Target areas in. How to get a targeted referral to a university? At the university of civil aviation

Practice has shown that few students understand what constitutes targeted admission at universities. Hence the problem: people do not fully understand who, how and where can use it?

Let's figure out together what is target direction to the university, what are the admission rules and where you can use this service.

There are target places in almost every university. And in the largest universities, the competition for these places is huge

What is Targeted Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages

Before looking for how and where to teach the target direction (in Moscow or other large cities), you need to figure out whether you have the right to do so.

Target reception- This is admission to a university on a budgetary basis by a referral from a state enterprise or department.

If you are going to go to university on a referral from an enterprise, it is worth considering several times. After all, this imposes obligations on the future student to work at this enterprise during the period specified in the contract.

If you receive a targeted referral to universities in Moscow or other cities from government agencies, then you will have to work through the state distribution system.

Despite such difficult and seemingly burdensome conditions, there are advantages in the target direction:

  • free study;
  • guaranteed employment after graduation;
  • lower competition for those who enroll in the targeted direction;
  • the period of enrollment of "target candidates" passes before the main competition. This means that if you do not apply, you can participate in the competition together with the others on general terms;
  • extended social package (scholarship, provision of a hostel, payment of a travel card and further by agreement), because, as a rule, the future employer provides the "target" student;
  • often - feasible help in collecting the necessary material (for example, when writing a term paper, diploma) from the employer.

But there is only one shortage of target directions to the university in 2018 and 2019, but which one: compulsory work for a certain period with a future employer ... And there is almost no way to get away from this, even if during your studies you suddenly realized that you were mistaken with the direction and did not want to continue studying on the chosen course at all.

If you decide to go against the system, you will have to reimburse those who gave you the target direction for the funds spent on your training. It often happens that not only the cost of education has to be reimbursed, but also the same additional social package, and sometimes also moral damage. So the total amount can be increased by 2-3 times.

There are organizations that provide their employees with a more convenient work schedule while studying.

Where can I get a targeted referral to a university / institute

How can you find such a "sweet" organization that will be ready to take all the costs on yourself, and then it would not be so difficult for you to go through the detention? It will be interesting for you to know that in 2018 not only organizations, but also universities (often in Moscow) provide target directions. It remains only to find out which ones.

So, here are a few nuances that will be useful for you to know:

  • find out with which organizations / enterprises there is an agreement on targeted admission at the university where you are going to enter. Typically, this information is contained on the university website. For example, MAI, MSTU im. N.E Bauman, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology;
  • find out if the relevant government agency in your area can give a referral to the university of interest (for example, if you are going to a medical school, ask for a referral from the Department of Health in your region);
  • if you do not know how to find a future employer, seek advice from the authorities local government(city administration). Often they have free access to information about which organizations have applied for the chosen university for the purpose of a conclusion target agreement;
  • consider whether you can get a targeted referral directly from an organization that interests you as a future employer. It is enough to “go through” the leading companies and, during a personal visit, find out if they want to get an excellent young specialist, having now provided the target direction;
MIIT has an agreement on targeted cooperation with the Moscow Metro and Russian Railways, after the RUDN University the target groups go to Gidrospetsproekt and Mosenergo. And by the way, Gazprom also cooperates with many top universities.

How to take a target direction to a university: step-by-step instructions

When should you do this? The earlier the better. Try to start collecting the information you need at least six months before graduation.

And here is an approximate algorithm of actions:

  1. Choose a destination that interests you.
  2. Start looking for an organization that will pay for your training (unless, of course, you are). It can be either a company or a government agency.
  3. Collect a package of required documents.
  4. Sign a target agreement with your future employer (do not forget to discuss additional "goodies" in the form of a travel card, medical insurance, dormitory, etc.).
  5. Take the documents for submission to the university, attach a copy of the target agreement to them.
One student can receive only one targeted direction to the university. It is not surprising that many employers have a competitive system for those who apply to them with such a request. Therefore, they will look at the certificate and personal achievements, and they will also conduct an interview.
If you won prizes at the Olympiads, this will be a big plus for the company.

Track the date of submission of documents for a targeted referral. It is important to submit your application on time.

Documents for obtaining the target direction

To conclude a contract, have time to collect the following documents:

  • if you are a student, you will need a statement of progress for the first 6 months graduation class with the stamp of the school director;
  • if you graduated from school last year or earlier, attach your education certificate;
  • if you are applying for a post-college / technical post-college place, attach a secondary special education diploma;
  • photocopies of the passport;
  • characteristics from the place of study (on request);
  • evidence of personal achievements (medals, certificates, diplomas, etc.).

In general, the essence of targeted learning is clear: free education with subsequent working out in the organization under the contract.

Many are afraid of distribution. But we urge you not to panic. Firstly, wisely approach the choice of such an organization. If the company is solid and directly related to your chosen industry, then you will not only get the opportunity to study for free, but also will not waste energy (like many of your fellow students) on finding a job immediately after receiving a diploma.

Secondly, you need to understand that the first couple of years after graduation, a graduate works on experience and image. A priori, he cannot get a lot from the start. And working out the target direction will be an excellent base for your future work experience.

In the meantime, the rest are frantically looking for how to avoid this very distribution, feel free to work it out. Any difficulty on your way will make you stronger. And if you prove yourself well, you can move up the career ladder.

However, the main thing is to graduate from the university so that later they will take at least a working off. But do not worry about this, because there will always be a reliable one nearby, who will not give offense to tests, tests and exams!

How can you use it. In our material, we will describe the features of this type of education, and also tell you where and how you can get a targeted referral to a university.

Features of targeted learning: advantages and disadvantages

Target admission is admission to a university for the budget by a referral from a government department or from an enterprise. If the company pays for your training, then you undertake to work for him during the period specified in the contract. If you receive a referral from a government agency, then you will work through government distribution.

The main advantages of the target area:

  • free education;
  • guaranteed employment after graduation;
  • a separate competition “for target people”;
  • enrollment takes place before the start of the first wave, if you have not passed, you will be able to participate in the main competition;
  • some businesses offer flexible working hours during their studies;
  • social support from the future employer: scholarship, dormitory, fare, etc. (stipulated in the contract);
  • employer assistance in educational process(for example, collecting the necessary information for coursework, abstracts, scientific articles and thesis).

The most important and significant disadvantage of such training- the obligation you have to the employer. Even if during your studies you decide that you do not want to link your fate with the chosen profession, you will still have to work out the period specified in the target agreement. Otherwise, you will have to reimburse the funds spent on your training, sometimes in two or three times the amount.

Target set 2018: what changes are possible

In 2018, the government plans to adopt new law, which will tighten the conditions for targeted admission. It is expected that the minimum period of compulsory work at the enterprise after training will be at least 3 years.

A new participant will appear in the agreement between the applicant and the employer - the university. He will be responsible for ensuring that the document contains all obligations for both parties. It is also planned to toughen the liability for non-fulfillment of these obligations.

Where to get a targeted referral to a university

How to find an organization that will act as a customer for your studies at a university? There are several options here:

  • If you want to enroll in a particular university, contact its admissions office and find out with which organizations it has entered into targeted admission agreements. Some universities provide this information on their websites.
  • You can get directions at government bodies... For example, if you want to enroll in, contact the Department of Health in your region.
  • In local authorities (for example, in the city administration), you can get information about which employers have left applications for the conclusion of a targeted contract. There you can also write an application for obtaining a targeted direction, indicating the desired specialty.
  • You can find an organization yourself. Decide on a direction, select large organizations in this industry. Then visit them in person or go to the sites, find out if it is possible to get a referral to the university from them.

Georgy Lipartiani, good afternoon! You will be entering into an agreement with the employer. If this government agency then you need to go to the health department.

Hello, can I enroll in the target from 65 in Russian and 77 in chemistry, if the threshold to the university is 50 (I'm afraid that I passed Russian too badly)

Anna Konkina, good afternoon! If your scores are higher than the minimum, this means that the university will accept your documents. Further, the chances of admission will depend on competitive situation current year. If there is only 1 place, then the applicant will be chosen who will have more points.

Hello, at the target we were told to fill out an autobiography manually there, in particular, what to write about ?! And another personal sheet.

Hello, is it possible to enroll on the target with 44 b. in chemistry (threshold 45). Can a university close its eyes to 1 point?

Dear Applicants!

Targeted training in the interests of the Moscow region (education departments, administrations municipalities, educational institutions, etc.) - these are guaranteed career opportunities and solving significant problems for the region.

Admission to targeted training is carried out in the presence of an agreement on targeted training, concluded between the applicant and the customer of targeted training, in accordance with the regulations on targeted training and standard form agreements on targeted training established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In the long term, this is guaranteed employment in an interesting job with stable wages and a guaranteed social package.

For admission, targeted training is allocated a separate quota for each area of ​​training (specialty). The number of places for admission to training within the target quota is posted on the website Admissions committee no later than June 1, 2019.

Education in universities is not always within the power of citizens - often there is not enough Money... But the presence of a clear mindset and the desire to learn lead to the fact that the exits for admission are found - they resort to the target direction in the university.

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What it is?

First, you need to determine what the target direction means, and how to use it in practice.

The target direction can be obtained from the head of the enterprise or government agency to new employees or potential employees.

For training in an educational institution, the leadership specifically allocates several budget places, to which only citizens with the relevant documents will be enrolled.

As a result, it turns out that the presented possibilities solve two problems at once:

  • The manager receives the knowledge of a new employee who is trained at the expense of the enterprise. As a result of paid training, an employee is hired - he must “work off” the material support received, but this does not affect wages.
  • The applicant is provided with admission to the university, the knowledge and diploma of which he can apply in the future and after the worked period. These benefits will affect your later career.

The main provisions on the target direction in the university are spelled out in the following documents:

Pros and cons

The target direction in universities has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered for an accurate decision-making.

The presented procedure has the following advantages:

  • Admission to the university is provided, taking into account 1.5-2 people at the place of the course - this gives high chances.
  • All admission is based on delivery USE results and their subsequent competitive selection.
  • If there are additional entrance tests, then in most cases these are targeted appointments with applicants up to 2 people per place.
  • The target direction in universities is only free education. Depending on the head of the enterprise who provides the student with training opportunities, scholarships and housing may be provided if the applicant is from a foreign city.
  • Immediately after graduation, the graduate is provided with a job - he will not have to long time looking for a job in their specialty, which is difficult without experience. During the "working off" at the enterprise, you can gain experience in practicing activities and in the future find yourself a job with a higher pay.

Despite the numerous advantages, disadvantages can also be highlighted here:

  • The main thing is the refusal of graduates from further employment at the enterprise, since these are often unpresentable jobs and with low wages.
  • Moreover, new professionals are often sent to rural areas through participation in federal program training of new specialists.

Who pays and what is the obligation?

The target direction is issued either by the state or by an enterprise. The state only provides budget places, while businesses pay toll. For admission, you must obtain at passing the exam the required number of points, after which the already active student is "taken under the wing" by the higher authorities.

On the fact of targeted training and possible payment, an agreement is drawn up between the parties - students, if they are underage - their parents and the party that provided a place in the university.

All rights and obligations are prescribed in the contract. The contract can be drawn up with compulsory working out for a certain time at the enterprise that vouched for the applicant.

Where to get and how to get a targeted referral to a university in 2019?

Most of those wishing to receive a free education and possible subsequent employment are wondering how to get a targeted direction in a university. In this case, everything depends on the form of the direction and the subsequent specialty.

Who gives and how to find an employer?

To begin with, you should consider the question of who issues target directions, depending on the profile of the university.

Into the medical

Target areas in medical universities can be issued in two ways - at the employer or at the department of the Ministry of Health:

  • In the first case, the applicant must have an average medical education and a targeted direction will be issued for professional development.
  • In the second case, school graduates must find out which programs are in operation from the Ministry of Health in the coming year.

Often, budget-funded places depend on the chosen form of referral - a specific field of medicine. It is also important to clarify in which educational institutions offer possible free training.

At the university of civil aviation

In order to get into such a university, you need to contact any civil aviation organization that may be interested in training potential new personnel.

With a detailed examination of the applicant (his personal file and level of education), he can be sent along with the rest of those wishing to enter the university, in which places are allocated for students with a specific purpose.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Target direction to the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can only be received by graduates Suvorov School, as well as graduates of secondary educational institutions with a specialized base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Often, directions are given by department heads to their employees to improve their qualifications.

In the pedagogical

The department of education deals with the target areas of the pedagogical profile. Also, in specialized universities, places are allocated for applicants on certain conditions - with subsequent working out in educational institutions possibly located in rural areas.

In the economic

Here you can also contact the head of the company to obtain a targeted appointment in order to improve qualifications and the level of knowledge, if you have previously received education in a technical school or college.

The targeting of the economic structure is handled by the local municipality, which should be contacted to obtain the necessary information.

At the Russian Railways University

Anyone can enter the Russian Railways University for their intended purpose, if they enter that educational institution where the presented program operates.

As a rule, even when submitting documents, applicants are immediately warned about their obligations - working at Russian Railways for a certain period.

Into the legal

Target direction in law school can be obtained by graduates of a college or technical school of the corresponding profile. In this case, you need to contact as your manager on the fact of existing employment.

Also, the prosecutor's office or the local administration is engaged in the search for new personnel.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg

In the capitals of Russia, there are more opportunities to get a targeted direction, for which you need to do only a little. To begin with, you should choose a training profile and try to find a "sponsor" - an enterprise in which a graduate promises to work in exchange for paying for his education.

The documents

To get a targeted referral, for example, through the local administration, you need to prepare:

  • an application with a request to provide a place for the applicant at the university - it is important to indicate the profile and the university you want to study;
  • characteristics from the place of study - school;
  • petition - a request from teachers and higher authorities interested in obtaining a targeted direction by a graduate to allocate a place for studying at a university.

These are only basic documents that are required without fail. To prove the serious intentions of the student and his mental capabilities, you can attach various certificates and commendation sheets received for distinction in certain areas.


The application is submitted from the future applicant and is written in the name of the head of the local administration in free form. The text indicates the exact personal data and information about the current training.


The characteristics are given by those citizens who are teachers or managers of the enterprise where the applicant is employed. In the text, you must specify all positive traits and merit.


The application can be submitted as a second application from the head of the enterprise or teachers.

Important nuances

Obtaining a targeted referral has its own characteristics and important nuances:

  • target sets in to a greater extent held in industry universities- energy, oil and gas or light industry profiles;
  • applicants entering the targeted direction learn about the results first of all, so that in case of failure they can apply for admission again on a general basis;
  • annually, the number of target areas for admission to a university of one profile increases, and for another decreases, which is associated with the need to replenish personnel in a particular industry;
  • Universities independently determine how many places they are ready to provide for applicants for targeted admission.
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