Space is a resource. What are climate and space resources? The value and use of the world's climatic and space resources

Climate and space resources are the resources of the future. Both space and climatic resources are inexhaustible, they are not used directly in the material and non-material activities of people, they are practically not taken from nature in the process of use, but they significantly affect the living and economic conditions of people.

Climate resources are inexhaustible natural resources that include light, heat, moisture and wind energy.

Climatic resources are closely related to certain features of the climate. They include agro-climatic resources, wind energy resources. Agro-climatic resources, that is, light, heat and moisture, which determine the possibility of growing all agricultural crops. The geographical distribution of these resources is reflected on the agro-climatic map. Wind energy resources are also classified as climatic ones, which people have long learned to use with the help of wind turbines and sailboats. There are many places on the globe (for example, the coasts of the oceans and seas, Far East, south of the European part of Russia, Ukraine), where the wind speed exceeds 5 m / s, which makes the use of this energy with the help of wind farms environmentally friendly and economically justified, moreover, it has an almost inexhaustible potential.

Space resources include primarily solar radiation - the most powerful energy source on Earth. The sun is a giant thermonuclear reactor, the primary source of not only life on Earth, but also practically all of its energy resources. The annual flow of solar energy reaching the lower atmosphere and earth surface, is measured by the value (1014 kW), which is tens of times greater than the entire energy contained in the explored reserves of mineral fuel, and thousands of times - modern level world energy consumption. Naturally, the best conditions for the use of solar energy exist in the arid belt of the Earth, where the duration of sunshine largest USA(Florida, California), Japan, Israel, Cyprus, Australia, Ukraine (Crimea), Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Central Asia.

The impact of climate on the economy. It is known that the climate significantly affects various sectors of the economy. Each successful forecast of serious climate change without additional costs makes it possible to save significant amounts budget funds... For example, in China, in the design and construction of a metallurgical complex, taking into account climatic data saved $ 20 million. Using climate information and dedicated forecasts across Canada saves $ 50-100 million annually. In the United States, seasonal forecasts (even with 60% accuracy) yield a benefit of $ 180 million per year, considering only the agriculture, forestry and fishing industries.

Long-term forecasting makes it possible to significantly reduce the damage to the economy caused by climate change and even have a large economic effect from such forecasts. First of all, this applies to agricultural production. The structure of sown areas, sowing dates, seeding rates, seeding depth in cultivated agriculture are inconceivable without a reliable forecast of the expected weather conditions for the sowing and growing season. Fertilizers and all agricultural techniques and care of crops affect the level of yield, but the biological conditions created by the nature of the weather are the dominant factor. Agriculture, therefore, does not receive much from what the climatic resources are capable of producing. Over the past 15 years, the economic damage caused by natural disasters has grown tremendously. The human community itself aggravates some climatic phenomena. Signs of global climate warming are perceived as anthropogenic impact on the environment.

Rational human management is impossible without taking into account the climatic features of the region.

Rice. 44. CO emissions in the countries of the world (per capita per year)

Air pollution. Atmospheric air is an inexhaustible resource, but in some areas the globe it is exposed to such a strong anthropogenic impact that it is quite appropriate to raise the question of a qualitative change in the air as a result of atmospheric pollution.

Atmospheric pollution is the presence in the air in excess of various gases, particles of solid and liquid substances, vapors, the concentration of which negatively affects the flora and fauna of the Earth and the living conditions of human society.

The main anthropogenic sources of air pollution are transport, industrial enterprises, thermal power plants, and the like. So, gaseous emissions, solid particles, radioactive substances get into the atmosphere. At the same time, their temperature, properties and state change significantly, and as a result of interaction with the components of the atmosphere, many chemical and photochemical reactions can occur. As a result, new components are formed in the atmospheric air, the properties and behavior of which differ significantly from the original ones.

Gaseous emissions form compounds of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen. Carbon oxides practically do not interact with other substances in the atmosphere and their lifetime is limited. For example, it was found that since 1900 the share of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased from 0.027 to 0.0323% (Fig. 44). Accumulation in the atmosphere carbon dioxide can cause the so-called Greenhouse effect, which is accompanied by the compaction of a layer of carbon dioxide, which freely transmits solar radiation to the Earth, delays the return of thermal radiation to the upper atmosphere. In this regard, the temperature rises in the lower layers of the atmosphere, which leads to the melting of ice and snow at the poles, a rise in the level of oceans and seas and the flooding of a significant part of the land.

As a result of the impact of industrial waste discharged into the air, the ozone layer of the world is destroyed. As a result, ozone holes are formed, through which a huge amount of harmful radiation enters the Earth's surface, from which they suffer and animal world, and the people themselves. In recent decades, colored rains have begun to fall, which have an equally negative effect on human health and on the soil. Emissions of radioactive substances into the atmosphere are the most dangerous for all life on Earth, therefore their sources and patterns of distribution in the atmosphere are the object of constant observation. Under the influence of dynamic processes in the atmosphere, harmful emissions can spread over considerable distances.


The sun is a giant thermonuclear reactor, the primary source of not only all life on Earth, but practically all of its energy resources. The annual flow of solar energy, reaching the lower layers of the atmosphere and the earth's surface, is measured by such a huge value (10 14 kW), which is tens of times greater than all the energy contained in the proven reserves of mineral fuel, and thousands of times - the current level of world energy consumption. Naturally, the best conditions for the use of solar energy exist in the arid belt of the Earth, where the duration of sunshine is greatest.

Table 17. Climatic and space resources.

Energy source Areas of use
Energy of sun Arid Belt: USA (Florida, California); Japan, Israel, Cyprus, Australia, Ukraine (Crimea), Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Wed Asia.
Wind energy Coast of the North and Baltic seas, arctic seas; Wed Siberia, the Far East, the south of the European part of Russia, Ukraine.
Geothermal Low-temperature (heating): Iceland, Italy, France, Hungary, Japan, USA, Central American countries, New Zealand, Kamchatka S. Caucasus; high-temperature (dry steam for the construction of Geothermal power plant): Italy, USA (California), Mexico, N.Zelandia , Japan, Russia (Kamchatka).
Tidal energy Brittany (France) - the English Channel coast, the White Sea, the south of China, the Bay of Fundy (the coast of the USA and Canada), etc. Work continues in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Russia, China, Rep. Korea, India, Argentina, Australia.
Energy of currents (OTPP) Hawaii (USA), Nauru (Japan), Tahiti (France), Bali (Netherlands).
Wave energy Japan, Norway

Wind energy, which man has also used for a long time with the help of windmills and sailing ships, like solar, has an almost inexhaustible potential, is relatively cheap and does not pollute the environment. But it is very inconsistent in time and space and it is very difficult to "tame" it. Unlike solar, its resources are concentrated mainly in the temperate zone.

A special type of climatic resources is formed by agro-climatic resources - heat, moisture and light. The geographical distribution of these resources is reflected on the agro-climatic map.

Problems and tests on the topic "Climate and space resources - resources of the future"

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Leading ideas: geographic environment - necessary condition the life of society, the development and distribution of the population and the economy, while the influence of the resource factor on the level of economic development countries, but the importance of the rational use of natural resources and the environmental factor is increasing.

Basic concepts: geographic (environment) environment, ore and non-metallic minerals, ore belts, basins of minerals; structure of the world land fund, southern and northern forest belts, forest cover; hydropower potential; shelf, alternative energy sources; resource availability, natural resource potential(PRP), territorial combination of natural resources (TPSR), areas of new development, secondary resources; pollution environment, environmental policy.

Skills: be able to characterize the natural resources of the country (region) according to the plan; use different methods economic assessment natural resources; to characterize the natural prerequisites for the development of industry, agriculture of the country (region) according to the plan; to give brief description allocation of the main types of natural resources, to single out the countries "leaders" and "outsiders" in terms of the provision of this or that type of natural resources; provide examples of countries that do not have rich natural resources, but have achieved high level economic development and vice versa; give examples of rational and irrational use of resources.

Topic: resources of the world ocean. Climatic and space resources.

Educational tasks:

1. To consider the classification of resources of the World Ocean and recreational resources.

2. To assess the prospects for the use of alternative resources of the World Ocean, climatic and space.

Equipment: maps "Oceans", " Natural resources the world ”, textbooks, atlas.

Lesson type: lesson-conference.

Lesson structure:


1.Classification of the resources of the World Ocean, their use, problems (The ocean is "sick").

2. Climatic and space resources, non-traditional (alternative) energy sources, its types.

3. Recreational resources - four main types.

During the classes.

1. Learning new material (student speeches).

1.Classification of resources of the World Ocean: storehouse of wealth. Types of resources and their use, problems.

Based on the results of the students' performances, draw up: a plan-synopsis, a supporting synopsis, a plan-scheme.

Resources of the World Ocean

(outline plan)

The main resource is

sea ​​water

Reserves - 1,370 million km 3, 96.5%

for every inhabitant of the planet - 270 million m 3 of ocean water;

« living water"- 75 chemical elements periodic tables;

1 km 3 contains - 37 million tons of dissolved substances: salt million tons, sulfur - 6 million tons, a lot

soda, bromine, Al, Ca, Na, Cu, thorium, gold, silver.

Mineral resources

ocean floor

    On the continental shelf: oil and gas - 1/3 of the total world production,

by 2010 - half of the oil and gas came from the bowels of the World Ocean. Gulf of Mexico- 57 operating wells, North Sea - 37,

Persian Gulf - 21, Gulf of Guinea - 15.

    The deep ocean bed is ferromanganese nodules.

    Treasures of sunken ships (DT, p. 44)

Energetic resources

    Tidal power plants - the total power on our planet

tides are estimated from 1 to 6 billion kWh - this exceeds energy

all the rivers of the globe.

Opportunities are available in 25 to 30 locations around the world for construction

these power plants.

The largest resources of tidal energy are possessed by: Russia, France (the world's first tidal power plant was built here in 1967), Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Argentina, and the USA.

    Wave power plants using the energy of sea currents.

Biological resources Oceans

The biomass includes 140 thousand species - these are animals (fish, mammals,

molluscs, crustaceans) and plants that live in its waters.

The main part of the biomass is phytoplankton and zoobenthos.

Necton - fish, mammals, squid, shrimp, there are over

Economic use of the waters of the World Ocean

The most productive areas of the World Ocean are northern latitudes:

Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, Germany, USA (seas: Norwegian, North,

Barents, Okhotsk, Japanese, northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans).

World production of fish and seafood has reached 110 billion tons per year.

Fishing is a branch of the world economy that ensures the existence of

15 million people.

30 million tons of fish and seafood is accounted for by artificial breeding: aquaculture is the artificial cultivation of aquatic organisms in the sea and

fresh water (aquaculture originated in China 4 millennia ago);

Mariculture - artificial breeding of microorganisms sea ​​water.

    The oceans serve about 4/5 of this international trade.

    The number of large and medium seaports in all seas and oceans

exceeds 2.5 thousand

    The transport value of the World Ocean is very great.

Challenges: global environmental

changes in waters


The ocean is "sick", 1 billion tons of oil gets into it annually (from the catastrophes of tankers and drilling platforms, oil discharge from polluted ships).

Industrial waste: heavy metals, radioactive waste in

containers, etc.

More than 10 thousand tourist ships of the Mediterranean Sea are thrown away

sewage in the sea before purification.


Environmental concerns


    The system of environmental, technical social measures at the same time.

    International agreements on the world's oceans, for a dead ocean

is not needed by humanity.

2. Climatic and space resources, non-traditional (alternative) energy sources, its types.

After the speech, the students are shown basic information in: plan - diagram.

Fusion energy

Space energy

Wind power

Wind turbines - Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, USA (California), India, China.

Unconventional (alternative) energy

Energy using temperature difference

Energy using the temperature difference between deep and surface waters seas, heat pumps, etc.

Installations of geothermal energy (Geothermal power plant) - in the countries of America, the Philippines, Iceland.

Solar energy

Solar panels, solar capacitors, solar power plants (SPP) operate in 30 countries.

Alternative hydropower

    Tidal - TES.

    Wave power plants use the energy of sea currents.

3. Recreational resources - again recreation and tourism.

TO recreational resources include both natural and man-made objects and phenomena that can be used for recreation and tourism. They are classified into four main types:

    Recreational and therapeutic (for example, mineral water treatment).

    Recreational and wellness (for example, bathing and beach areas).

    Recreational and sports (for example, ski resorts).

    Recreational and educational (for example, historical monuments). TO natural and recreational resources include sea coasts, river banks, lakes, mountains,

forests, mineral water outlets, therapeutic mud. The main forms of natural and recreational territory:

    Green zones of cities.

    Reserves and sanctuaries.

    National parks.

Recreational resources include cultural and historical attractions: the Moscow Kremlin, the Roman Colosseum, the Athenian Acropolis, the Taj Mahal tomb in Agra (India)

International tourism is especially developed in Italy, Spain, Turkey, Switzerland, India,

Egypt and other countries of the world.

P. Lesson summary. Assessment and self-assessment of student performance.

Assignment for home: p. 35-37. Preparation for testing.

Light Light is solar radiation; which is divided into scattered, direct, absorbed, reflected. For photosynthesis, that part of radiation is important, which is called photosynthetically active radiation. The length of daylight hours is also taken into account. Long-day plants are: rye, wheat, oats, barley. Plants with short daylight hours include corn, cotton, and millet.

Methods of use To begin with, let us characterize the main directions of the development of solar energy as a component of the "World Space Resources" group. Currently, there are two fundamental ideas. The first is to run on near-earth orbit a special satellite equipped with a significant number of solar panels. By means of photocells, the light falling on their surface will be converted into electrical energy, and then transmitted to special stations - receivers on Earth. The second idea is based on a similar principle. The difference lies in the fact that space resources will be collected by means of solar panels, which will be installed at the equator of a natural satellite of the Earth. In this case, the system will form the so-called "lunar belt".

Flight to the Moon Flights to it have long ceased to be aspects of science fiction. Currently, the satellite of our planet is plowed by research probes. It was thanks to them that humanity learned that the lunar surface has a composition similar to crust... Therefore, it is possible to develop deposits of such valuable substances as titanium and helium there.

Flight to Mars There is also a lot of interesting things on the so-called "red" planet. According to research, the crust of Mars is much to a greater extent rich in pure metal ores. Thus, in the future, the development of deposits of copper, tin, nickel, lead, iron, cobalt and other valuable substances can begin on it. In addition, it is possible that Mars will be considered the main supplier of rare metal ores. For example, such as ruthenium, scandium or thorium.

Asteroids At the present time, scientists have decided that it is the above-described cosmic bodies plowing the space of the Universe that can become the most important stations for providing a variety of necessary resources. For example, on some asteroids, using specialized equipment and careful analysis of the data obtained, valuable metals such as rubidium and iridium, as well as iron, were discovered. Among other things, the above-described space bodies are excellent suppliers of a complex compound called deuterium. In the future, it is planned to use this particular substance as the main fuel raw material for power plants of the future. Separately, it should be noted one more vital important question... Currently, a certain percentage of the world's population suffers from constant water shortages. In the future, a similar problem may spread to most of the planet. In this case, it is asteroids that can become suppliers of such a vital resource. Since many of them contain fresh water in the form of ice.

At present, quite a lot of attention is paid to the use of alternative sources of all kinds of resources. For example, humanity has long been engaged in the development of energy production from renewable substances and materials, such as the heat of the planet's core, tides, sunlight etc. The article below will look at the world's climatic and space resources. Their main advantage is that they are renewable. Consequently, their multiple use is quite effective, and the reserves can be considered unlimited.

Climatic resources traditionally mean energy from the sun, wind, and so on. This term defines various inexhaustible natural sources... And this category received its name as a result of the fact that the resources included in its composition are characterized by certain features of the climate of the region. In addition, a subcategory is also distinguished in this group. It is called agroclimatic resources. The main determining factors affecting the possibility of the development of such sources are air, heat, moisture, light and other nutrients.

Space resources In turn, the second of the previously presented categories unites inexhaustible sources that are outside the boundaries of our planet. These include the well-known energy of the Sun. Let us consider it in more detail. Methods of use To begin with, let us characterize the main directions of the development of solar energy as a component of the "World Space Resources" group. Currently, there are two fundamental ideas. The first is to launch a special satellite into low-earth orbit, equipped with a significant number of solar panels. By means of photocells, the light falling on their surface will be converted into electrical energy, and then transmitted to special receiver stations on Earth. The second idea is based on a similar principle. The difference lies in the fact that space resources will be collected by means of solar panels, which will be installed at the equator of a natural satellite of the Earth. In this case, the system will form the so-called "lunar belt".

Expand the sectoral composition of the timber industry and the geography of its location.

Timber industry Is a set of enterprises that harvest and process wood.

Industry structure:

1) Logging. The leaders are the USA, Canada, Russia, Scandinavian countries, Brazil, countries of Equatorial Africa and Southeast Asia.

2) Woodworking industry(lumber, plywood, furniture). Leaders in sawn timber production: USA, Canada, Russia, China, Brazil, India.

3) Pulp and paper industry(paper, cardboard, artificial fiber, cellulose). The USA, Japan, China are in the lead.

4) Timber industry(tar, alcohol, resin, acetic acid). The USA and Canada are in the lead here.

Highly developed countries specialize in the production of paper and wood products. Developing countries are logging.

3. Practical task. Apply on outline map borders and capitals of 5 monarchies of the world.

Great Britain - London, Spain - Madrid, Sweden - Stockholm, Japan - Tokyo, Saudi Arabia - Riyadh, Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur, UAE - Abu Dhabi.

Ticket number 23

1. Expand the concepts of "urbanization", "agglomeration", "megalopolis". Give examples.

Urbanization is the process of urban population growth and the growing role of cities in the development of society. In 2008, the urban population exceeded the rural population for the first time in history and continues to grow.

Features of urbanization:

Urban agglomeration is a cluster of urban settlements (London, Ruhr).

Megalopolis- continuous urbanized zones (Tokaido - 60 million people, Bosvash - 50 million people).

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