My dream is to become a teacher. Essay of a primary school teacher on the topic "my pedagogical philosophy"

Who to be? Sooner or later, each of us asks himself this question. I was the first child in the family, and later I had two sisters. When I went to Kindergarten I liked the profession of an educator. Growing up, I decided that someday I would work here.

But time flew by. When I went to school, I met my first teacher - Galina Alekseevna Marakulina. This beautiful woman is a teacher primary school. From the very first minute, she fascinated me, carried me to her country of knowledge. Galina Alekseevna is a teacher with a capital letter. She has a lot of work experience. She worked at the school for 43 years. Teaching is not a profession for her, but a vocation.

Teacher! How difficult it is to carry this title through life. But the profession obliges. Most of us remember the first line, the first call. But the most important thing is the kind look and affectionate smile of the first teacher.

Teaching is the noblest and most difficult profession. Society could not exist and develop if the younger generation, replacing the older one, had to start all over again, without the experience that they inherited.

The great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy saw in teaching profession, first of all, a humanistic principle, which finds expression in love for children.

“If a teacher has only love for work,” this master of words wrote, “he will be a good teacher. If the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, a mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love either for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for both work and students, he is a perfect teacher.

I think that the teacher needs to work hard on himself in order to confidently enter the class and say: “Hello, children, I am your first teacher.” I felt it when our school hosted the “Understudy Day”. I taught lessons in the primary link, in the third grade. I have always liked small children. They are so direct, inquisitive, look you straight in the eye, listen carefully. They are all interested. With them you can talk about everything, they understand a lot. I got so used to the role of a teacher that I did not notice how the end of the school day had already come. Little children did not want to part with me. “Understudy Day” is exactly the day when you are given the opportunity to feel like a teacher. And I succeeded very well. It was after that day that I firmly decided that I wanted to be an elementary school teacher.

Very often the first teacher is called the "second mother". This "mother" should be strict and kind, demanding and cheerful. I find it helps to create a warm, inviting microclimate in the classroom. The first teacher leaves a deep imprint in the soul of the child.

I think that the motto of every teacher should be the words: "Bring light to people, sow goodness, give love."

The desire of the child to learn largely depends on the teacher, his ability to determine the capabilities of the student, his personal personality.

I believe that a teacher is, first of all, a mentor. He not only gives children knowledge, but also educates them. Kids come to school from different families, including dysfunctional ones. Unfortunately, in our time there are parents who do not work at home with their children, do not prepare them for school, they believe that this is the job of teachers. From such families, children come to school nervous, angry, even pugnacious. The teacher should surround such children with love, attention, patronize and instruct them every day, cultivate love and respect for other children, elders, parents, for the whole world around them. At the same time, you must not spare your time, give your soul completely to your pets. Then they will love their teacher, they will listen to him in everything, and in the future they will grow up as educated people. The new generation will have to change our country, make it better, more educated.

In addition to the fact that the teacher educates students, their parents also need it. They trust him with the most precious thing - their children. Parents are interested in studying at school, grades, relationships in the classroom, they care about everything. And it depends on the first teacher how it will turn out school life child; how parents will relate to teachers and the school, whether they will become faithful comrades-in-arms, like-minded people.

It is necessary to keep up with the times all the time: read a lot, especially pedagogical novelties, watch interesting educational programs with children, and discuss everything new with students. To the extent possible, organize excursions for children to Kirov and other cities, while expanding their horizons from childhood.

I think that the profession of a teacher is the most important in the world, because it is she who prepares the citizens of our country. The power and prosperity of my Motherland depends on what young people will be like. All professions start from elementary school. It pains me to hear from TV screens how famous "stars" boast that they did not listen to teachers at school, and now they have become famous. It can't be! I know from history how many teachers went to the front with their students during the Great Patriotic War setting an example of heroism. How children of those years valued teachers!

I believe that society will turn its face to the teacher and appreciate his work. I want my wish to come true so that I can enter pedagogical institute!

I am sure that my calling is a teacher.

V. Borisyuk,

graduate of MKOU SOSH

Dream for life!

The first teacher... For every person, he is like the beginning of the path, like the first imprint in the child's soul. Let time endow you with other, more interesting, wise, significant teachers, but the first teacher will forever remain that small, distant light that shone on you at the very beginning of the path.

Do you remember what you dreamed of as a child? Did you have a cherished dream? I think all your childhood dreams, first of all, were connected with the future. What did you want to become? An actress or an actor, a famous football player or a figure skater, a geologist, or maybe an astronaut? For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to be a teacher. Yes, that's exactly what they said then: "teacher." I seated the dolls on the sofa and played school with them. I enjoyed asking my plastic students questions, grading them in makeshift notebooks. It was exciting to play school, and the profession of a teacher seemed beautiful and very interesting. I was looking forward to going to first grade and getting to know this very “teacher”, but for now I gathered the children in the yard and played “school”.

Now I know that school is an amazing place. Here everything is mixed up: childhood and youth, romance and real life, science and art, dreams and disappointments, maturity and wisdom. In this house, joy and tears dry up quickly, meetings and partings. The school lives an anxious life, and it, like a drop of water, reflects all the processes taking place in society. Only one thing is invariable - the knowledge of the new and the mystery of learning. Teachers, people who came here at the call of their hearts, will never leave this house forever seething with passions. Two central figures live in it: a teacher and a student. One - reveals simple truths to children, and the second - absorbs all the wisdom of life.School translated from Latin means - a ladder that has its own steps. This ladder is not built, it is created for the ascent of the personality of each child, and the teacher must help his students climb a step higher.

And then ... Years of study at school, close communication with different teachers expanded my childish, naive, idea of ​​the desired profession. I realized that teaching children is not at all easy, that it is incredibly difficult to love such different, often naughty and slow-witted children. But my desire to be a teacher strengthened, the dream remained.

Teacher... How much warmth, humanity, tenderness and understanding in this word. How much kindness and patience this profession requires. What about an elementary school teacher? For the rest of my life, that first teacher is remembered; her wise voice, warm smile, kind eyes. Yes, my goal remained the same. I remember an essay senior class on the topic "Who do I want to be?" I wrote that I want to become a teacher. Classmates twirled a finger at the temple. I replied: “But someone has to do it! Teach children". (At alumni meetings, they still call me “village teacher”, I'm not offended, that's how it is ...).

These were the years of obedience, when a bad mark for discipline discouraged the guilty, when a bold word addressed to a teacher was very rare. These were the days of our naive purity, and I remember them with tender sadness, especially now, working at school. In those distant days, teachers seemed to us unusual, special people, not like everyone else, just unearthly.

Having entered the Pedagogical Institute, I began to directly translate my cherished dream into reality. Mastery profound knowledge, studying the basics of pedagogy and psychology, learning the methods of teaching the subject at school, getting acquainted with the experience of famous teachers - everything brought me closer to the expected moment when, having crossed the threshold of the school in a new capacity, I could say: “My dream came true! I'am a teacher!" I was looking forward to graduating from college and going to work.

And here it is! I remember with what excitement and quivering joy I prepared for my first lesson. I remember the faces of my very first students. I still think that they were my best children! I studied with them. Being one whole - you and the children - is the goal, probably, of every teacher. And it can only be achieved through hard work. For a primary school teacher, the main thing is not to let God's gift fade away in the soul of a child. And only a teacher who is in love with his profession will succeed. If the teacher has a desire to give, then the student will definitely have a desire to receive. When these two desires coincide, a wonderful result is obtained. At first there were many failures and disappointments. My desires and aspirations often did not coincide with the results of my pedagogical efforts. But I never regretted becoming a teacher.

Lessons... Lessons... extracurricular activities... And again the lessons ... It would seem that what is special can be thought of here? However, all of them are not similar to one another, because they are warmed by the warmth of the heart itself. The teacher studies the children, and they carefully look at their mentor. How he is dressed, in what mood, is he fair - all this worries little schoolchildren.

I want to give my colleagues a recipe for happiness, which I read from the great teacher, primary school teacher Shalva Amonashvili: “Take a cup of patience, pour a full heart of love into it. Throw in two handfuls of generosity. Throw in the same laughter, humor, joy. Sprinkle generously with kindness, add as much faith as possible - and mix it all well. And then spread it on a piece of life given to you and offer it to everyone you meet on your way! After all, a teacher is a state of mind, a way of life, a worldview.”

I never knew what I would become in the future. I wanted everything at once - both money, and prestige, and that it was definitely interesting. However, quite recently it became clear - my dream is to become a teacher of Russian language and literature. If I explained my choice to my parents, I would start by saying that this is a noble profession, it is useful for society. However, now I will start with something else - with a problem. Half of the teachers today are people left over from the times of the USSR, with a somewhat outdated approach to education. Of course, they are experienced and wise. However, they do not hear us, the children of the new generation. We have a different worldview, we like different music, literature. And we argue, we try to defend our right to individuality - but to no avail. Hence the reluctance to learn. The second half are young teachers who have not yet decided on their methods. They try to follow the techniques they learned in universities. We are not taught to learn, to think, to reason, but formulas and rules are diligently stuffed into our heads. We just need education. You need to talk to us, help, instruct on the right path. And be sure to see each individual. This is exactly what I would like to realize when I get to school.

The second reason is the mass degradation of young people. Some of my classmates are sure that Peter I and Pushkin were contemporaries, and that Tokyo is in China. And in this - at least in part - teachers are also to blame. Children do not like to study, they do not see the point in it. Why shouldn't the teacher convince them? After all, a teacher for any, even the most disobedient student, is an authority and an example, at least at the initial stage.

At the lessons of the Russian language and literature, the teacher instills patriotism in young people. After all, who, if not a linguist, should tell about the power of our language and the boundless influence of literature? Teachers are able to turn the eyes of future adults to the most actual problems society - after all, it is up to us to decide them later. And this is the education of youth, the creation of the future of the country - the third and most main reason my choice. Winston Churchill said: "School teachers have the power that prime ministers can only dream of." It is these people who are laying the foundation for the future. I would like to see this future among humane, tolerant, noble, strong and intelligent people. And it is in the power of any teacher to realize these, no doubt, common dreams.

I will end with the words of the German teacher Adolf Diesterweg: “The task of the educator and teacher remains to introduce every child to universal human development and make a person out of him before he is mastered by civil relations.” Teachers did not create this society, but they can change it for the better. And if I am able to help a little in this, I choose the profession of a teacher.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school № 7

city ​​of Gulkevichi, Krasnodar Territory.

Essay "I am a Teacher!"

on the municipal stage all-Russian competition

"Teacher of the Year - 2016"

Pluzhnaya Marina Anatolievna,

teacher of history, social studies,

Kuban studies.



"I'am a teacher".

“Achieving the fulfillment of a dream is the greatest meaning of human life ...”

A.S. Yakovlev.

We all come from childhood! And each of us has our own cherished dream. And my dream is to become a teacher! But, my way to this dream was long and difficult.

As a child, I played school, was a teacher, put marks, though on postcards, which at that time came with congratulations.I tried to make all my dreams come true academic years at school.

School is a big life! Studying was easy for me, but I learned humanitarian disciplines better, read a lot, quickly memorized historical dates and events. At school, together with classmates, she prepared all kinds of events, holidays, was a counselor, patronized younger students,helped them do their homework, played different games, went to the cinema with them. It was interesting for me to communicate with the kids, and they are so interesting and funny, and it was so exciting! There were no questions before me: where to go to study, what will I become? I already knew the answers to them. When I, like many children, was asked the question: “What will you be when you grow up?”, I answered: “A teacher!”.

I came home from school later than my parents, so I didn’t want to leave! And she went home cheerful and happy! And I could not imagine another life without school, without fun commotion, without fuss at breaks. Ah, what happiness it was! I dreamed that I would finish school and become a teacher.

But, what kind of teacher - primary school, Russian and literature? But here my dad helped me in choosing a profession. He constantly, unobtrusively, planted interesting articles for me, historical books, told a lot about the past from the history of our country and of course the family. He asked me not to forget and cherish family traditions, to take care of family photos. That's how I gradually wanted to become a history teacher, and the choice was made.

My father helped me prepare for entering the university, took me to courses. But my health let me down, or rather, my eyesight, which, from constant stress, as I read a lot, prepared for exams, deteriorated greatly. And the doctors' diagnosis - you can't strain your eyesight, you can't read, etc. decided the outcome in the choice of profession. Mom categorically forbade me to enter the Pedagogical Institute. I had to enter the mechanical and technological technical school of the dairy industry, and become a technician - technologist. True, it was my mother's choice.

And there I learned easily. She actively participated and prepared all events, as she was elected chairman of the student trade union committee. And after graduating from the technical school, the teachers asked me to stay and continue working at the technical school. But then my parents got sick, and I had to return home. She got a job in her specialty, then got married, gave birth to children and began to raise them. And the dream remained a cherished dream!

Many people knew about my dream, and I did not hide it. Many years later. And suddenly, in a circle of friends, I find out that a history teacher is going to retire from school and the problem is where to find a teacher? Since we live thirty kilometers from the city, and getting there is problematic. And who will go to live and work in a farm. So my friends suggested that I go to the director and propose my candidacy. “You dreamed of becoming a history teacher!” A decision was made in the family, my husband supported me, told me to fulfill my dream, and he would help. True, later, when I saw with my own eyes what a teacher's work, preparing for lessons - all night long. He regretted it and said that if he had known what it was, he would never have agreed to my admission to the institute. The director gave the go-ahead, and at the age of 32 I entered the university, at the Faculty of History. What happiness it was! Learning was easy and interesting. I absorbed all the information like a sponge, ran to lectures with interest, and interestingly, I forgot my age, I am 18 and nothing more! A year later, the teacher retired, and I was invited to teach at the school. But what is fate! I'm offered class leadership in the 11th grade, where students born in 1987. This is the year I graduated from school and the realization of my dream, which, alas, came true, not then, but now!

Of course, it was very difficult to start my career: to combine work, distance learning, home, family, parenting. There were many things, all sorts of adversities. But what is all this compared to what awaits you at school. This smell is the smell of childhood, I just can't get enough of it, although I have been working at the school for 13 years. Those cute, funny, inquisitive, sparkling children's eyes of students. It gives me pleasure to communicate with them, the opportunity to help solve their children's problems, to see and hear a variety of questions, to look for answers together with them. The ability to see the results of your work. Their joy, their pain, their mistakes, my miscalculations, their successes and my successes. Sometimes, for some reason, there is no strength, no health, you feel unwell, you can barely walk. And suddenly you hear: “Hello, Marina Anatolyevna! How are you doing?" And where do the forces come from! You immediately forget about everything in the world, there is a concentration of strength and energy. And the day flies by, as always imperceptibly. It seems like the day has just begun, and already the last lesson! I aspire to go there, to these walls, to this friendly team, where everyone is trying to support and help you. With an excellent administration, headed by a director, a professional in his field, who will always come to the rescue and support you in difficult moment. And now it seems to me that there is no better place in life on earth and the school where I work.

I and my colleagues who work with me and try to sow the eternal reasonable, kind, care about how our future generation will grow up, which will build the life of our country. Let not everyone become great, brilliant people, but the most important thing is that they grow up to be real citizens: kind, sympathetic, hardworking, ready to help people. Therefore, I try to show by my personal example how these qualities should manifest themselves in a person. After all, you are a teacher not only at school, but also outside the walls of the school. And always in front of children, and many take an example from you. I try to create the most comfortable conditions for the full development of each child. Help him succeed in lesson and extracurricular activities that match his inclinations and interests. Excursions, visits to museums, sports events, participation in competitions, olympiads, and interesting class hours help us with this.

My students, both those who have already left the walls of the school and gone into adulthood, and those who are still nearby, are winners and prize-winners of Olympiads and intellectual contests. Being engaged in circles and sports sections, they proudly talk about their achievements, bring their certificates and diplomas. And together we rejoice in their success.WithI try to be a professional and a person, and not just to occupy a workplace, but also to decorate this place, which is the meaning of my work and life. And to be a professional in your field, and indeed interesting person I strive to know my subject well, to improve my pedagogical skill, study psychological features students, I take courses, I read psychological literature. I focus on improving professional culture, their self-education, while fulfilling their immediate duties: educational, developing, educational. As a person, I try to be interesting, respected, principled, active, creative, patient.

Every day brings something new, and in order to be a modern teacher for children, you have to study even more, master new methods and technologies. And I would like to quote Omar Khayyam:“For many years I have been thinking about earthly life, There is nothing incomprehensible to me under the moon, I know that I don’t know anything! “Here is the last one, the truth, discovered by me.”So the more I know, the more I want to know. If I don’t know how to do something, I study, but what I don’t know, I learn, I get interested, I strive to find interesting forms of working with children. It is impossible to know everything in your field, you need to continue to study your subject throughout your entire activity.

I believe that a teacher is the most important and necessary profession. There are no random people in our profession, only those who love, value children, dedicate their lives to them remain in the profession. I have a good interesting job, I'm happy! During this time, I have never regretted my choice. Every day of work is a holiday of the soul. I bring my knowledge to children, and this is my mission. My family supports me in my professional journey. All my family and friends believe that this is a profession from which I get spiritual development and positive emotions.Great happiness is to be useful and enjoy your work.

Today I can proudly say: “I am a teacher!”. This is my calling, my life path. And I want to end with the words of great people:“In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom is the highest justice of life.”

Leonardo da Vinci.©

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