Went of April 1943. On the labor front

Operational Order No. 6.

I decidedAs soon as the weather conditions are allowed to carry out the "Citadel" operation - the first offensive this year.

This occurrence is crushing. It should be completed rapid and decisive success. The offensive should give our hands the initiative for the spring and summer of this year.

In this regard, all preparatory activities must be carried out with the greatest care and energy. In the direction of the main blows, the best compounds must be used, the best weapons, the best commanders and a large amount of ammunition. Each commander, each ordinary soldier is obliged to penetrate the consciousness of the decisive value of this offensive. Victory under Kurk should appear torch for the whole world.

I order:

1. The purpose of the offensive is: a concentrated blow, spent decisively and fast forces of one shock army from the Belgorod region, and the other from the South Eagle region, by concentric offensive, surround the enemy's troops in the Kursk area and destroy them.

During this occurrence, in order to save forces, it should take a new abbreviated front on the level of non-part - p. Koroche-commercial - Tim-east schigr - r. Pine.

2. It is necessary

a) widely use the moment of suddenness and keep an opponent in ignorance primarily regarding the start time of the offensive;

b) ensure maximum massage of the drum forces on a narrow area so that using the local overwhelming superiority in all means of the offensive (tanks, assault guns, artillery, mortars, etc.), one blow to break the opponent's defense, to achieve the connection of both coming armies and thus closer the ring of the environment;

c) as soon as possible transfer from the depths of the force to cover the shock groups in order that the latter can move forward only;

d) timely blows from all directions on the surrounded enemy not to give him a breather and accelerate its destruction;

e) to carry out an offensive in a rapid pace so that the enemy cannot avoid environment and pull out powerful reserves from other front sites;

(e) By quickly creating a new front in a timely manner - to free up forces to perform subsequent tasks, especially movable connections.

3. The group of army "South" focused forces is hit from the turn of Belgorod-Tomarovka, the front is breaking at the turn of the Oboyan Prilepses, connects to Kursk and east of it on the upcoming army of the Center for the Center for the Center. To ensure the cover of the offensive from the east, as quickly as possible to reach the border of the unequish - p. Corocoa - a compete - TIN, but at the same time preventing the weakening of the massaging of the forces in the direction of the prilpets, hoists. To cover the offensive from the West, to use part of the forces that simultaneously put the task to strike at the enemy's surrounding grouping.

4. The group of army "Center" causes a massive blow to the upcoming army from the turn of the Cane - the area of \u200b\u200bnorth of Newarkhangelsk, breaks the front at the Fatar site, Serpento, focusing the main efforts on its east flank, and connects with the impact army of the "South" armies of Kursk and Eastern , To cover the upcoming group from the East, it is necessary as soon as possible to reach the turn of Tim - east of the schigr - p. Pine, without allowing the weakening of the forces in the direction of the main strike. To cover the upcoming group from the West, use part of the existing forces.

Parts of the Army Group "Center, entered into battle on the site west of r. The cable to the distinctive line with the South Army Group, have a task with the beginning of the offensive of the enemy by conducting local attacks by specially created shock groups and in a timely manner of strikes in the enemy's surrounding group. Continuous observation and aerial intelligence ensure timely autopsy of the enemy's waste. In this case, immediately go to the offensive to the entire front.

5. The concentration of the forces of both groups of army groups for the offensive in depth, away from the initial positions so that, starting from 28.4, for the sixth day after returning the order by the Main Command ground ForcesThey could start the offensive. At the same time, all measures should be taken on the disguise, the preservation of the mystery and the introduction of the enemy to delusion. The early onset of the onset is 3.5. The nomination to the initial positions for the offensive should be carried out only at night while complying with all the rules of disguise.

6. For the introduction of an enemy to delusion to continue in the band of the Army Group "South" to prepare the operation of Panther. Preparation should be strengthened by all means (demonstrative reconnaissions, nomination of tanks, focusing of the forwarding agents, radio engineering, actions of the agent, the spread of rumors, the use of aviation, etc.) and conduct it as long as possible. These events for the introduction of an enemy misconception should be effectively supported by the relevant defense activities of the troops there (see paragraph 11 of this Directive). In the strip of the Army Group, the Center should not be carried out on a large scale of the event on the introduction of the enemy in confusion, but all means must be hidden from the enemy a true picture of the situation (troop of troops in the rear and false transit, movement of transport during the daytime, dissemination of false information about timing The beginning of the offensive only in June, etc.).

In both groups of the army of the joint, newly arriving in the percussion armies must comply with the radio.

7. In order to comply with the mystery, only those persons whose attraction must be devoted to the operation of the operation. New faces should get acquainted with the idea gradually and, if possible later. This time it is necessary to certainly avoid that due to negligence or negligence, the enemy has become known about our plans. By enhancing counterintelligence, ensure a permanent fight against enemy spyings.

8. The troops intended for the offensive, given the spatially limited and exactly known goals of the offensive (in contrast to the previous operations), should leave in the rear of all the transport, without which you can do in the offensive, as well as any burdensome ballast. All this only interferes and can adversely affect the offensive gusting of troops and make it difficult to quickly approach the subsequent forces. Therefore, each commander must be imbued with the desire to take with me only what is necessary for the battle. Corps and divisions must strictly monitor the execution of this requirement. It is necessary to enter strict regulation of movements on the roads. It should be carried out the most decisive way.

9. Regulations on the supply, as well as immediate and full accounting of all captured prisoners, local residents and trophies, as well as on the conduct of propaganda of the enemy decomposition are given in Appendices 1-3.

10. Air Force also use all the available forces in the directions of the main strike. Immediately begin the coordination of issues of interaction with the command instances of the Air Force. Pay special attention to secrecy (see paragraph 7 of this Directive).

11. For the success of the offensive, it has a crucial importance that the enemy does not succeed in offensive actions in other areas of the front of the Army Groups "South" and "Center" to postpone us to postpone the beginning of the "Citadel" on or prematurely take the compounds participating in it. Therefore, both groups of armies should, along with the offensive operation, "Citadel" to prepare a systematically until the end of the month defense on the rest and primarily on the threatened areas of the front. At the same time, the construction of defensive positions should be accelerated by all means, cover the tactical directions with a sufficient number of anti-tank agents, to create tactical reserves, to operate in a timely manner with active actions of intelligence directions of the main blows of the enemy.

12. Upon completion of the operation, it is envisaged:

a) The transfer of a distinction line between the Army Groups "South" and "Center" on the general line of Konotop (for the Army Group "South") - Kursk (for the Army Group "South") - long (for the Army Group Center)

b) the transfer of the 2nd army in the composition of the three buildings and nine infantry divisions, as well as parts of the RGC, which will be refined, from the Center for the Army Center in the South Army Group;

c) the release of the Center for Army Center for more than three more divisions in the reserve of the chief command of the land forces in the North-West Kursk region;

d) output from the front of all mobile connections to use them in accordance with the new tasks. These plans must correspond to all movement of the compounds of the 2nd Army.

I reserve the right in the period of operation, depending on the course of hostilities, gradually rearrange the headquarters and compounds in clause 12.B of this order.

13. Groups of armies report on the preparation of the offensive and defensive actions conducted on the basis of this operational order, with an application of a scale of 1: 300,000 with an applied grouping of troops in the initial position, as well as the distribution tables of the parts of the RGC and the plan agreed with the command 4- AIR Fleet and Command of the East Air Force Communication Activities for Aerial support "Citadel", as well as an action plan for disinformation of the enemy. Presentation period - 24.4.

- * Applications are not published.

April 1, 1943. 649th day of war

On the evening of April 12 at a meeting, as a result of a thorough analysis of the situation, everyone agreed that the most likely target of the summer offensive of the German fascist troops would be the environment and destroying the main forces of the Central and Voronezh fronts in the Kursk arc. Subsequently, the development of success in the eastern and southeastern directions was not excluded, including Moscow. On this occasion, I. V. Stalin showed special concern. As a result, the main efforts were decided to focus in the Kursk area, pull the enemy here in a defensive operation here, and then go to the counteroffensive and finally trust it with the defeat. In order to avoid surprises, it was recognized as necessary to create a deep and durable defense on the entire strategic front, especially powerful - in the Kursk direction. In case the Hitler's command does not take an offensive in the near future, and it will delay it for a long time, another option was envisaged - the transition soviet troops To active actions, not expecting strikes of the enemy. (p. 123)

On April 17, 1943, tense air battles began in Kuban. Using favorable opportunities, German aviation captured in this section of the front initiative in the air. The command of the North Caucasian Front moves the main forces of the 4th and 5th air armies to the Novorossiysk area to help the troops of the 18th Army.

Sovinformbüro. During April 29, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 30, 1943. 678th day of war

North Caucasian Front. Over the next two days, the battles took an even more fierce character. The promotion of the troops of the 56th army prevented numerous mining and fire of the opponent's support points located in the depths of his defense. At the same time, the opponent's aviation applied strong blows on the combat orders of our artillery, depriving her opportunities to conduct an effective fire. In an effort to keep your defense, the enemy often passed into fierce counterattacks. Especially strong counterattacks, he took against the parts of the 11th Guards Rifle Corps. Guardsmen for two days were courageous than 6-8 hundred counterattacks per day.

On the Low Earth, Soviet troops continued to conduct fierce battles to eliminate the enemy, stunned into our defense at Mind Hair. By April 30, the troops of the landing group restored the position.

Sovinformbüro. During April 30, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

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Excerpt that characterizes the chronicle of the Great Patriotic War / April 1943

- Well, tell me so ... yes, how did you get myself going? He asked. And Terente began a story about the Moscow ruin, about the late graph and long standing with a dress, telling, and sometimes listening to the stories of Pierre, and, with a pleasant consciousness of the proximity to him, Barin and friendliness to him, went to the front.
Dr., who treated Pierre and visited him every day, despite the fact that, according to the doctors, he considered his duty to have the kind of man, every minute of which is precious for the suffering mankind, stunned by Pierre's clock, telling her favorite stories and observations over the nrules of patients at all And especially the ladies.
"Yes, with such a person to talk nice, not what we have, in the province," he said.
Several prisoners of French officers lived in Orel, and the doctor brought one of them, a young Italian officer.
This officer began to go to Pierre, and Princess laughed at the tender feelings that the Italian expressed to Pierre.
The Italian, apparently, was happy only when he could come to Pierre and talk and talk about his past, about his house life, about his love and pour him his indignation on French, and especially on Napoleon.
"If all Russians although a little like you," he said to Pierre, - C "EST Un Sacrilege Que De Faire La Guerre a Un Peuple Comme Le Votre. [This is blasphemy - fight with such a people like you.] You have suffered so much. From the French, you don't even have anger against them.
And the passionate love of the Italian Pierre now earned only the fact that he called in him the best sides of his soul and admired them.
The last time of Pierre's stay in Orel to him came his old familiar Mason - Count Villarsky, - the one who introduced him to the lie in 1807. Villarsky was married to rich Russian, having big estates in the Oryol province, and held a temporary place in the city in the city.
Having learned that Lyuhov in Orel, Villarsky, although he was never briefly familiar with him, came to him with the applications of friendship and proximity that people expressly express each other, meeting in the wilderness. Villarsky missed Eagle and was happy, having met a man with him a circle and with the same as he believed, interests.
But, to his surprise, Villarsky noticed soon that Pierre was very lagged on of real life And I fell, as he himself determined Pierre, in apathy and egoism.
- Vous Vous Encroutez, Mon Cher, [You are running, my dear.] - He said to him. Despite the fact that Villarsky was now more pleasant with Pierre than before, and he had been from him every day. Pierre, looking at Villarsky and listening to him now, strange and incredibly thinking that he himself was very recently the same.
Villarsky was married, a family man engaged in the wives of his wife and the service, and family. He believed that all these classes are a hindrance in life and that they all are condominized, because they are aimed at the personal benefit of him and family. Military, administrative, political, Masonic considerations were constantly absorbed by his attention. And Pierre, not trying to change his eyes, without condemning him, with his now constantly quiet, joyful mockery, admired this strange, so familiar to him the phenomenon.
In relations with Villarsky, with the princess, with the doctor, with all the people with whom he met now, in Pierre there was a new feature that threw him the location of all people: this recognition of the possibility of every person to think, feel and look at things in their own way; Recognition of the inability words to dissuade a person. This legitimate feature of every person who had previously worried and annoyed Pierre, now constituted the basis of the participation and interest he took in people. The difference, sometimes the committed contradiction of people with his life and between him, pleased Pierre and caused a mocking and meek smile in it.
In practical affairs, Pierre unexpectedly felt that he had a center of gravity, which was not before. Before, each monetary question, especially the requests for money, which he, as a very rich man, was very often given him to hopeless unrest and fearless. "Give or not give?" He asked himself. "I have, and he needs. But the other is even more necessary. Who needs more? Or maybe both deceivers? " And of all these assumptions, he had never found any exit and gave everyone until it was to give. For sure, in the same awake, he was first with every question relating to his condition, when one said that it was necessary to do so, and the other - otherwise.
Now, to his surprise, he found that there were no more doubts about all these issues. It was now the judge appeared, as unknown to him the very laws deciding what was needed and what it is not necessary to do.
He was just as before, indifferent to money; But now he undoubtedly knew what should do and what should not. The first application of this new judge was for him the request of the prisoner of the French Colonel, who came to him, who had told a lot about his exploits and at the end of the alleged demand that Pierre gave him four thousand francs to send his wife and children. Pierre without the slightest labor and tension refused to him, surprised later, as it was simple and easily what it seemed insoluble difficult. At the same time, refusing to the Colonel, he decided that it was necessary to use the trick for, leaving the eagle, to force the Italian officer to take the money in which he apparently needed. A new proof for Pierre His approved look at the practical affairs was his decision on the debts of his wife and on the resumption or renouncement of Moscow homes and cottages.
His chief manager came to the eagle, and Pierre made him a common account of his changed income. The fire of Moscow cost Pierre, according to the mainly managers, about two million.
The main right, in the consolation of these losses, presented to Pierre, the calculation that, despite these losses, its incomes not only will not decrease, but will increase, if he refuses to pay debts left after the Countess, which he cannot be obliged to If he does not resume Moscow houses and the Moscow region, which were worth eighty thousand annually and did not bring anything.
"Yes, yes, it's true," said Pierre, smiling having fun. - Yes, yes, I don't need anything like that. I became much richer from the ruin.
But in January, Savelich came from Moscow, told about the position of Moscow, about the estimation that the architect did him for the resumption of the house and the Moscow region, saying about it, as decided. At the same time, Pierre received a letter from Prince Vasily and other acquaintances from St. Petersburg. The letters discussed the debts of his wife. And Pierre decided that such a manager of the manager's plan was incorrect and that he needed to go to St. Petersburg to end the affairs of his wife and was built in Moscow. Why was it necessary, he did not know; But he knew no doubt that it was necessary. Revenues Its as a result of this decision decreased by three quarters. But it was necessary; He felt it.
Villarsky drove to Moscow, and they agreed to go together.
Pierre experienced a sense of joy, freedom, life at all of his recovery in Orel; But when he, during his journey, found himself on the free light, saw hundreds of new people, the feeling was even more intensified. He all tested the joy of a schoolboy on a vacation. All persons: a rummer, a caretaker, men on the road or in the village - everyone had a new meaning for him. The presence and comments of the Villarsky, who constantly complained about the poverty, backwardness from Europe, ignorance of Russia, just elevated the joy of Pierre. Where Villarsky saw the dead, Pierre saw the extraordinary mighty vulneral strength, the force that in the snow, in this space, supported the life of this whole, special and uniform people. He did not contradict Villarsky and, as if agreeing with him (since her pretended consent was the shortest means to circumvent reasoning, of whom could not go out), happily smiled, listening to him.

Just as it is difficult to explain why the ants of the scratched bodies rush, one away from the bodily, the burdens, eggs, eggs and dead bodies, others back to the bump - for which they face, catch up with each other, fight, - just as hard It would be possible to explain the reasons for those who made Russian people after the release of the French crowded in the place, which was first called Moscow. But as, looking at the ants scattered around the ruined bark, despite the complete destruction of the bodily, it is seen in the chain, energy, according to the countless insects, which is risen everything, besides something of an indestructible, the nice, constituting the full strength of the bore, is also And Moscow, in October, in the month, despite the fact that there was no bosses, nor churches, nor shrind, no wealth, nor houses, was the same Moscow as she was in August. Everything was destroyed, except for something inventiful, but powerful and indestructible.
The motives of people seeking from all sides to Moscow after her cleansing from the enemy were the most diverse, personal, and at the first time mostly - wild, animals. Only the urge was common to everyone - this is the desire of there, to the place that was first called Moscow, for the application there its activities.
A week later, there were already fifteen thousand inhabitants in Moscow, in two there were twenty-five thousand, etc. Everyone was towering and towering, the number of 1813 reached the figure, which is superior to the population of the 12th year.
The first Russian people who have entered into Moscow were the Cossacks of Winzinger's squad, men of neighboring villages and the inhabitants of the residents fled and hidden in its surroundings. Russians who joined the ruarseled Moscow, putting it plunder, began to rob too. They continued what the French did. Men's calls arrived in Moscow in order to take everything on the villages all that was thrown on the ruined Moscow houses and the streets. Cossacks were held out that they could, in their rates; The owners of the houses took all that they found other houses and transferred to themselves under the pretext that it was their property.
But the first robbers came other, third, and robbery every day, as the robbers increase, it became harder and more difficult and received more defined forms.
The French caught Moscow, although empty, but with all the forms of organically correctly lived the city, with his various shipments of trade, crafts, luxury, government controlled, religion. These forms were lifeless, but they still existed. There were rows, shops, shops, labases, bazaars - most with goods; were factories, craft institutions; There were palaces, rich houses filled with luxury objects; There were hospitals, ostery, physicians, churches, cathedrals. The more French remained, the more these forms of urban life were destroyed, and at the end everything merged into one inhapless, lifeless field of robbery.
The French robbery, the more he continued, the more destroyed the wealth of Moscow and the strength of robbers. Robberies of the Russians, from which the Russian capital began, the longer he continued, the more participants in him, the faster he restored the wealth of Moscow and the right life of the city.
In addition to the robbers, the people are the most diverse, inhibitable - who is curiosity, who is a duty of service, who is the calculation, is homeowners, clergy, higher and lower officials, merchants, artisans, men - from different sides, like blood to heart, - poured to Moscow.
A week later, men who came with empty bass, in order to take things from things, were stopped by the bosses and are forced to export dead bodies from the city. Other men, glancing about the failure of comrades, came to the city with bread, oats, hay, knocking up the price of each other to the price below for the same. The artels of the carpenters, hoping on the expensive earnings, every day included in Moscow, and new on all sides, they were drunk, they reinforced at home. The merchants in the Balagans opened trade. Harchevni, the stall courtyards were arranged in burnt houses. The clergy resumed the service in many not polling churches. The donors brought looted church things. Officials adjusted their tables with cloth and cabinets with papers in small rooms. The highest superiors and the police managed the distribution of the well-remaining good after the French. The owners of those houses, in which there were many things left for things, complained about the injustice of their all things to the grain fest; Others insisted that the French from different homes were brought to one place in one place, and because he was unjustly to give the owner at home those things that he was found. Branled the police; bribed it; They wrote ahead of the estimates on the chasing statements; Required assistance. Count Mozpotchin wrote his proclamation.

At the end of January, Pierre arrived in Moscow and settled in the surviving flaghel. He went to the count to the count, to some familiar who returned to Moscow, and was going to go to St. Petersburg on the third day. All tried victory; All boiled life in the ruined and coming capital. Pierra were all glad; Everyone wanted to see him, and everyone asked him about what he saw. Pierre felt particularly friendly located to all people he met; But unwittingly now he kept himself with all people's relatives, so as not to tie himself with something. He for all the questions he was done - important or the most insignificant, - answered the same indefinitely; They asked him: where will he live? Will it be built? When is he going to St. Petersburg and will the drawers take rebel? - He answered: yes, maybe I think, etc.
He heard about the growth that they are in Kostroma, and the thought of Natasha rarely came to him. If she came, then only as a pleasant memory of the last past. He felt not only free from everyday conditions, but also from this feeling that he, as he seemed to be deliberately in favor.
On the third day of his arrival in Moscow, he learned from Drubetsk, which Princess Marya in Moscow. Death, suffering, the last days of Prince Andrei often occupied Pierre and now with a new liveliness came to his head. Having learned at the lunch that Princess Marya in Moscow and lives in his not burnt house on an exaggeration, he drove to her at that same evening.
Dear to Princess Marya Pierre without ceasing thought about Prince Andrei, about his friendship with him, about various meetings with him and especially about the last in Borodin.
"Did he died in that evil mood in which he was then? Isn't it revealed to his explanation of life before death? " - thought Pierre. He remembered the Karataev, about his death and involuntarily began to compare these two people, so different and at the same time as much like love he had to both, and because both lived and both died.
In the very serious arrangement of the spirit, Pierre drove up to the house of the old prince. This house survived. There were traces of destruction in it, but the nature of the house was the same. The old waiter who met the old waiter with a strict face, as if wishing to give to feel the guest, that the lack of prince does not violate the order of the house, said that Princess was known to go into their rooms and accepted on Sundays.
- Ministers; Maybe they will take, - said Pierre.
- I listen to, - the waiter answered, - please in portrait.
A few minutes later, the waiter and the desala came to Pierre. The desala on behalf of the Princess handed over to Pierre that she was very glad to see him and asks if he excuses her for the unceremoniousness, enter the top in her room.
In a low room, lit by one candle, was sitting princess and someone else with her, in a black dress. Pierre remembered that with the prince there were always companions. Who are and what they are, these companions, Pierre did not know and did not remember. "This is one of the companion," he thought, looking at the lady in a black dress.
Princess quickly got to meet him and stretched out his hand.
"Yes," she said, peering into his changed face, after he kissed her hand, "this is how we meet you." He and recently often spoke about you, "she said, translating his eyes from Pierre on a companion with shyness, which for a moment I am struck by Pierre.
- I was already glad to find out about your salvation. It was the only joyful news that we received from a long time. - Again, more restlessly, the princess looked back at the companion and wanted to say something; But Pierre interrupted it.
"You can imagine that I knew nothing about him," he said. - I thought it was killed. All I learned, I learned from others, through third hands. I only know that he got to Rostov ... What a fate!
Pierre spoke quickly, lively. He looked at the face of the companion, saw a carefully curious look as directed to him, and, as it often happens during a conversation, he for some reason felt that this companion in a black dress was a cute, kind, glorious being that would not hurt him Sound conversation with prince Marya.
But when he said the last words about the growth, confusion in the person of Princess Marya put it even stronger. She again saddled his eyes from Pierre's face on the face of the lady in a black dress and said:
- You will not know?
Pierre glanced once again on pale, subtle, with black eyes and a strange mouth, the face of the companion. Something native, long forgotten and more than cute looked at him from these attentive eyes.
"But no, it can not be," he thought. - Is it a strict, thin and pale, aged face? It can not be she. This is only a memory of that. " But at that time, Princess Maria said: "Natasha". And the face, with attentive eyes, with difficulty, with effort, as the rusty door will be rewicted, - smiled, and from this dissolved door suddenly smelled and planted Pierre, for a long time forgotten happiness, about which, in particular now, he did not think. It smelled, covered and swallowed it all. When she smiled, no longer a doubt: it was Natasha, and he loved her.
In the first minute, Pierre involuntarily and her, and the princess Marya, and, most importantly, he said to himself by the unknown secret. He blushed joyfully and suffered painfully. He wanted to hide his excitement. But the more he wanted to hide him, the clearer - clearer than the most definite words, - he, and her, and the princess Marya said that he loves her.
"No, it's so, from surprise," Pierre thought. But just he wanted to continue the started conversation with Prince Marya, he looked at Natasha again, and the strongest paint covered his face, and even the strongest excitement of joy and fear embraced his soul. He confused in words and stopped in the middle of speech.
Pierre did not notice Natasha, because he did not expect to see her here, but he did not recognize it because he had happened in her since he did not see her, the change was huge. She lost weight and pale. But this did not make it unrecognizable: it could not be found in the first minute, as he entered, because on this face, in whose eyes, a casual smile of the joy of life was always shone, now, when he entered and looked at her for the first time, there was a shadow of smile; There were some eyes, attentive, kind and sad question.
An embarrassment of Pierre did not affect Natasha embarrassment, but only pleasure, a little markedly freshen all her face.

"She arrived to visit me," said Princess Marya. - Graph and Countess will be the other day. Countess in a terrible position. But Natasha had to see the doctor herself. She was forcibly sent with me.
- Yes, is there a family without your grief? - said Pierre, turning to Natasha. - You know that it was on the very day, as we were freed. I saw him. What was the adorable boy.
Natasha looked at him, and in response to his words, only her eyes opened more and lit up.
- What can I say or think about the consolation? - said Pierre. - Nothing. Why was it to die such a glorious, full life boy?
"Yes, in our time it would be difficult to live without faith ..." said Princess Marya.
- Yes Yes. This is the true truth, - Pierre's provenly interrupted.
- From what? - asked Natasha, looking carefully into the eyes of Pierra.
- How about? - said Princess Marya. - One thought about what awaits there ...
Natasha, without hearing the Princess Mary, again looked at Pierre.
"And therefore," Pierre continued, "that only the person who believes that there is God who manages us can transfer such a loss as her and ... Your," said Pierre.
Natasha has already revealed the mouth, wanting to say something, but suddenly stopped. Pierre hurried to turn away from her and turned back to Princess Mary with the question of the last days of his friend's life. An embarrassment of Pierre now almost disappeared; But at the same time he felt that all his former freedom had disappeared. He felt that he had a judge, a court, which is more expensive to him by the court of all people in the world. He spoke now and together with his own words, he thought that the impression was made by his words on Natasha. He did not speak on purpose that she could like her; But, whatever he spoke, he judged herself from her point of view.
Princess Marya is reluctant, as it always happens, began to tell the position in which she found Prince Andrew. But Pierre's questions, his lively restless look, his trembling from excitement, the face gradually forced her to go into the details she was afraid to renew himself in imagination.
"Yes, yes, so, so ..." said Pierre, foil forward with the whole body over Prince Marya and greedily listening to her story. - Yes Yes; So he calmed down? Softened? He always searched for one soul; Being quite good that he could not be afraid of death. The flaws that were in it - if they were, - not from him. So he softened? - said Pierre. "What a happiness that he mercates with you," he said Natasha, suddenly turning toward her and looking at her full of tears.
Natasha's face shuddered. She frowned and lowered his eyes for a moment. With a minute she oscillated: talk or not talking?
"Yes, it was happiness," she said to a quiet chest voice, "it was probably happiness for me. - She paused. "And he ... He ... He said that he wanted it, at that moment, as I came to him ..." Natasha's voice broke. She blushed, squeezed his hands on his knees and suddenly, apparently, having made an effort on himself, raised her head and quickly began to say:
- We did not know anything when they were driving from Moscow. I did not bother to ask about him. And suddenly Sonya told me that he was with us. I did not think anything could not imagine in which it is; I just had to see him, to be with him, "she said, trembling and choking. And, without giving interrupting herself, she told what she had never yet told anyone: all that she experienced in those three weeks of their travel and life to Yaroslavl.
Pierre listened to her with open mouth and not descending from her eyes, full tears. Listening to her, he did not think about Prince Andrei, nor about death, nor about what she told. He listened to her and only regretted her for the suffering that she experienced now, telling.
Princess, wrinkling from the desire to keep tears, sitting beyond Natasha and listened for the first time the story of these last days Love your brother with Natasha.
This painful and joyful story, apparently, was necessary for Natasha.
She said, stirring insignificant details with sincere secrets, and seemed to never cum. Several times she repeated the same thing.
Behind the door he was heard by the voice of Desala, asking if Nichochka could be in goodbye to say goodbye.
"Yes, that's all, all ..." Natasha said. She quickly stood up, while Nikiushka entered, and almost ran to the door, she broke his head about the door, covered by the core, and with a groan, not that pain, it did not break out of the room.
Pierre looked at the door in which she came out, and did not understand why he was suddenly one stayed around the world.
Princess Marya caused him from the scattering, turning his attention to the nephew, who entered the room.
The face of Nichushka, similar to his father, in a minute of a spiritual softening, in which Pierre was now, so it worked on him that he, kissed Nichushka, hastily got up and, delivering a scarf, went to the window. He wanted to say goodbye to Prince Marya, but she kept him.
- No, we are not satisfied with Natasha sometimes until the third hour; Please sit. I drove to dinner. Put down; We will come now.
Before Pierre came out, Princess told him:
"This is the first time she spoke so about him."

Pierre was conducted in the illuminated large dining room; A few minutes later the steps were heard, and Princess and Natasha entered the room. Natasha was calm, although strict, without a smile, the expression is now again established on her face. Princess Marya, Natasha and Pierre was equally tested by the feeling of awkwardness, which should be used to end with a serious and sincere conversation. It is impossible to continue the previous conversation; Talking about trifles is conscable, and it is unpleasant to be silent, because I want to say, and this silence seems to be pretending. They silently approached the table. The waiters moved down and pushed the chairs. Pierre turned a cold napkin and, deciding to interrupt silence, looked at Natasha and Princess Marry. Both, obviously, at the same time decided to the same: both in the eyes glowed a contentment and recognition that, except grief, there are joys.
- Do you drink vodka, graph? - said Princess Marya, and these words suddenly dispersed the shadows of the past.
"Tell me about yourself," said Princess Marya. - About you tell such incredible wonders.
"Yes," with his, now the usual, smile, mockery answered Pierre. - I myself even tell about such miracles, which I have not seen in a dream. Mary Abramovna invited me to himself and everything told me what happened to me, or it should have happened. Stepan Stepanych also taught me how I need to tell. In general, I noticed that being an interesting person is very deceased (I am now interesting person); My name is and tell me.
Natasha smiled and wanted to say something.
"We were told," Maryary's princess interrupted her, "that you lost two million in Moscow." Is it true?
"And I became three times richer," said Pierre. Pierre, despite the fact that the debts of the wife and the need for the buildings changed him, continued to tell that he was three times richer.
- What I won undoubtedly, he said, "so this freedom ..." he began seriously; But he thought to continue, noticing that it was too selfish subject of conversation.
- Do you build?
- Yes, Savelich Tell.
- Tell me, you did not know about the death of the Countess when they were left in Moscow? - said Princess Marya and immediately blushed, noticing that, making this question after his words that he was free, she attributes him the words such a meaning they could have had no.
"No," Pierre answered, not finding, obviously, an awkwardly interpretation, which Dalazhna Marya gave his mention of his freedom. - I recognized it in Orel, and you can not imagine how it struck me. We were not exemplary spouses, "he said quickly, looking at Natasha and noticing her curiosity in his face how he would respond about his wife. "But death struck me scary me." When two people quarrel - always both to blame. And his wines are suddenly terribly severely in front of a person who is no longer more. And then such death ... without friends, without consolation. I am very, very sorry to EE, "he cumshot and gladly noticed joyful approval on Natasha's face.
"Yes, you're again bachelor and the bridegroom," said Princess Marya.
Pierre Suddenly Baghrovo blushed and tried not to look at Natasha for a long time. When he decided to look at her, her face was cold, strictly and even contemptuously, as it seemed.
"But you're just seen and spoke with Napoleon, as we were told?" - said Princess Marya.
Pierre laughed.
- Never, never. Always everything seems to be in captivity - it means to be visiting Napoleon. I not only did not see him, but did not hear about him. I was much in the worst society.
Dinner ended, and Pierre, first refused to talk about his captivity, gradually involved in this story.
- But the truth is that you stayed to kill Napoleon? - asked his Natasha, smiling slightly. - I was then guessed when we met you at the Sukhareva Tower; Remember?
Pierre admitted that it was true, and from this question, gradually leading the princesses of Marya and especially Natasha, was involved in a detailed story about their adventures.
At first he told with the mocking, with a meek glance that he was now on people and especially on himself; But then, when he reached the story about the horrors and sufferings, which he saw, he, without noticing, carried away and began to speak with a restrained human excitement, in the memoirs of experiencing strong impressions.
Princess Marya with a meek smile looked at Pierre, then on Natasha. She saw only Pierre in all this story and his kindness. Natasha, leaning on his hand, with a constantly changing, along with the story, the expression of the face, followed, not for a minute, without breaking down, for Pierre, apparently, experiencing with him together what he told. Not only her view, but exclamations and short questions she did, showed Pierre, that from what he told, she understood exactly what he wanted to convey. It was seen that she understood not only what he told, but also that he would like and could not express in words. About his episode with a child and a woman, for the protection of which he was taken, Pierre told this way:
- It was a terrible sight, the children were thrown, some in the fire ... with me pulled out a child ... Women from whom stuffed, pulled out earrings ...
Pierre blushed and jumped.
- Here the traveling came, and all those who were not robbed, all men were taken away. And me.
- You, right, not everyone tells; You, right, did something ... - Natasha said and packed, - good.
Pierre continued to tell on. When he told about the execution, he wanted to bypass terrible details; But Natasha demanded that he missed anything.
Pierre began to tell about Karataeva (he already got out of the table and walked, Natasha watched his eyes) and stopped.
- No, you can't understand what I learned from this illiterate person - fool.
"No, no, say," Natasha said. - Where is he?
- He was killed by almost me. "And Pierre began to tell the last time of their retreat, Karataeva's disease (his voice trembled incessantly) and his death."
Pierre told his adventure as he had never told them to anyone, as he himself had never remembered them with him. He now saw as if a new meaning in all that he survived. Now that he told all this Natasha, he experienced that rare pleasure that women listening to a man - not smart women who listen, try or remember what they were told to enrich their mind and at the case of retelling same or to adapt to his smart speeches developed in their small mental farm; And the pleasure that real women give the ability to choose and absorb all the best, which only is in manifestations of a man. Natasha, herself is not knowing this, there was all the attention: she did not miss the word nor voting votes, nor glance, nor tore the muscle of the face nor the gesture of Pierre. She caught the evening yet expressed word and directly introduced into his opened heart, guessing secret meaning All peaceful work of Pierre.
Princess Maria understood the story, sympathized with him, but she now saw another, which absorbed all her attention; She saw the possibility of love and happiness between Natasha and Pierre. And for the first time she came this thought filled her soul joy.
It was three o'clock in the morning. Waiters with sad and rigorous persons came to change the candles, but no one noticed them.
Pierre cumshots his story. Natasha brilliant, lively eyes continued hard and carefully look at Pierre, as if wishing to understand the rest, that he did not express, maybe. Pierre in the smaller and happy embarrassment occasionally looked at her and invented, to say now to translate the conversation to another subject. Princess Marya was silent. It never occurred to anyone that three in the morning and that it is time to sleep.
"They say: misfortunes, suffering," said Pierre. - Yes, if now, I would say this minute: you want to stay, what was you before the captivity, or first survive all this? For God's sake, a captive and horsepower meat once again. We think that we will throw out of the usual path, that everything is gone; And here only begins new, good. While there is life, there is and happiness. There are many ahead, a lot. I tell you, "he said, turning to Natasha.
"Yes, yes," she said, responding to completely different, "and I would not want anything as soon as I survive first."
Pierre looked at her carefully.
- Yes, and nothing more, - confirmed Natasha.
"It's not true, it is not true," Pierre shouted. - I am not guilty that I am alive and want to live; and you too.
Suddenly Natasha lowered his head on his arms and cried.
- What are you, Natasha? - said Princess Marya.
- Nothing, nothing. - She smiled through the tears of Pierre. - Farewell, it's time to sleep.
Pierre got up and said goodbye.

Princess Marya and Natasha, as always, came together in the bedroom. They talked about what Pierre told. Princess Marya did not tell his opinion about Pierre. Natasha also did not talk about him.
"Well, forgive, Marie," Natasha said. - You know, I often fear that we are not talking about him (Prince Andrei), as if we are afraid to humiliate our feeling, and forget.
Princess Marya sighed heavily and this sigh recognized the justice of the words Natasha; But words she did not agree with her.
- Is it possible to forget? - she said.
- I was so good today to tell everything; And heavily, and hurt, and good. Very good, "Natasha said," I am sure that he definitely loved him. From this I told him ... Nothing I told him? "Suddenly blushing, she asked."
- Pierre? Oh no! What is his beautiful, said Princess Marya.
"You know, Marie," Suddy said Natasha with a playful smile, who did not see the princess of Marya for a long time on her face. - He became some clean, smooth, fresh; Exactly from the bath, do you understand? - Moral from the bath. Truth?
"Yes," said Princess Marya, "he won a lot.
- and a sleeper short, and cutting hair; For sure, well, exactly from the bath ... Dad, it happened ...
"I understand that he (Prince Andrei) did not like anyone like him," said Princess Marya.
- Yes, and he is special from him. It is said that the friendly men, when completely special. It must be true. True, he does not like him at all anything?
- Yes, and wonderful.
"Well, goodbye," answered Natasha. And the same playful smile, as if forgotten, remained on her face for a long time.

Pierre could not fall asleep on this day; He went back and forth on the room, he frowned, thinking in something difficult, suddenly shrugging and shuddering, then smiling happily.
He thought about Prince Andrei, about Natasha, about their love, and he was jealous of her for the past, he reproached, then forgive himself for it. It was already six o'clock in the morning, and he walked around the room.
"Well, what to do. Just if it is impossible without it! What to do! So, so necessary, "he said himself and hastily undressed, lay down in bed, happy and excited, but without doubt and indecision.
"It is necessary, oddly enough, no matter how impossible this happiness is, it is necessary to do everything to be with her husband and wife," he said to himself.
Pierre once a few days before this appointed his departure to St. Petersburg on Friday. When he woke up, on Thursday, Savelich came to him for orders about laying things on the road.
"How to St. Petersburg? What is Petersburg? Who in St. Petersburg? "Involuntarily, although he asked him." "Yes, something for a long time, long ago, before it happened, I wanted to go to Petersburg," he remembered. - From what? I will go, maybe. What kind of good, attentive, how he remembers everything! He thought, looking at the old face of Savelich. - And what a pleasant smile! " He thought.
- Well, you don't want to do everything, Savelich? - asked Pierre.
- Why should I, your beggar, will? With the late column, the kingdom of heaven, they lived and do not see offense with you.
- Well, and children?
- And the children will live, your shyness: you can live for such gentlemen.
- Well, and my heirs? - said Pierre. "Suddenly I get married ... because it can happen," he added with a unwitting smile.
- And dare to report: a good deal, your fortification.
"How he thinks it's easy," Pierre thought. - He does not know how terrible, as dangerous. Too sooner or too late ... Scary! "
- How do you please order? Tomorrow I will learn to go? - asked Savelich.
- Not; I will postpone a little. I'll tell you then. You are sorry for the troubles, "said Pierre and, looking at Svelich's smile, thought:" As strange, however, that he does not know that now there is no St. Petersburg and that, above all, it is necessary that it is necessary. However, he, right, knows, but only pretends. Talk to him? How does he think? - thought Pierre. - No, after ever. "
For breakfast, Pierre told Princess that he was yesterday with the princessed Marya and caught there, - can you imagine someone? - Natalie Rostov.
Princess pretended that she did not see anything more unusual in this as the fact that Pierre saw Anna Semenovna.
- Do you know her? - asked Pierre.
"I saw Princess," she answered. - I heard that she was watched for young Rostov. It would be very good for growth; They say they completely broke.
- No, Rostov do you know?
- I heard only about this story. Very sorry.
"No, she does not understand or pretend," Pierre thought. "It's better not to tell her too."
Princess also prepared provisions on Pierre's road.
"How good they are all," thought Pierre, - that they are now, when it probably can not be more interesting to them, do all this. And all for me; That's what is surprising. "
On the same day, a police officer came to Pierre with a proposal to send trusted in the grain ward to receive things that were distributed now to the owners.
"That's this too," Pierre thought, looking into the face of police officer, - what a glorious, beautiful officer and how kind! Now engaged in such trifles. And they say that it is not honest and enjoys. What nonsense! And however, why doesn't it use him? He is so raised. And everyone is doing. And such a pleasant, kind face, and smiles, looking at me. "
Pierre went to dinner for the princess Mary.
Driving through the streets between the firewalls of the houses, he was surprised in the beauty of these ruins. Chimney pipes of houses, fenced walls, picturesque reminding Rhine and the Colosseum, stretched, hiding each other, along the burnt quarters. Meeting cabins and rises, carpenters, chopped logs, trafficking and shopkeepers, all with merry, shining faces, looked at Pierre and said as if: "And here he! Let's see what will come out of this. "
At the entrance to the house, the Princess Maryi on Pierre found doubt about the justity that he was here yesterday, saw Natasha and spoke to her. "Maybe I am invented. Maybe I will not see anyone. " But he did not have time to enter the room, as in all his essence, according to the instant deprivation of his freedom, he felt her presence. She was in the same black dress with soft folds and also combed, as well as yesterday, but she was completely different. If she was like that yesterday, when he entered the room, he could not know her for a moment.
She was like that he knew her almost a child and then Bride Prince Andrew. Cheerful question glitter glowed in her eyes; On the face there was a gentle and strange playful expression.
Pierre dined and would sit all evening; But the princess Marya was driving to the midst, and Pierre left with them together.
The next day, Pierre arrived early, dined and promoted the whole evening. Despite the fact that the princess of Marya and Natasha were obviously glad to the guest; Despite the fact that the whole interest of the life of Pierre focused now in this house, in the evening they talked everything, and the conversation turned indifferent from one insignificant subject to another and often interrupted. Pierre stopped this evening so late that the princess of Marya and Natasha looked around between him, obviously expecting whether he would soon leave. Pierre saw it and could not leave. He got hard, embarrassing, but he sat down, because he could not climb and leave.

Spring in 1943.

Oh, how beautiful is the day of the Spring!
But we fight and go to battle again,
We liberate our people and our land -
From those who become brown plague!

April 1, 1943. 649th day of war. The rate of the Supreme Command. The number of armies in the spring reserve in the spring of 1943 increased from four army (24, 62, 66 and 2nd reserve) as of March 1, 1943, up to ten. By April 1, the reserve bets were: 24, 46, 53, 57, 66, 6th Guards, 2nd and 3rd reserve hostworm army, and two more tanks - 1st and 5th Guards.
Sovinformbüro. During April 1, there were no significant changes on the fronts.
; April 2, 1943. Moscow. In response to the decision of the US and England governments, stop sending caravans by northern Path The head of the Soviet government sent a message on April 2, in which it was said: "I understand this unexpected act, as a catastrophic reduction in the supply of military raw materials and weapons to the Soviet Union by the United Kingdom and the United States, since the path through the Great Ocean is limited tonnage and a little reliable, but south Path It has a small bandwidth, in view of which both of these paths cannot compensate for the termination of the court on the northern way. It is clear that this circumstance cannot but affect the position of Soviet troops. "
Sovinformbüro. The results of the Winter Campaign of the Red Army (from November 10, 1942 to March 31, 1943) March 31, p. G. Red Army completed the winter campaign against the German fascist troops. During the winter campaign, the Soviet troops caused severe military defeats with enemy armies. The Red Army inflicted the German fascist troops in the history of wars defeat under Stalingrad, defeated the German troops in the North Caucasus and Kuban, defeated a number of heavy defeats by the enemy in the middle day and Voronezh district, eliminated the enemy bridgeheads on the central front (Rzhev - Gzhatsk - Vyazma) and In the area of \u200b\u200bDemyansk, broke the blockade of Leningrad.
For 4 months and 20 days of the onset of the Red Army in the oldest conditions of winter, west advanced in some areas up to 600-700 kilometers. Soviet troops freed from German invaders a huge territory in 480,000 square kilometers. As a result of the onset of the Red Army, the countries of the country, having an important economic and military-strategic importance, were purified from the enemy ...
During the onset of the Red Army from November 10, 1942 to March 31, 1943, the following trophies were captured by our troops: airplanes - 1.490, tanks - 4.670, guns of different caliber - 15.860, mortars - 9.836, machine guns - 30.705, rifles - over 500,000, shells - 17 million, cartridges - 128 million, cars - 123.000, steam locomotives - 890, cars - 22.000, warehouses with different military property - 1.825, as well as a large number of radio stations, motorcycles and many other military assets. During the same time, our troops destroyed 3.600 enemy aircraft, 4.520 tanks, 4.500 guns. In total, the opponent during our winter offensive lost: airplanes - 5.090, tanks - 9.190, guns - 20.360. From November 10, 1942, on March 31, 1943, 343.525 enemy soldiers and officers were captured. During the same time, the enemy lost only killed more than 850,000 soldiers and officers.
During April 2, there were no significant changes on the fronts.
; April 3, 1943. Sovinformbüro. During April 3, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 4, 1943. Voronezh Front. On April 4, the commander of the Voronezh Front General of the Army Army N. F. Vatutin proposed the commander of the 2nd air army of Lieutenant General S. A. Krasovsky "To conduct a very large and long-term operation on the destruction of the opponent's aviation at its airfields on a well-thought-out and developed plan to joint efforts in South -Waspad front, our front, Golovanov (mean aviation of long-range), central and southern fronts in order to maximize the power of the opponent's aviation, which is currently the main means of preparing and maintaining the offensive ... with successful one Operations we will achieve almost a breakdown of the offensive. "; North Caucasian Front. On April 4, the army of the North Caucasian Front (I. I. Maslennikov) began an offensive against the German 17th Army, which established on the Taman Peninsula. At 9 am, the 56th Army passed into the offensive on the village of Crimea \u003d the main support point for the enemy's defense. Defining on a strongly fortified turn, the enemy had a stubborn resistance. To the outcome of the day of the compound 56 of the army advanced forward and went to the Eastern Crimean railway. Gitlerians were fiercely resisted, frequently turning into a counterattack. ; Sovinformbüro. During April 4, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 5, 1943. North Caucasian Front. On April 5, the weather was still bad. Continuous pouring rains greatly hampered the actions of the troops. The River Adagum, the second, the band came out of the banks and flooded the site where the 2nd Guards Rifle and 83rd mining divisions acted. All roads were blurred and filled with water. Ammunition and food were delivered to troops with great difficulties, manually. Soviet soldiers often had to move vyhod for wetlands. Despite this, the commander of the FRONT I. I. Maslennikov decided to continue the offensive.; Sovinformbüro. During April 5, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 6, 1943. The rate of the Supreme Command. Directive Rate of the Supreme Commands created a backup (steppe) front. Commander Front - Lieutenant-General M. M. Popov, Member of the Military Council - Lieutenant-General L. 3. Mehlis, Head of Staff - Lieutenant-General M. V. Zakharov.; North Caucasian Front. The command of the 56th Army began to regroup to seal their combat orders and creating impact groups in the breakthrough sites. Some connections were assigned to rest, and their place occupied fresh forces.
Sovinformbüro. During April 6, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 7, 1943. Moscow. Published a message of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, which said that in two months there was a release State loan Defense and not to burden the population by excessive expenses, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR asks citizens and citizens to stop on April 7 of this year, voluntary individual and collective contributions money to the Red Army Foundation.
Sovinformbüro. During April 7, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 8, 1943. Voronezh Front. After analyzing information about the position of the enemy's troops in the Eagle, Sum, Belgorod area and Kharkov G. K. Zhukov sent the following report by the Supreme Commander: "Comrade Vasilyev. 5 h. 30 min. On April 8, 1943 I report my opinion on the possible actions of the enemy in the spring and summer of 1943 and considerations about our defensive battles for the near future.
1. The enemy, which lazed large losses in the winter campaign of 42/43 years, apparently, will not be able to create large reserves for the spring to reiterate an offensive for capturing the Caucasus and the exit to the Volga with the goal of deep bypass Moscow. Due to the limited major reserves, the enemy will be forced in the spring and in the first half of the summer of 1943 to deploy its offensive actions on a narrower front and solve the task strictly in stages, having the main goal of the campaign seizure of Moscow ...
2. Apparently, at the first, stage, the enemy, collecting the maximum of his forces, including up to 13-15 tank divisions, with the support of a large number of aviation will strike with its Oryol-Krobyan group bypassing Kursk from the North-East and Belgorod-Kharkov grouping in Bypass Kursk from the south-east ...
3. At the second stage, the enemy will strive to go to the flank and rear to the south-western front in the general direction through Valuyki-Urazovo ...
4. In the third stage, after the corresponding rearrangement, the enemy may seek to enter the front Liski-Voronezh-Elets and, bonded in the southeast direction, can organize a blow to around Moscow from the southeast through Rannburg-Ryazhsk-Ryazan.
5. It should be expected that the enemy this year the main rate during offensive actions will do on its tank divisions and aircraft, since its infantry is now much weaker prepared for offensive actions than last year. Currently, in front of the central and Voronezh fronts, the enemy has up to 12 tank divisions and, tightening 3-4 tank divisions from other plots, may chase against our Kursk group up to 15-16 tank divisions with a total number of up to 2500 tanks.
6. In order for the enemy to deal with our defense, in addition to measures to strengthen the Central and Voronezh fronts, we need to collect as quickly as possible from passive sites and transfer the rates to the reserve for threatened areas of 30 ITTAP regiments; All shelves of self-propelled artillery to focus on the plot of the shower-castor-art. Oskol. Part of the regiments are preferably allowed to give Rokossovsky and Vatutin to enhance as many aviation as possible in the reserve of the bet so that the massive blows of aviation in collaboration with tanks and rifle compounds break the impact groups and disrupt the opponent's offensive plan ...
The transition of our troops in the offensive in the coming days in order to predict the enemy consider it inappropriate. It will be better if we are exhausting the enemy on our defense, we will choose its tanks, and then by introducing fresh reserves, the transition to the overall offensive finally achieve the main grouping of the enemy. "; Sovinformbüro. During April 8, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 9, 1943. Sovinformbüro. During April 9, there were no significant changes on the fronts.
April 10, 1943. The rate of the Supreme Command. I. V. Stalin ordered the convocation at the rate of April 12 of the Special Meeting to discuss the plan of the summer campaign. By this term, the General Staff was obliged to find out the considerations of commander of the fronts regarding the possible nature of the action and the likely direction of the strikes of the German-fascist troops. Head of the headquarters of the Central Front (K. K. Rokossovsky) Lieutenant General M. S. Malinin was reported on April 10 to the General Staff: "4. The goal and the most likely directions for the enemy's offensive in the spring-summer period of 1943 are:
(a) Given the presence of forces and funds, and the main results of offensive operations of 1941-1942, in the spring-summer period of 1943, the opponent should be expected only on the Kursk-Voronezh operational direction. In other directions, the offensive of the enemy is hardly possible ...
d) to regrouping and concentrating troops on probable for the onset of directions, as well as to the creation of the necessary reserves, the enemy can begin after the end of the Spring dishthele and spring flood. Consequently, the transition of the enemy into a decisive offensive can be expected approximately in the second half of May 1943.
5. In the conditions of this operational situation, it would be advisable to take the following measures:
a) the united efforts of the troops of the Western, Bryansky and Central Fronts to destroy the Orytnam's Orlovsk group and this to deprive his ability to strike from the Eagle region through the pliers to the custom, seize the most important railway line Mtsench-Eagle Kursk and to deprive the opponent's ability to use the Bryanskone Dirt roads ... "; Sovinformbüro. During April 10, there were no significant changes on the fronts.
April 11, 1943. Sovinformbüro. During April 11, there were no significant changes on the fronts.;
April 12, 1943. The rate of the Supreme Command. Command of the Voronezh Front (F. I. Golikov) on April 12 presented his considerations: "... It should be expected that the enemy in front of the Voronezh Front will be able to create a shock group by force of up to 10 tank divisions and at least six infantry divisions, only 1500 tanks, which should be concentrated Expect in the area of \u200b\u200bBorisovka-Belgorod-Murom-Cossack Lopan. This shock group can be supported by strong aviation of about 500 bombers and at least 300 fighters. The Entriet's intention is to apply concentric blows from the Belgorod area to the northeast and from the Eagle area to the southeast, in order to surround our troops, located west of Belgorod-Kursk. In the future, the opponent should be expected in the south-east direction to the flank and the rear of the South-Western Front, in order to act in the northern direction. However, it is not eliminated that this year the enemy will refuse the plan of the offensive to the southeast and will conduct another plan, it is after concentric blows from the Belgorod region and an eagle, he will note the offensive to the northeast to bypass Moscow ... "
On the evening of April 12 at a meeting, as a result of a thorough analysis of the situation, everyone agreed that the most likely target of the summer offensive of the German fascist troops would be the environment and destroying the main forces of the Central and Voronezh fronts in the Kursk arc. Subsequently, the development of success in the eastern and southeastern directions was not excluded, including Moscow. On this occasion, I. V. Stalin showed special concern. As a result, the main efforts were decided to focus in the Kursk area, pull the enemy here in a defensive operation here, and then go to the counteroffensive and finally trust it with the defeat. In order to avoid surprises, it was recognized as necessary to create a deep and durable defense on the entire strategic front, especially powerful - in the Kursk direction. In case the Hitler's command does not take an offensive soon, and it will draw it for a long time, another option was envisaged - the transition of Soviet troops to active actions, not expecting the opponent's blows.
Sovinformbüro. During April 12, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 13, 1943. Katyn. On April 13, the Berlin Radio transferred an emergency message that in the village of Katyn's village in the Smolensk region, the German authorities found a mass burial of prisoners of war of Polish officers who were shot by the NKVD bodies in 1940.
Sovinformbüro. During April 13, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 14, 1943. North Caucasian Front. On April 14, the troops of the North Caucasian Front again moved to the offensive. At the turn of r. The second troops of the 56 armies broke the opponent's resistance and went to the railway southeastern bridge over the river. Adagum, state farm "five-year plan" (5 km south of red), Taranov's beam, and at the cross farm site almost close to the village of Crimean. The enemy had cruel resistance, moving into continuous counterattacks. Particularly strong fights broke out the south of the Crimean, where the 383rd Division and the 61st Rifle Division of Major General S. N. Kuznetsova occurred. As a result of a long and extremely strained battle, the enemy could not fully restore the position of his defense.
Sovinformbüro. During April 14, there were no significant change on the fronts.

April 15, 1943. Moscow. The Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces adopted a decree "On the introduction of a military situation at all railways"For the period of the war, all workers and employees of the transport of transport were considered mobilized and secured to work on transport, for crimes in service, transport workers were attracted to justice on a par with the Red Army's military personnel.
The rate of the Supreme Command. The BGK rate transformed the backup front in the steppe in (July 9, 1943 was renamed to the steppe front) of the district included the territory of the Voronezh, Kursk, Tambov and Rostov regions, the management was in Voronezh. The commander of the district appointed - Colonel-General M M Popov.
North Caucasian Front. The command of the North Caucasian Front (I. I. Maslennikov) decided to resume the 56th Army on April 15 from 7 o'clock in the morning, but at 6:30 and 30 minutes the opponent himself went to the counterattack. Enemy aircraft continuously hung over our positions. On that day, 1560 airframes of the enemy were noted. Such a massive strike of aviation pressed our troops to the ground, and artillery was forced to stop the fire. Three days the enemy continuously counteracted our troops, striving for anything to restore the situation in the Crimean area.
Sovinformbüro. During April 15, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 16, 1943. Sovinformbüro. Gnus fabrication of the German fascist executioners. Goebbels slanders over the past two or three days spread the vile slanderous fabrications about alleged in the spring of 1940 in the area of \u200b\u200bSmolensk by the mass execution by the Soviet bodies of Polish officers. The German-fascist bastards in this new monstrous fiction do not stop in front of the most disadvantageous and subsension lies, which they try to cover the unheard of crimes committed, as it is now obvious, they themselves.
German fascist messages on this occasion leave no doubt tragic fate Former Polish prisoners of war in 1941 in areas of West Smolensk on construction work and came with many soviet people, residents of the Smolensk region, in the hands of the German fascist executioners in the summer of 1941 after the departure of the Soviet troops from the Smolensk district.
There is no doubt that Goebbels slanderers lie and slander are trying to hide the bloody crimes of Hitler's robbers. In his clumsily silent Brechna about numerous graves, allegedly open by the Germans near Smolensk, Goebbels liars mention the village of nesting, but they silently silence that it was near the village of nesting archaeological excavations The historical "nesting burial ground". Hitler's Master's Affairs are launched on the most gross fake and fake fake, spreading slanderous fakes about some Soviet atrocities in the spring of 1940 and trying, thus, to take responsibility for the brutal crimes committed by Hitlermen.
Patented German-fascist killers who have grown their hands in the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims, systematically exterminating the population of the countries occupied by them, without reducing not children, nor women, nor old people who destroyed in Poland itself, many hundreds of thousands of Polish citizens, no one will fail to deceive with their prayer Lit and slander. Hitler's killers will not leave just and imminent retribution for their bloody crimes.
During April 16, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 17, 1943. Katyn. On April 17, the Polish government in exile appealed to the International Red Cross with a request to investigate the death of officers in Katyn, at the same time he instructed his ambassador in Moscow to seek clarifications to the Soviet government. On the same day, the Commission of the Polish Red Cross began to work at the burial site.; North Caucasian Front. The strong pressure of the troops of the 56th Army on the Crimean forced the fascists to appeal the beginning of the operation to eliminate the Soviet bridgehead for Myshako. In the Myshacco region, the Germans were created a special combat group of Worthy General by force to four infantry divisions with a total number of about 27 thousand people, 500 guns and mortars, over 1200 aircraft. On April 17, the opponent went to the attack on Myshako. On this day, in the aviation raid on a small block of land in the Myshako region, according to the testimony of the Hitlerians themselves, "1074 aircraft participated, including 361 bomber, 71 attack aircraft, 401 piquetting bomber, 206 fighters and 4 tank fighters." The fighters and commanders of the 18th Army, despite the hurricane fire of artillery and aviation of the enemy, resistantly held their positions. At the cost of large loss parts of the 4th mountain rifle Division The enemy managed to capture only a small area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain purified from the forest in 2 km southeast Mindhako.
On April 17, 1943, tense air battles began in Kuban. The command of the North Caucasian Front moves the main forces of the 4th and 5th air armies to the Novorossiysk area to help the troops of the 18th Army.
Sovinformbüro. During April 17, there were no significant changes at the fronts.

April 18, 1943. North Caucasian Front. April 18, the Deputy Supreme Commander Marshal arrived at the headquarters of the Front Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov. After reading the situation, he ordered the commander to postpone the beginning of the 56th Army from April 20-25. But this time was not enough. In the period from April 18 to April 29, a number of highly important measures to improve the operational management of parts were held in the front troops on the instruction of Marshal Zhukov technical support. The compounds were urgently staffed with fresh forces, management bodies strengthened. In the 9th and 37th Arms from the number of volunteers, special detachments were created for action through smoothness in order to capture the bridgeheads on the opposite shores of the River Kurka and Kuban. For these detachments were selected from the locals of the conductors. Sipers and troops were preparing a forwarding agent. In addition to the preparation of the onset of the 56th Army, measures were also taken to restore the defense of the troops on Myshako, to ensure the sustainability of defense and the establishment of uninterrupted supply to them with everything necessary. All these events allowed the troops of the North Caucasus front to prepare well for the offensive.
Group of the German armies "South". Manstein: "After the end of the winter battles, in connection with the beginning, I was forced to take a vacation ... On April 8, I sent him a letter destined for Hitler, in which I once again expressed the point of view that the victory under Kursk will reimburse us all temporary defeats in other areas Front group. Further, I emphasized that the sooner we start the "Citadel" operation, the less the danger of a large counteroffensive enemy to the Donbass. "
Sovinformbüro. During April 18, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 19, 1943. North Caucasian Front. From April 17 to April 19, the air battles were held with varying success. Soviet pilots applied significant losses with enemy aviation, reducing its effectiveness of it.
Sovinformbüro. During April 19, there were no significant changes at the fronts.

April 20, 1943. North Caucasian Front. Having tightening the reserves, on April 20, the enemy undertook the most powerful offensive against the defenders of a small earth. Martialctions Aviation of both sides in the Myshaco area reached the highest voltage. With its massive actions, Soviet aviation was sought by an opponent's offensive, forced enemy aviation to reduce their activity. On this day, part of the forces of arrivals of airports of RGC arrived on this day was first introduced into battle, which allowed two massaged strikes on the day of infantry and enemy artillery in front of the landing group during the day. After these blows, the enemy suspended his offensive. Without achieving success in the elimination of our bridgehead to Myshako, General Ruoff was forced to admit that "it is impossible to continue the offensive. He (Ruoff) would like to focus power, as there is a danger that the expected Russian offensive on the site of the 44th Army Corps cannot be reflected. " The Supreme Commanding In the second half of April, three aviation corps were transferred from the reserve for the North Caucasus front: bomber (2 tank), mixed (2 sac), fighter (3 ion) and one separate fighter aviation division (287 mead). By April 20, 300 aircraft arrived from these air compounds, the transfer of the remaining forces (up to 200 aircraft) and their successive commissioning took place at the end of April - early May. Thus, by April 20 in the Air Force of the North Caucasus Front, together with the Air Force Aviation Group Black Sea Fleet, Aviation Group of Far Action and the arrived main forces of aircraft carriers of RGK had 900 combat aircraft, of which in front of the aircraft to 800 (fighters - 270, attack aircraft - 170, day-time bombers - 165 and Night - 195). This made it possible to eliminate the unprofitable ratio for our aviation, and the intense struggle for dominance in the air in the Kuban turned out to be essentially with an equal number of aircraft.
Sovinformbüro. During April 20, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 21, 1943. Voronezh Front. On April 21, the command of the Voronezh Front has characterized the design of the enemy on the summer campaign of 1943: "The enemy is preparing for the offensive and will apply concentric strikes from the Belgorod district, Borisovka to the northeast and from the Eagle area to the southeast in order to surround our troops The west of the line Belgorod, Kursk. In the future, the enemy will try either repeat his blow to the southeast in the rear of the south-western front, followed by turning to the north, or he will refuse to strike into the southeast this year and will conduct another plan, namely: after concentric blows from the areas Belgorod and Eagle He will kick to the northeast to bypass Moscow. " Drawing attention to the fact that the enemy does the main rate on tanks and aviation, the front command offered "Now to develop a large aircraft plan for the destruction of the opponent's aviation at airfields and timely start performing this plan, as well as to thoroughly prepare for the reflection of the mass tank attack. enemy and to destroy his tanks. " To grab the coming opponent, to force it to break the teeth at the turns of pre-prepared defense, "and then by choosing a favorable moment, go to the counteroffensive and finally defeat it" - such an action plan was offered by the command of the Voronezh Front.
It reported at the rate: "In the summer campaign of 1943, the purpose of offensive operations in the south should be the defeat armed Forces The enemy in Ukraine, the full purification of His Left-Bank Ukraine and mastering the large bridgehead on the right bank of the Dnipro River with access to the front of Kremenchug, Krivoy Rog, Kherson, and under favorable conditions - to the front of Cherkasy, Nikolaev. Achieving this major goal will deprive the opponent of the richest food base, large industrial areas and centers, like Donbass, Krivoy Rog, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk. It will invalid the most active part of the German army and bring us to its southern allies, and this will speed up the way out of the war. Therefore, if the successful actions are successful, it will be advisable to throw large reserves of the Supreme Commands rates to maximize this success in order to achieve the results decisive for the outcome of the war. "
Sovinformbüro. During April 21, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 22, 1943. Sovinformbüro. During April 22, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 23, 1943. The rate of the Supreme Command. Soviet Supreme Commanded showed increased care of its strategic reserves - their placement, application procedure. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a special reserve front, the rate appealed back in early March, and on March 13, such a front was formed as part of the three general-time armies (2nd reserve, 24th, 66th) and three tank buildings (4th Guards, 3 - and 10th). In April, the union was significantly intensified. It includes an additional three combined army (46, 47 and 53), one tank army (5th Guards), another tank corps (1st) and two mechanized hulls (1st and 4th) . At various times, the front was called in different ways: that is the reserve (from 10 to 15 April), then the steppe military district, then, finally, the steppe front (from July 9 to October 20). The rate and general headquarters did not intend to introduce them to the defensive stage of the intended operation. Strategic reserves assigned a decisive role in the transition to a counteroffensive. However, I. V. Stalin believed that, just in case, the steppe military district should be put in advance in the central direction to the current fronts in the central direction, having in mind the possibility of using it and to solve defensive tasks, if the situation is forced. On 23 April, the steppe military district was given the following instructions, which were supposed to perform simultaneously with the dustcoming personnel: "In case of an opponent's movement in the offensive, the county of the district's troops to keep in mind to clearly cover the directions: 1) Livna, Elets, Rannburg; 2) Schigra, Castor, Voronezh; 3) Valuyki, Alekseevka, Liski; 4) Rovenki, Rossosh, Pavlovsk; 5) Starobelsk, Kantemirovka, Boguchar and District Chertkovo, Millerovo. "
On April 21-23, the power of the strikes of our aviation on the enemy increased even more due to the continued increase in the forces of the three airproof RGK. On April 23, about 300 aircraft participated in the host of these buildings, which made it possible to change the overall ratio of aircraft forces in the Myshako area in our favor. The most important task assigned to aviation, to reveal organized blows of bombers on the combat array of landing troops was performed. This noted in his order Military Council of the North Caucasian Front: "Starting from April 20, continuous air battles took place over the plot of the landing group over the portion of the landing group, as a result of which the opponent's aviation underlied exceptionally large losses was forced to leave the battlefield. The domination in the air passed into our hands. This determined the further terrestrial situation. "
Sovinformbüro. During April 23, there were no significant change on the fronts.

April 24, 1943. Sovinformbüro. During April 24, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 25, 1943. The rate of the Supreme Command. On April 25, the rate considered the state of affairs on the Voronezh Front, against which he was the most powerful Belgorod-Kharkiv group of the enemy. The front defense plan was approved, and its readiness was scheduled for May 10. For an offensive, the readiness was outlined no later than June 1. The idea of \u200b\u200ba preemptive strike was still not discarded, but stood in the second plan.
Katyn. On April 25, a note of the Soviet government was published on the breaking of relations with the Polish Emigrant Government in connection with the slanderous campaign against the Soviet Union.
Sovinformbüro. During April 25, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 26, 1943. Sovinformbüro. During April 26, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 27, 1943. Sovinformbüro. During April 27, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 28, 1943. North Caucasian Front. The Aviation Aviation Activity in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Krymskaya has increased sharply on the eve of the transition of the 56th Army in the offensive. From April 28, the German bombers in groups of 10-15 aircraft tried to lose bombs on the combat order of our troops. During the day, the enemy made 850 places of flights. Soviet fighters for reflection of the air enemy produced 310 flight planes and shot down 25 enemy aircraft in air battles. From this day over the village of Crimea began a air battle, which launched with small breaks for many days.
Sovinformbüro. During April 28, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 29, 1943. North Caucasian Front. The onset of troops of the 56th Army on April 29 was preceded by 40-minute aviation preparation, which turned into aviation support. Within three hours over the battlefield, 144 bombers, 82 attack aircraft and 265 fighters operated. During the day, our pilots produced 1268 places of flights, from them at night 379. In air battles they destroyed 74 enemy aircraft. In the fighting report of the North Caucasian Front headquarters, the results of aviation actions for April 29 were assessed: "Front Air Force, having achieved superiority in the air, at night and day destroyed the lively strength and artillery of the enemy, covered our parts in the 56th Army strip. During the day, fierce continuous air battles "...
April 29 at 7 am to 40 minutes after artillery preparation that lasted for 1 hour and 40 minutes, the main forces of the Northern and South percussion groups of the 56th Army were transferred to the offensive. To the outcome of the day, the northern shock group wedged into enemy positions by 2 km.
Sovinformbüro. During April 29, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 30, 1943. North Caucasian Front. Over the next two days, the battles took an even more fierce character. The promotion of the troops of the 56th army prevented numerous mining and fire of the opponent's support points located in the depths of his defense. The enemy often passed into fierce counterattacks. Especially strong counterattacks, he took against the parts of the 11th Guards Rifle Corps. Guardsmen for two days were courageous than 6-8 hundred counterattacks per day.
On the Low Earth, Soviet troops continued to conduct fierce battles to eliminate the enemy, stunned into our defense at Mind Hair. By April 30, the troops of the landing group restored the position.
Sovinformbüro. During April 30, there were no significant changes on the fronts.

April 1, 1943. 649th day of war

April 2, 1943. 650th day of war

April 3, 1943. 651th day of war

April 4, 1943. 652th day of war

North Caucasian Front. (See the North Caucasus Offensive Operation (January 1 - February 4, 1943) 1.29 MB) On April 4, the troops of the North Caucasian Front (I. I. Maslennikov) began an offensive against the German 17th Army, which established on the Taman Peninsula. At 9 am, the 56th Army passed on the offensive on the Crimean village - the main support point for the enemy's defense. Defining on a strongly fortified turn, the enemy had a stubborn resistance. It was especially difficult to adopt the troops of the 56th Army. In the strip of their actions, the enemy turned out to be a large number of machine guns that were not suppressed during artillery training. To the outcome of the day of the joint of the army advanced and reached the Eastern Crimean railway. Gitlerians were fiercely resisted, frequently turning into a counterattack. By the end of the day, the weather has deteriorated sharply. Artillery could no longer support the onset of infantry, since visibility was reduced due to heavy rain to 500 m. When parts of the 383rd rifle division, which was now commanded by Colonel E. N. Okodumov, advanced, the opponent met their strong fire. And then the enemy threw the enemy to this advanced wedge threw more infantry shelf and 20 tanks. Contracting from flanks, part of the division after fierce battles were forced to move back to its original position. /\u003e (p. 321)

April 5, 1943. 653th day of war

North Caucasian Front. On April 5, the weather was still bad. Continuous pouring rains greatly hampered the actions of the troops. The River Adagum, the second, the band came out of the banks and flooded the site where the 2nd Guards Rifle and 83rd mining divisions acted. All roads were blurred and filled with water. Ammunition and food were delivered to troops with great difficulties, manually. Soviet soldiers often had to move vyhod for wetlands. Despite this, the commander of the front I. I. Maslennikov decided to continue the offensive.

April 6, 1943. 654th day of war

April 7, 1943. 655th day of war

April 8, 1943. 656th day of war

April 9, 1943. 657th day of war

April 10, 1943. 658th day of war

April 11, 1943. 659th day of war

April 12, 1943. 660th day of war

On the evening of April 12 at a meeting, as a result of a thorough analysis of the situation, everyone agreed that the most likely target of the summer offensive of the German fascist troops would be the environment and destroying the main forces of the Central and Voronezh fronts in the Kursk arc. Subsequently, the development of success in the eastern and southeastern directions was not excluded, including Moscow. On this occasion, I. V. Stalin showed special concern. As a result, the main efforts were decided to focus in the Kursk area, pull the enemy here in a defensive operation here, and then go to the counteroffensive and finally trust it with the defeat. In order to avoid surprises, it was recognized as necessary to create a deep and durable defense on the entire strategic front, especially powerful - in the Kursk direction. In case the Hitler's command does not take an offensive soon, and it will draw it for a long time, another option was envisaged - the transition of Soviet troops to active actions, not expecting the opponent's blows. (p.123)

April 13, 1943. 661th day of war

April 14, 1943. 662th day of war

North Caucasian Front. On April 14, the troops of the North Caucasian Front again moved to the offensive. The entire day of the compound 58, 9 and 37th army was undertaken by repeated attacks, but the defense of the enemy was never able to break through. The situation in the 56th Army's Action Station was lucky. At the turn of r. The second army troops broke the resistance of the enemy and went to the railway southeastern bridge over the river. Adagum, state farm "five-year plan" (5 km south of red), Taranov's beam, and at the cross farm site almost close to the village of Crimean. The enemy had cruel resistance, moving into continuous counterattacks. Particularly strong fights broke out the south of the Crimean, where the 383rd Division and the 61st Rifle Division of Major General S. N. Kuznetsova occurred. On April 14, in the afternoon, the enemy threw the "five-year plan" of more than two regiments of infantry and 60 tanks. As a result of a long and extremely strained battle, he managed to press our parts, but he could not fully restore the position of his defense. The causes of failure of the offensive was that the exploration of the front edge of the opponent's defense was weak, as a result of which the firing points of the enemy were unlocked. The artillery offensive was organized: the artillery in the combat infantry orders was absent, there was no proper connection with the infantry, artillery did not receive timely applications. Regimental artillery and anti-tank guns behind the infantry, poor visibility prevented the root of fire. The requirements of the army commander to occupy the starting position before the attack no further than 200 m from the enemy were not fulfilled. The 10th Guards Rifle Case before the attack was 600 meters from the front edge of the enemy defense. With the beginning of the attack of the infantry, he made ahead. The movement in the attack took place without applying to the area, without self-dipping at the necessary moments of the battle. There was no aviation of their task to apply a bomb strike on the defensive positions of the enemy. (p.322)

April 15, 1943. 663th day of war

North Caucasian Front. The command of the North Caucasian Front (I. I. Maslennikov) decided to resume the 56th Army on April 15 from 7 o'clock in the morning, but at 6:30 and 30 minutes the opponent himself went to the counterattack. The enemy's offensive strongly supported aviation. Enemy aircraft continuously hung over our positions. On that day, 1560 airframes of the enemy were noted. Such a massive strike of aviation pressed our troops to the ground, and artillery was forced to stop the fire. Three days the enemy continuously counteracted our troops, striving for anything to restore the situation in the Crimean area. (p.322)

April 16, 1943. 664th day of war

April 17, 1943. 665th day of war

On April 17, 1943, tense air battles began in Kuban. Using favorable opportunities, German aviation captured in this section of the front initiative in the air. The command of the North Caucasian Front moves the main forces of the 4th and 5th air armies to the Novorossiysk area to help the troops of the 18th Army.

April 18, 1943. 666th day of war

North Caucasian Front. On April 18, the Deputy Supreme Commander of the Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov arrived at the headquarters of the Front. After reading the situation, he ordered the commander to postpone the beginning of the 56th Army from April 20-25. But this time was not enough. In the period from April 18 to April 29, a number of highly important measures to improve the operational guidelines, their material and technical support were held in the troops on the instructions of Marshal Zhukov. The compounds were urgently staffed with fresh forces, management bodies strengthened. In the 9th and 37th Arms from the number of volunteers, special detachments were created for action through smoothness in order to capture the bridgeheads on the opposite shores of the River Kurka and Kuban. For these detachments were selected from the locals of the conductors. Sipers and troops were preparing a forwarding agent. In addition to the preparation of the onset of the 56th Army, measures were also taken to restore the defense of the troops on Myshako, to ensure the sustainability of defense and the establishment of uninterrupted supply to them with everything necessary. All these events allowed the troops of the North Caucasus front to prepare well for the offensive. (p.330)

April 19, 1943. 667th day of war

North Caucasian Front. From April 17 to April 19, the air battles were held with varying success. Soviet pilots applied to enemy aviation significant losses, reducing the effectiveness of her shocks, but could not remember these strikes with a still felt lack of forces.

April 20, 1943. 668th day of war

North Caucasian Front. Having tightening the reserves, the enemy was made for the General Attack, in order to dissemble the bridgehead into two isolated parts, and then destroy the group of landing troops. On April 20, the enemy undertook the most powerful offensive against the defenders of a small earth. The combat operations of both parties in the Myshacco area have achieved the highest voltage. With its massive actions, Soviet aviation was sought by an opponent's offensive, forced enemy aviation to reduce their activity. On this day, part of the forces of arrivals of airports of RGC arrived on this day was first introduced into battle, which allowed two massaged strikes on the day of infantry and enemy artillery in front of the landing group during the day. After these blows, the enemy suspended his offensive. Without achieving success in the elimination of our bridgehead to Myshako, General Ruoff was forced to admit that "it is impossible to continue the offensive. He (Ruoff) would like to focus power, as there is a danger that the expected Russian offensive on the site of the 44th Army Corps cannot be reflected. "

To force the enemy to delay part of his forces from the Mindhako plot, the commander of the North Caucasian Front decided to strike on April 20, the troops of the 56th Army south of the Crimean in the direction of the Nizhne-Greek, Mining and Merry and Moldavian. For this purpose, a tank group was created in the direction of the main strike of the 56th army. For the extension of the forces, there was a second echelon as part of a special rifle division of the NKVD, the 32nd Guards Rifle Division and the Tank Group (63rd and 151st Tank Brigades). The fire support for the army was carried out up to 15 artillery regiments, and the initiation of the front should be supported by the offensive of air troops.

The Supreme Commander In the second half of April, three aircraft corps were transferred from the reserve for the North Caucasian front: bomber (2 tank), mixed (2 sac), fighter (3 ion) and one separate fighter aviation division (287 above). By April 20, 300 aircraft arrived from these air compounds, the transfer of the remaining forces (up to 200 aircraft) and their successive commissioning took place at the end of April - early May. Thus, by April 20, in the Air Force of the North Caucasian Front, together with the Air Force of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force, a long-range aircraft group and the arrived main forces of the RGC airproofs, there were 900 combat aircraft, of which in front aircraft to 800 (fighters - 270, attack aircraft - 170 , day bombers - 165 and night - 195). This made it possible to eliminate the unprofitable ratio for our aviation, and the intense struggle for dominance in the air in the Kuban turned out to be essentially with an equal number of aircraft. (p.328)

April 21, 1943. 669th day of war

April 22, 1943. 670th day of war

April 23, 1943. 671st day of war

North Caucasian Front. Analyzing the reasons for his failure to Menchohanko, the commander of the German 17th army, Colonel Ruoff General at the meeting on April 23, stated: "The offensive was Russians, first of all, because due to bad weather, the offensive all the time was postponed since April 7. Therefore, the offensive came out to fully prepared resistance. In addition, both advancing divisions - 4 Gs and 125 PDs were not strong enough ... he also made himself a weakly prepared replenishment. There was no interaction of infantry, artillery and aviation. The enemy was located on a favorable area. All this led to the fact that the offensive in order to master Myshako was not successful on April 17. The offensive of April 20, in which all the forces available at the disposal took part, suffered significantly from the fact that he prevented an attack of Russian aviation, in which 100 aircraft took part. Thus, and this offensive was suppressed. "...

"Our victory" number 7 dated 09.04.15

In the first days of April 1943, the Collateral of the Vologda Liquorova Plant, who took the first place in the social resource among the city among March among the city's enterprises, was handed over the Red Banner of the City Committee of the WCP (b). At the factory rally, the best Stakhanovtsy - Brigadiers of the front team of Krasnikov, Kamenev and Ananian Engineer - assured that in April 1943 they will show even higher results.

On April 4, the North Caucasian Front began an offensive against the German 17th Army, which secured at the Taman Peninsula. To the outcome of the day, our connections went to the railway east of the village of Crimea. After the counterattack of the Germans, our parts were forced to move away.

The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in order to not burden the population by excessive expenses asked citizens to stop the voluntary individual and collective cash contributions to the Red Army Foundation. It was reported on plans for the release of a new state loan of defense.

On April 7, the rate decided to create a backup front. The front of the front included the 2nd reserve army, until the spring of 1943, stationed mainly in the Vologda region.

After analyzing information about the position of the enemy's troops in the Eagle, Sum, Belgorod and Kharkov, G.K. Zhukov sent
On April 8, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief report on the possible actions of the enemy in the spring and summer of 1943. In his opinion, the Germans, which have lost great losses in the winter campaign, will not be able to create reserves for capturing the Caucasus and the exit to the Volga. The enemy in the first half of summer will deploy offensive actions on a narrower front, having the main purpose of capturing Moscow. The transition of our troops in the offensive in order to preempt the opponent of Zhukov called inappropriate.

On April 10, the three of our planes were raised by Maturino's Cherepovetsky airfield to the interception of German aircraft moving towards Vologda. The enemy turned back.

Life returns to destroyed Stalingrad. In April, the first bus route "Center - Tractor Plant" resumed.

On April 14, the troops of the North Caucasian Front again transferred to the offensive, but could not break through the defense of the enemy.

In April, the village of Blagoveshchensky, Cyrilovsky district, arrived in
Coster vacation in the father's house Hero of the Soviet Union Evgeny Preobrazhensky, who received a new appointment in the Northern Fleet Air Force. It was he who in August 1941 commanded a group of aircraft held by Berlin's bombardment. Evgeny Nikolayevich talked with countrymen, visited Kirillov. After his departure, the residents of the district announced the collection of funds to a new aircraft for the famous hero.

On April 15, the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces adopted a decree "On the introduction of military situation on all railways" for the period of war, all workers and employees of railway transport were considered mobilized and secured to work on transport. For crimes in service, transport workers were attracted to justice on a par with the military personnel of the Red Army. The decree was approved by the workers of Vologda at rallies in the locomotive depot and the SPVR.

In the operational order of Hitler dated April 15, it was said: "I decided, as soon as the weather conditions allow, to conduct the offensive" Citadel "... the purpose of the offensive is a concentrated strike, conducted by strongly and fast forces of one shock army from the Belgorod region and the other from the South Eagle area, Surround the Russian troops located in the Kursk area and destroy them. "

On April 16, the collective farmers of the Kischent village council of the Kirillovsky district gathered 10 thousand rubles for the gifts of the Red Army. For these funds, they purchased the famous Kirillov accordions and sent them by May 1 to the forefront.

On April 17, the Germans began the operation of Neptune to eliminate the Soviet Place
Darma on a low earth. The fighters and commanders of the 18th Army (the head of her political waste was Colonel Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev), despite the hurricane fire of artillery and aviation of the enemy, resistantly held their positions under Novorossiysk. The price of large losses, the Germans managed to capture only a small area purified from the forest area.

On April 17, tense air battles began in Kuban. Using favorable opportunities, German aviation captured in this section of the front initiative in the air.

From the memories of the head of the group of Army "South" Erich von Manstein: "On April 18, I sent a letter for Hitler, in which I once again expressed the point of view that now it is necessary to quit all the strength for the success of the" Citadel "operation, that the victory under Kursk will compensate us All temporal lesions on other front sites. "

On April 18 and 19, concerts of the popular Soviet singer Vadima Kozina were held in Vologda in the regional dramaatethra. During the Great Patriotic Kozin, he spoke with concerts in the units of the army and in the rear cities. By order of the People's Commissar of the Communications, a special car was allocated for trips.

The Supreme Commander In the second half of April, the bets on the North Caucasian front three aviation corps were transferred from the reserve. The intense struggle for domination in the air in Kuban turned around with an equal number of aircraft.

Workers of the Stalinsky district accepted active participation As a collection of books for the districts liberated from the Germans. On April 22, more than five thousand copies were collected by magicians. The largest number of books - 565 - gathered a worker of a pharmacy wallad Evdokia Parishinskaya.

On April 25, the rate considered the state of affairs on the Voronezh Front, against which the most powerful Belgorod-Kharkiv grouping was operating
Tivnik. The FRONT defense plan was approved, and the readiness of the troops to the beginning of the operation was appointed on June 1. The idea of \u200b\u200ba projection strike was still not discarded, but stood in the second plan.

On April 28, an air battle began over the village of Crimean, which continued for many days.

At the end of April, the enemy launched a powerful offensive against the defenders of a small earth. Aviation Aviation of both sides in the Myshaco area has reached the highest voltage. Heroic defense This block of land lasted 225 days and ended in the morning of September 16, 1943 by the liberation of Novorossiysk. For courage and courage 21 Warrior was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

In April, Railway workers of the SZD took the patronage of the restoration of paths and stations of the Rzhevian branch of the Kalinin railway.

Evgeny Starikov

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