Profitable house N. in

Today we go for a walk along the Naberezhnye Canal Griboyedov. This historic essay wrote a longtime author of the "Evening Leningrad", the activist of the club "Panorama" A. M. Ivanov. A sailor by profession, a man, in love with our city, Alexey Mikhailovich became interested in local history and often wrote about St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad. For many years, he collected information about the Griboyedov Canal - houses on his embankments, about people who lived and worked in them, led by the search and research work, studied literature. So, this essay was formed. The hard disease did not allow the author to deepen even more and expand the material. Alexey Mikhailovich, unfortunately, no longer sees his work on the newspaper strip. At the end of the essay, the author appealed to Leningraders with a request to add what he could not tell. We gratefully take each your offer, dear readers.

All day I wandered today on familiar places,

Surprising that I see them as if for the first time ...

These words of the Leningrad Poet of V. A. Christmas, as it is impossible to answer the topic of our story. Valid, there is a place in our city where you can wander our clock, forgetting about the rapid-aunts of urban life, admire the edge that surrounds us.

Imagine openwork lace pig-iron lattices, bizarre bends of the channel, laid by kettling Ekaterine II in the direction of the ancient river krovushi, heavy granite slabs of sidewalks, houses built in the past and even before last before last; Lightweight, almost air bridges and bricks, defeated through it; Picturesque descents to the cost ... Here everything is full of charm, everything has to the unfortunate step, willing to look at the facades of an old building, try to raise the historic veil, hiding the glorious affairs of our ancestors. On the embankments of the canal, some wonderfully intertwined the fate of all three generations of Russian revolutionaries: from the Decembricists to the Heroes of February and October 1917 ...

The river crouched from the swamp lying on the site of the current area of \u200b\u200bthe arts. In the 1840s, it was decided to drain the terrain, and the krymushus was connected to the sink stable canal. He later became the initial straight line of the Catherine Canal, now the Griboedov canal. In 1764-1790, the river was deepened, cleared. On the proposal of the designers, to hide the eaves of Ekadin II ordered "to clean on a natural flow". Ruhkovodili works f. V. Baur, I. N. Borisov and I. M. Golenishchev-Kutuzov. So the river krivusch turned into a canal.

River's emissions remained in their natural borders, while retaining the charm of unexpected turns and picturesque landscapes to this day. Only the northern part of the channel from the washing river, in which he takes Kooko, until the current street Lomonosov has no bends. There is a channel in the river Four-Building in its lower current. Channel length is about five kilometers, width - about thirty-two meters. Nissed unequal details in their length: the left from Novo-Nikolsky to the Picalov bridge merges with the garden street, and the right side of 133 b to the Repin Square merges with Rimsky-Korsakov Avenue. 21 bridge moves through the channel.

The famous historian of St. Petersburg XVIII century I. Georgi as evaluated the value of the channel for the capital: "Withdrawn from this channel, the notes worthy, elevated and dried all the ones, is equipped with good river water, and the living on it is now easy to enjoy the work of firewood and friends. Needs in Barkov. "

Not knowing the names of all the heroes of the struggle for the freedom who his blood gave the humanity of the human honor by all of them in memory and honor this stone was delivered for many years.

October ... From this eternal flame, lights of glory were lit in Moscow and Volgograd, Sevastopol and Odessa, Kiev and Minsk, Novorossiysk and Kerch, in Tula, Brest, Murmansk. The eternal flame at the grave of an unknown soldier near the Kremlin Wall is also born from the sacred fire of Marsian fields.

The channel begins unique in the architecture and bridge construction by theatrical bridge through the canal and a minor-stable washing through the river. They were constructed in 1829-1831 by the prominent Petersburg architects of the Mountain Ingorer Corps by Colonel E. A. Adam and Major General G. I. Khoster, they also belong to the architectural design of these bridges: so far they are decorated with beautiful on Ri-Sunki Cast iron raids and adorable lamps-floor lamps with spherical lamps.

The name of the theater bridge recalls that nearby from here, on the outskirts of Marsov Fields, at the end of XVIII, there was a wooden theater in the late XVIII, in which, by the way, the premiere of the comedy Dmitry I. Fonvizin "Nepal", which began the beginning of Russian realistic dramaturgy. And the name of the low-stable bridge originates from the building of the main imperial stables built on the left be-Regue of the sink in the 1720-1723 architect N. F. Gerbel and rebuilt in the 1810s L. Ruska, and in 1817-1823 the Great Russian Zodkim V. P. Stasov. The center of the SUBBO of the utilitarian building V. P. Stasov made a notching church, decorated with its portico from four ionic. Petersburgers went to this church not only to pray, but also in order to admire the excellent crystal challenge, made in Figure V. P. Stasov.

In 1902, in the place where the stable square is to the channel, a bridge overlap was built, which in May 1975 was named Bridge Grinevitsky in memory of the HEAD-OFF, died near this place during the fulfillment of the death sentence over Alexander II.

Ignatius Ioahimovich Grinevitsky was born in 1856. In the fall of 1875, he entered the mechanical separation of the Peterburg Institute of Technology. In 1879, I joined the organization "People's Volia". Since 1880, he conducted a revolutionary propaganda in the working circles at the Vyborg Stromron, for which is excluded from the Institute. He was one of the organizers of the People's "Working Newspaper" and worked in it by a typewriter in the underground printing house, which was located on Podolskaya Street, House No. 41. He took the most active part in the preparation and implementation of the attempt, at Alexander II. A mortally wounded by the bomb, which he killed the king was delivered to the court hospital, which was located in the house number 9 on the canal. Being conscious, refused to call not only his comrades, but also himself. His name has become known only after his death.

Immediately behind the Grinevitsky bridge on the left bank of the canal, at the very place where Alexandr II was killed on March 1, 1881, in 1883-1907, the temple of the resurrection of Christ- "on blood" was built. According to the command of Alexander III in 1881-1882, a competition was announced for the construction of this temple. It was supposed to be built in a pure Russian style. On the second round, the victory was won by a young architect A. A. Parland. Interestingly, his consultant and co-auto was Archimandrite Ignatius, the abbot of the Trinity-Sergievsky Monastery located near St. Petersburg, I. V. Malyshev, who studied at one time on the architectural branch of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

The temple was built in that false-Russian style, which was taken in Russia in connection with nationalist trends: he had to remind the temple of Vasily blissful in Moscow on Red Square. However, the author of the project and its consultant did not understand the constructive nature of this packet of the Russian architecture, which grew up from the Northern Deputy Architecture, and used only a number of decorative details, joining them to a heavy stone building. The decoration of the building was expensive and challenging. The facades were tiled by ceramic tiles, the dome - gilded copper sheets covered with color enamel. In the decoration of the temple, a mosaic was very widely applied, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 7050 square meters, of which about forty percent is located on the facades. The prominent Petersburg artists V. M. Vasnetsov, M. V. Nesterov, V. V. Belyaeva, were attracted to work on the sketches of the mosaic. Mosaics were performed by a private workshop, which was created by a graduate of the Academy of Arts A. A. Frolov.

The construction of the temple continued twenty-four gods. According to the report, the construction cost him three more than a million rubles. In fact, it cost more expensive. On this obligation, there are very many hands well, especially the chief of construction, the Grand Duke Vladimir - the son of the killed imperator, who was famous for the entire St. Petersburg with his Kuteli. In the capital about the long construction of the temple, the poem was widespread, in which these words were:

"And I build and builds all Vladimir,

And the whole world is divided into long construction. "

On July 20, 1970, the Executive Committee of the Leningrad Council adopted a resolution "On the organization of the Historical and Art Museum in the building of the former temple of Savior-on-blood." Currently, repair and restoration work is underway.

The building of the temple separates from the Mikhailovsky Garden amazing in the artistic decision of the semicircle fence. It was performed in 1903-1907 for the project A. A. Parkland. This is a sample of early modern: drawing of forged links, combined with large floral ornaments,

We are at the corner of the engineering street, near the house number 2/2. This building was built during the First World War as the Palace of exhibitions. The author of the project is the architect L N. Benua, with the participation of the architect S. O. Ovsyannikova. In 1958, this two-storey building was connected by the indoor transition with the main building of the Russian Museum, which created great amenities for visitors to the museum.

On the right bank, opposite the Palace of exhibitions, from the braided area for 443 meters, up to the Cybooksarsky alley, in the middle of the XIX century, the stone buildings of the court cozy were built on the wooden site. Currently, Lenavotrans is posted in homes No. 3-7.

In the history of domestic culture, house number 9/2 at the corner of Cheboksary Lane (named so in 1887, the 2nd Swedish Per) was pretended to occupy a special and highly inactive place. Before the revolution, artists of the court orchestra lived in this house. In the 1930s, two floors were prescribed, which immediately received the name of the "writing superstructure", for people who represent the color of Soviet literature lived here at different times: O. Dorsh, V. A. Kaverin and I. S. Sokolov -Mikitov, M. M. Zoshchenko and P. K. Luknitsky, E. L. Schwartz and L. I. Borisov, Yu. P. Germman. Poets V. A. Christmas, B. M. Likharev, I. K. Avramenko, L. N. Brown, Literary criticism of Philological Sciences V. V. Tomashevsky, Literary critic and critic I. A. Gruzdev and a lot others. I did not stop life in the "writing superstructure" and in the harsh years of the 900-day blockade.

Two memorial boards decorate the facade of the house from the Cheboksarsky Lane: V. M.

Sayanova - "In this house from 1934 to 1959, Visserion Mikhailovich Sayanov lived." Installed in 1960. The author of the marble board is the architect V. S. Vasilkovsky.

The second board is devoted to the memory of V. Ya. Shishkov: "There lived in this house and worked in 1941-1942. Writer Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov. " The board is marble with the bas-relief of the writer. Authors - Architect N. I. Smirnov and Sculptor N. V. Dydykin.

In the house number 11/1 is the hospital to them. Sofia Perovsky.

Among therapeutic institutions of modern Leningrad, only a few are witnesses to the formation of the city and the first decades of its development. Among the veterans, the hospital named after S. Perovskaya occupies a hospital

The first predecessor of the modern hospital was Lazareza, located in the 8th and 14th corps - the service buildings of the spare stable courtyard formed in 1733. September 1 (this is the birthday of S. Perov's), 1733 (year of formation of Lazaret) is considered the date of the founding of the hospital named after S. Perovskaya.

Over time, patients became more and more - there was a need for the construction of a hospital building. In December 1739, Oberhof Marshal Levenwolde asked "three near the place under the structure, transported from the palaces of the cassonous wooden house and the court hospital." The commission of the Commission on St. Petersburg buildings and the Medical College for the construction of the hospital was allocated by participants between the rivers Fontanka, washing and the Nevskaya Poster. Soon the lazaret was built - a wooden one-storey, the racar-type building without sewage and ventilation, the hospital was intended mainly to maintain the ranks of the palace-stable department.

In May 1825, the major overhaul of the building began - a single waste emission is made, exhaust ventilation, the pharmacy premises is placed.

In 1846, a four-story brick building of a new hospital was built on the site of the Old 8th Corps and the Old Hospital, in which the hospital is now located. By 1847, the hospital had 60 stationary beds - 45 male and 15 female. Two more lazaret were located on its territory - children's and laundry female, later they merged with a stable hospital.

At first, after opening, the hospital was serviced by two physicians - Senior and Jr.. Only in 1878, the Russian doctor of medicinal Ivan Fedorovich Maslovsky was appointed to the old doctor for the first time. Ten years later, a female doctor appeared in the state-hospital - Nadezhda Vsevolodovna Skov. The profile of the institution quite often has met, and it makes a large extent on epidemics.

The end of the XIX century is characterized by the strengthening of the struggle of revolutionary masses. The activity of the "People's Volia" organization was distinguished in a large scale, the activities of the organization "People's Volia", active participants of which were A. I. Zhelyabov, S. L. Perovskaya, N. I. Kibalchich, I. I. Grinevitsky and others. On March 1, 1881, they carried out a carefully developed attempted plan for Alexander II. The first abandoned bomb did not reach the goal. Then I. Grinevitsky threw the second Bombu, from which he himself was a fatal wound. He died in the court-eyed hospital, to the end of believing in his ideals, to the future of Russia.

In 1888, the head of the court-storm hospital is renamed to the St. Petersburg Hospital of Palace Reference. Reports for 1890-1900 show that during this period he already had 160 beds. The hospital was intended for the treatment of the ranks and their families of all institutions of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. Represents interest about the co-histaus serviced. So, in one of the court-stable part (not counting the cooks, janitors, Laces, Gorodniki) was: Konovalov - 8 Riding - 18, Kucherov - 94, Jocheev - 12, Konyukhov - 355.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, the hospital continued to work as a city hospital. In September 1919, she was assigned the name of Sophia Perovsky.

In 1924, the hospital opens an outpatientation that existed for six years. Such well-known Leningrad specialists, as professor V. I. Voyachek, N. N. Petrov, D. I. Shirhov, M. D. Toshinsky, were permanent consultants.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, medical personnel were called into the army, and therefore the states of the united decreased significantly. In the stealless, cold kabinets, where ink frozen, doctors in a coat, on top of the coaches put on robes, took patients. For normal work, the hospital great importance He had topic - doctors, sisters, nurse regularly conducted firewood. In 1943-1944, old personnel staff began to return to the union. The work of the medical institution gradually entered the normal course.

In the surgical department of the hospital at different times, famous Leningrad surgeons professor F. M. Danovich, B. S. Drachinskaya, A. M. Ganichkin, A. N. Orlov, Doctor of Medical Sciences Ya. A. Kampelmater, I. S. Braido other. The branch uses the latest equipment and tools.

The most significant achievements association has achieved in recent years. In 1978, the Polyclinic No. 35 was published a new premises - house number 4 on S. Perov's street. Spacious offices and laboratories were equipped with modern diagnostic and medicinal equipment.

In 1976-1984, due to an increase in specialized surgical care, the hospital profile has changed dramatically - they were created (by repairing house No. 8 on the street S. Perovskaya and the hospital expansion) Five branches: therapeutic, proctological, surgery, mastitis , neurological and purulent surgical.

Using the example of the work of the United Hospital No. 5 named after S. Persian, the success of Soviet health is clearly visible: the hospital with the state of two doctors has become a powerful medical and prophylactic institution, in which 140 doctors and 322 medium medical races are working. Therapeutic association ensures the protection of the health of the population of the Dzerzhinsky district.

Neighboring Hospital House No. 13 was built in 1880- 1890 by the famous St. Petersburg architect P. Yu. Suzor, and the magnificent sculptural decoration of the building was performed by D. I. Yensen and A. M. Padekistanin for the St. Petersburg society of mutual loan. In this society, by 1914, for many years, N. F. Danielson worked the main controller - one of the prominent ideologues of the liberal nationality of the 80-90s of the last period. In the 60-70s, he was closely connected with the circles of revolutionary miscurrent youth, for which in early 1870 was arrested, but soon released. He wrote in the people's publications under the pseudonym "Nikolai-He".

However, he is not interested for us. After the arrest of Hermann Lopatina N. F. Danielson completed and published in 1872 the translation of the first volume of "Capital" K. Marx. In 1885, he graduated from the translation of the second volume, and in 1886 - the third. All this time consisted in a friendly correspondence with K. Marx and F. Engels, but, despite this, it did not understand the essence of Marxism itself, until the end of the days remaining in the positions of liberal nationality. For this, he sharply criticized V. I. Lenin.

Currently, the regional office of the USSR State Bank is placed in this building.

Now it is time to move to the left bank of the canal and get acquainted with interesting houses standing there. To do this, we use the Italian pedestrian bridge, deployed through the channel. For the first time the bridge at this place was built in late XIX. century and was wooden. In 1911, he was also replaced by a wooden, in 1937, overhauled was repaired. In 1955, simultaneously with the overhaul of embankments, the Italian bridge was built in the metal, this time from the metal. On the supports of the bridge, cast-iron lamps lamps with hex lamps stylized under the lanterns of the middle of the last century are installed. The authors of the project - Engineer A. D. Guhetzight and architect V. S. Vasilkovsky.

On the left bank of the canal, opposite the bridge, the beginning of the former Italian street is the streets of Rakov.

Alexander Semenovich Rakov was born in 1885. His revolutionary activity began in St. Petersburg, where he arrived in 1909. After four years, he is elected by the Chairman of the Board of the Union of Employees of the Taucasted Proof and a member of the Working Commission of the Bolshevik faction of the State Duma State University. In April 1914 he was sent to the Smolensk province under the supervision of the police. At the beginning of the First World War is called up to the army. Sanitar serving, and then - by Feldsher, A. S. Rakov led actively campaigning for the early termination of the fratricide war. For peaceful merits on the battlefield was presented to the award of the St. George Cross and the Medal "For Bravery." However, the highest superiors, knowing about the political views of the Rott Feldsher, did not approve this presentation.

After February Revolution Alexander Semenovich was elected chairman of the Army Committee of the 42nd Corps and a deputy of the Petrograd Council from the garrison of the city of Vyborg. In the spring of 1917, A. S. Rakov joined the batch of majestoves. In February 1919, he was appointed to the Commissioner of the 2nd Petrogradsky Special Force Brigade, which was sent by Paul Sivers against the advocated White Guard Bangs of Yudenich.

On May 29, 1919, in a cruel battle with the White Guards in the village of expressing, shooting from the machine gun, all the cartridges A. S. Rakov shot himself. On June 8, 1919, he and his combat friends who died in this battle, with revolutionary honors were buried in a fraternal grave at the Marsfield. At the same time, the street received the name A. S. Rakov (in 1918 he lived on it in house number 14).

Recall once again about the glorious and heroic affairs of the Naro-Owners, especially since we need to go through only a few tens of meters along Rakov Street to crossing it with Brodsky Street. On August 4, 1878, opposite the current Leningrad Philharmonic named after D. D. Shostakovich, the famous Russian writer and Pu6licist, a prominent economic activity of the 70s S. M Stepnyak-Kravchinsky strikes of Kinzhal Koltolzheva Gendarmes Mezentsev, who is informed with his brutal appeal with prisoners.

Interesting the story of this dagger. In 1877, S. M. Stepnyak-Kravchinsky took part in an uprising in the Ityanian province of Benevento. The forces of the rebels and government troops were unequal, and the uprising was suppressed. Kravchinsky had to urgently leave Italy. Before parting, one of the leaders of the Malast rebels handed the Kravchinsky specially stitched dagger with the words: "This is not a symbol. Not at all symbol, dear friend. We part with him. And when the time comes, once the enemy. " Sergey Mikhailovich performed a fear of his distant Italian friend. And one more small item. In the flight, on which Stepnyak - Kravchinsky was hidden, the best Petersburg squirrel was harnessed. Barbarian, and on Kozli, the nationwisolets Adrian Mikhailov sat. The metropolitan police and gendarmery knocked down, but the trail of terrorists has bothered.

In the population of the 1870s, S. M. Stepnyak-Kravchnnsky - the figure is very remarkable. At first, like everyone else, he "went to the people." He was arrested for this, but he made a bold escape, and since 1873 he lived abroad. In 1875 he participated in the people's liberation struggle against the Turks in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in 1877, as already mentioned, in the Italian province of Benevento. Posted by the novels "Andrei Kozhukhov", "Career Nihilista" and a number of other devoted to Russian populists. From 1884, GOOD constantly lived in London, where he became friends with Ethelan Voyanich and was one of the prototypes of the image of the oat in the novel of the same name, Sergey Mikhailovich was very friendly with Friedrich Engels and daughters of Charles Marx. However, he did not become Marxist, remaining convinced by the population.

But back to the Channel Naberezhnya. In the corner house number 6/2 on Rakov Street to the Revolution, the office of the Nobel Partnership "was placed before the revolution. The building was built in the last third of the last century and in 1909 it was rebuilt with the famous St. Petersburg architecto and the builder F. I. Lidvalem. Currently, this building hosts the Gimshacht Institute.

House No. 8/1 was built by architect Luigi Rusk in 1801-1805 for the Board of Jesuit. As you know, this Order used the special location of Emperor Pavel I. The Order had enormous wealth in Russia: he had 14 thousand souls of serfs, and an annual income was up to 700 thousand rubles. The Order, which covered the network of his educational institutions in Europe, Asia, America, tried and in Russia to take into their hands the upbringing of the younger emergence of the richest families. In this house, a frequent board was opened. Future Decembrists A. P. Baryatinsky, I. V. Sodzhio, P. N. Svistunov were brought up in it. Retainers A. S. Pushkin wanted to give her son here, but by that time the Tsarskoye Lyceum was opened.

In 1915, all foreign members of the Order were expelled from Russia, and in the building occupied by them placed the Military Orphanage. Now Leningrads live in it.

House number 10 was built in 1823. 3. F. Krasnophevkov, later needed.

In the house number 14, built in the middle of the last century, until the 1910s were archaeological instibilities. Its feature was that the institute took people only with higher education. In 1903, this educational institution graduated from K. A. Trenev - an outstanding scholar writer and playwright, the author of the famous play "Love Yarovaya" and other books.

The artist M. L. Saffron lived in the same house, which left a rare drawing for history. It depicts Vladimir Ilyich Lenin without mustache and beard. The drawing was made from November 7 (October 25) of 1917. Now this unique pencil drawing is stored in the Leningrad branch of the Central Museum of V. I. Lenin.

Here we are always at the corner of the noisy and lively Nebivo Prospect, about which the Great Gogol wrote: "There is nothing better than Nevsky Prospect, at least in St. Petersburg; For him, he is all. "

House number 16/30 For almost two centuries, it is already known to the commercial musicians of the whole world. Many of them considered and consider honor for themselves to speak in his beautiful. Since 1949, this is a small hall named after M. I. Glinka Lenin-Agrad Philharmonic. And before ...

Back in the middle of the XVIII century, the architect F. - B. Rastrelli built a large house for Feldmarshal A. M. Golitsin, on which. Catherine II left the control of Petersburg during his opponents from the capital. The years did not become, and Golitsin did not become, and at the end of the 18th century, the house became the property of the French entrepreneur I. Lion, who began to arrange concerts and masquerades. From 1802, a year, since the formation of a philharmonic society, it was organized by concerts, and no less successfully. And in the meantime, the house changed the owners. On 8 1828, they became a rich patrons, a member of the Green Lamp society, friend A. S. Pushkin V. V. Engelgardt. According to his order in 1829, the architect P. P. Jaco rebuilt the building, creating in it, except the luxurious living rooms, the best concert hall in St. Petersburg, which became the center of all the musical life of the capital.

Often here was A. S. Pushkin. I am preserved by I. S. Turgenev about him: "Pushkin I managed to see a few days before his death, in the morning concert in Engelhardt's hall. He stood at the door, leaning on a cant, and, arms crossed on a wide chest, with a disgruntled view by visiting the circle. "

The "House of Engeldt" and his masquerass, for which all the highest light of the capital, and sometimes the emperor himself was here. Petersburg newspapers, worshiped, painted the details of these mascaras. Therefore, it was not by chance that Arbenin led to the prince of Zezdich:

Scatter b and you and I do not want.

After all, today holidays and, right, Masserand

Engelgardt ...

During the Great Patriotic War, the building was seriously damaged by air bible, but after four years after the end of the war, the concert hall, which Leningrad composer B. Tishchenko called the "miracle of architects and acoustics", again became one of the centers of the city's musical life. As in Pushkin times, the best Soviet and foreign performers speak in it.

In 1968, under the building, the metro station named after V. I. Lenin was constructed.

The Kazan Bridge passes through the Canal Griboyedov on Nevsky Prospect. About the bridges is somehow more familiar to say "rebound", no matter how long it is. But you can not say about Kazan, for we do not feel it like a bridge: we go to yourself calmly along the Nevsky Prospect and suddenly find themselves on the other bank of the canal. There is nothing surprising in this - the bridge is not curvature, and the width of it slightly exceeds the width of the prospectus.

They graduated from the construction of the bridge "under the look", as they said, the military engineer I. M. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, the father of the great Russian commander, in 1766. He was the first bridge through the Catherine Canal and one of the first stone bridges built in the capital. In 1805, hered, in connection with the construction of the Kazan Cathedral, was in the project L. Rusk, its width is increased to the current differences, and the cast-iron railing was replaced by granite parapets.

A few words about three houses that make up a solid solid fragment of the development of embankments of the channel. House No. 15 was coated under the project P. Yu. Suzora (rebuilt in 1875). The authors of the house number 17 are the prominent architects N. P. Glisbenka and A. I. Lang. Building 1849-1850. And the house number 19 was erected by the project of a large architecture, a contemporary and rival of Suzora A. V. Ivanov in 1875-1876.

Opposite the "House of Engepigardt", on the right bank of Kalal, houses house number 28, unusual for Nevsky architecture. It was built in 1902 - 1904 by the architecture of P. Yu. Suzor for the American trading firm for the production and sale of sewing machines "Zinger", which wanted to build a building in 11 floors with the tower. This idea failed because by decree of 1844 in Peter-Burg was not allowed to build houses above the winter palace (up to the eaves of 23.5 meters). So I had to be pleased to be content with the attic floor and the tower at the corner. It is necessary to reduce the proper enterprise employees of this company: in a short time, Singer's sewing machines have penetrated into saumen corners of Russia. Separate employees of the company not only were engaged in the spread of popular sewing machines, but also conducted active spying in favor of the Kaiser Germany, for which they were sent from Russia at the beginning of the First World War.

After the victory of the Great October in the first floor of the building, the largest book Magazin is located in our city (now it also takes the second floor). And since 1918, there are various and numerous books and journalism in the building. The largest of them was the population of Petroset. The scope of the publishing house in the first years of its existence is simply amazing: in five years, and these were years civil War And the post-war difference, it released the books of two more than thousands of Names. And the highest printing quality. In 1922, the publication was first presented at the International Book Exhibition in Florence Soviet country. A. V. Lunacharsky wrote about this: "In Florence, Petrogosizdat was the main culprit of the success of the publishing delage in our republic."

"Panorama" has already written in detail about the history of the house of the book. Therefore, so short our story about this building.

There are buildings and whole ensembles in our city, without which it is simply impossible to imagine the appearance of St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad, they belong to the Kazan Co., located at the intersection of the Nevsky Prospectus with the Griboyedov Channel, opposite the book at home. Constructed in 1801-1811 for the project and under the leadership of the outstanding architect A. N. Voronikhina, it is not only a wonderful monument of the Russian architecture of the heyday of classicism, but also a majestic packet of Russian military glory.

In 1799, a competition was announced in St. Petersburg to compile the draft Kazan Cathedral, which should decorate the Nevsky Prospect. The conditions were very tough: he will become the chief cathedral of the Empire, as the icon of the Kazan Mother of God should be placed in it, who was considered the patronage of the house of Romanov. This is first. And secondly, at the request of Paul I, the Cathedral should be similar to the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome. The contest was attended by prominent metropolitan architects Ch. Cameron, Tom de Tonon, P. Gonzago and few people known A. N. Voronikhin. On December 14, 1800, the Voroyshin project was approved, and he was instructed to "produce the structure".

It must be said that in the design of the cathedral, the main difficulty was necessary to orient the altar to the east, and the main facade to the West, on the narrow Meshchansky street (now Plekhanov Street). At the same time, the side - the northern facade went to the central highway of the capital - Nevsky Prospect. Voronikhin found a brilliant way out; He brought out the powerful facade, the colonnade, which formed a mistreat to the cathedral (according to the project, exactly the same column was to be built on the opposite Staron of the Cathedral. Unfortunately, due to the lack of funds, she It was not built). The main facade had a small, semicircular area, decorated with an excellent lattice created in drawing A. N. Voronikhina.

The cathedral has the shape of the cross. Its height is about 70 meters. All three entrances are emphasized with hexual portica. The best winds - I. P. Martos, F. G. Gordeev, I. P. Prokofiev, S. S. Pimenov, V. I. Deut-Malinovsky, were attracted to the performance of sculptural jewelry.

Much attention was also drawn on the inner decoration of the cathedral. Beautiful monolithic columns carved from red granite, and a mosaic floor laid out from a petrozavodsky marble of different shades. Picturesque decoration was performed by V. L. Borovikovsky, O. A. Kiprensky, V. K. Shebuyev, A. E. Egorov, A. I. Ivanov.

Kazan Cathedral is an excellent monument to the work of outstanding Russian architectants, sculptors, artists, a thousand-minded army of unknown Russian craftsmen.

Sangered on September 15, 1811, the Kazan Cathedral began to turn into a monument to the feat of the Russian people in the fight against Napoleon Hordes, invading Russia. The Cathedral began to place the trophy French banners and standards, the keys to Russian soldiers of fortresses and cities. This was sent here from the existing army, the rod of the French march was sent, captured in battle on November 5, 1812.

To accommodate these trophies according to the drawings of A. N. Voronikhina, brackets for banners and eight-nucleotone bronze gilded keys boards were manufactured, on which the names of 8 fortresses and 17 cities were engraved. Most of these relics in 1914 were transferred to the Moscow Historical Museum, and the wand was groaning - in Hermitage. In 1812, M. I. Kutuzov handed over to the Cathedral of 40 pudders of silver, drunk by the French in Russian churches and the Cossacks of Ataman M. I. Platoch (subsequently from this silver, the iconocos of the cathedral was made).

By the end of 1812, Russian troops destroyed the six hundred thousand people of Napoleon and expelled her miserable remnants from Russia.

The liberation campaign was overshadowed by the death of M. I. Kutuzov on April 16, 1813 in the city of Bunzlau in Sileyia. The body of the deceased commander was applied and laid in a lead coffin. He was taken to St. Petersburg.

In the Kazan Cathedral, the coffin was installed on a special katafalk, built by the project A. N. Voronikhina. The trophy French and Turkish and Turkish banners were leaning from the arch of the two sides of the stage. The pedestal surrounded the huge candelabra in the form of guns. Many candles threw the Blicks to the honorary guard from Feld Marshal Sweets.

Two days, the inhabitants of St. Petersburg said goodbye to the favorite half-order, on June 13 a funeral took place. The coffin was installed in a crypt in the northern limit and littered the granite slab, they took the dark bronze fence. On the wall - the board of a red marble with the inscriptions gilded overhead:

"Prince Mikhail Illarionovich Glenchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky. Born in 1745, died in 1813 in the city of Bunzlau. " The grave is framed by six trophy banners and six bundles of keys.

From the appearance of the Kazan Cathedral as a monument to the Russian military glory insepass Monuments M. I. Kutuzov and M. B. Barclay de Tolly, standing on the sides of the colonnade. They are made by an outstanding Russian scaly B. I. Orlovsky with the participation of the architect V. P. Stasov and the Latrychik V. P. Ekimov.

Boris Ivanovich Smirnov was born in the family of the Shatigov destroyer in the Oryol province in 1796. He accepted Femilia, becoming adults (at the place of refuge). The talent of the sculptor manifested itself in his childhood. In 1822, at the request of I. P. Martos was adopted at the Akadomy of Arts and freed from the serfdom. He studied in Rome from an outstanding sculptor B. Torvaldsen. Upon returning to Russia in 1831 he received the title of Acadremik, in 1836 - Professor. The top of his work is the monuments of Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly, in which he for the first time in the Russian art of scary created realistic portraits of the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812.

In the 1870s, on the square in front of the cathedral, Square was broken. His composition, built on curved lines, is well linked to a semicircular colonnade and Nevsky Prospect. Located on the longitudinal axis of the Square fountain, the northern entrance to the building.

The monuments of the great commander, the grave of M.I. Kutuzov and numerous military trophies placed in the cathedral, and turned him into a monument to the feat of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812. That is how it was perceived by contemporaries. A. S. Pushkin, referring to M. I. Kutuzov, referring to M. Kutuzov, wrote:

In your coffin, delight lives!

He makes Russian voice;

He is talking about that Godina,

When folk scales voice

Appealed to the holy of your gray;

"Go, save!" You got up - and saved.

And one more important barcode. In 1811, the St. Petersburg magazine "Northern Mail" with pride wrote: "On the construction of this temple, the only thing is that Russia is replete and is famous for. All materials are borrowed from the depths of the Fatherland and all skills are made by the art and hand of domestic artists. "

Since 1932, the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism has been placed in the Cathedral. It seems, however, that it would be more appropriate to create a museum of Russian warrior in the cathedral.

In the last third of the last century, Kazan Square became the center of the revolutionary struggle. The seventies were the time of revolutionary lift in Russia. In large industrial cities, and above all in St. Petersburg, the excitement and the ages have grown. Workers performed with specific requirements: wage increase, reduction of the working day, cancel fines,

In early 1876, the People's Organization "Earth and Will" arose in St. Petersburg, whose members led to revolutionary propaganda among St. Petersburg workers. Among the organizations of the organization was a student of the Mining Institute of the city of V. Plekhanov, afterwards one of the prominent Russian Marxists.

The first political demonstration in St. Petersburg, organized by Ehelevolov, was held on December 6, 1876 at Kazan Square. On that day, the cathedral was divided into the occasion of the Day of St. Nicholas. Several people in the numbers of the gathered on the square entered the cathedral and mentioned the priest to serve prayers for the health of Nikolai Chernyshevsky and Panhid "for all martyrs who died in prisons and at the cattle for the population." Make this priest flatly refused. At the end of the service in the square, a 400 person gathered. In front of them with a brief speech, G. V. Plekhanov. He spoke about the heroic struggle of revolutionaries for the happiness of the people, about the robbing nature of the reform of 1861 and urged to devote to the celebration of this day Chernyshevsky. "He is the first," said Orator, "he frankly stated that the people were deceived that they did not give any land nor the people." Inspired by a bright speech, demonstrators raised Plekhanov in arms; And the same moment over the crowd, a red flag was swayed with the inscription "Earth and Will". The scarlet cloth without a shaft kept in the hands of the sixteen-year-old worker yaks potapov, which was detached by workers on the shoulders. With revolutionary exclamations, demonstrators moved to Nevsky. Police and Soon who arrived here, a major squad of the city arranged an innovative habitat, which was forbidden to write in Gazeta. Several people were injured. The demonstration was involved, but she attracted the attention of progressive society and played a big role in the development of the revolutionary movement in Russia.

Two decades later, the Kazan Square was again the shared demonstration. The reason for her was the Sugubinium of the Listener of the Bestuzhevsky Higher Female Courses M. F. Window, which was arrested in the case of the secret printing house of the Young People's Group and is located in the Trubetskaya bastion of the Petropavlovsk fortress. Without making a harsh regime and mockery of jailers, the wind poured on itself from the kerosene lamp and set fire to himself. On February 12, 1897, she died in a chamber in terrible torment. At the initiative of the listeners of Bestuzhevsky coupling, to which students of many higher educational institutions of the capital were joined, it was decided on March 4, 1897 in the Kazan Cathedral of a protest. After the request of the memorialist was rejected, gathered on the square with singing "Eternal Memory" went through Kazan Street (now Plekhanov Street). The demonstration was suppressed. In the Kazan police part about a thousand pretended students and cursors were rewritten. Many of them were excluded from educational institutions, many were sent from St. Petersburg.

Exactly four years old - March 4, 1901 - a demonstration of protest against the returns to the soldiers of 183 Kiev students for participation in student unrest took place on Square. On the demonstration, the government learned ahead and therefore the Hoocroot prepared. As a result of a fierce bout, 4 people were killed and 96 demonstrators were injured.

The cruel governments of the government over students caused a wave of indignation in the medium of the best representatives of the Russian intelligentsia. Metropolitan writers made protests by sending him to one of the newspapers. The protest was signed by 75 people, among them A. M. Gorky, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

On January 9, 1905, at Nevsky, Kazan Cossacks and soldiers were shot in the workers, and in the evening, de-monstrants from the garden benches of the Square were trying to build one of the first in the capital of the barricades.

On October 18, 1905, during the All-Russian striker, the delemonistration of workers and the revolutionary student methods in the Kazan Square made a decisive admission to an armed uprising.

In the days of the February Revolution, the preparation and holding of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the Kazan Square was the meeting place. In August 1917, the colonnade of the cathedral was used as a tribal for the Bolshevik speakers who called for the overall of the counter-revolutionary bourgeois temporary government. During the preparations for the storming of the winter past the cathedral, the detachments of the Red Guard were held, revolutionary parts of soldiers and sailors for the last assault on the old world of the old world.

In the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, the image of M. I. Kutuzov, with a new force, came to life in the hearts and souls of the lesningraders. Already in the first months of the war, when the battles turned on the approaches to the city, the Cathedral of the Cathedral was arranged an exhibition of posters showing the selfless struggle of Soviet soldiers and the divisions of the national militia. In 1942, an exhibition "Patriotic War of 1812" was opened in one of the halls of the cathedral. Recalling the geographic feat of the people in that war, she caused the deep patriotic sense of defenders of the city, called them for new feats and victories.

Shortly after the bookmark of the Kazan Cathedral of A. N. Voronikhin in order to be closer to the construction site, he moved from the Flegeneous Palace of the Palace No. 18/27 on the corner of the Canal and Nevsky Prospect. In 1883, this house rebuilt the architect S. O. Shestakov for the store on the piano and the piano of the famous St. Petersburg company Becker. The upper floors of the house were residential.

Music firm Becker was the foundations in 1841 by Ya. D. Becker. In 1861, the brother of F. D. Becker rose at the head of the company. The pianos and piano were famous for their high quality, as evidenced by the reviews of such musicians, like P. I. Tchaikovsky, A. G. Rubinstein, Sh. K. Saint-Sanste, and many others, the firm "Becker" was the supplier of his yard Imperial Majesty. By 1891, when the 50th anniversary of the company was celebrated, she released 11,400 pianos only.

In 1924, the Red October Factory was organized on it - the largest enterprise on the release of pianos and piano in our country was organized.

In the early 1970s, the house was overharaled with the preservation of old facades. Currently, the first floor is occupied by: from the Nevsky Prospectus - the Galanmaith Store, on the part of the channel - a long-distance perspiratory point and the store "Optics".

One of the lively places of our city is at home No. 24 on the embankment of Griboyedov Canal. From June 1974, it houses the Central Railway Bureau of the October Railway. Here you can in advance to preserve train tickets, leaving from Leningrad to all the ends of the country.

The first "passage" in St. Petersburg in Nevsky was built on the order of the enterprising graph of Essen Stenbock-Fermor Architect K. E. Zhelyloevich and opened its doors on May 9, 1848. "Passage" in the courtyard of house No. 24 along the embankment of the Griboyedov canal belonged to the major Du-Movladel V. A. Rastkov-Roznov. In terms of their size and abundance of goods, he could hardly compete with the "passport" in Nevsky.

House number 26/1 At the corner of Lomonosov Street is an architectural monument to the late XVIII century. This is a small living courtyard, built by an outstanding architect D. Roserengi, a bright representative of classicism of the late XVIII - early XIX century. This building was rebuilt twice: in the 1860s - Architect N. P. Grebenka and in the 1880s - Architect G. A. Lvovich. These restructuring worsened the appearance of the building. In the present time, in these rooms there is a city horsepower school and artistic and production materials of the Drama and Comedy Theater.

For Lomonosov Street Channel makes a smooth turn right. Here on this picturesque bend in 1825-1826, the engineer G. I. Perepetter pested the elegant peeling suspension bridge, decorated with four griffones - the cruel lions and an openwork lattice, the figures of the griffins and the lattice were cast on Kazny Alexandrovsky A cast iron factory for the model of the sculptor P. P. Soko¬lov, one of the outstanding masters of a monumental-decorative sculpture. Wings of griffins and lamp covers are gilded. At the end of the XIX century, lanterns and lattices were uttered. In 1952, with the overhaul of the bridge, they were recreated at the initial drawings. The work was performed in the workshops of the Supreme Art and Industrial School named after V. I. Mukhina.

On May 16, 1782, in the shops of the "maritime market" appeared, to put out which could not be. A huge territory in the city center from Chernyshev to the flour alleys and from the garden street to the Catherine Canal turned into a desert. In the same year, it was decided to build the building of the State Agovernmental Bank at this site intended for the exchange of paper money for metal coins. The project of the new bank was to develop architect D. Kvrenigi.

In January 1780, a thirty-year Italian architect appeared in the Russian capital. Already his first robots - five small churches in the vicinity of the royal village brought him recognition. Orders fell one by one. In the middle of the eighties, he simultaneously led at least ten buildings.

Having found the second homeland in Russia, the quarters in their work relied on the progressive tendencies of Russian culture, to Russian national traditions in architecture and urban planning. That is why all his creations were so organically entered the appearance of the city on the Neva.

Most of the kingdom buildings have survived to this day, leaving a deep mark in the history of Russian architecture at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Academy of Sciences at the University of Embankment, Connogvardeysky Manege, Unique Hermitage Theater, Smolny Institute - This is not a complete list of works of the quarters who adorns our city. In one row with them, the building of the appliance bank, which its rear facade goes to the mushroom channel (d. 30-32). By the way, the bridge with griffins, which was told, was called banking.

The building of the appliance bank was built since 1783 in the 1790th and is a vivid example of a classic style, which the Quran's invariably adhered to his works. And despite the subsequent alterations and restructuring, the building produces a very strong impression.

It is impossible not to mention a monumental fence that decorates the Bank's building from the embankment of the Grofoeda channel. It was built in 1817 on the draft architect L. Ruska. The high wall of the fence is cut through the arches inserted in them very beautiful on the rhyme cast-iron cast lattices.

I hope the readers will agree with me if I say that this small section of the Griboedov canal, on the elegant of whom the Kurengy was elevated by an appliance bank, Ruska - a wonderful fence and a coatter with Sokolov - Banking Moster, is a wonderful architectural-landscape packet The late XVIII - early XIX century.

In the days of October 1917, by order of the Military Revolutionary Committee, the detachment of revolutionary soldiers and sailors of the Guardian crew, which was commanded by the sailor of the Baltic Fleet Bolshevik N. S. Myasnikov, seized the State Bank. Bank officials declared a strike, stating that they do not recognize the new government and will not work on it. A few days later, the Bolsheviks V. R. Menzhinsky, N. P. Gorbuchov, V. V. Obolensky (N. Osinsky) arrived in the State Bank, and N. Osinsky, who put a lot of strength to eliminate the sabotage of officials and bank. The most active sabotage handles were arrested. This event captured the artist V. Valdetsfer in the painting "The arrest of Sabota companies of the State Bank in 1917". Unfortunately, I could not find out where this picture is now.

At the end of November 1917, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin talked with Bolsheviks - Bank employees. This meeting played a big role in the organization of the new socialist system of the national economy and such an important effect, as finance.

On June 3, 1930, the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute was located in the building of the former bank, which on December 19, 1963 he received the name of N. A. Voznesensky, who received the party and statesman, a member of the party since 1919, which for many years she worked in Leningrad. The Institute was created on the basis of the economic factor of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named after M.I. Kalinin and the accounting and financial branch of the Leningrad Institute named after F. Engels, in 1954 the Leningrad Planned Institute was merged with him. Nowadays, this multiple educational institution is preparing highly qualified personnel of specialists for the national economy of our country.

Leningraders are holy honored by the memory of the wonderful architecture, who has gone to the city on the Neva beautiful buildings. In 1923, the former Dolgorukovsky alley, which takes place from the Rastrelli Square before the resort of Smolny, was named alley of the quartre. And in 1967, a bust of architect Jacomo Kurengy was established in the center of the front yard in front of the portion of the main building of the building. The authors of Memo-Nika are sculptor L. K. Lazarev and architect M. N. Meisel.

We turn on the banking bridge to the right bank of Kara. Here we will not meet architectural masterpieces. Houses located on this section of the embankment from Kazan Square to Dzerzhinsky Street, residential. However, non-optical of them represent considerable interest for us, and, above all, one of the oldest buildings on the Channel embankment - House No. 25/3 at the corner of the Launching of Sergei Tuelanina, who received this name in December 1952 in memory of one of the leaders of the Komsomol Consumer Organizations "Young Guard", operating in the years of the Great Patriotic War in the city of Krasnodone. For courage and heroism S. G. Tyulenina posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. In the past, this alley was called Zimin - by the name of the merchant to whom he belonged to the house of us.

In 1912, the Board of the Joint-Stock Company's Electrotechnical Temples "Siemens-Shuhekt" was held in 1912, and the manager of the party and statesman, friend Vofimir Ilyich Lenin, a member of the RSDLP since 1903 served Leonid Bo Rizovich Krasin (1870-1926), a man of amazing fate. BOT one of the episodes of his revolutionary activities. On March 9, 1908, Leonid Borisovich was arrested at the cottage near Kuokkal Station and was imprisoned in Vyborg, where he stayed for about a month, and then emigrosized abroad. He settled in Berlin and went to work at the largest electrical concern of Europe "Siemens and Schuhekt". Its technical erudition, extensive experience in the construction and operation of power plants, the NAKOSTI of the brilliant organizational talent was noticed, and Krasin in 1912 it was proposed to lead the Moscow branch of the concern, which was engaged in electrical factories and plants of Central Russia. He agreed, although it was not confident that the royal government would allow him to return to his homeland. But everything went well. The Ministry of Internal Affairs could not resist the requirement of the largest financial and industrial conservation. However, ordered to establish a strict non-head supervision.

The Directorate of the Concern could not but indulge active activities Krasina in Moscow and in 1913 he translated him to St. Petersburg, putting at the head of his All-Russian branch. The position of the director, despite the strictest police supervision, discovered new opportunities for him for revolutionary activities.

After the victory of the Great October, L. B. Krasin became the first People's Commissar Trade and Industry, was a member of the delegation at the Brest negotiations, participated in the Genoese. The conference was the first half of the Soviet country in France and the United Kingdom ...

Neighboring residential building number 27 was built at the beginning of the last century and in 1878 rebuilt with architect M. F. Peterson. Now it hosts the Leningrad redemption of the All-Union Society of Filatelists.

Three-storey residential building No. 29 is interesting because on its facade, the bas-relief "Fasten the Defense of the USSR" has been preserved, which was awarded Osoaviahima, the predecessor of the current DOSAAF for active defense wool work among the population. There are very few such signs in our city.

House number 33 was built in 1897 by civil engineering I. M. Emelyanov for the Kazan charity society. Now Leningrads live in it.

Residential building number 35 comes out on Plekhanov Street (No. 12). He was built for the pharmaceutical society in 1879, architect A. K. Keizer.

All other houses standing on the right bank of the canal, right up to the house number 47/24 at the corner of the street Dzerzhinsky, custody, built in the first half of the last century.

On this section of the canal, opposite the flour alley, in 1931 was built wooden pedestrian bridge-Weper-line, called flour. In 1951, it was replaced with metallic. The project was developed at the LeddorMostProject Institute by the engineer P. Bazhenov.

We turn on the flour bridge on the left bank of the channel and pay attention to houses on the corner of the flour reservoir.

House number 36 is the remnants of flour warehouses built in the first half of the XIX century after a fire that destroyed the marine market. The author of the construction, unfortunately, is invisible. Interestingly, this house does not have numbers on the transfer. The following house number 2 was built in 1914-1915 by architect A. A. Olem - famous Russian and Soviet architect - as a trading house V. P. Lipina.

Now in the house number 36 there is a trust Santekhmontazh No. 62. His facade decorates the granite memorial plaque, testifying that the team of Trust was a winner in a socialist competition in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin,

But the house number 38/1 is the greatest interest. Until 1889, when the numbering of houses in St. Petersburg was changed, he had no number 35. In 1846, in this house in Quiruty No. 47 settled for the first time in St. Petersburg for admission to the University of 18-year-old Nikolai Chernyshevsky, due to the fact that afterwards The house was rebuilt, now the location of the apartment, and which he lived is not possible.

Residential building No. 40/24 on the corner of Dzerzhinsky Street (formerly pea) - Rare in terms of expressive construction of the middle of the XVIII century. Initially, it was three-storey, decorated with pilasters and sophisticated platbands over the second floor windows. In 1838, A. Kamutszi was a fourth floor. This house is a monument of architecture of the XVIII century and is under the protection of the state, which the board is played, reinforced on the facade from the side of Kara.

Dzerzhinsky Street is one of the oldest central highways of the city - he received this name in January 1927, in memory of the first chairman of the Pelsius Felix Edmundovic Dzerzhinsky, the life and revolutionary activity of which were closely connected with St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad.

House number 42 - one of best work Architect A. X. Fields. The building was built in 1840.

Stopped near the Stone Bridge, which built through the channel Engineer I. N. Borisov in 1776. For more than two centuries it serves as faithful to the true residents of the city, not overgrowing any alterations and repairs! Enviable longevity! This is quite explained: the bridge is built from durable maraial - granite. With this bridge, one of the pages of the history of the revolutionary activity of the People are connected.

In August 1879, the Folk Will Executive Committee decided to execute Alexander II execution. In pursuance of this decision on February 5, 1880, Stepan Halturin blown up eight dynamite pounds under the royal dining room. However, that day, Alexander II postponed lunch, and the explosion did not reach his goal. In the spring of the same year, the people were preparing explosions on the path of the royal train from Crimea and Odessa, these preparations had to stop, as the king changed the time of his trips. Then it was decided in the summer of 1880 to lay ten pounds of dynamite under A stone bridgeTo kill the king, when he will go to a carriage in the royal village. Dynamite was laid by A. I. Zhelyabov, A. D. Mikhailov, A. N. Barannikov and Work Makar Tether. And again the explosion did not take place: the king drove through the bridge earlier than the people's profits there.

These failures did not break the spirit and the will of the people. They began to prepare a new attempt on the king. It took place on the Ekaterininsky Channel of March 1, 1881.

Massive building with Atlanta figures - House No. 41/14. It is built by architect S. O. Ovsyannikov in 1912-1914.

In the house number 43/11 in 1818, Yunoy Pushkin read at V. A. Zhukovsky excerpts from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". It is also known to this house that the composer M. P. Mussorgsky lived in it, who worked on Salambo and Marriage Operators.

On our right bank, our attention will be attached to the house number 51. The time of its construction and the author, alas, are unknown. We can only assume that it was built in the middle or end of the XVIII century in the style of the bosom of the estate of that time: in the small yard open to the channel, a two-story main body, painted in yellow. Perpendicular to it are two three-storey flaggels overlooking the channel of the canal. Once the entrance to the courtyard was closed by military, as was customary in such estates.

Almost opposite the house number 51 begins reaching up to the Sady Short Spasskaya Street. From October 1923, she is the name of the working and revolutionary Peter Aleksseev.

Peter Alekseevich Alekseev - a worker-revolutionary. In 1872, he came to St. Petersburg and went to work with weaving to the Tornton Factory (now the Telman's thin and technical closure combine). Since 1873, populist mugs visited, led the revolutionary propaganda in many factories and the factories of the capital. In March 1874, at his apartment at the address: 7th Rota Izmailovsky Regiment, house number 18, Apartment No. 7 (now the 7th Krasnoarmeyskaya street), one of the first gatherings of workers of various preparations of St. Petersburg took place. Once in the field of view of the metropolitan security, P. A. Alekseev at the end of 1874 moved to Moscow, where he was soon arrested, brought to St. Petersburg and was given to the court for the "process 50", which was organized by the Tsaro government over Participants of the revolutionary movement. On March 9, 1877, in a court session, he made a fiery speech, which she graduated from prophetic words: "They will become a muscular hand of millions of working people, and the yoke of despotism, fenced by soldier bayonets, will split in the dust." The court sentenced Alekseeva by 10 years of core works.

Near Petra Alekseeva Street, Griboyedova, he makes a sharp turn to the left to Demidov Bridge, who transfers the channel according to the Gregsova Lane (formerly equestrian, then Demidov), the modern name of the alley received in the memory of 1952 in memory of the feat of the hero of the Great War , Defender of Leningrad Krasnoarmeyman A. I. Grivtsova.

Alexander Ivanovich Grivtsov, to the Great Patriotic War, worked as a chauffeur in the Timsky district of Kursk Oblast. At the beginning of the war, he was called up to the army and sent to the Leningrad Front, in the 504th artillery regiment, where he was considered the best driver in the part, in the battles when force the Grivtsov River managed to smuggle all the guns of batter on the left bank on the ice, February 18 1944, when the Nazis managed to capture one weapon and two cars, A. Grivtsov, together with the comrades, penetrated the location of the enemy. They saved the combat technique. A few days later, the Art Divine, who was commanded by Captain Yuri Pastorov, wedged into the army. All the ways of approach and entrance to it are shot by a powerful enemy fire. Pastorov's artillerymen ended in ammunition, and then the driver of the Grivans broke through his car to the surrounded division. His second breakthrough ended tragically - he was killed by a fascist sniper. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR of July 1, 1944, Krasnoarmeyman Alexander Ivanovich Grivtsov posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

In the house number 48/18, at the corner of the aller Grivzov, from pre-war times is located School No. 253 of the Oktyabrsky district. During the Great Present War, there was a hospital in this building, in which the wounded defenders of Lenin-Grade were treated. And in 1958, the Museum of "V. I. le nine and children. " Veterans of the G. M. Krzhizhanovsky, D. L. Lazurkina, I. V. Dukhvin-Osipov, E. P. Onufriev were provided in his organization. The museum maintains a permanent connection with the Leningrad branch of the Central Museum of V. I. Lenin.

The pioneer squad of the school bears the name of the hero of the Soviet Union Volodya Ermak, who in front of the war graduated from the nine class of this school. His feat is dedicated to a special stand.

Vladimir Yermak was born in 1924 in Leningrad. In 1942, the volunteer went to the army and served in the 86th shooter of the Division. On July 19, 1943, Komsomolets Vladimir Yer¬mak in offensive battles under Sinyavin repeated the feat of Alexander Matrosov. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Society of the USSR of February 21, 1944, Krasnoarmeytsa Vladimir Yermaka was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Siberian Union. In April 1964, at the request of the October District Committee, the VLKSM, the abolished alley, which passes from the embankment of the river buckles to the Avenue of Roman Corsakov, was named Volodya Ermak.

Opposite the school number 253 on the right bank of the canal, the majority of the embankment and the town of Grivotsova occupies the house number 53/14, built at the end of the XVIII - beginning of the XIX vef. It was located the state borrowed bank, which at the beginning of the XIX century was known in Pekterburg, the verse of A. S. Tailov (cousin of the Graph D. and, Tailov, her husband of the niece of the Great Russian Polokodtsa A. V. Suvorov).

A. S. Tailov, who had an apartment in the Bank's building, was a member of the literary mug of the "conversation of the Russian word lovers", created on the initiative of the famous Slavophila Admiral A. S. Shishkov in the active participation of G. R. Derokzhavin in February 1807. Therefore, in the house A. S. Khvostov, there were prominent Russian writers of that time. In 1845-1855, the management of the borrowed bank was a friend A. S. Pushkin P. A. Vyazemsky, and from 1854 to 1858 a member of the Poet of V. G. Benediktov was a member of the reality.

Currently, training buildings of the Institute of Accurate Mechanics and Optics are placed on the corner of the aller and the canal.

On the facade of the house, a white marble board was reinforced, indicating the water level during flooding on November 7, 1824. This inscription is made in Russian. The same inscription in Latin - at the corner of the house No. 9/1 along the Alley of Grivzov and Civil Street. Interestingly, this building coming out by a sharp angle to the embankment, no channel numbers. House residential.

Before us Demidov Bridge over the channel.

In the second quarter of the XIX century, several cast iron bridges were refined in St. Petersburg. One of them is demide. It was built by an engineer-brief construction equipment E. A. Adam in 1834-1835. The bridge is decorated with a magnificent cast iron grille. It is assumed that it was created in drawing A. I. Shockenshneera - a prominent Russian architect of the last century, which decorated our city with excellent public buildings.

In 1955, the bridge was capitally repaired, the lattice was restored. At the same time, elegant lanterns-lamps were installed, made in the style of lanterns of the 1830s.

Behind the Demidov Bridge, the channel again makes a sharp turn to the left. Still, our ancestors were correctly called, this river crumacy! Like every few dozen meters, the canal makes a new turn, which gives him a non-impressive charm.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe field of the left bank of the channel from Demidov to the gardening bridge is occupied by houses No. 56, 52 and 54. These income houses built in 1903-1905, a large perturban architect the late XIX - early XX century, Academician of Architecture Yu. Yu Benua. Currently, in the house number 52 in the first floor there is a substation No. 9 ambulance and non-medical care. Opposite this house, the former small Meshanskaya - now the Treasury street (since 1887). This name was given to her due to the fact that at the end of a small Meshchansky street, where she comes out again on the canal, in the house, in the place of which architect P. Yu. Suzor in 1886-1888 built house number 71 (No. 13 on Uli By Przhevalsky and No. 6 on the Treasury Street), at the beginning of the XIX century there was a ministry of finance, and then the provincial treasury - the place of storage, reception and issuance of public money. Here on this treasury and called the street.

In our walk along the Griboedov Canal, the Treasury Street occupies a special place: the great Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky lived on it in three houses from 1861 to 1867. His biographers have established an interesting feature in the character of the writer: Fyodor Mikhailovich always removed the quarters in corner houses. When and why does his addiction to the angular premises appear? Maybe since on January 16, 1838, he was enrolled in the main engineering school, located in the former Mikhailovsky - now the engineering castle? E. P. Suurahanyan in the book "Dostoevsky in St. Petersburg" writes: "With hobby and joy, the future writer literature, history, drawing, architecture, but still the main ones remained special. Time for favorite occupations often took off from sleep. Dostoevsky's conductor was usually engaged in the corner bedroom of his company, in the so-called "round camar" of the second floor ... "

As you know, in December 1859, after a ten-year lack of F. M. Dostoevsky returned to St. Petersburg, which he was passionately loved. Back in 1843, shortly after the end of the engineering school, he had a long business trip to one of the long fortresses, he wrote the older brother Mikhail: "Well, tell me, please, what would I do without St. Petersburg?!".

The return time of F. M. Dostoevsky coincided with the increase in revolutionary sentiment in advanced layers of society, when journalism began to play a particularly important role in the public life.

A brilliant journalist, Dostoevsky under these conditions could not stay aside. Together with Brother Mikhail, not only a writer, but also a businesswoman with wide connections, Fyodor Mikhailovich receives permission to publish a monthly literary and political magazine "Time". His first issue was released in January 1861. The official editor became MM Dostoevsky. The head of the magazine, his ideological leader - F. M. Dostoevsky.

In the first issue, not only the beginning of the novel "humiliated and offended", but also Faketon F. M. Dostoevsky "Petersburg dreams in verses and prose" was published. In the same magazine in 1861-1862, the novel "Notes from the Dead House" was published.

The release of the magazine "Time" was well received by the advanced public of Russia. N. G. Chernyshevsky wished journal on the pages of the "contemporary" of all success. N. A. Nekrasov placed his poems in the new magazine, and M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin - satirical essays. I. S. Turgenev, who lived at that time in Paris, sent Fyodor Mikhailovich an enthusiastic letter, in which he thanked him for the journal's numbers with the novel "Notes from the Dead House" and wanted prosperity and success magazine.

From the very beginning, the editorial board "Time" was placed in the apartment of Mikhail Dostoevsky in the house A. A. Astafyeva on the Embankment of the Griboyedov Canal, 61, the angle of the Treasury Street (House No. 1). In September 1861, Fedor Mikhailovich took an apartment of five rooms in this house on the second floor. Here he graduated from the novel "Notes from the Dead House" and formed a few polemical articles and felloons "

On May 24, 1863, due to misunderstandings with the censorship, the "time" magazine was closed. Instead of him from January 1864, F. M, Dostoevsky began the issue of the magazine "Epoch".

1864 was very heavy for Fedor Mikhailovich. In April in Moscow, his first wife died from long and severe illness, in a letter to the Semipalatinsky friend A. E. Wrangel he wrote; "I rushed, Skoronoving her, in St. Petersburg, to my brother - he remained alone, after three months he died ... and it became just scary to me. The whole life was broken in half. "

Returning from Moscow, Dostoevsky settled in the house number 9/14 at the corner of the small treasury street and a joinery of the jewel (the House of the merchant of the Jewinov). In August of the same year, Doshevsky moved to the house of the merchant I. M. Olonkina at the corner of the Meshchansk and a joiner, No. 7/11. Apartment Dostoevsky was on the second floor above the gate. In the house of Olonkina, the writer lived until January 1867.

Houses A. A. Astafieva and I. M. Olonkin to this day retained their appearance since Dostoevsky's time, the House of Jewinov at the end of the last century was prescribed and became four-story.

Readers know that many of their heroes Fyodor Mikhaillovich settled on the Ekaterininsky Canal embankment, which he sometimes called the ditch. For this, he had good foundations: in the first quarter of the last century, the water in kaosal became so dirty that it could not be used not only and food, but also for washing the linen.

And the first Russian writer, who called the Catherine Canal, was M. Yu. Lermontov. In the novel, "Knya Haigne Ligovskaya" there are such words: "Located from the Voznesensky bridge and intending to turn the right of the ditch, he suddenly hears the cry:" Beware, look! .. ".

We will continue our walk. On the right bank of the channel against the direction of the bridge in the house number 65 at the end of the past - the beginning of the current century, an artist-landscape of N. N. Dubovskaya lived. His paintings can be seen in the Tretyakov Galete and the Russian Museum.

In this place the canal makes turn right. On his straight area of \u200b\u200bthe left shore from the area of \u200b\u200bthe world to Kokushkin, the alley is located four houses, which their facades go to the canal and on the garden street.

In the corner house number 56 on the canal (architect A. I. Melodnikov, the 1820s) and February 1976, the first store in our city selling fish and fish kulisuria "Ocean" was opened. In the neighboring house number 58 on the first floor there is a production and sales association "Lenryba". The top floors of the house residential from the Sadovaya Street in this house on the second floor there is a department of fish canned food "Ocean".

House number 60 was built in 1914 by the architect F. P. Fedorov for the Trade House of the merchant V. F. Spekhina. After the Great Patriotic War, the department store "Children's World" was located in it.

Three-storey residential building No. 62 At the corner of Kokushkin, the alley was built by architect A. I. Melnikov in 1822-1826 and since then did not undergo significant change in its appearance. It is possible that it was in this house that the merchant Vasily Kokushkin lived, the alley and the bridge across the channel were named, resting on the right bank to Przhevalsky's street (former carpentry alley).

Kokushkin Bridge was built at the end of the XVIII century, during the end of the conservation of the channel. He had stone, fowered by the granite of support and a wooden span. In 1946, on the project of the Lenmosttrest engineer B. B. Levin and architects, L. A. Noscova, the bridge was rebuilt. Dreashed span is replaced by reinforced concrete, it was installed pig-iron cast perile tribes, similar to channel fences on it.

Let us turn along the Kokushkin bridge to the right bank and remain near the house number 69/18, on the corner of the canal and the street of Prematha. This is a typical profitable house that belonged to a rich merchant a yormkov, in which the advantage of a commercial person lived, which is explained by his closeness to the Sennaya Market. In order to extract large profits with surrender apartments, the third floor from the courtyard was divided into two low floors. Therefore, this house has six floors from the channel and the streets of Przhevalsky, and from the yard - seven. The building was prescribed and rebuilt in the 1910s by architecto A. I. Casser

In the history of Russian literature and our city, this house occupies a special place. From the end of 1829 to May 1831, N. V. Gogol lived in it. Very constant in the means, he complained of a letter of his mother; "I can not move below the fifth floor." But it was in this house that N. V. Gogol, he said, survived the "first sweet moments of inspiration." Here he becomes a writer. In 1830, in the journal "Domestic Notes", it appears, however, without a signature of the author, the emergence of "Bisavruk, or the evening in the day before Ivan Kupala". Here he wrote the first book "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka." By this time, the acquaintance of Gogol with a writer and Critique O. M. Somov, the dedicator A. A. Deliv engine on the "literary newspaper", with V. A. Zhukovsky and P. A. Pletnev, who took friendly participation in the fate of a young writer and Help him. On May 20, 1831, Nikolai Vasilyevich meets with A. S. Pushkin. Soon this acquaintance develops into the creative and friendly briefness of two great writers.

Already in Soviet times, he lived in this house and in 1942 A. G. Yatsovich died - one of the famous historians of the city. It was here that they were written by the books "Pushkochinsky Petersburg" (two issues), "Serf Petersburg" and some others who have long been bibliographic red bone.

Multi-storey house number 71, which occupies the whole quarter. It was built in 1886-1887 for the project of the architect P. Yu. Suzora. The house is decorated with elegant erkers and corner towers.

The facade of the building of the former congress of the world judges, built in 1884-1885 by the architect I. S. Kitner, is maintained to a civil street, house number 26. Now it is now a house of pioneers and schoolchildren of the Oktyabrsky district. The other party is the building goes to the Channel Embankment, house number 75.

This is one of the memorable Lenin sites in our city. In 1893-1895, engaged in legal practice, V. I. Lenin was here. He visited the conference of jury attorneys who were held in the office of the congress of the world judges. At these conferences, along with legal issues, the speeches of outstanding Petersburg lawyers were discussed. Here, Vladimir Ilyich gave free legal advice to workers and led a number of their court cases,

Couscinus bridge canal again makes a sharp turn right. Let us turn on this bridge to the left bank and get acquainted with some houses standing on the embankment.

Residential building number 64 At the corner of Kokushkin, the aller comes out on the Garden Street (No. 47). It was built in the 1840s by architect G. A. Bosse. It is known that by the middle of the twenties of our century, a private studio of choreographic art of Ballerina N. A. Baerkina worked in the building. It is curious that the ballerina itself had no special education.

Residential buildings No. 66 and 70 were built by a military inzher, an academician of architecture V. V. Witt in the 1850s at the end of the last century in the house number 66 lived soloist ballet and balletmaster of the Mariinsky Theater, and since 1900 - the most painful theater In Moscow, the Honored Artist of the Republic of A. A. Gorsky.

In a residential building, Na 72, built by 1907 by architecto V. A. Lipsky in 1907 - 1908, there was an outstanding Russian actress V. F. Commissioner.

Vera Fedorovna was born in St. Petersburg on October 27, 1864 in the family of opera singer F. P. Commiszhevsky. Since childhood, I dreamed about the scene. V. N. Davydova took private lessons, one of the outstanding realist actors of the Russian scene in Soviet times - the People's Artist of the Republic. In 1896, Vera Fedorovna debuted at the stage of the Alexandrinsky - now the Academic Theater Drema named after A. S. Pushkin.

In the work of the Commissionerzhevskaya with a special force, the tragic theme of the modern woman was sounded, in vain trying to escape from the surrounding oppressive environment. In 1902, Vera Fedorovna left the Alexandria and in 1904 he created a new drama theater in St. Petersburg, in which the roles of M. Gorky "Dachos" and "Children of the Sun", in Pieces A. P. Chekhov, G. Ibsen and others. Since 1909, the Commissioner toured in the cities of Russia. She died in 1910 in Tashkent and was buried in the necropolis of art masters of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

In the first third of the last century, there was a rather dilapidated structure of the XVIII century on the spot of house number 74. In early 1829, in him with his friend A. S. Danilevsky seized N. V. Gogol, who first arrived in St. Petersburg. He wrote about his live in this house: "For the apartment we pay 80 rubles a month - for some walls, firewood, water. It consists of two small rooms and the right to use on the master's kitchen. " In the 1880s, at the place of the house in which Gogol lived, civil engineer G. I. Karpov built a huge six-storey profitable house in which Leningraders live now.

After two decades, at the end of the work on the facing of embankments of the canal, the bridge was obtained by stone supports. In 1930, in connection with the strip of tramway, the bridge strengthened, made wider. In the Great Patriotic War, he was seriously damaged by air bible, after the war, was disassembled and in 1957 on the project of the B. B. Levin's engineer, it was re-built from modern materials. At the same time, it was established on it, the peer fences of the cast iron casting, the same type with the fencing of the Italian bridge, and lanterns - lamps are the same as on the Mogilev bridge through the channel, which will be told a little later. The bridge received its name from the Ascension Church, which was built on the bank of the canal in 1728, first from the tree, and then from the stone. In the 1930s, she was disassembled, and in her place in 1936 the school building was postponed, the current Avenue of Majorova was also called.

Peter Vasilyevich Majorov was born in the family of a landless peasant village of Corina Tver province. At the age of 15, he became a St. Petersburg worker. Soon, there soon joined the batch of magnias and led the actively work in the Tver earthland of the Petrogenov workers, was a delegate of the II All-Russian Peasant Congress, the secretary of the Peasant Division of the Russian Federation.

In July 1918, at the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets, P. V. Majorov was elected a member of the WTCIK. In the fall, due to the deterioration of the situation on the Eastern Front, it was sent to the 4th Army politicalotel. On the night of January 20, 1919, during the ECEROVSKAYA, he died. The body of it from Samara was brought to Moscow and buried on Novodevichy Forest. In 1923, the Petrograd city council is assigned to the name P. V. Majorova Voznesensky Avenue.

Now we have to get better to get acquainted with four houses standing at the crossroads of the Canal and Maormov Avenue. At the corner of the Channel Embankment, Majorob Avenue and Civil Street stands house number 77, built at the beginning of the last century. During the Great Patriotic War, he was partially destroyed and restored after the war. The house was always residential. It is interesting for us by the fact that in the 90s of the XIX century there was a well-known writer in it, the author of Anton Gorryki, "Villages" and other works by D. V. Grigorovich.

Opposite this house, a five-story residential building No. 79/23 rises with numerous stucco decorations over the windows. He, like the neighboring channel number 81, was built by architect A. I. Lange in 1855-1856 on the site of the former hotel "Naples". At the beginning of the last century, there was a long two-storey house at this place, which was leaving the gubkin. In the first floor he was located "Coffee House Sokolov". In the 1820s, the house of Gubokina was adapted to a hotel with a magnificent name "Naples", at the end of 1824 there was a future decomcristers P. G. Kakhovsky in it,

In the summer of 1829, in the room of the Naples Hotel, the young N. V. Gogol died in the stove his first work is the poem "Hans Kühelgarten". The poem was written back while studying in the Nezhinsky gymnasium, but was published in St. Petersburg only at the beginning of 1829 under the pseudonym "V. Alov "and marked" written in 1827. "

The metropolitan newspapers quit the first work of the future great writer of Russia, and Gogol, buying in bookstores almost the entire circulation, betrayed his fire.

Let us turn on the Voznesensky bridge to the left bank of the channel, opposite the former Hotel "Naples" in the late 70s of the last century, Architect A. F. Krasovsky, one of the largest masters of architecture of educational institutions and buildings of various purposes, built Bani Petrov. In this building there were apartments that were handed over to residents. At the beginning of 1881, the main conspicing apartment of the Spool was arranged in the house number 78/25. Its owners were V. N. Figner and G. P. Isaev. On January 9, 1881, they prescribed in Apartment No. 8 under the name Kohanovsky. The apartment was located on the third floor. Five windows of three rooms went to the canal, two windows of the kitchen and the corridor - to the courtyard, next to the stairs. From a conspiracy point of view, the apartment was ideal: the bathhouse was located in the house, and people with convulsions, wallets, brooms were included in the courtyard. Mixing with lovers of couple for visitors did not make a lot of work. After the overhaul of the house and the elimination of the bathroom, and the 1960s, one of the rooms of the apartment of the Spool was part of the apartment number 3.

In the winter of Kohanovsky in the winter of 1881, only members of the Folk Will Executive Committee were visible. It also conducted the most important meetings on which up to 25 people were collected. From here, the preparation of the seventh and the last attempt on Alexandra II was carried out. An hour after the attempt at the headquarters, Figner's headquarters gathered the members of the Executive Committee: they had a leaflet about the events of March 1. The next day, her residents of St. Petersburg were read.

The elimination of the apartment "Kohanovsky" Bila is caused by the arrest of G. P. Isaev. On April 1, he did not return home - he was arrested on the street. Being confident that G. P. Isaev will not call his address, V. N. Figner did not hurry to leave the apartment. But, deciding that sooner or later, the police will find out this address, she took the fonts from the apartment, dynamite, equipment of the chemical laboratory and the passport office with the help of comrades. On April 3, she spent at home on April 3, and in the morning disappeared. At the same time, Isaeva identified the janitor, and the police rushed to the angle of the Ascension Process and the Catherine Canal.

Figner's faith Figner belonged to the part of the molot Russian women who, wanting to bring the maximum benefit to society, in the early 70s of the last century were leaving to study in European universities. In Geneva, she joined the revolutionary circle and and 1876 to resolve his leadership returned to Russia to conduct revolutionary propaganda. In December 1876 she took the fate of the demonstration in the Kazan Square and a miraculous arrest. Entering the Fatal Will Executive Committee, she kept active propaganda work among young people, intelligentsia, military; participated in the preparation of all terrorist acts. V. N. Figner especially did a lot to create a people's organization of the army officers and especially the fleet, which was in history under the name of the Military Center. Therefore, it was quite natural that after leaving the apartment at the corner of the Catherine Channel and the Ascension Avenue, Vera Nikolayev was hiding several weeks in Kronstadt, from where he had left for the south, where he continued to collect new revolutionary forces. On February 10, 1883, she was arrested in Kharkov. 20 months before the trial she spent in a single chamber of the Petro -pavlovsk fortress.

In September 1884, a lawsuit was held in St. Petersburg in the case of the Military Center - "Process 14". The main figure of this trill was V. N. Figner. The court pricious her and officers A. P. Strtromberg, N. M. Rogachev, N. D. Pokhitonova to the death penalty. They were transported to the Shlisselburg fortress, where on October 10, 1884 A. P. Strtroberg and N. M. Rogachev were executed. The rest of the death penalty was replaced by a lifetime carriage.

Twenty years spent the faith of Nikolaevna alone Shlisselburg prison. In 1904, she was released and sent to the Arkhangelsk province. Only in 1906 she was allowed to go abroad. The rest of the life of Vera Nikolaevna dedicated literary activities.

Gregory Prokofievich Isaev - technician of the executive committee of "People's Will". Son of the postmaster, in 1876-1878. He studied on the natural branch of the St. Petersburg University, then one year at the Medical and Surgical Academy. The knowledge acquired by them in the field of chemistry allowed him to successfully work in the dynamic workshops created by the People in St. Petersburg. Arrested on April 1, 1881, he in February 1882 passed through the "process of 20" and was convicted of an indefinite catguard. He died from Tubo club on March 23, 1886 in Shliselburg.

And, finally, the last building on the corner of the canal and Avenue of Majorov, located opposite the house in 1881, there was a headquarters of the People's Republic of China, in 1728 here, in a cemetery for "workplace people", was postponed by a wooden church of Ascension . In 1769, a stone Ascension Cathedral was built on the Rinaldi project, which in the early 1930s disassembled and at his place was built a school building (architect M. A. Sheplevsky). During the Great Patriotic War, the hospital has been discharged here. Now - School No. 256 of the Oktyabrsky Area (Canal Griboyedova, 76), the pioneer squad from May 1965 hears the name of the hero of the Great Patriotic War of Defender of Leningrad P. I. Labutina.

Peter Ivanovich Labututin at the beginning of the war voluntarily "stood into the national militia of the Oktyabrsky district. The 189th Infantry Division enrolled in the 189th Safety Battalion, he would have mastered the difficult and dangerous specialty of the sapper.

On the night of September 13, 1942, the division's intelligence officers were ordered to seize the enemy language in the Pulkou region. Together with them acted and sappers. Red Armyman La LaButin has neutralized German mines, made a passage in a projection bar. Scouts were successful, but the path of waste was blocked by an enemy machine gun. Labututs decided to help comrades and, clutching to Dota, threw one at another grenades in the ambrusura. The machine gun was silent, but the check for a few minutes fastened with a new force. There was no grenade in LaButin, and he closed the ambrusour for his tech.

For this feat, Krasnoarmets P. I. Labututin was posthumously awarded the Order Red banner. In May 1965, his name was called a former spinning alley, passing from Lermontovsky Avenue for McLen Avenue.

At the corner of Krasnogradsky alley stands house number 80/5. In recent years, he attracted the attention of the connoisseurs of our state: in September 1982, "Panorama" wrote about him. Integres: The house is caused by the fact that on its facades between the second and third floors there are twenty-three burnors of Russian writers. Portraits are repeated several times, alternating without a certain sequence. More often than others - four times - there are portraits A. S. Push¬kina, V. A. Zhukovsky, I. A. Krylova. The rest of the portraits are unrecognizable due to the schematic content of the image and rudeness of gypsum castings, and paint still painted with many layers. Initially, it was a small two-storey house, built at the end of the XVIII century. In 1860, as desired by the new owner of the house of Colonel A. M. Olsufyeva, the third floor was prescribed, extended the lane hull and the facades were changed. This work was carried out by the famous St. Petersburg architect N. P. Grebenka.

By the beginning of 1884, the owner of the house was the publisher V. S. Balashov. To restructure the building under the "stamps", that is, the printing house was attracted by a civil engineer K. E. Goodler, who later dedicated himself to landscape painting, was part of the Russian watercolor society. In Os-new, he wrote the types of St. Petersburg and its surroundings. Many of his work is stored in the Museum of the History of Leningrad.

Information about V. S. Balashov is very stingy. It is known that he was born in 1848. In his printing houses, the systraic works and bibliographic reviews were printed, writings V. V. Stasov, poems Ya. P. Polonsky. V. S. Balashov was a co-owner tutorials And reference books, took the participation in the literary collection of "Folding", published in favor of the peasants of the Samara province affected by the hunger.

It is possible that it is V. S. Balashov that was the initiator of the decoration of facades at home by the corner of Russian writers, and the artist of the drawings, for which they were illegally, - K. E. Heptler, given that he was not only architect, but also a talented draftsman. This house is one of the first monuments to Russian writers.

The last restructuring of the house was completed in 1898, when, on the project of a large St. Petersburg architect V. V. Shauba, the fourth floor was prescribed and the length of the flaggel on the alley was again increased. This was done with the preservation of architectural forms of facades created by K. E. Heptler, and the continuation of the portrait gallery of writers. In this form, the house has survived to this day. Now this is a residential building,

In the neighboring house number 82 in the middle of the last century, Prince V. Baryatinsky lived in the middle of the last century - the author of the novel "Royal Mystic" at the time.

In the house on the opposite bank of the channel number 81 at the end of the last century, the control of the office of the magazine "Niva" L. E. Rosiner lived. On his initiative, the subscribers "NOW" began to receive in the form of an application full meetings writings of Russian writers, starting with books f. M. Dostoyevsky.

In the house number 86 in 1917, A. E. Badaev lived. He lived a big and vivid life of professional revolutionary. The faithful student and the associate V. I. Lenin, he all his knowledge, talent and forces gave to serving the case of the revolution.

The son of the peasant poor man, he arrived in St. Petersburg in 1903 and entered the car worker in the carriage workshops of the Alexander Plant, in 1904 he joined the Bolshevik party and soon became one of the most popular leaders of the proletariat of the Neva Oblast.

In the fall of 1912, St. Petersburg workers elected A. E. Badayev in the IV State Duma. Activities A. E. Badaeva was a sample of using legal opportunities in the interests of preparing the revolution.

After the victory of the Great October, A. E. Badaev was a noticeer of the chairman of the Petrograd Gubspolk and was introduced by the food supply of Petrograd. Since 1930, he worked at high positions in Moscow. In 1938-1943, he was the chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. At the XI-XVIII party congresses, Alexei Egor¬vich elected to the Central Committee of our Party.

We approached the big fusion street. She, as well as the average and small subian were laid back in the XVIII century. The name they received from those who lived on these streets of small officials, who were called the attain.

In 1971 - 1972, from a large fusion street to a fucked alley, which goes to the right bank of the channel, a fusion bridge was built. Given that it was built in the old part of the city, the architect L. A. Soskov installed an old lantern on the grinding bridges on round granite supports, which stood earlier on the abolished Aleksandrovsky bridge through the introduced canal in the 1960s. The construction of the fusion bridge was caused by the need to unload the Majorov Avenue from the transport sweating.

House No. 90/2 on the corner of the canal and medium subiascale was built in 1905-1907 by an engineer N. V. Smirnov on the project of one of the most prominent architects of the beginning of the 20th century, the builder of the Volkhov hydroelectric station named after V. I. Lenin O. R. Munza for the first Public (Ekadinininsky) meeting. The facade of this house towards the channel has two high floors, along the middle fusion street - three. Rounded angle is decorated with original erquee, over which the sculptural group has been strengthened. The top of Er¬ker is crowned with a turret with a spire.

In 1912-1917, the theater of social and political satire and literary parodies "Curve Mirror", created on the initiative of the actress V. V. Kholmskaya, worked in this house. He led theater critic A. R. Kugel. House number 92/1 was built at the end of the XVIII - early XX century. It is two-storey, without any decorations. According to the known connoisseur of the history of our city S. M. Vyazemsky at the end of the XIX - early XX century, its owner was A. F. Marx - publishing house "Niva". Now there is a Leningrad House of Scientific Atheism.

Here, probably, it is appropriate to say that the average attic street passes from the canal to the Avenue of Roman Corsakov, and the small subiaskaya and in short - it starts and ends on the channel of the channel, which in this place does a sharp turn to the left, forming a big Petpo. Opposite the small attic street in 1825 - 1826, a graceful pedestrian bridge was built, called lionin, for on his supports, the sculptor P. P. Sokolov installed the figures of Lviv, and in the midst of the bridge - very beautiful two lamp lamps. In the 1880s, lattices and lanterns were lost and restored at the initial drawing in 1954. The builder of the bridge was the engineer of the flight. A short alley connecting the embankment of Kastered with the current street of the Decembrists is also called lion.

Reverse now your gaze on the houses standing on the right bank of the canal. No, these are not some outstanding architectural masterpieces, and not from this point of view they are interested in us. It is important to us who lived in them or have been, what events are connected with them.

In the house number 85, there was a few years ago a former prisoner of the Shlisselburg Fortress V. Ya. Ilmas died. In 1906, his young shoemaker with Ohta, arrested. When searching the apartment found bombs, cartridges, explosives. By the sentence of the St. Petersburg Chamber, he received the children of Kathers, which was serving in Shlisselburg.

In recent years of life, V. Ya. Ilmas created a peculiar home museum, in which portraits, documents and real exhibits were collected, characterizing the life of prisoners in the royal time. Among the exhibits were a miniature copy of the shackles made by one of his catguards.

In the house number 89 at the turn of the past and this century, an artist O. X. Braz - the author of the well-known portrait of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

According to the project V. P. Stasov in the 1810s, house No. 91 was built, then rebuilt.

The history of house number 93, built at the end of the 18th century, was very notable, and subsequently sustained by A. E. Stubert two floors. At the beginning of the last century, the theater school was placed in it, in which there was their theater, on the stage of which students performed.

The famous Russian actor V. A. Karatygin wrote: "Our school performances really liked Griboedov, and he often visited them. Together with Griboedov, Alexander Bestuzhev visited our performances. Once it happened to play on the school theater the role of crustiline in the "Pursoniak" of Prince Shakhovsky. In our theatrical wardrobe, the uniforms were painfully disgusting, and I raised his adjutant uniform with all his belonging to him. And how was I then satisfied that I could do on the stage to scene in the real guards form! Whether I thought then that I play in the very uniform, in which a few time after the Decembrist Bestuzhev played a dangerous role in the bloody drama on the Senate Square ... ".

Pupils Theater school We decided for the first time to put the "grief from the mind" on your scene after Petya was officially prohibited. In the winter of 1824-1825, the rehearsals of the play, which was performed by A. S. Griboyedov, together with V. K. Kyhehelbecker and A. A. Bestuzhev. "But, alas, all our troubles and hopes burned like a soap bubble," V. A. Kratygin wrote. About the preoccupative setting someone reported to Governor Miloradovich General, and he forbade her.

On the ballet branch of the school, A. I. I. I. I. Estimated - subsequently an outstanding Russian dancer, sneaking A. S. Pushkin, as well as E. A. TVES, which A. S. Griboedov devoted a poem "Oh, who is she? - Love Harita ... ".

According to the dramatic branch of the school, E. S. Semyodova graduated from the school - the Great Russian Tragic Actress, brilliantly mastered the scenic technique. A. S. Pushkin responded about her game.

I must say, the school administration jealously defended the peace of his pupils from meetings with fans of their talent. But it was not always possible. It is known, for example, that a young officer A. I. Yakubovich repeatedly penetrated into school under the guise of a shooter - the future Decembrist, and the young Alexander Pushkin flanged the whole spring on the embankment kastered near the school in the hope of at least one eye to see his invarious pupil.

The theater school was located on the Channel embankment until the beginning of the 30s of the last century, and then moved to the architect K. I. Rossi newly built for her, which now wears the glorious name of the Great Russian Arch Republic and in which The famous Leningrad choreographic school of having A. Ya. Vaganova.

The house number 97 on the corner of the canal and the lion's alley is connected with the theatrical school. At the beginning of the last century, they owned the merchant Golide, who, by the way, belonged to the current island of the Decembrists, and in the past starvation. Directorate of the theater school rented his house number 97. In it, it was a typography on the ground floor, in which posted posters and scenarios of the play. In the upper floors (the House of Che-Tyrhetzhny) lived theatrical officials and actors, Sregor A. S. Yakovlev - a wonderful Russian tragic, whose work was a new stage in the scenic art. Ya. G. Bryansky lived in the same house - one of the largest St. Petersburg actors, the father of Avdoti Panayeva-Golovacheva, the girlfriend N. A. Nekrasov, who spent his childhood years in this house.

On the plot from the lion's bridge to the Komsomolsk Mosnor, built through the channel on the Avenue of the Roman Corsa, on a very picturesque radiation of the canal, on his right bank, there are several two- and three-storey houses, post-early at the beginning of the XIX century and emerging on theatrical square. They are interesting not only by charming in-law courtyards, in which carrion sheds adapted for temporary garages, but also people who lived in these homes, and the institutions that were placed in them or are today.

Here is the house number 101. It was built by architect A. I. Lang, who worked as Assistant A. I. Plotakhenshneera in the construction of palaces. This three-storey house he built in 1856. To the Great Patriotic War in it worked by the technical school physical culture. Now it is greeted by the management of the executive committee of Lensovet. In the neighboring two-story house number 103, the archive of the Lesningrad City Court is now located. Who built the building, to the coercion, is unknown.

Each Leningradent perfectly knows the house at the corner of the Nezoral and Sadovaya Street, which hosts the State Public Library named after M. E. Saltykov-Generin. This building knows the whole world according to the historical photography, which captures a peaceful demonstration of St. Petersburg workers in July 1917. But not everyone knows that the builder of this house was a wonderful Russian ar¬chitector E. T. Sokolov.

He was born in 1750. He worked in St. Petersburg and was considered an experienced builder. In 1776-1786, he led the construction of the Main Corps of the Academy of Arts, took part in the construction of an engineering castle, rebuilt the building of the Main Post Office. In 1796-1801, he created his main creation - the building of the Public Library.

In 1788, E. T. Sokolov received a plot for the construction of his own house on the Catherine Canal near the theater Square. By 1790, a three-storey house with a port, covered with tiled, was built, and the architect with his family settled in it. Here he lived before his death 18 (30) of May 1824, now is the house number 105 on the canal.

In 1808-1810, E. T. Sokolov, on its plot from the stone of the theater area, built a flaghel (now house No. 4), which in 1852 he was told by architect O. Poirot.

At the beginning of this century, a wonderful Russian painter M. A. Vrubel lived in this house.

In the corner house number 107 (Theater Square, 6) there lived a large connoisseur and amateur of Russian antiquity and literature, author of Libretto operas I. A. Rimsky-Korsakov "Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Golden Cockerel", "Sadko", "Tale of Invisible Grade Kitezh and Verine Fevronia "V. I. Belsky.

House number 109 is associated with the name of the Balletmister and Dancer M. M. Fokina. In 1898, he graduated from the St. Petersburg Theater School in the class of M. I. Petipa and was accepted into the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, where many leading parties in the best ballets were. Since 1902, at the same time he has occurred to pedagogical activities. In 1905, Special for the great Russian ballerina, Anna Pavlova, put the famous "dying swan" K. Saint-Sansa.

Previously, there was another - two-story at the site of this house. In it, K. V. Vsevolozhsky lived. In 1818-1820, members of the illegal literary and political society "Green Lamp" were gathered here. In the meetings, A. S. Pushkin, A. A. Delvig, N. I. Galotch, future decoBrasts Ya. N. Tolstoy, S. P. Trubetskaya, F. N. Glinka.

At the intersection of the channel with the Avenue of Roman Corsakov - the former Harlam Bridge, built back in 1880 with a decrepant span, but on stone, lined with the granulated supports. In 1934 he was rebuilt, replaced by reinforced concrete, and installing metal lattices of a simple drawing on it, and the granite parapets on the stuff. In 1927, in the tenth anniversary of the creation of the Petraograd Komsomol organization, the bridge was called Komsolsky. The reasons for this came that very close to the bridge, on theatrical square, in the house number 14, the committee of the Komsomol of the Central District of the city was prevented. On the facade of the house, a marble board with an inscription was strengthened: "The foundation of the Komsomolia of the Central District was developed in the years of revolutionary storms and onslaught. In this house in 1918 - 1919, the Committee of the Russian Communication Union of Youth was placed, under the leadership of which, struggled, studied, fastened and grew up a young ruin of the area. August 28, 1927. 10th anniversary of the Leningrad Organization of the VLKSM.

In 1939, by the decision of the executive committee of Lensovet, the former Ekateringof prospectus, passing from the garden to the pilot street, received the name of the great Russian composer of Rimsky-Korsakov. Now, for the possibility of time, it is difficult to say what caused such a decision was - because N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov never lived on this avenue, the Lesningrad Conservatory received his name only in 1944, and the monument to the composer on theatrical square was Opened even later - in 1952.

However, it seems to me, in this renaming there was its own logic; After all, Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov was not only a great composer, but also a professional sailor. Moreover, an offacarious sailor. All his ancestors starting with Petrovsky times served on the fleet. Therefore, following the family tradition, Nikolai Andohevich graduated from the Sea Cadet Corps, made a crucial swimming and 27 years he served in the Russian fleet! But he says the composer modern tongue, I was amateur, because I did not graduate from any musical educational institution.

The history of Russian culture has long known such examples. A brilliant guards officer, a member of the defense of Sevaspol, Lion Tolstoy became a great Russian writer. The refersor of the chemistry of the Medical and Surgical Academy, Alexander Borodin, wrote a wonderful Russian opera "Prince Igor", many symphonic and chamber works, and General Engineering Forces, the largest Russian Fortiff Caesar Kyui was not only a composer, but also a Musical critic. So why and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov did not become a composer - after all, in his family, everyone was very musical. And music in the house of his parents was the same mandatory, the same natural as the ability to read and write.

But the main thing that determines in the House of Roman-Korsakov in the city of Tikhvin near Petersburg beat the sea, the service on the fleet. This led a twelve-year-old nick, as he was given in the house, in 1856 to the Sea Cadet Corps.

What about music? She entails him no less than Moir! After all, still learning in the building, he takes private lessons, meets members of a musical circle, which entered the history of Russian culture called "Mighty-bunch. Finally, it was in the walls of the corps that the first symphony was made. He began to write it for the requirement and under the guidance of the wonderful composer M. A. Balakirev.

What will win this difficult dispute - music or the sea? While wins the sea. Roman Korsakov visits the ports of Germany, England, the United States, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Norway. And everywhere listening to music ...

Bright pictures of marine elements - then calm and affectionate, then formidable and worried; The gentle murmur of water under the terrestrial in the calm weather and the fierce rumble of ocean shafts in the storm clock - forever preserved in his memory. And maybe that's why there are so many seas in the music of Roman-Corsakov: then affectionately languid, which is fetched by the roar and power of the waves. After all, it is not by chance that music devices call him marinist in music, comparing with Aivazovsky in painting.

In May 1865, Roman Korsakov returned to the cronstadt from foreign navigation. Thousands of miles remained behind the feed. Gardemarine became Michman, then lieutenant. Ahead is a brilliant career on a fleet ... But then music is entering into your rights. Without it, Ohm can no longer live.

Nikolai Andreevich is appointed by an inspector of musical choirs of the maritime department - so then the post of flagship conductor of the fleet of the Fleet and Okrastra was called. In 1884, this position was abolished, and Roman Korsakov was dismissed.

So, the logic in the assignment of the Ekateringof Avenue named after the Military Sailor of the Roman Corsakov is that the Nikolsky Marine Cathedral and the building of the former Guards Sea crew are located on this prospectus.

Near the Komsomol bridge on the left bank of the canal to the Avenue of Rimsky-Korsakov resumes the middle attic street. At this crossing is a large residential building, which is repeatedly rebuilt. It has three numbers: No. 104 - on the canal, number 25 - on the avenue of Roman-Korzakov and No. 15 - in the middleweed street. He knows that in 1816 - 1817, in it (then four-story), Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov came to St. Petersburg for the first time in St. Petersburg. This gave the basis of the Petrograd Gubspolkom in 1923 to rename the Catherine Canal to the Griboedov Canal, in this house the Pizza began work on the immortal comedy "Mount from Wit".

From the Komsomol bridge to the Novo-Nikolsky channel defects a smooth bending to the right, and if you look at the plan, then the bending on the site from the Lionin to the New-Nikolsky bridge is the Latin letter "S".

Our attention will be attracted by two houses on the right bank, this is home No. 121, built in 1912 - 1913 by architect O. F. Schulz. He was erected as a residential six-storey mansard. By giving tribute to the fashion of the beginning of the 20th century, the architect bodied with granite.

Standing with him nearby House No. 123 was built in the 1960s. Since 1963, this buildings have housed a Leningradskiy accounting and credit technician who prepares financial workers.

We approached the New-Nikolsky Bridge. The history of its construction and rearrangements is very interesting. For the first time, he was built in the 1820s and was a single-span of chipped blocks connected by large bolts, according to the type of red, blue and other bridges, built in those years in St. Petersburg on the projects of a brief construction engineer V. I. Gezhe. In T841, the span structure was replaced with aged boiler gland. In the 1910s, tram rails were laid on the bridge, and therefore additional attachments made. In 1934, the bridge was overharaled:

the span was replaced by reinforced concrete, from the same material was performed by periodile fences instead of cast-iron, which were introduced into disrepair. In 1980-1981, the top flooring was replaced on the bridge, high curbs were established along the pedestrian tracks. At the same time, instead of reinforced concrete parapets, a light metal grid was installed with supporting grainbital stands.

The name Novo-Nikolsky bridge received from the Nikolsky Marine Cathedral. It connects the area of \u200b\u200bCommunards with Meatikov Street, which passes from the garden street to the Fontanka Embankment.

The Square of Communards (former Nikolskaya) is located between the Avenue of Roman Corsakov, the Embankment of the Griboedov Canal and the Kryukov Channel embankment. In the square on this area in 1917 - 1921, the heroes of the Revolution and Civil War G. A. Astakhov, V. S. Myasnikov, P. M. Logyt, K. Ya. Krushtein and other fighters for their Body. This served as a reason for renaming in October 1923 of Nikolskaya Square to the Square of Communards.

Vasily Spiridonovich Myasnikov was born in 1893 in the village of Cologryvka by Penza province. In 1915, he was called to the Baltic Fleet. After the end of the educational and arhylectrical detachment served as Comedor at the academic coherela "Ocean". In Baltik, its ability of the revolutionary unfolded in full force. In March 1917, he enters the party and becomes one of the organizers of the underground revolutionary circles of seafarers of the educational detachment, which the unasonable struggle with the Mensheviks. In September, Baltic was sent by V. S. Myasnikova on the II Congress of representatives of the Baltic Fleet, on which he, defending the Bolsheviks line, spoke out against the provocative proposal of Mensheviks on disarming the Kronstadt Fortress.

On October 25, 1917, V. S. Butchestnikov in the most thickness of the visual events: organizes combat troops from the mosters of the Guards Sea crew, participates in the acceleration of the "Pre-Parliament" in the Mariinsky Palace, at the head of the Sailors-Guards participates in the storming of the winter, is present on for sedans, II All-Russian Congress of Soviets.

After the victory of the Great October, V. S. Myasnikov elected a member of the Naval Revolutionary Committee - the first Soviet Central Naval Guidelines. On the night of December 14, 1917, on the personal indication of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin V. S. Butasnikov, a squad of sailors, who nationalized banks in Petrograd.

In March 1918, on the day of moving the Soviet government to Moscow, the treacherous shot of Esra-Terrorist V. S. Butchestnikov was killed.

In July 1939, the decision of the executive committee of Lensovet, the former Nikolsky Lane was named Izasnikov Street.

Immediately at the Novo-Nikolsky bridge, the canal reappears to the right and the channel flows directly to the Kryukov.

On Sadovaya, a monument to the architecture of the late XVIII century, the Nizkolsky market, is located on the garden from Meysicnikov Street. The squat stone building was postponed during just one 1788 on the project while an unknown architect. This building was built on stilts, since the terrain was very swollen. By the way, this is explained by the fact that the Griboedov canal on this site is straight - he was specially a breakthrough, and did not repeat the twist of the river crumush.

The market was opened in 1789, in the year of obstacle to Russian troops led by the great Russian commander A. V. Suvorov. Therefore, he received the first job - Ochakovsky. However, the inhabitants of St. Petersburg called it Nikolsky, and this name was preserved to the present day, although there is no long ago market here. Now this building is inhibited by the plant "Metriculosud". It seems that it was better to comply with a shopping center here, which is so lacking in the area

In 1825, after a large fire, the building was refurbished, but retained his initial View. Open arcades, encircling all the building, violate the monotony of the extended facade, giving him monumentality.

Let us dwell on the Old-Nikolsky bridge and will admire the slender, almost air bell tower of the Nikolsky Sea Cathedral, reflected in the mirror challenge of Kryukov Canola. And the memory will immediately tell us that we have already seen somewhere this amazing landscape. Well, of course, we visited it in drawings, engravings and watercolors A. P. Ostrumova-Lebedeva, E. E. Lancer, M. V. Dobuzhinsky, other hollows of the beginning of the century, in photographic postcards of our days. The continuity of the bell tower and the Kryukov canal, their or¬ganius is so obvious that we want to scam: "What kind of clever was Savva Ivanovich Chevakinsky, built a bell tower on this picturesque place!". But the delights are delighted. Channel hooks from washing to the fountain packed in twenty (!) Years after the bell tower was erected.

Did S. I. Chevakinsky know that the channel is early or will the breakthrough be? There may be no doubt - one of the leading architects of the city, especially the member of the Commission on stone structure Petersburg, not to know about it. And he put the bell tower in this place not for some kind of whim, but taking into account the fact that she will ever repeal in the water of the Channel Channel. What is this - the genius of previsions? Not only, also accurate calculation based on the long-term experience of a talented urban planner who can look far ahead.

It was the time of rapid construction in St. Petersburg Roskchny palaces, temples, manshes of noble nobles. The architecture then began to prevail the style of the Russian Baroque, which is a peculiar combination of recycled clasic forms and national Russian decorative arts. The brightest representatives of this direction in the architecture were S. I. Chevakinsky and Italian V. V. Radrelli.

The vertex of Creativity Chevakinsky is certainly the Nikolo-Epiphany Cathedral, the Nikolsky Cathedral nicked him. It was laid on July 15, 1753 on the territory of the Sea Regimental Court near the place where a wooden church was built for residents of Ferochoda in 1743. For construction, the cathedral was spent 129987 rubles 38 and a half kopecks. Of this amount, the so-called "bridge" money was the tax on passage and passage through the flood-up Isaacria bridge over the Neva. Essential tools were allocated by the Admiralty Collegium, and 3917 rubles 52 kopecks are voluntary donations of sailors and residents of Marine Silver.

Designing the Cathedral, S. I. Chevakinsky, in contrast to the single churches of Petrovsky Time (Sampsonievskaya, Panteleimonovskaya and other churches), returned to the traditional Russian five-chapter.

Not less, if not more, attention was paid by S. I. Chevakinsky's interior decoration of the cathedral, which represents two temples: the lower - with a low ceiling and therefore the seemingly gloomy-solemn, and the top, very high, well lit through the pain Shi windows and therefore sunny-joyful. The Nikolsky Maritime Cathedral in our city has a predecessor - also a two-story - the Annunciation Cathedral in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

The interior decoration of the Nikolsky Marine Cathedral is very rich in a variety of artistic processing techniques. And it is quite natural, for for these works, the author attracted the best, most talented masters.

Wooden carved iconostasis of the upper temple, framed by classical

the proportions of the colonnade, decorated with garlands of flowers and leaves, according to the specialists, is a masterpiece of Russian decorative source. It was made by the hands of the best carver of the Admiralty-Collegia of I. F. Kanayeva to the carpentry master S. Nikulin from Linden and Maple, pre-harvested. They also cut the iconostasis of the lower church, more modest, but not less elegant.

The gilding of domes, iconostasis and other parts of the native and interior decoration of the cathedral was performed by the Moscow Master Golotrotchik Semyon Golden "with skillful assistants." The icons for the cathedral wrote the famous icon painters Brothers Fedot and Mina Kolokolnikov, who worked in the Tsaro village.

In 1762, the Nikolsky Marine Cathedral was opened. He is a kind of monument to Russian marine glory. In 1908, two memorial plates of gray marble were sent in the upper temple, on his southern wall. They were carved by the names of officers, foreman and sailors, which died during the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1906. All of them were ranked in the Guards Sea Equipment and those who were honored, because Nikolsky Marine Cathedral in 1810 became the regimental church of the Guardian Sea crew

Let's return to the events of the Russian-Japanese war. And now: on May 15, 1908 in the square located between the Northern Facade of the Cathedral and the current Avenue of the Roman Corsakov, a monument to the seamen of the Guards crew, which was the team of Armor Alexander III, who died in the Tsushimsky Sea zhenii.

Shortly after the death of the armadire in the Guards Morning crew began the collection of money for the construction of the monument died comrades. On these voluntary donations of the Guards sailors, he was built in the garden of the Nikolsko-Maritime Cathedral.

A few years ago, the urban sculpture museum and the Leningrad City branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture Monumentation was capitally renovated and received his perishable appearance. Especially I would like to note that on three boards, fortified on the pedestal of obelisk, the Fymals of the corporal crew members are carved - those that managed to install in the archives.

Let's go back to the Naberezhnye Canal Griboyedov. I remember, we stopped at the Old-Nikolsky Bridge, from which the bell tower was admired. Here we are waiting for acquaintance with two bridges through the channel - the most new and oldest, because it suddenly intertwined in one place past and present.

In the 1960s, there was a need to transfer the Channel Channel from the Sadovaya Street to the Communar Square with a warm-conductive route. To solve this task there were two ways: lay a ducker along the bottom of the canal or build a bridge-thermal pipeline. The second option was cheaper, and in 1965 our city has enriched in another very beautiful pedestrian bridge. The draft of him, called later by Krasnogvardeysky, was developed at the LengipromiProject Institute by the engineer P. A. Kulikov and architects P. A. Arishev M. S. Vasilkovsky. I can not hold on commendable words to the author of the project: they took into account that their bridge will be in the close neighborhood with the Nikolsky Maritime Cathedral - the architectural architectural architecture of the 18th century and designed the architectural design of the bridge in the style of the distant era. Seven granite steps lead to a single-span bridge. Curved granite fences of stories are transferred to the base of granite obelisk,

which strengthened hexagon glazed matte freshlists are very peculiar. The bridge is decorated with metal railing strict pattern. I am convinced that those who do not know that the bridge is built in our time, consider that he is constructed simultaneously with the cathedral. Is it not a brilliant example of historical architectural thinking! What a pity that this is extremely rare.

In 1783-1785, Pikalov bridge was built through the Canal Griboyedov, the same type with Alarchin and little Kalinkins, about which the story is ahead. At the same years, the channel was determined by granite, therefore, the supports of bridges are also oblivious to this material. But unlike his collections, the bridge, the bridge until recently was not subjected to the declaration and was a unique monument of the domestic bridge construction of the last third of the XVIII period. In 1982-1985, the bridge was generally rebuilt. The project was developed at the Lengiproject Institute (Project Manufacturer Engineer L. N. Sobolev). The bridge, the revived pickles, at first glance, do not differ from the old one, who stood here two hundred years. If there were no one very essential detail: on antique granite supports ... modern lights strengthened. What is it? Fancy or saving principle "And so comes up?" We will find it that the error will fix.

Behind the bridge, the canal again makes turn right. Its direct plot continues almost to Pastorov Street. This part of the channel crosses Lermontovsky Prospect, and behind it the right bank of the channel merges with Rimsky-Korsakov Avenue.

Lermontov Avenue passes from the Street of the Decembrists to the bypass Channel. Arising in the XVIII century, this maplestral was divided into three plots for many years; Large Mospher and Mogilev (until 1859 - dirty) streets and Novo-Peterhofsky Avenue.

In 1914, in the central anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet M. Yu. Lermontov, all three streets united in one prospectus, which was called Lermontovsky. This renaming had two good reasons: in 1834 - 1835, Mikhail Yuryevich lived in the house number 10/8 at the corner of the trade - now the Union of Protnikov - Streets and the Most of the Trade Street and the second - in the late 1830s at the then Novo-Peterhof The avenue was built a building in which the Nikolayevsky Cavalry School was translated from St. Isaac Square - the former school of Guards submaroes and cavalry junkers. In it in 1832 - 1834, M. Yu. Lermontov studied. In 1916, a monument to the poet of work of the sculptor B. M. Mikeshin was opened in the square in front of the school (current address: Lermontov Prospekt, house number 54).

In 1911-1912, a wooden Mogilev bridge was built on Lermontovsky Avenue through the canal. In the years of the Great Patriotic War, he burned down, in 1953, in his place, a single-span reinforced concrete bridge was built, which convened the former name. The authors of the project - Engineer V. V. Blazhevich from the Institute of Lengiproenzhproekt and architect S. G. Krasiki from the Lenproekt Institute.

The bridge is decorated with four floor lamps, which are a beam of copies associated with wreaths and mounted on a circular cast iron base, decorated with overhead metal wreaths and garlands. The central spear is crowned with a laurel wreath with a five-pointed star mounted in it. Below the wreath is a bracket-booster to which the hex lamp is invested.

Two buildings are published with a sharp angle to the Mogilev bridge: house number 22 on the avenue of Rimsky-Korsakov and the house number 133 on the right embankment of the canal. The building of the barracks is built by a military engineer of Pasypkin in the middle of the XIX century. Inteporates at home in their history: In them from 1820 to 1917, the Guards Sea crew is once - the most privileged part

russian Navy, Lodlot autocracy.

While Peter I, which, as is known, was very committed to sea fun, in St. Petersburg, the court of court rowers was created. She served all the royal rowing and sailing ships. In 1810, this team was pecified into a special part, called the Guardian Sea crew. The selection of personal composition was the most as a matter of: the king himself argued selected candidates. Not only officers, but also sailors! The service in the crew was considered a reward for impeccable service and approximate behavior. And even though the crew received in the formation of the HVARDEY, Andreevsky flag with the Georgievskaya ribbon - the sign of belonging to the guard - he did not receive then. He needed to conquer in battle. Waiting for this for a long time I did not have to - the domestic war of 1812 immediately set the seafarers of the crew in the first ranks of the fighters for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland.

The combat exploits of the seafarers of the crew in the war of 1812 gold letters are inscribed in the history of the domestic fleet. For heroism and courage shown in the battle of Culme, the maritime crew was awarded the Andreev flag with St. George ribbon - a sign for the guards - and silver pipes. And in 1834, the words "naval ekipaz" were strengthened on the frieze of the Narva gate - a great monument in honor of the victory of Russia overlooking.

It is under this battle banner and with the same silver pipes the Guards Maritime crew of the gloomy decokrian in the morning of 1825 in full-time - 1250 people under the guidance of Captain-Lieutenant N. A. Bestumev - a brilliant sea officer, a talented artist and a writer - came out On the Senate Square and became the main shock force of the uprising against tsarism.

Many guards sailors were killed then under the fire of government troops, many were exiled to the catguard. But the revolutionary spirit, originated on the Senate Poison, has always been vital among the personnel of the Guardian seabed. And therefore, the guards sailors were active participants of the February and the Great Oktamba socialist revolutions, bold fighters for the work of the revolution during the Civil War and Foreign Military Intervention.

On December 17, 1918, V. V. Mayakovsky appeared in the crew building. He first read written to the meeting with the reducing sailors "Left Marsh".

In the history of the Guards Sea crew there is a page that, unfortunately, is little known to a wide circle of readers, especially young. We are talking about the trophy of the times of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, which is embedded in the wall on one of the stairs of the building. The trophy represents the Sofa Turkish coat of arms and a white marble slab with verses carved on it. And although the history of this trophy many years ago there was a publication in Panorama, allow himself briefly talk about it once again, especially since I had the happiness to reveal this interesting story.

The case was in the winter of 1959. The head of the Naval Part Club, which was located in the crew building, asked to help find out what the coat of arms and the marble slab were mixed into the wall. The proposal was involved, and I was looking for. First of all, Sfotograph-filled the coat of arms and the stove, then traveled all the sailors who lived in Lenin¬grade, which until 1917 served in the Guards Sea crew. Unfortunately, there are no little left, and none of them remembered nothing about this trophy. By the way, why about trophy, not about a gift? After all, the time of the manufacturer of the coat of arms and the plates - 1836-1837 - could give rise to such a version: in those years, Russia and Turkey did not fight. In short, the go-thieves, the reading room of the central naval biblio became my workplace: I read everything that was published about the Russian-Turkish war in 1877-1878. The reader has the right to ask: why about this war? After all, Turkey participated in the Crimean War of 1853-

1856. Yes, it is so, but the Guards Sea crew in this war on the Black Sea was not, he guarded the approaches to St. Petersburg at the Baltic. Finally came the day when all the literature was read, and I was as far from the disclosure of the mystery of the coat of arms and the plates, as well as on the first day. It was necessary to read the poetic text carved on the stove. Maybe he will shed light on this riddle? And I went to the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In the Iranian-Turkish office, I kindly accepted me, to the appearance, now the deceased J. M. Muginov, who, looking at the photograph of the plate and coat of arms, said that the coat of arms Turkish, and the inscription are verses that glorify Sultan Mahmud on Nickname Warrior, Which, working in the dinner and nosno, proved his country in a blooming paradise, and the fortress made unacceptable. Poems ended with the words that no enemy passes through this gate. As the Chita-Tel understands, there was no benefit from these subchalim poems.

Is that from mentioning the gate through which no enemy will pass. But where to search for this gate? The answer was unequivocal: in the state archive of the USSR Navy on Halturin Street. In the end, the search was crowned with success: found a document in which the Turkish coat of arms and a marble plate with verses were transferred to the highest command of the Guards Marmara with verses, which were strengthened over the main goal of the RUS's fortress (now the Bulgarian city of Russian) and They are taken as a trophy soldiers of the Guards Corps (in this body included a marine crew). In the document, it was agreed that this trophy was transferred to the crew as a sign of the Merit of the Guards Seafarers in the war with Sultan Tour. Nine-month searches ended.

And now it is necessary to tell you for what merits the Guards Sea crew received this peculiar trophy.

The war of 1877-1878 for Russia began at unfavorable conditions. Black Sea Fleet, created by the efforts of Fyodor Ushakov, Mikhail Lazarev, Pavel Nakhimova, during Crimean war It was surfed in Sevastopol. In the Paris Treatise of 1856, Russia and Turkey did not have the right to have a fleet on the Black Sea. But Turkey has retained the right to have a fleet in the Mediterranean and the Aegean seas, which could at any time be introduced into the Black Sea. In addition, Turkey had the right to keep Flotilla on the Danube, and she had 50 warships. Russia has no ships on the Danube.

The main theater of hostilities in this war was the Balkan Peninsula. Therefore, one of the paramount tasks facing the Russian army was forcing the Danube. The complexity was also in the fact that the right bank of the river - steep and obscure - was protected by strong Turkish fortresses Vinduch, Nikopol, Rushchuk, Turtukay, a Silleria.

To sow the actions of Turkish ships and thereby facilitate the organization of the forceding of the Danube, the Russian team decided to apply mine weapons. For this, two detachments were created: in the Nizhny Danube - Black Sea and on the Middle Danube - the Baltic, formed from the seafarers of the Guards Sea crew, delivered along with the focus on the railway from St. Petersburg. The Baltic detachment had 10 mine steam boats and several rowing boats, from which mines were produced, which designed the actions of Turkish ships and creating conditions for the forcing the Danube.

On the night of June 14-25, 1877, a crossroads of Russian troops began. Thanks to the active actions of the Guards Sailors, who brought the bridges, were rowing on landing facilities, guarded by mine boats, the crossing area was completed successfully. The active actions of the Gvardean Sea crew detachment at the Middle Danube in a large extent contributed to the assurance of the fighting of Russian troops, as a result of which the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula were liberated from the five Turkish yoke and gained independence.

Here for these merits and received the Guards Sea crew such a kind of award - a trophy Turkish coat of arms and a marble slab, adorned by the main fortress gate of one of the strongest Turkish fortresses.

Our walk through the Griboyedov Channel continues. Near the crew building, on the odd side of the Lermontovo Prospect, it is the former Church of the Estonian Orthodox Brotherhood, built in the 1902-1905 academician of architecture A. A. Polichuk in the "Russian style". At present, this building hosts a combine of the picturesque art of the department of the RSFSR Art Fund.

Behind the former Estonian Church, the right bank of the channel merges with Rimsky-Korsakov Avenue, so we will now go along the left bank.

A sample of "brick style" - House No. 132, built on the project of architect A. I. Akkerman in 1881-1882 GODH. And the house number 134 was built by architect A. P. Popov for K. A. Tona in 1873-1874.

In an incident house number 138, built by architect I. I. Shaposhnikov in 1882-1883, at the turn of the century lived the editor of the Satyric magazine "Splitters" V. V. Bilibin. He often has an Anti-Pavlovich Chekhov anti-his publishing.

In 1902, the architect, a representative of the late eclecticism, modern and neoclassicism B. I. Girshovich on the corner of the canal and the canonerea alley built house No. 14/2 for a national dining room. Currently, in this two-story building there is a trust "Lenrertichpribor".

On the days of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Town War, at the request of the October District, CVCM, the canonersky lane was renamed Pastoroves.

Yuri Viktorovich Pastorov was born in 1919 in a red village, in childhood and his youth lived on a canonerean street. During the Great Patriotic War, Captain Yu. V. Pastoplazov commanded the artillery division of the 540th lung artillery regiment. In January 1944, his division took part in the battles to remove the blockade of Leningrad. In March, in the battles in the Narva section in a difficult minute of the fierce battle, there was a fire on himself. He was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

In 1910, in the recently built architect P. N. Batumi-large-income house No. 144, in Apartment No. 15, a deputy III of the State Duma was settled from the work of the Kuria St. Petersburg province N. G. Poletaev.

Nikolay Gurievich was born on April 15, 1872 in the village of Kozhukhovo Kostroma province in the family of a peasant-poor. In 1891 came to St. Petersburg and entered the Putilov plant to the turner. Soon joined the Marxist circle M. I. Brusnev and led an active revolutionary framework on the Putilovsky factory. In May 1892, the police raised the Bruscanese group, and N. G. Poletayev was expelled to Kostroma under the supervision of the police. Two years later, he is revealed to St. Petersburg. In the fall of 1895, he enters the "Union of the struggle for the freedom of the working class" by V. I. Lenin. A skilled conspirator, he delivered illegal literature into the sets of the plant, distributed the leisure, sought the ways of organizing underground typographics.

December 9, 1895 for participation in the "Union of Fight" was arrested. According to the court sentence, N. G. Poletalev was sent to the Caucasus, from where he emigrated to Germany, where he stubbornly engaged in self-education.

In June 1904, N. G. Poletaev again in the capital, in the center of the revolutionary movement. He is officially becoming a member of the Leninist Party.

The role of N G. Flytalev in the creation of a bully printing. In 1910, in Copenhagen, he met with V. I. Lenin. It was found here the beginning of the Legal Bolshevik newspaper "Star", the edition of which was headed by N. G. Poletaev. And after another two years, it, together with the extending Bolsheviks M. S. Olminsky, K. N. Samo-lova, A. and Elizarova, K. S. Eremeev, guided by the instructions of V. I. Lenin, carried out a huge work on training To the publication of the main Bolshevik newspaper "Pravda". Her first room was released on May 5, 1912. On the first pores of N. G. Poletayev was the official publisher of the Pravda. He also participated in the resumption of her publication in 1917.

After the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the direct member of which he was, N. G. Poletayev - a member of the College of the Polygraphtande at the Volnch. In August 1921, he becomes the head of the Foreign Trade People's Commissariat in the city of Tuapse. According to him, the Grozny oil pipeline was then built.

On October 23, 1930, in Tuapse N. G. Poletaev died. In 1940, the name of Putilovsky worker was assigned to the former Alexandrovskaya Street in the Kalininsky district.

Before us, Alarchin Bridge, converted through the channel in 1783-1785 for the then English prospectus. The author of the project is unknown. Like the same type of pickles and little Kalinkin bridges, Alarchin Bridge had a lifting average span. On medium bulls, granite obelisks were installed, to which oval lamps of dairy glass were attached to the curly brackets. In 1906- 1907, according to the project of architect A. I. Zeroshsky and In¬jectors of Bers and the Pshenytsky Bridge, it was overhanded and became metallic. At the same time, the lanterns moved to the coastal foundations. There is no significant data from the name of the name of the bridge. Perhaps he is named so according to the facial contractor who built it. Another point of view was expressed by the historian of the architecture of our city A. N. Petrov. He believes that the name bridge received from the distorted Family of the Alachenina Ship Master, whose house was close to the bridge nearby.

On November 7, 1918, by the decision of Petrosoveta, the former Anglish avenue, passing from washing to the fountain, was named McLenk Avenue - in honor of the prominent manual of the English work of John Mclin.

The name English retained a pedestrian bridge through the fountain at the very end of the avenue.

... "She stands on the fingers, as it should be the ballerina, in the whole figure inherent in her airiness, but it is worth it that you see - nothing will betray her from the legs. She stands, in a ledged by arming the chest and freely, spreading his hands wide, as if she strives to take off with this sinful land and at the same time to protect his breasts and these female hands Essently, we all very important on Earth - there, she has behind her. It stands in bronze on one of the squares of the Swedish capital - the Soviet ballerina Galina Ulanova.

I had a chance to attend the solemn opening of the monument. There were flowers, the speech of the representative of UNESCO, the city authorities of the Swedish capital. The first monument to the Siberian man abroad, delivered during his lifetime!

And she, alive, stood beside himself and tried not to look at herself in bronze ... "," the correspondent of the Komsomol Pravda wrote Inna Rudenko in the sketch "Road to Pedesta."

What is the relationship, will the other reader say, has Galina Sergeyevna Ulanova to our walk through the Griboedo Channel? I dare to assure the most direct. The fact is that the Great Ballerina of the 20th Century, twice the hero of the Socialist Labor, the Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, the People's Artist of the USSR G. S. Ulannova was born and held his childhood years in a four-story house No. 152/42, which stands on the corner Channel Griboyedov and McLean Avenue.

Among the old Petersburg, which are becoming less and less, rumor is about what every time Galina Sergeyevna comes to his hometown, she necessarily comes to this house. Legend? Perhaps, but very beautiful and in the style of the character of our glorified countrycam. And the dancer of Ulanov was installed on the square in front of the dance museum in Stockholm on March 6, 1984. The author of the sculpture E. A. YANONSON-Manizer.

In the house number 156, Baronesss V. I. Ikuschul Anton Pavlovich Chekhov met with S. A. Andreevsky - lawyer, will be, literary criticism. Education lawyer, Andreevsky began his career to a comrades of the prosecutor, but established this position, refusing to act as by the prosecutor in the case of Faith Zasulin, shooting in St. Petersburg Cityholder Trepova on January 24, 1878. This noble act S. A. Andreevsky acquired not only a lot of popularity among revolutionary mulfur, but also deep respect for the advanced Russian intelligentsia.

About the neighboring house number 158, similar to the castle, Panorama wrote in detail on October 12, 1978. Therefore, it is not possible to repeat what art historian B. Kirikov told. I will only note that the author of this house, as well as at home No. 150, is the master "Northern Modern" I. A. Pretro.

"For connoisseurs of the history of the city is of interest to the usual profitable house No. 160. In it, he lived and designed during the blockade the old revolutionary A. A. Sadvyev. In the pre-revolutionary years, he was twice (in 1902 and 1907), he was arrested for a long time in the link. In Soviet times, A. A. Savelyev worked as a station in various institutions of Petrograd - Leningrad and the ball an active member of the Society "Old Petersburg - New Leningrad". He collected the richest material on the history of our city, which is currently stored in the Leningrad, state historical archive and is called the Savelyeva Foundation.

Opposite the residential building No. 164 in 1969, a collane pedestrian bridge was built through the channel. The story of its creation is quite notic. In 1967, on the initiative of Professor of the Leningrad Engineering and Construction Institute, V. I. Kryzhanovsky began the design of a single-strength all-welded aluminum pedestrian bridge. Engineers N. N. Artemieva, N. G. Bonch-Osmolovskaya and B. E. Dvorkin took part in it. All welded works performed masters of the shipbuilding plant "Northern shipyard". Ready bridge after testing for strength, during which reinforced concrete slabs weighing 36 tons, were loaded on a cargo car, brought to the place of Usanovka and put on the granite coastal supports,

The house number 166, in which today is located the interconnection club of sailors, is well remembered to the eldest personnel of Soviet journalists - in it, to the Great Executive War, we first placed the technical school, and then the Communist Institute of Journalism named after V. V. Vorovsky . And before the revolution, this house belonged to the director of the brewing plant N. I. Durdin. Who and when I built it, I could not find out.

In the house number 176, built after the Great Patriotic War, there is an interskchool educational and production plant of labor education and vocational guidance of the Oktockor region.

The construction of the left bank of the canal with residential house No. 178 ends, which, having the second facade of Sadovaya Street, No. 129, comes out to the fountain of the fountain. This building in 1910 built an architect A. I. Stunkel, as art historians write about him, - a kind of representative of the St. Petersburg modern.

The two-storey house number 174 is the only one, which remained since the 1930s of the XVIII century in the rebuilt, Kaosal makes the last turn to the left and after a few tens of meters it pours to the fountain.

But our journey has not yet ended: on this bend on the right bank (here the Embankment of the Canal breaks up with the avenue of Roman-Korsakov) there are three buildings. House number 135/3 on the corner of the Canal and Repin Square. In September 1882, I. E. Repin settled in the apartment of the second floor. At that time, he wrote to his friend Polenov: "Yes, brother, I didn't like Petersburg yet, as now!".

In 1886-1887, at the request of Ilya, Efimovich, the house was prescribed, after which he moved to a seven apartment on the fourth floor, over which a large workshop was eliminated. From the apartment there was an internally wooden staircase.

In the house of the great artist there were not only young people, but also his good friends - artists K. A, Savitsky, I. I. Shishkin, A. I. Kindji, writers V. M. Gorishka, I. S. Leskov, poet K. M. Fofanov.

The years of life I. E. Repin in that house - the period of the flourish of his talent. The paintings of the Cross in the Kursk Province were written here, "I was not waiting for", "Ivan the Terrible and Son of His Ivan", "Propagant's arrest", "Zaporozhetics write a letter to Turkish Sultan", "Refusal of confession" and many others.

In this house on the Canal Griboedov I. E. Repin lived until June 1895, when he moved to a state-owned apartment at the Academy of Arts.

In 1955, a memorial plaque was installed on the building: "In this house, the great Russian artist Ilya Efimovich Repin lived in this house from 1882 to 1895.

The merger of the Canal Griboyedov with Fontanka has a house number 139 - the last on the right bank of the canal. He goes out of his facades not only to the channel, but also on the fountains embankment and on the Rampin Square. The project of the building of the former arrival of the House of the Kolomenskaya part was prepared in the 1840s Architect R. A. Zhelyloevich in 1840, but he did not have time to fulfill him, this was done by R. B. Bernard. The architect took the appearance of the Town Hall of the Italian cities of the Renaissance era. They are usually completed high towers With a clock. Because the distance of the house combined the police participating and the fire team, the author adapted the tower under the viewing fire tower. The building is built from a red inadequate brick, which was a novelty in the city-linear of the first half of the last century. Such a decision was dictated by two circumstances: to stylize the construction of the house of the house under the Italian Town Hall, to achieve a tangible savings in construction and especially when operating the building in the conditions of the Peterburg climate. The construction of this house marked the beginning of the so-called "brick style", we get quite widespread in the last third of the last century.

The mouth of the channel on the Embankment Fontanka overlaps the last on it - twenty-first little Kalinkin Bridge. It was built simultaneously with the facing of embankments with granite. In 1907-1908, due to the rapid development of urban transport, the bridge was expanded by one and a half times. Round matte lamps, fortified on granite square obelisks, were renovated in 1952.

That ended our five-kilometer walk along the embankment of Griboyedov Canal. I dare to hope that everything I did not have time or did not manage to tell, readers will make.

Newspaper "Evening Leningrad" (numbers 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 24, 21, 29, 9, 11, 14, 21, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 21, 7, 9, 11, 14, 21, 7, 9, 9, 11, 14, 21, 0 )


Navigation in the 2019 season is completed.

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Along the Griboyedov Channel (Catherine Canal) 2020.

Rivers and channels of St. Petersburg hide the many secrets and mysteries. Each river walk is able to open a new story page for you. Be sure to travel through the Canal Griboyedov to plunge into the Catherine Epoch and admire the stunning views of St. Petersburg from the water.


  • The only excursion to the Griboyedov canal;
  • Departure time is not fixed;
  • Convenient berth departure from the city center;
  • Journey through a unique "non-cereal" route;
  • An entrance to New Holland;
  • Bright excursion program accompanied by a professional guide.

You will see the top 10 attractions:

  • Nikolo-Bogoyavlensky Marine Cathedral
  • The barracks of the Guards crew
  • Old Kalinkin Bridge
  • Holy Trinity Izmailovsky Cathedral
  • Crossroads 7 bridges
  • Mariinsky Theatre
  • New Holland Island.
  • Kisses Bridge
  • Saint Isaac's Cathedral
  • Colored bridges


  • During high water in the canals, it is possible to adjust the route;
  • Departure of flights every 30-40 min. (on the filling of the ship).


The route of this flight is truly unique. It covers all the most amazing pearls of the city: Savior-on-blood, Kazan Cathedral, St. Isaac Cathedral, Mariinsky Theater. During the trip, you will pass the entire Canal of Griboyedov, who several centuries wore the name of Empress Catherine II and was called the Catherine Canal.

Listening to a fascinating tour, you will go to the remote part of the city to admire the greatness of New Holland. Before you will also open the mouths of the fountain and the car wash river. You will swim under the most famous bridges of the northern capital. Lion, banking, Matveyev, lamppost and other bridges will affect you with their amazing architecture.

Be sure to take a camera with you, because it is from the water you can capture the most picturesque frames.

Motor ship

Cruise on the rivers and channels of St. Petersburg will be held on a comfortable single-allest ship. The vessel is equipped with both indoor and closed part, so you will be comfortable in any weather.
The covered ship zone has panoramic glazing, so a good overview is guaranteed you, whatever the option you have chosen.

Buying a ticket

  • Choose a date convenient for you and order a ticket to our discount, clicking on the button "Buy"
  • After buying a ticket will come to your email. You will not need to print it, just present electronic version Before boarding.

It is difficult to find a more extensive cruise on the rivers and channels of St. Petersburg. This excursion will give you the most complete picture of the city. Incredible views of the enchanting architecture and river air are already waiting. Believe me, the water walk is the best way to see the true heart of the city. We promise that you want to come back here again.

The Griboyedov Channel leads his story from the river existing here, called for his winding rush of the curvous. She started with two sleeves, anticipated by the beginning of the swamp in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern art square. One sleeve (deaf duct) proceeded in the direction of Mikhailovskaya and Duma streets, flowed into another, starting his way from the current areas of art and stable.

The first crossing through the krivushus appeared in the second half of the 1710s, when the bridges (Nevsky Prospekt) were built in the target (Nevsky Prospect) through all the water arteries crossing it. The Wooden Ascension Bridge on the axis of the Ascension Avenue was built in 1735.

The territory along the crooked south of Nevsky Prospect began to be built up in 1737, when they began to issue areas of the maritime authorities. Originally built on the right bank. The duties of the hosts included the arrangement of the coast, the separation of his tree. For the construction of houses along the river bed, the forest was cut down, but the royal decree was forbidden to chop here, klyon and a lip. If these trees were at the place of development, they were supposed to transplanted in the gardens and gardens.

In 1737, the Commission on the St. Petersburg structure decided to combine the crumush and washing. It was implemented two years later, then the rumble of the deaf duct was covered. The new channel was called the stable, as a result of his appearance managed to dry out the nearby territory.

At the right bank of this channel were built at home number 3, 5, 7 and. Initially, they all had three floors and a triangular fronton in the center of the main facade. Beloved these houses to the stubborn department. In the early floors, regime sheds were placed here, in second and third - residential apartments of employees. The originally arches of the first floor were later laid, turned into residential and economic premises.

At the same time, a wooden small Saari Bridge (now Demidov Bridge) was built in front of the plot of merchants of Demidov in the target of the modern alley (now Demidov Bridge), and wooden flour trading rows and warehouses were built behind the site number 36. In the 1750s, they were replaced by stone buildings.

During the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna Illarion Matveyevich Kutuzov proposed the Empress project "On the conduct of a channel to prevent the inhabitants of the capital from the disastrous consequences of flooding." This project envisaged clearing, expanding and deepening the riverbed of the curvous on its entire length, thus creating a through channel from washing to the mouth of the fountain. It was assumed to straighten the numerous radiation of the river, because of which she had its own name. The shores of the new channel was planned to wear in granite. Elizabeth Petrovna for various reasons could not accept this project.

In 1753, Kharlam Bridge was built in the target of Ekateringof (now Roman Corsakov) Prospect. In 1759-1761, the project F. B. Rastrelli was built mansion for A. N. Vilboa (house number).

Under the Board of Catherine II, General-Feldsister A. N. Vilboa was drawn up a report "On cleansing a deaf river benefit and decorating the capital." On May 7, 1764, the Empress signed the documents, rejecting the proposal to hide the bed: " River, called deaf, to be brushing along its natural flow". Decree of March 24, 1765, construction executives were approved: Feldsyster General A. N. Vilboa and Prince G. G. Eagles. The supervision of the work was entrusted to the Colonel engineer V. I. Nazimov. Prince of Orlov, despite The Imperial Decree, was absent in St. Petersburg. For him, the channels on the channel actually supervised Count Zhar Grigorievich Chernyshev. On June 18, 1765, at the request of Orlova V. I. Nazimov was replaced by Major General I. M. Golenishchev-Kutuzov.

When cladding the banks of the canal stone on for a long time Nevsky Prospect was blocked. Citizens had to be transferred through a water barrier under the temporary crossing, built for the Kazan Cathedral, that is, a fair hook was made. "Thanks" to such a decision, some Petersburgers made appropriate conclusions and relative to the quality of the other works. They say, and the stone shores of the Catherine Canal will also be made "not by the mind."

On June 3, 1766, the Krivusch River was officially renamed the Catherine Canal. Its row was divided into five working sites, the development of which was held for 25 years. Money for construction partially came from the treasury, partly from taxes from the population. The wooden bridge over the Canal on Nevsky Prospect was replaced with a new stone, called Kazan.

In 1778, a stone bridge was built in the goal of the pea street. In 1783-1785, little Kalinkin, pickles and Alarchin bridges were built.

By 1790, the banks of the canal were lined with trees stones, cast-iron fences were installed. For some barrier sections, flaps were provided for the convenience of unloading and loading goods from the barge, as well as for the convenience of resetting the snow in the canal in winter. To the same time in front of Kokushkin, the alley was built by Kokushkin Bridge. In 1790, house number was built - a small living room.

With the construction of a new wide water highway, many previously wetlands were drained and populated. The area began to suffer less from flooding. Initially, the canal was a source of pure water, the main firefighter.

Later, against the gate of the houses, on the average water level, square holes were done for the drainage water drainage in the channel. This was the reason for subsequent pollution.

In the 1800s, house number 8 was built and a new Kazan Cathedral was built. In the 1810s - House No. 97. In 1820, a house for merchant Tereshin (No. 56) was built on the project A. Melnikov (No. 56), which was located here, which was built here. In Soviet times, the Ocean Fis Store worked here for a long time.

Through the Catherine Canal in the 1820s, two pedestrian chains of crossings were erected: Lion and banking bridges, which became practically symbols of this water artery. In the same years, the theater bridge was built at the confluence of the sink and the Catherine Canal, a little later - Novo-Nikolsky bridge. In 1846, the modern appearance took the house number.

The Catherine Canal has not become a popular transport highway and still did not save the city from flooding. His water was contaminated with unclean, because of which some citizens ratified for his backfill. This was trying to take advantage of enterprising Petersburgers. In 1869, a group of shareholders of the construction company, headed by the Colonel Engineer N. I. Müsmard, the architect N. L. Benua and the engineer-technologist A. F. Burovov was drawn up a project of backfilling of the Catherine Canal. In his place was offered to equip the avenue with two railways, boulevards for rising citizens. The boulevard in his initial part should have been decorated with busts of all the great princes, kings and emperors, fountains and benches. This section of the new prospectus was assumed to give the name of Emperor Alexander II.

The proposed project in May 1869 by Emperor Alexander II as a whole was approved, but was sent for consideration by the Competent Commission. Without receiving a real permit to the beginning of the backfill of the channel, the authors of the project immediately nominated several conditions: 1) to give them free of charge all materials obtained by disassembling embankments and bridges; 2) Allow the transfer of a bank bridge to Tsaritsyn meha and Nikolsky bridge on the hooks channel; 3) Allow over 50 years to operate the equestrian road along Alexander II Prospect.

On all throughout the discussion, the Commission of the feasibility of snowflows of the Catherine Canal has arisen a lot of arguments in favor of and against this project. Despite the arguments of the authors about the benefits of future boulevards, the Commission was found not sufficient arguments about the dangers of the existence of an artificial water artery. Publicity was widely discussed by the material interest of the joint-stock company "Lord Mussend, Benoit and Drins" in possession of the right to operate the lines of the Horses and in the development of the nearby released territory. As a result, on March 31, 1872, the St. Petersburg City Council unanimously rejected the flow project of the Catherine Canal.

In 1875, a house was built for the guards crew. In 1879, on the project A. K. Krayser built house number 35. There are offices and office space of the House of "Russian Society Trade APPECIONAL PRODUCT".

On March 1, 1881, the path of Emperor Alexander II passed on the Embankment of the Catherine Canal. When his coach went to the embankment, a woman (Sophia Pepovskaya), who was standing at the fence of the Mikhailovsky Garden, had a white scarf. A young man fell to the carriage (Nikolai Rysakov) and threw a bomb under the wheels. The explosion killed two Cossacks and turned out to be a chance of a teenager, but Alexander II was intact. Coming out of the crowded carriage, he headed for a captured terrorist. At this time, another young man came to him (Ignatius Grinevitsky) and threw another bomb to the emperor among himself. This explosion was fatal for them.

In 1883-1907, the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Savior-on-Blood) was built on the site of the attempt on Emperor Alexander II.

At the end of the XIX century, a section of the left bank of the embankment from the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Savior-on-blood) to the Nevsky Prospect was paved with spotted hexagon checkers ("ends"), the right bank with a cobblestone. In winter, high metal funnels installed along the embankment for resetting snow in them. In them he was heated and glasses in the canal.

In September 1882, the artist Ilya Efimovich Repin settled in the house number 135. Over the years of life, the Repin was written here: "The groove move in the Kursk province", "did not wait", "Ivan Grozny and his son Ivan", "Propagandist's arrest", "Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan", "Refusal to confession" and many Other canvas. Visiting the artist more than once was I. I. Shishkin, A. I. Kindji, V. M. Vasnetsov, N. N. Dubovsky, V. A. Serov. The Rampin family lived here until June 1895, until the moment of moving to the official apartment at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

The buildings in the elementary part of the Catherine Canal, located in the center of St. Petersburg, were actively rebuilt at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. In 1886-1888, the project of P. Yu. Suzora for the Ministry of Finance was built house number 73/13. Later, the provincial treasury housed here, the building was sustained by the third floor. Due to the proximity of this organization, a small meshchanskaya street was called Treasury. In 1888-1900, a house was built for the first society of mutual loan. At the same time rebuilt for the St. Petersburg city head V. A. Ratykov-Rognova, house No. 24 was rebuilt. In 1902-1904, a building known now as the "House of Books" was built at the corner of the Catherine Canal and Nevsky Prospect.

In 1896, a wooden pedestrian italian bridge was built on the place of the boat transfer in the target of the Italian street.

The next proposal to eliminate the Catherine Canal and the device on all its length of the new prospectus appeared in 1904. This time, this idea was promoted by Architect N. A. Zhitkevich, whose active supporter was P. Yu. Suzor. Again, on the site of the projected prospectus was planned to start rail transport - tram. However, this time the city may have kept the right to exist to the Catherine Canal.

The reconstruction of the impaired crossing through the Griboyedov Channel and the construction of new ones was actively conducted in the 1950s. Then the Red Guard Bridge was erected. Most of the sewage drainage stopped merging directly into the channel of the channel, when the isolated collector was built throughout the river. Reconstructed some residential buildings. In 1960, the house number 73/13 was demolished, a new modern residential building was built in his place.

In 1975, a new Grinevitsky Bridge was built opposite the Savior-on-blood (in memory of the killer of Alexander II). Through this bridge passed the newly laid tram branch. With its laying, it was necessary to move away the fence of the Mikhailovsky garden from the building of the School of Folk Art, after which this fence ceased to be symmetrical about the cathedral. In 1998, Grinevitsky Bridge was renamed newly stable.

In 1903, a competition was held for drawing up a project of an income house N.V. Protection. From the contest conditions: 1. It is supposed to build a place depicted on the attached general plan, and the structure, now existing ones under lite spaces. A, C and B are designed to break: on the structure of the same, indicated by lit. B, it is assumed to make an add-in one or two floors. Ends A and B Building B may be, at the discretion of the draft projector, are also assigned to broke. 2. By virtue of the proximity of the market, in all new buildings of the structure, the basements (warehouses for the product) are required to be made to the ground (warehouses), embroider at least 3 1/4 ARS., And above them - stores, embroider at 5 1/4 ARS. Existing basements in a litigation building. B is supposed to leave unchanged. Paul stores should not rise above the level of the sidewalk, and there should be no steps. 3. The yards should be blocked by durable vaults, under which warehouses for firewoods must be located; Comfortable gatherings should be arranged to them. Illumination of these warehouses - through the portholes. Plan should be indicated seats for waste pipes and wells, cesspool, garbage and mesh holes and common seats. In the central part of the common yard, there should be (in the lower floor): an extensive journal, a house office about two rooms and a grandeur sufficient sizes that can serve all apartments. 4. The main task of the draft project is to obtain the highest profitability of the construction; Therefore, the authors are not shy of any conditions (including the maximum value), except for the indispensable compliance with the obligatory decisions on the construction part of the mountains. St. Petersburg. The width of the Demidal Lane is equal to 19 ARS. 12 tops. 5. The number of apartments arbitrarily. Apartments - from 2 to 5 rooms and kitchen; Apartments should be able to enter two stairs. Parade stairs are not required, but marches of all stairs should be a width of at least 2 ARS., And the sites are spacious and bright. Baths are not required. Both from the side of the wilderness. And at the corner of Demidov Per. And the Catherine Canal, in the first floor stores should be placed on the restaurant (the size of the area, they occupied - arbitrarily). The number of rooms in the apartments should be: in the first floor stores - 5 1/2 ARS., In the upper floor - 4 ARS., In the rest - about 4 1/2 ARSH. In the whole building, metal beams are assumed; The thickness of the ceilings should be taken in 10 versh. 6. The facades should be simple, but are elegant, made of facing bricks with plastering of the manner of the main eaves and holes, without any excessive gypsum decorations. The facade of the building is lit. B, in view of his superstructure, may have a different character, that is, smoothly plaster, simple type.

("Architect", 1903, vol. 2, pp. 25-27; Vol. 3, p. 44, added MiraRu1)

The competition received 10 projects that were considered by the Commission and described in 16 issuing the "architect". Details about the competition and projects can be read in the article on the forum

The Griboedov Channel rose from the river Krivushi, started from the swamps in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current stable area and the art area, which was connected to the river washing. He appeared, like much more, in the reign of Catherine II, and therefore was called Ekaterininsky (until 1923). Despite the fact that the canal flows around the city center, his beds it, trying to avoid noisy places, and therefore is a convenient place for walking and thinking. Since today it is decided to strive for the origins, move on it from the place where it flows into the fountain, upstream. In this place through the channel, a little Kalinkin bridge was gone.
The house of the 4th Admiralty part (1851 g) comes out by one side to the embankment of the Griboyedov Canal. There were a police and firefighters in it.

Profitable house K. I. Grigorieva (1880 g). The artist I. E. Repin lived here. Here came his friends and students. The repin's apartment held the collections of "Association of Mobile Art Exhibitions". At the request of Ilya Efimovich, the homeowner was located the building, built an attorney on him, in which the painter wrote a number of famous paintings ("Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan", "Ivan Grozny and his son Ivan" ...). In 1952, Kalinkina Square, to which the house comes out by the other party, was renamed the Repina Area.

The opposite side of the embankment of the Griboyedov canal begins at M. M. Grevoy (1910 g). To the left of him the building of the Educational and Production Plant of the Admiralty District (labor lessons are held there). It is constructed in 1936.

The house of Count I. A. Apraksin was built at the turn of the XVIII and XIX centuries. It is obviously designed for natures romantic. So the lover, in the case of an unexpected appearance of a legitimate husband, could jump right from the bed to the saddle parked at the low balcony, not at risk of damaging his precious health in the fall ... Similar places could not be without the attention of famous people. Memorial board reports that the young Pushkin lived here. True, currently there are statements that this information is not confirmed. In any case, the young poet walked around, and, perhaps, drew attention to a comfortable balcony ... Now there is a hotel "Domik in Kolomna".

Building 1881 buildings. In the neighboring house opened the palace of marriage.

Left Mansion A. O. Vitaly (1850 g). Right-income house S. S. Trainina (1912 g).

Left building 1903 buildings. On the right of 1834.

Kolomna pedestrian bridge. Behind him the building of 1915 buildings (rebuilt in 1926).

Let's look with the bridge back.

And forward.

City authorities do not leave attempts to establish a reasonable way to build garbage. This option is borrowed (or purchased) in Finland. But there is nothing to boast. Not far from our house also stood the same garbagers, then they were removed. Unfortunately, European ideas are poorly combined with the habit of Russian citizens.
The building in the middle was built in 1798. After that, he mastered two restructuring. At the end of the XIX century, the Estonian church parish school worked in it.

Alarchina Bridge had a delay. I noticed that in recent decades, it was less kissing on the streets. Saw, the beer will come ... they will rejoice on the cigarette ... and do not begin to kiss ... Maybe it is not hygienically considered now? After all, millions of microbes are moving towards partner. On the other hand, if such a number of microbes left your body, then there is a positive moment in this ... the kiss turned out to be protracted. But beautiful ...

In this place, the Canal Griboyedov intersects with an English prospectus. The angular building was built in 1902. At the beginning of the 20th century, the editors of the journal "PAYATS" was located in it.

The school was built in the middle of the 20th century on the site of the collapsed house of the XIX century.

Building 1874. Subsequently there were two restructuring.

Profitable house T. M. Lyubshcheva (1914 g).

Two buildings of 1909-1910.

The building of Jewish folk dining and ritual pools (1902 g).

The Consulate of China is located in the former profitable house of 1874 buildings.

It is adjacent to the profitable house M. A. Makarova (1882 g) with an interesting facade finish.

On the other side of the channel Church of St. Isidor Yuryevsky during the Orthodox Estonian fraternity (1907 g). At the beginning of the 20th century, several tens of thousands of Estonians lived in St. Petersburg. Among them were several thousand Orthodox. From 1935 to 1994, the temple was closed. In the building adjacent to the church on the left, the school and other temple services were located.

Crossing Lermontovsky Prospect. The barracks of the Marine Guards crew acquired a modern view in 1875.

An interesting building was obtained in 1936 from a slightly thickened triumphal arch. It has a school, research institutes, now, in accordance with the trends of the era, a business center.

Crossing with a hookan canal. In the background house A. Erke (1836 g).

Here the Griboyedov canal close to the garden street, a narrow square is separated. Repeatedly seen young artists here.

On the opposite side of the channel, the Nikolsky Marine Cathedral is visible (1762 g). In Soviet times it was not closed, was a cathedral.

Newlyweds may be crowned in it.

Department of Boxing Academy of Physical Culture on the opposite shore.

The canal continues to be a snake and winds upwards. Together with him, water cycles are engaged.

In the foreground Building 1841 buildings.

House A. Ya. Fokhts (1913 g).

On the other side, the embankment appears on the repair. But the authorities have yet limited to the banning plate. Given the fact that bans in Russia arise out of connection with the real situation (as well as laws), residents do not pay any attention to them. In this case, it was possible to go on an empty sidewalk along houses.

Sea Engineering School (XIX century).

The building of the XIX century on the corner with Rimsky-Korsakov Avenue.

View of Kharlamov Bridge. Rimsky-Korsakov Avenue goes away.

E.P. P. Vaggin (1877 g) (1877 g) during the construction included an existing two-storey structure.

In this place the canal makes the coolest bending. The place is very quiet, large trees have grown along the shore.

Mansion architect E. T. Sokolova (1790 g). In 1853, it was rebuilt and expanded.

Commercial navigation school building (XIX century).

The building in the foreground was built in 1790 by the cornet of the Connogvardee Regiment D. S. Prokhorov. In the XIX century, he was rented by the Directorate of Imperial theaters for the rehearsal hall and accommodation of actors. In this place through the Canal Griboyedov, the lion's bridge was converted.

The pedestrian suspension chain bridge was built in 1926 on the project of the engineer V. K. Fleetter. The entrance to it is guarded by two pairs of lions, cast from cast iron. In 1838, a reduced copy of the bridge was constructed in Berlin. Its plenty and railing is made of wood.

Schönberg House (1822 g). In the time of Pushkin, there was a theater school.

In the left building (1874 g) lived and a politician and statesman Galina Starovoitov were killed.

The criminals did not stop the fact that through one house is the base of riot.

On the opposite side of the channel, the building of the Ekaterininsky Public Assembly (1907 g) is allocated. From 1912 to 1917, the Satire Curve Mirror Theater was worked in Him, in 1920-1922 the theater of political management of the Baltic Fleet, in 1927 - 1939, the Studio "Belgoskino".

Right income house V. S. Balasheva (1884 g). The owner of the building, being a literature literature, posted a typography with lithography. Left Bani Petrov (1880 g). Now, of course, the profile of the building is different.

Ratykov-Rognova's profitable house (1888 g) in the plan is a triangle entering three streets. It was located in it a famous tavern with a cook home-migrant. Among the famous visitors I. S. Turgenev and F. M. Dostoevsky. Fedor Mikhailovich brought from Germany and presented the Fortuna Fistuna with a large collection of records.

The facade of the building is decorated with sculpture.

Nearby Appeal House of Roshovshchik I. D. Zvelkov (1827 g). After the construction, he became the highest residential building of St. Petersburg, because At that time, it was allowed to build houses not higher than 4 floors. In 1829 - 1831, N. Gogol lived here. He described this house in his work "Notes of Crazy". In it, he began the story "of the evening on the farm near the dikanka."

In St. Petersburg there is a struggle for culture. University Rector and Linguist Linguist Lyudmila Verbickskaya considers it important to start talking to the "spark", "forceps", "yogurt" (emphasis allocated capital letter). There are inscriptions, resembling that Petersburg is a city of high culture (I don't know if you need to remind a cultural person that he is cultural ...). Now attempts began to smooth the problem of traces of a huge number of dogs in the city. The fact that success in this section of the front is still small, clearly shows the state of lawns next to the sidewalks (at a distance of the leash). Since there are no norms for the installation of urns in Russian cities, it happens that the owner of the popular pet, collecting his hand wrapped in a plastic bag, the fact that the dog's body is invalid, looks around and, for the absence of a different option, puts the package, Together with the contents, to your pocket (or keeps your hand in your pocket). This is such a pleasant walk ...

Despite the fact that the embankments of Griboyedov canal are not the place of intensive traffic or pedestrians, while walking, from time to time, you need to relax from a large town located nearby. You can go down to water and do something pleasant and meaningful. For example, start let soap bubbles ...

The school was built in 1938.

The income house at the corner with a spas lane acquired the current appearance in 1914.

Profitable house of 1852 buildings.

In the house of Ya. P. Olivier (1840 g) with the second halves XIX. There was a factory of orders and signs by D. I. Osipova for centuries of the year. This building stands on the corner with a pea street, here we will finish the first part of the walk through the Griboedov Channel.

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