A summary of Captain Blood's odyssey chapter by chapter. Chapter iii

Three sisters

The action takes place in the provincial town, in the house of the Prozorovs.

Irina, the youngest of the three Prozorov sisters, turns twenty. “It's sunny and cheerful in the courtyard,” and a table is being laid in the hall, and the guests are waiting for the officers of the artillery battery stationed in the city and its new commander, Lieutenant Colonel Vershinin. Everyone is full of joyful expectations and hopes. Irina: “I don’t know why it’s so light in my soul! ... As if I’m on sails, blue sky and big white birds are flying. " The Prozorovs are scheduled to move to Moscow in the fall. The sisters have no doubt that their brother Andrei will go to university and in time will certainly become a professor.

Kulygin, a gymnasium teacher, husband of one of the sisters, Masha, is complacent. Chebutykin, a military doctor who once was madly in love with the deceased mother of the Prozorovs, succumbed to the general joyful mood. “My white bird,” he kisses touchedly to Irina. Lieutenant Baron Tuzenbach speaks with enthusiasm about the future: "The time has come to prepare a healthy, strong storm that will blow away laziness, indifference, prejudice to work, and rotten boredom from our society."

Vershinin is also optimistic. With his appearance, Masha passes her “merekhlundia”. The atmosphere of easy cheerfulness is not disturbed by the appearance of Natasha, although she herself is terribly embarrassed by the large society. Andrey proposes to her: “O youth, wonderful, wonderful youth! I feel so good, my soul is full of love, delight ... My dear, good, pure, be my wife! "

But already in the second act, the major notes are replaced by minor ones. Andrei cannot find a place for himself out of boredom. He, who dreamed of a professorship in Moscow, is not in the least seduced by the position of secretary of the Zemstvo Council, and in the city he feels "a stranger and lonely." Masha is finally disappointed in her husband, who once seemed to her "terribly learned, intelligent and important," and among his fellow teachers she simply suffers. Irina is not satisfied with her work on the telegraph: “What I wanted so much, what I dreamed about, this is not in her. Labor without poetry, without thoughts ... "

Tired, with a headache, Olga returns from the gymnasium. Not in the spirit of Vershinin. He still continues to assure that “everything on earth must change little by little,” but then he adds: “And how I would like to prove to you that there is no happiness, there should not be and will not be for us ... work ... "Chebutykin's puns, with which he amuses those around him, bursts into a hidden pain:" No matter how you philosophize, loneliness is a terrible thing ... "

Natasha, who is gradually taking over the whole house, drives out the guests who were waiting for the mummers. "Bourgeois!" - Masha says to Irina in her hearts.

Three years have passed. If the first act was played out at noon, and it was “sunny, fun” outside, then the remarks to the third act “warn” about completely different - gloomy, sad - events: “Behind the stage the alarm is sounded on the occasion of a fire that began long ago. IN open door the window is visible, red from the glow. " The Prozorovs' house is full of people fleeing the fire.

Irina sobs: “Where? Where did it all go? but life leaves and will never return, never, never will we go to Moscow ... I'm in despair, I'm in despair! " Masha thinks in alarm: "Somehow we will live our life, which of us will be?" Andrey cries: “When I got married, I thought that we would be happy ... everyone is happy ... But my God ...” Tuzenbach is also perhaps more disappointed: “What was it like (three years ago - VB) dreamed of happy life! Where is she?"

In the binge Chebutykin: “My head is empty, my soul is cold. Maybe I am not a man, but only pretend that I have arms and legs ... and a head; maybe I do not exist at all, but only it seems to me that I walk, eat, sleep. (Cries.) ". And the more stubbornly Kulagin repeats: "I am satisfied, I am satisfied, I am satisfied," the more obvious it becomes how everyone is broken, unhappy.

And finally, the last action. Autumn is coming. Masha, walking along the alley, looks up: "And the birds of passage are already flying ..." The artillery brigade leaves the city: it is transferred to another place, either to Poland, or to Chita. The officers come to say goodbye to the Prozorovs. Fedotik, taking a photo as a souvenir, remarks: "... peace and quiet will come in the city." Tuzenbach adds: "And the dreadful boring." Andrey speaks out even more categorically: “The city will be deserted. As if it will be covered with a cap ”.

Masha is parting with Vershinin, whom she has fallen in love with so passionately: "Unsuccessful life ... I don't need anything now ..." Olga, having become the head of the gymnasium, understands: "It means not to be in Moscow." Irina decided - "if I was not destined to be in Moscow, then so be it" - to accept Tuzenbach's offer, who retired: new life... And suddenly, as if wings had grown in my soul, I felt cheerful, it became a lot easy and again I wanted to work, work ... "Chebutykin in emotion:" Fly, my dears, fly with God! "

He also blesses Andrey on the “flight” in his own way: “You know, put on a hat, take a stick in your hands and leave ... leave and go, go without looking back. And the further you go, the better. "

But even the most modest hopes of the play's heroes are not destined to come true. Solyony, in love with Irina, provokes a quarrel with the baron and kills him in a duel. Broken Andrey does not have enough strength to follow Chebutykin's advice and pick up the "staff": "Why do we, having barely begun to live, become boring, gray, uninteresting, lazy, indifferent, useless, unhappy? ..."

The battery leaves the city. A military march sounds. Olga: “The music plays so cheerfully, cheerfully, and I want to live! and, it seems, a little more, and we will find out why we live, why we suffer ... If only I knew! (The music plays quieter and quieter.) If I only knew, if I knew! " (A curtain.)

The heroes of the play are not free migratory birds, they are enclosed in a solid social "cage", and the personal destinies of all who have fallen into it are subject to the laws according to which the whole country lives, which is experiencing general trouble. Not "who", but "what?" dominates the person. This main culprit of misfortunes and failures in the play has several names - "vulgarity", "baseness", "sinful life" ...

The face of this "vulgarity" looks especially visible and unsightly in Andrey's reflections: “Our city has existed for two hundred years, it has a hundred thousand inhabitants, and not a single one that would not be like the others ... They only eat, drink, sleep, then die ... others will be born, and they also eat, drink, sleep and, in order not to become dull from boredom, diversify their lives with nasty gossip, vodka, cards, litigation ... "

"- one of the most famous works of R. Sabatini. The adventures of the hero Blood interested filmmakers and a film was created based on the book, which received significant success with the audience. The novel tells about adventures of a noble man, former doctor, by the will of fate who became the captain of the pirate ship.

About the author of the cast

Raphael Sabatini - famous Italian and English writer, author of popular books in the genre of historical adventure novel. Born into a family of opera singers performing on many stages around the world, the child lived with his mother's parents in Britain. When the parents opened a singing school in Portugal, they took their son to their place, where he studied at school. Later, Raphael was sent to Switzerland, where, in addition to Italian, English and Portuguese, he also learned German and French. At seventeen, he arrives in England to work as a translator. He began to write at the age of twenty, but the first novel was published only when Sabatini was thirty years old.

Peru Sabatini owns such works as:

  • "Sea hawk"
  • "Duke's Court"
  • "Summer of St. Martin"
  • "Under the banner of the bull"

Summary of the book "The Odyssey of Captain Blood"

This adventure novel is dedicated to Peter Blood, who lived in the 17th century, was a physician, and at one point found himself in the city of Bridgewater. Lord Gildoy, who rebelled in Monmouth, is wounded, and Doctor Blood is brought to him to give first aid. While Peter is dressing Gildoy's wounds, they are discovered by government officials and arrest everyone who is in this house, including the owner, and Blood, and Jeremy Pitt, an acquaintance who brought the doctor to the wounded lord.

Soon a trial took place, in which the doctor was accused of trying to overthrow the current government and high treason, the sentence is harsh - hanging... However, fate had mercy on him in the person of King James II. Tom needed someone to work the plantations in Barbados, and the doctor was absolutely like it for that. Together with the rest of the rebels, his sent to work in the colony.

Blood is sold to the service of Colonel Bishop, but even then he finds himself a business. As a doctor, he becomes the home physician for Governor Steed and his family. The Colonel has a wonderful relative, Arabella Bishop, whose eyes have conquered the doctor's heart forever - he madly in love with a girl... However, soon the young man will capture the Spanish ship and escape to the island of Tortuga together with twenty comrades, where pirate laws reigned.

Blood is a decent respectable citizen, he wants to live next to his beloved, but the realities are such that you have to join your comrades and become a pirate... They changed the name of the ship from "Cinco Llagas" to "Arabella" and began to attack ships in the Caribbean, taking pearls, gold and other goods from the Spaniards. Gradually, the number of ships of Captain Blood increases, he already has a squadron of three ships, he began to attack cities.

In Maine, a Spanish city the squadron fell into a cleverly planned trap, not counting that they would face such an insidious adversary as Miguel de Espinosa. But the pirates are lucky, they again come out dry and with a rich catch. At sea there is an open battle between opponents.Don Miguel loses two of his expensive ships, despite the great advantage in strength and equipment.

On one of the ships were hostages - Arabella Bishop and Lord Julan, who served with the Minister of Foreign Affairs... Arabella, upon learning that Blood was the captain on the ship, did not express her gratitude, but on the contrary, attacked him with accusations... Peter was terribly upset, not the kind of reception he expected from his girlfriend. He had to take an officer's patent from Lord Julian ...


The messenger

Peter Blood, Bachelor of Medicine, lit his pipe and bent over the pots of geraniums that were blooming on the windowsill of his room overlooking Water Lane in Bridgewater.

Blood did not notice that from the window on the opposite side of the street someone's stern eyes were watching him reproachfully. His attention was absorbed in caring for flowers and was distracted only by the endless stream of people that filled the entire narrow street. For the second time since this morning, the stream of people flowed through the streets of the town on the field in front of the castle, where not long before that Ferguson, the duke's chaplain, had preached a sermon in which there were more calls for rebellion than for God.

The disorderly crowd of excited people were mostly men with green twigs on their hats and the most ridiculous weapons in their hands. Some, however, had hunting rifles, and some even had swords. Many were armed only with clubs; most of them dragged huge peaks made of scythe, terrible in appearance, but not very useful in battle. Among these impromptu warriors are tesas, masons, shoemakers and representatives of other peaceful professions. Bridgewater, like Taunton, sent almost all of its male population under the banner of the illegitimate duke. For a man capable of carrying weapons, trying to evade participation in this militia was tantamount to admitting that he was a coward or a Catholic. However, Peter Blood - a man who did not know what cowardice was - remembered his Catholicism only when he needed it. Able not only to carry weapons, but also to masterfully wield them, on this warm July evening he looked after the blooming geraniums, smoking his pipe with such indifference as if nothing was happening around, and even more than that, he threw from time to time after these enthusiasts, seized by the war fever words from his beloved Horace: "Where, where are you going, madmen?"

Now you may begin to guess why Blood, in whose veins flowed the hot and courageous blood he inherited from his mother, descended from the clan of Somersetshire sea tramps, remained calm in the midst of a fanatical rebellion, why his rebellious soul, which had once rejected a scientist his father's career was unperturbed when everything was in full swing. By now you can already understand how he regarded the people hurrying under the so-called banners of freedom, embroidered by the virgins of Taunton, the boarding school girls of Mademoiselle Blake and Madame Musgrove. The innocent maidens tore off their silk robes, as is sung in ballads, to sew banners for the army of Monmouth. The words of Horace, which Blood threw scornfully after the people running along the pavement, indicated his mood at that moment. All these people seemed to Blood as fools and insane, hurrying to their death.

The fact is that Blood knew too much about the notorious Monmouth and his mother, a beautiful swarthy woman, to believe in the legend about the legitimacy of the duke's claims to the throne of the English king. He read a ridiculous proclamation, posted in Bridgewater, Taunton and elsewhere, in which it was stated that “... after the death of our sovereign Charles II, the right to the throne of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, with all possessions and subject territories, passes by inheritance to the glorified and to the noble James, Duke of Monmouth, son and legitimate heir of Charles II. "

This proclamation made him laugh, as did the additional message that "the Duke of York Jacob ordered the poisoning of the late king and then seized the throne."

Blood couldn't even tell which of these messages was the bigger lie. He spent a third of his life in Holland, where this same James Monmouth was born thirty-six years ago, who has now declared himself by the grace of the Almighty King of England, Scotland, etc., etc. Blood knew Monmouth's real parents well. The Duke was not only not the legitimate son of the late king, allegedly combined in a secret marriage with Lucy Walter, but it is even doubtful that Monmouth was even his illegitimate son. What, besides misfortune and devastation, could bring his fantastic claims? Could it be hoped that the country would someday believe such a tale? But on behalf of Monmouth, several noble Whigs raised the people to revolt.

Captain Blood's Odyssey

Micro-narration: XVII century. An English physician named Peter Blood, who happened to be among the rioters, was exiled to the island of Barbados for hard labor. After some time, he and his comrades in misfortune manage to escape, capturing a Spanish frigate. By force of circumstances, Captain Blood and his sailors are forced to raise the black pirate flag. After a while, Captain Blood and his crew become the most famous pirates in the region. A real hunt is declared on them, however, luck each time turns out to be on the side of a noble robber ...

A resident of a small English town, bachelor of medicine Peter Blood assists his patron, the rebellious Lord Gildoy, who was wounded during the uprising of the Duke of Monmouth. Blood is arrested for helping a rebel.

The uprising was brutally suppressed. Among the victims are innocent people. By order of King James, the rebels are not executed, but sent to the colonies, since slaves are required there.

Thanks to Blad, prison conditions are improving and they can receive medical care.

The prisoners arrive on the island of Barbados. They are greeted by the island's governor and Colonel Bishop with their niece Arabella. Blood falls in love with a charming girl at first sight. Arabella also pays attention to the filthy ragged slave. Yielding to the persuasion of his niece, the colonel buys Blood.

Soon the governor learns that Blood is a doctor and turns to him for help. Seeing that Blood has cured the governor and his wife, Colonel Bishop encourages him to practice medicine. Living in relatively good conditions, Blood suffers seeing how his comrades, the slaves of the cruel Colonel Bishop, live. He fights his feelings for Arabella and dislike for her uncle.

In all his eventful life, he had not met a greater villain than her uncle, and she was his niece, and some vices of this family - perhaps the same ruthless cruelty of the rich planters could pass to her.

A ship arrives in Barbados with English sailors and Spaniards wounded in a battle with the Spaniards. Blood, along with other doctors on the island, cares for the sick. The colonel is outraged that Blood is treating the Spaniards, although this is an order of the governor himself. The inhabitants of the island bring clothing and food to the injured. Seeing that Arabella is helping the Spaniards, Blood changes his mind about her.

The doctors are unhappy that the slave is popular and they offer Blood to help him escape. Blood recounts his escape to his longtime friend, the naval navigator Jeremy Pitt. Friends propose to devote a few more people who know the sea to the escape plan. The conspirators prepare provisions and negotiate with a local carpenter to buy a boat for them.

On the night before his escape, the governor summons Blood. Because of the cowardice of the carpenter, Bishop beats up Pitt. Bishop wants to punish Blood for helping Pitt, but at this time Spanish enters the harbor. Pirates' ship... The ship is commanded by Don Diego, brother of the Spanish admiral Don Miguel, who lost the battle to the British.

Spanish pirates seize the island and commit atrocities. Blood manages to save Arabella's friend and help the girls hide in a safe place.

Having defeated the island's bastions, the Spaniards feel completely safe and descend from the ship. Taking advantage of the confusion, Blood and his comrades seize a pirate ship with a large amount of provisions, money and weapons. Don Diego, his son Esteban and some of the pirates are taken prisoner. With a few shots, they defeat the pirates and raise the English flag on the ship.

Bishop goes to the ship to find out who raised the flag and is surprised to find his slaves there. Love for Arabella keeps Blood from hanging the Colonel. Bishop is tied to a board and sent to the shore.

Blood invites the commander to lead the ship to the island of Curacao, since the only one who knows how to navigate the ship is Jeremy Pitt, sick. For this, Blood promises to save the pirate's life.

Taking advantage of the fact that no one understands the management of the ship, Don Diego deceives Blood and leads the ship to the island of Haiti, which belongs to the Spaniards. Also, the flagship of the Spanish fleet with the commander-in-chief Don Miguel approaches them. The forces are unequal and Blood raises the Spanish flag, and Don Diego ties it to the muzzle of the cannon. Blood orders Don Esteban to board his uncle's ship and agree to let Blood's ship leave, otherwise his father will be killed.

Blood and Don Esteban manage to come to an agreement with Don Miguel, but Don Diego, without waiting for his son, dies of fear.

Having made several raids on the Spanish flotilla and seizing prey, Blood terrifies ships Caribbean... Don Miguel vows to avenge his brother.

The French thug of the Caribbean, Levacer, invites Blood to unite in a joint fight against the Spaniards. Blood, although disgusted with Levasseur, agrees to undertake more serious operations.

Before sailing, Levasseur receives a letter from his beloved Madeleine, daughter of the governor of Tortuga. The girl reports that she is being forcibly sent to Europe on the Dutch ship Jongrove. Levasseur decides to save Madeleine, but since Blood does not agree to attack the Dutch ship, he decides to deceive his companion. Under cover of night, Levasseur's ship departs from Arabella and overtakes the Jongrove. Having climbed on the ship, Levanser has to kill several people and send Madeleine's brother into the hold. Meanwhile, "Arabella" manages to capture a ship with rich booty.

Levasseur's ship needs to be repaired, so the companions decide that Blood will go to Tortuga to sell goods and find people. Then they will meet on a small island to raid the Spanish city of Maracaibo together.

Levasseur wants to leave Madeleine hostage, and his brother offers to go to his father for a large sum. In the midst of trading, Blood returns, who could not get to Tortuga due to the storm. Blood is strongly opposed to quarrels with the Dutch. The companions agree on the division of the booty, but a quarrel breaks out between them. Blood kills Levasseur and undertakes to deliver the governor's children to their father.

Team Blood, along with the team of Lavacera, attack Maracaibo, but find themselves surrounded by the Spaniards under the command of Don Miguel. Lavasera's assistant Kauzak offers to release the pirates if they return the loot. Blood is categorically against, he does not trust Don Miguel. He threatens that he will turn the city into ruins and destroy the enemy ships.

In battle, at first, Blood is lucky, he inflicts great damage on the Spaniards, but then his ships get holes and they have to return to the city. There is a quarrel between Blood and Cauzak. Blood insists on his own and threatens don Miguel to destroy the city. Causac leaves, and Blood engages in battle with the Spaniards. He manages to outwit them and win. He frees Causac, taken prisoner by the Spaniards, who for a long time becomes the laughing stock of the pirates.

Defeated, Don Miguel attacks all English and French ships, becoming a pirate. The British and French governments are concerned about the situation, especially since some governors, like the governor of Tortuga, are profiting from the loot.

A ship with the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Sanderland, enters the Caribbean Sea, which must come to an agreement with Spain. The Lord appoints Colonel Bishop as governor of Jamaica, hoping that he would not mind settling scores with Blood. Seeing that Bishop cannot deal with the pirate, the lord sends his relative Lord Julian to Jamaica. Arriving in Jamaica, Lord Julian is going to sail for Tortuga and at the same time take home his niece Arabella, who was visiting the colonel.

Lord Julian is fascinated beautiful girl, but notices that she is partial to Blood. He informs her that Blood wants to marry the daughter of the governor of Tortuga, otherwise why would he risk his life for the girl? After all, he even killed Levasseur for her. The ship is attacked by a distraught Don Miguel and captures Lord Julian and Arabella. Don Miguel's ship is attacked by Blood's ship. The prisoners, not knowing whose ship this is, admire the fact that the attacker engages in battle with the ship that has the advantage. Lord Julian is also amazed at Arabella's courage.

Blood wins and Arabella witnesses the meeting between Blood and Don Miguel. Blood lets the admiral go, advising him to do something other than naval business.

Blood frees Lord Julian and Arabella, but the girl calls him a thief and a pirate.

Blood cannot forget Arabella's words

Thief and pirate! How caustic those words were, how they burned him!

Lord Julian does not escape the strange looks of Arabella and Blood at each other, and it is not for nothing that Blood's ship is named "Arabella". In the presence of Arabella, he asks Pitt the details of Levasseur's death. Lord Julian tries to convince Arabella that she is unfair to Blood, but the girl stands firm.

Blood leads the ship to Jamaica to deliver Arabella to her uncle. Lord Sanderland gives Lord Julian an officer's patent for Blood, but Blood refuses: because of King James, he fell into slavery. But the Jamaican ships are in pursuit of the Arabella, the team demands to make Arabella Bishop a guarantee of their safety. Blood accepts Lord Julian's offer.

Blood's ship "Arabella" joins the Jamaican squadron. Blood worries that his friends will turn away from him, but the main thing is that Arabella despises him and spends time in the company of Lord Julian.

Blood sends a ship to Tortuga to inform him that he will never return. Bishop does not believe Blood and orders not to let him out of the port. Outwitting Bishop Blood sails to Tortuga. Bishop vows to hang Blood on the gallows.

Lord Julian tries to explain to Arabella and realizes that the girl is in love with Blood. Despite his respect for Blood, Lord Julian, jealous of Arabella, wants to help Bishop catch the pirate.

Meanwhile in England is brewing Civil War against the tyranny of King James. King William ascends the throne, and France promises Jacob help. Additional forces are being sent in the Caribbean.

Lord Julian informs Bishop, who is not averse to intermarrying with him, that Arabella is in love with Blood. Bishop's desire to kill Blood in battle intensifies and he goes to Tortuga.

Returning to Tortuga, Blood goes into a binge, he is only interested in Arabella.

Blood decides to enter the service of the French king. The French admiral proposes to attack the wealthy Spanish city of Cartagena. The attackers win, but the French admiral deceives Blood and escapes with the loot. Blood sets off in pursuit and meets a sinking English ship. Blood rescues the governor of the West Indies, who is on the ship, from whom he learns that another king is already ruling in England.

The Governor of the West Indies is outraged by Bishop, the Governor of Jamaica, who at such a difficult moment went to Tortuga to catch Blood. Blood overtakes the traitor, defeats him, but in this battle "Arabella" dies. The Governor of the West Indies appoints Blood as Governor of Jamaica. Miss Bishop comes to the new governor of Jamaica to ask for leniency for her uncle. Blood reminds the girl that he is "a thief and a pirate" in her eyes, but he is not going to harm his uncle, but will send him to Barbados. Finally, Arabella and Blood confess their love to each other.

Adventure novel "The Odyssey of Captain Blood"

Captain Blood's Odyssey first appeared in 1922 in the United States. And at once in four publishing houses. It is interesting to note that one of them specifically intended its books for the military. Apparently the description naval battles, the details of military and especially naval strategy and tactics, the terminology that has survived since then, could teach some lessons to future sailors in an entertaining form, and most importantly, instill a spirit of courage, although they were separated from the events of the novel by almost three centuries. The Odyssey has become an international bestseller. And in 1924 the book was filmed (the film "Captain Blood"). And after that the image of this pirate was embodied on the screen 5 more times, and in 1991, thanks to the efforts of our compatriots.

"The Odyssey of Captain Blood" appeared in the same year with another "odyssey" - the novel by James Joyce "Ulysses". But, although both books refer to the legendary Homer and their heroes are likened to the wandering Odyssey, they are located on opposite sides of the literary scene. The novel "Ulysses" was written for a long time, it is difficult, it requires a lot of work from the reader, even a well-prepared one. In the history of literature, he ranks among the largest phenomena of modernism. Sabatini's book belongs to the category of popular fiction. Calling the adventures of his hero "Odyssey", he, first of all, took advantage of the common noun as a metaphor. In the fate and character of Captain Blood, much resembles the hero of the ancient Greek epic: wandering around the islands, courage and cunning, which he shows not only in battle, but also when it is necessary to get into the enemy's camp. Sabatini's novel does not pretend to be ambiguous, it is easy to read, but entertaining the lover of adventure literature, it also leads into a world much more serious than it might seem at first glance. / R. Sabatini. Captain Blood's Odyssey. Chronicle of Captain Blood. M., 1984.S. 562.

The image of Peter Blood

Peter Blood - the main character novel. Bachelor of Medicine, military professional. Irish by birth. He served in the Dutch Navy, promoted to officer. He became a brilliant naval commander. He spent two years in a Spanish prison as a prisoner of war, where he perfectly mastered the Spanish language. After leaving prison, he entered the service of the French and, as part of the French army, participated in battles on the territory of Holland occupied by the Spaniards. “He is different good education, lively mind, unbridled character, ingenuity and rich imagination. He does not know "what cowardice" R. Sabatini is. Captain Blood's Odyssey. Chronicle of Captain Blood. M., 1984. Always finds a way out of difficult situations and not very much, but almost always remains icy calm, has a large physical strength and dexterity, excellent fencing. He has a subtle sense of humor, is prone to irony and self-irony, sometimes inserts into speech latin expressions, quotes from great philosophers and poetic turns of phrase, which clearly shows his education.

Peter Blood never shows unnecessary cruelty, he is no stranger to compassion, although at some moments he can be cold and unyielding. He is prone to theatricality and chivalry. He always keeps his word, for which his enemies even respect him. He always helps a lady in trouble. Disguised as a Portuguese in Spanish possessions, Blood told about himself: personal experience it is known that this terrible man, this Blood, is no stranger to the concept of chivalry. He is a man of honor, although a pirate. This robber, this Satan in the guise of a man never manifests senseless cruelty and always keeps his word. "

“The captain is a Catholic, but only thinks about it when the situation calls for it. The hero himself, refusing the idea of ​​capturing the Catholic cardinal "Sarukhanyan AP Article" Rafael Sabatini: historian and fiction writer "// R. Sabatini. Captain Blood's Odyssey. Chronicle of Captain Blood. M., 1984. S. 567, said the following: "God, of course, knows that I am a sinner, but I still hope that I remain the son of the true church" R. Sabatini. Captain Blood's Odyssey. Chronicle of Captain Blood. M., 1984.

Blood's appearance deserved attention: “he was tall, thin and dark, like a gypsy. From under black eyebrows looked calm, but piercing eyes, surprisingly blue for such a swarthy face. And that look and a well-shaped nose were in harmony with the firm, decisive fold of his lips. He dressed in all black, as befits a man of his profession, but his suit bore an imprint of grace that spoke of good taste. All this was typical ... for an adventurer ... His camisole made of thin black camlot was trimmed with silver lace, and the cuffs of his shirt and frill were decorated with Brabant laces "R. Sabatini. Captain Blood's Odyssey. Chronicle of Captain Blood. M., 1984. In his appearance, posture and manners, nobility is always preserved, "despite the blood, sweat and powder smoke." Although in the course of the action, Peter Blood has to change the English fashion to Spanish, his “luxurious dark attire”, “a lush black wig, whose long curls fell to the collar”, in fact, do not change.

Unusual Irish features and perfect knowledge and pronunciation Spanish allow Peter Blood to safely impersonate a Spaniard. To the Spaniards Blood was known as Don Pedro Sangre (literal translation of blood into Spanish Sangre - blood), to the French - le San (le Sang - blood). The hero often invents surnames for himself if the situation requires him to observe incognito, and uses the Spanish version of his personal name, Peter - Pedro.

There are several versions of who became the prototype of the noble pirate. The most common says that “it was the Englishman Henry Morgan, once a slave and pirate, who became the lieutenant governor of Jamaica (there is a clear parallel with our hero). You can also remember that according to one of the legends that overgrown the name of Morgan, he was kidnapped in childhood and sold into slavery in Barbados - so that in the West Indies he, like Blood, was not of his own free will. "Sarukhanyan AP Article "Raphael Sabatini: historian and fiction writer" // R. Sabatini. Captain Blood's Odyssey. Chronicle of Captain Blood. M., 1984. S. 569. But Morgan was a pirate who was famous for his cruelty, not inferior to his opponents, the Spaniards. Sabatini "created a charming image of a corsair-gentleman, alien to malice, money-grubbing, injustice" V. Tirdatov Foreword // R. Sabatini. Good luck to Captain Blood. M, 1991. S. 5. "Others say that it was Thomas Blood" www.interpretive.ru and Henry Pitman. Pitman was indeed a physician who suffered from the Monmouth rebellion (Monmouth's rebellious supporters were indeed sold into slavery, as described in the book). He was sold into slavery in Barbados, fled, but was captured by pirates. However, he did not join them, but returned to England, where he wrote a book about his adventures. So we can say that the literary image has become collective, absorbed all the best qualities of the mentioned real characters.

Of course, passion for profit, wealth and cruelty - the actions that in life determined the behavior of all pirates, including Morgan - are more convincing from the point of view of historical accuracy than Blood's nobility. But Sabatini wanted to make a hero. He could not find it among the real ones historical figures and therefore he turned to fiction in order to use it to combine in his character those features that real pirates hardly possessed. This shows the true nature of the writer, loyalty to his principles, loyalty to his imagination.

“Captain Peter Blood embarks on the path of adventure not out of interest in them, but against his will, which is repeatedly emphasized by the narrator (Jeremie Pitt - a young skipper who fled with the hero; he was devoted to Blood and treated him like a brother). And at each new unexpected turn in the fate of Blood, the role of chance is played by real historical circumstances, which allows Sabatini to find a "truthful relationship" between real history and fiction "Sarukhanyan A. P. Article" Raphael Sabatini: historian and fiction writer "// R. Sabatini ... Captain Blood's Odyssey. Chronicle of Captain Blood. M., 1984.S. 563.

The author does not represent everything that happens to our hero as fate, before which a person is powerless. As befits the hero of an adventure novel, Peter Blood behaves in problem situations with dignity, never despair, does not lose his sense of humor and, in the end, turns out to be a winner.

Peter Blood is clearly opposed to the pirates. “Being a pirate, I acted not like a pirate, but like a gentleman”, a pirate with his own code of honor, “a knight to idiocy” AP Sarukhanyan Article “Rafael Sabatini: historian and fiction writer” // R. Sabatini. Captain Blood's Odyssey. Chronicle of Captain Blood. M., 1984. S. 566, capable of noble deeds for the sake of a beautiful lady. And as a doctor, the captain not only sheds blood, but also stops her. He feels like “a doctor, not a soldier; a healer, not a killer ”R. Sabatini. Captain Blood's Odyssey. Chronicle of Captain Blood. M., 1984.

By the way, oh lovely ladies... We have never mentioned the beloved of our hero. In the very first minutes of his stay in Barbados during the sale of slaves, Peter draws attention to "the charming face of a girl who was clearly out of place here" R. Sabatini. Captain Blood's Odyssey. Chronicle of Captain Blood. M., 1984. This girl turned out to be the niece of the slave owner (later the owner of Blood) William Bishop Arabella Bishop. In her honor, Peter Blood later named his ship (according to his team, it was a mockery of Bishop, and at first only close ones understood the full meaning of this act). Arabella Bishop has an independent and strong character, but at the same time she is kind and generous. She is smart, interesting in communication. She loves Peter Blood, although when she meets Arabella, she calls him a thief and a pirate. Blood is mysterious to her. She senses a knight in him, but sees a pirate. But despite this, just like the captain of "Arabella", Miss Bishop carried her love through the years, despite all the rumors and outrages that were attributed to him.

Now let's again recall the oppositions on which almost the entire image of the hero is built. I would like to say about religion. We have already mentioned that Blood was a Catholic, but "he remembered his Catholicism only when he needed it" R. Sabatini. Captain Blood's Odyssey. Chronicle of Captain Blood. M., 1984. “It is obvious that religious strife did not bother him, and he treated the calls to“ fight for the faith ”with skeptical indifference. The paradox of the situation was that Blood was persecuted by adherents of Catholicism, and, as it is said in the later novel "The Luck of Captain Blood", he never ceased to be amazed that, born and raised in the Roman Catholic faith, he was expelled from England for the accusation in support of the Protestant pretender, and Catholic Spain saw in him a heretic deserving to be burned at the stake ”R. Sabatini. Good luck to Captain Blood. M, 1991.

Concerning appearance captain, his theatricality. It cannot be said that the author makes her naive, as if he does not know or cannot imagine the reality, the world in which the hero was immersed. He uses it as one of the techniques of the genre. Recall that one of the first battles ends with the narrator's commentary: “Peter Blood performed such operations with amazing brilliance and, I suspect, not without a certain theatricality. Undoubtedly, the dramatic spectacle now taking place on board the Spanish ship could adorn the stage of any theater. " These laces and wigs do not weaken the hero's courage in any way.

All the singularity and charm of the hero lies in the fact that he is a fictional hero. It is unlikely that readers could easily fall in love with the hero copied from the pages of the historical chronicle of piracy. But the writer still wanted readers to perceive what he was told as the truth. And the effect of credibility is achieved in the work by the fact that all the events of the book take place against a real background, with the help of historical events.

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