What is a good education? How to get a good higher education how to get a good education at school.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. The article I promised in the publication "" did not make yourself wait a long time and now you can talk about whether questions come from need higher education And how to get benefit from learning in high school, and not just a crust. This article will not be an advertisement for some university, just express your opinion on how to learn that higher education will really benefit.

To begin with, I would like to say that under the benefit of higher education, I understand not only the acquired knowledge, but also the overall growth of the person, both in the intellectual and in the intelligent plan. And for this it is not necessary to learn in the very prestigious university With a huge number of requirements, but also at all "Sharacken office" is unlikely to help you in gaining knowledge and the growth of the person.

The benefits of higher education, what it is expressed

I will not say that higher education gives knowledge that you have not had, and which are not easy to get not in the university, although sometimes it is possible. Yes, and knowledge that the university provides may not be enough, so think about the visit, according to this, this is written in more detail, there is no desire to repeat.

I wanted to touch on the topic of personal growth and development. It sounds pathetic, but as it is.

So all my life crammed and have to

Personal growth occurs not from the fact that you 4-6 years old wrote abstracts, taught and passed, no, quite for another reason. Learn and passing everything, of course, it is necessary, but there are still some moments whose value you understand after the university, and during the training only grumble on most of them.

By the way, now the phrase " personal growth"In general, it became extremely popular and grow everything and everyone. Many incomprehensible psychologists, organizations offering something like "Esoteric self-development and personal growth." But why are they needed if you can start growing at the university? How to do it now will tell, please do not throw tomatoes, it's only my opinion:

And so it is uncomplying, visiting the lectures of non-core objects, communicating with the teachers you can get a very tangible additional benefit from higher education, expressed in the expansion of the horizon, and get personal growth absolutely free, and even earning not bad scholarship, More O. increased scholarship Read the link ..

Sonya Samsonova - how to help the child to become successful in spite of school, which has almost changed over the past 30 years.

Secret curriculum

We want the children to know the children in school, they became more confident and more independent. Surprisingly, the parents themselves brought out of school what is not stated in the curriculum.

"My school experience is not typical for most experience ... I drank, smoked, used every nastyness and did not go to school ..." (Sergey, 40 years old, teacher)

"If a joke, I graduated from school with scoliosis, myopia and a silver medal. But if you consider your expectations from studying, I learned to learn how to apply knowledge - I think, yes, it is self-organization - yes (the question is the case at school?), I learned how to be friends later, interests and hobbies also discovered later. " (Alexandra, 30 years old, Mother Little Mom)

"Confidence is that in order for me to love me, I have to achieve the results that cannot be achieved. Self-assessment is lower than plinth, depression, apathy and inability to build relationships with guys. Early sex. Alcohol and smoking. " (Valeria, 32 years old, Head of the Department in the Energy Company)

"You do not want to be hard physically, be a tunner and learn well. Create an image of Pai-Girls - and your teachers. " (Marina, 38 years old, Candidate of Science, Head of the Diagnostic Center)

"Still at school I have formed a conviction: bad people are always in the majority. And therefore, I am always far from an official point of view, from universal approval, from the policies of the party and mass folk education. " (Gleb, 45 years, key client manager in information technology)

These lessons were not in school Programbut people learned them. The current parents, successful professionals, knew and hide the verbs, and the theorem of Pythagora, and the Rule of the Brascover, but they remembered for life another.

They did not keep health, did not understand their interests, did not learn how to build relationships with peers, but they hope to give these skills to their children, as if the school became another. But it is not.

Thirty years of reform and modernization concerned the visible part russian education. The law prescribes learning children to read, count, write, critically think and own information technology. Teachers should raise children by patriots - and at the same time free personalities.

But there is an unofficial part educational program - "Hidden learning content."

Due to the constant action of three strength, the school system involuntarily and informally teaches his wards that:

Not a man, but a team - crowd ,

It is important how others are estimated, - strive to get praise,

It does not matter what you want, silent and do what is supposed, - submissive power Group leaders, teachers and administrations.

Interactive boards and robotics came to school, but the principles of the system remained the same: 30 children are sitting on the back of the head, raise the hand to reach the toilet, and the call is for the teacher.

Provided parents give children to private schools or. But even if your offspring goes to school at the place of residence, there is a way out.

How to give a child the best despite school

To begin with, answer the question: "What do I want my son or daughter, knew how and understood at the end of the 11th grade?" Baby, especially if he has already graduated primary school, also offer to think about the purpose of your education. Make up and negotiate your expectations.

In the finished list, combine the results in the group: training knowledge, soft skills, lifestyle, personality and character.

If your studies suits you, go to the following items.

Soft skills

So call the skills that do not depend on the specific school course. These include teamwork, critical thinking, information competence and ability to resolve conflicts. A rare teacher owns these skills, so it is better to write a child to the training of communication, which will hold a psychologist. To work in a team, children will learn in the section or a circle, where the distribution of roles, joint planning and presentation of labor results is required. Scientific, theater, dance, engineering circle or cartoon will be suitable.

Where do you teach better? How to get a a good education? What to choose a university? Where to study? These issues of many school graduates and colleges begin to torment every day until admission. The choice of university is one of the main elections in life. From the fact that you are finished, a lot is depeted - future profession, place of work, earnings, a circle of communication, marital status, standard of living, etc. Often the choice of university is associated with the self-esteem of their knowledge and opportunities. And how not to guess here?

How to evaluate the real level of your knowledge and opportunities?

So you are not worth it in front of the choice, but do not even know from what to choose. In this case, you need to push something from something. Try to push off myself, from your knowledge and opportunities.

Such self-esteem should be based on personal sensations, but on facts. First, pass independent testing. To do this, contact a specialized center where you can provide such a service. Secondly, talk to my parents and find out what material assistance They will be able to provide you while studying whether they will be able to pay it to the contract, and in the event of admission to another city, help with helping housing. It is very important. You need to be confident in your knowledge and opportunities.

What criteria should you choose a university?

To choose a good university worth the patience and time. What is it for?

Choice good university - This is attentive work with the details. To do this, you will need to collect all the necessary information.

To start collecting information, you must define a future specialty.

Profession chosen? Then it is necessary to start searching for the university.

1. Determine the circle of universities that are preparing specialists in the direction you need.

2. Go to the sites of these universities, read everything written. Especially pay attention to the exams and passing points. The higher the passing points, the university prestigious, and therefore graduates are in demand.

3. Read the information on the selected direction on the professional forums. Very often, among professionals, there are some sympathies for graduates of a university, and sometimes antipathy, for example, the faculty of journalism in Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov is considered one of the most prestigious. This is due to the name of the university, the location of the faculty in the center of Moscow, opposite the Kremlin, and the students themselves support such an image, but among professionals, the Zhurfak MSU graduates are perceived ambiguously. There is an example, in the environment of economists, specialists who graduated sectoral university, for example, thymryazevka, lip, stankin, etc., i.e. In addition to the economy, the specialist knows the features and nuances of the industry, where it will work, but graduates of the purely economic universities like hops and tower are much less, because they know the economy is not bad, but without binding to a specific area of \u200b\u200bproduction or activity. So keep in mind the opinions of professionals who already work about universities.

4. Read the reviews of students. However, note that the Internet publishes mainly negative feedback. This is because offended or displeased person wants to fill out his hatred somewhere and the Internet for this appropriate place. A much smaller number of people (their almost no) satisfied with their education will go to write about it on the pages of Ozzovikov, they are just unnecessary. Read reviews, of course, this information will be useful to you in the sense that you will know with which it is possible to encounter in a particular university.

5. Go to the job search site in the Summary section. Score your search engine future profession And look, graduates of what universities are most of all looking for work. This simple manipulation It will help you, firstly, find out the labor market where you have to go after receiving a diploma, and secondly, if graduates of some university, looking for work, incomparably more than others, then this is an alarming sign. This means that the university releases unclaimed specialists and it is better not to do there.

Portrait of a good university

It is safe to go to act if

  1. There is your specialty;
  2. It is difficult to enter, since high passing points;
  3. In a professional environment, a university diploma is highly appreciated;
  4. University love and respected students;
  5. Graduates quickly find work, and not looking for years.

In contact with

And what do you invest in the concept of "high-quality education"? What should a modern graduate school know and be able to know? After receiving the answers to these questions, we learn where and how to get the most high-quality education.

Total 20 years ago in order to take a "decent", that is, a highly paid position, it was enough good knowledge of English and computer. Today the requirements have tightened. Knowledge of two, or even three foreign languages, profile higher education, wide range and deep knowledge What you are doing is the usual list of candidate candidates.

And where, asks, all this can be studied? At school? Do not mix parents with experience! They also know that even in the most "steep" school, you can get to the newcomer teacher, which only begins his career and knows little. And he will learn on your child. There is a loose phrase that behind the back of each doctor is a small cemetery. And behind everyone, without exception, the teacher also has such a "cemetery". The doctor's mistakes lead to injury or death, and teacher errors - to a broken psyche and complexes.

It is said that such errors are not visible. Lgut - do not believe! Then why so much do not confident in yourself? So much tormented on the whole world? Cute, dodgy lgunov? Thanks to the one who is hurry, not specifically, but walked on the children's soul asphalt roller of intolerance and arrogance, frank rudeness and domesticity before strong Mira of this

What to do? Search exit yourself. Let's look for it together. Modern School Careful children basic education, and this is a minimum of knowledge. In addition, in the schedule of lessons there is such a number of objects that the child is simply not able to learn. Reforms are held constantly. Their goal is to facilitate the program and enable the child to develop freely. It is on paper, and in fact the school works like a prehistoric juicer. All teachers demand, and few of them give the knowledge that will be suitable in the future.

We conclude: you want your child to get high-quality education, deal with this question yourself. The first thing to be done is to understand what a child is capable of which he is inclinations that he is interested, and that he will never do well. Your first assistant in this matter is a psychologist, he will spend testing and will give his conclusion. Do not blindly fulfill its recommendations. Psychologist - that's a common personAnd he, like everyone else, can be wrong. But listen to still standing.

Now let's talk about the receipt of specific knowledge. Where can I explore foreign language? In any linguistic center. Of course, prices are biting there. But the output, as always, is. This is embassies different countries And their cultural centers. They are usually twice a year declare a set of courses for adults and children. Free! And this is a huge plus.

There are also paid, they are intended for "advanced", for those who polish the language, and does not study it from scratch. In the same cultural centers, it is possible to explore the customs and traditions of the country, to learn folk and modern dances, cooking and sewing, the ability to draw up Iquiban and drawing. Choose what is like. And remember that in this kind of institutions there are always grants for training abroad.

Your child does not want to learn a foreign language, but is fond of exact sciences? Then turn on the computer and go to university sites. There are associations and bribers, something like existing in soviet time Circles where schoolchildren get a lot of information on their chosen professions and are in-depth doing, for example, physics or chemistry. The fee, of course, is, but not so high like a tutor.

And now everyone in the house has its own free teacher. This is a computer. He is just as able to make knowledge according to any subject of deep and durable and expand the horizon. Teach the child does not play, sitting at the computer, but work on it. Of course, you need to play, and communicate with friends, and to do sports. This, just, no one cancels and does not try to replace with a constant study at various types of courses and visiting tutors. But the main task is to teach the child to the idea that the computer is not entertainment, not a toy, but an assistant and teacher.

What is happening? Qualitative education without self-education, without work on it is impossible? This is the case. Remember the famous: "Salvation of drowning is the work of the hands of immersing." However, very correct words! Want to get high-quality education? Learn! And do it all the time.

All parents wish to give their children a good education, but not everyone can explain what concretely enters this concept and why some disciples are successful, and some do not find themselves in life.

For many parents, a good education is a child training in a good school, and then at the university. That is, school rating and university, an in-depth program and a prestigious diploma become the key to the wonderful education of the child. In most cases, this is true. If school teachers and the university program seriously require good knowledge and practical skills from their disciples, the child will receive these knowledge. When teachers relate to their work, not properly, the disciple is most likely to expect good education.

Much depends on the health of the child, because not every health will take out heavy load specific profession. In order to determine if a specific person allows his health status to work or learn from the selected specialty, there is a so-called certificate of professional fitness for work / study, or form 086 y, to receive which you can at http: // Med-Help-086-y .rf. Medical certificate 086 U is presented at the request of work, university, technical school, school.

It is worth noting that not all schoolchildren from prestigious educational institutions, and not every student of a good university will be able to achieve great success in the life, to practice all the knowledge that they gave them. There are several reasons for this, the main among them is that the schoolchildren and the student do not have due motivation, to learn well and absorb knowledge. Even learning in beautiful educational institutionThe student can walk the lessons, do not fulfill tasks, do not listen to the teacher. As a result, the money of parents for paid education and tutors will be wasted.

Therefore, getting a good formation is not only from the knowledge and skills that teachers can give a disciple, and not only from their competence, but also from the motivation, the desire of the student itself to achieve heights in training, find themselves in this life, knowledge, which he wants achieve. After all, sometimes even students with bad marks in school and university revealed huge talents in themselves and sought to achieve more, expand the knowledge of a person in the most different areas: science, literature, music, politics, sports. There are many examples of such people.

A good education is made up not only from knowledge that are taught at school, but also from the personal interests of the student. Only what a student is passionately is fond of what he wants to know with all the soul may be laid in his mind without memorizing, easily and naturally. So such knowledge will remain with him for a long time. It is necessary to look closely to what interests the child, which gives him satisfaction, what he really is good. Perhaps this is this sphere and should be later by his vocation.

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