Day in history January 14. International Kite Festival in India

It was founded in May 1795 by the decree of Empress Catherine II and became the first state library in Russia. It was based on

a collection of books and manuscripts by the Załuski brothers brought from Warsaw. In 1810, Emperor Alexander I adopted a legal deposit law, according to which the library began to receive two free copies of all Russian printed publications.

The location for the library was chosen in the very center of St. Petersburg, at the corner of Nevsky Prospekt and Sadovaya Street. The building was designed by the architect Yegor Sokolov.

On January 14, 1814, the library was inaugurated. It was available to everyone, "every reader had free entrance to it, no matter what rank or rank he was."

After October revolution The Imperial Public Library was renamed the Russian Public Library, then it was named after M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin. Since 1937, it became known as the State Public Library. M.E.Saltykova-Shchedrin.

In March 1992, by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the library was transformed into the Russian National Library (RNL). In the same year, it was awarded the status of a particularly valuable object of national heritage.

Today the RNL is the fifth library in the world in terms of the volume of funds. It contains about 38 million copies of books and other information resources. More than 1 million readers visit the library annually.

318 years ago (1700) Peter I ordered the nobles to wear European costumes.

By a personal decree "On wearing a dress in the manner of a Hungarian", he ordered all noble people "in Moscow and in the cities, to wear dresses, Hungarian caftans, the upper ones are as long as a garter, and the underwear is shorter than the upper ones, by the same kind."

The men's suit, introduced by the reforms of Peter I, consisted of a caftan, a camisole and trousers. The caftan was knee-length, narrow at the waist and tight-fitting at the top. The camisole was shorter than a caftan, without a collar and with a long narrow sleeve without a cuff. The costume was complemented by a lace frill and cuffs, leather shoes with a blunt toe, with heels, decorated with bows or buckles, and silk stockings

From January 1, 1701, women had to change heavy sundresses for European dress. According to the new fashion, they began to wear deeply lowered French dresses, as well as curling their hair in curls and using blush and whitewash.

The new order took root with great difficulty. They opposed the transition to European dress, they took a duty from the disobedient, and the tailors who sewed the "old" dress were punished.

In total, during his reign, Peter I issued about 20 decrees, which regulated the appearance of subjects and the rules for wearing various types of clothing.

The organ, the largest and most complex of musical instruments, is sometimes called the "King of Instruments". “He alone has those tremendous sounds,” wrote Vladimir Stasov, “those thunders, that majestic voice that seems to speak from eternity, whose expression is impossible for any other instrument, for any orchestra ...”, wrote the Russian critic, art historian, archaeologist and public figure Vladimir Stasov.

One of the best in Europe and the pinnacle of the late German Baroque is considered to be a type of soft and light timbre organ created by Gottfried Silbermann, a renowned organ builder, inventor of the piano and friend of Johann Sebastian Bach. This outstanding German master was born on January 14, 1683.

Well, Vladimir Vasilyevich Stasov, whom we just quoted, was also born on this day, only in 1824.

In countless magazine and newspaper articles, Stasov responded to every event in musical life, ardently and convincingly interpreted the meaning of new works, he possessed indisputable authority. Vladimir Vasilyevich took an active part in the creative activities of the "Mighty Handful" and was the ideological inspirer of the Association of Itinerants.

On January 14, 1833, Hieromonk Seraphim of Sarov, a hermit and miracle worker, passed away. During his half-century of monastic life, Father Seraphim did a lot to strengthen the Orthodox Faith, selflessly serving the cause of God. The venerable elder is called "the Great Sanctuary of the Russian land."

Dean died on January 14, 1898 Anglican Church, professor of mathematics Charles Dodgson. He is also a writer and philosopher named Lewis Carroll, author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the predecessor of new literature of the twentieth century.

“Carroll alone,” said Virginia Wolfe, “showed us the world upside down as a child sees it, and made us laugh the way children laugh, ingenuously. We fall, whirling, selflessly, into the purest nonsense and laugh, laugh ... And then we wake up. "

In 1911, the writer Anatoly Rybakov was born in Chernigov in the family of an engineer.

His very first work - a story for children "Dagger", and then its continuation "Bronze Bird" - was read by more than one generation of young readers. This was followed by a trilogy about Krosh, addressed to young people. But Rybakov wrote not only for children. Already in 1966, his book "Children of the Arbat" was written and even announced in print. However, it took more than twenty years to wait for its publication. The novel "Children of the Arbat" became a national bestseller. Like many other works of Rybakov, he was filmed.

On this day, it is impossible to get around the event, which at one time caused a lot of noise, albeit in a narrow circle - about the first attempt on Ilyich's life.

January 14, 1918 - Lenin's car was fired upon in Petrograd by unknown terrorists. This case can be considered the first serious threat to the life of the leader of the world proletariat, since historiography did not record any attempts on the life of Ilyich before the October Revolution. The accidental collision of a car driven by a French viscount with a Russian émigré Ulyanov riding a bicycle down a Parisian street in 1909 should not be considered an attempt. It was an ordinary traffic accident in which no one was injured. True, the angry cyclist sued the reckless motorist and, interestingly, won the trial.

On January 14, 1918, Vladimir Ilyich spoke at a rally in the Mikhailovsky Manege - he instructed the first detachment of the socialist army to go to the front.

After the rally, Lenin, his sister Maria Ulyanova and the Swiss Social Democrat Fritz Platten got into the car, and Vladimir Ilyich ordered to go to Smolny. The driver, Taras Gorokhovik, set off slowly. I was afraid of ice, snow blockages, and most of all fog. This has not been observed in Petrograd for a long time. Thick and viscous, it filled the streets, enveloped houses and bridges, embankments, avenues. But the driver confidently navigated the fog. Approaching the bridge over the Fontanka, he slowed down a little, signaled: what if one of the pedestrians hesitated before he could step aside? You can easily run into a person with such poor visibility ...

Vladimir Ilyich was joking in the car, he was cheerful. He noted that it was noticeably cold outside. Frost made his way into the cockpit. Penetrated into the collar of the coat. He pinched his nose and open ears. Fritz Platten, listening to Vladimir Ilyich, smiled, but Maria Ilyinichna was seriously alarmed. “I wouldn’t be chilled to Smolny,” she said, wrapping her hands in a fur neckpiece.

Lenin translated Maria Ilyinichna's words to Platten. He turned to Ulyanova and nodded his head in agreement. Maria Ilyinichna gratefully clung to her brother.

The car drove onto the Simeonovsky bridge across the Fontanka. And then bullets suddenly drummed on the body.

Shoot! gasped Maria Ilyinichna. Platten, without hesitating a second, bent Lenin's head to him.

Taras Gorokhovik was not at a loss either: he put on the gas, drove off the bridge, turned into an alley, stopped the car and turned to the passengers.

Are they all safe? I was scared! I thought you were no longer alive. We got off happily. If they hit the tire, we would not leave.

The car was inspected at the Smolny. The body was perforated in several places. One bullet lodged in the carriage bracket. The other two flashed through the windshield.

What's wrong with you? - Lenin was worried, noticing that Platten's hand was covered in blood.

Are you injured? - Maria Ilyinichna fumbled in her bag, feeling for a handkerchief.

It turns out that the bullet touched his finger when Platen, saving Lenin, bent his head ...

The Chekists failed to detain or establish the identity of the shooters. The terrorists, and there were twelve of them, fled.

The details of the assassination attempt were not disclosed, perhaps because Petrograd militia workers took part in it. It was extremely unprofitable to report this - how could representatives Soviet militia raise your hand against the leader ?! True, some of the attackers in the past were tsarist officers, but this became clear later, when the terrorists fled to Novocherkassk, the center of the future White Guard movement. Some of them managed to survive in civil war... Once in exile, they told about the details of the assassination attempt. It was organized by Prince Dmitry Shakhovskoy, who allocated half a million rubles for this purpose.

And a man who suffered from a bullet intended for Lenin in March 1938, that is, already under Stalin, was arrested in Moscow on suspicion of spying for one of the foreign states. During the search of Fritz Platten, a Mauser kept in his apartment was seized, for which there was no permission. This gave rise to the assumption that Platten intended to commit an assassination attempt on the leaders of the CPSU (b) and the Soviet government. And although the judicial investigation established that he was not engaged in espionage activities, Platten was imprisoned for a period of four years without losing his rights - for illegal possession of weapons. While serving his sentence, Platten died of cardiovascular disease. By the evil irony of fate, the heart of the man who saved the life of their leader for the Bolsheviks stopped beating on April 22, 1942 - on the birthday of Ilyich. In 1956, Platten was posthumously rehabilitated.

Well, in those January days of 1918, Lenin was enraged by the impunity of the terrorists. Incidentally, this attack on Ilyich was the first and last attempt on his life, committed in Petrograd. According to the testimony of contemporaries, after this incident, the leader of the proletariat harbored a fierce resentment against the city on the Neva.

old New Year- New Year according to the Julian calendar ("old style"). In XX and XXI centuries falls at midnight between January 13 and 14 ("new style"). After the transition to a new style, the old New Year continues to traditionally be unofficially celebrated in some countries.

In Russia, the tradition of celebrating the old New Year is associated, in addition to preserving the tradition, with the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church continues to meet all church holidays according to the Julian calendar ("old style"). At the same time, the modern New Year falls on the Christmas fast - an Orthodox forty-day fast in honor of Christmas.
The tradition of celebrating the old New Year arose after 1918, when a new chronology was introduced in Russia.

Old New Year is a rare historical phenomenon, an additional holiday that resulted from the change of chronology. Because of this discrepancy in calendars, we celebrate two "New Years" - according to the old and new styles. Thus, on the night of January 13-14, everyone can afford to "celebrate" their favorite holiday. Indeed, for many believers, the Old New Year has a special meaning, since they can celebrate it heartily only after the end of the Nativity Fast.

Birthday of the pipeline troops.

On this day in 1952, the Minister of War of the USSR A.M. Vasilevsky signed a directive, which ordered the formation of the first separate battalion for pumping fuel. The date of signing the directive became the birthday of the pipeline troops. In fact, this can be called a second birth, since the first experience in the organizational design of units intended for the use of collapsible trunk pipelines was acquired at the end of 1944. Then they formed four fuel pumping battalions, a pipeline guard battalion and a workshop for the construction of metal tanks. After the end of the war, the fuel pumping battalions were disbanded.

Much credit in the creation, formation and development of the pipeline troops belongs to Colonel-General Vasily Nikitin, who is rightfully called their ancestor, "father". In 1954, he was appointed head of the Fuel Supply Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, and he headed it for 30 years.
In peacetime, pipe keepers also do not sit idly by, pipeline parts are used to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters and man-made disasters.
For several decades, designers, engineers, pipeline warriors, workers have created, developed and adopted various sets of field trunk pipelines that have no analogues in the world, machines for their installation and mobile pumping equipment.

Pipeline troops were repeatedly involved in extinguishing large forest fires and peat bogs in a number of regions of the country. The contribution of the pipeline troops in eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, when it was required to submit a large number of water to the area of ​​emergency recovery work.

Per special merits before the fatherland, for the heroism shown in battles and battles and special operations, many officers, soldiers and sergeants were awarded medals and orders.

Birthday is a big holiday, even if it is not set in any way professional holiday, nor as a memorable day. Happy Birthday to the Pipeline Troops!

Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord.

Events that happened on January 14th.

1761 - in the battle near the Indian city of Panipat, a 90,000-strong army of Afghans (under the command of Ahmad Shah Durrani), in alliance with Indian Muslim detachments, completely destroyed the army of the Marathi princes.
1902 - Train traffic was opened on the Manchuria-Harbin section of the Chinese Eastern Railway.
1929 - the Moscow region was formed.
1943 - war on Pacific: the evacuation of Japanese troops from the island of Guadalcanal began.
1969 - A fire aboard the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier in the Hawaiian Islands killed 27 people and destroyed 15 aircraft.
1972 - Queen Margrethe II of Denmark ascends to the throne.
1989 - foundation of the Lube group.
2005 - The Huygens space probe landed on Titan.
2010 - Watch doomsday translated back one minute.

1700 310 years ago

(January 4, O.S.) A personal decree was announced in Moscow: “Boyars, and devious, and duma, and neighbors, and steward, and solicitor, and nobleman of Moscow, and clerk, and tenants, and all ranks of servicemen, and clerks, and merchants, and people of boyars, in Moscow and in towns , wear dresses, Hungarian caftans, the upper ones are as long as a garter, and the underwear is shorter than the upper ones, in the same semblance. "

Old spelling may seem strange to us, and then the decree on the change of dress caused strong displeasure. Especially because PETER I has already introduced obligatory shaving. They opposed the transition to European dress, they had to repeat it, hang stuffed animals with samples on the city gates, finally, take a duty from the disobedient, and threaten the craftsmen with cruel punishment.

(January 3, O.S.) Shaving and German dress were opposed for a very long time... In 1705, this was one of the reasons for the uprising that broke out in Astrakhan. PETER I, who was busy in the west at that time, wanted to end him peacefully. To do this, in the fall, he sent a local resident KISELNIKOV to Astrakhan with a letter in which he exhorted the people to lag behind the troublemakers and, having intercepted the main breeders, send them to Moscow, than to earn the tsar's forgiveness.

Otherwise, everyone will be executed without mercy... On this day, Kiselnikov arrived in the city, a Cossack circle was assembled, to which Metropolitan SAMSON was summoned to read the tsar's letter. After listening to her, they prayed for the Tsar's health (there was a false rumor that the Tsar was gone) with cannon firing. A few days later, the Metropolitan began to bring everyone to the oath, and the Astrakhan people wrote a confession and sent eight people to the sovereign along with Kiselnikov.

(January 2 O.S.) The Imperial Public Library, founded in 1795 by the Empress, was opened in St. Petersburg EKATERINA II, which later became the State Public Library, even later received the name of M.E.SALTYKOV-SHCHEDRIN, and since 1992 has been called the Russian national library.

The introduction in Russia of a monopoly on the sale of alcohol .


Advice People's Commissars at the suggestion of V.I.LENIN accepted a decree on the organization of armed detachments at the Cheka, designed to fulfill the tasks of emergency commissions, protect government agencies, combat banditry, and maintain revolutionary order in the country. This marked the beginning of the creation of internal troops.

On that day, the leader of the proletariat himself spoke at the Mikhailovsky Manege in Petrograd on the occasion of seeing off the first detachments of the socialist army to the front.

After the rally, Lenin said to the driver so that he would take him, MI ULYANOV and the Swiss communist Fritz PLATTEN to Smolny. Taras GOROKHOVIK set off slowly, as he feared ice, snow blockages, and most of all such a thick fog that had not been observed in Petrograd for a long time. At the Simeonovsky bridge across the Fontanka, bullets suddenly drummed on the body.

Platten bent Lenin's head, the driver was not taken aback and put on the gas. At Smolny the car was examined: in several places the body was perforated, two bullets pierced the windshield, one of them touched Platten's finger. Participants in the assassination attempt (already the second after the Bolsheviks came to power) could not be found. As usual, this still allows one to build a wide variety of conjectures, however, not distinguished by originality.

Remember S. Y. MARSHAK: "There lived a man scattered on Basseinaya Street ..."? But at one time they could have been accused of anti-Soviet views for such a thing, since in 1922, on this day, Basseinaya Street renamed into Nekrasov Street.


By a resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Northern Territory was formed as part of the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, North-Dvinsk provinces and the Komi Autonomous Region with the center in Arkhangelsk. At the end of 1936, the Northern Territory was transformed into the Northern Region, the Komi Autonomous Region (hereinafter the Komi ASSR) was separated from its structure, and in September 1937 the Northern Region was divided into the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions.

1945 65 years ago

South and southwest of the city Kielce are our troops, continuing to develop the offensive, captured the important communications center of the city of Pinchuv, and also occupied more than 200 other settlements with battles, [ b] including large settlements Radomice, Lisow, Korytnica, Brzegi, Myasova, Motkowice, Jakubuv, Mirzhvin, Wroceryzh, Michaluv, Gury, Mlodzuvy, Kozubuv, Shipov, Pelchiska, Sokolina, Stary Korchin, Nowy Korkuvi and Motkovia Sobova railway stations ... Thus, our troops crossed the Nida River, on a front of 60 kilometers, without giving the enemy the opportunity to organize a defense here, and cut railroad Kielce - Krakow.

On the territory of Czechoslovakia, our troops captured the town and the Luchenets railway junction, the town and the Pleshivets junction railway station, and also occupied more than 40 other settlements in battles, among them - Gorka, Shankovce, Lekeshka, Zaluzhany, Vrezovo, Ugorska, Rovnany, Kalinovo, Ielshovets, Luborech and railway stations Gorka, Sushany, Zelena.

Our troops are in Budapest, squeezing the ring of the encirclement of the German-Hungarian group, they seized the eastern station, the Chemer commuter train station, the city gas plant and occupied more than 200 blocks.

In other sectors of the front - the search for scouts and in a number of points of local battles.

L. I. BREZHNEV and N. V. PODGORNY were added to the Secretariat of the CPSU Central Committee.

1965 45 years ago

Launched at the Black Sea Shipyard head anti-submarine cruiser of project 1123 - the first Soviet helicopter carrier "Moscow".


The Soviet spacecraft Soyuz-4 went into space, and the next day - "Soyuz-5". First manned spaceships docked in orbit. Also, for the first time, the transition of astronauts from one ship to another was carried out.

A film by directors Alexander ALOV and Vladimir NAUMOV “Running", Staged based on the works of M. BULGAKOV. The film stars L. SAVELIEVA, A. BATALOV, M. ULYANOV, E. EVSTIGNEEV, V. DVORZHETSKY.

The first entry into the Arctic voyage of the fourth Soviet nuclear-powered icebreaker "Russia".

The birth of the Lyube group, which recorded the first two songs in its performance.

Valentin PAVLOV was appointed Prime Minister of the USSR.


The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in its first considered case invalidated the decree of President Boris YELTSIN on the merger of the ministries of security and internal affairs into a single department.

On this day were born

Petr Petrovich SEMYONOV-TYAN-SHANSKY(1827 - 03/11/1914), geographer, traveler, statesman and public figure.

Moisey Solomonovich URITSKY(1873 - 08.30.191, Bolshevik, chairman of the Petrograd Cheka. His murder, along with the attempt on Lenin's life in Moscow, became the reason for the "red terror".

Vasily Stepanovich POSTOVOYT(1886 - 10/11/1972), breeder, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1964) and VASKhNIL (1956), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1957, 1963).

Ieronim Petrovich Uborevich(1896 - 12.6.1937), military leader, commander of the 1st rank

Viktor Arkadievich / Aronovich / WHITE(1904, Berdichev - ??. ??. 1983), composer, editor-in-chief of the "Musical Life" magazine, author of such a popular song as "Eaglet".

Victor Sergeevich TETERIN(1906 - 9/29/1975), footballer, right-back of the Moscow Dynamo, two-time champion of the USSR (1936, spring; 1937), winner of the USSR Cup in 1937, Honored Master of Sports.

Anatoly Naumovich RYBAKOV(1911 - 23.12.199, writer ("Dagger", "Bronze Bird", "The Adventures of Krosh", "Heavy Sand", "Children of the Arbat").

1915 95 years ago

Vasily Sergeevich EFREMOV(1915 - 18.8.1990), bomber pilot, twice Hero Soviet Union(1.5.1943 and 24.8.1943), colonel, honorary citizen of the hero-city of Volgograd. Here he was born, fought here (more than half of his 340 sorties) and is buried here on the Mamayev Kurgan. One problem: if you look at the official information server of Volgograd, you will find out that the hero pilot died ... on January 1, 1980.

Vitaly Zhurkin(192, specialist in international relations, founder of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician (1990).

Vladimir Petrovich KONDRASHIN(1929 - 23.12.1999), basketball coach, under whose leadership the USSR national basketball team won its first victory at the Olympic Games in 1972.

1935 75 years ago

Yuri I. ZHURAVLYOV(1935, mathematician, cyberneticist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1992).

Natalia Alexandrovna ZASCHIPINA(1939), actress. She did not play many roles in the cinema, but one of the first works - Marusya in the film "First Grader" (director - Ilya FRES, script - Evgeny SHVARTs) - brought her all-Union fame. Now the actress works at the Moscow Theater of Satire.

Lyubov Ivanovna VIROLAINEN(1941), actress ("To Love a Man", "Eternal Call").

Valery B. KHARLAMOV(1948 - 27.8.1981), an outstanding Soviet hockey player.

Anna Vladlenovna SAMOKHINA(1963 - 8.2.2010), an actress who, after her first roles ("Prisoner of the Castle If", "Thieves in law", "Don Cesar de Bazan"), was proclaimed a sex symbol of Soviet cinema. Fortunately, the time has come that such a thing became possible not only in the decaying West.

Sergey NEMCHINOV(1964), hockey player who won the Stanley Cup twice with the New York Rangers and New Jersey Devils. Silver medalist at the Nagano Olympics (199.

This day is gone

Seraphim SAROVSKY(30.7.1759 - 1833), hieromonk - a desert dweller and miracle worker.

Prokhor MOSHNIN came from Kursk at the age of 19 to the Sarov monastery and stayed there forever. For eight years he was a novice, then he was tonsured a monk. At the initiation, he received the name Seraphim. In the same year 1786, Seraphim was elevated to the rank of hierodeacon. For almost 6 years he was in the ministry without interruption. When he was 34 years old, Bishop Theophilus ordained him a hieromonk. A year later, Seraphim retired to a deserted cell, in which he hid for many years in solitude, work, reading and prayer. He constantly wore the same clothes: a linen hoodie, leather mittens and shoe covers, over which he put on bast shoes.

He had a cross in front, which his mother blessed him with., letting go of the house, and in the bag behind his shoulders was the Gospel. In imitation of the ancient saints, the elder also wore chains on both shoulders: in front of them were hung crosses of 20 pounds, at the back - 8 pounds. In addition, he put on an iron belt. Soon, Father Seraphim's abstinence and fasting reached an incredible degree. The brothers only wondered how he managed to survive not only in summer, but also in winter, but Seraphim carefully concealed his exploits from people.

Only after the attack on him by three robbers, beaten to death Seraphim for 5 months he was treated in a monastery, but then returned to the desert. For three years he was silent and did not go out to visitors again. Seraphim combined silence with standing on a stone. For 1000 days and nights, he offered prayers, standing on his feet or knees with his hands raised up.

At night he did it in the forest, where there was a huge granite stone., and from morning to evening in his cell, where there was also a stone. After 15 years of seclusion, Seraphim returned to the monastery because of an illness that tormented him and settled in his cell, in which he did not receive anyone, did not leave it himself and did not speak a word to anyone. All the decoration of the cell consisted of an icon with a lamp and a stump instead of a chair.

After five years of seclusion, the elder opened the doors of the cell, and now everyone could come to him, and soon he began to conduct conversations with those who came to him, but he still did not leave his cell, which was never heated, the same stump served as a chair, and bags of sand and stones served as a bed ... In the hallway of the cell stood a coffin made of solid oak, made by Seraphim himself. The brethren could visit him at any time of the day, and outsiders could visit him after early Mass until 8 o'clock in the evening. Then the visionary and healing gift of the elder was revealed. In 1825, the Mother of God who appeared in a dream allowed Seraphim to leave the seclusion and visit the deserts.

Leaving for the deserts, Seraphim left the candles lit in front of the images burning. When they told him that there might be a fire, the elder answered: "As long as I live, there will be no fire, and when I die, my death will open in fire." And so it happened. On January 2, 1833 (O.S.) at 6 a.m., Brother Paul smelled smoke. He knocked on the door, but no one answered. The brethren tore down the closed door, put out the smoldering things, but in the dark they did not see the elder and decided that he had gone to his desert. Only after the morning liturgy in a dark cell was Seraphim found kneeling in prayer with his hands folded crosswise. He was dead.

In July 1903, the relics were discovered reverend elder. In Soviet times, their trace was lost, and they were rediscovered in 1990 in the Kazan Cathedral of then Leningrad and now rest in the Diveyevo Trinity Cathedral of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The Orthodox Church commemorates the uncovering of the relics of the Monk Seraphim, the miracle worker of Sarov, on July 19 according to the old style, i.e. on August 1 in the new style.

The city of Sarov since 1946 for 50 years disappeared from geographical maps, since after the war a nuclear research center was formed there, first called Arzamas-75, then Arzamas-16. The city itself was renamed into the Kremlin in 1954 by a closed decree of the Government of the RSFSR, and only in 1995 its historical name was returned.

Alexander Timofeevich RONCHEVSKY(unknown. 1831, Vitebsk province - 1868, Petersburg), doctor, author of short stories. Committed suicide.

Konstantin Nikolaevich BESTUZHEV-RYUMIN(May 26, 1829 - 1897), historian, publicist, journalist, academician.

Nephew of the Decembrist M.P.BESTUZHEV-RUMIN read Russian history to the future Emperor ALEXANDER III and Grand Duke KONSTANTIN KONSTANTINOVICH, who entered Russian literature as a poet K.R.

Zinovy ​​Petrovich ROZHESTVENSKY(11.11 or 29.3.1848 - 1909), vice admiral (1904), commander of the 2nd Pacific squadron, defeated in Battle of Tsushima... He was seriously wounded in battle, taken prisoner, on his return he was delivered to the naval court, but due to the wound he was acquitted.

Mikhail Gordeevich DROZDOVSKY(7.10.1881 - 1919), white general, division chief in the Volunteer Army.


Anatoly N. PEPELYAEV(15.8.1891 - 193, Lieutenant General (1919), one of the commanders of the white units who fought in Siberia and Far East... The younger brother of Viktor PEELYAEV, Chairman of the Council of Ministers in the government of Admiral Alexander KOLCHAK.

Anatoly commanded the 1st Siberian Army at Kolchak... When everything began to fall apart, he made several armed attempts at anti-Kolchak actions. He continued to fight against Soviet power in the Far East, emigrated to Harbin, accepted Active participation in the Yakut mutiny. Before the court, he received 10 years. He was even released, but was soon arrested again and sentenced to capital punishment. Rehabilitated in 1989:

Nikita Alekseevich IZOTOV(9.2.1902 - 1952), a Stakhanovite miner, on September 11, 1935, who fulfilled 30 shift norms.

Sergey Pavlovich KOROLYOV(12.1.1907 - 1966), academician, twice Hero of Socialist Labor.

Fate tested him cruelly and at the same time kept... He began with the development of gliders, in 1931, together with FA TsANDER, he participated in the organization of the Group for the Study of Jet Propulsion (GIRD), which he headed the following year. In 1938 he was arrested and sent to the Kolyma gold mines. He survived despite the dire conditions of the prisoners. When the camps began to recruit scientists and engineers to work in sharashki, Korolev was also on these lists.

He was not delivered on time to the ship, who took prisoners to Vladivostok, and this saved him, since the ship sank and everyone died. Until the end of the war he worked in a sharashka. After the war, he was sent to Germany to study the work underway in Germany on the development of FAU missiles. Since 1946, Korolev was the chief designer of ballistic missiles. He created the country's missile shield and pioneered the peaceful exploration of space.

First artificial satellite Of the earth, the flight of Yu. A. Gagarin and many other achievements of Soviet cosmonautics are the merit of Korolev and the design bureau headed by him. He would be a laureate Nobel Prize, if not for the veil of secrecy that surrounded him until his death, when the country and the world first learned his name. Buried Chief Designer on Red Square near the Kremlin wall.

Georgy Nestorovich SPERANSKY(19.2.1873 - 1969), pediatrician, active participant in the creation of a system for the protection of mothers and children, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1943), Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1944), Hero of Socialist Labor (1957). Chairman of the All-Union Society of Pediatricians (1938-62), founder (1922, under the title "Journal for the Study of the Early childhood") And editor of the journal" Pediatrics "(in 1972 the journal was named after Speransky), winner of the Lenin Prize (1970).

Georgy MALENKOV(8.1.1902 - 198, Soviet politician.

Alexander Georgievich MEDAKIN(23.9.1937 - 1993), footballer, right-back of the Moscow Torpedo, 1960 USSR champion. He was the captain of the team, played three matches for the USSR national team.

Vitaly Iosifovich GOLDANSKY(18.6.1923 - 2001), physicist-chemist, academician, winner of the Lenin Prize.

Eduard Fedorovich SIBIRYAKOV(11/27/1941, Chelyabinsk - 2004, Moscow), volleyball player, two-time Olympic champion (1964, 196, Honored Master of Sports.

2009 A year ago

Gennady I. SHATKOV(05/27/1932 - 2009), boxer, Olympic champion in 1956 in the 2nd middle weight, Honored Master of Sports. For the victory in Melbourne was awarded the order Lenin. Shatkov is the only Soviet athlete who met in the ring with Mohamed ALI: in 1960 at the Olympics in Rome, he lost in the quarterfinals to the young Cassius KLEU. After the ring, Shatkov defended his dissertation, became a professor, he is the author of six monographs and more than 100 scientific papers.

old New Year

This popular tradition, the Old Style New Year's Eve, is due to a discrepancy between the Julian and Gregorian calendars. Almost all world countries live according to the Gregorian calendar. These discrepancies are thirteen days. This holiday is a rare historical phenomenon, it appeared due to the change in chronology. This is precisely the reason that people began to celebrate the New Year two times, the first time the New Year is celebrated in a new calendar, and the second in the old way. Therefore, everyone can extend the celebration. new year holidays until January 14. Many believers pay special attention to the Old New Year holiday, because it is then that the end of the Nativity Fast comes, and people can fully "win back" at the festive table. It should be noted that the gap between these two calendars increases in those years when the number of hundreds of years in a year is not multiple of four. Accordingly, 1 day is accumulated, which means that from March 2100, the difference is fourteen days. And after twelve months, the date of the celebration of Christmas and the Old New Year is shifted by 1 day ahead.

Birthday of the pipeline troops of Russia

In 1951, the chairman of the Council of Ministers, Stalin, signed a decree on the manufacture of a pipeline that represented a completely new generation. The military ministry and the Ministry of Oil Industry were entrusted to conduct joint tests of the pipeline. In January 1952, Marshal Vasilevsky signed a directive ordering the formation of the first battalion, which pumped fuel material. This date was chosen as a holiday for the appearance of the pipeline troops. After some time, the units of the pipeline troops became part of the regular troops, and at the end of the 80s, the world's best field collapsible main pipeline was installed. Currently, these troops are part of the Central Fuel Directorate. Several decades later, designers and workers have developed and created various field trunk pipelines, they had no analogues in the whole world. Machines were developed that dealt with assembly and pumping. Pipeline troops were active during serious accidents, for example, Chernobyl nuclear power plant, there they provided the supply of a huge amount of water from the reservoirs that were nearby. Thanks to this, support was provided for the operation of the concrete plant, and many other facilities that were located on the territory of the nuclear power plant. The pipeline troops made a very significant contribution to the elimination of the consequences and in the organization of the activities of additional enterprises.

Defenders of the Motherland Day in Uzbekistan

In 1992, on this day, the Parliament of Uzbekistan adopted a decision, according to which all units and formations of military educational institutions and other military formations that were on the territory of the country are transferred under the authority of Uzbekistan. Thanks to this, the creation of the country's Armed Forces began. It is in honor of this event that the Day of Defenders of the Motherland is celebrated in Uzbekistan. This holiday is dated January 14, according to the decision of the Supreme Council, which was adopted at the end of December in 1993. In Uzbekistan, this holiday is celebrated grandly and solemnly. On Independence Square, the country's anthem is always played, a military orchestra is playing, solemnly marching, military units are marching across the square. On this day, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces proclaims well-deserved congratulations, which are addressed to the defenders of the Motherland.

International Kite Festival in India

In kites, various dreams of people are combined, which are associated with flying into the endless sky. The kite-making technology is a delightful experience. There are many varieties of flying kites, all of which look amazing and mesmerizing in their beauty. Festivals are held in many countries, people from all over the world come to them, beginners and professionals take part in the festivals. The Kite Festival is also held in India, in the city of Ahmedabad, because it is the largest state in the city of Gujarat. The day of this colorful festival coincides with Uttarayan, on this day, the solar movement to the northern hemisphere is celebrated. This festival is held at the end of the winter season. It is on this day that many kites are launched into the endless cloudless sky, the air is filled with the natural smells of spring, they are carried by the wind far, far away, people watching this spectacle get unforgettable impressions that remain in their memory until the next holiday.

At this celebration, you can meet the world's real professional kite makers. With their designs, colors and sizes, these paper products simply amaze the human imagination. Elderly people take part in the festival along with young people. On this holiday, people come together with whole families, or friendly companies. The number of visitors and local residents is huge, and not everyone can fit on the venues that are set aside for the festival, so people have to be accommodated on the ground, on the roofs of houses and in other nearby areas. When kites float in the air, they look like very beautiful birds that roam the endless sky. On this day, snakes are launched not only during the day, but also at night. This is truly a magnificent sight. Paper designs are illuminated from the inside, and tied with one common thread, this thread lines them up in one line. Seeing all this unearthly beauty, people return to this city from year to year, and are charged with positive insistence, which helps them to look at the world with different eyes.

Circumcision of the Lord

It is customary to celebrate this event after Christmas on the ninth day. Christians have been celebrating this day since the fourth century. V modern world this holiday is celebrated as in antiquity. This event is considered Orthodox Church important event. In ancient times, the Jews believed that if circumcision is made, then a person becomes the Chosen One of God. Uncircumcised people had no connection with God. These people were considered heterodox, and they had no right to turn to God. Circumcision typified Christian baptism. This ceremony was performed immediately after birth, when Mary brought Jesus to the temple. For Christians, this holiday has a special meaning. On this day, it is customary to remember that Jesus' parents were Jews who worshiped the Torah. The rite of circumcision is prescribed for the Jews by the Torah. Circumcision is a sign, the people designated by it belong to a pious people. The rite of circumcision was performed by the first apostles and Christians who descended from the Jews. For Christians, this holiday is also very important, not paying any attention to various heretical judgments that distort the earthly appearance of God, this day is a direct confirmation that Jesus belonged to the male sex, and the Jewish ceremonies, which were Jewish, were conducted with Jesus. That is why the feast of the Circumcision is the greatest Orthodox event, which carries a very significant historical event.

January 14 in the national calendar

Vasiliev day

This day is celebrated in honor of Basil the Great. In the fourth century he was the archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, he was glorified as a theologian, Vasily wrote many sermons and created the ideas of the iconostasis. Basil the Great was popularly considered the patron saint of pigs. All shepherds respect this saint very much and are terribly afraid of in any way to anger him. There is a tradition for the New Year to cook a pig and call it Keseretsky, this is because Vasily was called Kesaretsky.
This evening, according to tradition, people boil pork legs. The peasants walk around the neighbors this evening collecting pork legs and pies, pronouncing the appropriate sayings for this day.

On Vasilyev's day, it is customary to cook porridge until morning. According to tradition, the oldest woman in the house, at two o'clock in the morning, had to go down to the barn and bring cereals, and the oldest man in the house had to bring water from a river or a well. At this time, the stove is melted, water and cereals are put on the table while the stove is heated, and no one touches them with their hands, because this is considered a bad sign. When the time comes to mash the porridge, the whole family sits down at the table, and the eldest of the women, stirring the porridge, says ritual words. After that, all those present get up from the table, and the woman, stirring the porridge, sends it to the stove. The whole family sits down at the table again and waits for the porridge to come.

On this day, there was another belief, sowing of grains was done. For this, the children scattered grains of spring bread and made ritual speeches. Again, the older woman in the house had to collect all the scattered grains and store them until sowing. It was believed that on the evening of Vasily, the day increases by a chicken step. On this day, people paid attention to the weather: if the wind blew, there will be a rich harvest of nuts; hard frost - a rich harvest.

Historical events on January 14

In 1814, the first public library was opened in St. Petersburg under the patronage of the Russian imperial court... Hundreds of people took part in the grand opening of the library, including well-known literary critics and public figures. The idea of ​​creating a public library has long been discussed in Russian society, but for all sorts of reasons it could not come true. The first monarch who really thought about creating public library, was the Russian Empress Catherine the Great. It was she who first expressed the opinion that Russia needs a grandiose state library, which could be visited by all citizens suffering from knowledge. In her dreams, the Great Empress wanted the national library to become a temple of Russian knowledge. The idea Great Catherine, was carried out on January 14, 1814. With the opening of the library, a new chapter in the development of national science has opened in the history of Russia. In the early years, the library was annually visited by up to a thousand people. Moreover, there were no restrictions on class origin when visiting the library. In the library one could meet an official, a merchant, a military man and many others. Famous poets and writers also visited the first reading room. The library is highly revered by all layers these days. Russian society... Now it is called the Russian National Library, and its collection is considered the largest in the world.

The predecessor of the Moscow region is the Moscow province, created in 1708. In 1917, a Bolshevik coup took place, and the so-called Soviet authority... In the late 1930s, the Soviet leadership made a decision on the administrative ordering of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region territories. So on January 14, the Moscow region was formed. Initially, this formation was called the Central Industrial Region. Initially, the region was divided into ten districts, which were divided into industrial and agricultural areas. Six months later, the Central Industrial Region was renamed into the Moscow Region. Despite the fact that the city of Moscow does not belong to the Moscow region administratively, the territories near Moscow were named after the capital of the country. Based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Moscow region is defined as a subject Russian Federation... The authorities of the Moscow Region are traditionally located in Moscow. In 2006, eighty cities officially exist in the Moscow region. The population of the region reaches 7 million people. The most major cities areas are Khimki, Podolsk and Balashikha. The ecology of the Moscow region has deteriorated significantly over the past decades. On the one hand, this is due to the processes of high urbanization of the city of Moscow and the adjacent territories, on the other hand, with the industrial and construction boom that swept both the capital itself and the Moscow region. There are important strategic airports and military airfields on the territory of the region. In terms of transport links, the Moscow region is the most advanced in the country.

A pseudo religious organization shrouded in the haze of mysticism. It is the largest sectarian organization in the world. However, it is not so easy to study and understand the goals of this community, because the Masonic organization leads a reclusive lifestyle. Based on historical data, the Masonic movement arose in the early 18th century in London. The basic principles of their activities, the Freemasons declared the creation in the world of fraternal love between peoples, equality of races and interstate mutual assistance. The organizational unit of the movement is the so-called "lodge" or workshop. The association of "lodges" is called the "Grand Lodge". Such a “Grand Lodge” is headed by a grand master or master, but among the masons he is called a grandmaster. Freemasonry first came to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. The Masonic sect consisted of prominent statesmen and cultural figures: Emperors Paul I and Alexander I, military leaders. A. Suvorov and M. Kutuzov, writers and poets A. Pushkin and A. Griboyedov, as well as many others famous people... In Russia, Freemasonry was prohibited by Emperor Alexander I, who was a member of the Masonic lodge, but later decided that Freemasonry was harmful to the state. V Soviet time the Masonic movement was strictly prohibited. After the collapse of the USSR, Freemasonry in Russia began to revive again, and on January 14, 1992, the Harmony Lodge was created in Moscow. The new democratic authorities of the Russian Federation did not interfere with the development of various spiritual and religious movements and societies. In 1995, a permanent "Great Lodge" was founded in Russia, as well as the Supreme Council of the Freemasons of Russia. At the moment, there are more than 30 million Freemasons in the world.

Margrethe, the first royal person to violate the Danish law of succession, which involved the transfer of royal power only through the male line. However, Margrethe's father, King Frederick IX, had only daughters, so the issue of succession to the throne became especially acute when it became clear that the aged king could no longer have children. In March 1953, by a special rescript of the Danish parliament, it was allowed to transmit royalty along the female line. As a result, Princess Margrethe became hereditary royal and subsequently ascended the Danish throne. In 1967, Princess Margrethe married a French nobleman, Count Henri Monpez, who, on the occasion of his marriage to the Crown Princess, received the title of Prince of Denmark. The couple had two sons. On January 14, 1972, King Frederick died, on the same day Crown Princess Margrethe was declared Queen of Denmark. Queen Margrethe II is a well-educated woman, she graduated from several universities, professionally versed in art, poetry and literary creation. In addition, the queen is fluent in a number of European languages. The Queen's state responsibilities include the appointment of the Prime Minister of Denmark, on the proposal of the parliamentary coalition, as well as the approval of the cabinet ministers on the proposal of the Prime Minister. Also, the Queen of Denmark is the supreme commander of the Danish army.

Born on January 14

Anna Samokhina(1963-2010), outstanding Soviet and russian actress

Anna Vladlenovna was born in January 1963 in the Kemerovo region. Soon the family left the mining region and moved to live in Cherepovets. From childhood, the girl was accustomed to music, at the age of 7 she could already play the piano. Seeing Ani's talent for musical art, the parents gave the girl to music school... After graduating from school, Anya enters the Yaroslavl Theater School, after graduation, from which she was assigned to the Rostov Youth Theater, where Anna worked as an actress for six years. However, it was not theater, but cinema that brought national fame and love to the actress. In 1987, Anna Samokhina appeared in films for the first time. She gets the main role in the film "Prisoner of the Chateau d'If", the role in the film opened the way for the actress to the big cinema. Soon she was invited to the picture "Thieves in law", where she plays one of the main roles. The film literally shook the Soviet audience, after which the actress was flooded with filming offers. Further work of the actress lifted her to the Olympus of fame, from which she never left until the end of her life. Anna Vladlenovna starred in the outstanding films Don Cesar de Bazan and The Royal Hunt (1990). A fast-moving film career allowed Samokhina to move to live and work in Leningrad. The peak of her acting fame came in the early 90s of the last century. Samokhina also brilliantly played in the films - "Gangsters in the Ocean", "Tartuffe", "Hurt Me", "Russian Transit", "Train to Brooklyn". In the historical context, the actress stayed a little on the screen, literally flashed in the cinema, but this brilliance will be remembered by the audience forever, because the talent of this outstanding actress cannot be measured by time.

Adam Czartoryski(1770-1861), Polish and Russian statesman

Was born in Warsaw on January 14th. He received an excellent education and in 1795 left for St. Petersburg with his brother. In Russia, Adam becomes close to Prince Alexander Pavlovich, the future Russian emperor. After Alexander's accession to the throne, Adam enters into the so-called inner circle of the emperor, where he is an adviser to the emperor on reform matters. In 1803 Czartoryski was appointed mentor of the Vilna educational district. With his activities, Adam Czartoryski leads the university into the era of its dawn. From 1804 to 1806 Czartoryski headed the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the Polish uprising in 1830, Czartoryski headed the Administrative Council and soon became the head of the provisional Polish government. After the failure of the Polish rebellion, Czartoryski emigrated to Paris, where he lived for the rest of his life. In France, Czartoryski was elected president of the literary-historical society. In exile, he supported the Polish resistance and the desire of Polish patriots for independence from imperial Russia. Both in Russia and in Poland, the attitude towards Czartoryski is very contradictory, for some he is a hero, for others he is a traitor and apostate.

Albert Schweitzer(1875-1965), German physician, philosopher, humanist and musician

Albert Schweitzer was born in Germany in 1875. Elementary education the boy received in Münster and Mühlhausen. Since 1893, Albert has been studying at the University of Strasbourg at the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology, at the same time studying musicology. From 1898 to 1899, Albert stays in Paris, where he studies at the Sorbonne University and prepares a dissertation on Kant. V free time learns to play organ and piano. In 1899, Schweitzer successfully defended his dissertation and was awarded the title of Doctor of Philosophy, and a little later, the title of Doctor of Theology. In 1905, Schweitzer decides to devote the rest of his life medical science and goes to study at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Strasbourg. In 1913, Schweitzer, together with his wife, went to Africa. There, in the small village of Lambarene, Albert Schweitzer, founds his own hospital. The first world war Schweitzer and his wife are captured by the French, but released a year later. In 1924 he returned to Africa and began to rebuild the destroyed hospital. Three years later, a new hospital was opened to all those in need. Until the last days of his life, Albert Schweitzer continued to receive and treat patients.

Yukio Mishima(1925-1970) eminent Japanese writer

The famous Japanese playwright was born in January 1925 in Tokyo, in a family of officials. The boy was raised by a strict aristocratic grandmother. Mishima grew up a weak and sickly child, did not like to communicate with peers, but loved to read books alone. In 1941, Mishima wrote the first story, which he called "The Blooming Forest." The story was permeated with mystical premonitions about the impending war. At this time, he invents a pseudonym for himself - Yukio Mishima. In 1947, Mishima successfully graduated from the University of Tokyo and acquired the profession of a lawyer. After graduation, Mishima enters the service of the Ministry of Forestry and Fisheries. In 1949, Yukio publishes his first outstanding novel, Confessions of a Mask. After the publication of the novel, Mishima's name became known far beyond the borders of Japan. The novel describes the life of a simple teenager, however, not entirely prosperous. The novel is filled with shocking facts from the life of adolescents of that time. The publication of this novel made Mishima one of the most sought-after and beloved writers in Japan. In 1954, Mishima visits Greece and, being impressed by this country, he writes the novel "The Sound of the Sea". In 1956, Mishima's most outstanding novel, The Golden Temple, is published, which has become a classic Japanese literature... Mishima wrote a lot for theaters and films.

Name days January 14

Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gregory, Ivan, Mikhail, Trofim, Bogdan, Fedot

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