Great commander of World War II. Game Generals of World War II General of World War II

· 2014-12-09

Fate of millions of people depended on their decisions!

This is not the entire list, our great commander of the Second World War!

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich (1896-1974)

Marshal Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was born on November 1, 1896 in the Kaluga region, in the peasant family. During the First World War, he was called to the army and enrolled in the regiment, which was in the Kharkiv province. In the spring of 1916, he was enrolled in a group aimed at officer courses. After studying Zhukov became a non-commissioned officer, and headed to the Dragun Regiment, which participated in battles Great War. Soon received a contusion from the explosion of mines, and was sent to the hospital. I managed to express myself, and for the capture of a German officer was awarded the St. George Cross.

After the Civil War, he graduated from the courses of the Red Commanders. Commanded a cavalry regiment, then a brigade. He was Assistant Inspector Cavalry of the Red Army.

In January 1941, shortly before the invasion of Germany to the territory of the USSR, Zhukov was appointed head of the General Staff, Deputy Commissar Defense of the country.

He commanded the troops of the reserve, Leningrad, Western, 1st Belarusian fronts, coordinated the action of a number of fronts, made a great contribution to the achievement of victory in the battle near Moscow, in Stalingrad, Kursk battles, in Belarusian, Volo-Oderskaya and Berlin Operations. Typeviews of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the cavalier of two orders of "victory", many of other Soviet and foreign orders and medals.

Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich (1895-1977) - Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Born on September 16 (September 30) 1895 in p. New Golchikha Kineshemsky district Ivanovo region, in the family of priest, Russian. In February 1915, after the end of the Kostroma spiritual seminary, he entered Alekseevskoye military school (Moscow) and for 4 months (in June 1915) graduated from him.

During the Great Patriotic War The head of the General Staff (1942-1945) took an active part in the development and implementation of almost all major operations on the Soviet-German front. From February 1945 he commanded the 3rd Belarusian Front, led Konigsberg's assault. In 1945, the Commander-in-Chief of Soviet troops in the Far East in the War with Japan.

Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich (1896-1968) - Marshal of the Soviet Union, Marshal Poland.

Born on December 21, 1896 in the small Russian town of Great Luki (formerly by the Pskov province), in the family of the railway driver of the Pole of Xaveria-Yuzf Rokossovsky and his Russian wife Antonina. After the birth of Konstantin, the Rokossov family moved to Warsaw. In incomplete 6 years, Kostya Osapotel: Father got into the railway catastrophe and after a long disease died in 1902. In 1911, Mother died. And Rokossovsky asked the beginning of the First World War I was asked to one of the Russian regiments who followed the West through Warsaw.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he commands the 9th mechanized corps. In the summer of 41th, the commander of the 4th Army was appointed. He managed to somewhat restrained the offensive of the German armies on the Western Front. It becomes the commander of the Bryansk front. The Germans managed to approach the Don and with advantageous positions to create threats to take Stalingrad and breakthrough to the North Caucasus. The strike of his army, he prevented the German attempt to break through to the north, towards the city of Elz. Rokossovsky participated in the counteroffensiveness of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad. His ability to news martialctions He played a big role, in the success of the operation. In 1943, he led the central front, which, under his command, began defensive battles on the Kursk arc. A little later, he organized the offensive, and freed significant territories from Germans. He also led the liberation of Belarus, embodying the plan of the bet - "Bagration".

Twice hero of the Soviet Union.

Konev Ivan Stepanovich (1897-1973) - Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Born in December 1897 in one of the villages of the Vologda province. The family was his peasant. In 1916, the future commander was called up to the royal army. In the First World War, he participates as a nonsense officer.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Konev commands the 19th Army, who participated in the battles with the Germans, and closed the capital from the enemy. For the successful leadership of the army, he receives the title of Colonel-General.

Ivan Stepanovich during the Great Patriotic War managed to visit the commander of several fronts: Kalininsky, Western, North-Western, steppe, second Ukrainian and first Ukrainian. In January 1945, the first Ukrainian front, together with the first Belarusian, began an offensive mist - Oder operation. The troops managed to take several cities of strategic importance, and even release Krakow from Germans. At the end of January was released from the Hitlermen camp Auschwitz. In April, two fronts began an offensive on the Berlin direction. Soon Berlin was taken, and Konev took direct part in the storm of the city.

Twice hero of the Soviet Union.

Vatutin Nikolai Fedorovich (1901-1944) - army General.

Born on December 16, 1901 in the village of Chepukhin Kursk province in a large peasant family. He graduated from four classes of Zemstvo school, where he was considered the first student.

In the first days of the Great Patriotic War, Vatutin visited the most responsible sites of the front. A staff worker turned into a brilliant combat commander.

On February 21, the rate instructed Vatutin to prepare an offensive on Dubno and further on Chernivtsi. On February 29, the general went to the headquarters of the 60th Army. On the way, his car was fired by the squad of Ukrainian partisan-Bandera. Wounded Vatutin died on the night of April 15 in the Kiev Military Hospital.

In 1965, Vatutin was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Katukov Mikhail Efimovich (1900-1976) - Marshal of armored troops. One of the people's heights of the Tank Guard.

4 (17) September 1900 was born in the village of Large Uvarovo then the Kolomna district of the Moscow province in a large family of a peasant (the father had seven children from two marriages). The initial rural school was completed with a commendable diploma, while studying in which was the first student class and Schools.

IN Soviet army - Since 1919.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he participated in defensive operations in the city of Lutsk, Dubno, Korosten, showing himself skillful, initiative organizer of tank combat with superior enemy forces. These qualities were dazzling in the battle near Moscow, when he commanded the 4th tank brigade. In the first half of October 1941, under the Mtsensky, the promotion of the tanks and infant infantry and infantry infant and inflicted them huge damage. Having made the 360-km march to the Istra orientation, Brigade M.E. Katukuku as part of the 16th Army of the Western Front, heroically fought on the Volokolamian direction and participated in a counterattack near Moscow. On November 11, 1941, the brigade of the first in tank troops received the title of Gvardeyskaya. In 1942, M.E. Catukov commanded the 1st tank corps, reflected on the Natisk of the enemy troops in the Kursko-Voronezh direction, from September 1942 - the 3rd mechanized corps, was appointed commander of the 1st tank army in January 1943, which is in the composition of Voronezh, and later 1- Ukrainian front differed in Kursk battle And when liberating Ukraine. In April 1944, Sun was transformed into the 1st Guards Tank Army, which under the command of M.E. Katukuku participated in the Lviv Sandomir, Vorolo-Oder, the East-Pomeranian and Berlin Operations, forced the Vistula and Oder River.

Twice hero of the Soviet Union.

Rothmistrov Pavel Alekseevich (1901-1982) - The main marshal of armored troops.

Born in the village of Skovorovo now Selijarovsky district of the Tver region in a large peasant family (he had 8 brothers and sisters) .. In 1916 he graduated from the highest primary school.

In the Soviet Army from April 1919 (he was enrolled in the Samara Workers Regiment), participant Civil War.

In the Great Patriotic War P.A. Rothmistrov fought on the Western, North-West, Kalininsky, Stalingrad, Voronezh, Steppe, Southen-Zapkin, the 2nd Ukrainian and 3rd Belarusian, fronts. Commanded the 5th Guards Tank Army, distinguished in the Kursk battle. From 1944, P.A. Rothmisters with his army participated in the Belarusian offensive operation, liberating the cities of Borisov, Minsk, Vilnius. Since August 1944, he was appointed deputy commander of the armored and mechanized troops of the Soviet Army.

Hero of the Soviet Union.

Kravchenko Andrei Grigorievich (1899-1963) - Colonel-General of Tank Forces.

Born on November 30, 1899 on the farm Sulimin, now the village of Sulimovka Yagotinsky district of the Kiev region of Ukraine in the family of the peasant. Ukrainian. Member of the WCP (b) since 1925. Particard of the Civil War. He graduated from Poltava Military Infantry School in 1923, MV Military Academy Frunze in 1928.

From June 1940 at the end of February 1941 A.G. Kravchenko - Head of the headquarters of the 16th Tank Division, and from March to September 1941 - Head of the headquarters of the 18th mechanized corps.

At the fronts of the Great Patriotic War since September 1941. Commander of the 31st Tank Brigade (09/09/1941 - 01/10/1942). From February 1942, Deputy Commellote of the 61st Army on Tank Forces. Head of the headquarters of the 1st Tank Corps (03/31/1942 - 07/30/1942). Commanded 2nd (2.07.1942 - 09/13/1942) and 4th (from 7.02.43 - 5th Guards; from 09/18/1942 to 01/24/1944) Tank Corses.

In November 1942, the 4th Corps participated in the 6th German Army near Stalingrad, in July 1943 - in the tank battle under Prokhorovka, in October of the same year - in the battle for the Dnieper.

Twice hero of the Soviet Union.

Novikov Alexander Alexandrovich (1900-1976) - The main marshal of aviation.

Born on November 19, 1900 in the village of Kryukovo of the Nekhertsky district of the Kostroma region. Education received in the teacher's seminary in 1918.

In the Soviet Army since 1919

In aviation since 1933. Member of the Great Patriotic War from the first day. He was the commander of the Northern Air Force, then the Leningrad Front. From April 1942 and until the end of the war, the Commander of the BCC Air Force. In March 1946, I was illegally repressed (together with A. I. Shahurin), rehabilitated in 1953.

Twice hero of the Soviet Union.

Kuznetsov Nikolai Gerasimovich (1902-1974) - Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union. Narcar Navy.

11 (24) of July 1904 was born in the family of Gerasima Fedorovich Kuznetsov (1861-1915), the village of the village of Medvedki Veliko-Ustyug County of the Vologda province (now in the Kotlas district of the Arkhangelsk region).

In 1919, at the age of 15 years, he joined the Severodvin Flotilla, improving himself two years to be accepted (erroneous 1902 year of birth is still found in some reference books). In 1921-1922, there was a building of the Arkhangelsk Fleet crew.
During the Great Patriotic War, N. G. Kuznetsov was the chairman of the Chief Military Council of the Navy and the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. He was promptly and energetically led by the fleet, coordinating his actions with operations of other armed forces. Admiral was a member of the Supreme Commanding rate, constantly drove on the ships and fronts. The fleet prevented the invasion of the Caucasus from the sea. In 1944, N. G. Kuznetsov was assigned military rank Admiral fleet. On May 25, 1945, this title was equal to the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union and the marshall type should be introduced.

Hero of the Soviet Union.

Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich (1906-1945) - army General.

Born in the city of Uman. Father was a railway station, so it is not surprising that in 1915 the Son went in the footsteps of the Father and entered the railway school. In 1919, a real tragedy happened in the family: because of the Tifa, parents were killed, so the boy was forced to leave the school and engage in agriculture. He worked as a shepherd, kicking a cattle in the field in the morning, and each free minute sat for textbooks. Immediately after dinner, resorted to the teacher for clarifying the material.

During World War II, he was one of those young military leaders who motivated the soldiers with their example, gave them confidence and gave faith in a bright future.

Twice hero of the Soviet Union.

The highest ranks of the military command were always used by honor. But has it been this title for a long time? And who were those people who managed armies and fronts, top history during one of the most ambitious military conflicts of humanity?

Who are they, generals of the Second World War?

Until 1940 was not in air force Soviet Union of such a title. Its analogues were comes, comkors, commander, commissioners. True, in September 1935, the title of Marshal, who awarded five people. But before the war, only two remained.

In May 1940, for the first time, a little more than a thousand people were presented to the rank of general and admiral. There were 1056 people in this rank. By May 1945, their number reached 5597 people.

Among the dead and missing from 1940 to 1945, 421 General and Admirals are listed.

Let's figure it out in more detail and be called outstanding warlords infeitically.

Commanders by terrestrial fronts

Even being in the highest ranks, the soldier remains a soldier. And he is absolutely not insured against death on the battlefield or for the sake of preserving honor. Although there were and who adhered to another opinion. But we will talk about them in the relevant section.

So, not all generals of the Second World War survived. I.R. APANASENKO, M.P. Kirponos, I.A. Bogdanov, F.Ya. Kostenko, M.P. Petrov, N.F. Vatutin and I.D. Chernyakhovsky heroically died under different circumstances. MG Efremov committed suicide so as not to get the fascists alive, and D. G. Pavlov was repressed.

The remaining generals of the Second World War, the list of which will take not one page, survived and largely contributed to the victory of the Soviet Union in this conflict.

We mention only some. THEM. Bagramyan is represented by the participant of many offensive operations twice.

CM. The weekly is famous not only with his mustache, but also 3 medals "Golden Star", obtained over the years of battles. Participated in and for the Caucasus.

The Hero of the Soviet Union is submitted four times, a member of a variety of battles and operations.

Awarded not only two gold stars. Also in his honor, heavily self-propelled artist - "Klim Voroshilov" is named.

Commands of FRONTS air defense

In general, to win thousands of battles, you need to have knowledge and experience in many areas. For example, to deal with professionally in strategy and tactics, know all the nuances of various troops, their ability to interact. We also need an inflexible will and rapid decision-making. These and other qualities are made from senior commandar officers who can command the armies.

The generals of the Second World War also led the troops of air defense. Among them, you can mention the following surnames: M.S. Gromadin, P.E. Gudeno, and G.S. Caller.

But not everyone was the honor and loyalty to the Motherland above his own life and interests. Among the latter can be called several people.

G.N. Alliles got into German captured under the city of Vyazma. There I gave myself over ordinary and until 1942 served in the Wehrmacht by the usual driver. But she accidentally identified the forester. After interrogation and confirmed readiness, Georgy Nikolayevich meets with Goebrus and is appointed to assistants Vlasov.

In 1945 was detained by the Americans. He reported his Soviet counterintelligence, hoping for cooperation, but after the proceedings was sentenced to death. The hanging execution was made in Butyrsa prison.

V.F. Malyshkin was captive after the "Vyazemsky boiler". Immediately expressed the desire to cooperate. He worked in the propaganda department and since 1943 it becomes assistant Vlasov in this matter.

Also was detained by the Americans, transmitted soviet authorities And executed in the Butyrsa prison.

B.S. Richter, F.I. Trukhin also managed to serve both Soviet and German side.

Thus, we see that the generals of the Second World War did not always come heroically. They were ordinary people With your fears and desires, but also with short talents in the military sphere.

Commander of the Troops of Wehrmacht

What happened on the other side of the front? What German generals of the Second World War was especially famous in battles?

Among them are also the dead in battles. This is Günther Background Blev, Fedor Background, Georg von Weizleben, Walter Model, Erwin Rommel and others.

Almost all of them were awarded the Order of the Iron Cross, which was issued since 1939 for three and more successfully conducted hazardous operations.

Among the most successful commander, Hermann Balke, Albert Cesselring, Walter Model, Ferdinand Steerner, who were four times the knights of this order four times.

German traitors generals

However, not everything went so smoothly as it could seem. Among the command of the Wehrmacht were also people who do not agree with the course of events. In search of the best destiny, they found themselves in the lists of traitors of their homeland.

Vinzzznitz Muller, Lieutenant-General. In June 1944, he turned out to be thrown from the 4th Army under Minsk. Tippelskirh, the official commander of this unit, left him all the authority, running away with his headquarters.

As a result, not receiving support, supply, provisions, without even simple cards with intelligence, he was forced to stop resistance and surrender soviet troops.

As we can see, many generals of the Second World War changed their views after, without having received support, they were in captivity. Otto Corfes, for example, was captive under Stalingrad and surrendered at a full parade. In the future, he collaborated with Soviet troops, for which his family in Germany was brutally repressions.

Bernard Behler also turned out to be captive under Stalingrad. The main reason why officers began to cooperate with the enemy, was that they vinyl the shortness of Hitler.

It turns out that the generals of the Second World War were ready to serve their country and win battles, but not always the leadership appreciated their zeal. Resentment, disappointment and other feelings pushed to cooperate with the enemy.

Thus, we in the article dealt with a bit in who these generals, and talked about the prominent warlods of World War II.

Fate of millions of people depended on their decisions!

This is not the entire list, our great commander of the Second World War!

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich (1896-1974)

Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was born on November 1, 1896 in the Kaluga region, in the peasant family. During the First World War, he was called to the army and enrolled in the regiment, which was in the Kharkiv province. In the spring of 1916, he was enrolled in a group aimed at officer courses. After studying Zhukov became a non-commissioned officer, and headed to the Dragun regiment, as part of which he participated in the battles of the Great War. Soon received a contusion from the explosion of mines, and was sent to the hospital. I managed to express myself, and for the capture of a German officer was awarded the St. George Cross.

After the civil war, he graduated from courses of red commanders. Commanded a cavalry regiment, then a brigade. He was Assistant Inspector Cavalry of the Red Army.

In January 1941, shortly before the invasion of Germany to the territory of the USSR, Zhukov was appointed head of the General Staff, Deputy Commissar Defense of the country.

He commanded the troops of the reserve, Leningrad, Western, 1st Belarusian fronts, coordinated the actions of a number of fronts, made a great contribution to the achievement of victory in the battle near Moscow, in Stalingrad, Kursk battles, in Belarusian, Volo-Oder and Berlin operations.

Four times of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the cavalier of two orders of "victory", many of other Soviet and foreign orders and medals.

Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich (1895-1977)

Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Born on September 16 (September 30) 1895 in p. New Golchikha Kineshemsky district Ivanovo region, in the family of priest, Russian. In February 1915, after the end of the Kostroma spiritual seminary, he entered the Alekseev military school (Moscow) and for 4 months (in June 1915) ended it.

During the Great Patriotic War, the supervisor of the General Staff (1942-1945) took an active part in the development and implementation of almost all major operations on the Soviet-German Front. From February 1945 he commanded the 3rd Belarusian Front, led Konigsberg's assault. In 1945, the Commander-in-Chief of Soviet troops in the Far East in the War with Japan.

Twice hero of the Soviet Union.

Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich (1896-1968)

Marshal of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Poland.

Born on December 21, 1896 in the small Russian town of Great Luki (formerly by the Pskov province), in the family of the railway engine of the Pole of Xaveria-Yuzf Rokossovsky and his Russian spouse Antonina. After the birth of Konstantin, the Rokossov family moved to Warsaw. In incomplete 6 years, Kostya Osapotel: Father got into the railway catastrophe and after a long disease died in 1902. In 1911, the mother died.

Since the beginning of World War II, Rokossovsky asked for one of the Russian regiments, who followed the West through Warsaw.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he commands the 9th mechanized corps. In the summer of 41th, the commander of the 4th Army was appointed. He managed to restrain the offensive of the German armies on the West Front. In the summer of 42nd, it becomes the commander of the Bryansk front. The Germans managed to approach the Don and with advantageous positions to create threats to take Stalingrad and breakthrough to the North Caucasus. The strike of his army, he prevented the German attempt to break through to the north, towards the city of Elz. Rokossovsky participated in the counteroffensiveness of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad. His ability to conduct hostilities played a big role, in the success of the operation. In 1943, he led the central front, which, under his command, began defensive battles on the Kursk arc. A little later, he organized the offensive, and freed significant territories from Germans. Also led the liberation of Belarus, embodied the plan of the bet - "Bagration"

Konev Ivan Stepanovich (1897-1973)

Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Born in December 1897 in one of the villages of the Vologda province. The family was his peasant. In 1916, the future commander was called up to the royal army. In the First World War, he participates as a nonsense officer.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Konev commands the 19th Army, who participated in the battles with the Germans, and closed the capital from the enemy. For the successful leadership of the army, he receives the title of Colonel-General.

Ivan Stepanovich during the Great Patriotic War managed to visit the commander of several fronts: Kalininsky, Western, North-Western, steppe, second Ukrainian and first Ukrainian. In January 1945, the first Ukrainian front, together with the first Belarusian, began an offensive mist - Oder operation. The troops managed to take several cities of strategic importance, and even release Krakow from Germans. At the end of January was released from the Hitlermen camp Auschwitz. In April, two fronts began an offensive on the Berlin direction. Soon Berlin was taken, and Konev took direct part in the storm of the city.

Twice the hero of the Soviet Union

Vatutin Nikolai Fedorovich (1901-1944)

Army General.

Born on December 16, 1901 in the village of Chepukhin Kursk province in a large peasant family. He graduated from four classes of Zemstvo school, where he was considered the first student.

In the first days of the Great Patriotic War, Vatutin visited the most responsible sites of the front. A staff worker turned into a brilliant combat commander.

On February 21, the rate instructed Vatutin to prepare an offensive on Dubno and further on Chernivtsi. On February 29, the general went to the headquarters of the 60th Army. On the way, his car was fired by the squad of Ukrainian partisan-Bandera. Wounded Vatutin died on the night of April 15 in the Kiev Military Hospital.

In 1965, Vatutin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Katukov Mikhail Efimovich (1900-1976)

Marshal of armored troops.

One of the people's heights of the Tank Guard.

4 (17) of September 1900 was born in the village of Great Uvarovo then the Kolomna district of the Moscow province in a large family of a peasant (the Father had seven children from two marriages).

Finished with a commendable diploma of the initial rural school, while studying in which was the first student of class and schools.

In the Soviet Army - since 1919.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he participated in defensive operations in the city of Lutsk, Dubno, Korosten, showing himself skillful, initiative organizer of tank combat with superior enemy forces. These qualities were dazzling in the battle near Moscow, when he commanded the 4th tank brigade. In the first half of October 1941, under the Mtsensky, the promotion of the tanks and infant infantry and infantry infant and inflicted them huge damage. Having made the 360-km march to the Istra orientation, Brigade M.E. Katukuku as part of the 16th Army of the Western Front, heroically fought on the Volokolamian direction and participated in a counterattack near Moscow. On November 11, 1941, for the brave and skillful fighting, the brigade of the first in tank troops received the title of Guards.

In 1942, M.E. Catukov commanded the 1st tank corps, reflecting the onslaught of enemy troops on the Kursko-Voronezh direction, from September 1942 - the 3rd mechanized case. In January 1943, he was appointed commander of the 1st Tank Army, which in the composition of Voronezh, and later the 1st Ukrainian Front was different in the Kursk battle and when the liberation of Ukraine. In April 1944, Sun was transformed into the 1st Guards Tank Army, which under the command of M.E. Katukuku participated in the Lviv Sandomir, Vorolo-Oder, the East-Pomeranian and Berlin Operations, forced the Vistula and Oder River.

Twice the hero of the Soviet Union

Rothmistrov Pavel Alekseevich (1901-1982)

The main marshal of armored troops.

Born in the village of Skovorovo now Selizharovsky district of the Tver region in a large peasant family (had 8 brothers and sisters). In 1916 he graduated from the highest primary school.

In the Soviet Army from April 1919 (he was enrolled in the Samara Business Regiment), a participant in the civil war.

In the Great Patriotic War P.A. Rothmistrov fought on the Western, Northwestern, Kalininsky, Stalingrad, Voronezh, Steppe, South-Voronezh, the 2nd Ukrainian and 3rd Belarusian, fronts. Commanded the 5th Guards Tank Army, distinguished in the Kursk battle. From 1944, P.A. Rothmisters with his army participated in the Belarusian offensive operation, liberating the cities of Borisov, Minsk, Vilnius. Since August 1944, he was appointed deputy commander of the armored and mechanized troops of the Soviet Army.

Hero of the Soviet Union.

Kravchenko Andrei Grigorievich (1899-1963)

Colonel-General Tank Forces.

Born on November 30, 1899 on the farm Sulimin, now the village of Sulimovka Yagotinsky district of the Kiev region of Ukraine in the family of the peasant. Ukrainian. Member of WCP (b) since 1925.

Participant of the Civil War. He graduated from Poltava Military Infantry School in 1923, MV Military Academy Frunze in 1928.

From June 1940 at the end of February 1941 A.G. Kravchenko - Head of the headquarters of the 16th Tank Division, and from March to September 1941 - Head of the headquarters of the 18th mechanized corps.

At the fronts of the Great Patriotic War since September 1941. Commander of the 31st Tank Brigade (09/09/1941 - 01/10/1942). From February 1942, Deputy Commellote of the 61st Army on Tank Forces. Head of the headquarters of the 1st Tank Corps (03/31/1942 - 07/30/1942). Commanded 2nd (2.07.1942 - 09/13/1942) and 4th (from 7.02.43 - 5th Guards; from 09/18/1942 to 01/24/1944) Tank Corses.

In November 1942, the 4th Corps participated in the 6th German Army near Stalingrad, in July 1943 - in the tank battle under Prokhorovka, in October of the same year - in the battle for the Dnieper.

Twice the hero of the Soviet Union

Novikov Alexander Alexandrovich (1900-1976)

Air Chief Marshal.

Born on November 19, 1900 in the village of Kryukovo of the Nekhertsky district of the Kostroma region. Education received in the teacher's seminary in 1918.

In the Soviet Army since 1919

In aviation since 1933. Member of the Great Patriotic War from the first day. He was the commander of the North Air Force, then the Leningrad Front.

From April 1942 and until the end of the war, the Commander of the BCC Air Force. In March 1946, I was illegally repressed (together with A. I. Shahurin), rehabilitated in 1953.

Twice the hero of the Soviet Union

Kuznetsov Nikolai Gerasimovich (1902-1974)

Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union. Narcar Navy.

11 (24) of July 1904 was born in the family of Gerasima Fedorovich Kuznetsov (1861-1915), the village of the village of Medvedki Veliko-Ustyug County of the Vologda province (now in the Kotlas district of the Arkhangelsk region).
In 1919, at the age of 15 years, he joined the Severodvin Flotilla, improving himself two years to be accepted (erroneous 1902 year of birth is still found in some reference books). In 1921-1922, there was a building of the Arkhangelsk Fleet crew.

During the Great Patriotic War, N. G. Kuznetsov was the chairman of the Chief Military Council of the Navy and the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. He was promptly and energetically led by the fleet, coordinating his actions with operations of other armed forces. Admiral was a member of the Supreme Commanding rate, constantly drove on the ships and fronts. The fleet prevented the invasion of the Caucasus from the sea. In 1944, N. G. Kuznetsov was awarded the military rank of Admiral Fleet. On May 25, 1945, this title was equal to the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union and the marshall type should be introduced.

Hero of the Soviet Union

Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich (1906-1945)

Army General.

Born in the city of Uman. Father was a railway station, so it is not surprising that in 1915 the Son went in the footsteps of the Father and entered the railway school. In 1919, a real tragedy happened in the family: because of the Tifa, parents were killed, so the boy was forced to leave the school and engage in agriculture. He worked as a shepherd, kicking a cattle in the field in the morning, and each free minute sat for textbooks. Immediately after dinner, resorted to the teacher for clarifying the material.

During World War II, he was one of those young military leaders who motivated the soldiers with their example, gave them confidence and gave faith in a bright future.

Twice the hero of the Soviet Union

Dovator Lev Mikhailovich

(February 20, 1903, Hotino village, Lepiel County, Vitebsk province, now Beshenkovichi district, Vitebsk region - December 19, 1941, district Palashkino village, Ruzsky district, Moscow region)

Soviet military leader.

Known successful operations to destroy the enemy's troops in the initial period of the Great Patriotic War. For the head of the Dovator, the German command appointed a major reward

Beloborodov Afanasy Pavlandevich

Army General.

(18 (31), 1903, Akinino-Baklashi village of Irkutsk province - September 1, 1990, Moscow) - Soviet military commander, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of the 78th Rifle Division, who stopped the offensive of the Germans to Moscow in November 1941 on the 42nd A kilometer of the Volokolamsk highway, commander of the 43rd army, who freed Vitebsk from the German occupiers and participating in Königsberg's storming.

Bagramyan Ivan Khristorovich (1897-1982)

Participated in the organization of a tank battle in Dubno district, Rivne, Lutsk.

In 1941, the front headquarters came out of the environment. In 1941, Developed the Rostov-on-Don release plan. In 1942 - unsuccessful Kharkov operation. Commanded the 11th Army in the winter offensive 1942-1943. in the west direction. In July 1943, prepared and conducted an offensive operation as part of the troops of the Bryansky front in the Oryol direction. The 1st Baltic Front under the command of Baghamyan held: in December 1943 - Gorodoksky; in the summer of 1944 - Vitebsko-Orsha, Polotsk and Siauliai; In September-October 1944 (together with the 2nd and 3rd Baltic fronts) - Riga and Memelsk; In 1945 (as part of the 3rd Belorussian Front) - operations in mastering Königsberg, the Zemric Peninsula.

Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich (1900-1982)

Commanded the 62nd Army in the Battle of Stalingrad. The army under the command of Chuikov participated in the Raisin-Barvenkovskaya and Donbass operations, in the battle for the Dnieper, Nikopol-Krivozhskoye, Bereznegovato-Snegilevskaya, Odessa, Belarusian, Warsaw-Dissensky and Berlin operations.

Malinovsky Rodion Yakovlevich (1898 - 1967)

The Great Patriotic War began on the border on the river Prut, where his corps held back attempts by Romanian and german pieces Cross to our side. In August 1941 - Commander of the 6th Army. From December 1941 he commanded the troops of the South Front. From August to October 1942 - the troops of the 66th Army, who fought north of Stalingrad. In October-November - Deputy Commander of the Voronezh Front. From November 1942, he commanded the 2nd Guards Army, which was formed in the Tambov region. This army was stopped in December 1942 in December 1942 and defeated the strike group of the fascists who went to release the Stalingrad group of Feldmarshal Paulus (the Army Group of Feldmarshal Manstein).

Since February 1943, R.Ya. Malinovsky commanded the troops of the South, and since March of the same year - South-Western fronts. The troops of the fronts under his command freed the Donbass and Right-Bank Ukraine. In the spring of 1944, troops under the command of R.Ya. Malinovsky liberated the city of Nikolaev and Odessa. Since May 1944, RL. Malinovsky commanded the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front. At the end of August, the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, together with the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, conducted an important strategic operation - Yasno-Chishent. This is one of the outstanding operations of the Great Patriotic War. In the autumn of 1944 - in the spring of 1945, the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front held Debrecensky, Budapest and Vienna operations, defeated the fascist troops in Hungary, Austria and Czechoslovakia. Since July 1945, R.Ya. Malinovsky commanded the troops of the Transbaikal district, participated in the defeat of the Japanese Quantong Army. After the Great Patriotic War from 1945 to 1947, the Marshal of the Soviet Union R.Ya. Malinovsky commanded the troops of the Trans-Baikal-Amur Military District. From 1947 to 1953

The names of some are honored so far, the names of others are committed to oblivion. But all of them are united by the regimental talent.

the USSR

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich (1896-1974)

Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Take part in serious combat actions, Zhukov has happened shortly before the beginning of World War II. In the summer of 1939, the Soviet-Mongolian troops under his command defeated the Japanese group on the Khalkhin Gol River.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Zhukov was headed by the General Staff, but was soon sent to the existing army. In 1941 he was appointed to the most critical sections of the front. Looking for an order in the retreating army with the most rigid measures, he managed to prevent Leningrad taken by the Germans, and stop the fascists on Mozhaisk direction on the approaches to Moscow. And already in late 1941 - early 1942, Zhukov headed the counteroffensive near Moscow, throwing the Germans from the capital.

In 1942-43, Zhukov did not command separate fronts, and coordinated their actions as a representative of the Supreme Command and Stalingrad rate, and on the Kursk arc, and in the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad.

In early 1944, Zhukov accepted the command of the 1st Ukrainian front instead of a seriously wounded General Vatutin and headed by the Proskur-Chernivitsky offensive operation planned. As a result, Soviet troops liberated most of the right bank of Ukraine and went to the state border.

At the end of 1944, Zhukov headed the 1st Belarusian front and led the offensive on Berlin. In May 1945, Zhukov took unconditional surrender fascist GermanyAnd then - two parades of victory, in Moscow and in Berlin.

After the war, Zhukov turned out to be on the second roles, commanding various military districts. After coming to power Khrushchev, he became the Deputy Minister, and then headed the Ministry of Defense. But in 1957 he finally got into opal and was removed from all posts.

Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich (1896-1968)

Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Shortly before the start of the war, in 1937 Rokossovsky was repressed, but in 1940 he was released, at the request of Marshal Tymoshenko and restored in the previous position of the corps commander. In the first days of the Great Patriotic War, the part under the command of Rokossovsky turned out to be one of the few who managed to provide decent resistance to the advancing German troops. In the battle near Moscow, Rokossovsky's army defended one of the most complex directions, Volokolamskoye.

Returning to the system after a heavy injury received in 1942, Rokossovsky accepted the command to the Don Front, completed the defeat of the Germans near Stalingrad.

On the eve of the battle on the Kursk Dug Rokossovsky, contrary to the position of most military leaders, managed to convince Stalin, which is better not to start the offensive itself, but provoke an enemy on active actions. At accuracy, determining the direction of the main strike of the Germans, Rokossovsky before their occurrence undertakes massive art preparation, derived the enemy's impact forces.

The most famous colonical achievement in the Annals of Military Art was the operation to free the liberation of Belarus under the codenate name "Bagration", which actually destroyed the German "Center" armies.

Shortly before the decisive attack on Berlin, the command of the 1st Belarusian Front, to the disappointment of Rokossovsky, was transferred to Zhukov. He was assigned to command the troops of the 2nd Belarusian Front in East Prussia.

Rokossovsky possessed outstanding personal qualities and from all Soviet military leaders used the most popular in the army. After the war, Rokossovsky, Pole by origin, for a long time headed the Ministry of Defense of Poland, and then held the posts of Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR and the Chief Military Inspector. The day before the death, he finished writing his memoirs, called the "soldier's duty".

Konev Ivan Stepanovich (1897-1973)

Marshal of the Soviet Union.

In the fall of 1941, Konev was appointed commander of the Western Front. In this position he suffered one of the largest failures of the beginning of the war. Konev failed to achieve permission to take the troops on time, and, as a result, about 600,000 soviet soldiers And officers were surrounded by Bryansk and Yellow. From the Tribunal of the commander saved Zhukov.

In 1943, the troops of the steppe (subsequently 2nd Ukrainian) front under the command of Konev liberated Belgorod, Kharkov, Poltava, Kremenchug and forced Dnipro. But most of all he glorified Konyev Korsun-Shevchenskaya surgery, as a result of which the large grouping of German troops was surrounded.

In 1944, he was already as commander to the 1st Ukrainian Front, Konev was led by the Lviv-Sandomir operation in the West of Ukraine and the Southeast of Poland, which opened the way for further attack on Germany. The troops were distinguished under the command of Konev and Vorolo-Oder operation, and in the Battle of Berlin. During the latter, the rivalry was manifested between Koned and Zhukov - everyone wanted to take the German capital first. The tense relationship between Marshals persisted until the end of life. In May 1945, Konev led the elimination of the last major focus of the resistance of the fascists in Prague.

After the war, Konev was the chief committee of the land forces and the first commander of the United States of the countries of the Warsaw Treaty, commanded the troops in Hungary during the events of 1956.

Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich (1895-1977)

Marshal of the Soviet Union, Head of the General Staff.

At the post of head of the General Staff, which he held since 1942, Vasilevsky coordinated the actions of the front of the Red Army and participated in the development of all major operations of the Great Patriotic War. In particular, he belongs to the key role in planning a surgery surrounding German troops near Stalingrad.

At the end of the war, after the death of General Chernyakhovsky, Vasilevsky asked him to liberate him from the post of chief of the General Staff, took the place of the deceased and headed the assault of Konigsberg. In the summer of 1945, Vasilevsky was transferred to Far East And commanded the defeat of the Quartunist army of Japan.

After the war, Vasilevsky headed the General Staff, and then was the Minister of Defense of the USSR, but after the death of Stalin went to the shadow and occupied less than high positions.

Tolbukhin Fedor Ivanovich (1894-1949)

Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Tolbukhin served as Head of the Staff of the Transcaucasian District, and with its beginning - the Transcaucasian Front. Under his leadership, a sudden operation was developed for the introduction of Soviet troops in northern part Iran. Developed Tolbukhin and the operation on landing the Kerch landing, which was the result of the Crimea's liberation. However, after her successful, our troops could not develop success, suffered large losses, and Tolbukhin was removed from office.

Having distinguished himself as commander of the 57th Army in the battle near Stalingrad, Tolbukhin was appointed commander of the southern (subsequently 4th Ukrainian) front. Under his command, a significant part of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula were liberated. In 1944-45, when Tolbukhin has already commanded the 3rd Ukrainian front, he headed the troops at the liberation of Moldova, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, and finished the war in Austria. The Tolbukhin Sassene-Chiselian operation and led to the surrounding of the two-thousandth group of the German-Romanian troops, entered the Annals of Military Art (sometimes it is called "Yas-Chisinau Cannes).

After the war, Tolbukhin commanded the southern group of troops in Romania and Bulgaria, and then - the Transcaucasian Military District.

Vatutin Nikolai Fedorovich (1901-1944)

Soviet army general.

In the pre-war time, Vatutin held the position of Deputy Head of the General Staff, and with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War was directed to the North-West Front. In the area of \u200b\u200bNovgorod, under his leadership, several opposites were conducted, stirred by the promotion of the tank corps of the Manstein.

In 1942, Vatutin, who headed the South-West Front, was commanded by the Small Saturn operation, the purpose of which was to prevent Hergano-Italian-Romanian troops to help surrounded under the Stalingrad of the Paulus Army.

In 1943, Vatutin was headed by Voronezh (later the 1st Ukrainian) Front. He played a very important role in the battle on the Kursk arc and the liberation of Kharkov and Belgorod. But the most famous military operation of Vatutin was the forcing of the Dnieper and the liberation of Kiev and Zhytomyr, and then evenly. Together with the 2nd Konev front, the 1st Ukrainian Front Vatutina also conducted a Korsun-Shevchenkov operation.

At the end of February 1944, Vatutina car fell under the shelling of Ukrainian nationalists, and after a month and a half the commander died from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Great Britain

Montgomery Bernard Lowe (1887-1976)

British Feldmarshal.

Before the beginning of World War II, Montgomery was considered one of the most brave and talented British military commanders, but his promotion interfered with a sharp, serious character. Montgomery, who was physical endurance itself, pays great attention to the daily heavy training of the troops entrusted to him.

At the beginning of World War II, when the Germans defeated France, parts of Montgomery covered the evacuation of allies forces. In 1942, Montgomery became commander of British troops in North AfricaAnd I achieved a fracture on this plot of war, defeating the German-Italian grouping of troops in Egypt, in the battle of El Alameine. Her value was summarized Winston Churchill: "We did not know victories before the battle of Alameine. After her, we did not know defeats. " For this Battle of Montgomery received the title of Viscount Alameinsky. True, the opponent Montgomery, German Feldmarshal Rommel said that, having such resources as the British military leader, he would have won the whole Middle East for the month.

After that, Montgomery was broadcast in Europe, where it was supposed to act in close contact with the Americans. Here his failure to say: he entered into a conflict with the American commander Eisenhower, which had badly affected the interaction of troops and led to a number of relative military failures. Closer to the end of the war Montgomery successfully opposed german counteroffensive In Ardennes, and then spent several military operations in Northern Europe.

After the war, Montgomery served as the head of the British General Staff, and subsequently, the first deputy commander-in-chief of the United NATO forces in Europe.

Alexander Harold Rupert Leofric George (1891-1969)

British Feldmarshal.

At the beginning of World War II, Alexander led the evacuation of the British troops after capturing the Germans of France. Most of the personal composition succeeded, but almost all military equipment Got an enemy.

At the end of 1940, Alexander received a appointment in Southeast Asia. He failed to defend Burma, but he managed to block the Japanese way to India.

In 1943, Alexander was appointed commander-in-chief of the allies in North Africa. Under his leadership, a large German-Italian grouping was defeated in Tunisia, and this, by and large, completed the campaign in North Africa and opened the way to Italy. Alexander commanded landing union forces on Sicily, and then on the mainland of the country. At the end of the war, he served as the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces on the Mediterranean.

After the war, Alexander received the title of Count Tunisian, for some time was the Governor-General of Canada, and then Minister of Defense of Great Britain.


Eisenhawer Dwight David (1890-1969)

US Army General.

His childhood was held in the family, whose members were pacifists for religious reasons, but Eisenhuer chose a military career.

The beginning of World War II Eisenhuer met in a fairly modest rank of colonel. But his abilities were noticed by the head of the American General Staff by George Marshall, and soon Eisenhuer became the head of the Department of Operational Planning.

In 1942, Eisenhower was led by the Torch Operation on the Allied Plant in North Africa. In early 1943, he was defeated from Rommel in the battle for the kasserinian passage, but in the future superior English-American forces made a fracture in the North African campaign.

In 1944, Eisenhower carried out a general leadership of the landing of the Allied Troops in Normandy and the subsequent attack on Germany. At the end of the war, Eisenhuer became the creator of the infamous camps for the "disarmed forces of the enemy", did not fall under the Geneva Convention on the Rights of Prisoners, which actually became death camps for the German soldiers there.

After the war, Eisenhuer was the commander of NATO's troops, and then he was elected twice with US president.

MacArthur Douglas (1880-1964)

US Army General.

In his youth, Makatur did not want to take in military Academy "West Point" for health, but he achieved his own and, by completing the Academy, was recognized as her best graduate in history. He received the general title in the first world war.

In 1941-42, MacArthur led the defense of the Philippines from the Japanese troops. The enemy managed to capture the American parts by surprise and get a big advantage at the very beginning of the campaign. After losing the Philippines, he pronounced the famous phrase: "I did what I could, but I will come back."

After appointing the commander of the troops in the southwestern zone Pacific OceanMacArthur opposed the Japanese plans to invade Australia, and then spent successful offensive operations in New Guinea and in the Philippines.

On September 2, 1945, MacArthur, already being all the Armed Forces of the United States in the Pacific Ocean, on board the Lincard Missouri accepted the surrender of Japan, which put the end of World War II.

After World War II, MacArthur commanded the occupying forces in Japan, and then headed American troops in the Korean War. The landing for the American landing in Incheon has become a classic of military art. Called to China's nuclear bombardment and the invasion of this country, after which he was resigned.

Nimitz Chester William (1885-1966)

Admiral US Flot.

Until World War II, Nimitz was engaged in the design and combat training of the American underwater fleet and headed the navigation bureau. At the beginning of the war, after the catastrophe at the Pearl Harbor, Nimitz was appointed commander of the Pacific US Fleet. His task was to confront Japanese in close contact with General Makartur.

In 1942, the American fleet under the command of Nimitsa managed to apply the first serious defeat of the Midway atoll. And then, in 1943, to win the struggle for the most important is the island of Guadalkanal in the Solomon Islands archipelago. In 1944-45, the fleet headed by Nimitsa played a decisive role in the liberation of other Pacific archipelagments, and at the end of the war carried out landing of the landing in Japan. During the fighting, Nimitz used sudden tactics fast movement From the island to the island that called the "Frog jump".

The return of Nimitsa to his homeland was noted as a national holiday and got the name "Day of Nimitsa". After the war, he led the demobilization of troops, and then oversaw the creation of a nuclear submarine fleet. In the Nuremberg process, defended his German colleague Admiral Dennitsa, stating that he had used the same methods of underwater war, thanks to which Dennitz escaped the death sentence.


B side Teodore (1880-1945)

German General Feldmarshal.

Even before the beginning of World War II, the side of the side led the troops who carried out the Austry Anslus and invaded the Sudetening Region of Czechoslovakia. With the beginning of the war, he commanded the North Army Group during the war with Poland. In 1940, the background side led the seizure of Belgium and the Netherlands and the defeat of the French troops near Dunkirk. It was he who took the parade of German troops in Occupied Paris.

The background side objected to the attacks on the USSR, but when a decision was made about this, he headed the "Center" armies group, which carried out at the main direction. After the failure of the attack on Moscow, he was considered one of the main responsible for this failure of the German army. In 1942, he headed the South Army Group and successfully restrained the offensive of the Soviet troops to Kharkov.

The background side was extremely independent, repeatedly conflicted with Hitler and demonstratively held aside from politics. After in the summer of 1942, the background side spoke out against the decision of the Fuhrer to divide with the planned appearance of the South Army Group into 2 directions, Caucasian and Stalingrad, he was removed from the command and sent to the reserve. A few days before the end of the war, the side died during the airline.

Background Rundstedt Karl Rudolf Gerd (1875-1953)

German General Feldmarshal.

By the beginning of World War II, von Rundstedt, who occupied important command posts in the first world war, has already managed to resign. But in 1939, Hitler returned it to the army. Background Rundstedt became the main developer of the plan for Poland under the codenate name "Weiss", and during his implementation commanded the South Army Group. He then headed the Army Group "A", which has played a key role in the seizure of France, and also developed an unfulfilled plan for the attack on England "Sea Lion".

Von Rundstedt objected to the "Barbarossa" plan, but after deciding on the attack on the USSR, he headed the group of Army "South", who seized Kiev and others big cities in the south of the country. After the band Rundstedt, in order to avoid the environment, violated the order of the Fuhrer and took the troops from Rostov-on-Don, it was resigned.

However, next year, he was again called up to the army to become the commander-in-chief of Germanic armed Forces in the West. Its main task was to counter the possible landing of the allies. Having read the situation, von Rundstedt warned Hitler that the long defense would be impossible for the existing forces. At the decisive moment of landing in Normandy, June 6, 1944, Hitler canceled the edge of the Rund ash set about the transfer of troops, thereby misconding the time and allowing the opponent's opportunity to develop an offensive. Already at the end of the war, the von Rundstedt successfully opposed the landing of the landing of the Allies in Holland.

After the war, the von Rundstedt, thanks to the intercession of the British, managed to avoid the Nuremberg Tribunal, and participated in it only as a witness.

Von Manstein Erich (1887-1973)

German General Feldmarshal.

Manstein was considered one of the strongest strategists of the Wehrmacht. In 1939, he, being the head of the headquarters of the Army Group "A", played a key role in developing a successful invasion plan to France.

In 1941, Manstein was located as part of the North Army Group, who captured the Baltic States, and was preparing for the attack on Leningrad, but soon he was moved south. In 1941-42, the 11th Army under his command seized the Crimean Peninsula, and for the capture of Sevastopol, Manstein received the title of General Field Marshal.

Then Manstein commanded the Don Army Group and was trying unsuccessful to rescue the Army of Paulus from the Stalingrad boiler. Since 1943, he headed the South Army Group and the Soviet troops of a sensitive defeat near Kharkov, and then tried to prevent the forcing of the Dnieper. During the retreat of the troops of Manstein used the tactics of the "scorched land".

The victims defeat in the Korsun-Shevchenskaya battle, Manstein retreated, violating the order of Hitler. Thus, he saved the part of the army from the environment, but after that he was forced to resign.

After the war, he was convicted by the British tribunal for war crimes for 18 years, but in 1953 he was released, he worked as a military adviser to the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and wrote memoirs "Lost victories".

Guderian Heinz Wilhelm (1888-1954)

German Colonel-General Commander of Armored Troops.

Guderian is one of the main theoretics and practitioners of Blitzkrieg - a lightning war. A key role in it was given to the tank units that had to break through into the rear of the enemy and disabling command points and communications. Such tactic was considered an effective, but risky who created the danger to be cut off from the main forces.

In 1939-40, in military campaigns against Poland and France, the blitzkrieg tactics fully justified. Guderian was on top of glory: he received the rank of Colonel-General and High Awards. However, in 1941, in the war against the Soviet Union, this tactic has failed. The fault of this was like huge Russian spaces and a cold climate, in which the technique often refused to work and the readiness of the parts of the Red Army to withstand such a way of conducting war. Guderian's troop troops suffered large losses near Moscow and were forced to retreat. After that, he was sent to the reserve, and subsequently he served as a general inspector of tank troops.

After the Guderian war, who was not charged with war crimes, was quickly released and lived his age for writing memoirs.

Rommel Erwin Johann Ohiz (1891-1944)

German General Feldmarshal, who received the nickname "Fox Desert". It was distinguished by great independence and a tendency to risky attacking actions, even without the authorization of the command.

At the beginning of World War II, Rommel participated in the Polish and French campaigns, but its main successes are associated with military actions in North Africa. Rommel leaded African corpswho was initially attached to the help of Italian troops, tolerant of defeat from the British. Instead of strengthening the defense, as prescribed an order, Rommel with small forces went to the offensive and won important victories. Similarly, he acted in the future. Like Manstein, Rommel's main role assigned to rapid breakthroughs and maneuvering of tank troops. And only by the end of 1942, when the British and Americans in North Africa had a great advantage in alive strength and technology, Rommel's troops began to endure defeats. Subsequently, he fought in Italy and tried together with the background Runstedt, with whom he had serious disagreements, affecting the combat capability of the troops, stop the landing of the Allies in Normandy.

In the pre-war period, Yamamoto paid great attention to the construction of aircraft carriers and the creation of naval aviation, thanks to which the Japanese fleet became one of the strongest in the world. For a long time, Yamamoto lived in the United States and had the opportunity to study the army of the future opponent. On the eve of the beginning of the war, he warned the country's leadership: "In the first six - twelve months of war, I will demonstrate a continuous chain of victories. But if the confrontation will last two or three years, I have no confidence in the ultimate victory. "

Yamamoto planned and personally headed the Pearl Harbor Operation. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese airplanes took off from aircraft carriers defeated the American naval base of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and caused a huge damage of fleet and aviation of the United States. After that, Yamamoto won a number of victories in the central and southern parts of the Pacific Ocean. But on June 4, 1942, he suffered a serious defeat from the Allies at the Midway Atoll. It happened largely due to the fact that the Americans managed to decipher the codes of Japanese Navy and get all the information about the preparing operation. After that, the war, as was afraid of Yamamoto, took a protracted character.

Unlike many other Japanese generals, Yamasita after the surrender of Japan did not commit suicide, but surrendered to captivity. In 1946, he was executed on charges of war crimes. Its case became a legal precedent called the "Yamasita rule": according to him, the commander is responsible for the impetence of the war crimes subordinate.

Other countries

Background Mannerheim Karl Gustav Emil (1867-1951)

Finnish Marshal.

Before the revolution of 1917, when Finland was part of Russian EmpireMannerheim was an officer of the Russian army and was delivered to the title of Lieutenant General. On the eve of World War II, he, by the Chairman of the Finnish Defense Council, was engaged in strengthening the Finnish army. According to him, in particular, powerful defensive fortifications on the Karelian Isthmus, entered the history of Mannerheim, were erected.

When the Soviet-Finnish war began at the end of 1939, 72-year-old Mannerheim headed the army of the country. Under his command, Finnish troops restrained the offensive significantly superior in the number of Soviet divisions. As a result, Finland has retained independence, although the conditions of the world were very hard for her.

During World War II, when Finland was an allied of Hitler's Germany, Mannerheim showed the art of a political maneuver, by all the might evading active hostilities. And in 1944, Finland ruined the pact with Germany, and at the end of the war already fought against the Germans, coordinating the actions with the Red Army.

At the end of the war, Mannerheim was elected President of Finland, but in 1946 he left this post.

Tito Iosip Broz (1892-1980)

Marshal Yugoslavia.

Before the beginning of World War II, Tito was a figure of Yugoslav communist movement. After the attack of Germany to Yugoslavia, he was engaged in the organization of partisan detachments. First time, Titovs acted together with the remnants tsarist army and monarchists who called "the chunks". However, discrepancies with the latter over time became so strong that it came to military clashes.

Tito managed to organize scattered partisan detachments into a powerful partisan army in a quarter of a million fighters under the leadership of the main headquarters of the People's Liberation Partisan Squares of Yugoslavia. She used not only traditional for partisans of war methods, but also entered into open battles with fascist divisions. At the end of 1943, Tito was officially recognized by the Allied Leader of Yugoslavia. When the country is released, Tito army acted together with Soviet troops.

Soon after the war, Tito was headed by Yugoslavia and remained in power until death. Despite the socialist orientation, he conducted a fairly independent policy.

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August 31, 2014

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