Speech therapy exercises on l. Causes of the lack of proper sound in a child

Subject: "Sound statement [l].


Continue to learn correctly perform articulation gymnastics;

Consolidate knowledge about the mechanism of sound formation [l];

Show and explain the articulation of sound [l];

Teach correlate sound with the letter;

Develop phonematical perception, memory;

Educating the desire to improve their speech.


Material for creating an articulator readiness to cause sound [l]; Author - TA Tkachenko;

Didactic material According to the sound of [l], the authors - V.V.Konovalenko, S.V.Konovalenko;

Subject pictures from the "Logopedic lotto" author - A.S. Galanov;

Pictures from L.N. Zueva "Entertaining Exercises for Development of Speech";

Band, attacks, alcohol, cotton balls.

Travel course:

I. . Articulating gymnastics

1. Static exercise "Window".

purpose : To teach the mouth wide open; activate the circular muscle of the mouth and the mobility of the upper lip; Teach to lower the root of the tongue and promote the language close to the teeth.

Exercise progress : smile, wide open mouth; Relaxed tongue to move close to the teeth, retain positions to the account up to 5.

2. Static exercise "Fence".

purpose : Develop the ability to hold the lips in a smile, exposing the lower and upper teeth.

Exercise Structure: the top and bottom teeth closed the lips in a smile, hold the lips in this position at the expense of up to 5.

3. Static exercise "needle".

purpose : Develop the ability to hold the tongue narrow.

Exercise Structure: to smile, open the mouth, expose the cutters, narrow, directly to push between the teeth, hold on to 5.

4. Static exercise "Sail".

purpose : learn to hold the tip of the tip of the upper teeth,

Exercise Structure: smile, open the mouth; The tip of the tongue with the power to rest in the upper teeth, hold in the specified position to 5.

5. Dynamic exercise"pendulum".

Purpose: develop language mobility.

Exercise Structure: smile, open the mouth, exposing his teeth; narrow language to cover between the cutters; Turn the language to the right and left to the corners of the lips.

6. Dynamic exercise"swing".

Purpose: make the ability to raise the language up; Develop the accuracy and activity of the tip of the tongue, the ability to quickly change the position of the language.

Exercise Structure: to smile, show your teeth, open your mouth, get a wide tongue to the bottom of the lip (stretch to the chin) at the expense of "times", at the expense of "two" to heat the tongue to the upper lip (reach out to the nose).

7. Dynamic exercise"Little swing."

Purpose: increase mobility, develop the accuracy and activity of the tip of the tongue.

Exercise Structure: smile, slightly open the mouth, put a wide front edge of the tongue to the bottom lip; Perform minor movements to the front edge of the tongue up and down.

8. Dynamic exercise"Delicious jam."

Purpose: develop the movement of the front of the tongue up.

Exercise Structure: slightly open the mouth, and the wide front edge of the language lick the upper lip, making the movement of the tongue from top to bottom (not from side to side).

9. Dynamic exercise"Clean your teeth."

Purpose: work out the ability to hold the tip of the language behind the bottom teeth, activate the tip of the language.

Exercise Structure: smile, showteeth, open the mouth and the tip of the "Clean" languagebottom teeth, making the movement first from the storgeus aside, then from bottom to up.

II. . Conversation about the image of the sound [l]; position of articulation organs;

When pronunciation [l]. Wide open mouth. Make a narrow tense language. The tip of the language lift to the alveolum (for the upper cutters). Clearly, long to pronounce the sound [l. ] . Approach the palm to mouth, feel the movement of the air.

Characteristic of this sound.Consonant, ringing, solid

1. Repeat the following sounds for me.

Pronunciation of sounds of speech close to sound and sound articulation [l]

N, s, v, b, g, go, w, y, a, u, y

2. Raise the signal card if you hear the sound [l].

Exercise to highlightmy sound [l] in the stream of other sounds.

Exemplary sound row: Mr. -L --y---L-in -3-lp-M-L-X-N- -L -L-A-U-O-L-in -3-l- -m-l -X. -Not -b -

3. Picture with the image l ozki. and L. amp . If the picture is named correctly, slamming in your hands, incorrectly not.

the spoon

a number of pronounced words: a roast, burn, spoon, a spoon, spoon, a spoon, a rook, a spoon, spoon, spoon


a number of pronounced words: Vamp, Amp, Lamp, Camp, Sampa, BAMP, Lamp, Tampa, Lamp, dump, champa, lamp, bamp, ramp, champ, nampa

4 . Before you, six cards, choose a picture in the name of which there is sound [l].

Using a digital row, determine the sound of the sound [l] in the word. Put questions to the words of subjects and determine (live and inanimate).

III . Homework:

Perform an articulation gym in front of the mirror.

Exercises "OKOSHEKO", "The fence". Distribute positions to the account before 5. Hold these two


"Needle". Hold positions to the account up to 5 .

"Delicious jam." Follow 10 times clockwise, counterclock 10 times.

"Sail". Hold the position to the account to 5.

"Snake". Fill 10 times.

Didactic material for lesson







Often nowadays you can hear the disturbed pronunciation of the sound of L. This violation is called Labmdazism. So, instead of the word "shovel", they say, for example, "despite", "Ropata" and so on. If the kid is so talking, who is three years old, then this may even sometimes die. However, if an adult is so spoken, it will rather cause a mockery. To prevent this, you must first consult with the speech therapist. And it must be done as early as possible.

Speech therapists sometimes believe that it is possible to correct the wrong pronunciation of the sound in the younger school or older preschool age. Believe me, such specialists are not right. After all, how correctly the child speaks, its mastering of reading, writing and sound analysis of words depends. Yes, and in general the formation of a child like successful man. And if this problem is still not cured in adults, then you should start acting, and the beginning can be put with our advice and recommendations.

What should be the position of the articulation organs for properly pronunciation of sound l?

  • Voice ligaments vibrate.
  • The soft sky should be so that it closes the passage into the nasal cavity.
  • The root of the tongue is raised.
  • The side edges of the tongue should not be adjusted to the upper native teeth in order for the air passages that you exhale.
  • The tight tip of the tongue must be restricted into the gum or in the upper teeth.
  • The lower and upper teeth should be at a not very long distance from each other.
  • The position of the lips should be changed and depend on vowels, which come after the sound of L.

The most common errors when pronunciation of sound l

  • Forced exhale, as a result of which you can hear the sound that resembles the sound of H (the air goes through the nose) or the sound of F (with the participation of the cheek).
  • Replacing l on p, for example, "red", and not "skis".
  • The wrong position of the lips, hears the soundness of "Uva", for example, "Pashva", and not "went."
  • The language is in the depths of the mouth, the sound is heard, for example, "Yozhka", and not "spoon".

Cooking the speech apparatus for the pronunciation of the sound

  1. 1. To perform an exercise called "Smile" It is necessary to do such actions: to smile so that the lips stretch out, and then return to its original state.
  2. 2. "Tube" You can make two methods. The first is a closer teeth, pull the lips forward and convert them into a square. The second is to symuntize the pronunciation of sound at (without voice).
  3. 3. "Needle": Smile and touch your mouth sharp.
  4. 4. "I will punish a naughty tongue": Place a wide language on the bottom of the lip. You can make a small empty. It is important that the language is not very tense.
  5. 5. "Turkey": Operate the mouth, lay the tongue on the upper lip, and then make them stroking movements from top to bottom. You can add a "bl-bl-bl-bl" sound.
  6. 6. "Skump on the horse": Smile, lift up the alveolum and "Jump". Then rush to them by imitating the "Cocan's hoofs".
  7. 7. "Ride a swing": Smile. At first, for the lower teeth, lower the sharp tip of the tip, and then lift the top.

Several ways to perform sound l

The first way. Wide open the mouth. Make so that the upper and lower teeth are visible. Then there is a wide tongue between your teeth, say the sound A and immediately press it with your teeth. As a result, you get a combination of sounds au and l. As soon as you have in such a position, it turns out to pronounce the sound of L, move the language to the correct position - it should be raised up and rest in gums or teeth.

Typically, this sound "l" is placed easily and quickly, but provided that exercise is very accurate and correctly performed by our technique. All exercises are performed in front of the mirror, so that it is possible to check the position of the lip of the child.

So, about everything in order. In order to correctly pronounce the sound of "l" of the lips should be in a smile, the teeth are not closed, the distance between the lower and the upper teeth is about 1 centimeter. The tip of the tongue is resting in the upper teeth. Children usually either misses this sound, or replace it with sounds - s, th, l, or V. If the back of the language is raised, and the tip of the tongue is omitted and moved away from the teeth, then the sound "L" is replaced by the sounds of "s" or "y". If the tip of the language is at the top, but will move away from the teeth, then the sound of "l". If a child lifts the bottom lip to the upper teeth, then the sound of "B" is heard instead of sound.

And now I will proceed to fulfill articulating exercises Language to fix the soft sound "l" to solid.

Lip exercises:

The fence - the teeth closed, lips in a wide smile. The upper and lower teeth are clearly visible. Keep motionless about 5-6 seconds.

TV - teeth are closed and visible, the upper and lower lips are raised, the corners of the lips are shifted to the center. The lips form a wide square, as with the sound "sh". Two upper and 4 lower teeth are clearly visible. Keep motionless about 5-6 seconds.

Smile - lips closed and stretched in a wide smile. Keep motionless about 5-6 seconds.

Trumps - lips closed, the corners of the lips are shifted to the center. Keep motionless about 5-6 seconds.

Rabbit - lips closed and stretched in a wide smile. Lower the lower lip so that only the lower teeth are visible, and the tops were closed with the upper lip. Keep motionless about 5-6 seconds.

Each exercise must be repeated 4-5 times.

Then it is necessary to alternate the exercises by couples:

Fence - TV, Smile - Trulling, Smile - Rabbit. First, alternate at a slow pace, repeat everything 5-6 times, each position of the lips to hold fixed 2-3 seconds. Then alternate in the rapid pace 5-6 times.

Sound statement "L"

Song donkey - mouth slightly ripped, lips in a wide smile, upper and lower teeth are clearly visible. Pull the sound "s). (Possible errors - the sound "s" is pronounced "to the nose". To check the correct sound, attach the back of the hand to the baby's neck and feel easy vibration). Then open the mouth wide and add the sound "A-A-A". Dlyzno say the syllable -, both sounds pull. (Possible errors - the replacement of sound-and on sound -).

Repeat the syllable "Ya" several times and make sure that both sounds are pronounced correctly. Then heal the tip of the tongue of the tide (the position of the lips is not changed) and say syllable -, both sounds pull, when sound - Rota Wide open. If both sounds are pronounced correctly, the syllable of La will be heard. Pay special attention to the fact that the lower lip is not raised, otherwise instead of "la" it will be a syllable "VA". If the "la" syllable is heard instead of "la", then repeat the syllable "Ya, without clamping the tip of the tomb of the teeth, make sure that the sound" A "is not replaced by the sound" I ".

Very often the child, having heard the resulting syllable "La", involuntarily trying to say the syllable "La" instead of "Ya" and it turns out, the usual distorted sound "L". Therefore, at first, performing an exercise, it is desirable that you offered the child to say "а", and not "la".

The resulting syllable "La" needs to be repeated many times, for consolidation proponunciation. To repeat it was interesting, play the game "Tir". The game "TIR" - on a piece of paper Draw 10 target circles. Repeat the syllable "la". If the syllable is said correctly, then in the target - cross out 1 circle, if the syllable "la" uttered incorrectly, then put the point next to the target-target, for the designation of the misair. In advance, agree with the child that after how many "misses" you go to the next target. Having finished, consider the number of amazed targets and misses. Repeat the game 3-5 times and compare the results. First, repeat the syllable "La" one by one, and then groups of 2-3 sludge. You can draw a target of 2-3 circles.

Having achieved a completely correct pronunciation of the "La" syllable, go to the development of the correct pronunciation of the syllables "Lo, Lu, Le, Lians." Watch the tip of the tongue to be clamped with teeth. Most often it is difficult to make the correct pronunciation of the "LU" syllable, as it is necessary to change the position of the lips.

When a child learns to pronounce all these syllables, you can move to the pronunciation of words with the sound "l". First, you should repeat the words beginning with the sound "l". In these words, it is easier to pronounce the sound "l" correctly, since the child clamps the tip of the tip of the tutor, says this sound and only then the word. It is more difficult to pronounce the word after the pretext, because in this case it is necessary that the lips and language will quickly occupied the correct position for the sound of the LB, immediately after pronouncing the previous sound. Therefore, it is better to first repeat individual words with the sound "l". Choose 10-15 words that begin with a "la" syllable and repeat them so (the sound "l" pull, to achieve a clear solid "l"):

- 1st time - the sound - the syllable - the word (LL - Llah - Llak, LL - LLA, LL - LLA - LLLAP, and so on);

- 2nd time - a syllable word (Lla - Llak, Llah - Lard, Llah - Llamp and so on.);

- 3rd time - one word, the sound "l" pull;

- 4th time - the game "Fort the adult" - you repeat the words, alternating, correct and distorted "l". The child must determine whether the word says correctly and, repeat it correctly;

- 5th time - groups of 3 words (1st, 2nd, 3rd word, 2nd, 3rd, 4th word, 3rd, 4th, 5th word and etc.) This task is the most difficult, since the child is old

If the child easily gives the correct pronunciation of the sound "l", then you can start from the second job (syllable - word).

Here is an exemplary set of words to work out the sound "l"

At the first stage, repeating the syllables and words, clamp the tip of the tongue at the sound "l". But this position of the tongue is preparatory. With the right position, the tip of the tongue is behind the teeth and rests on the upper front teeth. Therefore, gradually try to translate the tongue for the teeth and try to achieve a clear solid sound "L" with the correct position of the language.

Very good, consistently selected and diverse speech material Can be found in the book Yu.B. Norkin " Home notebook for speech therapy occupation With children »Issue 1, sound" l ". In addition to words, proposals, poems and stories in the book a lot of exercises for the formation of the right grammatical system of speech, as well as tasks for the development of a confession of a child.

One of the latest sounds that the child begins to pronounce is "l". Sometimes putting his pronunciation is obtained only by 6 years. There are a number of exercises that can help in this. It is important to know the correct method of their implementation in order not to worsen the situation with the articulation. The sound layout "L" can take a long time, so it is important not to hurry and consistently perform training.

The incorrect pronunciation of "l" and "l" has its own name - Lambdzism. This term describes not only incorrect sound playback, but also its full skip. Lambdzism is several types:

  • twoble: instead of the right sound hears "U" ("Wapata" instead of "shovel");
  • the nose (the root part of the tongue falls on a soft sky, because of which the air flow rushes into the nose, the sound "L" changes to "NG" - instead of the word of the moon, Nguna may be heard).
  • intersubolic (in the process of speech, the tip of the tongue is placed in the interdental space);
  • Sometimes the sound is not pronounced at all (instead of the word onion, the child says "UK").

Another speech therapy term describes the condition when a child replaces the correct sound "L" to other - paralambdzism. More often in practice, such replaces "L" occur:

  • on g - "Stack" instead of the "table", instead of "floors" "
  • on B - instead of "skiing" "survival";
  • on it - instead of the word "spoon" is pronounced "Eugene":
  • on d - the word "horse" is pronounced as "Doshad";
  • on the soft sound of L - "Dela instead of" case ".

With the correct execution of the necessary exercises, this can be corrected.

What are the reasons for the wrong pronunciation of "l"

There are only 3 reasons why a child may not learn how to immediately pronounce "l". Among them:

  1. in the process of the conversation, "L" is not perceived by the child to be invalid;
  2. anatomically short sublingual bunch;
  3. weakness of muscle tissue language.

Sometimes also to reasons include the age of the baby - if the child is very small (2-3 years old), its mistakes in the pronunciation of "L" can be considered the norm, since the sound is formed later - by 4-6 years.

How to position the language and lips to correctly pronounce "l"

The pronunciation of "L", especially if the sound does not yet work, requires the correct arrangement of the articulation bodies. You need to pay attention to the following rules:

  • the teeth from the upper and lower rows should not be closed - it is better if they are on a low distance from each other;
  • in order not to break the breath, it is important to monitor the lateral parts of the language - they should not be brought to the long-range teeth of the upper row;
  • the tip of the language should be strained, it must rest in the upper teeth either in the gums above them;
  • the root part of the tongue is important to lift;
  • so that the passage is closed into the nasal cavity, you need to lift the top palate;
  • in the field of voice ligaments you need to create vibration.

The position of the lips can be different when pronuncified by "L" - it all depends on the letters that follow in the word after.

What could be errors when trying to pronounce "l"

There are several common mistakes that arise when trying to pronounce "L". At the same time, all methods of sound formulations become ineffective. Many of the errors are caused by the wrong position of the lips and the language, and therefore they simply decide.

The sound of "l" may not be obtained due to the fact that:

  • the language is delayed in the inner part of the mouth, which is why "s" is obtained (instead of the word "scrap" is obtained by "s");
  • the lips are arranged incorrectly, which is why not those sounds are heard - for example, a combination of "Uv" (instead of "shovel" "despite");
  • a sharp breath is performed at the time of the pronunciation - l changes on F if cheeks are involved, and on N, if the air flow passes through the nose.

Sometimes children replace the sound of "l" to "P" - especially often this happens if the last sound is already worked out, and the first one is not. Then the child can pronounce "hands" instead of "onions".

Incorrect statement of lips

If there is two-born lambdzism, errors can be associated with incorrect lips in pronunciation - for example, if the kid pulls them hard, instead of the desired sound, it turns out "y" or "B".

Especially here it is useful to exercise "Smile": the teeth must be squeezed, and the lips are greatly diluted in a smile. Such a position should be kept, as long as possible, and perform the movement better at the expense. Sometimes adults even have to hold the lips in such a smile manually to avoid pulling them.

So that the kid does not strain the lips when performing exercises on "L", you can make such tasks:

  • "Fish": relax lips, and then pat on each other, like aquarium fish.
  • "Fatigue": take a deep breath through the nose, and exhale - through the mouth: the lips should be ajar and relaxed.
  • "Horse": you need to do inhale through the nose, and exhale through your mouth. The lips should be relaxed so that their vibration "PRA" began from the flow of air.

Preparation for exercises for "L"

There is an articulation gymnastics that helps to put "l" and facilitates the process of sounding the sound subsequently. In general, the exercises help to increase lip mobility and language:

  • "Hammak" - the tip of the tip of the tip rests into front rows. It should be rushing down so that in shape reminded a down hammock. No movements here do not need to be performed - it is enough to hold the tongue in this position for a while. It is better to do an exercise at the expense.
  • "Tasty" - the language needs to be done wide, after which lick the upper lip of top down. It is important that the language works independently - the lower lip should not move up by moving in this way and language. So doing the exercise is easier, but it is wrong.
  • "Turkey" - the position of the language, as well as the movement, coincide with the exercise "tasty". At the same time, it is necessary to significantly accelerate the tempo of movements and add to this the pronunciation of the "bl-bl-bl" sound or similar.
  • "Horce" (helps, if it is difficult to keep the tongue on the weight, supervised it into the front teeth): the language needs to be done wide, and then click on the sky near the upper front teeth. The lower jaw at the same time should not move, and the mouth should be minimized a little.
  • "Swing" - in a wide smile you need to open your mouth. The exercise is carried out on the account - on "Once" you need to overtake the tip of the language into the upper teeth from the inside, on the "two" - to the bottom. Exercise is performed alternately.
  • "Mushroom" (helps to fix the tongue on the nose, that is, in position from above): the surface of the tongue from above must be overtaken in the palate so that the tension of the language bridle fell. Do not perform movement.

Effective exercises with any types of lambdzism. Before the workout started directly "L", these exercises need to be performed at least 14 days (sometimes such a workout continues for a whole month). After that, you can start making speech therapy exercises on the sound, which is necessary.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with in more detail.

Sound training "l" imitation

If the child does not pronounce the sound, it will be easier to put it, because when replacing the correct sound, the habit is made incorrect, and it can be fixed much more difficult.

To teach the spelling solid and soft "l" by imitating the correct sound. At the same time, it is necessary to show the child how to correctly have the articulation bodies in order to utter "L". Make it in front of the mirror - the speech therapist or the parent sits towards him with the child and on its example shows the correct position of lips and the language during the pronunciation of L ".

In words, it is possible to explain this as follows: the language you need to expand as much as possible, and the tip press to the base of the upper front teeth. The middle part of the tongue needs to be swamp down, like a hammock, and the root, on the contrary, lift. The lateral parts of the tongue are important not to raise up, since otherwise the air flow will not rush into the right direction - to the cheeks (they vibrate, if the sound is touched during pronouncing).

Such a statement of the sound of "L" from the demonstration of its example is effective, but children, due to their small age, can not always understand it and repeat. Then you can pick up simpler tasks - for example, telling the baby fairy tales who train the necessary sounds (they usually need to stretch these sounds, for example, if the fairy tale about steamers, you can simulate the sounds of "Ll").

The child may not immediately learn how to pronounce "L", but after several workouts, the desired sound should turn out. For the sound "L", the articulation gymnastics is carried out both by exercise for the language and using the pronunciation of syllables and words.

When it is possible to train "l", you can try to combine it with vowels and pronounce already syllables - Lo, La, Le and others. If the baby has difficulty with such combinations of the baby, it is possible to start with the reverse ol, al, ul.

How to make the right pronunciation automatic

Setting and at home can be very complex. This is a long process, so the child is better not to overload - it is enough to engage in a few minutes 2 times a day (no longer than half an hour). Better training Conduct in a game.

Soft "l"

Even if the child learned to speak the sound of "L", as well as syllables with his participation, in words he still can miss it. Then it is better to start with training soft sound "FE. Here, too, to train should be started with a syllable, Liu, whether and other similar. When the syllables begin to get acquired, you can try to go to the words:

  • Lee: lightning;
  • La: fields;
  • Le: laziness;
  • Liu: Buttercup;
  • Lee: Fox.

Stopping the sound of "l" in separate words Can be fixed by cleanlates:

  1. La la-la - cold earth.
  2. Liu-Liu - stove flood.
  3. Li-Lee - we found mushrooms.

Species will also be useful. For example, for the "L" sound, you can use such:

  • Lala ate halva under the bedspread.
  • The warm slab roofing the lapties.
  • Lyuba loves buttercups, and the fields are cartoons.
  • I barely ate, there was no laziness.
  • Giant malls roller boots.

If in the syllables of directly type articulation of the sound "l" of soft began to get, you can go to the opposite. Sounds are pronounced as follows: Al, Spruce, Ol, Yal, Ul, etc. After their production, you can go to the appropriate words - for example, tulle, poplar, mole, tulip, highchair.

Sounding can be complicated by adding additional consonants - K, P, F, G, C (SAL, SLA, SIL, etc.). Words for setting such sounds to choose easy - plum, cranberry, slush, glucose, flux, mica, plus and others).

Fasten the skill will help the following exercises for setting L:

  • Spruce fir: in the yard drops.
  • Ol-Ol - Ol: flew mole.
  • Лыль-лыль-лель: Palm is simple.
  • Ul-Ul-Ul: We will hang tulle.

You can play such a game. Connect the objects with squares depending on where the letter "L" is found (at the beginning, at the end or in the middle). Jump each item several times.

At this stage, it is still necessary to control the correctness of the location of the language in the mouth.

Solid "l"

It is more difficult to learn how to pronounce "L" solid. The technique here is similar to the one that is used when the articulation of the sound of the "l" is set, but the repetitions may need much more.

Start better with solid syllables - Lo, Lu, Li, Le. When you manage to put them, you can go to the words:

  • Lo: Boat, elbow, forehead;
  • La: lamp, shop, varnish;
  • Lians: skis, floors, tables;
  • Lou: Moon, meadow, onions.

To secure the result, such cleanrs and patters will be suitable:

  • La La La - garbage removed
  • Lu-Lu-Lu-Luza
  • Lo-Lo - glass burst.
  1. In the boat Volodya.
  2. Block coal.
  3. Near London - the lair of the sorcerer.

When "L" is set to solid and soft, it is better to avoid words or syllables with "P". The sounds of "L" and "P" are particularly difficult for the child, so they are better not to be confused among themselves. required later than "l".

The sound "L" is one of the most complex sounds that can be formed in some cases only to 6 years. To put it as quickly and efficiently as possible, it is better to consult with a speech therapist. You can try to cope at home with exercises.

Preschool age is the period of the most active development of the child. Significant physiological changes occur in its body, the development of mental processes, psyche, the emotional-volitional sphere and personality is underway.

Studies have shown that all mental processes The child is developing with direct participation of speech. And, it is obvious that the violation of this human function leads to difficulties in the harmonious development of the baby. To help the child to master the speech, parents should know patterns speech Development child preschool age.

Age defects of speech development

Normally for three years, the baby must own almost all the sounds of the language, with the exception of hissing (sh, sh, h, g) and sound r, pl. This age is characterized by increasing speech activityChildren begin to use a speech in order to learn new facts for themselves. Differently, this is the age of "integrity."

Here are common mistakes that make children at this stage of speech development:

  • replacing the sound of p on l, l (hand - hatch),
  • replacement of hissing sh, sh, h, how soft smiling, zy (scarf - sard),
  • replacing L Sounds, th (onions - hatch, lamp - YAMPA).

The five-year-old kid must already correctly pronounce all the sounds of speech and use not only simple, but also complex offers to express his thoughts.

If the child has incorrectly pronounces the sounds for a long time, then the motor articulation skills are fixed, and the perception of speech sounds is distorted. The kid incorrectly utters the sound, but it does not understand this. If it does not help the child in time, then he will have a resistant speech defect, which will overcome it is much more complicated.

Formation of proper pronunciation of the child

Often, if a child has no chronic diseases, human development pathologies speech apparatus (language, soft and solid sky, lips), violations in work nervous systemAdults at home can help the baby to master in one way or another. In this case, it is only required to know the procedure necessary for setting the missing or distorted sound.

  • First, the main thing is why it is worth starting parents - strengthening articulation motility. This is achieved through various exercises, which literature provides many.
  • Secondly, it is a statement or clarification of sound. For each sound, there is its own technique.
  • The next step will be the fastening of sound first in the syllables, then in words.
  • After the child successfully pronounces the sound in words, it offers tasks for differentiation (distinguishing) of opposition sounds (Jd, Ch-Sh, Z - C, T-D, etc.).
  • Next is the step of memorizing the flows,species, mysteries, poems with a sound.
  • And finally, we fix the sound in speech:talking fairy tales, drawing up stories.

How to teach a child to disappear solid sound "l" at home

In this article we want to stay in more detail on solid sound "L".

Most often, when pronuncified by "L", the following disadvantages are encountered: the sound is not completely replaced by others, B, U, I. (shop - "Lyhek", "Event"). Due to the fact that the utility of this sound requires the top position of the language, you need to know whether the child can raise it up.

In order for the language clearly to hold the desired position, we offer the following exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the language:

  1. "Sting" - show a narrow language
  2. "Powers" - "blade" - to show something narrow, then a wide language.
  3. "Swing" - the language concerns alternately, then the upper lip.
  4. "Pendulum" - the end of the tongue turns into the corners of the lips.
  5. "I will punish a naughty tongue" - Language tongue, pat on it with lips (P'-P'-Py) so that it becomes wide.
  6. "The tongue is sleeping" - slightly bite the end of the dried language, opening and closing the mouth, lips and the language are relaxed and still.

After you notice that the child can easily cope with the proposed exercises, you can proceed directly to the layout of the "L".

The first way to cause l: The spreading tongue lies still between the teeth ("Language Sleep"), the mother proposes to sing aaa and, without interrupting, boning the tip of the tongue, continuing to sing the same sound - it turned out Alle. I would like to warn that it is not necessary at this stage to ask the child, what kind of sound it turned out. This can only be done after repeating the exercise when everything turns out.

The second method of setting: Sing Yyyy, while boning a wide language. The child is shown this exercise silently so that the sound of L was not hearing, otherwise he utters it with the usual distortion.

The sound obtained in these methods is fixed first in closed syllables (al, Il, Ol, UL); Next - between vowels (Ala, El, Ullo ...), then open syllables (La La, Lo Lo, Lou, La Lou, Lo Lou, etc).

  • where the sound l stands in the end of the word: rear, downtown, chair, kalach, glass, etc.
  • where the sound of L stands at the beginning of the word: skis, liko, boat, puddle, horse, etc.
  • where the sound of L stands in the middle of the word: fang, class, glory, eyes, flea, etc.

Next, you begin to memorize with the child simple poems, sweatings, riddles, in which the sound of L. It will allow you to automate the sound and introduce it into speech.


Stroy glass

heavy glass drop.

Drop fell on a blue flower

and opened one petal.

Convinced that

used milk.

i hardly caught him

It is not easy to be a mistress!

All white, white, white.

Many snow marked.

Here are funny days!

All on skis and skates!

If you are not sure about your abilities or are afraid to somehow harm the baby, then there is always a way out to contact the specialized centers that are now a big set. Having visited several speech therapy studies and mastered the skill of the pronunciation of the "hard" sound, your child will be able to continue work on the development of speech with his parents.

We offer to make the exercises shown in the following video speech therapist Natalia Gorina.

How to prevent the shortcomings of speech

Parents must remember that their behavior can also affect the development of the kid's speech. How should parents behave if they want their child to be formed without unnecessary difficulties?

  • First of all, the baby needs to talk slowly, calmly. This is due to the fact that due to insufficiently developed auditory perception, the child will not have time to hear and recognize the speech of an adult.
  • It is necessary to prompt the child how to pronounce the word that he finds it difficult to say. Usually, kids are happy to repeat for adults. Just do not forget that excessive demanding can offend the child, and it can completely clicter.
  • It is not desirable to overload the child with early study of letters and reading, especially if this is done without his desire, since the expected result may be reverse.
  • It is mistaken to force a child of early age to telling poems to guests. This is a big stress for the baby, who has not yet fully formed. Subsequently, such adult errors can lead to stuttering.
  • With a late development of speech, you should not panic, you just need to pay attention more speech games with a child in order to replenish it passive vocabulary.
  • In addition, the prevention of deficiencies of speech development contributes to the normal functioning of other speech bodies (hearing, voice, respiratory office, vision, smell, touch), the coordinated job of which contributes to the formation of the right speech.

Do not forget, work on the development of speech does not end quickly. This is a long process. It is necessary to constantly expand the vocabulary of the kid, read it books, to make stories in the picture, according to the impressions that he had. In every possible way to encourage the child to communicate, gently and unobtrusively correct his mistakes, giving it a sample of the right speech.

We offer you the following videos in which you can consider in detail the "L" sound at home.

The setting of soft sound "l" is considered in the following video.

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