What prevents to show the flexibility of the mind. How to develop thinking flexibility at any age? Develop flexibility of thinking

The flexibility of thinking is the ability of a person to a rapid and easy to search for new decision strategies. The flexibility of thinking is the ability to freely dispose of the source material, establish associative connections and move in behavior and thinking from the phenomena of one class to others, often distant in essence. The flexibility of the mind is the ability to see the situation in development: to lay it on the components, redistribute, look at the problem (task) at a different angle and can predict all sorts of outcome options for a particular event. Flexible thinking is capable of multi-level knowledge and comprehensive understanding.

To make it clear that such a flexibility of thinking should be given an example of the opposite concept. The opposite property of the flexibility of the mind is its rigidity and inertness. Inertia of thinking is the inhibition and vagueness of mental processes, which is characterized by pronounced stiffness and the difficulty of switching from one type of activity to another. The trouble and cosiness of thought prevents people to relate general rules and exclusion from them.

Why it is so important to have flexible thinking

Today, the development of thinking flexibility is not so much entertainment for clever and smarts, how much survival is for any person. If you carefully look at the evolutionary processes that occurred on the planet, then it can be noted that the species remained the species that have the greatest flexibility and the ability to adapt to the changing external environment.

Modern validity is characteristic of not predictable, sudden, but sometimes very hard changes. A person who has the flexibility of the mind, easier perceives changes occurring in outdoor world. Flexible thinking helps us in a timely manner accept right solutions , Allow internal contradictions and conflicts.

A person who does not have the flexibility of the mind cannot think objectively, and in most cases with fear perceives what is happening around him. Developing the flexibility of thinking and making his mind more mobile, we will be able to maintain the sobriety of the mind and the peace of mind, even in the most difficult and rapidly changing situations. Thinking flexibility helps people find different solutions for one or another problem for creative personality Flexible mind is inexhaustible source of new ideas.

Such a quality as the flexibility of the mind is needed as a modern businessman and the Mother Manager. It will help to find non-standard solutions in difficult situations, To see any situation in a favorable light, to take a rational, optimally correct and original solution. Successful entrepreneurship Nowadays it is no longer possible without the ability to think non-standard and promptly.

The ability to flexibly think helps people avoid open confrontation in conflict situations. The flexibility of mind, conspicency and diplomacy in any controversial situation (for example, when negotiating) are able to set up opponents into a peace-loving way. Also, the flexibility of thinking is a good assistant in the learning process and in research activities.

The highest degree of thinking flexibility is a rather rare phenomenon (inherent in only gifted personalities), however, as the extreme level of its opposite - inert thinking. but develop the flexibility of mindit is possible, you just need to know how to do this and learning to show perseverance. Of course you can sign up for personal growth trainings Promising to increase the plasticity of thinking, but I think to start moving in the right direction enough and those tips that will be shown below.

The flexibility of the mind is closely connected with the volume of our abilities, skills, knowledge and skills, but completely this variety and wealth of experience is not determined. Experiments conducted by various scientists who studied the flexibility of thinking and its development indicate that his connection with the past experience has a very difficult character. So, for example, in certain life situations The knowledge gained by a person not only does not contribute to the formation of fresh ideas and strategies, but, on the contrary, these processes are inhibited.

The fundamental council, which will help you in the development of the flexibility of the mind and will be the basis for which the rest will be lying, will be a quote from the book of Robert Green, "33 War Strategies" - " It is important to understand that the great commander, talented tactics and strategies were able to show ourselves not because they knew most, but because in case there was no need to throw bias bias to concentrate exclusively on what happened around them here and now. After all, only creative sparkles flare out and creative and original solutions arise. Life experience and theoretical knowledge Good for the time being: no matter how much you thought trying to try to predict the situation, it will not prepare you to a series of endless opportunities, to chaos of the reality of life, and will not teach the art of improvisation».

To develop the flexibility of thinking, it is important to be able to throw out all smart tips read out of the books from the heads in certain situations (for similarity how to earn a million and become a millionaire), the formulas and methods contained in council successful people , and try to develop your own strategies. Of course, analyze victories and failures (both and other people's own), as well as to extract certain lessons a matter important, but it is equally important to develop the ability to reflect on the events occurring in the present.

If we present the human mind in the form of a river, but the flexibility of thinking in the form of fast flow and fresh water, then the memories of the successful or unsuccessful experience of past years, bias and obsessive thoughts will be the bias that inhibit the water flow, turning the river into a sharp swamp. And if you feel that in your "river", a large amount of Tina and another garbage of the brave-free track came time to start an internal struggle with these harmful trends. To restore the rapid and natural flow of your thoughts and develop the flexibility of the mind, use several tactical techniques:

First, you should closely monitor the appearance of restricting stereotypes. Secondly, it is more serious about the revision of some of its principles and beliefs.

Napoleon Bonaparte, answering the question of how when warmed by war, he should be principles, said - none. Also for any other person, aspiring to develop the flexibility of their own mental processes, the only principle should be the absence of any principles. The genius and talent of Napoleon were able to finely feel the situation and extract from any circumstances as much as possible. Having believed that there are irrefutable laws, eternal and unshakable truths, you take a static position and condemn yourself to defeat.

Once again, I repeat, studying history, and familiarity with various theories can expand the horizons, make you smarter, just fight the petrome dogma inside yourself and with the inner voice, then the case requiring to stick to the authorities. Clear the necessary space in your mind for a new experience.

One of the founders of Gestaltpsihology, a German psychologist Max Vertgaymer, as well as his followers Kurt Coffka and Karl Dunker, revealed that one of the properties of productive thinking, is the ability to refuse stereotypical actions, to allocate unusual and new properties (relationships, interaction) between objects. The process of solving the task facing a person is rethinking and the transformation of something source associated with the restructuring of a situational image, detecting new properties, unparalleled at first glance.

If the flexibility of the mind helps people look at the problem from different points of view, it means that an attempt to deeply explore this or that problem and find the greatest number Her solutions is a good exercise on the development of thinking flexibility.

Thirdly, forget about past victories and defeats. Success is painted and at the same time makes us lazy, because there is nothing complicated, once at a time to perform the actions that led to success. And memories of failures inevitably lead to loss of self-esteem, self-confidence And the horizons narrow. The greater that every new action is due to its nuances and intricacies. So, for each situation, problem or task, you need to learn how to look a fresh look - this is one of the basic rules for the development of thinking flexibility. And will help you to displace the latest events from consciousness and get rid of the memories of the past (no matter good or bad) - attention to detail and trifles of the present moment.

To reset the cargo of ordinary and shake in try sharply change the course: in the usual situation you can change the scheme of behavior and do something before pain your friend is not the way you do it before, but on the contrary, start something first, change the image or blame what -The unusual business for you. IN similar situations Faced with a new reality, the brain will come from sleep. And you should not pay attention to anxiety and fears that usually arise with such changes, they have a life effect.

Solving specific tasksAlways try to ask questions like: "Is it possible to look at the problem in another plane?", "Does the task have other ways to implement?", "What should be done in order to achieve better results? "," What changes should be made to be due to the circumstances, they did not harm the process? ", Well, etc.

An interesting look at the flexibility of the mind at Buddhist monks. Speaking about the importance of the flexibility of thinking and the ability to adapt to any circumstances, Buddhist monks advise not to strive to become like chameleons and passively take all the idea and idea. " Do not absorb in yourself as a sponge alien to our spiritual development of belief and system"- says Dalai Lama. You ask how this value system can be combined with thinking flexibility? According to the Dalai Lama, there is nothing complicated in this - " Spiritual development, unthinkable without a system of basic values, acting as a guideline. This system gives our lives meaningfulness and sequence. I limited the system of my main beliefs in three fundamental facts:

  • I am human.
  • I want to be happy and do not want to suffer.
  • Other people, like me, also want to be happy And do not want to suffer.

Not the search for differences, and the search for something uniting generates a sense of communication with other people. Tuping thus analyze your value system and beliefs and twist it to a small amount of fundamental principles. This is what will give you freedom, will allow you to flexibly think and resist the great set of daily problems».

What would your mind become more flexible, take advantage of special techniques to activate mental capabilities. To such methods, you can include the "method of control issues" or "Focal object method".

Development of thinking flexibility is unthinkable without various developing exercises, do not let your mind stagnate. On our site in the category "Self-development" you can find a lot useful Soviets, Rules, trainings and exercises, here are some of them: "Neurobika - Charging for the mind", " Video Course: Memory Development Exercises», « How to improve brain performance», « 12 Exercises for the Development of Creativity».

Also, the openness of the whole new, new experiences, impressions, experience, etc. will also be useful for the flexibility of the mind. Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said that life can be defined as a movement. What is not moving is dead. The one who is moving, in that more life and that always has a sharp mind and flexible thinking. So the Lord is more than life, interests and fresh emotions.

Exercises for the development of thinking flexibility

There are many different techniques that allow develop flexibility of thinking (All in one article will not work out). One of them, which is definitely worthy of attention, is the system that VN offered Kelasyev. let's consider this approach Read more. It includes the following steps:

  1. Change of familiar temporal connections
    • The method of separation of two interconnected serial processes that are in the usual temporary row for people. An example is an attempt to introduce thunder without lightning, which, in fact, is a shot.
    • The method of replacing the temporary order of some process to absolutely opposite. For example, imagine that thunder thunder, and after the zipper sparkles.
    • The method of reducing the time interval between some events. You can try to reduce the gap between the birth and the death of a person to one day and try to describe such a length of time. Another way is to present the dialogue of people from different eras or two personalities from the past and the future.
    • Mooked movement of some familiar subject in the time axis. An example is the reasoning about what is a TV now, which will be in the future and what its prototypes existed in the past. You can also imagine anything, for example library of the future.
  2. Change of familiar spatial ties
    • The method of replacing traditional spatial connections to unusual. For example, you can imagine that the car is not on the road, but under the road.
    • Method for combining various objects that ordinary life exist separately. You can imagine a stroke-fuzzle or fruit painting.
    • The separation method of traditionally related objects. As an example, you can bring fish without water or store without money.
  3. Change of common community relationships
    • Method of logical subtraction of a corporate basis from items. The planet and the ball have the same property - a spherical shape. It is necessary to imagine land, provided that it is not round.
    • Method of enhancing a security feature. For this practice, you should find something similar in two absolutely different objects. For example, rain and rocket fall to the ground. And if we decompose water on oxygen and hydrogen, then it will be fuel for a rocket.
    • The method of replacing traditional relationships to absolutely opposite. You can imagine that smoke is more useful than clean air.
  4. Changing the usual connection conversion links
    • The method of statement of action implies deprivation of a certain object of the possibility of a product of traditional actions. For example, it is enough to imagine a cargo that does not have weight, a car that does not transport anything, or food without calories.
    • The method of obtaining a certain result in the absence of a familiar source of action (building built without builders, or festival without participants).
    • The method of blocking the standard expected result in the process of some sequence of actions. For example, the car is lucky the passenger, but it remains in place.
    • The method of changing the standard direction of action (no cigarette is harmful to humans, and the person is dangerous for cigarettes).
    • An increase in some properties of an object to incredible scale (the car transports one hundred thousand passengers).
    • Method of strengthening or loosening the main property of the object (car-motorcycle bike).
    • Method for creating plots by means of pre-selected objects. A group of interrelated objects is used, after which the roles are distributed to the participants who should mostly describe their capabilities (train, passenger, Perron).
    • The method of forming new objects from those that already exist. This method is a kind of synthesis of a new object.

This approach ensures the development of thinking flexibility, which is very important to maintain its creative potential in the tone. It should be understood that it is difficult to develop the flexibility of mind in a few days. That is why it is necessary to apply these exercises regularly.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that it is possible to develop the flexibility of thinking only consciously and mainly in situations of finding solutions and the choice of actions that, by the way, can concern completely ordinary things. The essence is to choose the unusual actions and the exclusion of automatism when making a decision.

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What is the flexibility of the mind? It can be defined as the quality of our mind, which allows us to adapt to the world around us, under the situation. The flexibility of the mind allows us to cope with difficulties, analyze this reality and take the necessary actions, adapt to the current state of affairs.

But this does not stop. The flexibility of the mind makes us grow and move forward, learn and develop. The flexibility of the mind helps us to expand your own capabilities, as we think and how we do our job.

Flexibility of mind I. personal growth

Recove your potential, as well as access the necessary thinking patterns is a rather difficult task. Thanks to neuroscience, we know that it is easier for us and easier to develop your mind in the learning process than just trying to get rid of the existing habits and established ties in the brain.

The flexibility of the mind requires our openness and ability to make new information, as well as be quite motivated. Scientists have proven that our brain is designed so that we are accustomed to move in some direction only if some kind of award awaits us. We need to "overpower" themselves, put yourself the purpose of "personal growth" and move towards it.

In the workplace, the flexibility of the mind is necessary in order to adjust the atmosphere that reign in the company. We also need to install new connections, find support. In order to develop the flexibility of the mind, you need to properly tune in and resort to the use of various training systems that would contribute to our work out necessary qualities and characteristics.

Nowadays, most workers leave the classic systems and growth rates on the career stairs, they develop and use their training mechanisms and are developing in their own interests, pursuing their goals.

Flexibility of mind and career

The concept of the "eternal employee" did not die, but he has changed very seriously lately. Despite the fact that today many professionals describe themselves exactly that, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Eternal Employee" already looks like coercion to work not in their own interests, but at the request of the company (performing various projects that leadership considers it necessary).

The traditional "portrait" of the work consists of a number of tasks and awards. The tasks are performed by individual employees and have the degree of importance and responsibility. Movement from simple to more complex tasks And it is customary to call career growth. This is a one-way linear path, a matrix consisting of a portfolio and ever-changing needs in certain employees skills.

At the same time, now professionals are mainly valued by autonomy and flexibility.

It is the matrix of the requirements and gave rise to the so-called "markets of the talent" where everything flows: workers and employers. Some offer their talents and experience, while others are looking for fresh labor.

The flexibility of mind as a competence

In order for your services to always be demand, you need to maintain yourself in "freshness". The permanent growth of the market requires constant development. Most necessary skills You can purchase, resorting to "microbriation", that is, to the study of a separate material. This training can be carried out individually and with the help of professionals.

\u003e The flexibility of the mind is as a competence, is a combination of openness and dexterity of the mind, which is associated with long-term actions to improve their own skills to maintain their relevance. How can we develop the flexibility of the mind?

    Create yourself installation on growth and focus not at the current job place and requirements, but on the possibility of future use of skills. You need to think a few steps forward.

    Take responsibility for yourself for your height and professional development.

    Develop your social relationships and make a number of new acquaintances with people who are better than you.

What are there effective methodsTo develop the flexibility of thinking, mind? What is it for?

Flexibility Thinking is very useful quality, significantly increasing the productivity of the personality and the quality of its life. People with flexible thinking tend to succeed with lower costs and efforts than those who are accustomed to everything to do in one way, not by iota without deviating from the course.

The flexibility of thinking is useful in almost all spheres of human life - both in business and investment, and in romantic relationships.

What suggests such a skill? The flexible mind does not have discomfort, considering the problem at different angles, often completely from the opposite point of view. People with flexible thinking can quickly and easily adapt to changes in environment. They are more open to the self-analysis and recognition of their wrong or mistakes.

How to develop in yourself the flexibility of thinking? We bring to your attention six simple exercises, which, with systematic practice, will help make your mind more susceptible to new ideas and opportunities.

# 1 Start learning something new. Choose the sphere of knowledge that is so far from your professional activity as far as possible. To develop the flexibility of thinking, discover something new. For example, if you are an economist, deal with the study of astronomy. If you are a designer, read the book on investment.

When we are half every hour every day we are engaged in the same, turn into a circle of people with similar interests, then we will stop expanding the boundaries of our world. We closes on one or two specialized areas of knowledge, which forms the narrowness of views and thinking.

Starting to know something new, after a while you will feel how new, fresh ideas began to appear in your habitual area.

# 2 Make a variety in your life. To develop the flexibility of thinking, it will also be useful to make your life more diverse. Try to perform some routine actions new an unusual way. Visit the activities that previously never even considered to visit. Make a permutation in an apartment or office.

When our life goes over the same scenario, it slows down our personal development, we start to be afraid and get on more in our shell. It does not give the mind to be flexible and non-standard.

# 3 Follow the routine actions with the other hand. Such a simple exercise can improve the functioning of your brain and its performance. This concept popularized the neurobiologist Dr. Lawrence Katz and his colleagues. For example, if you are right-handed, whenever you dial the phone number, clean your teeth, shave or perform a different routine action, use your left hand.

The idea is that when we carry out something with one hand all our lives, we use certain parts of the brain and do not give a load (and therefore the development) to other "brain trails". If we begin to perform the usual action opposite to hand, then we will begin to stimulate the production of new chemical substancesparticipating in the development of new brain cells.

# 4 Let the challenge of your weak side. Every person has its strong and weak qualities - this is normal. People with Zaragonally thinking are inclined to avoid those areas of activity where they are weak and focus exclusively on strengths. To develop the flexibility of the mind, try to perform the task in which you believes are weak.

For example, if it is difficult for you to handle numbers, deal with the solution of mathematical tasks. If you are hard to read, buy yourself a book.

# 5 Use all your five senses. Another way to develop the flexibility of thinking is the involvement of senses in non-standard and atypical situations for them. The fact is that we are accustomed to the machine to concentrate their feeling adequately situations and temporarily turn off the other.

For example, close your eyes when you dine and try to determine the ingredients for taste. Or coming home from work, walk around the apartment with closed eyes, using the touch bodies.

# 6 Start concentrate attention on one object. Today, in the conditions of information overload, our brain gradually loses the ability to concentrate - if only not to deal with this question purposefully. Some people are difficult to keep their attention on one subject, let's say within 30 minutes. To develop the flexibility of thinking, start practicing the concentration of attention.

# 7 Enlarge a conscious state. If you want to develop the flexibility of the mind, you must have effort the will to maintain this desire and desire for the day, and not just return to this problem on the case towards the case.

For example, if you give yourself the installation to do some actions with the other hand, then with surprise, find that at first takes the top of the old habit - although you clearly gave yourself installation. Why is this happening? Because you were in an unconscious state - they made routine things on the machine. More details about the state of awareness and how to enhance it in this.

Thus, it is possible to develop flexible thinking and even needed - in the interests of the person himself. The above simple exercises Will help you make your mind more versatile in terms of judgment and solutions of everyday problems. We wish you success!

Thinking flexibility is the ability to change its installations in accordance with changing circumstances. An example of the flexibility of thinking can serve as a driver's ability to change its motor driving or businessman's ability to change the business strategy who has loved to him.

Probably, if we translate this concept to a simpler language, it will sound like the ability to recognize your mistakes and draw conclusions from them. Unfortunately, such flexibility of thinking is not inherent to everyone.

What is important thinking flexibility?

The ability to correct your own behavior is a magnificent skill that gives its owner a lot of advantages. Let's start with the fact that to develop any successful behavior strategy, you must first draw conclusions from a plurality of unsuccessful attempts or tests, after which each time you should adjust your attitudes and thoughts regarding the device of the world.

Life and history are full of examples when the inability to change to decline and degradation. For example, businessmen who cannot adapt to changes in their market are rather quickly ruined or constantly on the verge of ruin. Countries that are too committed to traditions are gradually losing competitive struggle with other states.

From time to time, in any case, it is necessary to change the usual procedure of action in order not to lose its position. However, many people are simply not capable of this, as they do not have the appropriate skill.

What is the essence of thinking flexibility?

Thinking flexibility is the skill to independently change their beliefs after careful analysis. Like any skill it is impeded. At first it is hard, and then everything is easier and easier. On this way, a person faces his pride, fear and laziness.

From nature people are inert. Our psyche always tries to keep the status quo. Always want to choose some true way Act, and then rest on the laurels. In order to escape from this inertness, you need something external to make a person change. Some motivation that will post the psyche with the usual rails and which will show that there is really no rails.

The flexibility of thinking is knowledge that there is nothing permanent and unequivocal, and there are only temporary conditions in which we are.

How to develop the flexibility of thinking?

The ability to expose your beliefs to careful analysis and questioned is an important prerequisite for flexible thinking. It is not immediately produced, and step by step, when a person learns to overcome himself.

it prerequisiteBut insufficient. To have little skill and readiness to change, it is also important to know which way to change. To do this, it is necessary to constantly learn something new, looking for more recent information and acquire extensive knowledge of various subjects. This can also be called a skill, which is usually called curiosity.

The root of these skills is almost every person. In the future, depending on experience, people either develop them in themselves, or remain at the same level of development.

In order to develop, a person needs to constantly experience himself, overcome various difficulties. Only so you can develop as it may be. therefore best Recommendation - It's not to sit still.

In everyday communication, you can check any person on thinking flexibility. Suggest familiar to describe everything possible methods Use any object. For example, with the help of bricks, you can not only build houses, but also nails, hold the doors, to hold stands, and also rub them into powder for crafts and speakers on yoga.

The ability to present a large number of different non-traditional solutions speaks of thinking flexibility. Thanks to this quality, in problem situations A person is looking for all signs of the object and is able to summarize or identify individual categories.

Communication with people

Thinking flexibility gives a number of advantages to its owner. A person notices in his interlocutor and positive, and negative traitsAnd also draws attention to contradictory judgments. As a rule, if there are friendly relations between people, they tend to notice each other only good. In conflict communication, the interlocutors are more often concentrated on disagreements and negative.

A person with flexible thinking perceives the whole situation as a whole and separately. It can quickly rebuild and switch the conversation to another channel. He can change himself, and if the situation requires, to start leading unusual for himself. In a certain sense, the flexibility of thinking can be attributed to all creative people.

Out of the scope

For people with flexible thinking, it is not difficult to go beyond the framework of accepted norms and traditions. They are not susceptible to tough fixation of their own views and beliefs. Such people analyze the situation and take the most optimal solutions for each case. They do not create a cliché as they should live, and do not hang labels on acquaintances.

The flexibility of thinking is manifested in the ability to quickly switch to another type of activity and, if necessary, fully change the action plan. If a person understands that the intended course does not lead to the desired result, it easily finds other solutions. Such a quick restructuring under the changing environmental conditions refers to the properties of productive thinking.

A person knows how to rethink the situation, refuse stereotypes and change behavior tactics from ineffective to the most optimal. He can consciously change his mood, feelings and converts original knowledge into a completely new experience.

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