Be the first is in Tusurovski. Tomsk State University of Management Systems and Radio Electronics (TUSUR) Tusur Passing Point

Tusur is the youngest of Tomsk universities, but he has never been to the shadow of his senior fellow. Created during the breakthrough into space, the rapid development of electronic computers, new means of communication and electronics, it continues to remain on the edge of scientific and technological progress.

Why Russian Applicants, CIS countries and the world choose Tomsk state University Control systems and radio electronics as the starting site in adulthood life? For the answer, the correspondents of the "Tomsk news" appealed to director of the Department of Education of the Tusur, Program academic work Professor Pavel Trojanand the head of the department of recruitment and distribution of students of Tusura, the responsible secretary of the Admission Commission Alexey Mozginov.

Motivation for study

- When is the reception campaign started for your university and how much will it continue?

Pavel Troyan:

- Now for all of us a receiving campaign - a matter number one. Although this work is carried out year-round, from August to August. Especially for this, the recruit and distribution department is organized.

Alexey Mozgunov:

- And I speak differently: we have a receiving campaign for 13 months - from September last year to October. Now all the qualifying commissions are working, applicants are addressed in them. We are not limited to Tomsk and the area. We have a very broad geography: from Far East to the Urals.

- On the first floor of the main building of all applicants, friendly employees of the student admission committee in a single beautiful form are met. They are ready to provide complete information on the university and send young people in the audience allocated for specific faculties. What other form of reception of documents do you practice?

Alexey Mozgunov:

- Not the first year, applicants may submit documents in electronic form through personal Area - We are university new information technologiesFor us it is a native element. The site works 24 hours a day seven days a week. We can see that currently online 900 applications are filled in online. We are not connected by geography: Moscow and Chita, Yakutsk and Kemerovo - our university is open to all.

- Like most universities, you organize the work of away reception commissions. Many of them with you?

Pavel Troyan:

- OUR reception Commissions work in three former soviet republics - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Together with russian cities The number of university representative offices is approaching 80. They act in year-round mode. Working with them, we make a bet on the prepared, motivated applicant, people who want to learn. After all, we say: it's easier to enter Tusur than finish it.

Fly to moon and mars

- What are the applicant waiting for this year? What passing point will you navigate?

Alexey Mozgunov:

- The middle passing score on Tusuru is slow, but it grows correctly. This is reflected in monitoring efficiency. At the same time, I always emphasize that a student with the amount of 180 EGE points on three subjects is not worse than the student with higher results: it is quite trained and can be more motivated than an excellent student.

Pavel Troyan:

"Choosing a university, the applicant must necessarily answer the question" And where will I then work? ". In this regard, we look at the background of other Tomsk universities. The other day, a letter from the Federal Space Agency - NGOs them came to the name of Rector Tusur. Lavochkina (association is engaged in the manufacture of spacecraft and research of long-range space. - Ed.). This is a kind of emergency request for young Tusura 2016 release specialists. The list of destinations occupied almost a page, about three dozen people are required. In young engineers, units are needed to ensure the implementation of the Russian lunar program Together with the upcoming expedition to Mars. Our graduates are guaranteed accommodation, salary from 50 thousand rubles, travel. What do you think how many we managed to send? Just three, because the rest of the graduates have already found work.

There are still dozens of similar letters from enterprises of the defense and industrial complex, oil companies, Roscosmos, Rosatom, Roselectronics and others.

Recently, the results of monitoring the official employment of graduates of domestic universities were summed up. Tusur turned out to be in the first place among Tomsk universities. An important role is played and the level of wages in the first year of work. For graduates of the Tusura, the starting income is 40-100 thousand rubles, the geography of employment - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Irkutsk, Snezhinsk, Sarov, Fryazino.

- Returning to receiving campaign, how much budget seats Allocated to your university this year?

Alexey Mozgunov:

- The undergraduate accounts for 718 budget places, on the Special Defective - 105, the magistracy - 349. In total - 1,172 places. The feature of this year was the fact that the Ministry of Education and Science did not allocate us a single budget place for non-core faculties - humanitarian, economic and legal, but interest in them from applicants is still high.

- How much are you cooking targets now?

Pavel Troyan:

- Number targets Determines the Ministry of Education and Science. Now we will prepare 100 young professionals for Altai, Sakha republics, Tyva, PCP enterprises.

Alexey Mozgunov:

- This direction is taken by the state under special control. In order to count on this or that specialist in the future, the company is obliged to provide him with a number of social support measures - an additional scholarship, passing to the place of work, housing and so on.

Where are the jacket?

- In which directions are the highest competition?

Alexey Mozgunov:

- In the specialties related to information and economic security - in two weeks of admission to 100 budget seats, 180 applications have already been submitted. Plus 75 platforms. Almost the same picture and in the directions of IT preparation are almost 350 sets of documents.

Nowadays, very late became known. eME results In physics, so the surge of applicants appeared on July 4th. From this day, our employees take on average 250-300 applications per day.

Paradox, but we have a lot of wishing to learn on a fee. For two weeks of work, we have already scored enough a large number of Applications for areas such as economic security, economics, management, ecology and juris-prudential.

Pavel Troyan:

- We are mostly recruiting students engineering Education For the engineering corps of the PCP enterprises, which is actively supported by the state today. We are calm for the future of specialists of this sphere: for the next 15-20 years, work is accurately guaranteed. But our graduates do not quite readily leave Tomsk's limits - they are employed in such companies as "Micron", "Ellesi", Polyus. One PP of what is worth, there is now changing generations. I repeat once again: we have no problem of the device, we have another problem - who will send at the request of various departments, because Graduates of the Tusur without problems find themselves.

I recently had a representative of one of Noyabrsk oil and gas enterprises. He noted that his company introduced a limited employment. But on the graduates of the Tusur, it does not apply.

- For applicants-2016 there are some benefits?

Pavel Troyan:

- Applicants with 240 points on the exam and higher or become winners or prize-winners of All-Russian and ministerial school Olympiads, during the first semester will receive 7 thousand rubles per month. I do not get tired of repeating the first yearrs: in Tusura, it is not only prestigious in Tusura, but also economically beneficial. We have students receiving up to 45-50 thousand rubles - these are nominal, presidential, governmental and other scholarships together with grants and allowances.

Alexey Mozgunov:

"We always talk to our students that in our university they can already earn money from the second and third semester, they have no need to look for some part-time job on the side. But in the first semester we pay them money for their school merit.

- What awaits applicants in case of their receipt in Tusur?

Pavel Troyan:

- All non-resident freshwomen we provide places in hostels, each has its own dining rooms, laundry, internet. We have enough sports halls, the center of extracurricular work per 1 thousand people, a sports and recreation complex, a sports camp

- What will you advise current applicants?

Alexey Mozgunov:

- It is clear that the choice of university should be carried out not in July, but much earlier. Well, those who still doubt, I invite you to Tusur. Here young people are provided with high-quality, sought-after education.

Pavel Troyan:

- To receive education should be done in Russia. In Russia, it is necessary to learn only in Tomsk. In Tomsk, be sure to go to Tusur. In our slogan, it is not in vain saying: choosing the future - choose Tusur!

Information is updated by the representative educational institution. Last modified: 07.06.2016

License №1703.0000 dated 05.08.2011 00:00, valid indefinitely.

Accreditation №636.0000 dated 05/31/2013 00:00, valid on 05/31/2019 00:00.

Rector: Suspendanov Alexander Alexandrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Honorable Worker of Higher vocational education Russia. Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation in Education (2009). Prize winner of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2013). Three times laureate of the Tomsk Region Prize in Education and Science (2004, 2007, 2014).

Awarded by many sectoral awards and medals of FSTEC of Russia, FSB of Russia, the Federation of Cosmonautics of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, Tomsk and the Tomsk region.
Chairman of the Board of the ROO "Tomsk Professorial Assembly".
A.A. Suspananov is a responsible leader (coordinator) of eight government projects for regulations No. 218 and 219 of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Member of the program committee of the largest European Forum "EUROPEAN FORUM ON Electronic Signature - EFPI". From 2000 to the present - Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Annual All-Russian competition Students and graduate students of the information security "Sibinfo".

The supervisor of the permanent Scientific Tomsk IEEE-seminar "Intelligent Systems Modeling, Design and Management".

Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of Tomsk.

Member expert Council Under the Deputy Governor of the Tomsk Region on the scientific and educational complex and innovation policy.

Member of the Public Council under the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Tomsk Region.

Availability of the military department: no

Availability of a hostel: yes

The codeNameQualificationProfileType of learningType of learningQuotas, peopleCompetition, Chel / PlacePassing score
11.03.01 (11.03.01) Radio engineering Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 80 not specified 161
11.05.01 (11.05.01) Radio electronic systems and complexes Specialist not specified Pupil Free not indicated not specified not specified
09.03.01 (09.03.01) Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 120 not specified 170
09.04.02 (09.04.02) Information Systems and technology Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 20 not specified 205
09.03.03 (09.03.03) Applied Informatics Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 22 not specified 172
09.03.04 (09.03.04) Software engineering Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 50 not specified 194
10.03.01 (10.03.01) Information Security Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 25 not specified 210
11.03.02 (11.03.02) Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 100 not specified 166
11.03.03 (11.03.03) Design and technology of electronic means Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 75 not specified 158
11.03.04 (11.03.04) Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 95 not specified 169
12.03.03 (12.03.03) Photonics and optooformatics Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 20 not specified 159
20.03.01 (20.03.01) Technosphere security Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 15 not specified not specified
27.03.02 (27.03.02) Quality control Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 18 not specified 177
27.03.03 (27.03.03) System analysis and management Bachelor of Technology and Technology not specified Pupil Free 11 not specified 175
27.03.04 (27.03.04) Management in technical systems Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 24 not specified 192
27.03.05 (27.03.05) Innovat Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 18 not specified 173
28.03.01 (28.03.01) Nanotechnology and microsystem equipment Bachelor not specified Pupil Free 25 not specified 170
38.03.01 (38.03.01) Economy Bachelor not specified Pupil Paid not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.02 (38.03.02) Management Bachelor not specified Pupil Paid not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.03 (38.03.03) Personnel Management Bachelor not specified Pupil Paid not indicated not specified not specified
05.03.06 (05.03.06) Ecology and environmental management Bachelor not specified Pupil Paid not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.04 (38.03.04) Bachelor not specified Pupil Paid not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.05 (38.03.05) Business Informatics Bachelor not specified Pupil Paid not indicated not specified not specified
39.03.03 (39.03.03) Organization of work with young people Bachelor not specified Pupil Paid not indicated not specified not specified
39.03.02 (39.03.02) Social work Bachelor not specified Pupil Paid not indicated not specified not specified
40.03.01 (40.03.01) Jurisprudence Bachelor not specified Pupil Paid not indicated not specified not specified
43.03.01 (43.03.01) Service Bachelor not specified Pupil Paid not indicated not specified not specified
10.05.02 (10.05.02) Information Security of Telecommunication Systems Specialist not specified Pupil Free 25 not specified 204
10.05.03 (10.05.03) Information Security of Automated Systems Specialist not specified Pupil Free 25 not specified 215
10.05.04 (10.05.04) Informational and analytical security systems Specialist not specified Pupil Free 25 not specified 206
38.05.01 (38.05.01) Economic security Specialist not specified Pupil Paid not indicated not specified not specified
09.03.01 (09.03.01) Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
09.03.03 (09.03.03) Applied Informatics Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
09.03.04 (09.03.04) Software engineering Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
11.03.01 (11.03.01) Radio engineering Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
11.03.02 (11.03.02) Infocommunication technologies and communication systems Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
11.03.04 (11.03.04) Electronics and nanoelectronics Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.01 (38.03.01) Economy Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.02 (38.03.02) Management Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.03 (38.03.03) Personnel Management Bachelor not specified Correspondence Paid not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.04 (38.03.04) State I. municipal Governance Bachelor not specified Correspondence Paid not indicated not specified not specified
39.03.02 (39.03.02) Social work Bachelor not specified Correspondence Paid not indicated not specified not specified
40.03.01 (40.03.01) Jurisprudence Bachelor not specified Correspondence Paid not indicated not specified not specified

Description of the educational institution Tomsk State University of Management Systems and Radio Electronics (TUSUR)

Tusur - one of the leading centers of education, fundamental and applied science in Russia. Training of specialists, bachelors and masters are conducted at 140 main educational programs in the field of radio engineering, electronic and computing equipment, programming, automation and control systems, information technology, information security, innovation, economics and social work.

Tusur is a technical university, providing high quality education, guaranteed employment and career opportunity. One of the main priorities educational process The university is the preparation of broadly erudite, innovative active specialists. This creates an educational environment aimed at highly efficient graduates for personnel provision of basic sectors of the economy, social sphere and priority directions of development (Poland) of science, technology and technologies, including entrepreneurial activities.

A feature of the educational process of the Tusur is the ability to participate students in group project learningBuilding an individual trajectory of training, using the innovative infrastructure of the university.

It is very important that more than 98% of Tusur graduates, according to the employment bureau, find their work immediately after the end of the university. Of these, more than half are determined with the place of future work while studying.

Tusur is the center of new educational technologies and the leader in the creation of informational educational resources, as well as the center innovative development University educational and innovation complex.
Mission Tusur as an entrepreneurial research University is to create and develop a cultural, educational, scientific and innovation environment that ensures the success of graduates, the labor and knowledge of which high tech serve as a state, society and peace.

Conditions for admission to Tomsk State University of Management Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR)

June 20, 2016 the reception of documents in Tusur begins.
Entering Tusur, you need to choose 3 preparation / specialty directions
The incoming entitled to make changes to the list of selected areas of preparation / specialties before the date of the end of the reception of documents.

List of necessary documents:

  • statement of the established sample,
  • document or copy of a document on education with the application,
  • identification document, citizenship,
  • 6 photos 3x4 cm,
  • application for enrollment,
  • other documents confirming special rights upon admission in accordance with clause 4.16 of the Rules of Reception.

You can submit documents in the following ways:
  • personally bring to the qualifying commission in the main building of Tusura at Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 40,
  • pass through the manager at the reception points of documents,
  • send by mail at: 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 40, Reception Commission,
  • through the personal cabinet of the applicant.
Training Direction / Specialty Number of budget places 2016 Passing point 2015. Entrance tests
Radiotechnical FaculusBelt

Radio engineering

80 161

Radio electronic systems and complexes

30 172

Infocommunication technologies and communication systems

100 166

Russian language, mathematics, physics

Radio constructive faculty

Ecology and environmental management


Russian, geography, mathematics

Design and technology of electronic means

75 158

Russian language, mathematics, physics

Technosphere security


Russian language, mathematics, physics

Faculty of electronic technology

Photonics and optooformatics

20 159

Russian language, mathematics, physics

Electronics and nanoelectronics

95 169

Russian language, mathematics, physics

Nanotechnology and microsystem equipment

25 170

Russian language, mathematics, physics

Faculty of management systems

Business Informatics


Russian, mathematics, social studies

State and Municipal Office


Russian, mathematics, social studies

Computer Science and Computer

60 172

Russian, mathematics, computer science

Applied Informatics

22 172

Russian, mathematics, computer science

Software engineering

50 194

Russian, mathematics, computer science

Faculty of computing systems

System analysis and management

11 175

Russian, mathematics, computer science

Management in technical systems

24 192

Russian language, mathematics, physics

Information systems and technologies

20 205

Russian, mathematics, computer science

Computer Science and Computer

60 170

Russian, mathematics, computer science

Faculty of Safety

Economic security


Russian, mathematics, social studies

Information Security of Telecommunication Systems

25 204

Russian language, mathematics, physics

Information Security of Automated Systems

25 215

Russian, mathematics, computer science

Informational and analytical security systems

25 206

Russian, mathematics, computer science

Information Security

25 210

Russian language, mathematics, physics

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