Mechanics and mathematical modeling - undergraduate (01.03. "Mechanics and mathematical modeling Mathematical modeling Specialty who work

Advantages of learning

  • Fundamental mathematical preparation, ensuring the possibility of active work in the most difficult areas of modern mechanics; deep knowledge Programming that allows computer simulation of processes and phenomena in various systems
  • Availability of existing scientific schools that allow students to actively engage in research work directly to the university
  • An outstanding team of teachers and researchers, which provides preparation in all directions of modern mechanics
  • Work on unique experimental installations in its own laboratories, a combination of opportunities for theoretical and experimental approaches, allowing graduates to comprehensively explore the most complex problems of mechanics
  • Development of application programs for solving problems of theoretical mechanics, hydroameromechanics and the theory of elasticity (ANSYS, FLUENT, etc.) and the creation of its own algorithms and programs for specific tasks modern mechanics on the most modern computing technology

Famous teachers

  • N. F. Morozov - Head of the Department of Theory of Elasticity of St. Petersburg State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Specialist in nonlinear theory of elasticity, mathematical methods of destruction mechanics. Author of more than 200 publications in Scopus and Web of Science
  • P. E. Tovstik - Head of the Department of Theoretical and applied mechanics St. Petersburg State University, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Cavalier Order of Honor, Honorary Professor SPbSU. Specialist in the field of asymptotic and numerical methods in theoretical mechanics, theory of thin-walled structures, mechanics solid and nanomechnica. Author of more than 250. scientific work, Of these, ten monographs and textbooks
  • Yu. V. Petrov is Professor SPbSU, head of the department "Extreme states of materials and structures" of Ipmash RAS, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Specialist in the dynamic theory of elasticity and plasticity, physics and mechanics of shock-wave processes, dynamics of deformation and destruction of solids, detonation and explosion. Author of more than 200 publications in Scopus and Web of Science
  • E. V. Kustov - Head of the Department of Hydrahearomechanics SPbSU, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor RAS. A specialist in the field of kinetic theory of transfer processes and relaxation in non-equilibrium reacting gases, studies of heat and mass transfer on the surface of aircraft included in the atmosphere of the Earth and Mars. Author of more than 200 scientific works, of which more than 120 publications in Scopus and Web of Science, five monographs and textbooks

Future Career

Places of passage practices

Training involves the passage of educational, research and production practices On the basis of the Department and Scientific Laboratory of St. Petersburg State University.

List of key professions

Graduates of the program are ready for successful professional activities in research, design and design institutes, in the construction industry, mechanical engineering, in rocket and space industry, biomechanics, robotics and other areas of technology and natural science related to the development and use of mathematical methods. They can work professionals in research and development work in the field of mathematical modeling, scientific and applied research for high-tech high-tech industries, production and technological activities. Pedagogical work is possible in the field of medium total and vocational education.

Organizations in which graduates work

Graduates of the Program continue training in the Magistracy of St. Petersburg State University, work at the Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, at the enterprises of the Roskosmos State Corporation, in the subsidiaries of PJSC Gazprom Neft, enterprises of JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation", JSC Concern of the Almaz-Antey ", In the Krylovsky state scientific Center, Central Institute of Aviation Motor Building named after P. I. Baranova (CIAM), enterprises of the Mavis investment group of companies, in the Izhora factory, in the shipbuilding NGO "Almaz", in the Obukhovsky factory, in FSU "Rubin".

The main results, the results of work and plans for the future


In 2015, the first release of bachelors in the direction with the profile took place "Experimental mechanics and computer simulation in mechanics". Eight people out of ten arrived at the department in 2011 successfully defended graduation work and received bachelor-engineer diplomas.

Designed syllabus Bachelor's preparation towards "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling" Proved its high quality. Compared to the previous program of the Mechanics, non-core items were removed, the relationship between the physico-mathematical cycle of disciplines and special courses, a physical and mechanical workshop and computing experiment was balanced. At the official level, training was introduced with the universal "heavy" calculation complex ANSYS (ANSYSINC., USA), which is included in the top three of the main finite element complexes used in the industry to develop new technology. Based on the experience gained and in connection with further development federal state educational Standard The undergraduate curriculum will continue to improve and optimize the needs of high-tech production.

As a result, the achieved level of mastering the main educational program The bachelor graduate was higher than a specialist graduate (4.1 against 3.8), and the presented proclaiming works of bachelors, despite smaller preparation time, "broke" the diplomas of specialists (4.6 against 4.2). At the same time, solutions themselves, scientific and practical tasks aroused live interest among members state Commission and long discussion.


This year, the first set of new master's program was carried out. "Dynamics and durability of complex mechanical Systems» directions "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling". Nine people came to us, including graduates of the undergraduate program of the profile "Experimental mechanics and computer simulation in mechanics".

Bachelor's level is only the first level in the system of Russian and world education. It provides a basic theoretical level and gives some practical skills. However, to solve the main tasks of the Russian industry - creation in the shortest possible time of globally competitive and demanded products of the new generation - specialists of the new formation are needed - "Engineering and Technological Special Forces", the preparation of which it is possible to implement only on master's programs focused on the high-tech economy. It is such a program that we offer our undergraduate students.

Engineers of the XXI century are researchers engineers and developers engineers who own all advanced world-class technologies that can "break through the walls", "solve unreserved tasks", to make innovative breakthroughs, to ensure ultimately the creation of industrial products of the new generation.

Distribution, practice

Distribution this year has passed more than ever, which is associated with the end of the Specialist programs and the double issue. However, there was no particular interest in graduates of specialists compared with graduate-bachelors. "Hunger" on engineers developers of new technique is only increasing. Mechanic engineers are in demand in all sectors of mechanical engineering: heavy, energy, auto, court, aircraft and rocket education. We came to us as old partners (Galichsky Autocrya Plant, Federal Nuclear Center for Technical Physics, Progresshekh-Dubna LLC, Gazpromtrubinvest OJSC), and new, among which the experimental machine-building plant was most popular to them. Mezishchev, which is engaged in the creation of aviation, aerospace, aerostatic and landing equipment. It was there in the design department for a very decent salary and a majority of graduates of this year went to the design department.

Bachelor's course production practice 3 "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling"passed very successful. Students, after a large break, have worked in a super-equipped laboratory testing materials of Dipos GC (Ivanovo), in the Innovative Center Proton (Vladimir). Especially I would like to note the practice at the enterprise "GosMKB" Raduga "them. A.Ya.Besnyaka "(Dubna) producing high-speed aircrafts, and in the Moscow engineering center of the major international company Festo, Germany.


Students learning on this profile are studying the disciplines of the mathematical cycle (algebra, geometry, mathematical analysis), computer (database, computer graphics, oS, programming languages, 3D graphics, parallel programming), as well as applied and theoretical sections of mechanics (theoretical mechanics, liquid mechanics, gas and solid media, mechanics of the deformable solid body, robotics, hydroameromechanics). In the process of learning, special attention is paid to workshops, including computer, on which computational and experimental methods of researching the state and movement of material tel are mastered. Depending on the selected specialization, there may be such disciplines such as the physico-chemical gas dynamics, biomechanics, the basics of the nonlinear theory of thin-walled structures, the problems of dynamic destruction, the theory of stability of plates and shells, methods for creating functional and nanostructured materials, etc.

Whom to work

Due to the fact that the graduates of the profile receive fundamental training in mathematics and computer sciences, they can get a job both in the field of mechanics and in the field of computer technology. The first place of employment can be computing centers large enterprises, educational institutions, for example, research institutes, computer firms, design bureaus of industrial organizations, universities and business structures and economics. In addition, young people in the course of study can engage in research work, take part in scientific conferences, competitions, seminars and olympiads, and subsequently continue learning in the magistracy.

Students enrolled in this profile, master knowledge of theoretical and applied sections of mechanics:

    theoretical mechanics

    management theory

    theories of stability and stabilization of movement,

    mechanics of a deformable solid body


    theories of oscillations,

    applied mechanics

    robotics and others.

Along with theoretical knowledge, experimental and computational methods of researching the movement and state of material tel are mastered. Much attention is paid to the study of basic mathematical disciplines and computer sciences. Graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies in the University's graduate school and institutes of URO RAS. In the process of learning, students actively participate in research work, in All-Russian Olympiads, scientific competitions and conferences.

Students specialize in the following areas: Mathematical modeling, theory of stability and control, mechanics of a deformable solid body, computer mechanics, as well as in solving with high-performance development tasks technologies modern technology, objectives of the economy and finance, ecology and biotechnology, management.

The presence of universal knowledge allows graduates to work Not only in research institutes, universities and design bureaus of large industrial organizations, but also in the structures of the economy and business. Among graduates are not only well-known scientists, including the president Russian Academy Sciences, heads of research organizations, industrial firms and universities, highly qualified specialists, including in the field of computer technologies, but also businessmen and top managers of commercial structures.
Popular video clip on the direction of "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling" with pictures and music.

Why do you need to go to mathematics or mechanics?

For many years of the existence of the faculty, one of the best mathematical schools in the country has been formed,

There are many steep teachers: professors and scientists,

After the second course at both destinations, it is divided into specializations and you can choose the most interesting area for study.

on mathematics:

Discrete Math;

Mathematical cybernetics;

Mathematical biology and bioinformatics;

Mathematical methods in the economy;

System Programming;

And much more

on the mechanics:

Math modeling;

Theory of stability and management;

Mechanics of a deformed solid body;

Computer mechanics;

At the senior courses you can lead scientific activities: to conduct our own research, write articles in scientific publications;

Each semester is read by additional courses on different topics that can be visited regardless of the direction of learning and the selected specialty.

Who will be interested in first?

Those who want to develop mathematical thinking;

Those who want to do science;

Those who are strong in exact sciences, but I have not yet decided that he is more interesting;

The direction of the mechanics is suitable for those who are interested in both mathematics and physics.

Who can work, graduating mathematical directions?

Anyone and in any sphere!

People who know how to think, are valued very high, and the skills of mathematical thinking will allow finding a deal to the soul in any area. Graduates of mathematical directions of Matmeha can meet:

In various positions in the IT sector: from programmers to interface designers, from sysadmins to project managers;

In the financial sphere as analysts, economists, financiers, auditors;

Among engineers and technical specialists in any field of construction to the space industry;

In schools, institutes and universities, scientific laboratories and in the Academy of Sciences, where they work as scientists, teachers and managers.

Differences of mathematical directions:

More choice of special courses and specializations,

Strong Mathematics and Serious Programmer Base

Most of the courses are read by teachers of one of the oldest departments of the faculty - Departments of mechanics and mathematical modeling,

The main focus on theoretical and applied sections of physics.

The most common exams when admission:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics ( a basic level of)
  • Physics - profile subject, on choosing a university
  • Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) - on the selection of the university


"Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling" - a specialty that allows you to make a choice in the future big number Interesting professions:

  • researcher,
  • engineer,
  • mathematician,
  • analyst,
  • leader
  • researcher,
  • teacher of physical and mathematical disciplines,
  • specialist in mathematical modeling.

Academic bachelors have the opportunity to work in any spheres of science, industry, production, management associated with mathematics, engineering, physics, mechanics and programming.

Description of specialty

During the training, students acquire scientific knowledge on computer modeling of various mechanical processes. Pupils are studying computational mathematics, mechanics and biomechanics, theory of stability of electromechanical devices, degree of elasticity, density and plasticity of materials. Master the static and dynamic strength of various objects and other sciences, anyway associated with theoretical mechanics, mathematics, engineering, compromit.

In the learning process, students develop abilities for analytical thinking, study the foundations of the economy and production management, learn to apply in practice the foundations of fundamental mathematics, mechanics, physics and other natural sciences.

A feature of learning in the specialty "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling" is a large number of North-hours dedicated to workshops. Where students have a unique opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in the case, analyze and synthesize specific information. Part of the workshops is devoted to working with computer-mathematical modeling programs designed to simulate technological processes on the monitor screen.

Graduates find applying their knowledge in engineering centers of industrial companies, gas and oil sectors, transnational corporations, research and design bureaus, including foreign engaged developing new engineering technologies.

Basic subjects in high school

  • Mechanics of deformable bodies and media.
  • Mathematical modeling and computer engineering.

In addition, students explore philosophy, history, foreign language And the burden (basics of life safety). Mandatory disciplines: physical education and applied physical culture.

Training time

Period of full-time education in the specialty"Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling" is 4 years (including vacation). The part-time and remote form of training, by decision of the rectorate, can be increased for a period of six months to a year.

Skills and skills purchased during the preparation

  • The ability to solve complex tasks by the method of information and communication technologies.
  • Using mathematical analysis in the field of theoretical and applied mechanics, metal resistance, geometry, differential equations and probability theories.
  • Work with specialized programs for modeling and optimizing technological processes.
  • Research on independently either in the group.
  • Solving the problems of mechanical modeling without the participation of PC (if the situation requires).
  • Adapting their knowledge to the organization educational process In the sphere of its competence (physics, mechanics, mathematics, informatics).
  • Organization of pedagogical, scientific, management and production and technological activities.

During the training, the bachelor acquires professional skills necessary for competent engineering and analytics of complex mechanical objects with a computer and / or physical analysis.

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