Bulgarian transcription. Bulgarian dictionary

Old Russa - the third largest city of the Novgorod region, located on the banks of the Polysty rivers and the order. This is one of the oldest Russian cities, with a centuries-old, rich events, history. The modern view of the city is decorated with monuments of ancient architecture: Savior Transfiguration Monastery (founded at the end of the XII century); Mina Church (XIV century); Nikolskaya Church (XIV-XIX centuries); Trinity Church and the Resurrection Cathedral (end of the XVII century) and others. Diverse the landscape flowing through the city of the river. Cozy streets of the city are buried in the greenery of gardens and parks.

Water Tower on the Revolution Square.

Like most of the old Russian cities, does not have an accurate date or at least even years of foundation. The first mention of the city in the chronicle dates back to 1167, however, it is safe to assert that the city was founded much earlier. For example, on the Troitsky excavation in Veliky Novgorod, a bark gradder was found, dated the second third XI century. (1030-1060). In this case, two debtors were mentioned from Rusa (Staray Russa). Archaeological excavationsheld in the oldest RUSSE, suggest that the city existed in this place in 1020-1030, and the depth of the cultural layer confirms and earlier people in place ancient City Up to the VIII century.

The most likely versions of the origin of the name of the old Russa is considered hydronicimical, from the name of the River of the Relating, which was previously called simply - Rus. The name of the Ancient Baltian river, originating from the root of RUD-S- / ROUD-S-, that is, "red". There is a more legendary version of the origin of the city name. In the "Tale of Slovenia and Ruse" it says that the hero named Rus settled in this place.

The merger of the rivers polisy and order, the Resurrection Cathedral.

The history of the old Russa is inextricably linked with the history of Veliky Novgorod and the Novgorod Republic. From the end of the XIIth century, chronicles regularly report on the construction of churches and monasteries, defensive structures, raids, devastating fires, wars. In 1478, with Ivan III, the Old Russ, like the entire Novgorod Republic, became part of the Moscow Principality. The interests of the census of the city of the end of the XV century reached this day. The city was divided at the time four end: horns, sir, songs and minin. In total, there were 1133 yard and 3763 inhabitants. For comparison, in Novgorod at the end of the XV century there were 50-60 thousand inhabitants (the largest Russian city of that time).

Solverization was the basis for the occurrence, development and growth of the city. During a visit to the city in 1693, Peter I had commanded ways to develop Starus Salt Salt. In Catherine II, on the basis of old fishers, a new government salt plant was built, which worked until the middle of the XIX century.

In addition to the proprietary salt, local mineral springs were known and their healing properties. For the first time scientific research Waters were held in 1815 by Dr. F.P. Gaaz, who proved their undoubted medical properties. In 1828, Life Medic G. Ruhah conducted his research of mineral waters and also received data on their therapeutic properties. His report was approved, it was decided to create a healing balne-rigorous resort in the old Russa.

High efficiency of treatment at the resort, proximity to St. Petersburg, the availability of a trip to a wide range of citizens, actually a fashion on the "water" in the highest sections of the Company made an old-circuit resort, and together with him and the city of the popular holiday destination at the metropolitan elite. In the second half of the XIX century, more than a thousand patients were treated at the resort. Among them are a writer and critic N.A. Dobrolyubov, poet KM Fofanov, composer E.F. Director, artist B.M. Kustodiev, great princes Vladimir and Alexey Alexandrovichi. In 1866, in the territory of the Old Russian resort on the project of architect N.L. Benua was built by Summer Theater. In it gave presentations one of the best provincial troupes, the great actress Vera Commissioner, he was starting his career here, several times came K.S. Stanislavsky, visited theater and Maxim Gorky.

From 1872 to 1880 In Stary Russa, the great Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky lived. During the years of the writer in the city, a novel "Teenager" was written in the city, the heads of the Romanov "Brothers of the Karamazov", "demons", the page "Writer Diary" and other works. The Writer's House, who previously belonged to the colonel in resignation A.K. Gribe, preserved to this day. Annually in the house-museum undergo international literary readings.

In 1878, the railway service was opened on the route Novgorod - Old Russa, connecting the resort with St. Petersburg and Moscow. Initially, the railway from the miracle station to Staraya Russa was a narrow-chain. Passengers from the capital had to transplane the miracle. On the route daily ranked 2 composition. In the future, in addition to the passenger, on the branch, the miracle - the old Russ was opened and a freight traffic. In 1916, under a wide range of 1524 mm, the plot of Chudovo - Novgorod was reconstructed first, and then Novgorod - Shimsk. The last section of the railway from Shimsk to Stroy Russa was reconstructed under a standard rut after the revolution in 1923. During the Great Patriotic War, the railway was seriously affected, but it was decided not to restore it. Lost rails were sent to restore the most important railway arteries of the country.

During the Great Patriotic War from August 9, 1941 to February 18, 1944, the old Russ was occupied by the fascist troops. In the city went fierce battles. By the time of liberation, not a single resident remained in the destroyed city. On April 6, 2015, an honorary title of the city of Military Glory was awarded the Honorary Ross.

At the request of the administration of Starus municipal Area and the city of Old Russa in front of the administration of the Novgorod region and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation decided to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the history of the Staray Russa in 2015

How to get

Old Russa is located 99 km from Veliky Novgorod, 300 km from St. Petersburg, 550 km from Moscow, 210 km from Pskov.

By car

  • From Veliky Novgorod, you should travel along the R-56 Road - Pskov. In Shimsk, turn left on the sign to the old RUSSU;
  • From St. Petersburg, you should travel along the M-10 St. Petersburg highway - Moscow. After the village of Subberezier, move off the track on the sign to the Great Novgorod. At the entrance to Veliky Novgorod, to go right on the pointer to the meadow and Pskov. 10 km. Turn to the left, to the Novgorod bypass, according to the pointer to Pskov and the old RUSSU. The bypass ends at the R-56 highway Novgorod - Pskov, turn right. In Shimsk, turn left on the sign to the old RUSSU;
  • From Moscow, you should travel along the M-10 Moscow highway - St. Petersburg. Before the village of Pervomayskoye (~ 460 km) in the Novgorod region, turn on the pointer to Parfino and Old Rousse. The quality of the coating on this road can be very bad. Perhaps you should go through Veliky Novgorod and Shimsk.
  • From Pskov, you should travel along the R-56 Pskov highway - Novgorod. In Shimsk, drive directly on the sign to the old RUSSU.

From the name of this city already blows antiquity. Associations with him arise quite natural - Russia, Russians ... Even adjective from the name of the city - "Starus"; Such is a funny, from a philological point of view, the situation: when you say "old-circular", you can mean rus and separately taken russian city. The old Russa, for a number of assumptions, is almost the same age as the Great Novgorod, the excavations directly indicate that the city has already existed and lived full life In the XII century. And in general, I will seemed to me with such a "reduced Novgorod"; Now this is a small city with a population of 30 thousand people (in best times It was 40 thousand), but after the hill, even she seems huge. The first time I looked at this city in the evening from the window of the bus on the road to the hill, and the next day I left the hill back and arrived in the old RUSSU by the middle of the day.

2. The bus station in Staray Russa is like train Station, on the northern leaving from the city, that is, from Novgorod. Therefore, I did not reach it and went out in the center of the city, at the intersection of Mineral and Karl Marx streets. Soviet development prevails in this place.

3. School number 1. The gun visible in the frame, I could not seem to identify, but it looks like an anti-tank 37-mm sample gun of 1930.

5. Mineral is one of the main streets of the city. From the place where I went out of the bus, I went through this street in the north. Khrushchevka and in the old Russa paint in bright colors, which emphasizes the similarity of the city with Novgorod.

6. Crossroads with Volodarsky Street. The building of the Center of Culture - Looks like the 1930s of the Construction.

8. In front of the Central Committee "Rusich" there is a museum of the North-Western Front and the partisan edge. I visited this museum, and a separate post will be about him.

9. A small exposition is exhibited next to the museum. military equipment Times great Patriotic War. Special attention is paid to the T-26 tank, which is extremely rare on the monuments.

10. Here, at the intersection of Mineral and Volodarsky, there is such a kind, "Finnish Track" in Staraya Russa - a monument to those killed on russian-Japanese war 1904-1905 The soldiers of the 86th Infantry Wilmanstrand regiment, which was quartered in Staray Russa. Wilmanstrand is now the Finnish city of Lappeenranta.

12. After passing by the plant, I turned left and went to the ensemble of the former Savior-Preobrazhensky monastery:

13. In the former monastery now there is a local history museum. This is one of the most ancient buildings of the old Russa, not inferior to many buildings in Novgorod. The monastery was founded in 1192, repeatedly rebuilt, and the oldest preserved building is the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral (1432).

15. But standing next door to the Church of the Nativity of Christ - already later building. The first half of the XVII century.

16. Wooden porch is, of course, already reconstruction. But convincing.

17. That's all the same, it seems to many that me, as a Petersburger, little as architecture can surprise. But this is not the case - my eye is unusted for ancient Russian architecture.

18. This is one of the former monastic buildings (and now, it seems, a residential building), built in the XIX century, and therefore not combined with a common building ensemble.

19. At one of the neighboring houses, he saw this Soviet plate. In the summer, I saw the same in Krasnoyarsk.

20. From the monastery I returned to the Volodarsky Street, which went to the bank of the Polysta River.

21. And here she is. Silent river in the rays of the Low November Sun.

22. Flooring the bridge across POLIST - oddly enough, wooden.

23. From this bridge, a very picturesque view of the Resurrection Cathedral opens. The same perspective appears on the title frame, here I decided to show it with the zoom. The cathedral is standing on the arrow in order to polish the river order.

25. In the northwestern part of the city, behind the river - St. Petersburg street and a rather holistic pre-revolutionary development. Old Russa in Epoch Russian Empire She was the county city of Novgorod province.

26. Stalinist cinema building. In the background there is a polis and the Resurrection Cathedral in the distance.

I will examine the rest of the district part in the next morning, on the road to the bus station. In the meantime, I return to the right bank of polysty.

27. Departure. During the war, the old Russa suffered not as much as it could, if you compare with the scale of the battle, which happened here.

28. And post-war Stalinings are inscribed in the appearance of the city as well that at first glance sometimes do not distinguish from the old building.

30. The area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution with almost entirely the preserved ensemble of the architecture of the county city. Even the old water remained.

32. Marx Street, who leaves the Revolution Square. The frame is visible in the frame of the old fire station with a calander and a red brick building, in which the Polytechnic College is now located. I suspect that it was originally a county school.

33. This is the building on the other hand (the sky is cloudy, because the photo is done on the other day in the morning):

The order (by the way, presumably, this name is something called the city name) - the Bolotnaya River, and it is so brown. Start she takes in the already mentioned in the post about the hill of a huge RDKY swamp. However, there it takes the beginning and polis (the marsh system is called the RF Polistovskaya).

36. In the associate bridge, I went to the Resurrection Cathedral, who had already seen from a live bridge through polis. The cathedral was built in 1692-1696, although in subsequent years periodically reconstructed. For example, the bell tower is clearly much longer than a long time.

37. Then I returned from the arrows on the right bank of the Revolutionaries and continued to move to the south along the coast, on the risks of the Dostoevsky embankment in the autumn dishthele - towards the House-Museum of the Writer.

38. In the foreground - the building of the county noble meeting of the construction of the XIX century (and now - the Scientific and Cultural Center of the Dostoevsky Museum), and a little further - the old-Russian military enlistment office; By the way, a total of five districts - besides Old Russian, also Volotovskiy, Parfinsky, Substorm and Holmsky (in the hill, the military enlistment office closed).

39. A little south, that is, above the course, on the instruction there are other dam residues:

40. Autumn evening At the order and the bell tower of the Resurrection Cathedral:

41. Old pavement has been preserved on the embankment. And in general the atmosphere is some kind of special. It seems that, from the times of the scotoponevsk, from the "Karamazov brothers" Dostoevsky there has changed little here ...

42. And here is the House-Museum of Dostoevsky, the view is quite simple and low, but the more pleasant eye. The writer lived here for six years - from 1872 to 1878, and it was at that time "Brothers Karamazov" (as already mentioned, the prototype of the county city of Scotododonevsk served precisely the old Russ) and "demons".

I did not go to the museum myself, because the Military Museum was envisaged in the plans, and this place went back in the northern direction, but already on another street.

44. These places are mainly built up with wooden houses:

45. Nearby is a red-winged church of the Millet, built in the XIV century in a typical Novgorod style, which is simple, so beautiful. Not so long ago, a valuable architectural monument was actually in abandoned form, but in the 2000s he was transferred to the church, and now restoration is being restored.

46. \u200b\u200bSchool Number Two - Building, it seems, pre-war construction:

47. Church of George Victorious, built in 1410. Fitting, suspecting much later.

48. From the St. George Church, I went to a parallel street of the Red Commanders, on which another old Orthodox Church draws attention to the parallel, the Church of St. Nicholas Wonderworker 1371 (Bell Tower of the XVIII century) - Looks like the oldest preserved city building.

49. And nearby - Pensive Fedor Mikhailovich:

50. And this street has a very nontrivial name - Svoy Street. Naturally, thanks ancient history Cities, and without that arising association with Slavic pagan mythology, increase even more. Only then comprehends disappointment when you find out that this is only the name of one local artist. Although why "only"? Thought the artist with the surname, and even in such a city ...

From the streets of Svay, I came out again to mineral. Thus, a closing circular route, I gradually return to the same place where the day came out from the bus.

51. The resort "Old Russa" is one of the symbols of the city. For several centuries, the city has developed due to salvory fishery, and in early XIX. The century was discovered the medical property of local mineral waters containing salt, and in 1828 the resort opened, operating and in our days.

52. Mineral Street:

53. The original way to combat unauthorized ads of ads is to conclude posters for the grille. And right, but I would stick to Dostoevsky face with pieces of paper ...

54. Victory Park next to the resort. In the center - the monument of fame with the eternal flame.

55. Khrushchev and Hotel Polysty, in which I spent the night:

56. There is a holy Trinity Church nearby here. Initially, it was built in 1676, in the middle of the XIX century heatured heavily, after which it restored the architect K. A. Ton (the same, which built the Church of Christ the Savior).

57. View of Engels Street towards the banks of the Polysty. This photo (as follows) is done the next morning when the weather was cloudy, and I went from the hotel to the bus station.

58. It is necessary what is the name of the store. Someone from Siberians in the old Russa marked.

60. A view from a live bridge through polispal on the arrow and the Resurrection Cathedral. In sunny weather, it looks better :)

61. St. Petersburg Street for Polysty. I was walking toward the northern departure from the city.

62. Red stars, it seems, still Soviet times:

63. Soviet architecture:

65. So I finally went to the transition through railways. It is the western neck of the old Russa Station.

66. The railway station in Staraya Russa was opened in 1897 as part of the Pskovo Railway. The current building station - Stalinist (the old one was destroyed in the war), the chapel next door - Novodel. And movement of the railway Here is extremely weak. Daily at night there is a fast train of Moscow-Pskov, and another twice a week walks the suburban station to the Edrovo station (not far from Valdaya).

I did a photo of the station, standing on the bus station in anticipation of the bus on which I left Shimsk, that is, towards Veliky Novgorod. But about this later.

Old Russa is the city (from 1167) in the Novgorod region of Russia. Is the city of regional significance and administrative center Starus City Municipal District and Urban settlement Municipality "The city of Old Russ." Until 1552 was called Rus. On April 6, 2015, by the Decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the city was awarded the Honor of Military Glory.

Etymology name

With the name of the city of Old Russ (until the 16th century - Rus), many assumptions are associated, but the most developed version represented by philologists and linguists R. A. Ageev, V. L. Vasilyev, M. V. Gorbanevsky, who believe that the initial name Cities (Rusa) comes from the hydronime - the river of the order (which in antiquity was called - Rus). The name of the river, in turn, is ancient Baltian (derived from the root root of the RUD-S- / ROUD-S- - "Red") [source?], That is, the city name can be interpreted as a "red river". The modern name of the city is the old Russa - fixed in written sources from the XVI century and is firmly fixed only in the XIX century due to the emergence of settlements (also associated with the salvation) who received the name "New Russ".

The same researchers indicate that according to "Legend of Slovenia and Ruse", the city was named after the legendary hero named by Rus, who settled at this place. According to experts, this story is a late-medieval book toponymic legend.

Slovak Linguist and Ethnographer Pavel Shafirik (1795-1861) in his writings noted that the river was called Rus in Praslavyansky (RUSA). He wrote: "This is a fundamental Slavic word, as the overall noun name, it has already been used only in some Russians in the word of the channel, denoting the hollow, the river bed, the depth, Vir; but how given name Rivers, cities and villages, more or less near them lying, is used by almost all Slavs. "


The emergence of the city

So far, there is an open question about the time of the occurrence of the city of Old Russ.

There is a late-conducted legend (the tale of Slovenia and Ruse and the city of Slovensk) that the city was founded by the descendant of Prince Skif, Prince Rus, Brother Prince Sloven.

For the first time in the annals, the Old Russ is mentioned under the 1167 year, but the city when merging the rivers polisy and the order in the Southern Plighter appeared earlier. Founding in Novgorod In 1975, Berchinsky grades No. 526 confirms the existence of Rus in the middle of the XI century: "On the Boyan in Rosé GR (and) VNA, on the Zhitob (o), the VNA is 13 Coon and GR (and) VNA ...".

Currently, the well-known archaeological sources allow us to dawn the time of the old Russ. The end of the X - the beginning of the XI century. At the present stage of archaeological study of the ancient center of the southern height, not only the question of the time of the emergence of the old Russa, but also relative to the localization of the most ancient settlement, the nature of the fortifications and topography of the city.

Participants of the III All-Russian Archaeological Congress (old Russ; October 24-29, 2011) within " round Table."Supported the petition for the administration of the Old Russ Municipal district and the city of Old Russa before the administration of the Novgorod region and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on the celebration of the 1000-year anniversary of the history of the old Russa in 2015. Governor of the Novgorod region S. G. Mitin on May 31, 2012 appealed to the President Russian Academy Sciences Academician Yu. S. Osipov with a request "... to support the petition for the celebration in 2015 of the Millennium of the Old Russ city."

Novgorod Republic (XII-XV century)

Until the first mention in the chronicles in 1167, the history of the city can only be judged by archaeological data. According to the materials of the excavation, Rus in the XI-XII centuries had regularly updated wooden bridge and developed urban culture. Citizens were actively engaged in salt, trade and crafts.

From the end of the XIIth century, chronicles begin to regularly report on the events associated with the city. In 1192, the future of Novgorod Archbishop, Igumen Martyria, was founded by the Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery. In 1194, the city survived a big fire. In 1198 - the first stone church is laid - the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral.

In the 1199-1201, urban fortifications were built in Ruse. In 1234, the Lithuanian army was penetrated into the city, but the combined forces of citizens, merchants, grid and flaws beat the attack.

In 1456, Moscow troops during the Moscow-Novgorod war seized the city and smashed the Novgorod army, trying to release Rus (battle near Roma), after which Novgorod went to concessions and was a Jelubitsky world was concluded.

In March 1471, the city was looted by Lutsky Prince Mikhail Oleolkovich. In the same year, during the campaign of Dmitry Holmsky and Fedor, Chrome, Rus was captured and burned by Moscow troops.

Moscow Kingdom (XV-XVII century)

1478 year - Rus with all novgorod lands It is part of the Moscow principality after the campaigns of the Great Moscow Prince Ivan III.

In 1565, Ivan Grozny allocated the old Rus to the composition of oprichny lands, which was removed from Okrich's terror. The basis of the city's economy remained rich hydraulic crafts.

IN last quarter The XVI century city comes into a long lane of decline. In February 1581 during Livonian war It was captured and almost completely burned, and its surroundings were ruined by Polish-Lithuanian troops.

In the autumn of 1608, the old RUSSU captures Falseedmitriya II squads, but in the spring of 1609 during the campaign to Moscow, the Russian-Swedish detachment under the command of Fedor Chulkov and Everto Gorna beat Rusu from Tushinsev.

In 1611, the city, together with Novgorod and the adjacent territory, falls into the Swedish occupation zone. By the time of the return of the old Russa, among other land in the Stolban Peace Treaty in 1617, the city was completely ruined and there were only 38 inhabitants in it.

Russian empire

In 1693, the 21-year-old Peter I with the permission of the mother went to Arkhangelsk and on the way drove into the old Rus. He commanded to find ways to develop an old communion salt. For the second time, he visited the city in 1724.

In the division of the Russian Empire on the province in 1708, the city entered the Ingermanland (from 1710 - St. Petersburg) province. From 1719 - as part of the Novgorod province, from 1727 - as part of the province of Novgorod province of the province of Novgorod province.

In 1763, a fire occurred in Old Ruse, which destroyed all the wooden buildings, after which the city was built on the plan on the right bank of the Polysti River.

In 1785, the city was founded by the Balneographic Resort.

In 1831, bloody cholera row occurred in Old Ruse.

In 1878, the railway message was opened with the city.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the city began to be called an old Russ (with doubled "C").

After the October events of 1917 in Petrograd in Old Rosse soviet authority Found on November 3-5, 1917.

During Civil WarFrom February 24 to July 1919, the headquarters of the Western Front of the Red Army was placed in the resort.

From August 1, 1927, the Old Russa entered the Novgorod District of the Leningrad Region, becoming the administrative center of the Novomorated Starrus region (July 23, 1930 division into the district in the USSR was abolished).

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of September 19, 1939, the Old Russa became the city of regional subordination.

During the Great Patriotic War from August 9, 1941 to February 18, 1944, the Old Russ was occupied by German troops. The city was not far from the front line and underwent severe destruction. Soviet troops Repeatedly tried to unsuccessfully mastering the old Russa for another 23 February 1942. Later there was also an unsuccessful old-Russian operation in March 1943 and in August 1943.

On February 18, 1944, the Old Russ was relieved by the 1st Shock Army of the 2nd Baltic Front during the Starrus-Novorzhevsk offensive operation. By the time of liberation, no resident remained in the destroyed city; By the end of 1944 there were 5 thousand of them.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 5, 1944, the city of Old Russ and the entire Old Russian region were included in the newly formed Novgorod region.

On June 9-10, 2015, the city visited the head of the Russian Imperial House. Great Princess Maria Vladimirovna within the 1000th anniversary of the city.

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