Cn 2.06 15 85 updated edition. Engineering




SNiP 2.06.15-85

DEVELOPED by the Institute "Hydroproject" them. S.Ya. Zhuk of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR (Candidate of Engineering Sciences G.G. Gangardt, A.G. Oskolkov, V.M.Semenkov, Candidates of Technical Sciences S.I.Egorshin, M.P. S.M. Uspensky, Candidate of Biological Sciences N.M. Chamova, V.N. Kondratyev, L.S. Fedorov and Yu.P. Ivanov), Central Research Institute for Urban Development of the State Civil Construction of the USSR (Candidates of Engineering Sciences V.B.Belyaev and N.A. Technical Sciences, Prof. A.Zh. Muftakhov, Candidate of Technical Sciences N.P. Kuranov, I.V. Korinchenko), PNIIIS Gosstroy of the USSR (Candidates of Technical Sciences V.V. Vedernikov and E.S. , V / O "Soyuzvodproekt" of the USSR Ministry of Water Resources (Candidate of Engineering Sciences PG Fialkovsky, AN Krzhizhanovsky), Soyuzgiprovodkhoz named after HER. Alekseevsky Ministry of Water Management of the USSR (Candidates of Engineering Sciences G.P. Obodzinskaya and K.A.Tikhonova, V.N.Bogomolov), SANIIRI them. V.D. Zhurina of the Ministry of Water Management of the USSR (candidates of technical sciences Kh.A. Irmukhamedov and M.M. Mirziyatov), ​​the Ukrainian branch of the Central Research Institute of Water Management of the Ministry of Water Resources of the USSR (candidates of technical sciences V.L. Maksimchuk, A.I. Tomiltseva and V.P. Tkachenko), Institute "Giprogor" of the Gosstroy of the RSFSR (I.M.Schneider and P.A.Minchenko), Institute of Hydromechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR A.Ya. Candidate of Technical Sciences Yu.N. Sokolnikov), Institute of Applied Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Doctor of Technical Sciences M.G. Khublaryan, Dr. V.A. Sharapov), IMPiTM them. E.I. Martsinovsky Ministry of Health of the USSR (Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Prof. FF Soprunov, Doctors of Medical Sciences N.A. Romanenko and S.A. F.F. Erisman of the USSR Ministry of Health (candidates of medical sciences L.V. Kudrin, G.V. Guskov and I.L. Vinokur), GIZR of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR (candidates of economic sciences S.I. Nosov and V.A. Varlashkin), All-Union Research Institute of Nature Conservation and Wildlife Management of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture (Doctors of Biological Sciences Yu.P. Yazan and Ya.V. Sapetin), Dnepropetrovsk branch of the UkrkommunNIIproekt Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Ukrainian SSR (TS Pak and V.G. Ivanov) , Giprokommunstroy of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR (V.P. Sapronenkov, B.P. Kopkov and O.P. Stadukhina) V.V. Kuibyshev of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. N.A. Tsytovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences Ya.A. Kronik, E.A. Smetchuk and D.S. Fotiev), VSEGINGEO Mingeo USSR (Dr. Geological and Mineral Sciences, Prof. V.M. Gol'dberg, Candidate of Geological and Mineral Sciences S.M. Semenov), Fundamental Project of the USSR Ministry of Montazhspetsstroy (M.N. Pink, A.A. Kolesov and V.D. Antonyuk), VNIILM of the USSR State Forestry Administration (L.T. Pavlushkin, Candidate of Geographical Sciences V.V. Sysuev).

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Energy.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy of the USSR (V.A.Kulinichev).

These building codes and regulations apply to the design of systems, facilities and structures for engineering protection against flooding and flooding of the territories of settlements, industrial, transport, energy and utility facilities, mineral deposits and mine workings, agricultural and forest lands, natural landscapes.
When designing systems, objects and structures of engineering protection, the "Fundamentals of Land Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics", "Fundamentals of Water Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics", "Fundamentals of Forestry Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics", "The USSR Law on Protection and the use of wildlife "and other legislation on the protection of nature and the use of natural resources, as well as the requirements of regulatory documents approved or agreed by the USSR State Construction Committee.


1.1. When designing the engineering protection of the territory against flooding and flooding, it is necessary to develop a set of measures to ensure the prevention of flooding and flooding of territories, depending on the requirements of their functional use and protection of the natural environment, or to eliminate the negative effects of flooding and flooding.
The protection of the territory of settlements, industrial and communal storage facilities should ensure:
uninterrupted and reliable functioning and development of urban, urban planning, production and technical, communication, transport facilities, recreation areas and other territorial systems and individual structures National economy;
standard medical and sanitary living conditions of the population;
normative sanitary and hygienic, social and recreational conditions of the protected areas.
Protection against flooding and flooding of mineral deposits and mine workings should ensure:
protection of subsoil and natural landscapes;
safe conduct of open-pit and underground mining of mineral deposits, including non-metallic materials;
exclusion of the possibility of technogenic flooding and flooding of territories caused by the development of mineral deposits.
The protection of agricultural land and natural landscapes should:
to promote the intensification of production of agricultural, forestry and fish products;
create optimal agrotechnical conditions;
regulate hydrological and hydrogeological regimes in the protected area depending on the functional use of land;
promote the integrated and rational use and protection of land, water, mineral and other natural resources.
When protecting natural landscapes near cities and settlements, it is necessary to provide for the use of the territory for the creation of sanitary protection zones, forest parks, medical and recreational facilities, recreation areas, including all types of tourism, recreation and sports.
1.2. As the main means of engineering protection, it is necessary to envisage embankment, artificial raising of the surface of the territory, channel-regulating structures and structures for regulating and diverting surface runoff, drainage systems and separate drainages and other protective structures.
Natural properties should be used as auxiliary means of engineering protection. natural systems and their components that enhance the effectiveness of the main means of engineering protection. The latter should include an increase in the drainage and drainage role of the hydrographic network by clearing channels and oxbow lakes, phytomelioration, agroforestry, etc.
The design of the engineering protection of the territory should include organizational and technical measures to ensure the passage of spring floods and summer floods.
Engineering protection in built-up areas should provide for the formation of a single integrated territorial system or local on-site protective structures that provide effective protection of areas from floods on rivers, flooding and flooding when creating reservoirs and canals; from the rise in the level of groundwater caused by the construction and operation of buildings, structures and networks.
Unified integrated territorial systems of engineering protection should be designed regardless of the departmental affiliation of the protected territories and facilities.
1.3. The need to protect the territories of river floodplains from natural flooding is determined by the need and the degree of use of individual sections of these territories for urban or industrial development, or for agricultural land, as well as mineral deposits.
The design parameters of flooding of river floodplains should be determined on the basis of engineering and hydrological calculations, depending on the adopted classes of protective structures in accordance with Sec. 2. In this case, one should distinguish between flooding: deep-water (depth over 5 m), medium (depth from 2 to 5 m), shallow (depth of coverage of the land surface with water up to 2 m).
1.4. The boundaries of the territories of technogenic flooding should be determined when developing projects for water management facilities. for various purposes and drainage systems for waste and waste water from industrial enterprises, agricultural land and mine workings of mineral deposits.
Bad influence flooding by existing or projected reservoirs should be assessed depending on the reservoir drawdown regimes and the duration of the flooding effect on the coastal area. In this case, a distinction should be made between: permanent flooding - below the dead volume mark (ULV); periodic - between the marks of the normal retaining level (NPU) and UMO; temporary (forcing the reservoir level above the FSL).
1.5. When assessing the negative impacts of flooding of a territory, one should take into account the depth of groundwater, the duration and intensity of the process, hydrogeological, engineering-geological and geocryological, medical and sanitary, geobotanical, zoological, soil, agricultural, land reclamation, economic and economic features of the area of ​​the protected area.
When assessing damage from flooding, it is necessary to take into account the development of the territory, the classes of protected structures and objects, the value of agricultural land, mineral deposits and natural landscapes.
1.6. When developing projects for engineering protection against flooding, the following sources of flooding should be taken into account: the spread of groundwater backwater from reservoirs, canals, basins of pumped storage power plants and other hydraulic structures, groundwater backwater due to filtration from irrigated lands to adjacent territories, water leakage from water-carrying communications and structures protected areas, precipitation.
At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of a one-time manifestation of individual sources of flooding or their combinations.
The flooding zone on the coastal territory of the projected reservoir or other water body should be determined by predicting the spread of groundwater backwater at the design water level in the water body on the basis of geological and hydrogeological surveys, and in existing water bodies on the basis of hydrogeological studies.
The zone of distribution of groundwater backwater from irrigated lands to adjacent territories should be determined on the basis of water balance and hydrodynamic calculations, the results of geological and soil surveys.
It should be borne in mind:
the degree of atmospheric humidification of the protected areas;
loss of water from water-carrying communications and tanks.
Forecast quantitative characteristics flooding for developed areas must be compared with the actual data of hydrogeological observations. If the actual data exceed the forecast, additional sources of flooding should be identified.
1.7. When engineering protection of urban and industrial areas, the negative impact of flooding on:
changes in the physical and mechanical properties of soils at the base of engineering structures and the aggressiveness of groundwater;
reliability of structures of buildings and structures, including those erected in underworked and previously underworked territories;
stability and strength of underground structures when the hydrostatic pressure of groundwater changes;
corrosion of underground parts of metal structures, pipeline systems, water supply and heating systems;
the reliability of the functioning of utilities, structures and equipment due to the penetration of water into underground premises;
manifestation of suffusion and erosion;
sanitary and hygienic condition of the territory;
storage conditions for food and non-food products in basement and underground warehouses.
1.8. When flooding agricultural land and natural landscapes, the impact of flooding on:
changes in the salt regime of soils;
waterlogging of the territory;
natural systems in general and on the living conditions of representatives of flora and fauna;
sanitary and hygienic condition of the territory.
1.9. Engineering protection of the territory against flooding and flooding should be aimed at preventing or reducing the national economic, social and environmental damage, which is determined by a decrease in the quantity and quality of products of various sectors of the national economy, deterioration of hygienic and medical and sanitary living conditions of the population, the cost of restoring the reliability of facilities on flooded and flooded areas.
1.10. When designing engineering protection against flooding and flooding, it is necessary to determine the feasibility and possibility of the simultaneous use of structures and engineering protection systems in order to improve water supply and water supply, cultural and living conditions of the population, operation of industrial and communal facilities, as well as in the interests of energy, road, railway and water transport, mining, agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, land reclamation, recreation and nature protection, providing in projects the possibility of creating options for multi-purpose engineering protection structures.
1.11. The design of engineering protection structures should provide:
reliability of protective structures, uninterrupted operation at the lowest operating costs;
the ability to conduct systematic observations of the work and condition of structures and equipment;
optimal modes of operation of spillway structures;
maximum use of local building materials and natural resources.
The choice of options for engineering protection structures should be made on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of the indicators of the compared options.
1.12. The territories of settlements and areas of development of mineral deposits should be protected from the consequences specified in clause 1.7, as well as from landslides, thermokarst and thermal erosion, and agricultural lands - from the consequences specified in clause 1.8, improving microclimatic, agroforestry and other conditions.
When designing the engineering protection of territories, the requirements of the "Rules for the protection of surface waters from sewage pollution" approved by the USSR Ministry of Water Resources, the USSR Ministry of Fisheries and the USSR Ministry of Health should be observed.
In cases when the designed structures of engineering protection geographically coincide with the existing or being created water protection, nature protection zones, national parks, nature reserves, wildlife preserves, environmental protection measures of the project of engineering protection of the territory must be coordinated with the state control bodies over the protection of the natural environment.
1.13. The effectiveness of the projected flood control measures should be determined by comparing the technical and economic indicators of the option for the integrated use of the reservoir and protected lands with the option for the use of lands prior to the implementation of flood control measures.
1.14. Flood protection dams, embankment dams for settlements and industrial facilities, mineral deposits and mine workings should be designed in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 3 of these norms and SNiP II-50-74, and agricultural land - also in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-52-74.
When designing protective flood control systems on rivers, the requirements for the integrated use of water resources in watercourses should be taken into account.
The choice of the estimated provision for the passage of floods through the spillway protective structures is justified by technical and economic calculations, taking into account the classes of protective structures in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 2.
1.15. Structures regulating surface runoff in areas protected from flooding should rely on the estimated discharge of surface water entering these areas (rain and melt water, temporary and permanent watercourses), taken in accordance with the class of the protective structure.
Surface runoff from the watershed side should be diverted from the protected area through upland canals, and, if necessary, provide for the construction of reservoirs that allow accumulating a part of the surface runoff.
1.16. An integrated territorial system of engineering protection against flooding and waterlogging should include several different means of engineering protection in the following cases:
the presence on the protected territory of industrial or civil structures, the protection of which is impossible and ineffective to carry out by separate means of engineering protection;
complex morphometric, topographic, hydrogeological and other conditions that exclude the use of one or another separate object of engineering protection.
1.17. When protecting territories from flooding and flooding caused by the construction of hydropower and water management facilities, a feasibility study for engineering protection of I and II classes should be carried out on the basis of feasibility studies in accordance with the recommended Appendix 1.
Justification of engineering protection structures in the design of water facilities of republican, regional, regional and local significance, as well as engineering protection structures of III and IV classes should be carried out on the basis of the "Standard values ​​for the development of new lands to replace those withdrawn for non-agricultural needs", approved by the councils of ministers of the union republics.


2.1. Classes of engineering protection structures are assigned, as a rule, not lower than the classes of protected objects, depending on the national economic significance.
When protecting the territory on which objects of various classes are located, the class of engineering protection structures should, as a rule, correspond to the class of most protected objects. At the same time, individual objects with a higher class than the class established for the structures of engineering protection of the territory can be protected locally. The classes of such objects and their local protection must match each other.
If the feasibility study established the inexpediency of local protection, then the class of engineering protection of the territory should be increased by one.
2.2. Classes of permanent hydraulic structures of engineering protection of a water-retaining type should be assigned in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-50-74 and depending on the characteristics of the protected area in accordance with mandatory Appendix 2 of these standards.
2.3. Classes of protective structures of non-water support type (channel-regulating and runoff-regulating, drainage systems, etc.) should be assigned in accordance with the "Rules for taking into account the degree of responsibility of buildings, structures in the design of structures", approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.
Design conditions for design are accepted according to SNiP II-50-74 in accordance with the accepted class.
2.4. The excess of the ridge of water-retaining protective structures above the calculated water level should be assigned depending on the class of protective structures and taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.06.05-84.
In this case, one should take into account the possibility of raising the water level due to the restriction of the watercourse by protective structures.
2.5. When protecting the territory from flooding by increasing the surface of the territory by filling or reclaiming soil, the mark of the territory to be filled up from the side of the water body should be taken in the same way as for the crest of embankment dams; the elevation of the surface of the covered area during protection against flooding should be determined taking into account the requirements of SNiP II-60-75 **.
2.6. When designing engineering protection on the banks of streams and reservoirs, the maximum water level in them is taken as the calculated one with the probability of exceeding, depending on the class of engineering protection structures, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-50-74 for the main design case.

Notes: 1. The probability of exceeding the design water level for Class I structures protecting agricultural areas with an area of ​​more than 100 thousand hectares is taken equal to 0.5%; for class IV structures protecting territories for health-improving, recreational and sanitary-protective purposes - 10%.
2. Overflow of water over the ridge of engineering protection structures of urban areas at verification design water levels in accordance with SNiP II-50-74 is not allowed. For urban areas and detached industrial enterprises, a plan of organizational and technical measures should be developed in the event of a flood with a security equal to the verification design case.

2.7. Drainage rates (depth of groundwater lowering, counting from the design mark of the territory) when designing protection against flooding are adopted depending on the nature of the development of the protected area in accordance with table. 1.

Table 1

Type of building Drainage rate, m
1. Territories of large industrial zones and complexes Up to 15
2. Territories of urban industrial zones, communal storage zones, centers of the largest, large and large cities 5
3. Residential areas of cities and rural settlements 2
4. Territories of sports and recreation facilities and service establishments for recreation areas 1
5. Territories of recreational and protective zones (green spaces of general use, parks, sanitary protection zones) 1

Drainage rates for agricultural land are determined in accordance with SNiP II-52-74.
Drainage rates for mineral development areas are determined taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.06.14-85.
Drainage rates in adjacent urban, agricultural and other territories used by various land users are determined taking into account the requirements of each land user.
2.8. Classes of protective structures against flooding should be assigned depending on the drainage rates and the estimated lowering of the groundwater level according to table. 2.

table 2

Drainage rates, m Estimated lowering of the groundwater level, m, for classes of structures
Up to 15 St. 5 Up to 5  
5  St. 3 to 3 
2    Up to 2

2.9. The maximum calculated groundwater levels in the protected areas should be taken based on the results of the forecast in accordance with clause 1.6. Estimated costs of regulated rainwater runoff should be taken according to SNiP 2.04.03-85.

... Full version document with tables, images and attachments in the attached file ...





From flooding


SNiP 2.06.15-85



DEVELOPED by the Institute "Hydroproject" them. S. Ya. Zhuk of the USSR Ministry of Energy (Candidate of Technical Sciences G. G. Gangardt, A. G. Oskolkov, V. M. Semenkov, technical candidates sciences S. I. Egorshin, M. P. Malyshev- topic leader; Cand. geogr. sciences S. M. Uspensky, Cand. biol. sciences N. M. Chamova, V. N. Kondratyev, L. S. Svashchenko, M. D. Romanov, Cand. tech. sciences I. I. Fain, I. P. Fedorov and Yu. P. Ivanov), Central Research Institute for Urban Development of the State Civil Construction of the USSR (candidates of technical sciences V. B. Belyaev and N. A. Korneev), VNII VODGEO Gosstroy of the USSR (Candidate of Technical Sciences V. S. Alekseev, Dr. Tech. Sciences, prof. A. Zh. Muftakhov, Cand. tech. sciences N. P. Kuranov, I. V. Korinchenko), PNIIIS Gosstroy of the USSR (candidates of technical sciences V.V. Vedernikov and E. S. Dzektser), V / O "Soyuzvodproekt" of the Ministry of Water Resources of the USSR (Candidate of Technical Sciences P. G. Fialkovsky, A. N. Krzhizhanovsky), Soyuzgiprovodkhoz them. E.E. Alekseevsky of the USSR Ministry of Water Resources (Candidate of Technical Sciences G.P. Obodzinskaya and K. A. Tikhonova, V. N. Bogomolov), SANIIRI them. V.D. Zhurin of the USSR Ministry of Water Resources (Candidate of Technical Sciences Kh.A. Irmukhamedov and M. M. Mirziyatov), The Ukrainian branch of TsNIIKIVR of the USSR Ministry of Water Resources (Candidates of Technical Sciences V. L. Maksimchuk, A. I. Tomiltseva and V.P. Tkachenko), the Institute "Giprogor" of the Gosstroy of the RSFSR ( I. M. Schneider and P. A. Minchenko), Institute of Hydromechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR A. Ya. Oleinik, Dr. Tech. sciences N.G. Pivovar, Cand. tech. sciences Yu.N. Sokolnikov), Institute of Applied Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Doctor of Technical Sciences M. G. Khublaryan, Dr. Geogr. sciences A. B. Avakyan, candidates geogr. sciences V.P.Saltankin and V. A. Sharapov), IMPiTM them. E.I. Martsinovsky of the USSR Ministry of Health (corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. F. F. Soprunov, Dr. med. sciences N. A. Romanenko and S. A. Beer), Moscow Research Institute of Hygiene. F.F. Erisman of the USSR Ministry of Health (Candidates of Medical Sciences L. V. Kudrin, G. V. Guskov and I. L. Vinokur), GIZR of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture (Candidates of Economic Sciences S. I. Nosov and V. A. Vashanov, V. P. Varlashkin), All-Russian Research Institute of Nature Conservation and Reserve Management of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture (Doctor of Biological Sciences Yu. P. Yazan and Ya.V. Sapetin), Dnepropetrovsk branch "UkrkommunNIIproekt" of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Ukrainian SSR ( T. S. Pak and V. G. Ivanov), Giprokommunstroy of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR ( V.P.Sapronenkov, B.P. Kopkov and O. P. Stadukhina), MISS them. V.V. Kuibysheva of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education (Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. N. A. Tsytovich , Cand. tech. sciences Ya.A. Kronik, E. A. Smetchuk and D. S. Fotiev), VSEGINGEO Mingeo USSR (Doctor of Geological and Mineral Sciences, prof. V. M. Goldberg, Cand. geol.-mineral. sciences S. M. Semenov), Fundamental project of the USSR Ministry of Montazhspetsstroy ( M. N. Pink, A. A. Kolesov and V. D. Antonyuk), VNIILM Gosleskhoz of the USSR ( L. T. Pavlushkin, Cand. geogr. sciences V. V. Sysuev).

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Energy.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy USSR ( V. A. Kulinichev).

Gosstroy of the USSR

Building regulations

SNiP 2.06.15-85

Engineering protection of the territory

from flooding and waterlogging


These building codes and regulations apply to the design of systems, facilities and structures for engineering protection against flooding and flooding of the territories of settlements, industrial, transport, energy and utility facilities, mineral deposits and mine workings, agricultural and forest lands, natural landscapes.

When designing systems, objects and structures of engineering protection, it is necessary to observe the "Fundamentals of Land Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics", "Fundamentals of Water Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics", "Fundamentals of Forestry Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics", "USSR Law on Protection and the use of wildlife "and other legislation on the protection of nature and the use of natural resources, as well as the requirements of regulatory documents approved or agreed by the USSR State Construction Committee.


1.1. When designing the engineering protection of the territory against flooding and flooding, it is necessary to develop a set of measures to ensure the prevention of flooding and flooding of territories, depending on the requirements of their functional use and protection of the natural environment, or to eliminate the negative effects of flooding and flooding.

The protection of the territory of settlements, industrial and communal storage facilities should ensure:

uninterrupted and reliable functioning and development of urban, urban planning, production and technical, communication, transport facilities, recreation areas and other territorial systems and individual structures of the national economy;

standard medical and sanitary living conditions of the population;

normative sanitary and hygienic, social and recreational conditions of the protected areas.

Protection against flooding and flooding of mineral deposits and mine workings should ensure:

on the storage of mineral resources and natural landscapes;

safe conduct of open-pit and underground mining of mineral deposits, including non-metallic materials;

exclusion of the possibility of technogenic flooding and flooding of territories caused by the development of mineral deposits.

The protection of agricultural land and natural landscapes should:

to promote the intensification of production of agricultural, forestry and fish products;

create optimal agrotechnical conditions;

regulate hydrological and hydrogeological regimes in the protected area depending on the functional use of land;

promote the integrated and rational use and protection of land, water, mineral and other natural resources.

When protecting natural landscapes near cities and settlements, it is necessary to provide for the use of the territory for the creation of sanitary protection zones, forest parks, medical and recreational facilities, recreation areas, including all types of tourism, recreation and sports.

1.2. As the main means of engineering protection, it is necessary to envisage embankment, artificial raising of the surface of the territory, channel-regulating structures and structures for regulating and diverting surface runoff, drainage systems and separate drainages and other protective structures.

As auxiliary means of engineering protection, the natural properties of natural systems and their components should be used, which enhance the effectiveness of the main means of engineering protection. The latter should include an increase in the drainage and drainage role of the hydrographic network by clearing channels and oxbow lakes, phytomelioration, agroforestry, etc.

The design of the engineering protection of the territory should include organizational and technical measures to ensure the passage of spring floods and summer floods.

Engineering protection in built-up areas should provide for the formation of a single integrated territorial system or local on-site protective structures that provide effective protection of areas from floods on


Ministry of Energy the USSR


by decree

Gosstroy of the USSR


vve denia

into action

rivers, flooding and flooding during the creation of reservoirs and canals; from the rise in the level of groundwater caused by the construction and operation of buildings, structures and networks.

Unified integrated territorial systems of engineering protection should be designed regardless of the departmental affiliation of the protected territories and facilities.

1 .3. The need to protect the territories of river floodplains from natural flooding is determined by the need and the degree of use of individual sections of these territories for urban or industrial development, or for agricultural land, as well as mineral deposits.

The design parameters of flooding of river floodplains should be determined on the basis of engineering and hydrological calculations, depending on the adopted classes of protective structures in accordance with Sec. 2. In this case, one should distinguish between flooding: deep water (depth over 5 m), medium (depth from 2 to 5 m), shallow water (depth of land surface coverage with water up to 2 m).

1 .4. The boundaries of the territories of technogenic flooding should be determined when developing projects for water management facilities for various purposes and systems for the removal of waste and waste water from industrial enterprises, agricultural lands and mine workings of mineral deposits.

The negative impact of flooding by existing or projected reservoirs should be assessed depending on the reservoir drawdown regimes and the duration of the flooding effect on the coastal area. In this case, a distinction should be made between: permanent flooding - below the dead volume mark (ULV); periodic - between the marks of the normal retaining level (NPU) and UMO; temporary (forcing the reservoir level above the FSL).

1 .5 . When assessing the negative impacts of flooding of a territory, one should take into account the depth of groundwater, the duration and intensity of the process, hydrogeological, engineering-geological and geocryological, medical and sanitary, geobotanical, zoological, soil, agricultural, land reclamation, economic and economic features of the area of ​​the protected area.

When assessing damage from flooding, it is necessary to take into account the development of the territory, the classes of protected structures and objects, the value of agricultural land, mineral deposits and natural landscapes.

1.6. When developing projects for engineering protection against flooding, the following sources of flooding should be taken into account: the spread of groundwater backwater from reservoirs, canals, basins of pumped storage power plants and other hydraulic structures, groundwater backwater due to filtration from irrigated lands to adjacent territories, water leakage from water-carrying communications and structures protected areas, precipitation.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of a one-time manifestation of individual sources of flooding or their combinations.

The flooding zone on the coastal territory of the projected reservoir or other water body should be determined by the forecast of the propagation of groundwater backwater at the calculated water level in the water body on the basis of geological and hydrogeological surveys, and on the existing water bodies - on the basis of hydrogeological studies.

The zone of distribution of groundwater backwater from irrigated lands to adjacent territories should be determined on the basis of water balance and hydrodynamic calculations, the results of geological and soil surveys.

It should be borne in mind:

the degree of atmospheric humidification of the protected areas;

loss of water from water-carrying communications and tanks.

The predicted quantitative characteristics of flooding for the developed territories must be compared with the actual data of hydrogeological observations. If the actual data exceed the forecast, additional sources of flooding should be identified.

1.7. When engineering protection of urban and industrial areas, the negative impact of flooding on:

changes in the physical and mechanical properties of soils at the base of engineering structures and the aggressiveness of groundwater;

reliability of structures of buildings and structures, including those erected in underworked and previously underworked territories;

stability and strength of underground structures when the hydrostatic pressure of groundwater changes;

corrosion of underground parts of metal structures, pipeline systems, water supply and heating systems;

the reliability of the functioning of utilities, structures and equipment due to the penetration of water into underground premises;

manifestation of suffusion and erosion;

sanitary and hygienic e state of the territory;

storage of food and non-food products in basement and underground warehouses.

1.8. When flooding agricultural land and natural landscapes, the effect of flooding on:

changes in the salt regime of soils;

waterlogging of the territory;

natural systems in general and on the living conditions of representatives of flora and fauna;

sanitary and hygienic condition of the territory.

1.9 . Engineering protection of the territory against flooding and flooding should be aimed at preventing or reducing the national economic, social and environmental damage, which is determined by a decrease in the quantity and quality of products of various sectors of the national economy, deterioration of hygienic and health conditions of the population, the cost of restoring the reliability of facilities on flooded and flooded areas.

1.10. When designing engineering protection against flooding and flooding, it is necessary to determine the feasibility and possibility of the simultaneous use of structures and systems of engineering protection in order to improve water supply and water supply, cultural and living conditions of the population, operation of industrial and communal facilities, as well as in the interests of energy, road, railway and water transport, mining, agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, land reclamation, recreation and environmental protection, providing in projects the possibility of creating options for engineering protection structures for multifunctional purposes.

1.11. The design of engineering protection structures should provide:

reliability of protective structures, uninterrupted operation at the lowest operating costs;

the ability to conduct systematic observations of the work and condition of structures and equipment;

optimal modes of operation of spillway structures;



SNiP 2.06.15-85



DEVELOPED by the Institute "Hydroproject" them. S. Ya. Zhuk of the USSR Ministry of Energy (Candidate of Technical Sciences G.G. Gangardt, A.G. Oskolkov, V.M. Semenkov, Candidates of Technical Sciences S.I. Candidate of Geographical Sciences S. M. Uspensky, Candidate of Biological Sciences N. M. Chamova, V. N. Kondratyev, L. S. Svaschenko, M. D. Romanov, Cand. , I.P. Fedorov and Yu.P. Ivanov), Central Research Institute of Urban Development of the State Civil Construction of the USSR (Candidates of Engineering Sciences V. B. Belyaev and N. A. Korneev), VNII VODGEO Gosstroy USSR (Candidate of Engineering Sciences V. S. Alekseev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. A. Zh. Muftakhov, Candidates of Technical Sciences N.P. Kuranov, I.V. Korinchenko), PNIIIS Gosstroy of the USSR (Candidates of Technical Sciences V.V. Vedernikov and E.S Dzektser), V / O "Soyuzvodproekt" of the Ministry of Water Resources of the USSR (Candidate of Engineering Sciences PG Fialkovsky, A. N. Krzhizhanovsky), Soyuzgiprovodkhoz im. EE Alekseevsky of the Ministry of Water Management of the USSR (Candidates of Technical Sciences G.P. Obodzinskaya and K.A.Tikhonova, V.N.Bogomolov), SANIIRI them. V.D. Zhurin of the USSR Ministry of Water Management (candidates of technical sciences Kh. A. Irmukhamedov and M.M. Mirziyatov), ​​the Ukrainian branch of the Central Research Institute of Water Management of the USSR Ministry of Water Resources (candidates of technical sciences V.L. Maksimchuk, A.I. ), the Institute "Giprogor" of the Gosstroy of the RSFSR (I. M. Schneider and P. A. Minchenko), the Institute of Hydromechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR A. Ya. , Candidate of Technical Sciences Yu.N. Sokolnikov), Institute of Applied Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Doctor of Technical Sciences M.G. Khublaryan, Doctor of Geological Sciences A.B. Avakyan, Candidates of Geological Sciences V.P. Saltankini V.A. Sharapov), IMPiTM them. EI Martsinovsky of the Ministry of Health of the USSR (Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Prof. FF Soprunov, Doctors of Medical Sciences N. A. Romanenko and S. A. Beer), Moscow Research Institute of Hygiene. F. F. Erisman of the USSR Ministry of Health (candidates of medical sciences L. V. Kudrin, G. V. Guskov and I. L. Vinokur), GIZR of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture (candidates of economic sciences S. I. Nosov and V. A. Vashanov, V.P. Varlashkin), All-Union Research Institute of Nature Conservation and Wildlife Management of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture (Doctor of Biological Sciences Yu.P. Yazani Ya.V. Sapetin), Dnepropetrovsk branch of the UkrkommunNIIproekt Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Ukrainian SSR (T. S. Pak and V. G. Ivanov), Giprokommunstroy of the Ministry of Civil Engineering of the RSFSR (V.P.Sapronenkov, B.P. Kopkov and O.P. V. V. Kuibysheva of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. N. A. Tsytovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences Ya.A. Kronik, E. A. Smetchuki D. S. Fotiev), VSEGINGEO Mingeo USSR ( Doctor of Geological and Mineral Sciences, Prof. V.M. Gol'dberg, Candidate of Geological and Mineral Sciences S.M. Semenov), Fundamentproektom of the USSR Ministry of Minmontazhspetsstroy (M.N. Pink, A.A. D. Antonyuk), VNIILM of the USSR State Forestry Administration (L. T. Pavlushkin, Cand. geogr. Sciences V.V. Sysuev).

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Energy.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy of the USSR (V.A.Kulinichev).

These building codes and regulations apply to the design of systems, facilities and structures for engineering protection against flooding and flooding of the territories of settlements, industrial, transport, energy and utility facilities, mineral deposits and mine workings, agricultural and forest lands, natural landscapes.

When designing systems, objects and structures of engineering protection, it is necessary to observe the "Fundamentals of Land Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics", "Fundamentals of Water Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics", "Fundamentals of Forestry Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics", "USSR Law on Protection and the use of wildlife "and other legislation on the protection of nature and the use of natural resources, as well as the requirements of regulatory documents approved or agreed by the USSR State Construction Committee.


1.1. When designing the engineering protection of the territory against flooding and flooding, it is necessary to develop a set of measures to ensure the prevention of flooding and flooding of territories, depending on the requirements of their functional use and protection of the natural environment, or to eliminate the negative effects of flooding and flooding.

The protection of the territory of settlements, industrial and communal storage facilities should ensure:

uninterrupted and reliable functioning and development of urban, urban planning, production and technical, communication, transport facilities, recreation areas and other territorial systems and individual structures of the national economy;

standard medical and sanitary living conditions of the population;

normative sanitary and hygienic, social and recreational conditions of the protected areas.

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SNiP 2.06.15-85



DEVELOPED by the Institute "Hydroproject" them. S. Ya. Zhuk of the USSR Ministry of Energy (Candidate of Technical Sciences G. G. Gangardt, A. G. Oskolkov, V. M. Semenkov, technical candidates sciences S. I. Egorshin, M. P. Malyshev- topic leader; Cand. geogr. sciences S. M. Uspensky, Cand. biol. sciences N. M. Chamova, V. N. Kondratyev, L. S. Svashchenko, M. D. Romanov, Cand. tech. sciences I. I. Fain, I. P. Fedorov and Yu. P. Ivanov), Central Research Institute for Urban Development of the State Civil Construction of the USSR (candidates of technical sciences V. B. Belyaev and N. A. Korneev), VNII VODGEO Gosstroy of the USSR (Candidate of Technical Sciences V. S. Alekseev, Dr. Tech. Sciences, prof. A. Zh. Muftakhov, Cand. tech. sciences N. P. Kuranov, I. V. Korinchenko), PNIIIS Gosstroy of the USSR (candidates of technical sciences V.V. Vedernikov and E. S. Dzektser), V / O "Soyuzvodproekt" of the Ministry of Water Resources of the USSR (Candidate of Technical Sciences P. G. Fialkovsky, A. N. Krzhizhanovsky), Soyuzgiprovodkhoz them. E.E. Alekseevsky of the USSR Ministry of Water Resources (Candidate of Technical Sciences G.P. Obodzinskaya and K. A. Tikhonova, V. N. Bogomolov), SANIIRI them. V.D. Zhurin of the USSR Ministry of Water Resources (Candidate of Technical Sciences Kh.A. Irmukhamedov and M. M. Mirziyatov), The Ukrainian branch of TsNIIKIVR of the USSR Ministry of Water Resources (Candidates of Technical Sciences V. L. Maksimchuk, A. I. Tomiltseva and V.P. Tkachenko), the Institute "Giprogor" of the Gosstroy of the RSFSR ( I. M. Schneider and P. A. Minchenko), Institute of Hydromechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR A. Ya. Oleinik, Dr. Tech. sciences N.G. Pivovar, Cand. tech. sciences Yu.N. Sokolnikov), Institute of Applied Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Doctor of Technical Sciences M. G. Khublaryan, Dr. Geogr. sciences A. B. Avakyan, candidates geogr. sciences V.P.Saltankin and V. A. Sharapov), IMPiTM them. E.I. Martsinovsky of the USSR Ministry of Health (corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. F. F. Soprunov, Dr. med. sciences N. A. Romanenko and S. A. Beer), Moscow Research Institute of Hygiene. F.F. Erisman of the USSR Ministry of Health (Candidates of Medical Sciences L. V. Kudrin, G. V. Guskov and I. L. Vinokur), GIZR of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture (Candidates of Economic Sciences S. I. Nosov and V. A. Vashanov, V. P. Varlashkin), All-Russian Research Institute of Nature Conservation and Reserve Management of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture (Doctor of Biological Sciences Yu. P. Yazan and Ya.V. Sapetin), Dnepropetrovsk branch "UkrkommunNIIproekt" of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Ukrainian SSR ( T. S. Pak and V. G. Ivanov), Giprokommunstroy of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR ( V.P.Sapronenkov, B.P. Kopkov and O. P. Stadukhina), MISS them. V.V. Kuibysheva of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education (Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. N. A. Tsytovich , Cand. tech. sciences Ya.A. Kronik, E. A. Smetchuk and D. S. Fotiev), VSEGINGEO Mingeo USSR (Doctor of Geological and Mineral Sciences, prof. V. M. Goldberg, Cand. geol.-mineral. sciences S. M. Semenov), Fundamental project of the USSR Ministry of Montazhspetsstroy ( M. N. Pink, A. A. Kolesov and V. D. Antonyuk), VNIILM Gosleskhoz of the USSR ( L. T. Pavlushkin, Cand. geogr. sciences V. V. Sysuev).

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Energy.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy USSR ( V. A. Kulinichev).

These building codes and regulations apply to the design of systems, facilities and structures for engineering protection against flooding and flooding of the territories of settlements, industrial, transport, energy and utility facilities, mineral deposits and mine workings, agricultural and forest lands, natural landscapes.

When designing systems, objects and structures of engineering protection, it is necessary to observe the "Fundamentals of Land Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics", "Fundamentals of Water Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics", "Fundamentals of Forestry Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics", "USSR Law on Protection and the use of wildlife "and other legislation on the protection of nature and the use of natural resources, as well as the requirements of regulatory documents approved or agreed by the USSR State Construction Committee.


1.1. When designing the engineering protection of the territory against flooding and flooding, it is necessary to develop a set of measures to ensure the prevention of flooding and flooding of territories, depending on the requirements of their functional use and protection of the natural environment, or to eliminate the negative effects of flooding and flooding.

The protection of the territory of settlements, industrial and communal storage facilities should ensure:

uninterrupted and reliable functioning and development of urban, urban planning, production and technical, communication, transport facilities, recreation areas and other territorial systems and individual structures of the national economy;

standard medical and sanitary living conditions of the population;

normative sanitary and hygienic, social and recreational conditions of the protected areas.

Protection against flooding and flooding of mineral deposits and mine workings should ensure:

protection of subsoil and natural landscapes;

safe conduct of open-pit and underground mining of mineral deposits, including non-metallic materials;

exclusion of the possibility of technogenic flooding and flooding of territories caused by the development of mineral deposits.

The protection of agricultural land and natural landscapes should:

to promote the intensification of production of agricultural, forestry and fish products;

create optimal agrotechnical conditions;

regulate hydrological and hydrogeological regimes in the protected area depending on the functional use of land;

promote the integrated and rational use and protection of land, water, mineral and other natural resources.

When protecting natural landscapes near cities and settlements, it is necessary to provide for the use of the territory for the creation of sanitary protection zones, forest parks, medical and recreational facilities, recreation areas, including all types of tourism, recreation and sports.

1.2. As the main means of engineering protection, it is necessary to envisage embankment, artificial raising of the surface of the territory, channel-regulating structures and structures for regulating and diverting surface runoff, drainage systems and separate drainages and other protective structures.

As auxiliary means of engineering protection, the natural properties of natural systems and their components should be used, which enhance the effectiveness of the main means of engineering protection. The latter should include an increase in the drainage and drainage role of the hydrographic network by clearing channels and oxbow lakes, phytomelioration, agroforestry, etc.

The design of the engineering protection of the territory should include organizational and technical measures to ensure the passage of spring floods and summer floods.

Engineering protection in built-up areas should provide for the formation of a single integrated territorial system or local on-site protective structures that provide effective protection of areas from floods on rivers, flooding and flooding when creating reservoirs and canals; from the rise in the level of groundwater caused by the construction and operation of buildings, structures and networks.

Unified integrated territorial systems of engineering protection should be designed regardless of the departmental affiliation of the protected territories and facilities.

1.3. The need to protect the territories of river floodplains from natural flooding is determined by the need and the degree of use of individual sections of these territories for urban or industrial development, or for agricultural land, as well as mineral deposits.

The design parameters of flooding of river floodplains should be determined on the basis of engineering and hydrological calculations, depending on the adopted classes of protective structures in accordance with Sec. 2. In this case, one should distinguish between flooding: deep-water (depth over 5 m), medium (depth from 2 to 5 m), shallow (depth of coverage of the land surface with water up to 2 m).

1.4. The boundaries of the territories of technogenic flooding should be determined when developing projects for water management facilities for various purposes and systems for the removal of waste and waste water from industrial enterprises, agricultural lands and mine workings of mineral deposits.

The negative impact of flooding by existing or projected reservoirs should be assessed depending on the reservoir drawdown regimes and the duration of the flooding effect on the coastal area. In this case, a distinction should be made between: permanent flooding - below the dead volume mark (ULV); periodic - between the marks of the normal retaining level (NPU) and UMO; temporary (forcing the reservoir level above the FSL).

1.5. When assessing the negative impacts of flooding of a territory, one should take into account the depth of groundwater, the duration and intensity of the process, hydrogeological, engineering-geological and geocryological, medical and sanitary, geobotanical, zoological, soil, agricultural, land reclamation, economic and economic features of the area of ​​the protected area.

When assessing damage from flooding, it is necessary to take into account the development of the territory, the classes of protected structures and objects, the value of agricultural land, mineral deposits and natural landscapes.

1.6. When developing projects for engineering protection against flooding, the following sources of flooding should be taken into account: the spread of groundwater backwater from reservoirs, canals, basins of pumped storage power plants and other hydraulic structures, groundwater backwater due to filtration from irrigated lands to adjacent territories, water leakage from water-carrying communications and structures protected areas, precipitation.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of a one-time manifestation of individual sources of flooding or their combinations.

The flooding zone on the coastal territory of the projected reservoir or other water body should be determined by predicting the spread of groundwater backwater at the design water level in the water body on the basis of geological and hydrogeological surveys, and in existing water bodies on the basis of hydrogeological studies.

The zone of distribution of groundwater backwater from irrigated lands to adjacent territories should be determined on the basis of water balance and hydrodynamic calculations, the results of geological and soil surveys.

It should be borne in mind:

the degree of atmospheric humidification of the protected areas;

loss of water from water-carrying communications and tanks.

The predicted quantitative characteristics of flooding for the developed territories must be compared with the actual data of hydrogeological observations. If the actual data exceed the forecast, additional sources of flooding should be identified.

1.7. When engineering protection of urban and industrial areas, the negative impact of flooding on:

changes in the physical and mechanical properties of soils at the base of engineering structures and the aggressiveness of groundwater;

reliability of structures of buildings and structures, including those erected in underworked and previously underworked territories;

stability and strength of underground structures when the hydrostatic pressure of groundwater changes;

corrosion of underground parts of metal structures, pipeline systems, water supply and heating systems;

the reliability of the functioning of utilities, structures and equipment due to the penetration of water into underground premises;

manifestation of suffusion and erosion;

sanitary and hygienic condition of the territory;

storage conditions for food and non-food products in basement and underground warehouses.

1.8. When flooding agricultural land and natural landscapes, the impact of flooding on:

changes in the salt regime of soils;

waterlogging of the territory;

natural systems in general and on the living conditions of representatives of flora and fauna;

sanitary and hygienic condition of the territory.

1.9. Engineering protection of the territory against flooding and flooding should be aimed at preventing or reducing the national economic, social and environmental damage, which is determined by a decrease in the quantity and quality of products of various sectors of the national economy, deterioration of hygienic and medical and sanitary living conditions of the population, the cost of restoring the reliability of facilities on flooded and flooded areas.

1.10. When designing engineering protection against flooding and waterlogging, it is necessary to determine the feasibility and possibility of the simultaneous use of structures and systems of engineering protection in order to improve water supply and water supply, cultural and living conditions of the population, operation of industrial and communal facilities, as well as in the interests of energy, road, railway and water transport, mining, agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, land reclamation, recreation and environmental protection, providing in projects the possibility of creating options for engineering protection structures for multifunctional purposes.

1.11. The design of engineering protection structures should provide:

reliability of protective structures, uninterrupted operation at the lowest operating costs;

the ability to conduct systematic observations of the work and condition of structures and equipment;

optimal modes of operation of spillway structures;

maximum use of local building materials and natural resources.

The choice of options for engineering protection structures should be made on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of the indicators of the compared options.

1.12. The territories of settlements and areas of development of mineral deposits should be protected from the consequences specified in clause 1.7, as well as from landslides, thermokarst and thermal erosion, and agricultural lands - from the consequences specified in clause 1.8, improving microclimatic, agroforestry and other conditions.

When designing the engineering protection of territories, the requirements of the "Rules for the protection of surface waters from sewage pollution" approved by the USSR Ministry of Water Resources, the USSR Ministry of Fisheries and the USSR Ministry of Health should be observed.

In cases when the projected engineering protection structures geographically coincide with the existing or being created water protection, nature protection zones, national parks, nature reserves, wildlife preserves, environmental protection measures of the project for engineering protection of the territory must be agreed with the state control bodies for environmental protection.

1.13. The effectiveness of the projected flood control measures should be determined by comparing the technical and economic indicators of the option for the integrated use of the reservoir and protected lands with the option for the use of lands prior to the implementation of flood control measures.

1.14. Flood protection dams, embankment dams for settlements and industrial facilities, mineral deposits and mine workings should be designed in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 3 of these norms and SNiP II-50-74, and agricultural land - also in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-52-74.

When designing protective flood control systems on rivers, the requirements for the integrated use of water resources in watercourses should be taken into account.

The choice of the estimated provision for the passage of floods through the spillway protective structures is justified by technical and economic calculations, taking into account the classes of protective structures in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 2.

1.15. Structures regulating surface runoff in areas protected from flooding should rely on the estimated discharge of surface water entering these areas (rain and melt water, temporary and permanent watercourses), taken in accordance with the class of the protective structure.

Surface runoff from the watershed side should be diverted from the protected area through upland canals, and, if necessary, provide for the construction of reservoirs that allow accumulating a part of the surface runoff.

1.16. An integrated territorial system of engineering protection against flooding and waterlogging should include several different means of engineering protection in the following cases:

the presence on the protected territory of industrial or civil structures, the protection of which is impossible and ineffective to carry out by separate means of engineering protection;

complex morphometric, topographic, hydrogeological and other conditions that exclude the use of one or another separate object of engineering protection.

1.17. When protecting territories from flooding and flooding caused by the construction of hydropower and water management facilities, a feasibility study for engineering protection of I and II classes should be carried out on the basis of feasibility studies in accordance with the recommended Appendix 1.

Justification of engineering protection structures in the design of water facilities of republican, regional, regional and local significance, as well as engineering protection structures of III and IV classes should be carried out on the basis of the "Standard values ​​for the development of new lands to replace those withdrawn for non-agricultural needs", approved by the councils of ministers of the union republics.


2.1. Classes of engineering protection structures are assigned, as a rule, not lower than the classes of protected objects, depending on the national economic significance.

When protecting the territory where objects of various classes are located, the class of engineering protection structures should, as a rule, correspond to the class of most protected objects. At the same time, individual objects with a higher class than the class established for the structures of engineering protection of the territory can be protected locally. The classes of such objects and their local protection must match each other.

If the feasibility study establishes the inexpediency of local protection, then the class of engineering protection of the territory should be increased by one.

2.2. Classes of permanent hydraulic structures of engineering protection of a water-retaining type should be assigned in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-50-74 and depending on the characteristics of the protected area in accordance with mandatory Appendix 2 of these standards.

2.3. Classes of protective structures of non-water support type (channel-regulating and runoff-regulating, drainage systems, etc.) should be assigned in accordance with the "Rules for taking into account the degree of responsibility of buildings, structures in the design of structures", approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

Design conditions for design are accepted according to SNiP II-50-74 in accordance with the accepted class.

2.4. The excess of the ridge of water-retaining protective structures over the design water level should be assigned depending on the class of protective structures and taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.06.05-84.

In this case, one should take into account the possibility of raising the water level due to the restriction of the watercourse by protective structures.

2.5. When protecting the territory from flooding by increasing the surface of the territory by filling or reclaiming soil, the mark of the territory to be filled up from the side of the water body should be taken in the same way as for the crest of embankment dams; the elevation of the surface of the covered area during protection against flooding should be determined taking into account the requirements of SNiP II-60-75 **.

2.6. When designing engineering protection on the banks of streams and reservoirs, the maximum water level in them is taken as the calculated one with the probability of exceeding, depending on the class of engineering protection structures, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-50-74 for the main design case.

Notes: 1. The probability of exceeding the design water level for Class I structures protecting agricultural areas with an area of ​​more than 100 thousand hectares is taken equal to 0.5%; for class IV structures protecting territories for health-improving, recreational and sanitary-protective purposes - 10%.

2. Overflow of water over the ridge of engineering protection structures of urban areas at verification design water levels in accordance with SNiP II-50-74 is not allowed. For urban areas and detached industrial enterprises, a plan of organizational and technical measures should be developed in the event of a flood with a security equal to the verification design case.

2.7. Drainage rates (depth of groundwater lowering, counting from the design mark of the territory) when designing protection against flooding are adopted depending on the nature of the development of the protected area in accordance with table. 1.

Table 1

The nature of the building

Drainage rate, m

1. Territories of large industrial zones and complexes

2. Territories of urban industrial zones, communal storage zones, centers of the largest, large and large cities

3. Residential areas of cities and rural settlements

4. Territories of sports and recreation facilities and service establishments for recreation areas

5. Territories of recreational and protective zones (green spaces of general use, parks, sanitary protection zones)

The norms for draining agricultural land are determined in accordance with SNiP II-52-74.

Drainage rates for mineral development areas are determined taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.06.14-85.

Drainage rates in adjacent urban, agricultural and other territories used by various land users are determined taking into account the requirements of each land user.

2.8. Classes of protective structures against flooding should be assigned depending on the drainage rates and the estimated lowering of the groundwater level according to table. 2.

table 2

2.9. The maximum calculated groundwater levels in the protected areas should be taken based on the results of the forecast in accordance with clause 1.6. Estimated costs of regulated rainwater runoff should be taken according to SNiP 2.04.03-85.



3.1. Protection of territories from flooding should be carried out:

embankment of territories from the side of a river, reservoir or other water body;

artificially raising the relief of the territory to flood-free planning marks;

accumulation, regulation, removal of surface waste and drainage waters from flooded, temporarily flooded, irrigated areas and low-lying disturbed lands.

The composition of the means of engineering protection against flooding may include: embankment dams, drainages, drainage and spillway networks, upland spillway channels, swift currents and drops, pipelines and pumping stations.

Depending on the natural and hydrogeological conditions of the protected area, the engineering protection systems may include several of the above structures or individual structures.

3.2. The general scheme of embankment of the protected territory along the entire length of the lowered marks of its natural surface should be selected on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of options, taking into account the requirements of all-Union and departmental regulations and standards approved or agreed by the USSR State Construction Committee.

3.3. When protecting flooded areas, two types of embankments should be applied: general and sectional.

The general embankment of the territory is advisable to apply in the absence of watercourses in the protected area or when their runoff can be transferred to the reservoir or into the river through a branch canal, pipeline or pumping station.

Segment embankments should be used to protect areas crossed by large rivers that are not economically feasible to pump. or to protect individual areas of the territory with different building densities.

3.4. When choosing design options for embankment dams, one should take into account:

topographic, engineering-geological, hydrogeological, hydrological, climatic conditions of the construction area;

cost-effectiveness of structures of protective structures;

the possibility of passing water during floods and summer floods;

the building density of the territory and the size of the exclusion zones requiring the removal of buildings from the flooded zones;

the feasibility of using local building materials, construction machines and mechanisms;

the timing of the construction of structures;

environmental protection requirements;

ease of use;

the feasibility of utilizing drainage water to improve water supply.

3.5. The excess of the embankment dam crest over the design water level of water bodies must be determined depending on the class of protective structures in accordance with paragraphs. 2.4 and 2.6.

3.6. Engineering protection projects to prevent flooding caused by the creation of reservoirs, main canals, land drainage systems, must be linked to the construction projects of the entire water management complex.


3.7. The surface of the territory should be increased:

for the development of flooded, temporarily flooded and flooded areas for construction;

for the use of land for agricultural production;

for the improvement of the coastal strip of reservoirs and other water bodies.

3.8. The options for artificially raising the surface of the territory should be selected based on the analysis of the following characteristics of the protected area: soil-geological, zonal-climatic and anthropogenic; functional planning, social, environmental and others, presented to the areas for construction.

3.9. The project of vertical planning of the territory with soil backfilling should be developed taking into account the density of the building area, the degree of implementation of the previously envisaged planning works, the classes of protected structures, changes in the hydrological regime of rivers and water bodies located in the protected area, taking into account the projected rise in the groundwater level.

3.10. For the design water level when designing an artificial increase in the surface of the territory from flooding, the water level mark in the river or reservoir should be taken in accordance with the requirements of clause 2.6.

3.11. When protecting the territory from flooding with backfill, the elevation of the edge of the coastal slope of the territory should be determined in accordance with the requirements of clause 2.5 and taken at least 0.5 m above the design water level in the water body, taking into account the design wave height and its run-up. The surface marks of the covered area during protection against flooding are determined by the value of the drainage rate, taking into account the forecast of the groundwater level.

The design of the coastal slope of the dumped area should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.06.05-84.

3.12. The drainage of surface runoff from the protected area should be carried out into water bodies, watercourses. ravines, into city-wide sewerage or stormwater systems, taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 3.13-3.15 of these standards and "Rules for the protection of surface waters from pollution by waste waters".

3.13. When artificially raising the surface of the territory, it is necessary to ensure the conditions for natural drainage of groundwater. Drainages should be laid along the thalweg of filled-in or washed-out ravines and gullies, and permanent streams should be enclosed in collectors with accompanying drains.

3.14. The need to drain artificial bedding is determined by the hydrogeological conditions of the adjacent territory and the filtration properties of the base and bedding soils.

When filling temporary streams, reservoirs and unloading groundwater, it is necessary to provide for a device at the base of the filling of a filtering layer or reservoir drainage.

3.15. When choosing a technology for artificially raising the surface of the territory by dumping soil or reclamation, it is necessary to provide for the movement of soil masses from unheated areas of the root bank or floodplain to flooded ones. If there is a shortage of soil, it is necessary to use useful excavations when deepening river beds for navigation, clearing and improvement of oxbows, channels and other bodies of water located in or near the protected area.


3.16. Structures for the regulation and drainage of surface waters from urban areas and industrial sites should be developed in accordance with the requirements for engineering preparation of SNiP II-60-75 ** territories. The design of siphons, outlets, storm outlets and storm outlets, sedimentation tanks, averaging stations, pumping stations and other structures should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.03-85.

On the territories of industrial and civil buildings, it is necessary to provide for a closed-type rainwater drainage system. The use of open drainage devices (ditches, ditches, trays) is allowed in areas of 1-2-storey buildings, in parks and recreation areas with the device of bridges or pipes at intersections with streets, roads, driveways and sidewalks - in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II- D.5-72 and SNiP II-39-76.

3.17. Stock-regulating and channel-regulating structures and measures to prevent flooding and flooding of agricultural areas adjacent to unregulated medium and small rivers, as well as to protect open and underground mines of minerals and individual economic facilities, such as road crossings, approaches to shipping facilities, etc. should be applied depending on:

on the scale and time of flooding of the territory;

from natural factors - flooding and water erosion;

from man-made factors that enhance flooding and waterlogging of lands in the zone of protected objects.

3.18. When regulating and removing surface waters from protected agricultural lands, the requirements of these standards and SNiP II-52-74 should be met.

Accounting for natural water erosion of the soil cover should be made depending on the rate of precipitation, evaporation, surface slopes, natural drainage, etc.

In this case, it is necessary to ensure:

in the humid zone - protection against flooding and flooding by storm and snow melt waters by draining excess surface water, lowering the level of groundwater at a high standing, draining swamps and excessively humid lands;

in weakly arid and arid zones - protection from planar and linear water erosion by cultivating arable land across the slopes, sodding (sowing grasses) of slopes, planting trees and shrubs in gully and forest belts along the borders of crop rotation areas, creating water-retaining devices, deep volumetric ripping.

3.19. The flow control structures in the protected area must provide for the drainage of surface runoff into the hydrographic network or into water intakes.

Interception and drainage of surface waters should be carried out using enclosing embankments in combination with upland channels.

Note. When protecting the territories of mineral deposits, the design of runoff control structures must be linked to the requirements of SNiP 2.06.14-85.

3.20. Stream-regulating structures on watercourses located in protected areas should be designed for water consumption during floods at design water levels, ensuring non-flooding of the area, design water cut of the river bed and exclusion of drainage of floodplain areas. In addition, these structures should not violate the conditions for water intake into existing canals, change the solid flow of the flow, as well as the mode of passing ice and slush.

3.21. The protection of the territory from technogenic flooding with saline waters by means of absorption wells and wells is allowed to be carried out in exceptional cases and subject to the requirements and conditions of the foundations of the legislation on subsoil with the permission of the ministries of geology of the union republics in agreement with the ministries of health of the union republics and the bodies of the State Technical Supervision of the USSR.


3.22. The composition of protective structures in flooded areas should be assigned depending on the nature of flooding (permanent, seasonal, episodic) and the amount of damage it causes. Protective structures should be aimed at eliminating the main causes of flooding in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 1.6-1.8.

3.23. When choosing drainage systems, the shape and size of the area requiring drainage, the nature of the movement of groundwater should be taken into account, geological structure, filtration properties and capacitive characteristics of aquifers, the area of ​​distribution of aquifers, taking into account the conditions of recharge and discharge of groundwater, the quantitative values ​​of the components of the groundwater balance were determined, a forecast of the rise in the groundwater level and its decrease in the implementation of protective measures was made.

On the basis of water balance, filtration, hydrodynamic and hydraulic calculations, as well as a technical and economic comparison of options, the choice of the final drainage system of the territories should be made. At the same time, the selected protective measures against flooding should not lead in built-up areas or in the area adjacent to them to the consequences specified in paragraphs. 1.7, 1.8.

3.24. When calculating drainage systems, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of paragraphs. 1.5-1.8 and determine their rational location and deepening, providing a normative lowering of groundwater in the protected area in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 2.

In areas protected from flooding, depending on the topographic and geological conditions, the nature and density of the building, the conditions for the movement of groundwater from the watershed to the natural or artificial runoff, one-, two-, multi-line, contour and combined drainage systems should be used.

3.25. The interception of infiltration waters in the form of leaks from water-holding ground and underground tanks and structures (reservoirs, sedimentation tanks, sludge storages, drain accumulators of the external water supply network, sewage system, etc.) should be ensured with the help of contour drainages.

Prevention of the spread of infiltration water outside the territories allocated for water-bearing structures should be achieved by installing not only drainage systems, but also anti-seepage screens and curtains designed in accordance with SNiP 2.02.01-83.

Notes: 1. Protection against flooding of underground structures (basements, underground passages, tunnels, etc.) should be provided with protective waterproofing coatings or the device of filtering prisms, wall and layer drains.

2. The protection of buildings and structures with special requirements for air humidity in underground and above-ground premises (elevators, museums, book depositories, etc.) should be ensured by installing ventilation drains, special insulating coatings for the underground part of structures, as well as by carrying out phytomelioration measures to eliminate the consequences of condensation moisture in the basement.

3.26. When reconstructing and strengthening existing systems of protective structures against flooding, it is necessary to take into account the drainage effect achieved by existing drainage devices.


3.27. The territories of the spread of permafrost should be determined by schematic maps distribution, thickness and structure of cryogenic strata and climatic zoning of the territory of the USSR for construction in accordance with SNiP 2.01.01-82.

3.28. The territories and national economic facilities of the northern regions should be protected from the effects of cryogenic processes and phenomena developing in natural permafrost soils under the influence of flooding and flooding.

3.29. When designing structures for engineering protection, it is necessary to take into account changes in the bearing properties of the foundation soils, depending on their design and technological features, engineering-geocryological and climatic conditions, the possibility of regulating the temperature state.

3.30. Requirements for the design of embankment dams in the zone of distribution of permafrost soils should be established depending on the temperature state of the anti-seepage element, anti-ice device, drainage system, etc. and the class of the protective structure, taking into account the requirements of SNiP II.18.76.

Soil structures for engineering protection should be designed taking into account the principles of using permafrost soils:

from frozen ground on a frozen base - I principle of using the base;

from thawed ground on a thawed foundation - principle II.

3.31. When designing the engineering protection of residential areas, it is necessary to take into account the warming effect of the development of settlements and cities, the violation of the thermal insulation of the base due to the elimination of natural vegetation and soil cover, a decrease in evaporation from the surface of built-up areas and roads, an increase in snow load, a significant thawing and watering effect of thermal communications and engineering collectors. networks, water pipes and sewerage, causing deformation of bases and foundations.

3.32. When designing engineering protection, the following basic requirements must be observed:

when placing engineering protection equipment on frozen grounds, especially in the presence of highly icy soils and buried ice, prevent disturbance of the vegetation cover; vertical planning should be carried out only with bedding. Avoid the concentrated discharge of surface waters into low places, leading to a violation of the natural hydrothermal regime of the watercourse and the regime of groundwater;

in the zone of separation of thawed and frozen soils, take into account the possibility of the development of cryogenic processes (swelling during freezing, thermokarst during thawing, the development of ice with the formation of pressure waters with high pressures, etc.);

not to allow violations of waterproofing and thermal insulation of water supply systems, especially heat supply systems.

3.33. Engineering networks in the protected areas of settlements and at industrial sites should, as a rule, be combined into combined collectors and ensure their non-freezing, increased tightness, reliability and durability, as well as the ability to access them in emergency cases for repair.

3.34. Fencing, anti-flood and stream-guiding dams should be designed of thawed, frozen or combined type using permafrost soils, providing, if necessary, drainage systems or cooling devices in the dam body and on the downstream slope.

3.35. The need and feasibility of protecting the banks of rivers and inland water bodies (lakes, reservoirs) from temporary flooding and flooding in the zone of distribution of permafrost should be justified taking into account the expected damage to the national economy and thermokarst-abrasive processing of the banks.

3.36. The project of engineering protection of the territory against flooding and waterlogging should provide for:

prevention of dangerous erosion of the channel, banks, as well as areas of conjugation of protective structures with unreinforced banks, caused by restriction of the watercourse by protective dams and coastal fortifications;

preservation of tree-shrub and meadow vegetation, forest plantations around the water bodies left in the protected area;

implementation in the protected area of ​​a complex of agrotechnical, meadow-forest reclamation and hydrotechnical measures to combat water erosion;

landscaping of the protected part of the territory of settlements, industrial facilities, reclamation areas, etc.;

prevention of pollution of soil, water bodies, protected agricultural lands and territories used for recreation, pathogens of infectious diseases, industrial waste, oil products and pesticides;

preservation of the natural conditions for the migration of animals within the boundaries of the protected area;

preservation or creation of new spawning grounds to replace those lost as a result of drainage of floodplain lakes, oxbow lakes and shallow water reservoirs;

prevention of death and injury of fish at engineering protection facilities;

preservation of the natural habitat of protected animals in the protected area;

preservation in the protected area of ​​the regime of wetlands used by migratory water birds during migration.

3.38. When placing structures of engineering protection and construction base, it is necessary to choose lands that are not suitable for agriculture, or agricultural lands of poor quality. For the construction of structures on the lands of the state forest fund, it is necessary to choose areas not covered with forests or areas occupied by shrubs or low-value plantations.

Violation of natural complexes of reserves and natural systems of special scientific or cultural value, including within the protected zones around reserves, is not allowed.

3.39. When creating objects of engineering protection on agricultural land and built-up areas, the processes of the biogeochemical circulation, which have a positive effect on the functioning of natural systems, should not be disturbed.

3.40. Sanitary and recreational measures must be designed taking into account the prospects for the development of settlements. The formation of shallow water zones, as well as zones of temporary flooding and severe flooding near settlements should not be allowed.

The distance from reservoirs to residential and public buildings should be established by the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service in each case.

3.42. When installing protective structures, it is allowed to use soils and production wastes as building materials that do not pollute the environment. natural environment.

Excavation of soil below the alignment of protective structures for building dams is not allowed.

Trimming of slopes, quarrying of local materials in the water protection zone of reservoirs and watercourses is not allowed.

3.43. If there are drinking water sources in the protected areas, a forecast of possible changes in water quality after the construction of protective structures should be made for the development of water protection measures.

3.44. In projects for the construction of engineering protection facilities, it is necessary to provide for centralized water supply and sewerage of the protected settlements, taking into account the existing hygienic requirements.

3.45. Sanitary protection zones should be created around the sources of household and drinking purposes located in the protected area that meet the requirements of the "Regulations on the procedure for the design and operation of sanitary protection zones for water supply sources and water pipelines for household and drinking purposes" No. 2640-82, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

3.46. In places where engineering protection structures (upland canals, embankments, etc.) cross the migration routes of animals, it is necessary to:

move structures outside the border of migration routes;

to carry out the slopes of earthen structures laid out and without fastening, ensuring the unhindered passage of animals;

to replace sections of canals with flow rates dangerous for the passage of animals with pipelines.

3.47. Reclamation and improvement of territories disturbed during the creation of engineering protection objects should be developed taking into account the requirements of GOST and GOST


3.48. The use of protected flooded and flooded coastal areas of rivers and reservoirs for recreation should be considered on an equal basis with other types of nature management and the creation of water management complexes on rivers.

When implementing engineering protection of the territory from flooding and waterlogging, it is not allowed to reduce the recreational potential of the protected territory and the adjacent water area.

Water bodies located in the protected area, used for recreational purposes in combination with park green spaces, must meet the requirements of the "Rules for the protection of surface waters from sewage pollution" and GOST In the design of engineering protection, it is necessary to provide for the norms of water exchange in the summer period in accordance with the hygienic requirements, in the winter period - sanitary releases.

3.49. It is allowed to create recreational reservoirs near settlements along the routes of main canals in the liquidation of swampy and flooded areas in accordance with GOST


4.1. As part of additional requirements for engineering surveys, it is necessary to take into account the conditions associated with flooding and flooding of coastal areas of existing and created reservoirs, as well as engineering developed and developed territories.

4.2. Survey materials should provide the ability to:

assessment of the existing natural conditions in the protected area;

forecasting changes in geotechnical, hydrogeological and hydrological conditions in the protected area, taking into account technogenic factors, including:

opportunities for the development and spread of dangerous geological processes;

assessing the flooding of the territory;

assessing the extent of the area's flooding;

selection of methods of engineering protection of territories from flooding and flooding;

calculation of engineering protection structures;

assessment of the water balance of the territory, as well as the level, chemical and temperature regimes of surface and ground waters (based on regime observations at sections, balance and experimental sites);

assessment of natural and artificial drainage of territories;

4.3. Engineering survey materials should reflect the danger of geological processes accompanying flooding and flooding: landslides, coastal processing, karst, subsidence of loess soils, suffusion, etc.

Engineering survey materials must be supplemented with the results of long-term observations of the groundwater regime and exogenous geological processes carried out by the USSR Mingeo, as well as hydrological and hydrogeological calculations.

4.4. The scale of graphic documents for design should be determined taking into account the design stage according to table. 3.

Table 3

Engineering protection design stage

Scale of graphic documents

1. Scheme of an integrated territorial system of engineering protection

1:500 000-1:100 000
(sidebars 1:25 000, in difficult engineering and geological conditions - 1:10 000-1: 1000)

2. Project of an integrated territorial system of engineering protection

1:100 000-1:25 000
(sidebars 1: 5000-1: 2000)

3. Detailed scheme of engineering protection of the settlement

1:25 000-1:5000
(overview plans
1: 100,000-1: 25,000, sidebars 1: 1000)

4. Project of engineering protection of the building site, including:

a) project

b) working documentation

Graphic materials according to the table. 3 must be supplemented with the following data:

assessment of the current state of existing structures, roads, communications with reliable information on the detection of deformations in them;

assessment of the national economic and ecological significance of the territory and the prospect of its use;

information about existing and previously performed measures and structures of engineering protection, about their condition, necessity and possibility of their development, reconstruction, etc.

4.5. When drawing up working documentation and one-stage projects for the engineering protection of individual objects (industrial enterprises, housing and communal structures, single buildings and structures for various purposes, etc.), it is necessary to take into account the requirements for engineering surveys, depending on the subsequent use of the protected area: industrial, urban and settlement construction, agricultural land development, agricultural or linear construction, etc.

4.6. The composition of materials for surveys in the development of projects for engineering protection of agricultural lands for various stages of design must comply with the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 3.

4.7. When designing engineering protection structures in the Northern construction and climatic zone, it is necessary to carry out engineering-geocryological surveys and permafrost surveys, perform calculations of the thermal and mechanical interaction of structures with permafrost foundations, make forecasts of changes in engineering-geocryological (permafrost-soil) conditions as a result of the development and development of territories ...



5.1. To protect the territory from flooding, two types of embankment dams are used - non-flooded and flooded.

Flood-free dams should be used for permanent protection against flooding of urban and industrial areas adjacent to reservoirs. rivers and other water bodies.

Flooded dams are allowed to be used for temporary protection against flooding of agricultural lands during the period of growing crops on them while maintaining NPU in the reservoir, for the formation and stabilization of river channels and banks, regulation and redistribution of water flows and surface runoff.

5.2. On meandering rivers, as a means of engineering protection of the territory from flooding, channel regulating structures should be provided:

longitudinal dams located downstream or at an angle to it and limiting the width of the river's water flow;

stream-guiding dams - longitudinal, rectilinear or curved, providing a smooth approach of the flow to the openings of the bridge, dam, water intake and other hydraulic structures;

flooded dams, blocking the channel from coast to coast, designed to completely or partially block the flow of water along the branches and channels;

half-dams - transverse channel straightening structures, ensuring the straightening of the current and the creation of navigable depths;

spurs (short flood-free semi-dams), installed at some angle to the current, to protect the banks from erosion;

coastal and dam fastenings, which provide protection of the coast from erosion and destruction by currents and waves;

end-to-end structures erected to regulate the channel and sediments by redistributing water flows along the width of the channel and creating slow (non-eroding) current velocities near the banks.

5.3. With a significant length of dams along a watercourse or in a reservoir wedging out zone, the ridge mark should be lowered in the direction of the flow in accordance with the longitudinal slope of the free water surface at the design level.

According to their design features, earth dams of two types are used: compressed and flattened profiles.

5.4. the choice of the type of enclosing dams should be made taking into account natural conditions; topographic, geotechnical, hydrological, climatic, seismicity of the area, as well as the availability of local building materials, equipment, work organization schemes, construction time and operating conditions, prospects for the development of the area, environmental requirements of paragraphs. 3.36-3.46.

When choosing the type of enclosing dams, it is necessary to provide for the use of local building materials and soils from useful excavations and industrial waste, if they are suitable for these purposes. The design of embankment dams should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.06.05-84.

Dams made of soil materials on non-rocky foundations should be provided for blind sections of the pressure front. Concrete and reinforced concrete dams on non-rocky foundations should be provided only as spillway structures.

When the dam route passes through a landslide or potentially landslide area, anti-landslide measures should be developed in accordance with the requirements of SN 519-79.

5.5. The route of the dams should be selected taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 3.2 and 3.3 depending on the topographic and engineering-geological conditions of construction, the significance of this section of the territory for the national economy, taking into account the minimum change in the hydrological regime of the watercourse and the maximum use of the bunded territory.

In case of temporary lateral inflow, it is advisable to use continuous tracing of dams along the water edge of a reservoir or watercourse. With constant lateral inflow, embankment, as a rule, is carried out in sections between tributaries and includes embankments of embankments of the banks of the main watercourse and its tributaries.

When embanked by overflow dams, all protective structures must allow flooding during the flood period.

When routing dams to protect land for agricultural land, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of SNiP II-52-74.

The routing of embankment dams in urban areas should be provided taking into account the use of protected areas for development in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-60-75 **.

5.6. The excess of the maximum water level in a reservoir or watercourse above the calculated level should be taken:

for flood-free dams - depending on the class of structures in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II.50-74.

for overflow dams - according to SNiP II-52-74.

5.7. In the development of engineering protection projects, it is necessary to provide for the use of the ridge of embankment dams for laying automobile and railways... In this case, the width of the dam along the crest and the radius of curvature should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-D.5-72 and SNiP II-39-76.

In all other cases, the width of the dam crest should be set to a minimum, based on the conditions of work and ease of use.

5.8. The profile of the dam (flattened or compressed) is selected taking into account the availability of local building materials, production technology, wind wave conditions on the upstream slope and the exit of the filtration flow at the downstream slope.

Note. Dykes with a spread profile with biological anchorage of the slopes are preferred.

5.9. Coupling devices of earth dams with concrete structures should provide:

smooth approach of water to culverts from the upstream side and smooth spreading of the stream in the downstream, preventing erosion of the body and base of dams and the bottom of the watercourse;

prevention of filtration by contact with concrete structures in the abutment zone.

Coupling devices of I-III class dams must be substantiated by laboratory hydraulic studies.

5.10. Calculations of pressure dams made of soil materials should be performed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.06.05-84.


5.11. The hydraulic calculation of upland channels should determine the cross-sectional parameters at which the design water velocities should be less than the permissible erosion ones and more than those at which siltation of the channels occurs.

The values ​​of the roughness coefficients for the channels must be taken according to SNiP II-52-74. In this case, the calculated hydrological characteristics should be determined according to SNiP 2-01.14-83.

5.12. The laying of slopes of upland canals must be taken on the basis of data on the stability of the slopes of existing canals located in similar hydrogeological and geological conditions; in the absence of analogs, the laying of slopes of canals with a cut of more than 5 m depth should be taken on the basis of geotechnical calculations.

5.13. The cross-sectional shape of upland channels for the passage of the estimated water flow should be taken taking into account the hydrological regime and the building density of the protected area.

The slopes of the canals without fixing the bottom and slopes should ensure the passage of minimum water flow rates at speeds not worse than 0.3-0.5 m / s. The largest permissible longitudinal slopes of the channels in the absence of clothing should be taken equal to 0.0005-0.005.

The minimum value of the radius of curvature of the channel must be at least twice the width of the channel along the water's edge at its design flow rate. The maximum turning radii for hydraulically non-calculated channels are allowed up to 25 m and hydraulically calculated - from 2 to 10 b(where b- channel width along the water's edge, m).

Permissible non-eroding water velocities for canals with flow rates exceeding 50 m 3 / s should be taken on the basis of studies and calculations.

5.14. Upland channels with a depth of up to 5 m and a water flow rate of up to 50 m 3 / s, as well as siphons and aqueducts must be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-52-74.


5.15. The composition, layout and design of the pumping station facilities should be established depending on the volume of water pumped and the possibility of creating a storage tank.

The types, class and capacity of pumping stations and their equipment must be set taking into account:

estimated flow rate, delivery height and fluctuations of water horizons;

type of energy source;

ensuring the optimal efficiency of the pumps.

5.16. The type and number of pumps are set by calculation, depending on the type of pumping station, taking into account the values ​​of the design flow rate and water pressure and the amplitude of oscillations of the horizons in the lower and upper reaches.

The need to use a backup unit should be justified by a project in accordance with the design standards for drainage pumping stations SNiP II-52-74.

5.17. The intake structure and the pumping station can be of combined or separate type.

Water intake facilities must provide:

water intake in accordance with the water supply schedule and taking into account the water levels in the water source;

normal operation and the possibility of equipment repair;

protection from fish getting into them.

5.18. Outlets of pumping stations must ensure smooth discharge of water into water bodies and exclude the possibility of backflow of water.


5.19. When designing drainage systems to prevent or eliminate flooding of territories, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of these standards, as well as SNiP 2.06.14-85 and SNiP II-52-74.

5.20. When designing drainage systems, preference should be given to drainage systems with gravity drainage. Drainage systems with forced pumping of water require additional justification.

Depending on the hydrogeological conditions, horizontal, vertical and combined drainages should be used.

5.21. The drainage system must provide the groundwater level regime required under the protection conditions: in the territories of settlements - in accordance with the requirements of these standards, and on agricultural lands - in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-52-74.

5.22. The use of a drainage system should be justified by studying the water, and for the arid zone - and the salt balance of groundwater.

In a one-stage design, it is necessary to calculate and analyze the causes and consequences of flooding, specified in clause 1.6. In a two-stage design, based on the data of geological and hydrogeological surveys and research results obtained at the first stage, taking into account the nature of the development and the prospects for the development of the protected area, it is necessary to determine the location of the drainage network in plan, the depth of the placement and the conjugation of individual drainage lines with each other.

Hydrogeological calculations for the selected drainage schemes should establish:

the optimal position of coastal, head and other drains in relation to the dam or to the boundaries of the foundations from the condition of the minimum values ​​of their flow rates;

the required depth of the drains and the distance between them, the flow rate of drainage water, including those to be pumped;

the position of the depression curve in the protected area.

5.23. Implementation of horizontal drainage by open trench and trenchless method is determined by economic feasibility. In the case of arranging open horizontal drainages at a depth of up to 4 m from the earth's surface, the depth of soil freezing, as well as the possibility of overgrowing, should be taken into account.

5.24. In all cases where vertical drainage is used, its intake part should be arranged in soils with high permeability.

5.25. Open drainage canals and trenches should be arranged in cases where it is required to drain large areas with one- or two-storey buildings of low density. Their use is also possible for protection against flooding of land transport communications.

The calculation of open (trench) horizontal drainage should be carried out taking into account its alignment with an upland channel or a collector of the drainage system. The profile of the trench drainage in this case should be selected according to the estimated flow rate of surface water runoff during gravity drainage of the territory.

For fixing the slopes of open drainage ditches and trenches, it is necessary to use concrete or reinforced concrete slabs or rock fill. Drainage holes should be provided in fortified slopes.

In closed drainages, a sand-gravel mixture, expanded clay, slag, polymer and other materials should be used as a filter and filter dust.

Drainage water should be drained through trenches or canals by gravity. The construction of drainage tanks with pumping stations for pumping is advisable in cases where the relief of the protected area has more low marks than the water level in the nearest water body, where surface runoff from the protected area should be diverted.

5.26. The following should be used as drainage pipes: ceramic, asbestos-cement, concrete, reinforced concrete or polyvinyl chloride pipes, as well as pipe filters made of porous concrete or porous polymer concrete.

Concrete, reinforced concrete, asbestos-cement pipes, as well as porous concrete pipe filters should be used only in soils and water that are non-aggressive to concrete.

According to the strength conditions, the following maximum depth of pipe laying with filter sprinkling and backfilling of trenches with soil is allowed, m:


drainage diameter 150-200 mm 3.5

sewer "150" 7.5

concrete "200" 4.0

The maximum depth of drainage from pipe filters should be determined by the breaking load in accordance with the requirements of VSN 13-77 "Drainage pipes made of large-porous filtration concrete on dense aggregates" approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy and agreed with the USSR State Construction Committee.

5.27. The number and size of water intake openings on the surface of asbestos-cement, concrete and reinforced concrete pipes should be determined depending on the cultivation capacity of the openings and the drainage rate determined by calculation.

Around the drainage pipes, it is necessary to provide filters in the form of sand and gravel coverings or wrappers made of artificial fibrous materials. The thickness and granulometric composition of the fishing line and gravel should be selected by calculation in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.06.14-85.

5.28. The outlet of drainage water into a water body (river, canal, lake) should be located in the plan at an acute angle to the direction of the flow, and its mouth should be supplied with a concrete head or reinforced with masonry or an outline.

Discharge of drainage water into the storm sewer is allowed if the throughput of the storm sewer is determined taking into account the additional costs of water coming from the drainage system. In this case, the backwater of the drainage system is not allowed.

Drainage inspection wells should be arranged at least every 50 m on straight drainage sections, as well as in places of turns, intersections and changes in the slopes of drainage pipes. Inspection wells may be used as prefabricated reinforced concrete tracks with a sump (at least 0.5 m deep) and concreted bottoms in accordance with GOST 8020-80. Inspection wells on reclamation drainages should be taken in accordance with SNiP II-52-74.

5.29. Drainage galleries should be used in cases where the required lowering of groundwater levels cannot be achieved using horizontal tubular drains.

The shape and cross-sectional area of ​​the drainage galleries, as well as the degree of perforation of its walls, should be set depending on the required drainage capacity.

Drainage gallery filters must be performed in accordance with the requirements of clause 5.27.

5.30. Sinking wells equipped with pumps should be used in cases where lowering the groundwater level can only be achieved by pumping water.

If a drainage water-sinking well cuts through several aquifers, then, if necessary, filters should be provided within each of them.

5.31. Self-flowing wells should be used to relieve excess pressure in confined aquifers.

The design of self-flowing wells is similar to the design of dewatering wells.

5.32. Water-absorbing wells and through filters should be installed in cases where the underlying soils of high water permeability with free-flow groundwater are located below the aquiclude.

5.33. Combined drainages should be used in the case of a two-layer aquifer with a poorly permeable upper layer and excess pressure in the lower or with a lateral inflow of groundwater. Horizontal drainage should be placed in the upper layer, and self-flowing wells - in the lower layer.

Horizontal and vertical drains must be located in the plan at a distance of at least 3 m from each other and connected with pipes. In the case of drainage galleries, wellheads should be led out into niches arranged in galleries.

5.34. Beam drainages should be used to deeply lower the groundwater level in densely built-up areas of the heated area.

5.35. Vacuum dehumidification systems must be used in soils with low filtration properties in the case of drainage of objects with increased requirements for underground and above-ground premises.


6.1. Projects of structures for engineering protection of settlements, industrial sites, agricultural lands and newly developed territories for building and agricultural production, in addition to calculations justifying the reliability of structures, must contain calculations:

water balance of the protected area for the current state;

water regime under conditions of backwater by newly created reservoirs or canals, as well as engineering protection that prevents groundwater backwater;

forecasting the hydrogeological regime, taking into account the influence of all sources of flooding;

transformations of soils and vegetation under the influence of changing hydrological and hydrogeological conditions caused by the creation of water bodies and engineering protection structures.

6.2. When designing the engineering protection of the territory in the zone of saline soils, the salt regime should be calculated.

6.3. For territories of agricultural use with objects of engineering protection of I - III classes, it is necessary to carry out calculations to increase soil fertility using balance and analytical methods and methods of analog modeling.

6.4. When placing drainage-humidification, drainage-irrigation and irrigation complexes on the protected territories, it is necessary to calculate the use of groundwater for irrigation.

6.5. The reliability of engineering protection structures in the permafrost zone should be substantiated by the results of thermophysical and thermomechanical calculations of structures and their foundations.


7.1. For systems of engineering protection of I and II classes in difficult hydrogeological and climatic conditions, in addition to KIA for operational observations, KIA should be provided for special research work to study changes in the parameters of the filtration flow, changes in the water-salt regime of soils and soils over time, depending on irrigation, drainage, the action of storm flows, a rise in the level of groundwater in the flooding zone, etc.

7.2. The design of engineering protection structures should provide for the installation of instrumentation for visual and instrumental observations of the state of hydraulic structures, the displacement of their elements and foundations, fluctuations in the level of groundwater, filtration flow parameters, soil salinization.

The duration of observations depends on the time of stabilization of hydrogeological conditions, the sediment of the foundations of hydroelectric structures and the service life of the constructed structures.

In areas protected from flooding, it is necessary to provide a piezometric network for monitoring the state of groundwater and the efficiency of the drainage systems in general and individual drainages.

7.3. The following additional requirements must be presented to the structures of engineering protection in the conditions of the Northern construction and climatic zone:

when designing structures for engineering protection of classes I-III, provide for the installation of instrumentation to monitor deformations, filtration and temperature conditions in the body of structures and their foundations;

the composition and volume of field observations should be established in accordance with the purpose, class, type and design of engineering protection structures, the accepted construction principle and taking into account the engineering and geocryological features.

The design of the instrumentation and its layout should ensure their normal operation in the Far North.

Feasibility study

1. The economic feasibility of engineering protection is recommended to be determined by the method of comparative efficiency. The indicator of the comparative efficiency of capital investments is the value of the reduced costs.

The option with the lowest discounted costs is selected from among those compared.

2. Reduced costs Z h while protecting agricultural land, settlements, industrial and other enterprises, it is recommended to determine by the formula

Z s = E n TO s + AND h,

where E n - standard efficiency coefficient, taken in the amount of 0.12;

TO s - investments in the construction of structures for engineering protection of flooded lands, settlements, industrial and other enterprises;

AND s - annual costs for the construction of structures for engineering protection of flooded lands, settlements, industrial and other enterprises.

3. Reduced costs for the alternative Z viola will be:

Z viola = E n ( TO alt.c + TO alt.p + F ost.p - F real) + AND alt.c + AND alt.p,

where TO alt.s - investment in the alternative for agriculture;

TO alt.p - capital investments for the advance construction of the listed industrial and civil structures in a new place instead of their protection;

F ost.p - residual book value of buildings and structures of industrial enterprises, settlements, railways and highways located in the flooded zone at the time of construction of engineering protection;

F real - the amount of the sale of residual funds;

AND alt.s - annual costs for the agricultural alternative;

AND alt.p - annual costs for the operation of the listed structures in a new place in return for their protection;

The value TO alt. s is recommended to be determined on the basis of calculating the costs of developing new lands for the intensification of agricultural production using areas outside the flooded zone to obtain the same amount of agricultural products as the flooded lands gave with their intensive use.

The magnitude TO alt. s is determined by direct counting if the lands that will be developed instead of the flooded ones are known in advance. Otherwise, the value TO alt. s is recommended to be determined according to the standards of specific capital investments in land reclamation approved by the USSR Ministry of Water Management, or according to the standards for the development of lands instead of those withdrawn for non-agricultural needs, approved by the councils of ministers of the union republics.

The magnitude AND alt.с characterizes the annual maintenance costs of reclamation systems that will be built to compensate for the flooded land. If, instead of the withdrawn land, reclaimed or cultivated land is introduced, then the value AND alt.s is recommended to be determined by the amount of annual additional costs required to bring the production of agricultural crops on newly developed lands to the planned level.

4. The implementation of large objects of engineering protection, especially the advance preparation of appropriate alternatives, can take a number of years. In this case, calculations of economic efficiency must take into account the time factor. At the same time, it is recommended to reduce the costs of different years to any one base year.

5. It should be borne in mind that in a number of cases, engineering protection is practically the only possible measure to ensure the preservation of a territory or objects (especially valuable agricultural land or unique objects that are practically impossible to restore in a new place, etc.). In this case, the economic efficiency of engineering protection is recommended to be substantiated by the method of general (absolute) efficiency of capital investments.

6. Technical and economic calculations to identify the optimal option for engineering protection in various conditions natural areas countries should be followed taking into account:

changes in the environment;

changes in soil, vegetation and fauna;

economic assessment of changes in natural conditions and resources of adjacent territories;

the consequences of the influence of the reservoir;

compensatory measures aimed at restoring natural systems.

7. Changes in the natural conditions of adjacent territories must be identified taking into account natural, ecological, technological and economic assessments.

The natural assessment should include a comparison of established (ecological, climatic, hydrological, botanical, soil and other) changes with constant or temporal variability of the same indicators.

An environmental assessment should be carried out by comparing changes in some indicators (wind speed, soil moisture, atmospheric precipitation, etc.) with others (biological and economic productivity of meadow and forest vegetation, the passage of phenological phases by plants).

The technological assessment should provide for the consideration of the same changes from the standpoint of modern and future requirements of various industries, industries and human activities (agriculture, fishing, recreation, etc.).

The economic assessment should include the damage from the decrease (or the effect from the increase in the biological productivity of agricultural land, meadows and forests in the adjacent territory.

8. The most rational scheme for engineering protection of coastal areas when creating reservoirs for energy purposes should be selected based on the need to cover losses of land users and losses of agricultural production, which are determined taking into account all types and scales of impact of reservoirs on coastal areas.

When justifying the optimal reorganization of agriculture in the conditions of creating reservoirs and the effectiveness of various options for planned measures, the following types of work should be considered as priority:

domesticating and increasing soil fertility on newly developed lands;

development of non-agricultural land occupied by shrubs, clearings, swamps and other non-agricultural land, taking into account drainage and irrigation works, as well as cultural and technical measures;

use of flooded lands, shallow waters, temporarily flooded and dehydrated lands of the downstream;

organization of new farms.

9. When assessing the economic efficiency of engineering protection, it is necessary to take into account the technical and economic indicators of the solved national economic problems, indicators economic development after the implementation of engineering protection measures and indicators of possible damage - without protective measures.

When establishing the economic efficiency of engineering protection of coastal areas when creating reservoirs, it is necessary to take into account:

positive and negative impacts of ongoing activities on the natural environment;

economic and social interests of water consumers and water users, which are expressed in the effect or to the detriment of all interested and affected industries or individual water users - participants in the water management complex (WCC);

a system of interconnected technical solutions, structures, devices and measures that ensure the operation of the elements of the VHK;

distribution of the areas of the coastal zone and water area of ​​reservoirs between water consumers and water users, taking into account their indicators of interest and the possibility of the most effective use water and land resources;

the possibility of reducing the recreational potential of the protected area and water area. Where necessary, compensatory measures should be provided.

Note. When considering the effect of protection as part of the total effect of measures for the reservoir as a whole, it is necessary to carry out calculations that determine the maximum increase in the effect of the measures taken.

The indicator of the effectiveness of the systems of protective structures should be commensurate with the analogous indicator of the entire water management complex.

10. When calculating the damage from flooding and flooding, it is necessary to take into account:

seizure of agricultural land;

deterioration in the quality of land due to an increase in the duration of flooding, waterlogging, a shift in terms or winter flooding of land;

changes in the productivity of agricultural land and the structure of crops, fruit and berry plantations, grass stand in hayfields and pastures and transformation of land;

economic development of the regulated floodplain area in the future. At the same time, additional costs for the reconstruction of the existing melioration system should be attributed to the compensation costs caused by the creation of a new facility.

When protecting flooded and submerged agricultural lands when creating a reservoir for energy purposes, the project, in addition to engineering protection structures, should include structures for reclamation of the territory, the need for which is determined by the technological requirements for growing stable and high yields.

11. When using shallow waters without embankment for agricultural, recreational and other purposes, it is necessary to determine the costs of sanitary measures, liquidation of waterlogging, timely cleaning of vegetation, protection from pollution, as well as to improve comfort, territorial and transport development recreation areas.

12. When using flooded lands without taking protective measures, it is necessary to determine the operating costs for replanting vegetation, preserving natural fertility and creating conditions for agricultural use.

13. The indicators of the economic development of the territory after the implementation of measures for engineering protection should take into account:

the increasing efficiency of protected lands in time due to the increased resource efficiency of the most valuable lands;

the possibility of increasing resource efficiency in connection with the implementation of water flow regulation in the protected area;

obtaining additional agricultural products from unheated lands as a result of regulating the water flow of agricultural and floodplain lands;

restoration of environmental conditions, allowing to compensate for the damage caused to nature by flooding and flooding.



Name and characteristics of territories

Maximum design water pressure on a water retaining structure, m, for classes of protective structures


Density of the housing stock of the residential area, m2 per hectare:

from 2100 to 2500

Recreational and sanitary protection purpose


Industrial enterprises with an annual production volume, million rubles:

from 100 to 500

Utility warehouse

Utilities and warehouses for city-wide use

Other public utilities and warehouses

Monuments of culture and nature

* With appropriate justification, it is allowed to classify protective structures as class I if the failure can cause catastrophic consequences for the protected large cities and industrial enterprises.



Exquisite materials

The scope of graphics applications

working draft, working documentation


1. Hydrogeological

1:500 000-1:200 000

1:100 000-1:50 000

2. Hydrogeological-reclamation zoning

1:500 000-1:200 000

1:100 000-1:50 000

3. Engineering-geological zoning

1:500 000-1:200 000

1:100 000-1:50 000

4. Engineering and geological

1:50 000-1:20 000

5. Exploitable groundwater resources

6. Geologolithological complexes

1:50 000-1:20 000

7. Hydroisohypsum and depths of groundwater

1:500 000-1:200 000

1:100 000-1:50 000

8. Zoning according to filtration schemes

1:500 000-1:200 000

1:100 000-1:50 000

9. Predicted operational groundwater resources

1:500 000-1:200 000

1:100 000-1:50 000

10. Deposits of building materials

1:500 000-1:200 000

11. Schemes of agricultural development

1:500 000-1:200 000

12. Soil

1:200 000-1:100 000

13. Soil reclamation

14. Salinization

15. Topographic

1:500 000-1:100 000

1:50 000-1:25 000

Other materials

16. Sections engineering-geological and hydrogeological 1

According to the report

17. Diagrams of salinization of rocks of the aeration zone

18. Graphs of fluctuations in groundwater levels

19. Engineering-geological and hydrogeological materials

20. Investigations of the salinity of saline soils on experimental sites (monoliths), typical for the soil massif

21. Research of water-physical properties of soils

22. Materials of soil reclamation surveys

23. Climatic characteristics of the area of ​​protected lands

According to the project

24. Hydrological characteristics of rivers and reservoirs in the protected area

1 The scales of the sections should be consistent with the scale of the maps corresponding to the corresponding stages of design.



Engineering protection- a complex of engineering structures, engineering and technical, organizational, economic and socio-legal measures that ensure the protection of objects of the national economy and the territory from flooding and flooding, coastal caving and landslide processes.

Systems of engineering protection of the territory against flooding and waterlogging- hydraulic structures for various purposes, united into a single territorial system that provides engineering protection of the territory from flooding and flooding.

Engineering protection objects- separate structures for engineering protection of the territory, ensuring the protection of national economic facilities, settlements, agricultural lands and natural landscapes from flooding and flooding.

Flooding- an increase in the level of groundwater and moistening of the soils of the aeration zone, leading to a violation economic activity in a given territory, changes in physical and physical and chemical properties groundwater, transformation of soil, species composition, structure and productivity of vegetation cover, transformation of animal habitats.

Flooding- the formation of a free surface of water in a section of the territory as a result of an increase in the level of a watercourse, reservoir or groundwater.

Man-made flooding and flooding- flooding and flooding of the territory caused as a result of construction and production activities.

Groundwater backwater zone- the area above the aquifer, in which the free surface of groundwater rises in case of backwater, for example, by a reservoir, a river, etc.

Flooding zone- an area subject to flooding as a result of the construction of reservoirs, other water bodies and buildings, or as a result of the impact of any other economic activity.

Subzones of high, moderate and low flooding- flooded natural areas, subdivided into:

a subzone of strong flooding with the occurrence of the groundwater level approaching the surface and accompanied by the process of waterlogging and salinization of the upper soil horizons;

a subzone of moderate flooding with a groundwater level in the range from 0.3-0.7 to 1.2-2.0 m from the surface with processes of alluvialization and salinization of the middle soil horizons;

a subzone of weak flooding with groundwater occurrence in the range from 1.2-2.0 to 2.0-3.0 m in the humid zone and up to 5.0 m in the arid zone with the processes of gleying and salinization of the lower soil horizons.

The degree of atmospheric humidification of the territory (coefficient of underground runoff)- the proportion of atmospheric precipitation absorbed by the soil and feeding groundwater in a given area or territory.

Natural systems- a spatially limited set of functionally interconnected living organisms and their environment, characterized by certain patterns of energy state, metabolism and circulation of substances.

Hydrographic network- a set of rivers and other permanently and temporarily operating watercourses, as well as reservoirs in any territory.

1. General Provisions. 2

2. Classes of structures for engineering protection .. 6

3. Requirements for the design of objects and structures of engineering protection .. 8

Protection of territories from flooding. eight

Artificial increase in the surface of the territory. nine

Regulation and drainage of surface waters from the protected area. ten

Protection of the territory from flooding. eleven

Special requirements for engineering protection in the permafrost zone. 12

Recreational requirements. 15

4. Additional requirements for engineering survey materials. 15

5. Protective structures. 16

Embankment dams. 16

Upland channels .. 18

Pumping stations. 19

Drainage systems and drains. twenty

6. Calculations to substantiate the reliability of the systems, objects and structures of engineering protection .. 22

7. Requirements for the project of installation of control and measuring equipment (KIA) in the structures of engineering protection .. 23

Appendix 1. Feasibility study of engineering protection at reservoirs. 23

Appendix 2. Classes of protective water retaining structures. 27

Appendix 3. Composition of survey materials for various stages of design of engineering protection of agricultural lands. 27

Appendix 4. Terms used in these SNiP .. 28


On the approval of SP 104.13330 "SNiP 2.06.15-85
Engineering protection of the territory from flooding and flooding "

As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities
economy of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 2017 No. 86 / pr
"On amendments to some orders of the Ministry of Construction
and housing and communal services Russian Federation»

In accordance with the Rules for the development, approval, publication, amendment and cancellation of sets of rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2016 No. Of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1038, paragraph 37 of the Plan for the development and approval of sets of rules and updating of previously approved sets of rules, building codes and regulations for 2015 and the planning period until 2017, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities economy of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2015 No. 470 / pr as amended by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2015 No. 659 / pr, I order:

1, Approve and put into effect in 6 months from the date of publication of this order the attached SP 104.13330 "SNiP 2.06.15-85 Engineering protection of the territory from flooding and waterlogging".

2. Since the entry into force of SP 104.13330 "SNiP 2.06.15-85 Engineering protection of the territory from flooding and flooding", to recognize SNiP 2.06.15-85 "Engineering protection of the territory from flooding and flooding", approved by the USSR State Construction Committee of 19 September 1985 No. 154 and registered by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on July 19, 2011 as SP 104.13330.2011.

(Modified edition. Order dated February 10, 2017 No. 86 / pr)

3. Department urban planning activities and architecture, within 15 days from the date of issuance of the order, send the approved SP 104.13330 "SNiP 2.06.15-85 Engineering protection of the territory from flooding and flooding" for registration to the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization.

4. The Department of Urban Planning and Architecture shall ensure the publication on the official website of the Ministry of Construction of Russia in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" of the text of the approved joint venture 104.13330 "SNiP 2.06.15-85 Engineering protection of the territory from flooding and flooding" in digital form within 10 days from the date of registration of the set of rules by the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization.

5. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Kh.D. Mavliyarova.



SP 104.13330.2016


Updated edition

SNiP 2.06.15-85

Moscow 2016


About the set of rules

1 CONTRACTOR - Research, Design and Survey and Design and Technological Institute of Foundations and Underground Structures named after N.M. Gersevanov (NIIOSP named after N.M. Gersevanov) - Institute of JSC "Research Center" Construction "

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Urban Development and Architecture of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Construction of Russia)

4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation No. 964 / pr dated December 16, 2016 and put into effect on June 17, 2017.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision of JV 104.13330.2011

In case of revision (replacement) of the cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notification will be published in accordance with the established procedure. The relevant information, notice and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Construction of Russia) on the Internet


This set of rules has been developed taking into account the requirements of federal laws dated December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On technical regulation", dated December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures."

This set of rules was developed by the branch of JSC NIC "Construction" - NIIOSP them. N.M. Gersevanova (Candidate of Technical Sciences I.V. Kolybin, ing ... A.B. Meshchansky- topic leaders, cand. tech. Sciences: V.G. Fedorovsky, G.A. Bobyr; Ing. BUT. Kryuchkova).



Introduction date 2017-06-17

1 area of ​​use

This set of rules applies to the design of systems, objects and structures of engineering protection against flooding and flooding of territories of settlements, industrial, transport, energy, public and business and communal facilities, mineral deposits and mine workings, agricultural and forest lands, natural landscapes ...

When designing structures for engineering protection in seismic regions, it is necessary to additionally take into account the requirements of SP 14.13330.

2 Normative references

This set of rules uses normative references to the following documents:

3.3 groundwater backwater zone: An area above an aquifer in which the free surface of groundwater rises in case of backwater, for example by a reservoir or river.

3.4 flooding zone: An area subject to flooding as a result of backwater from reservoirs, rivers, other water bodies or the impact of any other economic activity and natural factors.

engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures: A complex of structures and measures aimed at preventing the negative impact of hazardous geological, environmental and other processes on the territory, buildings and structures, as well as protecting against their consequences.

dehumidification rate: Estimated value of the required lowering of the groundwater level from the earth's surface in the drained area.

3.7 embankment: Fencing with dams of a certain area or coastline to protect the area from flooding.

3.8 engineering protection objects: Separate structures for engineering protection of the territory, ensuring the protection of national economic facilities, settlements, agricultural lands and natural landscapes from flooding and flooding.

3.9 subzones of strong, moderate and weak flooding: Flooded natural areas, subdivided into subzones:

Strong flooding with the occurrence of the groundwater level approaching the surface and accompanied by the process of waterlogging and / or salinization of the upper soil horizons;

Moderate flooding with the occurrence of the groundwater level in the range from 0.3 - 0.7 to 1.2 - 2.0 m from the surface with the processes of alluvialization and / or salinization of the middle soil horizons;

Weak flooding with the occurrence of groundwater in the range from 1.2 - 2.0 to 2.0 - 3.0 m in the humid zone and up to 5.0 m in the arid zone with the processes of gleying and / or salinization of the lower soil horizons.

3.10 flooding: A complex hydrogeological and engineering-geological process, in which, as a result of changes in the water regime and balance of the territory, an increase in the level of groundwater and / or soil moisture occurs, leading to a disruption of economic activities in a given territory, a change in the physical and physicochemical properties of groundwater and soil , species composition, structure and productivity of vegetation cover, transformation of animal habitats.

3.11 natural systems: A spatially limited set of functionally interconnected living organisms and their environment, characterized by certain patterns of energy state, metabolism and circulation of substances in nature.

3.12 systems of engineering protection of the territory against flooding and flooding: Hydraulic structures for various purposes, united into a single system that provides engineering protection of the territory from flooding and flooding.

3.13 the degree of atmospheric humidification of the territory: Coefficient of groundwater flow - the proportion of atmospheric precipitation absorbed by the ground mass and feeding groundwater in a given area or territory.

3.14 man-made flooding and flooding: Flooding and waterlogging of the territory as a result of construction and production activities.

3.15 ground water level: Groundwater level mark of the first permanent, non-head aquifer from the surface.

3.16 dead volume level; ULV: The minimum water level in the reservoir corresponding to its maximum allowable drawdown.

4 General

4.1 When designing the engineering protection of the territory against flooding and flooding, it is necessary to develop a set of measures to ensure the prevention of flooding and flooding of territories, depending on the requirements of their functional use and protection of the natural environment, or to eliminate the negative effects of flooding and flooding.

The system of engineering protection against flooding should be territorially uniform, uniting all local systems of individual sections and objects. At the same time, it should be linked to master plans and territorial integrated schemes of urban planning.

4.1.1 Protection of the territory of settlements, industrial, public-business and communal-storage facilities should ensure:

Uninterrupted and reliable operation and development of urban, urban planning, production and technical, communication, transport facilities, recreation areas and other territorial systems and individual structures;

Normative medical and sanitary living conditions of the population;

Regulatory sanitary and hygienic, social and recreational conditions of the protected areas.

4.1.2 Protection against flooding and flooding of mineral deposits and mine workings should ensure:

Protection of subsoil and natural landscapes;

Safe conduct of open and underground mining of mineral deposits, including non-metallic materials;

Elimination of the possibility of technogenic flooding and flooding of territories as a result of the development of mineral deposits.

4.1.3 Protection of agricultural land and natural landscapes should ensure:

Conditions for the normal production of agricultural, forestry and fish products;

Hydrological and hydrogeological regimes in the protected area, depending on the functional use of land;

Rational use and protection of land, water, mineral and other natural resources.

When protecting natural landscapes near cities and settlements, it is necessary to provide for the use of the territory for the creation of sanitary protection zones, forest parks, medical and recreational and sports facilities, recreation areas.

4.2 The need to protect river floodplains from natural flooding is determined by the need and the degree of use of individual sections of these territories for residential or industrial development, for agricultural land, as well as for the development of natural resources and mineral deposits.

The design parameters of flooding of river floodplains should be determined on the basis of engineering and hydrological calculations, depending on the accepted classes of protective structures in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 and on the basis of official data from Roshydromet. In this case, one should distinguish between the degrees of flooding: deep water (the depth of the water surface of the land surface is more than 5 m), medium (depth from 2 to 5 m), shallow (depth up to 2 m).

4.2.1 During periods of spring floods during ice drift, a situation is possible when ice fields remain downstream of the river. In this case, congestion may occur, i. E. a pile of floating ice floes, creating an obstacle in the path of the water flow. In this case, a significant rise in the water level in the river with flooding of coastal areas can occur.

In shallow sections of the river during severe long-term frosts, the formation of gagging is possible, i.e. complete freezing of the river to the bottom, which impedes the flow of the water flow. When there is a jam, the water level rises with flooding above the jam of coastal areas and the formation of ice on their surface.

The possibility of congestion and jamming should be predicted, taking into account the information received from meteorological stations and gauging stations on the river, as well as data on the conditions for the formation of jams and jammed in previous years.

4.2.2 In the presence of a bridge with one or two small spans (less than 4 - 5 m) in a narrow place of the river channel, with a shallow water flow depth (less than 2 - 2.5), there is a risk of overlap by a mass of trees and shrubs floating downstream, caught in the river in the area upstream as a result of a landslide due to low rainfall or erosion of the bank, for example, during intense snow melting on high mountain slopes.

There is a particularly high probability of filling the river section in the span of the bridge on the foothill and mountainous sections of the river, where the slopes water surface are of the order of 0.01 - 0.001.

4.3 The negative impact of flooding by existing or projected reservoirs should be assessed depending on the reservoir drainage regimes and the duration of the flooding effect on the coastal area. In this case, the nature of flooding should be distinguished: constant - below the ULV mark; periodic - between the marks of the normal retaining level of the NPU and UMO; temporary - a forced (short-term) rise in the reservoir level above the FSL.

4.4 When assessing the negative impacts of flooding of a territory, one should take into account the depth of groundwater, the duration and intensity of manifestation of the flooding process, hydrogeological, engineering-geological and geocryological, medical and sanitary, geobotanical, zoological, soil, agricultural, land reclamation and economic and economic features of the protected area.

When assessing damage from flooding, it is necessary to take into account the technical condition of the existing development of the territory, the classes of protected structures and objects, the value of agricultural land, mineral deposits and natural landscapes.

In cases where the projected engineering protection structures geographically coincide with the existing or being created water protection, nature protection zones, national parks, reserves, wildlife preserves, environmental measures as part of the project for engineering protection of the territory should be agreed with the state and regional control bodies for environmental protection.

4.17 The effectiveness of the projected flood control measures should be determined by comparing the technical and economic indicators of the option for the integrated use of the reservoir as a storage capacity and protected lands with the option for their use prior to the implementation of flood control measures.

4.18 When designing protective flood control systems on rivers, the requirements for the integrated use of water resources in watercourses should be taken into account.

The choice of the estimated provision for the passage of floods through the spillway protective structures should be justified by technical and economic calculations, taking into account the classes of protective structures in accordance with the requirements of Section 5. The provision for high-water years can range from 1% to 25%, i.e. the possibility of a corresponding flood manifestation once every 100 to 4 years.

4.19 Structures regulating surface runoff in areas protected from flooding should be designed taking into account the estimated discharge of surface water entering these areas (rain and melt water, temporary and permanent watercourses), taken in accordance with the class of the protective structure.

Surface runoff from the side of the watershed should be diverted from the protected area through a system of upland canals, and, if necessary, provide for the construction of reservoirs that allow accumulating a part of the surface runoff.

4.20 An integrated territorial system of engineering protection against flooding and flooding should include several different means of protection in the following cases:

The presence of industrial or civil structures on the protected territory, the protection of which is impossible or ineffective with separate means of engineering protection;

Complex morphometric, topographic, hydrogeological and other conditions that exclude the use of one or another separate object of engineering protection.

4.21 When designing structures for engineering protection against flooding and flooding in areas where landslide and other hazardous geological processes develop, the requirements of SP 116.13330 should be taken into account. When designing structures for engineering protection in areas where soils with special properties (structurally unstable during moistening and soaking, subsiding, swelling, etc.), as well as in undermined territories, the requirements of SP 22.13330 should be taken into account.

5 Classes of engineering protection structures

5.1 Classes of engineering protection structures are assigned, as a rule, not lower than the classes of protected objects and depending on their economic importance. The class of protected building structures is assigned in accordance with the requirements of GOST 27751.

When protecting the territory on which objects of various classes are located, the class of engineering protection structures should, as a rule, correspond to the class of most protected objects. At the same time, individual objects with a higher class than the class established for the structures of engineering protection of the territory can be protected locally. The classes of such objects and their local protection must match each other.

If the feasibility study establishes the inexpediency of local protection, then the class of engineering protection of the entire territory should be increased by one.

5.2 Classes of permanent hydraulic structures of engineering protection of a water-retaining type should be assigned in accordance with the requirements of SP 58.13330 and, depending on the characteristics of the protected area, according to the appendix.

5.3 Classes of non-water-retaining protective structures (channel-regulating and runoff-regulating, drainage systems, etc.) should be assigned in accordance with the requirements [, article 4].

The design conditions for the design should be taken according to SP 58.13330 in accordance with the accepted class.

In this case, one should take into account the possibility of an increase in the water level due to the restriction of the watercourse by protective structures or during a wind surge.

The norms for draining agricultural land are adopted in accordance with SP 100.13330.

The norms for drainage of territories for the development of minerals are adopted taking into account the requirements of SP 103.13330.

5.8 Classes of engineering protection structures against flooding should be assigned depending on the drainage rates and the estimated predicted lowering of the groundwater level according to Table 1.

Table 1

Drainage rates, m

Estimated predicted lowering of the groundwater level, m for classes of structures

Up to 15

St. 5

Up to 5

St. 3

Until 3

Up to 2

5.9 The maximum calculated groundwater levels in the protected areas should be taken based on the results of the forecast, made taking into account the requirements. Estimated costs of regulated rainwater runoff should be taken according to SP 32.13330.

6 Requirements for the design of engineering protection systems against flooding and flooding

6.1 Engineering means of protection against flooding and waterlogging

Protection of territories from flooding should be carried out:

By embankment of territories from the side of a river, reservoir or other water body;

Artificial increase in the relief of the territory to flood-free planning marks;

Accumulation, regulation, removal of surface waste and drainage waters from flooded, temporarily flooded, irrigated areas and low-lying disturbed lands.

To protect territories from flooding, you should apply:

Drainage systems;

Anti-seepage screens and curtains designed according to SP 22.13330;

Vertical planning of the territory with the organization of surface runoff, cleaning of open watercourses and other elements of natural drainage and regulation of the level regime of water bodies.

6.1.1 Land embankment Anti-flood dams, embankments of settlements and industrial facilities, mineral deposits and mine workings should be designed in accordance with the requirements of SP 58.13330, and agricultural lands - SP 100.13330.

6.1.2 Artificial raising the surface of the territory The surface of the territory should be increased:

For the development of flooded, temporarily flooded and flooded areas for construction;

For the use of land for agricultural production;

For the improvement of the coastal strip of reservoirs, rivers and other water bodies.

Note - The placement of new settlements and the construction of capital construction facilities without special protective measures to prevent the negative impact of water within the boundaries of flooding zones, flooding is prohibited. The options for artificially raising the surface of the territory should be selected based on the analysis of soil, geological, climatic and technogenic characteristics of the protected area, taking into account the functional planning, social, environmental and other requirements for the territories. A vertical planning project with soil backfilling should be developed taking into account the density of the building area, the degree of implementation of previously envisaged planning works, classes of protected structures, changes in the hydrological regime of rivers and water bodies located in the protected area, taking into account the estimated rise in the groundwater level. When designing an artificial rise in the surface of the territory to protect it from flooding, the water level mark in the river or reservoir should be taken as the design water level in accordance with the requirements. When protecting the territory from flooding by backfilling, the edge of the coastal slope of the territory should be determined in accordance with the requirements and taken at least 0.5 m above the design water level in the water body, taking into account the design wave height and its run-up. The elevations of the surface of the covered area during protection against flooding are determined by the value of the drainage rate, taking into account the forecast of changes in the groundwater level.

The design of the coastal slope of the covered area should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 39.13330. Diversion of surface runoff from the protected area should be carried out into water bodies, watercourses, ravines, into city-wide sewerage systems, taking into account the requirements of and. When artificially raising the surface of the territory, it is necessary to ensure the conditions for natural drainage of groundwater. Drainages should be laid along the thalweg of filled-in or washed-out ravines and gullies, and permanent streams should be enclosed in collectors with accompanying drains. The need for drainage of artificial bedding is determined by the hydrogeological conditions in the adjacent territory and the filtration properties of the base and bedding soils.

When backfilling temporary streams, reservoirs and groundwater discharge points, it is necessary to provide for a device at the base of the backfill of a filtering layer or reservoir drainage. When choosing a technology for artificially raising the surface of the territory by dumping soil or its reclamation, it is necessary to provide for the movement of soil masses from non-flooded areas of the primary bank or floodplain to flooded ones. If there is a shortage of soil, useful excavations should be used when deepening river beds for navigation, clearing and improvement of oxbows, channels and other bodies of water located in or near the protected area.

On the territories of industrial and civil buildings, it is necessary to provide for a closed-type rainwater drainage system. The use of open drainage devices (ditches, ditches, trays) is allowed in areas of one-, two-storey buildings, in parks and recreation areas with the device of bridges or pipes at intersections with streets, roads, driveways and sidewalks in accordance with the requirements of SP 34.13330 and SP 119.13330 ... Run-off and channel-regulating structures and measures to prevent flooding and flooding of agricultural areas adjacent to unregulated medium and Volga rivers, as well as to protect open and underground mine workings of minerals and individual economic facilities, such as crossings under highways, approaches to navigable structures, etc., should be applied taking into account:

The scale and time of flooding of the territory;

Natural factors - flooding and water erosion;

Technogenic factors that enhance the flooding and waterlogging of lands in the zone of protected objects. When regulating and removing surface waters from protected agricultural lands, the requirements of SP 100.13330 should be met.

Accounting for natural water erosion of the soil cover should be carried out depending on the rate of precipitation, evaporation, surface slopes, natural drainage of the territory.

In this case, it is necessary to ensure:

In the humid zone - protection from flooding and flooding by rain and snow melt waters by draining excess surface water, lowering the level of groundwater at a high standing, draining swamps and excessively humid lands;

In weakly arid and arid zones - protection from areal and linear water erosion by cultivating arable land across the slopes, sodding the slopes (sowing grasses), planting trees and shrubs in gully and forest belts along the borders of crop rotation areas, creating water retention devices, deep bulk soil ... Runoff control structures in the protected area should ensure the discharge of surface runoff into the hydrographic network or water intakes.

The interception and drainage of surface waters should be carried out using enclosing embankments in combination with drainage channels.

When protecting the territories of mineral deposits, the design of stock control structures must take into account the requirements of SP 103.13330. Channel-regulating structures on watercourses located in protected areas should be designed for water flow during floods at design water levels, ensuring non-flooding of the area, design water cut of the river bed and exclusion of drainage of floodplain areas. In addition, these structures should not violate the conditions for water intake into existing canals, change the volume of solid flow of the flow, as well as the mode of passing ice and slush along the channel. The protection of the territory from technogenic flooding by saline waters by means of absorption wells and wells is allowed in exceptional cases and subject to the requirements of the legislation on subsoil with the permission of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

6.1.4 Arrangement of drainage systems When choosing drainage systems, the following should be taken into account: the geological structure of the territory, its shape and size in plan, the nature of groundwater movement, filtration properties and capacitive characteristics of aquifers, the area of ​​distribution of aquifers, taking into account the conditions for feeding and unloading groundwater; the quantitative values ​​of the components of the groundwater balance have been determined; a forecast of a rise in the level of groundwater and a decrease in it during the implementation of protective measures was made. On the basis of water balance, filtration, hydrodynamic and hydraulic calculations, as well as a technical and economic comparison of options, the final selection of the drainage system of the territories should be made. At the same time, the selected protective measures against flooding should not lead in built-up areas or in the adjacent zone to the consequences specified in,. When calculating drainage systems, it is necessary to determine their rational location and deepening, which ensures the normative lowering of groundwater in the protected area in accordance with the requirements of the section.

In areas protected from flooding, depending on the topographic and geological conditions, the nature and density of the building, the conditions for the movement of groundwater from the watershed side to the natural or artificial drainage base, one-, two- and multi-line, contour and combined drainage systems should be used:

Head ones - for intercepting groundwater, filtering from the watershed side (should be placed normally to the direction of groundwater flow at the upper border of the protected area);

Onshore - to intercept groundwater that is filtered from the side of a water body and forms a backwater (should be placed along the coast or downstream border of a territory or object protected from flooding);

Shut-off - for the interception of groundwater, filtered from the side of the flooded areas of the territory;

Systematic (areal) - for drainage of territories in cases of groundwater recharge due to infiltration of atmospheric precipitation and surface runoff water, leaks from water-carrying communications or pressure water from the underlying horizon;

Mixed - for protection against flooding of territories under difficult conditions of groundwater recharge. Caching of infiltration waters formed as a result of leaks from water-holding ground and underground tanks and structures (reservoirs, sedimentation tanks, sludge storages, drain accumulators of the system of external water supply networks, sewerage systems, etc.) should be provided with the help of loop drains.

The prevention of the spread of infiltration water outside the territories allocated for water-bearing structures should be ensured by installing not only drainage systems, but also anti-seepage screens and curtains designed in accordance with the requirements of SP 22.13330.

Note - Protection against flooding of underground and buried structures (basements, underground passages, parking lots, tunnels) should be ensured by erecting waterproof structures (primary protection), using waterproofing and anti-corrosion coatings (secondary protection) or by installing drainage systems in accordance with the requirements of SP 250.1325800 ...

6.2 Special requirements for engineering protection in the permafrost zone

6.2.1 The territories of the distribution of permafrost soils should be determined according to schematic maps of the distribution, thickness and structure of the cryogenic strata and climatic zoning for construction on the territory of Russia according to SP 131.13330.

6.2.2 The territories and economic facilities of the northern regions should be protected from the effects of cryogenic processes and phenomena developing in natural permafrost soils under the influence of flooding and flooding.

6.2.3 When designing structures for engineering protection, it is necessary to take into account changes in the bearing properties of the foundation soils, depending on their design and technological features, engineering-geocryological and climatic conditions, the possibility of regulating the temperature state.

6.2.4 Requirements for the design of embankment dams in the permafrost zone should be established depending on the temperature state of the anti-seepage element, anti-ice device, drainage system, etc. and the class of the protective structure, taking into account the requirements of SP 25.13330.

Soil structures for engineering protection should be designed taking into account the principles of using permafrost soils:

From frozen ground on frozen ground - I principle of using the foundation;

From thawed ground on a thawed foundation - principle II.

6.2.5 When designing the engineering protection of residential areas, it is necessary to take into account the warming effect of the development of settlements and cities, the violation of the thermal insulation of the base due to the elimination of natural vegetation and soil cover, a decrease in evaporation from the surface of built-up areas and roads, an increase in snow load, a significant thawing and watering effect of thermal communications and collectors of utilities, water pipes and sewerage, causing deformation of the bases and foundations.

6.2.6 When designing engineering protection, the following basic requirements must be observed:

When placing engineering protection equipment on frozen grounds, especially in the presence of highly icy soils and buried ice, disturbance of the vegetation cover is not allowed; vertical planning should be carried out only with bedding. Concentrated discharge of surface waters into low places is not allowed, leading to a violation of the natural hydrothermal regime of watercourses and the regime of groundwater;

In the zone of separation of thawed and frozen soils, one should take into account the possibility of the development of cryogenic processes (swelling during freezing, thermokarst during thawing, the development of ice with the formation of pressure waters with high pressures, etc.);

Violations of waterproofing and thermal insulation of water supply systems, especially heat supply systems, are not allowed.

6.2.7 Engineering networks in the protected areas of settlements and industrial sites should, as a rule, be combined into combined collectors and ensure their non-freezing, increased tightness, reliability and durability, as well as the ability to access them for repair.

6.2.8 Fencing, flood control and stream-guiding dams should be designed of a thawed, frozen or combined type using permafrost soils, providing, if necessary, drainage systems or cooling devices in the body of the dam and on its downstream slope.

6.2.9 The need and feasibility of protecting the banks of rivers and inland water bodies (lakes, reservoirs) from temporary flooding and flooding in the zone of distribution of permafrost should be justified taking into account the expected damage to economic activities and possible thermokarst-abrasive processing of the banks.

6.3.1 The project of engineering protection of the protected area against flooding and flooding should provide for:

Prevention of dangerous erosion of the channel, banks, as well as sections of the junction of protective structures with an unreinforced coast, caused by restriction of the section of the watercourse by protective dams and coastal fortifications;

Preservation of tree-shrub and meadow vegetation, forest plantations around the abandoned reservoirs;

Implementation of a complex of agrotechnical, meadow-forest reclamation and hydrotechnical measures to combat water erosion;

Greening of the protected part of settlements, industrial facilities, reclamation areas, etc .;

Prevention of pollution of soil, water bodies, protected agricultural lands and territories used for recreation, pathogens of infectious diseases, industrial waste, oil products and pesticides;

Preservation of natural conditions for the migration of birds and animals within the boundaries of the protected area;

Preservation or creation of new spawning grounds to replace those lost as a result of drainage of floodplain lakes, oxbow lakes and shallow water reservoirs;

Prevention of fish death and injury at engineering protection facilities;

Preservation of the natural habitats of protected animals and birds in the protected area;

Preservation in the protected area of ​​the regime of wetlands used by migratory water birds during migration.

6.3.3 For the placement of engineering protection structures and their construction base, it is necessary to choose lands unsuitable for agriculture, or agricultural lands of poor quality. For the construction of structures on the lands of the state forest fund, it is necessary to choose areas not covered with forests or areas occupied by shrubs, dead wood or low-value plantations.

Violation of natural complexes of reserves and natural systems of special scientific or cultural value, including within the protected zones around reserves, is not allowed.

6.3.4 When creating objects of engineering protection on agricultural lands and built-up areas, the processes of the biogeochemical circulation, which have a positive effect on the functioning of natural systems, should not be disturbed.

The distance from reservoirs to residential and public buildings should be established by the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service in each case.

6.3.6 When installing protective structures, it is not allowed to use soils and production wastes that pollute the environment as building materials.

Excavation of soil for building dams below the alignment of protective structures is not allowed.

Trimming of slopes and quarrying of local materials in the water protection zone of reservoirs and watercourses is not allowed.

6.3.7 If there are potable water sources in the protected areas, a forecast of possible changes in water quality after the construction of protective structures should be made for consideration when developing water protection measures.

6.3.8 Around the sources of household and drinking purposes located in the protected area, it is necessary to create sanitary protection zones that meet the requirements.

6.3.9 In places where engineering protection structures (upland canals, embankments, etc.) cross the migration routes of animals, it is necessary to:

Move structures out of the border of migration routes;

Design the slopes of earthen structures with and without fastening to ensure the unhindered passage of animals;

Channel sections with high speeds currents dangerous for the passage of animals, replace with pipelines.

6.3.10 Reclamation and improvement of territories disturbed during the creation of engineering protection objects should be designed taking into account the requirements of GOST and GOST

6.4 Recreational requirements

6.4.1 The use of protected flooded and flooded coastal areas of rivers and reservoirs for recreation should be considered on an equal basis with other types of nature management and the creation of water management complexes on rivers.

When implementing engineering protection of the territory from flooding and waterlogging, it is not allowed to reduce the recreational potential of the protected territory and the adjacent water area. Water bodies located in the protected area used for recreational purposes in combination with park green spaces must meet the requirements of SanPin and GOST In the project of engineering protection, it is necessary to provide for water exchange rates for reservoirs in summer in accordance with hygienic requirements, in winter - sanitary releases.

6.4.2 It is allowed to create recreational reservoirs near settlements along the routes of main canals in the liquidation of swampy and flooded areas in accordance with GOST

7 Requirements for the assignment for engineering surveys

7.1 When drawing up a task for engineering surveys, it is necessary to take into account the conditions associated with flooding and flooding of coastal areas of existing and created reservoirs, as well as engineering developed and developed territories.

7.2 The survey results must comply with the requirements of SP 47.13330 and provide the ability to:

Assessment of the existing natural conditions in the protected area;

Forecasting changes in engineering-geological, hydrogeological and hydrological conditions in the protected area, taking into account technogenic factors, including:

Opportunities for the development and spread of hazardous geological processes,

Territory flooding assessments,

Estimates of the scale of flooding of the territory,

Choice of methods of engineering protection of territories from flooding and flooding,

Calculation of engineering protection structures;

Assessment of the water balance of the territory, as well as the level, chemical and temperature regimes of surface and ground waters based on routine observations at hydrological sections, balance and experimental sites;

Evaluating the effectiveness of natural and artificial drainage of territories;

7.3 The results of engineering surveys should reflect the danger of geological processes accompanying flooding and flooding: landslides, coastal processing, karst, subsidence of loess soils, suffusion, etc.

Engineering survey materials should be supplemented with the results of long-term observations of the regime of surface and ground waters and exogenous geological processes, as well as predictive hydrological and hydrogeological calculations. The duration of the observation period is considered sufficient if the presented period is representative, and the relative average error of the calculated value of the studied hydrological characteristic does not exceed 10% for annual and seasonal flows.

7.4 The determination of the calculated hydrological characteristics should be based on the data of hydrometeorological observations (published in official documents contained in the archives of prospecting, design and other organizations, including materials from a survey of local residents).

In the absence of data from hydrometeorological observations at the design point, it is necessary to carry out hydrometeorological surveys.

In addition, reliable observational data on hydrological characteristics should be used from archival, literary and other materials related to the period before the start of regular observations.

7.5 The scale of graphic documents for design should be taken taking into account the design stage according to Table 2.

Table 2

Engineering protection design stage

Scale of graphic documents

1 Scheme of an integrated territorial system of engineering protection

1: 500000 - 1: 100000 (tie-ins 1: 25000, in difficult engineering and geological conditions 1: 10000 - 1: 1000)

2 Project of an integrated territorial system of engineering protection

1: 100,000 - 1: 25000 (sidebars 1: 5000 - 1: 2000)

3 Detailed scheme of engineering protection of the settlement

1: 25000 - 1: 5000 (overview plans 1: 100000 - 1: 25000, sidebars 1: 1000)

4 Project of engineering protection of the building site, including:

a) project;

1:5000 - 1:500

b) working documentation

1:1000 - 1:500

The graphic materials of Table 2 must be supplemented with the following data:

Assessment of the current state of existing structures, roads, communications with reliable information about the deformations found in them;

Assessment of the economic and ecological significance of the territory and the prospect of its use;

Information about existing and previously completed measures and structures of engineering protection, about their technical condition, the need and possibility of their development and reconstruction.

7.6 The composition of materials for surveys in the development of projects for engineering protection of agricultural lands for various stages of design must comply with the requirements of the application.

7.7 When designing engineering protection structures in the northern construction-climatic zone, it is necessary to calculate the thermal and mechanical interaction of structures with permafrost foundations, make forecasts of changes in engineering-geocryological (permafrost-soil) conditions as a result of the development and development of territories.

8 Structures of engineering protection

The structures for engineering protection of territories from flooding and flooding include: embankment dams, drainages, drainage and spillway networks, upland spillway channels, swift currents and drops, pipelines and pumping stations.

Depending on the natural and hydrogeological conditions of the protected area, the engineering protection systems can include both several of the above structures and individual structures.

The composition of protective structures in flooded areas should be assigned depending on the nature of flooding (permanent, seasonal, episodic) and the amount of damage it causes.

8.1 Embankments

8.1.1 To protect the territory from flooding, two types of embankment dams are used - non-flooded and flooded.

Flood-free dams should be used for permanent protection against flooding of urban and industrial areas adjacent to reservoirs, rivers and other water bodies.

Flooded dams are allowed to be used for temporary protection against flooding of agricultural lands during the period of growing crops on them while maintaining NPU in the reservoir, for the formation and stabilization of river channels and banks, regulation and redistribution of water flows and surface runoff.

8.1.2 On meandering rivers, as means of engineering protection of the territory from flooding, channel regulating structures should be provided:

Longitudinal dams located downstream or at an angle to it and limiting the width of the river's water flow;

Stream-guide dams - longitudinal, rectilinear or curved, providing a smooth approach of the flow to the culverts of the bridge, dam, water intake and other hydraulic structures;

Flooded dams, blocking the channel from coast to coast, designed to completely or partially block the flow of water along the branches and channels;

Semi-dams are transverse channel straightening structures that ensure the straightening of the current and the creation of navigable depths;

Spurs (short flood-proof semi-dams), installed at a certain angle to the current, to protect the banks from erosion;

Coastal and dam fastenings, which provide protection of the banks and slopes of dams from erosion and destruction by currents and waves;

Through structures erected to regulate the flow of water in the channel and sediments by redistributing water flows along the width of the channel and creating slow (non-eroding) flow velocities near the coast.

8.1.3 If there is a significant length of dams along a watercourse or in a reservoir wedging out zone, the ridge mark should be lowered in the direction of the current in accordance with the longitudinal slope of the free water surface in the river at the design level.

In accordance with design features earth embankments of two types are used: compressed and flattened profiles.

The use of compressed profile dams is possible when the soil composing them is reinforced with geotextile sheets, layered reinforcing bars, deep vibration compaction and other methods. The device of such an armored soil structure must comply with all the requirements of section 18 of SP 45.13330.2012.

When constructing dams from reinforced primer, carefully prepare its base, remove all objects that can lead to damage to the reinforcing elements. The base of such dams should be compacted. It should be considered preferable to use dams with a spread profile with biological fastening of slopes (sowing grasses, planting shrubs, etc.).

If the height of the dams is more than 5 m, a berm with a width of at least 1.5 m should be provided at half its height in order to increase the stability of the slope or to calculate the stability of the slope using the method of circular cylindrical planes, taking into account the physical and mechanical characteristics of the layer-by-layer compacted soil laid into the dam.

Linear horizontal tubular drainage with a system of observation wells should be performed along the lower edge of the downstream slope of the dams. The removal of drainage water should mainly be carried out by gravity or, with sufficient justification, by forced pumping.

The exit of the filtration flow to the surface of the downstream slope of the dam is not allowed, and it should be classified as an emergency situation requiring urgent implementation of such protective measures as: checking the drainage performance; loosening at the point of water outlet of the sandy material from which the dam is built; device in the place of water outlet of a layered drainage by filling a layer of sand and gravel material, mating it with a sand and gravel prism of horizontal drainage laid at the base of the dam.

8.1.4 The choice of the type of enclosing dams should be made taking into account natural conditions: topographic, engineering-geological, hydrological, climatic, the degree of seismicity of the area, as well as the availability of local building materials, equipment, developed work organization schemes, construction terms and operating conditions, prospects development of the area, environmental requirements of the subsection. When choosing the type of enclosing dams, it is necessary to provide for the use of local building materials and soils from useful excavations and industrial waste, if they are suitable for these purposes. The design of embankment dams should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 39.13330.

Dams made of soil materials on a non-rocky foundation should be provided for blind sections of the pressure front. Concrete and reinforced concrete dams on a non-rock foundation should be provided only as spillway structures.

When passing the dam route along a landslide or potentially landslide slope, anti-landslide measures must be developed in accordance with the requirements of SP 116.13330.

8.1.5 The route of the dams should be selected taking into account the requirements and depending on the topographic and engineering-geological conditions of construction, the economic value of this section of the territory, the possibility of ensuring a minimum change in the hydrological regime of the watercourse and the maximum use of the protected area.

In case of temporary lateral inflow, it is advisable to use continuous tracing of dams along the water edge of a reservoir or watercourse. With constant lateral inflow, embankment is usually carried out in sections between tributaries, which includes embankments of the banks of the main watercourse and its tributaries.

When embanking the territory with overflow dams, all protective structures must allow flooding during the flood period.

When laying the dam route to protect agricultural land, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of SP 100.13330.

Tracing of embankment dams in the city limits should be carried out taking into account the use of protected areas for development in accordance with the requirements of SP 42.13330.

8.1.6 The excess of the maximum water level in a reservoir or watercourse above the design level should be taken:

For flood-free dams - depending on the class of structures in accordance with the requirements of SP 58.13330;

8.1.7 In the development of engineering protection projects, the possibility of using the ridge of embankment dams for the construction of roads and railways should be envisaged. In this case, the width of the dam along the crest and the radius of its curvature should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SP 34.13330 and SP 119.13330.

In all other cases, the width of the crest of the dam should be set as minimum based on the conditions of the dam's stability, the performance of work and the convenience of its operation.

8.1.8 The profile of the dam (flattened or compressed) is selected taking into account the availability of local building materials, the technology of work, the conditions of wind waves on the upstream slope and the outlet of the filtration flow on the downstream.

8.1.9 Coupling devices of earth dams with concrete structures should provide:

Smooth approach of water to culverts from the upstream side and smooth spreading of the stream in the downstream, preventing erosion of both the body and the base of the dams and the bottom of the watercourse;

Prevention of filtration by contact with concrete structures in the abutment area.

The designs of the connecting devices of the I-III class dams must be substantiated by laboratory hydraulic studies.

8.1.10. Calculations of dams made of soil materials that protect territories from flooding should be performed in accordance with the requirements of SP 39.13330.

In areas located under the protection of dams, there should be an adequate supply of sand, bags and other means to ensure the possibility of building dams when the water level in the river rises above the forecast.

8.2 Upland channels

8.2.1 The cross-section and slope of upland channels should ensure such design water velocities, which should be less than the permissible erosion and more than those at which siltation of the channels occurs.

In hydraulic calculations of channels, the values ​​of the roughness coefficients should be taken according to SP 100.13330. Methods for determining the main hydrological characteristics are given in.

8.2.2 The laying of the slopes of the sides of upland canals must be taken on the basis of data on the stability of the slopes of the existing canals located in similar hydrogeological and geological conditions; in the absence of such analogs, it is permissible to establish canal slopes according to reference data, and with a depth of more than 5 m - on the basis of geotechnical calculations.

8.2.3 The cross-sectional shape of upland canals for the passage of the estimated water discharge should be taken taking into account the hydrological regime of the watercourse and the building density of the protected area.

The slopes of the canals without fixing the bottom and slopes must ensure the passage of minimum water flow rates at speeds of no more than 0.3 - 0.5 m / s. The largest permissible longitudinal slopes of the channels in the absence of protective clothing should be taken equal to 0.005.

The minimum value of the radius of curvature of the channel route should be at least twice the channel width along the water's edge at the design flow rate. The maximum turning radii for hydraulically not calculated channels are allowed no more than 25 m and hydraulically calculated - from 2 b to 10 b(where b- channel width along the water's edge, m).

The permissible non-eroding water velocities for canals with flow rates over 50 m 3 / s should be taken on the basis of laboratory studies and corresponding hydraulic calculations.

8.2.4 Upland channels with a depth of no more than 5 m and a water flow rate of no more than 50 m 3 / s, as well as siphons and aqueducts should be designed in accordance with the requirements of SP 100.13330.

8.3 Pumping stations

8.3.1 The composition, layout and design of the pumping station facilities should be established depending on the volume of pumped water and the possibility of creating a storage tank in its composition.

The types, class and capacity of pumping stations and their equipment must be set taking into account:

Estimated flow rate, delivery height and fluctuations of water horizons;

Watercourse at the point of discharge;

Energy source type;

Ensuring optimal efficiency of the pumps.

8.3.2 The type, capacity and number of pumps are set by calculation, depending on the type of pumping station, taking into account the values ​​of the calculated flow rate, the required water pressure and the amplitude of fluctuations of the watercourse (reservoir) horizons at the discharge point.

The need to use a standby unit must be justified by a project in accordance with the design standards for drainage pumping stations SP 100.13330.

8.3.3 The intake structure and the pumping station can be of both combined and separate types.

Water intake facilities must provide:

Estimated water intake;

Normal operation of the equipment and the possibility of its repair;

Protection from fish getting into them.

8.3.4 Outlets of pumping stations should ensure smooth discharge of water into water bodies and exclude the possibility of backflow of water.

8.4 Drainage systems and drains

8.4.2 When designing drainage systems, preference should be given to systems with gravity drainage. Drainage systems with forced pumping of water require additional justification.

8.4.3 The drainage system must ensure the rate of groundwater drainage required under the protection conditions: in residential areas - in accordance with the requirements of this set of rules, and on agricultural lands - SP 100.13330.

8.4.4 The use of drainage systems should be justified by calculating the water, and for the arid (arid) zone - and the salt balance of groundwater.

In a one-stage design, it is necessary to calculate and analyze the causes and consequences of flooding in accordance with. In a two-stage design, based on the data of geological and hydrogeological surveys and research results obtained at the first stage, taking into account the nature of the development and the prospects for the development of the protected area, it is necessary to determine the location of the drainage network in plan, the depth of its foundation and the conjugation of individual drainage branches with each other.

Hydrogeological calculations for the selected drainage schemes should establish:

The optimal position of the coastal, head and other drains in relation to the embankment dam or to the boundaries of the foundations in order to achieve the minimum values ​​of their flow rates;

The required depth of the drains and the distance between them, the flow rate of drainage water, including those to be pumped;

Position on the protected area of ​​the depression curve in the zone of influence of drainage.

8.4.5 Execution of horizontal drainage by open trench or trenchless method (underground laying) is determined by economic feasibility and conditions of effective work. In the case of arranging open horizontal drainages at a depth of no more than 2 m from the earth's surface, the depth of soil freezing should be taken into account.

The sections of open drainage ditches and drains, laid below the surface of the earth, must ensure non-lagging water velocities.

8.4.6 In all cases of using vertical drainage, consisting of a system of water-sinking wells, their water intake part should be located in soils with high permeability (filtration coefficient - at least 2 m / day).

8.4.7 Open drainage canals and trenches should be arranged in cases where it is required to drain large areas with one- or two-storey buildings of low density. Their use is also possible for protection against flooding of land transport communications.

The calculation of open (trench) horizontal drainage should be carried out taking into account the possibility of its combination with an upland channel or a collector of a drainage system. In this case, the profile of the trench drainage should also ensure the inflow of the estimated discharge of surface water runoff.

8.4.11 Discharge of drainage trapped water into a water body (river, canal, lake) should be located in the plan at an acute angle to the direction of the flow, and its mouth part should be supplied with a concrete head or reinforced with masonry or an outline.

Drainage water discharge into the rainwater drainage system is allowed if its capacity allows the passage of additional water flows coming from the drainage system. In this case, the backwater of the drainage system from the sewer side is not allowed. The possibility of such a discharge must be agreed with the organization operating the specified sewage system.

Inspection wells should be arranged along the buried drainage route at least every 50 m on straight sections, as well as at all turns, intersections and changes in the slopes of drainage pipes. Inspection wells can be prefabricated from reinforced concrete rings with a sump (at least 0.5 m deep) and concreted bottoms in accordance with GOST 8020. Inspection wells on reclamation drainage systems should be accepted in accordance with SP 100.13330.

8.4.12 Drainage galleries should be used in cases where the required lowering of groundwater levels cannot be achieved using horizontal tubular drains.

The shape and cross-sectional area of ​​the drainage galleries, as well as the degree of perforation of their walls, should be set depending on the required drainage capacity.

Drainage gallery filters must be configured as required.

8.4.13 Water-sinking wells equipped with submersible pumps should be used in cases where lowering the groundwater level can only be achieved by forced pumping of water.

If a drainage water-sinking well crosses several aquifers, then, if necessary, filters should be provided within the interval of each of them.

8.4.14 Self-flowing wells should be used to reduce excess pressure in confined aquifers. These wells should be used in cases where, due to a decrease in the GEL of the upper aquifer, it becomes possible to flood the underlying aquiclude.

The design of self-flowing wells is similar to the design of dewatering wells.

8.4.15 Water-absorbing and discharge wells should be used in cases where soils with high permeability and free-flow regime of groundwater are located under the confining layer of the drained soil layer.

8.4.16 Combined drainages can be used if it is necessary to drain a two-layer aquifer with a poorly permeable upper layer and head in the lower one. Horizontal drainage should be done in the upper layer and wells in the lower layer.

Horizontal drains and water-sinking wells must be located in the plan at a distance of at least 3 m from each other. When using drainage galleries, the mouths of water-sinking wells should be brought out into niches arranged in the galleries.

8.4.17 Beam drainages should be used when it is necessary to deeply lower the groundwater level in a densely built-up flooded area, when there are difficulties in the placement of drainages or borehole water intakes.

8.4.18 Vacuum dehumidification systems must be used in soils with low filtration properties (filtration coefficient - less than 2 m / day) in the case of drainage of areas where there are increased requirements for protection from groundwater.

9 Basic design provisions

9.1 Projects of structures for engineering protection of territories of settlements, industrial sites, agricultural lands and newly developed territories for development and agricultural production, in addition to calculations of structures, must contain calculations:

Water balance of the protected area in its current state;

The water regime of the territory under the conditions of backwater by newly created reservoirs or culverts, as well as by engineering protection objects that prevent flooding;

Forecasting changes in the hydrogeological regime of the territory, taking into account the influence of all sources of flooding;

Transformation of soils and vegetation under the influence of changing hydrological and hydrogeological conditions caused by the creation of water bodies and engineering protection structures.

9.2 Before performing predictive calculations of changes in hydrogeological conditions in the area protected from flooding, a geofiltration schematization of natural and technogenic conditions should be performed.

9.3 Predictive calculations of changes in hydrogeological conditions can be performed by both methods mathematical modeling and by analytical methods.

The choice of the method of geofiltration calculations is carried out on the basis of a joint analysis of the results of geofiltration schematization and design solutions for protective structures.

Usage analytical methods calculations for assessing the impact of the operation of drainage systems is allowed if the analytical dependences used for the calculation and the assumptions adopted in their justification correspond to the conditions of geofiltration schematization.

9.4 When designing systems for engineering protection of the territory in the zone of saline soils, the salt regime should be calculated.

9.5 When placing drainage-humidification, drainage-irrigation and irrigation complexes on the protected territories, a calculation should be made that determines the possibility of using groundwater for irrigation.

9.6 The reliability of engineering protection structures in the permafrost zone should be substantiated by the results of thermophysical and thermomechanical calculations of structures and their foundations.

10 Monitoring of engineering protection systems and hydrogeological conditions of the territory

10.1 The measures for engineering protection against flooding and flooding should include monitoring of the ground and surface water regime, flow rates (leaks) and pressures in water-carrying communications, deformations of the foundations of buildings and structures, as well as monitoring the operation of engineering protection structures.

The duration of monitoring depends on the time of stabilization of the hydrogeological regime, the intensity of the settlement of the foundations of the structures and their service life.

10.2 The design of engineering protection structures should provide for the installation of instrumentation for visual and instrumental observations of the state of hydraulic structures, displacement of their elements and foundations, fluctuations in the level of groundwater, filtration flow parameters, and the process of soil salinization.

For engineering protection systems of I and II classes, operating in difficult hydrogeological and climatic conditions, in addition to CIA for operational observations, CIA should be provided for special research work to study changes in the parameters of the filtration flow, changes in the water-salt regime of soils in time depending on irrigation , drainage, the action of rain streams, a rise in the level of groundwater in the flooding zone, etc.

10.3 In areas protected from flooding, it is necessary to provide for a network of observation wells to monitor changes in the groundwater level, the salt and temperature regime of the filtration flow, and the efficiency and safety of drainage systems as a whole and individual drainage devices.

10.4 The main tasks of hydrogeological monitoring are:

Control of changes in indicators characterizing the dynamics of the regime (hydrodynamic, chemical and temperature) of groundwater;

Processing of learned observation results, their analysis and systematization;

Assessment of the situation (current and forecast).

10.5 It is necessary to organize a special service that monitors the condition of the embankment dams: the degree of moistening of soil material, the presence of water outlet on the downstream slope, the appearance of erosion or landslides of the slopes, the efficiency of drainage at the base of the downstream slope of the dams, the temperature regime of the foundation of the dams in the permafrost zone.

10.6 The following additional requirements must be presented to the structures of engineering protection in the conditions of the northern construction and climatic zone:

When designing structures for engineering protection of classes I - III, it is necessary to provide for the installation of instrumentation to monitor deformations, filtration and temperature conditions in the body of protective structures and their foundations;

The composition and scope of field observations, determined in accordance with the purpose, class, type and design of engineering protection structures, the adopted construction principle and taking into account the engineering and geocryological features of the protected area.

Structures and schemes for their placement should ensure their normal operation in the Far North.

10.7 In all areas of reservoirs and watercourses, where there is a risk of flooding the coastal area, daily monitoring of fluctuations in the water level and the state of protective structures is necessary.

Density of the housing stock of the residential area, m2 per hectare:

St. 2500

Up to 5

Until 3

from 2100 to 2500

" eight

" 5

Up to 2

"1800" 2100

" ten

" eight

" 5

less than 1800

St. 10

" ten

" eight

Recreational and sanitary protection purpose

St. 10

" ten


Industrial enterprises with an annual production volume, million rubles:

St. 500

Up to 5

Until 3

from 100 to 500

" eight

" 5

Up to 2

up to 100

St. 8

" eight

" 5

Utility warehouse

Utilities and warehouses for city-wide use

Up to 8

Up to 5

Up to 2

Other public utilities and warehouses

St. 8

" eight

" 5

Monuments of culture and nature

Until 3

* With appropriate justification, it is allowed to classify protective structures as class I if the failure can cause catastrophic consequences for the protected large cities and industrial enterprises.

2 Hydrogeological-reclamation zoning

1:500000 - 1:200000

1:100000 - 1:50000

3 Engineering-geological zoning

1:500000 - 1:200000

1:100000 - 1:50000

4 Engineering-geological

1:50000 - 1:20000



5 Exploitable groundwater resources



6 Geological and lithological complexes

1:50000 - 1:20000



7 Hydroisohypsum and depths of groundwater

1:500000 - 1:200000

1:100000 - 1:50000


8 Zoning by filtration schemes

1:500000 - 1:200000

1:100000 - 1:50000


9 Projected operational groundwater resources

1:500000 - 1:200000

1:100000 - 1:50000

10 Deposits of building materials

1:500000 - 1:200000

11 Agricultural development schemes

1:500000 - 1:200000

12 Soil

1:200000 - 1:100000

13 Soil reclamation



14 Salinization


1:5000 - 1:2000

15 Topographic

1:500000 - 1:100000

1:50000 - 1:25000

1:10000 - 1:2000

Other materials

16 Sections engineering-geological and hydrogeological *

According to the report

17 Diagrams of salinization of rocks of the aeration zone


18 Graphs of fluctuations in groundwater levels

19 Engineering-geological and hydrogeological materials

20 Investigations of the salinity of saline soils on experimental plots (monoliths), typical for the massif of soils

21 Research of water-physical properties of soils

22 Materials of soil reclamation surveys

23 Climatic characteristics of the area of ​​protected lands

According to the project

] Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 No. 2395-1 "On Subsoil"

SP 33-101-2003 Determination of the main calculated hydrological characteristics

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