Total dictation how many errors are permissible. Total dictation: Error history for all the years

When did you see the text, did you notice the potentially dangerous moments for yourself? What words immediately became clear: they will make mistakes?

- Some of our expectations were confirmed, while others, to our big joy, no. For example, we expected a lot of mistakes in the word "art", but writing the total dictation did not have them practically. This suggests that this word is well learned within the framework of the school course of the Russian language. I emphasize that we do the conclusions not "at all", not "averageistist", but only on the basis of the work of participants in the action, and this is the most competent and active part of the nation.

The next word is "subsequently" in which the errors were, but after all, their number was not catastrophic, which also shows a good level of assimilation word Words at school.

There were words with a hyphen, they usually cause difficulties.

- Yes, it was difficult to be difficult, for example, the word in ancient Egyptian, since for its correct writing it is necessary to remember the three rules at the same time. The first rule is to write through the deficion of the adventure with the prefix, and suffix -s. I think that in the words of the type of Turkish mistakes it would be practically not, since the structure of this word is transparent: the adhesive Turkish adherals are formed with the help of the prefix and suffix-and.

This rule knows so good that they distribute its action and on other phenomena. For example, in the same text of the total dictation, the word was most simpler, which many wrote through a hyphen is most likely, by analogy with the rule for the adverbs. But simply is a form comparative degree The adjective (simple - simpler is simpler), so it does not apply to it. The prefix in the Word Simply indicates a weak degree of manifestation of the trait and is written in a punk.

The second rule, which must be remembered for the right writing of the word in ancient Egyptian, is a rule of fusion writing adjectives formed from phrases based on communication. Included in ancient Egyptian educated from the adjective ancient Egyptian, and it, in turn, from the name of the state ancient Egypt, which is a phrase, built on the basis of a verification connection: Egypt (what?) - Ancient (the word ancient depends on the word Egypt, is subordinate to him ). Such adjectives are picked, in contrast to the adjective type of black and white or dairy meat, formed based on writing communicationinvolving equality of concepts (cf. black and white, meat and milk).

And finally, the third rule: writing adjectives formed from the names of their own, from a capital or lowercase letter. The adjective ancient Egyptian is written from the lowercase letters, as it has a suffix -sk. Cf. With adjective valine, Mishin, which are also formed from the names of their own, but are written from a capital letter, because their composition includes another suffix - -in.

Each of these rules separately is well known, but the use of their complex is difficult.

Just like a host of punctuation signs?

- Indeed, most of all errors appear in those places where you need to simultaneously put two signs, for example, and comma, and a dash, and each of the signs should be delivered according to your rule. These difficulties are associated with the need to simultaneously apply two or three rules, and such cases in school grammar are practically not practiced, since in school it is necessary to have time to learn at least the core of the rules, and there are no longer left at their diverse combinations of time.

The combination of different rules, in general, self-evident, it is only necessary to remember that the confluence of two characters is possible, despite the fact that it often scares the writing, they often ask a question: "Does there be two characters at the same time?" Yes, they can, and even should, as each of them is responsible for their sphere. In the first part of the total dictation of this year there was such an example: ... Sofokl decided to attract actors who could play his works, "the theater appeared. In it, it was necessary to put a comma before the dash, which closes the apparent that could play his works, and a dash - according to the rule of the non-Union complex offer, the second part of which begins with the index pronouction so.

- And what mistakes were unexpected for you? I read about the fact that in the dictation there was a strange way. Okane was manifested: ottles, Orena, Ozart ...

- Such errors, in my opinion, are a logical continuation of one of the main "rules" of Russian spelling - "Write is not what you hear." True, in this case it is impossible to apply the continuation of this rule: if you doubt that you need to write, check, put under the emphasis. This rule applies to the original Russian words, and the words of Arena, Azart, the athlete is borrowed from other languages, they are not obliged to obey the rules of the Russian language.

The rule of verified vowels at the root of the word is the most frequency rule in all texts without exception: to properly write the word not easy, it is necessary to put the corresponding vowel to the position under the stress - just. In the words of the athlete, the Arena, the excitement of this is, of course, it is impossible, since in these borrowed words are unroven, but just in case writing, apparently, reinsured and write "not what they hear."

Errors in borrowed words always happens a lot, since the writing of these words needs to be memorable, they do not apply to the rules of the Russian language, intuitively understandable to all. And if they are rarely found in the practice of each writing, then there is simply no opportunity to remember them, especially if they are not specifically practiced in school if they do not belong to the category of words that are usually taken into the memorization frame.

An annoying was an error in writing the names of states ancient Greece and ancient Egypt, when the first word some participants in the action wrote from the lowercase letters. Many were outraged that this is "not a completely spelling" error, but in fact it is spelling: the spelling of such words is governed by the rule of writing the names of states. No one will probably challenge the title of modern states, such as the Russian Federation, United States of America, United Arab Emirates, etc., where every word is written with capital letter. The names of the ancient states are no different from the names of the states of modern. Doubly annoying such mistakes, since the history of the ancient states is studied in school quite detailed, it would seem that these knowledge should be an integral part of the elementary educational Standard Each graduate school.

And here it is just a question about the volume of the concept of "competent person": how is the current understanding of "literacy" from the dictionaries fixed in words? In the dictionaries, the word "competent" is defined only as "able to read and write." But this ability today in our country does not surprise anyone, we all know how to read and write without exception, since the law on universal secondary education provides this opportunity. It became perceived as a natural state of affairs, so in consciousness modern man The concept of "competent" began to foll with meanings that are not reflected in the dictionaries. "Competent" is a person who is not just able to read and write, but making it without mistakes, on high levelrecognizing fine shades of meanings laid in texts with a wide range.

- I somehow wrote a column called the "Atmosphere of Language Hate". She is about the fact that many native speakers are very aggressive in relation to those who are mistaken. It is also offered to plant everyone, or even shoot for confusion with dress-wear, for example. Do you think why people are so painful react to mistakes?

- First of all, it is not necessary to write about it so often, such phenomena are spontaneous, one, not such people form an atmosphere of universal hatred, but journalists who will mutate these phenomena. Where to more peopleMortenside for literacy: these are primarily school teachers, these are many and many journalists and philologists, leading relevant programs on TV, radio, magazine and newspaper columns. It is better to write about them, their contribution is much more significant and positive than a separate surge of aggression, which is most likely a continuation of the disappointment of a separate person in life in general, in all its manifestations.

It's just unfortunate people who are afraid to throw out their aggression on other people, as they will certainly rebuff, they do not climb into a fight, they simply swear on the Internet, most often anonymously, splashing the harm of their nature into the language that they cannot answer by anything Yes, he no need for him, since he is great and mighty and not suffer from such attacks.

- I do not agree with you about aggression: unfortunately, this is not a separate burst, but a constant phenomenon. Vladimir Pakhomov, chief editor of the, it confirms, he constantly comes with letters with requests to shoot for coffee of the middle kind and so on. Right and write: shoot, plant.

That's why I wrote a column so that people looked at themselves.

- It seems to me that the total dictation is a much more massive phenomenon than separate aggressive antics. I think that the popularity of the action is that the overwhelming majority of people perceive the language as absolute value, as a method of cultural self-identification, which provides a comfortable existence: This is the key to the fact that you correctly understand that your communicative intentions are correctly recognized in the community, it is in In the end, the ability to support the purity of the native language may, thereby even demonstrate their patriotism.

What mistakes are you intolerant?

- I am tolerant for any mistakes, even to the shuffle words (not to be confused with the foul language as a form of offensive behavior!), Because many of them are a continuation of the system, there are as part of the language in the whole manifold.

The question is what to consider an "error". If the notorious "calls" and "coffee" of the middle kind, then these are no errors, but the reflection of the patterns laid down in the language system itself. "Their errors" are recognized by people who try to normalize possible zones of the use of certain words or forms, they hang on them estimated labels: it is "high", it is "low", it is "permissible in the speech of the educated person", and this is not. There are no mistakes in the language of errors, there are violations of the rules established by people, but such violations and in road traffic happen. There, for some errors, the right is selected, and for errors in writing words, even the fine is not charged.

How literate modern students? And are they interested in tongue?

- Students are the most competent part of our society. To enroll in the university, they should not just pass the exam in Russian, but get a score in accordance with the high plank installed by universities.

And the fact that they are certainly interested in the tongue, proves the total dictation. This is a student, and not a philological action: students came up with students, hold students, philologists only support them. This interest in the language buys around the world, on all continents, because it is the students who are completely voluntarily and disinterested in the best spring days, when you can do something completely different, the total dictation is organized, and check it, and check is not just a single one The event when you can come, have fun and leave, and this is a painstaking multi-day work, very tense, as it needs to be carried out in a very short time and in very large volumes. Nobody forces them, nothing but love for his native language, their activities are not motivated. What else to desire from modern youth? Participation in Total dictation I leads to the state of Euphoria: Literacy - this is what is interesting to our students now in mass order.

- Why is the dictation - this is a cheerful, fascinating flash mob for the participants of your share, and for schoolchildren in the lessons - one of the most boring genres? How to make Russian lessons in schools have become interesting?

- If dictation was such a boring occupation in schools, no one would go to a dictation with the frightening title "Total". So, it was not so bad to do it in school, since people still write dictations with joy.

It all depends on the personality of the teacher: you can tell about the same boring and uninteresting, and you can fascinating and incendially, while it does not matter exactly what this story is about. So, most teachers conduct dictations after all so that you want to write them again and again. If such a large number of people tremensantly refers to the native language, it means that they made this love from school. And otherwise, where does it come from? Total dictation This love only picked up, and it was formed at school.

- This time, the total dictation was written on all six continents. Usually the Russian language of those who do not live in Russia for a long time, it differs from our. Accordingly, the mistakes people do because not so often use the tongue as we. Where was the errors more - in Russia or abroad?

- We never compare anyone each other. This is the condition for carrying out a total dictation: a voluntary and anonymous share. Anonymity applies to continents.

- Not everyone likes the words "total" and "dictator". What do you think, for the time that there is an action, you managed to somehow "whitewash"?

- In these words, there is nothing bad, they do not need any "clarification". They do not like those who do not know the meaning of the word "total" ("universal") and confuse it with the word "totalitarian". Most of these comic nominations understand and adequately respond to them.

Maybe someone suspiciously belongs to such words, because it forgets that this is a cheerful youth action. Novosibirsk people like to play with words. So, we have another event called "Monster". Someone may think that some "monsters" take part in it, and in fact it is the same fun youth entertainment that passes on May 1 like nostalgia on Soviet May Day demonstrations, and it collects youth that goes on The holiday with the slogans of the type "My brother is forced to eat porridge. Freedom to children! " If you are afraid of everything, then such a slogan may seem dangerous.

So the word "dictator" - it arose simply because there is no special name for a person who dictates the text at the same time large quantity... who? How to call the participants of this action - "dictated", "dictors", "subdictional"? We still do not have a word for those who write the text of the total dictation under dictation. At school, dictations are written schoolchildren, and in the framework of the total dictation who? Maybe this "Totalitarists"? It would be nice and this word give less threatening meaning.

If we talk about dictating, I met funny option "Diktun". But he, of course, comic.

- The word "dictator" in the framework of our promotion acquired a new meaning: "The one who reads the text of the total dictation", although not "softened" its meaning: the text must be written in the word into word, without retreating from the original option. This is probably also a dictate form, since free retelling is not counted as the text of the total dictation.

It may be, over time, and this meaning of the word "dictator" will enter the dictionaries, along with his initial meaning: "The unlimited ruler is temporarily elected to the people of inland riots or to combat the enemy external; Samulatically on the pericing of the need to comply with themselves the duties and gives the report to the people in all their actions ... "( Fortune Dictionary foreign wordsincluded in the use of Russian. Popov M., 1907). In my opinion, the very good value of this word. Unfortunately, his second meaning was activated - "it is also an arbitrarily arbitrarily disposable to anyone, by anyone who is not authorized and neglecting orders and desires to themselves."

But it depends on us, what words we use most often and in what values. And we are afraid of the words themselves, but those phenomena that they associate with them. But these are temporary associations that have arisen at a certain stage. historical Development of our state and in Ancient RomeI think no one was afraid of this word. The fears of the era of totalitarianism will be forgotten, and together with them and the meanings of many words will be perceived as quite neutral.

What words would you calm those who believe that we all have become completely illiterate, and the language is dying?

- My main specialty - field linguistics, I am engaged in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Siberia, many of which are under threat of disappearance, so I observe the situation when it is believed that one language is about to disappear, but it turns out that even those languages \u200b\u200bon which Says 200 people, so simply do not surrender.

For example, 25 years ago, I worked with one informant in one small Khanty settlement (Khanty - Finno-Ugric Natopolis, living in the lower course of Ob). She had a daughter, then a young girl, about whom the mother said that he had trouble, she did not know his native language at all, and then we didn't even consider working with this girl, as they doubted that it would be possible to gain reliable information. And so I came to the same village in 25 years, there was no longer anyone who was alive already, we met with her daughter, and it turned out that she was the most complete carrier of his native language!

Against the background of representatives of the older generation, it may seem that youth and says not so, and it does not think, but when the older generation goes out, it turns out that traditions are safely transmitted, maybe something is lost, but also the enrichment of the language also occurs. In addition, knowledge accumulates with age, and it is impossible to compare the linguistic competence of an elderly and young man. For example, I graduated from school with a "four" in the certificate in the Russian language. But I got a philological education, and the level of my literacy, of course, has increased, but for this it took a lot of years and great difficulties. Therefore, to reproach young people to whatever prematurely.

I compare myself in my student years and today's students. And the comparison is not in my favor. The current students are quite accurately more educated and have a much broader outlook: many of them have already seen the world, read a lot of what I did not even suspect about your student years. I entered the university in 1980. We did not know the emigrant literature; "Masters and Margarita", Strugatsky or Solzhenitsyn read (and even those who could get them with pretty labor) in samizdat, in the blind "fifth" copies, under the strictest secret, passing each other these reads reading literally to the holes printed on Papile paper. Now completely different skills and skills are claimed, many of whom my peers did not have mastered.

Of course, we can make a decision not to speak Russian, or some catastrophic circumstances will force us to refuse. But can we suddenly go to any other language? Imagine: S. tomorrow You must speak in some other language. Is it possible?

Even people who have lived abroad for many years cannot get rid of the accent, the combinability of words always gives an alien, these are all traces of our native language, which is so easy to get rid, even if we really try, we can not so easily lose our native language And go around the prestigious robes of any other language. These are such deep mechanisms that may disappear only when there is no single person who would speak Russian on the whole globe, which would speak Russian. But for this there should be an universal scale cataclysms. Let us hope that they are not threatened to us in the foreseeable and distant future.

The action "Total Dictation" on the idea is designed to check the level of literacy of society. But prove that you are a great connoisseur of the "great and mighty", not so simple: the authors of dictations traditionally prepare traps in the form of difficult words and cunning signs of punctuation. And many people come across them ... The most original mistakes - in our charts.

Fate has developed in such a way that I happened to take part in the test "Total Dictation". The teachers and graduates of the Faculty of Philology, overcast Sunday in the morning, reinforced the mistakes and put the assessments of the active citizens. This is, it should be noted, it required considerable mental efforts: the first hours of work took place in permanent scientific discussions about the correctness and incorrectness of the formulation of punctuation marks in the text.
Intelligent voltage from time to time was interrupted by unrestrained laughter of someone from the inspections: it means that the next linguistic "masterpiece" appeared. The most outstanding mistakes were discharged by us on the board. So, we bring to your attention the top 10 errors from the "Total Dictation 2013".

10th place
Probably the most common mistake was the writing of the word "backstage" with "T": "Altercant". But it is interesting that many called the "preacher" or "Propward" standing next door to the neighborhood.

9th place
Since the text of the dictation was dedicated to the Internet, there were many specific words that could be unfamiliar to the senior generation. So we can assume that the mistakes in the word "hacker" were allowed exactly what imaging him different versions: "Hacker", "Hexer" and even "hahher".

8th place
Whether the text was dictated not very expressive, whether the writers thought and made a mistake "on Freud", but in a number of works, the proposal "The worldwide network becomes a gun in the hands of terrorists, hackers and fanatics of all the masters" was written like this: "The worldwide network becomes Instrument in the hands of terrorists, hackers and fanatics of all authorities. "

7 place
Despite the fact that the age of participants in the dictation form was not indicated, "born in the USSR" issued the writing of the words "communism" and "revolution" from the capital letter. But in this case, respect for this political system did not save: for "communism" we mercilessly put the red tick in the fields and counted the mistake.

6th place
Someone had fallen, someone misunderstood, as a result of which the look of philologists appeared "the entire peaceful network" (instead of the "World Network") and the Internet, which "lies in the dream" (lying, in reality, "at the heart").

5th place
Here they begin the very words of traps, apparently, terrifying hearing and unimaginable writing. For example, "vulgarization". It would seem that the word "vulgar" hearing and does not represent much difficulty. AN no, there were originals that wrote "Wolgurization of Culture" and "Gulgurization of Culture".

4th place
It is even more terrible as it turned out, the word "unprecedented" sounds and sounds, Dina Rubin has incorporated it in his text. What only writing options were offered by the participants of the dictation, but most of all we were impressed by the "non-predent" and "unsensed."

3rd place
The list of "terrible words" completes it seems to be a short, but very dangerous word "too much." In addition, it is found as much as in the penultimate sentence of the text when the writing the forces end. At the end of the inspection, the option "HERE" did not surprise anyone, but "through'chur", "through-chur" and "through Chur" clearly appealed.

2nd place
Honorary Silver We are awarded (do not believe!) Capital of Greece. Yes, ash, Athens, which one participant found it necessary to write as "officer".

1st place
The greatest joy of the testing dictation delivered writing by the participants of the header of the text: "the dangers of the paradise". Of course, the word "kushchi" is not familiar to everyone, in connection with which many decided to replace it with more common "huts" and "forests". But what was the surprise of philologists, when in several works in a row they met the title "Features of the Paradise School" ...

But, in truth, the text of the dictation was quite complicated. Of the 3470 people who participated in shares in our city, 17 received "fives". In total, the dictation was written 32280 people, 2564 of which - abroad.

Alain Yudina, Obloci Information Department

Photo Film from the archive of information department

Linguists continue to disassemble dictation in parts. In 2016 there were 102 excellent student. The increase in the number of "pyedrok" was influenced by regular preparation of participants in shares at full-time and online courses. In addition, in 2017, the organizers of the action for the first time told in advance about nine words that will meet in dictation.

For example, the word "sterlet", in which the largest number of errors was allowed, was "revealed" before the start of the dictation, and all who are interested in holding a promotion could remember his writing. But the word still became the leader in the number of mistakes made.

The expert Natalia Koskareva called the most sad mistake in the second part of the total dictation: it was no coincidence that it was Eva Dalaskina (a fictional character who since 2015 members from 2015 Expert Council Calculate the mistakes allowed, "cheers").

"Instead of writing separately," the streets were called on the temples standing on them "(that is, the names of the streets were given in accordance with the names of the temples that were on them), Eva Dalaskina wrote a combination of the pretext of" on "with the communion of" standing "pony. Eva Dalaskina turned out that the temples were "stood" on these streets for a while, "the expert commented.

According to Natalia Koskareva, the rules that will first need to prepare for the 2018 dictation will be understood when a new text appears. But there are the most common mistakes: the fusion and separate writing do not with the words different parts Speech, one and two n, punctuation signs in a complex sentence, especially in cases where at the same time it is necessary to put two characters, with each - on the basis of its own rule.

"The colon is placed after the generalizing word" second (streets) "before near homogeneous members "Siberian, Solikamskaya, Verkhoturskaya". The colon is a strong sign, it absorbs other signs that turn out to be with him. Therefore, put the colon in this case the easiest way, "Linguist explained.

A permissible sign for homogeneous members with a generalizing word is also a dash. It could also be put in this sentence, but the dash does not absorb signs that should be in front of him. That is why the appropriate "where the roads led out of them" in this case, it was necessary to allocate commas on both sides.

"The confluence of signs often causes errors, so it is better to follow the reference options. With a generalizing word, which stands in front of a number of homogeneous members, such a reference is a colon, "the Natalia Koshkareva advised.

On a page with a record of online dictation, there are tables and matrices, where 30 options are allowed, and everything is correct, so the question of the limits of the variability is often arising.

"In fact, there is no variability. Each sign conveys its meaning. Put the colon - they wanted to emphasize the cause or explanation. We divided parts of the non-union complex proposal with commas, which means that events simply listed. The choice of signs is not arbitrarily and is not accidental, it depends on the meanings and nuances that the writeer wants to convey, "Natalia Koshkareva explained and led an example.

"I won't call you () you will be offended" - without puncturing marks it is impossible to determine the relationship between parts.

"Tire: insult is a consequence of what I did not call. Colon: Possible insult is the reason why I do not call you. Maybe you have to tell something unpleasant, "showed the significance of the signs and meaning of the text of the linguist.

- When did you see the text, did you notice potentially dangerous moments? What words immediately became clear: they will make mistakes?

- Some of our expectations were confirmed, while others, to our big joy, no. For example, we expected a lot of mistakes in the word "art", but writing the total dictation did not have them practically. This suggests that this word is well learned within the framework of the school course of the Russian language. I emphasize that we do the conclusions not "at all", not "averageistist", but only on the basis of the work of participants in the action, and this is the most competent and active part of the nation.

The next word - "Subsequently," in which the mistakes were, but still their number was not catastrophic, which also shows a good level of learning dictionary words at school.

- There were words with a hyphen, usually they cause difficulties.

- Yes, it was difficult to be, for example, the word in ancient EgyptianSince it is necessary to remember three rules for its correct writing. The first rule - writing through a deficion of the adverbs with the prefix by-and suffix -and. I think in words like in Turkish There would be practically no error, since the structure of this word is transparent: from the adjective turkisheducated by adverb in Turkishwith the help of the console by-and suffix -and.

This rule knows so good that they distribute its action and on other phenomena. For example, in the same text of the total dictation, the word met simply oftenwhich many wrote through a hyphen, most likely, by analogy with the rule for the shorter. But simply oftenis a form of comparative degree adjective (plaineasiersimply often), so the rule for it narachi does not apply. Prefix in the word simply oftenindicates a weak degree of manifestation of the feature and is written in a punk.

The second rule that must be remembered for the right writing of the word in ancient Egyptian- This is a rule of the fusion writing of adjectives formed from phrases based on a supervisory connection. Adverb in ancient Egyptianeducated from the adjective ancient Egyptian, and it, in turn, from the name of the state Ancient Egyptwhich is a phrase built on the basis of the verification link: Egypt(What?) - Ancient(word Ancientdepends on the word Egypt, obeys him). Such adjectives are written in a punch, in contrast to the adjective type black and whiteor meat-milkFormed on the basis of writing communication involving equality of concepts (cf. black and white, meat and milk).

And finally, the third rule: writing adjectives formed from the names of their own, from a capital or lowercase letter. Adjective ancient Egypt sC.iYwritten from the lowercase letters, as there is a suffix in its composition -sk-. Cf. with adit Shaft iN. , Mish. iN. , which are also formed from the names of their own, but they are written from the capital letter, because their composition includes another suffix - --in.

Each of these rules separately is well known, but the use of their complex is difficult.

- Just as a host of punctuation signs?

- Indeed, most of all errors appear in those places where you need to simultaneously put two signs, for example, and comma, and a dash, and each of the signs should be delivered according to your rule. These difficulties are associated with the need to simultaneously apply two or three rules, and such cases in school grammar are practically not practiced, since in school it is necessary to have time to learn at least the core of the rules, and there are no longer left at their diverse combinations of time.

The combination of different rules, in general, self-evident, it is only necessary to remember that the confluence of two characters is possible, despite the fact that it often scares the writing, they often ask a question: "Does there be two characters at the same time?" Yes, they can, and even should, as each of them is responsible for their sphere. In the first part of the total dictation of this year there was such an example: ... Sofokl decided to attract actors who could play his works - so the theater appeared. It was necessary in front of the dash to put a comma closing the apparent who could play his works, and a dash - according to the rule of the non-union complex proposal, the second part of which begins with the index pronoun so.

- And what mistakes were unexpected for you? I read about the fact that in the dictation there was a strange way. Okane was manifested: ottles, Orena, Ozart ...

- Such errors, in my opinion, are a logical continuation of one of the main "rules" of Russian spelling - "Write is not what you hear." True, in this case it is impossible to apply the continuation of this rule: if you doubt that you need to write, check, put under the emphasis. This rule applies to the original Russian words, and the words arena, azart, athleteborrowed from other languages, they are not obliged to obey the rules of the Russian language.

The rule of verified vowels in the root of the word is the most frequency rule in all texts without exception: to write correctly infant aboutstone, it is necessary to put the corresponding vowel to the position under the stress - etc aboutone hundred. In words athlete, arena, azart Of course, it is impossible to do this, because in these borrowed words the vowels are unverified, but just in case are writing, apparently, reinsured and write "Not what they hear."

Errors in borrowed words always happens a lot, since the writing of these words needs to be memorable, they do not apply to the rules of the Russian language, intuitively understandable to all. And if they are rarely found in the practice of each writing, then there is simply no opportunity to remember them, especially if they are not specifically practiced in school if they do not belong to the category of words that are usually taken into the memorization frame.

An annoying was a mistake in writing state names Ancient Greeceand Ancient EgyptWhen the first word, some participants in the action wrote from the lowercase letters. Many were outraged that this is "not a completely spelling" error, but in fact it is spelling: the spelling of such words is governed by the rule of writing the names of states. No one will probably challenge the title of modern states, such as the Russian Federation, United States of America, United Arab Emirateset al., where every word is written from the capital letter. The names of the ancient states are no different from the names of the states of modern. It is doubly annoying to meet such mistakes, since the history of the ancient states is studied in school quite detailed, it would seem that these knowledge should be an integral part of the elementary educational standard of each graduate of the school.

And here it is just a question about the volume of the concept of "competent person": how is the current understanding of "literacy" from the dictionaries fixed in words? In the dictionaries, the word "competent" is defined only as "able to read and write." But this ability today in our country does not surprise anyone, we all know how to read and write without exception, since the law on universal secondary education provides this opportunity. This was perceived as a natural state of affairs, so in the consciousness of a modern man, the concept of "competent" began to fill with meanings not reflected in the dictionaries. "Competent" is a person who is not just able to read and write, but making it without mistakes, at a high level, recognizing subtle shades of meanings laid down in texts with a wide range.

- I somehow wrote a column called. She is about the fact that many native speakers are very aggressive in relation to those who are mistaken. It is also offered to plant everyone, and even shoot for confusion with dress up, eg. Do you think why people are so painful react to mistakes?

- First of all, it is not necessary to write about it so often, such phenomena are spontaneous, one, not such people form an atmosphere of universal hatred, but journalists who will mutate these phenomena. There are much more people who truly rare literacy: these are primarily school teachers, these are many and many journalists and philologists, leading relevant programs on TV, radio, in journal and newspaper columns. It is better to write about them, their contribution is much more significant and positive than a separate surge of aggression, which is most likely a continuation of the disappointment of a separate person in life in general, in all its manifestations.

It's just unfortunate people who are afraid to throw out their aggression on other people, as they will certainly rebuff, they do not climb into a fight, they simply swear on the Internet, most often anonymously, splashing the harm of their nature into the language that they cannot answer by anything Yes, he no need for him, since he is great and mighty and not suffer from such attacks.

- I do not agree with you about aggression: unfortunately, this is not a separate burst, but a constant phenomenon. Vladimir Pakhomov, chief editor of the, confirms, he constantly comes with letters with requests to shoot for coffeemiddle kind and so on. Right and write: shoot, plant.

That's why I wrote a column so that people looked at themselves.

- It seems to me that the total dictation is a much more massive phenomenon than separate aggressive antics. I think that the popularity of the action is that the overwhelming majority of people perceive the language as absolute value, as a method of cultural self-identification, which provides a comfortable existence: This is the key to the fact that you correctly understand that your communicative intentions are correctly recognized in the community, it is in In the end, the ability to support the purity of the native language may, thereby even demonstrate their patriotism.

What mistakes are you intolerant?

- I am tolerant for any mistakes, even to the shuffle words (not to be confused with the foul language as a form of offensive behavior!), Because many of them are a continuation of the system, there are as part of the language in the whole manifold.

The question is what to consider an "error". If the notorious "calls" and "coffee" of the middle kind, then these are no errors, but the reflection of the patterns laid down in the language system itself. "Their errors" are recognized by people who try to normalize possible zones of the use of certain words or forms, they hang on them estimated labels: it is "high", it is "low", it is "permissible in the speech of the educated person", and this is not. There are no mistakes in the language of errors, there are violations of the rules established by people, but such violations and traffic accidents occur. There, for some errors, the right is selected, and for errors in writing words, even the fine is not charged.

- How literate modern students? And are they interested in tongue?

- Students are the most competent part of our society. To enroll in the university, they should not just pass the exam in Russian, but get a score in accordance with the high plank installed by universities.

And the fact that they are certainly interested in the tongue, proves the total dictation. This is a student, and not a philological action: students came up with students, hold students, philologists only support them. This interest in the language buys around the world, on all continents, because it is the students who are completely voluntarily and disinterested in the best spring days, when you can do something completely different, the total dictation is organized, and check it, and check is not just a single one The event when you can come, have fun and leave, and this is a painstaking multi-day work, very tense, as it needs to be carried out in a very short time and in very large volumes. Nobody forces them, nothing but love for his native language, their activities are not motivated. What else to desire from modern youth? Participation in the total dictation leads me to the state of Euphoria: Literacy - this is what is interesting to our students now in mass order.

- Why is the dictation - this is a cheerful, fascinating flash mob for the participants of your share, and for schoolchildren in the lessons - one of the most boring genres? How to make Russian lessons in schools have become interesting?

- If dictation was such a boring occupation in schools, no one would go to a dictation with the frightening title "Total". So, it was not so bad to do it in school, since people still write dictations with joy.

It all depends on the personality of the teacher: you can tell about the same boring and uninteresting, and you can fascinating and incendially, while it does not matter exactly what this story is about. So, most teachers conduct dictations after all so that you want to write them again and again. If such a large number of people tremensantly refers to the native language, it means that they made this love from school. And otherwise, where does it come from? Total dictation This love only picked up, and it was formed at school.

- This time, the total dictation was written on all six continents. Usually the Russian language of those who do not live in Russia for a long time, it differs from our. Accordingly, the mistakes people do because not so often use the tongue as we. Where was the errors more - in Russia or abroad?

- We never compare anyone each other. This is the condition for carrying out a total dictation: a voluntary and anonymous share. Anonymity applies to continents.

- Not everyone likes the words "total" and "dictator". What do you think, for the time that there is an action, you managed to somehow "whitewash"?

- In these words, there is nothing bad, they do not need any "clarification". They do not like those who do not know the meaning of the word "total" ("universal") and confuse it with the word "totalitarian". Most of these comic nominations understand and adequately respond to them.

Maybe someone suspiciously belongs to such words, because it forgets that this is a cheerful youth action. Novosibirsk people like to play with words. So, we have another event called "Monster". Someone may think that some "monsters" take part in it, and in fact it is the same fun youth entertainment that passes on May 1 like nostalgia on Soviet May Day demonstrations, and it collects youth that goes on The holiday with the slogans of the type "My brother is forced to eat porridge. Freedom to children! " If you are afraid of everything, then such a slogan may seem dangerous.

So the word "dictator" - it arose simply because there is no special name for a person who dictates the text at the same time to a large number ... Who? How to call the participants of this action - "dictated", "dictors", "subdictional"? We still do not have a word for those who write the text of the total dictation under dictation. At school, dictations are written schoolchildren, and in the framework of the total dictation who? Maybe this "Totalitarists"? It would be nice and this word give less threatening meaning.

- If we talk about dictating, then I met a ridiculous version of Diktun. But he, of course, comic.

- The word "dictator" in the framework of our promotion acquired a new meaning: "The one who reads the text of the total dictation", although not "softened" its meaning: the text must be written in the word into word, without retreating from the original option. This is probably also a dictate form, since free retelling is not counted as the text of the total dictation.

It may be, over time, and this meaning of the word "dictator" will enter the dictionaries, along with his initial meaning: "The unlimited ruler is temporarily elected to the people of inland riots or to combat the enemy external; Samulatically on the pericing of the need to comply with themselves the duties and the reasons for the people in all their actions ... " (A full dictionary of foreign words included in Russian. Popov M., 1907). In my opinion, the very good value of this word. Unfortunately, his second meaning was activated - "it is also an arbitrarily arbitrarily disposable to anyone, by anyone who is not authorized and neglecting orders and desires to themselves."

But it depends on us, what words we use most often and in what values. And we are afraid of the words themselves, but those phenomena that they associate with them. But these are temporary associations that have arisen at a certain stage of the historical development of our state, and in ancient Rome, I think no one was afraid of this word. The fears of the era of totalitarianism will be forgotten, and together with them and the meanings of many words will be perceived as quite neutral.

- What words would you calm those who believe that we all have become completely illiterate, and the language is dying?

- My main specialty - field linguistics, I am engaged in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Siberia, many of which are under threat of disappearance, so I observe the situation when it is believed that one language is about to disappear, but it turns out that even those languages \u200b\u200bon which Says 200 people, so simply do not surrender.

For example, 25 years ago, I worked with one informant in one small Khanty settlement (Khanty - Finno-Ugric Natopolis, living in the lower course of Ob). She had a daughter, then a young girl, about whom the mother said that he had trouble, she did not know his native language at all, and then we didn't even consider working with this girl, as they doubted that it would be possible to gain reliable information. And so I came to the same village in 25 years, there was no longer anyone who was alive already, we met with her daughter, and it turned out that she was the most complete carrier of his native language!

Against the background of representatives of the older generation, it may seem that youth and says not so, and it does not think, but when the older generation goes out, it turns out that traditions are safely transmitted, maybe something is lost, but also the enrichment of the language also occurs. In addition, knowledge accumulates with age, and it is impossible to compare the linguistic competence of an elderly and young man. For example, I graduated from school with a "four" in the certificate in the Russian language. But I got a philological education, and the level of my literacy, of course, has increased, but for this it took a lot of years and great difficulties. Therefore, to reproach young people to whatever prematurely.

I compare myself in my student years and today's students. And the comparison is not in my favor. The current students are quite accurately more educated and have a much broader outlook: many of them have already seen the world, read a lot of what I did not even suspect about your student years. I entered the university in 1980. We did not know the emigrant literature; "Masters and Margarita", Strugatsky or Solzhenitsyn read (and even those who could get them with pretty labor) in samizdat, in the blind "fifth" copies, under the strictest secret, passing each other these reads reading literally to the holes printed on Papile paper. Now completely different skills and skills are claimed, many of whom my peers did not have mastered.

Of course, we can make a decision not to speak Russian, or some catastrophic circumstances will force us to refuse. But can we suddenly go to any other language? Imagine: From tomorrow you must speak in some other language. Is it possible?

Even people who have lived abroad for many years cannot get rid of the accent, the combinability of words always gives an alien, these are all traces of our native language, which is so easy to get rid, even if we really try, we can not so easily lose our Native language and go to the prestigious robes of any other language. These are such deep mechanisms that may disappear only when there is no single person who would speak Russian on the whole globe, which would speak Russian. But for this there should be an universal scale cataclysms. Let us hope that they are not threatened to us in the foreseeable and distant future.

Experts who told the "Total Dictation" in Moscow were very surprised and were brought upon with unusual mistakes that were allowed by test participants, according to Moscow Komsomolets. So, in the works inspectors often met the words: "Botaly", "Orena", "Ozart", "excrets".


According to experts, such mistakes could make either very small participants of the dictation, or those for whom Russian is not native. One of the most common mistakes was the incorrect writing of the word "Ellina" - in the text dedicated to Ancient Greece. So, many participants wrote "Ellen", "Eillena", and even respectful "Ellina", changing the unrecognizability of the ancient Greeks. However, experts note that, fortunately, there were few such mistakes.

The valuation system of the "Total dictation" is strict: to qualify for the "five", you can allow only one punctuation error. Those who have found nine and more mistakes receive "twos". However, all the controversial writing options are always solved in favor of the writing. According to the organizers of the event, even the "Troika" is a very worthy assessment in this case.

"Total dictation" is an annual educational action for everyone. The purpose of the event is to give everyone a person to test your knowledge and awaken interest in improving literacy.

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