French Foreign Legion in World War II. Foreign Legion of France - power in the name of the world

For its 180-year history, he gained loud fame and fame. Today, he is one of the most well-deserved formations of the French army.
Foreign Legion was created on March 9, 1831 by the decree of King Louis-Philipp I. In the title, the principle of the acquisition was laid - from foreigners, preserved to this day. But this concerns only ordinary - the officer composition has always been completed exclusively by the French.

Created to conquer Algeria, French foreign Legion He participated in all colonial campaigns of France, in both world wars, as well as in numerous peacekeeping operations. The motto: "Legio Patria Nostra" ("Legion is our homeland"). During the existence, the number of dead was 35 thousand.

The main form of the legionnaire is armed with rifles "Famas"

French Foreign Legion How to get

The principle of the acquisition of a foreign legion - from foreigners, remains to this day.
Among the ordinary people are dominated from countries of Eastern Europe (about a third). Many also South American (about 25%) and French (20%). The latter attracts the service by the Legionnaire, due to the possibility of getting a "new person", having started, thereby, the life of "with a clean sheet".

So our guys lit up in the Legion, Afghanistan

The recruitment is carried out in the territory of France. Only men between the ages of 17 and 40 can recruit.

French Foreign Legion It remains one of the few childbirth of the French army's troops, where the access of women is closed. Requirement for a candidate, physical health and that there would be no problems with Interpol. Different checks pass for several days, all this time the candidate is at the recruitment point, the documents are selected, it is prohibited by all ties with the outside world.

At the end of all checks and medical commissions, you either a legionnaire. Or not. In case of refusal, the candidate pay monetary compensation. Optionally, a service passport of Legioneer (Anonymat) is issued, new data is inscribed in it; Name and surname, date of birth, names of parents, etc.

Flag of French Foreign Legion. Green color - New Motherland Legioneer, Red - His Blood. In combat actions, the flag turn over: "Blood in the Motherland"

At the end of the contract, it is possible to change two letters in its surname and residence permit.

The first contract is signed for five years. Subsequent can be signed for a term of one-month to 10 years. During the first five-year contract, there is an opportunity to get the title of Capral, and later sergeant.

Officer Corps of the Legion - Personnel Military, who graduated from military schools and voluntarily choosing a legion for passing military service. An officer can be used only under the condition of French citizenship.
After three years, the Legionnaire service has the right to request French citizenship, or get a residence permit at the end of the first contract.

According to the recently adopted law (in 1999), the Senate, the legionnaire received the wound during the fighting, has the right to receive French citizenship regardless of service life.

Famas F1 assault rifle

Structure and numbers.
Currently, the number of foreign legion is about 7.5 thousand people.
In the French army adopted the pace of March 120 steps per minute, but for a foreign legion - only 88 steps. This is explained by the tradition. In African countries, where it mostly acted, it is difficult to march at a high pace along the sandy soil.

French Foreign Legion ingredients: one semi-bragade, eight regiments and one separate division.

Six of eight regiments are deployed on the continental part of France.

  • 1st Foreign Regiment (Oban) - the headquarters and administrative part of the Legion.
  • 2nd foreigner infantry regiment (by him) - Motor Party part in bt lung Armored brigade. The regiment numbering 1230 people is the largest part of the Legion. It includes ten mouth: management and security; supply and support; five motorway; anti-tank; exploration and fire support; Backup.
  • The 4th foreigner-yi regiment (Castelnodari) is an educational consisting of six mouth: management and security; Three types of ordinary preparation; Rota preparation of nonberofitzers; Rota training specialists.

  • 1st foreigner cavalry regiment (orange) - the armored resistant part in the 6th light armored brigade. The regiment consists of six squadrons: management and security; intelligence (light VBL armored vehicles); Three armored car (AMX-10RC armored vehicles armed with 105-mm cannons); anti-tank.
  • 1st foreigner engineering regiment (Laudong), which is also included in the 6th easy armor brigade. Consists of seven mouth: management and supply; administrative and maintenance; three combat engineering; support; Reserve.
  • The 2nd Forest Engineering Regiment (SEN-Crystol), which is part of the 27th Gauge Brigade. The organization is similar to the 1st engineering shelf, but there is no backup company.
  • At Corsica, in Calvi, there is a 2nd foreigner Parachute Regiment, which is part of the 11th parachute brigade. In its composition - eight mouth: management and supply; administrative and support; Four parachute; reconnaissance and firing support; Reserve.
  • In French Guiana, there is a 3rd foreigner infantry regiment, which is entrusted with the tasks of guarding the French Space Center in Kuru, as well as the preparation of servicemen for hostilities in the jungle. The regiment consists of five mouths: management and support; two infantry; Air defense; Reserve.

    On the left, the soldier of the 2nd foreign infantry regiment in Afghanistan. January 2011.
    right, legionnaires of the 3rd foreign infantry regiment in French Guiana on the teachings of the fight in the jungle. 2005 year.

  • On the island of Mayotte in Indian Ocean There is a separate detachment consisting of two mouths: a control and support company deployed on an ongoing basis, as well as a rotary company from a shelf or parachutes.
  • Finally, there is a 13-graded half-grades in Abu Dhabi (UAE), including five divisions. Three of them (management companies and support, ensure, as well as the armored salary squadron) are stationed on an ongoing basis, and two are allocated on rotation: motor suitable company (from the 2nd infantry or 2nd parachute regiments) and engineering (from the 1st or 2nd engineering regiments).

In service consists of a sniper rifle FR F-2

Standard rifle weapon French Foreign Legion This is an automatic famas rifle "and a sniper rifle FR F-2.

automatic rifle F1Famas.

For special divisions, as well as around the world, depending on the task being performed.

Summacy is known to mankind from ancient times. Paid ingenic soldiers were part of the troops
 egyptian pharaohs in the third millennium to ourera. Hired troops existed in the Babylonian kingdom and Ancient Rome, Persian Vladyk and Carthage.

The most brutal and merciless mercenaries served
 bodyguards in the ancient Greek tyranans. During the formation period in Europe centralizedfeudal states a real flourishing Namunion.

Sales warriors were widely used
 kings to strengthen their power were runninggoods in the courts of Spain, Italy, France, who did not think of their existence without military campaigns.So, for example, I willingly used Prussian mercenariesthe king of Friedrich the Great. Soldier for sale willinglydelivered from among their fortress feudals victoryfrom the Scandinavian countries, the German kingdoms and dukes. Of german language In general, the most common name of the hired soldier is "Landsknecht".
For almost two centuries, there is a troop compound in France. ground Forces France is a foreign legion or as it was called in Africa and Asia countries - the Legion of the murderers. High white legionnaire caps were horrified by residents of these regions.

It is also called in Western Europe today in Western Europe, when faced with the arrogance and prudentity of recruiters in Legion, raising professional killers.

Under the slogan "Down of the Legion of the killers!" Paris streets were published thousands of workers who protested against the bloody atrocities of legionnaires thrown into the Zaire Province (former Katanha) for the suppression of a popular rebellion of the reaction regime of General Mobutu in April 1977.

So what is the French Foreign Legion?

Recall the past. 1831. France. The Louis Philip King makes the decision to take into the hands of the richness of North Africa countries. But there was still a seed generation of the French, destroying the stronghold of feudal violence - prison Bastilia in Paris. The ideas of freedom, equality and fraternity of the Great French Revolution continued to live in the folk masses. The imperial plans of Louis Philip did not want these masses. Then the idea was born to quit the colonies in a warm and obedient only wallet chawl soldiers from different countries.

The ashes of peaceful cities and villages remained after the first operations of the Legion on the Algerian Earth. In 1855, Legion participates in the war of Turkey, England, France and Sardinia against Russia for domination in the Middle East. 1863 year. Foreign Legion is trying to put a recalcitrant Mexico on his knees and planted there on the imperial throne of the III of Napoleon III.

In 1871, legionnaires could be seen among the executioners of Paris Communar. 1884. The legion of Indochier is going on fire and sword, putting his rich lands to the legs of the owners of the Third Republic.

1914. The trenches of the First World War. Weapons of legionnaires are aimed ... No, not against the troops of the German Kaiser, but in the back of French soldiers, to prevent their retreat.

Later - years of bloody expeditions to Syria and French colonies in Africa, rising to the struggle for independence. The Legion had to return to the conquered once country, when the foundations of the French colonizers were rushing. In 1948, the imperialist circles of France again threw the Legion in Indochina. But it was no longer former times. Six years of dirty war and atrocities ended with the defeat of the imperialists.

Then was again Algeria. Here Legion was going to firmly settle. Forever, how to build plans to refrain. Before the victory of the Algerian people, as it turned out in reality ...

In different years, various roads were led to the legion. Initially, it was formed from the remains of the broken Napoleonic armies. After 1917, he was replenished at the expense of the Belogvardeisky Tribus and other enemies of the Soviet power, thrown over the revolution.

After the Second World War, unprecedented SSS, Hitler's criminals, hiding from retaliation for their atrocities hid here. They amounted to most of the legion. It has found his place for criminals from different countries, persons who did not have means for life in the "Free World".

Here are the dealers of adventure and disadvantaged, crushed people. There are scandalous cases of recruitment in the legion of young people from Belgium, France and others european countries, With the help of blackmail and deception, wine n drugs. Committing in the chain networks of recruiters, they turned into an instrument of those who needed to kill the rebels Algerians, Vietnamese, Guians ...

Over time, the foreign legion has become the main reserve of the most terry reaction, not only in Algeria, which settled the camps of mercenaries, but also in France itself.

A ominous role was played by the Legion in an attempt by imperialism of France to strangle the national liberation struggle of the Algerian people who broke out in 1954. The Legion became the main map of the reactionary Algerian generals and the Colonels who created the Secret Armed Organization of the OAB in the mid-1961, who had an idea of \u200b\u200bpreventing the provision of independence to Algeria and establish the military-fascist regime in France itself. Oashans acted by methods of mass terror. To commit killings, explosions, they recruited "activists" mainly from the mercenaries of a foreign legion. And when Franco-Algerian Negotiations began to stop fire, then the reactionaries in the Legion saw the power capable of disrupting these negotiations.

Nasual leaders, parachutists of a foreign legion announced their readiness to "sit on Paris". They waited for the signal in their barracks in full combat readiness. Transport aircraft stood on the airfields - with working motors, and from the windows of the barracks were drunk voices of parachutists who had a popular song "I do not regret anything".

They were waiting for the order of General Salan, the leader of the fascist conspiracy against the French and Algerian peoples, in order to enjoy an armed avalanche on the metropolis, to put a decisive blow to its republican ranks. And when the unified mass performance of the French workers threw a fascist coup in the country, and the terrorists from the OAAS began their "Bombers" festival in France and Algeria, it was from the legionnaires that the Most active combat groups of the OSA were made, it was the legionnaires of "heroes" of numerous murder processes - Corner, attempts, arson, explosions.

Terror did not help, and mercenaries did not help. In March 1962, the Evian agreements on the cease-fire and self-determination of Algeria were signed, and after another two months, Algeria celebrated the conquest of its independence. And I had to get out of the country to the foreign legion, on the land of which he was creating more than a century and where I spilled the streams of the blood of peaceful, innocent people.

Legionnaires tried to settle in the "French" Guiana, but the attitude of the country's population to mercenaries was so hostile that it was necessary to refuse.

Then professional killers have chosen the island of Corsica. Here and their camps were created. They said that the neighborhood "will give impetus" the flourishing of the economy of the island. "Impulse" did not slow down to manifest. But what! With the advent of the "white clock", the peaceful Corsicans were literally terrorized. In the Commonwealth with local gangsters, legionnaires began to systematically perform robbery, violence, killing. "Glory" about their desires began to scare foreign tourists whose visits were one of the essential sources of income of the inhabitants of the island.

Later, the new base of the Legion was created in Djibouti, the capital of French Somalia. Violence, robbery, executions of civilians, the construction of prisons and concentration camps - that's what the soldiers of a foreign legion were engaged in this country.

There is a gloomy symbolism in the fact that after the expulsion of French colonizers from Algeria, a foreign legion arranged one of his bases in a small town Obane near Marseille, where during the Second World War there was a Hitler's concentration camp - "death camp", as they were called throughout Europe. They were tortured and destroyed prisoners, among which there were a lot of French patriots - participants in the resistance movement. Today, the methods of Hitler's monsters are studied and taken to armared by hired warriors.

Legion exists. To a considerable extent, the legal status of mercenaries in France is facilitated, although it is not customary to speak about the legion there. Visit the legionnaire camp strying man You can not otherwise, as with the permission of the Military Minister of France.

Legion, in the ranks of which there are about 8 thousand mercenaries, although by the name and French, however, it looks more like a foreign one. In addition to the French, which make up about 40% of legionnaires, the British, Irish, Portuguese, Italians, Greeks, Arabs, Swedes, Americans and Persons of other nationalities are served here. All of them live * t and act under the fictional names.

The service contract in the Legion mercenary signs for 5 years, after which it may retire, with fake documents and under a stranger name. There are mercenaries in Legion, who decided to stay in it for life. Such usually make themselves on the hand of a squirrel - "Great Unknown." As for the greatness of the professional killer, it is not necessary to speak, but as for the "unknown", so it is for sure. Legionnaire PA all life loses his name, the names of the father, the mother, loses nationality, loses his homeland. How it should be scary for a person - staying among people with an unknown life!

The Legion comes, as a rule, those who morally ripened for this profession. Many legionnaires with difficulty withstand the period established by the contract. Much and those who, deciding to end the craft of hired killers; Run from camps and combat formations.

To return deserters in the Legion barracks in a number of countries Western Europe There is an extensive network of recruitment. They were created in Marseille, Dusseldorf, Hamburg. Deserters are found. They do not quit back. They say briefly: "We just don't go away from us. At best - on that light ... "

Over half a million fans of military profit passed through the French Foreign Legion over the years of its existence. Tens of thousands of them folded their heads in the name of the gripful, colonial interests of their owners.

In August 1985, the teletypes opened the message of the soldiers of the French Foreign Legion, armed at the city of Kuru in Guiana, this Zarsky Department of France, located in the northeastern part of South America.

Legionnaires were directed to Guiana allegedly to protect a rocket-space center located near Kuru. The city and in 1984 was falling on legionnaires. Then the explanation was one to prevent, say, throat the attack of local residents at the rocket and space center. This time, legionnaires broke into the city, destroying everything that came across the road, killing people.

After the legionnaires, a massive rally of protest took place in the Kuru in the city. The gathered decided to create a committee, which was called this: "French foreign legion-volo from Guiana!"

General Massay awards Lieutenant Le Foam.

In early 1985, France stirred a scandalous story. The largest newspapers, television, radio published materials on how in 1956-1957, during the Algerian Colonial War, the Lieutenant of Foreign Legion Jean-Marie Le Pen torture with the use of the most barbaric funds of wrestlers for independence - members of the National Liberation Front.

The exposure of le foam caused a great resonance when it became known that the Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant and the leader of the current Neofashi National Front - the same face.

Today Le Pen headed the movement of the most reactionary forces of France. He is an army anti-communist. Today, he is one of the leaders of the National Front and Father Marin Le Pen.

86-year-old Jean-Marie Le Pen is known for his scandalous statements to justify the actions of the Nazi regime in Germany, as well as frankly racist ideas. Payed assassin became a terry fascist. This is natural. Another his family is alarming at the head of the ultra-right movement rusting to the European political arena.

And before in the 80s of the last century, the progressive public of France, other European countries, in which French foreign legion pulls his tentacles, has repeatedly advocated demanding to dissolve the legion of the murderers, eliminate his camps, stop recruiting youth. But the legion is alive. He lives because it is needed as one of NATO's impact forces to preserve the positions of the builders of Mutocaplication in those countries that have recently been the object of usual colonial robbery for European powers.

On March 9, 1831, one of the most famous armed formations was created in the newest - French foreign legion, which, by the way, exists until the present. For almost two centuries, his history in the legion served people of various nationalities, there were a lot through him and Russians, including our contemporaries. From the very beginning, the foreign legion was created for preferential use outside of France, and the command provided for the acquisition of an ordinary and non-commissioned unit of divisions almost exclusively at the expense of foreigners.

By the beginning of the 1830s, France prepared the colonization of Algeria - an extensive North African territory, which was not simply of interest in economic and geopolitical terms, but until a certain time was a threat to the French state. Numerous pirates were quartered on Algeria's coast, which attacked trade ships of various countries of the world. Once the Algerian pirates regularly attacked the Mediterranean coast of European countries - Italy, France, Spain, in captivity of men and women. TO XIX century Such raids ceased, but the robbers of shopping ships Algerian pirates were not going to stop, even despite repeated punitive expeditions - not only the French, but even the Americans.

Within three weeks, from June 14 to July 5, 1830, French expedition forces, landing on the Algerian coast, took control of Algeria - the current capital of the country. For amphibian operation Forces 3 infantry divisions, 3 cavalry squadrons and 15 artillery batteries, a total of up to 37,624 military personnel were attracted. The army went to Algeria on 102 military courts, including 11 linear ships, 24 frigates, 8 Corvettes, 27 Brigs, 6 steamats, etc. In addition, the fleet included 570 shopping ships. The general leadership of the expedition to Algeria was carried out by the Military Minister of France, Count Louis Auguste Viktor de Gene de Barmon (1773-1846). The French troops managed to defeat the detachments of the Algerian act and came to his aid formation of Arab-Berber militia. For a successful operation on the seizure of Algeria, the military title of Marshal France received the military title. However, the defeat, the defeat did not mean that the French could immediately establish control over the entire territory of Algeria. It is for his final conquest that the French leadership and decided to create a foreign legion.

March 9, 1831 King Louis Philip signed a decree on creating a new armed formation. The Belgian officer Baron de Begar, who consisted in French service filed this idea of \u200b\u200bthe king. He motivated the need to create a legion because it military unit France and French power will be committed, but, being unrelated with French society, will be able to fulfill any tasks set in front of him. It was decided to take into a foreign legion of men - foreigners aged 18 to 40 years. The backbone of the Officer Corps of the Legion was formed from the former Napoleonic officers - experienced military who participated in numerous wars. As for the ordinary composition, it was completed by the people from other European states, primarily from Switzerland, Germany and Italy, who were at that time the main suppliers of mercenaries for European armies. However, and French citizens could also recruit in Legion - but without specifying the name and surname, and in this case, as it were, they refused their past life, social status, and began the life of "from scratch" - as a soldier of a foreign legion. Such a principle of the acquisition was ideal for people who had problems with the law, or for some reason I wanted to hide from society.

In the first decades of existence, a foreign legion in the first decades of existence of existence in the first decades of existence is able to show in North Africa, where France led a stubborn war for the conquest of Algeria, and then for acquiring new colonies. As a result of the colonial expansion of France, under the control of this country, by the end of the XIX century, huge territories were in Maghreb, Sahara and Sachele - the lands of the current Algeria and Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania, Mali and Niger, Burkina Faso and Guinea, Senegal and Chad. A huge contribution to the conquest of African colonies was the soldiers and officers of the Foreign Legion. Foreign Legion took part in the Crimean War in Russia, including in the famous battle under Inkerman in November 1854

In 1861, French, Spanish and British troops were sent to Mexico. The intervention was the answer to the termination of payments on Mexican foreign debts. For hostilities in Mexico, France has involved, including the divisions of the foreign legion. On April 30, 1863, near the Mexican village, Cameron took place the battle, which was in history as a genuine day of the glory of the Foreign Legion. During the day, the only company of legionnaires with a number of 65 people confronted repeatedly superior to the forces of Mexicans in the amount of at least 2,000 fighters. The 3rd company of the 1st battalion of a foreign regiment was highlighted by the command for accompanying the veracruce to Pueblo. There were equipment, money and money. Konvaye commanded Captain Jean Nunua (1828-1863). He was only thirty-five years old, but he had already had a huge experience of participation in hostilities. In 1847, Nunza, the Son of the officer and the owner of a small factory, entered the famous Saint-Sir Military School, and after her graduation he received a appointment in the 51st Infantry Regiment. However, already in 1852, Jean Nauna was transferred to a foreign legion. In 1853, he lost his hand - a gun exploded by chance during the topographic expedition in Algeria. But Nanja installed the prosthesis and continued to serve in a foreign legion. In addition to the Nut, there were another 2 officers in the company - Junior Lieutenant Fashion and Junior Lieutenant Vilyan, as well as legionnaires of different nationalities - French, Spaniards, Italians, Belgians, Germans and Poles. The command put in front of the company to carry out intelligence before the movement of the coat, patrol the road and disperse the ambushes of Mexican partisans.

On the morning of April 30, the legionnaires who organized the hat at the village of Cameron, noticed the approaching opponent. It was a squadron of Kotaxla from 250 Mexicans who commanded Don Hilario Ozario. Nadzha decided to retreat to the village, since in an open area to withstand such a number of Mexicans would be madness. However, leaving for Cameron, legionnaires discovered another Mexican squad - the people of Colonel Milan. In the end, legionnaires were hidden in one of the village buildings and began his defense. Colonel Milan demanded from legionnaires to surrender, but received a refusal. Since Mexican cavalrymen did not have good preparation on the action in walking, legionnaires managed to lead a long defense. During this time, three infantry battalions arrived at Mexicans. Captain Dunza was killed, after which the command took the junior lieutenant Vilyan, also shortly killed. In the end, only the junior lieutenant Modse, Capral and 3 Legioneer remained alive. After that, Modse led his subordinates to the bayonet attack. Mexicans opened fire. Modse died. The wounded corporal and two legionnaires remained alive. The colonel Milan ordered to treat the wound to the surviving legion meters shocked by this. Three surviving heroes demanded to give them the corpse of the officer and the flag of the division and provide the corridor to the exit. In total, the battle of 65 legionnaires killed 3 officers and 49 lower ranks. Twelve wounded were captured by Mexicans. The day of battle at Cameron forever entered the story of a foreign legion as an example of the highest military valiant of his soldiers and officers.

At the end of the XIX - early twentieth centuries. In a foreign legion, there are quite numerous recruits from Russian Empire. Revolutionaries, criminal criminals, and Russian seekers, Russians, Jews, Poles were here and hidden from the royal power. Summary In 1889, in one of the divisions of the Legion, the Russian religious philosopher Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky (1870-1965) served in the territory of Algeria (1870-1965). In Legion, he found himself due to the material difficulties, which was losing a student of the University of Bern in Switzerland. But Lossky served in the Legion very little. But forever it turned out to be connected with the French army. The life of another Russian - Zinovia Peshkov (1884-1966), who did not just reach the officer's challenge, but also became a corpus general (Colonel-General) of the French army. In fact, Zinovia Peshkov called Zalman Sverdlov. He brought his older brother to the famous Bolshevik and one of the most high-ranking figures soviet power Yakov Sverdlov, and the surname of Peshkov got him from great Father - Maxim Gorky.

The leaving from the Jewish family, Zalman Sverdlov in 1902 was baptized in Orthodoxy and received the name and middle name from his godfather. In 1904, Zinovy \u200b\u200bemigrated to Canada, then moved to the United States, and then to Europe - in Italy and France. When the first began world WarThirty-year-old Zinovy \u200b\u200bPeshkov arrived by a volunteer to French Foreign Legion. In the battle, under Verden, he lost his right hand, but after rehabilitation recovered in the Legion and continued - but this time, as a translator in various French military missions - in the USA and Romania, China and Japan, in Georgia, in Siberia - during the admiral Kolchak and in the Crimea under Baron Wrangel. In 1921-1926 Peshkov served in Morocco, then - in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, then, in 1937-1940. - Again in Morocco, in the Foreign Legion. During the Second World War, he joined the movement "Free France", in 1943 he received the general title and headed the mission of "Free France" in China. Only in 1950, in the 66th age, Zinoviy Peshkov resigned in the rank of camsome general.

I had a chance to serve in a foreign legion and the famous Cossack poet Nikolai Nikolayevich Torverovov (1899-1972), who entered the service in 1939, having experienced a lot of deprivation during severe emigrant life. The division where testers was stationed in North Africa, then was sent to Lebanon - to suppress the rebel tribes. Later, the 1st Cavalry Regiment of the Legion was transferred to France, where he participated in defensive battles against the Nazis, until the surrender of France.

In a foreign legion, the Slimon Petlyura's killer served - Samuel Schwarzburg (1886-1938), a representative of a completely different ideological direction. Anarchist, participant in the first Russian revolution 1905-1907, Schwarzbard settled in Paris in 1910, and after the beginning of the First World War, he joined the French foreign legion and fought three years as part of the 363rd infantry regiment. For valor, he won the military cross - the highest legionnaire award. Then there were severe injury, demobilization and return to Russia. Schwartzburd served in the Motherland for some time in the Red Army, but was disappointed in Soviet power and left back, in France. There he worked as a watchmaker, and on May 25, 1926 she shot up the Ukrainian nationalist leader Simon Petlyuru, a avenue, thus, for the death of his relatives and tribesmen during numerous petlurov pogroms.

Thus, we see that in the Legion, even from among the natives of Russia, served different people - various political beliefs, social status and classes. For some of them, Legion became a way to avoid total poverty and rolling on the bottom, someone - opened the path to his career in the French Armed Forces, and some came to the service simply from the desire to experience themselves as a warrior.

If we talk about all operations and wars in which a foreign legion took part, then a very impressive list will come out. This is: War in Algeria (half a century, from 1831 to 1882), fighting in Spain in 1835-1839, Crimean War With Russia (1853-1856), fighting in Italy in 1859, war in Mexico in 1863-1867, the doubt of the tribes of Algeria in 1882-1907, fighting in Vietnam in 1883-1910, in Taiwan In 1885, in Dagomee in 1892-1894, Sudan in 1893-1894, Madagascar in 1895-1901, Morocco in 1907-1914, in the Middle East in 1914-1918, in Vietnam in 1914-1940, Morocco in 1920-1935, Syria in 1925-1927, in Indochika in 1945-1954, at Madagascar in 1947-1950, in Tunisia in 1952-1954, In Morocco in 1953-1956, in Algeria in 1954-1961. After the liberation of French colonies, legionnaires inevitably participated in numerous peacekeeping and antipovernment operations in Asia and Africa. These are the actions in Lebanon in 1982-1983, and the War in the Persian Gulf in 1991, and the operations in Somalia and Bosnia, Kosovo and Mali, in Iraq. Of course, the legionnaires of the first and second world wars have completely experienced.

Today, a foreign legion continues its existence as a mobile connection capable of operational tasks in the most different parts Sveta. The principles of its acquisition practically did not change - all the same officer is equipped with French personnel officers, and the ordinary composition - volunteers from among foreigners. But the conditions for receiving a pension have changed - now Legionnae needs not to serve 15, as before, and 19.5 years old to access a well-deserved rest. Still, no one is trying to leave legionnaires about the past - if recruits do not have any problems with Interpol, they can freely enter the service freely if they are approaching health and physical characteristics.

During the First World War, Legion's soldiers actively participated in hostilities as part of French troops against German troops on Marne, Somme, and under the verte.

After the end of this war, France drew his views on North Africawhere the part of the Foreign Legion was actively throwing out. The 1st regiment was housed in Algeria, in the city of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, and the cavalry regiment was sent to SUS, in Tunisia. This period was when there were many new people, mostly Russian and Germans in Legion.

But there were also the place of service that were most desirable from legionnaires. In such a place, first of all was indochytay, which served the 5th regiment. The direction there was considered a kind of award, and was usually a legionnaire with extensive experience and suprage years. But such a "resort" was indochyatay until 1930, when the anti-Francuz uprising broke out there. The legion immediately became famous for merciless, and sometimes cruel measures towards the rebel. Once there was a case. On March 9, 1931, during the solemn parade on the occasion of the Education of the French Foreign Legion, someone cried out of the crowd of curses to the commander of the Major Lambert Legionnaires. The commander, no longer thinking, deployed legionnaires in the battle order, ordered the bayonets and surrounded the crowd. After that, six people were pulled out of the crowd and are shot into the edification of the rest.

Soon the Second World War began. She became not only for France, but also for legionnaires a heavy test. In 1940, the French republic capitulated under the strikes of the German troops. The 13th half-grades of the Foreign Legion, becoming part of the Fascist Government of Vichy, was sent to Norway to help Finland in the War from the USSR. But soon she switched to the side of General de Gaulle and became part of the armed forces of "Free France". After that, the legionnaires fought against the German troops in Libya, Italy, France, and finished the war already in Germany.

During the war, the shameful history of the Legion was written. September 25, 1940 The 2nd battalion of the 5th regiment of the Legion surrendered japanese army in Lang Sona. The following was the legion battalion in Morocco, without a single shot, surrendered in 1942 by the landing Americans.

Almost immediately after the end of World War II, in 1945, France begins the war in Indochita. Martialctions There are underway until 1954. At that time, former opponents in the war in Europe were fighting in a foreign legison side of the side - at that time, about 18 thousand former German soldiers joined him, and the total number of Legion increased almost to 100 thousand people.

War in Indochier went with varying success, commanded the Vietnamese army General of Nguyen Ziap inflicted several strong blows to the French. At the time and the French did not sit back. Trying to intercept the initiative in this war, a parachute landing in the headquarters of the rebel movement was thrown out, which almost grabbed Ho Chi Minh. Thanks to this local success, two parachute battalions were formed in a foreign legion.

Ultimately, two key battles French troops lost - these are battles on the highway number 4 and at Dieen Bien Fu. The latter was the most heroic page in the history of the Foreign Legion battle in Indochite. The town of Dieenbienfa was surrounded by a repeated superior partisan forces. Despite the blockade and heavy bloody battles, the legionnaires defended the town until the order came about his surrender.

Memories of Sergeant Claude-Iva Sangeza:
"Perhaps, it is indiscreetly so much to talk about the Legion, but in our ranks then the real gods of war, and not only the French, but also the Germans, the Scandinavians, Russians, the Japanese, even a couple of South Africans. Germans all went to the second world, Russians, too . I remember in the second company of my battalion two Russian Cossacks who fought under Stalingrad were served: one was the lieutenant of the Soviet field gendarmerie (10th division of the NKVD troops), the other - the Tsugfürer in the Cavalry SS division. Both died during the defense of the reference point "Isabel".
Communists fought as devils, but we also showed them that we can fight. I think that not a single European army in the second half of the 20th century has happened - and God will give, no longer bring - to lead such terrible and large-scale fighting of srawlas, as we have in this damned valley. Hurricane fire of their artillery and storm rains turned the trenches and bludges in the mess, and we often fought on the belt in the water. Their assault groups were either going to a breakthrough, or brought their trenches to our, and then dozens, hundreds of fighters were allowed into the course of knives, bayonets, butts, sapper blades, hatchets.
The fierce was incredible. Thais preferred some kind of special daggers, several Germans preserved the Daggers; The Basque served in my department, which horror that I soldered the folding Navoha with the blade of the length of centimeters in 30. "

By that time, the French foreign legion "covered" the 4th wave of Russian inflows. As it turned out, many thousands of former Soviet citizens, going to different formations created by the Germans to fight against Soviet armyAfter the end of World War II, found themselves in desperate position. Most of them surrendered to allies. Here were a SS, from the Russian brigade of the Bronislav of the Kaminsky, Ukrainian Division of the SS "Galicin", the Baltic parts of the SS, the Turkestan Legion and the Division of the SS "Handjar".
In addition, part of Russian prisoners of war were in the camps liberation army Vlasov, numerous Caucasian and Central Asian legions. According to prisoners in Yalta in February 1945, agreements between the USSR and the allies, all former Soviet citizens, which were in the territory controlled by the British and Americans were to be issued in the USSR to re-education.
Since a significant part of those immigrants from the USSR, who fought together with the Germans against soviet troops, I didn't like it to be familiar with the gulag and I really didn't want to go back there, they began to look for exits from the situation. Salvation was entry into French foreign legion. After the battles of World War II, the French foreign legion needed an urgent and large replenishment due to the deterioration of the situation in the colonies. However, in order to avoid complications from the USSR, the fact of receiving the former Soviet citizens to the French army, part of which is Legion, decided to hide.
Therefore, the legion bosses, guided by orders from above, formally forbidden to take into the legion of Russian and other people from the USSR. At the same time, when the former Vlasovovs and Sosovtsy filled out the questionnaires for admission to Legion, they hinted them that representatives of certain nationalities are not taking here at the moment, but take others.
So the Russians became Poles, Bulgarians and Czechs, Balts - Scandinavians, Caucasians - Yugoslavs, Greeks, Spaniards and Italians, Central Asiats - Persians, Arabs and Turks. In addition, at this time a lot of Germans were recorded in Legion, among them there are many SESS, a considerable part of which military criminals were made, who recovered in the legion once and forever went from retaliation.
In general, in the next 20 years after the end of World War II, the Germans and people from the USSR amounted to a large percentage of legionnaires. As the Vietnamese complained to their Soviet friends, in all French kabas in Vietnam, where the legion was standing, Russian and German songs were heard the day and night.
In addition, a rather numerous group at the time in the Legion was the immigrants from Eastern Europe - Poland, Czechoslovakia and others, whose citizens fled from their native land before the onset of the Soviet Army in 1944-1945. Once abroad without livelihood, they went to Legion.
The recruiters went through the camps of refugees and earned their huge money. The flow of the refugee camps to the legion in the first months after the completion of the war was quite large and allowed the Legion to replenish the fighters knocked out in the battles. At this time, among the legionnaires, even the representative of Greenland was noted.
Operation in the Dieen-Bien-Fu area began with a discharge on November 21, 1953 of the parachute landing as part of six battalions. The most famous of them was the 1st foreign parachute battalion. It consisted almost exclusively from the former SSS, mostly Germans, there were also two dozen former Soviet citizens and Vietnamese Rota. This battalion was heard in Indochier the fierce division and the descent of Vietnamese did not give.
After the defeat under Dieen-Bien Fu, some were captured to Vietnamese.
Legionnaires among the prisoners were little - most of the battle on the battlefield. Their main part was injured and required medical carewhich was missing here. At the same time, special attention was manifested to them from the "Soviet comrades". They were looking for former Soviet citizens, citizens of the socialist countries of Eastern Europe, as well as the SSS.
The latter was determined very simply - according to the characteristic tattoo on their hands. After a short interrogation of their lifetime, shot shots. However, several former SSEs have stipulated to cut the tattoos with meat, survive and return from the captivity. Czechoslovakia, Poland and other countries returned to their homeland under the supervision of the relevant services.
As a result of such filtering, the number of legionnaires, until the end of the deadline in the camps, declined sharply. In total, less than 4 thousand people from Dieen-Bien-Fu garrison returned to France. Legionnaires among them remained only a few hundred. There, in the native division, they met the colleagues left for them in battles, with whom they, remembering the past fights, went again to another war - Algerian ...
There is another version - some german soldiers Foreign Legion saved her life in that, having captured, the offer of Vietnamese to go through the Chinese territory in the GDR. In East Germany, they were then tried to make the most of them against Germany.
Historian George Lepre writes:
"The MiF about the" SS-Shets in Indochite "began even before Elford printed the Devil's Guard. The roots of the myth lie in the Communist Sources, in the Soviet Block and PCF (French Communist Part), in France itself.
By the way, several memoirs were printed by the Deserters of the Foreign Legion themselves who ran in the GDR in the 1950s; These people and perpetuated this myth and strengthened it. Nevertheless, all serious historians on the topic of a foreign legion agree that all these rumors are nonsense. The amount of their analysis: best Book On the subject at the moment - this is the work of Eccard Michels "Germans in a foreign legion, 1871-1965: myths and reality" (Eckard Michels, "Deutsche in Der Fremdenlegion, 1871-1965: MyThen und Realitaeten").
Despite the fact that he was refused to access the Archive of the Legion in Aubagne, Michels was able to get a certain number of excellent data in the Shata archive in Chateau Vincennes. Michels studied those data that they were in their hands and ruled that the small number of ex-members of Waffen-ss was enrolled in Legion until 1947. At this time, the French government caught a historical moment and required a force effect. After that, the recruitors of the Legion very carefully checked all potential volunteers. One French officer is declared that the number of SS-Sheps adopted in the legion immediately after the Second World War was "not more than 60 or 70 people."

Germans in the Foreign Legion (50s).

"Soldier of the Three Armies" Lauri Turney Native Viipuri (now Vyborg).
In the Finnish army:

Lauri Turney in the SS forces:

Lauri Turney in the US Army:

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