Werner von Brown. NASA Rocket Baron

Werner von Brown was born in the city of Virzitz in the province of Pozen then Hermann Empire. His family belonged to the aristocratic clan, he inherited the title "Frajerr" (corresponds to Baron). After World War, Wirzitz was transferred to Poland, and the Werner's family, like many other German families, went to Germany. Brown background downtown in Berlin. In 1930, von Brown entered Berlin technical Universitywhere he joined the group "Verein Für Raumschiffahrt" ("Society space Travel"). In 1930 he began working on rockets on liquid fuel. In 1932, Dornberger was adopted in the Military Rocket Scientific Science group.

Von Brown worked on his dissertation, when Hitler and NSDAP came to power in 1933. RocketAducation almost immediately became an important issue of the agenda. In July 1934, Von Brown was awarded a doctorate degree of Physical Sciences (Rocket Label).

The new Nazi regime forbade civilianism's civilian experiments. Rockets allowed to build only military. To this end, a huge rocket research center was built in the village of Petermyund in the north of Germany, in the Baltic Sea, whose military leader became Dornberger. Since 1937, Werner von Brown - Technical Head of the Center in Petermünde and Chief Designer of the A-4 Rocket (FAu-2), used in World War II for the shelling of the cities of France, Great Britain, Holland and Belgium.

FAU-2, (V-2 - VergeeltungSwaffe-2, Retribution Weapons, Other Title: A-4 - aggregat-4) - Single-stage ballistic rocket on liquid fuel. It started vertically, an autonomous gyroscopic control system equipped with a speed-based mechanism and instruments to measure the trajectory took place. Flight range reached 320 km, trajectory height is 100 km. The combat part accommodated up to 800 kg of ammotola. One of the most revolutionary technological solutions applied to FAu-2 was the automatic guidance system, which did not require constant adjustment from the ground, the target coordinates were introduced into the onboard analog calculator before starting. The gyroscopes installed on the rocket controlled its spatial position during the entire flight and any deviation from the specified trajectory was straightened by steering on the side stabilizers.

By the end of January 1945, the hum of cannonads from the shots of the Soviet guns were clearly heard in Penemünde. All worked on the missile database realized that this territory would soon come to the enemy. Werner von Brown gathered his development team and asked them to decide how and who everyone should surrender. The opinion of those present was one. Von Brown and his people will not wait until soviet troops Capture Peimenund, and should go to the south of Germany and offer their experience and knowledge to the Americans.

On the last day of January von Brown gathered chiefs of sectors and departments, as well as his deputies in his office and announced that he had just received an order from Lieutenant-General SS Hans Cammler on the urgent evacuation of personnel and equipment used in the most important projects on South Germany. Von Brown stressed that this is an order of over, and not just a sentence. Later he admitted that there were several orders from various departments, and they contradicted each other. Von Brown chose the one who mostly coincided with his plans.

Preparation began to send to the south of the country. There were collected unique equipment and tons of documentation. By the beginning of March 1945, the evacuation from Peimenund was practically completed.

2 Blyherode

Von Brown was settled in the town of Bryikhode, and Walter Dornberger, who provided assistance in evacuation, chose the town of Bad Zakhza in the center of Germany. Both of these cities were pretty close to the Underground Plant "Mittelverk", where the first Rockets "Fow-2" were collected a year ago.

By early April 1945, American tanks were already 19 km from Bryikodea, and American troops tried to master the entire territory around the "Mitteller". Cammler ordered the von Brown to collect 400 most talented scientists and engineers and still south - in Oberammergau town, to the foot of the Bavarian Alps. Walter Dornberger and his small group received the same order.

3 Oberammergau

April One-April General Kammler invited Verner von Brown to himself and announced that he was forced to leave Oberarmmergau on debt, and von Brown and his people will remain under the protection of deputy generals. The next day, Cammoler really disappeared, and if not considered a short message sent by him to the department of the Himmler, then no one heard anything about him.

In the following days, People von Brown scattered around the villages surrounded by Oberammergau. At the slopes of the Alps they felt in relative security.

On May 1, 1945, German Radio reported the news that Führer Adolf Hitler died. The next day von Brown and six members of his team, including the younger brother Magnus von Brown and Valter Dornberger teacher, surrendered to the Americans.

After the captivity, Brown said the press: "We know that we have created a new means of warfare and now a moral choice - what nation, what the victorious people we want to entrust our brainchild - we are sharper than ever before. We want the world to not be involved in the conflict, similar to that through which Germany just passed. We believe that only by passing such a weapon to those people who instruct the Bible into the path, we can be sure that the world is protected the best way».

4 Garmisch-Partenkirchen

The Americans held the brown background with his team under arrest in the quiet spa town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in the foothills of the Alps. The highest ranks of the US command knew well, how valuable mining came across them in hand: the surname von Brown headed the "black list" - the code name of the list of German scientists and engineers from among those whom American military experts would like to interrogate as soon as possible. According to the results of intensive interrogations, measures have immediately been taken, hastily headed in different parts of Germany special search groups for the withdrawal of documentation, materials and search for people.

July 19, 1945, two days before the planned transmission of the territory in the zone of Soviet occupation, Major american army Robert B. Stewer, the chef of the reactive movement of the research and intelligence service of the Artillery Corps of the US Army in London and London Colonel R. L. Williams planted von Brown and the leaders of his departments in the jeep and delivered from Garmishe to Munich. Then the group was transported by air to Nordhausen, and the next day - by 60 km south-west, in the town of Witzenhausen, who was in the American occupation zone. Von Brown briefly delayed in the center of interrogation "Dastbin", where representatives of the elite of the Third Reich in the field of economics, science and technology interrogated English and American intelligence services.

On June 20, 1945, US Secretary of State approved the crossing of Brown's background and its employees to America. Brown was among those scientists for which the United States integral to the US intelligence targets created fictitious biographies and deleted references to membership in the NSDAP and the ties with the Nazi regime from open records. "Washing" them from Nazism, the US government thus gave scientist security guarantees to work in the United States.

5 Fort Bliss, United States

The first seven specialists, including Werner von Brown, arrived at the United States at the Military Airfield in Newcastle, Delaware, September 20, 1945. Then they flew into Boston and on the boat were delivered to the base of the US Army reconnaissance management in Fort Strong in the Boston Bay. Then, everything except Brown arrived at the Aberdea test landfill in Maryland to make out the documents taken in Penelund. These documents were supposed to allow scientists to continue experiments with missiles.

In the end, von Brown arrived in Fort Bliss, Texas, on the large base of the American army north of El Paso. Since Americans had no experience in developing large missiles, and especially such as Fow-2, they asked Brown's background to inform the names of those people who would help in the shortest possible time to establish the production of combat missile for the United States Army. Make it von Brown was easy. He knew perfectly who of his people was faithful to him and had high qualifications. He called 118 last names.

Until 1950, Werner von Brown worked in Fort Blisse, and then - in Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville (Alabama). In 1956, he was appointed head of the program for the development of the intercontinental ballistic missile "Redstone" (as well as rockets based on it - "Jupiter-C" and "Juno") and the Satellite of the Explorer series. Since 1960, Von Brown - a member of the US National Agency for Air Space and Space Research (NASA) and director of the NASA Space Flight Center. Head of the development of carrier launch vehicles of the Saturn series and Space ships of the Apollo series. Since 1970, the Deputy Director of NASA on planning piloted space flights, since 1972 he worked in the industry as a vice-president of Farchild Space Industries in Jermantau, Maryland. After leaving NASA, in 1972 he lived only five years and died of pancreatic cancer.

Ernst Werner von Siemens (it. Werner Von Siemens, a more accurate transcription option: Zimate; December 13, 1816 - December 6, 1892) - a well-known German engineer, inventor, Corresponding member SPBN, Industrialist, Founder of the company Siemens, Public and Political figure.

Ernst Werner von Siemens (1816-1892)

Werner Siemens was born on December 13, 1816 in Ribe near Hanover. He was 4 child of 14 in the family of Ferdinand Christian Ferdinand Siemens and his spouse.

Study and service in the army

After graduating with honors from the Katharineum gymnasium in Lübeck, then artillery engineering school In Magdeburg, he serves in the rank of lieutenant in the artillery workshops in Berlin, where he is inventive and scientific experiences.

After the death of parents, 24-year-old Werner remains eldest in a family consisting of ten brothers and sisters.

In 1845, he becomes one of the most notable young scientists in a recently educated physical society and next year it will be submitted to the General Staff Commission to prepare the implementation of electric business. In a letter dated December 14, 1846, Werner Siemens reports to relatives: "I now almost decided to choose a permanent field in the telegraph ... Telegraph will become an independent important industry, and I feel designed to play the role of the organizer."

Start of commercial activity

On October 1, 1847, they were together with the mechanic of Galsk, the telegraph-construction company Telegraphenbauanstalt Siemens & Halske (S & H) was founded, which serves as a wide range of work in the field of accurate mechanics and optics, as well as the creation of electromedical apparatus. In 1849, S & H built the first telegraph line Berlin in Germany - Frankfurt am Main.

For one of the plots mainly the airline, an underground cable with gutta-reader insulation was used, superimposed by Siemens invented. Then Werner suggested tightening the cable into lead pipes.

He also improved the Whitstone-Cook's shooter Telegraph, for which at the first international industrial exhibition in England (1851) was awarded one of the highest awards.

Starting from 1853, the company S & H was the construction of a number of telegraph lines in Russia, linking St. Petersburg with Kronstadt, Helsingfors, Warsaw, Riga, Revel and taking their maintenance.

Siemens, combining scientific research and inventive activities with developmental development, introduced new and improved products into production - a trait that has related to this practice with Edison.

World recognition and great inventions

The report of Siemens on Electrotelegraph in the Paris Academy of Sciences was highly appreciated by Humboldt and published on the recommendation of Arago. At the age of 35, Siemens entered the ranks of world-recognized authorities in the field of electrical engineering. In 1860, the University of Berlin assigned to him the title of Honor of Philosophy.

In 1868-1870 S & H participated in the construction of Indo-European telegraph line London - Calcutta with a length of 11,000 km. One of the sections of this line (through the Caucasus) was built on iron supports and worked from 1871 to 1931.

For the second half of the 1860s, the origin of Siemens works in the field of high-flow electrical engineering. Its most significant achievement in this area dates back to 1867, when he created the perfect generator design direct current With self-excitation, a long time called Dynamo Machina. He also offered a mercury unit of resistance, subsequently transformed in OM, and a unit of electrical conductivity was assigned to Siemens name.

In the early 1870s, S & H built a cable ship "Faraday", equipped with an improved cable machine. In 1874, Faradays paved the transatlantic telegraph cable directly by Ireland and the United States (5700 km), bypassing Newfoundlandland. And in just 10 years, this vessel paved six transatlantic cables.

In July 1874, Siemens was admitted to the members of the Prussian Academy of Sciences.

In 1877, S & H manufactured Bella's telephone tubes, and in 1881 he participated in the construction of the first telephone station in Berlin.

In 1877, in shales belonging to the late Jurassic period, the only fossil inquosity of the bird was discovered in its own way. Founding this paleontological rarity, the amateur geologist intended to sell her abroad, in demanding a large amount of money for her. Hearing about this rarest find, Siemens immediately buys it, leaving in this way in Germany. Later he transmits it to the Berlin Museum of Natural Science. Scientific name Archaeopteryx Simensii raritet (Archeopteryx Siemens) so far reminds us of this wonderful act of Werner Siemens.

Almost all the successes of Siemens enterprises are obliged to research and inventive abilities of their leader. He rejected everything that was not comprehensively considered theoretically and confirmed by the experiment.

The Siemens Dynamo Machine produced a real revolution in a mountainous basis, thanks to her there was an electric hammer, a mine electric fan, an electric transport and, most importantly, an electric mining road.

In 1879, Siemens & Halske introduced the first electricity in the Berlin Industrial Exhibition railway; In 1880, at the exhibition in Mannheim - the world's first electrolyte; In 1881, the first line of electric tram on the outskirts of Berlin was built; In 1882, the experimental operation of firewood was started.

Siemens did a lot for the development of German and European electrical engineering. He is the initiator of the formation of the Berlin Electrical Union (1879), as well as the founder and chairman of the society of patents in Berlin. And even the term electrical engineering introduced to the use of Werner von Siemens, while driving it in 1879 in a letter to Henry Ston Stefan, the German Email Master (before that, the term "applied theory of electricity") was used.

In addition, Werner Siemens is known as the patron of science and culture: he donated 500 thousand brands for the creation of the Berlin National Physics and Technology Lab; Thanks to its efforts and monetary support in Charlottenburg, the Physico-Technical Institute has opened.

At the first international electrical exhibition in Paris in 1881, the greatest success fell to the share of Edison and Siemens exhibits. In the same place, both Circiers of Electrical Engineering got acquainted and became friends.

In 1882 he was elected a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1888, Werner Siemens was erected to the noble estate and became Werner of Siemens.

Since 1889, the gradual waste of Werner Siemens from active participation In the affairs of the company, at this time in his company, including subsidiaries in London, St. Petersburg and Vienna, there are already 5,000 employees. On December 31, 1889, Siemens came out of the leadership of the company.

In 1892, he invented steel ribbon armor to protect underground cables from mechanical influences.

At the end of the life with the gift of real foresight, Siemens pointed to the prospect of world trade and economic association of Europe:

"This can only occur due to the elimination of all domestic political customs barriers, limiting the distribution areas that increase the production and reduce competitiveness in the global market."

Brown Werner Background (Braun, Wernher von) (1912-1977), German and American scientist and rocket constructor. Born on March 23, 1912 in Virzice in Germany (now Zhisk, Poland).

In 1932 he received a bachelor's degree in Berlin Institute of Technology, and in 1934 he is a doctoral degree in Berlin University. Fasciating the idea of \u200b\u200bflight to Mars, from 1929 actively participated in the work of the society of interplanetary messages in Berlin.

Clean science is what I do when I do not know what I do.

Brown Werner Background

In 1932, he was adopted in the Artillery Department of the Armed Forces of Germany, where he led the work on the creation of ballistic shells on liquid fuel.

In 1937 he became one of the leaders of the German Military Rocket Research Center on Penelund Island in the Baltic Sea. Chief Designer Rocket V-2 (Fow-2).

May 3, 1945 von Brown and most of his employees surrendered to the US Occupational authorities. Upon arrival in the US, Von Brown headed the design and development of the US Army, then led the Redstone Army Arsenal Rocket Division in Huntsville (Alabama).

In 1960, he became one of the heads of NASA and the first director of the center of space flights. Marshall in Huntsville. Under his leadership, the carrier rocket was developed for the Saturn series for manned flights to the moon, the artificial satellites of the Earth series Explorer and the Apollo Spaceship. Subsequently, Von Brown took the post of vice-president of Ferrechild Space Industries in Jermantau (PC. Maryland, who left shortly before his death.

Werner von Brown - Photo

Werner Background Brown - Quotes

The place of man where he wishes go.

Nature does not know the fading; She knows only the conversion. Everything that taught and to this day teaches me science, strengthens my faith in the continuation of our spiritual being after death.

Werner von Brown mankind is largely owned by landing on the moon, cosmic flights to Mars and Venus. But the German scientist constructed not only American carrier missiles "Saturn" and spaceships "Apollo". During World War II, Brown's head was the head of the project to create FAu-2 missiles, which the Nazis fired at London, other cities. Thousands of people died from these missiles ... Stefan Brauburger (Stefan Brauburger) is trying to explain in his documentary book why the creator of such terrible weapons helped humanity to fulfill the dream of flight to other planets.

Double and leader

As a child, Werner Von Braun (Wernher Von Braun) was read by science fiction and raved the space. The teenager equipped with classmates a small observatory. Parents had to accept the passion of the Son, although it was very difficult for them. Werner's father von Brown was a born aristocrat, held high state posts (up to the Minister of Agriculture of the Weimara Republic), and the Son was engaged in some nonsense. He was bored in the lessons, and in the seventh grade he even stayed for the second year. Then the parents gave it to a private boarding school, putting a categorical condition: if he and there will not proceed the mark, he may forget about his expensive hobby. In just a few months, Werner von Brown became the first student in the classroom.

This is typically for him. Well, if he put in front of him some purpose, he always reached her. According to the author of the book, in many ways the will and purposefulness of Brown, and not only the talent explains his successes as a designer. Another important factor: he was a brilliant organizer and a born leader. Defending the dissertation about constructive features Rockets on liquid fuel, von Brown became the youngest doctor of technical sciences in Germany.

But the Nazis came to power in the country. They did not care about the romance of space flights, missiles were interested only as the new kind Weapons. In May 1937, Verner von Brown was appointed by the Technical Director of the Test Polygon Penelude on the island of Usedom in the Baltic Sea, which turned into a huge rocket center. To lead such a center, of course, only a member of the party could, and the designer had to urgently join NSDAP.

"Weapon of Retribution" and first satellite

Before Werner, Brown, the task was set to create a missile with a liquid jet engine that could carry on large distances The charge of explosives weighing up to one ton. The new rocket was called Fow-2. V ("Fau") is the first letter german word. "VergeltungSwaffe" - "" Weapon of Retribution "." And "two" because a little earlier, the Germans created a FAU-1 walled rocket.

On June 13, 1944, London was subjected to the first bombardment of FAU-1. In early September, London and the Allies of Antwerp and Paris were issued by the Allys of Antwerp and Paris.

In April 45, Werner von Brown, along with several other employees, surrendered to Americans. Three and a half hundreds of railway cars with equipment and rocket components were delivered by the sea in the United States. At the same time, the German scientists were sent there. Schurmbanführer SS von Brown, his colleagues Hauptsturmführer Rudolf (Rudolf) and Lieutenant-General Wehrmacht Dornberger began to work in research centers and design bureaus of the Pentagon. Americans showed them more than condescending relationship: began " cold War", United States (as, however, and Soviet Union) Surely needed in specialists in the field of rocket technology. Therefore, the past just closed eyes.

True, as Brazurger notes, not military programs, but space projects Verner von Brown on Americans (at least since the mid-fifties) were prioritized in the work of Verner. It was his group that launched the first American satellite Explorer-1 - 195 days later than the first Soviet artificial satellite Earth. After that success, Vernera von Brown was instructed to create a carrier launch vehicle "Saturn" for flights to the moon.

Does Americans need a moon?

From 1969 to 1972, the Americans planted six times on the moon, however, in the end, due to the high cost of the United States, they refused not only from this, but also from the further preparation of the expedition to Mars, technical support which was also entrusted to Vernera von Brown, and from construction long-term orbital station, similar to the Soviet "world."

Without this work, Werner von Brown passed noticeably. Soon he was detected by cancer, and in June 1977 he died at the age of 65. Already after his death, the US Department of Justice has created a special investigative commission that has been engaged in past German designers and technicians. All Germans, who started their scientific career in the Third Reich, was fired from the American space agency NASA. It is possible that the same fate would have suffered Werner von Brown.

Stefan Brauburger.
"Wernher Von Braun. Ein Deutsches Genie Zwischen Untergangswahn und Raketrenträumen.

A significant role in the successes and achievements von Brown has played a huge dedication to his work. Jay Holmes came to the conclusion that Brown von "Refers to the most purposeful people in the history of mankind". For more than 35 years, he stubbornly pursued the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating rockets to explore space.

Only being in America von Brown was able to fulfill his dream to create missiles used in good faith, when satellites were launched on earth orbit. Huge importance of satellites in modern life It is demonstrated by their use in communication systems, scientific research and military forces.

In 1960, Von Brown led the development of the Saturn liquid missile, thanks to which Neil Armstrong and his team were able to visit the moon. The Apollo project was a vertex of the American Space Program, and the center of the entire enterprise was Brown.

Scientist Creationist

After the von Brown believed in God, he became an Yary defender of Christian faith and creationism. He wrote quite a lot about his faith and, if possible, always spoke on this topic. He called Creationism "The viable theory of the origin of the universe, of life and human life". Scientist came to K. following conclusion:

"The realization that our universe was created, ultimately raises the question of the creator .... Scientific method It does not allow us to not think that the universe, life and man are based on design. Belief in the fact that everything in the universe was formed as a result of an accident, would disturb the objectivity of the science itself. Yes, there are those who claim that the universe evolved due to a random event, but what random event Can lead to the emergence of a human brain or human eye? "

His conviction in the importance of studying God's creation is clearly expressed in his observation: "The more I recognize about God's creationMoreover, the order of nature and accurate perfection of the laws of nature is striking. And in this perfection, a scientist can only take a look at the Creator and his design in nature ".

The words of Dr. Von Brown confirm how important it was for him to believe in God's design:

"Explicit resistance to recognize the arguments in favor of design as a reasonable scientific alternative to the arguments existing on today in favor of chance, is incomprehensible by some scientists of such a concept as a designer. Can not allow incomprehensibility important issues I excluded any theory that explains the relationship of the observed data .... Many smart people They say they cannot imagine a designer. Can a physicist see an electron? The electron is financially unthinkable, and, nevertheless, we know exactly the action used to illuminate cities and management of aircraft. For what strange reasons, some physicists believe in incomprehensible electrons and refuse to believe in the reality of the Creator just because they cannot see him? ... And although they also understand the electrons, they are not fully understood, they are ready to admit them because they managed to create one of them Let not be perfect, but the mechanical model. "

Von Brown was convinced that the question of origin should be objectively taught in schools. In his opinion, the statements that science and religion are incompatible - unfounded. On the contrary, he believed that "Science helps to understand the creation, and religion helps to understand the Creator".

"Science and religion are like two windows in the house through which we look at the reality of the Creator and the laws revealed in his creation. If we see different images in these windows, we need to try to see a more complete picture of reality, correctly tying our scientific and religious views. "

Von Brown stressed that our survival is more than ever depends on the compliance with the main moral principles given to us by God. When he was asked about what he was thinking about religion and science, in particular "whether technological methods and religious beliefs are compatible", von Brown replied:

"Whereas the technology manages the forces of nature around us, morality is trying to manage the forces of nature within us. The Ten Commandments are quite enough, without any amendments and changes to cope with all the problems that the technological revolution has not only already brought, but will also bring to our life in the future. "

Von Brown concluded that the Bible is "the strongest stronghold created against the destructive action of the time .... The Bible is the revelation of God's nature and his love." An equally important place in the life of Brown's background occupied and prayer. Once he was asked when his prayer was the hottest. He replied that he was stronger than all, he prayed before and during the flights of the Apollo spacecraft. As Henry Morris noted, von Brown believed that human flights into space, although the greatest achievement, but

"These achievements reveal us only a small slit to the secrets and wealth of outer space. Our view through the pipe hole on the secrets of the Universe only strengthens our faith in the greatness and glory of the Almighty Creator. It is difficult for me to understand those scientists who do not recognize the role of the Creator in creating the Universe, as difficult to understand those theologians who reject the possibilities of science. "

Von Brown died in Alexandria, Virginia, June 16, 1977, leaving behind an indelible mark in the history of the whole world.


The study of the history of Western Science shows that many great scientists were driven by the Christian faith. All of them came to the conclusion that God is people through Scripture and through their creation, and in order to better know the Creator, we need to explore his creation more. Werner von Brown argued that "The universe, which opens through scientific searches, suggests that everything that is the affairs of the hands of God. Understanding the nature of creation gives us a solid foundation for faith, through which we are trying to know the nature of the creator himself " . For proper understanding Science and the Bible open to us the same truth.

Links and Notes

* Dr. Bergman is an Adjunct Professor Toledo medical College in Ohio.

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