Original Russian words: history of origin and examples. Original Russian Words: Examples

The vocabulary of the Russian language in terms of its origin. The original Russian vocabulary and its varieties. Overall Slavic vocabulary. Old Russian (East Slavic) vocabulary. Actually Russian vocabulary. Etymological dictionaries.

We have already noted the heterogeneity of the dictionary of the Russian language in terms of its origin. However, this heterogeneity is not immediately striking, because The borrowed vocabulary as part of the Russian language is not so numerous (about 10%) and in most cases a long time and well mastered, therefore, as borrowed is not even perceived (words of type pencil, Beet, Dog, Notebook, Cutlet etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to decide on the originalness or borrowing of vocabulary only etymologically, resorting to diachronic methods.

The clarification of the history of words is closely related to the history of the Russian people, with its cultural, political and economic relations, with the formation of the Russian state and Russian itself. All these questions are studied in the course "History of the Russian Literary Literature", we will touch only those who will clarify us modern condition The vocabulary of the Russian language, which took us from the ancestors.

So, by origin, the whole vocabulary of the Russian language is divided into ineploy (invalid Russian) and borrowed.

Under ineploythe Russian word is understood as such a word that either emerged in Russian (one way or another word formation method), or inherited by the Russian language from the more ancient, preceding the Russian source language, i.e. Praslavyansky (Slavslavnysky) of the Language Fund or old Russian language. Those. The original vocabulary of the Russian language includes the entire vocabulary, which arose in one of its historical periods: from Praslansky to modern Russian.

With these concepts you must be familiar from the course domestic history, from the introduction to the course when you explained the concept modern Russian literary language . Therefore, you must understand that the National Russian language formed by the XIV century (this century the beginning of the Russian state dates back to the XIV century), inherited from the previous epochs of the lexical composition of the Old Russian (East Slavic) language of the VII-XIII centuries, in common for modern Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians (as well as Two other East Slavic languages: Ukrainian and Belarusian). And the ancient Russian language, in turn, inherited the vocabulary of the general Slavonic language (general for the genericants of all Slavs, existing in the V-VI centuries).

Overall Slavic lexica still used in all slavic languages (See examples in these etymological dictionaries: widow - Ukr: widow, Bulgarian: widowfloor.: wdowa., Cesh.: vDOVA.; grumble - Ukr: worsty, Bulgarian: vrolo, Gender: warczec., Cesh.: vRCeti.; tall - Ukr: visoma, Bulgarian: temple, Gender: wysoki., Cesh.: vysoki.), but east Slavic - in all East Slavic languages: Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian (for example: rope - Ukr: bIRIOVA, Belarus.: vyrojuk; horse - Ukr: verkhov. andj., Belarus.: verchav s ; vigil - Ukr: watti, Belarus.: vilats).

In this way, ordon Russian vocabularygenetically (by origin) is also heterogeneous. It includes the following groups of vocabulary:

1) actually Russian vocabulary - appeared in Russian after the XIV century and characteristic (of all Slavic languages) only for the Russian language, for example: sad (Wed. in Ukr.: sumy., Belarus.: sumbers), highly (Wed. in Ukr.: shower, Belarus.: velmi), need to (Wed. in Ukr.: tribo, Belarus.: potrobna);

2) east Slavic (Old Russian) vocabulary(VI-XIV centuries) - those. Total for Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian languages \u200b\u200b(East Slavic Group of Slavic language family - With the genetic classification of languages, you met aware of "Introduction to Linguistics"), for example: ladle (Wed. in Ukr.: ladle, Belarus.: kousch, but in the Bulgarian. - kinche, and in the floor. - kubel);

3) general Slavic (Praslavyanskaya) vocabulary(up to VI century) - total for all (or most) languages \u200b\u200brelated to the Slavic family: not only East Slavic, but also the Western and South Slavic group, for example: water (Wed in Ukr., Belarus. and Bulgarians: water, Sloven., Czech. and Slovak.: voda., in Paul., V.- and N.- Puddles.: woda.) or father (Wed. Ukr. father, Bulge. fatherPolish. ojcies.)

When comparing specific examples of the word formation of the original Russian vocabulary, the fact of close continuity of various stages of the existence of the Russian language in the development of modern dictionary formation is drawn to: so, many old-Russian words are formed from the general Slavonic roots or with the help of the general Slavonic word formation funds, the same - when the Russian words are actually . For example, from the general Slavonic basis - kolo. - ("Circle") words were formed in East Slavic ring, kolchuga, kolobok. To the same basis goes back and actually russian word gig.

But remember that Slavic languages \u200b\u200benter the Indo-European family of languages. Therefore, sometimes to the original (general Slavic) vocabulary include a group indo-European vocabulary - those. Words inherited by the general Slavonic language (as well as other Indo-European languages) from the more ancient language community. The fact that such a community existed is evidenced by numerous examples of the lexical similarity of various Indo-European languages. These are the most ancient words, for example, many terms of kinship, cf. brother: in ancient Russian., St.-Sl., - brother, Slam., Paul. - bRAT., Cesh., V.-Luzh. - bratr., Dr.-Pruss. - brati., lit. - bROTERE, Dr.-ind. - bhrata.lat. - frater., Irl. - brathir,english . - Brather,nem. . - Bruder. and etc.).

Of course, the original vocabulary of more ancient periods has undergone not only phonetic, but also semantic changes: it acquired new values \u200b\u200band / or losing old. For example, a word knee became multivalued, and the word again It is used now only in the portable value "again", its initial value "Back" is lost (cf. etymologically related words heel, putting, reverse).

However, in most cases, the general Slavic vocabulary, as well as East Slavic, remained unchanged.

The original Russian vocabulary is the basis of the Russian language, it is it that creates the originality and the identity of the Russian speech.

General Slavic By origin (sometimes aside to Indo-European) are many terms of kinship ( son, Mother, Father, Daughter, Grandfather, Baba, Kum), names of body parts ( beard, hair, head, chest, throat, teeth, forehead, nose, shoulder, hand), the names of animals and birds ( bull, wolf, sheep, crow, sparrow, eagle, cock), plants ( oak, willow, spruce, maple, linden, turnip, rowan, pine, cherry, ash), foods ( porridge, kvass, Kissel, Oil, Milk, Flour, Meat, Salo, Cheese), dwellings and its parts ( seni, floor, shelter, hood, house, roof, porch, tube, furnace), labor instruments ( sokh, Harrow, Sickle, Spit, Rake), nature phenomena ( storm, wind, water, thunderstorm, thunder, rain, stars, stone, ice, light, sun, cloud) and many others. To the general Slavic vocabulary includes many numerals ( one two three four five), pronouns ( you, I, he, we, our, your), Verbs ( live, walk, breathe, hear, grow, chop), prepositions and unions.

East Slavic are many minor kinship terms ( uncle, nephew, stepdaughter, stepper), the name of items ( baggore, Rope, Key, Bucchko, Lukoshko, Samovar), bills and time segments ( forty, ninety; today, after, now) and etc.

Actually Russians are many names of professions ( concrete, spit , racer, Mason, pilot, adjuster), distracted concepts ( outcome, deception, caution, politeness, sending, stop, theft, merry), flowers ( brown, Brown, SIZY), estimated vocabulary ( pestochchaschina, Pokhanskaya), difficult words (long-term, single, gold killer, hammer) and others. Actually, Russian words often can be found on word-forming elements: nouns with suffix - Schedule - / - Chick (schedule, stacker) or - prop- (kumanship, boasting) adjectives with suffix - (checkered, log), subfixtural verbs ( battle, disperse) etc.

As you can see, determine the origin of one or another word, its etymology You can with help etymological dictionary.

The most popular "brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language" (1964, reissued in 1975, the authors of N.M. Shansky, V.V. Ivanov, and T.V. Shanskaya) and " Etymological Dictionary Russian Language »N.M. Shanskaya and so. Bobrova (1994), as well as the "School Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language" of the same authors (2000).

A long time for the reference manual for the etymology of the Russian words was "Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language" A.K. Preobrazhensky, not lost relevance so far. The same can be said about the four-volume "Etoheological Dictionary of the Russian Language" M. Fasmer (1958, reissued in 1986), which played a significant role in the development of domestic etymological lexicography.

It should also be noted "The historical and etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language" P.Ya. Black (1993), as well as a more detailed "etymological dictionary of the Russian language" MSU (continued edition since 1963, issued 1-8, ed. N.M. Shanskaya).

Ordon Russian vocabulary

The original Russian vocabulary for its origin is heterogeneous: it consists of several layers that differ in the time of their formation.

The most ancient among the original Russian words are Indo-europeisms - the words preserved from the Epoch of Indo-European Language Unity. According to the assumptions of scientists, in the V-IV millennia BC. e. There was an oldest Indo-European civilization, which united the tribes who lived to a voluntarly extensive territory. Thus, according to some linguists, she stretched from Volga to Yenisei, others believe that it was the Balkano-Danube, or South-Russian, Localization 1 Indo-European language community gave rise to European and some Asian languages \u200b\u200b(for example, Bengal, Sanskrit).

To the Indo-European primary basis, words denoting plants, animals, metals and minerals, tools, tools, form of management, types of kinship, etc.: oak, salmon, goose, wolf, sheep, copper, bronze, honey, mother, son, daughter, night, moon, snow, water, new, sewand etc.

Another reservoir of the original Russian vocabulary is the words of the Slavonic, who inherited by our language from the Slavonic (Praslavyansky), which served as a source for all Slavic languages. This language basis existed in the prehistoric era on the territory of the interfold of the Dnieper, Bug and Vistula, populated by the ancient Slavic tribes. By the VI-VII centuries. n. e. The Slavonic language collapsed, discovering the path to the development of Slavic languages, including Old Russian. The general Slavonic words easily stand out in all Slavic languages, the generality of the origin of which is obvious and in our time.

There are a lot of nouns among the general Slavonic words. These are primarily specific nouns: head, throat, beard, heart, palm; field, mountain, forest, birch, maple, ox, cow, pig; Sickle, forks, knife, nemid, neighbor, guest, servant, friend; Shepherd, sparkle, potter. There are also distracted nouns, but their smaller: faith, will, wines, sin, happiness, fame, rage, thought.

From other parts of speech in the general Slavic vocabulary, verbs are presented: see, hear, grow, lie;adjectives: kind, young, old, wise, cunning; Nutritive: one two Three; Proponation: i, you, we, you; Playless adverbs: where, how and not which the service parts of speech: over, and, and yes, butetc.

The general Slavic vocabulary has about two thousand words, nevertheless, this relatively small lexical supply constitutes the core of the Russian dictionary, it includes the most common, stylistically neutral words used both in oral and in writing speech.

Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwho had an ancient Praslansky language, on sound, grammatical and lexical features, were aligned with three groups: southern, western and eastern.

The third reservoir of the original Russian words consists of East Slavic (Old Russian) vocabulary, which developed on the basis of the language eastern Slavs., one of the three groups of ancient Slavic languages. East Slavic language community has developed to VII-IX centuries. n. e. in the territory of Eastern Europe. Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalities go to the tribal unions inhabited here. Therefore, the words remaining in our language from this period are known, as a rule, in Ukrainian, and in Belarusian languages, but are absent in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Western and South Slavs.

As part of the Eastern Slavic vocabulary, you can allocate:

  • 1) animal names, birds: dog, squirrel, daw, spleen, bullfinch;
  • 2) Names of labor instruments: ax, blade;
  • 3) the names of household items: boot, bucket, casket, ruble;
  • 4) the names of people by profession: carpenter, cook, shoemaker, miller;
  • 5) Names of settlements: village, Sloboda and other lexico-semantic groups.

The fourth reservoir of the original Russian words is actually the Russian vocabulary, formed after the XIV century., I.e., in the era of the independent development of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages. In these languages \u200b\u200balready have its own equivalents for words belonging to the Russian vocabulary. Cf. Lexical units:

Actually, Russian words are allocated, as a rule, the derivative of the basis: mason, leaflet, dressing room, generality, intervention and under.

It should be emphasized that in the composition of the generally Russian vocabulary, there may be words with foreign-speaking roots, which have passed the path of Russian word formation and entrusted with Russian suffixes, consoles: party, non-partisan, aggressiveness; ruler, wineglass, kettle;words with a complex basis: radiozel, steam locomotive, as well as many comprehensive words that replenished our language in the XX W.: MCAT, Lespromhoz, Wall Newsand etc.

The original Russian vocabulary and now continues to be replenished with the words that are created on the basis of word-forming language resources, as a result of the most diverse processescharacteristic of Russian-word formation.

All the words of the language form its lexical composition, or vocabulary. The section of linguistics learning vocabulary is called lexicology. Science learning the origin of the word is called etymology. All the words of the Russian language by origin can be divided into two parts: invalid Russian and borrowed. Their study and the etymology is engaged. And the information about the origin of the word can be found in these etymological dictionaries.

Ordon Russian words

The Russians call the words that appeared in Russian since its formation. So ancient man called objects and phenomena with which it came across and touched. These include the words remaining in the language of the ancestors, as well as those that have already been formed in Russian.

Stone, Earth, Sky, Mother, Son, Day, Sun, etc.

Over time, the lexical stock has increased. People moved, lived not isolated and communicated with neighboring peoples. At the same time, communication increased its vocabularyBy borrowing some names and concepts from others. So in the vocabulary of the Russian language, borrowed words begin to appear.

Original Russian words are accepted to divide on 4 main groups, or the reservoir, which includes vocabulary of different time periods:

  1. Ancient, having Indo-European roots and common languages \u200b\u200bfor all languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-European family (examples of household items, animal names and phenomena: wolf, goat, cat, sheep; moon, water; stitching).
  2. Words from the Slavonic language, common to all Slavic tribes ( sample calls Products, actions, animals and birds, etc.: door, table, spoon; live, walk, breathe, grow; Horse, Bear, Swan, Fish).
  3. Approximately from the VII-X centuries, the East Slavic group of Cles appears, which is common to East Slavic (Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian) peoples ( examplesdenoting signs of items, actions, units of account, etc.: stupid, wise, white; one, two, three, seven, ten; Wind, thunder, thunderstorm, rain).
  4. Words of the Russian language, which were formed after separation into 3 branches of East Slavic peoples, from about the XIV century (examples of the dishes of folk cuisine, occupations, etc.: shepherd, cake, spit, rag, chicken)

All these words, despite the similarity today with the words of other peoples, are invarious Russians. And acquired words from other languages \u200b\u200bare considered borrowed.

It is important to note that if the word has formed from a foreign language word with the help of a suffix or console, it is considered to be actually Russian; The initial, primary word will be borrowed.

For example:

the highway is a foreign word, and the highway is actually Russian, as it was formed by the type of Russian words with suffix method (Also: Station - Vocation, Balcony - Balcony, etc.).

Borrowed words

Borrowed words in Russian are amenable to modified in accordance with the rules and laws of the Russian language. For example, their morphology, value or pronunciation may vary.

Parliament in Russian word male, and B. german languagefrom where it was borrowed - medium;

The painter is the name of the working specialty, a man involved in painting, and in German, from where it was borrowed - a painter.

So to know lexical meaning Words, you need to know from which language it is borrowed.

There are many dictionaries that explain the values \u200b\u200bof borrowed words. Do not confuse them with video dictionaries, in which the translation of a foreign word is indicated.

First Dictionary foreign words was written back in early XVIII century. He was handwritten and explained the importance, as well as from where the word came to Russian.

Causes of borrowing

All borrowed words appear in our language for various reasons, it can be called internally and external.


  • A tendency to replace in one word phrases ( gootner - educator of children invited to the family; aphorism - short saying);
  • fixing borrowed words that have a certain morphological structure, so borrowing is facilitated ( basketball, football, handball etc.);
  • influence of fashion and foreign trends. Fashion on words that are rooted over time and become part of the language ( bowling, Charisma, Accerat etc.).
  • Borrowing of any concept or things, and with him and denoting his words. With the development of technologies, science, the art of such words is becoming more and more (broker, voucher, display, etc.);
  • borrowing words that denote a certain type of objects, and very often many of these words have Russian relevant words, but more borrowed is more and used (installation - assembly, constant - constant value, present - gift, etc.).

Signs of borrowed words

There are certain signs for which we can immediately "identify" the borrowed word:

  • initial letters a and e (aura, epoch);
  • the presence in the word letter F (torch, philosopher);
  • combination of vowels (nuance, voyage);
  • double consonants (accompaniment, appetite);
  • conductivity of the word (Hummingbird, Flamingo, etc.).

Abstract lessons in grade 6


The topic is designed for 2 lessons; In the first, we study Russian words in more detail, on the second - borrowed. Lessons are drawn up on the textbook L. M. Rybchenkova.

Lesson 1

The words are invalid Russian and borrowed.

  • acquaintance with the classification of the vocabulary of the Russian language in terms of origin;
  • development of skills with dictionaries;

Type of lesson:


    Organizing time.

    The teacher reads a fragment of a fairy tale in the Ukrainian language and asks students to translate it.

    Conversation on questions:

    - How did you guess what is we talking about?

    - What words sound like in Russian and Ukrainian?

    - What is it connected with?

    (We conclude that Russian and Ukrainian are related languages, which means that they have occurred from one language).

    The heuristic conversation with the exit on the topic of the lesson:

    - Where do words in language come from?

    - Can we assume what groups all the words of the Russian language are divided from the point of view of their origin and how many of these groups will be?

    Search for information in the textbook (§17), a story based on the control scheme. 126 On the original Russian and borrowed words.

    Record the topic of the lesson, setting goals, work planning.

    - So, invalid Russian words arose in Russian or were inherited from the ancestors. What languages \u200b\u200bare we talking about any ancestors? And who of these ancestors is the oldest?

    Work in groups: Talk about the pedigree Russian, using UPR materials. 128 ("Tree" of Indo-European Language Family).

    The class is combined into 2 groups, which are given cards with the "Russian language", "Belarusian", " Ukrainian language"," Old Russian language "," National Slavish language "," Indo-European language "," Pyranceo-European language ".

    One group builds her story-pedigree from Pyranceo European language, the second - from the Russian language to the ancestors. A creative approach is welcomed, the groups are not only told, but also represent languages \u200b\u200b(attaching the cards, "heroes-languages" are built up along the story in the pedigree chain). In conclusion, all students record the names of the languages \u200b\u200b- the ancestors of the Russian language, placing them "by age": from the oldest one.

    (In the end, an entry should appear: Pyranceo European, Indo-European, General Slavonic, Old Russian, Russian).

    Wordwork (you can attract the heroes who played the roles of the ancestors):

    - What words in Russian are the most ancient? (Those that came from Pyranceo European language). Pupils read words from UPR. 129, conclude that these words are among thematic groups.

    - What words are the general Slavs by origin? Reading out loud words from UPR. 130, recording the names of thematic groups and words (with an explanation of the orphograms).

    The general Slavonic words constitute about a quarter of all words that we now use in everyday speech!

    - Filling the UPR table. 131.

    The conclusion about the similarity of words and about the relationship of languages; These words are from ancient Russian language, which was a general ancestor for Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages.

    Work with dictionaries:

    - familiarity with litters, which indicate the origin of the word (Ex. 127, etymological dictionary);

    - Acquaintance with litters, which indicate what language this word came from (dictionary of foreign words).

    Working with a textbook: Search for an answer to the question of how the words appeared already in Russian, and what time this process began. Pupils read theoretical Material On page 71 and answer that the Russian words actually began to form in Russian from the XIV century, that is, after the separation of ancient Russian language into Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian.

    Parse homework: Exp. 132 (divide the words into two groups - more "old" and more "young"; use the "assistant advice").

    The results of the lesson; Reflection (What language was the great-grandmother of Russian? And what languages \u200b\u200bare the native brothers of the Russian language? What other Slavic languages \u200b\u200bdo you know? What are the facts that we were talking today in the lesson, became for you new ones? What are the most interested? What you wanted to find out additionally ? Etc.)

Lesson 2.

Borrowed words.

  • Further study of the vocabulary of the Russian language from the point of view of origin, the study of borrowed words, their signs, the reasons for the borrowings of words from other languages;
  • development of skills with dictionaries; development of spelling and orthoepic skills;
  • education of love for Russian language and respect for other languages.
  • Cognitive: Search for information, information structuring, building a statement, activity reflection;
  • Regulatory: goal setting, planning activities;
  • Communicative: cooperation planning; ability to express thought;
  • Personal: self-determination, sense formation, moral assessment.

Type of lesson:



Multimedia projector.

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Specographic warm-up (p. 74):

    iSOONLY RU ... Skid words, borrowing (H, NN), total ... Slavic, g ... Rman languages, p ... mangies.

  3. Actualization supporting knowledge: Explain the value of recorded phrases, what the topic is united.
  4. Work with video material: Lesson "Borrowed words" of informice.

    a) viewing material 0-1.15min;

    Examples of borrowed words:

    b) the heuristic conversation with the exit on the topic of the lesson:

    - What is the reason for the appearance of borrowed words in the language?

    - Can we determine the words borrowed or not on the "appearance"?

    - Borrowing words is good or bad?

    c) Formulating the lesson theme, motivation. Record the topic of the lesson, setting goals, work planning.

    d) viewing video tutorial 1.40-2.53; recording examples; Fixing errors in video tutorial (Dutch).

    e) viewing video tutorial 2.54-3.37; work with the dictionary of foreign words, oral responses of students; writing words by alphabet; self-test.

    e) viewing video tutorial 3.45-4.30, drawing up a sentence with word chauffeur, Correction of the error in the video tutorial (lift).

    History of words "chauffeur":

  5. Working with a textbook:

    a) reading the exercise 136, the answer to the question than the words differ in each pair and that they are united: the students come to the conclusion that the pairs of invalid Russian and borrowed words are synonymous.

    b) Task: replace invoking Russian word-synonym chauffeur. (driver) lead your examples of such words of words (orally).

    c) conversation on questions:

    - What do you think, does the language make a richer for such steam synonyms?

    - How do you understand the statement of V. G. Belinsky?

    "All nations change words and occupy them with each other"

    - Why occur such exchanges, with which the borrowings are related?

  6. View video tutorial 4.38-5.50;

    distribution of words on thematic groups (orally);

    self-test discussion of outcomes (word museum It is difficult to attribute to any group, the words of household appliances can be attributed to everyday life, and to the technique, etc.).

  7. Fizminutka.

  8. Specographic work: Exercise 139, Written words, inserting missed letters (explanatory letter with interpretation of strangers' values).
  9. Is it possible to see the borrowed word among other words, is there any signs from the borrowed words? Acquaintance with the heading "It is interesting" (signs of borrowed words).

    Sometimes borrowed words can be found in the signs. For example, french words have accent on the last syllable ( metro, Kushn, Dispensary, Blinds); English - combinations J, Ing, Men ( jeans, rally, bowling, businessman); German - Kht combinations, pcs ( fine, plug).

    Almost all words beginning with A, F, E, are foreign language ( lampshade, watermelon, agent, ellipse, lantern). Iniquitous by origin are words with combinations of Ke, Ge, HE, PU, \u200b\u200bMJ, VU, BU ( keheli, hectare, cuvette, muesli), with a connection of two or more vowels at the root ( poE t, N.yua nS, D.uE l), with double consonants at the root ( butkk oRD, A.pP eating, T.nN. but), as well as unchangeable nouns and adjectives ( coat, color bordeaux).

  10. View video tutorial 6.53-8.19;

    the answer to the question of the benefits or harm of borrowing, comparison of couples of words (with a record), self-test.

    8.20-9.05: Listening to proposals, finding borrowed words, self-test. We draw attention to the pronunciation of borrowed words.

    9.10-9.31: Replacing the borrowed words by Russian synonyms (where possible), drawing up and writing proposals; self-test.

    9.32-9.50: The conclusion about the benefits of borrowed words and the need for their reasonable use, so as not to clog their native language.

  11. Summing up the lesson, reflection.
  12. Homework: §18;

    Exercise 143 orally: correctly say borrowed words, remember their regulatory pronunciation.

    Exercise 141 writing: Using paragraph material, prove that all listed words are foreign by origin. Write down the words and emphasize their foreign language signs. For what words can you specify the language source?

Help Pliz read examples of Russian words actually. What is the foundation in ?? you can divide these words to more "old" and more "young"? Write down words in 2 columns. Cumming, jam, cake, sad, suddenly, very, pilot, spit, rag, chicken, lunok, cosmodrome, bad weather, vacuum cleaner, shrub, ahead, minibus.


First column. Words that are used, old people: cake, jam, spit, rhose, chicken, shrub, words that are used by a comma smaller people: lunokhod, cosmodrome, vacuum cleaner, pellet, minibus, very, flyer, sad, suddenly, bad weather, ahead. Nerrogism (lunokhod, cosmodrome) are inherent to younger love, as they keep up with time with new Tesologies. Words rarely used in modern speech, outdated for a modern, young man (spit, cake) for the majority use the appendices of people. Some of the words can be attributed to each other posts. These words are neutral (jam, chicken, bad weather), as they can use a person of different ages

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  • English - two options (control) part 1 test work on basic sections english grammar Test No. 1 Vino-temporal forms of verb Level A I. Place the verb in the desired time. Translate offered. 1. The BRAIN (to include) The Brain. 2. He Already (To Write) The Report. 3. THEY (TO TAKE) THE EXAMINATION IN ANATOMY NOW. 4. The Bones (To Form) The Skeleton. 5. My Friend (To Enter) The University Two Years Ago. 6. The Students (to Finish) The Work by the End of the Week. II. Specify the overall question. 1. Striated Muscle Tissue Consists of Large Fibers. 2. We May Divide All Muscles INTO TWO GROUPS. III. Put questions to dedicated words. 1. The Backbone Is The Most Important Part of the Body. 2. The Students Worked At The Library Yesterday. IV. Select the correct translation of the verb facility. 1. I will finish the university in five years. A) SHALL GRADUATE B) GRADUATE C) SHALL HAVE GRADUATE 2. He writes an article now. a) WRITES B) IS Writing C) Write Level in Option 1 I. Place the verb in the desired time. Translate offered. 1. The Arms (To Join) The Body At The Shoulder, And The Shoulder IT-Self (to Consist) of Two Bones. 2. IT (To Snow) When we Went out of the University. 3. We (to Finish) The Work by 3 O'Clock Tomorrow. 4. WHEN WE ENERED THE CLASS, THE LESSON ALREADY (TO BEGIN). 5. The Doctor Already (To Examine) The Patient. II. Put questions to dedicated words. 1.The Bones of the Trunk Include The Spinal Column, The Ribs and the Breastbone. 2. Students Study Human Anatomy. 3. THERE ARE MANY NURSES AT A SURGICAL DEPARTMENT. III. Translate proposals into English. 1. We have already passed all exams. 2. This student missed the lecture yesterday. Option 2 I. Place the verb in the desired time. Translate offered. 1. WE (To Discuss) The Characteristic Features of Cardiac Muscles When He Entered The Classroom. 2. The Doctor Hopes That The Patient (To Get) Better in A Short Time. 3. First Year Students (To Work) in the Laboratory Now. 4. The Teacher Corrected The Tests Which The Students (To Write) The Day Beore. 5. My Friend (Not to Take) Any Treatment Since He Was Discharged from the Hospital. II. Put questions to dedicated words. 1. THEY COMPLEED THE COURSE OF STUDIES IN THERAPY. 2. The Bones of the Head Include The Bones Which Make Up the Skull. 3. SHE WILL WORK IN THE FIELD OF SURGERY. III. Translate proposals into English. 1. I will translate the text by the end of the week. 2. These students entered the institute two years ago. Level with I. Place the verb in the desired time. Translate offered. 1. The Teacher Says That We (to Study) The Bones of the Skeleton for Another Week. 2. INJURY TO THE NERVES WHICH INNERVATE MUSCLES (To Cause) Disturb-ances in Voluntary Movements. 3. The Patient (To Loose) 3 Kilograms of Weight This Month. 4. The Features of the Disease (To Vary) Among Individuals. 5. My Sister (Not to Take) ANY TREATMENT SINCE SHE WAS DISCHARGED FROM THE HOSPITAL. 6. The Pulmonary Function of the Lung During Pneumonia (To Change) in Different Stages of the Disease. II. Put questions to dedicated words. 1. The Doctor Pays Particular Attention to This Patient Because He is in a Very Poor State. 2. The Necessary Remedy Is On The Nurse's Table. III. How would you build a question offer if you wanted to learn: - WHEN YOUR FRIEND ENTERED tHE UNIVERSITY.; - WHERE SHE WILL WORK IN A YEAR; - How He Receives The Findings of His Experiments. IV. Translate proposals into English. 1. The patient slept when the surgeon came. 2. I will be a surgeon after 6 years.
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