A short story of the seven ancient wonders of the world (8 photos). Seven wonders of the world: list and description of 7 wonderful

Seven wonders of the world

More than 2,000 years ago, writers began to compile lists of amazing buildings and structures that they had seen or heard of. About 120 BC a Greek poet named Antiparos of Sidon described seven such passages. All of them can be found in a small area in the eastern Mediterranean, an area well known to ancient Greek writers. Few have been outside of it. Perhaps this list was a kind of travel guide. The list of miracles has survived to this day, although only one of the listed structures remains standing. These are known as the Seven Wonders of Antiquity.

Great Pyramid of Giza

This graceful Egyptian pyramid is the oldest of the seven wonders of antiquity. In addition, this is the only miracle that has survived to this day. At the time of its creation, the Great Pyramid was the tallest structure in the world. And she kept this record, most likely, for almost 4000 years.

The Great Pyramid was built as the tomb of Khufu, known to the Greeks as Cheops. He was one of the pharaohs, or kings of ancient Egypt, and his tomb was completed in 2580 BC. Later, two more pyramids were built in Giza, for the son and grandson of Khufu, as well as smaller pyramids for their queens. The pyramid of Khufu is the largest.

The pyramids stand in the ancient cemetery in Giza, on the opposite bank of the Nile River from Cairo, the capital of modern Egypt. Some archaeologists believe it may have taken 20 years to build the great pyramid of 100,000 people. It was created from over 2 million stone blocks, each weighing at least 2.5 tons. The workers dragged them to the site using ramps, blocks and levers, and then adjusted them to each other, without mortar.

When the main structure was completed, it resembled a series of steps. They were then covered with blocks of white limestone with a polished, shiny surface. The blocks were so tightly fitted to each other that even a knife blade could not be inserted between them from the outside. Upon completion of the work, the Great Pyramid rose 147 meters. Now its top has collapsed, in addition, at present, only the pyramid of the son of Khufu has preserved a limestone cladding at its very top. The side of the base of the Great Pyramid reaches 230 meters. It takes up more space than nine football fields.

The ancient Egyptians believed that in the event of a person's death, his body should be preserved so that the spirit could continue to live after death. They removed the internal organs, filled the body with salts and wrapped it in linen sheets. So the body turned into a mummy. The mummy was then buried along with clothing, food, precious and other things useful for the afterlife. Khufu's mummified body was placed in a burial chamber at the very heart of his pyramid.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Hanging Gardens were one of the most famous wonders of the ancient city of Babylon. However, although archaeologists have found the alleged ruins of the gardens, it is impossible to prove that it is they. We know only one thing: the gardens really existed because people saw and described them.

Greek and Roman writers say that the gardens were built around 600 BC. by order of Nebuchadnezzar II, ruler of Babylon. This city lay on the banks of the Euphrates River, south of today's Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. Legend has it that the king ordered the gardens to be built for the homesick young wife Amitis, hoping that they would remind her of her native Persian mountains.

The Hanging Gardens were probably built by the river and overlooked the city walls of Babylon. They were arranged in the form of terraces, the highest of which, possibly, rose 40 meters above the ground. Nebuchadnezzar ordered all kinds of trees and flowers to be planted in the garden. They were brought from all over the empire on carts drawn by oxen and river boats. The success of the gardeners must have depended on a good irrigation system that used water from the Euphrates. Water could be lifted to the upper terrace using a chain of buckets attached to a wheel that was turned by slaves. And then she must have run through the gardens in streams and waterfalls, so that the ground was always moist.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Croesus was the last king of Lydia, an ancient region in Asia Minor that is part of what is now Turkey. It was famous for its immense wealth and in 560 BC. built a magnificent temple in Ephesus. The city itself was founded 1000 years earlier. According to legend, its founders were the Amazons.

Croesus decided to build a temple in honor of the moon goddess, patroness of animals and young girls. The Greeks called her Artemis, and the Romans called her Diana. The temple was built from limestone and marble quarried by workers in the nearby mountains. The load-bearing structures of the temple consisted of about 120 marble columns. The giant columns reached a height of 20 meters. The huge blocks from which they were formed had to be put in place using blocks, after which they were fastened with metal pins. When the building was covered with a roof, the artists gave it a finished look, decorating it with sculptures and ornaments. In the center of the temple stood a statue of Artemis. It was one of the largest temples of the classics, much larger than the Parthenon, later built in Athens. The platform on which he stood. reached 131 meters long and 79 meters wide.

Two hundred years later, in 356 BC, the temple was burned to the ground. It was set on fire by a man named Herostat, who just wanted to become famous. By a strange coincidence, the temple was destroyed on the day Alexander the Great was born. Years later, Alexander visited Ephesus and ordered the restoration of the temple in its original place.

The Temple of Alexander lasted until the 3rd century AD. Gradually, the bay in Ephesus was covered with silt and the city lost its significance. The temple was plundered by the Goths, and later flooded with floods. Today, only a few blocks of the base and one restored column have survived from the temple in Ephesus.

Zeus statue in Olympia

Nearly 3000 years ago, Olympia was an important religious center in southwestern Greece. The ancient Greeks worshiped Zeus, the king of the gods, and held regular festivities in his honor there, which included sporting events. The first Olympic Games, as they came to be called, were probably held in 776 BC. After that, the games were held every four years for 1100 years. They had great importance; during the games, all wars were stopped so as not to interfere with the participants and spectators to get to the place.

In the 5th century BC. the citizens of Olympia decided to build a temple to Zeus. The magnificent building was erected between 466 and 456. BC. It was built of huge stone blocks and was surrounded by massive columns. For several years after the completion of construction, there was no worthy statue of Zeus in the temple, although it was soon decided that it was necessary. A famous Athenian sculptor was chosen as the creator of the statue.

The sculptor's name was Phidias, and he has already managed to create two magnificent statues of the goddess Athena. At Olympia, Phidias and his assistants created, first of all, a wooden frame, which was supposed to serve as a skeleton for the statue of Zeus. After that, they covered the frame with ivory plates representing the skin of the god, and gold sheets representing his robe. The workers hid the joints so that the completed statue looked like a monolithic figure.

Zeus sat on a throne inlaid with ebony and precious stones. The finished statue reached 13 meters in height and almost touched the ceiling of the temple. The impression was that if Zeus stood up, he would blow off the roof. Along the walls, platforms for spectators were erected so that people, having climbed them, could see the face of God. After its completion in 435 BC. the statue has remained one of the greatest wonders of the world for 800 years.

Around 40 AD the Roman emperor Caligula wanted to move the statue to Rome. Workers were sent for her, but, according to legend, the statue burst into laughter and the workers fled. Then, in 391 AD, after the adoption of Christianity, the Romans banned the Olympics and closed the Greek temples. Several years later, the statue of Zeus was transported to Constantinople. In 462 A.D. the palace in which the statue stood was destroyed by fire. An earthquake struck the Olympic region in the 4th century. The temple and stadium were destroyed by floods, their remains covered with silt. This helped the fragments of Olympia survive for over 1000 years.

mausoleum in Halicarnassus

Mausol was the ruler of Caria, part of the Persian Empire, from 377 to 353. BC. The capital of the region was Halicarnassus, which became, under the name Bodrum, a tourist center in modern Turkey. Mausol succeeded his father as ruler of the city and satrap of the province.

Mavsol married his sister Artemisia. Acquiring more and more power, he began to think about a tomb for himself and his queen. It was supposed to be an extraordinary tomb. Mavsol dreamed of a majestic monument that would remind the world of his wealth and power long after his death. Mausol died before the work on the tomb was completed, but his widow continued to lead the construction until its complete completion, around 350 BC. The tomb was named the Mausoleum, after the name of the king, and this word began to mean any imposing and majestic tomb.

The ashes of the royal couple were kept in golden urns in the tomb at the base of the building. A row of stone lions guarded this room. Above the massive stone base towered a structure resembling a Greek temple, surrounded by columns and statues. At the top of the building was a stepped pyramid. It was crowned, at a height of 43 meters above the ground, with a sculptural image of a chariot drawn by horses. There were probably statues of the king and queen on it.

Eighteen centuries later, an earthquake destroyed the Mausoleum to its foundations. In 1489, the Christian knights - the Johannites began to use its fragments for a castle, which they were building nearby. They built part of the fortress walls from blocks of green stone, typical for the main part of the Mausoleum. A few years later, the knights discovered the tomb of Mavsol and Artemisia. But they left the burial for the night unguarded, and it was plundered by marauders who were attracted by gold and jewelry.

Another 300 years passed before archaeologists began excavations here. They uncovered parts of the base of the Mausoleum, as well as statues and reliefs that had not been broken or stolen. Among them were huge statues, depicting, as archaeologists believe, the king and queen. In 1857, these finds were transported to the British Museum in London. V last years conducted new excavations, and now only a handful of stones remain on this site in Bodrum.

The Colossus of Rhodes

Colossus was the name of a giant statue that stood in the port city of Rhodes, an island in the Aegean Sea, off the coast of modern Turkey. In ancient times, the people of Rhodes wanted to be independent traders. They tried not to interfere in other people's wars, and nevertheless they themselves were repeatedly conquered.

At the end of the 4th century BC. the people of Rhodes celebrated their victory. They just safely defended their city, which whole year held under siege by Greek soldiers. The Greeks, realizing that they could not win, even abandoned part of the siege structures. The people of Rhodes decided to sell these structures and build a statue of Helios, worshiped by them as the sun god, to thank him for his intercession.

We don't know exactly what the statue looked like or where it stood. And we know that it was made of bronze and reached a height of about 33 meters. It was created by the sculptor Hareth and took 12 years to build.

The bronze shell was attached to an iron frame. They began to build the hollow statue from below, and as it grew, they filled it with stones to make it more stable. The colossus was completed around 280 BC. For many centuries, people believed that the Colossus towered over the entrance to the harbor of Rhodes. But it couldn't be. The mouth of the harbor was about 400 meters wide, but the statue was still not so colossal. The descriptions suggest that she stood in the center of the city overlooking the sea and harbor.

About 50 years after completion, the Colossus Collapsed. During the earthquake, it broke at the knee level. The oracle ordered not to restore the statue, and it remained where it fell. So she lay for more than 900 years, and they went to Rhodes only to look at the wreckage of the defeated god. In 654 A.D. the Syrian prince captured Rhodes and removed the bronze plates from the statue. They said that he took them to Syria on 900 camels.

Alexandrian lighthouse

In the 3rd century BC. a lighthouse was built so that ships could safely pass the reefs on their way to the bay of Alexandria. At night, they were helped in this by the reflection of the flames, and during the day - by a column of smoke. It was the world's first lighthouse, and it stood for 1500 years.

The lighthouse was built on the small island of Pharos in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Alexandria. This bustling port was founded by Alexander the Great while visiting Egypt. The building was named after the island. Its construction must have taken 20 years, and it was completed around 280 BC, during the reign of Ptolemy II, king of Egypt.

Nowadays, it is customary to call the miracle of the world unique artistic and technical creations, which, by their level of performance, are admired by most specialists. But in fairness, this erroneous approach should be corrected - the wonders of the world include specific objects created by people in distant antiquity.

The earliest information about the seven wonders of the world was found in the works of the ancient philosopher and scientist Herodotus. Five thousand years BC, Herodotus tried to classify these wonderful and mysterious objects. The work of Herodotus, in which he described in detail the unique architectural masterpieces the ancient world, burned down in a fire in the Library of Alexandria, like many other unique manuscripts. Only a few records in the surviving manuscripts and fragments of structures related to the seven wonders of the world, which were found as a result of archaeological excavations, have survived to this day.

In a small work of Philo of Byzantine, which has the title "On the Seven Wonders of the World", seven objects of antiquity are described on twelve pages. But the author wrote his work on the basis of the stories heard by others, but he himself never saw them.

In Europe, they learned about the seven wonders of the world after the publication of the book "Sketches on the History of Architecture". In it, the author, Fischer von Erlach, meticulously described seven unique objects of antiquity.

In Russia, the very first mention of the seven wonders of the world was found in the writings of Simeon of Polotsk, who in his notes refers to a certain Byzantine source.

The list of the most famous monuments the ancient world includes: the Egyptian pyramid at El Giza, the statue of Olympian Zeus, the Pharos lighthouse, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus.

Pyramids of Giza.

Today, of all the listed seven wonders of the ancient world, only the Great Pyramid of Cheops, located in El Giza, has survived.

For about four thousand years, the Cheops pyramid was the tallest structure. It was designed and built as the tomb of the most famous pharaoh - Khufu (Cheops). The construction of the pyramid was completed in 2580 BC. Then more pyramids were built here for the grandson and son of Cheops, as well as pyramids for queens. But the great pyramid of Cheops is the largest of them. Archaeologists believe that the construction of this pyramid took about 20 years and at least one hundred thousand people participated in its construction. The construction required 2 million stone blocks, each weighing at least 2.5 tons. Workers used levers, blocks and ramps to stack and fit each block without mortar. In the completed form, the pyramid was a stepped structure. Then the steps were covered with polished white limestone blocks. The blocks fit so tightly together that you can't even stick a knife blade between them. The Great Pyramid has risen 147 meters high! The length of one side of the base of the Cheops pyramid is 230 meters. The pyramid covers an area larger than nine football fields. The ancient Egyptians believed that if you save the body of the pharaoh, then his spirit will live after death, so they mummified the body of the pharaoh Khufu and placed it in burial chamber located in the center of the pyramid.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

In the sixth century BC. The New Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II ordered to build wonderful gardens for his wife Amitis. As a Median princess, she missed her homeland in dusty and noisy Babylon, which was famous for the scents of numerous gardens and green flowering hills. The king wanted not only to please Amitis, but also to create a masterpiece that could glorify him.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered the second wonder of the world. There are chronicles that describe in great detail the gardens of the Babylonian king. According to the records found, the gardens were built around 600 BC. Ancient Babylon was located on the banks of the Euphrates River, south of modern Baghdad. Despite the fact that the idea of ​​creating blooming gardens and green hills among the arid Babylonian plain was considered a pipe fantasy, Nebuchadnezzar II's project came true.

The hanging gardens of Babylon were a four-tier pyramid, the tiers of which were both terraces and balconies. The tiers were held in place by powerful columns. Each of them was planted with unique plants (flowers, trees, grass and shrubs). Seeds and seedlings for gardens were brought from all over the world. Outwardly, the pyramid resembled a constantly blooming hill. A unique irrigation system was designed for the gardens. Around the clock, several hundred slaves turned bucket wheels to supply the plants with water.

The Babylonian gardens were truly an oasis in hot and sultry Babylon. For some unknown reason, Queen Amitis began to be called by the name of the Assyrian queen - Semiramis, therefore the amazing gardens of Babylon were also called the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

In the 9th century BC, Alexander the Great was so conquered by the splendor of the gardens of Babylon that he placed his residence in a palace. He loved to relax in the shade of the gardens and remember his native Macedonia. When the city fell into decay, there was no one to supply water to the gardens, all the plants died, and numerous earthquakes finally destroyed the palace. Babylon disappeared along with one of the most beautiful objects of antiquity - the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was created at the initiative and funding of Alexander the Great. The interior of the temple was magnificent: beautiful statues and stunning paintings created by the best artists and architects of that time. But the history of this temple began long before that. In 560 BC. King Croesus of Lydia (considered the richest ruler of that time) built a magnificent temple in the city of Ephesus in honor of the moon goddess Artemis, who was considered the patroness of young girls and animals. The temple was built from local building materials - marble and limestone quarried in the nearby mountains. The main feature of the temple is 120 gigantic marble columns. In the center of the temple stood a statue of the goddess Artemis. This temple was larger than the then famous Athenian temple of the Parthenon. It stood for two hundred years and in 356 BC. the temple was completely burned down. According to history, Herostat set it on fire, thus dreaming of becoming famous for centuries. An interesting coincidence - the temple was burned on the day Alexander the Great was born. Years have passed. Alexander the Great visited Ephesus and ordered the restoration of the temple. The temple, built by Alexander, existed until the 3rd century AD. The city perished, the bay of Ephesus was covered with silt. The temple was plundered by the Goths, flooded with numerous floods. Today, on the site of the temple, you can see only a few blocks and one restored column.

Halicarnassus mausoleum.

Mavsol, the ruler of Caria, managed to achieve power and acquire significant wealth. Caria was then part of the Persian Empire, and the city of Halicarnassus became its capital. He decided to build a tomb for himself and his queen. But, as he dreamed, the tomb should be unusual - it should become a monument to his wealth and power. Mavsol himself did not live to see the completion of the construction of this magnificent facility, but his widow continued to lead the construction. The tomb was completed in 350 BC. and named it after the king's name - the Mausoleum. Later this name was given to the majestic and imposing tombs.

The mausoleum in Halicarnassus was a rectangle measuring 75x66 meters, 46 meters high. The ashes of the reigning couple were kept in golden urns placed in the tomb of the Mausoleum. Several stone lions guarded this room. Above the tomb itself, a majestic temple towered, surrounded by statues and columns. A stepped pyramid was erected at the top of the building. And the whole complex was crowned with a sculptural image of a chariot, which was ruled by the reigning couple. Through 18 centuries powerful earthquake destroyed the Mausoleum to the foundation. In 1489, the remains of the majestic tomb were used by Christian knights to build their castle. The tomb itself was mercilessly plundered by looters. Currently, parts of the foundation of the Mausoleum, reliefs and statues that were found during excavations are in the British Museum in London.

The Colossus of Rhodes.

The fifth wonder of the ancient world is the statue of the Colossus of Rhodes. A giant statue stood in a port city on the island of Rhodes. The inhabitants of Rhodes considered themselves independent traders and tried not to interfere in other people's military conflicts, but they could not avoid the fact that they themselves were repeatedly conquered. In the IV century, the people of Rhodes managed to defend their city from the invasion of warlike Greeks. To commemorate this victory, they decided to build a statue of the sun god Helios. The exact location and type of the statue remained unknown to us, from the chronicles it follows only that it was made of bronze and reached a height of thirty-three meters. To make it stable, the hollow shell was filled with stones during construction. It was built for 12 years! In 280 BC. The colossus stood up to its full height over the bay of Rhodes. After 50 years, there was a strong earthquake, and the Colossus collapsed, breaking at the knee level. The local oracle demanded not to restore the statue. For 900 years, every visitor to Rhodes could look at the statue of the defeated god. In 654 A.D. the Syrian prince, who seized the island, removed all the bronze plates from the statue and took them to Syria.

Alexandrian lighthouse.

In the 3rd century BC. a lighthouse was built on the island of Foros, off the coast of the bay of Alexandria, to help ships passing the reefs on their way to the port of Alexandria. The lighthouse was 117 meters high and consisted of three massive marble towers. At the top of one of the towers stood a statue of Zeus. At night, the lighthouse reflected flames, and during the day a column of smoke rose above it. The lighthouse required a large number of fuel. The tree was brought to the lighthouse by numerous mules and horses. Instead of mirrors directing light into the sea, bronze plates were used. The Foros lighthouse stood for 1500 years and was destroyed by an earthquake. The Muslims built their military fort on the wreckage of the lighthouse. This military facility still stands on the site of the Pharos lighthouse.

Olympic statue of Zeus.

Olympia was the religious center of Greece three thousand years ago. At that time, the most revered Greek deity was the king of the gods - Zeus. Festivities were held regularly, including sporting events. It is believed that the first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC. After that, for 1100 years, competitions were held every four years. At the time of the games, all wars were stopped to allow the participants to arrive at the competition site. The citizens of Olympia decided to build a magnificent temple dedicated to Zeus in the city. It took ten years to build it. The temple was supposed to contain a statue of Zeus. The sculptor Phidias and his assistants first created a wooden frame of the sculpture, then covered it with ivory plates, while the god's clothes were made of gold sheets. Despite the huge number of details that made up the sculpture, it looked like a monolithic figure. Zeus sat majestically on a throne adorned with precious stones and inlaid with ebony. The statue reached a height of 13 meters, reaching the ceiling of the temple. For 800 years after its creation, the statue of Zeus at Olympia was the seventh wonder of the world. The Roman emperor Caligula wanted the statue to be moved to Rome. According to legend, when the workers sent by the emperor arrived, the statue burst into loud laughter, and the workers fled in fright. In 391 A.D. the Romans banned the Olympic Games and closed all Greek temples. A few years later, the statue of Zeus was transported to Constantinople. In 462 A.D. the palace where the statue was located burned down. The Temple at Olympia was destroyed by an earthquake. Humanity has lost one of its wonders - the statue of Zeus at Olympia.

It remains to be hoped that someday world technologies will reach such a level that they will be able to recreate the seven wonders of the ancient world. And this will truly be a tribute to the memory of generations of talented architects of antiquity, who created masterpieces of architecture that have no equal in the modern world.

There are many mysterious and mysterious places in the world. But only a few of them are recognized as true miracles, which were no longer equal on Earth! From this article you will find out which of the 7 wonders of the world have survived to this day, and which have sunk into oblivion forever. We present to your attention 7 wonders of the world - the list consists of the following items:

This exclusive complex is included in the list of the 7 wonders of the world. The basis of the gardens of Semiramis was a monumental building in four tiers, erected in the form of a pyramid. Hanging green spaces combined with fountains and ponds have turned it into a true oasis. According to an old legend, these gardens were created for the wife of the Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar II named Amitis.

It took a lot of water to keep the green miracle alive. The problem was solved at the expense of human resources, or rather - slave labor... The slaves rotated non-stop a wooden wheel to which leather wineskins were tied. This wheel took water from the river (according to another version - from some underground sources). Water was pumped to the uppermost tier, and from there flowed down a complex system of numerous channels.

After the death of the ruler Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon for some time became the residence of Alexander the Great. After the death of the great commander, the city began to gradually fall into desolation, the gardens of Semiramis were also left without proper care. After a while, a nearby river overflowed its banks, which led to the erosion of the building's foundation.

Pharaoh Cheops pyramid

This current geographic feature, which is also on the list of 7 wonders of the world, is sometimes referred to as the Great Pyramid of Giza. It serves as the tomb of the Egyptian ruler Cheops (Khufu). The pyramid was erected near Giza, a suburb of Cairo. To create this miracle, it took the joint efforts of 100 thousand people. According to the calculations of archaeologists, the work continued for about twenty years.

Zeus statue in Olympia

In honor of the God-Thunderer, a truly monumental structure was erected. The Temple of Zeus was entirely built of marble, including even the roof. Along the perimeter of the sanctuary, there were 34 columns made of limestone. The walls of the temple were covered with picturesque bas-reliefs with images, as well as the exploits of Hercules.

But the list of 7 wonders of the world did not include the temple complex, but the statue of Zeus. The ancient Greek sculptor Phidias worked on the realization of this masterpiece. The body of the god was made of ivory; a great many rare gems and about 200 kg of gold without the slightest admixture of ligature were also used to decorate the statue. The eyes of the Thunderer seemed to be throwing lightning, and his head and shoulders shimmered with unearthly light.

According to legend, lightning struck the center of the marble floor of the temple. This was seen as an expression of approval from Zeus. A copper altar was erected at the site of the impact. The statue of Zeus was destroyed in a fire that occurred in the temple in 425. There is another version, according to which she was transported to Istanbul, where the figure of the Thunderer was burned down in 476.

The ancient city of Halicarnassus was famous for the residences of nobles, theaters and green gardens. But the list of 7 wonders of the world did not include these architectural beauties, but the tomb of the cruel ruler Mavsol. The mausoleum had 3 levels, the total height of the building was 46 meters. Several architectural trends are mixed in this man-made masterpiece.

Traditional columns, as well as statues of horsemen and lions were used to decorate the mausoleum. At the very top was a sculpture of King Mavsol, proudly seated in a chariot drawn by horses. The mausoleum stood for about 19 centuries, the cause of its destruction was a strong earthquake. An interesting fact - some of the fragments of the mausoleum were used to build the fortress of St. Peter.

The Pharos lighthouse was built in the 3rd century BC, it is also included in the world famous list 7 Wonders of the World. This object was supposed to help sea ​​vessels safely overcome coastal reefs and avoid shipwreck. During the day, the sailors were led by a column of smoke, and at night they could navigate by the tongues of flame.

The Alexandria lighthouse towered 120 meters above sea level, its signals could be seen at a distance of up to 48 km. The upper part of the structure was adorned with a statue of Isis-Faria, who was revered as the patroness of seafarers. To make the flow of light as efficient as possible, the builders used an original curved mirror system.

The Pharos lighthouse, like many other objects from the list of 7 wonders of the world, was destroyed in a rather trivial way. It was destroyed by a powerful earthquake in the middle of the 14th century. Scientists discovered some fragments of the Alexandria lighthouse on the seabed during research in 1996.

The Colossus of Rhodes

This statue was made in honor of Helios (the sun god). It was assumed that the height of the figure would be 18 meters, but later it was decided to make it 36 ​​meters. The statue in the form of a youth god was cast from bronze, it is located on a marble pedestal. The construction was carried out on a hill created by artificial means. Stones were placed inside the figure, which was done to increase the stability of the structure.

The sculptor Hares, who worked on the Colossus of Rhodes, made a mistake in determining the amount of materials needed. The master had to borrow a lot of money to be able to complete his masterpiece. Hares was completely ruined and surrounded by creditors, the sculptor committed suicide.

The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed by an earthquake in 222 or 226 BC. The statue broke at the knees, and its fragments continued to lie in place for about 1000 years. The fragments of the Colossus were sold by the Arabs, who conquered Rhodes in 977. To take out the pieces of the sculpture, it was necessary to equip a caravan consisting of 900 camels.

By the way, have you ever wondered why there are only seven wonders of the world? In this case, we recommend that you read the article "" - and it will open to you secret meaning this "lucky" figure!

The Seven Wonders of the World are the most ancient monuments of architecture, which are rightfully considered the greatest creations of human hands. The number 7 was chosen for a reason. It belonged to Apollo and was a symbol of completeness, completeness and perfection. At the same time, the traditional genre of Hellenistic poetry was the glorification of the list of the most famous cultural figures - poets, philosophers, kings, military leaders, etc., or outstanding architectural monuments.

The first mentions of the Wonders of the World are found precisely in this era, when the victorious troops of Alexander the Great had already passed through Europe. The wide spread of Greek culture in the territories that are part of the states that it conquered great commander, has provided loud fame to individual monuments and architectural structures. But it should be noted that the "selection" of miracles took place gradually. Some titles have been replaced by others, and today the list of the most magnificent works of art and architecture includes:

Briefly about everything

Historians and scholars believe that the oldest is the first attraction - Egyptian pyramids . Distinctive feature This Wonder of the World is that only it has survived to this day in almost its original form. The construction of the Pyramids of Giza dates back to about 1983 BC, and the largest structure of the complex is the tomb of Cheops.

The rest of the Wonders of the World were not so lucky, and only the ruins of some of them have survived to this day. For example, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which were created in the 6th century BC, were destroyed by floods in the 2nd century. But even the dilapidated remains of this magnificent structure are breathtaking.

Statue of Zeus from Olympia, created around 435 BC. the famous ancient sculptor Phidias, burned down almost a thousand years later in Constantinople. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was erected in 550 BC, but after two centuries it was also destroyed by a powerful fire.

Halicarnassus Mausoleum created by the architect Pytheas in 351 BC. In 1494, earthquakes were recorded in southwestern Turkey, after which only the foundations and architectural fragments of the building survived. Concerning Colossus of Rhodes, built at the beginning of the 3rd century BC. Greeks, it fell as a result of a series of violent tremors somewhere between 224 and 225 BC.

Alexandrian lighthouse, built in the 3rd century BC. at the direction of the ruling Ptolemaic dynasty, is the pinnacle of engineering and technical thought of that time. The structure lasted until 1480, providing reliable lighting to the coastal waters. In the 15th century, the lighthouse was partially destroyed by an earthquake.

You can talk endlessly about each of the Seven Wonders of the World. Any schoolchild knows about them. Ancient epics and ancient legends are associated with them. Each of them is covered with a shadow of mystery and obscurity. But one thing can be said with all certainty - these are the most significant monuments of civilization of all that mankind has managed to create.

Seven wonders of the world, photos and descriptions of unique architectural structures show the greatness of ancient history.

The ancient era, with its greatest cultural and historical monuments, laid the foundation for the outstanding creations of mankind, which continue the legacy with new discoveries and genuine miracles.

What are the wonders of the world, how many there are, what they are, why is the word "miracle" used in relation to them, what significance these objects have for world history and culture - we will try to answer these questions, as well as give a definition , short description and bring photographs of those that exist in the 21st century.

Since the time of Ancient Hellas, an antique work of architecture and art has been called a wonder of the world, which has no equal in beauty, majestic dimensions, precious decoration and originality.

There were 7 such miracles in the ancient world. Who has not heard about the Eighth Wonder of the World? Probably everything. Can you name it? List them, and you will see that there are only seven of them in our time. No list or table in the tutorial contains it. And all because the 8th wonder of the world does not officially exist - this is just an expression designed to assess something truly delightful and grandiose, or ... to emphasize the extraordinary curiosity of some phenomenon or incident.

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7 wonders of the world - list

So what is included in the list:

  1. - the age is about 4.5 thousand years, daily crowds of tourists visit this sights of Egypt.
  2. - an amazing and unusual gift made by a husband for his beloved wife. Amid dusty Babylon, beautiful green gardens full of exotic plants, birds and animals have sprung up.
  3. Zeus statue in Olympia- only this miracle was on the territory of the continent of Europe. For 300 years, the Olympic Games were held, and only then the construction of the majestic and main temple began.
  4. Temple of Artemis of Ephesus- a wonderful building, burned for the sake of "glorifying" the name.
  5. mausoleum in Halicarnassus- stood in its place for a long time - nineteen centuries.
  6. The Colossus of Rhodes- a huge statue of the sun god, who was worshiped by the people.
  7. Alexandrian lighthouse- not just a lighthouse, but a fortress city, on the top of which a fire burned day and night. Firewood was delivered by mullahs along a winding road inside the building.

Detailed description of the seven wonders

The Pyramid of Cheops

The first wonder of the world is the Cheops pyramid. The ancient heritage of Egypt is located in the northwestern part of Cairo. The location points to the 4 parts of the world and shows the unique precision of the structure. The greatest Egyptian wonder of the world took 20 years to build. For its construction, the labor of about a million slaves was used, whose work continued after the death of Pharaoh Cheops.

The base area of ​​the pyramid reaches 53,000 square meters. m, and the height at the end of construction reached 147 m. You can get inside to the tomb of the pharaoh only through one entrance, which is located above the ground at a level of 15.5 m.

Its useful to note: Caliph Abdullah Al-Mamun decided to disturb the chambers of the pharaoh, who led a tunnel into the pyramid with the intention of profit, in the end did not find any treasures.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The second wonder of the world is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. They represent a gorgeous gift from Nebuchadnezzar - the Babylonian ruler for his beloved wife. Subsequently, the wealth and splendor of the city was destroyed by a flood. The structures and buildings where the gardens grew are eroded and broken under the influence of a powerful water flow.

The attraction misleads contemporaries about its location. Many archaeological scientists have made repeated attempts to find traces of this ancient phenomenon.

Zeus statue in Olympia

The third wonder of the world - the majestic Zeus was a masterpiece of jewelers. The author is the great master of that time - Phidias. The wonders of the world, described in Wikipedia, say that the author has been creating his creation for about 10 years. Until now, the size of the statue has not been precisely determined, it is believed that the approximate height was 12-18 m.

The throne pedestal was impressive in size, decorated with fragments from the Olympic Games and the life of the gods. On it sat a thunderer naked to the waist, supported at the feet of two lions. On the body - a gold cloak with images of animals and plants. On his head is a wreath, the thunderer is holding a scepter in one hand, and a golden statue of the goddess of Victory in the other.

Temple of Artemis of Ephesus

The fourth wonder of the world is the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus. The ancient pilgrim center is located in Turkey. It was erected by the forces of the Amazons, who were considered the founders of the city. The city was soon burnt down by Herostratus. In the 6th century, a new construction project under the leadership of Khersifron included white marble columns.

Its construction lasted 120 years and was carried out according to the same project, with preliminary collection Money and the jewels of the townspeople.

Good to know: on the day of the fire of the temple was born Alexander III Great, and the phrase "glory of Herostratus" has become a symbol of a bad deed.

mausoleum in Halicarnassus

The fifth wonder of the world is the mausoleum at Halicarnassus. The ruler Mavsol built his tomb under his personal supervision. The three-level mausoleum was 46 meters high. Lower level was faced with marble. It housed the tomb of the king. The next level was a colonnade supporting the roof, creating a pyramidal shape.

The top was personified by the figures of King Mavsol and Artemisia, who are in a chariot with 4 horses.

The Colossus of Rhodes

The sixth wonder of the world is the colossus of Rhodes. The islanders of Rhodes erected a monument to their patron, Helios, in gratitude for their victory with the invaders. The monument is the personification of the freedom and independence of the inhabitants of the island. The construction of the statue has been going on for 12 years. According to numerous descriptions of contemporaries, the Colossus was located on an embankment, which was a kind of gateway to the city. In one hand the young man held the blazing fire of Helios.

The height of the statue reached 36 m. The supporting pillars of the structure of the structure turned out to be unreliable and after only 65 years they collapsed as a result of an earthquake. The statue of the Colossus of Rhodes is a wonder of the world that lasted the least of all.

Its useful to note: fragile structures later became known as the "Colossus with feet of clay".

Alexandrian lighthouse

The seventh wonder of the world is the Lighthouse of Alexandria. The tower got its name from the city of the same name, located near the island of Faros. The lighthouse fulfilled its direct role, lighting up the path of ships lost to the shore with flames at night. The designer of the gigantic structure of 140 meters was Sostrat of Cnidus.

Consisting of several tiers, the lighthouse served as housing for sailors and port workers. At the top of the octagonal tower was a light source - a large bonfire. The unique creation served until the 15th century, when an earthquake completely destroyed it.

Note: the second name of the lighthouse is Zeus the Savior.

Who first described the 7 wonders of the world

The original founder of the work "On the Seven Wonders of the World" was Philo of Byzantium. His short essay on 12 pages consists of eyewitness accounts of unique buildings.

Philo of Byzantine did not see any of the described miracles with his own eyes, and wrote about them from the stories of others

Information about the life and work of the great engineer and poet consists of small facts that are famous for their great discoveries. The wonders of the world were described by many talented authors: Herodotus, Strabo, Pausanias, Sequestre, Cassiodorus, etc. However, they did not have a single idea and in their own way defined unique monuments.

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The famous wonders of the world that have entered our lives are the wonders of the ancient world. Why the wonders of the world are not five or six ... namely 7?

"7" is a number associated with the sacred god Apollo, signifies completeness and perfection in the mind of the ancient civilization.

Compiles a list of venerable rulers of the ancient age. Based on their significance, grandiose monuments of that time were created.

Each monument from the list is an embodiment of architectural art. From the beginning of the Hellenic era, writings on unique monuments were circulated on papyri by Greek authors. They were widely studied at school and were a teaching aid.

How many wonders of the world have survived to this day

Only one pyramid of Cheops has been completely preserved to our time. The Egyptian miracle of antiquity still keeps the secrets of great ancestors. At the moment, it is the largest architectural structure made of stone, reaching 137 m.During its existence, it has decreased by almost 10 m.

Architectural sights, interesting to many researchers in the world and constituting the wonders of the ancient world, have been preserved in part or in the form of a copy:

  • The lighthouse of Alexandria collapsed due to the earthquake and could not be restored. By now only the fortress has survived.
  • A copy of Zeus is on display in the Hermitage. This is the tallest antique sculpture of our time, 3.5 m high.
  • Having existed for 19 centuries, the mausoleum in Halicarnassus was destroyed by an earthquake. The tombs of Artemisia and Mausolus are in the British Museum.
  • Only the German historian Robert Koldewey managed to discover the gardens of Semiramis over 18 years of excavation. Found buildings of Ancient Babylon and structures that surrounded the gardens.

Seven Wonders of the World of Our Time

On July 7, 2007, a list of 7 modern wonders of the world was compiled. We will give a description and present a photo of each object that was included in the list, which was called the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

the great Wall of China

The construction of the greatest defensive structure began in the 3rd century BC, and now it still harbors many legends. During the construction, the main goals were pursued: protection of the territory from Mongol invasion and the creation of a guarantee for the protection of one state from another. Inadequate attention to the great structure gradually destroyed it in some places. From the end of the twentieth century, a large-scale restoration of architecture began.

1997 was marked by the entry into the status of a miracle modern world. Architectural structure stretches for almost 9 thousand km, has a height of 6 to 10 meters.

Do you know that: the erection of the wall resulted in tens of thousands of deaths due to hard work and epidemics.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer

The famous symbol of the Brazilian people is located at the very top of the Corcovado mountain. Towering over the city with outstretched arms, Christ the Redeemer, with his 38-meter height, seems to embrace all the inhabitants of the metropolis, and at the same time, from afar, he warmly welcomes guests.

The construction of the monument is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of independence. All residents of the country collected funds for the construction. Detailed production of the statue took place in France.

Taj Mahal

The pinnacle of the Mongolian architectural style is the snow-white palace located on the banks of the Jamna. Construction was underway for two decades, it was built by the middle of the 17th century.

The mausoleum contains the tombs of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan, a descendant of Tamerlane. The presence of four minarets at the edges of the palace helps to protect the tombs from tremors and destruction.


The largest amphitheater of the ancient era can accommodate more than 50 thousand people. The beginning of construction during the Flavian dynasty lasted 8 years. In the VIII century, due to its impressive size, it began to be called.

At the beginning of their existence, gladiators practiced their art in the arena of the amphitheater. After being plundered by barbarians and an earthquake in the 14th century, the Colosseum was literally pulled apart brick by brick. Only from the 18th century the building was taken under protection as an important architectural mega-object.

Machu Picchu

This is the nickname for the city in the sky, which is located at an altitude of about 2500 m above the sea. Previously it was the residence of the emperor. The almost untouched ancient urban architecture did not suffer from the attacks of the Spanish conquerors.

The clear structure of the city delights with its architectural design. However, little is known about the urban population and the city.


Jordan Petra is a city in a rock, located above the sea at a level of 900 meters. The road to it is laid through a natural gorge, which serves as city walls.

Remaining ruins of houses built using the traditional stone method stretch for kilometers. Ad-Deir is a 45-meter monastery carved into the rock. The main attraction - the mausoleum of Al-Khazneh - still keeps the legend of untold treasures. Previously, the city served as a trade route connecting Damascus and the Red Sea regions.

Note: Indiana Jones' adventure film filmed in Petra.

Chichen Itza

Mexico is famous for the legendary city called, which resembles the consonance of legumes, loved by the locals, among other things. Chichen Itza, a Mayan civilization, has a 24-meter pyramid called the Temple of Kukulkan, which has 365 steps.

There are as many steps as there are days in a year. The located natural well is the Sacred Cenote. Its depth is "deadly" - 50 m. Earlier it served for the rite of sacrifices. It is known that living people were thrown into the cenote. Now tourists swim in it.

The change of civilizations leaves behind a grandiose heritage of architecture, which has been partially preserved to this day. The question - how many wonders of the world are in the world and which ones - can now be answered definitely. The appearance of new miracles is evidence that there are still many mysterious places in the world for study and recognition of their significance for all mankind.

We bring to your attention an interesting film about the seven wonders of the ancient world:

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