Textbook of psychological pedagogical diagnostics of children. Levchenko I.Yu., Zabramnaya S.D., Dobrovolskaya T.A.

M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003, 320s.
Tutorial for higher education institutions.

The textbook sets out the theoretical and methodological foundations of the psychological and pedagogical study of children with developmental disabilities. An integrated approach to the study of such children is considered, combining the efforts of doctors, teachers, psychologists, social workers... The features of the psychological and pedagogical study of children with various developmental disorders at different age stages are revealed. The organization and content of the activity of the psychodiagnostic service in special education and work with a family raising a child with developmental disabilities.

It can be useful for educators and psychologists.

The content of the manual meets the requirements of the State Educational Standard for the training of a specialist in the following specialties:
031500 - Typhlopedagogy;
031600 - Deaf pedagogy;
031700 - Oligophrenopedagogy;
031800 - Speech therapy;
031900 - Special Psychology;
032000 - Special preschool pedagogy and psychology.
The book consists of a preface, eight chapters and appendices.

The book covers the following issues:
The history of the development of psychological and pedagogical diagnostic methods in special psychology abroad and in Russia
Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of developmental disorders in children
Medical examination in the system of comprehensive study of a child with developmental disabilities
Pedagogical study children with developmental disabilities
Socio-pedagogical study of microsocial conditions and their impact on child development
Methods of psychological study of children with developmental disorders
Experimental psychological study of children with developmental disorders
Neuropsychological study of children with developmental disabilities
Approaches to the study of the personality of children and adolescents with developmental disorders Speech therapy examination in the system of comprehensive study of children with developmental disorders
Features of the psychological and pedagogical study of children with developmental disabilities at different age stages
Psychological and pedagogical study of children of the first year of life
Development features
Recommendations for the psychological and pedagogical study of children in the first year of life
Psychological and pedagogical study of young children (1-3 years old)
Development features
Recommendations for the psychological and pedagogical study of young children
Psychological and pedagogical study of children before school age(from 3 to 7 years old)
Development features
Recommendations for the psychological and pedagogical study of preschool children
Rules for constructing research programs
Psychological and pedagogical study of children and adolescents with impaired hearing, vision, musculoskeletal system, emotional development, complex developmental disorders
Psychological, medical and pedagogical councils in educational institutions, psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions and consultations
Organization and content of psychological counseling in the system of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with developmental disorders
Psychological study of a family raising a child with developmental disabilities







2nd edition, revised


Zabramnaya S. D.

З-12 Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of mental development of children: Textbook. for students defectol. fac. pedagogical universities and un-tov. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: Education: Vlados, 1995. - 112 p. - ISBN5-09-004905-X.

The textbook examines the organization and content of the work of psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations (PMPK). The main attention is paid to the recruiting of special (correctional) educational institutions for children with intellectual disabilities.

Designed for students of defectological faculties of pedagogical universities, it may be of interest to teachers of preschool and schools as well as members of the PMPK.

The second edition (the first edition was published in 1988 under the title “Selection of Mentally Retarded Children in Special Institutions”) was supplemented with material reflecting changes in the system of recruiting for special institutions in Russia.

A 4309000000-436

3 ---------- without announcement BBK 74.3


Educational edition

ZABRAMNAYA Sofia Davydovna

Psychological pedagogical diagnostics mental development children

Head editors T. S. Zalyalova... Editor M. A. Stepanova... Art editor L. F. Malysheva. Technical editors O. V. Prokofieva,N. V. Slavskaya. Proofreaders N.V. Burdina, L.S.Vaitman

Donated to the set 12/09/93. ЛР No. 010001 dated 10.10.91. Signed for printing 03/08/94. Format 84X108 1/32. Paper type. No. 2. Typeface Literary. The print is high. CONV. print l. 5.88. CONV. cr.-Ott. 6.09. Uch.-ed. l. 6.08. Circulation 30,000 copies.

Order No. 4659.

Order of the Red Banner of Labor Publishing House "Prosveshchenie" of the Press Committee of the Russian Federation. 127521. Moscow, 3rd passage Maryina Roscha, 41.

Humanitarian publishing center "VLADOS". 117571, Moscow, Vernadsky prospect, 88. Moscow State Pedagogical University, room. 452, tel./fax 437-99-98. 437-34-53.

Regional printing house of the press and information department of the Ivanovo region administration. 153628, Ivanovo, st. Typographic, 6.

ISBN5-09-004905-X© Publishing House "Prosveshchenie", 1995

From the author

Children with developmental disabilities need special attention and care. To help these children be more effective, early diagnosis of their condition is essential. It is important not only to establish the presence of a particular defect, but also to determine its nature, structure, those qualitative and quantitative indicators that can serve as a basis for placing a child in an appropriate institution and subsequent correctional work.

Defectologists are faced with the task of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, and first of all, the differentiation of different types of abnormal development.

In order to train highly qualified teachers at the departments of oligophrenopedagogy of defectological faculties of the country, a special educational discipline has been introduced, the main tasks of which are to reveal the theoretical foundations, organization and content of work on recruiting institutions for children with intellectual disabilities, to equip students with knowledge about methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of preschool and school children. age lagging behind in development, to form practical skills in the selection of children with intellectual disabilities in special (correctional) institutions, as well as to provide advice to parents of children with developmental disabilities.

This textbook examines one of the directions of psychodiagnostics - the diagnosis of mental development disorders, reveals methods that make it possible to establish the presence or absence of signs that distinguish mental retardation from conditions similar to it. The history of the issue of methods of identifying mental retardation in children, as well as the current state of the problem of recruiting institutions for them in our country and abroad are presented. The textbook reflects the scientific achievements of domestic and foreign psychologists and defectologists. It should also be borne in mind that a new model provision about psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations.

Although the textbook is intended for students of defectological faculties, it can be used both by employees of institutions for children with intellectual disabilities, and by members of psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations that complement these institutions. This knowledge is also necessary for every teacher working with children.

Higher professional education


Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of persons with disabilities health

Edited by I.Yu. Levchenko, S.D. Zabramnaya

For students of higher education institutions,

students in the direction of training 050700 Special (defectological) education

7th edition, stereotyped


doctor pedagogical sciences, professor, head. Department of Speech Therapy, Moscow State Humanities University them. M.A. Sholokhova O.S. Orlova;

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology, Moscow State University for the Humanities. M. A. Sholokhova M. V. Zhigoreva

I.Yu. Levchenko - Chapter 2; subsection 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4; 4.4 (co-authored with S. D. Zabramnaya); 5.3; 6.2; S.D. Zabramnaya - chapter 1; subsection 4.4 (co-authored with I. Yu. Levchenko); 6.1; T.A. Basilova - Sec. 5.5;

T.G. Bogdanova - subsection. 5.1; T.N. Volkovskaya - Sec. 3.5; 4.1, 4.2, 4.3;

L.I.Solntseva - Sec. 5.2; V.V. Tkacheva - Chapter 7; subsection 5.4

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of persons with disabilities P863: a textbook for students. institutions of higher. prof. education / [I.Yu. Lev chenko, SD Zabramnaya and others]; ed. I.Yu. Levchenko, S.D. Zabramnoy. - 7th ed., P. - M .: Publishing Center

"Academy", 2013. - 336 p. - (Ser. Bachelor degree). ISBN 978-5-7695-9767-1

The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State educational standard in the direction of training 050700 Special (defectological) education (qualification "bachelor").

It presents the theoretical foundations of psychodiagnostics of developmental disorders in children, describes various approaches and ways of studying children with different developmental disabilities, shows the methods and techniques of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, and features of the psychodiagnostic procedure for examining children with developmental disabilities. The 5th edition was published under the title "Psychological and Pedagogical Diagnostics".

For students of higher education institutions.

UDC 37.015.3 (075.8) BBK 88.8я73

The original layout of this publication is the property of the Publishing Center "Academy", and its reproduction in any way without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited

© Levchenko I.Yu., Zabramnaya S.D. et al., 2011

© Educational and publishing center "Academy", 2011

ISBN 978-5-7695-9767-1 © Design. Publishing Center "Academy", 2011


The textbook is addressed to students of the faculties of special psychology and correctional pedagogy (defectological faculties) pedagogical universities... The main purpose of the publication is to familiarize students with theoretical foundations psychodiagnostics of developmental disorders of children and show different approaches and ways of studying children with different developmental disabilities.

The textbook contains factual material reflecting the features of the psychodiagnostic procedure for examining children with developmental disabilities, as well as the characteristics of the methods and techniques of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

The book consists of a preface and seven chapters.

The first chapter provides a historical overview of the development of psychological and pedagogical diagnostic methods in special psychology.

The second chapter contains an analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the psychodiagnostics of children. It also discusses objectives, principles and actual problems psychological and pedagogical study of children with disabilities.

The third chapter shows the main components of an integrated approach in psychological and pedagogical diagnostics: medical, pedagogical, socio-pedagogical, psychological

and speech therapy study of the child.

The fourth chapter examines the features of the psychological and pedagogical study of children at different age stages.

The fifth chapter introduces the features of the psychological and pedagogical study of children with various developmental disorders.

The sixth chapter presents modern approaches to the organization and content of the activities of psychological, medical and pedagogical councils, psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions and psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations.

In the seventh chapter, materials are presented that make it possible to organize a psychodiagnostic study of a family raising a child with developmental disorders. These materials for defectologists are published for the first time.

Test questions and tasks , which ends the presentation of each topic, allow you to check the degree of assimilation of the material. At the end of each chapter and a number of points are presented bibliography recommended for study.

Chapter 1


1.1. Development of psychological and pedagogical research methods abroad

The history of the development of psychological and pedagogical research methods in special psychology is associated with the requirements of practice - medical and pedagogical. The objects of study were children, adolescents, adults with various mental and intellectual developmental disorders.

Depending on how different researchers understood the essence of mental retardation, they developed the methods that they used to identify it.

The first psychophysical underdevelopment of children began to be dealt with by psychiatrists. Their efforts were aimed at delimiting mental retardation from mental illness, while they dealt with the most profound and severe forms of underdevelopment. In the works of the French doctors J. Eskirol and E. Seguin, the first researchers of the problems of the mentally retarded, some differential diagnostic criteria are given. Thus, J. Eskirol considered the state of speech as an indicator of intellectual development, which significantly influenced the prevalence of verbal tasks in subsequent test systems. E. Seguin gave great importance the state of sensory and volitional processes. He created a methodology for teaching deeply mentally retarded children, part of which were tasks for sensory discrimination and the development of voluntary motor actions. Developed by E. Seguin in 1866, "Form boards" are still popular for examining mentally retarded children, they are among the action tests, or non-verbal intelligence tests. It should be noted that until the middle of the nineteenth century. the establishment of mental retardation remained primarily a medical problem.

With the introduction in some countries of the universal primary education there was a practical need to identify children unable to learn in regular schools. In this regard, in the 60s. XIX century. the first auxiliary classes were opened, as well as special schools for mentally retarded children. Now it has become much more difficult to determine mental retardation, since it was necessary to deal with its milder forms, which are difficult to distinguish from similar conditions with various developmental deviations in children. Progressive doctors and educators were worried about the fact that children were often sent to auxiliary schools on the basis of only one indicator - academic failure. At the same time, little was taken into account, and sometimes even no individual psychological characteristics child and the reasons for academic failure.

It became necessary to streamline the system of selecting children for auxiliary schools. The establishment of mental retardation has turned into a psychological and pedagogical problem.

Psychologists came to the aid of doctors and teachers, who in their arsenal of techniques had and that appeared in these years ( end of XIX- the beginning of the twentieth century) experimental methods. The search began for the most objective, universal ways of examining children, which should be regarded as a positive phenomenon in the development of the psychology of this period.

Experimental methods of studying children began to be used for the purpose of diagnosing abilities. Some psychologists misunderstood the essence of mental retardation, considering it as a simple quantitative lag in the development of the intellect of children. They reduced mental retardation to impairment only individual functions and the tasks of the experiment were seen in the study of only these functions. Their methodological approach was to measure the "amount of mind" in the subject, which in practice led to significant errors in the diagnosis of mental retardation. This measurement was carried out using tests. A test is a test that includes the performance of a specific task, identical for all surveyed subjects, using a precise technique to assess success or failure, or to record the results numerically (A. Pieron).

One of the first to begin testing was the English biologist F. Galton. He designed simple tests to investigate individual differences. At the same time, he considered the state of human sensory functions to be the main indicator of mental abilities: visual acuity and hearing, speed of mental reactions, the ability to distinguish heat, cold, pain, etc. F. Galton had not yet used the term "test" in the sense that him later

contributed by A. Binet. But this was the first departure from testing and testing based on intuition.

The idea of ​​studying physical and mental abilities by the test method found its development in the works of the American psychologist J.M. Cattell. His name is associated with the appearance in the psychological literature of the term "intellectual test". JM Cattell created a series of tests aimed at determining the state of simple functions, sensorimotor reactions, the speed of mental processes, sensitivity, etc., to establish individual differences. Kettell's merit was the idea of ​​standardizing tests in order to obtain more accurate information.

Measurement of more complex mental processes (perception, memory, etc.) formed the basis of a series of tests created by the German psychologist E. Kraepelin, who studied mentally ill patients. Characterizing the period up to the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists note that it had a great influence on the development of psychodiagnostics and became a preparatory and, at the same time, a transitional stage in the development of psychological tests.

The subsequent development of intelligence tests is associated with the activities of the French psychologist A. Binet, who back in 1897 expressed the idea of ​​developing a "metric scale of reason", that is, a system for studying a child in which the measurement of his "mental age" is taken as a basis. At the same time, A. Binet set the task of creating tests with the help of which it would be possible to investigate higher mental processes- thinking, memory, imagination. In 1904, A. Binet was invited to a commission created by the French Ministry of Public Education to develop measures to ensure the proper education of mentally retarded children who cannot learn the curriculum of a regular school. The task was to determine the methods of selecting these children for special schools. A. Binet, together with T. Simon, is the first to bring tests into a specific system, which they call the "Metric scale of mental abilities."

The first version of their "Metric Scale" was published in 1905. It contained 30 tests, arranged in order of increasing difficulty.

These tests were aimed at determining the type of memory in children, understanding of verbal instructions, etc. In this variant, there were no age indicators.

In 1908, the second, revised, version of the "Metric scale" came out, in which the tests were grouped according to age levels (from 3 to 15 years old). For each age, three to eight tests were used.

The third option appeared in 1911. In it, A. Binet and T. Simon proposed tests for examining children from 3 to 16 years old. The tests have been reallocated based on their difficulty. Five tasks were offered for each age. But even in this variant, the choice of tests was not always psychologically justified. So, for one age, tests for combination were proposed, for another - for the study of memory. This was pointed out by A. M. Schubert in her preface to the Russian edition of tests. She noted other shortcomings of the tests: in terms of their difficulty, they are not always correctly attributed to a particular age, some are subjective, the successful performance of many tests depends mainly on life experience child. So, children 9 years old in the fifth test are asked questions: "What should be done if you miss the train?", "What should be done if a friend (friend) accidentally hits you?" It is required to give correct answers in 20 seconds. Children 10 years old in the third test are asked five questions. Answers are given in 40 s. Among these questions is the following: “On one of the very first warm days, when forests and fields began to turn green, a woman took a sickle and went to harvest rye. What's wrong with that? " However, not every 10-year-old child living in the city knows when

and how they reap rye! Children 15 years old in the fifth test are required to answer two questions, but both of them are related to life situations, which may be unfamiliar to the surveyed, for example: “A doctor has just come to my neighbor, and then a priest. What do you think is going on with my neighbor? " Thus, although Binet and Simon strove to explore the "pure" mind, the ability to judge, they did not achieve this.

The disadvantage of the Metric Scale was that 80% of the tests were verbal. Predominance verbal tests influenced the results of the survey of children of different social strata, the children of the poor were in a worse position. Children with speech defects also gave unsatisfactory indicators.

Of course, the point of view of the authors of the test was also erroneous, that when determining the ability, knowledge should be recorded

and the child's skills only at the moment. They did not take into account the dialectics of development, did not take into account those qualitative changes in the psyche that appear at different stages of the child's development. L. S. Vygotsky, criticizing this approach, wrote: “The development of a child is understood as a purely quantitative process of the growth of qualitatively homogeneous and equal units, which are fundamentally replaced at any stage of development. A developmental year is always a year, whether we are talking about the advancement of a child from six to seven years old or from twelve to thirteen years old. This is the basic concept of Binet, whose development year is always measured by five indicators,

taking into account the determined mental growth of the child as a completely equivalent value, be it the growth of the twelfth or third year of life. " Fixing only the final results of working with the test, mechanically calculating the pros and cons received for the answers, it was not possible to trace the nature of the activities of the children. All this led to difficulties and errors in diagnosing mental retardation, especially when children with signs of mild intellectual disabilities were examined.

V the same period, professor of psychology at the University of Rome S. de Sanctis, who studied mentally retarded children, proposed his series of tasks of six experiments to determine the degree of mental underdevelopment. The experiments were aimed at the study of attention, volitional efforts, direct memory for colors, shape, the ability to count specific objects, visual determination of size, distance.

WITH. de Sanctis believed that the experiments are applicable to children at least 7 years old. If the subject can complete only the first two tasks, then he has a "sharp degree" of intellectual decline, if he performs the first four, then he has an "average degree", if he copes with the fifth experiment, then a "light degree." Children who complete all six experiments are not mentally retarded. Analysis of S. de Sanctis's method shows its unsuitability for diagnostics mental development... As a diagnostic criterion, mental processes were chosen arbitrarily, and the very boundary of the degrees of mental retardation was conditional. These shortcomings have been pointed out by many researchers. G. Ya. Troshin subjected S. de Sanctis's method to the most justified criticism. This method is not widely used in practice.

The most popular abroad were the tests of A. Binet and T. Simon, and they began to be used in many countries of the world even before the revision of the 1908 version.

About 60 authors were engaged in the modernization of the Binet-Simon scale, adapting it to the socio-cultural conditions of their states. Changes to the scale were made by O. Decroli and Degan (Belgium), Dekedr (Switzerland), V. Stern, Emeiman (Germany), H. Goddard, L. Termen (USA). The version of the Binet - Simon scale, prepared by L. Theremin at the Stanford University in the USA, turned out, according to psychologists, to be the most viable. One of the trends that came to light in the process of modernizing the system is a decrease in the number of verbal tests and an increase in the number of action (non-verbal) tests.

V the process of reconstruction of the Binet - Simone L. Theremin introduced a new requirement, which must be satisfied by an adequate

a test that is wadded for its purpose: the results of its performance on a large sample of subjects should be distributed along the Gaussian curve. Thus, it was proposed to rank the subjects depending on the test results. (Gaussian curve, or curve normal distribution, has the shape of a bell; this distribution of results means that the overwhelming majority of the subjects perform the task “moderately well,” that is, their answers create a high part of the bell; minority perform tasks very poorly or very well, their answers create peripheral parts of the bell.) To interpret the results of the test, L. Termen first began to use the concept of "intellectual coefficient" (IQ), introduced by V. Stern, which represents the ratio of mental age to chronological ( passport) age. The intelligence of the test subjects was assessed purely quantitatively according to the sum of their points.

V. Stern proposed the following formula for determining the intellectual coefficient:

Mental age is determined by the success of the corresponding standard tasks. For each age, tasks of a certain difficulty are provided. For each age, the typical IQ is 100 ± 16. This value is determined by the fact that normal mental age is equal to chronological age: for example, a five-year-old child performs tasks corresponding to his age. Hence:

that is, 100. The standard deviation from individual values ​​does not exceed 16. Accordingly, all individual indicators on the test that fall in the range from 84 to 116 are considered normal, corresponding to age. If the test score is higher than 116, the child is considered gifted; if it is below 84, his intellectual development lags behind the norm.

However, no changes and "improvements" to the Binet-Simon scale did not save it from such shortcomings as the assessment of only the final result when performing the task; the difficulties that were encountered in the subject were not revealed. The role of help was completely ignored, as well as the influence of the environment. The famous Swiss psychologist J. Piaget criticized the tests for the "mosaicism", the diversity of the tasks included in the test

Zabramnaya Sofia Davydovna - Professor of the Department of Oligophrenopedagogy, Moscow State Pedagogical University.

My teaching activities started in 1954. teacher of Russian language and literature at school. After defending her Ph.D. thesis, she began to actively engage in the study, education and upbringing of children with developmental problems, problems of differential psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. She has lectured to various regions of Russia (over 45 cities).

Repeatedly presented reports at international conferences abroad and in Russia; at scientific sessions, pedagogical readings, pedagogical marathons. Supervises experimental sites in educational institutions. Renders advisory assistance parents. Conducts direct psychological and pedagogical work with children. Author of more than 140 scientific, methodological and educational works on various aspects of preschool, school and university education. Many works have been translated in Germany, Hungary, Mongolia, Bulgaria, Cuba; Exhibited at VDNKh, won prizes at competitions of scientific works.

Under the leadership of Sofia Davydovna, 18 dissertations were defended for success in teaching and educational, methodological activities, she was awarded the badge "Excellence in Public Education", "Excellence in Education of the USSR", the Medal "Veteran of Labor", the Order "For Contribution to Education", committee of the USSR on public education.

Books (7)

Practical material

Practical material for psychological and pedagogical examination of children.

The manual provides practical material for the psychological and pedagogical examination of children in order to determine their learning opportunities and establish the type educational institution.

Methodical recommendations for the manual

This Toolkit fully correlates with the practical materials for the PMPC by the authors S.D. Zabramnoi, O.V. Borovik.

Contains detailed description application of 115 tables to determine the mental development of children of preschool and primary school age, published in a practical guide.

Didactic material for lessons with children with difficulties in mastering mathematics and reading. 1 class

The manual contains materials that can be used as additional in the study of mathematics and the Russian language (reading section), with students of the first grades of secondary general education schools and students different types special (correctional) educational institutions.

The materials of the collection can be used by parents to provide timely assistance to children with learning difficulties.

Selection of mentally retarded children in special institutions

Questions related to the study of mental retardation are among the most important in defectology.

Not only oligophrenopedagogues are engaged in them, but also specialists of related sciences: psychologists, neuropathologists, psychiatrists, embryologists, geneticists, etc. Attention to the problems of mental retardation is caused by the fact that the number of people with this type of anomalies does not decrease. This is evidenced by statistics for all countries of the world. This circumstance makes the question of creating conditions for maximum correction of developmental defects of mentally retarded children paramount.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics

The textbook "Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics" is addressed to students of the faculties of special psychology and correctional pedagogy (faculties of defectology) of pedagogical universities. The main goal of the publication is to acquaint students with the theoretical foundations of psychodiagnostics of developmental disorders in children and to show various approaches and ways of studying children with different developmental disabilities.

The manual contains factual material that reflects the features of the psychodiagnostic procedure for examining children with developmental disabilities, as well as the characteristics of the methods and techniques of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

The manual provides practical material for psychological and pedagogical examination of children in order to determine their learning opportunities and establish the type of educational institution. The manual is intended for specialists of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions and consultations, it can be used in the preparation of students of defectological faculties of pedagogical educational institutions.


In Russia, there is a differentiated network of preschool and school institutions for children with various developmental disabilities. It is very important to timely identify children in need of assistance that can be provided to them in appropriate institutions. For this purpose, children, whose psyche and behavior have deviations from the norms adopted for a given age, are sent to the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (PMPK). It is the PMPK that decides the question of the type of special (correctional) institution where the child should be trained and brought up. In the course of a comprehensive and complex psychological, medical and pedagogical examination, the type of impairment is established, as well as the individual characteristics of the child's psychophysical development, his / her learning opportunities. For the final decision, it is important to identify the formation of training skills; general awareness and social orientation; knowledge and ideas about the environment; formation of voluntary activity; the state of cognitive functions, emotional-volitional, motor sphere (especially fine motor skills hands); adequacy of behavior. This information is equally important for both the psychologist and the defectologist in determining the form of training and developing the content. individual programs correctional development of the child.

To help those who conduct psychological and pedagogical examination of children, material is offered that will supplement the data available about the child. The manual should not be considered as a guide to differential psychodiagnostics. The authors did not set the task of creating new technologies for psychological examination. Among the materials given in the manual, along with the author's, there are fairly well-known psychological techniques, as well as borrowed from a number of literary sources, modernized and tested by the authors for a large number children.

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