What method is used by the poet. Poetic techniques

Poetic techniques are an important component of a beautiful rich poem. Poetic techniques significantly help the poem to be interesting, diverse. It is very helpful to know what the author uses poetic techniques.

Poetic techniques


The epithet in poetry is usually used in order to focus on one of the properties of the described object, process or action.

This term has greek origin And literally denotes "applied". At its essence, the epithet is the definition of the subject, action, process, events, etc., expressed in artistic form. Grammatically epithet is most often an adjective, however, other parts of speech can be used in its capacity, for example, numerical, nouns, and even verbs. Depending on the location of the epithets are separated into preposition, postposition and dislocation.


Comparison is one of the expressive techniques when the use of the specific, most characteristic properties for the subject or process are disclosed through similar qualities of another object or process.


Literally the word "trail" means "turnover" translated from greek. However, the translation, although reflects the essence of this term, but cannot even approximately reveal its value. The trail is an expression or a word used by the author in a portable, allegorical sense. Thanks to the use of the trop, the author gives a described object or process a bright characteristic, which causes certain associations from the reader and, as a result, a more acute emotional reaction.

Paths are made to divide into several types, depending on whether the word or expression is based on the word or expression, the metaphor, allegory, personification, metonymy, synengo, hyperbole, irony.


Metaphor - expressive, one of the most common paths, when on the basis of the similarity of this or that sign of two different objects, the property inherent in one subject is assigned to another. Most often, when using metaphor, the authors for the selection of one or another property of an inanimate item use words, the direct value of which is used to describe the features of animated objects, and vice versa, disclosing the properties of an animated object, use words that are used in characteristic to describe inanimate objects.


Elimination is an expressive technique, when using which the author sequentially transfers to an inanimate subject of several signs of animated objects. These signs are selected by the same principle as when using metaphor. Ultimately, the reader has a special perception of the described object, in which an inanimate object has the image of a certain living being or is endowed with the qualities inherent in living beings.


When using metonimia, the author replaces one concept to other similarities between them. Founded in meaning in this case are the reason and consequence, the material and the thing made from it, the action and instrument. Often, the name of its author or the name of the owner is used to designate the work.


The way of the trail, the use of which is associated with the change in quantitative relationship between objects or objects. So often used plural Instead of the sole or on the contrary, part instead of the whole. In addition, when using synengo, the genus may be denoted by the name of the species. This expressive agent in poetry is less common than, for example, a metaphor.


Antonomasia is an expressive agent, when used by which the author uses the name of its own instead of a nominal name, for example, based on the presence of a particularly strong character trait at the given character.


Irony - a strong expressive agent having a shade of ridicule, sometimes easy mock. When using irony, the author uses words with the opposite example in meaning so that the reader himself guessed the true properties of the described object, subject or action.

Strengthening or graduation

When using this expressive tool, the author has the abstracts, arguments their thoughts, etc. As they increase their importance or persuasiveness. Such a sequential presentation allows you to repeatedly increase the significance of thought presented by the poet.

Contrast or antithesis

Contrasting is an expressive tool, which allows you to make a particularly strong impression on the reader, convey to him the strong excitement of the author at the expense of a quick change of the opposite of the concepts used in the text of the poem. Also, opposite emotions, feelings and experiences of the author or his hero can be used as an object of opposition.


When default, the author intentionally or involuntarily lowers some concepts, and sometimes whole phrases and suggestions. In this case, the presentation of thought in the text is obtained by a somewhat rigorous, less consistent, which only emphasizes the special emotionality of the text.


Exclamation may appear anywhere in the poetic work, but, as a rule, the authors use it, intonationally highlighting especially emotional moments in verse. At the same time, the author emphasizes the reader's attention on a particularly agitated moment, telling him his experiences and feelings.


To give a tongue literary work A greater expressiveness uses special means of poetic syntax, called figures poetic speech. In addition to repetition, anphors, epifiphs, antithesis, rhetorical issues and rhetorical circulation, in prose and especially - in resentment, inversion is often found (lat. Inversio - permutation).

The use of this stylistic reception is based on the unusual order of words in the proposal, which gives the phrase a more expressive shade. The traditional construction of a proposal requires the following sequence: to be subject to, the lean and definition facing the designated word: "The wind drives gray clouds." However, this word order is characteristic, to a greater extent, for prosaic texts, and in poetic works often there is a need for an intonational allocation of any word.

Classic examples of inversion can be found in Lermontov's poetry: "White sail is lonely / in the fog of the sea blue ...". Another great Russian poet Pushkin considered the inversion of one of the main figures of poetic speech, and often the poet used not only the contact, but also remote inversion, when other words include the words between them: "Purun to the old man ...".

Inversion in poetic texts performs an accent or semantic function, a rhythm-forming function for building the poetic text, as well as the function of creating a verbal-shaped picture. In prosaic works, inversion serves to arrange logical stress, to express the author's attitude towards heroes and to transfer their emotional state.


Under alliteration, they understand a special literary reception, which consists in repetition of one or a number of sounds. Wherein great importance It has high frequency data of sounds on a relatively small speech area. For example, "where the grove is rzhet rzhet." However, if other words or word formations are repeated, as a rule, there are no speech on alliteration. For alliteration, the irregular repetition of sounds is characteristic and it is precisely the main feature of this literary reception. Usually, the reception of alliteration is used in poetry, but in some cases alliteration can be found in prose. So, for example, V. Nabokov very often in their works uses the reception of alliteration.

From the rhyme, alliteration differs primarily by the fact that repeating sounds focus not at the beginning and end of the line, but absolutely derived, albeit with high frequency. The second difference is the fact that all the consonants are allying, as a rule.

The main functions of the literary reception of alliteration include sound-repeating and subordination of the semantics of words associations that cause sounds from humans.


Under the Assonance understands a special literary reception, consisting in repetition of vowels in a particular statement. This is exactly the main difference between the Assonance from alliteration, where the consonants are repeated. There are two slightly different applications of the Assonance reception. First, the Assonance is used as an original tool that gives art text, especially poetic, special flavor.

For example,
"The ears of the ears on the top of the top
Slightly lit the guns
And the forest blue crown -
The French are here. " (M.Yu. Lermontov)

Secondly, the Assonance is widely used to create an inaccurate rhyme. For example, "Molot City", "Tsarevna-incompane".

In the era of the Middle Ages, the Assonance was one of the most frequently used methods of reproducing poems. However, in modern poetry, and in the poetry of the past century, it is fairly easy to find a lot of examples of applying the literary reception of Assonance. One of the textbook examples of use, both rhymes and associates in one quatrain, is an excerpt from the poetic work of V. Mayakovsky:

"It turns out not in thick, so in Tolstoy -
I write, from the heat of the Balda.
Who is not philosophized over the sea?


Near Anaphore traditionally understands such a literary reception as unity. At the same time, it is most often about repeating at the beginning of a sentence, string or paragraph of words and phrases. For example, "the winds did not blow in vain, the thunderstorm was not in vain." In addition, with the help of anatherap, you can express identity of certain objects or the presence of certain objects and different or identical properties. For example, "I go to the hotel, I hear the conversation." Thus, we see that Anaphor in Russian is one of the main literary techniques that serve to communicate text. The following types of anphors are distinguished: anaphor, morpheme anaphora, lexical anaphor, syntactic anaphor, stanzaic anaphor, rhythmic anaphor and stroke-syntactic anaphor. Quite often anaphor, as a literary reception, forms symbiosis with such a literary reception as a gradation, that is, an increase emotional character Words in the text.

For example, "cattle dies, a friend dies, a man himself dies."

When we are talking about art, literary creativity, we are focused on the impressions that are created when reading. They are largely determined by the image form. IN artistic literature And poetry allocate special techniques to enhance expressiveness. A competent presentation, a public speech - they also need ways to build expressive speech.

For the first time, the concept of rhetorical figures, figures of speech, appeared from speakers ancient Greece. In particular, Aristotle and his followers were engaged in their research and classification. Delighted into details, scientists have highlighted up to 200 varieties enriched.

Means of expressiveness of speech are separated by language layout on:

  • phonetic;
  • lexical;
  • syntactic.

The use of phonetics is traditionally for poetry. The poem is often dominated by musical sounds that give poetic speech special observance. In the drawing of verse to enhance, emphasis, rhythm and rhythma, combinations of sounds are used.

Anaphora - Repetition of sounds, words or phrases at the beginning of proposals, poetic lines or stains. "Stars of golden stars ..." - Repetition of initial sounds, non-physician used phonetic anaphor.

But an example of lexical anifore in verses Pushkin:

One you carry on clear lazuries,
One you guide the dull shadow
One you peel the jamming day.

Epiphora - A similar technique, but it is much less likely, while words or phrases are repeated at the end of rows or proposals.

The use of lexic techniques associated with the word, lexema, as well as phrases and proposals, syntax, is considered as a tradition of literary creativity, although it is widely found in poetry too.

Conditionally, all means of expressiveness of the Russian language can be divided into trails and stylistic figures.


The trails are the use of words and phrases in a figurative value. The trails make it a more figurative, revitalize and enrich it. Some trails and their examples in literary work are listed below.

Epithet - Artistic definition. Using it, the author gives the word an extra emotional color, your assessment. To understand what the epithet differs from everyday definition is different, you need to catch when reading, does the definition of a new word attaches? Here is a simple test. Compare: Late autumn - Golden autumn, early spring - young spring, quiet breeze - a delicate breeze.

Elimination - Transferring signs of living beings to inanimate objects, nature: "Gloomy rocks are sternly looked ...".

Comparison - Direct comparison of one object, phenomena with another. "Ground Night, like a beast ..." (Tyutchev).

Metaphor - transfer the value of one word, subject, phenomena to another. Detection of similarities implicit comparison.

"The wilderness of Ryabina Red is burning in the garden ..." (Yesenin). Ryabina's brushes resemble a poet of a fire flame.

Metonymy - renaming. Transferring properties, values \u200b\u200bfrom one item to another on the principle of adjacent. "Which is in fetras, let's on the dispute" (Vysotsky). In fetters (material) - in a felt hat.

Synecdoche - a kind of metonymy. Transferring the value of one word to another on the basis of quantitative communication: the only thing is the plural, part is an integer. "We are all looking at Napoleon" (Pushkin).

Irony - Eating words or expressions in an inverted sense, mocking. For example, appeal to the donkey in the Krylov Basna: "Roll off, smart, you wrapped your head?"

Hyperbola - A figurative expression containing an exorbitant exaggeration. It can concern the size, values, forces, other qualities. Lithot - on the contrary, exorbitant understatement. The hyperbole is often used by writers, journalists, and the limit is much less likely. Examples. Hyperbol: "One hundred forty suns sunset gruel" (V.V. Mamikovsky). Lithot: "peasant with marigolds."

Allegory - Concrete image, scene, image, item that is clearly represented by an abstract idea. The role of the allegoria is to bring to the subtext, force to look for hidden meaning when reading. Widely used in the bass.

Alogis - intentional violation of logical connections for irony. "The landowner was stupid, read the newspaper" Elementary "and body had a soft, white and crumbly." (Saltykov-Shchedrin). The author deliberately mixes in the listing logically heterogeneous concepts.

Grotesquespecial reception, compound hyperboles and metaphors, a fantastic surreal description. An outstanding master of the Russian grotesque was N.Gogol. On the use of this reception built his story "Nose". A special impression when reading this product produces a combination of absurd with ordinary.

Figures of speech

Stylistic figures are also used in the literature. The main types of them displays the table:

Repeat At the beginning, late, at the junction of proposals This cry and strings,

These flocks, these birds

Antithesis Contrast. Antonyms are often used. Long hair - mind short
Gradation The location of synonyms in the order of increasing or weakening Smoke, burn, glow, explode
Oxymoron Connection of contradictions Living corpse, honest thief.
Inversion Changes in order words He came late (he came late).
Parallelism Comparison in the form of comparison The wind has photographed dark branches. Fear stirred in it again.
Ellipsis Pass implied words For the header and on the door (grabbed, came out).
Parcelation Separation of a single sentence for individual And I think again. About you.
Multi-allu Connection through repeated unions And me and you and all of us together
Asyndeton Exception of Unions You, I, he, she - together a whole country.
Rtoric exclamation, question, appeal. Used to enhance feelings What summer!

Who if not us?

Listen, country!

Default Interruption of speech based on guess, to reproduce strong excitement My poor brother ... execution ... tomorrow at dawn!
Emotional-estimated vocabulary Words expressing relationships as well as a direct score of the author Private connector, dove, balbes, lysoblyud.

Test "Tools of Art Expressiveness"

To test yourself to master the material, go through a small test.

Read the following passage:

"There, the war smelled of gasoline and soot, burned glands and gunpowder, she crossed the caterpillars, shouted from the machine guns and fell into the snow, and rose under fire again ..."

What are the means of artistic expressiveness used in the passage from Roman K. Sonmon?

Swede, Russian - Kolts, Rubit, cuts.

Fight drum, clicks, crosses,

Thunder cannons, Topot, Rzhanye, moan,

And death and hell on all sides.

A. Pushkin

The answer to the test is given at the end of the article.

An expressive language is, first of all, an internal image that occurs when reading a book, listening to oral presentation, presentation. To manage images, fine visual techniques are needed. In great and mighty Russian, their enough. Use them, and in your speech drawing a listener or reader will find its image.

Learn an expressive language, its laws. Determine for yourself what is missing in your speeches, in your drawing. Think, write, experiment, and your language will become an obedient tool and your weapon.

Test response

K. Simonov. Elimination of war in passage. Metonimia: Rolling soldiers, technique, the battlefield - the author Ideanly connects them into a generalized image of the war. Used methods of expressive language - multi-type, syntactic repetition, parallelism. Through this combination of stylistic techniques when reading, a rustic, saturated image of the war is created.

A. Pushkin. There are no alliances in the poem in the first lines. In this way, the tension, saturation of the battle, is transmitted. In the phonetic drawing of the scene, the sound of "P" is played in different combinations. When reading, there is a rocking-growing background, ideologically transmitting the noise of the battle.

If answering the test, you could not give correct answers, do not be mistaken. Just re-read the article.

What are artistic techniques for? First of all, so that the work corresponds to some style that implies certain imagery, expressiveness and beauty. In addition, the writer is a master of associations, the artist of the Word and the Great Contemplator. Artistic techniques In the poem and prose make text deeper. Consequently, both a prose and the poet of little alone alone alone, they are not limited to the use of only superficial, the main value of the word. In order to be able to penetrate the depth of thought, in the essence of the image, you need to use various artistic agents.

In addition, the reader needs to be lured and attract. This uses various techniques that make particular interest to the narrative and some secret you want to solve. Artistic means are called different trails. These are not only inalienable elements of the general picture of the world, but also author's estimate, background and common tone of the work, as well as much more, about which we, reading the next creation, sometimes do not even think about it.

The main artistic techniques are metaphor, epithet and comparison. Although the epithet is often seen as a kind of metaphor, but we will not go into the debrist of the science of "literary criticism" and traditionally highlight it as a separate fund.


Epithe is a king of the description. Not a single landscape, a portrait, the interior does not do without it. Sometimes the only true-selected epithet is much more important than a whole paragraph created specifically for clarification. Most often, speaking of him, there are in mind communion or adjectives that endow one or another artistic image additional properties and characteristics. Do not confuse epithet with simple definition.

For example, the following words can be offered to describe the eyes: live, brown, bottomless, large, painted, sly. Let's try to divide these adjectives into two groups, namely: objective (natural) properties and subjective (optional) characteristic. We will see that such words as "big", "brown" and "painted" transmit to their meaning only what is able to see any, since it lies on the surface. In order for us to imagine the appearance of a hero, such definitions are very important. However, about his inner essence, the character is best of all will be told by the "bottomless", "lively", "shuffling" eyes. We begin to guess that we are in front of us unusual man, inclined to various fudge, having a living, moving soul. This is exactly the main property of epithets: indicate those traits that are hidden from us with a primary inspection.


Let us turn to another no less important trail - metaphor. Comparison, expressed by name noun. The author's task here is to compare phenomena and objects, but very neat and tactfully, so that the reader could not guess that we impose this object to him. It is so, ingredient and at ease, you need to use any artistic techniques. "Tears of dew", "Fire of Dawn" and others. Here, the dew is compared with tears, and dawn - with a fire.


The last most important artistic reception is a comparison that gives it directly by using such unions as "as if", "as", "as if", "exactly", "as if". Examples can be given as follows: Eyes, as if life; dew, exactly tears; The tree is like an old man. However, it should be noted that the epithet, the metaphor or comparison should be used not only for the sake of the "red sense". There should be no chaos in the text, he should be very good to grace and harmony, so before using a particular trail, it is necessary to clearly realize, for what purpose it is used, what we want to say.

Other, more complex and less common artistic techniques are hyperbole (exaggeration), antithesis (opposition), as well as inversion ( reverse order words).


Such a trail as antithesis has two varieties: it can be narrow (within one paragraph or suggestion) and deployed (placed on several chapters or pages). This technique is often used in the works of Russian classics in the case when two heroes are required. For example, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his story " Captain's daughter"Compare Pugacheva and Greeneva, and a little later Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol will create portraits of famous brothers, Andria and Ostav, also based on antithesis. Artistic techniques in the novel" Oblomov "also include this trail.


The hyperbole is a favorite reception of such literary genres as the epics, a fairy tale and ballad. But it is found not only in them. For example, hyperbole "He could eat kaban" can be used in any novel, a story and another product of realistic tradition.


We continue to describe artistic techniques in works. Inversion, as it is easy to guess, serves to give the work of additional emotionality. Its most often can be observed in poetry, however, this trail often uses prose. You can say: "This girl was more beautiful than others." And you can shout: "This girl is more beautiful than others!" Immediately arises and extinct, and expression, and many other things that can be seen when comparing two statements.


The next trail, irony, differently - hidden author's mockery, is also used quite often in fiction. Of course, a serious work should be serious, but the hidden in irony subtext sometimes not only demonstrates the wit's wit, but also forces the reader to translate the Spirit for a while and prepare for the next, more intense scene. In the humorous product, irony is indispensable. The great masters of this - Zoshchenko and Czechs using this trail in their stories.


With this technique, it is closely connected and the other - no longer just good laughter, it reveals shortages and vices, sometimes thickens paints, whereas irony usually creates a bright atmosphere. In order to have a more complete picture of this trail, you can read several fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin.


Next reception - personification. It allows you to demonstrate the life of the world around us. There are such images like griming winter, dancing snow, singing water. In other words, personification - transfer to inanimate objects of animated properties. So, we all know that only a person and animal can yawn. But in the literature, such people are often found. artistic imagesas the yawning sky or yawning door. The first of them can help create a certain mood at the reader, prepare his perception. The second is to emphasize the sleepy atmosphere in this house, perhaps - loneliness and boredom.


Oxymoron is another interesting technique, which is a combination of incompatible. This is a righteous lie, and the Orthodox devil. Similar words that are completely unexpectedly, words can be used both scaffolding and lovers of philosophical treatises. Sometimes only one Oxymoron is enough to build a whole work, having and dualism of being, and unresolved conflict, and thin ironic subtext.

Other artistic techniques

Interestingly, used in the previous sentence "and, and" and "is also one of the artistic means called multi-drug. What is it necessary for? First of all, to expand the narrative range and show, for example, that the person has both beauty, and the mind, and courage, and charm ... and hero knows how to fish, and swim, and write books, and build at home ...

Most often, this trail is used together with another, called this case when it is difficult to submit one without the other.

However, this is not all artistic techniques and means. Note I. rhetorical questions. They do not require a response, but at the same time make readers think. Perhaps everyone knows the most famous of them: "Who is to blame?" And "what to do?".

These are only the main artistic techniques. In addition to them, you can highlight the parcel (separation of the offer), the sync) (when the only number is used instead of the multiple), anaphor (similar to the beginning of the proposals), the epiphora (repetition of their ending), lithotone (accomplishment) and hyperbola (on the contrary, exaggeration), periprase (when Some word is replaced by his brief description. All these funds can be used both in poetry and in prose. Artistic techniques in the poem and, for example, the story, they do not differ in principle.

Writing activity, as mentioned in this is the most interesting creative process with its own characteristics, tricks and subtleties. And one of the most effective ways Selecting text from the total mass, giving it uniqueness, unusualness and ability to cause genuine interest and desire to read completely literary writing techniques. They were used at all times. First directly by poets, thinkers, writers, authors of novels, stories and others artistic works. Nowadays, they actively use marketers, journalists, copywriters, and indeed all those people who have a need from time to time to write a bright and memorable text. But with the help of literary techniques, you can not only decorate the text, but also to give the reader the opportunity to more accurately feel that the author wanted to convey, look at things with.

It does not matter whether you wrote texts professionally, make your first steps in writing skills or creating a good text just from time to time appears in the list of your responsibilities, in any case you need to know what the writer's literary techniques exist. The ability to use them is a very useful skill that can be useful to everyone, and not only in writing texts, but also in normal speech.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most common and efficient literary techniques. Each of them will be equipped with a bright example for more accurate understanding.

Literary techniques


  • "Flicder means to say a person exactly what he thinks about himself" (Dale Carnegie)
  • "Immortality is worth our life" (Ramon de Campoamor)
  • "Optimism - religion of revolutions" (Jean Banwei)


The irony is a mockery in which the true meaning is placed in opposition to real meaning. Due to this, it seems that the subject of the conversation is not as it seems at first glance.

  • The phrase said by the goal: "Yes, I look, you are tirelessly working today"
  • Phrase, told about rainy weather: "The weather whispers"
  • Phrase, told man in a business suit: "Hi, you jog?"


The epithet is a word that determines any object or action and at the same time emphasizing its feature. With the help of the epithet, you can give the expression or phrase a new shade, make it more colorful and bright.

  • Proudwarrior, be resistant
  • Suit fantasticcoloring
  • Beauty girl unprecedented


The metaphor is an expression or word based on a comparison of one item with another on the basis of their overall feature, but used in a figurative sense.

  • Nerves of steel
  • Rain Barabanit
  • Eyes on the forehead climbed


Comparison is a figurative expression that connects various objects or phenomena with any general traits.

  • From the bright light of the sun Evgeny for a minute like mole
  • My comrade's voice reminded creak rusty door loops
  • Mare was greasy as flaming the fire Campfire


Allusion is a special figure of speech, which provides an indication or hint to another fact: political, mythological, historical, literary, etc.

  • You are a right great combinator (reference to Roman I. Ilf and E. Petrov "Twelve Chairs")
  • They made the same impression on these people, what Spaniard - on the Indians South America (reference to K. historical fact conquest of South America by conquistadors)
  • Our trip could be called "incredible movements of Russians in Europe" (sending to E. Ryazanov's movie " Incredible adventures Italians in Russia ")


Repeat is a word or phrase, several times repeated in one sentence that gives additional semantic and emotional expressiveness.

  • Poor, poor boy!
  • Scary, to what it was terribly!
  • Go, my friend, you feel better! Go you boldly, not Roby!


Elimination is an expression or word used in a figurative sense by which inanimate objects are attributed to the properties of animated.

  • Winter storm warter
  • Finance sing Romances
  • Frost collected Window patterns

Parallel structures

Parallel structures are bulk proposals that allow the reader to create an associative connection between two or three objects.

  • "In the blue sea, the wave of splashing, in the blue sea the stars shook" (A.S. Pushkin)
  • "The diamond is polished with a diamond, the line is dictated by a string" (S.A. Delkov)
  • "What is looking for in the country far? What threw him in the edge of his native? " (M.Yu. Lermontov)


Kalambur is a special literary admission, in which in one context apply different values The same word (phrases, phrases), similar in their sound.

  • Says a parrot parrot: "Parrot, I'm a parrot"
  • Fucking rain and my father and my father
  • "Gold is appreciated by weight, and on the pans - hanging" (D.D. Minaev)


Contamination is the appearance of one new word by connecting two others.

  • PizzaBabe - Pizza Charger (Pizza (Pizza) + Boy (Boy))
  • Pivoner - Lover Beer (Beer + Pioneer)
  • Batmobile - Batman's car (Batman + car)

Stocked expressions

The streamlined expressions are phrases that do not express anything concrete and hide the personal attitude of the author, weigh the meaning or make it difficult to understand.

  • We will change the world for the better
  • Permissible losses
  • It's not good and not bad


Graduation is a way to build proposals in such a way that homogeneous words in them enhanced or reduced semantic meaning and emotional color.

  • "Above, faster, stronger" (Yu. Caesar)
  • Drop, drop, rain, shower, so pouring like a bucket
  • "He worried, worried, went crazy" (F.M. Dostoevsky)


The antithesis is the figure of speech, which uses rhetorical opposition of images, states or concepts related to the general semantic value.

  • "That academician, then the hero, the navigator, then the carpenter" (A.S. Pushkin)
  • "Who was nobody, he will become all" (I.A. Ahmetiev)
  • "Where the table was insens, there is a coffin" (G.R. Derzhavin)


The oxymoron is a stylistic figure, which is considered a stylistic error - it combines incompatible (opposite by meaning) words.

  • Living Dead
  • Hot Ice
  • Beginning of the End

So, what do we see in the end? The number of literary techniques amazes. In addition to those listed by us, such as parcel, inversion, ellipsis, epiphara, hyperbole, litt, periphydra, sync, metonymy, and others can be called. And it is this diversity that allows any person to apply these techniques everywhere. As already mentioned, the "sphere" of the use of literary techniques is not only a writhe, but also oral speech. Supplemented by epithets, aphorisms, antithesis, gradations and other techniques, it will become much brighter and expressive, which is very useful in mastering and development. However, it is impossible to forget that the abuse of literary receptions can make your text or a spoken and not so beautiful, as you would like. Therefore, it should be restrained and neat, applying these techniques so that the presentation of the information is concise and smooth.

For a more complete assimilation of the material, we recommend that you, firstly, familiarize yourself with our lesson on, and secondly, and pay attention to the manner of writing or speech of outstanding personalities. Examples There are a huge number: from the ancient Greek philosophers and poets to great writers and risers of modernity.

We will be very grateful if you show the initiative and write in the comments about what other writers' literary techniques you know, but we did not mention.

We would also like to know whether to read this material for you?

Answer questions to the poem "Railway"

1) What significance is in the poem epigraph "Conversation in the car":
Vania. Dad who built this road
Dad. Count Peter Andreevich Kleinmichel, Drain
2) Re-read the first part of the poem. What can you say about a person who so saw a picture of nature? How is the picture of nature associated with the subsequent conversation of the author with their neighbors on the car?

3) Why does Nekrasov call famous king? What is the power of this king?
4) How do you understand the lines:
Many-in senior struggle

to life, appealing these fucks barley,

the coffin has gained here? ....
what thought is expressed by antithesis?

5) Why is the poem drawn to children?

6) What do you think, why the poet begins a story about construction railway Description of the beautiful autumn Nature? Why the poet, and after him and the actor emphasizes the words: nice autumn; peace and space; Frosty nights; Clear, quiet days; no disgrace in nature; Everything is good under the shine lunar.

7) Which technique used the poet, first giving a description of autumn, and then showing a terrible picture of the construction of the railway? How does the actor reproduce this technique?

8) Railway-poem about the distant past. Do you think there are thoughts in it, modern and for our days? Find these lines.

Reluctantly and loyalty

The sun looks at the fields.
Chu, for clouds thundered,
The earth has grown.
Wind warm gusts
Far thunder and rain sometimes ...
Green Niva
Greater under the thunderstorm.
That made his way because of the clouds
Blue lightning jet -
Flame White and Fitching
Okalimil her edges.
More often raindrops,
Whirlwind of dust flies with fields,
And rolling thunder
All hearts and bolds.
The sun was still looking
Improved on the fields
And in the shiny
All confused land.

1. Find epithetes, comparisons that help draw the author's picture of the upcoming thunderstorm and the all-standing sun.

2. What kind of reception is used by the poet when writing lines: "The sun looks at the fields", "the earth hasnifunted", "the sun was still looking at the IPODLACY into the fields", "and in the radiance I could have sinking all the confused land"? What is achieved with this reception?

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