Fipi dictionary of paronyms. Festive - Idle

In the exam work of the exam the Russian language includes tasks related to paronyms and the selection of words from paronymic pairs. The Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements" (abbreviated as FIPI) publishes a dictionary of paronyms with a list of paronymic pairs used in the tasks of the examination work for the approved tasks. Here you will find dictionaries of paronyms, as well as examples of tasks for the exam with answers.

Dictionary of paronyms from FIPI

Dictionary of paronyms for preparation, compiled by FIPI for the Unified State Exam 2018. The dictionary can be downloaded in PDF format free of charge and without registration.
Download dictionary in pdf
We also have dictionaries for previous years for example:
2015 year
2016 year
2017 year

  1. Subscription - subscriber
  2. Artistic - artistic
  3. Poor - disastrous
  4. Unresponsive - irresponsible
  5. Swampy - swampy
  6. Grateful - grateful
  7. Charitable - beneficent
  8. The former is the former
  9. Breathe in - breathe
  10. Age-old - eternal
  11. Great - majestic
  12. Refill - refill - refill - overflow - refill - refill;
    full - full - full
  13. Hostile - enemy
  14. Choosing - choosing
  15. Benefit - profitability
  16. Giving - Giving - Transfer - Giving
  17. Payment - payment - payment - payment
  18. Pay - Pay - Pay - Pay - Pay
  19. Grow - Grow - Grow
  20. Growing - growing - growing
  21. High - high-rise
  22. Warranty - guaranteed
  23. Harmonic - harmonious
  24. Clay - clay
  25. Yearly - Yearly - Yearly
  26. Pride is pride
  27. Humanism - humanity
  28. Humanistic - humanitarian - humane
  29. Binary - double - double - double - double - double
  30. Effective - valid - effective
  31. Busy - business - efficient - businesslike
  32. Democratic - Democratic
  33. Dictation - dictate
  34. Diplomant - diplomat
  35. Diplomatic - diplomatic
  36. Long - long
  37. Solid - kind
  38. Trusting - trusting
  39. Rainy - rainy
  40. Dramatic - dramatic
  41. Friendly - friendly - friendly
  42. Single - the only one
  43. Desired - Desirable
  44. Brutal - tough
  45. Life - everyday
  46. Housing - residential
  47. Barrier - Barrier - Barrier - Barrier - Barrier
  48. Decrease - Decrease - Decrease
  49. Initiator - instigator
  50. Bestial - brutal
  51. Sound - sonorous
  52. Visual - spectator
  53. Inventive - inventive
  54. Informative - informative
  55. Information - awareness
  56. Ironic - ironic
  57. Skillful - artificial
  58. Executive - performing
  59. Source - Outbound
  60. Stony - stone
  61. Comfortable - comfortable
  62. Equestrian - equine
  63. Chunky - root - root
  64. Bone - bone
  65. Colorful - dyed - dyed
  66. Lacquered - lacquered
  67. Ice - ice
  68. Wooded - forest
  69. Personal - personal
  70. Microscopic - microscopic
  71. Ice cream - freezer - frosty
  72. Put on - put on
  73. Availability - cash
  74. Reminder - Mention
  75. Ignorant is ignorant
  76. Intolerant - impatient - intolerant
  77. Unlucky - unlucky
  78. The accused is the accusatory
  79. Snippet - snippet
  80. To embrace - to embrace
  81. Limit - demarcate - demarcate
  82. Hail - response
  83. Organic - organic
  84. Selective - qualifying
  85. Deviation - evasion
  86. Shy away - shy away
  87. Distinguish (s) - distinguish (s)
  88. Difference - Difference
  89. Memorable - memorable
  90. Endure - endure
  91. Purchased - Purchased - Purchased
  92. Populist - popular
  93. Honorable - respectful - honorable
  94. Practical - Practical
  95. Submit - Submit
  96. Representative - Representative
  97. Recognized - grateful
  98. Productive - grocery
  99. Productivity - Manufacturing
  100. Productive - Productive
  101. Enlightening - enlightened
  102. Publicistic - publicistic
  103. Fearful - frightened
  104. Irritation - irritability
  105. Rhythmic - Rhythmic
  106. Romantic - romantic
  107. Secretive - hidden
  108. Vocabulary - verbal
  109. Resistance - Resistance
  110. Neighbor - neighbor
  111. Comparable - Comparative
  112. Scenic - scenic
  113. Technical - technical
  114. Lucky - Lucky
  115. Humiliated - humiliating
  116. Actual - Actual
  117. Predatory - predatory
  118. Royal - royal - reigning
  119. Whole - Whole - Whole
  120. Economic - Economical - Economical
  121. Aesthetic - aesthetic
  122. Ethical - ethical
  123. Effective - effective
  124. Efficiency - showiness

Examples of tasks

Look at examples of assignments by paronyms from the Unified State Exam 2015. Answers have been given to the tasks. They will give an approximate understanding of the nature and complexity of the tasks of the examination paper for the current year.

Block number 1. Option 1

1. To change the type of services provided, the SUBSCRIPTION must fill out special form at the head office of the company.
2. GUARANTEED car service includes free repair or free replacement of faulty components.
3. The members of the commission expressed their gratitude for the inspection material SUBMITTED at their disposal.
4. When I think about Lesha, I always remember his sad BROWN eyes.
5. Katya Dressed a warm hat for a walk.
6. The type of relationship that develops in the family between the child and the parents is extremely an important FACT in the development of every person.
7. Over time, the research laboratory TRANSFORMED from our last meeting into a special design bureau.
8. The room served a DUAL purpose: it was both a living room and a bedroom.
9. Demidov directly stated in those days that the rumors about the initiation of a criminal case against him were EVIL slander.
10. While working, you are allowed to use the QUICK REFERENCE on physics.

Answers: 1. to the subscriber, 2. warranty, 3. provided, 4. brown, 5. put on, 6. factor, 7. transformed, 8. double, 9. malicious, 10. short.

Block number 1. Option 2

The highlighted word is used WRONG in these sentences. Correct the mistake and write it down correctly.
1. Clothes of a real tourist should be reliable and PRACTICAL.
2. Over time, the laboratory was expanded, it TRANSFORMED into a branch of a research institute.
3. From the evasive and DIPLOMATIC speech of the lawyer, it followed that the revision of the contract should be postponed.
4. Kotovsky was rarely surprised at anything, he was a shrewd and memorable young man.
5. Compliance with simple rules of personal hygiene is the most EFFECTIVE protection against influenza and SARS.
6. A CONFIDENTIAL tone in dealing with customers gives our company a good reputation.
7. Most of all we were impressed by the APPLE orchard, in which trees were planted in orderly rows.
8. Recalling yesterday's meeting, Sergei INHALED heavily.
9. The GENERAL uniform looked beautiful on Viktor Alexandrovich.
10. The CALCULATION center was in a house located on a street corner.

Answers: 1. practical, 2. transformed, 3. diplomatic, 4. memorable, 5. effective, 6. confidential, 7. apple, 8. sigh, 9. general, 10. calculated.

Block number 1. Option 3

The highlighted word is used WRONG in these sentences. Correct the mistake and write it down correctly.
1. The people flowed there in a large number despite a WEEKDAY day.
2. He remained a staunch monarchist and opponent of the DEMOCRATIC way of government for the rest of his life.
3. At home, before leaving, he was instructed for a long time so that in a new place he did not end up in a bad CAMPAIGN.
4. Oksana received from him a promise to PROVIDE her with the position of secretary.
5. The most REAL way to improve memory is to create powerful motivation for yourself.
6. His coat was liquid, with FISH fur.
7. They have already become Muscovites, like many of their more SUCCESSFUL fellow countrymen.
8. The results of the translation of the texts were compared and, in case of coincidence, were considered SIGNIFICANT.
9. He was quarrelsome, SMALL, arrogant, selfish.
10. The BONE shell of the turtle is very durable.

Answers: 1. weekday, 2. democratic, 3. campaign, 4. provided, 5. effective, 6. fish, 7. lucky, 8. significant, 9. petty, 10. bone.

Block number 1. Option 4

The highlighted word is used WRONG in these sentences. Correct the mistake and write it down correctly.
1. It was almost a ROYAL gift.
2. It was still necessary to work hard to achieve the DESIRED result.
3. The President declared the judicial investigation completed and PRESENTED the floor to the Prosecutor.
4. He and at school were told more than once that he had an INTELLIGENT talent.
5. Decoration, external EFFICIENCY is alien to Japanese architecture.
6. The pain was very intense, at times UNTOLERABLE.
7. In his hand he held a cane with a BONE head.
8. There was such a downpour that at least WEAR your boots.
9. It is not possible to name the specialists who have made a CONTRIBUTION to the research.
10. Children are accommodated in cozy rooms, have all the amenities, provided with TASTY food.

Answers: 1. royal, 2. desirable, 3. provided, 4. inventive, 5. showiness, 6. intolerable, 7. bone, 8. put on, 9. contribution, 10. delicious.

Information on the Unified State Exam in 2018, methodological materials and test tasks look at the official website of FIPI We wish you successful passing of the exam.

Our site contains an extended dictionary of paronyms, which includes paronyms from the exam, school curriculum, educational and reference materials for universities. The dictionary gives the meanings of paronyms, explains the difference between words, contains examples. Use the alphabetical index to go to the list of paronyms in our dictionary.

Paronyms dictionary for the exam 2019 with explanations

who ate).

which you fill up quickly).

which is not visible on the ground)


who doesn't tell anything)


who paints the fence)




who was sent to the duty station)

Business trip

who was sent to work on a business trip)




(Type of
planting material)


promissory note)




(ticket to


who wins)


who was humiliated)


who were humiliated)

several people)










(pants, clothes)

(ring on


compassion, humanity)







feeling for the Motherland)

brother of Dobrynya. Negative feeling of arrogance).


when buying a product under warranty)


progress, that is, what will be required)


(That is
from Greece)


to the feat)





(that is,
owned by the firm)


with equipment, music. tools)


to vision, such as a nerve)


attitude towards the audience, for example, a hall or a prize)


forest, laz)

















Collection of paronyms in the Russian language

Collection of paronyms (USE, Russian)

Task number 5 in the exam in the Russian language presupposes knowledge of lexical norms (the use of a word in
according to the exact lexical meaning and the requirement of lexical collocation). To correctly complete this task, you need to find the incorrectly used word and choose the right paronym for it. To facilitate preparation for this task, the demo version is accompanied by Dictionary of paronyms, which includes the following strings of words:

1) Subscription - subscriber
2) Artistic - artistic
3) Poor - disastrous
4) unresponsive - irresponsible
5) Swampy - boggy
6) Grateful - grateful
7) charitable - beneficent
8) The former is the former
9) Breathe in - breathe
10) Age old - eternal
11) Great - Majestic
12) Refill - refill - refill - refill - overflow - refill
13) Hostile - enemy
14) Choosing - Choosing
15) Benefit - Benefit
16) Giving - Giving - Transfer - Giving
17) Disbursement - payment - payment - payment
18) Pay - Pay - Pay - Pay - Pay
19) Grow - Grow - Grow
20) Growing - building - growing
21) High - high
22) Warranty - guaranteed
23) Harmonic - harmonious
24) Clay - Clay
25) Yearly - Yearly - Yearly
26) Pride is Pride
27) Humanism - Humanity
28) Humanistic - humanitarian - humane
29) Binary - double - dual - double - double - doubled
30) Effective - Effective - Effective
31) Busy - business - efficient - businesslike
32) Democratic - Democratic
33) Dictation - Diktat
34) Diplomate - diplomat
35) Diplomatic - Diplomatic
36) Long - Long
37) Good - Good
38) Gullible - Gullible
39) Rainy - Rainy
40) Dramatic - Dramatic
41) Friendly - Friendly - Friendly
42) The One Is The One
43) Desirable - Desirable
44) Brutal - Brutal
45) Life - Life
46) Housing - Residential
47) Barrier - Barrier - Barrier - Barrier - Barrier
48) Understate - Decrease - Decrease
49) Pay - pay
50) Fill - Fill - Overflow (Filled - Filled - Overflowed)
51) Pioneer - Instigator
52) Bestial - Brutal
53) Sound - sonorous
54) Visual - spectator
55) Inventive - Inventive
56) Informative - informative
57) Information - awareness
58) Ironic - Ironic
59) Crafted - Artificial
60) Executive - performing
61) Outgoing - Outgoing
62) Rocky - Rocky
63) Comfortable - Comfortable
64) Equestrian - Equine
65) Chunky - Root - Root
66) Bone - Bone
67) Colorful - Dyed - Dyed
68) Lacquered - Lacquered
69) Ice - Ice
70) Woody - Woody
71) Personal - Personal
72) Microscopic - Microscopic
73) Ice Cream - Freezer - Frosty
74) Put on - Put on
75) Availability - Cash
76) Reminder - Mention
77) Ignorant - Ignorant
78) intolerant - impatient - intolerant
79) Unlucky - Unlucky
80) Accused - Accusatory
81) Snippet - Snippet
82) Embrace - Embrace
83) Limit - Delineate - Delineate
84) Hail - Echo
85) Organic - Organic
86) Selective - Qualifying
87) Deviation - Evasion
88) Dodge - Dodge
89) Distinguish (-ya) - distinguish (-ya)
90) Difference - Difference
91) Memorable
92) Endure - Endure
93) Purchase - Purchase - Purchase
94) Populist - Popular
95) Honorable - Honorable - Honorable
96) Practical - Practical
97) Submit - Submit
98) Representative - Representative
99) Appreciate - Appreciate
100) Productive - grocery
101) Productive - Productive
102) Enlightened - Enlightened
103) Publicistic - Publicistic
104) Fearful - Fearful
105) Irritability
106) Rhythmic - Rhythmic
107) Romantic - Romantic
108) Sneaky - Sneaky
109) Vocabulary - Verbal
110) Resistance - Resistance
111) Neighbor - Neighbor
112) Comparable - Comparative
113) Scenic - Scenic
114) Technical - technical
115) Lucky Lucky
116) Dumb - Dumb
117) Factual - Factual
118) Predatory - Predatory
119) Royal - Royal - Reigning
120) Whole - Whole - Whole
121) Economic - Economical - Economical
122) Aesthetic - Aesthetic
123) ethical - ethical
124) Effective - Effective
125) Effectiveness - Effectiveness

However, it is assumed that graduates themselves will seek values incomprehensible words... To simplify your task, we have prepared Collection of paronyms, which explains in detail the meaning of each word and provides various examples.

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Glossary of paronyms for the exam 2016 with an explanation

Dictionary of paronyms

Unified State Exam. Russian language. 2016 year

* Example

Subscription(ticket) - subscriber(user)

Artistic(for an artist, for him)

artistic (expressive / like an artist )

Poor(little funds)

disastrous(suffers losses, many trials)

Meek(timid, defenseless) - irresponsible(unscrupulous)

Marshy(with swamps)

swampy(in, in the swamp / out of the swamp)

Grateful(feels grateful ) - thanks(contains thanks)

Charitable(selfless help)

beneficial(well influencing)

Former(what was) - former(past, gone)

Inhale(filling the lungs with air )

sigh(*sadness, relief, etc.)

Age-old(old, ancient)

eternal(constant, unchanging)

Great (great,important, significant )

majestic(with dignity, proud)

Replenish(lack of something)

supplement (add to what was said )

fill in(room)


overflow(beyond measure )

top up (add to the existing one)

Hostile(imbued with enmity )

hostile(from the enemy)

Choosing (for some reason / find the time ) - choosing (elect by vote to perform duties )

Benefit(payment) - profitability(what makes it profitable)

Issuance (issue)

recoil (result / efficiency)

broadcast (on TV / to the hospital / to transfer something)

distribution (everyone: * leaflets, brochures, advertisements )

Payout (issue / what?) - payment (what? ) - payment (for what?) - payment

Pay out - pay(for what?) - pay(what?) - repay (take revenge ) - pay (finish paying )

Grow (from small to large * about a child)

build up(artificially)

grow(naturally )

Growing - growing - growing (see above)

High(about growth /, about position in society ) - high-rise(about the building)

Warranty (about warranty * coupon, repair ) - guaranteed (promised)

Harmonic (refers to harmony: * line, row )

harmonious(coordinated, harmonious)

Clayey(with clay ) - clay(from clay)

One-year(cycles) - one year old(about cub / baby) - annual(about the year)

Pride (dignity ) - pride (arrogance )

Humanism(philosophical concept )

humanity(kindness, philanthropy )

Humanistic(philosophical concept ) - humanitarian (university, science ) - humane (kind)

Binary (two digits)

double (2-piece )


twofold(possible in 2 forms )

double (one of two )

doubled (multiply. on 2 )

Efficient(effective )

valid(real, real )

acting (who / what acts)

Busy (a little flashy )

business(for case / case)

efficient (explanatory )

commercial (pragmatic)

Democratic(simple, close to the people )

democratic(about democracy * party)

Dictation - dictate (violence, moral pressure)

Diploma(awarded a diploma competition )

diplomat(in international service )

Diplomatic (at the diplomat)

diplomatic(polite, tactful)

Long(about length ) - long(about the time )

Solid (well made )- kind(kindly )

Confidant(sincere ) - gullible (easy to believe, naive)

Rain(about rain / for rain) - rainy (with rain)

Dramatic(about drama * theater, actor )

dramatic(tense, with deep feelings * moment, case)

Friendly (from a friend ) - friendly - friendly(connected by friendship)

Unit(rare )- the only one(no more)

Desired(beloved, what he strives for)

desirable (preferred)

Cruel (bloodthirsty, from "cruelty")

hard (from "hardness", hard to the touch)

Life (about life) - everyday (household * problems)

Housing(* about housing: question, reform, conditions, construction) - residential (intended for living * array, room )

Block off (obscure with a fence)

fence (surround with a fence)

shield (save * from harmful influence)

fence off (some part)

block (put a partition / close the passage * road)


lower (lower * level

reduce (reduce: * prices, speed )

Pay(for what? * for travel ) - pay(what? travel)

Fill in(room )

fill(capacity )

overflow (beyond measure)

Full - full - full

Pioneer (put it down. * science ) - instigator (neg. * fights )

Animal(at the beast) - brutal(cruel)

Sound (about sound * vibrations ) - sonorous (ringing * voice)

Visual(about sight, for spectators * hall)

spectator (the viewer has * prize, sympathy)

Inventive(invents * swindler )

inventive(the inventor has * certificate, gift)

Informative (contains a lot of information )

informational(conveys information * source, technology )

information(intelligence )

awareness (possession of information )

Ironic (about irony as a technique ) - ironic(mocking)

Skillful(masterfully done) - artificial(unnatural)

Executive(conscientious ) - performing(at the performer )

Original (initial) - outgoing (comes from something )

Rocky(with rocks ) - stone(made of stone)

Comfortable(saturated with means for comfort)

comfortable(comfortable )

Equestrian (associated with a horse) - horse (at the horse, part of it )

Stocky(squat, sturdy )

root(main )

root (at the roots)

Bone(in the bone ) - bone (made of bone )

Colorful(bright) - coloring (paints ) - painted (painted)

Lacquered (varnished )

lacquered (from varnish, for varnish: * workshop, production, oils, paints)

Ice (takes place in ice, with ice * sports palace )

icy (ice / cold)

Wooded (with forests) - forest (about the forest / in the forest )

Personal(about personality * growth, upbringing) - personal (own)

Microscopic(with a microscope, visible only with a microscope * analysis) - microscopic (very small * worm )


freezer (for freezing)

frosty(with frost, cold)

Put on (what's on who * hat / suit )

clothe(who in what * baby, old man)

Availability (is, exists ) - cash (money)

Reminder (to remind * of the responsibilities )

mention (casually touch upon in conversation: * about Moscow)

Ignorant (rude, impudent )

ignorant (not knowing: * in art, in physics )

Intolerable (you can not endure: * about pain, about the wind)

impatient(does not know how to endure, in a hurry)

intolerant(against something / does not want to put up with something * to rudeness)

Unsuccessful (poorly made )

unfortunate(often unlucky)

Accused (he was accused ) - accusatory (contains the charge)

Snippet (piece, shred ) - excerpt (part )

To embrace(hands) - cover (look, conversation)

Limit (set boundaries)

delimit (separate part from whole )

demarcate(split, separate from each other )

Hail (call out, call someone ) - response (review, incl. to the hail )

Organic(applies to flora and fauna)

organic(naturally arising from something)

Selected(best quality * grain)

qualifying (when they select * round, competition)

Deviation (to the side ) - deviation (to dodge )

Shy away - shy away

Distinguish (s) (something from something)

distinguish (-sya) (sense organs difference / dissimilarity * in the dark (i.e., by sight) * by smell (i.e., by smell)

Difference (dissimilarity ) - difference

Memorable (he has a good memory )

memorable(for memory / long remembered)

Endure (wait out, survive) - endure(change)

Purchasing (buying ability )

customer (at buyer * demand)

purchased (got it for money)

Populist(from the philosophical concept of "populism")

popular (known)

Venerable (about the elderly: respected, honored )

respectful (good)

honorary (honored)

Practical(about practice ) - practical (economical)

Provide(give the right to use)

imagine (introduce, show)

representative (at the representative * car)

Recognized(assessed, he was recognized)

grateful(feels grateful)

Productive (effective) - grocery (with products)

Productive (productive * labor)

production (in production * position)

performance (labor productivity * indicator)

Educational (enlightens) - enlightened(educated)

Journalistic( journalistic, publicist: * journalistic talent )

journalistic (touching on topical socio-political issues * journalistic topic)

Fearful (easy to scare ) - frightened (he was scared )

Irritation (human / skin condition )

irritability(property, ability to irritate)

Rhythmic (has to do with rhythm ) - rhythmic (repeating at regular intervals )

Romantic (refers to romanticism as a literary direction ) - romantic (dreamy / mysterious)

Secretive (taciturn, hides everything ) - hidden (hidden)

Dictionary (from "dictionary": * stock)

verbal (from "word": * way of expression )

Resistance (fight: * to the enemy )

resistance (ability to resist: * organism of disease )

Adjacent (next door )

neighboring(at the neighbor's)

Comparable (can be compared )

comparative(compares * analysis / relative * relatively healthy)

Scenic (theater-related )

scenic (fit for scene)

Technical(with the help / application of technology)

technical (masterfully executed )

Lucky(lucky ) - successful (good)

Humiliated(he was humiliated)

humiliating (he / it humiliates: * position )

Actual(is a fact)

factual (meets the requirements of authenticity)

Predatory (like a predator ) - predatory (feeds on animals )

Tsarsky (at the king)

regal (majestic, proud )

reigning (reigns, on the throne )

Whole (flawless, complete )

one-piece (one piece, monolithic )

holistic (represents unity)

Economic(about the economy )

economical (serves to save )

economical (thrifty, zealous )

Aesthetic (has to do with aesthetics )

aesthetic (beautiful, graceful)

Ethical (refers to ethics )

ethical (tactful, cultured )

Effective(effective )

spectacular (produces effect, impressive )

Efficiency - showiness

Lexical norms (use of the word), paronyms

Lexical norms (use of the word).

This task tests your ability to distinguish between paronyms.

Paronyms- words that are similar in sound and spelling, but different in meaning.

Lexical norms of the Russian language, the rules for the use of words and phrases are called in strict accordance with their meanings. Violation of lexical norms leads to the fact that statements become ambiguous, as well as to serious speech errors. Compliance with the lexical norms of the Russian language presupposes the ability to choose the right word from a number of similar or identical in content, that is, synonym words, as well as the ability to distinguish between paronyms.

Paronyms are:



differing in final letters.

Prefixed paronyms.

In task A2, they are quite rare, so they are not so difficult to remember.


Have pay - Give, deposit (money) in compensation for something (most often it is a large amount of money)O pay - pay for something
O give someoneOn put on yourself
Prev to put - to present, inform something to someone. To acquaint with someone, to give the opportunity to get acquainted with something. Having found worthy of something, to intercede for somethingPrede put - Give someone something at the disposal, use of something to someone. To give someone the opportunity to say, to do something, to order something.
V shake off - Having lifted, shake with force.Shake off - Shaking, throwing off, throwing off.
By Verification - Verify exactly. Roll call in order to check the available composition of people (special).About verification - Establishing the correctness of something, the correspondence of something to something.
About judge - Disassemble, ponder, comprehensively consider, expressing your views about something or about someone.O to judge - To express disapproval of something, to recognize it as bad. Sentence to any kind of punishment, convict, convict.
Intolerant - one that cannot be put up with, unacceptable. Disregarding the opinions of others, devoid of tolerance.Not with tolerant - Exceeding patience, difficult to bear.
O squeak - An error in the spelling of something. by absent-mindedness.From squeak - A formal answer that does not affect the essence of the case.

Suffix paronyms.


Most of the paronyms are associated with the difference between the same root adjective and participle.


Suffixes -USCH - / - YUSCH-, -ASCH - / - YASCH- refer to participle suffixes and denote the producer of the action.

COLORFUL. Notable for its bright colors.

COLORING. Serving for dyeing something, containing paint (special).

Differing in final letters.


Base- Base, base. The support of something; strong point. Warehouse, warehouse or supply point.Basis- A set of historically determined production relations that form the economic structure of society and determine the nature of the superstructure.
Subscriber- The owner of the subscription (person or institution).Subscription- The right to use something for a certain period, as well as a document certifying this right.
Ignorant- Rude, ill-mannered, impolite person.Ignorant- A poorly educated person, ignorant; a person ignorant of any area of ​​knowledge, a layman.
Destination- The one to whom the postal item is addressed (person or institution).Addressee- The one who sends the postal or telegraphic item (person or institution)
Diplomat- An official engaged in diplomatic activity, work in the field of external relations.Diploma- A person awarded with a diploma for successful performance at a competition, festival, etc. A student preparing a graduation, diploma work.


This chapter does not provide all the examples that are possible in A2. More often than not, you will have to look into a dictionary to determine the meanings of words.

Algorithm of actions.

1. Determine what part of speech are paronyms.

2. Read the sentences carefully. Maybe you will find something in common in words that combine with paronyms.

3. Think from what word they can be formed. Perhaps the difference is in the basics!

4. Look at what part of the word the words differ: prefix, suffix, etc.

5. If possible, remember the difference in meaning.

Remember! If you suddenly come across words like subscriber - subscription, this algorithm will not work.

Analysis of the task.

In which sentence should the word ENEMY be used instead of the word Hateful?

1) In fairy tales, animals and plants sometimes act as a Hateful force.

2) He found himself in a hostile world to him.

3) The Panzer Division managed to break the enemy's hostile defenses.

4) They were not ready for such a hostile reception of local residents.

Hostile and hostile refer to paronyms - adjectives. Let's try to figure out from which word (s) they are formed.

Hostileenmity(dislike, mutual hatred, malevolent relationship) + suffix - ebn-. Meaning - expressing hostility.

Hostileenemy(a person fighting for other, opposite interests, an opponent) + suffix - esk-. The meaning is that of the enemy.

This means that paronyms are formed from different words, therefore, the difference should be sought based not so much on the suffixes as on the basis of words.

In options No. 2, 3, 4, according to the context, the relation is expressed: in hostile peace, hostile defense, hostile reception... And in option No. 1, the context should indicate the affiliation: instead of hostile forces must speak enemy forces.

Thus, correct option number 1.


1. In which sentence should DIPLOMANT be used instead of the word DIPLOMAT?

1) Leonid Ivanovich was considered a real DIPLOMAT in communication with people around him.

2) Success foreign policy the state largely depends on the experience and talent of DIPLOMATS.

3) You sound like a DIPLOMAT, but things don't go well.

4) DIPLOMATS of the Moscow Ballet Competition took part in the final concert.

2. In which sentence, instead of the word GUILTY, should you use GUILTY?

1) The most painful thing for Vadim was that he still felt GUILTY, although his friend easily forgave him for this lie.

2) The court found the official guilty of committing fraud.

3) The teenager looked at everyone with a frightened and GUILTY look.

4) Antonina defiantly went to wash the dishes, and he sat, feeling GUILTY for unexpectedly coming to visit.

3. In which sentence, instead of the word RAINY, should you use RAINY?

1) A single RAIN drop glittered on the dark foliage.

2) The day promised to be RAINY and windy.

3) Shifting the age-old stones, RAIN streams fell down.

4) From the garden gushed clean RAIN air, intoxicating smell of blooming linden.

Paronyms of the Unified State Exam 2018: list and meaning

In 2018 year of the exam in the Russian language will remain compulsory and the first subject that graduates will take. Analyzing the work of students of schools and lyceums who passed a single State exam in the 2016-2017 academic year, independent experts noted that very often the examinees made mistakes in task # 5 (pictured), which requires a good knowledge of paronymic pairs.

OGE schedule for literature in 2018

According to the dates set in the draft timetable for the OGE, literature exams must be passed on the following dates:

Paronyms and everything about them

Paronyms are words that belong to the same part of speech and are similar in sound, but at the same time have different lexical meanings. In Russian, such words form paronymic pairs (forest - wooded; melody - melody; now - now; addressee - addressee; dress - put on) and rows (issue - return - distribution - transfer).

The fifth task of the USE 2018 is aimed at testing how well future applicants know paronyms and understand where and when to use them correctly in combination with different words.

Paronyms can be different parts of speech:

  • nouns;
  • adjectives;
  • Verbs;
  • adverbs.

Linguists of the Russian Federation with the help of a specially developed program were able to compile the largest dictionary of paronyms, which included 1100 series of paronyms containing from 2 to 7 words. A complete dictionary of paronyms can be found on the website, but in the Unified State Exam 2018, according to the FIPI, only 124 pairs (rows) were used, understanding and using most of which is not particularly difficult for native speakers. Graduates living in regions where Russian is not the main one outside the educational institution should pay attention to this topic in preparation for the USE 2018, make a list, remember the meaning that paronyms have and their phraseological expressions in which they are found.

Since not all existing paronyms will fit into the exam 2018. Recommends to work out the pairs on the FIPI list.

How to remember paronymic pairs

In task number 5, you will need to find a sentence in which the paronym is used incorrectly and correct the error, i.e. indicate which word to use in the context of the sentence. There are no ready-made options in the USE in 2017 and 2018, which means that it is necessary to know the paronyms with their explanations, and for the majority, when preparing, it will not be enough just to compile a dictionary by filling it with pairs of words. It is the understanding of their meanings and correct application that comes to the fore.

Of course, you can take a ready-made FIPI list and work out all the paronyms that can be found in the USE 2018, find out their meaning. Experienced teachers who annually prepare graduates for the final tests have long created their own dictionaries, which provide not only the meaning, but also an example of the use of paronyms. We offer you one of such convenient and accessible explanations of the difference between such words.

Teachers who teach Russian and effectively prepare students for the USE recommend that 2018 graduates do not memorize the vocabulary of paronyms, but memorize words in the context of sentences or fixed phrases. This makes it much easier to build a logical chain “word - meaning - application”.

Also watch the video of the lesson, which examines in detail the implementation of the 5th task of the USE ticket in the Russian language.

COMPLETE analysis of task 5 FOR the exam-2018

In Russian

Test your strength: decide without going deep into theory!

Statement of the assignment:

WRONG chosen word.

1. Malyuta Skuratov, the beloved guardsman of Ivan the Terrible, was distinguished by a sharp mind, cruelty and Predatory glitter of eyes.

2. ICE the palace, built by order of Anna Ioannovna in St. Petersburg, became the venue for a buffoon's wedding.

3. In The Tale of Bygone Years, Nestor describes UNSUCCESSFUL 1185 campaign of Prince Igor against the Polovtsians.

4. Mitrofan, the main character comedy Fonvizin "The Minor", ¾ a classic example The ignorant in Russian literature

5.In 1957, the first ARTIFICIAL the Earth satellite, invented by Korolev, was launched into space.

Test yourself: find out the right one
the answer is on the next page!


*Explanation: predatory ¾ profit-seeking exploiting others (about a person): predatory glint of eyes, predatory official;

Predatory ¾ oppressive robbing someone: predatory habits, predatory tendencies.

What is the secret of success in solving task # 5?

1. It is important to remember that paronyms¾ these are words, similar in sound but having different lexical meaning: addressee ¾ addressee, dress ¾ wear, etc..

2. Members of paronymic couples are in different words.

* For example, it is required to determine in what sense in a sentence instead of a word ETERNAL need to use CENTURY?

1) Petya Trofimov was called “ ETERNAL student ".

2) ETERNAL the oak amazed us with its beauty and grandeur.

3) The documents were prepared for filing for ETERNAL storage.

4) Compassion and humanity are ETERNAL life values.

How to learn to distinguish between paronyms?

1) You need formulate lexical meaning for each of the words, choose synonyms:

· Age-old ¾ living, existing for centuries, for a very long time;

· Eternal ¾ endless in time, which has neither beginning nor end.

2) Make up with given paronyms phrases, so that there is no doubt about the choice of the word:

Century oak (living oak), secular traditions (traditions that have existed for a very long time)

· Eternal values (unchanging), eternal student (constant), eternal storage (indefinite)

! Necessarily read information from "Dictionary of paronyms" to be fully prepared for the exam !

THE MOST COMPLETE dictionary of paronyms for the exam

Be sure to remember a couple of the most popular paronyms!

Now try to solve task number 5 again!

Statement of the assignment:

In one of the sentences below WRONG used the highlighted word. Correct lexical error by selecting a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down chosen word.

Task number 1.

1. Inundations from mash-type floods, which depend little on the water level of the year, should EXPECT in April and May.

2. There is a proven method of cleaning short-haired fur: wipe dirty fur with hot mashed potatoes and then thoroughly SHAKE.

3. The greatest misunderstanding of Moscow SUBSCRIPTIONS makes it necessary to pay a subscription fee for using the line.

4. The new company was registered under the beautiful, SOUND name.

5. Under it HARD with a look, everything became uncomfortable.

Task number 2.

1. To prepare a marinade for fish baked in coals, you need SHAKE seeds from four to five cardamom pods, add a pinch of saffron and grind them in a mortar with salt.

2. The girl with a sharp movement threw back her bangs from her forehead and unexpectedly calmly and TRUST looked Alexey in the eye.

3. ISSUE skates are made if the visitor of the skating rink has a passport or any other document that can be left as a deposit.

4. Analysts say that in the coming year on the securities market it is possible EXPECT significant changes.

5. CHOOSING this or that direction, be guided strictly by the compass.

Test yourself for yourself!

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All rights belong to their authors. This site does not claim authorship, but provides free use.
Date the page was created: 2017-08-26

Subscription- the right to use something (or a document granting this right) for a certain period: pool pass. Subscriber- a person or institution with a subscription: telephone subscriber.

Destination- the person or organization to whom the postal item is addressed (recipient): the addressee has left, the place of the addressee's signature on the receipt. Addressee- the person or organization sending the postal item (sender): the addressee is unknown, the name of the addressee is indicated in the upper left.

Artistic- related to the artist; intended for the artist; characteristic of an artist, an artist, characteristic of him: artistic environment, artistic career; dressing room, artistic cafe, artistic soul, artistic temperament. Artistic- distinguished by artistry, artistic taste: artistic person, artistic performance.

Poor- having a very meager income, poor or indigent; lacking in anything, meager; unhappy, arousing compassion, pity: poor dinner, poor clothes, poor house, poor fantasy. Disastrous- full of disasters, hardships: plight, disastrous year.

Meek- not receiving, not giving an answer, a response to something; unable to object, contradict, very meek: unrequited love, unrequited soul. Irresponsible- not bearing or unaware of responsibility: irresponsible act, irresponsible husband.

Marshy- abounding in swamps, boggy; swampy like a swamp: marshland. Swamp- related to the swamp, peculiar to it; intended for work in a swamp, movement in a swamp, etc. living, growing in a swamp: swamp boots, swamp viper.

Grateful- feeling or experiencing appreciation. Thankful- containing, containing gratitude, appreciation: letter of thanks, telegram.

Charitable- aiming to provide material assistance needy: charity event, charitable foundation. Beneficial- useful, having a good effect: beneficial influence.

Experienced- well-seen and experienced, experienced: seasoned hunter. Former- currently not in any position: former minister, former commander. Former- past, past: past years, past merits.

Reckless- done without hesitation and reasoning: reckless dare, reckless extravagance. Beloved- beloved, dear: beloved groom. Boundless- huge, boundless, boundless: vast expanse.

Inhale- each individual lung air intake, each individual inhalation: deep breath. Sigh- increased inhalation and exhalation: a sigh escaped.

Century. Living, existing for centuries, centuries, for a very long time. Century oak. Age-old customs. A century-old tradition. The age-old aspirations of the people.Eternal. 1. Infinite in time, without beginning or end. Eternal matter. 2. Never ceasing to exist, never ceasing. Permafrost. Eternal snow. Eternal ice... Immortal life. Everlasting memory. Perpetual. Eternal hard labor. Eternal enjoyment. For an extremely long time doing the same thing. Being in the same state, position. The eternal traveler. Eternal student. 3. Constant, unceasing. Eternal enmity. Eternal worry.

Great exceeding the usual measure, very large; huge. Great surprise. Great evil. The mittens are great. Great crowd - so many. Great country - a state that occupies a leading position in international relations. Stately full of solemnity; majestic. The ministry of the muses does not tolerate fuss; Beauty must be dignified. (Pushkin) A stately face. A dignified melody. A dignified step. Majestic full of grandeur, solemnity, stately; full of dignity, importance. A majestic panorama. Majestic harmony. A majestic woman.

Replenish- refund: fill the gap in knowledge, fill the lack of strength, fill the lack of funds. Supplement- add new data to what others have said, make it more complete by adding to something: supplement the chapter, supplement the speech. Top up- increase by adding new to something existing: replenish supplies, replenish the team.

Hostile- full of dislike, hatred: hostile attitude, hostile attitude. Hostile- relating to the enemy, enemy, enemy: enemy soldier, enemy defense.

Benefit - profit, benefit derived from something, advantage, interest (often material): to the collective economy provides many benefits. There is no benefit to buying cheap clothes. Profitability - expediency, profitability, profitability of the business, obtaining benefits: profitability of a deposit, profitability. Profitable- containing, beneficial, favorable: advantageous offer, advantageous place, in a favorable light or in favorable lighting (to represent, to exhibit someone, to appear).

Issuance - 1. Action on the value of the verb to issue: constitution country prohibits extradition of Russian citizens foreign states ... 2. Place where such action is performed: at it is very difficult for us to work, especially in the issuance, where librarians can withstand tremendous emotional stress. Kickback– 1. Action on the verb. give, give: O giving orders. 2. sport... Kickback, throwing the ball in play. 3. Sharp backward movement of firearms, weapons when fired. 4. The ratio of the useful work of the mechanism to the energy absorbed by it; efficiency. 5. transfer Useful result of work: work without recoil. Broadcast- action according to ch. transfer, transfer 1. Solemn transfer of the banner to the Stakhanov brigade: n incorrect transfer of someone else's speech, transfer of money to the buyer, transfer of the ball to the player. Distribution– action according to ch. to distribute in the meaning to distribute: R distribution of salaries, distribution of orders, work on distribution in the canteen.

Pay out- issue a fee, pay in full: pay salary, pay off mortgage. Pay- to give in return for something, to give something, to sacrifice something for something (book): pay for books, s pay with life for love of the Motherland . Pay- pay for something: pay for work, pay the bill, pay for tuition. Pay off- to do, to do something in response to someone's action: repay evil for evil, repay good for good, repay with black ingratitude for worries, repay with the same coin. Pay- give, deposit (money) in compensation for the following: pay off debt, pay rent.

To grow- while caring, to ensure the growth, development of someone or something, to bring up: grow a tree, raise a son. Build up- promote the growth of something, lengthen; grow in any quantity; accumulate: build up eyelashes, build up capital. Grow- to make it possible to achieve any size, size in growth: grow a braid, grow a tummy.

High- 1. Having a large stretch from bottom to top; against. short. High house. Tall man. High grass. Located at a considerable distance up from any level. High terrain. Being or occurring, performed at a considerable height above something. High clouds. High ceiling. Having a level higher than usual (about water). High water. 2. Large, significant in quantity, strength, etc. High performance. High yield. High rates. High prices. High pressure. Heat. 3. Very good quality; great. High mark. High qualification. High craftsmanship. 4. Outstanding in value; honorable, important. High reward. A high honor. High rank. 5. Full of deep, unusual content; exalted. High impulse. High feeling. 6. Elevated, solemn (about language, style). High style. High syllable. 7. Subtle, caused by vibrations of a higher frequency (about sounds). High note. High voice.High-rise. 1. Adj. to the height. Altitudinal zone of vegetation. Altitude sickness. Altitude characteristic. 2. Very high, multi-storey. Skyscraper. 3. Air. Produced to great heights. High-altitude flight. Designed for high altitude flights. High-altitude engine. High-rise suit. High-altitude aircraft.

Warranty- an adjective to a noun guarantee. Containing a guarantee, serving as a guarantee: warranty card, letter of guarantee.Guaranteed- the participle from the verb to guarantee; secured: constitutionally guaranteed right to work, guaranteed vacation.

Harmonic- related to harmony; based on the principles of harmony: harmonic vibration, harmonic ensemble, harmonic processing.Harmonious- containing elements of harmony; possessing consistency, coherence, mutual correspondence of different qualities of objects, phenomena, parts of a whole: harmonious relationship, harmonious figure, harmonious union.

Clayey–Containing clay, abundant in clay. Clay soil. Clay soil. Clay- 1. Made from clay. Clay pot. Clay dishes. 2. Made of clay, covered with clay. Clay cliff. Clay descent.

One year old- at the age of one year; lain, lasted a year: one year old child, one year old cheese, one year old hay.Annual- referring to the whole year; resulting by the end of the year, in the end for the year; calculated for a year: annual estimate, annual income... One-year- for one year, one-year: one year vacation, one year trip.

Pride- self-esteem, self-esteem, a sense of satisfaction from success; high opinion of yourself: a sense of pride, national pride, full of pride for a son, maiden pride. Pride- excessive pride: pride seized, exorbitant pride.

Humanism- the progressive movement of the Renaissance; attitude towards people, imbued with love for a person and care for his welfare: true and false humanism, humanism of Dostoevsky. Humanity- a property based on the meaning of the adjective humane, humane; humanity, kindness to someone: the humanity of the doctor, the winner; tearful humanity; a sense of humanity; herald of humanity.

Humanisticadj. To humanism. Humanistic culture. Humanistic ideas. Humanistic attitude towards people.Humanitarian- related to social sciences studying man and his culture. Humanities education. Humanities class.Humane- imbued with love for man, respect for the human person; humane, philanthropic. A humane person. Humane attitude. For humane reasons.

Binary- based on the count of twos (pairs): binary system. Double–1.Consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, objects; having homogeneous or similar parts. Double frames. Double mirror. Double bottom. Double chin. Aimed at two objects, in two places or from two sides, from two places. Double light. Double punch. Double check to the king. 2. Manifesting in two forms, forms, containing two sides, is twofold. Double action. Double anniversary. Double cast of performers. 3. The same as dual (in the 2nd meaning). Live a double life.Dual-1. One that contains two different qualities, often contradicting each other; contradictory. An ambiguous impression. Dual feeling. Ambivalence. 2. Two-faced. Dual politics. 3. Concerning two, two. An ambiguous agreement. A dual meeting. Manifesting in two forms, forms, etc .; double. Dual interpretation.Twofold-Manifesting in two types, forms, etc .; double. The meaning is twofold. The benefit is twofold. A double feeling. Duties of two kinds.Doubled- something done double: double occupation, double vacation.Doubled- enlarged, double reinforced: double premium, double control.

Efficient- able to actively act, to influence something. Effective measures. Effective help. Effective campaigning.Valid- existing or existing in reality; real. Real life. Actual fact. Genuine, real. Valid words. Real benefit.Actingand present from act: active army, active volcano, comedy characters.

Businesslike- intelligent, skillful and enterprising at work; business. Busy engineer. Expressing business concern, being busy with business. Businesslike look.Business-1. Associated with business, work, service. Business letter. Business connections. Intended, set aside for business, filled with business; worker. Business time. Business day. Concerning the essence of the matter. Business discussion. Business leadership. 2. Knowledgeable, experienced in business. Business people. Peculiar to a business person. Business tone. Business look. Busy with the practical side of the matter, with commercial benefits. Business circles. Business people. 3. Specialist. Suitable for processing, for the manufacture of any products; ornamental. Business wood. Business forest.Efficient. 1. Able to work; business, businesslike. A smart person. A smart host. 2. Substantive, practically useful, sensible. Useful advice. A sensible offer. 3. Specialist. Same as business(in the 3rd digit) Solid wood. Good limestone.

Democratic-1. Based on the principles of democracy, implementing democracy. Democratic system. Democratic republic. Democratic legislation. Democratic transformation. Supportive of the principles of democracy. Democratic direction. 2. Inherent in wide sections of the people who do not belong to the privileged classes. Democratic manners. Democratic education.Democratic. 1. Based on the principles of democracy, realizing democracy. 2. The same as democratic(in the 2nd value). Democratic lifestyle. Demonstrating democracy in behavior, habits. Democratic interlocutor.

Dictation- written work, consisting in writing down the dictated text: difficult dictation. Dictate- a requirement, an indication dictated by one strong side and imposed for unconditional fulfillment by the other, weak side: dictate of the authorities, dictate of conscience.

Diploma- a person awarded with a diploma for successful performance at a competition, festival, etc .; student preparing graduation, diploma work: winner of the competition, university diploma. Diplomat- an official engaged in diplomatic activity, work in the field of foreign relations; about a person acting subtly, skillfully: experienced diplomat, diplomat is the face of the state.

Diplomatic–1. Adj. To diplomacy, diplomat. Diplomatic service. Diplomatic relations. Diplomatic representation. Diplomatic corps. Diplomatic courier. 2. transfer Subtly calculated, dexterous, evasive. Diplomatic tricks. Diplomatic conversations.Diplomatic- subtly calculated, dexterous, evasive. Diplomatic approach to business. Diplomatic response. Diplomatic position.

Long- having a great length, extension; longer than necessary; about a person: tall; slowly stretching: long way, long winter. Long- long-term: long correspondence, long rainy season.

Solid- well made, durable, of good material; characterized by high quality, durability. Solid table. Good quality leather.kind-1. Disposed to people, responsive, full of kindness, sympathy for them, willingness to help. Good person. Expressing disposition, sympathy, responsiveness. Kind voice. Kind eyes. A kind face. 2. Based on disposition towards people, desire for good; good, necessary, useful to people. Good advice... Good deed. 3. Auspicious, bringing good, success, joy. Good news. A good sign. Good afternoon. 4. Bound by mutual disposition, sympathy. Good friends. Based on relative position, mutual sympathy. Good relationship. 5. Very good, excellent. Good land. A kind mare. Good quality, good quality. Good saber. 6. Unsullied, impeccable, immaculate. Good memory. Good glory. Good name.

Confidant-1. Shows, expresses trust in someone, something. Confidential tone. Confidential voice. 2. Outdated. Secret, confidential. Confidence letter. 3. Outdated. Being a power of attorney. Trust document.Confiding- easily trusting, having confidence in everyone. Gullible person. Expressing confidence. Trusting smile. Trusting look. Trust-based, frank. Trusting relationship.

Rain- associated with rain, caused by rain, carrying rain; designed to protect from rain: rain stream, earthworm, raincoat. Rainy- heavy rains: rainy season, year.

Dramatic- related to the drama; about the singer's voice: strong, somewhat harsh in timbre, in contrast to the lyric. Dramatic- containing elements of drama, tension, expressing strong, deep feelings, feelings; calculated for effect, pompous.

Friendly- related to a friend, belonging, characteristic of him, characterizing the relationship of friends: friendly greeting, friendly advice, friendly meeting . Friendly- mutually benevolent, based on friendliness, expressing disposition (mainly about states, peoples and relations between them): friendly attitude of states, friendly attitude. Amicable- connected by friendship, mutual agreement, occurring simultaneously, in concert: friendly silence, friendly applause, Friendly family.

Unit. 1. Only one, only one. Single case. Single plane. 2. Separate, detached, individual. A single occurrence.The only one. Only one. The only son. The only request. Such, besides which there is no other. One of a kind.Single. 1. (usually with negation) One. Not a single memory. Not a single cloud. 2. Whole, inseparable. United front. One state. Single complex. 3. One and the same, common; same. Unified opinion. One impulse.

Desired- very expected, constituting the subject of desire; dear, dear: welcome child, welcome consent. Desirable- necessary for something, corresponding to someone's desires, interests, expectations: desired solution to the issue.

Hard- hard, rough (about the subject): hard fabric; strict, unconditional: the rigidity of measures, character, play; harshness in the voice. Cruel - ruthless, merciless; prone to cruelty.

Life - related to life: living conditions, contradictions; life experience, process, path; close to life, to reality: life image, story; important for life, socially necessary: ​​a life question. Everyday - ordinary, peculiar Everyday life: everyday chores, everyday life, little things.

Housing- related to the construction, operation of housing, management of the stock of residential premises: housing issue, housing committee. Residential- intended for housing: dwelling house, dwelling.

To block- put a fence, fence, cover, close. Fence- to enclose with a fence. Shield- protect, protect. Fence off- to separate, by placing a fence, a partition. To block- to divide with a partition, something obstructing.

Underestimate- make it lower than necessary, make it lower than necessary. Downgrade- make it lower; transfer to a lower, less responsible position. To reduce- make it low, lower it lower, lower the height.

Pay - 1) give a fee for something, 2) pay back (answer). Usage examples: per to pays and shopping,per work,s and services,per ticket,per travel; pay goodper good (note: after the wordper to pay a noun or pronoun is used in V. p. with a prepositionper ).

Pay- give a fee for something: pay expenses, pay a bill, pay for services.Pay out- issue a fee for something: pay a salary, pay interest on a debt, pay off a mortgage. Pay off- do something in response to someone else's act, take revenge: repay with ingratitude, repay evil for good, repay for hospitality, repay with care and attention.

Fill in- take it entirely; write the necessary information into something. Fill- make it full, busy, saturated with something. Overflow- overfill.

Initiator- the one who starts something; founder: s initiators of the competition. Pioneer of literature.Instigator- the one who starts something (usually unreliable). The instigator of the fight. Identify the instigator of the quarrels.

Animal. 1. Adj. To beast. Animal howl. Animal trail. Animal skin. Inherent, inherent in the beast; like the beast. Animal voice. Animal lifestyle. 2. Cruel, ferocious. Animal laws. Animal custom. 3. Spread. Overly, incredibly strong. Animal melancholy. Animal horror.Brutal. 1. Inherent in the beast, animal. Brutal appearance. 2. Cruel, ferocious, wild. A brutal act. Brutal murder. Brutal torment. 3. Spread. Very strong, extraordinary. Brutal appetite. Brutal heat.

Sonorous. 1. Loud and clear, sounding distinctly. Resounding laughter. Resounding footsteps. 2. Emitting a clear, clear sound. Sound piano. Sound bell. A sonorous stream.Sound. 1. Phys. adj. To sound (vibrational motion of particles of air or other medium). Sound wave. Sound vibrations. 2. Produces, records or reproduces sounds. Sound apparatus. Sound film. Talkies. 3. Consisting of sounds produced by sound. Sound signal. 4. Adj. To sound (articulate element of human spoken speech). Sound laws.

Visual- related to vision; intended for spectators; one with the help of which something is considered: auditorium, optic nerve, visual dictation. Spectator- relating to the viewer, peculiar to him: audience voting, audience sympathy.

Inventive- resourceful, quick-witted, capable of inventing. Inventive- relating to the invention, to the inventor.

Informative- carrying information, saturated with information. Informational- related to information.

Informing- message about the state of affairs, events; information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by a person or special devices. Awareness- awareness, degree of ownership of information.

Ironic- referring to irony as a stylistic device. Ironic- containing elements of irony, used for the purpose of ridicule.

Skillful- skillful, well-versed in their business; skillfully, well executed. Artificial- not natural, unnatural, made like the real, natural, unnatural.

Executive - 1.Has its task is to enforce decisions, decisions, practically managing something. Executive agency. Executive committee... Executive power. 2. Diligent, accurate and well performing assignments, duties. Executive worker. Performance list enforceable court order document judgment. Performing - adjective performer. Performing skills. Performing style.

Original- initial, starting. Outgoing- sent from the institution.

Rocky- abundant stone: stony ground. Stone- made of stone: stone pillar.

Comfortable- providing convenience, peace of mind. Comfortable - meeting all the requirements for comfort.

Equestrian- related to horses; acting with the help of horses. Horse- belonging to a horse, related to it, equine.

Stocky- body type (short, strong, muscular). Root- primordial, primordial, permanent, basic; concerning the very foundations, the roots of something, decisive, the most important; main, central, pivotal. Root- related to the root of the plant; which is a root consisting of a root, roots.

Bone- an adjective to the noun bone; extracted from bones. Bone- made of bone, extracted from animal bones.

Colorful- bright, juicy. Coloring- participle from the verb to paint; containing paint, used for coloring. Painted - treated with paint.

Varnished- varnished; sharpened, outwardly shiny, smooth. Lacquered- adjective to the noun varnish; varnished (made of leather, wood, papier - mache or varnished metal).

Ice- composed of ice, icy; located on ice; occurring in ice. Ice- an adjective to the noun ice; composed of ice, covered with ice; very cold (cold as ice); extremely restrained, contemptuous - cold, destructive.

Wooded- abundantly overgrown with forest. Forest- an adjective to the noun forest; located in the forest, living, growing in the forest; covered with forests; related to forestry.

Personal- related to the person. Private- owned by a specific person; owned by a person; affecting the interests of any person.

Microscopic- produced with a microscope; discernible, visible only through a microscope. Microscopic- very insignificant in size, size, volume.

Frozen- subjected to freezing. Freezer- intended for freezing. Frosty- referring to frost as a natural phenomenon.

Put on - cover the body with clothes (i.e. put on oneself): put on a coat, a hat; with the pretext "on" to put on yourself and on someone: put on a backpack, put on furniture covers. Dress up- cover someone with clothes: dress the child.

Availability- presence, existence. Availability of planting material. The presence of errors.Availability-1. Same as availability. 2. The amount of something in stock at the moment (about money, goods, etc.). Cash.

Reminder- words to remind. Mention - words concerning someone, spoken not on purpose, but in passing.

Ignorant - rude, ill-mannered person. Ignorant - uneducated, ignorant person.

Intolerable- one that cannot be tolerated ( intolerable cold). Intolerant- one that cannot be tolerated: intolerable situation, behavior; devoid of tolerance, disregarding the opinions of others: intolerant person; intolerant of other people's success. Impatient- not having patience waiting for someone, something: impatient call, impatient child.

Unsuccessful- accompanied, ended in failure; unsatisfactory, not what it should be. Unfortunate- pursued by setbacks.

Infinite. One that cannot be glanced over; boundless. Endless sea. Endless fields. Endless distance.Unsightly. 1. Unattractive in appearance; nondescript.

Unsightly to look at. Unsightly appearance. 2. Unapproved; unseemly. An unsightly past. The unsightly truth of life.Impenetrable. So dark or thick, dense that nothing can be seen; impenetrable. Impenetrable darkness. An impenetrable fog.

Accused- the one who is found guilty. Accusatory- containing an accusation, expressing condemnation.

Snippet- a torn off, torn piece, separate, disconnected, scattered parts of something. Excerpt- a part isolated from a work, from a narrative.

To embrace- having concluded between outstretched hands, fingers, paws, etc., tightly squeeze someone - something to yourself: the mother hugged the child; the wrestler grabbed the opponent. Embrace- surround, squeeze; to enclose within its limits, hug, wrap: (covered) the neck.

Limit- to put in some kind of framework, boundaries, to define by some conditions. Delimit- having delimited, separate. Demarcate- to divide, marking the boundaries; accurately determine by separating one from the other.

Hail- the exclamation that is hailed, i.e. shouting, they stop or beckon. Response- the answer to the call, appeal; reflection, trace, relic of something.

Organic- characterized by life processes, alive; formed as a result of the decomposition of animal and plant organisms. Organic- conditioned by the very essence of something, organically inherent in someone or something.

Qualifying - serving to select someone, something: qualifying match, tournament; selection committee. Selected - oh selected, best in quality: selected goods, flax, coal; indecent: selective abuse, abuse.

Deviation- rejection, rejection of something, abnormality, strangeness in behavior. Evasion- movement to the side to avoid something; departure from the direct direction.

To distinguish- to establish a distinction, a border between something, someone; select from among others. Discern- to recognize, to establish the difference between something, someone.

The difference- a sign that creates a difference between something, someone. Difference- the difference, the dissimilarity between something, someone.

Retentive.Spread. Possessing a good memory, remembering everything well. Memorable gardeners. A mindful person.Memorable. 1. Well preserved in memory, unforgettable. A memorable evening. Memorable dates... Memorable places. 2. only full f. Serving for notes, for a reminder of something. Memo. Commemorative book. 3. only full f. Made in memory of someone, something. Commemorative sign. Commemorative plaque.

Purchasing- related to the ability to buy. Buyer's- related to the buyer, belonging to him .

Popular- understandable, accessible, uncomplicated in presentation; widely known, public sympathy. Populist- appealing to the broad masses and promising them a quick and easy solution to acute social problems.

Venerable- inspiring respect, deserving it; big, significant. Respectful- treating someone with respect, expressing respect.

Practical. 1. Practical; associated with practice, with real needs, opportunities. Practical activities... Practical use. Practical questions. Practical advice. Practical goal. 2. Dealing directly with any business, directly managing someone, something. A practical guide... Practical center. 3. It is the application of any knowledge, skills in practice, in practice. Practical work... Practical lessons. 4. Associated with the application in practice (any field of science, knowledge, etc.), with the ability to apply in practice (any knowledge). Practical mechanics. Practical medicine. 5. The same as practical.Practical mind.Practical. 1. Well versed in life, prefers what gives real results. Practical people. 2. Profitable, convenient in any of its properties. A practical method. Practical color. Practical advice.

Endure. 1. Transfer, experience, experience something difficult, unpleasant. Endure disasters. He told about what he had endured. Suffer punishment. 2. To be subject to any change. Undergo change. Undergo deformation. Undergo transformation.Endure. 1. To experience, transfer, endure a lot. Having endured the blows of fate, Russia became stronger. Endure longing and boredom. We'll have to endure a lot. 2. crossover and without add. Patient, overcome. Endure thirst. Endured the night.

Provide - to give at the disposal, use, provide an apartment, loan, credit, freedom, word, opportunity; give the right, the opportunity to do: provide to solve the case, conduct a dispute, determine the price. Imagine - deliver, present, report: submit a report, project; introduce: introduce a guest, lecturer; nominate, suggest: submit for an award, for an order, for a rank, for an award; See also: cause, create: it is not difficult.

Representative- making an advantageous impression ( personable appearance), authoritative; awe inspiring, important, imposing. Executive - elective ( representative body) relating to the representative office, the representative ( hospitality expenses).

Recognized- generally recognized. Grateful- experiencing, expressing gratitude.

Productive- bringing positive results, creating any values ​​in the labor process, productive, fruitful. Grocery- intended for food products, associated with the trade or storage of products.

Productive- Bringing obvious results, creating some value, productive. Industrial–Related to production; engaged in production, involved in production.

Enlightening- an educator, spreading enlightenment. Enlightening- related to enlightenment, enlightener, peculiar to them.

Journalistic- related to journalism, publicist. Publicistic- touching on topical social and political issues.

Shy- fearful, frightened; expressing fearfulness. Frightened- someone who is often frightened or who is very frightened.

Irritation- a state of excitement, agitation, a feeling of acute discontent, annoyance, the cell's reaction to external influences. Irritability - personality trait.

Rhythmic- related to rhythm, subordinate to it. Rhythmic- repeating at regular intervals of something.

Romantic- relating to romanticism as a direction in literature and art and as an artistic method; characteristic of romance; full of romance; emotionally uplifted, attracting with its mystery. Romantic - containing elements of romanticism, mystery, dreaminess.

Secretive–Containing elements of romanticism, mystery, dreaminess. Hidden - secret, not showing up explicitly.

Vocabulary. 1. Related to the compilation and publication of dictionaries. Dictionary work. Dictionary publishing house. 2. Adj. To dictionary; lexical. Vocabulary of the language.Verbal. 1. Adj. To word. Verbal combination. Verbal material. 2. Expressed in words, in words. Word war. Verbal expression. 3. Outdated. Literary. Verbal folk art... Verbal Department of the University. Verbal lessons.

Resistance - resistance to onslaught, attack, impact. Resistance- the ability to resist, the degree of resistance.

Neighboring- located near, next to someone - something, in the neighborhood. Neighboring- relating to a neighbor, belonging to him.

Comparable. One that can be compared to anything. Comparable values.Comparative. 1. Based on comparison, on the establishment of relationships between various phenomena by comparing them. Comparative research method. Comparative anatomy. Comparative study of languages. Obtained on the basis of comparison, as a result of comparison. Comparison table. Comparative data. 2. Gram. Expressing comparison, used for comparison. Comparative unions. Comparative adverb. Comparative clauses. 3. Evaluated by comparison, manifested to a greater or lesser extent; relative. Comparative calm. In comparative abundance.Comparative degree (grams) - a form of qualitative adjectives and adverbs that names the quality inherent in a given subject more than another.

Stage- related to the scene; associated with theater, theatrical art, theatrical activities. Scenic - suitable for the stage, for theatrical performance, with the properties required for the stage.

Technical- related to technology, related to it, with scientific development her; used in industry; related to the maintenance of equipment of any production; acting only at the direction of the head, not responsible. Technical- possessing skill, high technology; performed with great art, skill (in sports, art).

Lucky- happy; the one who is lucky: lucky explorer. Successful- successful: lucky day.

Humiliated- the one who was humiliated; expressing humiliation, indicating humiliation. Humiliating- offensive to someone's dignity, pride.

Actual- valid, corresponding to the facts; real. Factual- corresponding to reality, facts, accuracy requirements.

Predatory- characteristic of a predator, predatory .; mismanaged, unplanned, pursuing the goal of immediate benefit, enrichment. Predatory- about animals: eating animals; greedy, full of the desire to take possession of someone - something, to seize something, and also expressing such a desire; such as that of a predator.

Tsarsky- related to the king, luxurious, rich belonging to him; relating to the political regime of the monarchy headed by the tsar. Regal- distinguished by its majesty, significance in scope. Reigning- performing the duties of the king; the same as reigning (high) prevailing, superior to all in some respect.

Whole - all without exception, complete: a whole piece, a glass; significant, large: a whole heap of papers; a whole range of questions; intact: all things are intact. One-piece - from one substance, piece, solid: solid plate; solid granite. Holistic - with inner unity: holistic theory.

Economic- related to the economy, economic. Economical- giving the opportunity to save something, profitable. Economical - sparingly spending something, keeping economy; cost effective, economical, modest in cost.

Aesthetic- related to aesthetics (the science of beauty in art and in life, on the general laws of artistic creation); associated with the creation and perception of beauty. Aesthetic- beautiful, graceful; containing elements of aestheticism.

Ethical–Relating to ethics (science, the object of study of which is morality); corresponding to the requirements of morality. Ethical - acceptable from the point of view of ethical requirements (norms of behavior).

Effective- giving effect, effective: effective method, effective solution. Spectacular- producing effect, impressive: spectacular costumes.

Efficiency–Effectiveness, efficiency. Effectiveness - catchiness, ability to make an impression.

Language.Adj. To language (3. The system of verbal expression of thoughts, which has a certain sound and grammatical structure and serves as a means of communication between people. 4. A type of speech that has certain characteristic features; style; syllable.) Language phenomena. Language flair. Linguistic relationship.Linguistic.Adj. To tongue (1. The organ in the oral cavity). Lingual papillae. Made from the tongue. Tongue sausage. Tongue canned food.Tongue. 1. Sharp on the tongue; loving to talk, argue, swear. She was a tongued old woman. 2. Having the appearance, the form of a tongue (about fire, flame). Tongue flame.

The secret of successfully passing the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is high-quality preparation with a thorough study of each type of assignment that a graduate will meet when performing examination work.

As in the previous year, the 2019 Unified State Exam tickets will include a task for paronyms. The topic "paronymic pairs" is studied in school course of the Russian language, but many students manage to completely forget it by the time of the final exams, which is confirmed by the large number of mistakes made by graduates in task No. 5.

We will tell you what paronyms are, you need to know about such pairs for successful delivery Unified State Exam for graduates 2019, and we will also help you understand the specifics of the topic and show you where to find a list of words that FIPI experts use when drawing up examination tickets.

The most important thing about paronyms

The Russian language is unique and rather complex in structure. Words that sound very similar can have dramatic different meanings, which causes difficulties in speech perception for many foreigners.

Paronyms are words that are similar in sound and belong to the same part of speech, but at the same time have different meanings and are used in different lexical constructions.

Paronyms can form:

  • pairs (2 words);
  • rows (3 to 7 words).

Words that form paronymic pairs can be expressed not only by a noun, but also by other parts of speech (adverb, adjective or verb). The task of a graduate who wants to pass the USE well in 2019 is to know all the paronyms (a list of pairs and strings from CMMs, their meaning and application features).

Words included in paronymic pairs and series can differ in prefixes and suffixes, or even have a different stem in character. Semantically, two groups of paronyms are distinguished:

There is also a separate group of words that differ significantly in functional and style fixation (live - live, work - work).

Dictionary of paronyms

The first thing to do in preparation for the 2019 USE is to study the vocabulary of paronyms. It should be said right away that in the KIMs of the Unified State Examination in 2019, not all paronyms that exist in the Russian language will be met, but only a short list of 124 pairs and rows. At the same time, the complete dictionary compiled by Russian linguists contains 1100 pairs and rows, each of which contains 2-7 words. Optionally a complete dictionary with detailed descriptions values ​​and usage patterns can be found on the Internet (eg at

We bring to your attention a short dictionary of paronyms, which will be useful to all graduates, because in 2019 the Russian language remains a mandatory subject of the Unified State Exam.

How to remember paronyms

Many paronymic pairs and their semantic differences are well known to everyone who is a native speaker of the Russian language. But there are also words on the list, the interpretation of which can be difficult. You can work out these paronyms by opening the appropriate dictionary with explanations, but in order to save time when preparing for the exam 2019, teachers recommend using short reference guides.

We offer you to download one of these ready-made dictionaries, which will help you quickly memorize all 124 pairs required to complete task number 5 from the tickets of the Unified State Exam.

The next step should be the decision finished tasks... For this, both KIMs of previous years and test assignments of the USE 2019 are suitable.

If you find it easier to comprehend information, not just reading the text, but the teacher's case, you can recommend watching numerous free online lessons that are easy to find on the net. Also, on the vastness of YouTube, you can find a video analysis of tickets for other subjects, works and their brief overview for the 2019 OGE in literature and a lot of other useful information for graduates.

We bring to your attention one of the lessons on paronyms:

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