Young guard who survived. Heroes of the Young Guard

Central Committee VKP (b)
Comrade Stalin I.V.
In August 1942, the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" appeared in the city of Krasnodone, the Underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard".
Starting its activities in the composition of five people, the organization rose to 100 young people, mostly students of 9-10 classes, miners children.
The underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" in the five months of its activities in the conditions of the German occupation conducted a large political work on the organization of young people to an active struggle with German invaders ...
In July 1942, the Germans, broke into the city of Krasnodon, immediately began mass arrests and sprauls over the most active part of the party and Soviet asset. They were especially cruelly dealt with thirty communists who left the registration. All thirty people were crowding burdens.
This barbaric act caused an explosion of indignation among the population of the city. Especially sharply reacted young people. By this time, it belongs to the creation of the Komsomol members Oleg Koshev, Ivan the Zemvov and Sergey Talen, the underground group "Young Guard", later grown in a large organization.
The group was aimed at revenge on the invaders for their atrocities, to avenge all possible means.
Young Guards began their activities with the creation of a primitive typography. Students of the 9-10 classes - members of the underground organization - they made a radio receiver on their own. After some time, they have already taken the reports of the Soviet Informburo and began to publish leaflets. Leaflets were twisted everywhere: on the walls of houses, in buildings, on telephone pillars. Several times the young guards managed to glue leaflets on the spins of the police.
The leaflets that have had a huge influence on the population informed, mainly on the situation on the fronts, about the activities of the Soviet government. A significant number of leaflets was devoted to the Germans of Soviet youth to Germany. Due to the widespread of these leaflets, called to the sabotage of the population mobilization in Germany, the Campaign on the recruitment fell by the Germans.
A total of over 5,000 leaflets were distributed among the population of Krasnodon.
Members of the "Young Guard" also wrote slogans on the walls of houses and fences. In the days of religious holidays, they came to the church and called on the pockets of believers written from the hand of such a content: "As we lived, so we will live, as we were, and we will be under the Stalinist banner *, or:" Down with Hitler's 300 grams, Come on Stalin's kilogram. "
On the day of the 25th anniversary of the October Revolution over the city, a red banner was swayed, licked by members of the underground organization. On the same day, the workers' family, especially victims of German occupiers, as well as orphans received gifts collected by young guards.
About this day, the residents of Krasnodon are remembered with deep excitement.

All the activities of the "Young Guard" contributed to the strengthening of the population resistance to the invaders, instilled faith in the inevitability of the defeat of the Germans and the restoration of Soviet power.
The young guards had to work in very difficult conditions, continuously ending the danger to the revealed Gestapo agents who were lying around the city in search of fearless patriots. But the difficulties did not scare members of the organization; They gave them, enriched with the experience of underground work.
"Young Guard" was not limited to campaigning work, she led an active preparation for armed performance "To this end, they collected: 15 automata, 80 rifles, 300 pomegranate, more than 15,000 ammunition and 65 kg of explosives. By the beginning of the winter of 1942, the organization represented A cohesive, combat detachment, having experienced political and combat activities.
The undergrounders ripped a mobilization of several thousand inhabitants of Krasnodon to Germany, buried the scope of labor, saved the lives of dozens of prisoners of war, beat 500 years of livestock in Germans and returned to its inhabitants, conducted a number of other sabotage and terrorist acts.
The members of the "Young Guard" were genuine combat young people organizers in the enemy's rear, they showed samples of selfless courage and courage in the fight against German invaders
The existence and activities of the "Young Guard" are widely known to the youth and the population of Krasnodon and other donbass areas.
The heroism and courage of young guards in the fight against the German occupiers causes true admiration among the population and became a significant factor in the political rise in young people in the liberated areas of Ukraine.
To perpetuate the memory of the dead and popularization of their heroic affairs, please:
1. Assign / posthumously / Koshoy Oleg Vasilyevich, earthly0v Ivan Alexandrovich, Tyulenina Sergey Gavrilovich, Thunder Ulyana Matveevna, Shevtsova Love Grigorievna the title of Hero Soviet UnionAs the most outstanding organizers and leaders of the "Young Guard".
2. Award 44 people asset "Young Guard" orders of the SSR Union for the manifestation of the valor and courage in the fight against the German invaders in the enemy's rear / of them 37 people - posthumously.
3. Award Koshest Elena Nikolaevna, Mother of Koshest Oleg Orel Patriotic War II degree for active assistance rendered by the "Young Guard".

Secretary of the Central Committee of the CP / Used N. Khrushchev
8 / IX - 1943
Posted through the Central Committee of LKSMU

Not all young guards died.
From the persecution of the fascists who began arrests of young guidance in the first days of January 1943, it was possible to leave 11 underground workers.

The commander of the "Young Guard" Turkeenich Ivan Vasilyevich moved the line of the front and in the ranks Soviet army passed through the whole of Ukraine. In the summer of 1944, becoming communist, I.V. Turkenyich was appointed to the post of assistant chief of political waste 99 Rifle Zhytomyr Red Banner Division in Komsomol. On August 14, 1944, with the liberation of the fraternal Polish people from the fascist tyranny, he fell by the death of the hero. I.V. Turkenych is buried at the Cemetery of Soviet soldiers in the city of Resheva (Poland).

Levashov Vasily Ivanovich - Chlean's headquarters of the "Young Guard" - from Krasnodon went towards the front. At Ambrosievka station, Donetsk region. Hided the relatives before the arrival of the Red Army. After liberation, he joined the Soviet army, in the ranks of which he passed from Krasnonon to Berlin and took part in the Berlin storm. Having injured. Soon after the war, the former underground finished the Military Political Academy. IN AND. Lenin, served in the navy.

Safonov Stepan Stepanovich in early January moved the front line. In the ranks of the Red Army, who freed the Donbass, took part in the battles for the city of Kamensk. He died on January 20, 1943. Buried in a brotherly grave at the Ryginsky cemetery Kamensk.

Kovalev Anatoly Vasilyevich until the end of January was in a deep underground in Krasnodone. January 28 is arrested. On the 31st - ran out of the shooting from the shurta mine N5. During escape, injured in hand. During the week, hidden from relatives and acquaintances in Krasnodone. Saying the persecution of the police, disappeared from the city. It is known that until May 1943 he was located on the territory of the Zaporizhzhya region, then his traces are lost. Kovalev Anatoly disappeared.

Harutyunc Georgy Minaevich went towards the front when arrest began in Krasnodon. Before the arrival of the Red Army, the relatives were hidden in Novocherkassk. From March 1943 served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. Having wounded. In 1957 he graduated from the Military Political Academy. IN AND. Lenin. Was a military.

Valery Davydovna Bortz before the coming of Soviet troops was hidden in relatives in Lugansk. After the war he studied at the Institute foreign languages. Served in the army.

Ivantsova Nina Mikhailovna, leaving the persecution of the fascists, was hidden in villages and farms near Krasnodon. With the arrival of the Soviet troops, she voluntarily went to the Soviet Army. Participated in battles at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. After the war, he was on the Komsomol and party work, graduated in absentia pedagogical Institute. Worked in the apparatus of the Lugansk regional communist party of Ukraine.

Ivantsova Olga Ivanovna hid together with his sister. After the liberation worked in the system of labor reserves as a deputy roller. For a long time he worked on leadership in the trade organizations of the Luhansk region.

Lopukhov Anatoly Vladimirovich before the arrival of our troops was hidden from acquaintances in mines and in villages near Lugansk. After the expulsion of the fascists was called to the Soviet Army. Was injured. He graduated from the Military Political Academy. V. I. Lenin. He served in the army.

Schechenko Mikhail Tarasovich during the arrests of young guards went into a deep underground. After the liberation of Krasnodon, the secretary of the Rovenkovsky district of Komsomol was sent by secretary. Since 1946, he was at the party work at the FRUNZEUGOL's mines. Lugansk region

Yurkin Rady Petrovich before the liberation of Krasnodon was hiding in the residents of suburban villages and farms. With the arrival of our troops, he received a direction to the school of military pilots, which was over, served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. He worked as a mechanic fleet in Krasnodone.

As for the relatives of young guards, the mother of Oleg Koshevoy had the greatest fame. It did not like the mother of another hero.

First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSS TOV. Brezhnev L.I. from Tulenina Aleksandra Vasilyevny

Dear Leonid Ilyich!

This letter writes to you Tyulena Alexander Vasilyevna, mother of the Hero of the Soviet Union Sergey Tyulenyna, Chlena Headquarters "Young Guard", Krasnodonon's underground organization.
Earlier, I repeatedly orally appealed to various central organizations with a request to disassemble the case with Koshevea Elena Nikolaevna - Mother Oleg Koshevoy, who also participated in the "Young Guard", and he also awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Every time I promised to figure out, but no one figured out. Comrades, as I turned to, probably thought that there was nothing old to do - here she complains.
I'm really not young. I live in the light of 80 years. Raised ten children. What they raised not only to me, but also visible from the side. None of my children has never been under trial, nor under investigation. In the difficult time of the German occupation, most of them fought with the enemy, who are at the front who are in the rear, and from the parties of the party in our genus you can make a separate party organization. For his children, for grandchildren and great-grandchildren, I would be ashamed of the Lenin himself before Vladimir Ilicich. This is Ilyich in 1922, when I turned to him with a letter, saved our family from ruin and hungry death.
You, Leonid Ilyich, I ask to disassemble the following case:
For what kind of need, local authorities raise the Koshevoy E.N.? She has a chin committee of the party, and the deputy, in the case and does not give her orders to her. After all, in the fight against the Germans, she did not accept any participation, and in his current work - the head of the kindergarten - (she too) at the N1Bis mine. Sergey Tuylanina, she either doesn't make anything outstanding. If the role of her son is playing in this matter - Oleg, whom she gives out for the "Young Guard Commissioner", so he was also not a commissar of this organization. And if for the fact that in 1943, when our eyes did not breathe from the tears for the dead children, chose the Chairman of the Commission of the Central Committee of the Komsomol Toritsyn, as well as the Fadeeva writer who came to Krasnodon, who lived in her apartment and to which she allowed only Those who told the writer is what she wanted, so I think, with this it's time to cum. I had a hope with my daughter under the windows, where the Fadeev invited us for conversation, but she did not let us down in DM.
Under the dictation of the cat, Fadeev described in the book "Young Guard" that Oleg Koshevoy was the Commissioner of the "Young Guard", and its self and brother Korostylava N.N., as people who helped Oleg in the underground work. And not only helped, but almost led the whole work of the "Young Guard". Everyone knows that it is not true. The Commissioner "Young Guard" Oleg Kosheva was never. Commissioner was Viktor Trekijevich. She, Koshelev, slandered Victor. She told Fadeev that Viktor Trekijevich was as if he was a traitor. And where she could know it. She did not arrest the police. She was not interrogated. It is necessary for me and the police were messed over our family. Me, not her beat to the loss of consciousness. I, not she knows what questions asked and what they wanted to know the police. I, not she knows who he was doing in the "Young Guard".

Leonid Ilyich, the heart is poured by the blood from the fact that because of a slander on a third-party, built by the cat, his brothers were injured, and his father died, his father died, for more than 15 years he did not receive a pension for his son, tortured by the executioners, Mother Victor - Anna Iosifovna. That's what a cat. It is she, a cat, young and healthy, since 1943 received a pension for Oleg. She worked, received a salary and received a pension in addition.
And Korostylev. You do not know, and we know that he worked in the German Direction Engineer. We know that in his house almost all the time the German officers and no meetings of the "Young Guard" had never happened there. And on the house, on the house of the German servant still hangs the inscription about what the meetings of the headquarters were held there. Who needs deception? Arriving in Krasnodon people still recognize the truth. And who needs a lie, even though she is written with gold letters. If Korostylev fought with the Germans, the head of the Rovensky police of Orlov would not let go home, and would send the execution, as she sent Shevtsov and other guys.
After the liberation from the Germans, when Korostylev was arrested as a German servant, the woven began to get off him. Then she talked to the writer Fadeev that Korostilov helped the guys in the underground work that Oleg was a commissioner that all meetings of the headquarters took place in the house of Korostylev. She wrote this lie in the letter M. I. Kalinin, deceived Soviet power. And later, this lie was written by the cat in the book "Tale of Son."
Leonid Ilyich, Lenin taught to tell the truth to people, whatever she was bitter. The new program of the party is recorded. And correctly recorded. And the koshevaya opposite wrote in his book a lie and thinks probably that she benefits. And from this untrue only the harm of our youth. They will read the book and think that the truth is written there, and come to Krasnodon and find out that there is a lie and cease to believe not only the parents of young guidance, but also the party, the Soviet people. Who gave the right of a cat to undermine the faith among youth in the most holy, faith in the mother-mother?!
And one more question I wanted to find out. Where did Oleg killed? In the film "Young Guard" it is shown that it is first thrown into the Shurf mines N5 in Krasnodone. And he was not near Schurf, he did not pull him out of the shurph, and in the brotherly grave in Krasnodone did not bother. Koshelev writes in the book that she was in Rovenki His Son. And there are no documents about it. Who she buried in risen, no one knows. Where is Oleg Koshev?
Leonid Ilyich, for his life I saw and experienced and good and bad, but never in a big nor in small people were deceived. After the war, I did not apply to such a letter to the government, since I had no faith in the fact that there would be able to easily understand the case. Many years ago I turned to Lenin with a letter for a personal question; And now I appeal on the issue of great state importance, on the recovery of the truth, which our local leaders are trying to replace lie. I want everyone to take such a place in life, what he deserved not to be deceived, not sick, and honest work, honest struggle for Soviet power.
Leonid Ilyich! I would write you and more, but I am not competent. And people who write it under my dictation are already tired.
I want one - get a message from you that the truth will be restored.

My address: Krasnodon, Lomonosova 8,
Tuylanina Alexandra Vasilyevna.
RGASPI, F-1, Inventory 53, case 41

The mother of Tyulenina had grounds to be offended: because this Sergey Tyulenyn was the first to be struggled with the fascists. Already on the second day of the occupation, leaflets appeared, which he repeatedly wrote and pasted on the walls of houses.
But in the rest she is wrong. Of course, the cat died. His corpse was seen by many people. It is said that whiskey have a young guy were gray.

Passions on the young guards did not subsigh so far. Ukrainians are now trying them to make OUN fighters. They fought for Ukraine independent of the Communists!

Or here are such opans:
« Let's start with the subject, apparently, completely unknown "Patriots". From the Hague Convention on the rules of fighting. The Convention, which Germany signed (in contrast to the USSR). The exact name of the Convention is "On the Rights and Customs of the Ground War", adopted at the 2nd Hague Conference on October 18, 1907.

Contrary to some misconceptions, this convention does not prohibit guerrilla operations. However, there are four conditions, only when performing the militia, will not be considered a military criminal subject to the court of the military tribunal (and, as a rule, the death penalty), but a combatant on which all the rights of the prisoner are applied.

First, "to have a certain and obviously visible from issued a distinctive sign." The distinctive sign of the combatant, that is. Ideally, wearing a military uniform (which is why the fighters of the UPA, the army of the Core, the Baltic "Forest Brothers", etc. preferred to wear the form of the relevant armed Forces). However, the red band on the headdress or even the sleeper bandage will also come down.

Secondly, open weapons. Thirdly, abide by the norms and customs of war. And finally, in fourth, be not a "free shooter", but part of the detachment with a responsible commander.

Therefore, alas and ah, but Oleg Kosheva, who was detained in civilian clothes without any distinctive sign and with weapons in his pocket, for all norms of international law was a military (silent criminal) criminal and was shot in full compliance with international law. As well as without exception, the underground workers hidden wearing weapons.

The notorious Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was already twice the criminal. First, because it is like a cat - they took in civilian clothes with Nagan in his pocket and, secondly, because the purpose of its task was to fulfill the iso-order of Stalin for №0428, compared with all Nazi occupation orders - Small hooliganism.

You can, of course, to say that all this international law is not a decree in our "Holy War" ... But it automatically puts the RKKA on one board with Einzazgroups, and the Stalinist regime - with Nazi (also a roughly violated the Hague Convention).

The responsible historian (in contrast to the employee of the Agitprop) ignore the international military law does not have the right. Therefore, the activities of the "Young Guard" must be considered from the legal point of view.

.... The idea of \u200b\u200blife "under the occupiers" in Krasnodone was very different from propaganda agitals (although, it should be noted, in his novel and Fadeev draws a completely calm and comfortable life, the quality of which was an order of magnitude over Stalin). With these realities, I very strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with "Patriots", with foam at the mouth of the Agitpropovskiy non-participating about the "Slavic Holocaust", "Ost Plan", etc.

First, the occupiers eliminated criminal crime. Hard and inevitable punishments. For the minor thefts of the perpetrators ruthlessly, the strokes (by the way, in full compliance with the traditions of the Don Cossacks). For larger - shot and hung. But when the "liberators" were granted ... then such a wave of criminal rose, which could not be elaborated until the 60s. Whether it was not before, whether the methods were unsuitable ...

Yes, the occupiers introduced a mandatory workforce (where in no one). But, first of all, it was much softer than labor mobilization on defensive objects under Soviet power. And, secondly, this service guaranteed a piece of bread - and better and more than "at the councils". The occupiers were allowed private property and private entrepreneurship, instantly filled market markets. Yes, and no "requisitions" was not in risen. The invaders were either paid for the products (usually by Soviet rubles, although it was happening as special "occupying brands"), or they were updated on the goods, which in the "Stalinist paradise" the local population, stagnant in poverty under the council, did not specify.

Mines were restored, private shops, enterprises and even restaurants opened. By the way, although parts of the Wehrmacht entered Krasnodon on July 20, 1942 (without having met the slightest resistance, it should be noted), the occupation administration was appointed only at the end of August. During the month, the city has existed the most real self-government (also not such a rarity in the occupied territories of the USSR).

It is very important that there was no arbitrariness of the occupation administration and in risen. First, the occupiers did not intervene in the daily activities of the magistrate. Secondly, they introduced a clear system of laws and rules that were certainly carried out. The notorious "Ordnung" was introduced in other words. The population, tired of the insane and endless arbitrariness and lies of Stalinsky officials, sighed with some relief.

An interesting barcode - in the same district hospital in Krasnodone, the wounded soldiers of the Wehrmacht, and the prisoners of Red Army, and the locals were treated. However, it was long known that the Madpeal of the Wehrmacht and even Waffen-SS was no difference to treat. Hippocratic oath, however ...

In short, the invaders were trying to secure a calm, working rear. Therefore, I tried to provide the population with the most comfortable conditions for life (as far as it was possible in conditions of military time and the unconditional priority of the interests of the occupiers). As a result of incentives, it was simply not there as a result of incentives for the organization of resistance. And since the NKVD simply could not technically think about the "external" detachments in the Donetsk steppes, it was impossible to provoke Germans at repression against the population.

Therefore, archival documents of the invaders are inexorably testify: no occupus or collaborator in the territory of the Krasnodonsky district from the hands of partisans or underground workers suffered.
What does the Young Guard explorer mean for an impartial researcher? And only one thing - during its existence, this organization did not accomplish nothing that could somehow attract the attention of the local police. That is, and arson of the exchange, and the liberation of prisoners of war, and leaflets, and the red flags are all myths of the Soviet and Russian Agitprop. Clean water myths.
robbing cars with gifts could well be an ordinary criminal "campaign" who did not have any attitude towards the activities of the "Young Guard". Judging by the fact that the products and cigarettes were allowed to sell through markets and restaurants, so it was. But in any case, this anticipation of the teenagers (Moshkov and Trekijevich was 18-19 years old) had the most tragic consequences. And for them, and for many dozen young men and girls of Krasnodon.

For the disclosure of the criminal case, of course, raises the prestige of the police chief in the eyes of the bosses. But far from the disclosure of a huge, branched underground organization. As soon as Moshkov, a third, and then the earths ended up in a prison cell, Solikovsky immediately remembered the bonuse of the Supervision. Unswer that fate gives him a great chance to earn a lot of points in the eyes of the German authorities (not at all superfluous on the eve of the inevitable evacuation).
Grabzhka Moshkov / Stakhovich and Donos Punites launched a terrible, inhuman car, which and the grinding of "young guards". If you believe the official version, then with the monstrous, insane, inhuman cruelty ...

Why not believe? Turn to material evidence. The bodies of the young guards were dropped in Shurf number 5 of one of the Krasnodon mines. The shurt depth is 80 meters. This is the height of the 27th - storey house. Ask any Jewel Expret (or just a pathoanate) - what will happen to the human body when falling from such a height on the absorbing breed? And if you still pull a pair of trolleys on top? How to distinguish the lifetime damage from posthumous?

Even if you want to distinguish. And if you consider that the investigation of the "Young Guard" was conducted, in fact, the same foreshadispers, who, without blinking the eye, recognized Katynsky shot by the hands of the Germans ... The credibility of their conclusions causes, to put it mildly, serious doubts. There are no testimony of police investigators in this part of confidence - in the NKVD, they knew how to convince the "necessary" testimony. For it was exactly the same investigators (in fact, and even by names), which carried out a big terror. And the methods were the same. However, the Master of Allies from them is not far away from them. While they did not hurt "Del Malmogi" ...

Therefore, with confidence, it is possible to argue only one - the police investigators managed to achieve from the trendy young men and girls "necessary" testimony. And the arrangements of friends and acquaintances, and recognition in what they did not commit. As it often happens, knocked out (it is clear that without certain measures of physical impact it did not cost) the testimony then unceremoniously used the masters of the Stalinist Agitprop, attributing to the young guards of the acts that they did not.
Dropping into a mine alive, too, most likely, clean water Agitpropovsky demonization of the enemy (as well as a strong exaggeration of cruelty of physical influences). Schurf was chosen, first, from the convenience (dig a pitiful pleasure to the pit in the amusing ground) and, secondly, because I gave the chances of concealing a crime (hence the trolley dropped from above). Therefore, most likely, the main group of young guards just shot (together with "five Jews" with the hands "). The rest (Koshevoy, Shevtsov and others) were shot later - in Rovenki.

Let's summarize the final results. The real "young guard" was a small group (about one and a half of the tens of people) of the Krasnodonian boys and girls who refused to completely obey the occupying authorities and went into some kind of "internal emigration."

They created a secret society in the image and similarity of the Komsomol organization (the only model known to him), in which certain rituals are typical of such societies (oaths, membership tickets, meetings, etc.). This society did not learn any active action to combat the invaders, although it may be prepared for an armed uprising in the city. And therefore did not cause any harm to the invaders and did not have the slightest impact on the course of the war even locally.

Due to the betrayal of one of the members of the organization (most likely, rather on the basis of fear than on ideological or mercantile reasons), as well as a criminal offense committed by two members of society, it "hit the radar" local police and gendarmerie. Which of their own skin careeristic interests came up with the organization and its actions, which never existed and did not occur. As a result, both members of this organization and other young men and the girls of the city who did not have any relation to her were arrested, subjected to harsh methods of physical impact, and then shot.
Immediately at the arrival of the occupiers in Krasnodone, already two Cossack hundreds were formed. The Cossacks staged a parade in Krasnonon on October 24, 1941 and, marching in front of German officers, they swore in loyalty to Hitler and received a blessing "to fight the enemy" from the local priest. Absolutely sincere, because the occupiers of the church were restored and the priests returned, and the "liberators" of the Church were destroyed from the Red Army, and the priests were shot. "\u003d427684.
See how simple? And you were thickened.

And let's stand on the point of view of the bastard that wring the quoted opus. So to say the undergrounders, but, rather, young hooligans, there were only about a dozen. They could not harm the Germans, but fell on theft. Since the Germans struggled with crime, the vorays were planted.
The fascists would also do not touch the partisans if they wore icons or bandages with the inscription "Partisan". But the Stalin, who did not sign the Holy Convention, is to blame for the Germans.
The inhabitants of Krasnodon under the Germans bled. There were no persecution. So, they shot some of the communists ... But after all, the communists were good: they were killed by innocent Poles in Katyn.
Otherwise, the real European grace came: the mines worked, the salary was paid, in stores sold products and industrial goods, opened the churches and started service, appointed urban management from local. Practically challenges criminal crime. Happy and grateful citizens form Cossack hundreds for the fight against tips.
But here it happened that they were called the excess of the artist, and the police consisting of local nuggets, he stopped a little. Wanting to get a reward, police instead of ten people arrested hundred. Then they tried a little bit, well, slightly, and shot.

And this is normal just so, for nothing to shoot a hundred young people? Maybe the occupation was not so happiness as some Ukrainians represent today, and our fellow citizens.

There is nothing to say that residents of Krasnodon themselves saw all the corpses and traces of torture. Here they are trying to prove that injury to the corpses are afraid, as if experts (the same worked in Katyn - there were no experts in the USSR) all the lists, etc. Stars on his back and on the face from falling in the mine They will not appear, and the chest will not cut off themselves.

Well, the most important thing is that the police officers under the guidance of their German authorities did it all literally under the guns of the Soviet troops - because it was clear that Krasnodon was about to take the Red Army.
And the police tried to kill how more people, moreover, young people. Did they do it so that the Germans take them with them? After all, everyone did not take anyway. Or did they not believe that the Red Army will take Krasnodon? Or did they move the incredible hatred to those who did not surrender to the Germans?

Exactly the same hatred that moves today, who writes here such opuses about the young guard, who these days slander to win.
Their beliefs west and hatred for the USSR and to Russia are so great that they even at the very last moment of their worthless life will only think about how much to harm us.

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Thematic table of contents (for life)

Member period domestic history, referred to as the "Perestroika", the roller passed not only by alive, but also in the heroes of the past.

The declaration of the heroes of the revolution and the Great Patriotic War in those years was delivered to the stream. Not passed the bowl of this and underground workers from the organization "Young Guard". "The debate of Soviet myths" poured a huge amount of resistant on young anti-fascists destroyed by the Nazis.

The essence of the "exposure" was reduced to the fact that no organization "Young Guard" allegedly did not exist, and if she was, then her contribution to the fight against the fascists was so insignificant that it was not worth talking about him.

More than others got Oleg Koshevoywhich in Soviet historiography was called the Commissioner of the Organization. Apparently, the status of the Commissioner was the cause of particular hostility to him from the "expose".

It was even stated that in the Krasnodone itself, where the organization was operating, no one knew about Koshev that his mother, even before the war, was a wealthy woman, earned the son of the Son's posthumous glory, that she identified it for this, instead of the Body of Oleg, a certain old man ...

Elena Nikolaevna Koshelevna, Mother Oleg, not the only one who wiped her legs in the late 1980s. In the same tone and almost the words insulted Love Timofeevin Kosmodemyanskaya - Mother of two heroes of the Soviet Union, who died during the war, - Zoe and Alexander Kosmodemyansky.

Those who trampled in the memory of the heroes and their mothers are still working in Russian media, worn high degree candidates and doctors historical sciences And feel excellent ...

"The hands are out, the ears are cut off, the star is cut on the cheek ..."

Meanwhile real story The "Young Guard" is captured in documents and testimony of witnesses who survived the Nazi occupation.

Among the testimony of the genuine history of the "Young Guard", there are protocols of inspection of the cords of young guards raised from Schurf Shakhty number 5. And these protocols are best suggested that they had to endure before death with young anti-fascists.

The barrel of the mine, where they were executed by the Nazis members of the underground organization "Young Guard". Photo: RIA Novosti

« Ulyana Gromova, 19 years old, on his back a five-pointed star, the right hand of tribe, was broken by Rib ... "

« Lida Androsov, 18 years old, extracted without eyes, ear, hands, with a rope on the neck, which strongly crashed into the body. On the neck is visible banging blood. "

« Angelina Samozha, 18 years. Traces of torture were discovered on the body: the hands were unscrewed, the ears were cut off, the star was cut on the cheek ... "

« Maya Peggivanova, 17 years. The corpse is disfigured: sliced \u200b\u200bchest, lips, feet married. Removed all overhead clothes. "

« Shura Bondarev, 20 years old, extracted without head and right chest, the whole body is beaten, in bruises, has a black color. "

« Viktor Trekijevich, 18 years. Removed without a face, with black and blue back, with fragmented hands. " On the body of Viktor Treijevich, the experts did not find traces from the bullets - he was among those who drop alive in the mine ...

Oleg Kosheysov together with Any Shevtsovaand several other young guards were executed in a predicted forest near the city of Rovenki.

Fabilities with fascism - the matter of honor

Ivan Turkeenich, the commander of the "Young Guard". 1943. Photo:

So what was the organization "Young Guard" and what role did Oleg Koshelev play in her story?

The Shakhtar town of Krasnodon, in which the young Guardians operated, located 50 kilometers from Lugansk, during the war years wearing the name Voroshilovgrad.

In Krasnodone at the turn of the 1930-1940s, a lot of working young people lived in the spirit of Soviet ideology lived. For young pioneers and the Komsomol members participating in the fight against the Nazis, occupied by Krasnodon in July 1942, was a matter of honor.

Almost immediately after the occupation of the city in it, several youthful underground groups were formed independently of each other, which they were joined in Krasnodone, Red Army, who fled from captivity.

One of these redarmeys was Lieutenant Ivan Turkenyich, elected commander of the united underground organization created by young anti-fascists in Krasnodone and called the "Young Guard". The creation of a unified organization occurred at the end of September 1942. Among those who entered the headquarters of the "Young Guard", and Oleg Kosheva.

Approximate student and good friend

Oleg Kosheva was born in the city of Priluki, in Chernihiv region, June 8, 1926. Then, Oleg's family moved to Poltava, and later - to Rzhchev. Oleg Parents broke up, and from 1937 to 1940 he lived with his father in the city of Anthracite. In 1940, Oleg Elena Nikolaevna moved to Krasnodon to his mother. Soon, Oleg moved to Krasnodon.

Oleg, according to the testimony of most those who knew him before the war, was a real example for imitation. He studied well, fond of drawing, wrote poems, engaged in sports, dance perfectly. In the spirit of that time, the cat was engaged in shooting and fulfilled the standard for obtaining the "Voroshilovsky shooter" icon. Having learned to swim, he began to help others and soon began to work as a rescue.

Commissioner and member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" Oleg Koshevoy. Photo: RIA Novosti

In school, Oleg helped the lagging, sometimes taking "on a tug" of five people who do not have time in study.

When the war began, a cat, who, who else, was also the editor of the school wall newspaper, began to help the wounded soldiers in the hospital, which was located in Krasnodone, produced a Satirian newspaper "Crocodile" for them, prepared summaries from the front.

Oleg had a very warm relationship with the mother, who supported him in all endeavors, friends often gathered in the house.

Oleg's school friends from Krasnodon School No. 1 named after Gorky and became the participants of his underground group, which in September 1942 joined the "Young Guard".

He could not otherwise ...

Oleg Kosheva, who in June 1942, was 16 years old, should not have remained in Krasnodone - in front of the most occupation of the city of Hitlerians, he was sent to evacuation. However, it was not possible to leave far because the Germans were faster. Kosheva returned to Krasnodon. "He was a gloomy, blackened from grief. A smile no longer appeared on his face, he walked from the corner to the corner, oppressed and silent, did not know what to attach hands. What was done around, no longer struck, and the soul gave a terrible anger, "said Oleg Elena Nikolaevna's mother.

In the perestroika times, some "disruptions of the Pokrovov" put forward such a thesis: those who prior to the war declared loyalty to communist ideals, during the years harsh tests We thought only about saving our own life at any cost.

Based on this logic, an exemplary pioneer Oleg Kosheva, adopted in Komsomol in March 1942, was to be lost and try not to attract attention. In fact, everything was different - a cat, surviving the first shock from the spectacle of his city in the hands of the invaders, begins to collect a group from his friends to fight the fascists. In September, the group collected by the Koshev group becomes part of the "Young Guard".

Oleg Kosheva was engaged in planning the operations of young guidance, he himself participated in the promotions, was responsible for contact with other underground groups operating in the vicinity of Krasnodon.

Frame from the movie "Young Guard" (director Sergey Gerasimov, 1948). Scene before execution. Photo: Frame from the movie

Red banner over Krasnodon

The activities of the "Young Guard", which included about 100 people, someone really may seem not the most impressive. During his work, the young Guards released and distributed about 5 thousand leaflets with calls for the fight against the fascists and with messages about what is happening on the fronts. In addition, they committed a number of sabotage shares, such as the destruction of bread prepared for exporting to Germany, the acceleration of the stadium of livestock, which was intended for the needs german army, undermining a passenger car with German officers. One of the most successful shares of the young guidance began a arson of the Krasnodon's Exchange Exchange, as a result of which the lists of those whom the Nazis intended to sob to work to work in Germany. Due to this, about 2,000 people were saved from Nazi slavery.

On the night of November 6 to November 7, 1942, young guards hung Red Flags in Krasnodon in honor of the anniversary of the October Revolution. The action was a real challenge invaders, demonstrating that their power in Krasnodone will be short-lived.

The red flags in Krasnodon had a strong propaganda effect, which was not only estimated by residents, but also the Names themselves, which activated the wanted of undergrounders.

"Young Guard" consisted of young Komsomol members who had no experience in conducting illegal work, and it was extremely difficult for them to resist the powerful apparatus of Hitler's counterintelligence.

One of the last shares of the "Young Guard" began on cars with New Year's gifts for german soldiers. Gifts undergrounders intended to use for their own purposes. January 1, 1943 two members of the organization, Evgeny Moshkov and Viktor TrekijevichThey were arrested after they found bags stolen from German cars.

German counterintelligence, grabbed for this thread and using previously obtained data, has revealed almost all over several days underground network Young Guard. Mass arrests began.

Koshevy issued a Komsomol ticket

The mother of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the partisan Oleg Koshevoy Elena Nikolaevna Koshelevna. Photo: RIA Novosti / M. Gershman

Those who were not arrested immediately, the headquarters gave the only possible order in these conditions - to immediately leave. Oleg Kosheva turned out to be among those who managed to get out of Krasnodon.

The Nazis, who already had the idea that the Koshevoy - Commissioner of the "Young Guard", detained the mother and grandmother of Oleg. Elena Nikolaevna Koshevoy during interrogations damaged the spine and knocked out his teeth ...

As already mentioned, nobody prepared the young guidance to underground work. In many ways, therefore, most of them are those who managed to leave Krasnodon, could not go to the front line. Oleg after an unsuccessful attempt on January 11, 1943 returned to Krasnodon to go to the front line the next day.

He was detained by field gendarmerie near the city of Rovenki. In the face of Koshestov did not know, and he could well avoid exposure, if it were not for a mistake, absolutely impossible for professional intelligence officer. When searching, he found a Komsomol ticket sewn into clothes, as well as several more documents that endure him as a member of the "Young Guard". According to the requirements of conspiracy, the cat should have got rid of all documents, but the boyish pride for Oleg turned out to be higher considerations of common sense.

It is easy to condemn the mistakes of young guidance, but it is talking about very young young people and girls, almost adolescents, and not about the matores.

"It had to shoot twice ..."

The occupiers of condescension to the members of the "Young Guard" were not shown. Nazis and their accomplices subjected to underground workers with sophisticated torture. It was not passed this fate and Oleg Koshevoy.

His, as a "commissioner," tormented with special zeal. When the grave with the bodies of those executed in the threatery forest of young guidance were discovered, it turned out that 16-year-old Oleg Koshevoy was gray ...

Commissioner "Young Guard" shot on February 9, 1943. From the testimony Schulza - gendarme of the German district gendarmerie in the city of Rovenki: "At the end of January, I participated in the execution of a group of members of the underground Komsomol organization" Young Guard ", including the head of this organization Koshevoy ... I remember him especially clearly because it had to shoot it twice. After the shots, all the arrested fell on the ground and lay motionlessly, only a koshevah brought and, wrapped, looked at our side. This is very angry Fromeand he ordered the gendarm Heritz Finish him. Hordes came to the lying koshoy and shot in the head killed him ... "

Schoolchildren at Shurfa Shakhty number 5 in Krasnodone - the places of the execution of young guards. Photo: RIA Novosti / Datsyuk

Oleg Kosheva died in just five days before the city of Krasnodon was released by the units of the Red Army.

"Young Guard" became widely known in the USSR because the history of its activities, unlike many other similar organizations, was documented. Persons who attempted and executed young guards were detected, are exposed and convicted.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 13, 1943 to the Young Guards Ulyana Gromovoy, Ivan Zemnovov, Oleg Koshevoy, Sergey Tyulenina, Lyubov Shevtsova The title of Heroes of the Soviet Union was awarded. The 3 participant of the "Young Guard" was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, 35 - the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, 6 - the Order of the Red Star, 66 - the "Partiz of Patriotic War" medal of the 1st degree.

Reproduction of portraits of leaders of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard". Photo: RIA Novosti

"Blood for blood! Death for death! "

The commander of the "Young Guard" Ivan Turkenyich was among those few who managed to go to the front line. He returned to Krasnodon after the liberation of the city as a commander of the mortar battery of the 163rd Guards Rifle Shelf.

In the ranks of the Red Army, he went from Krasnon to the West, to avenge the fascists for his killed comrades.

On August 13, 1944, Captain Ivan Turkenyich was mortally wounded in battle for the Polish city of Glogow. The command of the part presented him to the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, but it was assigned to Ivan Vasilyevich Turkenyach a lot later - only on May 5, 1990.

"Krasnodonians". Sokolov-Skal, 1948 Reproduction Pictures

Oath of members of the organization "Young Guard":

"I, entering into the ranks of the" Young Guard ", in the face of his friends in arms, in the face of his native long-suffering land, in the face of all the people solemnly swear:

Unquestionably perform any task given to me by the senior comrade. Store in the deepest secret, everything concerns my work in the "Young Guard".

I swear to revenge mercilessly for the burned, razorous cities and villages, for the blood of our people, for the martyrdom of thirty miner-heroes. And if my life takes my life for this revenge, I will give it without a minute of hesitation.

If I break this sacred oath under torture or because of the cowardice, then let my name, my relatives will be injured, and let me roll the harsh hand of my comrades.

Blood for blood! Death for death! "

Oleg Kosheva continued his war with the fascists and after his death. Squadron aircraft of the 171rd Fighter Aviamarrian 315th Fighter Aviation Device under the command of the captain Ivan Vishnyakovathey wore on their fuselages the inscription "For Oleg Koshevoy!". Squadril pilots destroyed several dozen fascist aircraft, and Ivan Vishnyakov himself was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Monument "Oath" in Krasnodon, dedicated to members of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard". Photo: RIA Novosti / TURIN

During the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet territories occupied by Germany, there were quite a few underground organizations that were struggled with the fascists. One of these organizations worked in Krasnodone. It contained not experienced military, and young men and girls who were barely turned 18 years old. The youngest participant of the "Young Guard" at that time was only 14.

What did the "Young Guard"

The beginning of everything put Sergey Tyulanyn. After the city occupied the German troops in July 1942, he alone began to collect weapons for fighters, exploring anti-fascist leaflets, helping the Red Army oppose the enemy. A little later, he collected a whole squad, and already on September 30, 1942 the organization numbered more than 50 people led by the head of the headquarters - Ivan Zhonovkhov.

Members of the Komsomol Group also became - Oleg Kosheva, Ulyana Gromova, Ivan Turkeenich and others.

Young Guards held sabotage in the electromechanical workshops of the city. On the night of November 7, 1942, on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the young guards watered eight red flags on the most high buildings In the city of Krasnodone and the villages adjacent to it.

On the night of December 5-16, 1942, on the day of the Constitution of the USSR, the young guidance officers staged a arson of the German Exchange Stock Exchange (the people dubbed her "Black Exchange"), where people lists were kept (with addresses and completed work cards), intended for the hijacking for forced Works in Nazi Germany, thereby about two thousand young men and girls from the Krasnodon district were rescued from violent export.

Young Guards were also preparing to arrange an armed uprising in Krasnodone to break the German garrison and join the upcoming parts of the Red Army. However, shortly before the planned uprising, the organization was disclosed.

On January 1, 1943, three young guards were arrested: Yevgeny Moshkov, Viktor Trejijevich and Ivan Zhardov - the fascists got into the very heart of the organization.

On the same day, the remaining members of the staff were urgently gathered and decided: to immediately leave the city to all young guards, and the leaders do not spend the night at home this night. On the decision of the headquarters through the connected was notified by all undergrounders. One of them, who consisted in the group of village Pervomayka, - Gennady Povigets, having learned about the arrests, Strestil and wrote a statement to the police on the existence of an underground organization.


One of the jailers, triggered later, Lukyanov's second, told: "There was a solid moan in the police, since during the whole interrogation of the arrested bili. They lost consciousness, but they were put into feeling and beaten again. I sometimes had terribly looking at these torments. "
They were shot in January 1943. 57 young guards. The Germans did not achieve any "comprehensive confessions" from Krasnodonsky schoolchildren. This, perhaps, was the strongest moment, for which the whole novel wrote.

Viktor Treijevich - "First Traitor"

The young guards arrested and sent to prison, where they were subjected to cruel torture. With special cruelty, Viktor Trejijevich, commissioner of the organization. His body was worn to unrecognizable. Hence, there were rumors that it was Trekijevich, without preparing the torture, issued the rest of the guys. Trying to establish the identity of the traitor, the investigative authorities took this version. And only a few years later, on the basis of declassified documents, the traitor was established, they were not at all a third. Nevertheless, at that time, the accusation with him was not removed. This will only happen in 16 years, when the authorities arrest Vasily of the Podthenny, who participated in torture. At the interrogation, he confessed that Trej Tychinovich really slandered. Despite the most severe torture, Treijevich kept steadfastly and did not give anyone. It was rehabilitated only in 1960, awarding a posthumously Order.

However, at the same time, the Central Committee of the VLKSM adopted a very strange closed ruling: "The story of the" Young Guard "there is no point in turning, redoing in accordance with some facts that have become known lately. We believe that it is inappropriate to audit the story of the "Young Guard" when speaking in press, lectures, reports. Roman Fadeeva published in our country in 22 languages \u200b\u200band in 16 languages foreign countries... On the history of young guards, millions of boys and girls will be brought up and will be brought up. Based on this, we believe that new facts contradict the novel "Young Guard" should not be betrayed.

Who is the traitor?

At the beginning of the "zero" security service of Ukraine in the Lugansk region declassified some materials on the case of the "Young Guard". As it turned out, in 1943, a certain Mikhail Kuleshov was detained by the army counterintelligence. When the city occupied the fascists, he offered them his cooperation and soon took the position of the field police investigator. It is Kuleshov who was investigating the case of the "Young Guard". Judging by his testimony, the progress of the underground was the betrayal of the young guidance of George Pumpen. When the news came about the fact that three young guards were arrested, then the poles were admitted to everyone who worked closely with the German administration. He convinced him to appear on the police. In the first interrogations, he confirmed the authorship of the applicant and his belonging to the underground Komsomol organization acting in Krasnodone, called the goals and objectives of the underground activities, indicated the place of storage of weapons and ammunition hidden in the Gundor Mine N18.

As the Kuleshov showed at the interrogation of the Spear on March 15, 1943: "Ponaders said that he really consists of a member of the underground Komsomol organization existing in Krasnodone and its surroundings. He called the leaders of this organization, or rather, the city headquarters, namely: a third-related, Lukashov, Savnakhov, Safonov, Koshevoy. The head of the city-wide organization called the Tretynevich. He himself consisted in the May Day organization, whose head was Popov Anatoly, and before that was glad. " The next day, the poles were taken again to the police and interrogated. On the same day, he was arranged in full-time rates with Moshkov and Popov, the interrogations of which were accompanied by brutal beats and cruel tortiles. Pokigets confirmed its previous testimony and called all the members known to him.
From January 5 to January 11, 1943, the majorityvardians were arrested on the bond and testimony of the Supervision. This showed the former deputy head of the Krasnodon Police V. Podtynaya, arrested in 1959. The traitor himself was released on freedom and the arrests were not subjected to the liberation of Krasnonon by Soviet troops. Thus, the information of a conspiratorial nature, which had pupils and who became known to the police turned out to be enough to eliminate the Komsomol and youth underground. This is how the organization was revealed, having existed less than six months.

After the liberation of the Red Army of Krasnodon, pumaders, Gromov (stepfather of the Superpole) and Kuleshov were recognized as agreers of the Motherland and by the sentence of the USSR military tribunal September 19, 1943 were shot. However, for an unknown reason, the public learned about these traitors after many years.

There was no betrayal?

In the late 1990s, Vasily Levashov in the interview with one of the famous newspapers stated in an interview with one of the famous newspapers that the Germans came to the "Young Guard" trail accidentally - due to bad conspiracy. Allegedly there was no betrayal. At the end of December 1942, the young guards robbed a truck with christmas gifts for the Germans. A 12-year-old boy became a witness to this, which for silence received a cigarette pack from members of the organization. With these cigarettes, the guy fell into the hands of Politsaev and told about the robbery of the car.

On January 1, 1943, three young guards participating in theft of theft of Christmas gifts were arrested: Evgeny Moshkov, Viktor Trejijevich and Ivan Zharovkh. Not knowing it, the fascists got into the very heart of the organization. During the interrogations, the guys were silent, but when searching in the house Moshkov, the Germans accidentally discovered a list of 70 members of the "Young Guard" members. This list has become a reason for mass arrests and torture.

We must admit that Levashov's "Revelations" still have not found its confirmation.

In the summer of 1943, after returning from the front trip, the writer Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev was invited to the Komsomol Central Committee. There he was presented by people who had just returned from the Donetsk city of Krasnodon, where they gathered information about the youth underground organization "Young Guard".

The Germans occupied Krasnodon on July 20, 1942 and from the first days there was a regime of cruel terror - clients, executions, mobilization to work in Germany.

Several high school students and recent graduates of the school created a battle headquarters, combined around him a combat group of peers and began their underground war with fascists.

The story of the "Young Guard" in briefly. At the end of September 1942, after the Donbass captured the Germans, in the small mining town of Krasnodone (before the Census War - 22 thousand inhabitants), antenatically arose an underground organization. The basis of it was young people aged 14 to 25 years, the total number is up to 100 people. The 16-17-year-old boys and girls wrote and distributed among the population of the leaflets, they attacked German cars, destroyed food, harvested by Nazis for their troops. They managed to free the large group of prisoners of war and disrupt the mobilization of young people to work in Germany. They gathered a lot of weapons, so that by the time of the Soviet troops approach the armed uprising in the city.

Leaflets appeared on the walls of the houses, on November 7, the Red Flag was raised, anti-fascist agitation was conducted among the public.

By the end of December 1942, the "Young Guard" included about a hundred people, the arsenal of the organization was 15 automata, 80 rifles, 10 pistols, 300 grenades, about 15 thousand cartridges, 65 kilograms of explosives. The organization existed for long and early January 1943 after an attack on the car with gifts for German officers was revealed.

On January 1, 1943, several members of the organization were folly in the police. The existed betrayal led to the fact that by January 10, 1943 almost the whole "young guard" was in prison. Young Guards were brutally tortured.

On the back of the streets of a gross, beautiful slender girl, cut out the star. Toos Eliseenko put on a hot plate. Tol Popov cut off the foot, and Volodya Osmukhinu is hand. Vita Petrov's eyes wipes.

One of the jailers, triggered later by Lukyanov, said: "There was a solid moan in the police, because during the whole interrogation arrested beat. They lost consciousness, but they were put into feeling and beaten again. I was sometimes terribly looking to look at these torments." .

They were tried scared - they were planted on the furnaces, drove the needles under the nails, the stars were cut out, - and in the end, everyone was executed - they threw alive in the mine N 5. They threw individual parties, 15-20 people were thrown into the mine. The bullets were not spent, and dynamite, sleepers, trolley flew to the mine. The mine was worked out, filled with water, so the grave was already ready.

On February 14, 1943, Soviet troops entered the city. Parents came to the police building where young guards spent the last days. In the chambers, they saw footprints on the floor, and on the walls of the inscription: "death by the German invaders", drawn heart pierced by the arrow, and a number of the names of girls sitting there.

From the courtyard police flowed pink streams - there was a thaw. With the shudder, people realized that it was blood with melting snow.

Then the parents went to Shurfa Shakhty No. 5. Several days have extracted from the mines, piles of land, rails, trolleys, then they began to come across parts of the bodies of young guards. Having dropped into the shurt children, the fascists in order to drop the traces, throwing grenades in the mine. There were no persons, and relatives recognized their children, sisters and brothers only for special signs, by clothes. All this was terribly - 14-16-year-old guys and girls, tortured terrible death. More than 30 bodies removed from the mine, but they could not identify not all. Vanya Zhunovhova's head tried to quickly put into the coffin and stuck so that the mother would not suffer. And for her, this atrocity was a secret for a long time. Without the corpses in the bath put on the street, in the snow, under the walls of the bath. Picture. It was terrible. In the bath and around the bath corpses and corpses, seventy one corpse.

Parents recognized their children, washed, dressed, laid into the brought coffins.

By March 1, 1943, all the work on learning was completed. A brotherly grave was prepared in the park named after Leninsky Komsomol. Coffins were brought here with the bodies of the dead. Many people gathered, military unit. Mourning salute - and in solemn sorrow, the young guards were buried.

In the autumn of 1943, the young guards were awarded. Five was awarded the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union". The "Young Guard" museum was created in Krasnodone.

In 1946, the feat of the children was covered by Alexander Fadeev in the novel "Young Guard".

2. 2 Heroes of Krasnodon: Myth or Reality?

Materials on the "Young Guard" are located in different archives of Ukraine and Russia, some of them are lost, the facts of its activities distorted repeatedly, but the main problemFrom my point of view, there was a problem of non-infractions, the desire to artificially make "heroes" from these children, stone idols, zombied robots that do not have internal contradictions and human feelings. And completely incomprehensible, why did it have to do? They were the heroes, and even large than those who were trying to create propaganda.

About how these children lived, what they read about what they wrote in diaries, as they treated each other, what questions they were tormented by what they thought about themselves and their lives - all these questions asked himself when he worked on the book, Alexander Fadeev .

What were it for people? What power behaved in life? What was dreaming there, in a shurfe, when they groaned from the Russian Academy of Sciences, lying under the severity of his comrades, under the severity sleepers and trolleys dropped on them?

Yes, did these children existed? Is it not fiction? Is the Soviet propaganda work?

Yes, they were, lived and suffered, suffered, but so and left the life unlikely.

Two commissioners

2. 3Viktor Trekijevich

Therefore, the story of the "Young Guard" and the novel keep a lot of riddles and even secrets.

Shortly after the release of Fadeev's book in one of the letters, it will turn out :: "The novel as a whole is accepted benevolently, but from Krasnodona sinister silence." Alexander Aleksandrovich, until the end of the days, did not dare to visit his heroes to the end of his heroes. Moreover, in every way avoided meetings with their parents, with the remaining young guards. And on that there were good reasons.

Take at least a story with Viktor Trekijevich. He stood at the origins of the creation of the "Young Guard", was her first commissioner. That could not not know Fadeev. Of course, you can argue whether it brought a third-hare in the image of Stakhovich or not. We do not have direct evidence, and Fadeev himself repeatedly emphasized that his novel - work of fiction. Another thing is that in a martyrologist, published on the last page, the surname of Trejnevich is absent. And this is the fact:

Before the occupation of Krasnodon, Viktor Trekijevich fought in the partisan detachment, and then he was sent to the city for the organization of the underground. Trecyvich participated in many combat operations of the "Young Guard". Arrested among the first, Victor Stonko held at interrogations. The father of the Young Guard Vasily Levashova was in one chamber with a third-party and told about what he learned him only by voice: so he was disgusting.

To prone arrested to recognition and take revenge on the commissioner for his bold behavior, the fascists were allowed across cameras about his betrayal. However, the genuine traitor was free, and Victor accepted martyrdom in Shurf Mine on January 15, 1943.

In the very first publications about the "Young Guard" Viktor Trekijevich is still mentioned. With the beginning of the work of the Commission from the KGB, headed by A. V. Toritsyn Victor was declared a traitor, and Oleg Kosheva - Commissioner.

Fadeev took advantage of the Commission's report. So the image of Stakhovich appears in the novel, and at the end of the book among the last names of the dead surnames, Trej Tagnevich.

The surviving comrades of Victor did not regret forces to restore the honest name of the Commissioner.

Only in 1959 there were publications about his innocence, he was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War.

Then again began a sharp turn in the history of the "Young Guard". In order to unknown officials, the name of Viktor Trejijevich, the Commissioner, was the steer on temporary Komsomol certificates that were issued by the headquarters.

Today, only a few people in our country remember the history of young guidance: Ukraine is another state, Roman Fadeev has long been removed from school programs. But the historical truth should be triumphane, and the honest name of the Commissioner Victor

Trecycling must be restored.

2. 4 Oleg Kosheva

For some Oleg Koshevoye was a hero, for others - the victim, for someone - the tutorial of the ideological processing of young people of the Soviets. And who was actually this guy?

Thanks to Alexander Fadeev, Oleg Koshevoy was raised to an inaccessible height. Although his friends, members of the "Young Guard" deserve no less kind words, as well as glory and honors.

It is now difficult to say why it was the image of Koshest, so much attention was paid. But there is one unofficial version of this: the close relationship of Fadeev and Mother Oleg Koshevoy.

For the most part, the parents of young guidance were poorly educated, and Elena Nikolaevna had a beneficially difference from them, intelligent, extraordinary beauty. Maybe therefore she kept somewhat apart, almost none of their parents supported contacts with her. Nevertheless, it was her who was elected to the Regional Committee of the Party, a delegate for all sorts of party and Komsomol Congresses. It seems that People's Solva could not forgive her attention. Yes, and rumors about the close relationship of the cat and Fadeev probably appeared due to ordinary jealousy.

Oleg Oleg Bagagugh, that the son has no thrust to some craft. The guy was interested only in books, music and dancing. Sharp changes occurred with Oleg after the death of the stepfather. By the time it was the first death of a loved one in life. It so worked on him that he became more serious, more attentive to his relatives.

In Krasnodone in the short term, Oleg won the authority among comrades. And it was not surprising. No years, a strong, competent and intelligent guy could not help but attract attention. In the first grade, he struck teachers with his knowledge, composed poems, painted. And in the first grade, he studied only three days, after which it was immediately translated into the second.

The director of the Krasnodon School N 1 admired the analytical warehouse of Oleg's mind, who could quote the "war and the world" of thick whole chapters. But at the same time continued to remain a soul of any funny company. The girls were crazy about him.

After the defeat of the "Young Guard" and the arrests began, Oleg tried to hide from Krasnodon along with some other members of the organization, but was captured by the denial of the traitor in Rovenki. "In the interrogations of the police chief, Oleg kept courageously. In the chamber, Oleg did not give comrades to fall in spirit, said that he would never ask for mercy at the executioner

Oleg tried to escape. Someone handed him a pail. During the night, with the help of his comrades, he piled the grille on the window and fled, but he could not go far - we had weakened, he was caught the gestapovtsy and again were subjected to grave torture. Young people in the cell he taught singing songs, and he himself sought the first one, "His mother Elena Nikolaevna Koshelevna is written about Oleg." Tale of the Son "writes about Oleg. (3)

After the liberation of Rovenk, she, not finding her son among the dead young guards in Krasnodone, went there, hoping to find her son alive. But this was not destined to happen.

"My son, who was not also seventeen years old, lay in front of me. The hair on the temples was white-white, as if sprinkled with chalk. The Germans Purify Oleg Left Eye, the bullet broke the head and burned the number of the Komsomol ticket number on the chest. "

At the interrogation in November 1947, Gendarm Yakov Schulz told: "At the end of January 1943, I participated in the execution of members of the underground organization" Young Guard ", including the head of the organization's organization. This group was shot in Rovenkovsky Forest. I remember, because I remembered because It had to shoot twice.

After the first shot, all the arrested fell fell and lay motionlessly, only the Koshevoy brought and, turned around, looked intently in our direction. It greatly painted the commander of the gendarme platoon of frome, and he ordered the gendarm of Dervitz to finish him, what he did, firing a cat in the head. "

In favor of some politicians, Oleg Koshevoy and A. Fadeev, and the Soviet propaganda was announced by the "Young Guard Commissioner", although today it is known that Viktor Trekijevich was. But this feat does not become less significant.

One doubt is one thing: if Oleg Koshevoy pull out of ideological heavens and shake off his personality to the dust of propaganda fly, he is worthy of glory, eternal memory and living colors on the grave.

2. 5Uvan Turkeenich

The situation remains the situation with the commander of the "Young Guard" by Ivan Turkenych. His subordinates are heroes, and he is "just" the Order of the Red Banner.

In the novel about the commander as if in passing. The same question: why?

Before the appearance in Krasnodone, Turkeenich, being in the rank of senior lieutenant, fought, was surrounded, he was captured, but he managed to run. On his misfortune, however, as hundreds of thousands of other soldiers and commanders, in the summer of the 41st, the Stalin's Order No. 270 was released, who said that all the servicemen remaining in the territory engaged in the enemy are declared by traitors. There were two exits: either make their way to their and then in battle battle to redeem "temporary misconception", or shoot. Turkenyich did not make any other.

The authority of 22-year-old Turkenych among the underground workers was continued. In the organization, he introduced military discipline, taught to handle weapons, disguise. For all rules of military work, combat operations were developed, he himself was a direct member of many of them: the defeat of enemy cars, the liberation of prisoners of war from the Vicen Camp and the May Day hospital, execution of policemen.

With light hand, Fadeev turned out to be no matter how. About him the author mentions only in passing. The logic of the writer is understandable: who visited German captivity could not be a hero. Obvious absurdity: ordinary members-young guards - heroes, and the commander - no.

When the arrests of the "Young Guard" began, the commander managed to imperceptibly hide, moved the front line. The endless interrogations in Smerez began, but the decree of September 13 came here. Turkenych is sent to the existing army. He does not recognize that in the representation of the Military Council of the South-Western Front of the Young Guard to the Higher Roda, it was under No. 1:

Turkequenic bravely fought, death, as his combat comrades testified, was not afraid. One of them, director high School In the Zhytomyr region, Alexander Leontievich Rudnitsky, told about the last days of the commander. In cruel battle for the Polish city of Honguez, Turkeenich fell by the death of the hero.

The Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation keeps a submission to Turkenyich - for the fight under the gangway. It appears from it that the commanders of all degrees - from the Kombat to the commander of the army - were for the assignment of the Captain the Turkenyth of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

At the last moment, again, someone's evil will put a fat cross on the fate of a brave officer. And only 46 years later, the truth was able to triumph - the commander of the "Young Guard" was posthumously awarded this high rank.

2. 6 love Shevtsova

A completely different than in the novel by A. Fadeev, the love of Shevtsov's love appears in life.

In the novel, it is beautiful, funny, bold, charming girl laughing. "Sergey Tyulenin in a skirt," the Fadeev writes about her.

Only after the liberation of Krasnodon began some facts from the life of Shevtsova's love. It was left in the city as a radio line for communication with the underground. Knowing well at the school of the future leaders of the "Young Guard", Lyuba could not not become one of its active members who participated in the most audacious seals of young guards.

After the defeat of the organization, it was grabbed in risen.

The testimony did not give and how the radio line in a categorical form refused to cooperate.

She was tortured in such a way that the Inquisition is fading. Girlfriend managed to send to the camera of any cotton trousers: open wounds did not allow neither sitting or lying. As if in a mockery on the eve of the execution, she was offered to wash in the bath. Shevtsova replied: "Me and this land will accept!" Lyubov Shevtsova was shot on February 9, 1943 in the threatery forest. And soon the city includes parts of the Red Army.

The legend says: Before the most disadvantage of the Labor Pass "on the wide Moscow spaces."

All the shocked buried in the forest.

When the bodies were raised to the surface, in his pocket of his favorite trousers, they found a note of religious content, as her archival testimonies refer. Mom sent her daughter to the prayer "Our Father". And in response received a letter, full of children's longing and adult pain:

"Hello, Mommy and Mikhailovna! Mommy, I am very regretting that I did not listen to you. I never thought I would have so hard. Mommy, I don't know how to ask you for forgive me, but now late. Mommy , do not be offended! Your daughter Lyubash. In that light I will see dad. "

Clean, simple, cheerful, bold girl with a mine olver. What are the permanent and silk stockings there! Wovenka for the winter, canvas sneakers at the exit, everything else - barefoot. In a literacy, she was unfuln. With the discipline did not get along. He graduated from the seven-year "recycling", before the war herself. Rushed to the front. The military registration and enlistment office refused, but remembered as an active comrade, although not the Komsomol. There's only the best taking there!

In Komsomol, she was accepted quickly: in February 1942, when the issue with an account of the NKVD was already decided final.

In the Fadeev Roman, as we see, gloss on many heroes. They have almost no flaws, because they cannot have the shortcomings of Soviet characters. Does not Komsomolka Lyubov Shevtsova believing in God, not quite diligently learn and so on.

Communist ideologists so hurried to use the names of new heroes that these names themselves confused. For example, Vanya Zamnov was actually wintering. Sergey Tyulenen was actually the name of the seal. But when a decree was released on the name of the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, it was too late. Interestingly, after me, even parents had to change the names on the wrong, but already glorified.

2. 7Reals

A criminal case against 16 traitors, one way or another involved in the death of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" in the occupied Krasnodone, was sent to the archive back in 1957.

In the famous novel, Alexander Fadeev about these people, there is not a word - they were arrested after the publication of the book. And therefore, their testimony remained "co-counseling." Otherwise it would have to adjust the story. After all, to the main question - who is leading in the failure of the "Young Guard" - the Fadeevsky Book of Answer does not give. The author himself repeated more than once: "I wrote not genuine story Young Guard, and a novel that not only admits, but even implies artistic fiction. "

What is true in this tragedy and what is the story stubbornly silent?

"Book" traitors

The novel was published in 1946 in the opinion of the underground remaining members, Fadeev was very accurately handed over the characters of heroes. However, a wonderful in artistic attitude, the book was not at the height in terms of compliance with the historical truth. First of all, it concerned the personalities of traitors - the culprits of the failure of the "Young Guard". They had a young guidance station Stakhovich, who issued comrades during torture, as well as two girlfriends, collaborating with policemen, - Lyadskaya and Vyrikova.

Stakhovich - the surname is fictional. The prototype of this antiheroy was one of the organizers of the "Young Guard" Viktor Trekijevich. But in the fact that the surname of this fighter was predicted by Anathema, not to blame the Fadeev. The version of the unwell behavior of Trecythers at the interrogations was presented to the writer already as an absolute truth (as you know, in 1960, Viktor Tretyakovich was completely rehabilitated and even posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree).

Unlike the fictional Stakhovich Zinaida Vyrikova and Olga Lyadskaya - people are real, and therefore the novel "Young Guard" played a tragic role in their life. Both girls were convicted for betrayal and sent to the camps for a long time. Moreover, the suspicion of Lyadskaya, for example, Palo only because she spent 9 days in the police under arrest and returned home lively healthy. Olga Alexandrovna, herself later thanked that the police had just abarted over her. And even never interrogated. And released her for a bottle of mogon - the mother brought.

The stamp of traitors with women was removed only in 1990 after their numerous complaints and tough checks of the prosecutor's office.

Here, for example, what "certificate" received Olga Aleksandrovna Lyadskaya after 47 years of shame: "Criminal case on the charges of Lyadskaya O. A., 1926, revised by the Military Tribunal of the Moscow Military District on March 16, 1990. Decision of a special meeting MGB of the USSR dated October 29, 1949 against Lyadskaya O. A. was canceled, and the criminal case was discontinued by production for the absence of a crime in its actions. Lyadskaya Olga Aleksandrovna is rehabilitated in this case. "

Approximately the same document also received Zinaida Vyrikova, leaving in camps for more than 10 years. By the way, these women were never girlfriends, as described in the novel, and first met only after rehabilitation. (6)

We see how the fate of these two women is the book Fadeev. Talking about the feat of one people should not be forgotten that other people lived next to these heroes. Writer, like no other, must feel responsible for his words.

2. 8 Was the party leadership?

But the biggest mistake was imposed on the "Young Guard" in 1982 the status of the "party-Komsomol underground".

The organizational design of the "Young Guard" occurred in August - October 1942 without party patronage. But, having familiarized himself with the Roman Fadeev, Stalin found that the author did not show the governing and guiding role of the party. The position of the leader voiced the newspaper "True". It was picked up by other media, having sharply by praising to accusations that this, they say, was done by the writer hardly disadvantagle. The Lugansky Obda KP (b) of Ukraine also presented claims to the author for the fact that the retreat and evacuation from Krasnodon in July 1942 is shown as the process of spontaneous, unmanaged. And Alexander Fadeev had to rewrite the novel, creating monumental images of the Communists - the leaders of the underground.

Young guards are just children who loved their fatherland and were so well brought up that they were not afraid to stand up on his defense.

And party leaders had to be proud that without any tip from above, these children had already realized that and how they need to do.

We see how the party "leadership" literature crossed the fate of many people, as in favor of the truth events and people were portrayed not as they were actually, but as they wanted to see party leaders.

3. Conclusion

A. A. Fadeev Of course, much speculated in my novel "Young Guard", but he wrote an artistic work, literally on hot trails. He needed to embellish the events, otherwise his book would be simply not interesting to readers. And yet, probably, in the work more truth than fiction. The author tried to bring his "young guard" as close as possible to the one who was 60 years old the other day!

In connection with the anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, talking about the "young guard" causes a living interest among journalists and writers, and although it is said that the story of the "Young Guard" is still waiting for a detailed study, some facts have become more famous. But what is paradoxically, if you ask someone about Oleg Koshev, the answer will be associated with the "Young Guard", and if you call the name, say, Anna Sopov, in response, get only surprised look. People do not forget those who are reminded of them. But not just they deserve respect and glory. After all, there were still dozens of young guards who did not receive the title of Hero. But their feat was no less significant.

Of course, the young guards as they were, and remain heroes, only the older generation should not be reminded of their feat, and the current and does not know about the existence of Roman A. And Fadeeva "Young Guard", they began to forget about him and removed from school program. But this is our memory and without it it is impossible! Maybe it is worth thinking about it?

"Young Guard", the underground Komsomol organization, operating in Krasnodone Voroshilovgrad region. During the Great Patriotic War, 1941-45, during the time occupation of the German-fascist troops of Donbass.

"Young Guard" arose under the leadership of the party underground, at the head of which was F. P. Lutikov. After the occupation of the Fascists of Krasnodon (July 20, 1942), several anti-fascist youth groups were formed: I. A. Savnkhova, O. V. Koshevoy, V. I. Levashova, S. G. Tyulenina, A. Z. Eliseenko, V. A. Zhdanova , N. S. Sumsky, V. M. Groseova, A. V. Popova, M. K. Peggivanova.

October 2, 1942 Communist E. Ya. Moshkov held the first organizational meeting of the leaders of the people of the city and nearby villages. The created underground organization was called "M. G.". Its headquarters were included in: Gromov, earthlov, Koshevov (Commissioner "M. G."), Levashov, V. I. Trejkhevich, I. V. Turkenyich (commander "M. G."), Tyulein, L. G. Shevtsova.

"Young Guard" numbered 91 people. (including 26 workers, 44 students and 14 employees), of which 15 communists. The organization had 4 radios, underground typography, weapons and explosives. Released and distributed 5 thousand anti-fascist leaflets 30 names; On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, 8 Soviet flags hung in the city. Members of the organization destroyed enemy cars with soldiers, ammunition and flammable. On November 15, 1942, the Young Guards were liberated from the fascist concentration camp of 70 Soviet prisoners of war, 20 Soviet prisoners of war were liberated in the hospital.

As a result of arson on the night of December 6, 1942, the buildings of the Fascist Exchange Exchange, where the lists of people intended for exporting to Germany were kept, about 2 thousand Krasnodones were rescued from the hijacking of fascist slavery.

The underground party organization of the city and the "Young Guard" was preparing an armed uprising in order to destroy the fascist garrison and to meet the Soviet army. The betrayal of the provocateur of the Supervision interrupted this preparation.

In the fascist dungeons, the young guards masked the most severe torture. 15, January 16 and 31, 1943 Fascists partly alive, 71 people dropped part of the shot. In Shurf Shakhty number 5, a depth of 53 m. Koshevoy, Shevtsova, S. M. Ostapenko, D. U. Othertz, V. F. Subbotin after brutal torture were shot in the rattling forest near G. Roveniki on February 9, 1943. 4 people Shot in other areas. 11 people were gone from the persecution of the police: A. V. Kovalev was missing, Turkenyich and S. S. Safonov died at the front, M. Harutyunants, V. D. Bortz, A. V. Lopukhov, O. I. IVANTSOVA, N. M. Ivantsova, Levashov, M. T. Shchenko and R. P. Yurkin remained alive. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 13, 1943 Thunder, Zhusovoy, Koshevoy, Tyulenina, Shevtsova was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 3 participants "M. G." Awarded the Order of the Red Banner, 35 - the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, 6 - the Order of the Red Star, 66 - the Medal "Partizana of the Patriotic War" of the 1st degree. Feat the heroes "M. G." Imprinted in Roman A. A. Fadeeva "Young Guard". In memory of the organization named new town Voroshilovgrad region - Molodogvardeisk (1961); The names of the heroes are called settlements, state farms, collective farms, ships, etc.

Lit.: Young Guard. Sat Docking and memories, 3 ed., Donetsk, 1972.

Materials provided by the draft Rubricikon

The fighting of Krasnodonian undergrounders
Ministry of Culture of the Ukrainian SSR
Krasnodonsky State Order of Friendship Peoples Museum "Young Guard"
Krasnodon, Voroshilovgrad region, pl. them. Young Guard, tel. № 2-33-73

Fascists occupied Krasnodon on July 20, 1942. About this time Commander "Young Guard" Ivan Turkeenich in his report "The Days of the Underground" wrote: "Gestapo, the Gestapo was introduced, the police arrived, the mass arrests of the Communists, Komsomol, the Oddenon, the old red partisans began. All shot themselves. .. On the days of the bloody fascist raccoon and our "Young Guard" originated. The headquarters were created, which included Ivan Turkenyich (commander), Oleg Koshevay (commissioner), Ulyana Gromova, Ivan Zhonnukhov, Vasily Levashov, Viktor Trejkhevich, Sergey Tyulanyn, Love Shevtsova.
All combat activities of the youth organization took place under the immediate leadership of the party underground, which was carried out through the headquarters of the "Young Guard". The Communists put the task of debunking the lie of the Hitler's propaganda to young underground, to unwind faith in the inevitable defeat of the enemy. The young guards considered their duty to raise young people and the population of the Krasnodock region to the active struggle with the fascists, to provide themselves with weapons and at a convenient moment to move to an open armed struggle.
From the first days of his domination, the fascists tried to establish the work of the mines. Therefore, after the occupied troops in Krasnodon, the so-called Direction No. 10 arrived in Krasnodon, which is included in the system of "Eastern society for the operation of coal and metallurgical enterprises", designed to engage in the shooting of Krasnodon coal. The work of central electromechanical workshops was resumed, where, risking his life, managers of the underground Communists Filipp Petrovich Lutikov and Nikolai Petrovich Barakov were settled. Using your official position, they take under the workshops of the underground workers and from here leading "Young Guard". Everything is necessary for the enterprise, which, according to the occasion of the occupiers, should restore the Mine of Krasnodon, did not work for complete power. Young heroes spilled equipment, braked work, destroying individual parts of the machines, made sabotage. So, on the eve of the launch of Mine No. 1 "Sorokino" Yuri Vitinovsky sought the rope, with the help of which the crate was descended into the barrel. The multi-tone cage was cut off, destroying everything in its path with such a labor restored by invaders. Thanks to the active activities of folk avengers, fascists failed to take out of the Krasnodon mines a single ton of coal.
Great importance Did youngwind the spread of leaflets among the population. On the apartments of Nikolai Petrovich Barakova, Oleg Koshevoy, Nikolai Sumsky, Sergey Levashova was installed radio receivers. The undergrounders listened to the Soviet Soviet reports, in their texts were leaflets, with which they came to residents of the city and the district the truth about the Red Army, about our Soviet power. At the beginning of the proclamation wrote from the hands on the leaves of school notebooks. It took a long time, so the headquarters of the Young Guard decided to create an underground printing house. She was in the house of George Harutyunyanz on the outskirts of the city. By closing the windows by shutters, Ivan Zhunovkhov, Victor Trekijevich, Vasily Levashov, Vladimir Osmukhin, Georgy Harutyunants and other guys squatted the night at a primitive machine, printing flyers.
The first printed leaflets appeared in the city on November 7, 1942. When distributing their underground workers showed the initiative and smelter. Oleg Kosheva, for example, dressed the shape of a policeman and, moving freely after the Commandant hour, put off the proclamation; Vasily Patty worked to shove the leaflets in the pockets of Krasnodonians in the bazaar, even attach them to the backs of the police; Sergey Tyulenin "Shefit" above the cinema. He appeared here before the start of the session. At the most convenient moment when the film mechanic quenched the light in the hall, Sergey threw leaflets in the auditorium.
Many leaflets went beyond the city - to Sverdlovsky, Rovenkovsky, Novosvetlovsky districts, to the Rostov region. In total, during the occupation, the young guards distributed more than 5,000 copies of leaflets 30 names.
The headquarters constantly carried out work on the involvement of young people in the ranks of the "Young Guard". If in September there were 35 people in the underground, then in December, there were 92 underground in December. On the recommendation of the Communists, all members of the "Young Guard" were divided into five, the contacts with which the headquarters supported through connected.
At the end of September, the young Guards led by Ivan Turkenych hung in the city park of two trains of the Motherland, who were especially familiar with the rules of peaceful citizens. The shock groups of young people carried out successful operations to destroy German cars on the roads coming from Krasnodon to Sverdlovsk, Voroshilovgrad, isvarino.
The 25th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution approached the 25th anniversary. Communists instructed the young guards to post the red flags over the occupied city. On the night under November 7, eight groups of underground workers went to perform a combat task. On the eve of the girl prepared the panels, sewing pieces of matter and repainting them in Kumach. In the morning, the Krasnodonians saw the red flags on the autumn wind. This combat operation of the underground workers made a huge impression on residents of the city. "When I saw the flag at school," the events of M. A. Litvinova said, "the unwitting joy covered me. Wake up the children and quickly ran across the road to Mukhina. Her I found it standing in the bottom of the window on the windowsill, the tears were crawling in her louds. The cheeks. She said: "Maria Alekseevna, because it is done for us, Soviet people. About us remember, we are not forgotten by our ... ".
On this unforgettable day, young undergrounders spread around the city and the area of \u200b\u200bthe leaflets and provided material assistance to the families of front-line. "... We have prepared festive gifts to the families of workers who were victims of the hands of German executioners," wrote Ivan Turkeenich. "From our Komsomolsk Foundation, we allocated money for them and purchased products. I remember on the eve of the holiday I went with a convolution on the outskirts of the city. where the family lived a family comrade. He was also like me, the Soviet officer. In Krasnodon, his wife, an old woman, mother and four kids left. And so I brought them a festive gift. Hungry children unfolded paper and with a cry of joy discovered Bread and some cereals. How thank you were exhausted people for these modest gifts. "
In December, Ivan Zhonnov, Ivan Turkeenich, Anatoly Popov, Demyan Fomin helped to leave 18 prisoners of war, which were placed on the building of the May Day hospital, and soon the group Evgenia Moshkova liberated more than 70 Soviet soldiers from camps of prisoners of warwhich was located in the farm Volchensky Rostov region.
The glory of the "Young Guard" grew. Underfooters of Krasnodon were not limited to activities in the city and district. Communists believed that it was necessary to look for connections with partisans of other areas and regions. To establish contacts with folk avengers, operating in the Rostov region, headquarters sent a connected Oksana. Under such a pseudonym worked in the underground Olga Ivavantsov. Oksana has repeatedly used the Kamensky partisan, met with the coherent and command of the detachment. It was about combining the forces of partisans and underground workers for a joint speech against the fascists in the rear of the enemy.
Active activities The underground workers caused a powerful angry in the invaders. Police begins to wastely search for the culprits of anti-fascist events. The city establishes the most severe mode. To disguise the activities of the underground, Ivan Zhunovkh, Evgeny Moshkov, Victor Trekijevich, Valeria Bortz, Lyubov Shevtsova, Vladimir Zagorukhiko, Vasily Levashov and others on the advice of the Communists are arranged to work in the Gorky Club. Here, three mugs began to operate, in which most participants were undergrounders. Young people, hiding behind classes in circles, could meet, without causing suspicion of the authorities. From here the guys went on combat mission.
Once, Lyuba Shevtsova came excited about the meeting of the headquarters. She found out that the fascists are going to catch youth to work in Germany. Already were harvested lists on the labor market. The headquarters decided to break the recruitment. To this end, they released several leaflets, in which they called on the population to save their children from fascist slavery. And Lyuba Shevtsova, Viktor Lukyanchenko and Sergey Tylenyn at night on the night of December 5, held a brilliant operation on the arsogue of labor exchange. In fire burned down documents prepared by the fascists by more than 2.000 Krasnodonians. By the morning of the ominous building of the stock exchange, which in the people called the "Black Exchange", only the burnt walls remained.
The headquarters attached to the armament of the underground. Young guards made weapons, ammunition with every means. They kidnapped them from the fascists, collected in places of recent fights, finished in armed clashes with the enemy. The weapon was stored in the basements of the destroyed buildings of the city bath. Ivan Turkenyich noted in his report that by the end of 1942 "there were 15 cars in the warehouse, 80 rifles, 300 grenades, about 15,000 ammunition, 10 pistols, 65 kg. Explosives and several hundred meters of bikford cord." All this weapon underground workers were going to send against the fascists located on the territory of Krasnodon. Young Guards were actively preparing for an armed uprising. Their plan consisted of destroying the enemy and thereby help the Red Army will faster liberating the hometown. But no longer betrayal interrupted the preparation for an armed uprising. Most of the young guards were arrested and after cruel torture in January 1943, they were reset in Schurf Shakhty No. 5.

Directorate of the Museum "Young Guard"

Legends of the Great Patriotic. "Young guard"

More than sixty years have passed since the world learned about the brutal violence committed by the fascist invaders of the members of the Underground organization "Young Guard" in the Ukrainian mining town of Krasnodon. However, to this day, despite the abundance of documented evidence of eyewitnesses and sentences of the court, it is unknown, who was the culprit of the defeat of the Krasnodonne underground.

In mid-February 1943, after the liberation of Donetsk Krasnodon, by Soviet troops, several dozen corpses of those who were tortured by the fascists of adolescents, who were in the occupation period in the underground organization "Young Guard" were extracted near the city of Shakhtya N5.

And a few months later, the article by Alexander Fadeeva "Immersion" was published, on the basis of which a little later, a novel "Young Guard" was written, dedicated to events, which was the death of people discovered in the mine. Subsequently, it was precisely on this product that the absolute majority of citizens first of the Soviet Union, and then Russia amounted to an idea of \u200b\u200bthe activities of the Krasnodonne underground during the occupation. By the end of the 80s, Roman Fadeev was perceived as a canonized history of the organization, and any other interpretation of events was impossible by definition.

Meanwhile, it is not a secret for anyone that the novel that glorified his heroes - young undergrounders was quite difficult fate. For the first time, the book was published in 1946. However, after some time, Alexander Fadeev was sharply criticized for the fact that the role of the Communist Party is not pronounced in the novel. The wisest wishes took into account, and in 1951 the light saw the second editors of the novel "Young Guard". At the same time, Fadeev repeated more than once: "I wrote a not true story of young guidance, and a novel that not only admits, but even implies artistic fiction."

These circumstances have become fertile soil for the emergence of many speculation on the theme of the reality of the events described in the novel. At first, distrust on the official version was manifested mainly at the level of a quiet whisper in the kitchens and vulgar children's jokes, and with the beginning of the restructuring, it turned out on the pages of newspapers and magazines.

And for more than a year and a half dozen years between those who continue to adhere to the traditional version, and those who do not leave attempts to separate the facts from the artistic fiction of the author's novel "Young Guard", a fairly lively correspondence discussion is carried out, which is not yet visible. Moreover, most copies break around several key points: the reality of the events described by Fadeev, the names of these organizers and the leaders of the underground, as well as the true perpetrators of the death of most members of the organization.

Parade "Traitors"

In fairness it is worth noting that those who tried to challenge the very fact of the existence of an underground youth organization in Krasnodone was not so much. The facts collected in the postwar years, memories of eyewitnesses, as well as the surviving participants of the "Young Guard" talked about the fact that the underground organization really existed. And not only existed, but also led very active activities.

In 1993, a press conference was held in Lugansk a special commission for studying the history of the "Young Guard". As I was written "Izvestia" (05/12/1993), after two years of work, the Commission gave its estimate of the versions, almost half a century who excited the public. The findings of researchers were reduced to several fundamental moments. In July-August 1942, after the seizure of Lugansk region, many underground youth groups arose in Shakhtar Krasnodone and the villages around His villages. They, according to the memories of contemporaries, were called "Star", "Sickle", "Hammer", etc. However, no party leadership speaks. In October 1942, Viktor Trekijevich united them in the "Young Guard". It was he, and not Oleg Kosheva, according to the conclusions of the Commission, became the Commissioner of the underground organization. Participants of the "Young Guard" was hardly twice as much as recognized later by the competent authorities. Fought guys in partisansky, risky, carrying big losses, and this, as was noted at a press conference, ultimately led to the failure of the organization.

With the filing of Alexander Fadeev, the image of the chief culprit of the death of the "Young Guard" was tightly in the public consciousness, Evgenia Stakhovich, under the torture of the names of most underground workers. At the same time, at least Fadeev himself and repeatedly stated that the traitor Stakhovich is a collective image and similarity with real young guards by chance, very many, and first of all, the participants of those events that managed to survive were deeply convinced that His prototype, as nor paradoxically, served as already mentioned Viktor Trekijevich. Disputes about how the hero unexpectedly turned into a traitor, do not subside until now.

In 1998, an article A.F. was published in the Duel newspaper (09/30/1998). Gordeeva "Heroes and Traitors." It described in sufficient detail the history of the appearance, activity and collapse of the Krasnodonsky underground, essentially distinguished from the "Young Guard" novel in the novel.

According to Gordeyev, "Young Guard" (the present name of the Hammer's organization) was established at the beginning of October 1942 on the initiative of Viktor Trekijevich. The nucleus became spontaneously arising and dispassing the Anti-Fascist Komsomolsk and Youth Groups of Ivan Zhurnkhov, Yevgeny Moshkov, Nikolai Sumsky, Boris, Radron, Sergey Tyulenin, and others. On October 6, 1942, Gennady Pupil was accepted into the organization, whose step off , V.G. Gromov, collaborated with the occupation authorities and later played a fateful role in the history of the "Young Guard".

"Duel", referring to the archival documents, writes that he learned about the arrest of the heads of the underground (January 1, 1943, earthlings, a third-haired and moshkov were captured) and not finding the exit from the current situation, the emphasis appealed for advice to stepfather. Gromov immediately suggested Pasyanka to immediately inform the police about the underground workers. This treacherous farewell of Gromov confirmed at the interrogation on May 25, 1943: "I told him that he could be arrested and to save his life, he must write a statement to the police and issue participants in the organization. He listened to me."

On January 3, 1943, the polesis was taken to the police and preceded first by V. Sulikovsky (head of the Krasnodon district police), and then by investigators Didykom and Kuleshov. The informant confirmed the authorship of the applicant and his belonging to the underground Komsomol organization, operating in Krasnodone, called the goals and objectives of it, pointed out the place of storage of weapons and ammunition hidden in the Gundor mine N 18. As the Kuleshov showed later, "the staff told that he really consists A member of the underground Komsomol organization ... called the leaders of this organization, or rather, the city staff, namely: a third-party, Lukashov, Zhonavova, Safonov, Koshevoy. The head of the city-wide organization called Trekiyevich. He himself consisted of May Day organization. The information of the secret nature, which was owned by the poles and who became the "property" of the police, turned out to be quite enough to reveal the Komsomol and youth underground and eliminate it. Just for belonging to the underground in Krasnodone and its surroundings, more than 70 people were arrested.

"Duel" leads to the testimony of some participants of cruel violence over undergrounders.

At the interrogation on July 9, 1947, the head of the gendarmerie Renatus said: "... Translator Lina Artes requested it to free her from work, as the gendarmes during interrogations are too rude treated arrested. Hauptwahmist zones after dinner allegedly beat the arrested people. I satisfied her request and He spoke on this issue with the zombie. He admitted that he really beat the arrested, but for the reason that the testimony could not be achieved by another. "

The investigator of the cutlets police about Sergey Tyulenina: "He was dismantled before unrecognizable, the face was covered with bruises and swollen, blood was composed of open wounds. There was three Germans and after them was Burgardt (translator A.G.), caused by Sulikovsky. One German Sulikovsky asked what kind of man he was beaten. Sulikovsky explained. The German, like an angry tiger, hit the fist, hit Sergey and forged German boots began to torment his body. He puts his body with a terrible force in his belly, back, face, Heat and ripped into pieces of his clothes along with the body. At the beginning of this terrible execution of Tyulenin, she filed signs of life, but soon he was silent and dropped it out of the office. "

Muddy kept on interrogations and other young guards. Ulyana Gromov was suspended by the hair, cut out on his back a five-pointed star, cut off his chest, caught the body with a rotary gland and the wounds sprinkled with salt, put on a hot plate. However, she was silent, as Bondarev, Ivanikhina, Zhunakhova, and many others dropped by subsequently in the Schurf N5 mines.

According to "Duel", after the arrival of the Soviet troops, they managed to hide for some time, and he was arrested only on March 8, 1943. To soften his guilt, the poles already at first interrogation threw the shadow of suspicion of Viktor Tretyakhevich. Responding to the question of the Soviet investigator about the fact that he prompted him to transfer members of the underground organization, he referred to Ivan Zemnavov, who alleged on December 18, 1942 informed him that Trecycles betrayed the "young organization" and that the police had information about it. This news allegedly pushed the oversaled to compile a statement to the police.

At the same time, in 1999, the newspaper "Top secret" (03/17/1999), referring to the materials of the case N20056 on the charges of policemen and German gendarmes in violence over the underground organization "Young Guard", expressed the view that "the official traitor" was not Reported by the investigators nothing new. Before him, the activities of the underground the Germans allegedly had already managed to tell Olga Lyadskaya in detail, the underground worker was not and arrested quite by chance.

After the arrest of Savnkhov, Treykhevich and Moshkov came to Tosa Mashchenko in search of Vali Bortz, by that time had already left for the front line. At Tosi policeman liked the tablecloth, he decided to grab it with him. Under the tablecloth lay a unsent letter to a lunda friend Fedor Yarina. She wrote that he did not want to leave for Germany in "slavery." That is what: in quotes and large letters. The investigator promised to hang lunda in the bazaar for her large letters In quotes, if there will be no other displeased new order immediately. Next, the publication leads to the readings of the Lyadskiy, contained in the case N20056:

"I called the persons I suspected in partisan activities: Kozyreva, Treijevich, Nikolaenko, because they once asked me, do we have partisans on the farm and help them. And after Solikhovsky threatened to beat, I issued Girlfriend Mashchenko, Bortz ... "

As for the overall, he, according to "Top Secretly,", really passed the group in the village of Pervomaysky and the headquarters of the "Young Guard" in the following order: a third-of -yevich (chief), Lukashev, earthlov, Safonov and Koshevoy. In addition, the pumaders called the commander of his "five" - \u200b\u200bPopov. However, his testimony, in the opinion of the publication, was no longer so important, since Trecythevich was given another participant of the underground - Tosya Mashchenko. After this, the very same, "he betrayed Shevtsov and began to call" young guards "whole settlements."

But this list of traitors is "completely secret" is not limited and notes that in the documents as a traitor of the "Young Guard" is also mentioned by a certain Chinese yaks ka fu. He allegedly could be offended by Soviet power, because before the war he was removed from work because of the poor knowledge of the Russian language.

... for the lack of a crime

For another responsiveness of the death of the "Young Guard" for a long time, Zinaida Vyrikova was considered. She, as well as Lyadskaya, was one of the antiheroin novel "Young Guard". At the same time, Fadeev did not even change the names of the girls, which subsequently complicated their lives. And Vyrikova and Lyadskaya were convicted of betrayal and sent to the camps for a long time. As the Moscow Komsomolets notes (06/18/2003), the stigma of traitors with women was removed only in 1990, after their numerous complaints and tough checks of the prosecutor's office.

"MK" quotes the "certificate", who received Olga Alexandrovna Lyadskaya after 47 years of Shame (about the same document, according to the publication, received Zinaida Vyrikova): "Criminal case on the charges of Lyadskaya O.A., 1926, R., Revised by the Military Tribunal of the Moscow Military District on March 16, 1990. Resolution of a special meeting in the MGB of the USSR dated October 29, 1949 against Lyadskaya O.A. canceled, and the criminal case was terminated by the lack of a crime in its actions. Lyadskaya Olga Aleksandrovna in this case Rehabilitated.

Whether it was taken into account when deciding on the rehabilitation of the recognition of the Lyadsky in the fact that it issued Kozyreva, Trecythers, Nikolaenko, Mashchenko, Fighters, there is no word in the material of the Moscow Komsomol Center. At the same time, the article is called two more new names of those who could be defeated by the "Young Guard" in the fault.

MK, as well as four years earlier, the newspaper "is completely secret" refers to the materials found in the FSB archives. Namely, the criminal case against 16 trainees of the Motherland who worked on the Germans in the occupied Krasnodone. 14 of them were openly collaborated with German gendarmerie. And only two employees, according to the publication, somewhat embarrassed from the general picture of absolute trains - 20-year-old George Statsenko and 23-year-old named after the author of the novel "Young Guard" Gury Fadeev.

Father George - Vasily Statsenko - was Burgomistra Krasnodon. That's why Georgiy and hit the pencil. In addition, he was a Komsomol and he knew the young guidance officers: Zemnavov, Koshevoy, Trejijevich, Levashov, Osmukhin, Turkenych, and others.

"Moskovsky Komsomolets" leads excerpts from the testimony of Statsenko, arrested on September 22, 1946:

"Being a Komsomol, I enjoyed the confidence of my comrades, since I showed myself a devotee of Soviet power. I told my father about the levashov sentenced to me to join the underground Komsomol organization. She also told that land showed me a leaflet, read the poems written to them against the Germans. And in general, I declared my father, my comrades in school: Zamnov, Harutyuny, Koshevoy and Trecyc, consist in an underground organization and lead to the Germans actively. "

Gury Fadeev, as MK writes, also knew the young guidance, was especially friendly with the family of Oleg Koshevoy. He began suspicious after one day he fell into the police - a German patrol was caught on the streets on the street and found an anti-fascist leaflet in his pocket. However, from Gendarmery for some reason quickly let him go. And then he, as witnesses argue, allegedly almost did not get out of the police.

"After I was recruited in the police to identify persons spreading the leaflets of the" Young Guard ", I met several times from the Zakharov police departure. At one of the interrogations, Zakharov asked:" Which partisan came up with your sister Alla? "I, knowing About this from the words of my mother, I gave Zakharov Vanya Zhonnukhova, who really did the proposal to my sister to enter into the underground anti-fascist organization. I handed it to the apartment Korostyleva (Native Uncle Oleg Koshevoy) listen to radio broadcasts from Moscow Sister Korostyleneva Elena Nikolaevna Soviet and her son Oleg, who records messages Sovinform Bureau.

From the words of Fadeev, recorded in the interrogation protocol, it came out that during the occupation he entered the service to the German Direction as a geologist and was engaged in the launch of geological cards compiled under the Soviet power, mines and development plans. At the same time, Fadeev gave a subscription that he undertakes to help the police in identifying partisans.

The most curious thing in this story is that neither Statsenko neither Fadeev was shot. On March 6, 1948, a special meeting with the MGB of the USSR for betrayal Guri Fadeev was convicted for 25 years of the camps, and Georgy Statsenko - for 15 years (the remaining 14 people who were held in this case were obtained by 25 years of conclusion each). But on this, the amazing adventures of Statsenko and Fadeeva did not end. In 1954, with the arrival of Khrushchev, "the case of traitors" was revised: the sentence was left unchanged to everyone except Statsenko. He was reduced by a sentence of 5 years.

"Moskovsky Komsomolets" quotes the materials of the case, shed light on the causes of unexpected sentencing:

"At the interrogation on October 4, 1946, Statsenko recognized his guilt, but later he refused his testimony. He argued that the arrests of young guidance began long before his conversation with his father. From the testimony of the father of convicted steel, the Statsenko does not see that the cause of the arrest of young guards was the data reported. His son ... None of the convicts on this case showed that the son of Burgomist would inform any information that would be used by the police in the arrest of young guards ... Thus, the accusation of the convicted steel of Statsenko G. V. In the betrayal of participants of the underground Komsomolskaya Organizations "Young Guard" materials of investigators are unproduced. "

Chance ahead of time to get out to freedom and Fadeev, for whom it was requested a large number of relatives, neighbors and acquaintances. In the main military prosecutor's office, they could not be launched to overlook everyone who ten years earlier gave testimony against Fadeev. Military Prosecutor Mountain even prepared a protest in the Military Tribunal MVO with a request "Decision of a special MGB meeting of March 6, 1948 with respect to Fadeeva to cancel, to stop the unprove of charged charges." However, someone's sulfur hand on the same document blurred with blue ink: "I don't find the grounds for making a protest. Fadeev's complaint is left without satisfaction."

However, Fadeeva was still freed early. According to the "MK", \u200b\u200bfrom 25 years he served only 10. The conviction was removed, but refused in rehabilitation. So formally, it is still considered the main traitor for young guards.

Truck with parcels

Meanwhile, the last of the eight of the young guards who survived the war, Vasily Ivanovich Levashov shortly before his death (he died in 2001) gave an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper (06/30/1999) in which he stated that in fact there were no traitors, and " Organization has grown due to nonsense. "

The former underground spoke said that the feelings after the first reading of the Fadeev's book he had the most controversial. On the one hand, he was delighted, as a subtle writer grabbed the mood and experiences of young guards. On the other hand, Levashova outraged free treatment of some facts: in the novel, the traitor Stakhovich appeared in the novel, and there was no man with such a name in the organization, so a clear hint of Viktor Trejkhenich, the Commissioner of the Young Guard, was seen.

"In fact, there were no traitors, the organization was buried because of nonsense," said Vasily Ivanovich. - A truck came to Krasnodon, and we decided to capture them. Dragged all in the shed to one of our guys at night, And the outflow in the torn bags to climb into the club. A box of Papile was dropped on the way. The boy twelve was spawned nearby, grabbed her. Trenekevich gave him cigarettes for silence. And every other day the boy grabbed the Germans in the Bazaar.

According to Levashov, Treijevich slandered police for resistance to interrogations. Father Vasily Ivanovich was sitting in the same cell with the "Young Guard Commissioner" and saw him led to the interrogation, and the back was licking behind their feet beaten, a little alive. And the names of the undergrounders, according to Levashov, the fascists could learn from the lists of the club workers, the director of which was the young guidance of Moshkov. The latter was made up of these lists for the labor exchange: the youth of hundreds hijacked to work in Germany, and for the club workers gave "reservation".

Victor Treijevich rehabilitated only in 1959. Before that, his relatives had to live with the stigma relatives of the traitor. According to Vasily Levashov, Victor's rehabilitation achieved his middle brother Vladimir. Victor Treijenevich posthumously awarded, but in the rank of the Commissioner of the Young Guard did not restore.

He touched Levashov in a conversation with the correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and the fate of another resident of Krasnodon, accused of betrayal - Georgy Statsenko:

"Statsenko served 15 years for the betrayal of the" Young Guard "," said Levashov. - He came out of prison and wrote a letter to the KGB with a request to remove the guilt from him, because he did not betray. And I asked me to call me and Harutyuny as witnesses. I was called For interrogation in the KGB, and I said that Statsenko did not have a relation to the "Young Guard" at all, and therefore could not know anything. We were attracted to the organization, like many other strangers, for conspiracy. The same told Arutyunants. The guilt with ancient times was removed. "

At the same time, some facts say that not everything is so simple in history with the rehabilitation of Victor Tretyakovich, as Vasily Levashov told. And there is still a lot of pitfalls in this matter ...

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