Essays school in my life. School in my life


"School in my life"

Our school was founded by Kunikov Caesar Lvovich - a participant of the Great Patriotic War... He made a great contribution to its development. School plays a big role in my life. First of all, the school teaches us culture, behavior in in public places, communication with peers, the older generation and, of course, patience with the upcoming difficulties of adulthood. At school we receive our first education, which is so necessary for further obtaining more in-depth knowledge.

I really love to study, I love to learn and discover something new and interesting in different areas Sciences. I believe the love of learning is the source of getting benign, good knowledge and most importantly, good grades. I don't always do well at school, which makes me and my parents very sad. It seems to me that the guarantee of good knowledge depends on attention in the lessons, diligence, patience when performing independent, control or any written works and diligence.

During primary education we learn to read, write and consider what we need at this moment. In high school, we study every subject in depth. I, like all students of our school, have favorite subjects - Russian language, chemistry and biology. Each of the listed items is interesting and informative in its own way. Our school has very literate and experienced teachers who are able to interest students in their knowledge of the subject.

After graduating from school and receiving a complete secondary education, I will enroll in Medical Academy... Thus, I want to continue my education and get my chosen profession.

Characteristics of the characters in this work, now we already understand the similarities, coincidences and even sometimes the identity of the present and depicted in the fairy tale "Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober." It was this similarity in her that attracted me, as in others no less famous works Hoffmann, such as "The Golden Pot", "Elixirs of Satan", "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King", "Heart of Stone" ...

Opens in the world, in relationships with others, in the subjects about which he reflects. Such a task presupposes the presence of a certain limiter in the artist's comprehension of the world and man. The narrator in the story "My Life" does not play any special role: chronicler, observer, investigator, spy. He only lives and conveys what he saw, felt, thought in the process of life itself, ...

And this is also under control, since extracurricular interests allegedly distracted children from classes, and all kinds of prohibitions surrounded the students. Thus, the cultural and everyday appearance of primary and secondary school students in the 19th - early 20th centuries was distinguished by two of its specific features: the age of the students (they were constantly at the stage of development) and attempts to continuously control this development of the educational ...

May be lower than the funding standards for similar state and municipal educational institutions in a given territory. 2. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the MOU DOD DYUSSH of the city of Mirny §2.1 Municipal educational institution additional education children children's and youth sports school of the city of Mirny Sport school created for the implementation of programs ...

Brief annotation of the project

Theme "Education: the world of learning "(Education: the world of learning" is studied in the section "The education system in English-speaking countries and in Russia." independent work students on various sub-topics of their choice: "My school", " School life"," My teachers "," My classmates "," How do we learn? " necessary for a person of the 21st century: communication skills, creativity and curiosity, the ability to work with information and media resources, interpersonal interaction and cooperation, social activity.

The project is carried out within the framework of the average (full) standard general education in English and is designed for students of the 8th grade general education schools... V curriculum 6 hours have been allocated for its implementation. This project develops attention to observation, the ability to listen, draw conclusions and generalize; improves general scientific and special educational skills.

We assume that the project will be completed in 12 hours: 6 hours during lessons and 6 hours after school hours

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental question

Why is a school needed?

Problematic issues

1.Why do you need a school? 2. What do I need to learn to be successful in life? 3. Do I need to know foreign languages? 4. How do I see myself in the future?

Study questions

1. Tell us about your lesson schedule. 2. What are your classmates like? 3. What fun activities does your school have? 4. What kind of teachers do you have? 5. Tell us about the importance of learning foreign languages.

Project plan

Organizational stage. 1 hour. 1. Formation of groups of students. 2. Formulation of the problem.

Preparatory stage. 1 hour. 1. Choosing a creative name for the project and the main issues of the project. 2. Formulation of the goal and objectives of the project. 3. Distribution of tasks between teacher and students. 4. Establishment of the terms of the project.

Stages of project implementation. 9 o'clock. 1. Drawing up a story on the topic of the project. 2. Gathering information. 3. Film editing: a) installation of video transitions b) installation of video effects c) selection and insertion of printed text d) creation of voice and musical accompaniment e) saving the film and recording to disk 4. Project protection - public screening of the film.

The final stage. 1 hour. Identification of new problems and directions for further work on projects.

Project implementation

The composition of the group working on the project: 1. Alekseeva Marina 2. Bondarenko Katya 3. Hamidov Nagid 4. Pospelova Anya

Assignments: 1. Collect and organize photos of the class by sub-topic. 2. Compose and write texts on English language for the film by subtopics, choose the music. 3. Record the texts on the recorder. those. prepare the soundtrack for the film. 4. Create a movie in Windows Movie Maker

School plays a huge role in our life, which not everyone appreciates and does not fully understand. The school, yesterday and today and tomorrow, has been assigned a very important and responsible role in the formation and upbringing of the young generation and each individual individually. It is a personality, because a big baby enters into it, and when it ends, a person who is not yet fully formed comes out.

In simple allegorical language school- this is the foundation of a young life, it is a springboard for conquering life's fateful peaks in the modern difficult world. The school is sometimes compared to the army. This comparison is not shared by everyone, but as far as the guys are concerned, this is true. After all, the baby begins to work for the first time! For the first time, the guys begin to understand and create their own team, to understand what friendship and the feeling of comrade are like. The desire to be the first in any business "sports, KVN, artistic amateur performance" creates character, helps a young person to open up, his talent, his upbringing.

A school is a huge organism in which everything should be aimed at creating and raising a new modern generation. It often happens that students fall in love with their class teacher for years to come. This happens when the teacher still has superhuman psychological abilities teach, lead, and most importantly - love children, regardless of their differences, abilities, and capabilities of parents. This is why some teachers are considered second moms who will remain in memory for years.

School is a psychologically complex mechanism... The school itself will not be able to cope with the formation of a teenager's personality if parents and relatives are not present in this formation. After all, the goal for everyone is equally important, so that a young man receives as much knowledge as possible, without fear of rushing into this life stream; so that this, albeit not strengthened, school personality could find a worthy occupation, job, study with a reliable store of knowledge, which was given by a secondary school.

Why are classmates remembered for life? After all, there will be a huge number of friends and comrades, and school colleagues will last for a long time. Because it's all for the first time. Comprehending everything new in this created team, you grow with them, grow physically and morally from year to year. First love or friendship is also born within the walls of the school. And although the finale is not always happy, the school fosters and gives these feelings.

A lot of subjects, a rich program, computerization of the 21st century, an age of speeds of space and other technologies - and you must correspond to this time with your baggage of knowledge with the ability to work and overcome difficulties that arise in order to achieve your goal. All this thanks to such a simple institution as a school.
In conclusion, I would like to say that school is a difficult, but at the same time wonderful and very necessary stage of our life. Long live the school !!!


"School in my life"

Our school was founded by Caesar Lvovich Kunikov - a participant in the Great Patriotic War. He made a great contribution to its development. School plays a big role in my life. First of all, the school teaches us culture, behavior in public places, communication with peers, the older generation and, of course, patience for the upcoming difficulties of adulthood. At school we receive our first education, which is so necessary for further obtaining more in-depth knowledge.

I really love to study, I love to learn and discover something new and interesting in different fields of science. I believe that a love of learning is the source of good, good knowledge and, most importantly, good grades. I don't always do well at school, which makes me and my parents very sad. It seems to me that the guarantee of good knowledge depends on attention in the lessons, diligence, patience when performing independent, control or any written work and diligence.

During elementary education, we learn to read, write and consider what we need at this moment. In high school, we study every subject in depth. I, like all students of our school, have favorite subjects - Russian language, chemistry and biology. Each of the listed items is interesting and informative in its own way. Our school has very literate and experienced teachers who are able to interest students in their knowledge of the subject.

After graduating from school and receiving a complete secondary education, I will enter the Medical Academy. Thus, I want to continue my education and get my chosen profession.

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