Ergonomics in architecture. Ergonomics in relation to buildings and designs for various purposes

Kitchen is better oriented to the northeast or northwest. It must have a connection with the basement and garden. It is desirable to have a visual connection with the garden wicket, the door of the house, the playground, where children are played, and a terrace.

The kitchen must have a good connection with the hallway, dining room and household room. The kitchen is the workplace of the apartment, the room in which spend a lot of time. Often a kitchen, at the same time being a dining room - a meeting place for the whole family.

When the kitchen equipment should be achieved: short working paths, sequences of the workflow, sufficient freedom of movements, convenient body position when cooking and matching the height of the body sizes, avoiding work standing.

The minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen-niche 5-6 m2, kitchens - 8-10 m2, kitchen-dining room - 12-14 m2. To facilitate work, it is necessary to strive for the expedient location of the equipment. From left to right, this is the table, stove, work desk for dishes, washing, place for drying. For convenient use of equipment and furniture, the distance between them should be 120 cm. With a depth of 60 cm of equipment and kitchen furniture, the kitchen width should be 240 cm.

Comfortable kitchen involves a rational organization of the workplace. When placing equipment, you should pay attention to the fact that the paths are minimal, responded to the sequences of the workflow and it would be enough space for movement. A small corner with seats is an advantage. The furniture should provide convenience poses when working, compliance with the heights of the working planes of the body sizes (achieved by different base heights). Kitchen equipment and furniture are manufactured so that they fit together well to each other and were interchangeable. In small in size, the kitchens are recommended floors of light tiles, light color of walls and ceilings, which helps to create a bright calm atmosphere.

Most kitchens are designed too small. The minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen room should be 8 m2. Small premises require careful planning. It is important not so much area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen as the useful area for the appropriate placement of furniture and equipment. The standard dimensions of the furniture and equipment are multiple 60 cm. The ideal length of the front occupied by equipment and furniture -7 m. Attached cabinets to the ceiling give an additional place for dishes and other devices. The minimum kitchen width is 240 cm. At a smaller width, the equipment is recommended along one wall or in the form of the letter G.

Equipment and floor cabinets have a height of 85-92 cm. Window sills must have large heightso that they do not interfere with the placement of equipment. Pay attention to the correct eyeliner and gas.

Cutlery. 60 x 40 cm - table area necessary for man when receiving food. It provides required space For food without interference from the neighbors. In the middle of the table, it is necessary to provide a place of 20 cm wide for the placement of dishes, so the ideal dining table width is 80-85 cm. Round, hexagonal and octagonal tables with a diameter of 90-120 cm are ideal for 4 people.

A complex of production processes, technical equipment and equipment, including construction, assembly, auxiliary, transport work, as well as work related to the restoration, reconstruction and repair of buildings and structures, their disassembly and moving, needs ergonomic research and development. However, until they received due development. It is not by chance that the construction industry in the overwhelming majority of countries has the most high level injuries and occupational diseases compared to all other industries.

There are still few institutions or centers in the world that specialize in conducting ergonomic research and development in construction. To countries in which work is quite intensively in this area include Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Finland, USA. Most studies are associated with the study of harmful and hazardous factors in construction, which is still extremely high, the physical exertion of those who work compared to other industries. The rise and transfer of goods in many cases is carried out manually. Exceeding extremely permissible dust concentrations in air, high noise, vibration, poor lighting, especially in winter season, work in adverse climatic conditions is the main harmful and dangerous factors in construction.

The laboratory of ergonomic problems in the construction of Sweden completed three large projects.

The purpose of the first - "ergonomics and rationalization of works in trenches for laying a pipeline" is to determine the necessary workspace for laying pipes in open trenches, as well as develop tools perfect in ergonomic relationships. The project was carried out mainly in the laboratory. The model of trench in a natural magnitude with sliding walls was placed in a box with gravel. In the experiment, qualified workers participated.

The second project is "Installation of the design of corrugated iron during roofing works." The laboratory staff proposed several simple and practical installation methods, as well as safety measures. In addition, assembly equipment was developed, taking into account the requirements of ergonomics.

The third project - "Transportation and laying of concrete pipes" - was developed together with the construction contractor and two engineering enterprises. The project covered the stages from the supply of pipes from the factory to their final laying. As a result, ergonomic and technical proposals on the pipe gasket system were not only developed, but also developed new types of cooperation between research and industrial organizations.

Ergonomic problems in construction are associated with the mechanization of work (Fig. 6-8). Canadian specialists analyzed the convenience of access of drivers in the cabins of road-building machines and identified a number of disadvantages: the absence of handrails, too high steps, narrow doorways, etc., which is the cause of production injuries and creates inconvenience in work. The leadership of the Ergonomic Basics of Designing Cabin Tower Cranes was prepared and published, in the creation of which employees of the Institute of Health and Labor Protection Management in the construction of the Netherlands took part.

Architectural design and interior design are faced with ergonomic problems in solving the following tasks: 1) determining the relationship between architectural structures and models of the organization of space ;?
2) dimensions, shape and other general properties space;

3) the organization of routes of movements that meet the requirements of performance and its effectiveness, labor protection and safety;

4) Compatibility of people's activities and ambient;

5) the main types of furniture, accessories, equipment and their design characteristics affecting performance, its results and satisfaction from it;

6) the location of furniture, devices and equipment;

7) groups of people and activities requiring special furniture, accessories and accommodation, as well as those aspects of labor and security, which are unlikely, but should be considered, COC is essential for the project;

8) surface finishing, if it can influence the perception and human activity;

9) the effect of temperature, air, humidity, sound, noise, lighting and climatic conditions for human performance and the creation of comfortable conditions;

10) The influence of new products and developing technology but the characteristics of the traditional type of building.

Fig. 6-8. Crawler excavator with a comfortable cabin (Zennebogen Stulabing, Germany)

A typical ergonomic program providing for the solution of the tasks listed above includes 26 points. Ergonomic programs differ, although they have a lot of common, depending on the type of buildings and the characteristics of the behavior of people and activities in them.

Ergonomic designs for the design of residential complex and airport, theater and post office, production building and hospitals are meaningfully distinguished. Analysis and study of specific work activities are determining when designing workshops of industrial buildings. The design of production interiors by methods and means of architecture, design and ergonomics aims to create the best working conditions and short-term recreation, facilitating the formation of a sense of satisfaction with difficulty and on this basis to improve the efficiency and quality of work.

Ergonomic studies in the design of theaters - a rarity. The Swedish Theater Federation undertook the initiative to study the working conditions in theaters. This study was revealed to the ergonomic research project, the main purpose of which is the study of theatrical production, especially the influence of the results of creative activities on the production process and technical personnel of the theater and vice versa.

The theater in nature is a creative organization, but many of them work today in a high-induction
A strishedieumed production system, including almost all parties to production. Theatrical production can be considered as the relationship of three parallel processes: creative, technical, administrative. Experts involved in them use various production methods, different technologies, have different level Education, etc. But all participating in these three industrial processes create one and only one joint product - a performance. On the one hand, a creative process, developing stage interpretation of the text, on the other - the process of creating decorations, furniture, costumes, makeup, lighting, sound, etc. On the one hand, uncertainty, late decisions and even a certain degree of chaos, on the other, the need is in order (schedule, which allows you to rationally plan production, and the organization of masters who know their business and using their experience).

As previously happened in the industry, so in the theaters now there is a process of mastering new technologies. However, there is no transfer of knowledge from production. Theaters go along the same paths of samples and mistakes for which the industry has already passed. For example, too much of functions are transmitted now from man with a car. A typical result of this process is a computerized creation of decorations without the use of knowledge of experienced work scenes, which sometimes leads to accidents, monotonous work and other negative consequences.

The fact that the modern theater works in a highly impetuous production system, which includes many parties to production, has not yet found sufficient reflection in the architectural and design design. Therefore, ergonomists, for the rare exception, are not involved in the design of theaters. In the buildings of theaters, perfectly equipped scenes are created, magnificent lobby and visual halls. But they have practically no place for rehearsals, workshops, storerooms and transport. The speech is no longer about creating normal conditions for the effective and creative work of the theater's numerous production personnel, which negatively affects the fragile itself, the most ephemeral and most susceptible of all the arts of the Epoch - theater, according to the connoisseur of this art of the Frenchman P. Pavai.

The complexity of the technical equipment of modern hospitals and design of premises, depending on their destination - for patients, visitors, medical and service personnel, makes these objects of architectural and design design by ergonomic in their essence.

No less significant is the fact that the doctor is the main consumer of medical equipment - in its assessment, as a rule, uses the same criteria as the Ergonomist. And finally, ergonomics is of particular importance for hospitals, as they are not only medical, but also social institutions in which the person must be created for normal life.

The Swedish company "Ergonomic design", together with the Institute of Psychotechnics (Gothenburg), has been conducted an ergonomic analysis of the working and equipment conditions in the operational five hospitals Stockholm. The research methodology included an analysis of the psycho-physiological aspects of the activities of medical personnel (including through survey), obtaining information on situations in which errors may be allowed to study the impact of the organization of the workplace on the convenience of working poses during the operation, determining the route of the movement of personnel during operations, The influence of improper placement of equipment in the operational to the work of doctors. The purpose of the study was to develop ergonomic equipment requirements and to the organization of the subject-spatial environment in operating and subsequent design.

In Germany, in the 1980s, the designers and ergonomists of the company "Martin" are designed by a universal operating table, which makes it possible to give the patient any desired position and conduct operations of any specialization. The hospital bed has long been the object of ergonomic research and development. Specialists of the Finnish firm "Merivaaro" have created a bed for transporting patients in hospitals, which meets the requirements of ergonomics. It is easy to adapt to various patients and situations, it is convenient when contacting medical personnel with regulatory mechanisms, is equipped with many additional devices that facilitate the activities of the doctor or sanitation. The necessary amenities for the patient are provided when it moves onto the bed is provided with various positions on it and the opposite return to the stationary bed, as well as during the transportation of the hospital (Fig. 6-9).

Devicational installations "KA to systematics 1060 TC" developed in the late 80s and early 1990s are ensuring the comfort and safety of dental doctors. When the engineers of the company "KA W", together with designers, practitioners and scientists, were reflected over the new therapeutic installation in the 1990s, then everyone thought about the dental physician and its activities: hard work, susceptible to the dangers of health, all sorts of healing procedures, each individual manipulation. As a result, a convenient, safe and beautiful dental installation "KA in systematics 1060 TC" is created, a thoroughly supporting dental doctor in operation: all therapeutic procedures are thought out in detail in accordance with ergonomic requirements; All important functions assume a reliable intelligent control system for CA. The installation is so comfortable that the patient is easier to transfers treatment. Thus, the created dental unit frees all participants in therapeutic process from unnecessary work, unnecessary stress, unnecessary fear (Fig. 34 on the Col. Tab).

Extremely, ergonomists are attracted to the design and improvement of the existing supermarket
TOV and shops. Labor conditions have been studied and 88 cashier girls of one of the supermarkets in France. The results revealed factors caused by the occurrence of stress at the cashiers. These include: working poses, working conditions (cold, drafts, poor lighting) and forced speed performance. Measures were proposed to improve working conditions: the best organization of shifts and breaks for recreation, standardization of jobs, the schemes of their placement and equipment (general recommendations, seats, footrest, keyboard of the cash register).

Starting from the second half of the 60s a lot of ergonomic

studies of activities and workload of cashiers and other supermarket workers are held in Japan. Recommendations on improving the organization of their jobs and working conditions are being developed.

Close relationships between architecture, design and lighting caused the connection to this triumvirate also ergonomics. The cardinal ergonomic solution to the lighting of shops and shop windows, offices and apartments, museums and exhibition stands and other objects offered the German firm "ERKO". Until 1968, the main task of the company was the production of lamps. However, after self-critical analysis and thorough research, the firm came to the conclusion that it is not necessary to sell "beautiful 'luminaires, giving a purely random, without any visible place of lighting, and the light of specific quality emitted by the corresponding devices. In other words, visual comfort is more important than the sparkling effect of the lamp. The company has passed on the production of products that can be denoted by a somewhat unusual "light machine", i.e., products developed for a special, well-defined goal.

When creating modern schools, much attention is paid to the formation of the subject-spatial environment educational process. Today, it is unlikely that anyone in the close relationship between the process of learning and age features of the behavior of children, the volume-plating solution of the school building, the formation of the physical environment (microclimate, lighting, color, noise, sounds, etc.) and the design of school furniture, equipment and technical funds. Student workplace (desk construction and chair or less often parties, their size and layout elements) - the traditional object of ergonomic research and development, the purpose of which is to create the best conditions for academic work Sitting. This refers to the creation of prerequisites for the correct posture of schoolchildren, smaller bend of the spine, prevent the increased sweating of the abdominal part of the body and pressure on the lower part of the abdomen, the best circulation of blood in the lower limbs, as well as ensuring the normal range of the eye to the working surface of the table.

Fig. 6-9. Bed for transporting patients in hospitals. Convenient for medical personnel and patients (Merivaaro, Finland)

The ergonomists conducted in many countries, doctors and anthropologists, together with the study teachers, schoolchildren's posture in the sitting position allow you to identify and eliminate the disadvantages of the design of modern school furniture. In one of the cities of Denmark, a program was introduced out of 90 years abbreviated lessons calculated for five years, during which schoolchildren taught to sit correctly at school tables and parties. To evaluate the results of such aimed teaching schoolchildren to the right posture, they were photographed with an interval in 24 minutes by automatic apparatus during the four-hour exam. It turned out that, despite the careful efforts of posture, all students during the entire exam sat, bent as much as possible
Sake over the tables, the height of which was clearly insufficient for them, especially for schoolchildren of senior classes. In the late 70s in Western Europe It was found that for the previous 20-30 years, the average growth of schoolchildren increased by 4 -5 cm, but for incomprehensible reasons, the height of school furniture even decreased in the same period.

Workplace teacher who in modern school More and more turns into a peculiar control panel of technical means of training, it allows you to use ergonomic approaches, similar to the development of the operator's workplace. However, traditional teachers' workplaces today require serious ergonomic and designer studies. As a result of conducting parts in a number of countries, details for teachers are collected from the same elements as students, but using additional boxes, tumb, end shields.

The traditional principle of training on the same schedule for the passage of the same material by the same type of students in the student is currently combined with other forms of training, including with different groups and a flexible schedule. The "Designer" method allows designers and ergonomists to create simple and inexpensive furniture modules, on the basis of which various options for planning and equipping classes are selected depending on the composition of students, sizes and configuration of the premises, curriculum etc. Schools are not produced furnishings, but containers with "building material", from which they are mounted necessary subjectscorresponding to the requirements of ergonomics and design. A new complex of psychological and pedagogical, ergonomic, hygienic and design problems arose with the computerization of the highest and high Schoolas well as pre-school institutions.

Ergonomics is responsible for creating a comfortable interior, which will correspond to the peculiarities of a particular person. In this science, knowledge of psychology, anatomy and other disciplines are combined, which allows you to create a truly harmonious and safe housing with carefully thought out details. Ergonomics in the interior design is responsible for the arrangement of competent lighting, selection of suitable furniture, adequate zoning of space. When applying for an apartment, it is necessary to take into account the lifestyle, habits, character, as well as the physiological features of its inhabitants, - this particular principle is considered to be the main thing for this science.

Freedom of movement The main ergonomic laws are simply necessary to use when creating the interior of the bedroom, because from the way the furniture is placed and the lighting of this room depends on the quality of the person. So, for comfortable movement and finding indoors, it is important to take into account the following rules:

  1. The width of the main aisles of the room should be at least 70 centimeters, while for the elderly, this indicator increases to 1 meter.
  2. The passage from the door to the bed or the window should be as direct as possible.
  3. The furniture should not have dangerous corners or too discover parts, which is especially relevant for the apartment with small tenants.
  4. The cabinet should be placed in the far corner, you do not need to put it on the universal review in the center of the room. At the same time, too bulky furniture is better to leave for an entrance hall.

How to put a bed to not complain about sleep?

The bed can be bolded to name the main subject of the interior in the bedroom, so its location should be paid to special attention. It is believed that the most suitable place For such furniture is the space near the window. It is important that the bed is isolated from other interior items, and also located away from the battery. In addition, designers are well acquaintances with the principles of ergonomics give the following tips:

  1. The bed must be at least half a meter from the outer wall. Having it parallel to the window, you should increase this distance to 80 centimeters.
  2. If you have chosen a double model, then you need to leave the passages on both sides.
  3. The bed should be approached by its owners.
  4. If you like to read before bedtime, then for convenience you should take care of the presence of a special back on your furniture.
  5. For security purposes, you should not install the shelves from the head of the bed.

Ergonomics in the design of the working area, how to work comfortably at the table?

The competent design of the cabinet is necessary for successful activities, therefore, to create comfort in this room it is worth considering the principles of ergonomics. Thus, the height of the table and the stool should be determined by the growth and characteristics of the structure of a particular person. Boxes should not be placed too low, it is best to place them at the knee level. To work comfortably at the computer, you need to buy such a table that left the ability to put your elbows onto its surface.

May the light be!

Lighting plays a huge role in the matter of comfort, and therefore in ergonomics this aspect is paid to special attention. In the office, place the lamps in such a way that the body does not discard the shadow to work. At the same time, the light should be comfortable enough and not to blind, therefore it is not necessary to choose a table with an enameled surface. Most designers converge in the opinion that the most natural lighting is the most suitable for the working area.

Ergonomics when creating a kitchen interior

The place where cooking and eating, should be not only aesthetically attractive, but also as comfortable and practical as possible. The correct location of household appliances and furniture is a prerequisite for creating an ideal kitchen, where the hostess will be happy to spend time, but also her guests. For this, it is necessary to take into account the following ergonomic principles:

  • For convenient location at the table, it is necessary about 60 centimeters of space;
  • The suspended elements should be positioned in such a way that their lower edge is at the level of approximately one and a half meters from the floor;
  • The width of the passages in this room should be at least 60 centimeters.

Correct kitchen layout

The placement of furniture is carried out taking into account the characteristics of a particular room. A linear layout is suitable for long and narrow kitchens, in which all interior items are placed along one wall. In addition, this layout is often used for studio design or connected from the living room. As for the large size of the kitchen, in this case you can use a parallel or T-shaped arrangement of furniture, and for a small space, an angular or P-shaped layout is suitable.

Observation environment, ergonomic organization bases

Kolesnikova Anastasia Aleksandrovna,

graduate student of the Department of Decorative and Applied Arts and Technical Schedule of the Oryol State University.

Ergonomics is a basis in design, the foundation that lays the basis of the entire created. In his book, V.F. Runga is talking about the design: "One of the main goals of which is the formation of a harmonious objective environment that meets the material and spiritual needs of a person. It is a composite unity that allows you to consider ergonomics as the natural science basis of the design. " In industrial design, ergonomics participates in the creation of household items, instruments of labor and mechanisms, and in graphic design in the development of packaging. The design of the Ergonomic Research Environment is taken into account in the design of the interior and exterior, the organization of landscape design.

Ergonomics is a scientific discipline that studies human activity in household and labor processes, creating the most favorable conditions for the vital activity and mental state of man. The project of the premises should be from the very beginning oriented to the creation of a system of ergonomic properties, as this is the most important goal. The purpose of ergonomics is to improve the relationship of a person with its environment, maintaining its health and creating conditions for the development of the individual. Connection between what is surrounded by a person, with which he faces in everyday lifeIn ergonomics, the "Man - Machine - Wednesday" is abbreviated. This system harmonizes the components, the causes of the combined intended purpose. Requirements for the system "Man - Machine - Wednesday" system are not at least linked to achieving the goals.

These examples indicate that the ergonomic bases are involved in the formation of a whole design environment and their meaning cannot be overestimated. "Being a scientific discipline, ergonomics is based on the synthesis of achievements of socio-economic, technical and natural sciences." As a result, it is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the interaction of a person with its environment to ensure the interests of the entire society and each user separately.

Forms of the objects around us, their relationships among themselves in size, the material from which is made of the subject and its volume-spatial structure can act as a substantive environment. "The unity of the objective environment is achieved by the use of artistic means and addressed to the spiritual world of man."

Throughout life, a person is in a residential premises or in the placement of industrial purposes or in public. Such premises as kindergartens, general education schools, secondary-seat institutions, universities and schools of additional education relate to public. Public buildings for social significance refer to the field of service. Self-serving activity can be divided into several groups - training, food, trade, exposition, spectacle and waiting. Each of these groups determine its role in the formation of a spatial environment. The education system is divided into pre-school, general education and professional stages. The choice of equipment and the organization of the spatial structure is influenced by the influence of the premises (a group of kindergarten, class, audience, workshops). Anthropometric data and psycho-physiological features of students of all ages and psychophysiological features of students of all ages are based on the design of the interior or exterior, since the formation forms can be both individual and collective or group. Each of these forms reveals its own characteristics.

The collective form of training, for example, involves the work of the teacher with the class, group. The attention of students should be riveted towards the teacher or to the chalk board. To do this, landing students with rows of training parties throughout the class area, so that their visual orientation is directed to the front wall. It is important to note that the distribution of furniture and equipment is determined by the condition of the normal visibility of the teacher or benefits.

With group form of study, students are divided into several groups, it is necessary for practical exercises, laboratory and creative work. Such activities can be carried out in kindergarten groups, in school classes, rooms of additional education or sports halls. Important for group classes, has availability free space and competent placement of equipment for zones.

Mini hotels in Yekaterinburg. Mini Hotel Yekaterinburg.

With the individual form of training, the emphasis is on the contact of the teacher with students, where the latter can be at the board, at the device or the study manual.

Considering preschool institutions, we can observe that a larger number of rooms includes group rooms, such as gaming and groups of children, acts and sports halls. In turn, groups of children are designed for both games and meals, and sometimes for sleep. For this, as was noticed earlier, in the premises it is necessary to the corresponding literate distribution of equipment for zones. But the musical or sports halls can be used for rainy weather for holidays or as additional recreation.

Of great importance in preschool institutions is given to functional and mobile furniture. "The" Designer "method allows you to create furniture modules, on the basis of which various options for layout and equipment are selected, for example, classes depending on the composition of students, the size and configuration of the premises, etc. Schools receive containers with "building material", from which the necessary items and systems under their specific conditions are assembled. " Often children's furniture looks like an adult, only in reduced sizes. As for the tables, usually they are double or quadruple. The same containers for storing toys and auxiliary materials are needed, these storages can be performed from different materials, but taking into account the anthropometric data of the child and ergonomic studies. In addition to the everyday day of the day in groups, visiting graphic materials, cognitive films, telecasts, diamers can be held in groups.

The basis of ergonomics is also the effect of color and light, on which the favorable stay in the room, in a consequence, increase or reducing the employment process. "The best conditions for natural illumination are created in the following situations: at the top lighting, with the side left, combined with the top light; with angular lighting (left and rear); When lighting from two sides (left and right). "

The color in the artificial habitat has great importance to the soul of man, his behavior and mood. The choice of color classroom should be conscious and suspended. These rooms are designed for both rest and mental work. In recent rooms, use tonic colors: yellow, orange is also suitable, but the scope of this color is more significant for the reasons for aesthetic order. In rooms for rest, green-blue, blue and blue colors are suitable, they are soothing.

Thus, the value of the foundations of ergonomics is a basis, which lays the basis of the entire created, because the area of \u200b\u200bits use is rather wide and underestimate it is impossible. Modern environmental conditions, the needs and opportunities of a person make it difficult or make it impossible to perform life functions. Each item that creates a person must take into account human factors as much as possible. Only in accordance with this, the system "Man - Machine - Wednesday" will be harmonious.


1. Bartashevich A.A. Fundamentals of composition and furniture design. - Rostov-on-Don.: Phoenix, 2004. - 192 p.

2. Mother L.N. In the world of design. - Uzbek SSR: Fan, 1990. - 295 p.

3. Minervin GB Fundamentals of equipment design for residential and public buildings: studies. Handbook for universities. - M.: Architecture-C, 2005 - 112 p.

4. Rannev V.R. Interior. - M.: Higher School, 1987. - 132 p.

5. Revyakin P.P. Colorography. - Minsk: Illuminated School, 1984. - 285 p.: Il.

6. Runge V.F. Ergonomics in the design of the environment. - M.: Architecture-C, 2005. - 328 p.: Il.

7. Runge V.F. Ergonomics and interior equipment. - M.: Architecture-C, 2006. - 160 p.: Il.

8. Soloviev N.K. The history of the interior. Ancient world. Middle world. - M.: Shevchuk, 2007 - 384 p.

9. Michael Foster. The Principles of Architecture, Styles, Structure and Design. - Oxford: Phaidon Press Limited, 1983. - 224PP.: IL.

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Lecture №1

Stages of development of ergonomics

Ergonomics (comes from two Greek words ERGO-work + Nomos-law) - this scientific disciplineComprehensively studying human functionality in specific conditions of his work activity in order to optimize the mechanisms, products and jobs that are most convenient for the employee.

A person is a leading link in the system "Man - Machine - Wednesday" (SCMS), however, when creating technical and technological equipment, attention is paid primarily to structural and functional parameters and the possibilities and features of a person are not taken into account.

The work of the ergonomic direction belongs to the category of applied research, which provide the connection of science with production. The main content of ergonomics is to create a substantive environment, in which the workforce occurs with the lowest considerable strength and under the conditions of the most worthy of a person. Performance of this task is possible only with a support for a knowledge system about a person, its anatomy-physiological and psychological features.

New forms of industrial production, on the one hand, reduce the physical tension of a person, and on the other hand, there are all new requirements for his mental, intellectual activity, to his sensual perception, they require all the higher manifestations of abilities, knowledge and skills to make decisions. Modern production, equipped with complex technical systems, presents an increased demand for man to work in extreme conditions at the limit of psychological capabilities.

Example: When we hear in the means of mass information about some catastrophes, the reason becomes a failure in the system or the human factor. Cause the largest accident late XX century - Chernobyl nuclear power plant In 1986, a combination of disadvantages of design, errors of operators, organizational and administrative miscalculations. Ignoring the problems of interaction between human (personal and organizational) and technical subsystems in the design of large industrial enterprises.

With the development of new techniques, it was necessary to bring the design of products, their production and functions with human labor characteristics. Ergonomics solves issues arising from the relationship between man, manufacturing instrument, technical equipment and production conditions. Its appointment consists in humanization of technology (adaptation of equipment to the psychological properties of people), creating the optimal working conditions of man.

The trend of the development of ergonomics leads to the need to apply it to develops to any field of human activity. The forms of the application of the principles and installations of ergonomics to the design of the environment reduces to the project formation of the three components of environmental objects and systems: processes intended here for the space and its subject-filling.

Objective filling - tools, things, products, tools, devices, mechanisms, machines, spatial environment - complex of overall and physical conditions of being.

Designing an architectural environment in which a person lives, works and rests, one cannot forget about such concepts as: functionality, comfort, convenience and safety, that is, consider human factors as much as possible.

Under human factors in ergonomics, the aggregate of the anatomical, physiological, psychological and psychophysical characteristics of a person, as well as socio-psychological moments that affect the effectiveness of its livelihoods in contact with the machines and the medium.

Example: The famous Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi during the construction of Guell Park in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bdesigned a snake-shaped bench laid out by colored ceramic mosaic. This bench is the world's first anatomical bench. It is very convenient to sit on it, the back rests, the muscles relax. In order to achieve this, Gaudi Salted his workers to the still unfortunate cement, and did such an incredibly convenient bench in the cast (see Figure).

History of ergonomic studies

Prerequisites for the emergence and development of ergonomics and engineering psychology appeared:

1. Insufficient SCMS efficiency, their high emergency accident due to unsatisfactory accounting in the design of these system of functionality of human and psychological patterns;

2. The growth of injuries of people interacting with technical systems in production and in everyday life;

3. Big fluidity of frames due to unsatisfactory people with severe, dangerous or not sufficiently productive work;

4. An increase in the number of diseases associated with the functional overvoltage of the body and the psyche due to irrational working conditions, high workloads, etc.

Until the 1940s, engineers and designers were engaged in the design and creation of equipment, equipment and industrial enterprises. They were guided by the laws of mechanics and electrical engineering, practically not thinking about people who would manage machines. The person had to adapt to the technique, comply with the requirements. Adaptation of man to the car, contributed to the study of routine operations.

In connection with the development of science, technology, economics, much attention is paid to military ergonomics. Only after World War II, accounting for human factors turned into an independent scientific discipline. The results and experience of war, gave impetus to study ways to improve the effectiveness of combat activities, the creation of safety and comfort of a soldier in the field, prevent injury. Work began on the generalization of the achieved experience and applying it to solving industrial problems.

In the late 40s - early 50s, on the basis of accumulated knowledge, there was a need for a holistic system of ideas about a working person, about its relationship with technology and with the environment and an important step in this direction was education in 1949 in England Ergonomic Research Society. So there was a union of scientists of related scientific disciplines for collaboration By decision common problems In the design of the effective work of a person who uses technical means and systems during the work. For the designation of New scientific field The term "ergonomics" was used for the first time proposed in 1857 by the Polish naturalist Naisthe Yastshebovsky, who published the work "Essays on ergonomics, or science on labor based on the laws of science on nature."

English scientist-ergonomist Brian Shekkel offered the following periodization of the stages of development of ergonomics in the XX century:

50s - Military Ergonomics - modernization of military equipment;

60s - industrial ergonomics - design of means of transport and equipment of the industrial environment and space technology;

70s - Ergonomics of consumer goods and services - safe use of household products, preventing household injuries;

The 80s - the ergonomics of computers - from the simplest types - the forms of monitors and keyboards, to the problems of developing a user-friendly language and adaptive training and dialog systems, design workplaces;

The 90s is cognitive ergonomics, informatization ergonomics (new information technologies).

In the USSR, ergonomics as an independent scientific discipline began to develop in the 50s.

The formation and development of this science was caused by changes in the conditions of work, which occurred as a result of the rapid development of technology, mechanization and automation of labor, the emergence of intensified working methods and new equipment, as well as the need for a scientific organization of labor (notes). The reliability and effectiveness of the complicated technique largely became determined by the "human factors". If they were not taken into account in complex tools of labor, they would be almost impossible to use them. Technical progress, therefore, could not not deliver the problem of "man and car". In 1962, the All-Union Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics (VNIIT) was formed. In the structure of this institute, the department of ergonomics was created for the first time. With the participation of the Institute and its branches, many state and sectoral ergonomic standards have been prepared.

Ergonomics relies on a set of basic disciplines (sketch in a notebook)

Systemwork - Scientific and technical discipline, covering the design, creating, testing and operation of complex systems

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Fig.1. Ergonomics relationship with other disciplines

Ergonomic object objects and objectives

* The first goal is to improve the efficiency and quality of human activity in the system "Man-Machine-Wednesday" (or "Man - Warrant Wednesday")

The second goal is the safety of labor. Safety system includes safety and industrial sanitation services in all sectors. Supervision and control over the compliance of rules on from carrying out specially authorized state bodies.

The third goal is to ensure the conditions (working medium) to develop a person's personality in the process of labor.

Conclusion: The main goal of ergonomics is formulated as the unity of three aspects of research and design: 1) improving the efficiency of activity and the functioning of human-machine systems; 2) the protection of people's health; 3) the comprehensive development of the personality of people participating in the labor process. The adoption of the thesis on the triune character of the main goal of ergonomics avoids the separation of ergonomic studies from specific tasks development of production.

The system is a set of elements - a person (operator), a machine and environment.

Wednesday - external factors affecting the operation of the operator and machine.

The object of ergonomics is the specific labor activity of a person using the car.

The object of the study of ergonomics is the system "Man - Machine - Wednesday" (SCMS). Ergonomics considers the SCMS as a complex functioning integer in which a leading role belongs to a person.

Man - Operator - Anyone Manager Machine: Airport Dispatcher, Drainage Machine, Housewife with Vacuum Cleaner. For ergonomist, they are all operators.

* Ergonomics task as sphere practical activities It is the design and improvement of processes (methods, algorithms, techniques) of performance of activities and methods of special training (training, training, adaptation) to it, as well as those characteristics of the means and conditions that directly affect the efficiency and quality of activity, and the psycho-physiological state of a person.

Designing the system of the "Machine-Environment" system should be held in the joint activities of the constructor and the ergonomist.

Example: Designing a household refrigerator designers-designers and ergonomists.

Designers-designers are engaged in the development of technical part: refrigeration chamber, freezer, thermal insulation, compressor, fan, lighting, beep, capacitor, timer. The form, structure and texture of the material is a shockproof polystyrene, graphic symbols. Functional content of volume - height adjustable shelves, shelves - beverage barriers, retractable chamber-container for storage of vegetables and fruits, are easily removed, which makes it easier to clean the refrigerator.

Task - what does an ergonomist work on?

Ergonomists - the development of the freezer refrigerator exploration algorithm, measure the dimensions of technology (depth, width, height) depending on the anthropometric characteristics of the person and the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the study on the functional layout, the assessment of the prototype. Studies are conducted by three people characterized by medium and thresholds, i.e. Low and high body sizes.

Modernization of the modern refrigerator - the freezer moved from top to bottom, the shelves from shockproof glasses are located at the level of the eye, which allows you to safely extract products and pots, the door removal is provided.

And the oven in the kitchen, on the contrary, it moved up to the chest level, which facilitates the hostesses to prepare food and follow the heat treatment.

Lecture №2.

Ergonomic requirements

ergonomics Comfortable lighting

Ergonomic requirements are the requirements that are presented to the CHMS system in order to optimize the activities of the human operator, taking into account its socio-psychological, psychophysical, psychological, anthropometric, physiological and other objective characteristics and possibilities. Ergonomic requirements are the basis for the formation of the design of the machine, the design development of spatial-composite solutions of the system as a whole and its individual elements.

Optimization - In the most general case: the choice of the best (optimal) option from a variety of possible.

Basic Ergonomic Equipment Requirements - Consider SCMS in Figure

(Record requirements in notebook rice. SCMS_SNIP)

Comments on the requirements and drawing:

The design of production equipment should ensure the execution of labor operations in the optimal zones of the engine field and legs, depending on the required accuracy and frequency of action. When designing equipment, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of alternating workers poses "standing" - "Sitting".

Working areas of equipment must have sufficient illumination according to the nature and conditions of work. The level of production noise should not exceed permissible values In accordance with sanitary standards. Parameters aerial Taking into account the works of manufacturing equipment should meet the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.4. "Physical factors of the production environment."

Information display tools must be placed in the zones of the information field with the frequency and significance of the incoming information, such as information display means, accuracy and speed of tracking and reading.

Controls should be stirred on equipment based on their functional purposes, the frequency of use, the sequence of using a functional communication with the corresponding means of displaying information (San P and H 2.2.2. 540-96).

All moving and rotating equipment elements must be reliably fenced, have blockages to exclude injuries. Possible danger You should mark signal colors and safety signs.

The color solution of the equipment must comply with the requirements of ergonomics and technical aesthetics.

The distances between the equipment should ensure safe movement of working and vehicles.

To attract attention, the signal should be modulated (intermittent trills, biodins - 1 -2 beats per second). Sound alarms are recommended to combine with visual. For example, a beep is turned on when problems occur in the equipment, and the light signal informs about the place where they occurred.

All types of work are conventionally divided into three groups: physical work, where muscle activity prevails, the touch (example is the operator, the dispatcher), where the load falls on receptor systems (smell, tanging, auditory and visual organs, i.e. the senses are involved) , and mental work. The conventionality of division into groups is due to the fact that none of the types of labor can be carried out without the participation of the nervous system.

Ergonomic studies mainly include the types of labor activities related to the use of technical means.

Ergonomic properties - the properties of products (machines, objects or their aggregates), which are manifested in the system of "Machine-Machine-Environment" as a result of the implementation of ergonomic requirements.

Ergonomics is the integrity of ergonomic properties, which include handling, maintenance, disgraceability and inhabitability.

Record definitions from the structural scheme Ergonomic properties and indicators of technology.

Controllability - (several definitions) - correspondence between the distribution of functions between a person (or a group of people) and the technique of the optimal structure of their interaction when achieving the goals set.

Conversation: You're sitting in any Japanese car and in 5 minutes you know everything in it, but you will sit in German, and you will study a whole month. So with any technique: TVs, washing machines, stoves, etc.

The maintenance is the compliance of the design of the technical object (or its individual elements) of the optimal psychophysiological structure (visual, auditory, tactile and olfactory opportunities) of its operation, maintenance and repair.

Conversation: For clarity, take examples of the "friendly" or yet called intuitive interface (ease of use of the equipment without additional use of the instructions for use - you look at the equipment and on labeling you understand where to click). Why do you take the phone Samsung any model and in a couple of minutes you know where to click, and take it nokio and all the evening get to her.

Insecurity - the ability of his faster development (acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and management skills). The requirements for the development of professionally significant psycho-physiological and psychological functions of a person.

Conversation: an example can serve operating system Vista. When people were tested, they began to return to XP again. An uncomfortable shell was. Microsoft Corporation has not disabled invested in the development of money and has become a quick new transaction to develop, some symbiosis of XP and Vista.

Inhabitability - compliance of the conditions for the functioning of the technique of biologically optimal parameters of the working medium, providing a person to normal development, good health and high performance. Ability to reduce and eliminate harmful to natural environment The conditions of functioning of technology.

Conversation: How appropriate Cabinets in college sanitary and hygienic requirements for premises: to class - for 1 person -2,5mі, in the computer class - 4, 5mi, in the oil painting workshop - 3,5mі + extractor; Illumination, temperature, humidity, dusting, noise, radiation.

The ergonomic norm is a functional optimum under which all processes in the system with the most possible coherence, reliability, efficiency and efficiency are taken. The optimal state is the best and most adequate of actually possible homogeneous states, most of all corresponding to certain conditions and objectives of the system functioning.

Ergonomics in construction, architecture and design of equipment of buildings and premises have long been understood and needs ergonomic research and development. Most studies are associated with the study of harmful and hazardous factors in construction, which is still extremely high, the physical exertion of those who work compared to other industries. The rise and transfer of goods in many cases is carried out manually. Exceeding maximum permissible dust concentrations in air, high noise, vibration, poor lighting, especially in winter time, work in adverse climatic conditions.

Conversation: During the passage of training practice in the second year, you used a manual mixer for mixing dry bulk mixtures. In Fig. 3, you can see modern models of manual building mixers that meet ergonomic requirements. This is a small weight, a comfortable side handle, adjusting the speed of rotation, the tools are made of impact-resistant materials.

Ergonomic requirements for the stages of design, construction and operation of structures are operational and technical properties, i.e. Vital activity in the CS system (accounting in functional processes occur within function processes); issues of labor protection; Interconnection building material (drywall, natural or artificial stone, wood, metal, w / b, brick, paintwork materials, materials based on polymers), constructive systems and architectural form; The rational choice, experience of applying for designing carriers and enclosing structures, outdoor and interior decoration of buildings and structures (interior, exterior).

Architectural design and interior design are faced with ergonomic problems when solving the following tasks:

1) dimensions, shape and other general properties of space;

2) the organization of routes of movements that meet the requirements of the performance and its effectiveness, labor protection and safety;

3) compatibility of people and the environment;

4) the main types of furniture, accessories, equipment and their design characteristics affecting performance, its results and satisfaction from it;

5) the location of furniture, devices and equipment;

6) groups of people and activities requiring special furniture, accessories and their placement, as well as those aspects of labor and safety;

7) finishing surfaces, if it can influence the perception and human activity;

8) the effect of temperature, air, humidity, sound, noise, lighting and climatic conditions for human performance and the creation of comfortable conditions;

9) The influence of new products and developing technology on the characteristics of the traditional type of building.

* Maintenance structural elements Ergonomics - sequential stages of ergonomic methodological research (draw structural scheme, Fig.2.)

1. Theory, methodology (system of principles, ads and methods),

2. scientific knowledge about the object of research,

3. A block of operational means and research methods covers the three most important directions of ergonomic research: analysis of human activity with the study of the factors of its flow, synthesis (modeling) and an assessment of the object, the development of ergonomic requirements and indicators,

4. Object of study "Man-Object Environment

5. The results of ergonomic research - scientifically and experimentally substantiated data required for the project design (ergonomic assessment and certification of the object)

Ergonomics are organically connected with the design, one of the main goals of which is the formation of a harmonious objective environment that meets material and spiritual needs. At the same time, not only the properties of the appearance of objects are being developed, but mainly structural bonds that give the system functional and composite unity.

The concept of * Ergodesign unites the scientific ergonomic studies of the "human factor" with project design designer developments.

Homework: Prepare material on psychological processes (phenomena): Attention, thinking, memory, observation.

Lecture number 3.

Factors defining ergonomic requirements

Objectives lesson:

In ergonomic studies, a team of specialists is busy: psychologists, physiologists, hygienists, architects, designers, engineers, etc.

* Nearest science industry for ergonomics:

* Engineering psychology (study of the designs of tools, machines, devices and features of production operations in terms of the psychological properties of a person);

* Labor psychology (study of the interconnection of the individual with the conditions, process and instruments of labor);

* Labor physiology (learning changes in the body during work);

* Labor hygiene (creation of favorable working conditions, ensuring the health and working capacity of a person).

Hygiene - section of preventive medicine, which studies the effect of the external environment and human health; Practical scope of hygiene - sanitation - development of sanitary standards and requirements.

In ergonomics, there are searching for mutual fixtures of equipment and man: on the one hand, the adaptation of technology to human capabilities, on the other - the adaptation of a person to working conditions.

Ergonomic approach to solving the problem of human life optimization is determined by a complex of factors. The main one due to the individual characteristics of a person:

Socio-psychological factors involve the conformity of the design of the machine (equipment, equipment) and the organization of workplaces to the nature and degree of group interaction, and also establish interpersonal relationshipdepending on the content of the management of the object management (satisfaction of work, payment, social security, work mode).

Example: Conditions in which the interaction of the members of the working group takes place on the success of their joint activities, to satisfaction with the process and the results of labor. It is possible to make an analogy with the climatic conditions in which the plant lives and develops. In one climate it can bloom, in the other - to dry. The same can be said about the socio-psychological climate: in some conditions, people feel uncomfortable, tend to leave the group, spend less time in it, their personal growth slows down, in the other group, it is optimal and its members get the opportunity to maximally implement their potential.

Psychological factors predetermine the compliance of equipment, technological processes and environment capabilities and peculiarities of perception, memory, thinking, psychomotorics of fixed and newly formed skills of a working person

Anthropometric factors determine the compliance of the structure, size of equipment equipment and their elements structure, form, size and mass human body, matching the nature of the forms of the product anatomical plastic of the human body.

Psychophysiological factors determine the compliance of the equipment with visual, auditory and other human capabilities, the conditions of visual comfort and orientation in the objective environment.

Physiological factors are designed to ensure the compliance of the equipment with the physiological properties of a person, its power, high-speed, biomechanical and energy possibilities.

Hygienic (Hygiene - Greek. Hyhieinos - bringing health) Factors predetermine the requirements for illumination, gas composition of the air medium, humidity, temperature, pressure, dusting, ventilating, toxicity, electromagnetic fields, various types of radiation, incl. Radiations, noise (sound), ultrasound, vibrations, gravitational overload and acceleration (microclimate)

If we talk about psychological moments, they are bounded primarily with the psychology of labor: the psychological features of the individual; Psychological features of attention; role psychological climate a team.

Psychological features of the personality are a set of significant and more or less permanent features of the person. They do not remain unchanged throughout their lives, but change with the development of the personality and largely depend on the surrounding conditions (social, cultural, material, etc.).

To the mainstream psychological peculiarities Persons include:

* worldview, i.e. System of views on surrounding phenomena in nature and society;

* Personal interests ( life values and goals, spiritual requests, things, etc.);

* Differs of the character of the personality, i.e. A combination of rod psychological properties,

imposing imprint to actions, all vital activity (initiative,

conscientiousness, indecision, etc.);

* Abilities and gifts, i.e. predisposition to a more successful implementation of any type of activity;

* The power of the nervous system (its performance) and the type of personal nervous system, which predetermines the speed of transition from one activity to another.

The main characteristic types of nervous system four:

1. Weak (melancholic) is characterized by the weakness of excitation and braking processes. Such an employee is not distinguished by high performance, but it is capable of reacting to thinner signals, prone to fine, thorough operation.

2. Strong unbalanced type (choleric). His excitation processes prevail over braking processes. Such a person is unlikely to occupy monotonous or requiring long-term concentration of attention. However, it is capable of quickly switching attention, manifestation of the initiative.

3. Strong balanced moving type (Sanguine). Strong nervous system with balanced and easily switchable processes.

4. Strong balanced inert type (phlegmatic). Calm, stress-resistant, low-profile type is indispensable for pedantic, scrupulous, requiring work perfection.

In "pure" form characteristic types The nervous system is usually not found. Real specific people have mixed features with a predominance of a particular type.

Psychological features of the individual influence both the choice of profession, the degree of mastering it, and largely determine psychological compatibility with colleagues (psychology of professions - determination of the choice of up to 30 years)

In the process of vital activity (in production, when driving a car, in ordinary, at first glance, domestic situations, etc.) attention is played a major role - a complex psychological phenomenon, closely related to thinking.

Attention is the ability of a person to purposefully focus their consciousness on a specific object, certain thoughts and simultaneous distraction from others. By virtue of this feature of mental activity, one objects can be perceived bright and distinctly, others fall out of sight, removed to the secondary plan.

The qualitative side of attention having professional significance is determined by its direction, concentration, stability, volume, depth, switching speed.

The direction of attention is characterized by the level of focusing the mental activity of a person at objects of attention, which may be external and internal.

The amount of attention is characterized by the number of objects of attention and, depending on the properties of the personality and specific working conditions, can differ significantly. The most fruitful can be operated, having no more than 5 objects of attention (maximum - up to 7).

Stability of attention is characterized by the duration of its concentration at objects of attention.

Example: As special research shows, for work, where high concentration of attention is required in production conditions, A person can keep it on a certain object for 15--20 minutes, after which attention is weakening.

The stability of attention in the process of labor is affected by the depth of knowledge by the employee of the object of attention; The state of the object (a person is easier to concentrate attention on dynamic, not static objects).

The process of allocation of attention is closely related to the process of switching attention (that is, the intentional transfer of it from one object to another).

Thinking process cognitive activitywhich is characterized by a convege and indirect reflection of reality. Thinking operations: analysis (decomposition) - synthesis (restoration of a whole); comparison (comparison); abstraction (mental distraction); Generalization (association on the basis).

Forms of thinking:

The concept is a reflection in the consciousness of a person of the general and essential properties of the subject or phenomenon.

The judgment is the main form of thinking in the process of which is approved or denied the relationship between objects or phenomena.

The conclusion is complex thinking activities, in the process of which a person, comparing and analyzing various judgments, comes to new common and private conclusions. A person uses two types of conclusions - inductive (method of reasoning from private judgments to general) and deductive (way of reasoning from the general judgment to private)

Types of thinking:

Vite - activity, figurative, distracted

Memory - mental process, without which normal human activity is impossible. It is memorizing, saving and subsequent reproduction or recognition of the previously perceived, experienced or made.

Thanks to the memory, a person may master the experience of the accumulated preceding generations of people; Successfully apply your own personal experience in practical activities; Continuously expand your knowledge, skills and skills.

Any memory manifestation requires, first of all, memorizing, i.e., the impression of a perceived material, then preserving this stamped material in consciousness for some (often very long) time; And whether this material has been preserved in the mind or not, it is possible to say only in the case of attempting to recognize it or play. Each of these four stages of memory are inherent in their own characteristics.

Observation is a targeted and planned perception of phenomena, the results of which are fixed by the observer. In the activities of the teacher, various types of objective observation can be applied.

Types of observation

Immediately - holds the researcher himself, directly observing the studied phenomenon and the process

Indirect - Used Ready Surveillance Results prepared by other people: Message

Open (explicit) - observation flowing in conditions of a conscious teacher and children of the fact of the presence of unauthorized persons.

Hidden - observation through a glass wall that skips light in one direction. Using hidden cameras, etc.

The included (involved) - the observer is included in a specific social situation and analyzes the event "from the inside".

Mental processes: observation, perception, feeling, imagination, speech.

All these processes and properties of the human psyche depend on the natural abilities and the tendencies of a person to a certain type of activity, as well as training (production practices) and created production conditions.

Test for temperament type (standard, which is carried out psychologists) or test for attention, thinking, memory

Lecture number 4.

Comfortable stay of man in architectural environment

In the course of vital activity, a person is under the complex effect of material environmental conditions, which largely determine its activity, performance and health status. Teacher of the German School of Design - Bauhauses - Oscar Schlememer said that the man is the center of the Universe, the owner of the situation and manages the lines of environmental bonds at will (Figure 4A)

In fact, everything is not like this, and today a person becomes increasingly not a host of the position - spider, but a victim of a fly, which fell into a thick cobweb of adverse factors.

The activity of human activity, its performance and health status is largely determined by the properties of the environment, the effects of adverse factors of natural and man-made origin. The so-called "quiet" environmental factors are particularly dangerous, which are not perceived directly by the senses, but very actively affect the state of the person.

Example: Microwave ovens - cooking in them is very convenient, quickly, they are economical from the point of view of energy consumption. Studies show that thermal processing of food in the microwave is not useful for our health, especially when using one-sided polystyrene dishes. When heated in food, harmful toxins fall.

Most often it is difficult to distinguish factors that are crucial for the optimal state of the person.

Additional difficulties in assessing the medium create significant differences and individual characteristics of the human body. Different people react very differently on the influence of the same stimuli acting with the same intensity. Individual susceptibility and dependence on it, the level of organism resistance in relation to physical and chemical impacts is changed under the influence of external conditions and internal factors.

Example: Professional diseases, cumulative injury (accumulated) - develops gradually over time as a result of work

The real technical capabilities of monitoring (monitoring) of the environment and registration of the physiological state of the body dictate the need to introduce some conventions with their differentiation (separation, dismemberment of the whole) by groups and elements.

For example, the direct impact of the climate on the human body determines its thermal state, behavior, incidence, etc. The climate has a direct impact on the adoption of a volume and spatial solution in architectural design, the choice of constructive and finishing materials, etc.

Wednesday state, i.e. ecological situation In the dwelling, public buildings (primarily medical, preschool and school) requires the close attention of architects and designers due to increasing electronization of equipment, using new generations of synthetic materials during construction, finishing, furniture manufacturing, etc.

Electromagnetic and electrostatic fields, radiation - these so-called "quiet" factors created by technical equipment and appliances provide harmful effects On the health of the current generation (especially children, the elderly and sick people), but even more adversely affect the descendants.

Example: microwave, vacuum cleaner, computer, improper "Warm floor" device can be danger due to exceeding the permissible level magnetic field Ten times.

The essence of the danger of the use of synthetic (sometimes natural materials) in the interiors is that construction and finishing materials, materials for the manufacture of furniture and equipment to one degree or another affect the space of the room of habitat and there are people there.

Materials as one of the main means of solving problems put forward by architecture: the implementation of creative design, aesthetic expressiveness, economic and functional feasibility.

There are three main mechanism of such impact.

Chemical exposure occurs as a result of selection of chemicals in the air, capable of evaporating or pumped through the surface of the material, elements of structures in the air (formaldehyde, phenol, vinyl chloride, acrylic, etc.).

Physical effects are caused by electrified materials and impact on human field static electricity, penetration through the material (partitions) sound waves (noise) and their exposure to hearing and nervous system, insufficient heat-insulating ability of interiors and equipment elements; Perhaps I. radioactive radiation from materials.

The biological impact is due to the occurrence of fungal colonies in wet and warm places and, as a result, allergic diseases due to the fungal dispute entering the air. The presence of insects and small rodents is also a biological impact.

The comfort of a person's stay in an artificial environment is determined by the following data blocks defining its microclimate:

Hygienic characteristics (engineering equipment, air conditioning, maintenance of temperature, humidity, purity);

Psychophysiological factors (light sources, color interior solution, selection of finishes: stone, metal, wood, textiles, paint and varnish coatings, rolled materials);

Spatio-anthropometric parameters (functional zoning on household zones and recreation areas, provide for convenience of communication between zones and optimal conditions for the execution of each process).

Consider hygienic factors that determine the characteristics of the habitat, created under the influence of climatic conditions, the functioning of guns and objects of labor and recreation, technological processes in production or in everyday life, as well as the influence of construction and finishing materials and colorful interior solutions.

In fig. 4 B shows the zone of comfortable conditions, which are acceptable and little affect human performance, as well as the zone of maximum permissible environmental conditions under which essential physiological changes in the body occur.

These elements of hygienic factors can be grouped into functional blocks.

Collaboration with students: Using rice. 4 B - Fill out a table - * Objective characteristics (elements) of habitat (Table №1 change) + Explaining a unit of measurement + add-ons under the table (my comments)

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