Heroes are communists. Unrecognized heroes: communists demand that veteran status be given to all who deserve it

In the documents of the Abwehr, the formations being created received the designations of the Special Unit "Nachtigall" and the Special Unit "Roland", in the documents and historiography of the OUN (b) they are known as ("Group North" and "Group South", respectively) or "Ukrainian Legion named after Stepan Bandera" ... Officially, the creation of battalions was authorized on February 25, 1941 by order of Admiral Canaris.

In Ukraine, there is an opinion that Ukrainian nationalists fought for an independent Ukraine against Soviet Union and against fascist Germany... This is exactly the case when the territory of facts is replaced by the territory of not even interpretations, but outright lies. About this - this material former minister education and science, youth and sports of Ukraine, doctor historical sciences Dmitry Tabachnik.

By the time the ROA was created, the Hitlerite special services and the Wehrmacht command already had significant experience in the formation and use of collaborationist military and police units in the war against the USSR, based on the cadres of Ukrainian nationalists. When organizing the Vlasov formations, the experience they gained was widely used in the military, sabotage and reconnaissance, repressive, punitive and propaganda spheres. Proceeding from this, the study of the history of the formations of Ukrainian nationalists created by the Germans in 1941 will make it possible to better understand the motives that guided the command of the Wehrmacht and the SS in relation to the Vlasov collaborators.

The largest units created by the Abwehr even before the start of the war with the USSR are battalions "Nachtigall" and "Roland"- special sabotage and reconnaissance units, consisting of members of the Bandera OUN.

In February 1941, the OUN (b) intelligence and communications officer Richard Yary began negotiations with representatives of the Abwehr on the training of several hundred Bandera militants. The outcome of negotiations with participation Stepan Bandera, the head of the Abwehr Admiral Wilhelm Canaris and Commander of the Land Forces of the Wehrmacht Field Marshal Walter von Brauchitsch was an agreement on the training of 800 privates and commanders for operations in the rear of the Red Army after the outbreak of hostilities. In the documents of the Abwehr, the formations being created received the designations of the Special Unit "Nachtigall" and the Special Unit "Roland", in the documents and historiography of the OUN (b) they are known as Guards of Ukrainian Nationalists("North group" and "South group" respectively) or " Ukrainian Legion named after Stepan Bandera". Officially, the creation of battalions was authorized on February 25 by order of Admiral Canaris.

The recruitment of personnel was carried out in Krakow, where the cadets underwent basic training and was carried out by the Abwehr according to the instructions of the authorized OUN (b). Specialized training took place in camps on the territory of occupied Poland and Germany, where initially those who were supposed to undergo enhanced sabotage and reconnaissance training were sent. There, cadets were trained in mine work, sabotage in transport and communication lines, and techniques for carrying out terrorist attacks. After training in the camps, the main body of "Nachtigal" was transferred to Brandenburg, where training began in joint actions with the 1st battalion of the special sabotage and reconnaissance regiment of the Abwehr "Brandenburg-800". Commander of the 1st battalion of the Brandenburg-800 regiment, Major Friedrich Heinz provided general leadership, chief lieutenant Hans-Albrecht Gerzner was the German commander of the Nachtigal, the Ukrainian commander of the OUN (b) Roman Shukhevych, coordination between the German command and the OUN (b) lay on the chief lieutenant Theodore Oberlander. It should be noted that Shukhevych, not being a citizen of Germany and contrary to the Nuremberg racial laws, thanks to Canaris immediately received the title of Hauptmann, which was a unique decision in the history of the Wehrmacht and showed the importance attached by the German command to the use of Ukrainian nationalists.

By the beginning of the summer of 1941, "Nachtigall" was trained in the technique of conducting sabotage and reconnaissance work, manned by the German command staff and received the standard Wehrmacht uniform. In turn, the Ukrainian commanders of "Roland" were first Richard Yary, and then Evgen Pobigushchy, who also received the rank of Hauptmann.

The sabotage groups that graduated from training by the end of May " Nachtigal Were transferred to Soviet territory by mid-June. They were assigned the tasks of mining military installations, sabotaging transport and communication lines, and carrying out terrorist acts against the command staff of the Red Army. The main part of the battalion, which was under the operational control of the command of the 1st battalion of the Brandenburg-800 regiment, was transferred to the line of attack in the Przemysl region by 21 June. He was to carry out sabotage operations in the forward echelon of Army Group South. On June 22, at 3 o'clock in the morning, the 1st battalion and "Nachtigal" crossed the border on the San River and began to advance towards Lvov. However, with the exception of the previously abandoned sabotage groups, the battalion performed mainly purely punitive functions - it destroyed everyone suspected of disloyalty to the OUN (b), the families of the Red Army soldiers who had not managed to evacuate, the specialists of the national economy sent from the East of Ukraine, Jewish and, to a large extent, Polish population.

June 29, immediately after the entry of "Nachtigal" into Lviv, he organized the destruction of the Polish intelligentsia, including 38 professors of the Lviv University.Destruction lists were compiled in advance and differed in detail, up to the presence of the home addresses of future victims and their relatives. Also, on the personal instructions of Shukhevych, massacres Jews and everyone suspected of having a negative attitude towards Ukrainian nationalism. The total number of victims varies, according to various estimates, from 3 to 4 thousand. In the end, the killings reached such an unplanned scale by the Germans that the German command considered it necessary in 10 days to relocate "Nachtigall" to Ternopil, from where it began to move along the route Proskurov-Zhmerynka-Vinnitsa ... As before, the “Nachtigall” practically did not perform sabotage and reconnaissance functions and was actually used as an Einsatzgroup. Along the route, the Nakhtigalevites carried out punitive actions, including the total extermination of the Jewish population.

« Roland»Acted on the southern section of the front, on the Romanian border. Due to the less successful advance of the German-Romanian troops, he came to the territory of the Ukrainian SSR only in July 1941 and did not engage in sabotage and reconnaissance work at all. During the advance to Odessa, the battalion, like "Nachtigall", performed exclusively punitive functions.while also carrying out the mass extermination of the Jewish population. In October, "Roland" was in the city of Balta, Odessa region, where he shot the remaining Jews and a significant part of the civilian population of other nationalities.

At the end of October, both battalions were transferred to Frankfurt an der Oder, where training began for their personnel to carry out security police functions and counter-guerrilla warfare. In November 1941, "Nachtigall" and "Roland" were reorganized into the 201st Schutzmannschaft Battalion, the first of the seven later formed Ukrainian Schutzmannschaft Battalions.The motives for the actions of the German command, which led to the disbandment of the special forces and their transfer from the subordination of the Abwehr to the SS Reichsfuehrer Himmler, are quite obvious. "Nachtigall" and "Roland" did not live up to the expectations of the Wehrmacht command in sabotage and reconnaissance work, but showed the ability to perform the functions of the Einsatzgruppen.

On November 25, the battalion personnel began to conclude individual service contracts for a period of 1 year - from December 1, 1941 to December 1, 1942. After training, about 700 soldiers and 22 officers of four companies of the 201st Schutzmanschaft Battalion were transferred to Belarus, where the battalion became subordinate to the SS Obergruppenfuehrer, general of the SS troops and the police Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski - Chief of Police of the Central Russia sector. The battalion was led by the Hauptmann Evgen the Winning, and his deputy and commander of one of the companies became Roman Shukhevych. In the spring-winter of 1942, the battalion took part in actions against partisans and punitive operations on the territory of Belarus... On September 29, the battalion suffered the greatest losses - 27 soldiers and officers.

During the 9 months of its stay in Belarus, the 201st Schutzmanschaft Battalion lost 49 people killed and 40 wounded, destroying, according to its own data, more than 2,000 partisans. However, according to the available archival documents partisan movement During this period, the partisans in the battalion's zone of operations suffered significantly less losses, and there is no doubt that the overwhelming majority of the so-called “destroyed partisans” are civilians. Among other war crimes in the area of ​​its operations, the battalion completely destroyed the Jewish population. For successes in the fight against partisans, officers of the battalion Brilinsky, Maly and Gertsyk were awarded medals, and the entire personnel of the battalion were awarded the badge "For the fight against partisans"... When parting with the personnel, General Bach-Zelewski emphasized that the battalion was the best among the subordinate units to cope with the partisans.

After the expiration of the contract, the battalion was transferred to Lviv from December 5, 1942 to January 14, 1943. In future, all those who served in it took up command positions in the division SS "Galicia" and UPA ... So, Beating became in 1944 the commander of the 1st battalion of the 29th grenadier regiment of the SS "Galicia" division and received the rank of SS Sturmbannführer, and Shukhevych headed the UPA, created with the assistance of the Abwehr.

Also among the Ukrainian collaborationist formations it should be noted the so-called "kureni" - units of the Ukrainian auxiliary police, which later became the basis for the formations of the Schutzmannschaft battalions... The first, at the beginning of August 1941, was the Bukovynsky kuren. Kuren was formed by agreement of the head of the OUN (m) Andrey Melnik with the command of the Wehrmacht, which allocated funding and weapons. A Melnikovite was appointed commander of Bukovynsky kuren Peter Voinovsky, who later headed the Schutzmannschaft Battalion and was promoted to SS Sturmbannführer. Kuren joined the so-called "marching groups" of the OUN (m), sent with the sanction of the German command to the occupied territories of Ukraine to organize the bodies of the collaborationist administration and the police. The "marching groups" operated under the leadership of prominent nationalists Omelyana Senika and Mykoly Stsiborsky, and after their murder on August 30 in Zhitomir by Bandera - Olesya Kandyby-Olzhich and Zybachinsky.
Bukovina kuren was also considered as a reserve of leading personnel for the collaborationist administration, which was subsequently implemented. A significant part of the command staff of the kuren took leadership positions in it - for example, a company commander Orest Masikevich became burgomaster of Nikolaev.

In August, the kuren carried out the extermination of the Jewish population and Soviet prisoners of war on the territory of Bukovina. In September, the Bukovyns arrived in Kiev, where they carried out executions in Babi Yar, including the mass extermination of Jews on September 29-30, during which more than 33 thousand civilians were killed. Together with the Bukovinians, Kievsky kuren, a unit of the Ukrainian auxiliary police created in September under the command of a Melnikovite, took part in the executions in Babi Yar. Peter Zakhvalynsky.

In November, Bukovynsky and Kievsky kurens were disbanded, and on their basis the Kiev auxiliary police under the command of Zakhvalynsky, as well as the 115th and 118th Schutzmanschaft battalions, were created. These battalions of the security police were sent by the German command to carry out punitive operations in Belarus, where they distinguished themselves with particular cruelty even in comparison with the German Einsatzgruppen. So, it was the 118th schutzmanschaft battalion of Ukrainian nationalists who destroyed the village Khatyn together with all the inhabitants.

In conclusion, the following should be noted - nationalist collaborationism by the Ukrainian leadership is not only not condemned, but is presented as a model of patriotism. It is symbolic that by presidential decree Shukhevych was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine. This decision, like the praise of other nationalist collaborators, including "Nakhtigal", "Bukovynsky kurenya", SS division "Galicia", UPA - cannot be an internal affair of Ukraine. This is not a local internal political phenomenon. For the first time since 1945, at the highest state level, an attempt is being made to revise the results of World War II and, not only to rehabilitate, but also to glorify the SS criminal organization, crimes against humanity and the criminal ideology of national totalitarianism in general. Their criminality is legally established - by decisions of the Nuremberg International Tribunal, which are an integral part of the current system international law... This is the first time Europe has faced such a challenge and there is no doubt that the answer should be based not on emotions, but on the provisions of international law.

The fact that the semi-official media and historians constantly refer to the alleged rehabilitation of Vlasov in Russia makes the actions of the Ukrainian authorities especially cynical. At the same time, it is silent that only marginal organizations and politicians are trying to rehabilitate Vlasovism, which immediately receives the due assessment of the authorities. state power and indicative in this regard is the creation of a commission under the President of Russia to counter attempts to falsify history. At the same time, in Ukraine we are talking about a consistent public policy"Collaborationist reconquest", and the conferment of the title of Hero of Ukraine to criminals against humanity, the construction of memorials to SS men and executioners of the OUN-UPA are tools for creating a totalitarian system with Russophobic, anti-Semitic and anti-Orthodox components unchanged since the Second World War.
Based on materials Russian Institute strategic research, Segodnya.ru 2010 r.
Created by the Germans, acting under the leadership of the Germans, in the interests of the Germans, side-by-side with the Germans, the units can be called fighters for the independence of Ukraine only in present-day Ukraine, where the heirs - direct and spiritual - of Shukhevych, Bandera and other fascist scum are in power.
In the previous:
- German historians: "There is no documentary evidence in the archives of Germany about the military operations of the OUN-UPA units against the units of the Nazi army."
= =

72 years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War, and many war veterans did not receive a fair attitude from the authorities. This problem was faced by a part of the veterans in those regions of the USSR who worked during the war years within the rear borders of the active fronts, at the facilities of the local air defense, construction of defensive structures, airfields and other military facilities.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaimed Russia a social state, that is, the legislation consolidated the main thing in its activities: social policy and social protection of a person. The social state is understood as a state based on justice. War veterans are a special object of application of the efforts of the welfare state.

A legislative act that forms the basis of the system of social support for veterans in Russian Federation, is currently the Federal Law "On Veterans" of January 12, 1995 №5-FZ.

Federal law establishes two main criteria for classifying citizens as veterans of the Great Patriotic War:

1) participation in hostilities to defend the Fatherland or to provide military units of the active army in areas of hostilities;

2) passing military service or work in the rear during the Great Patriotic War for at least 6 months, excluding the period of work in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR.

If a person is awarded medals or orders of the USSR for service and independent work during the Great Patriotic War, then this person is recognized as a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, regardless of the length of service, work in the rear during the war.

Unfortunately, when establishing legal guarantees of social protection for veterans of the Russian Federation, there are cases of incorrect determination of the status of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, that is, an understatement of status, which deprives people of a well-deserved social measure.

When determining the status of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, if he worked in the rear at an enterprise, plant, it is very difficult to prove by documents the belonging of these industrial facilities to military facilities, because the current legislation does not contain the concept of a “military object”. The Great Patriotic War veteran certificate is issued on the basis of documents confirming the fact of work within the rear borders of active fronts, operational zones of active fronts, at air defense facilities, on the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities, and certificates from archival institutions on the timing of the location of the corresponding military facility, within the rear borders of operating fronts, operational zones of operating fleets, on the front-line sections of railways and highways.

And now a little about military objects, concepts, types.

On 10/04/1932, the Council of People's Commissars approved the Statute on the Air Defense of the USSR, according to which the local air defense was separated into an independent component part the entire air defense system of the Soviet state.

Militarily and economically important enterprises are called air defense facilities.

All city enterprises in the threatened zone were targets of local air defense. In this regard, the draft law proposes to supplement subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Veterans" dated 01/12/1995 No. 5-FZ with the definition of a "military object" in accordance with the norms of international law, location, purpose or use makes an effective contribution to military action and destruction, the capture or neutralization of which, under the existing circumstances, gives a clear military advantage. "

The adoption of the bill will further contribute to the observance of the interests of war veterans, to determine the correct legal status, allowing full use of the system of social support for veterans in the Russian Federation.

I would like to show by the concrete example of the Saratov region that this law must be adopted. From September 9, 1942 to March 1943, at least 150 thousand Saratov residents worked at local air defense facilities and on the construction of defensive structures within the rear borders of the active fronts.

If we analyze the official figures of the Social Passport of the Saratov Region for 2005–2012, then we come to a disappointing conclusion. According to the Ministry of Social Development of the Saratov Region, there were 3 people on the list of persons who worked at the objects of air defense, local air defense, on the construction of defensive structures within the rear borders of the active fronts in 2012, of which one lived in the city of Saratov.

Such a meager number of war veterans in the Saratov region with the status of nn. 2 p. 1 art. 2 of the Law "On Veterans" says only one thing, that they were all conducted as war veterans with the status of clauses 4, clause 1, article 2, i.e. like home front workers. So, once again, local officials took away the social protection measures they were entitled to from the honored people who gave everything for Victory.

I will give just one example, as one of the veterans of the plant, a non-transportable disabled person of the second group, E.P. Fedotova did everything to protect her constitutional right, and what came of it. From September 2013 to February 2014, all the offices of officials were passed in search of justice, ranging from the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Saratov Region to social issues and ending with the ombudsman for human rights in the Saratov region, but everywhere there was one answer - solve your problem in court. In April 2014, the Prosecutor of the Leninsky District tried to defend the constitutional right of a war veteran entitled to the status of a war veteran under clause 2, clause 1, article 2, but the court of first instance refused to recognize the veteran's rights ( decision of April 15, 2014 No. 2-920 / 14).

A verbatim quote from the decision of the court of first instance “... the court comes to the conclusion that although the 292 Saratov State Aviation Plant No. 292 was a military facility located within the rear borders of the existing Don Front, however, Ye.P. Fedotova. was not involved in its construction or the construction of other defensive structures ”. With such inner convictions of the judges, they will never assign the status of veterans to those people who forged us Victory.

To date, Saratov judges have blocked all attempts to defend the honor and dignity of war veterans. The decisions and appellate rulings of the courts are contrary to common sense and confuse both experts and legal professionals. The result of the litigation was a heart attack and the death of a veteran who did not manage to defend his constitutional right. Can this be called the murder of a veteran? This question must be answered by the conscience of those who passed this verdict!

Fortunately, there are others court decisions by which justice is restored. For example, the Moscow City Court found the prosecutor of the Northern administrative district and ordered the defendant (department of social protection) to establish the status of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War under Art. 19, not Art. 20 (appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court dated October 16, 2012 in case No. 11-22627).

But we, according to the same law, have 2 court decisions, absolutely contradicting each other. Using the example of two war veterans who have the same destiny, but live in different statuses of the Russian Federation (Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation, Saratov is a regional city, but during the war both cities were frontline cities), in violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the judges make diametrically opposite decisions. This means that you and I, dear deputies, did not work out the legislation so that the judge would open the code, look at the article and say: you are a participant in the war and receive appropriate benefits. Since there is a contradiction, then this is our flaw. I propose to amend the legislation so that the interpretation is unambiguous.

It should be added that the law was not passed. 92 people voted for its adoption (the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and "Fair Russia"), against - 2 (United Russia members Kuzmin and Gribov), 1 abstained. 355 people (in the overwhelming majority, of course, United Russia) did not vote.

WITH okolov Boris Innokentyevich - operative of the Special Department of the KGB of the USSR for the 108th motorcycle rifle division 40th Army of the Turkestan Military District (Limited contingent of Soviet troops in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan), captain.

Born October 19, 1953 in the capital of Buryatia - the city of Ulan-Ude in the family of an employee. Russian. Member of the CPSU since 1977. Graduated from 10th grade, Irkutsk Aviation College. He worked at an engineering plant.

IN Soviet army from May 1973 - called up to conscript service to the Trans-Baikal Military District. From the troops entered the military school... In 1979 he graduated from the Kazan Higher Military Engineering School. He served in the engineering units of the Leningrad Military District.

Since August 1981 - in the KGB of the USSR. He graduated from the Higher courses of military counterintelligence of the KGB of the USSR in Novosibirsk in 1982. He served in the Special Departments of the KGB in parts of the Leningrad Military District.

Since December 1983, for two and a half years, Boris Sokolov served with a limited contingent of Soviet troops in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan as an operative in the KGB Special Department for the 108th Motorized Rifle Division. Participated in 64 military operations with a total duration of 269 days. In the battles he was twice shell-shocked and was wounded by shrapnel. He remained in Afghanistan until the end of the trip, even after being awarded the title of Hero, giving up the right to early leave for the Union.

Have by the Kazak of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of December 10, 1985 for the courage and heroism shown in the provision of international assistance to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan to the captain Sokolov Boris Innokentievich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 11536).

In 1986-1991, he served in a special department of the USSR State Security Committee for the Moscow Military District. Since 1992, he served in the military counterintelligence agencies of the Ministry of Security and the Federal Grid Company of Russia, then in the Office of Economic Counterintelligence - Department economic security Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. He headed the representative office of the FSB of Russia in one of the foreign countries.

Major General. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Star, medals.

Biography supplemented by Anton Bocharov
(Koltsovo village, Novosibirsk region)


Afghanistan left a tragic mark on the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Soviet people. The time has come to tell about the fact that army chekists took part in this difficult war alongside soldiers and officers in all military affairs. Military counterintelligence officers who performed their duty to ensure the safety of a limited contingent of Soviet troops went through the harsh school of Afghanistan shoulder to shoulder with the soldiers.

One of them is Boris Sokolov. His Afghan everyday life was not much different from the everyday life of hundreds of other military counterintelligence officers who deserved the good memory of everyone with whom fate brought them on the dangerous roads of Afghanistan. They exposed and suppressed many terrorist acts of espionage and sabotage of the rebels and their Western patrons against the Soviet troops, released from captivity dozens of servicemen of the Soviet Army.

From the presentation of Captain Boris Innokentievich Sokolov for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union:

“He took part in 64 operations with a total duration of 269 days. During the operations he showed courage, courage and courage.

In combat conditions, the business qualities of an officer are at a glance, and even more so for him as a Chekist. So it was on that March day in 1984, when, when Soviet soldiers were boarding helicopters, they came under heavy fire from the gang. Sokolov and the chief of staff, Major Yakushev, managed to organize an effective defense, ensuring the landing of soldiers in combat vehicles. And the last to leave the battle.

In a war, it is difficult to separate the life of an Aramaic counterintelligence officer from the everyday life of other Soviet officers. Only, perhaps, it is a little more difficult for the counterintelligence officer, because he also has his own, KGB tasks. However, the enemy does not make discounts on this.

In January 1984, Sokolov and senior lieutenant A. Golovin seized important documents containing information about the involvement of Western special services in large hostile actions against Afghanistan, lists of agents of the rebels. The price for this is a terrible battle, in which Boris also took part.

More than once the communist Sokolov had to take command in critical combat situations. This happened in February 1984, when Boris, shell-shocked, still managed to lead the unit and withdraw it from the battle with minimal losses.

And one more, perhaps the most significant stroke in the combat biography of Boris Sokolov. The Chekist unit in which he served was actively engaged in the release of captured Soviet servicemen. This work, always associated with mortal risk, required from military counterintelligence officers great personal courage and readiness for self-sacrifice: one had to have tremendous self-control and courage to go unarmed to the camps of spooks and negotiate with them at gunpoint. Many Soviet servicemen were then helped by them to return to their mothers.

Until recently, Boris Sokolov was one of those heroes who could not be written about. Now, as you can see, they write about this, and even in posters.

Three communists, three rank-and-file soldiers great army Bolshevism - Soviet soldiers Ivan Gerasimenko, Alexander Krasikov and Leonty Cheremnov- in the fight against the German fascist invaders they performed an immortal feat that made their names the pride of the Lenin-Stalin party.

This happened during the offensive of our units in the area of ​​the Volkhov River. A platoon of junior lieutenant Polonsky, having the task of scouting the enemy's fire system, infiltrated to the front edge of his defense and started a battle. In the midst of the battle, machine guns from two bunkers suddenly hit the soldiers from the flank.

As soon as the soldiers were confused, lay in indecision - and everything would have perished. But the communists Gerasimenko, Krasikov and Cheremnov instantly, without waiting for an order, rushed forward. They ran to the bunkers, destroyed the Germans with grenades and began to pull out Nazi machine guns through the embrasures. The heroes apparently wanted to shoot the Germans from German weapons. But the situation prevented them from completing their bold plan.

Taking advantage of the success of Gerasimenko, Krasikov and Cheremnov, the platoon rushed further and came under the crossfire of three other bunkers, who had been silent before. Three communists saw that their comrades-in-arms were in mortal danger. At the same moment, at the command of Gerasimenko, they rushed one by one to the bunkers.

They no longer had grenades, they weren’t tired of arming themselves with machine guns. It seemed that this time they were powerless to help their comrades in any way. It seemed that a few more minutes would pass - and the German machine guns would mow down the entire platoon. It was an unheard-of and unequal duel: three fighters against three fortified firing points. But these fighters were communists - and the victory remained with them.

Gerasimenko, Krasikov and Cheremnov did not have grenades, but their souls burned selfless love for their homeland, sacred hatred for the enemy. They did not have machine guns, but their will to win was unyielding, their determination to carry out a combat order, to strike the enemy was adamant. They had neither grenades nor machine guns, but they had bodies in which the hot hearts of the Bolsheviks beat - and with their bodies, like armor, they covered their comrades.

Without saying a word, without a command, three communists rushed to the embrasures, from which machine-gun fire was bursting, and pressed against them. The machine guns drowned in the blood of the heroes and fell silent in powerlessness. The rest of the fighters rushed on, destroying the enemy.

This is how the communists fight. This is how the sons of the great party of Lenin-Stalin defend their homeland.

The immortal feat of Ivan Gerasimenko, Alexander Krasikov and Leonty Cheremnov with tremendous power reveals to the people, to the Red Army, all the greatness and all the immense might of our native Bolshevik party. Communists, they were created by the party in its image and likeness - and this is, first of all, the sources of their heroism, this is the explanation of their feat.

This is the party of Lenin-Stalin, for which there is nothing higher than the welfare of the people, the happiness of the people, fosters in our people a willingness to devote to the cause of the people "all their strength, all their abilities and, if necessary, all their blood, drop by drop" (Stalin).

This is the party of Lenin-Stalin, which led the people through all trials and difficulties to victory on the barricades of October, in civil war, created a great Soviet state and a mighty Red Army, fosters fearlessness, perseverance and an iron will to victory in our people.

This is the party of Lenin-Stalin, which in the days of the Patriotic War against the German-fascist invaders took on the main burden of the struggle and sent its best sons into the ranks to organize victory, educates our people as heroes capable of conquering even death.

The communists Gerasimenko, Krasikov and Cheremnov believed and knew that the decisive victory would be ours, that our just cause would win, and the enemy would be defeated. But for them it was also clear that victory never comes by itself, that the path to it is winding, full of obstacles and difficulties, and only he will reach its shining peaks, who, not fearing dangers, not stopping before difficulties, persistently, in spite of everything, moves forward and forward. It was obvious to them that the conquest of victory requires the exertion of all forces, up to the readiness for self-sacrifice. And when it was necessary, Gerasimenko, Krasikov and Cheremnov, fearlessly, not knowing doubts and fear, went to their deaths in the name of victory - and

The greatest courage and noble self-sacrifice of the three communists cleared the way for their part. Polonsky's platoon fought for an hour and a half against the Nazis and brutally avenged the death of the heroes. Fighting friends Gerasimenko, Krasikov and Cheremnov destroyed 55 in an unequal battle German soldiers and officers and destroyed about a dozen bunkers. The information obtained by this reconnaissance in force made it possible to break down the enemy's resistance in this sector as soon as possible. Our troops, pursuing and exterminating the Germans, paused for a minute at the graves of three communists and went even faster forward to Leningrad to help out the great city of Lenin - and this was the best tribute to the blessed memory of the unforgettable soldiers.

The communists Gerasimenko, Krasikov and Cheremnov are no longer in our fighting ranks. But thousands and hundreds of thousands of other communists, educated by the party, are still alive. Hundreds and thousands of non-party fighters are replacing the fallen heroes in the ranks of the party. This is the immortality of the three communist heroes. This is the immortality of our party, the guarantee of our victory.



On February 14, Krasnaya Zvezda wrote about the immortal feat of three communists - Ivan Gerasimenko, Alexander Krasilov and Leonty Cheremnov. In a difficult moment, when the outcome of the entire battle was hanging by a thread, in order to save the situation, they closed the embrasures of three enemy bunkers with their bodies.

Who are they, these fearless and selfless warriors?

The squad leader Ivan Savvich Gerasimenko came to the Red Army from the steppes of Ukraine - there, on the generous black earth of the Dnieper region, under the hot Ukrainian sun, his native village Znamenka stretches. He loved his homeland and selflessly worked at the machine, multiplying its wealth. He saw the mighty, creative force of the Communist Party, which turned Ukraine into a flourishing country of abundance and popular happiness. And Gerasimenko wanted to become a part of this great power - he joined the ranks of the communists.

When the Great Patriotic War began, the communist Gerasimenko came out with arms to defend his homeland. The Party tempered his will and taught him to despise death. In battles, he was always ahead, as befits a communist.

Here is what is said in the combat characteristics of Ivan Savvich Gerasimenko:

“Being in the unit since September 1941, Comrade Gerasimenko proved to be a disciplined junior commander. As an agitator in the department, he worked with the fighters every day.

In the night battle from 18 to 19 January at the Kirillov Monastery, Comrade. Gerasimenko I.S. showed courage and courage. Before the battle comrade. I. Gerasimenko promised that he would bring the "language", and he fulfilled his promise. Risking his life and making self-sacrifice, he completed the task. He brought in a "tongue", stabbing and shooting seven fascists. "

This combat characteristic was given to Ivan Savich when he was admitted from candidates for party members. He had such a high opinion of the title of Party member that, having already accomplished an outstanding feat, he was sincerely convinced that all his merits were not enough to justify the high title of Party member. Having vowed "to carry out all the combat missions assigned to me," he modestly wrote further in his statement: "Please do not refuse my request!"

And, of course, he was not refused! On January 24, 1942, his application was examined at a party meeting, and Sergeant Ivan Savvich Gerasimenko became a member of the Communist Party.

At the same meeting, the applications for the entry into candidates of the Red Army soldiers Leonty Cheremnov and Alexander Krasilov were discussed.

Cheremnov wrote in his statement: “Please accept me as a candidate for the CPSU (b). I will honorably bear the title of the party candidate. I will do my best to exterminate the fascists. "

Battalion commissar Grachev, recommending Leonty Cheremnov to the party, wrote: “Comrade. L. A. Cheremnov showed exceptional courage in hand-to-hand combat with the German fascists. " These short, stingy words characterize Cheremnov enough. A tightly tailored Siberian, he devoted all his strength to the fight against the enemies of his fatherland.

I really liked this brave and strong fighter. Ivan Savich Gerasimenko, who immediately at the party meeting looked closely at every communist, evaluating with his stern glance who is worth what. Ivan Savich also liked another Siberian, Alexander Krasilov, who was accepted as a candidate at the same meeting.

The secretary of the party bureau read out loudly, the combat characteristic of Krasilov: “In the battles against the German fascists he proved himself as a fearless, courageous fighter. Participated in the blocking of one enemy strongpoint. By his example, he drew his comrades forward. He enjoys good authority. "

During the break, Ivan Savvich approached the newly admitted communists and got into a conversation. The Siberians looked at the sergeant with respect, although he was ten years younger than them. They also found a common
topic. Ivan Savvich's wife moved to the east and worked at the evacuated Moscow plant.

She entered a laborer, but she worked for only 8 days and immediately she was transferred to the machine, - said Ivan Savvich.

He writes that as soon as the war ends, we, they say, will go to Moscow and live in our capital ...

This is how the three talked about the closest to them and somehow immediately became friends, liked each other. Everything was clear in their simple working life before the war, they had only one joy - to do their job well, beautifully, soundly. And here, on the fields of the Patriotic War, they met as old acquaintances. It was no coincidence that in the last battle for them, these three fearless were ahead of everyone else. It is no coincidence that when death loomed over the entire platoon, these three communists, without saying a word, without a command, obeying one command of the heart, rushed straight to the enemy embrasures to close them with their bodies.

Death is easy when a bullet strikes suddenly, when you do not see it, you do not expect it. But what strength do you need to have in order to run towards your inevitable death? Feel like you last time running through your native land, that you see this low winter sky and the roofs of a Russian village covered with snow for the last time, you hear a human voice for the last time ...

All this was felt and realized by the three fearless, and yet they ran towards the machine-gun bursts. The victory over the hated enemy was for them dearer than life... Against the background of the snowy field, their figures were clearly visible to the German machine gunners. Promptly advancing, these figures grew in size, blocking the battlefield. German machine gunners fired at them, almost without aiming, from the confusion that seized them - they had never seen such courage and contempt for death, Suddenly something dark tightly closed the embrasures in one bunker, in another, in a third. And the German machine gunners realized that they were defeated by a mighty and unknown force of self-sacrifice.

… In silence winter day in front of the destroyed bunkers, bare their heads, were soldiers of the Red Army, shocked by the greatness of the feat of the three communists. And they, leaning against the embrasures, lay in identical positions, clutching the barrels of machine guns with their frozen hands forever, and all the snow around was scarlet, as if illuminated by the rising sun.

Political instructor L. VILKOMIR.
(By telegraph).

This article contains statistics on the Heroes of the Soviet Union. The main attention is paid to the pre-war period and the period of WW2. This does not include statistics on the cosmonaut pilots and Heroes of the USSR awarded this title after WW2.

In August 1933 the steamer Chelyuskin set out on a voyage with an Arctic expedition on board. On February 13, 1934, at 3.30 pm, the Chelyuskin, crushed by the ice, sank. 111 people remained on the ice.

In the difficult conditions of the polar winter, with a huge risk to life, Soviet pilots tracked down and rescued the destitute polar explorers. On April 13, the rescue pilots received a telegram from the leaders of the Communist Party and the Soviet government: “We are delighted with your heroic work to save the Chelyuskin people. We are proud of your victory over the forces of the elements. We are glad that you justified the best hopes of the country and turned out to be worthy sons of our homeland ... We enter the petition to the Central Executive committee USSR:

1.About establishment the highest degree distinction associated with the manifestation of heroic deeds - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union ... "This telegram was published in the most widespread newspaper" Pravda ", 1934, April 17.

On April 20, 1934, the first Resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR was issued on conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On June 19, 1934, in the Kremlin, Mikhail Kalinin presented seven pilots with the country's highest award - the Order of Lenin and a special diploma of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. After the establishment of the Gold Star medal in August 1939, medal No. 1 was awarded to A.V. Lyapidevsky.

Heroes of the Soviet Union, awarded this title for deeds performed in the pre-war years


Rescuing people, testing new technology, developing the Arctic When defending the borders of the USSR When performing an international duty Total
Total people 45/1 438/1 143/3 625*/5
communists 28/1 293/1 118/3 439/5
Komsomol members 4 86 20 110
russians 37/1 303 106/1 446/2
Ukrainians 3 90/1 20 113/1
Belarusians - 13 7/1 20/1
other nationalities 5 32 10/1 47**/1
up to 20 years - 3 - 3
up to 25 years 1 132 25 158
up to 30 years old 13 132 64/2 209/2
up to 40 years (incl.) 28 153/1 53/1 234/2
over 40 years old 3/1 18 1 22/1
soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen *** - 142 27 169
junior officers 5 247 93 345
senior officers 6/1 41 16/2 63/3
senior officers 5 8/1 7/1 20/2
without military rank 29 - - 29

In total, 412 people, including 282 Communists and 74 Komsomol members, were awarded the title of GSS for their courage and bravery shown in the Soviet-Finnish war. The highest degree of distinction of the Motherland was noted by the commanders of the troops of the North-Western Front, the commander of the 1st rank S.K. Timoshenko, the commander of the 7th Army, the commander of the 2nd rank K.A. Meretskov, the commander of the 50th rifle corps, the divisional commander F.D. Gorelenko, commander of the 136th rifle division brigade commander S.I. Chernyak. Among the GSS - representatives of all types Armed Forces, combat arms and special forces: 154 soldiers of the rifle troops, 75 aviators, 75 tankmen, 64 artillerymen, 19 sailors, 10 soldiers of the engineering troops, 1 cavalryman, 13 border guards and 1 pilot of the Civil Air Fleet.

In the pre-war years, this high rank was awarded for the exemplary fulfillment of military duty in the defense of Soviet borders and the provision of international assistance to other peoples, soldiers of the Soviet Army and the Navy, participants in high-latitude expeditions, testers of new technology - 597 people (including 5 people twice), or 95, 4% of the total number of Heroes of the USSR. Among them: soldiers of the Ground Forces - 68.8%, Air Force - 27.1%, Navy - 4.1%.

Communists accounted for 70.1% of the total number of the GSS, Komsomol members - 17.6%.

Among the GSS of the pre-war years there are representatives of various nations and nationalities. Of these: 71.2% are Russians, 18.1% are Ukrainians, 3.2% are Belarusians, 7.5% are representatives of other nationalities. Most of them are young people, under the age of 40 - 96.5%.

On July 8, 1941, the first decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was broadcast on the radio.

By the end of 1941, 126 more names were added to the list of Heroes of the USSR.

Heroes of the Soviet Union, awarded this title for deeds performed in the first period of the Great Patriotic War


Ground troops Air force Air defense Navy Total
Total people 241 286/1 28 70*/1 625**/2
communists 159 253/1 25 60/1 497/2
Komsomol members 28 29 2 6 65
russians 159 210 20 55/1 444/1
Ukrainians 41 60/1 6 6 113/1
Belarusians 4 8 1 1 14
other nationalities 37 8 1 8 54***
up to 20 years 13 24 - 3 40
up to 25 years 76 128 8 17 229
up to 30 years old 69 78 18 29/1 194/1
up to 40 years (incl.) 70 56/1 2 19 147/1
over 40 years old 13 - - 2 15
110 9 - 13 132
junior officers 101 232 27 46 406
senior officers 26 44/1 1 6/1 77/2
senior officers 4 - - 2 6
no military rank - 1 - 3 4

* Including 3 merchant sailors

** In addition, 18 partisans and underground fighters (see tab. 7)

*** Including: Georgians - 7 people; Jews and Kazakhs - 5 people each; Avars, Azerbaijanis, Kyrgyz, Estonians - 2 people each; Abkhazian, Adygean, Balkarian, Buryat, Kalmyk, Komi, Lezgin, Mari, Mordvin, Turkmen, Uzbek, Finn, Chechen.

For courage shown in battles in the first period of the Second World War, 625 people - representatives of all types of the Armed Forces - were awarded the highest degree of distinction - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The largest number of those who received the rank of the GSS were military personnel of the Air Force - 286 people, or 45.8%. Among them there are 144 warriors of fighter aviation, 55 - bomber, 49 - long-range, 32 - assault, 6 - reconnaissance aviation and special aviation.

A significant number of the GSS were in the Ground Forces - 241 people, or 38.6% of the total. They bore the brunt of the struggle against the enemy. Among them there are 163 soldiers of rifle troops, 6 artillerymen, 3 cavalrymen, 45 soldiers of armored and mechanized troops, 5 - engineers, 3 - airborne troops, 1 - railway, 15 - border and internal troops.

In the Navy, the number of GSS is 70, or 11.2% of the total. 30 of them are soldiers of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, 10 - Northern, 27 - Black Sea Fleet, 3 - the Merchant Marine. 44 GSS - aviators, 9 - marines, 7 - sailors of surface ships, 5 - submariners, 2 - coastal defense soldiers, 3 - sailors of the cargo ship "Old Bolshevik".

Among the GSS, more than half were commanders of platoons, companies, battalions and their peers; 21.1% - privates and sergeants. The Communists of the GSS made up 79.5%, the Komsomol - 10.4%.

The SCAC includes representatives of 28 nationalities, Russians - 71%.

In terms of the age structure, the SCA are mostly young people. 74.1% are under the age of 30, 23.5% are under 40, and only 15 people are over 40.

Until the fall of 1941, all awards were made only by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

On October 22, 1941, the right to award orders and medals on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was granted to military councils of fronts and fleets, and from November 10, 1942 - also to military councils of armies and flotillas, commanders of corps, divisions, brigades and regiments. The awarding of the Order of Lenin and the awarding of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union were still carried out by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which now received the opportunity to more quickly resolve such issues.

Heroes of the Soviet Union, awarded this title for deeds performed in the second period of the Great Patriotic War


Ground troops Air force Air defense Navy Total
Total people 3052/1 478/8 43 85 3658*/9
communists 1723/1 454/7 42 73 2292/8
Komsomol members 505 11/1 1 6 523/1
russians 2121/1 354/4 31 70 2576/5
Ukrainians 509 94/4 10 12 625/4
Belarusians 50 13 2 - 65
other nationalities 372 17 - 3 392**
up to 20 years 610 12 - 1 623
up to 25 years 874 224/2 27 28 1153/2
up to 30 years old 637 175/4 10 22 844/4
up to 40 years (incl.) 723/1 67/2 6 28 824/3
over 40 years old 208 - - 6 214
soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen 1633 5 - 19 1657
junior officers 1091 395/4 29 54 1569/4
senior officers 282/1 77/4 14 12 385/5
senior officers 46 1 - - 47

* In addition, 30 partisans and underground fighters (see Table 7).

** Including: Tatars - 63 people; Jews and Kazakhs - 41 people each; Uzbeks - 34 people; Mordvins - 33 people; Armenians - 27 people; Bashkirs - 22 people; Georgians - 20 people; Chuvash - 17 people; Ossetians - 12 people; Azerbaijanis - 11 people; Turkmen - 8 people; Poles and Tajiks - 6 people each; Mari - 5 people; Kabardians, Udmurts and Czechs - 4 people each; Karelians, Lithuanians - 3 people each; Avars, Buryats, Kalmyks, Komi, Khakass, Estonians - 2 people each; Abkhazian, Adygean, Assyrian, Greek, Dargin, Dungan, Spaniard, Karachai, Kyrgyz, Kumyk, Lak, Lezgin, Circassian, Chechen, Evenk, Yakut.

2,438 people were awarded the title of GSS (in 1943 - 1,622 people, in 1944 - 816 people). In addition, for the crossing of the Dnieper and other rivers, for the feats accomplished in subsequent years, another 56 people were awarded the title of GSS.

It was the most numerous detachment of the GSS since the beginning of the Second World War. The main brunt of the fighting during the crossing of the Dnieper and holding the bridgeheads fell on the shoulders of the soldiers of the Ground Forces. Warriors of this type of the Armed Forces, awarded the title of GSS, make up the majority - 94.7%, of which about 70% are infantrymen.

Heroes of the Soviet Union, awarded this title for deeds performed at the final release Soviet land

(December 1943 - October 1944)


Ground troops Air force Air defense Navy Total
Total people 1718/5 811/11 9/1 268/3 2806/20
communists 1089/5 762/11 8/1 207/3 2066/20
Komsomol members 255 27 1 27 310
russians 1175/1 621/9 7/1 193/2 1996/13
Ukrainians 335/2 127/2 1 49/1 512/5
Belarusians 50/2 37 - 5 92/2
other nationalities 158 26 1 21 206*
up to 20 years 438 66/1 - 18 522/1
up to 25 years 516 475/5 8 112 1111/5
up to 30 years old 335 202/4 1/1 84/1 622/6
up to 40 years (incl.) 335/4 68/1 - 52/2 455/7
over 40 years old 94/1 - - 2 96/1
soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen 829 5 - 77 911
junior officers 682 677/11 8/1 157 1524/12
senior officers 179/4 129 1 34/3 343/7
senior officers 28/1 - - - 28/1

* Including: Tatars - 32 people; Georgians - 22 people; Armenians - 21 people; Jews - 18 people; Kazakhs - 15 people; Uzbeks - 11 people; Chuvash - 10 people; Mordvins - 9 people; Azerbaijanis - 8 people; Komi and Ossetians - 5 people each; Adyghe and Udmurts - 4 people each; Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Latvians, Tajiks, French and Estonians - 3 people each; Karelians, Lezgins, Mari - 2 people each; Avar, Altai, Greek, Kalmyk, Korean, Kumandin, Kumyk, Moldovan, Lithuanian, Nanaci, Nogay, Pole, Svan, Tuvan, Gypsy, Circassian, Chechen and Yakut.

The largest number of GSS at this stage of the war was in the Ground Forces - 1718 people, which is 61.2% including 5 people were awarded the second Gold Star medal. More than 1000 of them served in the rifle troops, over 300 - in the armored and mechanized, about 200 - in the artillery and mortar, 30 people - in the airborne troops.

The GSS Air Force had 811 people, or 28.9%. Among them, 382 served in assault aviation, 193 in fighter aircraft, 112 in long-range, 72 in bomber aviation and 52 in reconnaissance aviation and special aviation. 11 people were awarded the title of GSS for the second time.

In the Navy, 268 people became GSS, or 9.6%. 134 of them served in the naval aviation, 78 - in the marines, 33 - on surface ships, 15 - in river military flotillas and 8 - submariners. 3 people were awarded the second Gold Star medal.

It is indicative that 1895 GSS, or 67.5%, are commanders and political workers. Of these, 18.1% are senior officers and almost 1.5% are senior officers. 8.7% are communists and Komsomol members.

Of the total number of those awarded the title of GSS, 80.4% were under the age of 30, of which 18.6% were under 20. Among the SCA - representatives of 43 nationalities: 71.1% - Russians, 18.2% - Ukrainians, 3.3% - Belarusians, other nationalities - 7.4%.

Heroes of the Soviet Union awarded this title for deeds performed during the battles in Europe

(1944 - 1945)


Ground troops Air force Air defense Navy Total
Total people 3396/34 756/40 12 38/2 4202/76
communists 2427/34 662/39 12 23/2 3124/75
Komsomol members 447 62/1 - 8 517/1
russians 2389/19 564/28 6 29/1 2979/48
Ukrainians 614/10 125/8 4 3 746/18
Belarusians 53/1 32/1 2 3 90/2
other nationalities 349/4 35/3 - 3/1 387*/8
up to 20 years 688 95 - 4 788
up to 25 years 1073/3 406/27 7 9 1495/30
up to 30 years old 709/2 162/7 4 5/2 880/11
up to 40 years old 670/6 90/5 1 18 779/11
over 40 years old 256/23 2/1 - 2 260/24
soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen 1231 4 - 13 1248
junior officers 1421/2 581/13 11 17 2030/15
senior officers 602/9 151/23 1 7/2 761/34
senior officers 142/23 20/4 - 1 163/27

* Including: Tatars - 62 people; Jews - 43 people; Georgians - 42 people; Armenians - 38 people; Kazakhs - 35 people; Uzbeks - 22 people; Azerbaijanis - 21 people; Mordvins - 17 people; Bashkirs - 14 people; Chuvash - 13 people; Ossetians - 11 people; Mari - 10 people; Turkmen - 9 people; Kyrgyz - 6 people; Tajiks - 5 people; Abkhazians, Dungans, Kabardians, Kalmyks, Karelians, Latvians and Lithuanians - 3 people each; Komi, Poles, Udmurts and Estonians - 2 people each; Altai, Bulgarian, Buryat, Kurd, Lak, German, Finn, French, Czech and Yakut.

Heroes of the Soviet Union, awarded this title for deeds performed in the third period of the Great Patriotic War


Ground troops Air force Air defense Navy Total
Total people 5114/39 1567/51 21/1 306/5 7008*/96
communists 3516/39 1424/50 20/1 230/5 5190/95
Komsomol members 702 89/1 1 35 827/1
Russian 3555/20 1185/37 13/1 222/3 4975/61
Ukrainians 949/12 252/10 5 52/1 1258/23
Belarusians 103/3 69/1 2 8 182/4
other nationalities 507/4 61/3 1 24/1 593**/8
up to 20 years 1125 162/1 - 22 1309/1
up to 25 years 1590/3 881/32 15 121 2607/35
up to 30 years old 1044/2 364/11 5/1 89/3 1502/17
up to 40 years old 1005/10 158/6 1 70/2 1234/18
over 40 years old 350/24 2/1 - 4 356/25
soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen 2060 9 - 90 2159
junior officers 2103/2 1258/24 19/1 174 3554/27
senior officers 781/13 280/23 2 41/5 1104/41
senior officers 170/24 20/4 - 1 191/28

* In addition, 201 people are partisans, underground fighters and members of the Resistance movement.

** Including: Tatars - 94 people; Georgians - 64 people; Jews - 61 people; Armenians - 59 people; Kazakhs - 50 people; Uzbeks - 33 people; Azerbaijanis - 29 people; Mordvins - 26 people; Chuvash - 23 people; Bashkirs - 17 people; Ossetians - 16 people; Mari - 12 people; Kyrgyz and Turkmen - 9 people each; Tajiks - 8 people; Komi - 7 people; Latvians and Udmurts - 6 people each; Karelians and Estonians - 5 people each; Adyghe, Kalmyks, Lithuanians and French - 4 people each; Abkhazians, Dungans, Kabardians and Poles - 3 people each; Altai, Lezgins and Yakuts - 2 people each; Avar, Bulgarian, Buryat, Greek, Korean, Kumandin, Kumyk, Kurd, Lak, Moldavian, Nanaci, Nogay, German, Swan, Tuvan, Finn, Gypsy, Circassian, Czech and Chechen.

In the Ground Forces, out of the total number of the GSS, more than 3000 people served in infantry troops, over 900 - in armored and mechanized and 500 - in artillery and mortar troops, the rest - in the airborne, cavalry, engineer troops and signal troops.

Among the GSS who served in the Air Force, 706 were from assault aircraft, 463 were from fighter aircraft, 183 were from bomber aircraft, 137 served in long-range aviation and 78 - in intelligence and special purposes.

Almost all offensive operations of 1944-1945. were carried out with the direct participation of sea fleets, river and lake flotillas. Representatives of the Navy accounted for 4.4% of the total number of the GSS. Among them, 144 people served in the naval aviation, 78 - in the marines, 37 - on surface ships, 32 - in river and lake flotillas and 15 people - submariners.

If in the first period of the Second World War there were 6 people among the senior officers of the GSS, in the second - 47, then in the third period - 191 people, including 28 people were awarded the Gold Star medal twice.

Communists and Komsomol members accounted for almost 86%. Among the SCA there are representatives of 54 nationalities. Compared with the previous periods of the war, the number of soldiers under the age of 20 who were awarded the title of GSS has significantly increased. If in the first period of the SSS, under 20 years old, there were 40 people, in the second - 623, then in the third there were already 1309 people.

Heroes of the Soviet Union - partisans, underground fighters and members of the European Resistance movement


Partisans Underground workers Members of the resistance movement Total
Total people 172/2 61 16 249/2
communists 133/2 32 13 178/2
Komsomol members 22 25 - 47
pioneers 3 - - 3
Russian 87 20 7 114
Ukrainians 36/2 25 3 64/2
Belarusians 37 8 1 46
other nationalities 12 8 5 25*
up to 20 years 13 2 - 15
up to 25 years 12 21 - 33
up to 30 years old 48 12 6 66
up to 40 years old 68 13 6 66
over 40 years old 31/2 13 4 48/2

* Including: Lithuanians - 8 people; Latvians - 4 people; Germans - 3 people; Azerbaijani; Veps, Jew, Kalmyk, Karelian, Karachai, Mordvin, Tatar, Uzbek and Czech.

249 people - partisans, underground fighters, members of the Resistance movement - were awarded the highest degree of distinction of the Motherland - the title of GSS. An analysis of the figures given in the table shows that the majority of Heroes-parisans make up 69.1%, underground members - 24.5%, members of the Resistance movement and scouts - 6.4% of the total number of GSS - participants in the struggle behind enemy lines.

Among the partisans, underground fighters, members of the Resistance movement. who became GSS, 71.5% were communists, 18.9% were Komsomol members. Among them are 16 secretaries of underground regional committees, city committees and district committees of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and 14 commissars of partisan detachments and formations. Among the GSS, Russians accounted for 45.8%, Ukrainians - 25.7%, Belarusians - 18.5%, in total - representatives of 16 nationalities aged 13 to 83 years.

Among them, more than 30% are workers and about 40% are collective farmers, many young people, including pioneers, about 10% are women.

Heroes of the Soviet Union, awarded this title for the deeds performed during the Great Patriotic War


Ground troops Air force Air defense Navy Partisan formations and underground organizations Total
Total people 8447/44 2332/61 92/1 513/7 249/2 11633/115
communists 5434/44 2132/59 87/1 406/7 178/2 8237/113
Komsomol members 1238 129/2 4 53 47 1471/2
Russian 5861/23 1750/42 64/1 393/5 114 8182/71
Ukrainians 1507/13 406/15 21 74/1 64/2 2072/31
Belarusians 159/3 90/1 5 11 46 311/4
other nationalities 920/5 86/3 2 35/1 25 1068/9
up to 20 years 1750 198/1 - 27 15 1990/1
up to 25 years 2542/3 1233/34 50 172 33 4030/37
up to 30 years old 1758/2 617/15 33/1 154/5 66 2628/23
up to 40 years old 1810/11 281/9 9 143/2 87 2330/22
over 40 years old 687/28 3/2 - 17 48/2 655/32
soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen 3810 23 - 134 - 3967
junior officers 3304/2 1885/28 75/1 295/1 5 5564/32
senior officers 1098/14 401/28 17 74/6 15 1605/48
senior officers 235/28 22/5 - 7 7/2 271/35
no military rank - 1 - 3 222 226

Among the GSS awarded this title during the Second World War, soldiers, sergeants and foremen made up 34.1%, junior officers - 47.8%, senior officers - 2.3%.

71% were communists and about 13% were Komsomol members.

People under 25 years old accounted for 51.8%, over 40 years old - 5.6%.

Heroes of the Soviet Union, awarded this title for deeds performed during the Soviet-Japanese war


Ground troops Air force Navy Total
Total people 40/4 1/1 52/1 93/6
communists 36/4 1/1 43/1 80/6
Komsomol members 3 - 6 9
Russian 26/2 1/1 46/1 73/4
Ukrainians 8/1 - 4 12/1
Belarusians 2 - 1 4
other nationalities 4/1 - - 4*/1
up to 20 years 2 - 1 3
up to 25 years 2 - 6 8
up to 30 years old 8 - 14/1 22/1
up to 40 years old 12 - 36 38
over 40 years old 16/4 1/1 5 22/5
soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen 7 - 12 19
junior officers 9 - 21/1 30/1
senior officers 9 - 15 24
senior officers 15/4 1/1 4 20/5

The largest number of the GSS, 52 people, are representatives of the Navy: 44 people from the Pacific Fleet, 7 from the Red Banner Amur Flotilla and People's Commissar of the Navy N.G. Kuznetsov. Among the hero sailors, 14 people served in the marines, 15 in the aviation of the Pacific Fleet, 22 on surface ships. The fact that more than half of the GSS - participants in the war with Japan are sailors is explained by the conditions of the theater of military operations.

The largest number of the GSS who served in the Ground Forces and were awarded this title for their exploits in the Far Eastern Company, 26 soldiers from the composition of stklkovy wax, 6 - armored, 4 - artillery, 2 - engineering troops, one soldier served in the cavalry.

Among the SCAC - representatives of the High Command (including the commander-in-chief Soviet troops at the Far Vlstok Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky), commanders of fronts (fleets), armies (flotillas); commanders of corps, divisions, brigades, ships, regiments, battalions; staff officers, commanders of companies, platoons, squads, crews of tanks and aircraft, gun crews; rank and file. In particular, among the GSS - 20 marshals, generals and admirals, 54 officers, 19 petty officers, Red Army men and Red Navy men.

Among the GSS - participants in the battles with Japan, communists and Komsomol members accounted for 95.7%.

Heroes of the Soviet Union, awarded this title twice or more

(1934 - 1984)


In the pre-war years During the Great Patriotic War IN post-war years Total
Total people 5 115 30 150
communists 5 113 30 148
Komsomol members - 2 - 2
Russian 2 71 25 98
Ukrainians 1 31 3 35
Belarusians 1 4 1 6
other nationalities 1 9 1 11*
up to 25 years - 38 - 38
up to 30 years old 2 23 2 27
up to 40 years old 2 22 19 43
over 40 years old 1 32 9 42
junior officers - 32 9 42
senior officers 3 48 17 68
senior officers 2 36 4 42
no military rank - - 8 8

* Including: Armenians and Jews - 2 persons each; Bashkir, Karelian, Kazakh, Ossetian, Pole, Tatar, Chuvash.

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