its life. The fruits of this "Petersburg religion" turned out to be tragic, and the depth of "folk Orthodoxy" in many respects turned out to be an illusion. Therefore, oddly enough, it was the 20th century that became the century of the return of nobles and intellectuals to the temple. In exile, the Church became a real center of crystallization of Russian life in exile. And in Soviet Russia the clergy and the nobility turned out to be brothers in misfortune, outcasts and "dispossessed". Suffering requires reflection and justification, and outside of Christianity it is impossible. Long before 1990, the parishes of Elijah Obydenny, Nikola in Kuznetsy, Resurrection of the Word in Bryusov Lane became a kind of "Moscow noble assembly". When the "colossus" collapsed, and we witnessed the miracle of the revival of the Russian Orthodox Church, this revival began, mind you, with the urban intelligentsia.

And now about patriotism. What kind of patriotism should be in Solovki, in Karlag, or even in the cramped room of a Moscow communal apartment left after the “condensation”? But love for the motherland is an indestructible feeling. Just understanding the motherland is deeply individual. Both in the Soviet Union and in the diaspora, the Russian nobleman was doomed to love his Fatherland in much the same way as Israel "on the rivers of Babylon." Of course, someone mimicked, someone assimilated, but someone remained loyal to that Russia, which his fathers and grandfathers once swore and served, and, if necessary, went to his death.

The nobility in Russia appeared as a "serving" class, obliged to prove its loyalty to the sovereign - the Grand Duke, Tsar, Emperor by service. This is how the clan and caste backbone of the noble corporation was laid. Today, historical and political conditions have changed. Has the internal connection between the current representatives of the nobility and the descendants of Russian emperors been preserved?

Undoubtedly. Without respect for the historical dynasty and its legitimate Head, a full-fledged noble worldview is unthinkable. After all, our ancestors served the sovereigns of the Romanov dynasty for centuries. Already in the first year of the existence of the Russian Noble Assembly, its contacts began with the then Head of the Russian Imperial House, Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich, who, one might say, blessed our activities, signed the first Charter of the Noble Assembly. I consider this very important and symbolic: a man who was born in 1917 on the territory of the Russian Empire, lived his entire life in exile, and who for more than 50 years carried this heavy cross, this mission. The Grand Duke still happened to set foot on the land of his ancestors, on the day when the capital of the Russian Empire regained its historical name. Less than a year later, he passed away. A truly beautiful destiny, a truly legendary personality.

The Imperial House exists and will continue to exist... Today its Head is the daughter of Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich - Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. Call it a parallel reality, but anyway, the dynasty is a reality: legal, historical, sacred.
In the history of the Church, it happened more than once when a part of the hierarchy, and even a large part, veered into heresy. The mystical body of the Church is indestructible. And on earth, as long as at least one ordained bishop is alive, the apostolic succession continues. A dynasty is also a succession sanctified by law and the Church.

It must be said that the Russian Nobility Assembly did a lot for the return and reintegration of the Russian Imperial House into the public life of modern Russia, especially in the 1990s. The first visits of the current Head of the dynasty, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, were organized with the direct and active participation of the Russian Nobility Assembly and its leadership. It is also useful to recall this in the year of the 25th anniversary of the Assembly as one of the most important practical results of its activities.

The Empress Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna has publicly stated more than once that she is not going to enter into a political struggle in any form ... What is the attitude towards the policy of the Russian Nobility Assembly?

You are right, the head of the dynasty has repeatedly stated that she is not involved in politics. This is a fundamental position. A dynasty should unite, not divide. And this is also the principled position of the Russian Nobility Assembly. As a private individual, any nobleman, of course, has the right to join one party or another. But, as a public organization, as a class corporation, the Assembly of the Nobility was and remains out of politics. Which does not mean - out of public life. On the contrary, both the Russian Imperial House and the Russian Nobility Assembly are simply obliged to participate in the formation of civil society, its value orientations, to stand guard over its moral principles, to cultivate a cultural field.

How are the relations of the noble community with the Russian Orthodox Church?

I think, like all normal Orthodox people... For the Russian Assembly of the Nobility, the Russian Orthodox Church is one of the main moral authorities. But at the same time, I must emphasize that the nobility in the Russian Empire was multinational and multi-confessional. It remains so today. In the Assembly of Nobility there are Catholics, Lutherans, and Muslims. The Russian Empire was able, singling out Orthodoxy as a state religion, to preserve the national characteristics of its constituent peoples. Christianization, of course, was carried out, but quite skillfully and gently - in comparison with the "liberal" West, the same America, the religious policy of Russia was the height of tolerance. The Orthodox monarch was sincerely loved by the "white king" for all his subjects.

The re-establishment of the Assembly of the Nobility in modern Russia almost coincided in time with the revival of the Russian Orthodox Church. Of course, we understand that we are in different "weight categories", but we cannot but realize both the inextricable historical connection and the duty of cooperation. The late His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, who, let me remind you, was born in exile in Tallinn, and descended from the noble family of the Ridigers, was our honorary member and did a lot for the Nobility Assembly, especially at the stage of its formation. With the current Primate, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, the Nobility Assembly also has strong respectful filial bonds. As well as with many other hierarchs and clergymen.

In order to better acquaint the Moscow public, including members of the Assembly of Nobility, with true church life, with real representatives, so to speak, of the second estate, I recently launched the project “Estonia. Dialogue with a priest. And, I want to say, what a gallery of wonderful Moscow priests passed before us - smart, educated, versatile, deep and interesting interlocutors!

I repeat, the nobility and the clergy are called to be co-workers in the field of rebirth historical Russia. So it is today, and I hope it will be so in the future...

Representatives of the noble class faithfully served the Fatherland for generations ... During Patriotic War 1812, the Crimean campaign, the First World War, aristocratic youth voluntarily went to the front line, it was considered shameful to sit in the rear. It's hard to imagine this today. What, in your opinion, is the reason for the decline in patriotic feeling, the loss of moral guidelines, the sudden appearance of the ideals of a “consumer society”, etc.?

I don’t like it when they manipulate the absolutely vague term “national elite”. Who is this elite really? Senior officials? Oligarchs? Businessmen from culture? Bandits who profited from crime and privatization? It is difficult for me to agree that this is the Russian elite, especially if it keeps its capital in offshore and Swiss banks, and its offspring study in England - and not at all in order to return to their homeland with the acquired knowledge. These are nouveau riches. The real elite is formed not in five or even twenty-five years, but in generations and centuries.

The main task of the real Russian elite has always been serving the Fatherland. During the war of 1812, representatives of all aristocratic families were in the army, during the Great War the first to die were officers of the guard, who considered it beneath their dignity to bend under machine-gun fire. The elite of a society ceases to be such as soon as it opposes itself to this society. Despite the different social status, wealth, level of education, people should have a single system of values. In the 19th century, it was ingeniously formulated by Count S.S. Uvarov. God, Tsar, Fatherland - with these words, both the Grand Dukes and the peasants lived and died, together they made up great Russia. In this connecting beginning, the fundamental difference between estates and classes, groups, strata, and even now fashionable strata.

Why not now? Well, why should we be like this, after more than 70 years of communist ideology, built on the principles of atheism and proletarian internationalism? The Bolsheviks came to power on national betrayal, retained this power through national betrayal(remember the Peace of Brest) and brought up traitors, it is enough to name the phenomenon of Pavlik Morozov, the epidemic of whistleblowing that was rampant at that time. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, when a critical situation developed at the front, the official ideology had to be adjusted. Stalin remembered the names of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Nakhimov. But I would not flatter myself about the sincerity of this "turn", about which they now like to speculate.

Speaking of patriotism, one should not forget one important nuance, namely, that patriotism is love, love for the Motherland. But all love is waiting for reciprocal love. As for the current state, on the one hand, it abandoned the communist ideology, but, on the other hand, it did not recognize itself as the legal successor of historical Russia. This duality creates a value relativism, a “split of consciousness”, which, obviously, does not contribute to the rise of patriotic feelings.

Maybe toponymy, symbolism is not the most important thing in this world, but you must admit that this is something that eats into our consciousness, sits on its subcortex. And although the Royal Passion-Bearers have long been glorified, Muscovites are forced to pass through the Voykovskaya station every day. Cleared images of the Savior Not Made by Hands and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the Kremlin towers crowned with five-pointed stars, and next to it lies the unburied body of the "eternally living" destroyer of Russia.

What, in your opinion, can serve as the basis of a national idea that can unite the divided and largely morally disoriented Russian people?

We must understand that it is impossible to come up with a national idea. It is nurtured by the people - I repeat these words again - for generations and centuries. In addition, there is the concept of historical and religious vocation. As a person, so the people have their own cross. Attempts to reject it, to turn off the predestined path with God, are catastrophic. Russia was not just a monarchy for a thousand years, the majority of European states were monarchies. Russia itself, perhaps unwillingly, took over from Byzantium the mission of the Christian empire, the Third Rome. And thus she predetermined her fate. Like it or not, we must admit that we are an empire. And the Christian empire demands, of course, a Christian emperor, an anointed one.

I am not saying that in the 21st century it should be an absolute monarch, especially since by 1917 our monarchy was far from absolute. I'm talking about the monarch as a symbol of the nation. I may be asked the question: how is he, in fact, different from the president? Usually they answer this way: by the dynastic principle. Of course, this is a very important difference. When the heir to the throne is brought up from childhood as a future monarch, responsible for the fate of his country, which his ancestors have been improving since the founding of the state, and which he will then entrust to his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, this guarantees stability and continuity.

But I would like to focus on the religious aspect. Have you ever thought about how priests, ordinary Russian priests who confess their sins almost daily, manage to endure all this calmly and not go crazy? After all, they are not professional psychiatrists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, who, by the way, break down much more often. For a religious person, the answer is obvious: the power of grace inherent in the gift of the priesthood... But after all, the hereditary monarch, by duty and right, receives a special, sacred gift in the sacrament of secondary chrismation. It is he who gives him the strength to bear the burden of power.

Almost a million Russian people belonging to the nobility, after the revolution, ended up in exile. Have contacts with emigrant noble assemblies been restored today?

The oldest organization of the Russian nobility - the Union de la Noblesse Russe - was created in Paris in 1925 from representatives of the provincial noble assemblies who were forced to leave their homeland. When the Russian Noble Assembly was formed in 1990, then, of course, contacts immediately began with this “Parisian” Union of Nobles. It could not be otherwise, because after the catastrophe of 1917, many families were separated by the "Iron Curtain". But one should not think that everything turned out so rosy. For a Russian emigrant, could there be anything good from Soviet Union, even if it's a Nobility Assembly? But time heals, and gradually the wounds heal. Despite some differences in our statutes, good relations have developed between the organizations on the whole. An important milestone was 2013, when the delegation of the Union of Nobles, headed by its then chairman Kirill Vladimirovich Kiselevsky (alas, recently deceased), at the invitation of the Moscow Nobility Assembly, participated in a large program prepared by us dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. In the House "Russian Abroad" there was an evening from the cycle "Farewell, Russia - hello, Russia!", dedicated to the Union of Nobles - it was, in fact, our first joint action.

I have no doubt that our contacts will develop in the future as well. I also want to note that in some countries the Russian nobility was not united in any organizations, and they arose only in the 1990s already as branches of the Russian Nobility Assembly. So it was in Australia, in Bulgaria.

In the domestic press, it is customary to savor juicy details about the weddings of European crowned heads with emotion. At the same time, outright lies are often written about the current Russian Imperial House and all sorts of gossip is spread. How do you assess this trend?

To be honest, I don’t see much difference between gossip and juicy details - all this fits into the general style of our modern press. Of course, I perfectly understand what you are talking about. The subtext is this: there, in the West, monarchies are beautiful and good, but here, in Russia, this is absurd and atavistic. The question is why? Why, for example, the restoration of the monarchy in Spain is positive and relevant, while in Russia it is served with sauce: do you want to return the palaces to yourself? Or maybe even serfdom in addition? Moreover, the Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna does not tire of repeating that she is against restitution and, moreover, does not claim the property of the dynasty.

Attacks on the Head of the Russian Imperial House are most often based on emotional and sometimes absurd arguments. No matter how much you refute them, they still pop up later and are presented as a sensation. What can be said here? It is pointless to explain anything to a person who does not want to understand. But it is necessary to methodically and honestly write the history of the Imperial House in exile, publish archival documents, photographs, letters - for thinking people.

On the Internet, you can find ads that guarantee the awarding of a “royal” order or a princely title for a certain amount. Do these proposals have anything to do with the Imperial House or the Assembly of Nobility?

Believe me, all such offers are pure fraud. Genuine awards are not bought on the Internet or in any other way, but are received for services to the state, the Church, the dynasty that has retained its historical identity. Only in this case, these are full-fledged awards, not trinkets.

Dynastic orders established by European monarchs in past eras are preserved by the current heads of crowned dynasties, even in case of loss state power. Orders are bestowed by the Heads of the Italian, French, Portuguese and many other non-reigning dynasties. The list of dynastic orders published by the International Commission of Cavalier Orders and other authoritative scientific societies also includes the Russian imperial orders of the Romanov dynasty. The right to award imperial orders and bestow noble dignity is an inalienable historical prerogative of the Head of the Russian Imperial House. At present, imperial orders, as well as orders of the Russian Orthodox Church, do not have state status, and their awarding does not entail any privileges. They are only an honorary sign of respect and gratitude from the Russian Imperial House. I note that many well-known public figures, military leaders, clergy, people of culture are holders of imperial orders.

Is the current interest in the search for noble ancestors a kind of fashion - for many it is prestigious to have their own coat of arms, pedigree?

Prestigious and fashionable - not always bad. The bad thing is that fashion passes. And genealogy must be rooted in the people's consciousness. Peoples who honor their history, their traditions, cannot fail to know and respect their ancestors. We talked about patriotism. Through the history of one's family, one's own ancestors, the history of the country becomes close and dear - and isn't this the basis for true patriotism? Whoever your ancestors were - nobles, peasants, merchants, clergy - they are all worthy of memory, they all worked for the good of Russia. The main thing is that the passion for genealogy and heraldry should not lead to the temptation to rewrite history, in this case, your family history, the history of the family. If such a temptation touches someone's souls, let them think about the fact that fictional ancestors will not be able to pray for them ...

But my deep conviction is that there is also a religious aspect to genealogy. We are all descendants of Adam, a branch of a single human race. This understanding runs throughout the Bible. Open the New Testament. Where does it start? From the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

The Russian Nobility Assembly (abbreviated RDS; full name - "Union of the Descendants of the Russian Nobility - Russian Nobility Assembly") is a corporate public organization that unites persons belonging to the Russian nobility, as well as descendants of Russian noble families, who have documented and irrefutably proved their undoubted belonging to the Russian nobility.

The Nobility Assembly was abolished by a decree of the Central Executive Committee on November 10, 1917. The document itself was a unique source.

21) Structures and publications in genealogy: Russian Genealogical Society in St. Petersburg.

The Russian Genealogical Society (abbreviated RGS), founded in 1897 in St. Petersburg on the initiative of Prince A. B. Lobanov-Rostovsky. The meetings of the society were held on Nadezhdinskaya street (now Mayakovsky street), 27.

The goal of the society is the scientific development of the history and genealogy of noble families (including the study of the genealogy of the service nobility of pre-Petrine Rus'); in the field of studies of the Russian Geographical Society - research on heraldry, sphragistics (an auxiliary historical discipline that studies seals and their impressions on various materials), diplomacy and other historical disciplines. Chairman - Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich. The Russian Geographical Society included historians, court dignitaries, statesmen, representatives of provincial noble assemblies: N. P. Likhachev (one of the founders and actual head of the society), S. D. Sheremetev, G. A. Vlasyev, D. F. Kobeko, N. V. Myatlev, V. V. Rummel and others In 1901-130 members (in 1898-23). The main works of the members of the society were published in 4 issues of Izvestia (1900-11). The archives of the Russian Geographical Society kept ancient letters, columns, documents of the 16th-18th centuries. from the family archives of the Osorgins, Tyrtovs, Musin-Pushkins and others (now in the archives of Leningrad and Moscow). In 1919, the Russian Geographical Society entered the Russian Academy of the History of Material Culture, and was renamed the Russian Historical and Genealogical Society; ceased to exist in 1922.

22) Structures and publications in genealogy: Historical - Genealogical Society in Moscow. The Historical Genealogical Society in Moscow, founded in 1904 and restored in 1990, is a voluntary scientific and public organization and aims to continue the traditions of historical and genealogical research, the scientific development of problems of domestic genealogy, the study of the history of genera and families, mutual assistance in genealogical research, popularization and promotion of genealogical knowledge and genealogy as a branch of historical science.

Goals and objectives

1. Takes care of the preservation of family archives and collections, describes and publishes them in compliance with the rules established for this subject.

2. Collects and processes materials on history, genealogy, heraldry and related disciplines.

3. Collects a library, archive and museum on all subjects that meet the objectives of the Society.

4. Arranges public meetings with reports and lectures and organizes exhibitions on issues that meet the objectives of the Society.

5. Conducts genealogical and heraldic expertise and consultations on these issues.

6. Interacts with archives, museums, libraries and other institutions and organizations (including foreign ones) on issues that meet the objectives of the Society, and provides its members with the opportunity to study in archives, libraries and museums.

7. Uses the right of editorial and publishing activities, publishes (in the manner prescribed by law) its own journal and the works of its members and other printed and visual materials on genealogy, heraldry and related disciplines, republishes works on these and other problems related to the subject matter of the Society's knowledge.

8. Orders the performance of genealogical research and other work on the above issues in Russia and abroad and fulfills orders from Russian and foreign citizens and organizations, and also acts as an intermediary in the execution of such orders.

9. Finances genealogical programs, research, expeditions, participates in the implementation of similar programs organized by other scientific and public centers, organizations and individuals (including foreign ones).

10. Opens its branches in other cities.

11. Issues prizes and medals for works that meet the objectives of the Society.

12. Creates a computer data bank on genealogy, heraldry and related disciplines and organizes an information center.

23) "Historical Genealogy"

The journal "Historical Genealogy" is published by the Center for Genealogical Research in Yekaterinburg. This journal publishes articles on topical issues of genealogy, introduces processing of genealogical sources (Nobelization documents). The articles contain information about the fate of certain noble families (the fate of the Romanovs), about the fate of certain families. On the development of French families, regarding immigrants.

On October 2, 2010, the 65th anniversary of the Leader of the Russian Nobility Assembly (RDS) His Excellency Prince Grigory Grigoryevich Gagarin was celebrated in Moscow.

Representatives of the Church, state authorities, public organizations, relatives and friends of Prince Gagarin and many members of the Russian Nobility Assembly gathered to congratulate the hero of the day.

On behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Prince was congratulated by the Chairman of the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society, Mitred Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, who presented His Excellency with the icon of the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. Director of the Chancellery of the Head of the Russian Imperial House A.N. Zakatov read out congratulations to Prince Grigory Grigoryevich from the Empress Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna and announced the Decree on awarding the hero of the day with the Sign with the monogram image of the Name of the Head of the Russian Imperial House of the 1st degree. On behalf of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Prince Gagarin was congratulated by a group of generals headed by Lieutenant General A.Ya. Kolomeichenko. At the same time, the head of the Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense for perpetuating the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland, Major General A.V. Kirilin presented His Excellency with the medal "200 Years of the Ministry of Defense", which the prince was awarded for his active cooperation and interaction on the part of the RDS with Armed Forces Russia. The rector of the Russian State University of Trade and Economics (RGTEU), which is under the highest patronage, Professor S.N. Baburin announced the decision of the Academic Council of the university to award Prince Gagarin with the Golden Badge of Honor named after Nikolai Rumyantsev. First Deputy Director of the Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation G.I. Kalchenko, congratulating the hero of the day, presented him with a commemorative government medal for his contribution to the patriotic education of youth.

Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin congratulates Prince Gagarin

Professor S.N. Baburin congratulates Prince Grigory Grigorievich

Major General A.V. Kirilin congratulates His Excellency

There were congratulatory greetings from the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Russia V.E. Churov and Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of Russia on Public Associations and Religious Organizations S.A. Popov. Congratulations were delivered by the Deputy Head of the Office of the Public Chamber of Russia A.I. Kudryavtsev, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Department Yu.Yu. Didenko and others.

The comrades-in-arms of the Movement “For Faith and Fatherland”, headed by the Chairman of the Guiding Center K.R. Kasimovsky, Member of the Republican Center G.N. Grishin and confessor of the Movement Hieromonk Nikon (Levachev-Belavents), ranks of the Chancellery of the Head of the Russian Imperial House King of Arms S.V. Dumin and lawyer G.Yu. Lukyanov, head of the Moscow department of the Russian Imperial Union-Order A.A. Patriotic War of 1812, headed by the Chairman of the Society V.I. Alyavdin, General Director of the company "Partnership of A.I. Abrikosov's sons" D.P. Abrikosov, President of the Society of Friends of the State Historical Museum A.A. Bondarev, President of the Moscow Interdistrict Bar Association S.B. Zubkov, representatives of the priesthood and figures of the Russian Orthodox Church, members of the Rectorate of the RGTEU and others.

Chairman of the Leading Center of the Movement "For Faith and Fatherland" K.R. Kasimovsky and Member of the Guiding Center G.N. Grishin congratulate Prince Grigory Grigorievich

And, of course, Prince Grigory Grigoryevich was congratulated by a numerous deputation of the RDS, headed by the First Vice-Leader of the RDS A.Yu. Korolev-Pereleshin, including the Vice-Leader of the Moscow Nobility Assembly (MDS) Professor P.V. Florensky, Leader of the Bashkortostan Nobility Assembly - Mejlis of the Tatar Murzas Z.Ya. Ayupov, Leader of the Perm Nobility Assembly A.A. Posukhov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.M. Lavrov, head of the pilgrimage section of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society S.Yu. Zhitenev, leader of the youth section of the RDS M.M. Volkova and many, many others.

Press service of the Movement "For Faith and Fatherland" ( [email protected] )


Prince Grigory Grigorievich G A G A R I N E

Prince Grigory Grigoryevich Gagarin - Rurikovich, a direct descendant of the Russian Grand Dukes Vladimir Monomakh, Yuri Dolgoruky, Vsevolod the Big Nest. Born October 2, 1945 in the suburbs of Paris, Villejuive, in a family of Russian emigrants. Baptized in the suburbs of Paris, Clichy, in the Church of the Holy Trinity in December 1945 in the presence of parents, relatives and friends. Father - Prince Grigory Borisovich Gagarin (1908-1993), son of Major General Prince Boris Vladimirovich Gagarin (1876-1966), World War I hero, awarded the Order of St. George 4th class and the golden St. George weapon. Prince B.V. Gagarin in exile was the chairman of the Union of Knights of St. George. Father of Prince G.G. Gagarina G.B. Gagarin first studied at Cadet Corps, then graduated from the University of Liege and worked as a mechanical engineer. During World War II, he was in the Army of General Charles de Gaulle, was in a combat unit, which was one of the first to land in France, and had a number of military awards.

Mother Maria Fedorovna Karpova (1910-1998) is a representative of a well-known noble family descended from Rurik. Her grandfather, Gennady Fyodorovich Karpov, a well-known historian, professor, after his death at Moscow University, a scholarship was established in his name for especially successful students. The mother of Prince G.G. Gagarin graduated from the Sorbonne and then worked as a class lady in a gymnasium in Paris. Mother was lucky to have H.I.V. Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich, who entered the senior class of this gymnasium to pass exams for a certificate. During World War II, she also participated in the French resistance movement.

The parents of Prince G.G. Gagarin had known each other since the 1930s. They met again in France, immediately after the liberation of Paris from the German occupation in August 1944, decided to get married and got married at the end of 1944 in the suburb of Paris, Clichy. After the end of the war and the birth of their son, the parents of G.G. Gagarin, following the example of a significant part of the Russian emigration, wanted to return to their homeland in Russia. The mother of Grigory Grigoryevich especially insisted on this. However, the father of Grigory Grigoryevich, having become acquainted by this time with the methods of work of the Soviet special services, who tried, through pressure and intimidation, to involve him in work with internees, realized what was waiting for him in the Soviet Union and changed his mind about returning to Russia under the communist regime. Grigory Grigoryevich's mother, however, did not agree with him and insisted on returning. There was a serious quarrel and the family broke up. Father G.G. Gagarin later lived and died in England. The mother of Grigory Grigorievich married Grigory Erastovich Tulubyev (1897-1960), a hereditary nobleman, a former guards officer, a member of the White movement, who fought in the White Army with the rank of staff captain. From this marriage, in 1948, the half-brother of Prince Grigory Grigorievich Gagarin, Andrey Grigorievich Tulubyev, was born.

A few years after the end of the war, Grigory Grigoryevich, together with his mother and stepfather, first moved to the German Democratic Republic, and then to Russia. They expected to settle in one of the capitals, but they were sent to Troitsk Chelyabinsk region, on the border with Kazakhstan. The stepfather raised and raised Grigory Grigoryevich as his own son, never making a difference between him and his half-brother.

Prince G.G. Gagarin has two higher education. In 1964 he entered the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute, where he graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in 1971 and was left to work at the department. Since that time he lived in Chelyabinsk. In 1993 he graduated from the Mining Faculty of the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute in Moscow. Worked as a researcher in Chelyabinsk polytechnic institute(1971–1986), head of the laboratory at the South Ural Trust for Engineering and Construction Surveys (1986–1992), chief specialist of the Spetszhelezobetonproekt design and technology institute (1992–2001), chief specialist of the buildings and structures survey department at Yuzhno– Ural Regional Technical Center “Prombezopasnost” (2001–2006).

Since 2007 - Head of the Department of Technical Development of Production, an expert in the inspection of buildings and structures of CJSC Uralspetsenergoremont-Holding. Since 2009 - Advisor on Investments and Construction to the Rector of the Russian State University of Trade and Economics (Moscow).

In 1999, he applied for membership in the Russian Nobility Assembly (RDS). Accepted as a full member of the RDS, with an entry in the 5th part of the RDS Pedigree Book (diploma No. 2173). Even before the final entry into the RDS, Prince G.G. Gagarin began to organize the Chelyabinsk Regional Nobility Assembly, which he created in 1999 and, with some difficulty, was officially registered in early 2005 as a regional branch of the RDS. All these years (until 2009 inclusive) he was invariably the leader of the Chelyabinsk Nobility Assembly. Delegate of the 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th All-Russian Nobility Congresses. In May 2005, he was elected to the Council of the United Nobility, since that time he has actively participated in all meetings of the Council.

In August 2007, Grigory Grigoryevich was introduced to the Head of the Russian Imperial House H.I.V. to the empress Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. The candidacy of Prince G.G. Gagarin, as a possible future leader of the RDS, was approved by the Highest.

At the reporting and election 12th All-Russian Nobility Congress in May 2008, he was elected Leader of the Russian Nobility Assembly.

Prince G.G. Gagarin actively supported and continued the public-civil and cultural-educational activities of the RDS, which the organization had carried out in all previous years. After being elected the Leader of the RDS, he personally heads most of the programs and projects of the RDS.

Since 2008, he has been participating in the preparation and conduct of visits to Russia by the Head and Members of the Russian Imperial House, in the implementation of actions aimed at integrating the Russian Imperial House into the life of our Fatherland.

Since 2010, Prince G.G. Gagarin is a member of the Council of Orthodox Public Associations under the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society.

- Russian Imperial House: Order of St. Anne, 2nd class (2009);
- Foreign: Order of Honor of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (2009); medal "20 years of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic" (2010), medal "600 years of the city of Bendery" of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (2009).
- Russian Nobility Assembly: medal of honor (2nd class, 2008) honorary award"In memory of the creation of the Union of the descendants of the Russian Nobility - the Russian Nobility Assembly."

Prince G.G. Gagarin is married. His wife, Princess Valentina Oskarovna, née Bidlingmeier, comes from a family of German settlers in the Caucasus (born in 1948 in Kazakhstan), the wife's parents left for permanent residence in Germany in the late 1980s. The only daughter of Prince Grigory Grigorievich, Princess Maria Grigorievna, was born in 1972 in Chelyabinsk, graduated from a university in Germany, in Stuttgart, married to a German citizen, has a daughter, Anna (born in 2008).

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