The types of sanctions are positive and negative. Formal and Informal Positive Sanction

Term" social control"was introduced into scientific circulation by the French sociologist and social psychologist. Gabriel. Tarde. He viewed it as an important means of correcting criminal behavior. Subsequently. Tarde expanded the considerations of this term and considered social control as one of the main factors of socialization.

Social control is a special mechanism for social regulation of behavior and maintenance of public order

Informal and formal control

Informal control is based on the approval or condemnation of a person's actions on the part of her relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, as well as on the part of public opinion, which is expressed through customs and traditions, or what. Erez funds mass media.

There were very few established norms in traditional society. Most aspects of the lives of members of traditional rural communities were controlled informally. Strict adherence to rituals and ceremonies associated with them traditional holidays and rituals, brought up respect for social norms, an understanding of their necessity.

Informal control is limited to a small group; in a large group it is ineffective. The agents of informal control are relatives, friends, neighbors, acquaintances

Formal control is based on the approval or condemnation of a person's actions by official authorities and administration. In a complex modern society, which numbers many thousands or even millions of Jews, it is impossible to maintain order by means of informal control. In modern society, control over order is carried out by special social institutions, such as courts, educational institutions, army, church kVA, mass media, enterprises, etc. Accordingly, the agents of formal control are employees of these installations.

If an individual goes beyond social norms, and his behavior does not correspond to social expectations, he will certainly face sanctions, that is, with the emotional reaction of people to normatively regulated behavior.

... Sanctions are punishments and rewards that are applied by a social group to an individual

Since social control can be formal or informal, there are four main types of sanctions: formal positive, formal negative, informal positive and informal negative.

... Formal positive sanctions- this is public approval from official organizations: certificates, awards, titles and titles, state awards and high positions. They are closely related to the presence of prescriptions that determine how an individual should behave himself and which rewards are provided for his compliance with normative prescriptions.

... Formal negative sanctions- these are punishments provided for by legal laws, government regulations, administrative instructions and orders: deprivation of civil rights, imprisonment, arrest, dismissal from work, fine f, service penalty, reprimand, the death penalty and others. They are associated with the presence of prescriptions that regulate the behavior of the individual and indicate what kind of punishment is intended for non-compliance with these norms.

... Informal positive sanctions is public approval from unofficial persons and organizations: public praise, compliment, tacit approval, applause, glory, smile, etc.

... Informal negative sanctions- this is a punishment unforeseen by official authorities, such as remarks, ridicule, a cruel joke, contempt, negative reviews, slander, etc.

The typology of sanctions depends on the system of educational features we have chosen

Taking into account the method of application of sanctions, there are actual and prospective sanctions.

... Actual sanctions are those that are actually applied in a particular community. Everyone can be sure that if he goes beyond the existing social norms, he will be punished or rewarded, according to the existing regulations.

Forward-looking sanctions involve promises of punishment or reward for the individual if they go beyond regulatory prescriptions. Very often, only the threat of execution (the promise of a reward) is sufficient to keep the individual within the normative framework.

Another criterion for dividing sanctions is associated with the time of their application.

Repressive sanctions are applied after an individual has performed a certain action. The amount of punishment or reward is determined by public beliefs about the harmfulness or usefulness of his action.

Preventive sanctions are applied even before the individual commits a certain action. Preventive sanctions are applied in order to induce an individual to such a type of behavior that society needs

Today, in most civilized countries, the prevailing belief is a "crisis of punishment", a crisis of state and police control. More and more there is a growing movement to abolish not only the death penalty, but also juridical imprisonment and during the transition to alternative measures of punishment and restoration of the rights of victims.

the idea of ​​prevention is considered progressive and promising in world criminology and sociology of deviations

Theoretically, the possibility of crime prevention has been known for a long time. Charles. Montesquieu in his work "The Spirit of the Laws" noted that "a good legislator is not so worried about punishment for a crime as he is. social conditions, create a more welcoming atmosphere and reduce inhuman activities. They are suitable to protect a specific person, a potential victim from possible encroachments from possible encroachments.

However, there is another point of view. Agreeing that crime prevention (as well as other forms of deviant behavior) is democratic, liberal and progressive than repression, some sociologists (T. Matissen, B. Andersen, etc.) question the realism and effectiveness of preventive measures, their arguments are as follows:

Since deviance is a certain conditional construct, a product of social agreements (why, for example, in one society alcohol is allowed, and in another - its use is considered deviation?). That in decides what is an offense - the legislator. Will not prevention turn into a way of strengthening the position of officials?

prevention involves influencing the causes of deviant behavior. And who can say with confidence that he knows these reasons? and the basis and put into practice?

prevention is always an intervention in a person's personal life. Therefore, there is a danger of human rights violations through the introduction of preventive measures (for example, violation of the rights of homosexuals in the USSR)

The severity of the sanctions depends on:

Role formalization measures. The military, police, doctors are controlled very tightly, both formally and by the public, and, say, friendship is realized through informal social ros. Ole, therefore the sanctions here are rather conditional.

status prestige: roles associated with prestigious statuses are subject to severe external control and self-control

Cohesion of the group, within which role behavior occurs, and therefore the forces of group control

Test questions and tasks

1. What behavior is called deviant?

2. What is the relativity of deviation?

3. What behavior is called delinquent?

4. What are the reasons for deviant and delinquent behavior?

5. What is the difference between delinquent and deviant behavior?

6. Name the functions of social deviations

7. Describe the biological and psychological theories deviant behavior and crime

8. Describe the sociological theories of deviant behavior and crime

9. What functions does the system of social control perform?

10. What are "sanctions"?

11. What is the difference between formal and informal sanctions?

12 names for the difference between repressive and preventive sanctions

13. Prove with examples what the tightening of sanctions depends on

14. What is the difference between informal and formal control methods?

15. Name of agents of informal and formal control


- English sanctions, informal; German Sanc-tionen, unformale. Spontaneous, emotionally colored reactions of the immediate environment (friends, neighbors, relatives) to the behavior of the individual deviating from the social. expectations.

Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009

See what "INFORMAL SANCTIONS" are in other dictionaries:

    SANCTIONS INFORMAL- English. sanctions, informal; German Sanc tionen, unformale. Spontaneous, emotionally colored reactions of the immediate environment (friends, neighbors, relatives) to the behavior of the individual deviating from the social. expectations ... Explanatory Dictionary of Sociology

    The reactions of the social group (society, labor collective, public organization, friendly company, etc.) on the behavior of an individual deviating (both in a positive and negative sense) from social expectations, norms and values. ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    AND; f. [from lat. sanctio (sanctionis) unbreakable law, the strictest regulation] Jurid. 1. Statement of what l. higher authority, permission. Get an arrest warrant. Give approval for the issue to be published. Detained with the sanction of the prosecutor. 2. Measure, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (lat. institutum establishment, establishment) social structure or order of social order, determining the behavior of a set of individuals of a particular community. Institutions are characterized by their capabilities ... ... Wikipedia

    The set of processes in a social system (society, social group, organization, etc.), through which the following is ensured. "Models" of activity, as well as compliance with restrictions in behavior, the violation of which ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Primaries- (Primaries) The concept of primaries, rules for conducting primaries Information about the concept of primaries, conducting primaries, results of primaries Contents of primaries (primary), primary elections - a type of voting in which one ... ... Investor encyclopedia

    Firm- (Firm) Definition of a firm, characteristics and classification of firms Definition of a firm, characteristics and classification of firms, concepts of a firm Content Content Firm Legal forms The concept of a firm and entrepreneurship. The main features and classifications of firms ... ... Investor encyclopedia

    SOCIAL ROLE CONFLICT- a contradiction either between the normative structures of the social. roles, or between structural elements social roles. In a complexly differentiated society, the individual fulfills the requirements of not one, but several roles, in addition, the very specific role associated with ... ... Russian Sociological Encyclopedia

    Group norms- [from lat. norma guideline, sample] a set of rules and requirements developed by each really functioning community and playing the role of the most important means of regulating the behavior of members of a given group, the nature of their relationships, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    omitted- prisons. Slang is an omitted representative of the lowest group in the informal hierarchy of prisoners, a kind of untouchable caste. You cannot take anything from a lowered one, you cannot touch him, sit on his bunk, etc. The omitted have their own separate places in ... ... Versatile additional practical explanatory dictionary I. Mostitsky

Formal negative sanctions are one of the tools for maintaining social norms in society.

What is the norm

This term came from Latin... Literally means "rule of conduct", "sample". We all live in a society, in a team. Everyone has their own values, preferences, interests. All this gives the individual certain rights and freedoms. But we must not forget that people live next to each other. This single collective is called society or society. And it is important to know what laws govern the rules of conduct in it. These are called social norms. Formal negative sanctions can be enforced.

Types of social norms

The rules of conduct in society are subdivided into subspecies. This is important to know, since it is on them that social sanctions and their application depend. They are classified into:

  • Customs and traditions. They pass from one generation to the next over many centuries and even millennia. Weddings, holidays, etc.
  • Legal. Fixed in laws and regulations.
  • Religious. Code of Conduct Based on Faith. Baptismal ceremonies, religious festivals, fasting, etc.
  • Aesthetic. Based on a sense of the beautiful and the ugly.
  • Political. They regulate the political sphere and everything connected with it.

There are many other rules as well. For example, the rules of etiquette, medical standards, safety rules, etc. But we have listed the main ones. Thus, it is a mistake to believe that social sanctions apply only to the legal field. Law is just one of the subcategories of social norms.

Deviant behavior

Naturally, all people in society must live according to generally accepted rules. Otherwise, chaos and anarchy will ensue. But some individuals sometimes cease to obey generally accepted laws. They violate them. This behavior is called deviant, or deviant. It is for this that formal negative sanctions are provided.

Types of sanctions

As it has already become clear, they are called upon to establish order in society. But it is a mistake to think that the sanctions have a negative connotation. That this is something bad. In politics, this term is positioned as a restrictive instrument. A wrong concept is formed, meaning a prohibition, a taboo. Recall and cite examples of recent events and the trade war between Western countries and the Russian Federation.

In fact, there are four types of them:

  • Formal negative sanctions.
  • Informal negative.
  • Formal positive.
  • Informal positive.

But let us dwell on one view in more detail.

Formal negative sanctions: examples of use

It is no coincidence that we got this name. Their feature is the following factors:

  • They are associated with a formal manifestation, in contrast to informal ones, which have only an emotional connotation.
  • They are used only for deviant (deviating) behavior, in contrast to positive ones, which, on the contrary, are designed to encourage the individual for exemplary fulfillment of social norms.

Let's give a specific example from labor law. Let's say citizen Ivanov is an entrepreneur. Several people work for him. In the course of labor relations, Ivanov violates the terms of the labor contract concluded with the workers and delays their wages, arguing this by the crisis in the economy.

Indeed, sales have plummeted. The entrepreneur does not have enough money to cover wage arrears to employees. You might think that he is not to blame and can detain with impunity cash... But actually it is not.

As an entrepreneur, he had to weigh all the risks in carrying out his activities. Otherwise, he is obliged to warn employees about this and begin the appropriate procedures. This is provided for by law. Instead, Ivanov hoped that everything would work out. The workers, of course, suspected nothing.

When the day of payment comes, they find out that there is no money in the checkout. Naturally, their rights are violated at the same time (each employee has financial plans for rest, social security, possibly certain financial obligations). Employees file a formal complaint with the state labor protection inspectorate. In this case, the entrepreneur violated the norms of the labor and civil codes. Inspection authorities confirmed this and ordered to pay salaries soon. For each day of delay, a certain penalty is now charged in accordance with the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In addition, the inspection authorities imposed an administrative fine on Ivanov for violations of labor standards. Such actions will be an example of formal negative sanctions.


But an administrative fine is not the only measure. For example, an employee was severely reprimanded for being late to the office. Formality in this case consists in a specific action - entering into a personal file. If the consequences for his lateness were limited only to the fact that the director emotionally, in words, made a remark to him, then this would be an example of informal negative sanctions.

But it is not only in labor relations that they apply. In almost all areas, mostly negative formal social sanctions prevail. The exception, of course, is moral and aesthetic norms, rules of etiquette. Violations are usually followed by informal sanctions. They wear emotional character... For example, no one will fine a person for not stopping on the highway in a forty-degree frost and not taking a mother with a baby as a fellow traveler. Although society can react negatively to this. A flurry of criticism will fall on this citizen, if, of course, it is made public.

But do not forget that many norms in these areas are enshrined in laws and regulations. This means that for their violation it is possible, in addition to informal ones, to receive formal negative sanctions in the form of arrests, fines, reprimands, etc. For example, smoking in public places. This is an aesthetic norm, or rather a deviation from it. It is ugly to smoke on the street and poison all passers-by with tar. But until recently, only informal sanctions were relied on for this. For example, a grandmother may be critical of the offender. Today, smoking bans are legal. For its violation, the individual will be punished with a fine. This is a vivid example of the transformation of the aesthetic norm into a legal plane with formal consequences.

Back to Sanctions

The formation and functioning of small social groups is invariably accompanied by the emergence of a number of laws, customs and traditions. Their main goal is to regulate social life, maintain a given order and take care of maintaining the well-being of all members of the community.

Such a phenomenon as social control occurs in all types of society. For the first time this term was used by the French sociologist Gabriel Tarde He, calling so one of the most important means of correcting criminal behavior. Later, he began to consider social control as one of the determining factors of socialization.

Among the tools of social control are formal and informal incentives and sanctions. Sociology of personality, which acts as a section social psychology, considers issues and problems related to how people interact within certain groups, as well as how the formation of an individual occurs. Under the term "sanctions" this science also understands rewards, that is, this is a consequence of an act, regardless of whether it is positive or negative coloration he has.

Formal control of public order is entrusted to official structures (human rights and judicial), and informal control is exercised by members of the family, collective, church community, as well as relatives and friends.

While the former is based on government laws, the latter is based on public opinion. Informal control is expressed through customs and traditions, as well as through the media (public approval or censure).

If earlier this type of control was the only one, today it is relevant only for small groups. Due to industrialization and globalization, modern groups have a huge number of people (up to several million), so informal control is untenable.

The sociology of personality refers to sanctions as punishment or reward used in social groups in relation to individuals. This is a reaction to the individual's going beyond the boundaries of generally accepted norms, that is, the consequence of actions that differ from those expected.

Taking into account the types of social control, distinguish between formal positive and negative, as well as informal positive and negative sanctions.

Formal sanctions (with a plus sign) are different kinds public approval by official organizations. For example, the issuance of certificates, awards, titles, titles, state awards and appointment to senior positions.

Such incentives necessarily provide for the compliance of the individual to whom they are applied, certain criteria.

In contrast, there are no clear requirements for meriting informal positive sanctions. Examples of such rewards: smiles, handshakes, compliments, praises, applause, public gratitude.

Formal punishments are measures that are set out in legal laws, government orders, administrative instructions and orders. An individual who violates applicable laws may be subject to imprisonment, arrest, dismissal from work, fines, service punishment, reprimand, death penalty and other sanctions.

The difference between such measures of punishment from those provided for by informal control (informal negative sanctions) is that their application requires the presence of a specific prescription that regulates the behavior of the individual.

It contains criteria related to the norm, a list of actions (or inaction) that are considered violations, as well as the punishment for the action (or lack thereof).

Types of punishments that are not enshrined at the official level become informal negative sanctions. This can be ridicule, contempt, verbal reprimands, negative reviews, remarks, and others.

Everything existing species sanctions are divided into repressive and preventive. The first is used after the individual has already performed an action. The amount of such punishment or reward depends on public beliefs that determine the harmfulness or usefulness of the act.

The second (preventive) sanctions are designed to prevent specific actions from being taken. That is, their goal is to persuade the individual to behave in what is considered normal. For example, informal positive sanctions in school system education is designed to develop the habit of "doing the right thing" in children.

The result of such a policy is conformism: a kind of "disguise" of the true motives and desires of the individual under the camouflage of inculcated values.

Many experts come to the conclusion that informal positive sanctions allow for more humane and effective control of an individual's behavior.

By applying various incentives and reinforcing socially acceptable actions, it is possible to foster a system of beliefs and values ​​that will prevent the manifestation of deviant behavior. Psychologists recommend using informal positive sanctions as often as possible in the process of raising children.

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So, social sanctions play a key role in the system of social control.

Together with values ​​and norms constitute

self-control... Thus, depending on the method of imposing sanctions - collective or individual - social control can be external and internal hard, and not strict, or soft.

External control- subdivided into informal and formal. Informal control

Formal control agents of formal control.

Public opinion

socialization and control basis legal regulations: the laws.

Date of publication: 2014-11-02; Read: 244 | Page copyright infringement


Formal positive sanctions (F +): - public approval from official organizations: government awards, state awards, titles, academic degrees and titles, the construction of a monument, admission to high positions and honorary functions.

Informal positive sanctions (N +): - public endorsement that does not come from official organizations: friendly praise, compliments, benevolent disposition, compliments, smile.

Formal negative sanctions (F -): - punishments provided for by legal laws, government decrees, administrative instructions, prescriptions, orders: deprivation of civil rights, imprisonment, arrest, dismissal, fine, deprivation, confiscation of property, demotion, demotion, death penalty, excommunication.

Informal negative sanctions (N-): - punishments not provided for by official authorities: censure, reprimand, ridicule, mockery, cruel joke, offensive nickname, refusal to lend a hand, spreading rumors, slander, complaint.

So, social sanctions play a key role in the system of social control. Together with values ​​and norms constitute mechanism of social control. The norms and sanctions are combined into a single whole. If some norm lacks the accompanying violation of the sanction, then it ceases to regulate the real behavior of people. It becomes a slogan, an appeal, an appeal, but it ceases to be an element of social control.

Application of social sanctions in some cases requires the presence of unauthorized persons, and in others does not require (for example, imprisonment requires a complex procedure judicial trial; awarding an academic degree involves a complex procedure for defending a dissertation and a decision of the academic council). If the application of the sanction is made by the person himself, is directed at himself and takes place inside, then this form of control must be considered self-control.

Thus, depending on the method of imposing sanctions - collective or individual - social control can be external and internal... According to the degree of intensity, the sanctions are severe, or hard, and not strict, or soft.

External control- subdivided into informal and formal. Informal control based on the approval or condemnation of relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances (they are called agents of informal control), as well as from the side of public opinion.

Formal control based on the approval or condemnation of the official authorities or administration. In modern society, the importance of formal control is increasing. It is carried out by special people - agents of formal control. These are people specially trained and paid for performing control functions (judges, police officers, social workers, psychiatrists, etc.). Formal control is exercised by such institutions of modern society as the courts, the education system, the army, production, the media, political parties, and the government.

Public opinion- a set of assessments, ideas and judgments shared by the majority of the population or part of it; state of mass consciousness. It is in the production collective, in a small village, it is in the social class, ethnic group, society as a whole. The impact of public opinion is very strong. Sociology studies public opinion very widely. This is her main subject. Questionnaires and interviews are primarily aimed at him.

It is easy to see the similarity of the two processes in society - socialization and control... The subjects of influence in both cases are agents and institutions. In modern society basis social control advocate legal regulations: the laws.

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Sanctions- these are the reactions of society to the actions of the individual.

The emergence of a system of social sanctions, like norms, was not accidental. If norms are created with the aim of protecting the values ​​of society, then sanctions are intended to protect and strengthen the system of social norms. If the norm is not supported by a sanction, it ceases to be valid.

Thus, the three elements - values, norms and sanctions - form a single chain of social control. In this chain, sanctions are assigned the role of a tool through which the individual first gets to know the norm and then realizes the values.

Sanctions are of different types.

Among them are positive and negative, formal and informal.

Positive(positive) sanctions are approval, praise, recognition, encouragement, glory, honor that others reward those who act within the framework of socially accepted norms. Each type of activity has its own rewards.

Negative sanctions- condemning or punishing actions of society in relation to those individuals who violate the norms accepted in society. Negative sanctions include censure, discontent of others, condemnation, reprimand, criticism, fines, as well as more severe actions such as detention, imprisonment or confiscation of property. The threat of negative sanctions is more powerful than the expectation of a reward. At the same time, society strives to ensure that negative sanctions not so much punish as prevent violations of norms, be proactive, not late.

Formal sanctions come from official organizations - governments or administrations of institutions, which in their actions are guided by officially adopted documents

Informal sanctions come from the immediate environment of the individual and have the character of unofficial, often verbal and emotional assessments.

Social behavior that corresponds to the norms and values ​​defined in society is designated as conformist (from Lat. Conformis - similar, similar). The main task of social control is the reproduction of a conformist type of behavior.

Social sanctions are applied to monitor compliance with norms and values. Sanction is the reaction of the group to the behavior of the social subject. With the help of sanctions, normative regulation of the social system and its subsystems is carried out.

Sanctions are not only punishments, but also rewards that contribute to the observance of social norms. Together with values, they contribute to the observance of social norms and thus social norms are protected from two sides, from the side of values ​​and from the side of sanctions. Social sanctions are a ramified system of rewards for the fulfillment of social norms, that is, for conformism, agreement with them and a system of punishments for deviating from them, that is, deviance.

Negative sanctions are linked with socially disapproved violations of norms, depending on the severity of the rules, they can be subdivided into punishments and censures:

forms of punishment- administrative penalties, restriction of access to socially valuable resources, prosecution, etc.

forms of censure- expression of public disapproval, refusal to cooperate, breakdown of relations, etc.

The use of positive sanctions is associated not only with compliance with norms, but with the implementation of a number of socially significant services aimed at preserving values ​​and norms. Forms of positive sanctions include awards, monetary rewards, privileges, endorsements, and the like.

Along with negative and positive, formal and informal sanctions are distinguished, which differ. depending on the institutions applying them and the nature of their action:

formal sanctions implemented official institutions, sanctioned by society - law enforcement agencies, courts, tax services, the penitentiary system.

informal applied by informal institutions (comrades, family, neighbors).

There are four types of sanctions: positive, negative, formal, informal. Οʜᴎ give four types of combinations that can be represented by a logical square.

(F +) Formal positive sanctions. This is a public endorsement from official organizations. This endorsement can take the form of government awards, government awards and scholarships, titles awarded, the construction of monuments, the presentation of certificates of honor, or admission to high offices and honorary functions (for example, being elected chairman of the board).

(H +) Informal Positive Sanctions - Public endorsement that does not come from formal organizations can be expressed in friendly praise, compliment, honor, compliment, or recognition of leadership or expertise. (just a smile) (F) -) formal negative sanctions - punishments provided for by legal laws, government decrees, administrative instructions, orders and orders can be expressed in arrest, imprisonment, dismissal, deprivation of civil rights, confiscation of property, fine, demotion, excommunication from the church, the death penalty.

(H-) informal negative sanctions - punishment not foreseen by official authorities: censure, remarks, ridicule, disdain, unflattering nickname, refusal to maintain relations, disapproving review, complaint, exposing article in the press.

Four groups of sanctions help determine which individual behavior can be considered beneficial to the group:

legal - a system of punishments for actions prescribed by law.

ethical - a system of censures, remarks arising from moral principles,

satirical - ridicule, disdain, smirks, etc.,

religious sanctions .

French sociologist R.

Lapierre distinguishes three types of sanctions:

physical with the help of which the punishment for violation of social norms is carried out;

economic blocking the satisfaction of urgent needs (fines, penalties, restrictions on the use of resources, dismissals); administrative (lowering social status, warnings, penalties, removal from office).

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, sanctions together with values ​​and norms constitute a mechanism of social control. By themselves, norms do not control anything. The behavior of people is controlled by other people on the basis of norms. Compliance with norms, like the implementation of sanctions, makes human behavior predictable,

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, norms and sanctions are combined into a single whole. If a norm lacks an accompanying sanction, then it ceases to regulate behavior and becomes just a slogan or appeal, and not an element of social control.

The application of social sanctions in some cases requires the presence of unauthorized persons, and in others it does not (imprisonment requires a serious trial, on the basis of which a sentence is passed). Assignment academic degree presupposes an equally complex process of defending a dissertation and solving a scientific council. If the application of the sanction is made by the person himself, directed at himself and takes place inside, then this form of control is called self-control. Self-control is internal control.

Individuals independently control their behavior, coordinating it with generally accepted norms. In the process of socialization, norms are assimilated so firmly that people who violate them feel guilty. Approximately 70% of social control is carried out through self-control. The higher self-control is developed among members of society, the less it is extremely important for this society to resort to external control, and, on the contrary, the weaker self-control, the more rigid external control should be. At the same time, strict external control, petty guardianship of citizens, inhibit the development of self-awareness and muffle the volitional efforts of the individual, as a result a dictatorship arises.

Often, the dictatorship is established for the time being for the benefit of citizens, in order to restore order, but citizens who are accustomed to submitting to coercive control do not develop internal control, they gradually degrade as social creatures as individuals who are able to take responsibility and do without external coercion, that is, dictatorship, thus the degree of development of self-control characterizes the type of people prevailing in society and the emerging form of the state. With developed self-control, there is a high probability of establishing democracy, with undeveloped - dictatorship.


V modern world social control is understood as the supervision of human behavior in society in order to prevent conflicts, establish order and maintain the existing social order... The presence of social control is one of the most important conditions for the normal functioning of the state, as well as the observance of its laws. An ideal society is a society in which each of its members does what he wants, but at the same time it is what is expected of him and what is required by the state at the moment. Of course, it is not always easy to make a person do what society wants him to do.

1. The concept of social control
2. Elements of social control
3. Mechanisms of action of social control
4. Functions of social control
5. Forms of implementation of social control

The work consists of 1 file

Sanctions are the guards of norms. Social sanctions are a ramified system of rewards for fulfilling norms, and punishments for deviating from them (i.e. deviance).

Fig. 1 Types of social sanctions.

Four types of sanctions are distinguished:

Formal positive sanctions- public approval by official organizations, formalized by documents with signatures and seals. These include, for example, the awarding of orders, titles, awards, admission to high positions, etc.

Informal positive sanctions- public endorsement that does not come from official organizations: compliment, smile, glory, applause, etc.

Formal negative sanctions- punishments stipulated by laws, instructions, decrees, etc. This is arrest, imprisonment, excommunication, a fine, etc.

Informal negative sanctions- punishments not provided for by laws - mockery, censure, notation, disregard, gossip, feuilleton in the newspaper, slander, etc.

The norms and sanctions are combined into one whole. If a norm lacks an accompanying sanction, then it loses its regulatory function. Let's say, in the 19th century. in countries Western Europe the birth of children in legal marriage was considered the norm. The illegitimate children were excluded from the inheritance of their parents' property, they could not enter into decent marriages, they were neglected in everyday communication. Gradually, society, as it became more modern, excluded sanctions for violation of this norm, and public opinion softened. As a result, the norm ceased to exist.

3. Mechanisms of action of social control

By themselves, social norms do not control anything. Human behavior is controlled by other people based on norms that are expected to be followed by everyone. Compliance with the rules, like the implementation of sanctions, makes our behavior predictable. Each of us knows, and for a serious crime - imprisonment. When we expect a certain action from another person, we hope that he knows not only the norm, but also the next sanction.

Thus, the norms and sanctions are combined into a single whole. If a norm lacks an accompanying sanction, then it ceases to regulate real behavior. It becomes a slogan, an appeal, an appeal, but it ceases to be an element of social control.

The application of social sanctions in some cases requires the presence of unauthorized persons, while in others it does not. Dismissal is made out by the personnel department of the institution and involves the preliminary publication of an order or order. Imprisonment requires a complex trial procedure, on the basis of which a judgment is rendered. Bringing to administrative responsibility, for example, fines for travel without a ticket, presupposes the presence of an official transport controller, and sometimes a policeman. The conferment of an academic degree presupposes an equally complex procedure for defending a scientific dissertation and making a decision by the Academic Council. Sanctions against group habits breakers require fewer persons, but nevertheless they are never applied to oneself. If the application of sanctions is made by the person himself, directed at himself and takes place inside, then this form of control should be considered self-control.

Social control- the most effective tool with which powerful institutions of society organize the life of ordinary citizens. The tools, or in this case the methods, of social control are of great variety; they depend on the situation, goals and nature of the particular group where they are used. They range from one-on-one showdown to psychological pressure, physical abuse, economic coercion. The controls were not necessarily intended to exclude the unwanted person and encourage others to be loyal. “Isolation” is most often not the individual himself, but his actions, statements, relations with other persons.

Unlike self-control, external control is a set of institutions and mechanisms that guarantee compliance with generally accepted norms of behavior and laws. It is subdivided into informal (intragroup) and formal (institutional).

Formal control is based on the approval or condemnation of the official authorities and administration.

Informal control is based on approval or condemnation on the part of a group of relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, as well as on the part of public opinion, which is expressed through traditions and customs or the media.

The traditional rural community controlled all aspects of the life of its members: the choice of the bride, methods of resolving disputes and conflicts, methods of courtship, choosing the name of the newborn, and much more. There were no written norms. Public opinion, most often expressed by the oldest members of the community, acted as the controller. Religion was organically interwoven into the unified system of social control. Strict adherence to rituals and ceremonies associated with traditional holidays and ceremonies (for example, marriage, childbirth, maturity, betrothal, harvest), fostered a sense of respect for social norms, instilled a deep understanding of their need.

In compact primary groups, extremely effective and at the same time very subtle mechanisms of control, such as persuasion, ridicule, gossip and contempt, constantly operate to curb real and potential deviants. Ridicule and gossip are powerful tools of social control in all types of basic headings. Unlike formal control methods such as reprimand or demotion, informal methods are available to almost everyone. Both ridicule and gossip can be manipulated by any intelligent person who has access to their transmission channels.

Not only commercial organizations, but also universities and the church have successfully used economic sanctions to keep their staff from deviant behavior, that is, such behavior that is considered to be outside the acceptable range.

Crosby (1975) singled out four main types of informal control.

Social rewards, manifested as smiles, nods of approval, and measures that contribute to obtaining more real benefits (for example, promotion), serve to encourage conformism and indirectly condemn deviation.

Punishment, expressed as a frown, criticism and even threats of physical harm, is directly directed against deviant acts and is due to the desire to eradicate them.

Belief represents another way of influencing deviants. A coach can convince a baseball player who skips training to keep fit.

The final, more complex type of social control is reassessment of norms- in this case, behavior that was considered deviant is assessed as normal. For example, in the past, if the husband stayed at home, did housework, and took care of the children while his wife went to work, his behavior was considered unusual and even deviant. At present (mainly as a result of women's struggle for their rights), roles in the family are gradually being revised, and a man's domestic work is no longer considered reprehensible and shameful.

Family, circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances can also carry out informal control. They are called informal control agents. If we consider the family as a social institution, then we should talk about it as the most important institution of social control.

Formal control historically arose later than informal control - during the period of the emergence of complex societies and states, in particular, ancient Eastern empires.

Although, undoubtedly, we can easily find its forerunners in more early period- in the so-called identities, where the range of formal sanctions officially applied to violators is clearly defined, for example, the death penalty, expulsion from the tribe, removal from office, as well as all kinds of rewards.

However, in modern society, the importance of formal control has greatly increased. Why? It turns out that in a complex society, especially in a country of many millions, it is increasingly difficult to maintain order and stability. Informal control is limited to a small group of people. In a large group, it is ineffective. Therefore, it is called Local (local). On the contrary, formal controls operate throughout the country. It is global.

It is carried out by special people - agents of formal control... These are persons specially trained and paid for performing control functions. They are carriers of social statuses and roles. These include judges, police officers, psychiatrists, social workers, special church officials, etc.

If in a traditional society social control was based on unwritten rules, then in modern society it is based on written norms: instructions, decrees, decrees, laws. Social control has acquired institutional support.

Formal control is exercised by such institutions of modern society as courts, education, army, industry, mass media, political parties, and government. The school is controlled by exam grades, the government is controlled by the taxation system and social assistance to the population. State control is exercised through the police, the secret service, state radio, television and the press.

Control methods depending on the applicable sanctions subdivided into:

  • soft;
  • straight;
  • indirect.

These four control methods can overlap.


  1. The mass media are among the instruments of indirect soft control.
  2. Political repression, racketeering, organized crime - these are the instruments of direct strict control.
  3. The effect of the constitution and the criminal code is an instrument of direct soft control.
  4. Economic sanctions of the international community - to instruments of indirect tight control
Hard Soft
Direct Pancreas PM
Indirect QL KM

    Fig. 2. Typology of formal control methods.

4. Functions of social control

According to A.I. Kravchenko important role the mechanism of social control plays a role in strengthening the institutions of society. The same elements, namely a system of rules and norms of behavior that reinforce and standardize the behavior of people making it predictable, are included in social institution, and into social control. “Social control is one of the most commonly accepted concepts in sociology. They designate the most varied means that any society uses to curb its rebellious members. No society can do without social control. Even a small group of people who accidentally come together will have to develop their own control mechanisms so as not to disintegrate in the shortest possible time. "

Thus, A.I. Kravchenko highlights the following function, which carries out social control in relation to society:

  • protective function;
  • stabilizing function.
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