Is there a competition in the target area. University admission: target direction

My students often ask what is target direction how to get it, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this system. In this article, I will try to answer all of these questions.

The employer pays for your studies, and after receiving your education you are obliged to work for him

What is a target direction?

The target direction is the official appeal of the company (state organization) to the university, with a request to enroll you in studies. The future employer pays for your education, and, having received a diploma, you will be required to work for it from three to five years.

How to get targeted referral?

Step one- we find a company on behalf of which a request will be sent to the university administration.

Life hack: in order not to spend a lot of time on independent searches for such an organization, you can find out from the selection committee with which companies they have concluded contracts. You can also ask other target students.

Step two

At least six months before the exam, you conclude an agreement with the company. As a rule, firms already have certain agreements with universities, and you will need to choose a direction in one of the proposed institutions from the employer.

Be sure to study the contract in detail: it is important to understand when you come to work (after graduating from a specialty, bachelor's or master's degree, which the company can also pay for), how many years you will work for the company after graduation and on what conditions.

Step three

We collect documents. Required list the employer will tell you the papers. Expect this to take some time. An application must be submitted to the administration of the company, which indicates the personal data of the student, the number of the educational institution, the class, the desired specialty and the university.

Agreements between universities and customers are concluded in April - May, it is by this time that all issues with funding, lists of applicants and the number of allocated target places are resolved.

If there are more people wishing to study the kissing program than the number of allocated places, then a competition is held among the “target people” based on the USE scores.

Step four

Getting ready for the exam! Remember: having a contract is not a reason to relax!

Step five

June. The deadline for submission of documents is approaching. You must definitely inform the admissions committee that you are acting in the targeted direction. It is worth noting that you can ONLY apply for this program to one university in one direction. In the rest of the universities, you will go through a general competition (the sum of the USE scores).

What are the advantages of targeting?

For a graduate, this format facilitates the admission process, since this group of applicants is a separate competition, which is significantly lower than the general one. The target direction also allows you not to think about employment after graduation.

In addition, "target students" have the right to priority check-in in a hostel and an allowance to the scholarship at the expense of future employers.

The order to enroll such students appears before the order to enroll the rest of the students, which is a plus for those who did not pass this competition - there is still time to submit documents on a general basis.

Are there any disadvantages?

Yes, of course, there are also pitfalls. First of all, we are talking about the obligations that companies impose on graduates. The main one is the almost complete lack of choice of a place of work after graduation (you work where they say).

For example, having studied in prestigious university in Moscow, the graduate is obliged to return to the city where he received a referral from the administration. It is not worth counting on a salary increase or career growth during the term of service.

And, finally, the student is obliged to study, close sessions, not have tails. In case of non-compliance with any of the terms of the contract, the employer has the right to go to court and through it to recover the training costs from the violator.

Thus, if you like stability, do not want to take risks, take a serious approach to choosing a place of work, then the target direction is the best option.

How can you use it. In our material, we will describe the features of this type of education, and also tell you where and how you can get a targeted referral to a university.

Features of targeted learning: advantages and disadvantages

Target admission is admission to a university for the budget by a referral from a government department or from an enterprise. If the company pays for your training, then you undertake to work for him during the period specified in the contract. If you receive a referral from a government agency, then you will work through government distribution.

The main advantages of the target area:

  • free education;
  • guaranteed employment after graduation;
  • a separate competition “for target people”;
  • enrollment takes place before the start of the first wave, if you have not passed, you will be able to participate in the main competition;
  • some businesses offer flexible working hours during their studies;
  • social support from the future employer: scholarship, dormitory, fare, etc. (stipulated in the contract);
  • employer assistance in educational process(for example, collecting the necessary information for coursework, abstracts, scientific articles and thesis).

The most important and significant disadvantage of such training- the obligation you have to the employer. Even if during your studies you decide that you do not want to link your fate with the chosen profession, you will still have to work out the period specified in the target agreement. Otherwise, you will have to reimburse the funds spent on your training, sometimes in two or three times the amount.

Target set 2018: what changes are possible

In 2018, the government plans to adopt new law, which will tighten the conditions for targeted admission. It is expected that the minimum period of compulsory work at the enterprise after training will be at least 3 years.

A new participant will appear in the agreement between the applicant and the employer - the university. He will be responsible for ensuring that the document contains all obligations for both parties. It is also planned to toughen the liability for non-fulfillment of these obligations.

Where to get a targeted referral to a university

How to find an organization that will act as a customer for your studies at a university? There are several options here:

  • If you want to enroll in a specific university, contact him admissions committee and find out with which organizations he has contracts for targeted admission. Some universities provide this information on their websites.
  • You can get directions at government bodies... For example, if you want to enroll in, contact the Department of Health in your region.
  • In organs local government(for example, in the city administration) you can get information about which employers have left applications for the conclusion target agreement... There you can also write an application for obtaining a targeted direction, indicating the desired specialty.
  • You can find an organization yourself. Decide on a direction, select large organizations in this industry. Then visit them in person or go to the sites, find out if it is possible to get a referral to the university from them.

Georgy Lipartiani, good afternoon! You will be entering into an agreement with the employer. If this government agency then you need to go to the health department.

Hello, can I enroll in the target from 65 in Russian and 77 in chemistry, if the threshold to the university is 50 (I'm afraid that I passed Russian too badly)

Anna Konkina, good afternoon! If your scores are higher than the minimum, this means that the university will accept your documents. Further, the chances of admission will depend on competitive situation current year. If there is only 1 place, then the applicant will be chosen who will have more points.

Hello, at the target we were told to fill out the autobiography manually there, in particular, what to write about ?! And another personal sheet.

Hello, is it possible to enroll on the target with 44 b. in chemistry (threshold 45). Can a university close its eyes to 1 point?

Starting this year, universities may change the rules for targeted admission. The Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva, at a meeting with the rectors of pedagogical universities, proposed several measures to increase the effectiveness of targeted training in pedagogical universities. We are talking about the conclusion of a tripartite agreement between the employer, the applicant and the university before starting admissions campaign... The plans are to oblige target workers to work for three years at municipal enterprises. This scheme may work for others. industry universities.

Every year 250 thousand target students are trained in universities. No more than 20-30 percent return to employers in their regions. Here's a recent example. In the Vologda Oblast, by this February, more than 120 school graduates have applied to the health department for referrals. At the same time, only 46 young specialists came to work last year. Target groups are often not responsible for violating the terms of the contract. Therefore, targeted areas in some universities are often viewed as a convenient way to become a student with a low USE score.

Target areas often become a way to enter a university with a low USE score

Who to give the direction, decides the region or department. According to the law, there should be competition among target groups. But if the university accepts 30 target students, and 31 applications, we can assume that there is a competition. Average score target groups - 62. At the same time, for everyone else, he can be in the university and 75, and 80.

At the Moscow State Pedagogical University, target groups from the regions are ready to line up.

In 2016, there were 366 applications, in 2015 - 286, in 2014 - 162, - says the vice-rector for educational work Elena Bolotova.

But the university cannot take all of them. By law, universities are required to coordinate quotas with regional departments and ministries. These decisions are not always made in the interests of visiting target groups.

Metropolitan target groups have learned to benefit even from strict admission rules. Here's how it's done: universities now enroll graduates in two waves. The competition among target students, as you know, is lower than among all other applicants, and the university is obliged to enroll them a little earlier than those who enter the first wave. The person applies for both the target place and the usual one. He is credited as a target audience, and then he looks: if he passes by points in the first wave, then he takes the application from target location and enters the university like everyone else. Without any obligations to the future employer. “There is no punishment for the fact that a person refused to follow the target direction,” explains Vice-Rector Elena Bolotova.

If a school graduate sees that he does not pass in terms of points with the main stream, then he remains in the target group. Is it possible to somehow resist this scheme?

I think that all applicants should be admitted on a general basis. Targeted admission can only be reserved for those who come with a referral from their region and a commitment to return. In all other cases, it is necessary to move on to expanding targeted training. At the same time, build relationships with the student so that the employer picks up him only after enrolling in the first year. The contract must necessarily specify where the person will undergo the internship, who and how will pay for travel, meals, accommodation in a hostel, says Elena Bolotova.

Maybe it is necessary to conduct aptitude testing among target groups, because pedagogical universities have the right to do so? - I ask.

There was such an experience. Someone got the expected result, someone was upset. There were many tragedies. Suppose the parents sent the child to a teacher training college, and he brought them the test results, from which it was clear that it would be difficult for him to work in the "human-human" system. Mom and Dad insisted ... And then, testing is a very costly event, - says the vice-rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

About 1 percent of applicants enter the MISiS Technological University with targeted areas. Why so little? They do not gain the 210 points required for enrollment on the exam. Until recently, the threshold was much smaller and a lot of target people came with directions. According to the university, from 3 to 12 percent returned home.

At the same time, the total number of target students at the university is about a third of all students. In branches - up to 80 percent. Employers start looking out for future employees already during their studies.

And what if the target student was expelled for poor studies, he became a father of many children, or left for another country?

This usually happens starting from the second year, - said the rector of the university Alevtina Chernikova. - I will give you an example of how one of the mining plants selected personnel for itself. At first, representatives of the plant tested 86 students, after interviews, 54 remained, after additional testing 34. Then individual work began, because the company was looking for people who would go to work in Kuzbass. As a result, 10 people remained. This summer they were there in practice. The university and this company signed an agreement on monthly financial support for students.

The university has 1200 partner-employers who offer various forms of agreements with target groups and conclude them for 3-4 courses.

All contracts are individual. Someone is offered an additional 3 thousand to the main scholarship, some 20. The conditions of practice, travel to the place (all metallurgical enterprises are scattered across the country), help from mentors are negotiated. By target recruitment, you can go to work abroad. For example, an employer once needed 30 young professionals to work in Zimbabwe. Another time, graduates were needed for a facility in Myanmar.

An effective model is when the employer is directly related to the student. Moreover, it is best to conclude an agreement in the senior years, when the student already understands whether he will go to the magistracy or not, will be engaged in science or is ready to work in production, Alevtina Chernikova believes.

Another way to interest a student in a future job is to offer him curriculum developed with the participation of employers and the opportunity to obtain a certificate of additional competencies. For example, at the Department of Business Informatics, in theory, in 4 years, you can get up to 40 certificates of different IT companies and choose a place for your future work.

There are cases when target groups selected by employers still do not reach the place of work. Enterprises, as a rule, do not go into conflict. Even if they paid an additional scholarship.

Vladimir Glibovets, assistant to the Khoroshevsky interdistrict prosecutor of Moscow, entered the Moscow Law Academy. Kutafin in the targeted direction from the Prosecutor General's Office.

The competition in the specialty for us was exactly the same as for all other applicants, there was no increase in the scholarship for the targeted direction. But I was guaranteed a future job. And I dreamed of getting into the prosecutor's office, - said Vladimir.

He did not even think about violating the terms of the contract. This is generally a rarity among target lawyers. But he agrees that government agencies are not very willing to look for "their" target people, if they do not reach their place of work after graduation.

Civil law relations require one of the parties to go to court, explains Glibovets.

250 thousand students annually undergo targeted training at universities. No more than 20-30 percent return to their regions

This takes time and money. True, then all legal costs can be recovered from the culprit, but first he must be found. If, for example, a hospital or a school wants to go to court and punish a target who has not reached them, they will have to spend at least 30 thousand rubles first. Why do they need this if they have not spent a single ruble on the preparation of "their" target audience? And what if the target student was expelled for poor studies, he became an invalid or a father with many children, left to live in another country? And if at all you realized that you made a mistake with your choice of profession and left the university? To sue for it or not?

Both rectors and experts are unanimous - in order for target students to return to work where they were sent from, two conditions are needed: participation in a ruble in the preparation of a student and a decent salary.

For those who studied at universities before the 1990s, the word"Target"did not cause bewilderment and questions. Before the collapse of the USSR, “target groups” meant applicants who were sent by farms, collective farms, state farms and other industrial enterprises to study at higher educational institutions. At the same time, the enterprise fully pays for the training of the directed applicant, and he, in turn, has benefits upon admission (the main thing is not to fail the exam and not get 2 points), takes a budgetary place in the university and studies like an ordinary state employee, receiving a scholarship if he has it deserves. And after graduating from the educational institution, the “target person” was obliged to work (at least for 3 years) in the profession he received at the enterprise that sent him to study.

Today, the concept of “target person” remains, however, as it turns out in practice, the real meaning of this word has radically changed. Currently, up to 100% of all “target students” are, forgive the frankness, the children of wealthy parents who are able to contribute a considerable amount of money so that their child enrolls in a university for a budgetary place as a “target target”.

Now to enter university as a “target” it is not at all necessary to have a referral from any state enterprise. Now you absolutely legally provide the so-called "sponsorship" to the university (5 years ago it was called a bribe), and your child is required to pass entrance exams at least by "3" (when recalculated from the USE scores). The amount of this "sponsorship" varies widely from 50,000 to 200,000 rubles, depending on the prestige of the university and the competition for the faculty.

However, the whole trouble with the current "target" applicants does not end there. According to statistics, about half (48.7%) of the number of all “target people” are expelled during the first year of study for academic debt... Today's "target students", with grief in half passed on 40-50 points of the Unified State Exam, simply cannot study at the university, where they were sent by the "enterprise" in the person of their parents or other relatives.

But that's not all. We analyzed the admission of applicants to some Moscow universities (MMA named after Sechenov, Russian State Medical University named after Pirogov, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, etc.) and saw the following, shocking even us - teachers who have long understood the disappointing tendency of the degradation of our education - a picture. If in times Soviet period the number of "target people" in the university was strictly limited and should not exceed 15% of the total number budget places, now this figure is not fixed in any way and can reach 45%! And these are real figures obtained on the basis of an analysis of orders for admission to state universities in Moscow. And now add to these "target people" persons who have graduated from secondary special profile educational institutions(schools), disabled people and other legal beneficiaries ...

So it turns out that for 235 budget-funded places in one of the Moscow universities (I do not specifically mention its name, since this picture can be traced virtually everywhere), 80 budget-funded places (34%) were taken by "target groups", 115 places (49%) - applicants who graduated from schools, 25 places (10.6%) - for the true beneficiaries (disabled, orphans, etc.). Now take the trouble to calculate how many budget places are left for you - students-graduates of the 11th grade of schools.

Yes, that's right, 15 seats in total! 15 budget-funded places (6%) out of 235 declared by the university. But those graduates who go to higher education right after school educational institution the overwhelming majority - an average of 87%. And for these 87% of graduates, only 6% of budget-funded places in institutes remain. Do you think your chances of getting "fair" are great?

Unfortunately, everything that I managed to briefly talk about is happening at the moment, and, as the trend shows, tomorrow this picture will only change for the worse. Just think for a minute: the students who entered in this way still graduate from the university, and they do not always graduate because of the knowledge they possess; they receive a state diploma and become “specialists”. I sincerely would not wish anyone to ever get an appointment with such "specialists". And we are still racking our brains, why are all branches of domestic industry falling apart so rapidly, people die from treatment and die not from hunger, but from food that they buy in stores. By itself, nothing ever falls apart! It is much more reasonable to assume that someone is falling apart. But this is the subject of a separate conversation ...

Finally, I want to describe a recent incident that happened to one of my students during the 2010 admissions campaign. The girl studied in our center for 2 years. Thanks to her efforts and the efforts of our teachers, when she was already in the 11th grade, she participated in the All-Russian Olympiad in Chemistry, where she was among the prize-winners, taking 3rd place. 3rd place in the All-Russian Olympiad is a very good admission benefit: 100 points in chemistry automatically and the right of the first priority for admission (RF Law "On Education" No. 3266-1 of 10.07.1992, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of December 2, 2009 No. 695 "On approval of the Regulations on All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren "). However, by submitting documents to the Russian State Medical University named after Pirogov, she was not enrolled in the first stream, since in this stream our dear "target people" were enrolled in budget places. When asked whether she will be credited - the winner of the All-Russianchemistry olympiads, having a legal benefit, she received the answer: "If there are vacancies in the budgetary places ...". And what determines whether there will be places left or not? The answer suggests itself: from how many “target people” there will be this year! The girl still entered, albeit at another institute - MMA them. Sechenov, but this egregious case once again confirms the fact that the number target applicants is not regulated or limited in any way and depends only on their influx. All this leads to the fact that next year, perhaps, for the right to study on a budgetary basis in Russian universities not ordinary schoolchildren-graduates will fight, but those who bears the proud name “target-oriented”. And the result of admission, apparently, will depend not on the points scored on the exam, but on the amount of "sponsorship" ...

Rogozhin V.N.

Grigory Kantorovich, Vice-Rector of the State University - Higher School of Economics, on target recruitment to universities

One of the complaints about admissions campaigns in recent years is a significant number of target and benefit recipients, because of which it is impossible to "break through" to budget places. How is it going target recruitment to universities, in an interview with RIA Novosti says Vice-Rector of the State University - Higher School of Economics Grigory Kantorovich.

- Grigory Helmutovich, in Soviet time target recruitment was pretty common, but now? How many applicants do this? Who directs them, where?

The Ministry of Education and Science "allocates" no more than 20% of the total number of budget-funded places of the university to the target enrollment. But surely there are those who violate this requirement. In general, the target set for the country is much smaller.

State and local government bodies can send applicants to study at universities according to the target enrollment. This is a pretty strong limitation. So, to us at the SU-HSE with a request for a target recruitment was approached from the Accounts Chamber. We refused - precisely on the grounds that the Accounts Chamber is not a body government controlled... We can accept for training, for example, by order of the government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma, regional administrations.

The very norm of target recruitment is widely used by industry universities. For example, in Moscow state university communication routes have always been a large target set.

- Is there a competition among target people? How is their enrollment going?

The mechanism is as follows. First, for example, the regional administration turns to the university with an official request to allocate places for the target recruitment. This appeal is considered by the Academic Council of the university. If he agrees to accept applicants, then an agreement is concluded, which indicates the number of places for the target recruitment for a group of specialties.

By the beginning of the admissions campaign, the organization must send a list of applicants for the target recruitment to the university. Moreover, there should be more of them than the number of budget places, so that a separate competition can be organized among them. According to the admission rules, it must be at least 1.2 people per seat. The norm, of course, is ridiculous, because according to USE results now it is easy to understand who qualifies for this competition. In fact, the organization can pre-form a list of those who will be admitted to the university.

- After graduation, are graduates required to work in the organization that sent them to study?

As a rule, in a request to a university, an organization writes that it needs specialists, guarantees them employment, and even obliges them to return to the region. But, as the lawyers say, all this is "legally null and void." We do not have serfdom - a person cannot be “assigned” to a workplace. Under the Labor Code, this is easy to challenge.

Those who direct applicants, I think, understand this, but they hardly care about it. Over the years of study of the target person, the composition of the administration will change, and who plans to recruit specialists for several years in advance?

- Does the university have a financial interest in admitting target students? Or a financial "burden"?

There is neither one nor the other. Budget places are allocated for the target set.

There is another form, when the organization sends a person for training on a commercial basis. There is no separate set here. The applicant needs to score enough points to be admitted to the paid department, after which a triple agreement is drawn up - between the applicant and his parents, the university and the organization that pays for the education.

- It is known that the target recruitment enrolls weak applicants - otherwise they would apply on a general basis. But it turns out that the university can abandon the practice of target recruitment if it does not want to lower the admission bar ...

Yes maybe. But only a leading university. The rest will only be glad that applicants are sent to them. In the conditions of a demographic decline, educational institutions do not select applicants even for budget places, therefore they take on the weak. For many universities, the target enrollment is a guaranteed student population.

At SU-HSE, the target set is limited, and we do not plan to expand it. V last years we work only at the request of the government of the Russian Federation, for which we allocate 40 budget places every year, although in reality the recruitment is even less ... And also with the Republic of Buryatia. There was a request from its head, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn: we need personnel, we need to raise the region ... But from there only four people were sent to us.

- Is there any confidence that after graduating from the Higher School of Economics they will return to their home - or will they stay in Moscow?

They will return if they are offered a job and a good salary. Everyone understands that salaries in Moscow are higher, and life is more expensive.

It would seem that the target set is a good norm. In the West, job security is a strong bargaining chip on the part of the employer, because finding a job is not so easy. But because of the difference in salaries in large cities and regions, this norm does not work in our country. So I personally see no reason to keep it.

The target set is a vestige of the past. V Soviet years, with mandatory distribution, this norm worked. Now, if you refuse it, I suppose nothing bad will happen.

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