Biography of a scientist and the meaning of his discovery. The most famous Russians in the world

In the article we will talk about Russian biologists. We will look at the most significant names of the discoverers, as well as get acquainted with their achievements. From the article you will learn about those Russian biologists who really made a significant contribution to the development of this science. Anyone who is interested in animals and flora, I just have to know the names that we will name below.

Ivan Pavlov

This scientist in Soviet times did not even need to be represented. However, in modern world not every person can say for sure who Ivan Petrovich Pavlov is. The man was born in 1849. His most significant achievement is the creation of the doctrine of the activities of the highest nervous system... He also wrote many books on the features of blood circulation and digestion. He is the first Russian scientist to receive the Nobel Prize for his achievements in the study of the mechanisms of digestion.

Experiments on dogs

Ivan Pavlov is a Russian biologist who is known for conducting experiments on dogs. In our country there are many anecdotes and cartoons related to this. Moreover, when it comes to instincts, everyone immediately remembers Pavlov's dog. The scientist began to conduct experiments in 1890. He managed to develop conditioned reflexes in animals. For example, he made sure that the dogs secreted gastric juice after they heard the sound of a bell, and before that bell was always preceded by a meal. The peculiarity of the methodology of this scientist is that he saw the relationship between mental and physiological processes. Numerous subsequent studies have confirmed its presence.

He published his first work in 1923. In 1926 he began research in the field of genetics. He worked in psychiatric clinics for several years. Ivan Pavlov's discoveries helped to learn a lot about mental illness, as well as about possible methods of their treatment. Thanks to the support of the USSR government, Pavlov had enough resources to carry out all his experiments, which allowed him to achieve other outstanding results.

Ilya Mechnikov

The list of Russian biologists continues with the famous name of I.I.Mechnikov. He is a renowned microbiologist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1908. Was born in Kharkov in 1845. In the same city he studied. He studied embryology in Italy, in 1868 he defended his doctoral dissertation. In 1886, together with other scientists, he created a bacteriological station, which at that time was the first in Russia.

He wrote his first books on the topic of zoology and evolutionary embryology. He is the author of the theory of phagocytella. He discovered the phenomenon of phagocytosis, developed a theory of comparative pathology of inflammation. He wrote a huge number of works on bacteriology. He experimented on himself, and thus proved that the causative agent of Asiatic cholera is Vibrio cholerae. He died in 1916 in Paris.

Alexander Kovalevsky

The list of famous Russian biologists will continue with the sensational name of Alexander Kovalevsky. This is a great scientist who was a zoologist. Worked in Imperial Academy sciences. Was born in 1842. First he studied at home, and then entered the corps of railway engineers. After that he graduated from St. Petersburg University at the department natural sciences... He defended his master's and doctoral dissertations.

In 1868 he was already a professor of zoology and worked at Kazan University. He spent three years in Algeria and the Red Sea, where he was engaged in his research. Most of them are devoted to invertebrate embryology. In the 1860s, he conducted research that made it possible to discover the germ layers in organisms.

Nikolay Vavilov

It is simply impossible to present a list of Russian great biologists without the name of Nikolai Vavilov. This man created the doctrine of plant immunity. He also discovered the law of hereditary changes in the organism and homologous series. He made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of biological species, created a huge collection of seeds of various plants. By the way, it is recognized as the largest in the world.

The future scientist was born in Moscow in 1887 into a merchant's family. Was a native of peasants. For some time he worked as the director of his father's company, which dealt with textures. Vavilov's mother was from the artist's family. In total, the family had 7 children, but three of them died at an early age.

Training and achievements

Nikolai Vavilov studied at a commercial school, later entered the Moscow Agricultural Institute, from which he graduated in 1911. After that, he began work at the Department of Private Agriculture. Since 1917 he has lectured in Saratov University, after 4 years already worked in Petrograd. Thanks to his research, he described almost all the plants of the Trans-Volga and Volga regions.

The scientist devoted more than 20 years to the expedition, which he conducted in the Mediterranean and Central Asia. I remember my trip to Afghanistan in 1924 for a long time. Everything collected materials helped Vavilov to determine not only the origin, but also the distribution of plants. His contribution is simply invaluable, because he greatly simplified the further work of breeders and botanists. It seems incredible, but Nikolai managed to collect more than 300 thousand different samples.

In 1926 he received an award for his activities dedicated to the study of immunity, the origin of plants, the discovery of the law of homologous series. Nikolai Vavilov is the owner of a huge number of awards and several medals.

However, there is also a dark spot in his biography. A lot of party ideologists were opposed to the scientist because of scientific activities his student T. Lysenko. The opposition campaign was directed against the scientist's research in the field of genetics. In 1940, Vavilov had to finish all his scientific work. Moreover, he was accused of sabotage, and he was even arrested. A difficult fate befell this great scientist in his last years... He died in prison from starvation in a foreign city of Saratov in 1943.


The investigation lasted more than 10 months, during which the scientist was summoned for interrogation more than 400 times. After his death, this great Russian scientist was denied even a separate grave, as a result he was buried with other prisoners. Only in 1955 was he rehabilitated. All charges against him were dropped.

Alexander Vereshchak

We have already talked about the Russian biologists who received the Nobel Prize, but this does not mean that we should forget about other researchers, because their contribution is also significant. Alexander Vereshchak is a Russian oceanologist, doctor of biological sciences, professor and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Studied at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Biology. In 1990 he became a Doctor of Science. Since 2007, he headed a laboratory that belonged to the Institute of Oceanology. So smoothly we moved on to the consideration of Russian biologists of the 21st century. The scientist wrote over 100 scientific works... Its main achievements are related to how you can apply modern methods analysis in the field of geoecology and oceanology.

Conducted over 20 dives and 200 expeditions. He is the creator of the hydrothermal system model. Developed the concept of an ecosystem inhabited by a special fauna. Together with employees from other countries, he jointly created a methodology that allows to determine the role of marine nano- and microbiota. He discovered and described more than 50 species of crustaceans.

Gennady Rosenberg

He was born in 1949 in Ufa. In his name, we also continue to review the list of Russian biologists of the 21st century. He planned to become an engineer, but soon headed a laboratory at the Institute of Biology. In 1987 he moved to Togliatti. He is the creator of the method for analyzing the structure and dynamics of ecosystems. Created his own system of ecology of large regions for analytical purposes.

Yuri Ilyin

The future scientist was born in the winter of 1941 in Asbestos. Famous molecular biologist... He was a specialist in molecular genetics and biology. In 1976 he conducted a study of mobile genes. It is extremely difficult to overestimate its importance, since it has significantly advanced the whole of science. Studied the mobile elements of eukaryotes. He is the creator of the theory of the role of mobile genes in carcinogenesis, evolution and mutagenesis.

Zinaida Donets

Other names

It should be noted that Russian biologists and their discoveries were not always appreciated. There are many researchers who are known only to those who also linked their lives with this science. For example, it is worth mentioning the name of Nikolai Koltsov, a Russian biologist who is considered the founder of experimental biology. He was the first to create a hypothesis about molecular structure chromosomes and their matrix reproduction. The discovery was made in 1928. Thus, this eminent scientist anticipated all the basic principles modern biology and genetics.

It should be noted the Russian naturalist Kliment Timiryazev. He was born in 1843. He is the discoverer of the laws of photosynthesis. Discovered and substantiated the process of the influence of light on education organic matter in the layers of the plant.

Sergey Chetverikov is a talented Soviet geneticist who is rightfully considered one of the founders of population and evolutionary genetics. This is one of the first researchers who found the relationship between the laws of selection of individuals in a population and the speed of dynamics in evolutionary processes.

Alexander Tikhomirov is a Russian scientist who discovered artificial parthenogenesis. But this phenomenon is considered the most important section of the teaching about individual development living being. He made a great contribution to the development of sericulture in our country.

So we reviewed the information briefly about Russian biologists and their discoveries. However, I would also like to mention a few names that very few people know about.

It is worth mentioning Ivan Gmelin - a participant of the Great Northern Expedition and a naturalist. The scientist is an academic researcher of Siberia, ethnographer and botanist. Described more than 500 species of plants in Siberia. It also covered over 34,000 km. He wrote a voluminous work about the flora of the region.

Nikolai Turchaninov is the first scientist to describe the fauna of Transbaikalia and the Baikal region. Collected a huge private herbarium. Described more than 2000 plant species from all over the world. He is the most important researcher of the Asian flora.

It is also worth mentioning the name of Andrei Famintsyn, who is the discoverer of the semiotic nature of lichens. Also discovered the symbiosis of algae and radiolarians. Globally researched artificial lighting for plants.

This concludes the review of the biographies of Russian biologists and their discoveries (briefly). We have mentioned all the most significant names, without which it is simply impossible to imagine Russian biology. However, despite this, there are still many scientists whose contribution to the development of this science is simply invaluable. Russian biologists are worthy of attention, because they literally created the basic principles modern science and actually laid the first foundations.

Everyone should know these names, if only because biology is the science of life itself. Summing up the results of the article, I would like to once again express my respect to Russian biologists, thanks to whom we have the opportunity to study a holistic complex science. Remember that these names can and should be proud of. Of course, the contribution of scientists from all over the world is important, but we must know and respect our own heroes.

Russian science is not only one of the greatest in the world, it is also a source of personnel for other countries. There is even such a term “Russian science” in the world, although many of the scientists who are called that have not lived in Russia for a long time, but studied here.

1. P.N. Yablochkov and A.N. Lodygin is the world's first electric light bulb

2. A.S. Popov - radio

3. V.K.Zvorykin (the world's first electron microscope, television and television broadcasting)

4. A.F. Mozhaisky - the inventor of the world's first airplane

5.I.I. Sikorsky - a great aircraft designer, created the world's first helicopter, the world's first bomber

6. A.M. Ponyatov - the world's first video recorder

7.S.P. Korolev - the world's first ballistic missile, spacecraft, the first Earth satellite

8. A.M. Prokhorov and N.G. Basov - the world's first quantum generator - maser

9.S. V. Kovalevskaya (the world's first woman professor)

10.S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky is the first in the world color photo

11. A.A. Alekseev - creator of the needle screen

12.F.A. Pirotsky - the world's first electric tram

13.F.A.Blinov - the world's first tracked tractor

14. V.A. Starevich - three-dimensional animated film

15. E.M. Artamonov - invented the world's first bicycle with pedals, a steering wheel, a turning wheel

16.O.V. Losev is the world's first amplifying and generating semiconductor device

17. V.P. Mutilin - the world's first mounted construction harvester

18.A.R. Vlasenko - the world's first grain harvester

19. V.P. Demikhov - the first in the world to carry out a lung transplant and the first to create a model of an artificial heart

20. A.P. Vinogradov - created a new direction in science - the geochemistry of isotopes

21. I.I. Polzunov - the world's first heat engine

22.G. E. Kotelnikov - the first knapsack rescue parachute

23. I.V. Kurchatov - the world's first nuclear power plant (Obninsk), also under his leadership, the first in the world was developed H-bomb with a capacity of 400 kt, blown up on August 12, 1953. It was the Kurchatov team that developed the RDS-202 thermonuclear bomb (Tsar Bomba) with a record power of 52,000 kilotons.

24. M.O.Dolivo-Dobrovolsky - invented a three-phase current system, built a three-phase transformer, which put an end to the dispute between the supporters of direct (Edison) and alternating current

25. V.P. Vologdin - the world's first high-voltage mercury rectifier with a liquid cathode, developed induction furnaces for the use of high-frequency currents in industry

26. S.O. Kostovich - created the world's first gasoline engine in 1879

27. V.P. Glushko - the world's first electric / thermal rocket engine

28. V. V. Petrov - discovered the phenomenon of arc discharge

29. N. G. Slavyanov - electric arc welding

30.I.F. Aleksandrovsky - invented the stereo camera

31.D.P. Grigorovich - the creator of the seaplane

32. V.G. Fedorov - the world's first machine gun

33. A.K. Nartov - built the world's first lathe with a movable slide

34. MV Lomonosov - for the first time in science formulated the principle of conservation of matter and motion, for the first time in the world began to read a course in physical chemistry, for the first time discovered the existence of an atmosphere on Venus

35. I.P. Kulibin - mechanic, developed the project of the world's first wooden arched single-span bridge, inventor of the searchlight

36. VV Petrov - physicist, developed the world's largest galvanic battery; opened an electric arc

37. P.I. Prokopovich - for the first time in the world invented a frame hive, in which he used a shop with frames

38. NI Lobachevsky - Mathematician, creator of "non-Euclidean geometry"

39.D.A. Zagryazhsky - invented the caterpillar track

40.BO Jacobi - invented electroplating and the world's first electric motor with direct rotation of the working shaft

41. P.P. Anosov - metallurgist, revealed the secret of making ancient bulat

42. DI Zhuravsky - first developed the theory of calculations of bridge trusses, which is currently used all over the world

43. NI Pirogov - for the first time in the world compiled an atlas "Topographic Anatomy", which has no analogues, invented anesthesia, plaster cast and much more

44. I.R. Hermann - compiled a summary of uranium minerals for the first time in the world

45. A.M. Butlerov - for the first time formulated the main provisions of the theory of the structure of organic compounds

46. ​​IM Sechenov - the creator of evolutionary and other schools of physiology, published his main work "Reflexes of the brain"

47.DI Mendeleev - discovered the periodic law chemical elements, the creator of the table of the same name

48. M.A. Novinsky - veterinarian, laid the foundations of experimental oncology

49. G.G. Ignatiev - for the first time in the world developed a system of simultaneous telephony and telegraphy via one cable

50. K.S. Dzhevetsky - built the world's first submarine with an electric motor

51. N.I.Kibalchich - for the first time in the world developed a scheme of a rocket aircraft

52.N.N.Benardos - invented electric welding

53. V.V.Dokuchaev - laid the foundations of genetic soil science

54. V.I.Sreznevsky - Engineer, invented the world's first aerial camera

55. A.G. Stoletov - physicist, for the first time in the world created a photocell based on an external photoelectric effect

56. P.D. Kuzminsky - built the world's first gas turbine of radial action

57. I.V. Boldyrev - the first flexible light-sensitive non-combustible film, formed the basis for the creation of cinematography

58. I.A.Timchenko - developed the world's first movie camera

59. S.M. Apostolov-Berdichevsky and M.F. Freudenberg - created the world's first automatic telephone exchange

60. ND Pilchikov - physicist, for the first time in the world created and successfully demonstrated a wireless control system

61. V.A.Gassiev - engineer, built the world's first phototypesetting machine

62. K.E. Tsiolkovsky - the founder of cosmonautics

63. P.N. Lebedev - physicist, for the first time in science experimentally proved the existence of light pressure on solids

64. I.P. Pavlov - the creator of the science of higher nervous activity

65. V.I. Vernadsky - natural scientist, founder of many scientific schools

66. A.N.Skriabin - composer, was the first in the world to use light effects in the symphonic poem "Prometheus"

67. N.E. Zhukovsky - the creator of aerodynamics

68. S.V. Lebedev - first got artificial rubber

69. GA Tikhov - an astronomer, for the first time in the world established that the Earth, when observing it from space, should have a blue color. Later, as you know, this was confirmed when filming our planet from space.

70. ND Zelinsky - developed the world's first highly efficient coal gas mask

71. N.P. Dubinin - geneticist, discovered gene divisibility

72. M.A. Kapelyushnikov - invented the turbodrill in 1922

73. E.K. Zavoisky discovered electric paramagnetic resonance

74. N.I. Lunin - proved that there are vitamins in the body of living beings

75. N.P. Wagner - discovered the pedogenesis of insects

76. Svyatoslav Fedorov - the first in the world performed an operation to treat glaucoma

77. S.S. Yudin - first used blood transfusion of suddenly dead people in the clinic

78. A.V. Shubnikov - predicted existence and was the first to create piezoelectric textures

79. L.V. Shubnikov - the Shubnikov-de Haas effect ( magnetic properties superconductors)

80. N. A. Izgaryshev - discovered the phenomenon of passivity of metals in non-aqueous electrolytes

81. P.P. Lazarev - the creator of the ionic theory of excitation

82. P.A. Molchanov - meteorologist, created the world's first radiosonde

83. N. A. Umov - physicist, the equation of motion of energy, the concept of the flow of energy; by the way, he was the first to explain, practically and without ether, the delusions of the theory of relativity

84. E.S. Fedorov - the founder of crystallography

85.G.S. Petrov - chemist, the world's first synthetic detergent

86. V.F. Petrushevsky - scientist and general, invented a rangefinder for gunners

87. I.I. Orlov - invented a method of making woven credit notes and a method of single-pass multiple printing (Oryol printing)

88. Mikhail Ostrogradsky - mathematician, O.'s formula (multiple integral)

89. P.L. Chebyshev - mathematician, Ch. Polynomials (orthogonal system of functions), parallelogram

90. P.A. Cherenkov - physicist, radiation Ch. (New optical effect), counter Ch. (Detector of nuclear radiation in nuclear physics)

91.D. K. Chernov - points of Ch. (Critical points of phase transformations of steel)

92. V.I. Kalashnikov is not the same Kalashnikov, but another who was the first in the world to equip river vessels with a steam engine with multiple steam expansion

93. A.V. Kirsanov - organic chemist, reaction K. (phosphorescence)

94. A.M. Lyapunov - mathematician, created the theory of stability, balance and motion mechanical systems with a finite number of parameters, as well as L.'s theorem (one of the limit theorems of probability theory)

95.Dmitry Konovalov - chemist, Konovalov's laws (elasticity of parasolutions)

96 S.N. Reformed - organic chemist, Reformed reaction

97. V.A. Semennikov - metallurgist, was the first in the world to carry out semelessization of copper matte and obtained blister copper

98. I.R. Prigogine - physicist, P.'s theorem (thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes)

99. M.M. Protodyakonov - a scientist who developed the generally accepted scale of the fortress of rocks

100. M.F. Shostakovsky - organic chemist, balm Sh. (Vinylin)

101. M.S. Color - color method (chromatography of plant pigments)

102. A.N. Tupolev - designed the world's first jet airliner and the first supersonic airliner

103. A.S. Famintsyn, a plant physiologist, was the first to develop a method for carrying out photosynthetic processes under artificial lighting

104.B.S. Stechkin - created two great theories - thermal calculation of aircraft engines and air-jet engines

105. A.I. Leipunsky - physicist, discovered the phenomenon of energy transfer by excited atoms and

molecules to free electrons in collisions

106.D.D. Maksutov - optician, M. telescope (meniscus system of optical instruments)

107. N. A. Menshutkin - chemist, discovered the effect of a solvent on the rate of a chemical reaction

108. I.I. Mechnikov - the founders of evolutionary embryology

109 S.N. Vinogradsky - discovered chemosynthesis

110. V.S. Pyatov - a metallurgist, invented a method for the production of armor plates by the rolling method

111. A.I. Bakhmutsky - invented the world's first coal harvester (for coal mining)

112. A.N. Belozersky - discovered DNA in higher plants

113. S.S. Bryukhonenko - physiologist, created the first heart-lung machine in the world (auto-light)

114. G.P. Georgiev - biochemist, discovered RNA in the nuclei of animal cells

115. E. A. Murzin - invented the world's first optoelectronic synthesizer "ANS"

116. P.M. Golubitsky - Russian inventor in the field of telephony

117. V.F.Mitkevich - for the first time in the world proposed to use a three-phase arc for welding metals

118. L.N. Gobyato - Colonel, the world's first mortar was invented in Russia in 1904

119. V.G. Shukhov is an inventor who was the first in the world to use steel mesh shells for the construction of buildings and towers

120.I.F.Kruzenshtern and Yu.F. Lisyansky - made the first Russian trip around the world, explored the islands The Pacific, described the life of Kamchatka and about. Sakhalin

121.F.F.Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev - discovered Antarctica

122. The world's first icebreaker of a modern type - the steamer of the Russian fleet "Pilot" (1864), the first Arctic icebreaker - "Ermak", built in 1899 under the leadership of S.O. Makarov.

123. V.N. chev - the founder of biogeocenology, one of the founders of the doctrine of phytocenosis, its structure, classification, dynamics, relationships with the environment and its animal population

124. Alexander Nesmeyanov, Alexander Arbuzov, Grigory Razuvaev - creation of chemistry of organoelement compounds.

125. V.I. Levkov - under his leadership, hovercraft were created for the first time in the world

126. G.N. Babakin - Russian designer, creator of Soviet lunar rovers

127. P.N. Nesterov - was the first in the world to perform a closed curve in a vertical plane on an airplane, a "loop", later called "Nesterov's loop"

128.B.B. Golitsyn - became the founder new science seismology

Radio, television, the first artificial satellite, color photography and much more are inscribed in the history of Russian inventions. These discoveries marked the beginning of the phenomenal development of various fields in the field of science and technology. Of course, everyone knows some of these stories, because sometimes they become almost more famous than the inventions themselves, while others remain in the shadow of their high-profile neighbors.

1. Electric car

The modern world is hard to imagine without cars. Of course, not one mind had a hand in the invention of this transport, but in the improvement of the machine and bringing it to its present state, the number of participants increases significantly, geographically bringing together the whole world. But we will separately note Ippolit Vladimirovich Romanov, since he owns the invention of the world's first electric car. In 1899, in St. Petersburg, an engineer presented a four-wheeled carriage designed to carry two passengers. Among the features of this invention, it can be noted that the diameter of the front wheels significantly exceeded the diameter of the rear ones. The maximum speed was 39 km / h, but a very complex charging system allowed only 60 km to be covered at this speed. This electric car became the forefather of the trolleybus known to us.

2. Monorail

And today monorail roads make a futuristic impression, so one can imagine how incredible by the standards of 1820 was the “road on pillars” invented by Ivan Kirillovich Elmanov. A horse-drawn trolley moved along a beam, which was installed on small supports. To Elmanov's great regret, there was no philanthropist who became interested in the invention, which is why he had to abandon the idea. And only 70 years later, the monorail was built in Gatchina, St. Petersburg province.

3. Electric motor

Boris Semenovich Yakobi, an architect by education, at the age of 33, while in Konigsberg, became interested in the physics of charged particles, and in 1834 he made a discovery - an electric motor operating on the principle of rotation of a working shaft. Instantly Jacobi becomes famous in academic circles, and among many invitations for further education and development, he chooses St. Petersburg University. So, together with Academician Emily Khristianovich Lenz, he continued work on the electric motor, creating two more options. The first was designed for a boat and rotated paddle wheels. With the help of this engine, the vessel was easily kept afloat, moving even against the current of the Neva River. And the second electric motor was the prototype of the modern tram and rolled a man in a cart on the rails. Among Jacobi's inventions, one can also note electroforming - a process that allows you to create perfect copies of the original object. This discovery has been widely applied to decorate interiors, houses and more. Among the scientist's merits is the creation of underground and submarine cables. Boris Jacobi became the author of about a dozen designs of telegraph devices, and in 1850 invented the world's first direct-printing telegraph apparatus, which worked on the principle of synchronous movement. This device was recognized as one of the greatest achievements of electrical engineering in the mid-19th century.

4. Color photography

If earlier everything that happened tried to get on paper, now all life is aimed at obtaining a photograph. Therefore, without this invention, which has become a part of a small but rich history of photography, we would not have seen such a “reality”. Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorsky developed a special camera and presented his brainchild to the world in 1902. This camera was capable of taking three shots of the same image, each of which was filtered through three completely different light filters: red, green, and blue. And the patent received by the inventor in 1905 can be considered, without exaggeration, the beginning of the era of color photography in Russia. This invention becomes much better than the developments of foreign chemists, which is important fact due to the massive interest in photography around the world.

5. Bicycle

It is generally accepted that all information about the invention of the bicycle before 1817 is doubtful. This time also includes the story of Efim Mikheevich Artamonov. The Ural serf inventor made the first bike ride in about 1800 from the Ural worker of the Tagil factory village to Moscow, the distance was about two thousand miles. For his invention, Efim was granted freedom from serfdom. But this story remains a legend, while the patent of the German professor Baron Karl von Drez from 1818 is a historical fact.

6. Telegraph

Humanity has always looked for ways to transfer information as quickly as possible from one source to another. Fire, campfire smoke, various combinations of sound signals helped people transmit distress signals and other emergency messages. The development of this process is undoubtedly one of the most important tasks facing the world. The first electromagnetic telegraph was created by the Russian scientist Pavel Lvovich Schilling in 1832, presenting it in his apartment. He came up with a certain combination of symbols, each of which corresponded to a letter of the alphabet. This combination appeared on the apparatus with black or white circles.

7. Incandescent lamp

If "incandescent lamp" is pronounced, then the name of Edison immediately sounds in the head. Yes, this invention is no less famous than the name of its inventor. However, a relatively small number of people know that Edison did not invent the lamp, but only improved it. Whereas Alexander Nikolaevich Lodygin, being a member of the Russian Technical Society, in 1870 proposed using tungsten filaments in lamps, twisting them into a spiral. Of course, the history of the invention of the lamp is not the result of the work of one scientist - rather, it is a series of successive discoveries that were in the air and were necessary for the world, but it was the contribution of Alexander Lodygin that became especially great.

8. Radio receiver

The question of who is the inventor of radio is controversial. Almost every country has its own scientist who is credited with creating this device. So, in Russia, this scientist is Alexander Stepanovich Popov, in favor of whom there are many weighty arguments. On May 7, 1895, the reception and transmission of radio signals at a distance were demonstrated for the first time. And Popov was the author of this demonstration. He was not only the first to use the receiver in practice, but he was also the first to send a radiogram. Both events occurred before the patent of Marconi, who is considered the inventor of radio.

9. Television

The opening and widespread distribution of television broadcasting has fundamentally changed the way information is disseminated in society. Boris Lvovich Rosing was also involved in this most powerful achievement, who in July 1907 filed an application for the invention of the "Method of electrical transmission of images over a distance." Boris Lvovich was able to successfully transmit and receive an accurate image on the screen of the still simplest device, former prototype kinescope of a modern TV, which the scientist called an "electric telescope." Among those who helped Rosing with experience was then a student of the St. Institute of Technology Vladimir Zvorykin - it is he, not Rosinga, who will be called the father of television in a few decades, although the principle discovered by Boris Lvovich in 1911 lay at the basis of the operation of all reproducing television devices.

10. Parachute

Gleb Evgenievich Kotelnikov was an actor in the troupe of the People's House on the Petersburg side. At the same time, impressed by the death of the pilot, Kotelnikov began developing a parachute. Before Kotelnikov, pilots fled with the help of long folded "umbrellas" attached to the plane. Their design was very unreliable, and they greatly increased the weight of the aircraft. Therefore, they were used extremely rarely. Gleb Evgenievich proposed his completed project for a knapsack parachute in 1911. But, despite successful tests, the inventor did not receive a patent in Russia. The second attempt was more successful, and in 1912 in France, its discovery was legally binding. But even this fact did not help the parachute to begin widespread production in Russia due to the fears of the head of the Russian air force, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, that at the slightest malfunction, the aviators will leave the airplane. And only in 1924 he finally receives a domestic patent, and later transfers all the rights to use his invention to the government.

11. Movie camera

In 1893, working with the physicist Lyubimov, Iosif Andreevich Timchenko created the so-called "snail" - a special mechanism with which it was possible to intermittently change the sequence of frames in the stroboscope. This mechanism later formed the basis for the kinetoscope, which Timchenko is developing together with the engineer Freudenberg. The demonstration of the kinetoscope took place the following year at the congress of Russian doctors and naturalists. Two films were shown: "The Lancer" and "The Galloping Horseman", which were filmed at the Odessa Hippodrome. There is even documentary evidence for this event. Thus, the minutes of the section meeting reads: “Representatives of the meeting got acquainted with the invention of Mr. Timchenko with interest. And, in accordance with the proposals of the two professors, we decided to express our gratitude to Mr. Timchenko. "

12. Automatic

Since 1913, the inventor Vladimir Grigorievich Fedorov begins work on testing an automatic rifle (firing in bursts) chambered for 6.5 mm caliber, which was the fruit of his development. Three years later, soldiers of the 189th Izmail regiment are already being armed with such rifles. But the serial production of automatic machines was only possible after the end of the revolution. In service domestic army the designer's weapons were kept until 1928. But, according to some reports, during the period Winter War with Finland, the troops nevertheless used some copies of the Fedorov assault rifle.

13. Laser

The history of the invention of the laser began with the name of Einstein, who created the theory of the interaction of radiation with matter. At the same time, Alexei Tolstoy in his famous novel "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin" wrote about the same. Until 1955, attempts to create a laser were not successful. And only thanks to two Russian physics engineers - N.G. Basov and A.M. Prokhorov, who developed a quantum generator, the laser began its history in practice. In 1964, Basov and Prokhorov received the Nobel Prize in Physics.

14. Artificial heart

The name of Vladimir Petrovich Demikhov is associated with more than one operation, which was performed for the first time. Surprisingly, Demikhov was not a doctor - he was a biologist. In 1937, being a third-year student of the biological faculty of the Moscow state university, he created a mechanical heart and put it to the dog instead of the real one. The dog lived with the prosthesis for about three hours. After the war, Demikhov got a job at the Institute of Surgery of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR and created a small experimental laboratory there, in which he began to engage in research on organ transplantation. Already in 1946, he was the first in the world to perform a heart transplant from one dog to another. In the same year, he also performed for the first time a heart and lung transplant in a dog at the same time. And most importantly, Demikhov's dogs lived with transplanted hearts for several days. It was a real breakthrough in cardiovascular surgery.

15. Anesthesia

Since ancient times, humanity has dreamed of getting rid of pain. This was especially true of treatment, which was sometimes more painful than the disease itself. Herbs and strong drinks only dulled the symptoms, but did not allow serious actions accompanied by severe pain. This significantly hindered the development of medicine. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, a great Russian surgeon, to whom the world owes many important discoveries, made a huge contribution to anesthesiology. In 1847, he summarized his experiments in a monograph on anesthesia that was published all over the world. Three years later, for the first time in the history of medicine, he began to operate on the wounded with ether anesthesia in the field. In total, the great surgeon performed about 10,000 operations under ether anesthesia. Also, Nikolai Ivanovich is the author of topographic anatomy, which has no analogues in the world.

16. Airplane Mozhaisky

Many minds around the world have worked on solving the most difficult problems of aircraft development. Numerous drawings, theories and even test designs did not give a practical result - the plane did not lift a person into the air. The talented Russian inventor Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky was the first in the world to create a life-size aircraft. Having studied the works of his predecessors, he developed and supplemented them using his theoretical knowledge and practical experience. His results fully resolved the issues of his time and, despite a very unfavorable situation, namely the lack of actual material and technical capabilities, Mozhaisky was able to find the strength to complete the construction of the world's first aircraft. It was a creative feat that forever glorified our Motherland. But the surviving documentary materials, unfortunately, do not allow the necessary details to give a description of AF Mozhaisky's aircraft and its tests.

17. Aerodynamics

Nikolay Yegorovich Zhukovsky developed theoretical basis aviation and methods of calculating aircraft - and this was at the time when the builders of the first aircraft argued that "an aircraft is not a machine, it cannot be calculated", and most of all they hoped for experience, practice and their intuition. In 1904, Zhukovsky discovered the law that determines the lift of an aircraft wing, determined the main profiles of the wings and propeller blades of an aircraft; developed the vortex theory of the propeller.

18. Atomic and hydrogen bomb

Academician Igor Vasilievich Kurchatov occupies a special place in the science of the twentieth century and in the history of our country. He, an outstanding physicist, has an exceptional role in the development of scientific and scientific-technical problems of mastering nuclear energy in the Soviet Union. The solution to this most difficult task, the creation of a nuclear shield for the Motherland in a short time in one of the most dramatic periods in the history of our country, the development of the problems of the peaceful use of nuclear energy was the main work of his life. It was under his leadership that the most terrible weapon of the post-war period was created and successfully tested in 1949. No room for error, otherwise - execution ... And already in 1961, a group of nuclear physicists from the Kurchatov laboratory created the most powerful explosive device in the entire history of mankind - the AN 602 hydrogen bomb, which was immediately assigned a quite appropriate historical name - "Tsar Bomb ". When this bomb was tested, the seismic wave resulting from the explosion circled the globe three times.

19. Rocket and space technology and practical astronautics

The name of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev characterizes one of the brightest pages in the history of our state - the era of space exploration. The first artificial Earth satellite, the first manned flight into space, the first space walk of an astronaut, many years of work orbital station and much more is directly related to the name of Academician Korolev, the first Chief Designer of rocket and space systems. From 1953 to 1961, every day of Korolev was scheduled by the minute: at the same time he worked on projects of a manned spaceship, artificial satellite and an intercontinental missile. October 4, 1957 was a great day for world cosmonautics: after that, the satellite flew through Soviet pop culture for another 30 long years and even registered in the Oxford Dictionary as "sputnik". Well, about what happened on April 12, 1961, suffice it to say "a man in space", because almost every our compatriot knows what is at stake.

20. Helicopters of the "Mi" series

During the Great Patriotic War, Academician Mil worked in the evacuation in the village of Bilimbay, mainly engaged in improving combat aircraft, improving their stability and controllability. His work has received five government awards. In 1943, Mil defended his Ph.D. thesis "Criteria for aircraft controllability and maneuverability"; in 1945 - doctoral: "Dynamics of a rotor with hinged blades and its application to the problems of stability and controllability of a gyroplane and helicopter." In December 1947, M. L. Mil became the chief designer of the experimental design bureau for helicopter construction. After a series of tests in early 1950, a decree was issued to create an experimental series of 15 GM-1 helicopters under the designation Mi-1.

21. Aircraft of Andrey Tupolev

In the design bureau of Andrey Tupolev, more than 100 types of aircraft were developed, 70 of which were mass-produced in different years. With the participation of his aircraft, 78 world records were set, 28 unique flights were performed, including the rescue of the crew of the steamship "Chelyuskin" with the participation of the ANT-4 aircraft. Non-stop flights of the crews of Valery Chkalov and Mikhail Gromov to the USA via North Pole were carried out on airplanes of the ANT-25 model. In scientific expeditions "North Pole" by Ivan Papanin, ANT-25 aircraft were also used. Big number bombers, torpedo bombers, reconnaissance aircraft designed by Tupolev (TV-1, TV-3, SB, TV-7, MTB-2, TU-2) and torpedo boats G-4, G-5 were used in combat in Velikaya Patriotic War in 1941-1945. In peacetime, among the military and civil aircraft developed under the leadership of Tupolev were the Tu-4 strategic bomber, the first Soviet Tu-12 jet bomber, the Tu-95 turboprop strategic bomber, the Tu-16 long-range missile bomber, the Tu-22 supersonic bomber; the first jet passenger aircraft Tu-104 (built on the basis of the Tu-16 bomber), the first turboprop intercontinental passenger airliner Tu-114, short- and medium-haul aircraft Tu-124, Tu-134, Tu-154. Together with Alexey Tupolev, a supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-144 was developed. Tupolev's aircraft became the backbone of Aeroflot's fleet and were also operated in dozens of countries around the world.

22. Eye microsurgery

Millions of doctors, having received a diploma, are eager to help people, dream of future achievements. But most of them are gradually losing their former fervor: no aspirations, the same thing from year to year. Fedorov's enthusiasm and interest in the profession only grew from year to year. Just six years after the institute, he defended his Ph.D. thesis, and in 1960, in Cheboksary, where he worked then, he performed a revolutionary operation to replace the lens of the eye with an artificial one. Similar operations were carried out abroad before, but in the USSR they were considered pure charlatanism, and Fedorov was fired from his job. After that, he became the head of the Department of Eye Diseases at the Arkhangelsk Medical Institute. It was here that the "Fedorov empire" began in his biography: a team of like-minded people gathered around the irrepressible surgeon, ready for revolutionary changes in eye microsurgery. People from all over the country came to Arkhangelsk with the hope of regaining their lost sight - and they really saw their sight. The innovative surgeon was also appreciated "officially" - together with his team, he moved to Moscow. And he began to create absolutely fantastic things: to do vision correction using keratotomy (special incisions on the cornea of ​​the eye), to transplant the donor cornea, developed a new method of glaucoma surgery, and became a pioneer in laser eye microsurgery.

23. Tetris

Mid 80s. A time covered in legends. The idea of ​​Tetris was born to Alexey Pazhitnov in 1984 after he got acquainted with the American mathematician Solomon Golomb's Pentomino Puzzle. The essence of this puzzle was quite simple and painfully familiar to any contemporary: from several figures it was necessary to assemble one large one. Alexey decided to make a computer version of the pentomino. Pajitnov not only took the idea, but also supplemented it: in his game, collecting figures in a glass was to be in real time, and the figures themselves consisted of five elements and during the fall could rotate around their own center of gravity. But the computers of the Computing Center were unable to do this - the electronic pentomino simply did not have enough resources. Then Alexey decides to reduce the number of blocks that made up the falling figures to four. So from pentamino it turned out to be tetrimino. Alexey calls the new game “Tetris”.

  1. The country should flourish and the new generation should strive for the best !!! Education over everything is a fact. There is science in our country - this is a fact. There are also scientists. Some of the "oldies" can be called a lump Russian science, and someone - a rising star.
  2. Zhores Alferov

    When a survey is conducted among the population, which of the modern domestic scientists you can name, the name of Zhores Ivanovich is spoken first, and sometimes, alas, the only one. Many consider him not so much a scientist as the "administrator" of Russian science. You can love him or not love him, but the fact remains - an academician, the only living (living in our country) Russian laureate Nobel Prize(in physics), vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, deputy of the State Duma Zhores Alferov made a truly gigantic contribution not only to science, but also to our everyday life. It is thanks to his fundamental work on semiconductors that we can today use such achievements of civilization as mobile phones, CDs, LEDs, etc.

  3. Grigory Perelman

    His name in street polls is called the second (and already almost always the last) after Alferov, and he is the strangest scientist of our time. The mathematician Perelman, as you know, not only solved one of the seven problems of the millennium (so far this is the only solved problem of the seven) - he was the first to prove Poincaré's conjecture, but also refused the Fields Medal in 2006, and then the Clay Institute prize of $ 1 million in 2010-m.

    “I refused,” said Perelman. - You know, I had a lot of reasons for both sides. That's why I took so long to decide. In short, main reason is a disagreement with the organized mathematical community. I do not like their decisions, I consider them unfair. I believe that the contribution of the American mathematician Hamilton to the solution of this problem is no less than mine. "

    Columbia University mathematics professor Richard Hamilton accepted the award after being awarded the $ 1 million Shao Prize (also called the Nobel Prize of the East).

  4. Mikhail Gelfand

    Bioinformatist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics at Moscow State University, Deputy Director for Science of the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, world-class scientist Mikhail Gelfand is known not only for his work, but, of course, for his civic position. He is the most active fighter against abuse and fraud in the field of dissertation defense and the awarding of scientific degrees in our country. And in September of this year, Mikhail Sergeevich even signed a statement “ Round table December 12 "to the March of Peace on September 21 with the demand" to stop the aggressive adventure: to withdraw from the territory of Ukraine Russian troops and stop propaganda, material and military support for separatists in the South-East of Ukraine. "

  5. Yuri Hovhannisyan

    Physicist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director laboratories nuclear reactions them. G. N. Flerova at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Yuri Oganesyan is considered one of the likely candidates for the Nobel Prize, and he has been nominated more than once. Yuri Tsolakovich is the one who expands the periodic table today and should be the object of dislike for all schoolchildren and the delight of the scientific community, because it is he who owns the creation of at least six chemical elements, and in co-authorship, many others.

  6. Andrey Geim and Konstantin Novoselov

    These two professors from the University of Manchester were born and worked for some time in our country, and then, like many talented scientists, they moved abroad, where they received the Nobel Prize in physics for the invention of graphene in 2010. Alas, both Andrei Geim and Konstantin Novoselov refused the invitation to work at Skolkovo, rather categorically (and probably rightly) stating the organization of science in our country and another initiative to return scientists from abroad: “I’m nothing I represent (no scientific or academic structure). It’s completely normal that you don’t know me ... Maybe the popularization of science should be put on more high level, but the greatest gratitude to the scientist is to let him work the way he wants, "- said Konstantin Novoselov in an interview with the magazine" Russian Reporter ".

  7. Valery Rubakov

    This is the person who, in the early 1980s of the last century, together with physicist Mikhail Shaposhnikov, put forward the idea that there are an infinite number of dimensions in the universe. In our Everyday life we see only three of them, but by applying energy, we can get into others. Theoretical physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, one of the world's leading experts in the field of quantum field theory, elementary particle physics and cosmology Valery Anatolyevich shared his thoughts on parallel universes, the past of the world and gravitational waves and with us.

  8. Alexey Starobinsky

    Alexey Alexandrovich is one of the creators modern theory birth of the universe. A theoretical physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a year ago he became a laureate of one of the most prestigious awards in astrophysics - Kavli - for the most important discovery in theoretical physics over the past thirty years: "the innovative theory of cosmic inflation."

  9. Alexander Markov

    The top ten is closed by the biologist, paleontologist and popularizer of science. whose name has already become a household name when it comes to modern biology - Alexander Markov. In addition to his scientific works, Alexander Vladimirovich is known, of course, for his works of art and wonderful popular science books, which became real bestsellers for almost the first time in the entire post-Soviet history of science pop. His two-volume editions Human Evolution: Monkeys, Bones and Genes and Human Evolution: Monkeys, Neurons and Soul, and a book on the origin of life on Earth, The Birth of Complexity. Evolutionary biology today. Unexpected discoveries and new questions ”are literally swept from the store shelves. This is understandable. In them, the biologist is very intelligible, with humor, and most importantly, he very professionally talks about fundamental issues that can worry everyone: how did modern man where our consciousness originates, how life appeared on Earth, etc. For his great contribution to enlightenment, Alexander Markov became a laureate of the award in the field of popular science literature "Enlightener".

Everything that surrounds us now, everything that we know and are able to do is their merit. Who are we talking about? That's right, about the most famous scientists. Only their extraordinary work and the greatest discoveries contribute to the progress of mankind!

Great thinkers of antiquity

Ancient Greece is famous for its famous philosophers who tried to define the essence of being, interpret the thoughts and actions of man, and think about the problems of nature.

A striking example is the Greek philosopher Democritus. He was the first to submit the idea of ​​the presence of an atom as the basis for the structure of substances. After his thought began to develop and Epicurus. They wrote down all their assumptions in a scientific treatise, which was burned during the reign of the religious worldview. Only small fragments of their records have survived to this day, testifying to the greatness ancient greek thinkers... Lucretius Kar became the follower of the atomists (as Democritus and Epicurus are called). He wrote an essay "On the nature of things", which traced the theory of atomic structure.

Plato created his own school for the most gifted people, where he talked with them on various philosophical topics. His best student was Aristotle. This man had an amazing curiosity and was incredibly intelligent. He wrote dozens of books on almost all branches of modern science: physics, metaphysics, meteorology, and even zoology.

Archimedes also contributed significantly to the development of physics. The story of his discovery of the law of buoyancy is quite popular. When he plunged into a full bath, water flowed over the edges. Shouting "Eureka", Archimedes ran to write down the calculation formulas and proved the presence of buoyancy. In addition, the scientist developed “ Golden Rule mechanics ”and the theory of simple mechanisms.

He made a huge contribution to mathematical science, discovering the number Pi, which is currently used by all scientists for calculations. He proved the theorem on the intersection of 3 medians of a triangle at one point, discovered the properties of a curve named after him the spiral of Archimedes. Calculated the formula for the volume of the ball, and wrote the formula for the amount of decreasing geometric progression... He helped defend his island of Sicily by finding a way to set enemy ships on fire during the war. When the warriors of the besieged city held mirrors in their hands and pointed them at the enemy ship, the sunbeams were focused into a single beam that ignited the ships.

Thanks to his calculations, it was possible to launch the ship "Syrakosia", huge for those times, with the help of block systems, which were controlled by only 1 person. The death of Archimedes is also surrounded by legend: when a Roman soldier stepped on the scientist's drawings, written on wet sand, Archimedes rushed to protect them. Unaware of the great abilities of the brave enemy, the warrior fired an arrow directly into the chest of the scientist, who died in his drawings, bleeding. What was written in the sand is still not known, but it is assumed that it was another brilliant discovery.

And how famous Hippocrates became, who made a huge contribution to the development of medicine. Despite the fact that at that time people believed in the emergence of diseases from the curse of evil spirits, the scientist incredibly accurately described many diseases, symptoms and methods of their treatment. In addition, he described human anatomy by examining the corpses of the dead. Hippocrates was the first to introduce the idea of ​​curing not a disease, but a specific person. In the course of his observations, he came to the conclusion that the same disease in everyone proceeds differently. It was then that he began to research the types of temperament, human psychology and sought to find an individual approach to each patient. And nowadays graduates medical universities traditionally they vow to be merciful, selfless and help the sick always and everywhere, as the great Hippocrates bequeathed.

Socrates was also a popular philosopher of antiquity. He strove to draw knowledge from all possible sources, after which he willingly shared it with his students. It was thanks to them that the world learned about the thoughts of the great Socrates, because the philosopher himself was rather modest and never wrote down his thoughts, refused wealth and did not recognize his fame.

Herodotus is rightfully considered the father of history. A man who traveled all over the civilized world at that time and published his observations in 9 volumes of the treatise, which was called "History".

Confucius is still considered the most famous thinker in China. He himself grew up as a very obedient child who respected his elders, respected his parents and helped his mother in everything. Such simple basics education and human relationships, he explained to his students. It is the conclusions of Confucius about the rules of human upbringing that are the basis of any society.

The famous Pythagoras is a brilliant scientist of antiquity who made many discoveries that mathematicians use. The theorem on the equality of the sum of the square of the legs to the square of the hypotenuse, dividing numbers into even and odd, measurement geometric shapes relative to the plane - all these are the discoveries of Pythagoras. In addition to mathematics, he made an enormous contribution to the development of natural science and astronomy.

The best Russian scientists

The legend of Russian science - Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov. A person who has always strived for knowledge and criticized previously made discoveries. He made a huge contribution to natural science, physics, formulating the corpuscular-kinetic theory. On the verge of discovering oxygen and hydrogen molecules, he significantly accelerated the development of chemical science. He suspected a link between chemical and physical phenomena by writing them into a single branch of "physical chemistry".

Lomonosov opened his own laboratory, created according to his drawings, where he conducted experiments with glass, improving the technology of its production. Also Mikhail Vasilievich was fond of astronomy, studying the movements of the planets in Solar system... He opened a school of scientific and applied optics, where devices for night observation and an optical batoscope were created. Together with I. Brown, Lomonosov first obtained mercury in a solid state. Developed a prototype of a modern helicopter. He studied atmospheric electricity. Lomonosov developed a geographic globe and a circumpolar map. In addition, Mikhail Vasilyevich became famous in the development of the rules of grammar and literary art.

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov made a huge contribution to the development of medicine. During Crimean War worked as a surgeon, saving the lives of hundreds of wounded and developing surgical techniques. He was the first to use a plaster cast to fix bone fractures. He developed the tactics of medical care, depending on the severity of the patient's condition. Pirogov was the first to submit the idea of ​​using anesthesia during operations, since before that, all surgical procedures were performed live. And people died not so much from diseases as from painful shock. Pirogov also developed modern pedagogy by changing the approach to students from dictatorial to humane. Arguing this by the fact that students should learn not through strength, but of their own free will. To do this, you just need to interest them.

No less famous scientist of medical sciences - Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov. He introduced physiology into the category of clinical disciplines and studied biological processes in the human body. Scientifically substantiated the importance of work and rest, studied without conditioned reflexes brain. He stated the importance of considering a person at the cellular level in order to better understand the etiology of a pathological condition.

Important discoveries in the field of biology was made by Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov. He studied embryology and developed the phagocytic theory of immunity, proving the ability of a person to maintain resistance to various infectious pathogens. For which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. In addition, he studied the causative agents of cholera, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, etc.

He declared the importance of the intestinal microflora and was engaged in the study of lactobacilli in the body.

The discovery of the famous Pavlov reflex brought great popularity to Ivan Petrovich. By long experiments he was able to prove the ability of higher living organisms to develop new reflexes in the process of life. Many of his works are devoted to the study of the brain and higher nerve centers. And for his studies of the functions of the digestive system, Pavlov became a Nobel Prize winner.

Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin devoted himself to the study of plants. Thanks to his many years of work, he ate new varieties of plants: apple trees, pears, plums, apricots, blackberries, mountain ash, gooseberries - named after him.

It is impossible not to mention the legendary scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. Everyone knows its periodic table of the arrangement of chemical elements. He was studying chemical properties various substances and conducted numerous experiments, disassembling this or that object into its components. In addition, he made a significant contribution to the development of physics, thinking about the relationship between the volume of gases and their molecular weight. He was the first to develop a model of a stratospheric balloon and a balloon. In addition, Mendeleev was interested in the issues of shipbuilding and the basics of the movement of ships on water.

The list of Russian scientists is incredibly long. Our science is famous for such legendary people who, through their labors, helped humanity rise to a higher standard of living. But even modern Russian specialists are actively involved in the development of science and are among the top ten according to Forbes magazine

The most famous scientists in the world today

Today, the most popular scientists are physicists Andrei Geima and Konstantin Novoselov. Now they are doing their research at the University of Manchester in the UK. They have more than 20,000 scientific papers on their account. Game and Konstantinov are recipients of the 2010 Nobel Prize for their discovery of graphene, which they obtained with a pencil and duct tape.

The second place is taken by Maxim Kontsevich, a mathematician. Works at the Institute of Higher scientific research in Paris. Winner of the Poincaré, Fields, Craford Prize. Has a membership in the French Academy of Sciences. He is engaged in the study of superstring theory, the author of over a thousand scientific papers.

Andrei Kravtsov, who works at the University of Chicago in the USA, is famous in the field of modern astrophysics. He is studying the origin and formation of galaxies, as well as comparing the astrophysical properties of new and old galactic systems. Author of 9,000 publications.

Evgeny Kunin, employee of the National Center for Biotechnology Information in the United States. Has published 50,000 scientific papers devoted to the study of evolution. He is involved in computational biology, namely the study of genomes through computer analysis.

Another well-known biologist working in the United States at Yale University and included in the National Academy of Sciences is Ruslan Medzhitov. He is engaged in immunology and the study of the Toll protein, which he found in mammals.

Artem Oganov is a renowned geologist at the American University of Stony Brook. He is studying the structure of a crystal by chemical formula... For this, he created a whole algorithm. It was this sequence that helped him predict the structure of a magnesium silicate crystal at a depth of more than 2,500 km underground. The famous physicist of the Catalan University for Advanced Study is Sergei Odintsov. He described dark energy that saturates our Universe by 70%. For this he was awarded the attention of the Nobel Committee.

Grigory Perelman made a great discovery in the field of mathematics by solving one of the most difficult mathematical problems: the Poincaré conjecture. But he did not publish his decisions and turned down a cash prize of $ 1 million.

In the field of mathematics, Stanislav Smirnov, an employee of the University of Geneva, also became famous. In 2010 he won the Fields Prize. He is studying the emergence of infinite connected structures.

Gleb Sukhorukov, professor of chemistry at the University of London. He is engaged in the development of polymer capsules that will be able to deliver drugs in the body in a targeted manner without being destroyed under the influence of related substances.

Some discoveries outstanding thinkers can turn into real cataclysms. ...
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