Test on the developmental psychology of students. Developmental and Developmental Psychology Test

A. suggestive learning.

B. problem-based learning.

IN. reproductive education.

G. level training.

40. Pedagogical process reveals the peculiarities of teaching

A. lined.
B. concentric.

B. stepped,
G. systemically.

41. Education is

A. The concept of learning theory.

B. the result of development and adaptation.

G. the mechanism of socialization and education.

42. The system of higher teacher education includes the following blocks:

A. general cultural block, psychological and pedagogical block, subject block.

B. general cultural block and subject block.

B. philosophical, psychological and pedagogical, general cultural blocks G. bachelor's and master's programs.

43. Teaching methods are

A. control tool cognitive activity students and pupils, an element of culture and

B. ways, methods of creating favorable conditions for the organization of the educational, educational process.

B. mechanisms of socialization and education.

44. Control is

A. Checking the results of self-learning.

B. this is the feedback of the teacher with the student in the teaching-learning process, which provides an analysis of the assimilation of knowledge, skills, and stimulates the activity of both parties (both the teacher and the student) to optimize all parts of the educational process.

A. occupation.

G. hour of communication.

52. Non-standard lesson is different from the standard

A. Duration
B. shape

G. developed model

IN. Homework

G. independent work

60. Pedagogical technology- This

A. conditions for optimizing the educational process.

B. project of a certain pedagogical system implemented in practice.

B. the main position of the theory of learning.

D. the result of interaction between teacher and student.

Option 1.

1. Subject developmental psychology is:

A) the process of development of mental functions and personality throughout a person's life;

b) development process psychological science;

c) features of individual development of people;

d) features of the development of pedagogical skills and abilities.

2. Age period is:

a) the course of development;

b) development cycle;

c) chronological period;

d) life span.

a) Sigmund Freud

b) Aristotle;

V) Lev Semenovich Vygotsky;

d) Avicenna.

4. The construction of development periodization on the basis of one internal criterion is characterized by:

a) for William Stern's periodization;

b) for periodization by Pavel Petrovich Blonsky;

c) for periodization by Daniil Borisovich Elkonin;

d) for the periodization of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky.

5. The main mechanism of personality development is:

A) reflection;

b) causal attribution;

c) overcoming external and internal conflicts;

d) empathy.

6. The concept of sensitivity has been especially actively developed:

A) in the 20th century;

b) in the 18th century;

c) in the 3rd century BC;

d) in the 10th century.

7. The development of personality in extreme conditions and in conditions of deprivation occurs:

a) the same as under normal conditions;

b) faster than under normal conditions;

V) otherwise than under normal conditions;

d) slower than normal.

8. Auditory perception in an infant:

a) much better than an adult;

b) much worse than in an adult;

V) it is difficult to say something definite;

d) like an adult.

9. Progressive types of baby movement include:

A) crawl;

b) sucking fingers;

c) palpation of hands;

d) rocking on all fours.

10. Delay mental development, as a deviation in mental development:

A) can be overcome with proper education and education;

b) cannot be completely overcome under any circumstances;

c) may go away on its own with age;

11. Situational understanding of the speech of others is formed:

a) by the age of 3;

b) by the end of 1 year;

c) by the age of 6;

d) by 6 months.

12. A manifestation of mental deprivation at an early age can be:

a) the absence of a revitalization complex;

b) isolation;

c) fears;

G) fear of safe objects.

13. The psychological characteristics of preschool age are given taking into account the level of development:

A) imagination;

b) role play;

c) logical thinking;

d) drawing.

14. The logic of game actions is easily broken:

A) at the first level of game development;

b) at the second level of game development;

c) at the third level of game development;

d) at the fourth level of game development.

15. The speech of a preschooler, which is questions, exclamations, answers, is called:

a) contextual speech;

b) situational speech;

c) explanatory speech;

d) autonomous speech.

16. Normal self-esteem of preschoolers:

a) underestimated;

b) overpriced;

c) adequate;

17. Giftedness as a deviation in mental development:

a) hinders the development of intelligence;

b) hinders development volitional qualities personality;

V) creates difficulties in training and education;

d) it is difficult to say something definite.

18. The psychological characteristics of a teenager are determined by:

A) manifestation of character accentuations;

c) features of gaming activity;

d) features of manipulative activity.

19. main feature personal development teenager is:

a) personal stability;

b) moral stability;

c) moral instability;

G) personal instability.

20. Accentuated in adolescence, the character then:

A) smoothed out;

b) becomes even more aggravated;

c) retains its manifestations at the same level;

d) it is difficult to say something definite.

21. The main activities in adolescence are:

b) intimate personal communication;

c) educational and professional activities;

d) play activity.

22. The psychology of early youth covers the period:

a) from 11 to 15 years;

b) from 15 to 17 years;

c) from 17 to 23 years;

d) from 23 to 30 years old.

23. The central neoplasm of early adolescence is:

A) self-determination;

b) self-consciousness;

c) reflection;

d) the emergence of the inner world.

24. The style of student life that turns a university into a country club is:

a) professional subculture;



Tests for the course "Age psychology".

1. Developmental psychology as a science has been designated:

1) late 18th - early 19th century

2) in the middle of the 19th century

3) at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century

4) in the middle of the 20th century

2. Sections of developmental psychology:

1) personality psychology

2) childhood psychology

3) psychology of old age

4) psychology of activity

5) psychology of thinking

3. Developmental psychology - a branch of psychological science that studies the facts and patterns of human development, age ... his psyche.

4. Correspondence of contributions to the development of developmental psychology and their authorship:

5. Historical and psychological analysis of childhood development (according to B.D. Elkonin) includes a discussion of the problem:

1) origin

2) duration

3) socialization

4) acceleration

6. The duration of childhood is affected by:

1) ontogenesis

2) phylogenesis

3) the level of cultural and historical experience

7. The subject of developmental psychology - age periods of development, causes and ... transition from one period to another, general patterns of mental development in ....

8. Compare the approaches to the study of the child's psyche and their authors:

9. One of the tasks of modern domestic developmental psychology is:

1) development of methods for diagnosing the mental development of a child

2) determination of the parameters of mental development

3) study of the problem of the leading activity of an adult.

10. Match research strategies in developmental psychology with their definitions:

11. Short-term studies where two samples of subjects are compared for any mental property:

1) cross section

2) longitudinal cut

12. Questionnaire for receiving answers to a pre-compiled system of questions.

2) observation

4) interviewing

13. Determine the correspondence of methods and their capabilities in the study of the psyche:

14. empirical methods age psychology:

1) observation

3) analysis of products of activity

4) natural experiment

5) qualitative analysis

6) genetic method

15. The comparative method in developmental psychology is ... individual features of the psyche by age in order to identify common ... of the mental process being studied.

16. Correlate the methods of developmental psychology and their characteristics:

17. The necessary conditions scientific observation in developmental psychology: setting a goal, developing ... observation, maintaining ... conditions, objectivity and systematicity, development of methods ... results.

18. The process, which manifests itself in the activity and communication of a person, is characterized by a change in certain age periods, where a quantitative and qualitative change in the psyche occurs, expressed in neoplasms ....

19. A unit of analysis of mental development, which has its own structure: the social situation of development, leading activities, neoplasms ....

1) psychological age

2) social age

3) active age

4) functional age

5) chronological age

21. The formation of the structures of the psyche in the course of the biological evolution of a species or the socio-cultural history of mankind is called ... the psyche.

22. Match the concepts and their definitions:

23. Psychological age is:

1) a qualitatively peculiar stage of mental development

2) the number of years a person has lived

3) indicator of maturation of morpho-physiological functions

4) indicator of social maturity

24. The formation of mental structures during the life of an individual from conception to death is called ... the psyche.

25. Recapitulation is...

1) repetition of phylogenesis in ontogenesis

2) abnormal personality development

26. Correlate the directions of development with their definitions:

27. Age is determined:

28. Factors affecting the course of mental development:

1) D. B. Elkonin

2) J. Piaget

3) L. S. Vygotsky

30. By L.S. Vygotsky, a person masters the psyche with the help of:

31. Higher mental functions are:

1) psycho-physiological functions

2) logical thinking

3) arbitrary memory

4) biological functions

5) creative imagination

6) intelligence

32. Arrange the stages of the formation of higher mental functions, taking into account sensitivity:

1) personality

2) imagination

3) thinking

4) perception

33. Correlate theories of mental development and their authors:

34. The basis of the cultural-historical theory of mental development is the idea of ​​... the conditionality of the development of the human psyche, the transformation of natural forms of the mental into ... mental functions.

35. The formation of higher mental functions occurs according to the law:

1) socialization

2) internalization

3) integration

4) exteriorization

36. In modern domestic psychology, the problem of the sources of mental development is considered from the perspective of three factors:

1) contradictions of human capabilities and needs

2) genetic prerequisites for development and features of their maturation

3) the nature of the child's attachment to the mother

4) social experience and the world of human culture

5) external stimuli that determine human responses

37. Correlate theories of mental development and development factors:

38. The mechanism of transformation of culture into the world of personality, the formation of a child cultural forms behavior is... .

39. Explain the essence of the principles of the course of age development:

40. Higher mental functions have such properties as:

1) objectivity

2) mediation

3) arbitrariness;

4) consistency

5) sociality

41. The concept of "zone of proximal development" is proposed by:

1) A.N. Leontiev

2) P.P. Blonsky

3) L.S. Vygotsky

4) B.G. Ananiev

42. In modern domestic psychology, the parameters of mental development include:

1) conditions of mental development

2) forms of adaptation of mental development

3) sources of mental development

4) social learning in mental development

5) driving forces of mental development

43. driving force mental development L.S. Vygotsky believed:

1) upbringing

2) training

3) interiorization

4) adaptation

44. Set the ratio of scientific criteria for periodization with their authors:

45. Acceleration, haste in transferring children from one stage of development to another, for example, from an image to a word, from a game to a study, from an objective action to a mental one, contradicts:

1) the principle of historicism in the construction of the periodization of mental development

2) the principle of leading activity

3) the principle of the enduring value of all psychological ages

4) the principle of uneven mental development in childhood

46. ​​Dividing (or not dividing) ontogenesis into peculiar and unique stages, the search for criteria on the basis of which such division can be made, is a problem ...

47. Match the concepts and their features:

1. Social situation A. The system of relationships between the child and social development reality.
2. Leading activity B. The collapse of the former social situation of mental development and the formation of a new one.
3. Psychological neoplasm C. In different age periods, the formation of basic psychological neoplasms depends mainly on this activity.
4. Crisis of mental development D. Results of age development and prerequisites further development.
5. Zone of Proximal Development D. This activity takes up most of the child's time in this age period.
E. The difference between what a child can do with the help of an adult and what is available to him in independent activity.

1) Stanley Hall

2) M. P. Blonsky

3) L.S. Vygotsky

4) V.I. Slobodchikov

50. Determine the main criterion for the periodization of mental development with respect to each theory:

51. Arrange in order the steps of subjective reality in the periodization of V. I. Slobodchikov:

A. Individualization

B. Animation

B. Universalization

D. Revitalization

D. Personalization

52. The statement about the illegality of constructing a periodization of the mental development of a child, common to all times and peoples, corresponds to the principle:

1) historicism in the construction of the periodization of mental development

2) leading activities

3) enduring value of all psychological ages

4) uneven mental development in childhood

53. Match the concepts:

54. Set the ratio of the criteria for constructing periodization with their authors:

55. The essential characteristic of the age stage consists of the unity of three components: a certain ... situation of development, type of ... activity, basic mental ...

56. Correlate the concepts and their characteristics:

57. A scientist who identified five stages in the development of a child, which are based on the process of developing a person's identity:

1) Z. Freud

2) L. Kohlberg

3) E. Erickson

4) A.V. Petrovsky

58. The development of the motivational-need sphere of the child's personality is ahead of the development of his operational and technical capabilities in a period when the leading one is:

3) intimate-personal communication

4) learning activities

5) role-playing game

6) object-tool activity.

59. The sequence of occurrence in the ontogeny of leading activities (according to D.B. Elkonin):

1) learning activities

2) directly - emotional communication

3) role-playing game

4) subject - manipulative activity

5) educational and professional activities

6) intimate-personal communication.

60. The development of the operational and technical capabilities of the child is ahead of the development of his motivational and need-based sphere during the period when the leading one is:

1) educational and professional activities

2) direct-emotional communication

3) intimate-personal communication

4) learning activities

5) role-playing game

6) subject - manipulative activity.

61. According to D.B. Elkonin about the periodicity of the mental development of the child, the period of assimilation of tasks, motives, norms of human activity every time ... the period of assimilation .... actions with objects.

62. According to D.B. Elkonin, in each era, the change of leading activities occurs from the “child - ...” system to the “child - ...” system.

63. Correspondence of the epochs of the mental development of the child to the leading activities (according to D.B. Elkonin)

64. Set the correspondence between the age period of development and the leading activity (in accordance with the periodization of D.B. Elkonin).

65. The emergence of a crisis during the transition from infancy to early childhood D.B. Elkonin associated with:

66. The “small” crises of age development include (according to D.B. Elkonin):

1) crisis of 1 year

2) crisis 7 years

3) crisis 3 years

4) crisis 15 years

5) crisis 12 years.

67. The psychological criterion for the completion of the neonatal period is:

1) the occurrence of grasping and crawling

2) visual and auditory concentration

3) revitalization complex

4) acquisition by the child of the initial weight.

68. Correct statements include:

1) the reflexes of a newborn are the basis of his mental development

2) a small number of innate forms of behavior is the dignity of a newborn, creates unlimited opportunities for development

69. The components of the revitalization complex include:

1) child's pointing gesture

3) vocalization

5) motor revival.

70. The emergence of a crisis during the transition from early age to preschool D.B. Elkonin associated with:

1) advancing development of the motivational-need sphere of the child's personality

2) a kind of synchronization of environmental and biological influences

3) the potential choice that is made between a favorable and unfavorable direction of development

4) the advanced development of the operational and technical capabilities of the child.

71. The “big” crises of age development include (according to D.B. Elkonin):

1) Crisis 1 year

2) Crisis 7 years

3) Crisis 3 years

4) Crisis 15 years

5) Crisis 12 years

72. The neonatal period lasts:

1) from conception to birth

2) from birth to the end of the second month of life

3) from birth to 6-7 days of life

4) from conception to the end of the second month of life

73. Incorrect statements include:

1) the reflexes of a newborn are not the basis of his mental development

2) the child is much less equipped with innate forms of behavior than the baby animal

3) in a newborn, the development of vision and hearing is slower than the development of bodily movements.

74. The animation complex includes: vocalizations, visual concentration on the face of an adult, motor animation and

75. The contradiction characterizing the social situation of development at the beginning of infancy is:

76. Establish the correspondence of the periods in the mental development of the child with age-related neoplasms:

77. The features of the crisis of 3 years include:

6) "seven stars of symptoms" of behavior.

78. The situational-personal communication of an infant with an adult is motivated by the need of... an adult,... motives and is carried out with the help of... means.

79. The contradiction characterizing the social situation of development at the beginning of an early age is:

1) the contradiction between the maximum social need child and his minimal opportunities to communicate with an adult

2) the contradiction between the increased needs of the child and the possibilities of his actions with objects

3) the contradiction between the desire of the child to act as an adult and the impossibility of realizing it in independent social behavior.

80. Correspondence of concepts with their characteristics:

1. The act of grasping A. Mental cognitive process, which manifests itself as the ability to establish connections between objects in a visual situation
2. Subject-weapon activity B. A neoplasm in the mental development of a child, which is a criterion for the completion of the neonatal period
3. Generalized categorical perception B. Activities in which a young child learns socially-developed ways of acting with objects
4. Grasping reflex D. The reaction of the infant to touching his fingers with his palm: he will grab them so tightly that he can hang, holding on to them like a monkey
5. Revitalization complex.
6. Visual Action Thinking
7.Productive activity

81. "Superfluous" among neoplasms is:

1) the need for communication

4) visual-effective thinking

5) personal action and consciousness "I myself."

82. The features of the crisis of 1 year include:

1) the act of the emergence of mental life

2) the emergence of autonomous speech

3) the occurrence of personal action

4) the emergence of the system "I myself"

5) affective reactions as a symptom of behavior

6) "seven-star symptoms" of behavior

83. Situational business conversation an infant with an adult satisfies the child's need for ... with him, is motivated by ... motives and is carried out with the help of ... means.

84. Correspondence of concepts to their characteristics:

1. The act of grasping A. Establishment by the child of connections and relationships between objects in the process of direct contact with them with the help of external practical actions
2. Substantive actions B. A special positive emotional-motor reaction of an infant addressed to an adult
3. Visual Action Thinking B. Actions that are mastered at an early age have a decisive influence on the development of a child's thinking and perception
4. Generalized categorical perception. D. The first organized goal-directed action of the child, which occurs at about 5 months. and defining a turning point in the mental development of the child.
5. Revitalization complex.
6. Hypobulic reaction.

85. Determine the sequence of stages in the development of the game in preschoolers, depending on the change in its content:

1) dramatization game

2) game with rules

3) subject game

4) role play

86. Determine the sequence of stages in the development of the game, depending on the change in the content of the game in preschoolers:

2) the emergence of such a game is associated with a shift in motive to the result of activity

87. Match the beginning and end of the judgment.

88. The leading mental cognitive process, on which the success of teaching a younger student is most dependent, is:

1) feeling

2) perception

4) thinking

89. Basic mental neoplasms in primary school age.

1) theoretical analysis

2) the internal position of the student

3) reflection

4) internal action plan

5) learning motivation

6) the level of claims.

90. Identify the listed concepts according to their characteristics.

1. Arbitrary behavior A. The necessary and sufficient level of mental development of the child for the development of school curriculum
2. Internal position of the student B. The need to take a certain position in the society of people, which opens access to the world of adults, as well as the need for knowledge of the world around
3. Crisis 7 years B. Conscious formation and execution of intentions and goals
4. Sensory development D. The beginning and differentiation of the inner and outer life of the child, as a result of which he begins to navigate in his feelings and experiences, to understand himself
5.Psychological readiness for school E. The development of perception, as a result of which the child learns patterns of shape, size, color, sounds

91. The emotional stability of a younger student is determined primarily by:

1) gaming activity

2) activities in the field of domestic work

3) teaching

92. Adolescent self-esteem is mainly determined by:

1) the opinion of others

2) parental position

3) assessment of significant persons

4) the attitude of teachers

5) the attitude of classmates, peers.

93. Identify the concepts of their features:

1. Reflection A. The ability to navigate in the conditions of the task and perform mental actions to solve it "in the mind"
2. Sense of competence B. Stable affective formations, formed in connection with the constant experience of success or failure and characterized by a sense of inferiority or a sense of self-worth
3. Internal plan of action B. This is an intellectual moment that allows you to evaluate your actions or deed in terms of its results or consequences.
4. Arbitrariness D. Ability to review and evaluate own actions to be aware of the content and process of their mental activity
5. Generalization of experiences D. Ability - to manage one's own mental activity, to control it

94. The main features that characterize the thinking of a teenager:

1) concrete-shaped

2) theoretical, reflective

3) abstract

4) formal-logical

5) empirical

95. "The feeling of adulthood" as the main mental neoplasm of adolescence is manifested:

1) the requirement to treat yourself as an adult

2) obedience to rules

3) peer group orientation

4) external manifestations of adulthood

5) the ability to compromise

6) the desire for independence.

96. Emotional reactions manifestations of adolescents are characterized by:

1) great strength

2) difficulty of management

3) inconsistency

4) affective reactions

97. Insert the words into the judgments according to the meaning. “When choosing a profession, high school students ...”:

98. To describe adolescence is typical:

1) a sense of maturity

2) self-determination

3) conflict

4) educational and professional activities

5) building a life perspective

99. Set the correspondence between the age period of development and the main psychological neoplasm:

100. Expand the contradictions in the development of the personality of a high school student in unfinished sentences:

1. Make high demands on others, but ... A. ... from adults require a balanced and objective analysis problem situation
2. Notice even the slightest slips in the behavior of the teacher at the same time ... B. ... allow rudeness and intemperance in dealing with them
3. Demonstrate adherence to principles in a big and right there ... B. ... they themselves commit unseemly acts
4. They talk about high and pure love and are able to ... D. ... to actually show dependence on the position of significant or senior
5. They show integrity, defending their position in words, but ... D. ... unscrupulousness and evasiveness of positions in small
6. Affectively and exaggeratedly react to their own failures and troubles, but ... E. .... to enter into intimate relationships without experiencing deep feelings

Tests developmental psychology and developmental psychology.

1. Psychophysiological, psychological and socio-psychological changes that occur in the human psyche - this is age

(?) social

(?) psychological

(?) energetic

(?) subjective

2. The age of an individual, from the moment of conception to the end of life, is the age

(?) biological

(?) chronological

(?) professional

(?) social

3. Motion function aimed at external world, is a function

(?) tonic

(?) reflexive

(?) kinetic

(?) regulatory

4. Set the correct sequence of periods of ontogeny, according to D.B. Elkonin: 1) earlier childhood 2) childhood 3) adolescence

5. The natural and necessary dependence of mental phenomena on the factors that give rise to them is

(?) evolutionism

(?) determinism

(?) functionalism

(?) egocentrism

6. The history of individual development of personality is

(?) life cycle

(?) life path

(?) Lifestyle

(?) life style

7. The law of mental development, according to which each side in the psyche has its own optimal period of development, is the law

(?) metamorphosis

(?) uneven age development

(?) biogenetic

(?) development of higher mental functions

8. Passive adaptation to the environment is

(?) accommodation

(?) socialization

(?) assimilation

(?) frustration

9. A compressed form of action, according to J. Piaget, is

(?) emotion

(?) operation

10. Special, relatively short in time (up to a year (?) periods of ontogeny, characterized by sharp psychological changes, are age-related

(?) peculiarities

(?) neoplasms

(?) crises

(?) properties

11. The distance between the level of actual development of the child and the level of possible development is

(?) zone of proximal development

(?) development crisis

(?) neoplasm of development

(?) zone of actual development

12. Qualitative changes, the emergence of neoplasms, new mechanisms, new processes, new structures - this

(?) development

(?) improvement

(?) ripening

13. The process of purposeful transfer of socio-historical experience, as well as the organization of the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities is

(?) education

(?) assimilation

(?) training

(?) learning

14. The dependence of the development of the psyche on objective actions is determinism

(?) mechanical

(?) psychological

(?) active

(?) biological

15. The law of learning, according to which, other things being equal, a reaction to a situation is associated with it in proportion to the frequency of repetition of connections and their strength

(?) readiness

(?) exercises

(?) contiguity in time

(?) reinforcements

16. Individual development of a person, which begins at the moment of conception and ends at the end of life, is

(?) microgenesis

(?) phylogenesis

(?) anthropogenesis

(?) ontogeny

17. The process and result of acquiring individual experience based on the laws of exercise, readiness, contiguity in time and reinforcement is

(?) teaching

(?) learning

(?) education

(?) assimilation

18. Understanding the course of life in the form of a constant cycle, like the seasons, is

(?) lifestyle

(?) life cycle

(?) lifetime

(?) life path

19. The pattern of age-related mental development, characterized by the optimal combination of conditions inherent in a certain age for the development of certain mental properties and processes, is

(?) sensitivity

(?) variability

(?) compensatory

(?) succession

20. The reaction of the individual, aimed at changing his internal state, is

(?) anabolism

(?) affect

(?) stress

(?) catabolism

21. Active adaptation to the environment is

(?) accommodation

(?) organization

(?) socialization

(?) assimilation

22. The study of personality in different types activity is

(?) introspection

(?) twin method

(?) method of generalization of independent characteristics

(?) test method

23. The law of mental development, according to which development is a chain of qualitative changes, is the law

(?) biogenetic

(?) metamorphosis

(?) readiness

(?) complex organization of development in time

24. A teenager is in the position of a person belonging to two cultures, i.e. personalities

(?) dual

(?) reflexive

(?) unstable

(?) marginal

25. A hormone is primarily responsible for sexual development in adolescence.

(?) estrogen

(?) testosterone

(?) adrenaline

(?) growth hormone

26. Tool" of the psyche, which provides a person with orientation in social reality, - This

(?) personal reflection

(?) adequate communication

(?) high sensitivity

(?) social intelligence

27. The concept of youth as a phase of development common to all people was first formulated

(?) Montaigne

(?) Spinoza

(?) Descartes

28. According to D.B. Elkonin, the leading activity of a teenager becomes

(?) group activity

(?) intimate-personal communication

(?) business conversation

(?) collective interaction

29. The main internal lever of self-regulation is

(?) self-esteem

(?) motivation

(?) reflection

(?) self-awareness

30. Body lengthening is stimulated mainly by the growth hormone called

(?) testosterone

(?) growth hormone

(?) adrenaline

(?) estrogen

31. The desire of a teenager to understand what he really is, discovering his inner world, - This

(?) self-education

(?) emancipation

(?) self-knowledge

(?) self-regulation

32. The first scientific psychological work on adolescence and youth was a two-volume work

(?) L.I. Bozovic

(?) L.S. Vygotsky

(?) W. Wunda

(?) St. Hall

33. The science of the heyday of all the vital forces of man is

(?) acmeology

(?) neurophysiology

(?) psychology

(?) gerontology

34. The ability to understand oneself, one's own actions and states is

(?) intimacy

(?) creativity

(?) reflection

(?) wisdom

35. Competence needs are classified as needs

(?) biological

(?) perfect

(?) social

(?) zoosocial

36. The main types of temperament got their names from those fluids that, according to the teachings of Hippocrates, predominated in humans. The sanguine temperament is associated with the predominance

(?) black bile

37. Emotions reflect

(?) reality

(?) phenomena that have a stable motivational significance

(?) objects and phenomena real world

(?) objective relations in which the phenomena of the real world are located to the needs of the organism

38. Factors that cause stress are called

(?) stressors

(?) reasons

(?) agents

(?) prerequisites

39. Affects

(?) arise from the beginning of the will

(?) arise in response to a situation that has actually occurred

(?) independent of the flow of current events

(?) are able to anticipate events that have not actually occurred yet

40. Greek (or Greek-Arabic-Persian-Tajik) medicine in the human body distinguishes four basic matters, each of which corresponds to one of the elements or elements of nature:

(?) blood, lymph, bile, tissues

(?) blood, lymph, bile, muscles

(?) blood, lymph, bile, black bile

(?) blood, lymph, bile, bones

41. A means of storing and transmitting the cognitive, labor experience of many generations is

42. Emotion is a reflection of reality in the form

(?) experiences

(?) instincts

(?) needs

43. Temperament is based on

(?) type nervous system

(?) inclinations

(?) character

(?) capabilities

44. A sign characteristic of the concept of "acceleration of physical and mental development":

(?) calm, even development

(?) contradictory, uneven development

(?) progressive accelerated development

(?) all answers are correct

45. What concept is revealed in the words of L. S. Vygotsky: “a special combination of internal development processes and external conditions that are typical for each age stage ...”

(?) leading activity

(?) social development situation

(?) sensitive period

-: the science of intrauterine defects in the development of the fetus

- puberty period

-: infection

- transition from youth to adulthood

The science that studies old age is called _ gerontogenesis ______.

Developmental psychology issues include:

    -: the problem of organic and environmental conditioning of human mental and behavioral development

    -: the problem of the relative influence of spontaneous and organized training and education on development

    -: the ratio of intellectual and personal changes in the overall mental development of the child;

"Convention on the Rights of the Child" adopted by UNESCO in...

The period of a person's life that is studied by developmental psychology

    - from birth to death

-: from 7 to 18 years old

-: from 7 years to death

- from birth to 18 years

-: from birth to 60 years

Subject of developmental psychology:

    -: study of patterns of mental development in ontogenesis

-: the study of individual psychological differences between people

-: the study of general psychological patterns, the concepts of psychology, the definition of methodological apparatus

-: study of the process of education and upbringing

-: the study of the characteristics of the physiological development of people of different ages

The branch of psychological science that studies the regularities of the stages of mental development and personality formation throughout human ontogenesis from birth to old age is called ..age. psychology.

A specific set of features and values, according to which representatives of a given age group, class or group recognize and assert themselves as "we", different from all other age communities, is called ...

-: age structure

-: age class

-: age group

    -: age culture

-: age degree

The recognized division of an individual's life as he passes from infancy to old age is called...

    -: age degree

-: age class

-: age group

-: age culture

-: age structure

The totality of people occupying at a certain point in time such a normatively distinguished age degree forms ...

    -: age class

-: age degree

-: age group

-: age culture

-: age structure

A corporate group whose members are peers is called...

    -: age group

-: age degree

-: age class

-: age culture

-: age structure

The system of ideas and images in which society perceives, comprehends and legitimizes the individual's life path and age situation is called ...

    -: age symbolism of culture

-: age culture

-: age structure

-: normative age criteria

- mentality

Culturally accepted age terminology, periodization life cycle indicating the duration and tasks of its main stages, is called ...

- age culture

-: age structure

- mentality

The traits and properties attributed by culture to people of a given age and set by them as an implied norm are called ...

    - age stereotypes

- age culture

-: normative age criteria

-: age symbolism of culture

- mentality

- age crisis

-: The biological clock

    -: age

- mental development

The slow process of transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones is...

- revolutionary changes

-: driving forces of mental development

- age crisis

    -: evolutionary changes

Periods in which revolutionary changes occur in:

-: periods of evolutionary change

    -: periods of age crises

-: infancy and adolescence

- late old age

The rapid and deep transformation of the psyche and behavior of a person that occurs during his transition from one age to another is called ...

- evolutionary development

- situational development

    - revolutionary development

- progressive development

Problems and basic concepts of developmental psychology

Ideas about how the growth, development and transition of an individual from one age stage to another proceed or should proceed are called ...

    -: symbolization of age processes

-: normative age criteria

-: age symbolism of culture

- mentality

- age culture

Establishing an optimal correspondence between the processes of assimilation and accommodation in the intellectual development of the child is called _ balance ______.

A person's assessment of his own psychological qualities and behavior, achievements and failures, is called self-esteem ..

Mental and social change, which arise at a given age level and determine the entire course of its development in a given period, are called ___ age-related neoplasms ___.

The development of mankind in all its aspects, starting with the emergence of Homo sapiens and ending today, is called ...

    - anthropogenesis

-: phylogenesis

-: ontogeny

-: microgenesis

-: story

Significant individual fluctuations in the rate of maturation of the body are called ...

    - biological age

- physical age

- social age

-: collective age

- physiological age

Certain criteria for assessing the maturity of a child's body at each age stage are called ...

    -: age norm

- physiological norm

- by evaluation

-: abilities

- testing

Aspects of socialization:

    -: upbringing

    -: education

-: education

-: enlightenment

- cognition

Compliance of each of the listed leading activities with age

emotional communication with an adult


object-manipulative activity

early childhood

play activity

preschool age

educational activity

Jr school age

intimate personal communication


educational and professional activities


Correspondence of the stages of development of the motives of communication of the child and age stages.

Development mechanisms include:

    -: interiorization

-: identification

-: alienation

-: conformity

-: sublimation

The principle that implies different rates of maturation of various body systems is the principle ...

    -: heterochrony

-: determinism

- systemic

-: development

-: synchrony

Correspondence of the stages of development of thinking and the proposed age periods.

A quick, insufficiently stable and requiring reinforcement change in the psyche and behavior of a person, occurring under the influence of situational social factors, is called ...

- evolutionary development

    - situational development

- revolutionary development

- progressive development

The sensitive period is...

-: the natural process of transformation of the anatomical structures and physiological processes of the body as it grows

-: the process and result of the child's appropriation of social experience as his psychological, intellectual and personal development

    -: a period in a person's life that creates the most favorable conditions for the formation of certain psychological properties and types of behavior in him

-: the maximum development by a person of his inclinations and abilities, their implementation in practical affairs

The semiotic function is...

-: the ability to establish a connection between a gesture as a signifier and an object, action, situation as a signified

-: the process of combining the meanings of two phenomena with each other

- the process of transforming something from external to internal

    -: the child's ability to mentally represent an observed object, a phenomenon or event not directly observed at the moment in the form of images, symbols or signs

The crisis of age development is ...

-: new stage in the development of human mental qualities

-: the transition from one stage of development to another, accompanied by an emotional upsurge

-: discrepancy between the level of personal development achieved and operational and technical capabilities, leading to affective outbursts

    -: a delay in the mental development of a person, accompanied by depressive states, severe dissatisfaction with oneself, as well as intractable problems of a personal and interpersonal nature

Education and upbringing, purposefully carried out by special private and public education systems, from the family to higher educational institutions, are called ...

- spontaneous learning

    - organized learning

- teaching

-: change

Research methods in developmental psychology

Age development is...

    -: mental and social changes that occur at a given age level and determine the entire course of its development in a given period

-contradiction between the way of life of the child and his abilities

- susceptibility to external influences

- individual characteristics of the child

-: the structure of the child's personality

The method that was first used in developmental psychology is called observation .

The method in which the same group of people are tested at fixed intervals is called...

    -: longitudinal method

-: twin method

-: cross-cultural research

-: quasi-experiment

-: by genetic method

The identification of certain mental characteristics and levels of development of the corresponding mental quality or property is called ...

    -: ascertaining experiment

-: formative experiment

-: modeling

-: study

-: observation

A short, standardized, usually time-limited test designed to establish individual differences in compared values ​​is called ___ testing ____

The research method that was first used in developmental psychology was:

    -: observation

-: testing

-: slice method

-: longitudinal method

-: method of content analysis

The most significant drawback of the observation method:

    -: subjectivity

- labor intensity

- lack of information

-: science intensity

- expensiveness

laboratory experiment

Tasks that are standardized with respect to a certain age are called...

    -: tests

-: experimental methods

-: slice methods

- exercise

-: Pearson's criterion

The re-creation in the laboratory of a model of the development of a certain function or ability of a child, which he did not previously possess, is called laboratory experiment

The problem in developmental psychology, which determines what affects the mental and behavioral development of a person more - the anatomical and physiological state or the external environment:

-: the problem of comparative influence on the development of evolutionary, revolutionary and situational changes in the psyche and human behavior

    -: the problem of organic and environmental conditioning of the mental and behavioral development of a person

-: the problem of the ratio of inclinations and abilities

-: the problem of the correlation of intellectual and personal changes in the overall psychological development

The research method that came to developmental psychology from differential psychology:

-: observation

    -: twin method

-: content analysis

-: experiment

Frequency during the course of a psychological study with which children of six months of age should be observed:

-: daily

- once every six months

    -: weekly

-: monthly

The most effective form of conducting an experimental study with a preschool child:

-: survey

-: learning

-: workout

The method of studying the development of the child, which is considered the most common and reliable, in terms of obtaining the most reliable information:

-: testing

-: projective method

    -: experiment

.Main directions of domestic and foreign developmental psychology

.Domestic theories of development (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin)

The distance between the actual level of the child's activity and the potential level of his activity under the guidance of an adult or more experienced peer L.S. Vygotsky called the zone NEAREST development.

The criterion underlying the periodization of A.N. Leontief:

    -: type of leading activity

- age crises

-: circle of reference persons

- human activity

-: psychosocial dynamics

The criteria that formed the basis of D.B. Elkonin:

    -: leading type of activity

    - major neoplasms

    - age crises

-: circle of reference persons

D.B. Elkonin considered signs of the transition from infancy to early childhood:

    - the appearance of the first words

    - upright posture

    -: object-tool activity

- crawling

- "revitalization complex"

L.S. Vygotsky singled out the general psychological characteristics of the period of early childhood:

    - the child's connection to a particular situation

    -: perception is the leading mental function

-: formation of reflection

-: thinking is the leading mental function

-: the child becomes independent in relation to a particular situation

Indicate two paradoxes of childhood discovered by D.B. Elkonin.

    -: a person, appearing in the world, is endowed with only the most elementary mechanisms to sustain life

    -: over the millennia, human experience has increased many thousands of times, during this time a newborn child has not changed much

-Children develop in stages

-: society influences the formation of a child's social skills

-: during childhood, the basic elements of experience are actively assimilated

From the point of view of D.B. Elkonin, the psyche can be divided into two areas:

    -: motivational-need

    -: operational and technical

-: subject-technical

- crisis-operational

- area of ​​neoplasms

The system of relations that a child enters into in society, according to D.B. Elkonina is called...

    -: social situation of development

-: the main neoplasm of age

- social crisis

-: main type of activity

-: communication development model

Two neoplasms that appear in infancy from the point of view of L.S. Vygotsky:

    -: walking

    -: first word

- communication with mother

-: subject activity

Types of activity from the point of view of L.S. Vygotsky, which underlie the development of written speech:

  • -: drawing

-: letter

-: construction

In the theory of L.S. Vygotsky, the culmination of lytic microchanges accumulated over the previous stable period is called __ crisis _____

Tests intended for the study of adults, and having children's counterparts:

    -: Kettel, Wexler, Rosenzweig

-: Kettel, Wexler, Eysenck

-: MMRI, Veksler, Luscher

-: SMOL, MMPI, Kettel

The main criteria underlying the age periodization of E.B. Elkonin:

-: age and intellectual development

-: relationship with the social environment and types of communication

    -: change of leading activities and nature of communication

-: change of personal interests and internal motives

A domestic psychologist who developed the concept of J. Piaget and proved that with the appropriate organization of direct childhood experience and its generalization by a child of preschool age, an understanding of the real causes of some phenomena can be achieved:

    -: D.B. Elkonin

-: A.A. Wenger

-: L.S. Vygotsky

-: A.N. Leontiev

The stage of intellectual development, according to J. Piaget, corresponding to adolescence in the periodization of D.B. Elkonin:

- stage of sensorimotor intelligence

- preoperative stage

-: stage of specific operations

    -: stage of formal operations

The term "age crisis" was introduced into psychology by:

-: J. Piaget

-: D.B. Elkonin

    -: L.S. Vygotsky

-: A.N. Leontiev

.Cognitive theories of development (J. Piaget, R. Case)

The correct order of the stages of the formation of mental actions proposed by P. Ya. Galperin.

1: motivational process

2: understanding the indicative basis of action

3: performing an action in a tangible form

4: performing an action in loud speech

5: performing an action in a speech to yourself

6: performing an action in mental form

The term by J. Piaget to refer to the first stage of moral development, at which children are confident that the rules and norms of behavior are real and inviolable conditions of existence, is called the stage ...

    - moral realism

- moral relativism

-moral callousness

- moral primitivism

- moral progress

The term by J. Piaget to refer to the second stage of moral development, at which children understand that the rules and norms of behavior are an agreement between people, and they can change if the need arises, is called the stage ...

    - moral relativism

- moral realism

-moral callousness

- moral primitivism

- moral progress

Correspondence of the stages of moral development proposed by J. Piaget and age stages.

In the theory of J. Piaget, the process of including new information as an integral part of the schemes already existing in an individual is called ____ assimilation ___

The term by J. Piaget to refer to the act of changing our thought processes, when a new object or idea does not fit into our concepts, is called ___ accommodation ____

The term by J. Piaget to refer to the mental structure that processes knowledge, perceptual images and subjective experience is called _ scheme ______.

According to J. Piaget, the first stage of cognitive development (from 0 to 2 years) is called __ sensory-motor _stage ____.

According to J. Piaget, the second stage of cognitive development (from 2 to 7 years) is called ___ preoperative stage .

According to J. Piaget, the third stage of cognitive development (from 7 to 11 years old) is called the stage ...

According to J. Piaget, the fourth and last stage of cognitive development (from the age of 12) is called the stage ...

The last stage of intellectual development in the theory of J. Piaget is called the stage ...

Correspondence of the stages of intellectual development identified by J. Piaget and age stages

J. Piaget established the main patterns of development of thinking in preschool age, which can be defined as:

Domestic psychologist who introduced the concept of "revitalization complex"

-: D.B. Elkonin

-: L.S. Vygodsky

-: M.I. Lisina

-: A.N. Ananiev

R. Case believed that ...

-: by the age of 5, the child has a good command of the language, which allows him to go beyond primitive cognitive strategies, work with concepts, use logic

-: a period of 2 to 5 years precedes the appearance of logical operations

-: the period from 2 to 5 years is an independent stage of development, which has a certain sequence of development of operational structures and its development results

-: the period from 2 to 5 years is characterized by a low "power of attention", which explains the failures in solving logical problems by children of this age

-: L.S. Vygotsky and J. Piaget

-: J. Bruner and R. Case

-: L.S. Vygotsky and N.B. Shumakova

-: N.B. Shumakov, J. Piaget and J. Bruner

Accommodation in the theory of intellectual development by J. Piaget is ...

- mental action that is reversible

-: action with new objects in accordance with already established skills and abilities

-: the desire to change skills and abilities according to changing conditions

-: discrepancy between the available skills and conditions for performing actions

Work covering the periodization of intellectual development and belonging to J. Piaget

- "Speech and thinking of the child"

- "Thinking and speech"

-: "Development of the intellect"

-: "Intellectual development in childhood"

Psychoanalytic approach to age-related changes in psychology (S. Freud, E. Erickson)

The constant process of active adaptation of a person to environment called _______

According to Z. Freud, the first stage of psychosexual development (from 0 to 1.5 years), during which the baby's mouth becomes the focus of sensual pleasure, is called _______.

According to Z. Freud, the second stage of psychosexual development (from 1.5 to 3 years), during which the child's sensual pleasures are associated with the processes of excretion, is called _______.

The third stage of psychosexual development according to Z. Freud (from 3 to 5 years), during which sensual pleasures are concentrated on the genitals, is called _______.

The fourth stage of psychosexual development according to Z. Freud (corresponding to primary school age), which is characterized by a temporary fading of interest in the sexual side, is called _______

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Control tests in Developmental Psychology

Test 1:
  1. According to L.S. Vygotsky, state mental development can be assessed taking into account at least two points indicated in one of the paragraphs:
a) the level of actual development and the zone of proximal development; b) individual indicators of the child and population indicators for children of the same sex and age; c) indicators of mental development and the state of memory.
    What is the manifestation of egocentrism in children (specify 2 conditions):
a) inability to stand on someone else's point of view; b) the indivisibility of children's thinking; c) artificiality, creation of the world; d) animation.
    To the main regularity psychological development relate:
a) intelligence; b) age; c) skills and abilities; d) morphophysiological features.
    driving forces mental development are:
a) interests; b) inclinations and abilities; c) morphological features d) contradiction between the motivational-required sphere and the level of a person's claims.
    The author of the cultural-historical theory is:
a) J. Bruner; b) L.S. Vygotsky; c) S.L. Rubinstein d) A. Vallon.
    The dynamics of mental development is determined
a) age-related changes; b) crisis, stable and sensitive periods; c) the course of maturation organic features; d) stages in the development of intelligence.
    Mental age is determined by:
a) physiological changes in the body; b) the level of development of the psychological structure of the personality; c) skills and abilities; d) psychodynamic properties.
    The main mechanism for changing age periods is, according to D.B. Elkonin
a) training; b) activity; c) abilities; d) introspection.
    The subject of developmental psychology is the study of:
a) the main categories of psychology; b) the leading modalities of a person; c) laws, patterns, trends in the development of the psyche, behavior, personality; d) principles of personality formation in activity.
    The main feature of the leading activity is:
a) staging; b) development of neoplasms of age; c) dominance in time; d) development of cognitive processes.
    The founder of behaviorism is:
a) A. Moslow; b) C. Lawrence; c) J. Piaget; d) J. Watson; 12. The characterological feature of a person, which manifests itself in increased sensitivity to ongoing events, is called:
  1. self-regulation; sensitivity; comfort; empathy;
13. The leading activity for a young child is:
  1. emotional-direct communication; tool-subject activity; role-playing game; educational activity;
14. According to the concept of recapitulation, the child in his development repeats the development:
  1. the human race; mammals; primates; animals;
15 . Each side in the child's psyche has its own optimal period of development - this is the law:
  1. metamorphoses; optimal development; development of higher mental functions; uneven age development;
16 . Gerontology is the science of:
  1. aging, old age and longevity of a person; self-improvement of a person; growing up of a person; human development;
17. The biogenetic law formulated by E. Haeckel (1834-1919) states that the ontogeny of a living being is a short and quick repetition:
      epigenesis; phylogenesis; embryogenesis; heterogenesis;
18. Comparatively slow, but fundamental quantitative and qualitative changes are called:
  1. revolutionary; evolutionary; conservative; crisis;
19. The science of maturity, the peaks of human activity, is called:
  1. developmental psychology; acmeology; gerontology; developmental psychology;
20. Hyper-custody is ………..concern for children, expressed in the desire of parents to surround the child …………. attention. 21. The revitalization complex is a stage in the emotional development of a child at ……………… age. 22. Hospitalism is a phenomenon that occurs in closed children's institutions due to ……….. communication with adults, as a result of which children begin abruptly …………. in its ………….. development. 23. The process of generating external actions, statements based on the transformation of a number of internal structures is called:
  1. exteriorization; extrapolation; interiorization; egocentrism;
24. Speech communication, reading, writing, counting, drawing are all examples of activities:
  1. semantic; symbolic; figurative; cultural;
25. According to Elkonin, leading activity develops, in addition to cognitive, the sphere of:
  1. motivational-need; emotional; motivational; need;
26. The needs that are decisive for the further development of a person are called:
      basic; subject; emotional; functional;


Exercise 1. Establish a correspondence between the stage of development of the intellect according to J. Piaget (column 1) and its content (column 2).
1. Sensorimotor 1. The child begins to explore the world using symbols and speech.
2. Preoperator 2. The child learns the world with the help of his senses.
3. Formally operational 3. The child begins to understand how in a certain situation one aspect can change, while the other remains unchanged.
4. Specific operations. 4. Can think and reason abstractly about things with which he does not have direct contact.
Task 2. Fill in the missing concepts: symptoms of a 3-year-old child's crisis: negativism, obstinacy, protest-rebellion, devaluation of adults. Task 3. Point out the errors in the following sentences, formulate them correctly: 1. Self-education is the central neoplasm of children of primary school age.2. Gender identification is characteristic of a young child.3. Psychological readiness for school includes only intellectual readiness.4. The leading activity of a preschooler is object-manipulative. Task 4. Fill in the missing concepts: Task 5. Petya's mother (4 years, 7 months) turned to the teacher for advice: what to do with her son, who is becoming more and more stubborn? She said that the boy's father and grandfather were also stubborn. "Could it be hereditary?" Mom asked. Question: Is mom's concern justified? Give a psychological justification. What factors of mental development influenced the formation of such a trait of the boy's character? What would you advise mom? Task 6. In what order does a baby's speech develop? What are the reasons for the delay speech development child?

Control tests in pedagogical psychology.

    L.S. Vygotsky singled out 2 levels of mental development of a child:
    none of the answers is correct objective and subjective highest and lowest level of actual development and level of proximal development
    The means of learning activities are…
    teaching methods theoretical and practical tasks intellectual action, mental operations, sign language means objects of the surrounding reality
    The criteria for determining the age of D.B. Elkonin says:
    social situation of development, leading type of activity, neoplasms features of intellectual structures bodily zone of concentration Libido features of human behavior

    Under ... ... pedagogical abilities (according to V.A. Krutetsky) is understood the ability to penetrate the inner world of the student, psychological observation associated with a subtle understanding of the student's personality and his temporary mental states.





    One of the components psychological readiness child for school is …… readiness.





    According to the theory of P.Ya. Galperin, knowledge is derived from:
    Skills Motives Actions Goals.
    The activity of the subject in mastering generalized ways learning activities and self-development in the process of solving learning objectives, specially set by the teacher, on the basis of external control and evaluation, turning into ...... and ...... is called learning activities. L.S. Vygotsky analyzed the correlation problem:
    Education and upbringing Education and development Development and communication Assimilation and understanding
    The author of developmental education in domestic psychology is:
    P.Ya.Galperin V.V. Davydov A.N. Leontiev L.S. Vygotsky
    Author psychological theory, which put forward the category of self-actualization of human needs, is:
    L.S. Vygotsky A. Maslow J. Piaget J. Watson
    Style pedagogical communication, in which the teacher single-handedly determines the goals of interaction and subjectively evaluates the results of the student's activity is called:
      conniving, authoritarian, democratic, ignoring

    …. believed that in primary school should be grades only, not grades

1) Amonashvilli 2) Bozhovich 3) Vygotsky

4) Leontiev

Annex No. 4.


Independent work № 1.

Topic: The emergence and history of the development of psychology as a science

    Character traits ancient Greek psychology. The development of psychology in the era of modern times.
  1. Scientific approach to understanding the psyche. The role of association theory in the development of psychology.

  2. Main foreign psychological schools.

Topic 1. History of psychology.


    Martsinkovskaya T.D. History of psychology: Proc. allowance for universities. - 4th ed. - M.: Academy, 2004

    Bostandzhieva T.M., Alferova E.I. Tasks for self-examination of knowledge in the section “General psychology. History of Psychology". Proc. allowance for stud. pedagogical university. - Tobolsk. TSPI them. DI. Mendeleev, 2007.

Additional literature:

    J. Godefroy. What is psychology. T. 1. - M., 1992.

Methodical instructions:

When studying question 1, the main attention should be paid to the problems:
    Understanding Psychic Reality in Ancient Greek Philosophy:
A) Hippocrates and the doctrine of temperaments; B) Plato's idealistic approach to explaining the facts of a person's mental life; C) Aristotle's materialistic approach to explaining the "soul". When studying 2 questions, focus on the problems:
    Rational period in the study of consciousness:
A) the concept of "soul" in the teachings of Hartley; B) the essence of Descartes' introspection; C) the discovery of unconscious perceptions by Leibniz. When studying 3 questions, focus on the problems: 1) An associative approach to explaining consciousness and behavior A) the theory of the elements of consciousness (Wundt); B) the associative laws of memorization (G. Ebbinghaus); C) Thorndike: the laws of intelligence as learning. When studying question 4, adhere to the following plan:

Psychological schools

The essence of the approach


Subject of research

Gestalt psychology
Humanistic psychology
cognitive psychology

Independent work No. 2

Topic: Development of domestic psychology (2)

Worked out educational questions:

    Formation and development of views on the psyche in domestic psychology; Cultural - historical theory development of the psyche.

    Petrovsky A.V. Psychology: Proc. for pedagogical universities. - 3rd ed. - M.: Academy, 2002

    M. G. Yaroshevsky. History of psychology. (From antiquity to the middle of the 20th century). M., "Academy", 1996 Ch. 8. § 4, 5.; With. 375-380.

    A. N. Zhdan. History of psychology. M., 1990.

For self-assessment educational material and prepare for intermediate control, solve the tests: Topic: History of psychology.

Methodical instructions:

When studying 1 question, independently work out the questions:
    The reflex nature of the psyche in the teachings of I.M. Sechenov and its development by I.P. Pavlov; Reflexology V.M. Bekhterev;
When studying 2 questions to consider:
      theory of higher mental functions L.S. Vygotsky; the theory of the unity of consciousness and activity in the views of S.L. Rubinstein and A.N. Leontiev; BG concept Ananiev about a person as an object of knowledge.
In the course of independent work, highlight the leading concepts, give them definitions; in the study of theories, focus on the ability to reproduce their essence. According to SRS 1, 2 - colloquium.

Independent work No. 3.

Topic: The development of the psyche in phylogenesis.

    Development of zoopsychology as a branch of psychology

    Stages of development of the psyche of animals.

A) the stage of elementary sensory psyche, b) the stage of perceptual psyche, c) the stage of intellect.

    Development of the nervous system in animals.

  1. Basic forms of animal behavior.

A) instinct B) learning

    Brain and psyche.

To self-test the assimilation of educational material and prepare for intermediate control, solve the tests: Topic 3. Development of the psyche in phylogenesis.


M. G. Yaroshevsky. History of psychology. (From antiquity to the middle of the 20th century). M., "Academy", 1996, p. 167-178

Psychology. Tutorial for humanitarian universities/ Under the total. Ed. V.N. Druzhinin. - St. Petersburg; - Peter. 2001., Ch. 6. Chauvin R. Society of insects. // Reader in psychology: Proc. allowance for students ped. in-tov / Comp. V.V. Mironenko; Ed. A.V. Petrovsky. - 2nd ed., Rev. And extra. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987. p. 68-75.

Leontiev A.N. Problems of the development of the psyche. - M., 1981. S. 219-249-261, 277-284.

A.N. Leontiev. general characteristics mentality of animals // Reader in psychology: Proc. allowance for students ped. in-tov / Comp. V.V. Mironenko; Ed. A.V. Petrovsky. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M.: Enlightenment, 1987. p. 62-68.

Luria A.R. Brain and psyche. // Reader in psychology: Proc. allowance for students ped. in-tov / Comp. V.V. Mironenko; Ed. A.V. Petrovsky. - 2nd ed., Rev. And extra. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987. p. 83-92.

Chauvin R. Society of insects. // Reader in psychology: Proc. allowance for students ped. in-tov / Comp. V.V. Mironenko; Ed. A.V. Petrovsky. - 2nd ed., Rev. And extra. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987. p. 68-75.

Additional literature:

    Vygotsky L.S. Psychology. - M .: Publishing House of EKSMO-Press, 2002. - 1088 p. (Series "The World of Psychology").

Methodical instructions:

On the first question get acquainted with the history of the development of zoopsychology and research in the field of animal behavior Second and third questions should be considered on the basis of a materialistic approach, i.e.: a change in the conditions of existence, the way of life of living beings and the development of the nervous system in connection with this leads to a complication of the type of irritability and the emergence of the simplest form of mental reflection - sensation. Psyche is a property of matter and this property always develops in unity with it. It is important to note the stages in the development of forms of reflection from the simplest to more complex (sensory, perceptual, intellectual), which develop continuously and are characterized by continuity. A qualitative change in matter leads to an improvement in the methods of reflection and the emergence of more expedient and flexible forms of behavior. Fill in the extended table based on the studied literature:

reflection stage

Type of nervous system

Characteristics of mental reflection

Form of behavior


For the fourth question pay attention psychological characteristics behavior. You need to know the concepts, definitions of the topic. On the fifth question it is necessary to consider the problem of the correlation of the psyche with the activity of the brain, which is reflected in the concepts of "psychophysical parallelism" and "psychophysical identity", also, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the studies of A.R. Luria. According to SR No. 3 - verification work.

Independent work No. 4.

Basic approaches to understanding and researching personality (4 hours)

Worked out training questions:

    Foreign personality theories

    Domestic concept of personality

For self-examination and preparation for intermediate control, solve the proposed tests: Topic 4. Personality (test1,2)


    Petrovsky A.V. Psychology: Proc. for pedagogical universities. - 3rd ed. - M.: Academy, 2002

    Martsinkovskaya T.D. History of psychology: Proc. allowance for universities. - 4th ed. – M.: Academy, 2004. or M. G. Yaroshevsky. History of psychology. (From antiquity to the middle of the 20th century). M., "Academy", 1996 Ch. 7.

    S. L. Rubinshtein. Personal orientation. / Reader by general psychology. M. "Enlightenment"., 1987.

    V. N. MYASISCHEV The problem of human relations. / Reader in General Psychology. M. "Enlightenment"., 1987.

    B. G. Ananiev. The social situation of personality development and its status. / Reader in general psychology. M. - Enlightenment, 1987. S. 134-139.

Methodical instructions:

Before the seminar No. 4, it is necessary to obtain the recommended literature and study the problems: On the 1st question:

    to make a general overview of foreign personality theories:
- psychodynamic theory (Z. Freud) - psychoanalytic theory (K.G. Jung) - humanistic theory (A. Maslow, K. Rogers) - behavioral theory (B. Bandura) - dispositional theory (G. Allport, A. Eysenck) .
    modern domestic theories personalities (A.V. Petrovsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, B.G. Ananiev, V.N. Myasishchev).
When studying personality theories, it is necessary to highlight the main thing in each:
    concept personalities essence concepts structure personalities
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