An article about the psychological pedagogical diagnostics of the development of preschoolers. Strebeleva's diagnostics: description of the method, application, features, reviews

Strebeleva Elena Antonovna - doctor pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the laboratory for preschool education of children with developmental problems, doctor of pedagogical sciences, head of the Project "Early correction of developmental disabilities and preschool education children with special needs. "Professor of the Faculty of Special Psychology and Special Pedagogy, Department of Oligophrenopedagogy, Moscow State Pedagogical University.

She was born in the Kherson region, Ukrainian SSR. Graduated from the defectological faculty of the Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. She worked as an educator, defectologist, methodologist of a special kindergarten for mentally retarded children, lecturer at the Department of Oligophrenopedagogy, Professor at the Department of Preschool Defectology, Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical Institute.

Works in IKP RAO since 1994, Main directions scientific research: psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children of early and preschool age; research in the field of mental development of children with intellectual disabilities; raising a child with developmental disabilities in a family; education and training of children in special preschool institutions for children with intellectual disabilities; training of defectologists for work in special preschool institutions.

The author of an approach to psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of disorders in the development of children of early and preschool age, a system of correctional and pedagogical work on development cognitive activities children of early and preschool age with intellectual disabilities.

Winner of the 1999 Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education. The prize was awarded for the creation of a set of manuals for diagnosing the mental development of young children for preschool educational and general educational institutions".

Books (10)

Orphans. Development counseling and diagnostics

The manual highlights a modern comprehensive approach to psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnostics of orphans and children left without parental care.

A description of specific techniques for examining children from infancy to adolescence... Particular attention is paid to the criteria for assessing the development of children brought up in boarding schools. The book is addressed to the leaders and employees of the PMPK (S), neuropathologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, psychologists, speech therapists, teachers-defectologists.

Didactic games and exercises in teaching mentally retarded preschoolers. Teacher's book

The book presents the system didactic games and exercises aimed at correcting intellectual disabilities in mentally retarded preschoolers.

It is intended for teachers-defectologists and educators of special preschool institutions as well as parents. Can be used by students of defectology faculties teacher training institutes.

Preschool oligophrenopedagogy

The textbook outlines the theory and practice of preschool oligophrenopedagogy, reveals the features of the mental and physical development of preschoolers with intellectual disabilities, as well as methods of correctional and educational work with them.

The book is intended for students of pedagogical institutes, as well as for teachers-defectologists and educators of specialized (correctional) kindergartens for children with intellectual disabilities.

Corrective assistance to young children

Corrective assistance to young children with organic lesions of the central nervous system in groups of short-term stay.

The book gives a description systems approach to correctional and pedagogical work with children of the third year of life with organic lesions of the central nervous system in the conditions of groups of short-term stays in preschool educational institutions of a compensatory or combined type.

The book is addressed to teachers (pedagogues-defectologists, music directors, educational psychologists) who work with children with organic lesions of the central nervous system.

Correctional and developmental teaching of children in the process of didactic games

The manual presents a system of didactic games and exercises aimed at developing and correcting the cognitive activity of preschool children. Addressed to teachers-defectologists and educators of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type, parents with children with developmental problems, as well as students of preschool and defectological faculties of pedagogical universities.

The manual is based on the publication of the authors A.A. Kataeva, E.A. Strebeleva "Didactic games and exercises in teaching preschoolers with developmental disabilities."

Correctional developmental training and education

The program of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with intellectual disabilities.

The program reveals the content remedial education and raising children from 3 to 7 (8) years old. It is based on the concept psychological age characterized by its structure and dynamics. The program reflects modern views on accounting and empowering a child with developmental problems.

The authors highlighted the following sections of the program: "Health", " Social development", Physical development and physical education«, « Cognitive development"," Formation of activity "," Aesthetic development ". The application contains the materials necessary for practitioners: grids of classes for the teacher, speech therapist, maps of the psychological study of the child, etc.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early and preschool age: Toolkit with the attachment of the album "Visual Aids for the Examination of Children".

The manual is based on modern approach to the diagnosis of mental development of children of early and preschool age. It includes a description of techniques aimed at identifying the level of cognitive and speech development, hearing examination of children of different age categories.

It is intended for specialists in psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations, defectologists, psychologists, speech therapists of preschool educational institutions. It can be useful for students of preschool, psychological and defectological faculties of pedagogical institutes, as well as parents.

Special preschool pedagogy

IN study guide general issues of the formation of special pedagogy as a science and modern theoretical approaches to the development of a system of correctional and developmental education are highlighted.

The content, methods and techniques of correctional and educational work with children, determined by the specifics of each type of violation, are considered. Questions are given and practical tasks for students, as well as a list of additional literature.

Formation of thinking (visual material)

Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities (visual material).

The illustrations of the visual material correspond to the chapters and sections of the book by E.A. Strebeleva "Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities" and are a visual and practical application to it.

The manual is recommended to be used in the process of studying with children for the formation of certain mental actions. With a competent approach to work, the teacher will be able to teach the child a holistic perception of the situations depicted in the pictures, lead to a generalization of ideas about the properties and qualities of objects, mastering the actions of substitution and modeling.

The picture material will provide significant assistance in the formation of the relationship between word and image, the ability to perform classification and systematization, to establish causal relationships and dependencies, to understand the hidden meaning and humor.

Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities

The book presents a system of correctional and pedagogical work on the formation of the mental activity of children with disabilities mental development... Given detailed description more than 200 didactic games, exercises, stories, tasks and riddles that contribute to enhancing the cognitive activity of preschool children.

At the end of the manual there are two appendices with material for teachers, in order to understand the creation of a situation for classes with children, and visual handouts for children.

student pedagogical control

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics (from the Greek diagnostikos - capable of recognizing) is a system based on psychological and pedagogical theories, methodologies and techniques that allow an accurate assessment educational achievements schoolchildren, efficiency teaching activities, the development of mental properties achieved by an individual or a group.

Conducting psychodiagnostic research is always subordinated to a specific goal, which determines the ways of solving individual problems.

D.B. Elkonin identifies two main tasks of psychological pedagogical diagnostics:

The first is to control the dynamics of the mental development of children studying and brought up in child care institutions, and to correct development in order to create optimal opportunities and conditions for pulling up weak and average students to the level of strong ones, as well as establishing the correct direction for the development of children with special abilities;

The second is comparative analysis the developmental effect of various systems of education and training in order to develop recommendations for increasing this function.

It is quite natural that both tasks can be solved only by focusing on the appropriate age period, its psychological characteristics.

At the same time, any psychological and pedagogical diagnostics should be, first of all, age-related. There cannot be diagnostic systems that are the same for different age periods.

The main requirement for diagnostics, with the goal of monitoring the processes of mental development and its correction, focusing on the formation of the main leading activity and on those neoplasms that should arise during its implementation.

In practice modern school the psychological service also faces many challenges. These are the tasks:

Finding out the level of the child's readiness for school;

Revealing especially gifted and lagging behind in development;

Finding out the reasons for school maladjustment;

Early warning of illegal tendencies in personality development;

Classroom management, taking into account the individual characteristics of students and interpersonal relationships between them;

In-depth career guidance.

Conventionally, all tasks that arise in the interaction of a teacher and a psychologist at school can be divided into psychological, pedagogical and psychological.

In the first case, the goals and methods of solving the problem are determined by the teacher, and the psychologist-diagnostician performs an auxiliary function, namely:

Conducts psychodiagnostics of the student, gives him psychological picture and predicts the result of pedagogical influence;

In some cases, he conducts secondary psychological diagnostics after exposure.

This type of task in most cases is associated with the maintenance of the general education function of the school.

The tasks of the second type are strictly psychological. They're in to a greater extent associated with the implementation of the educational function of the school. In this case, psychological diagnostics acts as a stage in solving a problem, where the means of solution are purely psychological, and include:

Advisory assistance,

Personality correction,

Psychological training,

Individual and family psychotherapy,

Conventionally, all typical tasks of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics can be attributed to two classes, based on the main functions of the school - the function of education and the function of upbringing. In real practice, these two functions are closely intertwined.

To the subject educational activities schools can be attributed to the formation of the following mental properties and functions:

Cognitive abilities;

Knowledge, abilities and skills in specific subject disciplines;

A system of ideas and concepts that form a general scientific picture of the natural and social world.

The formation of the following mental properties can be attributed to the subject of educational activity:

Character, will and determination;

Social and creative structure of motivation and value orientation of the individual;

Preparing young men and women for a conscious choice of a field of professional activity based on a harmonious combination of interests and abilities.

Both in the course of education and in the course of upbringing, the school explicitly or implicitly performs the third function - social and professional selection, or selection. At the same time, students in one way or another are grouped both according to the level of development of their certain abilities and inclinations, and according to the level of their personal and social maturity.

A special place in psychological and pedagogical diagnostics is occupied by psychological diagnostics of children with developmental disabilities.

Particular attention is paid to the psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of children with developmental disorders. According to scientific center health of children of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, today 85% of children are born with developmental disabilities and an unfavorable state of health, of which at least 30% need comprehensive rehabilitation. The number of children who need correctional and pedagogical assistance reaches preschool age 25%, and according to some sources - 30-45%, at school age 20-30% of children need special psychological and pedagogical assistance, and over 60% of children are at risk (V.I.Seliverstov, U.V. Ulyenkova, S.G.Shevchenko and others).

The success of the upbringing, education and social adaptation of children with developmental disorders depends on a correct assessment of their capabilities and developmental characteristics. This task is solved by psychodiagnostics of developmental disorders. It is the first and very important stage in the system of activities that provide special training, correctional, pedagogical and psychological assistance.

The main goal of a psychodiagnostic study of a child with developmental disorders is to identify the structure of mental disorders in order to determine the optimal ways of corrective assistance.

The specific task is determined by the child's age, the presence or absence of visual impairment, hearing impairment, musculoskeletal system, social situation, and the stage of diagnosis.

Psychodiagnostics of impaired development is carried out in three stages:

1) screening diagnostics;

2) differential diagnostics;

3) in-depth psychological and pedagogical study of the child in order to develop an individual correction program.

Each stage has its own specific tasks and each stage is associated with a range of problems that characterize the state of modern psychodiagnostics.

The main tasks of screening diagnostics are the timely identification of children with various deviations and mental disorders in the population, including in the conditions of mass educational institutions, an approximate determination of the spectrum of psychological and pedagogical problems of child development.

Differential diagnostics is aimed at determining the type of impaired development, it is according to its results that the direction of the child's education and its organizational forms are determined. Tasks differential diagnosis the following:

Distinguishing the degree and nature of violations of the mental, speech and emotional development of the child;

Identification of primary and secondary disorders and system analysis structures of the violation;

Assessment of the peculiarities of mental development disorders with impaired vision, hearing, musculoskeletal system;

Definition and substantiation of the pedagogical forecast.

An in-depth psychological and pedagogical study of children with developmental disorders aims to develop correction programs based on the results of diagnostics. Such study takes time and is carried out mainly in an educational and sometimes in an advisory institution. The specific tasks of such a study, as a rule, are diverse and specific for different age stages. Among them are the following:

Revealing the individual psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child;

Development of individual correctional development and training programs;

Determination of the conditions for raising a child, the specifics of intra-family relations;

Help in situations with learning difficulties;

Vocational counseling and vocational guidance for adolescents;

Solving social and emotional problems.

So, the most important tasks of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of impaired development are:

Early detection of developmental disorders in children;

Determination of the causes and nature of violations;

Determination of the child's optimal pedagogical route;

Identification of individual psychological characteristics a child with developmental disabilities;

Development of individual development and training programs.


Any parent is interested in his child's systematic and gradual development in all areas. has been happening since six months, when he slowly begins to become aware of the world around him.

And on how he reacts to it, shows emotions and at a subconscious level learns patterns of behavior, it depends - how he will develop in the future. And the task of parents is not only, first of all, to provide the necessary conditions for the development of the child, but also to monitor whether this development is taking place. Today, psychologists and teachers have developed all kinds of methods and tables for conducting early diagnosis... With their help, you can determine how correct and systematic the development of the baby is. These guides are great help for parents who care about their child. You can also find tests of various "directions" of diagnosis. They can be conditionally divided into 4 groups: methods for diagnosing the physical development of a child; for the diagnosis of intellectual development; to diagnose personality development; to diagnose individual skills and abilities of the child.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics infants and young children should be considered as a general approach to organizing a personality-oriented upbringing process aimed at ensuring a full-fledged individual development every child from birth. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between diagnostics as a general approach and diagnostics as a component of the process of practical pedagogical activity. In the examination of infants and young children, as a rule, non-standardized techniques are used, namely play techniques with objects familiar to the child - pyramids, cubes, etc. The examination process is carried out in an arbitrary form, the leading method is observation.

The main goal of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics is to control the course of the child's mental development based on ideas about the normative content and periodization of this process. For these purposes are allocated specific tasks psychological and pedagogical examination of children:

- early detection of deviations in development, their correction and prevention of violations in behavior and activity;

- identifying the causes and nature of primary disorders in the development of the examined child, determining the severity of such a violation;

- identification of individual psychological characteristics of the development of the examined child (personal and intellectual);

- determination of the conditions for raising a child;

- substantiation of the pedagogical forecast;

- development of an individual correction work program;

- organization of corrective work with parents and children.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of children is carried out in stages.

At the first stage, the specialist conducts a short conversation with the parents, listening and recording the first complaints.

The second stage is devoted to the examination of the child. First, the level of cognitive activity is studied, then, if necessary, a hearing examination is carried out, and finally a speech examination is carried out. The choice of methods for examining the cognitive sphere of children of early preschool age is due to their age characteristics and behavior in new conditions. Specialists pay attention to the child's behavior in a new environment, communication based on materials diagnostic techniques, emotional contact with a new adult.

In the third stage anamnestic information about the family, the development of the child is collected. The conditions of upbringing at an early age, the microclimate in the family, the understanding by the parents of the problems of the child's development are specified.

At the fourth stage recommendations are given on how to create living conditions for the child in the family. It is important to bring parents to an understanding of the importance of the family in raising a child and to use the pedagogical capabilities of the parents themselves in teaching and raising a child, to help them master the technology of common forms of pedagogical work with a child, family communication skills.

The fifth stage provides for the preparation of individual corrective programs for the development of the child and a pedagogical forecast is made. Thus, the examination of the development of young children is necessary and expedient, it makes it possible to compile an objective characteristic of both the level of development and the dynamics of development during repeated examinations, which ensures the prevention of detection of delay or lag.
Approximate plan in 1 year 3 months

Speech development
Understanding speech Be able to distinguish and name familiar toys and objects around them, their main qualities;
have an idea of ​​clothing, the purpose of things; fix the names of clothes and its parts, designation of actions and the sequence of dressing for a walk;
be able to name the objects shown in the picture and their qualities, actions; perform actions on pictures
To be able to show, at the request of an adult, parts of a person's face and a figurative toy; to consolidate the ability to identify parts of the body of humans and animals
Be able to carry out assignments at the request of an adult, related to familiar actions
Be able to look at pictures in a book, listen to nursery rhymes, poetry
Active speech (speaks up to 20 lightweight words) Be able to pronounce simple words, correlate them with objects
Be able to compare objects in size; pronounce a sound O
Have an idea of ​​who eats what and how; learn to pronounce a sound clearly but
Be able to pronounce simple words, relate them to actions
Have the ability to generalize by practicing verb matching with nouns
Have an idea of ​​the purpose of objects, activate words in speech - the names of objects and their qualities; learn to form nouns by analogy
To be able to pronounce long "humming" sounds - uuuu
Be able to clearly pronounce the sounds "y", "a"; consolidate the pronunciation of "ay"
Be able to distinguish and name birds; encourage imitation of bird voices and memorize onomatopoeia (quack-quack, ha-ha-ha, kko-kko-kko, ball-ball-ball)
Be able to imitate the voices of birds and memorize them; fix the pronunciation of sounds "m", "m", "y"
Sensory education
Form Be able to group objects according to their shape (circle, square)
Colour Be able to group items by color
The quantity Be able to alternate objects in size
Stringing rings of the same size Be able to remove and put on rings with a wide hole on the rod
Stringing rings of different sizes Be able to put on and take off large and small rings on the pyramid rod
Action with dice Be able to children to put blocks one on top of the other (build a tower, a house)
Show items in action Play with multiple items
uncomplicated plot using action generalization
Play one familiar action with a toy To be able to imitate children to reproduce one familiar action (shakes, drives, etc.)
Actions with
To be able to transfer familiar actions with one object to another object, to teach how to perform actions with the simplest vehicles for transporting small objects, toys, (wheelchair, stroller, trolley), to note features (drives, buzzing, there are wheels, they are spinning)
Actions with different toys Be able to perform the same actions with different objects
Movement development
Walking Be able to walk on your own
General developmental exercises Be able to stand steadily, squat, bend over, turn
Exercise crawling, promote the development of independence
Basic movements Exercise in crawling and climbing under an obstacle
Various movements (actions) with objects of a round shape To be able to perform various actions with objects of a round shape: carry, throw, roll, teach to climb the ladder of a children's slide with an additional step
Be able to run in the direction indicated
Developing household skills
Household skills Be able to drink from a cup
To be able to hold a spoon in a fist, dip it into thick food, bring it to the mouth, eat (an adult is feeding)
Be able to properly wash, wash and dry your hands, face after washing
Be able to ask for a potty
social and emotional sphere Be able to imitate facial expressions, movements of a close adult (laughs, frowns, smiles)
Be able to cognize the environment through emotional sensations (falling - painful, touching the battery - hot)
Be able to get interested in a new toy
Be able to show interest in children's games
To be able to react differently to dance and calm melodies, melodiousness of poems, jokes

Approximate plan diagnostic examination of children at 1 year 6 months

Cognitive sphere (abilities) Level of development of skills (abilities)
Speech development
Understanding speech Be able to show body parts at the request of an adult, understand words denoting body parts of humans and animals
Be able to generalize by appearance toys, objects, regardless of size and color
Be able to perform familiar household activities upon request
an adult
Active speech The development of imitation of sounds imitating the voices of animals continues. Active speech contains commonly used words
Formed clear pronunciation of sounds m, p, b (m, p, b), studied, clearly and distinctly pronounce individual sound combinations, fixed in speech the names of individual objects
Sound pronunciation fixed f; the names of objects and their qualities are fixed; strengthened articulation and vocal apparatus
Sensory education
Form Be able to navigate in two forms (ball - cube, cube -
brick); find objects of these forms at the request of an adult
Be able to pick up an object of the same shape as on the sample
To be able to group homogeneous objects, orient to the words "such", "not such"
The quantity Be able to navigate in two dimensions (large and small), find objects of these dimensions after the show and at the request of an adult
The quantity Be able to assemble a pyramid of two contrasting rings in size after showing
Colour Be able to navigate in two or three colors, find a toy of the same color as an adult asks or shows
To be able to form the simplest methods of establishing the identity and color difference of homogeneous objects
Be able to distinguish colors and understand color names
Be able to place mushrooms in holes on a square of the same color
Game actions with objects
Game actions Be able to turn the pages of books, learn to roll a stroller in front of you
To be able to pull the toy by the string behind you
To be able to perform (display) frequently observed actions: feed the doll; comb the doll
Be able to use substitute items in games. Perform the same actions with them as with real objects
Be able to be smart: substitute something, for example, knit; use an additional item to get the item you need
Movement development
Walking is normal Be able to walk well independently: straight, in a circle, bending around objects
Stepping over,
Ladder walking
Be able to step over obstacles on the floor with a side step
Be able to walk in and out of a child's ladder in alternating steps
Be able to walk on a slightly sloped board
Be able to throw the ball down, forward up
Developing household skills
Household skills Be able to hold a spoon in a fist
Be able to eat partially semi-liquid and liquid foods
Be able to drink from a cup without spilling while feeding
Be able to wash and dry your hands on your own with a towel
Socio-emotional sphere
Socio-emotional sphere Be able to show socially significant gestures and facial expressions ("regrets")
Be able to switch from one emotional state to another (upset - calms down)
To be able to concede a toy to another child, not to take away a toy
Be able to perceive various artistic words
Be able to repeat familiar movements with pleasure to music

An approximate plan for the individual development of children at 1 year 9 months

Cognitive sphere (abilities) Level of development of skills (abilities)
Speech development
Understanding speech Be able to understand plots from the picture; answer the questions: "Who is this?", "What is he doing?", "Where?";
Be able to perform (and remember) two assignments (take and place, take and bring)
Be able to understand a simple story with familiar events
Active speech; clear pronunciation Be able to use two-word sentences:
- when communicating with adults;
- when communicating with each other;
- in games; exercise in the development of speech breathing; learn to call your own or someone's actions with a word; learn to finish the last words of familiar verses, nursery rhymes
Sensory education
Form The ability to match objects in shape has been consolidated, making a choice from two given shapes:
ball-cube; ball-brick; brick prism; exercises in grouping objects by shape.
The quantity Be able to navigate in three dimensions of one shape (large - smaller - small)
Be able to control, string and remove a two-three-dimensional conical pyramid, stringing on a rod first one ring, then two rings of each size
Colour Be able to navigate in colors: red, yellow, green, blue. Be able to group items by color
Game actions with objects
Game actions To be able to display life actions in the game (feed, carry, lull)
To be able to put the doll to sleep, encourage the naming of words for the doll's clothes, affectionate words "lulling"
Be able to pronounce words for tableware, use them when feeding a doll
Be able to use substitute items
Be able to reproduce simple buildings from cubes (tower, walkway, table, chair, bed, gate, fence) after showing
Movement development
Walking-stepping Be able to step over small obstacles on the floor
Walking on gymnastic apparatus (board, bench) To be able to walk on a board slightly raised above the floor, or on a gymnastic bench to develop feelings; develop a sense of balance, the ability to navigate space
Throwing Be able to throw the ball into a basket on the floor
Run Be able to run in different directions
Climbing To be able to easily climb onto a sofa, chair, descend to the floor
Developing household skills
Household skills Be able to eat any food on your own
Be able to eat with bread
Be able to take off your hat, shoes on your own
Be able to partially dress (pull on a hat, put on shoes and other clothes, shoes according to the weather and season)
Be able to pay attention to dirty face, hands
Know the place of toys, clothes and other things
Socio-emotional sphere
Socio-emotional sphere Be able to imitate adults in situations of joy, grief, anxiety
To be able to use emotionally colored exclamations, facial expressions, movements when communicating with an adult
Be able to communicate with peers
To be able to emotionally recognize mood, that is, to actually react to speech, music, artistic word

An approximate plan for a diagnostic examination of children at 2 years old

Cognitive sphere (abilities) Level of development of skills (abilities)
Speech development
Understanding speech Be able to understand a short story (without showing actions) about familiar events; answer questions about these events
Be able to complete up to 3 assignments (take, take, put)
Be able to name the names of the details of the face (lips, teeth, tongue, forehead, ears, cheeks, etc.) and the body (arms, legs, back, etc.)
Be able to use sentences of 2-3 words when communicating with adults and children
Be able to use in speech:
- adjectives,
- pronouns,
- prepositions
Be able to finish quatrains in familiar verses
Be able to name objects by pictures
Be able to say goodbye, goodbye, thank you, hello
Sensory education
Form To be able to correlate the volumetric configuration geometric shape with planar image, superimposed on the sample
Be able to group objects of the same shape and relate different objects
The quantity Be able to navigate in three or more contrasting dimensions
Be able to assemble a pyramid in descending order of size from 4-5 rings
Colour Be able to distinguish 3-4 colors, match colors according to a sample, name some of them
Be able to establish the identities and differences in color of homogeneous objects
Item qualities Be able to distinguish between the size of an object: heavy - light; learn to distinguish between texture: soft - hard; learn to distinguish between temperature: cold - warm
Game actions with objects
Game actions To be able to get (catch) a toy you like with a net hectare of water
Be able to perform several sequential game actions while in problem situation(feeds the doll if there are dishes nearby; builds a garage if there are cubes and cars nearby); learn to use substitute subjects
Be able to perform two consecutive actions
Be able to construct familiar buildings for soft toys from cubes
Movement development
Walking Be able to step over several obstacles in alternating steps
Walking and running Be able to maintain balance when walking in a limited area or on a gymnastic apparatus lying on the floor
Be able to climb and descend stairs, climb and descend a children's slide
Be able to change the pace: walking and running
Run Be able to run at a mincing pace
Jumping, jumping Be able to jump, jump
Catching and throwing Be able to hold the ball with one or two hands
Be able to throw the ball at a horizontal target
Be able to catch the ball at close range
Rolling objects
round shape
Be able to roll objects of a round shape from a slide
Developing household skills
Household skills Be able to eat neatly without pouring
To be able to rub palms, parts of the face when washing, dry with a towel, handkerchief
Be able to dress independently (pull on socks, a hat, put on shoes
Be able to partially undress
Be able to put clothes, shoes, dishes, toys in place
Know how to use a handkerchief (as a reminder)
Socio-emotional sphere
Socio-emotional sphere Be able to show emotions when communicating (facial expressions, exclamations, movements)
Be able to smile, use emotionally colored speech when playing with children
Be able to emotionally interest children in music, singing, folklore
Be able to watch cartoons, children's television programs
To be able to empathize, sympathize with another person, learn to understand the phrases: "It is possible", "It is impossible"

The author of popular books on psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children E.A. Strebeleva. graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Lenin. Having received a specialty at the Faculty of Defectology, she worked for many years as a teacher and methodologist of a specialized kindergarten, then taught at the Department of Oligophrenopedagogy at Moscow State Pedagogical Institute.

She made an invaluable contribution to the development of methods for working with mentally retarded children, for the diagnosis of deviations in the development of preschoolers.

In 1999, she was awarded the Presidential Prize for her contribution to education. EA Strebeleva wrote more than 50 works on psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, many of which are very popular, they are handbooks of speech therapists, psychologists and doctors.

Diagnostics by tests

Simple exercises and tests were developed on the basis of many years of research and observations, which made it possible to create the method of E.A. Strebeleva on psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children, which has no analogues. It is because of its effectiveness that this method of working with children has received such approval in the responses of many parents about the results of working according to the principles of this method.

Exercises include a variety of tests, explanations on how to perform them, tables in which the results are entered for analysis. These tables are subsequently examined. On their basis, it is concluded whether the child has developmental disabilities. Early diagnosis according to Strebeleva E.A. helps to identify the lag in time, to do an examination, to correct the baby's condition with the help of treatment and additional activities.

In the book "Orphans" on psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, teachers, defectologists, neuropathologists, and educators of institutions will find a methodology that can be used to determine the level of development of children without parents.

Diagnostics according to Strebeleva E.A. small children is especially relevant: the smaller the child, the faster you can correct developmental problems, prevent the appearance of deviations or reduce them. At no other age can developmental problems be corrected so effectively.

Outstanding defectologists L.S. Vygotsky, S.D. Zabramnaya and others.

The influence of adults on the development of children

The basis is the assumption that the child develops in the process of activity, assimilating social experience. In preschool age, these are games, they contribute to the development of motor skills, speech, thinking and perception, imitation of the actions of adults.

The ability to adopt skills and experience from adults is a criterion for successful development, and can be taken into account when diagnosing Strebeleva E.A. in order to identify mental retardation. Therefore, the environment in which the child develops is so important, when his personality and attitude to the world, social behavior are formed.

Speaking about psychotherapy, the author notes that increased conflict, neurotic aggressiveness is often associated with an unfavorable environment in which the baby grows up. Group and individual work with parents is essential to adjust the development of children. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics according to E.A. Strebeleva helps to deal not only with problems in the development of a child, but also with what needs to be changed by the adults who surround him in his life. Only an integrated approach will help to maximize the development of the child, taking into account his health and potential.

Diagnostic Tasks

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics Strebeleva E.A. aims to identify deviations, timely prevention and correction. It helps to identify the causes of their occurrence and the severity of violations, to make a forecast, to determine individual program work, give recommendations on changing the conditions of upbringing to parents.

This takes into account the biological and social factors of the formation of the personality, as well as the fact that at each age their balance is different. That is, the health of the child is important, the full activity of the neuro-anatomical and physiological structures that ensure the functioning of the brain and its development with the help of social interactions, active development in the process of games, learning, imitation of adults, character traits and the nervous system.

At the first stage, interaction with adults is more important for kids. And already as you grow - the ability to imitate, it is one of the important criteria that is taken into account when diagnosing Strebeleva at an early age. Instead of imitation and in its process, opportunities appear in the implementation of independent ideas in creativity. Therefore, at a very early age, emotional and physical contact for the baby is so important, causing a "revitalization complex", which is gradually replaced by subject and verbal communication... But every step is impossible to organize.

Another important factor in development is the spontaneous perception of the surrounding world, events, people that affect its ideas and conclusions, the formation of the psyche. It is important to remember that in preschool age all mental functions develop, the foundation is laid cognitive abilities, elements of will, self-esteem, stable schemes of personal response to different situations, a system of values ​​is being formed. In the process of formation, they can be corrected, and with age, this is much more difficult, and often impossible.

Diagnostic principles

Early age according to Strebeleva E.A. is based on a number of principles that allow you to get an objective assessment of the child's condition and give the right recommendations for his development.

  • The principle of an integrated approach means that the child must be comprehensively examined to clarify the characteristics of development and behavior, the state of the emotional sphere, and interest in the cognitive process. That is, developmental diagnostics should be part of a comprehensive examination. If there is reason to believe that there are violations in mental development, methods of studying the history of the child's development, observing his behavior, games should also be applied, and emphasis is placed on pathopsychological, neurophysiological research and others.
  • The principle of holistic system learning involves the study of the links between mental disorders and the causes that cause them, the establishment of the most important and least significant.
  • The principle of dynamic learning involves considering the child's state in the present, as well as in dynamics, taking into account the influence of development when using a special corrective program.

  • The principle of qualitative analysis is especially important. All the data obtained should be taken into account in the interaction and characteristics of his personality. It notes his personal attitude to the tasks, to the results of the work performed, the nature of the mistakes. To get an objective picture, it is important to combine quantitative and qualitative approaches in diagnostics.

To assess the acceptance of the assignment, the child's consent to perform it is taken into account, as well as the child's interest in the test itself and communication with adults during its implementation. Moreover, the child can try to do it on his own, through trial and error, with the help of visual orientation, imitation or unsystematic actions that do not correspond to the properties of objects. If he can act according to instructions, take into account the properties of materials, measure his efforts, taking into account their fragility, we can talk about adequate actions.

When performing an assignment, you can take into account the child's learning ability if he performs it by imitation with the help of auxiliary gestures of an adult or speech advice.

However, in order to obtain an objective assessment, a number of conditions must be met. You can show for repetition how to complete the task no more than three times, and speech can evaluate the course of events and indicate goals.

If a child passes as a result of learning from inadequate actions to adequate ones, we can talk about his development, while the lack of the ability to complete the task indicates a violation of the emotional-volitional sphere, reduced intelligence. A normal child is interested in the results, he gets upset if nothing works out, rejoices in success.

In order to draw the correct conclusion about his condition, it is necessary to take into account whether he had opportunities for development, whether the microclimate in the family corresponded to and whether the living conditions were normal. On the basis of Strebeleva's early diagnosis, it is possible to draw up an individual correctional program for the development of a child, give parents advice on upbringing, and make a pedagogical forecast.

Assessment of the assignment

If, after completing the tasks, the child gains 34-40 points, it is considered that he has no deviations.

Four points are awarded for a test that the child immediately begins to perform independently or in collaboration with adults.

A child receives three points if he is in contact with an adult, completes the task only after training, and acts adequately.

Two points are given when a child seeks to achieve a goal, acts adequately, but cannot cope on his own even after training.

The child receives one point for inappropriate actions, misunderstanding of the purpose of the task.

Features of development up to 3 years

A kid's life is full of adventure and amazing discoveries. As soon as he begins to walk, dependence on an adult decreases, he begins to zealously master the surrounding spaces, to study objects. Every day he receives more and more skills with the help of which he learns to use things, and already in the third year of his life, the leading hand and the coordination of the actions of both hands are determined. Seeing a new object, he wonders what can be done with it. Working with different toys, he recognizes colors, shapes, weight, develops tactile sensations.

If he is offered a choice according to a sample, then first he takes into account the shape, size, and then color. In the second or third year of life, speech intensively develops in the process of communication and special classes. At an early age, the child intensively learns to communicate and show emotions, speak, perceive information, draw conclusions, move.

How research results are taken into account

To get the results of the child's research, he is asked to complete a variety of tasks, which are assessed on a four-point system. Tables have been developed for the developmental diagnostics system Strebeleva E.A., in which tests, the name and age of the child are indicated, it is convenient to enter marks and summarize in them. In parental reviews it is noted that this system is very convenient and practical to use at home, if extra classes parents with kids.

How the lag manifests itself

If a child has problems and developmental delays, then this is manifested in movements and games. The actions of such a baby are often unfocused, there is no interest in toys. Instead of asking what it is and what it is for, he can pick up a toy to toss without examining it. Gait and movement are often not coordinated. There is also a lack of interest in the results, which can manifest itself in drawing lessons, in games.

Sometimes there is a weak development of the skills of neatness and independence, articulation and sound discrimination work poorly. Such children begin to speak only at the age of three, often for the reason that there is no interest in the world around them, there is no sufficient emotionality, which is noticeable even on the face.

Assessment using tables

It was to identify the real picture that a system of exercises for diagnostics was developed. early development by Strebeleva E.A. in children aged 2-3 years. Under this system, it is envisaged to fill out a table in which there are columns 2-2.5 and 2.5-3 years. It also offers various simple tasks. For example, assemble and disassemble a nesting doll of 2-3 dolls, fold a pyramid of three rings, fold puzzles of 2-3 pieces, choose cubes by color. Some lessons are duplicated by type to exclude the influence of subjective factors

It is proposed to find paired pictures, draw a path or a house. The child can draw scribbles, scribble something for a specific purpose, draw lines that resemble a picture, or complete an assignment.

Each assignment has instructions to help you grade. For example, a child can disassemble and fold a matryoshka, do it imitating an adult, try to cope on his own, but cannot match the size, pulls the matryoshka into his mouth, or uses it to knock and throw. This is considered a relative norm.

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