Open job bank gia 9.

Everyone agrees that every year students face more and more difficulties and difficulties associated with passing the final exams. And this applies to both students in the 9th and 11th grades. That is why the FIPI in 2019 is the topic for discussion No. 1, and we will try to understand all the subtleties and main points that should be paid attention to in the first place.

The main objectives of FIPI for 2019:

  • development of CMMs, codifiers, specifications and teaching aids for the OGE and the Unified State Exam;
  • organization of scientific conferences;
  • development of highly effective technologies in the field of assessing educational achievements;
  • integration of developments and analysis of the collected information.

The official website of the FIPI is, it is on the pages of this electronic resource that in 2019 it will be possible to find the most relevant information about the Unified State Exam and the OGE. On the pages of the information portal available:

  • basic information about the activities of the institute;
  • the regulatory and legal framework of the Unified State Exam and the OGE, as well as documents regulating the activities of the FIPI;
  • information on activities carried out by the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements;
  • specifications and codifiers for all subjects;
  • demo versions of the OGE for grade 9 and the USE for grade 11 for 2019, developed by FIPI specialists;
  • training collections and manuals;
  • open bank of tasks for self-preparation;
  • materials for subject commissions of the OGE and the Unified State Examination;
  • advice to graduates.

Also, on the pages of the official portal, you can find the current schedule for the preliminary, main, and September sessions of the OGE and USE in 2019.

Basic facts about the OGE 2019

In the course of reforming the system for assessing the quality of knowledge, FIPI over the past few years has made significant changes to the format of individual tests, and also developed new CMMs in all subjects. In 2018, the reform process was completed, and it is hoped that in 2019 there will be no major changes in the structure of the OGE in the disciplines submitted for control in the 9th grade.

OGE and USE - subjects for delivery.

The first question worth exploring is the subject related to the subjects and disciplines to pass.

As for the 9th grade students, they will have to pass a total of 5 final exams, of which two will be compulsory (Russian language and mathematics), and 3 students will be able to choose at their own discretion from the list of approved subjects.

The following disciplines are submitted for the elective exam.

  1. history;
  2. physics;
  3. chemistry;
  4. computer science;
  5. biology;
  6. geography;
  7. literature;
  8. social science;
  9. foreign languages(English, French, German or Spanish).

Knowing what compulsory tests are included in the OGE, you will be able to pull up the necessary subjects and successfully pass the exams by entering the desired educational institutions or specialized classes. For many ninth-graders, the OGE will not be just the result of studying in high school, but also the first step towards the desired profession, because this year the exam grades will affect the certificate, and recommended passing scores have been set for specialized classes.

Preparation and scheduling

The next question that must be considered and studied is the question of the exam schedule. Probably everyone knows that for the graduates of the 9th grade they introduce a compulsory oral part of the Russian language exam. Speaking will be the first test for schoolchildren and at the same time a kind of admission to the rest of the exams. It is planned to receive speaking in February (before the start of the preliminary and main campaign). No official schedule yet holding the OGE, but today we can assume that the campaign will take place in three stages.

  1. Preliminary (late April - early May).
  2. Main (late May - early June).
  3. Optional (September 2019).


Well, now is the time to move on to all those innovations and changes that will be introduced from this year.

  • First, speaking Russian.
  • Secondly, the oral part at the OGE in foreign languages.
  • Thirdly, uniform tickets in mathematics for all educational institutions and all regions of the Russian Federation.
  • Fourthly, compulsory video surveillance in the classrooms where the exams will be held.
  • Fifth, in the coming year, 9th grade students will take both compulsory subjects of the OGE and optional disciplines based on their schools.
  • Sixth, KIMs for the OGE in compulsory and additional subjects this year will receive minor changes aimed at more accurate adjustment of questions and replacement of some controversial tasks.
  • Seventh, the likelihood of increasing the passing threshold for entering specialized classes is considered. But, today, this selection criterion is rather advisory in nature.
  • Eighth, retake. This year, the right to retake can be used in the following cases.

  1. The child could not come to the exam on good reason(documentary evidence required).
  2. The student showed up for the test, but did not complete it for a good reason. The job was canceled by the HEC (but not through the fault of the student).
  3. The examinee received an unsatisfactory mark in a compulsory subject.
  4. When filing an appeal and satisfying it after consideration by the conflict commission.

But the student is not allowed to retake. What cases are we talking about here?

  1. The exam was missed without good reason.
  2. The child was suspended from work due to his own fault (behavior disorder, use of cheat sheets, unauthorized technical means, etc.).
  3. The examinee has "failed" both required exams or more than 2 subjects.

More detailed information about what the USE and the USE will be can be found on the official website. But you must admit that even this information will help students tune in to a very serious mood and attitude, since they will face a rather serious, difficult and very responsible test that will show the entire level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, and will also help to determine in the future

Possible innovations in 2019

Of the main changes that are possible in 2018-2019 academic year most likely:

  1. introduction of a third compulsory subject;
  2. making minor changes to CMMs;
  3. strengthening control to ensure reliability OGE results.

The third compulsory subject of the OGE

In the Ministry of Education and Science, one can more and more often hear the opinion that history should become the third compulsory subject for graduates of 11th and 9th grades. The government also believes that every graduate should have a good knowledge of the history of their country. At the same time, the results of 2018 cannot but be alarming, because only 5% of ninth-graders chose this subject in the OGE.

Last year, they often talked about the need to improve the level of knowledge in a foreign language. Unfortunately, the ministry sees the most effective measure not changing programs and retaining qualified teachers in schools, but introducing a compulsory OGE in English. Perhaps this option scares future ninth-graders even more than the prospect of taking history, because among 8% of those who passed this subject, very few children were able to get high scores.

Say for sure if 2019 will be history or English compulsory exam is still difficult, because the main stages of approval of important aspects of the State Final Attestation for 4th, 9th and 11th grades are still ahead.

Changes in CMMs by subjects

The upcoming OGE season does not promise significant changes and the structure of KIMs in compulsory and elective subjects should remain unchanged, while for the 2019 demos and the tickets themselves, which 9th grade graduates will have to meet in the exam, new groups of questions will be formed from open bank assignments.

Starting preparation for the OGE, graduates of 2019 may well rely on the tasks of the previous season, which are already available today on the FIPI portal.

They promise that the 2019 KIMs will take into account all the comments received from the 2018 OGE participants and teachers!

Enhanced control

The first step on the way to obtaining true OGE results was the development of uniform standards for all regions of the Russian Federation and the integration of an electronic system for checking the first part of the examination card.

What's next? Perhaps, 9th grade graduates will soon have to pass exams at the sight of cameras after a mandatory check with a metal detector? But, while everything remains in the usual format, for ninth-graders, if not with tips, then the walls of their native school and teachers who are interested in the successful passing of the exam by their pupils will help with psychological support.

Yeah, and there are a bunch of different services that allow you to arrange a self-test by the decision of the OGE. On Rambler. Class it is good to check, and then pass. They even give marks on a five-point or one-hundred-point system.
There are a bunch of topics for which you can check yourself:

1. Society as a form of human life

2. Biological and social in man; personality; human activity and its main forms (work, play, learning)

3. Society and people (task to appeal to social realities)

4. Society and man (task for the analysis of two judgments)

5. Sphere of spiritual culture and its features; science in life modern society

6. Sphere of spiritual culture (task to analyze two judgments)

7. Economy, its role in the life of society; goods and services, resources and needs, limited resources; economic systems and property

8. Entrepreneurship; small business and self-employment

9. The economic sphere of society (the task of addressing social realities)

10. The economic sphere of society (task for the analysis of two judgments)

11. Social structure of society; family as a small group; manifold social roles in adolescence

12. Social sphere(task to appeal to social realities)

13. Social sphere (task for the analysis of two judgments)

14. Power; the role of politics in the life of society; the concept and features of the state; separation of powers

15. Scope of politics and social management(task to appeal to social realities)

16. The sphere of politics and social management (task for the analysis of two judgments)

17. Law, its role in the life of society and the state; rule of law; regulatory legal act; signs and types of offenses

18. Constitution of the Russian Federation; foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation; federal structure of Russia; organs state power RF

19. The concept of legal relations; the right to work and labor relations; employment of minors; family relations

20. Law (task for the analysis of two judgments)

21. Different content in different options: the task is focused on the skill being tested (comparison task)

22. Different content in different versions: the task is focused on the tested skill (task to establish correspondence)

23. Different content in different versions: the task is focused on the tested skill (task to establish facts and opinions)

24. Different content in different versions: the task is focused on the tested skill (task for choosing the right positions from the list)

25. Different content in different versions: the task is focused on the tested skill (task for choosing the right positions from the list)

26 Different content in different versions: the task is focused on the tested skill (tasks for the analysis of sources)

27 Different content in different versions: the task is focused on the tested skill (tasks for the analysis of sources)

28 Different content in different versions: the task is focused on the tested skill (tasks for the analysis of sources)

29 Different content in different versions: the task is focused on the tested skill (tasks for the analysis of sources)

30 Different content in different versions: the task is focused on the tested skill (tasks for the analysis of sources)
Train, decide the OGE 2017 and good luck at the OGE-2018!

FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements) - state scientific institution carrying out activities in the following areas:

  • scientific research and ensuring the final tests of the exam and exam;
  • development and testing of CMM for various subjects;
  • development of an assessment system for final attestations for students in grades 9 and 11;
  • technical support and maintenance of information resources of Rosobrnadzor;
  • development and distribution of teaching aids and collections;
  • organization of conferences;
  • participation in international educational programs and projects.

Official informational portal FIPI ( provides an opportunity to get the most up-to-date information on issues passing the exam and the Unified State Exam 2018. The institute's website contains:

  1. Documents that form the regulatory framework for the final certification of graduates.
  2. Specifications and codifiers for all subjects.
  3. Demo versions of assignments of different years, developed by FIPI, which will help students in grades 9 and 11 in preparing for the tests.
  4. Training books for self-preparation.
  5. Analytical and methodological materials.

Innovations of the OGE 2018 for the 9th grade

Working to improve the educational level of graduates general education schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, FIPI introduces a number of significant changes that will affect 9th grade students who take the OGE in the 2017-2018 academic year.

Mandatory subjects

Unlike previous years, in 2018 ninth-graders will have to demonstrate knowledge in 5 subjects, two of which (Russian and mathematics) will definitely be compulsory, and three more students will be able to choose on their own, focusing on the following list:

  • social science;
  • history;
  • physics;
  • computer science;
  • biology;
  • geography;
  • chemistry;
  • literature;
  • foreign language: English, German, French or Spanish.

The discussion about the number of compulsory subjects of the OGE has not yet been completed. It is quite possible that without the right to choose, you will have to take not 2 but 4 subjects and only one ninth-graders will be able to choose themselves, based on the direction chosen for further education.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, history and a foreign language claim to be obligatory.

Unified CMM System

Over the years, tasks for the OGE were developed by teachers of educational institutions and taking into account the level of training and the profile of the educational institution. From 2018, for all schools, lyceums and gymnasiums of the Russian Federation, uniform tasks will be offered, on the development of which FIPI specialists have been working for a long time.

The solution has three main goals:

  1. Set uniform criteria for assessing knowledge in certain subjects.
  2. See the real level of training of 9th grade graduates.
  3. Build a unified educational trajectory for educational institutions in different regions of the country.

The weight of the assessment according to the OGE

In the 2017-2018 academic year, ninth-graders should take their preparation more seriously, because the result of the exams will now affect the overall score of the certificate. This fact is especially important for those who wish to change their usual school life to study at one of the prestigious colleges or lyceums in Russia.

Overcoming the minimum threshold for at least 4 compulsory out of 5 subjects to be taken is a prerequisite for obtaining a certificate!

But, students who did not manage to pass the OGE on the first try will get a second (and even third) chance. Although, it will be possible to retake only 2 of 5 subjects.

Oral part in Russian

Graduates of 2018 will have to take oral Russian language. This decision was made after the results of the audit showed that many regional schools do not provide students with a sufficient level of Russian language proficiency, which is necessary condition to enter any university in the country.

About the innovation, see the video by Anna Mozharova:

You will find more up-to-date information about what innovations await pupils finishing 9th grade in the 2017-2018 academic year, as well as what changes FIPI plans to make to the OGE in certain subjects, on the pages of our information portal.

Schedule of the OGE 2018

Early period




Foreign languages


Russian language

Computer science

Social science


Reserve days of the early period




Foreign languages

Russian language


Computer science

Social science


Main period

Foreign languages

Foreign languages

Russian language


Social science

Computer science


Computer science




Social science

Reserve days of the main period

Russian language


Social science

Computer science



Foreign languages



All things

All things

First September retake

Russian language





Social science

Computer science


Foreign languages

Last retake (by decision of the State Electoral Commission)

Russian language





Social science

Computer science


Foreign languages

All things

FIPI Unified State Exam, OGE 2020 and 2019 free download (links)


Single State exam(Exam)- Centrally conducted in Russia and exam in secondary educational institutions- schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, the form of the GIA for educational programs middle general education... Serves simultaneously as a final exam from school and an entrance exam to universities. When conducting an exam throughout Russia, the same type of tasks and uniform methods for assessing the quality of work are used. After passing the exam, all participants are issued certificates of USE results(in everyday life, often called certificates), which indicates the scores received in subjects. Since 2009, the Unified State Exam is the only form of final exams at school and the main form entrance exams to universities, while there is the possibility of repeated passing the exam in subsequent years. ...

Basic state exam (OGE)- This is a compulsory exam at the end of the 9th grade of high school in Russia, an analogue of the USE for the 11th grade. Serves to control the knowledge gained by students for 9 years, as well as for admission to secondary institutions vocational education(colleges and technical schools). Is one of three forms GIA.

GIA - State Final Attestation is a form of state control (assessment) of the development by graduates of 9 (10) and 11 (12) grades of basic general education programs of basic general and secondary general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard secondary general education.
State final certification of graduates of 9 (10) grades is carried out in the form of a unified state examination, as well as in the form of a state final exam.
State final certification of graduates of grades 9 (10) is carried out in the form of the main state exam (OGE) using control tests measuring materials, which are complexes of tasks of a standardized form; for certain categories of persons - in the form of written and oral examinations using texts, topics, assignments, tickets (state final exam), the implementation of which makes it possible to establish the level of mastering the federal state standard basic general education.


Unified State Exam

The documents that define the structure and content of control measuring materials of the unified state examination are presented:
- codifiers of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates educational institutions to conduct a unified state examination;
- specifications of control measuring materials for the unified state examination;
- demo options control measuring materials of the unified state examination.

Download Unified State Exam 2020(Demover these, specifications, codifiers)
Information about the changes in the KIM USE 2020 (144.1 Kb)
ENGLISH audio (24.8 Mb)
GERMAN audio (24.3 Mb)
FRENCH LANGUAGE audio (8.3 Mb)
CHINESE LANGUAGE audio (16.1 Mb)
Rules for filling out USE forms in 2020 (2.4 Mb)
MATH (5.7 Mb)
PHYSICS (3.6 Mb)
BIOLOGY (5.2 Mb)
HISTORY (6.6 Mb)
SOCIETY (3.7 Mb)

Download Unified State Exam 2019(Demos, specifications, codifiers):
Information about the changes in the KIM USE 2019 (271.1 Kb)
BIOLOGY (2.9 Mb)
HISTORY (4.8 Mb)
MATH (3.4 Mb)
SOCIETY (2.3 Mb)
PHYSICS (2.2 Mb)


If you cannot unzip files, you can download a free zip unzip tool, for example,.

The documents defining the content of control measuring materials of the main state examination (OGE) are presented:
- codifiers of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students who have mastered the basic general education programs basic general education;
- specifications of control measuring materials for conducting the main state exam in general education subjects of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education;
- demonstration options for control measuring materials for the main state exam in general education subjects of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education.

Download OGE 2020(Demos, specifications, codifiers)

What is GIA (state final certification)

In 2009, everything was simple - graduates of the 9th grade passed the State Examination Agency, the graduate of the 11th grade, schools and technical schools - the Unified State Exam.

With the adoption of the new Law "On Education in Russian Federation"everything has become more complicated and mixed, since new concepts have been introduced - OGE, GVE and others.

    Graduates 9 classes pass the final certification (pass exams) according to the programs the main general education (paragraph 5 of Article 59 of the Education Law);

    Graduates 11 classes and persons who have completed training in basic vocational educational programs pass final certification (pass exams) for the programs middle general education (paragraph 13 of Article 59 of the Education Law).

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 25, 2013 No. 1394 "On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education" and Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 1512 dated 07.11.2018 "On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education" :

What is OGE (main state exam) and GVE (state final exam)

Basic state exam (OGE)- this is a form of state final certification (GIA) for educational programs of basic general education, i.e. - final exam for 9th grade graduates in a secondary school in Russia.

With the entry into legal force of the new Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" on September 1, 2013, the GIA for 9th grade graduates in secondary schools in Russia began to be carried out in two forms:

    OGE- people who do not have health restrictions or who do not study in closed-type special institutions take it according to standard tests - CMMs;

    GVE (state final exam)- people with disabilities or studying in closed-type special institutions take it in the form of written and oral examinations using texts, topics, assignments, tickets.

By passing the final exams, the student confirms that he has mastered the program of basic general education.

The state (final) attestation of graduates of the IX (X) grades is carried out in the form of a state final exam, as well as in a new form of organization of exams using standardized tasks, the fulfillment of which makes it possible to establish the level of mastering the federal state standard of basic general education on the basis of the Law "On Education" and in accordance with the Regulation on state (final) certification of graduates of IX and XI (XII) grades.

Certification is required for the transition to grade 10 or admission to colleges and technical schools.

Graduates of grades 9 pass at least 4 final exams:

    2 4 compulsory (Russian and mathematics + 2 subjects of the student's choice).

    From the 2016/17 academic year, the basis for issuing a certificate of basic general education will be the positive results of 4 exams: in the Russian language and mathematics (compulsory subjects), as well as in 2 subjects of the student's choice. They will be taken into account in the results of the GIA.

    In the 2015/16 academic year, due to the transition period, the results of 2 elective exams at the SIA are not taken into account. The minimum number of points for obtaining a satisfactory result is determined by the executive authority of the region in the field of education, the founder, the foreign institution.

    2 optional (from the list of subjects).

    Note: from September 1, 2015, the number of compulsory subjects for state final certification for basic general education programs will increase from two to four (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 07.07.2015 No. 692) - the choice of two more subjects from the list from September 1, 2015 is mandatory.

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2013 No. 1394 approved the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education, according to which:

In 2015, the GIA is held in 14 subjects. The results of the exam are necessary for the formation of profile 10-11 grades. Primary points for the execution of the examination work of the GIA.

Schematically it looks like this:

Forms for the OGE in 2020

Unlike the USE, there are no uniform forms for the final attestation of 9th grade graduates.

In 2018, each constituent entity of the Russian Federation develops its own types of forms, depending on the processing technology examination papers... This process is governed by the regional regulatory framework.

Schedule of the state final certification of 9th grade graduates in 2020

Early OGE and GVE-9 in 2020 will be held from April 21 to May 16 in all academic subjects, namely:

  • April 21, 2020 - Mathematics

  • April 24, 2020 - Russian

  • April 27, 2020 - informatics, social studies, chemistry, literature

  • May 06, 2020 - history, biology, physics, geography, foreign languages

  • Reserve days:

    May 13 (Wednesday) - informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT), social studies, chemistry, literature;

    May 14 (Thursday) - history, biology, physics, geography, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish);

The main dates for the OGE and GVE-9 2020

By order of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 610, Rosobrnadzor No. 1560 dated 11/14/2019, the following deadlines for the delivery of the GIA were approved:


GIA subject

22nd of May

foreign languages

May, 23rd

foreign languages

26 of May history, physics, biology, chemistry
May 29

social studies, informatics, geography, chemistry

May 30 social science
2 June Russian language
June 5th literature, physics, informatics, geography, foreign languages
the 9th of June mathematics
June 20 reserve in all subjects
22nd of June reserve: Russian
June 23rd reserve in all subjects
June 24 reserve: mathematics
June 25 reserve in all subjects
30 June reserve in all subjects

Information posted on 12.06.2012. Supplemented and modified 04.04.2013, 10.06.2013, 28.12.2013, 04.06.2014, 12.09.2014, 11.10.2014, 29.10.2014, 17.02.2015, 03.08.2015, 04.09.2015, 13.10.2015, 10.11.2015 , 27.11.2015, 20.02.2016, 11.05.2016, 03.03.2017, 23.08.2017, 08.12.2017, 17.09.2018, 31.10.2018, 19.12.2018, 24.12.2019

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