The image of the motherland in the lyrics is a color presentation. Presentation: Theme of the Motherland in lyrics M Tsvetaeva

Theme of the Motherland in Lyrics M.I.TSvetaeva Teacher of Russian Language and Literature MBOU Lyceum No. 88 of Ekaterinburg Tolmacheva M.I.

Marina Ivanovna

Tsvetaeva -

russian poet

twentieth century,


"Poems about Moscow" (March - August 1916)

"I am a whole in my chest,

Moscow Earth! "

The poetic cycle "Poems about Moscow" was

created after a trip to St. Petersburg in the winter of 1915-16.

The cycle consists of nine poems, combined

one topic - love for the native city.

Poetic pictures of the life of the old Moscow,

immersing the reader

to the world of "Wonderland", "driving sevenholmia",

"Peter rejected by Peter.

The lyric heroine of Tsvetaeva is in love with the soul

Great city. For her, Moscow is primarily the world

the Great Ancient Spirit, the world of Russian Orthodoxy,

The world of faith and love ...

Moscow - "Warranty Hrad"

"Clouds - around, dome - around,

It is necessary for the whole of Moscow - how many hands are enough! - "

"Nerukopantic Hrad" - Moscow From my hands - non-good hail Accept, my strange, My beautiful brother. In the church - all forty fortificestations And solving doves over them; And Spasski - with flowers - gate; Where is the hat of the Orthodox shot ... "Five-handed incomparable circle ..." ... Chervonnyi dome, Sleepless will blow up bells, And on you with crimson clouds Falls the Virgin Cover ... March 31, 1916

"Moscow! What is huge


On suture stamps,

For all soh -

Baby Panteleonon.

We have a healer, there.

And ving for a door,

Where the people are valit, -

There is the Iver my heart

Chervonny, burns.

"Red Brush Rowan lit up ..." Red brush argued hundreds Ryabina lit up. Bells. Fallen leaves, the day was Sabbath: I was born. John theologian. Me and Donyn I want to gnaw Hot rowan. Gorky brush. August 16, 1916
  • Church vocabulary;
  • Outdated vocabulary;
  • Outdated wordforms;
  • Numerical symbolism;
  • Symbolism color;
  • Rhetorical figures;
  • Author's punctuation
Poetic vocabulary Church lexica
  • Chapel, dome, bell, cover;
  • Orthodox, five-hand, oar, stubborn;
  • Virgin, Panteleimon, John theologian;
  • To bore;
  • Hallelujah
Outdated words and wordforms
  • Burden, hail, face, pilgrimage, sorry, boards;
  • Humble, whip;
  • Broken, proceed;
  • Nonche, seven;
  • Inadvertent, in a worlier day
Symbols of numbers and colors
  • Sevenicholm;
  • Seven hills - like seven bells;
  • Forty forty - bell sevenholmie;
  • Forty forty churches
  • Chervonny dome;
  • Crimson clouds;
  • Sinya grove;
  • Chervoy day;
  • Church of the Glatorida;
  • Chervonne heart;
  • Red brush

Poetic syntax Rhetorical figures: Appeals: ... the village of my weightless! ... ... about my firstborn! ... ... Rude, a loud heart! ... ... and you, about the king, praise! ... Moscow Earth! Author's punctuation: .. read - I, And you will answer - you ... ... but above you, kings: bells ... ... Kaluga - the song - the usual ... I.Ereburg about lyrics M.I.TSvetaeva "... like a buoyo, how the woolly she sings about the Moscow Earth and the Kaluga road, about the joy of the walls of Razin, about his love cranded, greedy, unsticiable. Russian genets, how much joy in it ... " "News of the Day", April 13, 1918 Lyrics of the 30s In 1922, M.I.TSvetaeva leaves his homeland and spends long seventeen years in emigration. In the Czech Republic, she writes the most piercing poems about Russia "Country"

Close up with a lantern

All dutiful light.

That country on the map -

No, in space - no.

... the one where on the coins -

My youth,

That Russia - no.

Like that me.


"Poems to Son" (Favier, 1932 - Summer 1935) Son M.I.TSvetaeva Georgy Sergeevich Efron was born on February 1, 1925 in Czechoslovakia. Together with his mother in 1939 he returned to his homeland. After the death of Tsvetaeva brought the part of her archive to Moscow, which she took in Elabugu. He graduated from school in Tashkent, then visited lectures at the Moscow Literary Institute. I read a lot: for your age, it was very developed and formed. Different literary giftedness and artistic abilities, what the remaining diaries, letters and drawings are talking about. M.I.TSvetaeva and George Efron (Moore) 30s George Efron (1941) The son of Marina Tsvetaeau George Efron after the death of the mother went to Central Asia. In early 1944, he was called to the front. He died in July 1944 in battle near the village of Druch of the Braslavsky district of the Vitebsk region. "Poems to the Son"

Not to the city and nor to the village -

Drive, my son, in my country, -

To the edge - all the edges on the contrary! -

Where back to go - ahead ...

Our homeland will not call!

Drive, my son, home - forward -

In your land, in your age, in your hour - from us -

To Russia - you, in Russia - masses,

In our hour - the country! In this hour - the country!

In the Mars-Country! In without us - the country!

January 1932

"Motherland" About non-drawing tongue! What would simply be a man Understand, singer to me: - Russia, my homeland! But from the Kaluga Hill She opened it - Dahl is a threatened land! Alien, my homeland! Dahl, inborn like pain So much homeland and so Rock, which is everywhere through all Dahl - I carry her whole with me! ... May 12, 1932 Features poetic speech Lexical repetitions

  • Proponation "TA":
  • "The country", "that Russia", "that me";
  • Proponation "His":
  • "Your Region", "Your Century", "Your Hour"
  • Back forward;
  • Our hour - without us;
  • Motherland - Alien;
  • Dal - blizzards;
  • Motherland - Rock












Spere of my


"Tosca at home" (1934) Homesickness! Long Exposed Fero! I am absolutely anyway - Where completely lonely Be on what stones home Bare with a bazaar wallet To the house, and not knowing that - As a hospital or barracks. I don't care what among Persons - Understand the captive Lvom, from which human environment To be outed - In yourself, in the sole sense. Kamchatsky Bear without ice floes Where do not get along (and not survived!), Where to humiliate - I am one. "Homesickness" ... sualbenchers, like a log, The remaining alley, I all - equal, I do not care And maybe only equally - Rodnaya former - total. All signs with me, all the meta, All dates - as hand removed: Soul, born - somewhere. So the edge did not save me My as the most teer Along the whole soul, the whole is across! The big spot will not please! "Homesickness" Any house I am alien to me, everyone is empty for me, And everything is equal, and everything is one, But if on the road - bush Rises, especially - Rowan ...

Features of poetic speech Lexical repetitions, epithets

  • Anyway, all are equal, everything is one
  • All signs, all meta, all dates
  • Top
  • Alien, empty
  • Plated Lev.
  • Milky Call
  • Birthmark
Metaphors, comparisons
  • House, like a hospital or barracks
  • Obsive ... Lion
  • Kamchatsky Bear
  • Sualbenchers like a log
  • Reader - newspaper tons Swalloper, millet fever
Poetic syntax Cessuras (pauses)
  • Does not matter -…
  • ... what - my ... - certainly - (twenty dash)
  • ... (and not gone!) ...
  • (Reader ... Madelets gossip ...) (plug-in designs)
Receive default
  • But if on the road - bush
  • Rises especially - Rowan… (final default is an antithesis lexical refanter "does not matter")










L u b about in b

Elabuga, 1941 Prague, 1939

"I don't need here,

there I am impossible ... "

(from the letter Tekkova 1934)

« In the thirties, Tsvetaeva

so will live: constantly

returning to the past -

all and everything that died, died ...

The poet here is taking a conversation not with eternity,

not with the world, but with your time,

his age - patients, cruel -

and transient ...

Tsvetaeva, leading his time,

almost nobody understood, looked around

back, on the ever-eating homeland ... "

A.Saakianz about Lyric M.I.TSvetaeva


Used resources
  • M.TSvetaeva. Collected works in seven volumes. Tom first. - M.: Ellis Varnish, 1994;
  • M.TSvetaeva. Poems, poems. - M.: True, 1991;
  • M.TSvetaeva. Portrait: 0024-028;
  • M.TSvetaeva. Portrait of 1924: 0020-024;
  • M.TSvetaeva. Portrait of 1941: thca1nfhvo;
  • M.TSvetaeva. Portrait of 1935: thca2z3hur;
  • Efron. Portrait of 1934: Efron Georgy 01;
  • M. Tsvetaeva and Son: 1930 Tsvetaeva;
  • Efron. Portrait of 1941: Mur 2;
  • Rowan. Images: THCA2V42GI;
  • Temple of Cooking blessed Virgin Mary: 302
  • Iberian mother's icon: thcagokatg.
Used resources 13) Iconostasis of the Church of the Pokrov Saint Virgin: tcabbixpp; 14) Rowan brush: thcapro63f; 15) Birch forest: Tree112; 16) Forest: Tree116; 17) Berries: Tree 98.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Objective: To form the ability to independently prepare a speech about the work of the poet, selecting the necessary material and defining its value; develop the ability to expressly read and comment on poems, revealing them artistic peculiarity; Improve the ability to analyze and interpret selected poems. Tasks: to get acquainted with the life and creativity of M.TSvetaeva; to identify the basic motifs of the lyrics of Tsvetaeva; Develop interest in personality and creativity of poetess.

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Marina Tsvetaeva was born on September 26 (October 8) of 1892 in Moscow, a day when orthodox Church Celebrates the memory of the Apostle John the Bogoslov. This coincidence is reflected in several works of poetess. 1892 - 1941.

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Red brush rowan lit. Fallen leaves, I was born. Around hundreds of bells. The day was Sabbath: John theologian. I want to gnaw red rowan gnawing brush.

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Parents poetess Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev Professor of Moscow University, famous philologist and art historian; He became the director of the Rumyantsev Museum and the founder of the Museum of Fine Arts. Maria Alexandrovna Maine (by origin - from the russian Polish-German family) was a pianist, a student of Nikolai Rubinstein.

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She studied a lot, but, in family circumstances, rather impossible: a very little girl - in music school, then in Catholic pensions in Lausanne and Fibug, in Yalta women's gymnasium, in Moscow private pensions. Childhood, youth and youth Marina Ivanovna took place in Moscow and in a quiet near Moscow Tarusus, partly abroad.

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In 1910, without removing the gymnasium form, secretly from the family, produces a rather bulky collection "Evening Album". He was noticed and approved such influential and discerning critics like Valery Bryusov, Hikolai Gumilev, Maximilian Voloshin. The poems of Young Tsvetaeva were still very immature, but bribed themselves with their talentedness, known originality and immediacy.

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Russia for Marina Tsvetaeva - the expression of the spirit of rebounds, the rustling space and boundless latitude. The other entire flesh on the flesh is plusing, from the mouths of the dry - the breath swallowed ... And I - the hands of the man! - froze - tetanus! So that I blow me the soul - Russian draft!

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Marina Tsvetaeva - the poet, whose poems are unusual and filled with a huge force of experience. As on the palette, the artist mixes several colors, forming a unique shade, and in the work of the color of the main topics: love, poet and poetry and homeland - merge into a single whole, forming "poetry of intimate life." Love to the homeland of the poetess carried through his whole life. Her early poems are imbued with the tenderness of Moscow, where she was born. And halleluia pours to the dark fields. - I kiss you in the chest, Moscow Earth!

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The years of the civil war were for the color very heavy. Sergey Efron served in the ranks of the White Army. Marina lived in Moscow, in Borisoglebsky Lane. During these years, the cycle of poems "Swan Stan" appeared, imbued with sympathy to white movement. White was - red became: blood was ordaging. The red was - White became: Death twisted.

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Symbolically strange at first glance, the name of the "Poem of the Mountain", it is drawn by a sharp membership of Tsvetheevsky poetic world vertically - from the ground to the sky, from life to being. This Mountain is real, it rises above the city ("on the outcome of the suburbs"), this is the place of walking lovers or who are circumvents themselves to the gap, but another mountain is emission up, this is the greatness of a sense of love and pain or, as figuratively and accurately formulates a heroine for himself , "Height of nonsense over level / life." I do not remember you separately from love. Equality sign .... but, but in the beggar and close life - "Life as it is" - I do not see you together with any: - Memory revenge.

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In the "Poem of the end", Tsvetaeva once again loses the same situation of the last meeting, the last joint passage of the heroes on the scene. As in the "Mountain Poem" (both works are addressed to one lyrical addressee), the very moment of breaking two hearts is captured: both fear and pain, and the hope for the return of love and the monitoring of devastation. Super friendly word: parting. - One of the hundred? Just a word in four syllables, followed by emptiness.

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Poems written in emigration is longing in their homeland, bitterness of separation from Russia. Tsvetaeva fragilely collapsed with grazing, with its free and desperate soul. Dahl, inborn like pain, so homeland and so rock, which is everywhere, throughout the whole, carrying her whole with me.

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Abroad, the poetess follow the events occurring in Russia. She writes poems about Chelyuskins, proud that they are Russian. For you, every muscle holds - and proud: Chelyuskins are Russian!

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Shirms and expanses native region, the wind "Russian, end-to-end" is that Marina has absorbed. And it is Russia, an immense and severe, adamant and patient, she visited her son. Child my ... mine? Her - child! The very best to be the best. Earth, erased in dust, is a child in the cradle

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This is especially characteristic of the last poem of the color, addressed to Arseny Tarkovsky. The poem "I repeat the first verse" - a bold and even treacherous attempt to break into the life of another - poet and man. I pushed out of her row of Tarkovsky, "I covered the table on six ..." (in the final version of the Tarkovsky "table covered on six"), Tsvetaeva and here is trying to approve the relevance of its own being for the world: ... for an incomplete device Single uninvited, seventh .. .

The house of youth of youth at M. Tsvetaeva is populated with nice and expensive people, on the walls of the house portraits of ancestors, and home comfort items are not just things, they are animated and participate in the lives of all family members. This chocolate, magical, fabulous, poetic house, where you can communicate, dream, think, read your favorite books, listen to music: because of the frowning eyebrow house as like youth my day, as if my youth meets me: Hello, I!

Native city Where was the house of Marina Tsvetaeva? She told about it in his poem: Korzaz's competitions in us did not master kinship. And we shared so simple: yours - Petersburg, my - Moscow. Tsvetaeva loved the city in which it was born. Moscow she devoted a lot of poems: And the whole forty forts of churches laugh at the pride of the kings! Tsar Peter, and you, about the king, praise! But above you, kings: Bells. While they thunder from the blue - indisputably the championship of Moscow. Above the city, rejected by Peter, rolled the bell thunder. Harmony overturned surf over a woman who was rejected by you.

MOSCOW ... Moscow is the place where Tsvetaeva would like to live and die by passing this happiness to its descendants. The cycle of poems about Moscow, in fact, "Symbol of Faith" Tsvetaeva: Moscow! What a huge stagnicious house! Everyone in Russia is homeless, we will all come to you. Words of gratitude to the hometown often sound in Tsvetheevsky poems: and having poured allyluce on dark fields. - I kiss you in the chest, Moscow Earth!

The house in threeprudge first was Moscow, born under the pen of a young poet. At the head of everything and all reigned, of course, the father's magic house in a threeproof lane: dried up in the sky emerald drops of stars and sang a rooster. It was in the house of the old, the house is wonderful ... A wonderful house, our wonderful house in threeprudge, turned into poems now. So he appeared in this surviving passage of an adherally poem. We know that there was a poplar near the house, which remained before the eyes of the poet for life: this poplar! Our children's evenings are under it. This poplar among acacia, colors of ash and silver.

"I love you, my Russia ..." Doves, poetess embodied, above all, in love for Russia and Russian speech. From about 1916, when, actually, a real color began, a terrible song began in her work, which embodied the acute feeling of Russia - her nature, her story, her national Character. Russia as a national element reveals in the lyrics of Tsvetaeva in various angles and aspects - historical and domestic, but under all the images it is embodiments as it were as a single sign: Russia is the expression of the spirit of rebounds, reconciliation, and insecurity: the words are not enough, Vikhori is Koltun. Creak under the hoof the gap and plakuan. Non-blank path Non-free fire - Oh, Motherland-Rus, an incentive horse ....

The duality of love without love to the homeland is not a poet. And the path of Tsvetaeva in poetry is marked by many signs of this love-guilt, love-dedication, love-dependency: n Rosty me, my mountains! Forgive me, my rivers! Forgive me, my Niva! Forgive me, my herbs! But for Marina, Tsvetaeva Russia is also an expression of a bright expanser and a boundless latitude: and I - the hands of the man! - froze - tetanus! So that I blow me the soul - Russian draft!

License from the Motherland in May 1922, Marina leaves after her husband abroad. Her verses written in emigration are longing in their homeland, bitterness of separation from Russia. Tsvetaeva fragilely collapsed with a grazing, with its free and desperate soul: Dahl, inborn, like pain, so homeland and so rock, which is everywhere, throughout the whole, has been carrying her whole. Dahl, who removes me blizzards, Dal, said: - Return home! From all - to the Alpine Stars - I am shooting me!

The attractive force, no one overcome ... Tsvetaeva says everything about the same, about the inesen feeling of his native land. Motherland is holy, no bills with her impossible and meaningless, and this holy is not dissolved, it detects its attractive force, it does not exceed anything ... inexpensive, laconism of her verses transfer the hidden pain, which is terribly exposed to the reader, but also keep in the depths of the soul You can not break the soul. Having lost one time the connection with the native land, Tsvetaeva found the strength to return to Russia, but that was another country and another time ...

References 1. Datskevich N. G., Gasparov M. L. "The topic of the house and the Motherland in the poetry of Marinyzvietaeva." "Here and now". 2. The magazine "Russian Literature (6/2001)". Moscow. "School press" Kudrov I. "The versts, Dali ... Marina Tsvetaeva:". Moscow. " Soviet Russia"G. 4. True A." Marina Tsvetaeva ". Moscow. "EXMO" 5. Tsvetaeva M. I. "Favorites". Moscow. "Enlightenment" Tsvetaeva M. I. "Love vintage fogs." Moscow. "EXMO" Tsvetaeva M. I. "Works". Moscow. "Evening" G. 8. Tsvetaeva M. I. "Poem". Moscow. "Children's literature" G. 9. Tsvetaeva M. I. "Poems and poems." Soviet writer G. 10. Tsvetaeva M. I. "Poem. Poems. My Pushkin. " Moscow. "Alma- Press" G.


Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva was born on September 26, 1892 in Moscow. Her father, Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev, a famous art historian, philologist, Professor of Moscow University, director of the Rumyantsev Museum and the founder of the Museum of Fine Arts on the Volkhonka (now State Museum fine arts named after A.S. Pushkin), came from the family of the priest Vladimir province. The mother of poetess, Maria Alexandrovna came from the Russo Polish-German family, was an artistic, talented pianist, who studied from Rubinstein. Comprehensiveness and rebellion, the consciousness of the elevation and elect, love for defeated became the defining moments of the upbringing, which formed the appearance of Tsvetaeva. "After such a mother, I have only one thing left: to become a poet," she will write in the autobiographical essay "Mother and Music" (1934). Another essays of poetess will be devoted to the grateful memory of the parents. But all of her written is combined with every word of the mighty power of the Spirit.

The power of her poems is not spectatic images, and in the fascinating stream all the time changing, flexible rhythms involving. She is the poet of the Russian National Beginning. The poet of the limit truth of the feeling, Marina Tsvetaeva, with all his difficult-established fate, with all the fury and uniqueness of original dating, rightfully entered the Russian poetry of the first half of the twentieth century. All Russian poets, not only twentieth, but also reached the topic of the Motherland in their works, of course, each of them felt her in his own way. It seems to me that this topic is important for each of us. And Marina Ivanovna is a tech theme she takes decent place In creativity. Therefore, I believe that the topic of my abstract is relevant.

Theme of the Motherland in Poetry M.TSvetaeva

The works of M. Tsvetaeva are marked by a deep feeling of their homeland. Russia is for her - the expression of the spirit of rebounds, inconsistency, and timewise. Moscow Rus, her kings and queens, its Kremlin shrines, troubled time, Lhadmitriy and Marina, Wolnica Stepan Razin and, finally, ridiculous, Kabatskaya, reconnaissance, cautious Russia - all these images of one folk element:

Unprofitable way

Non-free fire -

Oh, Motherland -

Rus, an intense horse!

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva - a big and bright poet, introduced his vision of the world, rebellious and restless soul and a big, faithful, loving heart into the literature.
Bright, Marina's rebellious soul colors poured in original and unusually talented verses. She was in a hurry to express their admiration and surprise in the poetry before this beautiful world, which broke rapidly and boldly, like a comet.

Her poems are unusual and filled with a huge force of experience. The twentieth century - the epoch in which Tsvetaeva was created - was associated with many social upheavals, and therefore it is not at all surprising that completely new, tragic motives arose in the literature. But in this complex interweaving of feelings and emotions, the character of poetess is clearly visible, the origins of which in love for their homeland, to the Russian word, to Russian history, to Russian culture, to Russian nature. Russian Nature for M. Tsvetaeva - source of creativity. In connection with her, she sees the beginning of his originality, dissimilar on others:

Others - with eyes and with a larger light,

And I'm talking at night with the wind.

Not with the one - Italy

Marshmallow Mlades, -

With good, wide

Russian, passive!
Naturally, in verses M. Tsvetaeva many penetrating strings devoted to Russian nature. In the description of the landscape, it is always emphasized by Russianity:

Russian rye from me bow

Niva, where Baba will be interpreted ...

From damp and sleepers

Russia restore.

From dampness - and piles,

From dampness and serness.

"Sorry me, my mountains!
Forgive me, my rivers!
Forgive me, my Niva!
Forgive me, my herbs! "
Russia for Marina Tsvetaeva - the expression of the spirit of rebounds, the rustling space and boundless latitude.

The other flesh on the flesh is plusing,
From the mouths of drying - the breath swallowed ...
And I - the hands of the lady! - froze - tetanus!
So that I blow me the soul - Russian draft!

Years of emigration

great poet Russia, Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva was forced in the middle of the twenties to leave after her husband in emigration. She did not leave his homeland for ideological reasons, as many did at that time, but he drove to his beloved, out of Russia. Marina Ivanovna knew that she would be hard, but there was no choice.

So through the rainbow all the planets
Missing - considered something? -
I look and see one thing: the end.

It is not necessary to repent.

Her verses written in emigration are longing in their homeland, bitterness of separation from Russia. Tsvetaeva fragilely collapsed with grazing, with its free and desperate soul.

Dahl, inborn like pain
So much homeland and so
Rock, which is everywhere through all
Dahl - carrying her whole with him.

Abroad, Tsveyev took enthusiasm, but soon the emigrant circles were cooled to her, since she did not want to write Paskville to Russia even for the sake of earlier. Marina Ivanovna has always remained a devoteed daughter of the country, which aroused her, abandoned to unwittingly and always hotly beloved. Tsvetaeva remembered every stone of Moscow bridges, familiar catches, passionately hoped to return to his hometown. She did not allow the idea that a new meeting with a homeland would not take place.

Did not leave anywhere - you yes i -
Wrapped with rugs - all seas!

Co-owners five ribany -
Oceans do not afford!

All that time, while Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva lived abroad, she wrote a lot, comprehended her position. Her creative soul lived fruitful and tensely. Poetry, unfortunately, did not for the author, a source of obedient existence, but it was the only way to survive in the difficult conditions of the alien. Thank you at home, Tsvetaeva considered himself temporarily left, and the poems helped her spiritually join the great community of Russians, whom she did not cease to consider compatriots.

About non-drawing tongue!

What would simply be a man.

Understand, singer to me! -
Russia, my homeland!

You! This hands are listed -
Although two! Lips subscribe
On the plate: the diverse of my land -
Pride, my homeland!

The creativity of the emigration period is imbued with anger of anger, charity, a murderous irony, with which she stimps the entire emigrant world. Depending on this, the stylistic character of poetic speech. The direct heiress of the traditional melodic and even sinking system, Tsvetaeva resolutely refuses every melody, preferring to her the nervous nervous, as if spontaneously born speech, only conventionally subordinate to the structure. Being abroad, Tsvetaeva very really evaluated the advantages of those places surrounded. She always knew how to remain a patriot, having the beauty of Russia, sewn from childhood in the soul. Marina Ivanovna often wrote that local beauties would not eclipse the image of beautiful and desirable Russia in it. It was not a thoughtless rejection of someone else's land, just the Tsvetaeva wanted to their homeland, and nothing could replace familiar and loved ones from childhood landscapes.

To the Eiffel - hand to file!

Serve and climb. But each of us is
Ripe, angry, say, and get,
What is boring and ugly
We seem to your Paris.
"Russia, Russia,
Why do you burn so bright? "

Following the great poets of Russia, Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva carried in the soul and fired in the lyrics of a big and holy feeling towards his homeland. Having left the country because of her husband - a white officer, she never considered himself an emigrant in his soul, lived in the interests of Russia, admired her success and suffered because of failures. Tsvetaeva neither stitching did not write against the homeland who turned to the author the stepmother. Marina Ivanovna vinyl in all his misfortunes himself, passionately dreamed of returning to Russia. Dahl, inborn, as pain, so much motherland and so - rock, which is everywhere, throughout the whole, carrying her whole with him! A person is not given to dispose of the fate, to Marina Ivanovna, life very often turned his back, showing difficulties and tests, but Tsvetaeva never Raptal, proudly carried his "cross", remaining loyal, his own | principles and ideals. From the uneftual losses - go - where the eyes look! All countries - eyes, from all over the Earth - Eyes, and Blue Your Eyes, in which I look: in the eyes, looking at Rus. In verses addressed to the son, Tsvetaeva advises not to break away from the native roots, being a patriot of his country. Abroad, the poetess follow the events occurring in Russia. She writes poems about Chelyuskins, proud that they are Russian.

For you every muscle
Keep - and proud:

Chelyuskintsy - Russian!

An expensive price of the purchased renunciation of small "yesterday's truth" was in the future, M. Tsvetaeva painful way, but still come to the comprehension of the big truth of the century. It was there, abroad, Marina Ivanovna, perhaps for the first time gained sober knowledge about life, saw the world without any romantic covers.

"My real reader is in Russia," she argued, living in France. And stubbornly repeated: "I'm tugged in Russia - everyone would have found his own."

She was twenty-nine when she left Russia. Forty seven turned three months after returning to their homeland. Emigration turned out to be grave for her time, and at the end and tragic.

Isolation from the Russian reader and failure of life abroad - a year by year it required more and more confrontation forces, overlooking. It is difficult to abandon the involuntarily arising of the question: did not be, in spite of everything, these years won from fate? Let in poverty and non-recognition, but how much it created for these seventeen years!

And how many of these works it devoted to his beloved homeland!

The magic of German extravagancies,

Tomny waltz German and simple,

And meadows in abandoned Russia

Bloomed chicken blindness.

Cute meadow! We loved you so much

With the golden path of the Okey ...

Barrels sink cars

Golden May beetles.

The most valuable thing is the most undoubted spelling creativity Tsvetaeva - her restless hatred of "velvet satiety" and any vulgarity. In the further work of M. Tsvetaeva, satirical notes are increasingly stronger. At the same time, M. Tsvetaeva is increasingly growing and strengthens the living interest in what happens on an abandoned homeland. Longing in Russia affects such lyrical poems as "dawn on the rails", "mud", "Russian rye from me", "about the unfashionable language ...", woven with the Duma about the new homeland, which the poet has not yet seen and does not know.
Somewhere far from the native fields that enlarged the smell of early morning, somewhere far from the native sky, somewhere far home country. And with her indifferently divide Marina Tsvetaeva kilometers of roads.

In some rapid raidness
Looking like a sheet -
Railway canvas
Rail cutting blue.

Most of the works that Tsvetaeva wrote on a foreign land, as a rule, was published thanks to the magazines "Will Russia" and "Latest News". By the 30s, Marina Tsvetaeva quite clearly realized the frontier, separated it from white emigration. The distance between the poetic, winged soul and a new, "loaning" rusky becomes an insurmountable.
It is important for understanding the poetry of the Tsvetaeva, which she took to the 30th year, has a cycle of "poems to the Son" and the collection of poems "Loans".

... my edge, my edge, sold

All, alive, with a beast,

With wonderful gods

FROM mountain breeds,

With whole nations

In the field without housing,

Moandering: -rodina!

My motherland!

Bogova! Bohemia!

Do not lie like a layer!

God gave both

And give again!

In the oath, the hand raised

All your sons -

Die homeland

All - who is without a country!

Marina Tsveva was always admired by the country in which she was born, she knew that her homeland was mysterious and extraordinary. In it, the extremes are sometimes connected without any transitions and rules. What could be the warmer of his land, fed and growing you as a mother, without which one can not do, which cannot be betrayed? Shiros and expanses of the native land, the wind "Russian, through" - that's what I absorbed Marina.
Longing in Russia affects such lyrical poems as "dawn on the rails", "mud", "Russian rye from me", "about the unfashionable language ...", woven with the Duma about the new homeland, which the poet has not yet seen and does not know:

Showing the day did not get up
With his passions whipped,
From damp and sleepers
Russia restore.

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